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Is not like youre going to change my mind, my mind will not change in six months. There was tremendous cheating here, if republicans allow it to happen, you never have a republican elected in the history of this country at a senate level or president ial level. Jon the Biden Transition Team is not slowing down announcing you a Administration Officials in the last hour. Former Vice President biden and Vice President elect Kamala Harris will receive full intelligence briefing beginning tomorrow. We have fox team coverage, jacking heinrich is in wilmington, delaware on the top cabinet contenders that we begin with david spunt live at the white house. He does for the president and the soundbite, my mind will not change in six months. So for anybody wondering what he thinks about the president ial transition or if he will accept president elect biden as hicks successor on generate 20th, there is your answer. President trump at the white house after spending the week in camp david, you see him with his three grandchildren walking into the white house, in the interview with maria he took a pessimistic view of his chances that the u. S. Supreme court, hes been talking about the Supreme Court since the election but this is the first time i have seen him take this view since the election. The problem is its hard to get into the Supreme Court, i have the best Supreme Court advocates, lawyers that want to argue the case if it gets there. But they said its very hard to get a case up there. Can you imagine donald trump, president of the United States files a case and i probably cannot get a case. They lost at the appeals level in pennsylvania within the next eight days the team will file an application to the Court Justice samuel alito will take that based on geography, he could roll again sat and bring in his eight colleagues, i, the eight colleagues, it will give the Trump Campaign a little bit more time to argue some of the arguments in pennsylvania, it could delay the electoral process but i dont say itll turn over any votes as president elect one the keystone state, another blow is pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled late last night against the small group of republicans including pennsylvania congressman mike kelli and a congressional candidate named sean cornell, you see them on the screen they wanted to stop the certification of the votes and overturn a pennsylvania law that allowed no excuse mailing voting, anybody that wanted a mailin ballet could get one without an excuse and we have an update from wisconsin, there was a recount in dane county where the capital of madison is located President Trump gained 45 votes but the states will still go to the president elect joe biden. Jon david spunt reporting live from the white house. Thank you. Lets bring in Jacqui Heinrich from wellington delaware on what to expect from president elect bidens transition to the white house. Good evening, ahead of president elect joe Biden Economic announcement this week the transition has named seven women who will be meeting the Income Administration team, biden advisor anita dunn told the Washington Post that chances are if there is a story about biden there will be at least one woman and it Campaign Manager Kate Bedingfield will serve as a communication director and confirmation director jen will be the press secretary with former chief of staff Kamala Harris, john serving as deputy press secretary, kaman sanders, formerly Bernie Sanders campaign is being named Senior Advisor and chief spokesperson to the president , we expect more announcements on the economic front, janet yellen will secretary, biden attends to nominate for the center of American Progress for Office Management and budget. Questions linger about the timeline for other big post, the National Security positions have really been named but one big position that is missing in that announcement was bidens choice for secretary of defense. There are several contenders, michelle is considered to be the leader in that group to head up the pentagon, she would be the first woman to do so the former secretary Homeland Security jay johnson is also in the running and he would be the first lack secretary, he is under consideration for attorney general, biden is under pressure with James Clyburn with the black voter turnout provided said the Incoming Administration needs to get black people more cabinet representation in Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders as well as the Congressional Hispanic Caucus are also calling for inclusion. The transition has not announced timelines for any post beyond the economic position that are expected this week but we are expecting more announcements, december looking like theres a lot of news and what wouldve been a down day the president elect spent part of it an orthopedist office, i did not go to church today as he normally does on sunday taken to the Orthopedic Office in delaware to have his ankle checked out after spraining it yesterday playing with his dog major, and German Shepherd rescue dog, we just got a detailed note in, it says that president elect joe biden sustained a sprain of his right foot, initial initial xray is reassuring and he will get it additional ct for more detail imaging and they go on to say the expected delays involved when closed offices, in order to avoid scheduled appointments they decided to bring biden in today, downplaying any concern that this rare sunday visit has more significant than what it appears to have which is a broken ankle, not a broken ankle a sprained ankle and awaiting any more details and awaiting his departure from the office. Jon does major n know what a drama he has caused. Jacqui heinrich in wilmington, delaware. Jon joe biden works to pilatus cabinet, some reported pics or raising eyebrows, ties to the Consulting Firm west Exec Advisors in the Investment Fund Pine Island Capital Partners are presenting the Incoming Administration with the first test of transparency and ethics. As the New York Times reports, bidens Transition Office stop short of saying all clients will be disclosed and ethics rules allow incoming federal officials to withhold identity of clients if the arrangements are subject to confidentiality agreements. Lets bring in our panel john jordan and economist former Naval Intelligence officer and overseer at the inferred institution and brett bruin former white house director of Global Engagement and president of Global Situation room. Thank you both of you for being here. So west exec partners is a Consulting Firm, it does a lot of defense work in two of the people who founded it, one is tony blinken the incoming secretary of state and the other one Michele Flournoy who is going to be the defense secretary, her name is tossed around like she is one of the favorites. Is there a problem with them jumping directly from private enterprise especially highlevel enterprise like this and directly into the government . Im not a democrat that feels that we should have the witness test and in fact i would say service in the private sector for corporations is a plus, that being said and let me disclose, im not going back into government so i can be an equal opportunity critic. I think tony, michelle, if she should be nominated to whatever position, do need to name the company they work for and when they work for them because of asking the iraqi people in the senate for them to high office and we have a right to have the information, these are National Security positions and nda is not something you can hide behind, we do this work at my firm and i would say that National Security nda. Jon tony blinken has left her taken a leave from west Exec Advisors but it is our understanding that the clients that that company has had will go undisclosed, we will not know if some large defense contractor or something was working with them and all of a sudden goes to the state department or the pentagon and looks for a big contract, we will not necessarily know the identity of that firm, isnt that a problem . , john that is for you. Its a big problem, it is broader and not a partisan problem, here we have Public Service, it should not be an opportunity to make a lot of money but what you have in d. C. Are people in and out of Public Service and go to corporate work, theyre all working in the same area building their own brands, creating favor with the press, growing the press contact. When they go back into governor service, they have continued failed policy, the best way to think of it is to think of all of these people there is no allegation of wrongdoing but there like a pack of dogs, republicans and democrats alike. The worst thing you can do is get kicked out. Their loyalty is to their brand and to the pacs because they need each other support along with that of the press corporation to survive in the socalled swamp. The secretary experience is good but it should not be something that youre making a lot of money on past and future Public Service. This is an american problem and it came back to bite trump in the sense that he was not abl able he was so against the establishment that the republican as part of the swamp never bought into him and helped him. He was never able to fill out his administration with confident and loyal people of the cabinet and sub cabinet level who were going to vigorously pursue his agenda. For him to have done so wouldve caused him to be kicked out of the pack after they left office. That is the problem that we have to confront as americans and we need to look at the Legal Framework in which the stuff is handled. Jon we dont know what party will control the u. S. Senate but all of the cabinet appointees are going to need senate confirmation, senator john cornyn of texas read the New York Times report and seem to suggest, there will have to be full disclosure about the clients of west Exec Advisors, he said in a tweet today the senate is not obligated. It is not hidden yet but west executives say they dont need to disclose the confidentiality documents in place. I want to turn your attention to another issue with the administration, the incoming biden the administration is getting the president ial Daily Briefing or will starting tomorrow, brett how important is that, indications are up until now senator elect Vice President lek Kamala Harris has been getting pretty serious briefing because of her committee rules. I worked on the council and read the pbd every day, if you compare it to what Vice President elect has been getting as a senator, member of the intelligence committee, it is like comparing a Grilled Cheese sandwich to a filet mignon. This is the real Media Information that our commanderinchief, our Vice President who in the event that something should happen to the president would take over, need to know. It is not something that youre cramming for the night before the exam, it takes time you have to get to know this information in the analyst and how theyre presenting the information, its critically important that this starts tomorrow and it shouldve started three weeks ago. Jon john, give a lot of work to do when you start and administration and you hit the ground running. What is front and center in your mind what side are you want i guess. Divided Administration Needs to begin the process which is called landing teams at each of these federal agencies. There are many of them. They need to begin to identify which people are going to go to which department, not just at the secretary level but a lot of under secretary and assistant secretaries with pivotal rolls in shaping policy. In a big way, this is something we learned his personal policy, policy can be undermined if you dont have people in some of these roles when theyre not on Fox News Sunday for example every week. They need to identify these crucial people will fill the crucial roles in each of the federal department and theres literally hundreds and hundreds of them, moreover the Incoming Administration has to understand what is going on presently in each of these departments, financially in a number of ways policy wise so you can understand what they want to change, what they may want to keep. But mostly it is about personality this point and i would imagine the biden of administration is going through bedding and appropriate background checks at a feverish pace. Jon is going to be a big job, john jordan, bret brett bruen tk you very much. More than 100,000 people are hospitalized with the coronavirus with skyrocketing covid19 cases, yesterday more than 155,000 new cases were reported in nearly 1200 deaths. The new York City Public School district will reopen december 7 for younger students as mayor bill de blasio says he intends to phase out hybrid learning. Christina coleman is live from los angeles with more on the story. Covid cases and hospitalizations are on the rise, the u. S. Surgeon general urge people to be careful on Fox News Sunday and reiterated the strain that all of this is having on medical care. I want people to understand that if cases and hospitalizations continue to go up, not only will it hurt our ability to care for Covid Patients but if 70 is having a baby they may not be able to get a bed, 70s having a heart attack or potential stroke, they may not be able to get a bed. We have some good news, new York City Public Schools is reopening starting december 7 with weekly covid testing that parents have to consent to before theyre allowed in the classroom. This is the largest School District and it will be open in phases focusing on the younger grades first. Here is mayor bill de blasio. I feel for all of our parents were experiencing so many challenges right now, how important it is for them to have the younger kids in school, how important at that age both educationally and socially but also in terms of how parents juggle all the challenges in their life. The surgeon cases wreaking havoc on the nfl, 43 players placed under the covid list since last sunday. The Denver Broncos did not have a quarterback available for todays game against the new orleans saints, all four on the reserved covid list, one tested positive in the other three in close contact with him. The broncos qb says the team took covid seriously and apologist on twitter saying that in a controlled and socially distant area we let our masking slip for a limited amount of time, and honest mistake but one that i will own, doing the right thing for the majority of the time is not good enough, the Baltimore Ravens and Pittsburgh Steelers was rescheduled for a second time because of covid19. They are set to play on tuesday, the ravens are dealing with one of the largest covid outbreaks in pro sports with 22 players on a covid reserve list right now and the San Francisco 49ers are working with the lead on finding an alternate location to play their home games and practice after Santa Clara County put out new covid restrictions this weekend. Jon what a season. Christina coleman live in los angeles. With the balance of power in the senate on the line, President Trump preparing to campaign for the republican candidate in the georgia runoff as that states begins the third president ial vote recount. A live report next. When youre through with powering through, its time for theraflu hot liquid medicine. Powerful relief so you can restore and recover. Theraflu hot beats cold. Powerful relief so you can the lack of control. Whenover my business kai, made me a little intense. But now quickbooks helps me get paid, manage cash flow, and run payroll. And now im back on top. With koala kai. Save over 30 hours a month with intuit quickbooks. Its time you make the rules. So join the 2 Million People who have switched to xfinity mobile. You can choose from the latest phones or bring your own device and choose the amount of data thats right for you to save even more. And youll get 5g at no extra cost. All on the most reliable network. So choose a data option thats right for you. Get 5g included and save up to 400 dollars a year on the network rated 1 in customer satisfaction. Its your wireless. Your rules. Only with xfinity mobile. Jon justin president a lot bute biden has left after he sustained a sprain in his right foot while playing with his dog, his Team Released a statement saying the 78yearold was going to be examined by an orthopedist out of an abundance of caution. President elect is expected to be fine, we will bring you any updates as we get more information. Meanwhile President Trump is visiting georgia later this week to give republicans a boost in the Senate Runoff election, the january races will determine whether the gop maintains control of the u. S. Senate and senator Kelly Loeffler one of the republican incumbent says shes confident georgians will turn out to vote. Charles watson is following at all from atlanta. That is what republicans are hoping for a strong turnout and thats why were beginning to see President Trump get involved in this race, the president will campaign in georgia on saturday for republican senators david perdue and Kelly Loeffler and despite his voter fraud claims, President Trump is urging his voters not to boycott the Senate Runoff election, senator perdue who will face john ossoff and senator loeffler will go with Rafael Warnock are in highly competitive races, the power in the senate at state, republicans are emphasizing what a change in leadership would mean. We know what the stakes are, we know a Chuck Schumer gets his way and now we take georgia, then we take america they would fundamentally and radically change america for the worst, we are not going to let that happen, we are the firewall to socialism. Democrats are putting covid19 front and center, the john Ossoff Campaign the treatment of everyday people and is handling of the pandemic. When we needed help the most he fought against the stimulus check and to put unemployment insurance. Perdue needs to come out and john ossoff in. Both sides plan to work overtime to get out the outcomes are looking for, with hundreds of thousands of doors across the state of georgia and spending millions on voter outreach efforts, nearly 50 million has been spent on the Senate Runoff races with an additional 200 plus million expected and folks in georgia have a little over a week to register to vote, the deadline is december 7 in early voting begins on december 14. Jon Charles Watson in atlanta. With the pandemic forcing tens of thousands of americans into unappointed each week, congress is facing pressure to pass a new coronavirus release bill, talk submitted a standstill for months but some relief might be attached to the Government Spending bill as a possible Government Shutdown looms. Kevin corke has more on that. Without question the impact continues on capitol hill as both sides republicans and democrats try to come up with a deal with the Coronavirus Relief package, even though this is been going on for quite some time there are some on capitol hill who think the logjam, not only can the absolutely must be broken in time is of the essence. Fox news learned theres measures that may be a test with spending package the have to be passed by december 11 to avoid a Government Shutdown that could offer some relief. Even as federal Health Officials meet this week to make crucial decisions about whom the recommend getting the Coronavirus Vaccine first understand the bottom line pressure is now mounting on congress to step up and help families in particular small business. That is fundamentally wrong to say youre out of business now and your workers are unemployed particular whenever there is not any cares act relief package anymore. Ill tell you what would really make a difference here, a big federal stimulus, sooner than later with a lifeline to small businesses, restaurants, folks were unemployed. That would be a game changer, not just in their lives and their prospects. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi turned down a 1. 8 trillion deal and offer by the treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin in the white house and the gop. She said it was simply insufficient to help the state in need. We will see what new offer may make its way to the house and back to the white house as all americans are hoping for muchneeded relief. Jon kevin corke, thank you. Up next millions of americans traveled for thanksgiving despite cdc warnings not to do so as the pandemic spikes across the country. Now they are headed home on whats expected to be one of the busiest travel days of the year. And with their insurance, it was no cost to them. Woman really . Tech thats service you can trust. Singers safelite repair, safelite replace. Weve always done things our own way. Charted our own paths. I wasnt going to just back down from moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. Psoriatic arthritis wasnt going to change who i am. When i learned that my joint pain could mean permanent joint damage, i asked about enbrel. Enbrel helps relieve joint pain, and helps stop permanent joint damage. Plus enbrel helps skin get clearer in psoriatic arthritis. Ask your doctor about enbrel, so you can get back to your true self. Play ball enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. Serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and Blood Disorders and allergic reactions have occurred. Tell your doctor if youve been someplace where fungal infections are common. Or if youre prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding or paleness. Dont start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. Visit enbrel. Com to see how your joint damage could progress. Enbrel. Eligible patients may pay as little as 5 per month. Jon im don scott and this is the fox report, its the bottom of the hour, if you look at the top stories and arson investigation in portland, oregon after police car was set on fire and severely damaged, the unoccupied vehicle was parked for repairs after was involved in a minor crash. In minnesota a suspect in custody accused of shooting and injuring a Police Officer in two other men early this morning and albert lee south of minneapolis. Police say the officer was ambushed while responding to a report of fireworks or gun shots at an apartment complex. In colorado governor jared and his partner have tested positive for covid19, the governor had been under quarantine since wednesday when he announced he was exposed to someone who is positive for the virus. Despite the cdc warning americans not to travel for thanksgiving, airports and train stations are busy today as millions of people had back home for the holiday break. Alex hogan is live at pin stadium in new york city. Is a quiet night at pin station, very different from what we wouldve seen last year but from around the country more movement then we have since march, long lines at airports forming this week, a record for the pandemic. It is a dramatic drop from what we saw last year, the sunday after thanksgiving in 2019 was a busiest travel day in the 18 year history with 2. 8 Million People taking flight. Use your 800000 1000000 pastor airports every day. Weve been taking a lot of precautions and keeping things clean and we feel it safe as can be. Given the circumstances. Im not worried about it, however, i do follow the rules in the precautions because of my parents. As americans after thanksgiving heavier traffic as well, aaa protecting 95 of travelers, that is 47 Million People hitting the road, whether could be problems for some, severe thunderstorms, damaging winds and tornadoes along the eastern seaboard, the cdc urged americans to skip the Family Reunion and stay home as cases of covid19 surge, saturday new hampshire, oregon, idaho, oklahoma and minnesota broke the own state records for single day increases. Yesterday 14 states had the most hospitalizations this month. Medical experts expect an even greater outbreak by the middle of december because of the thanksgiving gatherings. We are at a risky time because of the travel and is not just the travel, is exposing people who have not been in their own pod. For now the people who are traveling, they will need to abide by the state guidelines whether that is to quarantine or to get tested, doctor Anthony Fauci saying he expects cases to rise, he doesnt want to frighten anyone but the travel restrictions will linger for the upcoming holidays. Jon alex hogan in new york city. Thank you. American spending the day traveling back home after thanksgiving, the tsa screening 1. 7 Million People from friday to saturday and Health Experts fear the holiday could spike in the coronavirus cases. What we expect unfortunately as we go for the next couple of weeks into december that we might see a surge superposed upon the surge were already in. Its going to get worse over the next several weeks but the actions that we take in the next several days will determine how bad it is or whether or not we continue to flatten our curve. Jon doctor marty may carry, a fox news medical contributor at john hopkins university. Thank you for being with us, you just heard the Surgeon General jerome adams saying what we do in the next few days is going to be a critical component of how the virus performs in the next couple of weeks and couple of months. What would your advice be to people who may have been traveling through thanksgiving. No doubt a lot of velocity of this urgent we are seeing is from people letting their guard down, being indoors in areas where they are with people who they normally dont live with her congregating and some people dont take precautions. I think people will have to assess their own individual risk for some people, its okay to travel especially when for its a good reason, we cant have one blanket policy at this point, we have 15 20 of the country that has natural immunity, and south dakota that averted immunity from 30 50 . As the data comes in and the dynamic changes as we understand who is high risk and low risk, our strategy needs to evolve. Jon we are hearing those with the vaccines could begin shipping as soon as this week, wont that help reduce the spread of the virus. You do not want to get this infection in the last three months of the pandemic. We have taken tremendous sacrifices to our routines in our economy to try to do everything that we can to buy time for a vaccine, you want to be careless in the last three months, the vaccine has already been given to tens of thousands of americans through phase three trials, rather than think of it as a single green light, itll be staggered with a group of people as soon as the fda green lights it. Jon as this changes, we learn more about how to treat people, we have learned about best practices in hospitals and so forth. What is going to change in the days and weeks ahead of the arrival of the vaccine . First of all the cdc Advisory Commission is going to find out who is the a1 group, the first group in line to get the vaccine, they meet on tuesday weve given them several Research Articles from scientists around the country. My team has contributed, we done a large study on whose high risk and those with kidney disease, heart disease, leukemia, lymphoma, those with diabetes should be first in line according to research. But im very disturbed by the fact that the fda will have sat on the application for the Pfizer Vaccine for three weeks, they got the application on november 20 and they scheduled a meeting to review on decembe december 10, what are they doing for the three weeks, they should have a 24 hour turnaround time, its unacceptable, this comes after a series of embarrassing delays at the fda. I talked to friends who work there and they said essentially the fda has been dark for the foreign half day holiday. , that is unacceptable given that were in a state of emergency. Doctors are working in affected units and people are making huge sacrifices, they need to have some sense of urgency. Jon unbelievable that the vaccines come out so quickly under operation warp speed and as you say the fda sits on them. Fox news medical contributor doctor marty mccurdy. Silicon valley facing more claims of content after the 2020 election spree that is next. Woo you are busy. Working, parenting, problem solving. At new chapter vitamins weve been busy too. Innovating, sourcing organic ingredients, testing them and fermenting. Fermenting . Yeah like kombucha or yogurt. And we formulate everything so your body can really truly absorb the natural goodness. Thats what we do, so you can do you. New chapter wellness, well done. Apps except work. Rywhere. Why is that . Is it because people love filling out forms . Maybe they like checking with their supervisor to see how much Vacation Time they have. Or sending corporate their expense reports. Ill let you in on a little secret. They dont. By empowering employees to manage their own tasks, paycom frees you to focus on the business of business. To learn more, visit paycom. Com jon in the days following the president ial election, facebook changed its algorithms to target misinformation on voter fraud. There are growing concerns of the tech giant could highlight stories sourced by what conservatives consider to be hyper partisan news outlets. Gillian turner explains. In the days immediately following november 3 election Facebook Ceo Mark Zuckerberg lit an emergency change to the platform newsfeed algorithm, to determine which news stories billions of people around the world see in which Senate Democrats in a recent hearing applauded facebooks effort about ballot irregularities and claims of fraud. At least some of it really misinformation. He has tried to slow the insidious spread, that is not censorship, that is moral and civic responsibility. A new report reveals how facebook search for a quick fix for the swirling claims of voter fraud in irregularities online. They lasered in on the key score short for news ecosystem equality which according to the New York Times as a secret internal ranking assigned to news publishers based on signals about the quality of their journalism. According to facebook sources, zuckerberg agreed to increase the weight the algorithm gives to the stores in order to make authoritative reporting and story more prominent. The outlets they chose to highlight, cnn, the New York Times and npr while post from outlets became most visible. Prominent republican a social media hawk senator joss holly tweeted big tech wants to control all news in america and soon will if we do not stop them, this echoing his views that social media tightens center voices they disagree with. It is time that we took action against the modernday. They say the changes are temporary, they were never meant to be lasting. The big question is whether senate regulators will step in and take move to rain and big tech something that so far they have declined to do. In washington Gillian Turner fox news. Jon generators and propane tanks and homeless tents are raising safety concerns in los angeles. Madalyn ramirez spoke to locals who say city leaders have mismanaged the homeless encampments. The homeless crisis in los angeles is getting worse when some encampments so big residence called them mcmansion tents. They have generators that they power into the city light poles. They have propane tanks. They say the test which feature working showers and grills threaten peoples lives. A simple spark, their entire tent goes up in flames. They are driving away businesses which are struggling financially because of the pandemic. So many have had fires that have damaged the businesses. L. A. Has long struggled to address homelessness, residency the problem got worse when covid19 hit, they stopped cleanups in response to cdc guidelines in direction from l. A. County public officials. The situation is getting out of hand as people can clearly see innercity. Councilman joe was resuming competence of cleanup despite pushback from advocates who warned against terminal lysing homelessness. This comes as a spike in violence with a 32 increase in shooting since last year. Police say Financial Stress from the pandemic is largely to blame, some criticize city leaders for being unable to control the issue. This is not the city that i know and i love engine. Many say they hope they act soon before Business Owners act on their own. Some vote with their feet and leaving it taking the good jobs with them. We reach out to Eric Garcetti for response but we have not heard back, meanwhile a spokesperson for the city says no one from their office is available to speak at this time. Jon straight ahead on the fox report, details on the Trump Administration lands to move forward on the policy of the middle east as iran says it will retaliate after the killing of the top nuclear scientist. Most cold medicines may raise blood pressure. Choose coricidin hbp. The brand with a heart. For powerful cold relief without raising your blood pressure. Sofi made it so easy to pay off my student loan debt. They were able to give me a personal loan so i could pay off all of my credit cards. I got my mortgage through sofi and the whole process was so easy. Choosing sofi was literally one of the best decisions i could have ever made because it gave me peace of mind. Jon here are some other headlines from around the globe. In the uk they said they arrested 155 people during antilockdown and antivaccine protest yesterday in london. Cops tried to break up the large crowd. Englands current lockdown is set to end on wednesday. In the Czech Republic the minister says the governor will allow restaurants and nonessential shops to reopen on thursday as covid infections begin to decline there. Indonesia, thousands of people were forced to flee their homes after a volcano erupted shooting ash and smoke nearly two and half miles into the sky. Indonesia has 130 active volcanoes, more than any other country. In hong kong, leader carrie lam says she has piles of cash at home and no bank account using u. S. Sanctions. Lamb was shane chin after being beijing imposed a National Security law in the region. In vatican city pope francis started 13 new cardinals including washington archbishop Wilton Gregory the first africanamerican cardinal. He also warned the church against in difference in mediocrity. In afghanistan 30 Security Force members were killed in a car bombing in the province of gosling. The blast targeted a compound of the Public Protection ports. Meanwhile senior white house advisor Jared Kushner is heading to saudi arabia and cutter as tensions grow in the middle east over the killing of irans top nuclear scientist. Tehran is preparing for the burial of what you radiance considered to be the godfather of their countrys nuclear program, iran saying he was killed in an assassination and accusing israel of the attack. Trainings has more. Good evening the middle east relieves lives on edge as an assassination of a man seen as the godfather of the Iranian Nuclear program. The funeral of scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh got underway today, his body will pass through multiple cities before being buried in tehran on monday. This evening Supreme Leader and iranian president are vowing to respond to the killing. [speaking in foreign language] iran has to know the iranian nation in the country official are going to respond to the criminal action at the right time to respond to the crime. Top iranian Officials Say israel behind the ambush is one of the countrys largest newspapers called on iranian leadership to bomb the port city. It is really chief of staff toured israels border this weekend his soldiers are under routine orders but remain alert about the possibility of an attack from iranian proxies in the area. In a statement Lieutenant General said our message is clear, we will continue to act as vigorously as necessary against the iranian establishment in syria and we will continue to be fully prepared against any kind of aggression against us. As for the nuclear program, the breakout time for the country to produce enough material to create a nuclear bomb is estimated to be between 3 4 months, both israel and america said they will not allow iran to get that far. Jon trey yingst in jerusalem. That is a look at some stories around the globe. Next we will bring you this thirsty squirrel story and explain why it is swaying back and forth in this video. 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Serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and Blood Disorders and allergic reactions have occurred. Tell your doctor if youve been someplace where fungal infections are common. Or if youre prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding or paleness. Dont start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. Visit enbrel. Com to see how your joint damage could progress. Enbrel. Eligible patients may pay as little as 5 per month. You can count on me ill be home for christmas if only in my dreams judge jeaninejon it looks likel got too much holiday cheer, homeowner let them outside for animals to enjoy, she then recorded the squirrel who took in a bite earlier and appears a bit tipsy. Viral video shows the critter in a daze with his paws in the fermented fruit, the squirrel appeared fine the next day but maybe had a bit of a hangover. Thats all fox reports this sunday november 9, 2020, i am jon scott, thank you for watching. [ ] judge jeanine hello and welcome to justice, im judge jeanine pirro. Thanks for being with us judge jeanine thank you so much for being with us tonight we have corey lewandowski, pete hegseth, doctor marc siegel and steve ducey, you might even see a little street justice tonight but first lets start off with a man who knows a thing or two about fighting for the american people, florida congressman matt gaetz joined me now. Good evening, this was a thanksgiving like no other, here in new york we were told by our governor we could sep celebrate with. And similar guidanc

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