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Or else this carnage would have been beyond description. President trump meanwhile just arrived back in washington after spending the entire day in las vegas where he offered these words of encouragement to the victims and their families. We cannot be defined by the evil that threatens us or the violence that incites such terror. We are defined by our love, are caring, and our courage. Steve to make brian indeed, those words were right on the money. Even his critics had trouble having something negative to say about that. Meanwhile, alan las vegas, covering the story and moving it forward and just as transfixed by the conferences i was was, Trace Gallagher. Sheriff joe lombardo gave us more details and we were expecting, trace. Im looking over at the Aviation Fuel tanks. Right here by mccarran airport. That would have been disastrous. We have not confirmed that. The news coverage, one of the big the sheriff confirmed that Stephen Paddock rented a room a week before this concert, that hotel overlooked the life is beautiful concert. The sheriff said he was unclear if that was presurveillance that may have been the primary target. The sheriff also confirmed that aside from Ammonium Nitrate being found in his car Fountain Valley at mandalay bay, they found 50 pounds of tannerite, an explosive that can be set off in a highpowered rifle experts tell us that would have taken a big chunk out of the hotel room. The sheriff also said that he believes that Stephen Paddock was planning to escape after this shooting. He would say why but he did say this watch. More than 100 investigators have spent the last 72 hours combing through the life of 64yearold Stephen Paddock. To produce a profile of someone i will call disturbed and dangerous. What we know is that Stephen Paddock is a man who spent decades acquiring weapons and ammo and living a secret life. Much of which will never be fully understood. Never fully understood. They still do not have a motive. They say they are confident they at one point will get a motive. For five and a half hours today, Marilou Danley was talked to by the fbi. Five and a half hours in los angeles. We have very Little Information about what questions were asked by the fbi and they would not tell us if she is still in los angeles and will undergo further questioning but her lawyer did come out after that interview and said shes fully cooperating and she grieves for the victims but she did not know anything about the attack. And she said this about the worst shooter in american history. Watch. I knew Stephen Paddock as a kind, caring, quiet man. I loved him. It hoped for a quiet future together with him. Clearly that is not the man that we had been learning about for the past 72 hours. Brian. Brian trees, so many things to talk about. When it comes to marilou, theres a Gun Store Owner that said she was shopping around with him, the killer before. That doesnt necessarily mean anything but she possibly knew about his passion for rifles. 30 of which he bought last year. Number two, we find out that that sheriff speaking from the gut and his experience truly believes that he had help that Stephen Paddock had help and or an accomplice or else he is a superman. Yeah, he said those exact words. A superman. He rephrased and said i dont want to call this guy a superman but he said he would be highly unusual for somebody to pull this off. Getting all that in the munition, by the admonition, explosives, knocking out the two windows. Surveilling this place, the sheriff is is stunned but he has no evidence to back up there is any accomplice or help. As far as them going into the gun store, brian, there was some conversation about whether or not they were buying these what are the gun things . Pump stocks. They go on to the things that mimic an automatic weapon. Apparently he did not buy them at this point. Hes bought them before it was going into stores looking on some information on how to use those so he could turn a semiautomatic weapon into a close to an automatic weapon. Brian trace, i know youre getting fired up to do your show at 11 00. To do any type of paid programming i am in all of the Security Guard. Hayes is compost. He walked in the hall because he heard the shooting. He gets to the door, bullets go through the door. He gets shot. He stays in the hall. He could not go up the stairwell. He could only get there by going to the elevator. In 9 minutes, hes there and thats when the shooter stopped shooting and reportedly starts to worry about escaping. Can you imagine if he wasnt there . In his car keyed was used to get the other doors open on the floor so police could get anybody that would open on the floor out of there. He was injured instead of continuing to hold police get people to safety until someone said you got to get help. Yeah, thats a hero. We talk about the three cameras. Two cameras on the room service cart outside the room and a camera in the peephole. The shooter was definitely surveilling the hallway. First person to come down the hallway was the Security Guard and one of the bullets caught him in the leg. Thats some peoples opinion when the killer actually took a gun and put it in his mouth and pulled the trigger because after that, there was no more shooting. The sheriff seems to believe it wasnt at that point because he thinks Stephen Paddock would try to make his plan to get out of there, trying to figure things out until he realized the police were in the hallway and there was no way out. You want to talk about a hero . That guy is it. If he showed up and took the bullet that was meant for police in his leg and thats the point that the killer shot himself, imagine the number of lives he saved because he got there as he said, brian, seven or 8 minutes. The police got there two or 3 minutes after. You are talking about a lot of ammunition being unloaded from those two upper windows on 32nd floor. Brian all this information came to the people during the investigation. Hats off to las vegas investigators were just being honest with the public and using the media as a mouthpiece for it. Lastly before he let you go, what about the fact that they confirmed he did have a dry run at another hotel the week before . Thats the frightening thing. We talked about that. It is right overlooking the venue where the life is beautiful concert. A chance the rapper was the at that concert. Was this the primary target . People into the parking lot of this hotel. Youve got 50 pounds of Ammonium Nitrate and tannerite and then you find out that you may have surveilled a concert that week before. Very frightening for those people that attended that concert to think the same guy was in a hotel room overlooking that very venue 127,000 people were in attendance. Brian we will see you in 52 minutes and you will bring us an entire life hour. Two experts taking in what we are really into you and i want to get their analysis. Jim hansen. Katz, first off, what about the fact that the vegas journal report is true, he was shooting at these tanks on the side and they did not penetrate far enough to explode them, can you imagine if they did, erin . Yeah, it would have been absolutely devastating. Brian, this has the entire mosaic of this attack, the amount of planning involved those bullets were found inside jet fuel tanks if my sources are correct. That means that the amount of sheer the sheet size of that blast had those gone off, those two or three rounds. There was an ak up there, it would be surprised if there was. Anything heavier, this is al qaeda level destruction. Im sure jim will agree with me. The amount of planning here is what is absolutely baffling me when you guys were talking about the chief at Las Vegas Metro believing there was someone else involved. I have to believe there was someone else involved. The basic profile, the lunacy of this. Brian what aaron is saying, jim. I dont have the proof. I dont have the guy or woman but i know we had help. Do you agree . I would not want to guess that right now. He may be operating from information we are not privy to. I would say its possible for someone to bring the amount of stuff you brought up to the hotel room just using the regular carts, will help send valleys do and using multiple entrances to make it so hes not walking past the same person. This seems to be a guy who is pretty paranoid and pretty much a loner. I dont want to jump into that and say there was but i agree with aaron completely. Deeply planned and well orchestrated killing spree. Brian just over an hour ago when the sheriff said this about the possibility of him having help. When you look at the weapon obtaining, a different amounts of tannerite available. To think this was all accomplished on his own . Face value, and youve to make this assumption, he had to have some help at some point and we want to secure that thats the answer. Brian hes actually thinking out loud with us. Which is so rare during a press conference. So buttoned up you have to read between the lines and then you have conjecture. He speaking may be because hes also been fantastic with us, sheriff lombardo, speaking from the gut as if hes running through all the possibilities. Aaron, if you think about it, it looks like he wanted to survive and escape. Im looking at the script right here, the way this is the layout. If theres an explosion along with a hail of bullets, its conceivable going you dont know what floor hes on theres a courageous Security Guard down the way. He could have gotten out, correct . Not only could he he gotten out what sheriff lopardo was saying, i certainly dont mi spy glasses here but im looking very closely at the sheriff while he is speaking. Doing what i can to try his behavior, what is his conjecture, speculation and what is truly coming from the heart . I deeply believe that the sheriff believes, again i agree with him 100 . He doesnt have that specific information from the federal investigators who are doing their part. I believe in his gut that he understands the complexity of this type of attack and the amount of planning. Jet fuel tanks, not that far away. If those tanks had gone off, the amount of destruction that would have been caused by not only have made it that much harder for that guy to have been pinned down by that Security Guard but potentially every Single Person in that crowd or major chunk or large chunk of that crowd could have been killed. I am hanging on by a thread. I agree with jim, we dont want to put the cart in front of the horse. Theres too many guards. Im not saying security wasnt in place. To get weapons up to hotels, you got tot show, a great event every year. Youve open carry in nevada. Brian lets get to the gym for a second, aaron. I do want to add another fact. He said some of the rifles were jammed. He had 23 rifles. Some were jammed. Does that mean he tried them . There are huge gaps. You know about firearms more than i ever will. Could that have happened . Absolutely. One of the things thats going to happen when you use bump stocks to fire at an extremely rapid pace, those barrels are going to be smoking hot. As soon as he runs through one magazine, that barrel and action will be so hot its quite likely to jam. Thats relatively common. Its very likely he would use one throw that down and go to the next one and have to be going between one to gone. Its interesting he had that many weapons because maybe he knew that was likely to happen. I dont know whether he did test runs with this i had the idea that he needed to do that but that would have been a reason to have that many separate weapon systems so he could continue to use them after they were unusable. Brian this gentleman doee military training. If you dont get on those guns and ars secure the platforms, to keep those weapon cycling i think its lack of training which probably made him get all those up there and i agree that the bump stocks probably caused a great deal of malfunction. Im not exactly sure whats going on inside the actual mechanism or whats causing that rapidfire. If he doesnt have the training to get tight on those weapons, those will get really hot. Brian he sprayed 200 rounds in the hallway and the spring Security Guard had to be yelled at to go back and get treated. This is someone who is paid less than most Law Enforcement officials in all the apparatus and all the hierarchy there. What a salute to jesus campos. Good how do you guys. Moving ahead, democrats are demanding congress act on new guncontrol measures but is that really the answer . Especially with so many questions about what went into this attack. Powerful analysis, straight ahead. This is fox news tonight. When you have a cold. Stuff happens. Shut down cold symptoms fast with maximum strength alka seltzer plus liquid gels. Only have a sore throat . Get longlasting relief for up to 6 hours with new alka seltzer plus sore throat relief. 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Get more out of your water. Get zerowater. Now that we have your attention. Capri sun has four updated drinks. Now with only the good stuff. Do you know how to use those . Nope. Get those kids some new capri sun brian moments ago, the white house released these images. Lets look at them the first time together. The photos revealing their emotional meetings with the victims of the loss las vegas s shooting. In addition to the doctors and nurses working nonstop since sundays massacre which took place around 10 00 democrats and many others in the media have been combined into talk of guncontrol and blaming. Watch. Before he was the candidate and marched in lockstep with the nra, donald trump expressed very reasonable positions on gun control. He said after sandy hit support of the kind of bills we support. Lets hold him to that. He could pivoting and say hold on, lets take a look at guncontrol. Why is it that we sell things like bump stocks and make things available to turn normal rifles into automatics automatic kill . This is the moment the president could actually change. Anything but nothing. Doing nothing is cowardice. Brian joining us for reaction, thats just a small example. We could have gone on for another 45 minutes. A unique perspective on the issue, congressman steve russell. A republican of oklahoma who spent decades of the armed forces and owns a firearm Manufacturing Business end of this thing he actually helped capture Saddam Hussein when he was in iraq. Steve, your reaction to the reaction so far has been guncontrol almost from the minute this shooting stopped in las vegas. In a way you are not surprised, are you surprised how loud this has been in some in unison with media . It was expected because i think we have an opportunity here to actually deliberate in the house of representatives. Im working with many of my colleagues. How do we get a solution . Going after the implements and tools is not a solution. Look at the restrictive gun laws in norway. Scores of dead children at a youth camp. A horrific murder. All of the restrictive gun laws in france. Not help in the paris shootings. Weve got to get to the solutions that we have to do it comprehensively. After 9 11, we looked at terrorism. Like who are these people and how can they hurt us and how can we protect the public from these threats . We arent asking those questions. Who are these people that do these mass killings . What do they look like and how can they hurt us and how do we protect the public from them . That gets to solutions and thats the type of discussion we have to have. Brian number one, we always hurt especially with sandy hook what about background checks . Mental health exams . Look what happened in south carolina. They would not have passed a background check. This guy would. He also has no history of mental illness. You would think we are only three days in. That would have turned up already. The gun is to powerful. Are you all into get rid of the bump stocks . To go back to my earlier comments, theres got to be a comprehensive solution. We may have a trend or might be like this guy were we dont know why. He gave no indication. One of the reasons weve been successful against terrorism and a terrorist in this country has the same access to same tools and implements of firearms, the same freedom of information. We are a free and open society. The same freedom to travel and do all the things we do as americans and yet we successfully defended ourselves against these terrorists here in our country. Why . The public is engaged. If i were to do something suspicious on an airplane, there be 50 people reporting. This guy had all signs and no one perceived him as a threat. We have to get the public engaged. Brian between your service in the military, impact you made getting Saddam Hussein, come back and have your own weapons manufacturer. People listening right now saying i were the congressmen ever do something that would hurt his own business or the nra, being that hes a republican . We dont make bump stocks or try to circumvent any laws. We pay special operational tax. We work well with the atf. We know what the laws are. How about turned to folks like us that know the law, then know how to aptness the st. Valentine massacre in the 1934 firearms act, they try to address these Public Safety issues. To not eliminate but to provide restrictions brian congressman, what are you proposing . Though the laws have been ineffective. Virtually never been used in crimes. That body of law has been successful. What we have to do is examine the whole thing comprehensively and say how do we the public, engage the public, and we look at manipulation devices that try to circumvent the law. All of that is on the table. Brian some bipartisan special select committee that you obviously would be a part of . That is the hope. Reaching for those that have expertise in Law Enforcement and medical field, combat veterans and also firearms manufacturer i know these laws. Weve got up at the experts on this. Not just people pontificating, retreating to their quarters and shouting over one another. Brian thanks so much. Meanwhile straight ahead, we have more on the motive behind the Las Vegas Massacre if he can possibly unwind it and discover it. Nbc news is on defense after the Trump Administration says secretary of state Rex Tillerson is completely 100 wrong, the story they did on him. Will they apologize . Next. s list for free. Which means everyone has access to our real reviews that we actually verify. And we can also verify that what goes down, [ splash, toilet flush ] doesnt always come back up. Find a great plumber at angies list. Join today for free. Your body was made for Better Things than rheumatoid arthritis. 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In front of with the speech with the boy scouts. He was so upset about this he called a press conference to clarify. The Vice President has never had to persuade me to remain the secretary of state because ive never considered leaving this post. Can you address the main headline of this story and if not, where these reports . Im not going to deal with petty stuff like that. Brian because he didnt come out and say i never said it, people said he doesnt want to go over it again. Thats not the case. Secretary tillerson never said the word moron. It saying he did not use that kind of language. President trump responded to the story on his visit to las vegas today. Reporter any response to response to Rex Tillersons comment . Im very honored by his comments. It was fake news. Its made up by nbc. They just made it up. Thank you all. Total confidence in rex. Brian if you think about it, the press conference is very unique in that Rex Tillerson outlined for the president s Foreign Policy and philosophy and then talked about putting America First translates to international diplomacy. He also talked about his relationship with secretary of defense mattis which is as good as anything youll ever have between those two departments. Joining us right now for some analysis, dan von gino, and white pd officer he has a great book out and in washington, david goodfriend. Dan, nbc did not apologize. They said they still stand by your story. Your thoughts . Yeah, do you know what thats found in the background is, brian . Nbc flushing its remaining credibility down the collective National Toilet bowl. The media has become a joke. This is nothing but tabloid journalism in the era of donald trump. I almost had to take notes with a segment about how many fake news stories the media has put out there. We have the dossier with buzzfeed. The trump wiretap story where the New York Times had to refute own story. 90 of republicans dont trust the media because they havent earned our trust. Theyve become a complete joke. Brian david, i dont think its a big deal when the secretary of state and defense had tension. Sometimes they function at a higher level. Do you think the fact that secretary state tillerson came out to define it where people thought he might be resigning, that he actually believes he was outraged by this and do you think you might have struck the truth and felt he had clarify and do some damage control . Its interesting tell, to use a gambling turn, when a public figure comes out and has to address the public and correct the record, so to speak. I almost think its like he protests too much. Maybe theres Something Else they are. I want to go back and put this in context. Lets not forget it was secretary tillerson who went on the sunday talk shows and distance himself from the president after charlottesville. It was secretary tillerson who over the weekend felt he was undercut by President Trump saying dont negotiate with north korea or talked of rocket man. Then the nbc story came out. It seems were only talking about the nbc story without looking at the larger narrative. There has been public incidents, you cant really deny it, or secretary tillerson and the president seem to be out of step with each other. Theres nothing unusual about that. Its not unusual for any administration to be a little out of step. The president himself, donald trump, has said some things that really do to the casual observer make you say my gosh, does he have this guys back or is he trying to undercut him . Thats probably what motivated secretary tillerson to come in front of the cameras and do some damage control because when hes negotiating with north korea, which is something we all should care about, he cannot afford to have the North Koreans think he somehow isnt important or doesnt have the ear of the president. Its incredibly important. Ronald reagan secretary of state said on npr today its incredibly important for the rest of the world to think the secretary of state has the trust of the president. Brian theres nothing he said that was relatively inaccurate. Its that they were length. What do you think . The media is trying to create another fake trump russia xfiles story. The new story is that there is discord in the white house. Trump is running a chaotic operation. It is all falling apart. Thats nonsense. Lincoln ran a team of rivals. This has gone on since the inception of the republic. A quick example, if this were to happen in the obama administration, they would praise obama and say look at, there are disparate voices. Hes open to hearing different ways to handle problems. Under trump, its being portrayed as a new narrative of chaos. Its nonsense. Brian we are up against a break, david. You had a thoughtful analysis but all the media jumped on one word, moron. It goes the same thing with what michael chase at on snl, with or what lebron james says to describe him call him a bum or a cracker. Can you see how they do make some think they are getting up on the president . I worked for bill clinton after the Monica Lewinsky story broke. Every president thinks the press beats up on them unfairly. I promise you, every president feels that way. Ive got to tell you, in this case, there are other things going on that weve got to Pay Attention to that feed into this narrative. My friend on the other side says they are making this stuff up. Hey, some of the time it is retracted. Most of the time, its not. If you are a donald trump supporter, you should be rooting for your guy and i will be criticizing him and thats what makes america great. Brian will not fair and unnamed sources that say demeaning things we dont want them to do some damage. Good conversation. Good job, i appreciate it. I want to take the scene by myself. Push them back. There we go. Next, a hotshot author is blaming White Supremacy on Donald Trumps election victory. More on this unbelievable story after this break, which i actually find it depressing. Im on Facebook Live right now. Join me at the break. When you say you need a heart transplant. Thats a whole different ballgame. I was in shock. I am very proud of the development of drugs that can prevent the rejection and prevent the recurrence of the original disease. I never felt i was going to die. We know so much about transplantation. And were living longer. You cannot help but be inspired by the opportunities that a transplant would offer. My donors mom says you were meant to carry his story. Brian welcome back, everybody. A winner of the National Book award and one of the most heralded writers today was on cbs where he opined that grace had a big factor in President Trumps victory over Hillary Clinton because of president obama . You think in part the vote for donald trump was in part if not a significant part of vote against barack obama . Yeah, i think it was revanche us. An important part. It was revanche against the very idea of a black man leading the country. We should expect this. We have a long and regrettable history of White Supremacy in this country. They election of a black man into this white house that we would no longer have to grapple with that, its a bit naive. Brian as much as i disagree, i am more depressed. Hes an extremely bright man. A great writer. I couldnt disagree more. What president push when he took over for bill clinton, a gy known as christian values known as a guy running a frat house. Then a cerebral president obama to take over for somebody that they called a cowboy. Income somebody who maybe was apologizing for america and that president. We see them trying to change the narrative, not because of the leaders skin or gender. Joining us now to discuss is matthew slap and when wendy sfo. One day, am i wrong . No but we have to set the narrative in context. When we are looking at donald trump, youre looking at the same the whole propaganda around president obama, he asked for the death penalty. He used harsher language on the nfl players that did not stand for the flag dan the neonazis in charlottesville. While we cannot sit here and say that everyone who votes for donald trump is a white supremacist, no, we cannot say that but we can say is that the White Supremacists did vote for donald trump and that is a fact. Brian you have to say its tough to win that third term, bush 41 did it. It was tough to get the eight years afterwards. Thats what this is about, matt. Wendy has some examples, if youre looking for that. For me, i look at the american leader and what they stand for. Not the color of their skin. We can walk through each of these nefarious charges that got brought up with donald trump. The left wants to make this about race and they want to silence people like me who supported donald trump. The overwhelming political factor in the most recent president ial campaign was really not about race, we took a very young, inexperienced person, put them in the white house, and they promised to govern barack obama said he would find a way to heal the nation after george w. Bush. What he turned to was very radical policies on issue after issue after issue. So radical what donald trump and Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, three pretty old candidates demonstrated that the American People were scared to death by Barack Obamas inexperienced and radicalism. They wanted to try experience. Brian wendy, i want you to weigh in. What about president mitt romney . I want to touch upon matts point. He talked about experience. Donald trump out of all of the candidates has the least amount of experience. Thats thats not true. Brian it is true. He is a star, matt. He has 71 years of business experience and thats with the is country wanted. Clear that he has the lowest Approval Rating in modernday history, is that relate did you meet the founders of our country when they had a government . Did you meet our founders . The be very interesting if you did. Did you meet our founders . Okay. My point is this, the dominant factor in politics it was not race. It was this idea that the insiders had screwed it up so radically. Come come about. Thats not fair. Brian wendy, if anyone else on that stage had one back, do you think mr. Tanehisi coates or yourself would say this is a reaction to an africanamerican president . Absolutely. The truth of the matter is you cannot sit here and purport that we live in a utopian society. There are people that did not like barack obama because of the color of his skin. Not everyone but there people that did. We have to bring that to the conversation. Brian regardless if you agree with any or all of his opinions, hes a charismatic guy who held himself with tremendous class. As a great family man and a great husband. No one can argue that. Thats where we disagree. [laughter] not personal. Policy. And not racial. I hope we can agree on that. Fair enough, brian. Brian up next, a closer look at the las vegas shooter, Stephen Paddock and why he might have targeted that festival. We have more news to share with you. Dont go anywhere. This is fox news tonight. Prevagen. The name to remember. 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We do know he specifically asked for that suite at the Mandalay Bay Hotel that overlooked the highway 91 concert venue. Tonight we are learning that the weekend before, he rented rooms at a different vegas hotel that overlooked another music festival, leaving some to wonder if that was his original target or presurveillance or if he had a garage against music fans . His brother and girlfriend described the Real Estate Investor as a good man who just seemed to snap. Paddock let a secret life that is hard to fathom. Anything to indicate this individuals trigger points and to cause him to do such harm, we havent understood it yet. I think its a for us to get to there. You have to be patient with us. He added paddock intended to survive sundays massacre but he refused to elaborate on any escape plans. Paddock has no profile on social media. Very unusual in this day and age and at the and at avid gambler, he preferred video poker. A game that requires no interaction with a dealer or fellow gamblers. According to published reports in june, he was prescribed valium, an antianxiety drug that can cause aggressive behavior. Looking into whether something may have happened in october of last year that caused him to start stockpiling weapons. He bought 33 guns in the last 12 months. Investigators tonight examining that arsenal as well as his cell phone records and computers and they are following the money trail, tracing thousands of dollars he recently spent on casino chips and that he overseas. Paddock had no known financial problems or criminal history. Tonight, the search for motive, amid growing frustration here in vegas. Brian lets bring in brian russell. Thats what we know. What do you think . When we look at how meticulously this guy did everything else, related to this event, i have to believe that his choice of event, his choice of crowd and targets was not random. This guy actually had other possibilities. Other concerts he could have picked at that same venue. Or that life is beautiful festival at the other venue. I have to believe and i am speculating here, i have to believe that there was something about the people he expected to be at this Country Music concert that he particularly despised. May be americans were something that he had a grudge against. Brian 20 seconds, do you think he would tell somebody what he was about to do or to he prided himself on secrecy . He went to Great Lengths to conceal what he was planning. He knew what he was doing and he knew it was wrong. I would not be surprised since he was a little bit older, not a social media guy. If we dont get the manifesto in the mail to a media outlet or Law Enforcement outlet in the next couple of days. Brian part of his meticulous nature, he wiped out as social media footprint like you blocked up the stairways amassed all those guns. 23 in the hotel room alone. More of fox news tonight tonight in just a moment. Dont go anywhere. And many achieved remission. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Just managing your symptoms . Ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, remission is possible. Ahh. The new guy. Whoa, he looks he looks exactly like me. No. Separated at birth much . We should switch name tags, and no one would know who was who. Jamie, you seriously think you look like him . Uh, im pretty good with comparisons. Like how progressive helps people save money by comparing rates, even if were not the lowest. Even if were not the lowest. Whoa wow. I mean, the outfit helps, but pretty great. Look at us. Wow. I mean, the outfit helps, but pretty great. We see their hunger. Their courage. We see their dreams. We see the things that built our nation. And we wonder, what would happen if everyone had equal access to education . What would they discover . What new worlds would they build . Thats why we built a university for everyone. Southern New Hampshire university. Brian before we go, i just want you to see these fuel tanks. The right outside mandalay bay, the hotel. This is where Stephen Paddock was targeting shooting at, hoping to explore these fuel tanks and incinerate the entire crowd. Think about how much worse this could have been. We are looking to verify the story and Trace Gallagher will have more on that shortly. Before we go, i remind you to catch me tomorrow on fox friends. We will have senator jeff flake and general jack keane. A town hall, three separate segments of a town hall where people will weigh in on where we go and what we should learn from this massacre on sunday night when it comes to gun control. If you want more of me, and i know you do, listen to the Brian Kilmeade show, the radio show from nine to noon. Brian kilmeade joe. Com. Are amongst our gas, chris wall, who ive never met in person. It will be fun. Thanks for watching. Heres trace. Hes a sick, demented man. I havent been able to find out anything else. Its a little bit soon. Still a little bit soon. We have a couple good leads. We are working our way through that. We will get here. There might be something there. The wires are screwed up but there might be something there. Trace chief executives told that they will get the answers. The president travels to las vegas and reason on what may have triggered the saturday night massacre. In fact, after three days of an intense investigation, local and federal authorities admit they are now closer to finding the question why. Good evening,

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