Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox Report Sunday 20160911 23:00:00

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox Report Sunday 20160911 23:00:00

fox news alert. we have learned that hillary clinton has pneumonia. as the race for the white house enters the home stretch, less than two months to go. now the issue of hillary clinton's health. which for some time now has been confined to discussions among only her critics. tonight it's a developing story nationwi nationwide, worldwide. i'm harris faulkner this is the fox report. the first signs that something had gone wrong came this morning. hillary clinton attending the 9/11 memorial service in lower manhattan. suddenly she left the ceremony. cameras catching the democratic nominee stumbling as she maid her way to the motorcade and
tonight confirmation from her doctor hillary clinton has pneumonia and she was diagnosed with it on friday without a word of it until now to the media. mrs. clinton is recuperating we understand. . so we learned through a statement this is what has gone on since friday. why did it take so long? >> harris, i believe i've lost ifb, but her doctor essentially said she diagnosed her on friday. that's when hillary clinton held that national security meeting in manhattan. we were there at that time. we were never told by her press aides she had pneumonia. her doctor said she examined her today when she returned to chappaqua. "secretary clinton has been experiencing a cough related to allergies. on friday, during a followup evaluation she was put on
antibiotics and advised to modify her schedule. she met with the families of 9/11 victims for 90 minutes today and started to feel overheated, we were told. on the way to her vehicle, her knees appeared to buckle as she appeared to faint as she stepped toward the car. her knee was trembling at one point. today's health incident followed a coughing fit a week earlier during a labor day picnic in ohio. at that time she said she was allergic to donald trump. she 208d reporters it was due to allergies. the next day her voice was fine. she said she had taken an antihistamine. we know when she emerged from chelsea clinton's apartment reporters had not been told for 90 minutes where she was. the pool was told to hold and they were -- they stayed at the 9/11 memorial. she left wave and smiling from chelsea's apartment more than an
hour. campaign aides did not return calls. this statement was issued today. during the ceremony she felt overheated so departed to go to her daughter's apartment and is feeling much better. now we're told her aides are looking at her schedule this week. she was supposed to travel to california tomorrow, but that trip is now in question. back to you. >> we will come back to you no doubt this hour as it warrants it. the breaking news on the situation. thank you. i will turn now to the story of the day. 15 years to the day of the attack on 9/11. ♪ o say, can you see by the dawn's early light ♪ >> this morning bells rang out as hundreds gathered in lower manhattan for six moments of silence marking the crash of
four hijacked planes and the moment each tower collapsed. family and friends reading the names of the victims, 2753 men, women and children who died in ground zero. in washington, d.c., president obama participated in a wreath laying ceremony to remember those killed when flight 77 slammed in to the pentagon. the president's remarks and the ceremony to remember, the heros of flight 93 in shanksville, pennsylvania, ahead in our coverage. first a live look right now. the sun has not yet set on the east coast. one world. there you see it. a system bomber day here. a day of hope. so many uplifting words among those remembering the pain. >> good evening, harris. a lot has changed in the last 15 years here at the world trade center site. there is evidence at the
changing skyline. you can tell one world trade center beheend hind me, the 9/11 museum and the memorial. what has not changed is the family members come every year and recite the names, reminding us their pain has not faded despite the changing landscape of the city. today is as done every year for the past 15 years they recited the names of loved ones. they said them all. the speakers younger and younger. daughters talking about fathers they never met. a reminder while the nation honors this day every year there are people who live 9/11 every day. >> my big brother joseph michael giaconi was only 43 years old, 15 years of life. the hurt is still there.
the hole is still there. >> the exact time the first plane hit the north tower, followed by six moments of silence, ringing of bells, marking the horrific moments of that morning. all day loved ones and dignitaries have stood by the water falls, laying down flowers and photos as tears dropped and hit the named that are etched in bronze. in many ways the 9/11 memorial came to life today. families, nephews and children crying, laughing, remembering their loved ones on a day in which they reminded us we should never ever forget. harris? >> brian, thank you very much. we will continue our coverage on this 15th year marking 9/11 in just a moment. we want to go back to our breaking news, and hillary clinton diagnosed with pneumonia. joining me is doug schoen.
we bring you in ahead of the insiders tonight because i want to tap in to your experience in a couple of ways. earlier today we saw the video. we can pop it up so we can reference it on point here that someone captured on their smartphone from a distance. it looked like hillary clinton waiting for the motorcade to arrive. this is not that video but we can show it when they choose to put it on the screen. as that was happening, you see her limp, people catching her. in those here it is. describe what is happening behind the scenes and the people around hillary clinton. >> the question that gets asked is how ill is the former secretary, former first lady, and does she need hospitalization? the last thing they want to do is bring hillary clinton to a hospital. they brought her to chelsea's apartment, her daughter and she is now, according to her doctor rehydrated but that decision has
huge, huge political ramifications because the big issue now is what will be the fallout of the diagnosis of pneumonia and dehydration, sending her to her daughter's house is a step and a big step in tamping down the story. >> you are talking about the strategy that would be going on behind the scenes that would have politics in the mix of it, which might be shocking to some of us to think the health issues also mixed in. we wouldn't know, the reporters weren't told much. the pool reporters had said they never seen anything like it. they are there in case something like this happens and they were told to stay behind the media line. >> you are making the second point. when something like this happens, the first rule of thumb, even before the decision of hospital, no hospital is to keep the press away because the less seen, the less heard the better it is for secretary clinton's political fortunes. >> wow. >> i can't diagnose anything but i can tell you, harris, the
premise of your question is right. the political considerations are at least as important in the first instance as the health considerations. though the health ones ultimately drive everything. >> i'm a little shocked by the answer only because, you know, first we were told the former first lady and former secretary of state and now democratic presidential nominee had some sort of a medical issue with being overheated. we knew it was 70 or so degrees outside today. relatively a lot cooler than we have seen in many weeks but we're not there to diagnose her medical condition. >> not at all. >> we are looking if from the outside and very much from the outside. there were many minutes that passed before we were told what the situation was like, where she was going. as you look ahead in all of this -- now we know there is a diagnosis as far back on friday. now it is sunday. it didn't make it to the media
either. it is a personal thing and maybe none of our business as people covering 2. >> i'm sympathetic for secretary clinton. worked for her, as i said. i think it is a larger issue. the doctor says she needs to recalibrate her schedule. there will be questions of what she can and cannot do and her inability to perform through the campaign. >> we're less than two months out. you advised her and her husband. what would you tell her at this point? >> i would say first and foremost is her health, second the debates and third is to be on the campaign trail. >> the debates. >> yes. >> a couple of weeks away. >> an hour and a half, harris, a long time to be up alone on a stage with hot lights and donald trump. >> pneumonia, we get that word today. moving forward we know from her advisers and aides now, it is coming forth they are looking at
redoing her schedule. you just said that. looking beyond that, getting ready for the debates. all of her health questions before were they in balance and does this change the narrative for both candidates? >> i think they have been addressed to the satisfaction of most in the media. the same questions are front and center for secretary clinton and donald trump whotz apparently going on dr. oz's program to talk about his own health regime this week. i think we will ask for more medical records from secretary clinton and donald trump. both have to account for their health, their well being and their prospects. >> so quickly, before i let you go, you are a personal friend and i know you want to express that. how concerned are you about what has gone on the past couple of days and that nobody knew about this? >> i'm very concerned. i have worked with secretary clinton and her husband. these are two dedicated public
servants who disagree or agre with them have the best interest of the country at heart. my own inclination and what i would say to her is put your well being first. politics will take care of itself. >> we will have more on the breaking news of hillary clinton's diagnosis ahead when doug comes back with the fox news political insiders. they will join me at home base in a bit. how the issue of health health's health could play out with 57 days to go to elect the next president. also later, don't miss an encore presentation of fox news reporting time line of terror. the big story of today, a moment by moment account of the day's tragic event with no interruption by a host, narrater or sbeshls. the story is told using realtime sources, cockpit recordings,
phone call, fire and police dispatches and news conferences. that's fox news reporting time line of terror. 9:00 p.m. eastern here on the fnc. stay close. i love my shop, but my back pain was making it hard to sleep and open up on time. then i found aleve pm. the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. now i'm back. aleve pm for a better am.
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isn't easy as pie, but finding someone to enjoy it with sure is. marie callender's it's time to savor and know there's even more to savor with family size pot pies. we want to check in with our correspondent jennifer griffin who is live outside of the clinton family home in new york. when you joined us at the top of the hour we were talking about the pneumonia diagnosis of hillary clinton after so many days of coughing fits. people expressed concerns about her health. critics were backed in to a corner of we're not going to talk about that. stop talking about than from people from her campaign. now you have a situation, jennifer, where it is very much on the record and she's ill. i think one of the questions
raised to get a diagnosis of pneumonia you usually get a chest x-ray. when did she have an x-ray? did she go to a hospital? we were never told she went to a hospital. did she go to her doctor's office. her doctor is here in mount cisco and she said she examined hillary clinton on friday. we weren't told that at the time. we were waiting for her at the national security forum she held in houston manhattan. later that night she went to the barbara streisand fund-raiser and kept a hectic schedule. this raises the question of when, if ever, did she get a chest x-ray to get a formal diagnosis of pneumonia. >> for people who may not know what it is, they choose a group of reporters or one network to capture everything and
dissimilar nate the information and we all report it. the pool today was nbc as i understand it. it said not allowed to leave pinned in media area. aides won't confirm if she has left or stayed. we are supposed to be here for this reason in case something happens to the candidate. this is also part of the story. >> well, it really is, harris. i can tell you, being a reporter who's depending on those pool notes it is extremely frustrating. not only was the pool not getting information an they took the unusual step of keeping that pool away from the candidate as she went to her daughter chelsea's manhattan apartment. we did not know where she was for 90 minutes. typically the protective pool stays with the candidate. so they would be told this type of thing. they were held at the 9/11 memorial site. and reporters, like myself, who were making calls to the kman
aides, campaign spokesman we were kept in the dark for 90 minutes. we received a statement from nick merrill, a few minutes before hillary clinton exited her daughter's apartment. at that time she started to look -- she was waving, smiling, a different hillary clinton than 90 minutes prior. >> look, all of this comes up with one question and we had her former strategic adviser doug schoen on moments ago. he was with her during her senate campaign in new york. why behave this way? is this a precursor or some sign of what it would be like if she were to become president? these are fair questions because of how it was handled. >> i think it is very clear the campaign has known in the past week, from a week ago when we were traveling with her in ohio and she had the coughing fit
that was so inexplicable. we were told it was allergies and she is known to suffer from allergies but i think it is more than that at the time. it was starting to become more serious. the campaign, the bottom line is they don't want to face the criticism from donald trump, which they have been hearing from her opponent that she is ill. that she is not fit. that she can't keep up with him. there was the mantra during august that she was keeping a lighter schedule than he was. i think it was clear they wanted to keep it under wraps. she wanted to push through it. she kept pushing through until her body gave out and her doctor told her she had to rest. >> i know there will be questions because i don't think it has been made clear what kind of pneumonia she has. it speaks to how quickly she can get over this and whether if she was contagious. we will talk about this. we will take a break and
jennifer griffin is with us as the story breaks. stay close. because the ultimate expression of power, is control. this is the pursuit of perfection. put smeta appetite control. you and temptation with clinically proven to help reduce hunger between meals. new, from metamucil, the #1 doctor recommended brand.
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fox news alert as we continue to learn more. our jennifer griffin working the story about hillary clinton. it's publicly known, diagnosed with pneumonia as early as friday. unbeknownst to the media, this was not made public to the american public and we may have never known in detail what we know now had she not had a medical episeed this morning at the 9/11 tribute. she left suddenly with her motorcade. for many minutes we had no idea where she was going, if it were a hospital. she ended up at her daughter's apartment here in new york. we are told she has pneumonia
and she has known about it. we will get more in just a moment. we will flip to the other side of the political aisle, donald trump marking 9/11 and taking the day off of his campaign to do it. like clinton he also left before it was over. his campaign will resume this week with rallies in north carolina and iowa. kristin fisher is live in washington. he left because it was part of his schedule. we are learning more why hillary clinton left. let's talk about how the trump campaign is responding to clinton's health scare now. >> so far they have not responded. they have been uncharacteristically quiet. a reporter asked trump about it after attending the ceremony at ground zero and he said he didn't know about it. he seems to be sticking to his pledge to put politics aside on the anniversary of 9/11 but up
until now health health has been fair game. listen to what he said last month at a rally in ohio. she lacks the mental and physical stamina to take on isis and the many adversaries we face, not only in terrorism but in trade and every other challenge we must confront to turn our great country around. >> donald trump could address clinton's health tomorrow. he has two events planned one in maryland and another in north carolina. another topic is the comment clinton made on friday where she put trump supporters in to a basket of deplorables. >> if there were ever a time she
would want to speak up, we haven't seen how that will play out with her campaign, those words she made about donald trump supporters. you can you can bet this weekend and going in 0 california which we understand is up for grabs whether she will go there would have been an opportunity for her to do that. from the trump perspective so far, you are saying uncharacteristically quiet. we will cover that end of it. thank you. let's bring in jennifer griffin live outside of the clinton family home in new york. the latest from you before the last commercial break i said there are two types of pneumonia that doctors say are particularly common in people of a certain age, if you l. i want to be delicate there because anyone can get pneumonia but that is historically medically true. do we know which kind she has and why it matters? >> we do not know. there is bacteria and viral pneumonia. what we know from her doctor is it started as seasonal
allergies. it got worse and developed in to pneumonia. that's what she told us. i think what is most disturbing when you look at the video that was shot by the person who caught her as she was leaving the 9/11 memorial suddenly after she became overheated according to her aides, what is most disturbing is looking at her leg. it quivers as she tries to step forward. it's not as though she were simply fading. there was a moment where she didn't appear to have control over that leg. that is worrisome. it certainly raises some issues about past, the past concussion she had in 2012. that was the result of a fall we were told back in 2012. you will remember that happened around the time of her benghazi testimony. it was delayed. she had to rest. we were never told what caused the fall. another fall led to her breaking her elbow in the state department parking lot.
she was walking with richard holbrooke at the time in 2009. so the series of falls are somewhat worrisome and certainly it will lead to her opponents and even some democrats suggesting that maybe it's time to release her full medical records. earlier this summer, you'll remember, when her doctor released some of those records and it appeared as if she had those allergies, was on antihistamines and took qume n coumadin. i remember a few days ago when hillary clinton was going back and forth with verbal jabs with donald trump and said i'll release my health records if you release your tax returns. if she were pretty ill at that point it is disturbing to think that joke would have come at that point. that was said in jest going back
and forth. i asked about the timing of that if you would know it. >> here's the thing, harris. we were with hillary clinton last week. we began -- the press started to travel on her plane last monday. we were with her almost nonstop. we had more access to her than we had during the campaign up until now. other than the coughing fit on monday, we saw her the next day and her voice recovered. the only time i noticed a slightly shaky voice is at the end of the week on friday when she stepped up to the podium to deliver that press conference after her national security meeting. it seemed like she was trying to suppress a cough and that could have been a clue that the pneumonia was taking hold or taking -- was going further. the president bush is hillary clinton -- the problem is that hillary clinton is pushing herself to continue fund-raising. she is keeping a punishing
schedule. we did not see any sign of anything that would be of any concern during the week last week when we were traveling with her, other than that bizarre coughing fit, which seemed easily explainable in terms of allergies a the time. >> you said on friday you noticed maybe a little bit of a sign. there's a lot of criticism. it is 278 days before hillary clinton had one of those moments with the media. some people were hanging on that story last week. what's the temperature in the room when somebody asks about her health? i'm curious to know if anyone was seeing what you thought on friday a little something would it have been warm enough to be an answer? they knew she had pneumonia on friday. >> they did have that opportunity. we, the press, did not think anything was out of the ordinary because, again, it had been explained to us she had the allergies.
one of the first questions i asked her on tuesday is how are your allergies and she laughed and they made jokes about it. it was a joking issue at that point. >> we appreciate it. we will bring you back as the news continues to develop on this breaking news about hillary clinton. stay with us. i've been taking fish oil from nature's bounty to support my heart. eating better, keeping healthy. so that no matter what happens in the future, my "future self" will thank me. thank you! 45 years of experience has taught us: no matter what the future holds, you're always better off healthy. nature's bounty always has to be who sat your desk? phone
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hmmmmm....... [ "dreams" by beck ] hmmmmm... the turbocharged dream machine. the volkswagen golf gti. named one of car and driver's 10best, 10 years in a row. the nation watched the ceremony here in new york and then breaking news having to do
with the democratic presidential candidate hillary clinton, having nothing to do in term of the ceremony but her own health. something speculated about for week among her critics but now on the record with her doctors a little while say they have examined her at her home in new york. she's been taken there. a doctor is now confirming that clinton was diagnosed on friday with pneumonia and put on antibiotics at the time. "recovering nicely after the 9/11 event." it was something to see, a candidate go down in a curbed area as her motorcade pulled up. reports that are one of her shoes slipped as she was going down. she was held up by these people. you can see this for yourself. one of our viewers on a smartphone capturing the moment this happens. if you look at the center of the screen you see her, and they pick her back up.
in those moments someone very close to what was happening said a shoe slipped off her foot. our jennifer griffin is live outside of the family home. a doctor examined her there. the question is whether or not she may have lost control. you spoke about this issue earlier. i want to get your observation from your reporting on that very issue. that's important. we really don't know what happened to her today. over heat exhaustion. the national weather service says it was 79 and breezy at the time it happened. was it a faint, what was it? >> it is not clear. it's not as hot as it has been in new york. i can tell you that. i will think her long-time doctor told us in a statement is that she was put on the antibiotic on friday. that led to dehydration that led to this overheating, if you will. i think that is quite understandable, given the
diagnosis of pneumonia. i think one of the reasons, and we talked about this earlier, harris, one of the reasons reporters were not pressing her on her health after those coughing fits on monday which is at the labor day picnic is because there had been speculation about her health including wild conspiracy theories about her traveling with a so-called doctor who was carrying a diazepam pen. she had been working hard to debunk that photograph. when we looked in to it the so-called doctor was the head of her secret service detail. he was carrying not a diazapam pen but a flash light. there had been so many theories out there that in fact when we were told and when secretary clinton told us she had allergies and was taking antihistamines and had a
coughing fit it seemed reasonable at the time. she also, i will say, kept a punishing schedule for the rest of the week. we didn't see any signs of her slowing down. i think the previous conspiracy theories that the press was not really pressing her, if you will, on her questions about her health on friday. >> the critics are going to say their conspiracy theories, at least one of them being proven the fact the coughing might have been an illness. that is something out there and in fact that turned out to be true. we didn't know what that illness was. the timing is sticky for hillary clinton as we move to 57 days away from the big event when americans will decide who they want to be in the white house. jennifer? >> the next big event for her, harris, will be september 26th, that's the first debate. she's going to have to get bedrest in order to recover from this pneumonia.
if that is the only thing wrong with her, than pneumonia still takes time. the only thing that will cure it is bedrest and antibiotics. she was supposed to travel to california, aides say they are looking at her schedule and that that california trip may be in jeopardy. back to what you were saying about the so-called conspiracy theories. i think it is important to point out that one particular photo that took off on the internet about diazapam pen that was disproven. we looked in it to. we talked to the secret service agent on the plane and we talked about that. that was clearly debunked. the problem is simultaneously with that she had this evolution of pneumoniaer from from her allergies and so now we are in a situation where because of the secrecy and the clinton campaign tends to be secretive it leads
us to question everything able her health and that will be a problem for the campaign. >> she will get help from the obamas this week. the president said on tuesday to begin campaigning for her and mrs. obama as well in northern virginia later this wook. we will continue the breaking news. we will talk about the questions raised about hillary clinton's health with the political insiders and what does it mean inside the democratic party. what are they talking about tonight? are there any plans. >> the debate two weeks from tomorrow. what's it look like behind the scenes. we will get their inside insight. stay close. getting key nutrients from food alone. let's do more. add one a day women's gummies. complete with key nutrients we may need... it supports bone health with calcium and vitamin d. one a day vitacraves gummies.
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two weeks shy of the first presidential debate and things are interesting. donald trump and hillary clinton will go head to head with a narrative behind hillary clinton how is your health? it will be on the record and won't be just from critics and it can't be shut down because we know she was diagnosed on friday with pneumonia and given antibiotic. the fox news political insiders are here. doug schoen, six years in the white house as a political adviser to president clinton. and pat caddell and john, former director for'ford and held office as congressman for new york. doug, i spoke to you earlier. pat, i want to get your idea. does this get better or worse for pacific hillary clinton. >> it is out there. it is not like when nixon hit his knee and had problems in
1960 and had to go to the hospital for three weeks. you know, it was all transparent. he made -- eisenhower came up, she has been denying she has health problems. there are rumors on the internet. this reinforces a sense there's something wrong and they have been hiding it. a week ago, before the 30th of august, obama's doctor said both about trump she said she needed more neurological exams on another network. >> it wasn't a matter of hiding. >> they had been hiding it for days. >> they were held back in the media area, they were pinned in. they didn't have access. >> they are like little -- they are like animals in the sense that they stay in their pen when
they are told to. >> they knew on friday she had pneumonia. did you know? >> not at all. >> exactly. now it is up to everybody to do their jobs even when you are pinned in you can shout if you have to. >> they should ask again, let's have hillary and trump's medical records made public. >> what does donald trump do? all he should do is stay out of this thing and say i wish her the best of health. >> he should release his records. >> >> the doctor wrote a letter saying he was in great health. >> that's not a record. >> not a record. >> look, they never do. bill clinton never released his. they never do. >> why does this mean donald trump needs to? >> ideally we the people have the right to know before we hire someone to be president are they in good enough health to be the president, otherwise you hire them, elect them and they are sick and then what? >> the question about age. i don't like to bring it up, but
it does come in to play with certain sorts of things. i have been reading a lot up on pneumonia and vaccines that people over 65 and 70 are supposed to get. does that matter with your experience? >> i think it does. pat and john are on to something. we need to hear more about hillary's medical records and her current condition. her doctor, as we have been saying, has urged her to modify her schedule. she's on a regimen of antibio c antibiotics. we need to know more as a political adviser i would say keep her off the campaign trail until the debates as much as possible. >> how can you do that? >> you just say no. >> look at the polling. when you look at the battleground states. >> only one thing that matters. >> the debates. >> even in red states. >> the other advantage to staying in the hospital. she may, and i assume she could
chock it up to having pneumonia on friday night but her appearance talking about half of donald trump's voters being a basket of deplorables in that they are racist, bigots is a statement that makes romney's 47% just like that. a disaster for him and president obama who escaped his other fund-raiser. >> your point with her now? >> my point is that's the thing that's going to hurt her. >> buried by the pneumonia. i'd go to the hospital so i didn't have to deal with that. that's coming. unless the trump campaign is stupid that's the choo-choo trarn that is coming. >> you are saying hands off and wish her well, john? >> out of his mouth he should not try to politicize her health. everybody is talking about i any way. let it happen. he doesn't have to get involved.
>> his comments about her supporters even as she is recovering. do plik politics go on? >> best thing trump can do is campaign hard. the lexus rx, rx hybrid and rx f sport. this is the rx, elevated. this is the pursuit of perfection. 80% of recurrent ischemic, strokes could be prevented. and i'm doing all i can to help prevent another one. a bayer aspirin regimen is one of those steps in helping prevent another stroke. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen.
busy hour, state of the race right now. >> making gains in swing states, puing he midwest in play and tightening the score in arizona and georgia. tight states. he's moving down, too. >> i don't think that's as accurate as the fact that hillary has been deteriorating the last three weeks. trump is flat. she's come down. >> basically what i think you are seeing, i believe what we
have seen is trump is rebalanced, the state polls are catching up to the national polls and more importantly, though, it is not moving. it's going to paralyze it. the race basically have levelled out. >> how does the news of hillary clinton falling ill with pneumonia at a critical point where she is not going to california potentially this week. the doctor says you have to dial back. >> what she needs to do is put her health in order. second prepare for the dedebates and third be as strong and rested as she can for the debates. so no campaigning until the 26th. >> so true. that night, 100 million people. hot lights, 90 minutes, a lot of pressure. if she does well, looks well, thinks well and does well in that debate this will be forgotten. if she fumbles it, it will bubble up. >> trump has the opportunity if she does this, and that's what she needs to do because she's
got problems. as i said it rekindled a lot of -- a lot of doubt. trump needs to take advantage of this time to impose the theirtive, to take control of the narrative that says the attacks on americans and what they think is the same thing, the elites in washington. we need to have the big picture. >> that's what i'm saying. >> it's bigger. trump showing he has the energy, enthusiasm. >> he's been saying it over a year. >> now he has an opportunity that is unique. >> i don't think that is the issue. he has to frame the issue. >> the system is corrupt. >> that's what i'm saying. you have to get control to set the stage for debate. >> he hasn't done it yet. >> he hasn't done it yet. >> real quickly before we have to go to a commercial break an wrap up. how does health play a role? >> it raises questions about hillary and potentially trump if
his medical records aren't released. >> i think he's -- look, 3:30 in the morning he is sending out tweets, good or bad. i think for her it raises doubts of what doubts exist already. >> thank you,s guys. a busy week ahead. stay close. there's something out there. that can be serious, even fatal to infants. it's whooping cough, and people can spread it without knowing it. understand the danger your new grandchild faces. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about a whooping cough vaccination today.
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