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News sunday. A fox news urgent. Ferring son, missouri preparing for a second night of night of a stateimposed curfew. Last night ended with tear gas, seven arrests, one man shot in an incident that did not involve police. Officers dressed in riot gear, used Armored Vehicles to break up groups of latehour protesters who were defying the curfew. The city stepped up the reports of a man flashing a handgun in the police, some of them outraged oemp the death of a teenager shot by a police officer. Meanwhile, browns family attended a church rally, calling for justice. Missouris hrp patrol captain, being credited with restoring some calm to the rasht unrest, was one of several to address some 1,000 people who garded inside that church. We all ought to be thanking the browns for michael. Michael will make it better for our sons, so they can be better black men. For our daughters so they can be better black women. Better for me so i can be a better black father, and we know theyre going to make our mamas even better than they are today. We have fox team coverage. Brian is live in our new york studio, right across from me, and well begin with mike tobin, live with the news in ferguson in missouri. Quite a day inside that church, mike. Reporter it was. The day was really punctuated by the unity rally. It was an overflow crowd. A man who was warmly received as a man we have seen criticized, captain ron johnson, a very simp they address to the parents of mike brown. I want you to know my heart goes out to you, and i say that im sorry. I wear this uniform, an i should stand up here and say that im sorry. The nabs Action Network announced a group of volunteers will be out here on the street trying to keep order among the demonstrators. And as donations were solised, it was announced the siblings of mike brown will receive full college scholarships, the family 20,000. Harris . Mike tobin, thank you very much. New reaction, as i manipulationed to this crisis in ferguson, mourners are creating a memorial in the street where Michael Brown died, but rallies taking place across the nation as many people questioned what happened that night. Mo governor jay nixon expressed his disappointment in some of the events. Brian has more. Harris, you know really this morning missouri governor jay nixon criticized the Police Department and police chief Thomas Jackson for releasing the Surveillance Video on friday allegedly showing Michael Brown assaulting a clerk at a Convenience Store moments before he was killed, saying it was not only released without the governor knowing, but in part is at fault for the heightened tensions. Number one, to in an attempt to disparage the character of this victim in the middle of a process like this is not right. Its just not right secondarily, it did put the community and quite frankly the region an the nation, you know, on alert again. The police have said the robbery was not related to the shooting. The governor will notice say if there would be action taken against chief jackson or others for releasing the video. When you see your son gunned down and see a police chief in an attempt to attack his character, thats just not the way to operate, and then weve made that clear to everyone, and our hope and expectations are now that theyre in charge of the security. That bump is behind us, hopefully. Police chief jackson said they released the video, because the media requested more information, harris. Im glad you want that. There is a flip side to this. The police chief made it clear there were a lot of foia requests, he was pressured to do that. Thats important to get in. Meanwhile, how the nation is reacting to what was yet another night of just really, really it was unbelievable last night. Hundreds have taken to the streets from atlanta to phoenix, oakland and new york, a call for justice, and really for more information to be released about what transpired a week ago when over Darren Wilson shot the unarmed 18yearold to death. Meanwhile, the debate is continuing. In black communities. Meanwhile, president obama continues to be briefed on the latest developments for ferguson, as calls are growing louder forred federal government to take over this investigation entirely. And what about the people unlawfully breaking the stateenforced curfew . Not everybody is out there protesting. Some people may not even know who the heck Michael Brown is. W to these like a car wreck, they show up. So its interesting to get both sides of the story. The u. S. Is carrying out new strikes now. The Defense Department released new video today, as american f18 and f16 fighters went to work. Tame were told a com biggs managed to retake part of that complex. Were told the battle over that dam is not over yet. The dam is important because of the amount of electricity it supplies, and because of fears that isis could destroy it, footing two constituents, mosul and the capital of baghdad. Meanwhile, despite the continued use of airpower, lawmakers could not rule out some sort of Ground Forces might be needed. At the end of the day, i think the defeating of isis is the mission, so i think everything has to be on the table for that end result. You cant reintroduce 200,000 american troops, but i think things like special forces embedded with the Iraqi Military, as the Iraqi Military regrows its spine is going to be essential and important. I think what we are doing now is effective. Weve got to do more of it. Ultimately we may have some boots on the ground there. Not something i want, but you know what . We have bad choices, and the worst choice is to do nothing. We know we have people stationed there. As the mission now includes potential people on the ground, more so than weve been told. Greg . Its a big story indeed, harry, the biggest intervention in iraq, since we watched those troops roll out of here at the end of 2011. As you noted, it is by no means over. Explains that two further air strikes hit militant armed vehicles, a checkpoint and iad and tame president obama sending a her to congress saying the strikes would be limited in scope and duration. The failure would not only enganger the lives of iraqis, but could reach baghdad and could reach the embassy there. Meanwhile, Kurdish Forces confirm while a lot of land has been retaken, the dam is still not completely in their control. We are told theyre still a couple miles away from the main facilities. We are told that all around that facility are ieds and other explosives. Back to you. What about the reaction of the people who are there . Ive got to bluff its positive. We were speak with a and he said air strikes are crucial for his men to move forward. As for the hundreds of thousands of reffees displaced by the militants, theyve got tore pleased, too. Just today there were even more reports of isis militants kill yazidi men and women. As they went to church today, they have to be pleased, too. The reports is at least two christian enclaves have been taken back, but in our conversations with them, its going to take more security on the ground to convince them to go back in. Again, a big fight, and it looks like the United States very much involved, harris. Greg cal cot, thank you very much. Right now president obama were told is getting ready to go back to washington. Remember hes in the middle of a vacation. Hes going to take a breather from a breather for some kind of meeting. The white house is not disclosing exactly what is going on. What causes the president to cut things short, return, giving no details. The fox news political insiders will join mess at home base. Governor rick perry dismissing a felony indictment against him. What he says about the charges in an exclusive interview. You are watching the fox report. [male vo] inside this bag is 150 years of swedish experience in perfecting the rich, never bitter taste of gevalia. We do it all for this very experience. [woman] thats good. I know right . Gevalia. When your favorite food starts a fight fight back fast with tums. Relief that neutralizes acid on contact. And goes to work in seconds. Tum, tum tum tum tums try great tasting tums chewy delights. Yummy. Honey, look i got one to land. Uhhuh announcer theres good more. Honey, look at all these smart rewards points verizon just gave me. Ooh, you got a buddy. Im like a statue. I just signed up and, boom, all these points. And theres notsogood more. Youre a big guy. Huh. Oh no. Get the good more with Verizon Smart rewards and rack up points to use towards the things you really want. Now get 50 off all new smartphones. Dunk,eady to crack, dip. Its crabfest at red lobster the years largest variety of crab like new crab lovers trio or try new jumbo lump crab over woodgrilled salmon. Crabfest is now. But ends soon so hurry in and sea food differently in a Fox News Sunday exclusive, Texas Governor rick perry dismissed indictments against him as purely politically motivated. He says he would do everything all over again. He ace face charges of abuse of power after promptly promising to veto for a program run by the District Attorney. Her name is rosemary lehmber. A democrat. There was pretty interesting video of that, by the way. At the time the governor wanted her to resign, but she refused. He says he will fight it. Harris, youre right. He says that doesnt mean his changing his tune here, saying this morning he stands by his threat to hold up 7. 5 million for a Public Integrity unit as long as the travis District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg last year indicted of drunk driving is at the helm. This is not the way we settle political differences in this country. You dont do it with indictments. We settle or political differences at the ballot box. So the point perry is trying to make is simple. He says after losing confidence in lehmberg, he wanted her gone and said so publicly. He said if he had to do it all over again, he wouldnt change a thing. Were going to talk about it this the fox news political insider, even some democrats were saying this probably wont file, but some critics are calling for him to assign. The problem some people in texas have with perry isnt that he threatened to veto the funds, but they believed the veto threat was a power move. Critics are bakley saying they them that makes governor perry a bully. Its not about the veto. It was hi decision to veto. It was about the intimidation before the veto. It was about shim using the veto as a coercion tactic to get her to do something he didnt want to do, which was quit her job. So all eyes will be on the Lone Star State in the next few days, where we could see a splash that may ripple all the way to the 2016 republican primary season. That is because governor perry is expected to turn himself in in the next few days, and when he does, he will likely be required to get fin fingerprinted and pose for a mug shot. Peter, thank you very much. A diving incident has claimed the life of a man linked to the ice bucket challenge. 27yearold cory griffin drowned after jumping from a building in nantucket harbor, when he failed to resurface, an offduty lifeguard dove in after him. He was later pronounced debt at the hospital only hours after racing 100,000 in honor of his friend. He is the inspiration by the challenge, which has gone viral, gaining support all over the globe. A. L. S. Is a fatal disorder facts the nerve and brain. The Als Association has announced it surspassed over 10 million in the ice bucket donations. Hillary clinton is having a busy summer, selling books, vacationing with her husband. Shes also commenting on the president s foreign policy, which is raising the eyebrows of political watchers who think she will run for president. But in new polls shows her later off some potential contenders is shrinking. Why . Ave something for pain . I have bayer aspirin. Im not having a heart attack, its my back. I mean bayer back body. It works great for pain. Bayer back body provides effective relief for your tough pain. Better . Yeah. Thanks for the tip chances are were already there. Or what you want to do, 12 brands. More hotels than anyone else in the world. Like super 8, where every destination is super. 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Were still see plenty of fresh destruction by the well appear in the area all today, listen. Reporter in the region after successful mission, ukrainian mig 29 was shot done. Were investigating this and what happened to the pilot. Its actually on the verge of humanitarian catastrophe at the moment. Whats proving all the more agonizing is a new set a new setback to delivery of vital food and supplying still stalled. Border police and custom officers, however, didnt get clearance papers for supplies. And theres more Russian Artillery volleyed into ukraine today, in washington were seeing a rare moment of bipartisan agreement, more action against president putin is needed amitt the belief he is the architect of the ongoing crisis. The way we deal with putin now will set the stage for the next 25 years. Hes going to be around for a long time. If he thinks were paper tigers, he will continue to move with impunity. Thats the way you have to treat a bully. You have to achieve peace through strength. Weve got to beef up nato. The last couple days we have seen Ukrainian Forces destroy a large number of vehicles. Weve got western journalists say theyve spotted more rocket launches, yet during the ceasefire talks that have been taking place, the russians continue to deny they are supporting the separatists. Dom, thats an important point to make as people look at the trucks lined up with potential supplies for people who need the aid, a lot of people didnt trust those trucks, because theyve seen stuff coming from russia that can harm them. They feared maybe special ops. Oh, yeah. There was a belief that actually those convoy trust, all 16 might have contained Russian Special forces hiding inside, effectively a trojan horse very much. And thats why ted to take independent verification of what was inside. Dominic, thank you very much. Monday Defense Attorneys kick off to grant business favors in exchange for its not yesterday known if mcfuls tomorrow, pope francis will wrap of the fiveday visit with a cathedral mass. Two russian cass mo knots. Their mission is to deploy a satellite. Only 32 say they want the government to lend them a hand. The insiders are getting set up. Tell us online, what message would the send to the federal government . Keep it clean, id like to read them on air. Like me on facebook. Stay close. But your erectile dysfunction that could be a question of blood flow. Cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be Ready Anytime the moments right. You can be more confident in your ability to be ready. And the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. 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I would call their gear light at this point. Batons, helmets, no riot shields, harris. Talk to me about the investigation. I know several of them are going on simultaneously now. Reporter yeah, what they did today give me a second. They announced that the u. S. Attorney general has requested another autopsy be done as part of this investigation, to be done by a federal medical examiner. That will be in addition to the state medical examiner and in addition to what the family wants done. Benjamin crump has also questioned a third medical examining to be done. I know you have some company out there. Mike tobin, thank you very much. The latest from you. My big question has been all along, what do you do with those people who you saw who might not be there with the intention of supporting or protesting for any particular cause . Well move on, because ive just been joined by the fox news political insiders. President obama has taken a planned vacation now from his vacation, in marthas vineyard, now returning to washington, d. C. For a meeting with other advisers. Hes said to arrive sometimes later tonight. And the lack of specifics is sparking, well, what do they do in the beltway . They speculate about why the president is returning. Its a good question, though, the fox news political insiders are here. Tune in and chime in. On twitter harrisfaulker. John leboutillier, wave or something. Pat caddell, and doug schoen youve worked in these circles, you understand that times president s have a working vacation, now he has a working st staycation. Theres no shortage of crises. First russia and ukraine. Isis, clearly despite what the white house and the president has said is still ascendant, still slaughtering christians, slaughtering yazidi, harris, we have to stabilize that situation, we have a situation in this country in ferguson, where we have lawlessness and uncertainty. That combination is also toxic. Pat . I think the president is coming back to look like hes doing something that it looks like hes not doing anybody about. You saw the announcement thursday we have solved the problem you mean iraq. In iraq, excuse me. And the people trapped on mt. Sinjar. Meanwhile, the wall street journal says a lot of people saying its not true. Now the dam in mosul, im all for that. The president , though, is claiming victory. Once again something he doesnt want to do, and saying lets get out of here. In a way. Its unnerving. We have a war basically that could brea out any minute in the ukraine. We have this vacation where before he went to marthas vineya vineyard, he announced i would be coming back halfway through the vacation. Right. We knew that. So is it a scheduled trip to look like hes doing his job, because everybody has been attacking him for checking out of the presidency, or is there something coming while theyre here . Biden is back also. Is there some world leader coming into town . I dont know. We dont want to speculate. We dont now. All you can do is speculate. There could be an endless list of reasons. His point is important. They planned this before he went on vacation, which makes you think, you know thats not it was not spontaneous is what im saying. Theres a large issue here. Not really engaged without clear policies anywhere. Harris, we have a crisis of confidence in this country as weve discussed, the president coming back is his response to it. I sue dueling polls last week when 52 felt like he was engaged, but 52 kind of felt like they didnt do what i think they really want him to solve problems. Start with the border. So the president comes back. How would you help him prioritize. The ones that doug went through are lifeanddeath matters, obviously. Tomorrow night at midnight, the ceasefire ends in gaza. The isis and ukrainian thing, theyre hovering on the border, 20,000 Russian Troops may go in. So theyre lifeanddeath matters. It really doesnt look right when any president is off on vacation all the time when the world is falling to hell in a handbasket. It would about el nice for the president to say this is so bad you have to stay in town this month. By the way, hes not the only president whos gone on vacation in august. They all go. He hasnt taken as many days, if you want to count them all out. I guess its the timing. Doug, and then well move on. But we dont have solutions. We dont have a policy on the border. We dont have a clear idea of what were doing in iran and we are a government again in crisis. Well, maria shlikgruber, i cant read all of it, but ill shay it over the break and maybe well have comments on it. Lets talk about Hillary Clinton. Before she arrived, she had to talk about fallout you probably heard about it. She said the United States failure to help Syrian Rebels led to the rise of isis popping up in iraq, but after backlash from fellow democrats her spokesperson said the two would reconcile. Remember they were going to hug it out. Of course the topic came up during mrs. Clintons book signing on the vineyard. Reporter are you going to hug it out with the president . Absolutely. Were looking forward to it. Well be there tonight. Absolutely. Then there were no Mainstream Media allowed into the party, but did it happen . I dont think it happened. Her tone didnt suggest like she wanted it to happen. She also said the policy involved dont do stupid stuff, about you she used a word different from that. Shell will run away from president obama as much as she can and try to keep his base intact with her. Those of two difficult goals. Before i move on, youve known her well. You said that wasnt sincere. No. Why . Because it was an artificial left, because its his policies dropped, she does not want to be associated with them. I think the real story is the fight of the two alpha males. This is barack obama, hillary followed through on it, didnt do it very tactfully in the interview, shes not a good politician. Well, bill is very good at it, but hes not running. I think the polls this week, which have shown her under 50 , she was beating the living daylights out of everybody. Lets pop that up. If a general election were held today, back in april, she was doing better. What happened . The book and tv shows. And one more, right . Whats going on . One thing that is going on. Rand paul, jeb bush, chris christie, theyre not going up. Hillary clinton is going down. What john was aluting to, the publicity has hurt her, not helped her. Its not only the book tour, but the image this woman is giving. First of all, she has no vision. She the candidate of wall street journal from the democratic party. Will she be challenged from the left. Let my finish the point and then ill answer the question. Shes going on to speak for 300,000, she cut it to 225,000, in las vegas at a big deal out there, with her airpla airplane. The college. Are you talking about being out of touch . She acts like an imperial force. Let me finish my point and then ill answer, doug. She has corzine, who should be in jail, who ripped off miss clients, who should have been in jail. Hes raising the money for her. It makes her look like she is vulnerable to me from a pop you list challenge in the democratic party. You said shes been demanding private jets. Its like the j. Lo list of demands. We look at this thing. The more hillary is seen by the public, the let these like her. Its a fat al disease bill clinton happened to be thats her main problem. If she used this to talk about heres what i want to do to change the country for the better. She doesnt the word that doug used is the key insincere. She doesnt believe in anything. Ive known Hillary Clinton since 1994. Ive known her since 72. What john is saying, harris is the key issue. She needs a rationale, a reason to run, an agenda. So far she has not articulated one. Clearly she has to do that. I want to go to twitter. Laura says and were going to go back to the previous conversation about a preplanned return from vacation. Its going to cost millions. Its 500,000 for just the plane ride that hes going to need to come down to d. C. And go back, not to mention. You have to throw biden in. All the other people theyre bringing in, so on and so forth. So this tweeter has a point, whats it all about . If its a photo op, thats a disaster. Now, its been rumored it could be Something Like a Supreme Court justice might announce her retirement. If thats the case and we saw that from twitter as well. Well find out. There could be a Supreme Court vacancy. Were not going to speculate, because we dont know. If i had to do it all over again, i would. Thats the word from Texas Governor rick perry. Hes defendic himself. Plus why some people are saying it seems sketchy, include a key democrat. The fox news political insiders are on twitter. Stay with us. Yeah. With nfl mobile on verizon. Yes get in there go, go, go, go, yes lets go, drew. The notsogood more would be them always watching you. Go for it, paul get open come on, paul lets go hustle what is that, chamomile tea . uh, lattes. You wanna take a nap . get the good more with nfl mobile, free with the more everything plan. Exclusively from verizon. Now get 50 off all new smartphones. [music] jackies heart attack didnt come with a warning. Today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. If youve had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Of swedish experience in insidperfecting the rich,ars never bitter taste of gevalia. We do it all for this very experience. [woman] thats good. I know right . Gevalia. Our new flatbread sandwiches may be flat. The flavors, are anything but. So whether its taste inspired by the freshness of the mediterranean. Or the smoky spice of the southwest. Or bold, adventurous thai flavors. You always get flavor thats anything but flat. And always with chicken raised without antibiotics. New flatbread sandwiches from panera. Each 360 calories or less. Try one today. I did what every governor has done for decades, which is make a decision on whether or not it was in the proper use of state money to go to that agency, and i vetoed it. Thats what the rule of law is really about, shannon. I stood up for the rule of law in the state of texas, and if i had to do it again, i would make it exactly the same decision. Texas governor rick perry defending himself against what he calls a political farce. He has been indicted on two felony charges based on claims that he abused veto power. The governor says a disgruntled d. A. From travis county, texas, is just trying to retaliate, and apparently hes not the only one who think that is indictment is fishie. Former white house Senior Adviser David Axelrod posted this unless he was demonstrably tried to scrap the ethics unit for another than his schafer reason, perry inseemed seems pretty sketchy. If david axle ron is distancing himself, he feels clearly that this will hurt the democrats politicizing the criminal justice system, because were not solving problems, and were taking out our beefs political through the legal system. One other quick point. David axelrod also attacked Hillary Clinton this week and said the real stupid stuff that was done was a decision to go into ra you can, something she voted for. So you have the specter of axelrod siding with rick perry, but opposing actively and aggressively Hillary Clinton. I love t i love it. First of all, let us understand one of the things thats scary, just as it is the country recoils from left to right, the scene in missouri the Police Force Acting like they were an occupation force. So we have politicians uses the system, abusing the system as doug set. Just before the 92 election. The special prosecutor indieded weinberger. It was driven because they wanted to get george bush. The Texas Constitution says the governor has the right you should see that video. That woman is still on the job. She went to jail for 45 days. Its pretty interesting what happened. John, i want to special ask about the timing of this. What do we have going on in the Governors State right now . The immigration problem. The illegal immigration problem, and this governor is a very political guy. Does that make him a target . No question it makes him a target. I think the bigger picture, is when we start indicting a sitting governor for using his veto power thats in the constitution, its not much of a leap to the congress saying to a president. If you do something that youre allowed to do, were going to impeach you, because we dont like it. Exactly. Weve been to have politics and the law be separate items. John, need party is putting the people first, making policy, atting or issues. Its all politics using the criminal justice system. Its all part of a system in which the American People feel oppressed, because the people running it are interested in one thing, power. Can i use your words to segue . Listen to what we have coming up. Americans have no impact on policy. Really . Thats according to a new study suggesting the wealthy and certain Interest Groups are calling the shot, and youre hearing the political insiders to talk about it. Keep it clean, keep it short. I would love to include your tweets and your postings. Like me on facebook at Harris Faulkner on twitter. Well be right back. You know. Theres a more enjoyable way to get your fiber. Try phillips fiber good gummies. Theyre delicious and an excellent source of fiber to help support regularity. Mmmm. These are good the tasty side of fiber. From phillips will you be a sound sleeper, or a mouth breather . A mouth breather [ whimpers ] how do you sleep like that . Well, put on a breathe right strip and shut your mouth. Allergy medicines open your nose over time, but add a breathe right strip and pow it instantly opens your nose up to 38 more. So you can breathe and do the one thing you want to do sleep. Add breathe right to your allergy medicine. Shut your mouth and sleep right. Breathe right. Female narrator the mattress price wars are on the mattress price wars are on at sleep train. We challenged the manufacturers to offer even lower prices. Now its posturepedic versus beautyrest with big savings of up to 400 off. 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One more, j. P. , former adviser to president carter, pat caddell, Hillary Clintons an ability of wall street when asking about her candidacy 2016. A new Study Suggests americans have no impact on poll sip thats just sad. Two Political Science professors found rich business and businesscontrolled Interest Groups largely shape outcomes in the United States. Not sure if thats a breaking news headline, but its sad. Why does it exist that way . This is this study, its not finished, this is a draft, two professors looked at 9300, i believe, policy issues. And its statistical study, and their conclusion the american views of the American People, influences, quote, nonsignificant, zero level, guess who knows that . The American People. We find that the work ive done on my smith project, that we need smith, we phantom candidate if you could create, remind people. But also the alienation level. The belief you have no power in government everybody 80 of the people believe politicians are in for themselves rather than helping the American People. All you have to do is ask the American People what they get done, the government hurts them, and that we saw in our poll even on fox. On my facebook page, ron says id like to tell the team in washington one thing, term limits, all caps. John . Weve been down that road. The republicans ran on it and the contract with america year, 1994. The problem is, politicians are not going to selflimit their own terms. I wish they would but they dont. And they wont. Its worse than that. Worst problem is, and i agree with you about term limits, 79 of the people who leave long because lobbyists and consultants. Pop up that poll, i want to get doug in here, too, and get limb to respond to this if we can. Message you would send to federal government right now . 59 of people, doug . 59 say, leave me alone, 32 , lend me a hand. Just two years ago it was 50 44. This is a sea change, 21 points of movement, speaks to what pat and john are talking about. And your first tweet where the gentleman offered a specific policy agenda, no one debating policy, no ones itchmenting policy. Ordinary people have no influence. More than that, that 59 , so distrust the federal government that they would say, just leave me alone. Leave plea alone. This is nsa, irs, the border, all built up into this. That sea change, though, tipping point. Casey underwood says, dems and republicans, you destroying america, you will dough gown with us, change the policies for good of america. Evidence that goes to this that backs up their views. This study is important. We are in a revolutionary moment here in american politics. And its coming. The American People, whether democrats or republicans, all believe that they dont own this government and this government doesnt work for the country and that we are failing, right, doug . Absolutely. Failures across the board. Peep want change. They are angry. Last one, today we have a government of the party by party and for the special interests and the people be damned. I dont know who said that. Goldshield on twitter, 2668. Good time watalk with you. Love your comments. Always want to include you. We try to do that each week. Thank you for watching. Im be back tomorrow noon eastern for outnumbered. Huckabee now. A body at rest tends to stay at rest. Cs. While a body in motion tends to stay in motion. Staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. But if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. Prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. Because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. Plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function so moving is easier. Celebrex can be taken with or without food. And its not a narcotic. 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