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To this . Reporter thats right, julie. Two Police Officers shot by a gunman while sitting in the nyu police car. The officers were on myrtle avenue in brooklyn new york. They were rushed to woodall hospital in Critical Condition where they died. According to witnesses, the suspects shot the cops at point blank and than ran in a near by subway station where he shot himself. One witness said two cops yelled everybody get down. And hours earlier, the suspect brenley had shot his girlfriend in baltimore before driving to new york to kill two officers but not before boasting about his plan on a instagram plan. I am putting wings on pigs today. They take one of ours and hash shoot the police. Take two of theirs. And this may be my final post. I am putting pigs in a blanket. That Instagram Account has been shut down. This coming at a time of real tension between the police and minorities, particularly how our communities are reacting. This is a nationwide story that spread in this protest and some very calm and some violent. And Police Officers here in new york city have been targeted as a result. Hi tension indeed after the shooting of michael brown. And particularly here in new york that had a big affect. Last saturday two nypd officers were assaulted. And the police union chief went after mayor bill deblasio for throwing the nypd under the bus. There is protestors and everybody else attitude. And the chief threw the mayor under the bus for not supporting them in the wake of eric garner. And the Community Leaders in brooklyn reacting strongly to the horrific shooting. It is a straj straj for the community. No life is worth being taken and the way that things are going. This was not necessary. And we didnt need this right now and the sad part about it. Somebodys Family Member will not go home today. Reverend al sharpton spoke to the Garner Family and we are outraged by the early reports of the Police Killed in brock lintoday. It is. Two officers were dead today and the motive and how this could come about and well get more information on the press conference. Mayor deblasio and the Police Commissioner expected to be any moment. Breaking news in new york city. Two Police Officers on antiterrorism patrol which is common in the holidays, we have a number of extra police present in new york city streets. Every block you can see dozens of them. They are like our military and the top notch in the world and two of them innocent and brave men were shot down, point blank execution style by a man soaking revenge. Former new York Police Detective patrick brosnan. I am so sorry we are talk under these circumstances. This is a huge loss for the nypd. You wered there 14 years and you know the area well . Two things, i worked in the south bronx where these officers worked in the fourth decision and i worked in a sister command. You mentioned errorously that it was a man involved. He is not a man. He was a coward and savage and absolutely no sense at all that he was anything manly. This was a barbaric act. They were having their lunch in a radio car and working as Civil Servants when they were slaughtered in a doubt slaughter. Worst in 20 years when eddy burns was slaughtered in hisro car watching a witness in queens. This is horrific. What do the cops do. Is there a of copycat crimes . They go to work and brekt the people and they serve nobly and professionally. Is there a chance for copycat . Absolutely. And individuals and people deranged and a mission against Law Enforcement can be influenced by the barbaric and cowardly act. Here is another fear. There are millions that come and visit here in the holidays now. How do cops protect themselves from this kind of violence . If you imagine the number of cops versus the number of residents and visitors. They are outnumbered. How can they prevent it from happening ever again. The vast majority of the people are law abiding and terrific citizens and never would engage in a savage behavior. But the toiny number of murdering cowards like this individual. It is minute fractions of the people in new york city. The police are new yorks finest and aptly named and will continue to preserve and protect the people of the great city and make no mistake about it. You look at the record bocks when eddy burns was slaughtered sits watching a witness. This will shift the landscape of Law Enforcement on its a xis. There was not a horrific crime like this since may of 73. It was the siege in new york by the black panthers and again in 88. This is unspeakable. We are waiting for the mayor to come out and address the vowers and we want to know what happened and how did this man enter new york city and viciously take the lives of two innocent officers serving new york city. And i refer to them as our military. They keep the city safe. And the police ror officers are to thank for that. Something came in from the Police Association. The person i am about to quote represents the federal officers and not the nypd. But this person has issued a statement to fox news, the Police Association blaming the mayor. New york mayor deblasio for the shooting. Jay abler who had this to say. Mayor deplaceio been forceful when the lieutenants were attacked. They targeted our herroric brother and sister in new yorks finest. What do you think about that . I think it is premature to speck out. We dont know issues relevant to the shooter. Was he part of a broader scheme or motivation. The fact is this, the mayor sets the tone and if you want to go loosy gosy in the city and disregard the laws and if you want if not encourage law breaking. But stand by and condone it, that sets the tone and landscape, and very often you reap what you sow. And you have an individual twisted as he was. We dont know anything at this juncture may have had the sense and conviction that it was the time to strike. And it is a absolute nightmare and a sad testament to the state of affairs in new york city, coming in to christmas in 2014. It is apparently he had a long rap sheet and criminal background. Consoled weapons and violent behavior. And we are still trying to work on his motives and he happen to just shoot his girlfriend. Maybe it was not all about the cops, he had a violent history. He injured his girlfriend and god only knows what he was thinking and set off to new york. I disagree with you. The fact that he may or may not have shot his girlfriend is nonrelevant than the issue of the shooting two uniformed. Dont get me wrong. It was a clear intention. The pictures that he put on instagram showing his leg and shoe right after the shooting and hes referring to them as pigs and not only a coward in coming in here and taking the lives of two bravest but then the life and killed himself because he couldnt face the rap. It is critical to understand when there is a attack on the Police Officer. But there is no room for error in uniform and marked radio car. It is a strike in the heart of civilization and fiber of society. It is the worst i have ever seen. And i was around in 88 and it was my birthday and i remember it clearly. This will resonate for a very long time and this will shift Law Enforcement response. Not good stuff. It is not only the strike in the hearts of those who serve. But it is a strike in the heart of new yorker ares and proud to call themselves new yorkers. We look at the cops and they are heroes. Like what you said earlier. The inif i tis mal, it is not relevant in the terms of response. And so it is horrible. Pat, please stand by. We are are waiting for a News Conference and mayor and Police Commissioner are expected to come out and speak and we want to know about the breaking story and more information coming in about the suspect and a motive was made clear. Well have more and the News Conference will be happening any minute from now and well carry it for you live as it begins. Some people are exiting the rom and well have a delay. Well have more when it happens. Stay close. With Contour Detect Technology that flexes in 8 directions for the perfect shave at any angle. Go to philips. Com new to save up to 40. Innovation and you. Philips norelco. Thats all i crave. E thats where this comes in. Only nicorette gum has patented dualcoated technology for great taste. Plus nicorette gum gives you intense craving relief. 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We are waiting for the nypd to hold a News Conference on the execution of two Police Officers sitting in their police car. They were on Anti Terrorism duty and having lunch parked in the car when a man out of no where walks up to them and point blank shoots them in the head execution style. We learned that the alleged shooter shot himself and not before posting two pictures on Instagram Account. He wrote in a caption, that he was going to carry out a mission to a venge eric garner and michael brown. He wrote i am putting wings on pigs today. We are waiting for the Police Commissioner and mayor. And moving and switching gears in a moment, well get back to the top story that we have talked about. Sony pictures responding to president obamas comments calling the pulling of a movie a mistake. The embattled studio caving in and not releasing the interview. It is a comedy about an assassination plot. And they are blamed for crippling the attack and calling it groundless slander and times up with the United States for the investigation. President obama is in vacation in hawaii. What was the president up to today . Reporter well, julie, president obama played a round of golf in the first full day of christmas vacation in hawaii. His administration is dealing with theuation of soiber attack by north korea. North korea denied involvement in the attack. But the National Council said the fbi made chlor, we are confident that the north korea government is responsible for the destructive attack. President obama said the u. S. Will respond to the hacking attack on our time and place and porportional. But one option is putting north korea back on the countries that sponsor terrorism. North korea denied involvement and asked the u. S. To conduct a joint investigation with with the u. S. To find it is attackers. The administration said if north korea wants to help, they should admit what they have done. What is the latest on sonys cancellation. There was an interesting back and forth between the president and head of sony. The president said it was a mistake by sony to it scrap the movie. Michael linton said he was left with no choice when the movie theaters said they would not play the film. Hes mainly worried about the message that the cancellation sends. We cant have a society in which some dictator someplace, can start imposing censorship here in the United States. And the white house seemed to soften the stance with sony today. They were pleased with the deputy secretary and they were pleased that sony was taking it. They release it to the public for free and put 75 million in the production and promotion of the film. Thank you very much. And president obama wushs sony had spoken to him before pulling the the interview. Tweet me your ideas and i will read them later in the show. We have new information on the Rolling Stones article on the alleged Sexual Assault in the university of virginia in 2012. Emails show that Rolling Stones fact checker didnt ask about the incident and the a cowsers stories. But asked how the school handles Sexual Assault complaints. The magazine said the internal review is ongoing. We are going to get to the News Conference. Well update you on the breaking story and we are waiting for the Police Commissioner to talk about the big breaking story that hit home not only in new york but all over the country. And anyone who lives in a city protected by your Police Department and Fire Department can sympathize for those who put their lives out there and put themselves in the line of doubt much like the men and women of the military. But they do it here at home. In a city with millions of tourist and hoping to spfrns amazing memories. Two cops sitting in a cop car on Anti Terrorism doubt. And our anti terror task forces the best in the world. And they are out there tri fold. And you have dozens of cops to protect citizens and new yorkers. You have someone who travels a distance from the south. And came here to shoot and bragging about it on instagram. He posted those pictures just throw hours before putting two bullets if not more point blank execution style into the heads of innocent Police Officers sitting in their cop car in bedsty, brooklyn. I think what most deturbs all of us. There will never be justice served because a coward who took the lives of two Police Officers, ran into the subway and shot himself in thats right, julie. The only thing we can do is wait and so what mayor deblasso and bile brayton will say. We have point to it based on the Instagram Account. What is the motive and it is take innocence and we say it because the event is terrible on its face. But it is happening in a time with increased tension and in the city of new york. Nypd versus everybody else. And it is obviously what happened after the death of eric guarder. And we had it by seven. And they both condemned the attack and moving forevered. You had the patrol mans benevolent. Who called the attack on mayor deblasio what he mayor throwing the boast urched the best. And patrick called for it for to not have mayor deblaeso and coming up to the funerals. Nrnths mayor deblasio said that is insignary is shes. Can it is important to so the actses this anden really reason to explain that. It is important to understand the mows mos convent and you are going about if. Thank you for that report. And those towning in. We are waiting on a news kfrps. For those wanting us here in. They are live in the this afternoon, i heard of the they are caught or media. And for the media to be up in the air, that means something bad happen. Reporter it is it a massive scene out here in brooklyn and several blocks are shut down and so many officers are out here. Hundreds of officers out here. This happen before 3 oclock this afternoon. And the two officers were sitting in the patrol call when a coward and killer snuck up and fired. According to several nypd sources that i spoke to it, he never exchanged words. He just fired in the windows and executed them. And he hit the officers in the period. That suspect ran down in the g train. And he ten turned the gone on himself. So many Police Officers and ever since the eric guarder and it is something that no one expected to help here. Back to you. And we talk more about what was going on in the shooting . Do you know if they were having lunch or parked or distracted. Do we know what they were doing at the time. They were sitting there as part of an overtime anti time or security post that should have been are you tone pacontrol. A Council Member was having lunch. That is not confirmed and the suspect was wearing cargo just been to i was told on the passengers side. And the patrol car. They never had a chance to react before he wurn wendos were they dono the witnesses said 4 or 5 ron before he took off. Do know before he. Someone sme as he shot he ran. He started to fire in the pleads officers and before throw oclock. He himself was dead. Thesz than two meeting and two young officers lost their lives. One of them only in the force four years and the other in two years. They were cut down senselessly. I have spoke to Community Members out here and as part of what went on in the nations. It is horr ebl that Something Like that stay with us for the News Conference set to teas place at sic oclock. The Police Officer and mayor are expected it talk about the. It is a revenge motive as the alleged shotter posted pictures on Instagram Account and he stay right there. Im jane and i have copd. Im dave and i have copd. Im kate and i have copd, but i dont want my breathing problems to get in the way my volunteering. Thats why i asked my doctor about breo. 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They take one of ours and well take two of theirs. Confirming with this may be my final post. The gunman was a fugitive that murdered his girlfriend in baltimore saturday morning. Minutes after the officers were shot he was shot and took his own life. Cops are now looking into exactly how he got here and how he pulled this off. And again, two officers, one of which only had four years on the force, and the other two, rookie cops if you would. Sit nothing a cop car and they were shot in the head and didnt have a fighting chance. Brian, what more are we hearing, anything new . No, we are waiting for the press conference and we will reiterate what we have heard from the reporter down on the ground on fox five. There were 4 or 5 shots from what we hear from the witnesses and the gunman name is reported ismael, who is a gang member from baltimore he shot and killed his girlfriend and drove up here in brooklyn in the neighborhood where he took it upon himself to shoot two policemen who were on patrol. A routine anti terror patrol. The suspect shot them point blank in the head and ran into a nearby subway station. Witnesses said they were waiting for the train and heard what appeared to be arguing and the two cops yelled everybody get down and then after that, the suspect brensly. Well try to get the time line of events. The information is coming in quick. Two officers on are you tone Anti Terrorism patrol sitting in the car and on the corner, just a few feet away from the entrance from the g train. The gunman shots them in the head and the coward then runs in the subway station and takes his own life. And well have a News Conference with the mayor and he has a controversial past with the recent protest that have happen and then funerals that he was not asked to attend. If you could give background. That will be in the minds of many as they watch this News Conference. After the eric garner choke hold death by a Police Officer and the grand jury deciding not to indict. There has been tension. The mayor office and police chief Patrick Lynch. And the mayor said they had to train their biracial son to walk around the city and deal with the cops. Because the cops engaging in racial profiling. That led Patrick Lynch to come out with a petition, all of those Police Officers and saying that the mayor cannot come to their funerals if they die in the line of duty. That was a strong, strong message put out by the police union chief. And the mayor said that was insigneerary language. The mayor supported the violent protest and using his personal son as a example of racial profiling that they have experienced from the nypd. And you also have the nypd themselves, the police chief saying you are not staying with us. Yesterday, we had people on the streets of new york city protesting with i can breathe shirts and chant for protestors supporting eric garner. He yelled out, i cant breathe 11 times in the video when he was put in the choke hold by the Police Officer in staten island. You have an atmosphere where the police are pitted against everybody else. Well see what the mayor deblasio comes out and said regarding that. Protestors themselves said our issue with the nypd. We dont think they are racial. But the broken windows policy. Essentially means that any small crime can lead to bigger crime. If you stop the small crime like eric garner selling the cigarettes illegally you can stop the bigger crimes. Policing tactics in the heart of what the protestors have and the protestors versus the nypd and then this. And who knows what that will do to the tension and atmosphere in the city and country. Rob wheeler is a former dc homicide detective and fox news contributor, and rod, this is the worst scenario of cops being murdered in this city according to pat who spoke with me in 26 years. You are right. I have been following the case since it occurred. And pat was 100 percent correct. This effect every Police Officers in the United States. One of the reasons i am following this case, Police Officers these days, need to be careful while out there on the street. We have people who have certain feelings about certain things that occurred over the past few months as we know. And these people are out to take advantage of it this was a crazy Police Officer. I can tell you the reason they were out there. They were out there on detail. They were on the Anti Terrorism detail. They were protecting the bedsty area of new york against terrorist. And while they are sitting in their car doing what they were sworn to do, this nut case walks up to the two officers who had nothing to do with eric garner or the case in ferguson and shot them point blank range. I think going forward, these politicians and other folks likes alsharpton need to be careful with the language they use. It is troubling because when you think about it, what they are telling people to do is to fight back against the Police Department and what we saw today in my opinion is the result of the language that is used by the so called leaders in the communities in which they serve and represent and this guy took out his aggression on the officers. Here we go. The News Conference is about to begin. Mayor and Police Commissioner speaking about the two execution style deaths. Lets listen. All set . The mayor and i have just come with visiting from the family of the two murdered Police Officers. Which i have great emotion and great passion. And so please bear with us as we try to bring some sense to the madness that occurred this afternoon in the streets of brooklyn. It is sometimes difficult to find the words to speak to events like those that occurred today and try to make sense of them but well try. Today two of new yorks finest was shot and killed with no warning, no provocation. They were quite simply assassinated and targeted for their uniform and the responsibility they embraced to keep the people of this city safe. Approximately 2 47 p. M. These officers, lou and ra ph a el rams on was assigned to a Critical Response vehicle in the confines of the 79 precinct. Crv is used for Counter Terrorism operations, we also assigned some vehicles to Housing Developments throughout the city elements that have seen an increase in violence early part of the year. Like the tomkins houses where the officers were stationed. While sitting in a parked nypd police car and in full uniform they were ambushed and murdered in the bedsty, brooklyn, new york city. Both officers were assigned to 84 precinct and part of the Crime Reduction strategy to address complaints from the the housing development. Officer rams on in the driver seat and officer lou in the front passenger seat beside him. Cording to the witness statement suspect 28 year old ishmael brenslee walked up to the police car and fired the weapon several times through the front no audio he took a shooting stance on the passenger stance and fired his weapon several types through the front passenger window and striking both officers in the head. Officer lu, and officer rams on never had the opportunity to draw their weapons and may never have actually sewn the assailant or murderer. Other officers assigned to the post, immediately pursued brensly southbound. And he turned westbound on myrtle avenue and fled in the willowby street subwayitation and proceeded down stafrs on the westbound subway platform and on the platform, he shot himself in the head. Silver automatic was recovered on the platform near the body. Officers lu and rams on was transferred to the hospital. Despite every effort to save their lives, both officer ares succumbed to their injuries. On the behalf of the new york city Police Department i extend my condolences to the lu and rams on families and nypd. Both officers paid the ultimate sacrifice. The suspect was transferred to the brock linhospital where he was pronounced dead. I want to thank at this point the doctor and trauma staff to will valient efforts to resuscitate our officers. Background information leading up to the murder of the two officers today. 5 45 in baltimore county, maryland. A female believed to the suspects former girlfriend was shot and seriously wounded at the residence. They received information from the victims mother that brensley was posting on the victims Instagram Account. And further information showed that he may have had associations with the east flat bush area of brock lin. Baltimore authorities sent a fax, a warning and wanted flyer to the nypd and other agencies. Tragically this was at the same time as our officers were being ambushed and murdered by him. Tragical willy, too, this is not the first time the department has seen violence. Seven times since 1972, we have seen partners murdered together, often in an incident, mindless assassinations without warning. Our officers know this from memorial walls in precincts and head quarter ares and from the stories they hand down, nevertheless, they do what we expect of them. They grief and mourn, but then they go out on the streets of the city and work to keep it safe every day and night. We have never and never will forget that mission. We will never forget the two young men who lost their lives today. Mr. Mayor . Thank you, commissioner. Our city is in mourning. Our hearts are heavy. We lost two good men who devoted their lives to protecting all of us. Officer rams on and officer lu, died in the line of duty, protecting the city they loved. Our hearts go out to their families, to their comraids in arms in the 84 precinct. And the larger family of the nypd. We honor the emts and doctors and nurses and everyone who tried to save their lives and couldnt. And i want to thank everyone who came here today to support these families that are in such pain right now, all of the leadership of the nypd, and the elected officials that are here and i thank them in coming here in solidarity with the grieving families and our Police Department. Although we are still learning the details, it is clear it was an assassination and these officers were shot execution style, particularly despicable act that goes at the very heart of our society and democracy when a Police Officer is murdered, it tears at the foundation of our society. It is an attack on all of us, it is an attack on everything that we hold dear. We depend on our police to protect us against forces of criminality and evil. They are a foundation of our society and when they are attacked, it is an attack on the very concept of decency. Therefore, every new yorker should feel they were attacked and our entire city was attacked by this heinous individual. Even though the assailant took his own life, well be vigilant for any information about anyone else who might be involved. This is a point to make clear to all of my fellow new yorkers, that any time, anyone has information that there might be an attack on the police or act of violence directed in any Police Officer, it is imperative that that be reported immediately. You heard the commissioner outline the tragic time line, but anybody who sees a posting on the internet or any other indication of an intention to attack the police must report it immediately. Call 911 and report to a Police Officer about whatever the situation that information must get in the hands of the police immediately and so we can protect the lives of our Police Officers and in fact all of us since they protect all of us. There is a sadness that is very, very hard to describe. Commissioner bratton has felt it many times and i have felt it many times and we met the Family Members and we met parents of officer lu. The woman he recently married. We met the wife of officer rams on and his 13yearold son who couldnt compreend what happened to his father. And with other Public Servants and leaders of this Police Department we prayed over the bodies of these two officers and i ask that all new yorkers pray for them and pray for their families. It is it a moment of terrible loss and a moment when we come together to support these families. And support healing. And to be thankful that there are heroes amongst us like officer ramos and lu. I would like to say a few words in spanish as well. speaking in spanish . Well take a few questions from you. [inaudible question] there is no more emotional time in the life of a Police Officer in policing than when a death occurs. The death of this nature, an assassination, that its, its unlike any other type of emotion that is hard to deal with. It is hard to get your arms around. The grief that the mayor and i just experienced with the family is going through and i met with the officers from the 84 precinct the department of the two sdoesed officers tis not easy. And not easy at all. I dealt with it many times in 44 years and you hope never to experience it again. The idea of a double tragedy. The idea of coming in christmas week and celebrate birth and a birth that changed history for 2000 years and instead in this city and in this department we are going to be mourning and we are going to be dealing with the death of two young men who fulfilled their dreams to be Police Officers and one officer married two months ago. And the other officer, officer ramos was a School Safety officer before fulfilling the dream of being a new york Police Officer. And his birthday on december 12th. You try to make sense out of it and you really cant. It is it a tough time for the men and women of the department and tough time for the new york city Police Department. They will go out and they will do what we expect of them. Thats what cops do. And it is not easy. [inaudible question]. There were postings apparently by the individual we believe on instagram, the Instagram Account of the woman that was wounded in baltimore. And that is part of our investigation to determine what was the motivation to the best of the our understanding. And so those instagram postings which were anti police based on the briefing that i and well seek to go over time to the suspects life as to whether there were other postings and whether he had accounts of his own and ones that we are aware of this afternoon as he was coming to new york and those are part of multiple investigations that are underway to try to make sense out of what was his motivation to come to new york and murder two new york city Police Officers. [inaudible question] that is a part of what we will attempt to determine, some of the postings which i understand that are out there, would seem to indicate that he had a strong bias against Police Officers and as to whether that was the principle motivation or whatever went on with the girl friend this morning, well try as part of our investigation to put together what was the actual motivation. [inaudible question] im sorry . The latest residence was in georgia. He appears to move around and got a girlfriend in baltimore and comes to new york to murder two new york Police Officers and had some connectivity to brooklyn. But i will not go into that. We are trying to put together his movements and where he has been over the last months and days. Excuse me, one at a time, please. [inaudible question] we have no sense at this time that there is any connectivity to terrorist groups, an act of terrorism. We see nothing of that nature at this particular time. They are trying to learn as much as we can about this individual. Are there others like him . We are concerned about that. You may recall after four young officers were attacked by an individual with a hatchet, our investigation indicated that was an act of terrorism and that individual was inspired to commit that act by continual canvassing of website and particularly websites increasingly over the last couple of weeks of his life. And we put out notices similar to what the federal government is putting out about the growing lone wolf attacks and encourage our officers to work in pairs and increase security around the station houses. And one of the unfortunate realities of policing is that you put that blue uniform on, and you become part of that thin blue line between us and anarchy and sometimes we are victimized as certainly what happened today. Motivation, that is what we are attempting to investigate. Mr

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