Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox News Sunday With Chris Wallace

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox News Sunday With Chris Wallace 20181217 00:00:00

pharaoh dynasty. it was found just west of cairo exceptionally well preserved with intact statues and original colors and hieroglyphics that could offer more understanding of the life back then. from december 16 thank you for joining us on "fox news sunday". chris: a federal judge strikes down obama care and president trumps is one - - inner circle is sentenced to prison who was next toon fall? >> whatever he did he did on his own. >> what does michael cohen's cooperation mean for the
special counsel investigation? me will ask the leadg. lawyer. >> i am proud to shut down the government on border security.. i will be the one to shut it down i will not blame you. >> also with a divided washington with the possible government shutdown over the border wall. >> perhaps he does not understand people need paychecks. >> headed for compromise or confrontation? also the us engagement around the world there are many reasons we should maintain that. >> we will talk to the cochair of the gates foundation what he feels is a threateningng role dealing with poverty. right now. chris: hello again from washington. we begin with breaking news a federal judge has ruled the entire affordable care act.
obama care will remain in place pending appeal that president trumper calling for congress to pass new legislation. we will getinnd to that later bt the president is already dealing with a possible government shutdown now five days prosecutors are producing more evidence that former members of the inner circle to plead guilty that implicates the president. we will get the latest fly from the white house. >> even for the administration with a shift in the new cycle without a debt a one - - without a doubt a tumultuous week. but it is damaging to the trump white house than those former members. >> three are facing time in prison but none with russian collusion former national security advisor was sentenced
to lying to federal investigators the special counsel's office said he get time even though he was entrapped with questions. meanwhile in the first televised interview since being sentenced he claims he repeatedly lied over the years and set up payments to aid the campaign that was denied by the no white house. >> i will shut it down for the border. >> that did little to quell fears of a potential shutdown over the president's insistence over funding for a border wall that they will not pay for that the backers of the affordable care act to consider their next move in the wake of a ruling that the law is unconstitutiona
unconstitutional. >> to sit down with the democrats to get great health care for our people. >> that ruling by the district court judge does not impact obama care recipients in the short term but it does set up a high court battle and that is the debate white house officials would love to have. >> think you. now joined me from new york that lead lawyer rudy giuliani welcome back. >> let's start with the allegation that president trump directed him to have a criminalca campaign finance violation. >> i never directed him to do anything wrong whatever he did on his own. and then to represent a client. >> he directed me to become
involved in these matters and make the payments. >> did mister trump directed him to pay off the two women are not? mimic the truth is wet :-colon testified to under oath and what he repeated numerous times on tape recordings is that the president did not know about this until sometime into it. he did eventually find out about it and would reimburse him.m. this is hard but even if it were true it's not a crime. this has been covered in the edwards case not only the acquittal of a hung jury but the fact the sec looked at those violations and determined they were notca. chris: we will get to that but let's get to the simple question whether the president directed colin to make these payments are not.
he says the president is not to be believed here he is. >> he does not tell the truth when it is sad that i should take responsibility for his dirty deeds. >> that is some lawyer. he was the lawyer in that situation. >> does the president tell the truth or not? >> yes he is telling the truth he is lying. is this a big surprise that he is lying? he got in front of the judge to say i was fiercely loyal to donald trump. nonsense he taped him and lied to him and revealed the tape that is not something i have ever heard a lawyer ever do? to tape-record your own client and then said he was not being taped two hours. he is a complete pathological liar that will never last on
the witness stand. >> but not the credibility of michael cohen the president has changed his story repeatedly if he knew about hush money here is what he said on air force one in april. >> did you know? no truth? >> you have to ask michael. michael's my attorney and you'll have to ask michael. you'll have to ask michael. spent the president says he doesn't know anything about any payments but in one of those tapes you are talking where colin surreptitiously went tape the president backta in here is the president and t17.
>> and when it comes time for financing. >> no no no. chris: which is it? did he know or not? >> i know this well because i was criticized for revealing this when i came into thee' cas. when i first came into the case the president's awesome notes and documents thought about it and i said no. after this payments took place in before the revelations you are talking about on air force oneid. the president did talk to cohen and people in between and they arranged to reimburse him after the payment was made and over in the campaign was overco. chris: you are talking about a conversation during the
campaign he is clearly aware that the head of the national enquirer had paid offff karen mcdougall they are talking about reimbursing for that payment. >> that's a big difference i was a conversation he was asked in the middle of the camp - - campaign. i was with him i could not remember a lot of things that happened in september 2016 he was asked at one time when he sat down with his lawyer in great detail he immediately corrected it nobody found one - - pushed us we found that and i was criticized like crazy for doing that. chris: according both to cohen and becker who was the head of the national enquirer they said they were not in a meeting - - that they were in
a meeting with trump in 2016 regarding mcdougall. >> it doesn't matter whether it happened or did not happen it is not illegalmeit. chris: but you are moving things around you there it happened or it didn't happen. >> that is what lawyers do all the time they argue the alternative. >> but i wants t the truth in a tape-recorded conversation he says write a check. i'm sorry. i'm implicated up thousands of crimes never implicated pay him back. they paid him back that is what this is all about it exonerates him and i would cross-examine cohen in front of any jury. but cohen did not plead guilty to conspiracy of campaign finance laws of they would use him as a witness plead guilty
to a conspiracy so you can fill that. he pled guilty to a singular crime not a conspiracy. chris: but that statement still references the individual one. >> this is what you told the daily beast this week. nobody got killed. nobody got robbed. this was not a big crime. what is the threshold between a crime or a big crime? mimic my statement is the prosecutors. he who wrote that corrected it to say it was taken out of context. my point was there was noaf crime but if you take the prosecutors viewpoint, looking at collusion. chris: no no no. the southern district of new york.
>> they are part of the department of justice. chris: when you were the us attorney you and take some orders from somebody in washington not the attorney general you were your own. >> the person in charge of this investigation is rubenstein the deputy attorney general he is the boss of the southern district of new york. move it overat here. and then to keep supervision ofat it. and rod will make the decision what to do with this case and not that witchhunt to go back to 1982 and 1983 they are going through business
records. my goodness they went from collusion to obstruction no evidence now campaign finance no violation of thet law the matter who is right there is no violation of the law. >> i have to move on president trump. >> you want to do the truth that is the truth. >> but now president trump talks about whether or not he lied to the fbi to make he tooky a general that said he did not lie and convince them that he did and now they are recommending no time because they are embarrassed because they got caught. chris: does the president believe michael flynn lied or ? >> i don't know if he lied or not that is contradictory you have the fbi saying at the time he was not lying and now we have no explanation and he pleads guilty.
i don't know what happened in between. >> i want to put up a tweet from the president one year ago when he says i had to fire general flynn because he lied to the vice president and the fbi he is pled guilty to those lies. the president one year ago seem to know that he was lying and now not so sure?fl >> the president doesn't know that he lied. he knows what you knew at the time he pled guilty. chris: he knows what flynn said to the vice president. >> that was a lie. but that was not a crime. >> you are all over the place chris and confusing people.
same lie to the vice president and then to lie to the fbi is a crime. >> the more important thing with the president know or did not know with him being involved of conspiracy if it is reported one of the assistance the us attorney lied to the court, if he did or he didn't he knows what he reads he was found guilty of lying.. i did not know at the time. >> i'm not confusing people okay. last three questions there are reports now that the special counsel is interested again interviewing the president.
has his office reached out to you for the in person interview with the president? mimic yes there are several unpaid parking tickets in 1986 that areun not explained. seriously. chris: with the special counsel? >> good luck. what they did to flynn and trap him into perjury? fourteen days for papadopoulos i did better on traffic violations. chris: you say good luck? >> they are a jokeop. over my dead body but i could beouri dead. i am disgusted with the tactics they have used what they did to general flynn resulting in discipline they are violating the looking at a non- crime collusion the other is a non- crime campaign and they are
violating the law and the rules in the ethics nobody wants to look at them. they destroyed the text and 19000 text they put them in jail. chris: mayor giuliani think you. >> i love it and please come back. chris: up next we will bring in our group to discuss if the judge is obama care ruling could mean for millions of americans and also a president trump saying he would be proud to shut down the government wall and we may use your questions on the air. erent. so, i created a world where i can heal. are all of the dolls people you know? yeah, there's anna... [ gasps ] caralala... nicol... i just moved in across the street.
and julie. you gotta love the pain. pain is our rocket fuel. you need to face those jerks who beat you up. maybe the dolls should stay in the car. i never go anywhere without my back-up. heartburn and gas? ♪ fight both fast tums chewy bites with gas relief all in one relief of heartburn and gas ♪ ♪ tum tum tum tums tums chewy bites with gas relief the united states postal service makes more holiday deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. ♪ with one notable exception. ♪ >> a highly respected judge.
>> a highly respected judge. >> on the assumption the upheld for the people we'll have to sit down with the democrats to see what they want to do. chris: president trump praising the federal judge striking down the entire obama care law now it's time for the sunday group. brit hume and juan williams and julie from the washington bureau chief of the associated press and former director of legislative affairs. the federal judge said it is invalid because congress has taken out the tax penalty as part of the individual mandate which is how it'san passed the supreme court in the first place but that is pending
appeal. >> this is a trial court judge soe it is subject to appeal possibly to the supreme court it is an interesting argument because of that invalidation to zero out the penalty so the whole law is invalid that could be a good argument on both sides of that issue but because the judge did not issue an injunction that obama care will remain in place of what is left of it for the perceivable futur future. >> but those that they did not like and that would be out also. >> it could be out soon but that would affect on the practical effect and there is nine for the time being.
>> they ran on 2016 on the idea of repeal and replace which was a good issue for them democrats 12018 on the argument to take away pre-existing conditions even with the fact not to have a practical effect may be a few months or a year as a ghost through the court. >> republicans are on their heels especially the incoming speaker of the house. what the senator from the connecticut to say it is a five alarm fire. if you take away obama care after 70 votes with the republican majority not only
would do away with things like prohibition you would drive up premiums for everybody the healthcare system would be in chaos. so what you get republicans right now including trump who tweeted great we need a bipartisan collaboration to make healthcare work that is a different tone from republicans and that is very telling. >> republicans won in 2010 and 2014 and 2016 from the promise of obama care now. >> because the last two years premiums went up 105 percent over the last year those 50 percent of counties they had one insurer and now that hasre been fixed.
because this administration provided more choices. that doesn't mean forcing people to buy a product that they don't want. what you deafly don't hear from republicans is any interest to go back to the drawing board to start from scratchep. and those who who don't want to spend 2019 deep in the weeds of healthcare. chris: but with 2018 there is a real threat of a government shutdown this friday. >> i am proud to shut down the government over border security because the people of this country don't want criminals or people with lots of problems and drugs pouring into the country. >> he is taking full responsibility for the shutdown but perhaps he does
not understand people need their paychecks. >> so on this issue saying that they would be proud so why is shutting down the government not something to be proud of if it means protecting the o country? that is what we elected the president to do. how do you answer linda? what willis happen? >> if there was a shutdown it would be different the government already has all those serving in men and women in uniform so we wouldn't even recognize the shutdown. >> about 30 percent of the government to get shutdown or 30 or 40 percent of thern
employees. >> so that average person will not feel that in the near future but they will find a compromise and to get that out of the military construction dollars at the problem later because democrats will reject that but we secured and then to say we already agreed to it. all they argue about is how much it cost. >> that is a joke. [laughter] >> shutdown or not? >> all signs point to a compromise. with those patterns and how they play out the last week they had very little interest

Related Keywords

Pharaoh Dynasty , Government , Lawyer , One , Border Security , Leadg , People , Compromise , Government Shutdown , Paychecks , The Washington , Confrontation , Wall , World , Us , Co Chair , Role , Engagement , Reasons , Gates Foundation , Threateningng , Judge , Chris , Obama Care , Breaking News , Poverty , Hello Again , Place , Trumper Calling , Appeal , Legislation , Congress , Bt , President , Evidence , Prosecutors , Members , Inner Circle , Five , Administration , Fly , Doubt , Shift , Cycle , Debt , White House , Prison , None , Russian Collusion , National Security Advisor , Three , Special Counsel , Questions , Interview , Office , Investigators , Campaign , Payments , Shutdown , Fears , Border , Border Wall , Insistence , Funding , Law , Ruling , Backers , Move , Wake , Democrats , Health Care , District Court , Debate , Rudy Giuliani , Officials , Care , Battle , Recipients , High Court , New York , Allegations , Campaign Finance Violation , Criminalca , Anything , Client , Mister Trump , Matters , Women , Two , Truth , Times , Colon , Oath , Tape Recordings , Himm This , Crime , Case , Fact , Directed Colin , Violations , Question , Sec , Hung Jury , Acquittal , Notca , Edwards , Responsibility , Sad , Deeds , Situation , Tell The Truth , Something , Tape , Front , Donald Trump , Nonsense , Liar , Michael Cohen , Hush Money , Credibility , Story , Air Force One , Witness Stand , Attorney , Tapes , Colin Surreptitiously , Backta , Financing , Cas , Notes , Documents , Revelations , Oneid , Air Force , Conversation , Payment , Overco , Head , Karen Mcdougall , Reimbursing , National Enquirer , Offff , Things , Him , Middle , Difference , Lot , September 2016 , 2016 , Cohen , Hit Nobody , Crazy , Detail , Enquirer , Becker , It Doesn T , Trump , Matter , Meeting , Lawyers , Check , Alternative , Pup Thousands , Crimes , Conspiracy , Jury , Witness , Campaign Finance Laws , Statement , Individual , Nobody , Threshold , Beast , Point , Context , Noaf , Collusion , Viewpoint , Southern District Of New York , Part , Attorney General , Somebody , Orders , Department Of Justice , Person , Rubenstein , Investigation , Charge , It , Boss , Move It Overat , Supervision Ofat , Witch Hunt , Rod , Decision , Business Records , 1983 , 1982 , Violation , Goodness , Finance , Thet Law , Fbi , Talks , General , Explanation , Michael Flynn , Tweet , Fire General Flynn , Vice President , Lies , Fl , Doesnt Know , Lie , Court , Know , Assistance , Thing , Lying , Parking Tickets , Areun , 1986 , Luck , Trap , Perjury , Traffic Violations , Papadopoulos , Over My Dead Body , Jokeop , Fourteen , Tactics , Flynn , Other , Discipline , Law Ca , Text , Ethics , Rules , 19000 , Jail , Mayor , Group , Millions , Dolls , Al L , Air , Gasps , Serent , Anna , Caralala , Onicol , The Street , Spain , Jerks , Rocket Fuel , Car , Backup , Anywhere , Julie , Relief , Gas , Heartburn , Tum , Fast Tums Chewy , Tum Tums Chewy , Country , Anyone , Exception , Holiday Deliveries , United States Postal Service , Striking , Assumption , Associated Press , Director , Bureau Chief , Affair , Sunday Group , Juan Williams , Brit Hume , Supreme Court , Tax Penalty , Mandate , Soe , Trial Court Judge , Subject , Argument , Issue , Penalty , Injunction , Invalidation , Sides , Zero , Perceivable Futur Future , Effect , Nine , Conditions , Repeal , Idea , 12018 , Republicans , Ghost , Alarm Fire , Heels , Speaker , Connecticut , Senator , Votes , Majority , 70 , Premiums , Health Care System , Prohibition , Chaos , Everybody , Health Care Work , Tone , Collaboration , Promise , 2014 , 2010 , Counties , Insurer , Hasre , 50 , 105 , Product , Choices , Deafly Don T , Interest , Drawing Board , Scratchep , 2019 , Threat , Weeds , 2018 , Criminals , Problems , Drugs , Lots , Eco Country , Shutdown It , Serving , Men And Women In Uniform , 30 , 40 , Employees , Construction , Problem , Joke , It Cost , Laughter , Patterns , Signs ,

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