presidential candidate carly fiorina debates jess mcintosh, a up to official with emily's list. then senator rand paul tries to re-ignite his campaign. >> i'm rand paul, and i'm trying to kill the tax code, all 70,000 pages of it. >> we'll ask the kentucky senator about his strategy to regain his momentum ahead of the first presidential debate. and our sunday group weighs innen oa slump in the -- in on a slump in the polls for clinton and donald trump's threat to run as a third party candidate. >> look i'm a republican, i'm a conservative, i'm in first place. >> all right now. hello again from washington. hillary clinton's campaign has been hit by a bombshell. news that two inspectors general have sent a referral to the fbi. about the mishandling of classified information on clinton's private e-mail account. in a moment we'll have a debate between republican presidential candidate carly fiorina and a top official of the liberal group, emily's list about that and those undercover planned parenthood videos. but first, let's get the latest on the clinton case from ed henry. ed? >> reporter: chris, this weekend hillary clinton is trying to rip the band-aid off and get this scandal behind her, there are new signs more political and even legal problems could be coming. >> i never sent or received any information that was classified at the time it was sent and ever received. >> reporter: clinton revealed she will testify on benghazi in october. setting up a showdown with the republican chairman trey gowdy who could uncover new revelations four months before the iowa caucuses. >> i have said repeatedly that i will answer questions before the house committee. >> reporter: yet, there's a dispute over which questions. david kendall, a veteran of the monica lewinsky scandal wants to limit it to benghazi and lock in october 22 as the only appearance to finish this before 2016. gowdy will not agree to a date yet because the state department has been slow to turn over e-mails. key documents could be held back until after the appearance. a committee aide adding while clinton wants only benghazi questions, her e-mail arrangement clearly falls within the scope of the select committee's jurisdiction. that arrangement came under fire again after clinton sent at least four e-mails with classified information despite this information. >> there is no classified information. >> reporter: the e-mails did not contain classification markings though investigators believe her server may contain more classified e-mails. they dialed back on the original report suggesting it's now a criminal matter republicans note the improper handling of classified information can lead to charges. and this week, the state department is slated to release more of clinton's e-mails in response to a court order which could lead to more revelations, especially if the intelligence committee blocks the release of some of the e-mails to prevent the leak of more information. >> ed thanks. joining us now, one of the toughest critics, republican president candidate carly fiorina, and jess mcintosh, vice president of emily's list which works to elect democratic women who take liberal stands on abortion and other issues. ms. fiorina, let's start with the security referrals by the inspectors general. do you think hillary clinton break the law? >> it's crystal clear she broke the rules and that she has been engaged in a cover-up of lots of things. benghazi, the fact she broke the rules. how amazing she's had the server in the basement and decides to wipe it clean two years after she leaves the state department and just before she gets ready to run for president. of course she's engaged in the cover-up and of course she's broken the rules. >> ms. mcintosh, here are two inspectors generals, two government watchdogs who said in the referral to the fbi that there was classified information that was being transmitted, classified information at that time. not subsequently. that it's still classified and that this is information that never should have been transmitted to a private e-mail. >> you know questions about the e-mails have been asked and answered for months. she said repeatedly that she's looking forward to testifying before the committee and i know she intends to do that i think she's very smartly kept her presidential campaign focused on those lives of everyday americans and what she wants to do for them as president. i think that's where voters want her to be. >> okay. >> i think that's the kind of debate they want to have with their candidates. i think she's doing the right thing by keeping it there. >> so is this information about the private e-mails and possible mishandling of classified information, is that irrelevant? >> it's completely relevant. it's right at the center of what voters care about. because you see, we know voters care about whether a potential president is trustworthy. and what voters are discovering, day after day, drip by drip, is that hillary clinton is not trustworthy. it is the heart of the matter. she is not trustworthy. she has engaged in cover-ups and she has not been truthful. every day that goes by we learn that over and over and over and no amount of spin and no amount of talking points is going to change that reality. >> ms. mcintoshcintosh, voters in the polls are saying they don't find hillary clinton honest and trustworthy. >> of course she's leading all the republican rivals in the polls -- >> no no. wait wait. that's not true anymore. in fact she's trailing in three key swing states in a poll this week. >> in one that appeared to be an outlier. there are discrepancies with how many republicans that i sampled. but voters have been really excited about her message to make the economy work better -- >> forgive me i do want to keep this fair and balanced but you're not answering my question. what about the honest and trustworthiness? >> i think that she has a long campaign to talk to voters about who she is. about why she's doing what she's doing. about what she wants to do for them. i think that we'll see those numbers change. i think that we're seeing voters still very interested in what she's going to do for them as president, despite those numbers. so there's a little bit of strangeness there. but i think that she's going to keep this conversation going and it's going quite well for her so far. >> okay. let's turn to the undercover videos that anti-abortion acts have released in the -- activists have released in the last couple of weeks. here's what they say about altering abortions in order to be able to retrieve fetal tissue. here it is. [ indiscernible ]. >> less crunchy technique. crunching above and below organs to be used for fetal research. what's wrong with that? >> by the way, this has nothing to do with what you're pro choice or pro life, it has to do with the moral foundation of our nation. if a woman was sitting outside of planned parenthood in her ob/gyn's office and looking at the ultrasound at the same point in her pregnancy, her doctor would be saying to her, look at your baby look at the heart beat, look at its fingers and toes. this is an abomination, that planned parenthood has lobbied against a woman's opportunity to look at an ultrasound before she makes an incredibly difficult choice to end the unborn life within her and yet, they are using that same technology to harvest body parts, which they claim are not a life in order to sell them to save another life. it is unbelievably hypocritical and i frankly find it astounding that anyone can defend it. >> well ms. mcintosh, let me ask you a specific aspect of this because the law on this is clear. let's put it up on the screen. no alteration of the timing method or procedures used to terminate the pregnancy was made solely for the purposes of obtaining the tissue that is the law. but here's what one of the plan at parenthood officials says. >> if our usual technique is suction at 10 or 12 weeks and we switch to using less suction, it would come out as intact. then we are kind of violating the protocol that says to the patients we're not doing anything different in our care of you. >> but then that same woman says that she's going to ask the surgeon at this planned parenthood procedure about violating the protocol about switching procedures about getting better parts. isn't that a direct violation of the law? >> after hours of talking to the staffer in this dishonestly edited video, they got her to say she would to the doctor. that's not an admission of a crime. i completely understand the language is ugly. but the whole concept of organ donation is a difficult thing to think about. but the families that benefit from this life-saving medication is thankful. we're talking about alzheimer's and parkinson's and the same kind of tissue donation was used to make the rabies vaccine and the polio vaccine. this is life-saving medical research. >> let me bring in ms. fiorina. that's one of the points that the defenders make. fetal research has been used for in testing drugs and has been useful in finding cures for diseases. the national institutes of health spent $76 million on research on fetal tissue. you may not like the way it's happening, but don't these tissues, don't the organs go for a good cause? >> well, let's just start with her comment about a heavily edited video. i mean, i find it fascinating that planned parenthood and emily's list are so concerned about a heavily edited video. i don't recall them being concerned about a heavily edited video of say mitt romney at a fund-raiser or them being concerned about edward snowden. we have had a lot of things that information has come out that we needed to see. so instead of going after the people who have put out this video information we clearly need to see, let's talk about the issue here. of course they're trying to change the subject. of course they're trying to say this is life saving research. i just find it amazing that this group of pro abortion lobbyists continue to say that they are protecting women's health really? late term abortion is demonstrably bad for women's health. they lobby against parental notification. really? protecting a teenage's health that she can go to the tanning salon with her mother's permission, but not get an abortion with her mother's permission? this is an a woman's health. it is about a life that she is bearing. so let's talk about once again i'm pro life as you know, chris, but there are plenty of pro choice women who are horrified by this. as they should be. and by the way, after hours honestly the fact that these officials can sit here swilling their wine drinking their salad, laughing over getting a lamborghini and talking about specimens and fetal tissue i find it horrifying and the majority of americans do as well. >> let me pick unbecause -- pick up because there are two issues here. specifically if you're in favor or not of abortion, the altering of a procedure almost has to be altered in order to get the fetal body parts and there's the question of price because selling fetal tissue for profit and here is undercover video of a planned parenthood official seeming to be haggling over price. here she is. >> what would make you happy? what would work for you? >> you know n the negotiations the person who throws out the figure first is at a loss. if it's still low you can bump it up. >> i mean, you can't deny what you're seeing there, ms. mcintosh. she is haggling over the cost. >> i saw an incredibly tasteless joke absolutely. >> wait it was more than just a joke. well the first person to offer always ends up at the low end -- i mean -- >> sure. >> and the law is they're allowed to recover costs. >> right. >> cost is cost. i mean if it's $100 it's $100 but she's talking about something thor than cost. >> she said it had been so long where she had a conversation that someone wanted to discuss compensation she didn't know what the cost was. so i think talking about the deceptively edited video matters when they take out the ten times that the planned parenthood staffer clearly says they wouldn't be able to sell this because it violates the law, they won't do that. >> that was the other staffer. >> that was the other staffer, correct, yes. i think that republicans may be risk alienating folks they're not thinking about alienating when they talk about the abortion debate the way ms. fiorina does. i think it's important to remember that 65% of the women who get abortions are moms already. and the decision when to have a child is the most important economic one that most american families will ever face. i don't believe that politicians should be involved in making that choice for them and i do think that there are -- >> oh, for heaven's sake. the politics are involved in this debate all the time. the politicians are involved in this debate all the time. and emily's list a pro abortion lobby organization is involved in politics every single day. and consistently emily's list is lobbying for pro abortion candidates. there is simply no justification anymore for federal funding of planned parenthood. the only -- standing up and asking for -- to be federally funded. >> this will work better if you let me ask the questions and this is the issue of federal funding, because you have called for an end of federal funding. it's about half a billion dollars a year of federal funds that goes to planned parenthood. i want to put up these statistics. it is -- planned parenthood the single largest provider of abortions. 327,000 in 2013 but it performed 487,000 breast exams and 704,000 hiv tests. hillary clinton says it's a matter of women's health. >> i'm hoping that this situation will not further undermine the very important services that planned parenthood provides. >> let me pick up on that with you, ms. fiorina. doesn't planned parenthood do a lot of things and if you defund them aren't you going to lose breast exams and pap smears and hiv tests? >> oh gee, i thought obamacare was supposed to take care of all of that. i'm so tired of the canard of women's health. there are plenty of places where women can achieve and have the services. if planned parenthood is so concerned about women's health why don't they accept, for example, federal funding of pregnancy centers? so that women actually can look at an ultrasound before they choose to have an abortion. or so that they can have options presented to them if they choose to bring the life into the world, but no planned parenthood doesn't want that. this isn't about women's health, but about wanting to preserve the political power so they can lobby consistently on behalf of pro abortion democrats. why should they be given federal funding, why should they get federal funding so they can continue to lobby for certain candidates as emily's list does every single day. >> we have run out of time and thank you both. thank you for joining us today. up next rand paul looks to revive his campaign ahead of the first gop debate. we'll ask how he plans to do that when we come right back. clot. what about my family? 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>> well i think it's pretty damning that president obama's justice department has even brought this up. the fact that they're saying that they're concerned that classified information was transferred. but i think people have to understand how many things are classified. even her daily schedule is classified to protect her and to protect the people who protect her. think if she e-mailed the ambassador in benghazi i don't think she ever communicated with him, but tipping off people to his whereabouts would be sensitive and classified. that's why we have a rule and even she knew there was a rule. theyed a monthished one of -- they admonished one of her ambassadors because he wasn't using the proper server. i don't know how she can skate by of the law. >> let me ask you about the planned parenthood videos. you asked an amendment to defund planned parenthood. but senator majority leader mcconnell is not going to offer you a vote on the amendment. what are you going to do now? >> i think conservatives are outraged by this. i submitted a discharge petition. this is highly unusual for a nonleadership position to submit a discharge petition. this means that i'm going to try to force a vote on this. i think the time is now to discuss whether taxpayer dollars should be going to such a gruesome procedure. i mean, the doctor on the video in a casual voice while sipping wine and eating brie talks about rotating the baby around so she can get better access to baby parts that she's going to harvest for sale to researchers. so i really think that the time has come in our country to de