Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox Report Saturday 20180415 : comp

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox Report Saturday 20180415

of equipment. they have lost a lot of material. and it is going to have a significant effect on them. i think the words cripple and degrade are good accurate words. kelly: we have fox team coverage on all of this. john roberts has the latest from the white house. but we begin with mike tobin in jerusalem. what is the aftermath of these strikes? >> i can show you, we have new enhanced images before and after the strikes. starting with barza, this is the facility that the lieutenant general, the joint staff director of the pentagon described as the heart of the syrian chemical weapons program. the pentagon says this was the center for research, development and production of chemical weapons. three main buildings the after pictures are the ones with the smoke rising indicate the three buildings were flattened. the other targets were outside of homes, about 100 miles north of damascus. the pentagon says one of the targets was a facility that made sarin gas precursors and production equipment. the other again according to the pentagon was a storage facility for chemical weapons as well as a command post. again, you can identify the pictures with the after by the smoke coming up. they aspear to show the -- they aspear -- they appear to show the structures were flattened. they appear to be heaps of rubble. the generals of the pentagon says part of the decision making was to minimize civilian casualties. thus far we have reports of only three injuries and that was near the targets outside of homes. kelly? kelly: all right, mike, so as you look at this and what's reaction in the region? >> well, you know, you have such a complex web of alliances -- alliances and interest. you get a wide swath of reactions. take the supporters of assad in syria, as soon as the sun came up, took to the streets, waved flags, pictures of assad, played music. one man shouted that syria humiliated the american missiles. a twitter account linked to the syrian president's office ran the message good souls won't be intimidated. iran's supreme leader called the leaders of france, great britain and the u.s. criminals. the last of the antiassad militias called the strikes a farce and says there's no strategy to protect the people. benjamin netanyahu said this reckless quest of assad to acquire and use weapons of mass destruction put the syrian people at risk. russia responded by saying they are now considering the possibility of selling to the syrian army s-300 missiles. those are much more sophisticated surface-to-air defense than the syrian army employed last united nations. -- last night. kelly? kelly: mike, thank you. president trump declaring mission accomplished following last night's missile strikes in syria targeting the chemical weapons capabilities. vice president mike pence touting the mission a success. >> the president made a decision to go, it was an all in effort to do everything in our power, not just to destroy aspects of the chemical weapons program, but also to send a message to syria and to their patrons in russia and iran that there is a price to pay if they ever use chemical weapons again. kelly: chief white house correspondent john roberts joining us now with more. john? >> kelly, good evening to you. and president trump today acutely aware of appearances. it's the nicest day of the year here in washington, a day when the president would typically be out at his golf course in virginia, but the president spending the entire day at the white house today, working the phones, since early this morning. one of the first calls to his united nations ambassador haley saying that the united states is, quote, locked and loaded if syria decides to make the mistake of launching another chemical weapons attack. the president also talking today with u.k. prime minister may and french president macron. in a readout of that telephone calls, the white house saying, quote, leaders affirm that our joint airstrikes were successful and necessary to deter assad from any further use of chemical weapons. in a tweet this morning, you mentioned this at the top, kelly, president trump echoing that now-infamous banner of the greeted president bush after the initial phase of the iraq war, president trump tweeting, mission accomplished. also on twitter this morning, the president thanking the men and women of the u.s. military, tweeting, so proud of our great military which will soon be after the spending of billions of fully approved dollars the finest that our country has ever had. there won't be anything or anyone even close. and the white house today giving some of the background for last night's attack. officials from the nsc saying this afternoon they have a quote large volume of clear and compelling evidence that syria used chemical weapons last weekend in that attack, specifically chlorine and sarin gas. that creates a bit of a disconnect with the pentagon, which says it's only confident that chlorine was used. much of the evidence that the nsc cites is documentary video and photographs of victims showing obvious signs of asphyxiation and also foaming at the mouth and also contracting pinpoint pupils, those are hallmark symptoms of sarin gas poisoning. the nsc also saying that none of the rebel terror groups in syria are known to have chemical weapons and the bombs that hit last weekend were delivered by helicopter and that only the syrian military has helicopters in its possession. vice president mike pence who was traveling in lima peru today for the summit of the americas says he hopes that last night's strike will change the behavior of syria, iran and russia. listen here. >> our message to russia is you are on the wrong side of history. it's time for russia to get the message that president trump delivered last night. that you're known by the company you keep. >> russia delivered the expected response on the attack, president putin denouncing what he called an act of aggression against a sovereign state committed without a mandate from the u.n. security council and in violation of the u.n. charter and norms and principles of international law. the national security council says it is pleased that while russia has been making these statements, which vat -- which putin and other russian officials feel they have to make there has been no quote conflict with russia either during the strike or since. kelly: russia is also claiming syria shot down missiles last night. what is the white house saying about that? >> we heard it from the pentagon last night, vice president today, and national security council, they are expecting a robust disinformation campaign from russia, but the nsc points out that this russian antimissile defense system that was set up in syria was active last night and never fired. the vice president saying that the united states made a calculation that it knew that some of its missiles or even coalition aircraft could be targeted, but it was a chance the president was willing to take. listen here >> we carefully examined the possibility of a response by syria or by its allies, russia and iran, in this calculation, and the president made the decision to target the chemical weapons facilities having counted all the cost and the potential of those decisions. >> national security council tells fox news today that the fact that that russian antimissile system was active but never fired is a clear indication that russian claims that they have impenetrable air defense system around syria are absolutely false and would likely give the united states and its allies a greater degree of confidence that if bashar al-assad decides that he is going to do this again, they would meet very little resistance in launching another strike. kelly? kelly: john roberts from the white house tonight. thank you. for more on this, let's bring in retired marine corps gunnery sergeant and senior fellow at the london center for policy research. good to see you. thank you for joining us. let's go to the heart of what john was saying at the end, about russia's so called antimissile defense system which didn't come into play at all during last night's joint military strike, supported by the united states, the u.k. as well as france. tell me if you can, what you think about that. is russia blustering? >> well, russia's always been blustering. we always have been given a lot of robust talk from vladimir putin, but what we have seen now is that russia is not in the capacity of defending syria the way they tried to brag that they can. what we also have to recognize is that russia has to be called out by the international community, that if you want to be considered a serious international player, that if you are endorsing and condoning this abhorrent behavior by bashar al-assad, we are not going to tolerate it further. i think nikki haley gave a very profound message with that we are locked and loaded, and i as a marine and anyone who has ever served on active duty knows what that means. that means we weren't bringing our weapons down. we are focused on you. you are in our sights. we are watching and we are going to deliberately ensure that you are not able to progress with the assault of your people with chemical weapons anywhere near in the future. kelly: no doubt in anyone's mind after that description you have just given about locked and loaded. that's what u.n. ambassador haley in all likelihood meant. there was also the statement made by british prime minister teresa may earlier overnight where she said we seek to deter and degrade bashar al-assad's chemical weapons facilities. do you think that was accomplished? >> well, right now i'm hopeful that what we're sending is a very clear message that it is abhorrent behavior and bad things happen when good men do nothing. and all of the nations that turned the other cheek to this, normalized the assault of chemical weapons. we cannot get to a point in this world that one more attack happens, and people turn away, because they don't want to be engaged. this is the most brutal way to kill people and assault people and have them have a very painful death. innocent women and children and men that had no regard, they have no regard for the human life in their country. if we don't stop this or if nations don't get involved, it will become normal in our common life. then what happens? when you turn away, it could happen to you next. kelly: you know, that goes to the core of what you were saying as well, the president of the united states who basically was stating along with the vice president today from lima, peru was stating for the past 100 years have recognized that chemical weapons is not the approach to take, and the vice president stating there from lima peru today that the united states, the u.k. and france had the moral right to act the way they did to take out chemical weapons. tell me your response to that, and going forward, what should the united states be looking at? should it be a sustained approach when the necessity rises or if it rises again? >> absolutely because what we're telling now is the world leaders out there, that want to try to do this, know now that they will be hit hard, swiftly and abruptly. and not without regard for the human life that we are trying to protect. we struck this without causing any casualties. and that is remarkable, when you look at that. not only that, our targets were on point. we were in and out. they were unable to even defend themselves, but we also have to know that if we do nothing, then it will go on again and again. right now the president has drawn a red line. and president trump's red line won't get crossed because in 2014, kerry had stated to this nation that unequivocally 100% of the chemical weapons had been detained by our ally or russia at the time who volunteered to do this. why did we trust that? why did we sit back and not go in and investigate? we should have ensured that it was -- that we investigated and all those chemical weapons were disposed of, but instead that hasn't happened. so right now we're serious. that red line won't get crossed under this president, and he's serious. >> retired marine corps gunnery sergeant and senior fellow at the london center for policy research. always good to see you. >> good to see you >> thank you for your service. right now president trump's decision to strike syria sparking reaction from both sides of the aisle on capitol hill. what lawmakers are saying and why some of them are none too happy. plus the u.n. security council holding an emergency session following the syria airstrikes. the meeting full of tension and bitter accusations. we go live to the u.n. still ahead. >> the united kingdom, france, and the united states acted. we acted to deter the future use of chemical weapons by holding the syrian regime responsible for its atrocities against humanity. i had a very minor fender bender tonight! in an unreasonably narrow fast food drive thru lane. but what a powerful life lesson. and don't worry i have everything handled. i already spoke to our allstate agent, and i know that we have accident forgiveness. which is so smart on your guy's part. like fact that they'll just... forgive you... four weeks without the car. okay, yup. good night. with accident forgiveness your rates won't go up just because of an accident. switching to allstate is worth it. and lose weight with contrave. it's fda-approved to help adults who are overweight or struggle with obesity lose weight and keep it off. contrave is believed to work on two areas of the brain: your hunger center... i'm so hungry. 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america will not allow the assad regime to continue to use chemical weapons. kelly: laura ingall is live at the united nations. laura today's emergency meeting was called by the russians. what was their goal? >> hi, kelly. well, russia proposed resolution that would have condemned the military actions of the u.s., britain and france. now it didn't get those votes needed to pass that resolution. however, it still gave the russian ambassador the floor to lay out the country's complaints about what happened in syria overnight. now, while the resolution if passed would have largely been symbolic, it also would have helped bolster the russian claims that there was not enough proof that a chemical attack had taken place that would have warranted that military action, as the world watched the joint strike on syria's chemical weapons infrastructure, it was in response to the suspected chemical attack by syria. russia made plans to call today's emergency meeting. it happened rather quickly this morning. during today's session, at the u.n., the ambassador to bolivia accused the ally countries of being imperialist empires. russia ambassador says the evidence of the attack was fabricated and blamed foreign intelligence agencies for it. while the syrian ambassador claimed the three countries had no right to conduct a strike. >> translator: -- firmly condemns this attack which once again shows indisputably that they pay no attention to international law. >> the united states and its allies continue to demonstrate the blatant disregard to international law. it was shameful to hear that in how justifying an aggression, an article of the u.s. constitution was mentioned. >> and as for several hours of discussions, the vote went down. it was russia's proposed resolution did not get approved. 8 against. 4 countries abstained from voting. and only china, bolivia, russia voted to approve those votes. kelly: laura, there was strong response to those remarks from all three allies, which carried out the strike last night. >> right. absolutely. and those three western allies wasted absolutely no time getting to the point of what they wanted to say. the british ambassador karen pierce defended the strike as a limited targeted and effective one. the french ambassador and the u.s. ambassador haley also used language to get right to their point, that they believe the strike was justified, legitimate and proportionate. >> i spoke to the president this morning, and he said if the syrian regime uses this poisonous again, the united states is locked and loaded. when our president draws a red line, our president enforces the red line. >> and after today's meeting, there's talk about the next step, and the french ambassador indicated that he will be working with his allies to conduct -- to get a new resolution really together on the table to work on syria's issues, including getting more chemical inspections going, and on a side note, kelly, it just so happens that the entire security council including russia will be going to sweden on friday. and they will be going for a working retreat. so this could certainly be coming up during that retreat. we will have to wait and see how that -- kelly: no doubt we will be watching those developments as they unfold. thank you, lauren. pentagon officials praising the servicemembers who carried out those airstrikes in syria for, quote, successfully hitting every target. what we're learning about their what we're learning about their mission, next. so we swapped your car out for the all-new chevy traverse. yes. do you think it's going to surprise your daughter? absolutely. wait, is mom here yet? where's mom? she's in this car. what the heck? whoa. yo, whose car is this? this is the all-new chevy traverse. this is beautiful. it has apple carplay compatibility. do those apps look familiar? ohhhhh. do you want to hit this button? there's a hidden compartment. uhh, whoa. mom, when i'm older can you buy me this car? i wanna 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chemical weapons program so it was mission accomplished. kelly: our national security correspondent jennifer griffin joins us now with more reaction from the pentagon. jennifer, what was the message from the u.s. and its allies? >> well, kelly, those two words, mission accomplished are a phrase the pentagon rarely uses in order -- in order not to tempt fate. in this case the pentagon and white house defined the mission narrowly to respond to assad's aparent use of chemical weapons. >> together we have sent a clear message to assad and his murderous lieutenants that they cannot perpetrate another chemical weapons attack for which they will be held accountable. >> we have attacked the heart of the syrian chemical weapons program. i'm not saying they won't be able to reconstitute it. i'm not saying that it is going to continue. this is dealt in a very serious blow -- this has dealt them a very serious blow. >> the three targets included a research center near damascus, a storage facility near homs, and chemical weapons bunker a few miles from the second site. u.s. officials made clear they don't want to get dragged into a civil war, and they took great pains not to strike any russian or iranian targets. >> with regard to the russian concerns, we specifically identified these targets to mitigate the risk of russian forces being involved. >> u.s. military assets remain as ambassador nikki haley said locked and loaded, ready to respond, if assad uses chemical weapons again. kelly? kelly: what about these reports that russia and syria shot down some of the tomahawks? >> well, the pentagon says it didn't happen. they say all of their 105 missiles landed on target, nearly simultaneously, to overwhelm the syrian air defense system. russian and syrian state media both claim they shot down dozens of the allied missiles. but the pentagon says the russian guns remained silent. pentagon officials added syria fired 40 surface-to-air missiles wildly into the air after the u.s. missiles had already hit their targets. >> syrian response was remarkably ineffective in all domains. probably the best answer i can give you. they had no material impact on the strike. >> secretary mattis said last night, the russian disinformation campaign has already begun. there has been a 2,000 percent increase in russian trolls in the last 24 hours. >> in fact, general mckenzie said that if there were casualties in syria from last night, they likely were from those 40 syrian surface-to-air ballistic missiles that syria launched after the fact. those were unguided and who knows where they landed. kelly in kelly: jennifer griffin reporting from the pentagon tonight. thank you. a number of lawmakers accusing president trump of going around congress on the syrian airstrikes. some even calling them illegal. we will look at the political implications. plus, worldwide reaction to the strikes in syria. who is condemning the operation and who is praising the u.s. for taking action? >> the use of chemical weapons by anyone anywhere under any circumstance is illegal and reprehensib reprehensible. the assad regime cannot be allowed to commit such crimes. that is why australia fully supports the u.s.-led strikes against chemical weapons facilities in syria today. experience a blend of refined craftsmanship... ...and raw power, engineered to take the crown. presenting the all-new lexus ls 500 and ls 500h. experience amazing, at your lexus dealer. i needthat's whenvice foi remembered that my ex-ex- ex-boyfriend actually went to law school, so i called him. he didn't call me back! if your ex-ex- ex-boyfriend isn't a lawyer, call legalzoom and we'll connect you with an attorney. legalzoom. where life meets legal. we know that when you're >> tspending time with thelass grandkids... ♪ music >> tech: ...every minute counts. and you don't have time for a cracked windshield. that's why at safelite, we'll show you exactly when we'll be there. with a replacement you can trust. all 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allies along on this operation? >> kelly, it seemed absolutely crucial. in fact, president trump posted a tweet this afternoon in which he thanked france and u.k. for and this is a quote the wisdom, the power of their fine military. missiles fired from british jet fighters did target the syrian chemical weapons facilities. president trump in fact also spoke with u.k. prime minister may on the phone. he also spoke with another close ally french president macron. macron had branded the use of chemical weapons by syria as a violation of international law, french jet fighters were also involved. here's what nato's boss had to say about it all. >> -- expressed their full support for last night's actions, which was intended to degrade the syrian regime's chemical weapons capability. and to deter further chemical weapon attacks against the people of syria. nato strongly condemns the repeated use of chemical weapons by the syrian regime. >> in fact all 29 members of nato backed these strikes, but most including for example germany chose not to get directly involved and even for the u.k. and french leaders, there was some opposition within the governments and the opposing forces there. kelly? kelly: what is russia saying about the strikes, greg? >> well, as you can imagine, russia not pleased, a very close ally of syria. they came out, vladimir putin and his government, calling -- they twisted the rhetoric around a little bit, the allied strike itself a blatant disregard of international law. it was notable, however, kelly, that while the missiles rained down on syria from the allied sources, the russian missile defenses in syria were in check. russian ally syrian president assad sent out his own video tweet of defiance pretending -- pretending like everything was normal, walking to the office, the allies, the countries involved, should remember, though, five years ago assad told fox news directly that he would get rid of those chemical weapons and there have been many terrible attacks since then. back to you, kelly. kelly: greg palkot reporting tonight from london. thank you. a growing number of democrats are criticizing president trump for not seeking congressional approval for last night's military action in syria. house minority leader nancy pelosi saying quote one night of airstrikes is not a substitute for a clear comprehensive serious strategy. the president must come to congress and secure an authorization for use of military force by proposing a comprehensive strategy with clear objectives that keep our military safe and avoid collateral damage to innocent civilians. let's bring in the deputy managing editor for the weekly standard. kelly, thank you very much for joining us tonight. the question that comes to mind, as house minority leader pelosi and senator tim kaine and other leading democrats, they are now blasting the president on his joint military strike on syria. senator kaine even going so far as to call the action reckless. and he says the last thing congress should be doing is giving the president a blank check to wage war. is that an overreaction? or legitimate concern? >> kelly, i think it is a little bit of both. i do think that the president should have gotten congressional approval to strike syria, and the president himself thought so when obama was in the white house as we're seeing some of the many tweets that donald trump tweeted at the time. but let's face it, democrats did not complain and did not seek congressional approval when obama bombed libya. they didn't seek it when bill clinton bombed kosovo. the fact is the united states hasn't made a formal declaration of war since world war ii and presidents of both parties since then have had many military moves. this is not even -- we're talking just about the war power right now. we're not talking about the many other things that the president and congress does that are unconstitutional. you don't see healthcare in the constitution, for example. democrats don't complain about the federal government being involved that. kelly: let's talk a little bit more in term of the constitution. because defense secretary mattis said the president was right to order the strike, under article ii of the constitution because he was defending the interest of the united states. now, many republicans even agree with him on that. even senator minority leader chuck schumer went so far as to support the president's pinpoint attack, but long-term, over sustained campaign, should the president be seeking that authorization? >> yeah, you know, this is one of the most debated issues in constitutional law is that, you know, that war power, article ii, section 2, doesn't say very much. it says the president is commander-in-chief. of course we also have the war powers act which itself is a bit confusing. it says that the president has to get congressional approval but also gives him, you know, a couple months if he doesn't get approval to go back and get approval afterwards. kelly: so basically then is this left up to the discretion of the president and his secretary of defense and his cabinet members based on the material or information and intelligence that they are seeing and then deeming it in terms of being necessary to go ahead and conduct airstrikes or any kind of retaliatory strikes to stop and defend the u.s. interests? >> yeah, i wish i could give you a completely clear answer. some people think -- kelly: apparently there is none. >> exactly, kelly. it is true that if there were an attack on the united states, say, it would be very clear that the president does have the authority to do something in self-defense. now, the question is, is syria using chemical weapons against its people self-defense? that's a tougher question. but again, you know, the fact that we're having this debate i find very interesting because we've had this debate -- we haven't seen this debate so many times in the past. i have to say again i'm not sure this is a constitutional action, but it was a very smart targeted action. and we had some people saying before we're worried that president trump is going to start world war iii. well that didn't happen. i think you are going to have some military action without seeking congress' approval, it has to be something like that, this is very specific, very targeted and doesn't put civilians in harm's way and that's what we saw here. kelly: to be clear, when the president saw what took place a week ago, with the chemical attack, and seeing people die in such a monstrous way, he immediately wanted to do something to protect people from any future chemical attacks and to deter bashar al-assad from conducting these kinds of strikes. but when you look at the united states and hear from members of congress, there's been no reaction in terms of what their criticisms have been there, but apparently no one has taken the time out to say this is heinous. it should not be done. something has to be done about it. so i guess my point is, what are the political ramifications in all of this when the president's critics continue to criticize his behavior in taking the stance to actually make a stand against chemical weapons and then those who support him? how do you bring the two together? >> yeah, that's an excellent point, kelly. you know, we saw this attack happened a week ago. we saw those horrible images. i mean it is heart breaking. you know, children who are suffering under the chemical attack. kelly: anyone should be outraged by seeing those images. >> exactly. president trump said immediately that he thought we should do something. did you see anyone in congress make a move to do something about it? i mean congress had the last week. they knew president trump was thinking about doing something. they saw those images themselves. if they thought this was important and now they are claiming they do of course, they could have done something, but they didn't. and that really is the point here. i think that there's a little bit of political grandstanding going on, but the fact that these strikes were targeted and so successful i think has made it difficult for the president's critics to attack him quite as much as they would like. you know, i have to say, democrats are always wishing that donald trump would poke putin in the eye for some of his bad behavior. i think that in one night donald trump really delivered a real rebuke to putin. russia claims they were going to retaliate. we saw that the anti-aircraft missiles they provided syria did absolutely nothing, and their only retaliation so far was to go to the united nations and quite comically the country that annexed, the violation of international norms, i think with these strikes donald trump has actually made vladimir -- vladimir putin and russia look weaker. kelly: they are certainly taking note of what the president is doing and what he's capable of doing if provoked. we will continue to follow the developments in this. the president saying he didn't want to intervene. he is not interested in any regime change, but he along with french president macron as well as british prime minister may, they would like to do according to them seek to deter and degrade those chemicals -- those chemical weapons plants. so kelly, we thank you as always. >> thank you, kelly. have a great night. kelly: there's another major story out of the middle east as isis is running out of syria. the terrorist fighters are going home, raising bigger and more complex challenges around the world. eric shawn has this story. eric: the terrorists threat from returning foreign fighters is growing and governments are hard-pressed to stop it. that's the conclusion of the united nations report that says the in flow from combat zones is larger, more global, and more varied than ever before. >> -- the whole -- [inaudible] -- is to identify them in time, to locate them in time, and to take care of them, or to protect them or to take care of them in protecting the society. eric: the report by the united nations security council counterterrorism committee paints an alarming portrait of radicalized enemies integrating back into their home countries, often undetected and potentially free to carry out terrorist attacks. it says the largest number came from russia and the former soviet union republics, more than 8,000. 7,000 from the middle east. nearly 6,000 from western europe with only 439 from north america. >> the threat is long-term. and it may be for some even dormant in the sense that the person comes back, even willing to consider reintegration in society and then be triggered by a conflict that may happen two years from now to get back into action. eric: the u.n. is calling on governments to improve tracking of returnees including strengthening passenger information and using biometric data systems to keep tabs on the fighters when they return home. >> the u.s. is protected on both sides by oceans. europe is far more vulnerable, but that doesn't mean that the united states is completely immune. eric: u.n. officials say even though the smallest number of foreign fighters come from the u.s. and canada, that does not mean the threat here is less. the numbers can give americans some comfort, but no protection. at the united nations, i'm eric shawn, fox news. kelly: eric, thank you. the justice department watchdog releases an explosive report that led to the firing of deputy fbi director andrew deputy fbi director andrew mccabe the details and at ally, we offer low-cost trades and high-yield savings. but if that's not enough, we offer innovative investing tools to prepare you for the future. looks like you hooked it. and if that's not enough, we'll help your kid prepare for the future. don't hook it kid. and if that's still not enough, we'll help your kid's kid prepare for the future. looks like he hooked it. we'll do anything... takes after his grandad. seriously anything, to 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sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. be there for you, and them. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. kelly: the department of justice internal watchdog releasing an explosive report that led to the firing of fbi deputy director andrew mccabe. this coming as ousted fbi director james comey gets ready to release a tell-all book. garrett tenney is live in washington with the very latest on the fbi scandals. >> mccabe has claimed all along that he was authorized to release information to a reporter. what got him in trouble is when he lied about doing it. in the much anticipated report, the justice department's inspector general found that mccabe lied to investigators four times about the incident. the report notes that as deputy director, mccabe was authorized to allow bureau personnel to speak with reporters if certain conditions were met. and in this case, the ig determined mccabe did so simply to try and save his own reputation. the report states we concluded that mccabe's decision to confirm the existence of the clinton foundation investigation through an anonymously sourced quote recounting the content of a phone call with a senior department official in a manner designed to advance his personal interests at the expense of department leadership was clearly not within the public interest exception. now, the report also says mccabe believed his former boss comey was under investigation for leaking as well. the former director of the fbi is about to kick off a media tour promoting a new tell all look which includes his depictions of interactions with president trump, and in an interview, with abc news george stephanopoulos, comey talks about one of their first meetings. >> the president elect trump's first question was to confirm that it had no impact on the election and then the conversation to my surprise moved into a pr conversation about how the trump team would position this and what they could say about this. they actually started talking about drafting a press release with us still sitting there, and the reason that was so striking to me is that that's just not done. >> the white house is not letting this go unanswered. yesterday press secretary sarah sanders took some preemptive shots at comey's book. >> the american people see right through the blatant lies of a self-admitted leaker. this is nothing more than a poorly executed pr stunt by comey to desperately rehabilitate his tattered reputation and enrich his own bank account by peddling a book that belongs in the bargain bin of a section. >> as part of his media tour, comey will be on fox news with bret baier april 26th. kelly? >> thank you. hollywood mourning the death of an oscar winning director. how he's being remembered. plus, another state sending national guard troops to the border. what we know about their mission once they arrive. you know what's awesome? gig-speed internet. you know what's not awesome? when only certain people can get it. let's fix that. let's give this guy gig- really? and these kids, and these guys, him, ah. oh hello. that lady, these houses! yes, yes and yes. and don't forget about them. uh huh, sure. still yes! xfinity delivers gig speed to more homes than anyone. now you can get it, too. welcome to the party. kelly: director milos forman known for his work on the oscar winning films one flew over the cuckoo's nest has died. he arrived in hollywood lacking money and speaking little english. but just a few years later, forman's one flew over the cuckoo's nest one five oscars. milos forman was 86. arizona working closely with the trump administration sending national guard troops to the southern border. in a push to ramp up security until the president's wall can be built. >> it's important for everybody here to understand today that border security is a national security issue. and i think the president has demonstrated his commitment to using every available tool and resource is to help us down here on the border. kelly: anita vogel is following the story from los angeles. anita? >> well, hi there, kelly. it is called operation guardian shield and already underway in arizona. the main goal is for the guard to provide support for the border patrol in securing the southern border with mexico. 60 guardsmen have arrived there at that border yesterday. they were greeted by arizona governor doug doocy who was on hand to meet them before they began their mission. he spoke to fox news exclusively about the goals of the deployment. >> there will be lives that will be saved here because we're going to have more boots on the ground. we're going to have more people in the border areas paying attention to the activity that's happening here. >> following his meeting with the guard, governor doocy got an aerial view of the border via black hawk helicopter. the border shared by arizona and mexico is 378 miles long. and reports from the department of homeland security show the number of arrests of illegal immigrants along the southern border has risen roughly 200% over the last year. now, california will soon join arizona, new mexico and texas in sending national guard troops to the border. presidents obama and george w. bush also deployed the national guard, but critics worry this amounts to a militarization of the border and could be a waste of resources. kelly, back to you. kelly: anita vogel from l.a. we wil >> vo: these neighbors are starting right. miracle-gro guarantees results with rich potting mix and essential plant food for three times the blooms. success is sweet. miracle-gro. three times the beauty. one powerful guarantee. you might be missing something.y healthy. your eyes. that's why there's ocuvite. ocuvite helps replenish nutrients your eyes can lose as you age. it has lutein, zeaxanthin and omega-3. ocuvite. be good to your eyes. ♪ with expedia you could book a flight, hotel, car and activity all in one place. ♪ reporter: the pentagon says the airstrikes took out the heart of the syrian chemical weapons program. the strike sparked angry responses from syria's allies. i'm kelly wright. thanks for [national anthem] . our message was crystal clear. the united states is locked and loaded. >>ings were targeted by 105 missiles. they appear to be heaps of rubble. >> president trump's decision sparking reaction from both sides on capitol hill. inspector general released an explosive report regarding the firing of fbi director andrew mccabe. >> you have people calling the number two guy at the fbi give hillary a pass. that's in tirks g report. a real bombshell. >> as james comey gets ready to release a tell-

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