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uniform. we've been reporting pretty much from the beginning that the fiic is investigating this possible terrorism. the victims' families are starting to speak out. the father of marine lance corporal skip wells said his son's death is ironic given his family's long military history. >> when i went to desert storm to liberate kuwait it just happened to be kuwaiti born guy took my son's life. you try to rationalize whatever you can to make it try to make it better but with this there's just no doing it. >> john roberts now live with the news from chattanooga tennessee. john? >> good evening. it's difficult for us comprehend the grief these family members are experiencing. traveling all the way to chattanooga so they could see the outpouring of grief and support for these five heroes. the mother of petty officer of randall smith came to chattanooga to plant some small flags she wrote messages on. when she walked towards this make theft memorial and saw the photograph of her son the reality of what happened hit home for her. overcame her. she was consumed with grief. she was angry her son had nothing to defend himself with. in thornville ohio kip wells the father of 21-year-old lance corporal skip wells said the world has changed to the point where service members now need protection right here at home. >> recruiting centers, actually the reserve centers themselves please give these guys something. give them something just in case you know not everybody, but if they have to have sentries out, obviously, a guy has to crush through a gate to get to them. they have sentries there. that's what i would say. >> the governors of six states are taking measures to at the very least begin to put weapons and sidearms among national guardsmen but that doesn't address the other branches of the military. duncan harris is planning on introducing legislation that would remedy that situation. we'll be following that as well. >> you know i know the shooter's family has spoken out inclutding the president of the islamic society of greater chattanooga says that the dad spoke to him on thursday after the shootings saying that he was so sorry, so apologetic for what this has been done in the islamic community. what else have you learned? >> the family late last night issued a statement offering their condo lens to the families of the five service members who were slain and the one police officer who is still recovering from his wounds writing in part quote the person who committed this horrible crime of not the son we knew and loved. they revealed some insight to mohammod youssuf abdulazeez. for many years our son suffered from depression. that statement now opens up an entirely new line of investigation, was this in fact an act of domestic terrorism or could it be like so many of these other shootings ss simply an act of someone seriously mentally ill. >> we've seen whether or not that proves to be true if there will be changes made is the big question. which narrative would drive the changes that might put arms on some of our soldiers when they are here weapons when they are at home that sort of conversation. would that be thwarted if we go down that road that's been opened up by his family. only the story will unfold the way it is. john roberts, thank you very much. more on those who we lost now including randall smith who survived the initial attacks but as i mentioned moments ago has now died from his injuries. the families remembering all five of them as brave and selfless men who were called to serve. let's go now to national security correspondent jennifer griffith with more. >> reporter: when navy petty officer randall smith came out of surgery he gave his wife angie the mother of his three daughters a thumbs up. he succumbed to his injuries at 2:00 a.m. saturday leaving behind three girls under the age of 7. aavid astros fan smith was recruited to play baseball at ohio defiance college but an injury ended his career prematurely. in the last two weeks the 24-year-old sailor re-enlisted in the navy. he spent three years on the wasp an amphibious assault ship that made navy history when the f-35 warplane landed on its deck for the first time. he became fifth victim in the chattanooga shooting attack along with four marines. more marines were killed in chat hat this week than all of afghanistan this year. lance corporal square wells was the youngest. had only been in the marines for a year and loved civil war re-enactments. he was texting his girlfriend who was planning to visit him when the shooting occurred. she has vowed to become a marine to honor his memory. one of his last texts quote, can't wait any more wells texted. yes you can honey his girlfriend caroline dove replied. he then wrote active shooter. his father asked him what drove him to serve. >> tradition. with everything going on he wanted to help out. and being in the marine corps is where he thought he could do the most good. >> sergeant carson holmquist was 25 years old and deployed to afghanistan twice. he was married and has a 2-year-old son. he played defensive back on his high school football team. >> he had this sense of humor about him. and it just was -- it was just a pleasure to coach him. >> sullivan was in the marine for 18 years bean to retire. he survived truck bombs and mortars in one of iraq's war's worst battles. he received two purple hearts. a large american flag hung outside of his brother's bar. staff sergeant david wyatt from arkansas deployed to iraq and afghanistan leaves behind his wife and two small children among six children going sleep tonight without their fathers. >> to add to the list too a growing list of states governors who have called you mention ad flag that his family has put out for flags to fly at half-staff. on that list tennessee but massachusetts tonight, arkansas. we've reached out to the white house to see what they will be doing as well. thank you. also developing at this hour the iran deal is about to officially hit congress for debate. the 60 day window for the leaders in washington, d.c. whom you elected in your state will get that time to review and vote on the landmark nuclear deal with iran. the countdown starts officially tomorrow. multiple hearings are schedule on capitol hill this week and lobbying both for and against the deal is also well under way. many republicans say i want gives iran a gradual and clear path to a nuclear weapon. secretary of state john kerry defends the agreement. earlier on fox news sunday he said he's hopeful enough lawmakers will see its merits in his view and vote in favor of it. watch. >> we would love to have it approved and hopefully we can persuade enough people. i hope there's enough minds still open ready to consider it on its merits that could be persuaded and we'll work very hard boston us will be on the hill next week. we look forward to this interaction with the congress and we very much hope we can persuade enough people to approve it. >> congress can strike down the deal if they can secure enough votes to override a presidential veto something very early on president obama promised to do if congress sends a rejection to his desk. live report on the congressional review of the iran deal at the bottom of the hour. and donald trump is not apologizing for what he said about republican arizona senator john mccain. here's what he said earlier today on fox. >> i would say if you watched the piece that nothing was said wrong. absolutely nothing. all you have to do is watch. when little snippets are taken out and half sentences and i said it again. i took a big firestorm on immigration now everybody is saying right with the crime pouring through with illegal immigration. >> to catch you up this began with trump speaking to a crowd in iowa and he was taking a jab at mccain's military service record saying war heroes are the ones that were not captured. mccain, of course was a navy pilot during the vietnam war and spent 5 1/2 years in a viet cong prison. some of the presidential candidates have been quick to denounce trump's comments even going so far to suggest he should dropout of the race. hillary clinton weighed in calling truch's comments shameful. the opponents jump on. trump is atop most national polls and very popular. the fox news insiders will tackle this latest trump controversy and what it could mean for his campaign and the rest of the 2016 field. they will join me as always in minutes from now. president george h.w. bush is out of the hospital at this hour. he fell and broke a bone in his neck at his home in maine. bush who is 91 years old did not suffer any neurologic damage. the former president has suffered other medical scares recently. he spent a week in the hospital last december for short of breath and in 2012 he spent christmas after a bout of bronchitis. >> bill cosby is up against new allegations that he sexually assaulted multiple women and admitting a few things. we'll have that from a newly released deposition. >> and a little salty language as he professes he can't believe he escaped. a surfer escaping a close encounter with a shark, punching it in the face. he punched it. he got away. more on that. stay with us. ...gas, bloating? yes! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against occasional digestive issues. with three types of good bacteria. live the regular life. phillips'. put your hand over your heart. is it beating? good! then my nutrition heart health mix is for you. it's a wholesome blend of peanuts, pecans and other delicious nuts specially mixed for people with hearts. planters. nutrition starts with nut. you owned your car for four years. you named it brad. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends. three jobs. you're like "nothing can replace brad!" then liberty mutual calls. and you break into your happy dance. if you sign up for 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(doorbell) what's that? a package! it's a swiffer wetjet. it almost feels like it's moving itself. this is kind of fun. that comes from my floor? eww! this is deep couch sitting. deep couch sitting! >> in a 10-year-old deposition obtained by the "new york times" the comedian bill cosby admitted to paying women he sex with to hide the affairs from his wife. in one case he offered to pay for a young woman's education. another time he funneled money to a woman through his agent. cosby continues to deny any rape accusations. a lot in the deposition. a lot about money. >> bill cosby really went to great lengths to keep these women quiet so his wife camille married since 1964 would not find out about his sexual acts with women. in one, bill cosby offered to pay for the education costs of this woman andrea constant. she filed a lawsuit accusing cosby of drugging her. the lawsuit leading to four days of questioning from constant's lawyer leading to this 1,000 sealed deposition in which cosby candidlye planned to pay for constant's education. she never took the money. when asked how he would explain a personal check to another woman, cosby said my wife would not know it was because andrea and i had had sex and that andrea was now very very upset and that she decided that she would like to go to school and it's a person i would like to help. in another instant cosby paid $5,000 through his agent at william morris agency to keep another woman quiet. >> his wife camille. this is humiliating for her. the big question is consensuality. was it consensual or rape? you said it's 1,000 pages. >> it's talked about. cosby called andrea constant a liar. he said he never drugged her. he described what he called a sexual encounter with constant at his home but said it was consensual. he said i think that i'm a pretty decent reader of people and their emotions in these romantic sexual things whatever you want to call them. he offered his mentorship and career advice as he pursued sex. admits putting powerful sedative drugs called quaaludes. he admits to drug and affairs. despite the allegations of rape from dozens of women he maintains his innocence and yet to be charged. >> he says he's a good read on how these women might have felt but did he ask? >> these were non -- he said that they were gestures in which she did not have to say anything. >> nonverbal. that's the word he used. nonverbal cues. >> so many questions. i have to let you go. i'm sure there's more. >> hundredses of thousands of immigrants in our nation illegally are getting drivers' license and the reason. they are being allowed behind the wheel. and this -- >> some have -- >> a professional surfer live television surviving a terrifying shark attack. yes we get to watch it. what he says happened in those heart thumping seconds. there's nothing more romantic than a spontaneous moment. so why pause to take a pill? and why stop what you're doing to find a bathroom? with cialis for daily use, you don't 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sigh of relief after walking away from a shark attack in south africa. the entire event captured on live tv. >> wow. did you hear that announcer? there's nothing anybody can do. he has to swim for it. nobody else out there. nick fanning was competing in the final round of world surfing event. they reached him. when he was knocked off his board and had to fight off that shark. fanning was quickly pulled from the water as you can see and visibly shaken. amazingly not hurt. in the struggle with what i understand is a great white. watch. >> i felt something grab i had, like got stuck in my leg rope and instantly just jumped like away and then just kept coming at my board and i was like kicking and screaming. >> wow. the surfing final was put on hold. it's set to resume as early as tomorrow. more than half of all new driver's licenses issued in california so far this year have gone to illegal immigrants. how does that happen? that's according to a new report by the dmv which comes after a state law made it possible for people to get those licenses if they can prove their identity and residency. here's the line you need to know. even if they are not here legally. anita, they have to prove residency. they have to prove their identity. what do they show to get a driver's license? >> reporter: that's exactly right harris. they have to prove where they are and where they live. when illegal immigrants show up at the dmv in addition to passing the written and driving test they have to provide documents proving they live in the state of california and show a foreign birth certificate, passport. driving without a license is very stressful. >> even if you know you'll break the law you have to do what you have to do. if you have to go work and make some money you have to do it. >> reporter: these licenses are allowing you to drive illegally but don't use it for federal i.d. you can't board a plane using one of these licenses. >> what are critics saying? >> reporter: critics are outraged. how can a state give out driver's licenses to people who are breaking the law. handing out licenses is dangerous as it's fairly easy for the wrong people to present fraudulent documents and then get that license. >> this is a real boom for criminals to get aget a driver's license. >> reporter: california is now one of ten states plus the district of columbia issuing licenses to illegal immigrants. harris back to you. >> thank you very much. there's a national debate gaining steam at this hour as chattanooga mourns the loss of five servicemen. should men and women in so-called no gun zones, gun free zones be armed to protect themselves from potential attacks. and donald trump facing backlash for saying senator john mccain is only a war hero because he was captured. other presidential candidates going as far to say, trump should get out of the race. the fox news political insiders are getting mic'd up at home base. chime in on twitter and facebook. i'll include you in on the 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include diarrhea nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you're pregnant or planning to be. ask your doctor about otezla today. otezla. show more of you. . i'm harris faulkner. this is the fox report. let's catch you up on what's happening. the state department is delivering the full text of the landmark nuclear deal to congress. their 60 day window begins tomorrow. secretary of state john kerry is already defending that deal. he did so on fox news earlier. he's set to brief lawmakers later this week. >> reporter: harris the supreme leader gave no indication relations between iran and the west are warming. >> translator: when the deal is approved or disapproved we'll never stop supporting our friends in the region and people in palestinian, yemen, sir arkansas iraq about a hanes and lebanon. even after this deal our policy towards the arrogant u.s. will not change. >> reporter: secretary of state john kerry addressed one of the most controversial parts of the deal the arms embargo being lifted against iran. he pushed back in an interview with chris wallace on sunday. >> we have many other sanctions still applicable and we can bring other sanctions to push back against any of their behavior. they are not allowed to send arms to hezbollah. that's a separate resolution. they are not allowed to send sharms arms to shia militia. >> reporter: he needs to address embargo which end in eight years. >> the sale has begun. the opening salvo for the president is if you put rejection up i'll veto it and it's going to be a busy week as i understand for the obama administration to try to sell this further. >> reporter: that's right. in fact defense secretary ash carter just landed in israel israel where he will try to sell the iran deal addressing both israeli and saudi concern. secretary kerry will be on the hill answering questions from skeptical lawmakers. the state department announced today a 60 day review period kicks in on monday. and apac and other pro israeli groups are launching a multimillion dollar campaign to convince lawmakers to reject the deal. they focused on chuck schumer likely next leader of senate democrats. citizens for a nuclear free iran began running this multimillion dollar national tv ad on friday opposing the accord. liberal groups are flooding lawmakers with a stop war campaign. >> we'll have more on iran in a moment. first let's go here. the growing debate on arming our military when they are at home. after the deadly chattanooga shootings in tennessee. governor of tennessee says the issue according to him is not that simple. >> one of the challenges we have is that many of our armory our facilities are federal facilities. we don't want to put them in a difficult position of giving them an order that they can't carry out. >> our political insiders are here. can you join in on the conversation on our fox social pages. doug shone will join us via satellite. and former congressman from new york and ed rollins. your resume gets longer every time i see you. you're a busy man. let's start with tennessee. i don't know if you've been watching some of the tributes all of you but it's been quite beautiful this weekend. we checked with the white house to see when they might be flying a flag at half-staff. just to see what their protocol is. i'm seeing on social media calls for the white house to be red white and blue. we put those calls in. >> the protocol is the president can do whatever he wants to do. put the flag at half-staff. five men who have been in battlefields been wounded. >> a couple of purple hearts. >> it's a different kind of battle but they were killed doing their duty and to a certain extent we should have the flag at half mast. the gun thing is far more complicated. it's what the military needs or wants. we need to secure these places. we need to think of the whole place where we do recruiting. you can have civilians -- the training that military get to become marines who are killed is for rifles. not everybody is trained with guns. at the same time you want to protect them but i think -- >> i heard that argument before. my dad served. you know you can learn just about anything if you need. >> i don't know if this would have made any different. this bad guy shot through the window. so whether you're armed or not is not going stop that. we need bullet proof windows maybe. >> might have gone after him after he d >> they are wounded. how about an mp or two stationed outside these places as security. >> so would you arm them then because having them there without -- >> these are armed. >> and trained. >> could the president just write an executive order and make this happen reverse that law that put into place in the early '90s that your troops would be here with no protection no weaponry. can't he just sign something? >> i think given the circumstances, harris he probably can. but to me there's a larger question that we have to confront. and that is regardless of what we do we have to face the fact that we're facing both a global war on terror and now increasingly a domestic war whether it be from organized groups lone wolves who are inspired by terrorist organizations, and we have to start thinking differently about our security here at home because we're linked to what's going on around the world. >> i have this question today as i was reading one of the statements reportedly from the family of mohammod youssuf abdulazeez. his dad had reached out the the islamic society of greater chattanooga right after the shootings and apologized to the head of that society. it brought up a question in my mind. are they acknowledging that in some way the religion albeit radicalized played a role in this and if so does that give the president room now to say we need our muslim neighbors to step up and to look out for one another. dad said he did not see the changes in his son. >> i think the community should condemn this kind of activity. >> they have. >> they have and they need to continue to do it and do due diligence. it's a complicated issue and the war has come to this shore. military people on streets will be targets. we'll see more of that. we should have finished the job with isis. >> we haven't started it. >> i think to a certain extent the military needs to rethink the protection of these people where they are because they are now targets. >> you don't agree we have even started the fight. >> the strategy ought to be he ought to gather the allies of the united states if we have any left. >> they tried it. >> king of jordan president of egypt, the king of saudi arabia and the gulf states and have them fight isis with our logistical support. they got to fight against bad arabs on arab territory. americans can't always do it and then leave and that have bad guys take over again. the arabs need to keep their own land else the persians will take it and that's what's coming. >> so you're speechless. >> i'm not speechless. i'm startled because i don't think the president will do it. i think he should do it. we need to do what john said we need an administration and we need candidates for president who talk about rallying our allies rather than what i think has happened which is throw in with iran in hopes that by doing the deal not with standing what the supreme leader said today, harris that we do not have an effective alliance with the iranian government which i think is tantamount to disaster. i believe john is making an important pointed, ed as well. we need to fight this fight. it's a central issue in the campaign if not the central issue. >> on twitter, can't you just do something? with all due respect harris isn't that part of the current problem >> actually no. the president has been a very activist second term president especially since last fall's mid-term election. he's done a lot of thing. his ratings are not actually given where we are. he can do a lot of things that he wants and he's done it on immigration and china and cuba and iran. this one, though which would call for condemning radical islam is something that he refuses to do. >> can thereabout a war. >> we've been in a war since 1978. >> on twitter when the top dog refuses -- i assume she means respectfully the president refews to say we're at war, won't identify the enemy on our door step has no strategy what >> since 1978 the revolution took place, captured our embassy, held 52 embassy employees for 444 days. in 1983 they killed 241 marines. that was sponsored by hezbollah. planned by iran. and they've done activity ever since that has been against this country, against our allies there and we basically need to realize that. >> all right. we'll move on and talk donald trump growing calls for 2016 presidential candidate donald trump to get out of the race. who is saying it. we'll talk about it following i had comments about republican senator john mccain and mccain's military record. trump always like this not backing down you can imagine. just could this hurt his campaign if at all? he's atop the polls nationally. we love it when you tune in and chime in. i'm getting your tweets in now. hit us up on twitter and facebook. stay close. alka-seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief. i am totally blind. and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24. learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit a lot of trump fans said you know i like donald trump but this is beyond the pale. that reaction in will be quite widespread and quite damaging. he needs to apologize and i want remains to be seen if he has sense enough to do that. >> does he need to apologize. many of you are weighing online. donald trump refusing to apologize for saying senator john mccain is only a war hero because he was captured. mccain spent 5 1/2 years in a viet cong prison where he was repeatedly tortured. our political insiders are back. you know, it's interesting, when you look at the polling with donald trump, that national polling, let's pop that up on the screen. the big question now is does he apologize or is this kind of who he is now, sned? >> he has unlimited name i.d. he has apprentice show of 6, 7 million. tapped into that anti-washington, anti-establishments thing. i ran ross perot's campaign. he was at 39% and went in six weeks, four weeks he went to 16 and got out of the race. >> because of things he said. >> because of things he said and started to get scrutinize. if you scrutinize trump the way you should. >> you don't think he can answer that? this is a businessman who had a take on the new york immediate arkansas take on other corporations. >> let's see him do it in the course of this campaign. i worked for ronald reagan you should never speak ill of your fellow republicans and he's shooting inside the tent. he's given permission to others to blast him out. ballpark. the critical thing here is he took an american hero a man basically who was the nominee of this party and attacked his credibility and i think that hurts him. >> i would like to slightly alter what ed just said. trump, i think, missed the boat a little bit on where he hit mccain. number one, mccain as a p.o.w. you cannot attack that. the fact that you're captured i mean to me the 590 p.o.w.s that came home were the heroes of all the heroes and always will be. but there's tissue of the other p.o.w.s who didn't come home at the end of the war that we never really talk about. i bring it up every now and then. there was a select committee created by the u.s. senate in '92 and '93 headed by john kerry and the leading republican in the end was john mccain. the two of them were a disaster on this issue and that's fair game to go after them for that because they were elected officials not war heroes in that sense and i think that's where trump should go after him and bring up this issue of covering up the truth about the men left behind. >> that is fascinating. he good for your party >> trump? >> yes. >> i said that off if air. i watched what's happening with trump. he's gone in three weeks from not running, to leading in the polls and making the other candidates this richfield we have look like high school. >> you know what's also happened in that time a guy by the name of bernie sanders who a lot of people -- same self-professed socialist. it's not even in quotes when you mention his name. no one was taking him seriously. now he's getting a sizable amount when you look at would be voters against hillary clinton. so that's happening. is this a good or bad thing for hillary clinton? she spoke out about donald trump. >> yeah. it's an unabashedly negative development for hillary because she wants to cruise to the nomination with as little controversy as possible. what bernie sanders does is to put her at risk in both iowa and new hampshire and to force her to blunt his appeal to move further and further to the left on economic issues involving redistribution but what sanders said on friday was will hillary take on the big banks like goldman sachs, will she come out for the reinstitution of glass ste gal to separate investment from commercial banking. sanders has the biggest crowds on the democratic side and this is a serious threat to her candidacy as john and ed and pat have acknowledged there's so much anger in this country whether trump on the right or bernie sanders on the left they are tapping into a well of support. >> my point is does trump give legitimacy now to a guy like bernie sanders because of that anger. >> first of all one man is not a party. bernie sanders is not the democratic party. he's not the republican party. this is a long process. those of us who have been in this for many years is a long process. it's a long time buff go before voters and ask them to turn out. at the end of the day trump will not do well and bernie sanders won't beat hillary clinton. >> take a look that. so if you wonder why the cries are coming from some of his opponents it might be because if he's out of the race others move into that second place. look. previously he had the percentage or thereabouts that jeb bush would have. >> the ones on the left when you see paul rubio, cruz they went up a few points when trump is out of the race. his 18 that he's getting, he's taking from each of them carly fiorina, that he's getting and adding up to his 18. he goes away they go back. >> doesn't matter. this is a national poll. not a state by state. these campaigns are state by state. at the end of the day trump will not do well. >> jay ryan harris writes on twitter these guys want him out of the race because they are losing in the polls. #makingamericagreatagaintrump 2016. >> circular firing strong demolition derby aspect of this thing. if they have super p.a.c. money and trump is loaded. if they start blasting each other, they are violating the reagan 11th commandment like reagan couldn't have envisioned. they will destroy each other and leave the nominee unelectable. >> quickly. >> simple point. longer trump stays in this race and doesn't apologize the better it is for hillary clinton and the democrats. period. >> that's interesting. dennis green says on twitter trump, he's talking about jobs and that's what people care about. we're coming right back. stay close. then my nutrition heart health mix is for you. it's a wholesome blend of peanuts, pecans and other delicious nuts specially mixed for people with hearts. planters. nutrition starts with nut. iran keeps their nuclear facilities. military sites can go uninspected. restrictions end after 10 years. then iran could build a nuclear weapon in two months. iran has violated 20 international agreements and is the leading state sponsor of terrorism. doug. you've been staring at that for a while, huh? listen, td ameritrade has former floor traders to help walk you through that 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good thing for him to do. the counter point of calling him not being a hero was a little too far. >> we'll move on. let's go pox fast forward now. monday banks in greece will open doors for first time in three weeks as the country struggles to complete the bailout to save off bankruptcy. the withdrawal daily limit is still in effect. tuesday, john kasich expected to enter the presidential race. wednesday, ash carter will meet benjamin netanyahu. he says his visit is meant to deepen military ties between the two nations. remember we're going to give them because of this deal more money for aid. john ed doug. that's where we're going with that. this is the first time we've reached out in person with ash carter since the deal was made. >> makes no difference at all. >> doesn't match the $150 billion they're going to get and use for weapons and to continue to fund. >> some bad actions will be done with the $150 billion we're giving them which is incredible. >> what does it has conversation on capitol hill need to look like this week? are we anticipating they'll join critics of this deal and president would have to veto a suggestion after 60 days? >> that's what president obama is seeking to avoid. i tend to believe that all the political momentum if you will is with the president. >> why? >> because he's got the bulling pulpit. the press on the deal has been at the at least respectable. the opposition only has ideas and arguments. obama has a lot to give reluctant congressmen and senators. it's not impossible. the republicans have to make a compelling case. at this point, i bet this deal goes through. >> wait a minute. the press on the deal has been respectable. did you see how the president handled the question for major garrett on cbs about the major hostages about the deal? >> from his point of view the president did a good job at the press conference defending the deal. he does have momentum. this is among democrats. >> does this frustrate you? >> i disagree. i think the public poll will come out. people don't trust iranians. when facts come out. peek are going to be pal addappalled. will democrats pay attention enough to say we're blowing off obama and side with the republicans? >> some will. some senators will take a hard look at. >> they're going to need 12 democrats to override a presidential veto. i hope they get it. i hope and pray that ed is right. i fear it's not going to happen. >> not going to happen doug. it won't happen because the president has all the power over these democrats to give them roads, hospitals whatever he's got to. >> thanks for being here. that's going to wrap it up for us. see you on "outnumbered" at noon eastern tomorrow. why do i take metamucil everyday? because it helps me skip the bad stuff. i'm good. that's what i like to call the meta effect. 4-in-1 multi-health metamucil is clinically proven to help you feel less hungry between meals. experience the meta effect with our multi-health wellness line. ♪ [music] ♪ 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others can't. mitigating risks across your business. leaving you free to focus on what matters most. coming up the o'reilly factor. before that, a quick round up of news this hour. fbi is digging for answers in the shootings of our service members killed in the rampage in chattanooga. a many memorial is growing. friends and total strangers putting flowers to pay their respects. we learn the sailor who was wounded and survived a couple of days passed away. the fbi is taking the shooter's friend talking to him. that's the person that communicate add with the gunman mohammad youssuf abdulazeez by

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