Trump campaign with congressman david, top member of House Judiciary Committee. We will ask about pushback on joe bidens comments on china from both the right and the left. And our power player of the week, Melinda Gates on the moment of lift for women. Im not afraid to say what i believe and what i know to be true. Chris all right now on fox news sunday. First, failed uprising in venezuela as Opposition Leader juan guiado was unable to get the military to overthrow disputed president Nicolas Maduro you reports north korea fired projectiles raising tensions between russia and pyongyang and russian president in the middle challenging the u. S. On both fronts. In a moment, we will discuss all this with the secretary of state mike pompeo, but first lets get the latest from kevin corke at the white house, kevin. Chris, it remains unclear what the administration will do. But what is clear is speech comes comes with great sense of urgency. North koreas steat media showing kim jong un looking through venaculars and what appear to be shortrange ballistic missile. Provocation amid a new rift in the diplomatic relationship with the u. S. A plan to oust maduro appeared to fizzle out this week as Opposition Leader juan guiado continue to garner the vocal support of both Trump Administration and that of millions of countrymen who have seen one prosperous economy fall desperately into ruin. Guiado underestimated support within the military, he promised to continue his fight to get control hopefully with he said with the help of the u. S. President trump meanwhile as very good conversation with the president of russia this week, the two men discussing a number of topics, among them trade, Nuclear Proliferation as well as the ongoing crisis in caracas. Speaking of caracas, guiado told the Washington Post he expects deflections in the military to force maduro from power. We will see if that ultimately happens. He wouldnt rule out u. S. Military assistance along side forces to ensure peaceful transfer of power, chris. Kevin corke reporting from the white house, kevin, thank you. Joining us now secretary of state mike pompeo, mr. Secretary, welcome back to fox news sunday. Chris, great to be with you this morning. Chris lets start with venezuela, on tuesday you and National Security adviser john bolton were talking as if a coup in caracas was underway, take a look. They need to be able to act this afternoon or this evening to help bring other military forces to the side of the interim president. Chris what happened, was there an intelligence failure about whether or not some top venezuelan officials were going to flip on maduro . Well, first of all, chris, there cant be a couplet by juan guido, hes the elected leader, dually elected through constitutional process, there couldnt have been a coup there. The venezuela People Struggle for democracy continues, we have made very clear that maduro must lead, theres no way that you can have free and Fair Elections with maduro still inside of that country, and weve made very clear not only in the United States but 50 plus nations support juan guiado and National Assembly and efforts to beat back the horrific conditions that i was on the border and i watched women carrying babies across the border. They didnt want to leave the country, they needed to make decisions to feed their children the second day or third day. Our effort chris ousting coup, whatever, why didnt it happen . Maduro still in power. He is, things take time. Chris why did we think it was going to happen on tuesday but didnt happen . We know its going to happen. Chris, im not going to talk about the various conversations taken place, we continue to work with leaders down there. The lima Group Continues to work with leaders on the ground, the organization continues to work with leaders on the ground, if you think about where this country was 90 days ago, the venezuelan people should be very proud, much closer to having democracy restored and having country back on track than they were 90 days ago. For weeks you and bolton have talked about and called russian interference in venezuela, here you are. They love to get effective control in the country in the hemisphere, its goodold fashion power politics. Weve told russians and cubans thats unacceptable. Chris friday President Trump talked with russian president Vladimir Putin about venezuela. Not looking at all to get involved in venezuela other than hed like to see something positive happen for venezuela. Chris so which is it, is putin propping up a dictator in our own backyard or putin looking for something in venezuela . The president has been very clear, he said in a tweet several weeks ago, the russians have to get out, that remains our view, we want the venezuelan people not to have interference not from any country, whether its china, russia, you have iranians on the ground in venezuela. We know about the long history, a couple thousand cuban thugs essentially controlling the country today. The United States wants all other countries out and the venezuelan people to assert democracy, we are confident that we will achieve that. I cant tell you what day but it will happen. Russia is very involved, the wagner group, privaterussian military force in venezuela, putin has sent top military officials to venezuela, what are you going to tell, youre going to be meeting with Russian Foreign minister lavrov tomorrow, what are you going to tell him . What the president told the world, that every country needs to get out including russians. We dont want anyone messing around with venezuela, sovereign state, democraticelected officials, this is what we desire for the venezuelan people, thats what i will talk with him about and travel onto germany and to the united kingdom. We will work with them to achieve this objective. Chris the Mueller Report that came out has completely cleared the president when it comes to collusion with the russians as to the kremlin, however, it said this, the russian government interfered in 2016 election in sweeping and systematic fashion, but here is how President Trump described his talk with putin on friday about 2016 and about possible meddling in 2020. Take a look. He actually sort of smiled when he said something to the effect that it started off as a mountain and ended up being a mouse. We didnt discuss that. Chris why doesnt the president get tough with putin about what everyone seems to agree is clear meddling in 2016 and the threat of meddling in 2020 . Chris, this administration has been tougher on russia than any of its predecessor administration, i can go through the list but theres not time in the show to talk about all the things weve done. Largest defense buildup, the list is long, chris, and so for you to suggest that somehow we havent taken election interference seriously, we do, we continue to work on it. We continue to make sure that every election is as safe as it can possibly be, the department of homeland security, Intelligence Agency all working to not only ensure 2018 was successful, we were, 2020 will continue to be successful. We take seriously the threat of election interference from every country, russia included. Chris i guess what im asking and i take your point because in terms of specific policies the u. S. Chris, i dont get your point. Chris let me im confused. Chris let me the administration that has been tougher on russia than any predecessor and you continue to be fixated on something that Robert Mueller wrote down. Chris im not fixated on Robert Mueller, the president s conversation with Vladimir Putin and he doesnt mention meddling in 2020 and the question im asking, i think its a legitimate one, a lot of people are asking, sir, why not . I talked to leaders all of the time who cover broadrange of subjects, sometimes conversations arent long enough to include every issue that might be brought up. Ly let the white house talk about what the president said in remarks but no one should misunderstand from your question today, your viewers should not be misled. This administration has taken threat of interference and will continue to do so. Chris yesterday north korea called what it is calling shortrange projectiles, but the question is and lets put these up on the screen, were they, in fact, north koreas new shortrange Ballistic Missiles and if so, did they violate north koreas moratorium on missile test . The launches and there were several were short range, i dont want to say exactly how long we are still work to go ensure we have the data right. We have high confidence that they were not longrange missile or intercontinental missiles but we want to put larger context, we still have every intention of negotiating a good resolution with north korea to get them to to denuclearize. I have extended negotiating hand and we heard back from them, i extended my hand and want to continue to work towards peaceful negotiation fully verified in north korea. Chris were they in fact, those that we put in the screen the new north korean shortrange missile. I didnt see the list on the screen, i will make the department of defense make announcements. I can tell you we have ruled out with certainty. Chris do you see it as violating missile test . We will have to take a look. We know our objective, the moratorium was focused on intercontinental systems, the ones that threaten the United States for sure. Chris north korean wanted to continue talks, have gone after you recently, they said you have, mean character, replaced by someone more careful and mature in communicating with us and you talk about changing your talk about changing passive diplomacy fails, their quote, sir, not mine is stupid and dangerous, i guess the question i have is, the president says even in a tweet, the deal will happen. It sure seems like diplomacy between u. S. And north korea is in trouble. It always seems that way until its successful. Thats what the north korean comments, the immaturity thing, im not so sure about. The rest i will let the world decide. Chris there was a moment to this conversation where i thought mean would be correct. Fair enough. The president gets to choose who negotiators are. Hes leading the effort. We want to maximize the possibility, keep open to the extent possible that we can achieve and we are working to do that. Chris i have a couple of minutes left. Theres been outburst of rocket fires on gaza, israel is responding with air strikes, is this just the normal outburst that we see across border or pretty serious . The number is over 400 rockets that we can validate, the israelis have every right to defend themselves. I have seen video, strikes at home, rockets. Fired with civilians around them in order to protect from return fire, this is terrible, israelis have every right to protect sovereignty of the nation and i hope that we can protect to the cease fire that had been placed for weeks and had been holding significantly before this. Chris pentagon issued report this week that china is making tremendous progress in replacing the u. S. As the preempt preeminent leader, but former Vice President biden said this this week. China is going to eat our lunch, come on, man, theyre not bad folks, folks, guess what, theyre competition for us. Chris does former Vice President biden know something that you dont . Seems a little disconnected from the reality thats china today, maybe when he ran for president the first time this was the situation but its certainly not today, china poses enormous challenge to the United States of america, i agree ultimately america will prevail. Im confident of that, we should bet on our nation, but its going to take serious concerted effort, president thats prepare today push back on whether that would be trade, intellectual property, we need president that can protect america against the challenge that is china presents. Chris secretary pompeo, thank you, thanks for your time, always good to talk with you, sir, safe travels. Thank you, sir. Chris up next President Trump says the white house with all subpoenas and Democrats Holding in contempt, we will talk to the i switched to liberty mutual, because they let me customize my insurance. And as a fitness junkie, i customize everything, like my bike, and my calves. Liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. If you have a garden you know, weeds are lowdown little scoundrels. Draw the line with roundup. The sure shot wand extends with a protective shield to target weeds precisely and kill them right down to the root. Roundup brand. Trusted for over 40 years. Chris chair of the House Judiciary Committee is giving the attorney general one more chance to comply with a subpoena or face sanctions, joining us now from rhode island congressman david, key member of the committee and House Democratic leadership. Congressman, your committee has given attorney general barr a deadline of 9 00 a. M. Tomorrow to turn over a fuller version of the Mueller Report as well as underlying documents, one, has there been any progress, have you gotten any response from the attorney general and, two, if you dont by 9 00 tomorrow will your Committee Vote to hold the attorney general in contempt of congress . Well, good morning, chris, good to be with you, the chairman of the committee conveyed to the attorney general additional compromises and said, you know, produce all of the documents but prioritize those that are referenced in the report, give us an opportunity to see unredacted version and gave until tomorrow morning at 9 00 oclock to produce the document, there has not been a compliance yet, we obviously have to wait till the morning to see if the attorney general will comply, i think if the attorney general does not the chairman will ask committee to move forward with a contempt citation, chairman has been patient, tried to accommodate the attorney general in every way, the members of the committee need to see report and supporting documents so we can do work and conduct have over sight in responsible way and i hope the attorney general will comply. Chris back in 2012 when House Republicans were a majority they voted on the house floor to hold then attorney general eric holder in contempt of congress for failing to turn over documents in the fast and furious case, you walked off the house floor in protest explaining, quote, i decline to participate in these political gains which you called an abuse of power, congressman, arent you and democrats now involved in the same political gains . Theyre quite difference, chris, in that instance the white house had indicated it would produce all the documents and the attorney general said the same, the republicans nonetheless wanted to go forward with contempt citation close to an election, i thought it would be politically advantageous, is theyre very different circumstances. Mr. Barr says im going the produce the documents and not go forward with contempt. Chris that eric holder hadnt turned over, they wanted them to testify and he didnt testify, the point is kind of the same, the attorney general refused to answer requests from the house and the house voted in contempt and in one case you said it was abuse of power and the other you will support it. No, attorney general holder did testify before congress and the white house did indicate intention to turn over the documents that the republicans sought, despite that assurance they wanted to move forward with contempt. In this case we dont have that assurance from attorney general. Mr. Barr has refused to furnish the documents or come before the committee. If mr. Barr agrees to turn over what we requested in a reasonable way, no one is committed in moving forward with contempt. We want the information so we can do the work and oversight that our committee is required to do. Chris attorney general barr declined to testify before your committee this week after your panel insisted that he answer questions from staff lawyers in addition to members of congress, i have a question, when was the last time that a House Committee demanded that staff lawyers interrogate a cabinet secretary. Well, i think the last congress was probably during it happened in the senate with dr. Ford, i mean, the fact is the house rules, the committee decides how we will collect that. Chris lets go back. In terms of direct answer to my question, it was in 1987 which is i stand corrected. Im sorry, there were a number of witness that is were examined during the clinton email inquiry. Director of the fbi. Chris i can tell you we asked the House Judiciary Committee, they said the last time that a House Committee demanded that staff lawyers talk to a cabinet secretary was 1987 during iran, that was 32 years, the kristin case was different. Secondly she was interviewed by a woman because of the fact that republicans didnt want allmale panel to have men questioning her. So only two case that is we could find were iran and watergate, thats the question, congressman, wasnt this an effort by House Judiciary Committee to make the russia investigation seem as bad and as serious as iran contra and watergate . Thats not the purpose of asking for staff attorneys for questioning. Its been done to a lot of businesses. I dont think its cabin secretary or lay witness. The committee has right to collect evidence that is appropriate. Hes master at evading and you have 5 minutes, you sometimes cant dig deep enough a