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You love it so much. Yes you do but its good for you,too. [announcer] healthful. Flavorful. Beneful. From purina. Fox urgent. One of the nations most secure locations, the home of the president of the United States suffering a pair of Security Breaches in less than 24 hours. Getting in the white house is as running through the front dor. This happen just minutes after the first family left for camp david. The tourist standing feet away and a man wearing a black church and hopping the white house fence and running to the home and making it inside. The man was caught once inside and unarmed and one officer had his gun pointing at him but were told he didnt pull the trigger because he could tell the suspect did not have a weapon on him. Much of the residence was evacuated and the secret service swept it for clues. And then a man taken into custody after refusing to stop in a barricaded entrance. This is raising head scratching tonight. Was the door to the white house really unlocked . Elizabeth, what aun changes wer made for security precautions . Reporter we just heard from the secret service and they are ordering a comprehensive review. A physical assessment of the site and personnel and will be submitted to Homeland Security secretary jay johnson and along pennsylvania avenue, security has been enhanced and the white house is writing in part, the president has full confidence in the secret service and grateful to the men and women who protect himself and his family and the white house. Julie. What is the mood there now . Reporter security has been heightened just on the heels of what happened last night. We have seen the man charging the white house doors and visitors who are looking for a photo of the white house and met with screaming guards and incidents of a similar nature ended abruptly because of an alarm alert. And dog units are typically released and the dogs were not let loose tonight and today security and the plaza in front of pennsylvania avenue was closed for a couple of hour us due to another security scare. Around 3 oclock new jersey man, kevin carr attempted to enter the barricade. They arrested carr and he was charged with unlawful entrow. The white house has seen a number of security attempts. You may remember back in 2009. Michael and trexall slipped past two secret Service Checkpoints for a official state dinner. And one man fired 30 rounds from a semiautomatic rifle and one bullet hit a window and another man crashed the small plane on the white house lawn. That man died but no one in the white house was hurt. I will be speaking to former secret Service Agents that protected george bush and barak obama. And the manuio who killed trooper and wounded another is leading the police in the swamp land. Police are closing off cabins and other structures. People in the area warned to stay indoors as the manhunt heats up. This is after shots were fired near by. 31yearold fren is a survivalist with a grudge against Law Enforcement. Brian, what are you hearing about todays search. Reporter julie, police are silent on the search details. They believe freed may have access to news reports. Checkpoints are set up in the neighborhood where he has been hiding since thursday. We dont know how large the search area is. Swat team members and men in cammo and search dogs are entering in the neighborhood and they are thoroughly searching cabins and vacation homes in and around the neighborhood. It is about a mile away where he lived with his parents in his home and 25 miles away from where he ambushed two state troopers and killing one. And shots were heard in the neighborhood. We dont know if they were exchanged with him. People were told to stay indoors and away from windows and the police are urging the same today. Some residents are staying in shelters and some in the cars. The community is made up of hunters and they know how hard a search here can be. Hes from around here and knows the woods and knows where to hide and where to go. They are searching an area whether hes outnumbered or not, he has an upper hand because he knows the woods better. I hope they catch him soon so we can go back to our lives and go back home. It is night fall and a gunman that knows the woods is still on the loose. What more do we know about freen. Reporter he is known to have taken part of cold war elements. And a skilled marks man and a top member of the rifle team. His father said he is a better marksman than he was and he doesnt miss. Hes believed to have a grudge against Law Enforcement, but we dont know the specifics. He is on the top ten mostdci÷ wd list and a 175,000 award is information to lead to an arrest. Thank you so much. In the fight against isis as the white house continues to build the coalition. The pentagon confirmed five more air targets inside of iraq. And news of more territorial gains by Kurdish Forces against isis. Fighters recanturing a bridge and military bridge near the Northern City of irbil. Turkey has secured the release of 49 hostages held by militants. They were held captive since the consulate was overrun. They were greeted by a huge crowd in turkey today. Heres more from the mideast. Turkeys used their own methods to csecower the releas of 39 consulate workers. He would not elaborate. The hostages reunited with their families earlier today. They were held since june 11th when they were over run. Whether their release changes syrian kurds in the past 24 hours. Turbish Officials Say the borders open to refugees are secured to keep isis militants out and possible fighters from leaving. But there are reports that isis is rekrauting mill tans in the country. They are continuing to hold britishfa÷ aide worker. But abumohammed called for the mans release and said islam forbids harming nonmuslims that are aid workers. But they said military action should not be the only action but a comprehensive strategy confronting militants in the middle east julie. Thank you so much. As our strategy isis intensifies there is report of we should have left troops in iraq. Well try to read your answers later in the program. Rightye0z now, the hunt is on five escaped inmates and where they may be today and why police are calling them armed and danger. A person of interest after a quest of the missing student. What investigators are now saying about her disappearance. . I have bayer aspirin. Im not having a heart attack, its my back. I mean bayer back body. It works great for pain. Bayer back body provides effective relief for your tough pain. Better . Yeah. Thanks for the tip whenwork with equity experts who work with regional experts who work with Portfolio Management experts thats when expertise happens. Mfs. Because there is no expertise without collaboration. Armed and dangerous. Thats the word for police on escaped inmates who broke out of jail near fres no, california. All five are gang members. Juan lopez held for robbery and attempted murder. And the local anditate and federal agents are helping for the search and asking if you have information on the men, call the Madera County sheriffs office. A quiet college town on edge asc a search for a missing student enters the second woke. Hannah graham was seen walking alone. A person of interest was seen walking behind her on surveillance video. The police chief is pleasing for more information. Leland joining us now. Hi, julie this is the last place she was seen on surveillance tape. It was a busy pedestrian mall and the same place they got surveillance images of a man six feed with dread locks and saw him 1 15 put his arm around Hannah Graham and lead her to a restaurant and after searching him police dont have enough information to make an arrest. You live in the city of charlottesville and attend the university of virginia and if that young lady touched your life, you have a responsibility to help us find her. Students are taking that responsibility sourcely and giving up their saturday to come out and search not only for Hannah Graham but any type of evidence that issoused in this case. Not only it happen so close to me and where i live. And i was walking home alone all of the time. Reporter Police Brought out scent dogs to figure out where Hannah Graham and that suspect went. The jowlry store is where the surveillance tape comes in where you last see hannah on tape. Obviously now trying to solve that mist row where did she go next. I will be hopeful until we find hannah. Reporter Going Forward they dont have new leads right now to go on for the search. But they are looking at a couple of things. One is electronic records and something from the the cell phone. She sent a text message saying she was lost to a friend and they are going to try to triangulate the records and figure out if her cell phones hid other towers. I cant imagine what the two weeks. There is a history of the disappearances there. Do police think they are connected . Reporter there is a history. Five girls in the past five years disa pored and one of those girls was found dead. You have to understand the history that goes into the town here, we have seen two of the mothers have been here in the vigil and press conferences and trying to provide comfort to the graham family. Often types only parents of people who lost child know what the graham are going through as they are waiting through the days and weeks that their daughter is missing. One Law Enforcement person put it every hour that goes by it locks worse. Thank you very much. A mother makes a desperate plea for her sons life. What she is saying. And cabbo san luca s after being devastated by a category hurricane. People are hoping to stop the ram pant looting. Would happe. If energy could come from anything . Or if power could go anywhere . Or if light could seek out the dark . What would happen if that happens . Anything. Kaba6tg when you compare the top speed of dsl from the phone company with the top speed of comcast business internet. Kaba6tg well, theres really no comparison. Why pay more for less . Call today for a low price on speeds up to 150mbps. And find out more about our twoyear price guarantee. Comcast business. Built for business. Just in to the fox nows room, the family of a british man held hostage is pleading for his release. Isis has threatened to behead him. And his wife releasing a statement saying in part. When he was taken, he was driving an ambulance full of food and water to be handed out. His purpose was no more and no less. This was an act of sheer compassion. More signs of progress in ukraine asq separatest agree to make sure the sos four hold. There are more reports of fighting. Ukraine said 20 peoplec were killed and in the city donetsk there was explosions. They are not sure what caused the blast. A convoy of vehicles was spotted. 200 trucks arrived in donetsk containing humanitarian splois. And chaos in a nation that spent years fighting terrorist. Our top story as we around the world in 80 seconds. Yemen mortar shells slamming in homes and a hospital is destroyed as heavy fighting entered the third day. Four civilians were killed. Rebel militants are trying to capture the city airport and a military base. The u. S. Carried out several air strikes in yemen. Mexico, neme kabo lucas setting up bon fours. Most of the Research City is without power and debrie and destroyed homes litter the landscape after the hurricane struck with 150 Miles Per Hour winds. China, watch that first step. Adrenalin junkies taking the lip. Their target is a bulls eye on the ground 1200 foot below. The biggest part in the worl that is a wrap. The family of one of the four victims killed in a benghazi terrorist attack is now suing and going after the state department in court. Nfl commissioner roger good ell not quite calming. I said it in august 28th and i say it now. I got it wrong in the handling of the ray rice matter. I am sorry for that. For you . Just take a closer look. It works how you want to work. With a Fidelity Investment professional. Or managing your investments on your own. Helping you find new ways to plan for retirement. And save on taxes where you can. So you can invest in the life that you want today. Tap into the full power of your fidelity greenline. 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Police arresting a driver for refusing to stop in a barricaded entrance this afternoon. I am joined by dan, a signed to the president ial detection provision for president bush and president obama. He is a candidate for Republican Congress in maryland. Very disturbing news first of all. Two instances in the white house in 24 hours. The statement said the president has full confident in the secret service. The secret service own director ordered an investigation. Saying location was not acceptable. No question, this is definitely a failure of the security protocol. And what i find surprising and the director and everybody else in the secret service, it is not a simple security plan. When this individual jumped the fence, everything seen and unsewn there, he managed to get through all of them. And the ira once said when they tryed to kill margaret thatcher. We only have to be lucky once and you have to be lucky every day. The secret service was lucky he didnt have a weapon and the intruder was lucky he jumped over the fence that exact time. It was a poroutcome fori]w both but the secret Service Officer did not shoot because he could tell he was not armed. How could he tell he didnt have a gun. In Law Enforcement. Only thing that shoots is foots and hands. You can see their hands they dont have a weapon. How do we know he didnt have one in his waist band. But the secret service are not endowed with powers. It is a Law Enforcement officer like anyone else. It doesnt mean he can takedown a subject because he thought he they are subject to the same rules and regulations and we saw with the incident with the car and engaged with the shooting. The car was engaged in trying to hurt someone. Representativecn chavez told the fox producer that secret service should shoot all white house jumpers. You jump the fence you get shot and that sends a message. Should the white house shoot the intruders. We are not allowed to shoot fence jumpers. We are federal agents and responsible for protecting the constitution and not trampling on it. Now having said that. There are common sense security measures enhancements going to take place. And altering the fence and making it difficult to cloim. We have had the battleftjx with staff eons. And listen the president needs to be accessible to the public but not invite a fence jumper. You and i could jump the fence. It is not that difficult. It is time to enhance the fence. I am sorry, for this to happen in two times. This never happen in my building. I am more confident here than the secret service there. The prisoners have a harder time escaping from prison. You should not be able to jump the fence at the white house. Secret service admitted to mistakes. And that cant happen or you wind up with dead president. And what if bad guys jumped the fence and they didnt shoot and had explosives. Then what . Circumstances that have to play and that is the difficulty with Law Enforcement. You have to make split judgments and people jumping the fence. If they have a gun they are usually shooting. It is not a easy job. And they are not endowed with special powers. Sometimes they wish they were. But they are not. They have to follow the rules of engaejment and rules of force. Keep in mind, too, julie. We have had hundreds of fence jumpers of this mag to youed. I am not absolving them of responsibility. They have had a lotw;c  of suc mitigating the threat. The one that pulled up in the car and ignored security. Unlawful entry that is like a slap on the wrist. They stopped him and he was in the vehicle trapped and the security plan worked for the second incident. Dan, thank you 0 much. We appreciate your insight. Thank you, julie. And contractors play a huge role in the the u. S. Military. They do the dirty work and fly under the radar. As the debate in washington rages with bootskad0j q ground. One component of the americas national securitiability. Private security contractors, it is basically, there is all different facets of. It for us protection case officers overseas and doing low profile protection. Cooks and drivers and maintenance people and body guards, contractors are taking over duties traditionally performed by troops. Contractor duties can run up to the edge of a combat soldier. A4oiw there are no limits exc offensive air or Ground Combat operations. Virtually anything else with Legal Authority contractors canc perform the mission. Mark and chris are contracto contractors subjects of the bock of what happened in benghazi. It is difficult to distinguish their duties from a soldier. It is military discharge and i didnt know what i wasoto ÷ g to do. It was a way for me to continue to work and still have a job, but do what i like doing is soldiering and rangering. Pay is better than soldiers. More. The federal government reloys on contractors and dod contractors tripled from 2,000 to 2008. And the use of contr8kj . U offering advantages and allowing agencies bypass military chain of command and what boots on the ground means. The white house will keep it out of the news. They can happen without contractors and many skilled and qualified contractors that can perform things that the military cant do. Those advantages drew criticism that too much reliance on contractors that weakens the democratic tradition of citizen soldiers. Contractors who defied orders to rescue besieged staff embody the best of Warrior Spirit and toughness and honor and patriotism. In washington, doug mckelway. Nfl commissioner Roger Goodell speaking out but doing little to silence the critics who say÷jg 7 hes been slow to plus. An investigation now under way in the midair emergency that saw a planes cabin fill up with smoke moments after take off. Of blood flow. 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He announced no sweeping changes leagues conduct follows the series of offense. Andom is live from the newsroom. Why was the defense so badly received . Reporter it was the body language more than the words that he said. It was not enough. He turned up 17 minutes late to the podium. He said he was sorry but he didnt look composed. And so many people thinking that maybe he is have announced his resignation and people who believe him stepping down is an inevitably. He is advised it is better for his career and reputation for the nfl as a whole he will resign. With the significance and the type of coverage in the Media Coverage that has gone on this important issue, i dont think he will have a chance of keeping his job. It depends on how swiftly he will put together a plan. And the nfl doesnt have ready ideas. It is having to reach out to other groups. He has the former fbi director and the investigation of how the nfl itself handled the scandal. It may mean his resignation. The Baltimore Ravens are in hot water over the ray rice video . There are reports that the the ravens were told about that fight inside of the elevator casinno by the eur casinno management and they kept it quiet for many, many months. And the ravens put out a quick statement saying there were many problems with the espn story. The truth of the matter it will be monday or tuesday of next week and dispout the content in that story and what is happening here as long as media interest remains in the story and the fact that the ravens are not coming clean about this the scandal will extend and the ravens will find themselves in more hot water. Thank you so much. And thousands of Baltimore Raven fans showing disapproval of ray rice by trading in their jersey. Fa the jerseys out with other players. He lost his contract with the ravens and suspended indefinitely. You dont support someone whe does a thing. I had that jersey for so many wins and losses. The demand for new jerseyies are so huge. They had to issue vouchers. And a programming alert for you. Stick with Fox News Channel as gretta investigates isis. And they are launching a massive social media of spreading terror. The media guru is a 33 year old american from the boston area now on the fbis most wanted list. He is born in france and speaks multiple languages. This is what isis is doing. Hash tags and sending out their material. They are looking at what is trend nothing the u. S. And hijacking that and they did that with the nude celebrity pictures. And exactly. Tomorrow, 9 oclock p. M. Eastern on Fox News Channel. And a voter Fraud Investigation getting underway. Tight races for governor and senate issor, a governor accusing democrats of shady practices. And a story aboflooding. Well show you the wild animal she put everything on hold for to save from drowning. Walgreens knows that heartburn sufferers can sometimes find themselves at the corner of mmm, home cooking and umm, i think thats enough. Thats why walgreens offers new nexium 24 hour, protection Strong Enough for whatever your day dishes out. Walgreens makes it easy to treat frequent heartburn. With new nexium 24 hour, now get nexium level protection without a prescription. At the corner of happy and healthy. Some vehicle recalls to tell you about now. Chrysler pulling 200,000 jeeps and dodge durangos off of the road. No respects of crashes or injuries related to the issue. Replacement pumps will be available in the dealership. General motors recalling cadillac stx models made if february and august of this them and chevy empalla. A problem with parking brakes could spark fires. The and race is open for the senate seat. It could be the difference between democrats retaining or losing control of the chamber. John roberts reports on new have major ramifications. With just two weeks left to register voters for the midterm, georgias republican secretary of state brian kemp found an alarming pattern of fraud. We have 28 confirmed fojryes. 14 have complained about problems with Voter Registration forms. There were 25 forgeries and in georgia that is a felony. And 26 suspicious cases. We are not investigating in this. They talked to the individuals who said i did the not sign that form. The new georgia project that hopes to register new minority voters by the october deadline. They have subpeona all related to theqjn vote drive. They are using charged lesson. You dont have to wear a hood. You dont have to be a member ku klux klan to be engaged in voter suppression. There is a close u. S. Senate race. Democrat michelle nonand trailing david perdue. That could help tip the balance in her favor. The state representatives is lashing out at the secretary of state. We dont object to sharing information but we object to the witch hunt. The new georgia project said that they failed to process the voter applications and dumped copies on his doorstep. Kemp said that is the job of the county i was disappointed in a lot of the reverends comments. Anybody who knows me, knows that i am not a racist and the things they are accusing me of are wrong. Complying with the subpoena will take time away from the registration drive. And the secretary of state reminds georgians. They can easily sign up on line. In atlanta fox news. Nshooting and a high speed chase ends in a fiery crash is our top story in america. Michigan, it started after reports shots fired near Mary Grove College in detroit. The suspect was seen speeding away and pointing a gun. The car lost a car in the chase and soon went up in flames. We believe that the spark from the wheel ignited the fuel in the vehicle and caused the vehicle to explode. The suspect was pulled to safety. Hes fine and now facing weapon, drug and other charges. He wupset about a recent break up. A driver comes to a busy stop when she starts choking. A Police Officer knew she was in trouble. Put your hands on the chest. And the he dislodged a piece of cacandy. And they are cruising through the keys for the annual poker run. They stopped on the 113 mile route. It was a win or take owl round of texas holdem. The top prize a new harly or 6,000. And texas, a houston reporter covering local flooding saves an arma dillo. She guyeded it to safety and the little critterc roaches higher hundreds of school girls are kidnapped. Kidnapped. Feet. Tiptoeing. Better things than the pain, stiffness, and joint damage of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. Before you and your rheumatologist decide on a biologic, ask if xeljanz is right for you. Xeljanz tofacitinib is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. Xeljanz can relieve ra symptoms, and help stop further joint damage. 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And two candidates for president in afghanistan, reaching a power sharing deal after months of tense negotiations that threatened to destabilize the country. They will share roles with one becoming. And the other will be a freedom freedom. And the International Red cross confirmed talks with boca haran. There are reports that a deal may involve a prisoner swap. So far no agreement was reached. Earlier on the program we asked you. Military experts said we should have left troops in iraq in 2011 in conservative said troops could have trained the army and helped as son as isis roared its head and keep them contained. We had a armed the kurds and toad strong against suria that there might not be a threat. We told them when. Your enemies should be in the dark of what your next move should be. Tweet me the at Julie Bandaras. I love to hear from all of you and thats how fox report, this

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