Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox Report Sunday 20171106 : compar

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox Report Sunday 20171106

shooting in texas. it has been an eventful first stop. mr. trump and the japanese prime minister dined with their wives ahead of the welcoming ceremony at the imperial palace. the two leaders also got in some golf course diplomacy. president trump emphasize the closeness of the u.s. japanese alliance and warned hostile regimes not to underestimate the resolve of america. john roberts is reporting. what was the president's reaction to the deadly shooting in texas? >> good monday morning to you from tokyo. the president is expected to speak sometime in the next ten or 15 minutes. this was scheduled for 9:05 a.m. here in tokyo which would put it in a couple minutes from now but these things run a little late. the president has been up with the 14 hour time change for quite a while monitoring the situation. the president was briefed several times on this and spoke with greg abbott who you just heard from in that press conference pretty is taking to twitter to write may god be with the people of texas. the fbi and law-enforcement are on the scene. i monitoring the situation from japan. we also heard from vice president pence who wrote on twitter, we send prayers to the victims of their families in texas. we grieve with you and stand with resolve against evil. thank you to the first responders and from first daughter ivanka trump who had been here in japan writing, god bless the people of sutherland springs texas. our countries hearts are breaking. we love and are with you. the president will be spending much of today with japanese prime minister and you mentioned they spent time together yesterday at lunch and dinner and played nine holes of golf. no golf for the president today. it will be all business. the president will meet with the emperor at the royal palace today and the president will also be meeting with family members of japanese citizens who were abducted by north korea. clearly not north korea will be very high on the president's agenda today and throughout this five nation asian trip which will last until next tuesday. the president goes from here to seoul north korea. they are going to try to have china do more to reign in north korea and then he will be at the aipac conference to try to get them on board with north korea and then he's off to manila and the philippines. again meeting with a number of leaders he hopes to reign in north korea. he will talk a lot about trade. the u.s. has trade deficits with all five nations he is visiting. the biggest, china, and here in japan as well. yesterday the president, when he was about to embark for dinner, he said they were going to talk trade and you can bet those talks will be cordial and frank as well. we will bring it to you live from tokyo for more on this we bring in james jeffrey . we bring in a distinguished fellow from the washington institute. thanks for being with us. >> thank you for having me. >> what you expect to hear from the president. >> three things. he will talk about north korea because that's the most important thing about this long and important trip, second, rebuilding our alliances in the region, he is seeing leaders in vietnam, philippines, korea and japan, three are former allies of ours. it now is an informal ally. dealing with china more generally third, that has a trade aspect and security aspect and an overall, how we deal with a country that is trying to become a. competitor to the united states. those are the three things he has to deal with. >> ambassador, a key challenge is establishing and improving on relationships with these leaders to achieve these goals. >> exactly. he has good relationships with the key leaders, japan and china, and okay with the others. south korean president moon is a bit reluctant to embrace president trump, but moon has done all the right things in terms of accepting american air defense systems and i think he will be a solid ally overtime. >> but china poses the biggest challenge for the president. >> absolutely. first and most romantically to deal with north korea. china holds the key to the solution of this problem of north korea being able to strike the u.s. with their missiles. whether china wants to solve it or not, we don't know. it's a question of how do we deal with the china that will have an economy, possibly larger than ours and a military force that can balance us in the region over the next ten or 20 years. >> a lot of breaking news. we will cut it there. we appreciate your time. >> thank you very much. >> back to our top story, a sunday service shattered by gunfire. alone attacker enters a small texas church and starts shooting. it happened in sutherland springs about 30 miles south of san antonio. tony six people killed, many wounded. the ages of the victims, 5 - 72. the gunmen opened fire inside first baptist church and more gunfire when he walked outside. this is the deadliest church shooting in the united states in almost 20 years. the worst in texas history and this took place in a town of less than 400 residents. brian joins us from new york city with more. what have we learned, if anything about the shooter so far. >> we can confirm the shooter, based on your reporting, he is devon kelly, a 26-year-old white male who lives outside san antonio. we know this about how the events happen taste on this press conference. the number dead, 26. the number wounded 20. the ages range from five and 272 including a pregnant woman and a 14-year-old daughter of the pastor emma frank pomeroy. the pastor was not in church today. at 11:20 a.m., a man dressed in black, this shooter, devon kelly showed up at the gas station at 11:20 a.m. and dressed in all black with tactical gear and a rifle, walked into the church. before he started walking and he shot two people outside the church, walked into the church,'s shot 23 others and the 26 person died while being treated at the hospital. the suspect came out, the shooter, i'm sorry, came out of the church and was engaged by a local resident. in that case he dropped the rifle, got into a vehicle and that is when his vehicle came off the road and he either died from a self-inflicted wound or a gunshot from police. the police have not said how he died. all of this as the fact of the matter is you have a small community of less than 400 people, a church, the first baptist church in sutherland springs that has about 50 people that attend the services daily. now the sheriff talking about the horrific detail of the fact that these family members are now in a community center waiting to hear whether or not their loved ones are among the victims. take a listen to what the sheriff said during the press conference. >> we don't know names of any of the victims because we are still trying to work the crime scene. as we get the names we will contact the family members and let them know what we have. at this time, we don't have any name 70 of the victims. >> again, 20 people wounded. listen to some of the witnesses that heard this shooting as well as a pastor from a nearby church. >> i've been going to this church since i was knee-high to a duck. it's very tragic. i'm in the dark as everyone. i changed my mind on whether or not to go to church today and so did my daughter. >> i was preaching down the road. it was probably around 11 or 1115. we have a deputy and some other people in our church and we got a call that there was an active shooter at first baptist church. those first responders immediately left our church to come down to help. >> there were multiple weapons found in this vehicle. devon patrick kelly, dressed in all black, he had a bulletproof vest, he was at a gas station across from this first baptist church, walked in, clearly with the full intention of walking in and shooting people and gunning people down, and tragically, that's what he did. we have 26 people dead, 20 wounded, they are being treated at hospital nearby as well as level one trauma centers in san antonio. some airlifted, some transported by ambulance. it's too early to tell about the motive, but six hours after the shooting, there are families i haven't even identified bodies. this is a crime scene and there are multiple crime scenes. a tragic situation for these families at the community senator with grief counselors as they find out where the loved ones are. it sounds like the citizen engaged the suspect outside and gave chase and police weren't sure if it was the citizen that killed the suspect when he lost control of the vehicle and iran off the road or whether the suspect killed himself. we want to get more on all of this from bernard, former special agent in charge of the atf. bernard, thanks for being with us. >> i'm sorry to be here. >> we would appreciate your insight on this. i'm wondering if you have any idea why someone would target a church. >> it's a target of opportunity. the places of worship have been victimized both in church arson and shooting events. this is nothing new, but the escalation of shooting events nationally is obviously a great concern. the fact that law enforcement does so much training for the active shooter event and they've closed response time to almost nothing, but it still that gap that gives advantage to someone who's determined to do something as terrific of this. >> we have a name on the shooter. there are reports he may have been dishonorably discharged from the air force. that's not confirmed. there's reports he had posed with an ar-15 on facebook not long ago. does any of that mean anything to you? have we learned anything of significance about this guy? >> one of the things we all need context when we hear something as horrible of this. obviously, these investigators and the people involved are going to go through every bit of history. his time, up to the location, what happened, what was his online profile, everything to paint a picture for that purpose and also to see, likely in this chance, if someone else was involved. in terms of motive or ideology or reason, it's irrelevant to the people who are suffering with the loss of family members. >> absolutely. while we may learn more about shooters each time they do something like this, it doesn't seem to stop the next guy from doing this. >> i'm fearful that putting our moment by moment life online and seeking adoration and the ego -based profile, for many people. >> bernard, i'm gonna stop you here and i want to pause for a wobreak and i want to bring munin you back on the other side so stick with us. at planters we know how to throw a remarkable holiday party. just serve classy snacks and be a gracious host, no matter who shows up. do you like nuts? think of all the things ithat think these days. businesses are thinking. factories are thinking. even your toaster is thinking. honey, clive owen's in our kitchen. i'm leaving. oh never mind, he's leaving. but what if a business could turn all that thinking... thinking... endless thinking into doing? to make better decisions. make a difference. make the future. not next week while you think about it a little more. but right now. is there a company that can help you do all that? ♪ i can think of one. ♪ >> more now on our top story. a mass shooting at the first baptist church in sutherland texas, where a lone gunman opened fire outside and inside the church killing at least 26 people, wounding more. he was later found dead inside his vehicle after a short car chase. the governor of texas took a short time ago. here's what he had to say. >> as governor, i asked for every mom and dad at home tonight, that you put your arm around her kid and give your kid a big hug and let them know how much you love them, knowing that we support each other. tell your friend in your neighbor that you support them and you will work with them and very proud of the way we have so many people working together to respond to this. >> for more on this let's get back to bernard, former special agent in charge of the atf. >> we are so worried about the threat from foreign terrorists. what about the threat from home grown shooters. is it worse? >> we obviously have a societal issue that's growing in intensity and frequency. it's an examination for just a general threat assessment of any facility that houses a group of people, how we assess that risk. even because law-enforcement time is incredibly short to an active shooter, there's a little. of time they take advantage of. i think it's worthy of examining a response and an answer for this in time for the future as well. >> what about what's learned from the other shooters. how can that help prevent another attack. >> how we assemble as groups and when people telegraphed their punches in terms of their online presence in the things they say in the pictures they take, there's so much emphasis on all of us as citizens to report things when people act disturbing or unusual, we have to pay attention to that. >> we appreciate your time tonight. >> the president of the united states is now speaking in japan. let's listen. >> let me begin today by addressing the horrific shooting in texas. our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and families of today's horrible attack. this act of evil occurred as the victims and their families were in their place of sacred worship. we cannot put into words the pain and grief we all feel and we cannot begin to imagine the suffering of those who lost the ones they love. in dark times, and these are dark times, americans do what they do best, we pull together. we join hands, we lock arms, and through the tears, and through the sadness we stand strong, oh so strong. my administration will provide its full support to the great state of texas and all local authorities investigating this horrible crime. i have spoken just a few minutes ago with governor abbott and we offer our thanks to the first responders, the fbi, all of the many people involved, both federal and otherwise. ultimately they stopped the suspect and rendered immediate lifesaving aid to certain victims of the shooting. i will continue to follow the developments closely. all of america is praying to god to help the wounded and the families of the victims. we will never ever leave their side, ever. with that being said, we are here today in japan with one of our closest and most cherished allies. through bad times and good times, through rain and through shine, i want to thank. [inaudible] [inaudible] they made a lasting impression on me. >> we apologize for the signal issue out of japan. we will bring you right back to president trump as he continues speaking, if and when the signal clears up. he weighed in on this ongoing situation in texas. we will continue to cover that. please stay tuned to fox news for continuing coverage of the shooting. i'm rick leventhal, in new york. while the president is speaking in japan on his reaction to this horrific shooting in texas, that left 26 people dead, let's rejoin the president. >> it's customs are ancient and it's terrific. over the weekend, ivanka trump attended the world assembly for women with the prime minister, who i was with all day yesterda yesterday. i applaud the prime minister. he is a terrific person, for his dedication to advancing women in the workforce, and i share his commitment to empowering women in business and in all professions. this morning, i am pleased to have an opportunity to discuss how we can strengthen and improve the economic ties between the united states and japan. i have to say, for the past many decades, japan has been winning. you do know that. for the past 70 years, cooperation between our two countries has helped us to pioneer incredible advances in commerce, in science, medicine and technology. our students study together, our scholars exchange ideas and business leaders like you work together to invest in a better, more prosperous future for both of our nations. i know many of the leaders in this room have helped build japan into the center for commerce and innovation that it is today, and i want to commend you for your incredible achievements in so many areas. i looked at a list at the people in the room, they are truly the leaders of industry. i congratulate you all. names that, in many cases i haven't met, but i know you well from reading about you on the covers of every business magazine, and sometimes well beyond the business magazines. congratulations, fantastic job you've done at building some of the greatest companies in the world, and it's an honor to be working with you. we want to thank and make the united states for the people in this room and well be on this room, the most attractive place for you to hire, invest, and to grow. that's why we are very, very substantially lowering our tea taxes. the united states is one of the highest tax nations in the world. but, it's also a market like no other, by far the biggest market in the world. its numbers are phenomenal since november 8, election day, unemployment is at a 17 year lo low. we've gotten almost 2 million more people in the workforce and just that short time. i have reduced regulations, terrifically, if i do say so myself, but at a level that nobody else has ever done. i've done more and nine months in terms of the reduction of regulations than any president has done in a full term. the stock market reached an all-time high on friday and that is the 61st, something around that number, 61st time that's happened so we have a lot of happy people in this room because your stocks are in their and look at you, you're smiling very happily. >> are you happy? are you happy with the job? come here, give me your hand. congratulations, you've done a great job. it's reached an all-time high. i believe may be in the neighborhood of 61 times during the course. [inaudible] >> president trump speaking from tokyo japan with a shaky signal. that's rare for the white house travel team to not be able to broadcast the president statements, but once again, if it clears up and cleans up, we will bring it back to you. there speaking about the economy and also about the trade deals he hopes to improve on with the five asian leaders he is meeting with during this trip over the last ten days. perhaps the longest of his presidency so far. north korea is big on the agenda and you heard his remarks earlier about the horrific shooting in texas. he called it an act of evil and he also said in dark times americans do what we do best, we join together, we lock arms and through the tears of sadness, we stand strong. joining me now is pastor roberts from first baptist dallas and a fox news contributor. pastor, your reaction to the president's words. >> the responsibility of any president is to be consoler in chief in times of national tragedy. i think the president does this excellent excellently. his words reminded me of what he said after the las vegas massacre. he said evil is real and one day it will be defeated. that's the promise of the bible. the lord is close to the brokenhearted. that is the prayer that i am praying for the members of the first baptist church of sutherland springs. >> this was a tough day for your church. i want to hear more on how you're handling this and how your people are handling the spread we have to take a break, please stick around it will come right back to you. and i can do it with what's already within me. because my body can still make its own insulin. and once-weekly trulicity activates my body to release it. trulicity is not insulin. it comes in a once-weekly, truly easy-to-use pen. it works 24/7, and you don't have to see or handle a needle. trulicity is a once-weekly injectable medicine to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it should not be the first medicine to treat diabetes or for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. do not take trulicity if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, if you have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you're allergic to trulicity. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or symptoms like itching, rash, or trouble breathing. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases your risk for low blood sugar. common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite, and indigestion. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. i choose once-weekly trulicity to activate my within. if you need help lowering your a1c and blood sugar, activate your within. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. an update on our top story. a lone gunman shoots up a church in south texas, kills 26 people and wins as many as 20 others before he dies, either at the hands of the good samaritan or by his own gun. the suspect, according to law-enforcement, is devon patrick kelly, a 26-year-old white male from texas who is now dead. as authorities continue to investigate, we want to bring back senior pastor at first baptist dallas. a church. you think you're safe in a church. what do you tell people? >> today's tragedy is every pastor's worst nightmare. it proves the reality of what the bible teaches about evil, but i'm going to tell you, even though evil will be defeated, and i don't think, we as christians can live paralyzed by fear, i do think, this is going to be a wake-up call. what happened today will be a wake-up call to churches of all sizes to do whatever they can to ensure the safety of their members. large churches like mine, we have elaborate security plans. we have plainclothes policeman's, officers, all kinds of plans. i think small churches will realize they need a plan and the good news is, every church can do something. have a volunteer security team. be observant. half an evacuation plan. have some commonsense policies like we have of not allowing knapsacks or backpacks in the sanctuary. i think that's the age we live in and of today tells us anything, it tells us no church, regardless of size is immune from this kind of attack. >> how unfortunate is that aspect. >> absolutely tragic. to think you have children, five years of age who were slaughtered today, but i will say again to our viewers, this isn't the final word. the message of hope that pastor palmer a preaches every sunday and will continue to preaches one day when the lord returns, evil will be defeated forever. >> there was a good samaritan outside that church who engage the gunman and chased him and that led to the gunman's death. if not for that, we don't know where he was headed next but he had multiple weapons in his car. i don't know if you know what this guy's connection was to that church. do you have any idea why he went there. >> no. i have no idea. i know people are searching for motive and i'm sure it will come out in the days ahead. again, i think we see the grace of god here in the midst of this tragedy and having that good samaritan armed and ready to take him down. >> we appreciate your time and we will be here again next hour and i hope you can join us again. >> let's bring in jordan fabian. white house correspondent for the hill. i assume you are trying to watch that presidential news conference as we were. there were some signal issues. what did you hear from that? what is your take away from what you were able to hear? >> the president is trying to console the nation from overseas. it's a very difficult thing for president to do when they are overseas. we see things that happen at home, domestic problems and issues overshadow these trips and today was a very stark and tragic example. he moved from that reaction to the tragedy to the economy, to his trade deals with these other leaders in asia. that's clearly a priority for this trip. >> absolutely. you look at trade and the nuclear crisis and the relationship with china where he'll be going, those are the top of the president's agenda. the question is can he keep that message front and center as the nation grapples with tragedy here at home, and also developments in the russian investigation what's happening in capitol hill with tax reform. he has quite a task in front of him. >> it is your impression or understanding that his relationships are strong enough that he may in fact be able to accomplish some important things. >> we have a very strong relationship with the japanese prime minister. they played golf together and formed a good bond. the big question is, with the chinese prime minister, he is entering talked with a strong hand. the president's approval ratings obviously low knees dealing with controversies related to the russian investigation. if you want to get something done with trade and pressure them to do more north korea, he might be playing a weaker hand and that will be up problem for president trump with those talk. >> we will keep an eye on this and we appreciate your insight. thank you. >> let's bring in legal analysts mercedes. you've been watching the presidents comments and the comments from authorities down in texas. first, your reaction to what the president had to say. >> certainly, it's wonderful he's consoling the nation from so far away. honestly we are shaken up. everyone here at headquarters and the viewers and those in texas have said this is a wake-up call. this is happening in this rural little church, it can happen anywhere. all of this that go to places of worship, we have to look over our shoulders in a place were frankly we are most common and we are a meditative state and we are praying. now it's not going to be that safe wonderful place we go to on a regular basis. >> and we heard the pastor talk about how the big churches, as we know have had their own security for some time and these little churches may have to do the same. >> it's incredible to think that this is a little community of 400 people in the community and about 10% of them, about 50 of them were in this church. who would ever come in a million years think that in this little town they would have this massacre of this magnitude. >> what do you think the investigators are going to be looking for in looking at most closely moving forward. >> great question. >> frankly, the question that this shooter had postings on facebook, there were people who knew about it. they will look deeper to see if there were any co-conspirators. did someone drive them to the location? did someone help them get the guns and the armament and drive him to the location? maybe he cased this church. obviously there weren't individuals in the church that could defend himself when he slaughtered half of them and injured more than that. >> mercedes, lots of people pose with weapons on facebook. that doesn't mean i can go out and shoot innocent people. >> you're exactly right, but the authorities have to cast such a wide net and looked deep into it and see whether there are any others involved. frankly, the fact that he is so brazen that he is posting these pictures on facebook, who knows what else. look at his friends. look at the individuals who follow him. talk to his family. go in, i'm sure they've done this are ready or their doing it, go into the home and see if there's anything online. any communication, if it's domestic terrorism or links to other areas of terrorism around the globe, these are all things that the law enforcement is really just scratching the surface. >> if he was acting alone and he had his own demons in his own head, how can we stop the next guy who fits that same profile from doing something like this. >> great question. frankly it boils down to vigilance. if you hear something, see something, say something. someone new that this individual needed help, had mental issues, needed some sort of help, someone has to speak up. someone has to reach out to authorities and try to prevent this from happening. it really goes down to grassroots, who's involved, who are his family members, they knew something was brewing, whether they knew he would act upon it, who knows but it really has to ball down to those who see something, you have to say something. >> from what i seen he's had a family and he apparently left his home at some point and dressed in all black and had a ballistic vest on. he brought weapons with them. it may be someone new something or suspected something and we certainly haven't heard of any warnings that were given to law enforcement. i wonder if that would've helped at that point. >> we can only guess. if someone had said something, this could've been prevented. >> we appreciate your time. we ask you to stick around, we will have much more coming up next hour. >> my pleasure. thank you. >> again, the were shooting in the history of the state of texas at a house of worship, 26 dead, at least 20 injured. we will have more coming up. your eyes can lose as you age. nourish your eyes to help keep them healthy. ocuvite. be good to your eyes. 3 toddlers won't stop him.. and neither will lower back pain. because at a dr. scholl's kiosk he got a recommendation for our custom fit orthotic to relieve his foot, knee, or lower back pain, from being on his feet. dr. scholl's. born to move. throughout my career, i've been fortunate enough to travel to many interesting places. i've always wanted to create those experiences for others. with my advisor's help along the way, it's finally my turn to be the host. when you have the right financial advisor, life can be brilliant. ameriprise but on the inside, i feel like chronic, widespread pain. fibromyalgia may be invisible to others, but my pain is real. fibromyalgia is thought to be caused by overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i'm glad my doctor prescribed lyrica. for some, lyrica delivers effective relief for moderate to even severe fibromyalgia pain. and improves function. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions, suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worse depression, unusual changes in mood or behavior, swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects: dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain, swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who've had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. with less pain, i can do more with my family. talk to your doctor today. see if lyrica can help. we create machines that make every experience more intense and real. with intel core processors and geforce gtx graphics so powerful they can redefine reality. because the best feature of a gaming machine is the power to make you forget it's there. ( ♪ ) get $200 off at ( ♪ ) >> updating our top story, gunfire inside a texas church that left 26 people dead and more than 20 injured. the shooter also killed after opening fire inside the texas church. we want to bring in north carolina congressman martin walker who is also a baptist pastor, one of only two in congress. thanks for being with us. your reaction to what happened. >> it's heart wrenching. the families that are going through this crisis, even thinking of pastor pomeroy and losing your own, i have an 11-year-old daughter and i can't imagine him losing his daughter at a place that is supposed to be of safety and safe harbor. i know people are devastated. southern baptist, these folks stick together. there's 16000 churches and thousands of members. >> we've heard talk of beefing up security at churches. as unfortunate as that is, i'm wondering if you think it should happen already. >> i can tell you, in the medium and larger size churches, this has been going on for the past decade. in fact, even dropping off small children, now they are being digitally registered where there's a custody situation or security situation in most have their own security team, even some going as far as hiring closed officers or a statement that some of the smaller churches and most other baptist churches that are couple hundred or less, most of them do not have the technology or resources to be able to do that, but may have to re- visit that. >> why is this happening? what are your thoughts on why people would target a house of worship. >> i mainly thought of charleston earlier today as the level of hate that drove dylan roof to that and we don't know motive yet, but it used to be that schools or places of worship, it was not even fathomable to think that could happen but we've drifted to a place where there is no sacred ground. it's frustrating. if i knew how to put a stop to it, obviously i would, but i don't know if there's one specific strategy. we have to start looking at the level of dialogue and our language and how disheartening it is. >> what would you hope to learn from the investigation into this individual. >> i hope we can, obviously we need to dial down the motive. i think there's a lot of speculation and i don't read a place to do that yet. if it eventually reveals itself as a hate crime, we've got to start thinking what is it that's being done in our society that these people feel like their justified in carrying out such heinous behavior. these folks were at a small church in the middle of nowhere. this would've been the last place you would've predicted something. i will tell you, we've got to try to figure out some of this to be able to push back this culture and lovely hate that we are seeing in our country. >> congressman, as a baptist pastor, what is your message to people tonight? >> i was just speaking this morning in north carolina at a church and had my picture taken with some of the, a 4-year-old and a 2-year-old and i immediately thought, our message specifically is that even when we disagree, we've got to get a place where there is a certain grace extended, where there is a certain level of compassion rather than this condemning rhetoric that we often use, even militaristic terms we disagree with each other. that has disappeared in our culture. even in our political culture. everything is race driven. being able to find a way to have discourse, even on the places we fundamentally disagree. >> congressman, we appreciate your time. we'll be right back. "grandma! grandpa!" ♪ thanks mom. here we are. look, right up to here. principal. we can help you plan for that. >> update on the church shooting in sutherland springs texas that left 26 dead plus the gunmen. want to talk to a former member of the fbi joint terrorism task force. thank you for being with us. your initial reaction to the description of the suspect, what we know about him, 26-year-old white male, possibly discharge dishonorably from the military. >> we don't know the motive yet. it's very important. my gut is he may know somebody and that community or that church but i've got to share with you, there seems to be a common denominator, a common thread that is surfacing with all these killers, that the internet is becoming the training ground of most of these killers. this guy was armed and had a vest on. he was dressed in black. he did have some training most the time law-enforcement is learning they're getting that training off the internet. i share that with you because, moving forward, law enforcement will need the help of the social media giants. they feel it on their platform and they will have to be able to take the stuff down and notify long forstmann. >> we been hearing that from law enforcement. they have all these eyes and ears, just private citizens who may see something, need to say something. what should people be looking for. >> first and for most they need to know if they call the police there involved in court cases and interviews and that's why most people don't want to get involved. they're afraid to get involved. they need to make the call. they don't have to leave their name. number two, we have instinct as human beings. if your instincts is there something wrong, make the call. more importantly, you've heard this throughout the broadcast, our social media giants, the ceos of these corporations need to step up and say we are going to do our part. we have to do our part because it's a matter of public safety. >> does law-enforcement take those calls seriously or are there a lot of i rolling when people call in and say i think my neighbor is up to something. >> i believe they take it seriously. i think the problem of manpower in getting investigators out there, the president made it clear more money, more more law-enforcement. the safety of this country must come first and you will see a lot more money rolling into these little communities in order to pull together. >> and i ask about the difference between foreign terrorists and homegrown terrorists. homegrown shooters, what you see here? >> they need to advance an ideology, what i see here, he went in and decided to target them, maybe, just maybe he was gonna go off and shoot somewhere else, will never know this. if that citizen was armed, god bless them and think god they were armed. >> a guy outside this church with a weapon and sees him and engages him and it leads to his death, apparently, he maybe if hero, that person. we appreciate your time. stating for continuing coverage of this mass shooting in texas. at planters we know how to throw a remarkable holiday party. just serve classy snacks and be a gracious host, no matter who shows up. do you like nuts? $107.00 at...doggie lovers warehouse? [woman] an alert from wells fargo? no. i would never. "doggie lovers"? please! you know me. i don't even know where that is! look, i'm replying deny. see? oh, come on! [phone rings] hello? wells fargo. i did not make that purchase. i didn't do it! i'm so glad you caught that. uh huh. . .. . . . . . >> a fox news alert, horrific mess shooting in a place of worship. a bloodbath in a small texas town. one man walked into the first baptist church of sutherland springs southeast of san antonio and opened fire during sunday morning service. at least 26 innocent victims killed and at least one young choate child of five years old. twenty others were wounded, the shooter is dead. more on this tragic story in a few minutes.

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