Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox News Sunday With Chris Wallace

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox News Sunday With Chris Wallace 20160912

house speaker, newt gingrich, and xavier becerra. plus, is russia trying to disrupt the u.s. election? >> it will not mean your attempts to interfere with our democratic process. >> we'll ask our panel what could happen in november. and our panower player of t week, kirk cousins, wired for more than just winning games. >> it's my goal to impact people. >> and hello again from fox news in washington. today marks 15 years since the worst terror attack on u.s. soil. once again we pause to reflect on those who died. and in less than two months, we go to the polls to choose our next commander-in-chief. in a moment we'll speak with secretary of homeland security jeh johnson about the threat the nation faces now. but first we take you to ground zero in manhattan where family members are reading the names of the almost 3,000 people who lost their lives that terrible day. they're about to mark the moment when the second plane hit the world trade center's south tower. >> craig michael blouse. >> vita blouse. >> richard middleton jr. john paul bacino. >> michael l.bacino. >> susan m.bacino. >> vera francis bodley. >> cruz douglas bones. >> nicholas andrew ogden. >> darren crisst. >> alan barinkle colin arthur bonnet. >> frank j.banomel. >> yvonne h.boyomo. >> canfield d. doone. >> earlier i spoke with homeland secretary jeh johnson about the threats we still face 15 years after 9/11. secretary johnson, thank you for talking with us. on this 15th anniversary of 9/11, how would characterize the threat to the u.s. homeland right now? >> chris, we are stronger against another 9/11 style terrorist-directed attack from overseas. our government has become pretty good at detecting and protecting something hatched from overseas. this community is good at picking up that kind of thing. we're better than we were 15 years ago. where we're challenged, however, is with the lone wolf style attack, the self-radicalized actor that would appear in the homeland. they have the ability to reach into our home and the internet to recruit and inspire, and that's a relatively new environment that requires full government response. >> but i want to try, if i can, sir, to break down the threat. and let me put a couple things up. terrorists now have a greater safe haven in isis than they have any time since 9/11. the fbi says there are more than 900 active investigations against lone wolves and other attacks in the united states. tsa screeners missed weapons 95% of the time. last year almost 500,000 people overstayed their visas and african and asian immigrants trying to cross the border is rising. i don't have to tell you those are all serious holes in our national safety net. >> there are a couple things, chris. first, our u.s. military along with our international partners, as we speak, is taking back territory from isil in iraq-syria. we have a number of leaders focused on external attack. you're correct to note the number of open, pending investigations by the fbi. here in the homeland, the fbi has become pretty good when it comes to counter-terrorism capability detecting these type. aviation security, tsa is actually stronger now than it was a year ago after those horrible ig test results. as you know, we replaced the tsa administrator, hired a new one, pete neffinger, who is doing a terrific job. we were challenged this summer but we have not reduced our number of aviation security, and we are increasing our aviation security and cfos. i asked people to focus on immigrants coming illegally from other hemispheres, from the middle east and so forth, to detect them and block them before they even get to the homeland, working with governments in south america, central america to prevent that from happening. you're correct that we're seeing illegal migrants coming from africa, coming from the middle east, and we're doubling down on preventing that from happening before they even reach the southwest border. >> so bottom line, is the threat we face now worse or less serious than during 9/11? because the chairman of the 9/11 commission, tom keane and lee hamilton, say they think it's worse. >> we're stronger when it comes to preventing a 9/11 style attack. we very plainly have a serious threat environment when it comes to the lone wolf actor, those who self-radicalize. that's a relatively new phenomenon that we've got to protect against. the public can play a role, building bridges to communities where terrorists are trying to recruit from within. it's a new environment and there are a lot of people working really hard to protect against it. but it's still here and will probably be with us for a while, chris. >> i want to turn to another threat that we appear to face, and that is russian hacking into our political system. democratic party files, election, databases in at least two states, arizona and illinois. do you believe that the russians are trying to undermine confidence in our democratic processes, and what is the possibility that they could actually disrupt the vote count in november? >> first, there is an open investigation into the dnc hack, into the various intrusions that we've seen, into state election systems. it would be pretty hard to, chris, alter a ballot count, alter how we tabulate votes in this country, in part because the system is so decentralized. there are some 9,000 jurisdictions involved in the election process. but i've been sending the message to state and local election officials that my department, our cybersecurity experts, are in a position to help them further secure their presence on the internet where it exists. we're in the midst of having that conversation right now. we're going to keep at that between now and november 8 and beyond. >> mr. secretary, does it bother you when you hear a major american political figure say that vladimir putin is more of a leader than president obama? >> well, chris, i don't comment on what the political candidates say. it's election season. i think we have to be extremely careful, however, nsh what we say about foreign leaders. republicans and democrats on both sides of the alhave a lot to do with what vladimir putin is up to. we need to be careful in our rhetoric. that's a nonpartisan-bipartisan statement, chris. >> let me ask you about another nonpartisan-bipartisan issue. in july of last year, you stopped using your government computer for personal e-mails and you banned all homeland security people from doing the same. question: why? >> well, accessing your personal computer on line on a desktop at work is not a cyber security practice. so in homeland security, certainly in leadership of homeland security. >> and do you know if your material you receive is classified, whether or not it's marked, whether or not there is a header? do you know simply from the content, and do you feel an obligation. >> well, i certainly feel an obl goi goigs. i think i can recognize it. in fact, very often when i'm in a skiff talking with my people, i question whether someone has been correctly classified based upon what i'm reading, based upon the substance of what i'm reading. but classified material should be on a wholly separate system, separate and apart from the on-classified that we've seen on our networks. >> it turns out that this is your birthday. i wonder, what is your central memory from that terrible day and how does it shape the way you approach your job as homeland security. thanks for asking. i was a lawyer and just left the pentagon nine months earlier as general counsel of the air force. everybody remembers the weather that day, how nice it was. i frankly remember a feeling of guilt that i had left public service. i wanted to be back at the pentagon where it was going to be all hands on deck. and i remember coming down to the street in manhattan looking for a hospital where i could donate blood. but given the nature of the tragedy, the blood banks were full and nothing was needed. you were either dead or you had escaped. chris. broke my news over homeland security threat. >> thank you for sharing with us what i know we all thought was a difficult day. thank you, sir. >> thank you. coming up, donald trump and hillary clinton talk about national security. we talk about the threats one of them will face as commander in chief. plus, what would you like to ask the panel how much of america is safe aft15 years aft 9/11? just go a looiive look at the penta where a crowd is now gathering to remember the 189 people who lost their lives there on september 11. and it's time now for our sunday group, syndicated columnist george will, fox news political analyst juan williams. julie pace covers the white house and the campaign for the associated press. and washington examiner contributor lisa boothe. george, there is so much more security in this country now than there was 15 years ago, but the threat has also grown. bottom line, are we safer? >> i think we're probably safer from possible terrorism for several reasons. the war began badly, the war on terrors, but our wars often begin badly. pearl harbor, korea, and then we begin to learn. we've done a lot of learning about terrorism and we made technological advancements, some of which we know, some of which we're not allowed to know. so i think we are safer. i think the world at large is less safe because the threat is metastasized and europe with the threat of immigrants is more proximate to the caliphate than it was. that said, it seems to me america is miserably less safe than it was 15 years ago. for a number of reasons. threatening the baltic states, which are nato members. china is extremely aggressive in the south china sea which could be a flashpoint at any point. north korea launches a missile which someday it could be able to reach chicago. and there are other threats that we have a right to be worried about. >> we asked you about questions for the panel on this particular subject, are we safe or not, and we got this on facebook from paul puskuldjian. i was in the world financial center for the bombing in 1993 and then again in the world financial center for the attacks on 9/11. the harsh reality is that since 1993, not much has changed. how do you answer, paul? >> i think a lot has changed. some of the obvious things are the creation of the department of homeland security just heard chris' interview with secretary jeh johnson. homeland security, i think, is now the third largest agency in government. trillions spent to harden targets, but i think all of us have gone through airports to know that experience. but what i think paul is talking about, chris, is something that's reflected in the polls that 40 million americans think terrorists have more ability, more likely to attack us now than back in 2001. you see this in our politics. lots of politicians catering to fear and anxiety in their thinking. this is particularly true of republicans. a higher percentage of republicans, over half, think there is more of a chance of attacks. only a third of independents and democrats. i would just point out again to paul, we have the patriot act. the government has the ability to look at e-mail messages, financial transactions. we've degraded al qaeda, all these things in terms of the massive experience. going back to 2001, i think there is less of a chance. what you heard a few moments ago from george will is absolutely true. in terms of the lone wolf attack or in terms of strategies coming in the way of a threat from putin and china, yes, there is reason to have some sleepless nights. >> well, i want to turn to that subject, particularly putin and the threat, and not necessarily the threat of terror but a different threat, and that is the threat of russian hacking of our american political system, both the democratic campaign organizations and apparently state electoral situations in illinois and washington. how seriously did they take this, that putin could be trying to disrupt our elections and what do you think putin is up to? >> i think they take it quite seriously and that's why you wait before this investigation is complete. they want to make sure the evidence is complete and they have that all in hand. in terms whaf thof what they do though, our hands are pretty tied with russia. we're also trying to partner with russia in syria. the question of what russia is trying to do, though, here, i think, is fairly obvious. they're trying to create some sort of uncertainty in this election, in the process, and then ultimately in the results. >> to what end, though? >> i don't know to what end. i think the idea of creating chaos in american democracy might be the end. because if you really think about this idea, no matter what happens in our electoral campaigns, we are generally confident that the outcome was accurate and correct, and if they can create some uncertainty just around the process and create nervousness in the american population, maybe that is just their end. >> i want to pick up on that with you, lisa, because the russians don't actually have to disrupt our elections if they just create doubt about the outcome, the reliability, the vote count. they kind of achieved their goal, haven't they? >> absolutely, and i think this is just russia strutting their feathers. they don't think they could affect it because it's so vast. that being said, russia hacked european banks prior to 9/11. germany recently accused russia of hacking angela merkel's website. russia has been accused of the first electrical failure in western ukraine, knocking out electricity for 80,000 ukranians. so it wouldn't be surprising if russia, you know, potentially tries to meddle with u.s. relations. also russia is a suburban and putin was an analyst, which he knows all too well. >> in ukraine in 2015, in fact, there was an attempt to disrupt the electoral website just before a political election. this would be right out of the kremlin playbook. >> what they want to say is we have our problems in russia, but at least we have ordererly elections. so orderly that we know the outcome before we have the election. having said that, there is something wrong with our systems that supposedly are our rivals. to get people to think they have a government that's somehow tainte tainted. they're looking for the demolition of american power. >> it's interesting because putin believed that the and is they paid us back in some sense both to the united states and clinton? >> i don't know if we did that. i hope we did that because he's an extremely dangerous man, but i don't think of his motive to be hostile. >> i remember so clearly in the early days of the obama administration. i was going out to have burgers with him for lunch and. i think russia as a population also wanted that. but yes, there was a real attempt to create another power center in russia. up next, hillary clinton and donald trump engage on national security. and we'll continue the debate with two top supporters. what do you think? who would make a better commander in chief and why? let me know on facebook or twitter on fox news sunday and use the >> your families love and miss you. today we honor your memory and your life and the lives who all were lost that day. >> observances continue at ground zero and new york city on this 15th anniversary of 9/11. as family members read the names of the almost 3,000 people who were killed in four separate attacks. joining me now to discuss the new focus on national security in the presidential campaign, former speaker newt gingrich, one of trump's top advisers, and clinton adviser xavier becerra. welcome. >> thank you. >> i want to get to remarks that clinton made at a fundraiser in new york city on friday night. here she is. >> if you were just to be grossly realistic, you could put half of the donald trump supporters into a basket of what i call the deplorables. right? the racist, sexist, homophobic, general genophobic, you name it. >> she says that half -- half -- of trump supporters are not, quote, america. your reaction? >> let me just say she's talking about millions of people. she said she was generalizing, but since then she has also said she regrets that comment about half. there are some -- i don't think anyone denies that there are people there who are deplorable. the white supremacists, the david dukes of the world who are supporting donald trump, and the great thing, i think, is that it's clear there is at least one adult in this race who will say, i regret a remark i've made. bottom line is, we've never had a president, chris, who would take a position of hate and anger. i don't think any of us, i the son of immigrants, watching someone attack immigrants, or women watching a candidate who has saided deplorable things about women, i don't think what we want is someone who gets into office based on advocating, campaigning and then governing based on anger and hate. >> newt gingrich, as hillary clinton mentioned, she released a statement yesterday trying to clean this up. she says this. last night i was grossly generalistic, and that's never a good idea. i regret saying "half." that was wrong. does that make it any better? >> no, hillary is falling apart. she comes out of a terrible national security debate. she lost so badly because the left had to attack matt lauer because they couldn't believe she did that badly. they then said isis wants trump to win. rodney got hammered for talking about 47% are dependent upon government. she just made a statement in which she lumped together millions of americans -- she can go back and try to clean tup. those are a deliberate statement on her part. she wants to pick a fight. fine. let's get a sheriff in milwaukee who is for trump, he can debate her on racism. let's get ben carter, he can debate her on racism. the left has for many years used vicious language to block serious discussion of their policy failures in the inner city. this is more of the same. >> congressman becerra, just looking at this record, more than half talked about trump supporters being this basket of deplorables. it's a line she used repeatedly. >> david duke. he's deplorable. the right supremacists who will go out and say they are supporting donald trump. they're deplorable. the people who agree that anyone based on their religion should not be allowed to come to this country, they're deplorable. what she is saying, a lot of us -- and my father couldn't walk into a restaurant when he was a young man because of the signs that said no dogs or mexicans allowed. he was a u.s. citizen. he's not a hater, though, of this country, he loves this country. what we have to understand is that we should not have people who get elected to office based on campaigning on anger and hate. and newt, accept the fact that she said i regret those remarks. at least she's willing to say that. donald trump can't acknowledge his mistakes. >> donald trump has repeatedly, explicitly repudiated david duke. that's a fact. donald trump has issued statement after statement. he has been on television saying it. so this idea that donald trump is somehow secretly courting people, that's wrong. trump goes to a black church in detroit to talk about the failure of democratic party politics policies in the inner city. let's have a debate about the failure of the democratic party in the inner city which, of course, leads to them yelling "racist" because if they can't smear trump, they'll lose a lot of the votes. >> gentlemen, i'm going to move on to another subject. they can keep talking, i will talk to you folks. let's turn to trump and his running mate and the their continued support for russian putin.nt vladimir putin. here they are. >> it's a very different system and i don't happen to like the system, but certainly in that system he's been a leader far more than our president has been a leader. >> i think it's inarguable that vladimir putin has been a stronger leader in his country than barack obama has been in this country. >> mr. speaker, we're talking about someone who runs in putin a repressive regime, who kills his opponents, who invades other countries, and he's more of a leader? >> more effective. >> no, he said more effective. >> let's go back to george w. bush who looked in putin's eyes. >> he said he's been a leader far more than our president has been a leader, and he says putin has been a strong leader in their country. >> let's go back to george bush. let's go back to hillary who actually got a button out of a hot tub. she actually painted overcharge because her interpreter was wrong. that was her opening. let's go to this week where secretary becerra is trying to work out a deal with syria and the russians. >> you can't be comfortable with this -- i think that putin is a fa fact. there was a red line on syria, didn't. this guy exists and calling him names may not be the best strate strategy. >> trump went on rft, that's the russian failure propaganda arm. here he is. >> there's tremendous dishonesty with the media. not all of it, obviously, but tremendous dishonesty. >> how could you not feel comfortable with a candidate for president praising putin at the same time he admonishes our generals, he criticizes our own troops and he shames the families of american soldiers? he's running for president of the united states, not president of russia, and to me it's a sign of how he campaigns and why. so much of what he does is deplorable. he seems to want to counter this. >> last night he went on larry king. he went on the larry king show. larry king has been it cthe ico american talk for 60 years. larry would think, oh, my gosh, this would help the russians. larry, you're an old friend. of course i'll do your show. >> you don't think. i want to move on to another subject. hillary clinton had yet another explanation this week for mishandling of classified information on and what fbi director co whiches top secret, secret, confidential. none of the e-mails sent or received by me had such a header. >> even if information is not marked "classified" in an e-mail, participants who know or should know that the subject matter is classified are still obl gatsds to protect us. you want to be careful with it. and i believe the secretary has said numerous times that she regrets that she used a private server. >> then why was she talking about the header? >> because people were trying to make the case that she should be prosecuted for having used the private server -- >> we already know she's not going to be prosecuted, so she was defending her -- >> would you agree the header, and we just talked about this with secretary johnson, doesn't matter? >> i, too, have reviewed classified information. classified information typically has a very bold and obvious header, that says. if her documents did not contain those bold, printed words. >> if there was not nfs that boldly and clearly -- i want to bring this up to you because this is the classified non-disclosure agreement that secretary clinton signed just as she became secretary of state in january of 2009. here's what it says. "classified information is marked or unmarked classified information, including oral communication. i understand and accept that by being granted access to classified information, special confidence and trust shall be placed in me by the united states government. congressman becerra, it's clear that the title, the heading doesn't matter, it's the content that matters. >> if it's classified, it would have that marking on it. i don't believe there is any evidence that secretary clinton intended to disclose any classified information. but hey, as she has said, it understands it was a mistake to use a private server. as colin powell has also said there are ways you use your remails. >> i'm sorry; speaker, i'm going to bring you in for one last subject, and that's because of these comments. >> they have been reduced to rubble. they have been reduced to a point where it's embarrassing for our country. >> what would ronald reagan say about a republican nominee who attacks america's generals and he's praised on russia's president. . they're an embarrassment. he seems to say in that forum that he could replace them, as you well know. i suspect as we all know here. sdp sdplz. there is a system for that. he doesn't seem to understand that. >> i suspect he's reflecting the views, analyst and setkom who said they were explicitly threatened to get information about isis. i think there is a very severe probl problem. you saw that with the recent memo from the seblgt of defense on how to handle speaker ryan, which was an exploring retail, that they have been surprised that the sandcom scandal in which a general officer was coercing his subordinates. that could love to continue this conversation both of you. in fact, we'll have you both back to continue with. mr. gingrich, mr. bacerra. our sunday group returns to make it president obama did not follow what our experts truly -- when they call it intelligence, it's there for a reason -- what our experts said to do. >> i think what he said was totally inappropriate and undisciplined. i would never comment on any aspect of an intelligence briefing that i received. >> donald trump giving a controversial look inside his intelligence briefings, and hillary clinton calling him out for that. and we're back now with the panel. so much material, so little time to go over it. let's start again with clinton's remark to a big fundraiser in new york on friday. here she is. >> if we could just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of trump's supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. right? the racist, sexist, homophobic, genophobic, islamophobic, you name it. >> the clinton camp has been struggling all weekend to clean this up. they say she was referring to people who attend the rallies, not to the millions of people who have voted -- i see you shaking your head already -- those who have voted for him. how damaging is this? >> it's damaging for the following reasons. first off, every young writer is told in his career, when you say something that really sounds fun, like a basket of deplorables, when in doubt, take it out because it's probably gone too far. go back to every election starting with the second world war, and every election except the nixon election is the most likeable candidate wins. take all your metrics, all your algorithms. likeability is what decides this thing. now, the country has decided clinton is not honest and trustworthy, and it's not easy to change that. but maybe they could make her not honest or trustworthy, but likeable. so she goes to this event and she does something that's condescension. it's like president obama talking about the people bitterly clinging to their guns or religion. or 47% of americans are takers. >> mitt romney. >> mitt romney. the problem is cultural in this country, not just economic. these people don't feel just left behind, they feel looked down upon, despised by their elites. >> juan, i want to ask you about this, because a lot of people are comparing this with mitt romney and a big fundraiser in florida, a lot of rich people saying 47% of americans just want handouts. is this that bad? >> no, i don't think so at all. i think mitt romney made a mistake. in this case i think what clinton has done two weeks before the first debate, chris, i think she sharpened the focus on who trump is and who chooses to associate with trump. you have to realize, when you think about it, trump is not your normal conservative. he's not your normal republican. >> but to say that half of his supporters -- >> she was generalizing, but i think the point that will be taken away from this -- the republican point is the one about condescension, looking down from the elitist point of view, but i think for most voters it will be, hmm, trump is trying to mainstream a lot of estranged groups. you look at the poll numbers, and i think it's about 35% of americans think trump is a racist and about 56% think he has negative attitudes toward women, immigrants. so there are many people who think he has deplorable views. hillary clinton's democratic supporters aren't turned off by this at all. the question is about independents, and the question is independent-minded, young, college-educated women. how will they react? >> as i discussed with our two guests before, he continues to praise vladimir putin. he said that america's generals have been reduced to rubble and are an embarrassment. he talked about his confidential intelligence briefings. is that helping him in his trying to get past the threshold as a potential commander-in-chief? >> no, it doesn't. if you look at the issue, especially on a day like today, september 11, issues of isis is something donald trump hold onto in every poll. hillary clinton is questioning his temperament, questioning his judgment, more questioning his judgment and more broadly on national intelligence and abilities to be commander in chief and i think when he said things like that on both accounts playing into the narrative that hillary clinton is driving. that being said, hillary clinton has to articulate and make that argument effectively and we have seen from hillary clinton a candidate on the defense for the past couple of woks despite the fact that hillary clinton has been in the public eye for decades. she has training, mock debate practice. this is a candidate who should be stronger than we see a weak candidate, whether the interview with matt lauer or even her basket of deplorables comment. >> to that point, let's put up some polls that are fascinating. the polls continue to close. trump was down more than 4 points in florida a couple of weeks ago. he is now tied. in ohio, he's moved from down five to down one. and in pennsylvania, that's narrowed from a 9-point gap clinton advantage to 6 points. julie, how worried are democrat that is that for all of trump's problems, the race is close and getting close. >> one, how can this race be this close given that trump insulted numerous groups of americans and said things like praising putin and disgracing the generals. you hear democrats who look at 2012 where obama in the end won by a wide margin and the polls looked pretty similar at this stage. they go back to clinton's ground game, strong in a lot of states and say in a close race you have to give her the edge given the ground. >> george, your thoughts about why trump is within striking distance and the race is tightening. >> mrs. clinton has this likability problem. s she can't solve. as you say, this could change very quickly. when ronald reagan went to cleveland for the one debate against jim any carter, they were essentially tied. reagan won a landslide. there could be a lot of movement yet and makes the first debate all the more important. >> are you suggesting that if reagan -- if reagan? if trump were to pass the commander in chief sort of in peoples' eyes, their view, pass that threshold, you could see that kind of a shift? >> i think you could if either candidate changes the something almost universal deplorables narratives of both of them. >> do you agree with that, juan? >> about 20%. it is higher right now. undecideds are higher in this race than previous elections at this time and part of that is people don't like, unfavorability ratings, they don't like trump or clinton very much. remember, the media plays a role here, too. they want a horse race. i think lots of times and why there's so much criticism of matt lauer and how he handled the debate. a lot of attention, chris wallace. >> it was not a debate. it was an interview. last word, quick. >> hillary clinton has her own vulnerabilities with judgment and command in chief. the e-mail server and the clinton foundation. the failed russia reset. the uranium-1 deal and bill clinton with a thank you call from putin. >> lots to cover. as i say, so much material, so little time. thank you, panel. see you next sunday. up next, hour power player of the today is the first sunday of the nfl season and we want to introduce you to someone who's playing for a lot more than just trying to pile up victories on the field. here is our power player of the week. >>ality the end of the day if you don't win football games, people aren't going to want to listen to what you say so football is most important and win on the field and when you do that it opens doors for real impact to happen beyond football. >> kirk cousins is quarterback of the washington redskins and hoping to turn victories on the field for viz bltd of a cause he's been backing for years. he was a teenager when a man named gary came to his church. >> i remember in that moment as a 17-year-old saying, if i ever, if god blesses me enough to have the finances to make a difference, that's an organization, that's a man to get behind. >> talking about the international justice mission that over the last 20 years rescued 28,000 people from slavery and child sex trafficking around the world. >> these little kids were on the boat. abused beyond imagination. >> kids like joshua in forced labor in ghana and elsa who's a survivor of sex trafficking in the philippines. >> the situation, put yourself in the position of -- >> ijm puts lawyers and investigators into the field to push local law enforcement to bust these rings. they've secured more than 1,000 convictions. which brings us back to kirk cousins. >> you like that! you like that! >> after leading the deadskins to the biggest comeback everlast year, the usually mild mannered quarterback had that outburst that cut on. t-shirt sales brought in $50,000 and rally towels for a playoff game raised another 30,000 that went to ijm. >> i'm a big believer in the quote that says set yourself on fire and people will come from miles to watch you burn. in other words, when you live and play with passion, people want to see that. >> but as cousins knows the platform depends on winning. is that a lot of pressure? >> i played my senior year of football with no scholarship offers and had to prove myself to college recruiters at that point. that was pressure. last year, i was playing in my fourth year knowing that it was a make or break opportunity and that was pressure. and so, while there's pressure, it's nothing new. >> adding to that pressure after their playoff run last season, cousins and the redskins could not agree on a long-term contract. he is playing under what's called the franchise tab. one year for $20 million. cousins wants to keep playing and keep supporting ijm. >> god wired me to be a leader abe to want to impact people and i see it as a great opportunity to do that. it's a challenge every day and can feel like a weight at times and what an honor and i pray every day the lord helps me to steward it well. >> cousins and the redskins start the season monday night taking on the pittsburgh steelers. if you'd like to learn more about ijm, please visit our website that's it for today. have a great week. we'll see you next "fox news >> on the buzz beater, hillary clinton make as big blond are by denouncing trump's loyal backers. >> you can put half of trump supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. all the media are slow to react. physical she apologizes. how did news organizations botch this? >> with clinton getting overheated and leaving a 9/11 ceremony today does it open the door to scrutiny of her health? >> matt lauer taking heat for the grilling of donald trump and hillary clinton on national security issues and pundits panning both candidates. >> it was a rough night for hillary clinton, robin, 13 minutes of questioning was on

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox News Sunday With Chris Wallace 20160912 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox News Sunday With Chris Wallace 20160912

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house speaker, newt gingrich, and xavier becerra. plus, is russia trying to disrupt the u.s. election? >> it will not mean your attempts to interfere with our democratic process. >> we'll ask our panel what could happen in november. and our panower player of t week, kirk cousins, wired for more than just winning games. >> it's my goal to impact people. >> and hello again from fox news in washington. today marks 15 years since the worst terror attack on u.s. soil. once again we pause to reflect on those who died. and in less than two months, we go to the polls to choose our next commander-in-chief. in a moment we'll speak with secretary of homeland security jeh johnson about the threat the nation faces now. but first we take you to ground zero in manhattan where family members are reading the names of the almost 3,000 people who lost their lives that terrible day. they're about to mark the moment when the second plane hit the world trade center's south tower. >> craig michael blouse. >> vita blouse. >> richard middleton jr. john paul bacino. >> michael l.bacino. >> susan m.bacino. >> vera francis bodley. >> cruz douglas bones. >> nicholas andrew ogden. >> darren crisst. >> alan barinkle colin arthur bonnet. >> frank j.banomel. >> yvonne h.boyomo. >> canfield d. doone. >> earlier i spoke with homeland secretary jeh johnson about the threats we still face 15 years after 9/11. secretary johnson, thank you for talking with us. on this 15th anniversary of 9/11, how would characterize the threat to the u.s. homeland right now? >> chris, we are stronger against another 9/11 style terrorist-directed attack from overseas. our government has become pretty good at detecting and protecting something hatched from overseas. this community is good at picking up that kind of thing. we're better than we were 15 years ago. where we're challenged, however, is with the lone wolf style attack, the self-radicalized actor that would appear in the homeland. they have the ability to reach into our home and the internet to recruit and inspire, and that's a relatively new environment that requires full government response. >> but i want to try, if i can, sir, to break down the threat. and let me put a couple things up. terrorists now have a greater safe haven in isis than they have any time since 9/11. the fbi says there are more than 900 active investigations against lone wolves and other attacks in the united states. tsa screeners missed weapons 95% of the time. last year almost 500,000 people overstayed their visas and african and asian immigrants trying to cross the border is rising. i don't have to tell you those are all serious holes in our national safety net. >> there are a couple things, chris. first, our u.s. military along with our international partners, as we speak, is taking back territory from isil in iraq-syria. we have a number of leaders focused on external attack. you're correct to note the number of open, pending investigations by the fbi. here in the homeland, the fbi has become pretty good when it comes to counter-terrorism capability detecting these type. aviation security, tsa is actually stronger now than it was a year ago after those horrible ig test results. as you know, we replaced the tsa administrator, hired a new one, pete neffinger, who is doing a terrific job. we were challenged this summer but we have not reduced our number of aviation security, and we are increasing our aviation security and cfos. i asked people to focus on immigrants coming illegally from other hemispheres, from the middle east and so forth, to detect them and block them before they even get to the homeland, working with governments in south america, central america to prevent that from happening. you're correct that we're seeing illegal migrants coming from africa, coming from the middle east, and we're doubling down on preventing that from happening before they even reach the southwest border. >> so bottom line, is the threat we face now worse or less serious than during 9/11? because the chairman of the 9/11 commission, tom keane and lee hamilton, say they think it's worse. >> we're stronger when it comes to preventing a 9/11 style attack. we very plainly have a serious threat environment when it comes to the lone wolf actor, those who self-radicalize. that's a relatively new phenomenon that we've got to protect against. the public can play a role, building bridges to communities where terrorists are trying to recruit from within. it's a new environment and there are a lot of people working really hard to protect against it. but it's still here and will probably be with us for a while, chris. >> i want to turn to another threat that we appear to face, and that is russian hacking into our political system. democratic party files, election, databases in at least two states, arizona and illinois. do you believe that the russians are trying to undermine confidence in our democratic processes, and what is the possibility that they could actually disrupt the vote count in november? >> first, there is an open investigation into the dnc hack, into the various intrusions that we've seen, into state election systems. it would be pretty hard to, chris, alter a ballot count, alter how we tabulate votes in this country, in part because the system is so decentralized. there are some 9,000 jurisdictions involved in the election process. but i've been sending the message to state and local election officials that my department, our cybersecurity experts, are in a position to help them further secure their presence on the internet where it exists. we're in the midst of having that conversation right now. we're going to keep at that between now and november 8 and beyond. >> mr. secretary, does it bother you when you hear a major american political figure say that vladimir putin is more of a leader than president obama? >> well, chris, i don't comment on what the political candidates say. it's election season. i think we have to be extremely careful, however, nsh what we say about foreign leaders. republicans and democrats on both sides of the alhave a lot to do with what vladimir putin is up to. we need to be careful in our rhetoric. that's a nonpartisan-bipartisan statement, chris. >> let me ask you about another nonpartisan-bipartisan issue. in july of last year, you stopped using your government computer for personal e-mails and you banned all homeland security people from doing the same. question: why? >> well, accessing your personal computer on line on a desktop at work is not a cyber security practice. so in homeland security, certainly in leadership of homeland security. >> and do you know if your material you receive is classified, whether or not it's marked, whether or not there is a header? do you know simply from the content, and do you feel an obligation. >> well, i certainly feel an obl goi goigs. i think i can recognize it. in fact, very often when i'm in a skiff talking with my people, i question whether someone has been correctly classified based upon what i'm reading, based upon the substance of what i'm reading. but classified material should be on a wholly separate system, separate and apart from the on-classified that we've seen on our networks. >> it turns out that this is your birthday. i wonder, what is your central memory from that terrible day and how does it shape the way you approach your job as homeland security. thanks for asking. i was a lawyer and just left the pentagon nine months earlier as general counsel of the air force. everybody remembers the weather that day, how nice it was. i frankly remember a feeling of guilt that i had left public service. i wanted to be back at the pentagon where it was going to be all hands on deck. and i remember coming down to the street in manhattan looking for a hospital where i could donate blood. but given the nature of the tragedy, the blood banks were full and nothing was needed. you were either dead or you had escaped. chris. broke my news over homeland security threat. >> thank you for sharing with us what i know we all thought was a difficult day. thank you, sir. >> thank you. coming up, donald trump and hillary clinton talk about national security. we talk about the threats one of them will face as commander in chief. plus, what would you like to ask the panel how much of america is safe aft15 years aft 9/11? just go a looiive look at the penta where a crowd is now gathering to remember the 189 people who lost their lives there on september 11. and it's time now for our sunday group, syndicated columnist george will, fox news political analyst juan williams. julie pace covers the white house and the campaign for the associated press. and washington examiner contributor lisa boothe. george, there is so much more security in this country now than there was 15 years ago, but the threat has also grown. bottom line, are we safer? >> i think we're probably safer from possible terrorism for several reasons. the war began badly, the war on terrors, but our wars often begin badly. pearl harbor, korea, and then we begin to learn. we've done a lot of learning about terrorism and we made technological advancements, some of which we know, some of which we're not allowed to know. so i think we are safer. i think the world at large is less safe because the threat is metastasized and europe with the threat of immigrants is more proximate to the caliphate than it was. that said, it seems to me america is miserably less safe than it was 15 years ago. for a number of reasons. threatening the baltic states, which are nato members. china is extremely aggressive in the south china sea which could be a flashpoint at any point. north korea launches a missile which someday it could be able to reach chicago. and there are other threats that we have a right to be worried about. >> we asked you about questions for the panel on this particular subject, are we safe or not, and we got this on facebook from paul puskuldjian. i was in the world financial center for the bombing in 1993 and then again in the world financial center for the attacks on 9/11. the harsh reality is that since 1993, not much has changed. how do you answer, paul? >> i think a lot has changed. some of the obvious things are the creation of the department of homeland security just heard chris' interview with secretary jeh johnson. homeland security, i think, is now the third largest agency in government. trillions spent to harden targets, but i think all of us have gone through airports to know that experience. but what i think paul is talking about, chris, is something that's reflected in the polls that 40 million americans think terrorists have more ability, more likely to attack us now than back in 2001. you see this in our politics. lots of politicians catering to fear and anxiety in their thinking. this is particularly true of republicans. a higher percentage of republicans, over half, think there is more of a chance of attacks. only a third of independents and democrats. i would just point out again to paul, we have the patriot act. the government has the ability to look at e-mail messages, financial transactions. we've degraded al qaeda, all these things in terms of the massive experience. going back to 2001, i think there is less of a chance. what you heard a few moments ago from george will is absolutely true. in terms of the lone wolf attack or in terms of strategies coming in the way of a threat from putin and china, yes, there is reason to have some sleepless nights. >> well, i want to turn to that subject, particularly putin and the threat, and not necessarily the threat of terror but a different threat, and that is the threat of russian hacking of our american political system, both the democratic campaign organizations and apparently state electoral situations in illinois and washington. how seriously did they take this, that putin could be trying to disrupt our elections and what do you think putin is up to? >> i think they take it quite seriously and that's why you wait before this investigation is complete. they want to make sure the evidence is complete and they have that all in hand. in terms whaf thof what they do though, our hands are pretty tied with russia. we're also trying to partner with russia in syria. the question of what russia is trying to do, though, here, i think, is fairly obvious. they're trying to create some sort of uncertainty in this election, in the process, and then ultimately in the results. >> to what end, though? >> i don't know to what end. i think the idea of creating chaos in american democracy might be the end. because if you really think about this idea, no matter what happens in our electoral campaigns, we are generally confident that the outcome was accurate and correct, and if they can create some uncertainty just around the process and create nervousness in the american population, maybe that is just their end. >> i want to pick up on that with you, lisa, because the russians don't actually have to disrupt our elections if they just create doubt about the outcome, the reliability, the vote count. they kind of achieved their goal, haven't they? >> absolutely, and i think this is just russia strutting their feathers. they don't think they could affect it because it's so vast. that being said, russia hacked european banks prior to 9/11. germany recently accused russia of hacking angela merkel's website. russia has been accused of the first electrical failure in western ukraine, knocking out electricity for 80,000 ukranians. so it wouldn't be surprising if russia, you know, potentially tries to meddle with u.s. relations. also russia is a suburban and putin was an analyst, which he knows all too well. >> in ukraine in 2015, in fact, there was an attempt to disrupt the electoral website just before a political election. this would be right out of the kremlin playbook. >> what they want to say is we have our problems in russia, but at least we have ordererly elections. so orderly that we know the outcome before we have the election. having said that, there is something wrong with our systems that supposedly are our rivals. to get people to think they have a government that's somehow tainte tainted. they're looking for the demolition of american power. >> it's interesting because putin believed that the and is they paid us back in some sense both to the united states and clinton? >> i don't know if we did that. i hope we did that because he's an extremely dangerous man, but i don't think of his motive to be hostile. >> i remember so clearly in the early days of the obama administration. i was going out to have burgers with him for lunch and. i think russia as a population also wanted that. but yes, there was a real attempt to create another power center in russia. up next, hillary clinton and donald trump engage on national security. and we'll continue the debate with two top supporters. what do you think? who would make a better commander in chief and why? let me know on facebook or twitter on fox news sunday and use the >> your families love and miss you. today we honor your memory and your life and the lives who all were lost that day. >> observances continue at ground zero and new york city on this 15th anniversary of 9/11. as family members read the names of the almost 3,000 people who were killed in four separate attacks. joining me now to discuss the new focus on national security in the presidential campaign, former speaker newt gingrich, one of trump's top advisers, and clinton adviser xavier becerra. welcome. >> thank you. >> i want to get to remarks that clinton made at a fundraiser in new york city on friday night. here she is. >> if you were just to be grossly realistic, you could put half of the donald trump supporters into a basket of what i call the deplorables. right? the racist, sexist, homophobic, general genophobic, you name it. >> she says that half -- half -- of trump supporters are not, quote, america. your reaction? >> let me just say she's talking about millions of people. she said she was generalizing, but since then she has also said she regrets that comment about half. there are some -- i don't think anyone denies that there are people there who are deplorable. the white supremacists, the david dukes of the world who are supporting donald trump, and the great thing, i think, is that it's clear there is at least one adult in this race who will say, i regret a remark i've made. bottom line is, we've never had a president, chris, who would take a position of hate and anger. i don't think any of us, i the son of immigrants, watching someone attack immigrants, or women watching a candidate who has saided deplorable things about women, i don't think what we want is someone who gets into office based on advocating, campaigning and then governing based on anger and hate. >> newt gingrich, as hillary clinton mentioned, she released a statement yesterday trying to clean this up. she says this. last night i was grossly generalistic, and that's never a good idea. i regret saying "half." that was wrong. does that make it any better? >> no, hillary is falling apart. she comes out of a terrible national security debate. she lost so badly because the left had to attack matt lauer because they couldn't believe she did that badly. they then said isis wants trump to win. rodney got hammered for talking about 47% are dependent upon government. she just made a statement in which she lumped together millions of americans -- she can go back and try to clean tup. those are a deliberate statement on her part. she wants to pick a fight. fine. let's get a sheriff in milwaukee who is for trump, he can debate her on racism. let's get ben carter, he can debate her on racism. the left has for many years used vicious language to block serious discussion of their policy failures in the inner city. this is more of the same. >> congressman becerra, just looking at this record, more than half talked about trump supporters being this basket of deplorables. it's a line she used repeatedly. >> david duke. he's deplorable. the right supremacists who will go out and say they are supporting donald trump. they're deplorable. the people who agree that anyone based on their religion should not be allowed to come to this country, they're deplorable. what she is saying, a lot of us -- and my father couldn't walk into a restaurant when he was a young man because of the signs that said no dogs or mexicans allowed. he was a u.s. citizen. he's not a hater, though, of this country, he loves this country. what we have to understand is that we should not have people who get elected to office based on campaigning on anger and hate. and newt, accept the fact that she said i regret those remarks. at least she's willing to say that. donald trump can't acknowledge his mistakes. >> donald trump has repeatedly, explicitly repudiated david duke. that's a fact. donald trump has issued statement after statement. he has been on television saying it. so this idea that donald trump is somehow secretly courting people, that's wrong. trump goes to a black church in detroit to talk about the failure of democratic party politics policies in the inner city. let's have a debate about the failure of the democratic party in the inner city which, of course, leads to them yelling "racist" because if they can't smear trump, they'll lose a lot of the votes. >> gentlemen, i'm going to move on to another subject. they can keep talking, i will talk to you folks. let's turn to trump and his running mate and the their continued support for russian putin.nt vladimir putin. here they are. >> it's a very different system and i don't happen to like the system, but certainly in that system he's been a leader far more than our president has been a leader. >> i think it's inarguable that vladimir putin has been a stronger leader in his country than barack obama has been in this country. >> mr. speaker, we're talking about someone who runs in putin a repressive regime, who kills his opponents, who invades other countries, and he's more of a leader? >> more effective. >> no, he said more effective. >> let's go back to george w. bush who looked in putin's eyes. >> he said he's been a leader far more than our president has been a leader, and he says putin has been a strong leader in their country. >> let's go back to george bush. let's go back to hillary who actually got a button out of a hot tub. she actually painted overcharge because her interpreter was wrong. that was her opening. let's go to this week where secretary becerra is trying to work out a deal with syria and the russians. >> you can't be comfortable with this -- i think that putin is a fa fact. there was a red line on syria, didn't. this guy exists and calling him names may not be the best strate strategy. >> trump went on rft, that's the russian failure propaganda arm. here he is. >> there's tremendous dishonesty with the media. not all of it, obviously, but tremendous dishonesty. >> how could you not feel comfortable with a candidate for president praising putin at the same time he admonishes our generals, he criticizes our own troops and he shames the families of american soldiers? he's running for president of the united states, not president of russia, and to me it's a sign of how he campaigns and why. so much of what he does is deplorable. he seems to want to counter this. >> last night he went on larry king. he went on the larry king show. larry king has been it cthe ico american talk for 60 years. larry would think, oh, my gosh, this would help the russians. larry, you're an old friend. of course i'll do your show. >> you don't think. i want to move on to another subject. hillary clinton had yet another explanation this week for mishandling of classified information on and what fbi director co whiches top secret, secret, confidential. none of the e-mails sent or received by me had such a header. >> even if information is not marked "classified" in an e-mail, participants who know or should know that the subject matter is classified are still obl gatsds to protect us. you want to be careful with it. and i believe the secretary has said numerous times that she regrets that she used a private server. >> then why was she talking about the header? >> because people were trying to make the case that she should be prosecuted for having used the private server -- >> we already know she's not going to be prosecuted, so she was defending her -- >> would you agree the header, and we just talked about this with secretary johnson, doesn't matter? >> i, too, have reviewed classified information. classified information typically has a very bold and obvious header, that says. if her documents did not contain those bold, printed words. >> if there was not nfs that boldly and clearly -- i want to bring this up to you because this is the classified non-disclosure agreement that secretary clinton signed just as she became secretary of state in january of 2009. here's what it says. "classified information is marked or unmarked classified information, including oral communication. i understand and accept that by being granted access to classified information, special confidence and trust shall be placed in me by the united states government. congressman becerra, it's clear that the title, the heading doesn't matter, it's the content that matters. >> if it's classified, it would have that marking on it. i don't believe there is any evidence that secretary clinton intended to disclose any classified information. but hey, as she has said, it understands it was a mistake to use a private server. as colin powell has also said there are ways you use your remails. >> i'm sorry; speaker, i'm going to bring you in for one last subject, and that's because of these comments. >> they have been reduced to rubble. they have been reduced to a point where it's embarrassing for our country. >> what would ronald reagan say about a republican nominee who attacks america's generals and he's praised on russia's president. . they're an embarrassment. he seems to say in that forum that he could replace them, as you well know. i suspect as we all know here. sdp sdplz. there is a system for that. he doesn't seem to understand that. >> i suspect he's reflecting the views, analyst and setkom who said they were explicitly threatened to get information about isis. i think there is a very severe probl problem. you saw that with the recent memo from the seblgt of defense on how to handle speaker ryan, which was an exploring retail, that they have been surprised that the sandcom scandal in which a general officer was coercing his subordinates. that could love to continue this conversation both of you. in fact, we'll have you both back to continue with. mr. gingrich, mr. bacerra. our sunday group returns to make it president obama did not follow what our experts truly -- when they call it intelligence, it's there for a reason -- what our experts said to do. >> i think what he said was totally inappropriate and undisciplined. i would never comment on any aspect of an intelligence briefing that i received. >> donald trump giving a controversial look inside his intelligence briefings, and hillary clinton calling him out for that. and we're back now with the panel. so much material, so little time to go over it. let's start again with clinton's remark to a big fundraiser in new york on friday. here she is. >> if we could just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of trump's supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. right? the racist, sexist, homophobic, genophobic, islamophobic, you name it. >> the clinton camp has been struggling all weekend to clean this up. they say she was referring to people who attend the rallies, not to the millions of people who have voted -- i see you shaking your head already -- those who have voted for him. how damaging is this? >> it's damaging for the following reasons. first off, every young writer is told in his career, when you say something that really sounds fun, like a basket of deplorables, when in doubt, take it out because it's probably gone too far. go back to every election starting with the second world war, and every election except the nixon election is the most likeable candidate wins. take all your metrics, all your algorithms. likeability is what decides this thing. now, the country has decided clinton is not honest and trustworthy, and it's not easy to change that. but maybe they could make her not honest or trustworthy, but likeable. so she goes to this event and she does something that's condescension. it's like president obama talking about the people bitterly clinging to their guns or religion. or 47% of americans are takers. >> mitt romney. >> mitt romney. the problem is cultural in this country, not just economic. these people don't feel just left behind, they feel looked down upon, despised by their elites. >> juan, i want to ask you about this, because a lot of people are comparing this with mitt romney and a big fundraiser in florida, a lot of rich people saying 47% of americans just want handouts. is this that bad? >> no, i don't think so at all. i think mitt romney made a mistake. in this case i think what clinton has done two weeks before the first debate, chris, i think she sharpened the focus on who trump is and who chooses to associate with trump. you have to realize, when you think about it, trump is not your normal conservative. he's not your normal republican. >> but to say that half of his supporters -- >> she was generalizing, but i think the point that will be taken away from this -- the republican point is the one about condescension, looking down from the elitist point of view, but i think for most voters it will be, hmm, trump is trying to mainstream a lot of estranged groups. you look at the poll numbers, and i think it's about 35% of americans think trump is a racist and about 56% think he has negative attitudes toward women, immigrants. so there are many people who think he has deplorable views. hillary clinton's democratic supporters aren't turned off by this at all. the question is about independents, and the question is independent-minded, young, college-educated women. how will they react? >> as i discussed with our two guests before, he continues to praise vladimir putin. he said that america's generals have been reduced to rubble and are an embarrassment. he talked about his confidential intelligence briefings. is that helping him in his trying to get past the threshold as a potential commander-in-chief? >> no, it doesn't. if you look at the issue, especially on a day like today, september 11, issues of isis is something donald trump hold onto in every poll. hillary clinton is questioning his temperament, questioning his judgment, more questioning his judgment and more broadly on national intelligence and abilities to be commander in chief and i think when he said things like that on both accounts playing into the narrative that hillary clinton is driving. that being said, hillary clinton has to articulate and make that argument effectively and we have seen from hillary clinton a candidate on the defense for the past couple of woks despite the fact that hillary clinton has been in the public eye for decades. she has training, mock debate practice. this is a candidate who should be stronger than we see a weak candidate, whether the interview with matt lauer or even her basket of deplorables comment. >> to that point, let's put up some polls that are fascinating. the polls continue to close. trump was down more than 4 points in florida a couple of weeks ago. he is now tied. in ohio, he's moved from down five to down one. and in pennsylvania, that's narrowed from a 9-point gap clinton advantage to 6 points. julie, how worried are democrat that is that for all of trump's problems, the race is close and getting close. >> one, how can this race be this close given that trump insulted numerous groups of americans and said things like praising putin and disgracing the generals. you hear democrats who look at 2012 where obama in the end won by a wide margin and the polls looked pretty similar at this stage. they go back to clinton's ground game, strong in a lot of states and say in a close race you have to give her the edge given the ground. >> george, your thoughts about why trump is within striking distance and the race is tightening. >> mrs. clinton has this likability problem. s she can't solve. as you say, this could change very quickly. when ronald reagan went to cleveland for the one debate against jim any carter, they were essentially tied. reagan won a landslide. there could be a lot of movement yet and makes the first debate all the more important. >> are you suggesting that if reagan -- if reagan? if trump were to pass the commander in chief sort of in peoples' eyes, their view, pass that threshold, you could see that kind of a shift? >> i think you could if either candidate changes the something almost universal deplorables narratives of both of them. >> do you agree with that, juan? >> about 20%. it is higher right now. undecideds are higher in this race than previous elections at this time and part of that is people don't like, unfavorability ratings, they don't like trump or clinton very much. remember, the media plays a role here, too. they want a horse race. i think lots of times and why there's so much criticism of matt lauer and how he handled the debate. a lot of attention, chris wallace. >> it was not a debate. it was an interview. last word, quick. >> hillary clinton has her own vulnerabilities with judgment and command in chief. the e-mail server and the clinton foundation. the failed russia reset. the uranium-1 deal and bill clinton with a thank you call from putin. >> lots to cover. as i say, so much material, so little time. thank you, panel. see you next sunday. up next, hour power player of the today is the first sunday of the nfl season and we want to introduce you to someone who's playing for a lot more than just trying to pile up victories on the field. here is our power player of the week. >>ality the end of the day if you don't win football games, people aren't going to want to listen to what you say so football is most important and win on the field and when you do that it opens doors for real impact to happen beyond football. >> kirk cousins is quarterback of the washington redskins and hoping to turn victories on the field for viz bltd of a cause he's been backing for years. he was a teenager when a man named gary came to his church. >> i remember in that moment as a 17-year-old saying, if i ever, if god blesses me enough to have the finances to make a difference, that's an organization, that's a man to get behind. >> talking about the international justice mission that over the last 20 years rescued 28,000 people from slavery and child sex trafficking around the world. >> these little kids were on the boat. abused beyond imagination. >> kids like joshua in forced labor in ghana and elsa who's a survivor of sex trafficking in the philippines. >> the situation, put yourself in the position of -- >> ijm puts lawyers and investigators into the field to push local law enforcement to bust these rings. they've secured more than 1,000 convictions. which brings us back to kirk cousins. >> you like that! you like that! >> after leading the deadskins to the biggest comeback everlast year, the usually mild mannered quarterback had that outburst that cut on. t-shirt sales brought in $50,000 and rally towels for a playoff game raised another 30,000 that went to ijm. >> i'm a big believer in the quote that says set yourself on fire and people will come from miles to watch you burn. in other words, when you live and play with passion, people want to see that. >> but as cousins knows the platform depends on winning. is that a lot of pressure? >> i played my senior year of football with no scholarship offers and had to prove myself to college recruiters at that point. that was pressure. last year, i was playing in my fourth year knowing that it was a make or break opportunity and that was pressure. and so, while there's pressure, it's nothing new. >> adding to that pressure after their playoff run last season, cousins and the redskins could not agree on a long-term contract. he is playing under what's called the franchise tab. one year for $20 million. cousins wants to keep playing and keep supporting ijm. >> god wired me to be a leader abe to want to impact people and i see it as a great opportunity to do that. it's a challenge every day and can feel like a weight at times and what an honor and i pray every day the lord helps me to steward it well. >> cousins and the redskins start the season monday night taking on the pittsburgh steelers. if you'd like to learn more about ijm, please visit our website that's it for today. have a great week. we'll see you next "fox news >> on the buzz beater, hillary clinton make as big blond are by denouncing trump's loyal backers. >> you can put half of trump supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. all the media are slow to react. physical she apologizes. how did news organizations botch this? >> with clinton getting overheated and leaving a 9/11 ceremony today does it open the door to scrutiny of her health? >> matt lauer taking heat for the grilling of donald trump and hillary clinton on national security issues and pundits panning both candidates. >> it was a rough night for hillary clinton, robin, 13 minutes of questioning was on

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