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You know the drill by now, 11 00 and 5 00 eastern. Back here with the latest buzz. Keystone pipeline. Im chris wallace. Congress gets back to work with balesrewing over im Congress Gets back to work over immigration, Climate Change and obamacare. I would welcome the president moving to the middle. The president obama seeks to block deportation of millions of illegal imen froms. How far will the g. O. P. Go . They have the ability to fix the system. What they dont have the ability to do is to expect me to stand by with a broken system. We are going to fight the president tooth and nail if he continues down this path. We will talk with two of the g. O. P. Senators on the top line. A legal firestorm of comments by one of obamacares arcs. What was critical was the stupidity of the voter. And our power player of the week creating hotels for the millennial generation wants. This is giving the customer what they want. All now on fox news sunday. Hello again from fox news in washington. First, breaking news. Isis terrorists claim to have beheaded yet another american in a graphic new video. Chief intelligence correspondent has the latest. The 16 minute individual is reviewed by the Intelligence Community in the United States to determine the authenticity but isis did not have a false record of false claims of the execution of hostages. If confirmed kassig is the 5th executed in less than three months and the third american. He was kidnapped in october of 2013 a former army ranger he traveled to the middle east to work as a medical assistant on the border. After a video released appeared to she kassig and threatened to kill him next. The family made pleas for the release and stated he was a convert to islam. This is a departure from previous tapes and includes what appears to be the masked beheading of more than a dozen members of the syrian military. There are at least two sections what include what reports to be the british executioner in black and none by the name jihad johnny who threatened similar attacks against United States interests the on the strategy in iraq and syria, the former defense secretary accused the administration of mode eling in a way not seen since vietnam. When a president wants highly centralized control in the white house at the degree of micromanagement that im describing that is not bureaucratic, that is political. An sifts say this could provide new clues of the location especially the leadership with unconfirmed reports that the executioner was injured in last weekends airstrikes. We should point out we are not using the picture of kassig in the orange jump suit at the request of his family. There was action but no resolution this week on Climate Change. The senate will vote on tuesday on a bill passed by the house of representatives directing the government to finally move forward on the keystone xl pipeline. President obama reached a deal with china that cut Greenhouse Gas pollution in both countries. Here to discuss all of this is jonathan of south john thunem south dakota, and expert waithouses one of the leading environmentalists in the senate and makes speeches on the subject almost each month on the senate floor. Have you been assured by the white house that if the senate goes ahead and passes the keystone xl pipeline approval, that the president will veto it. Our information is that there is a hard assurance. How confident are you he will veto it . I hope and expect that he will veto it. It is important to send that signal. The new republican majority has long despised and denigrated this president and if they can roll him, they would like to. It is important that he set the stage early on this particularly where the stakes are so high for climate, for the environment for the damage will keystone xl pipeline will do. Senator thune, the democratic leader in the leader, harry reid, has blocked any vote on the keystone xl pipeline for years and is it your belief he is agreeing to the vote to help senator landrieu in a run off in the Louisiana Senate race the first week in december with the full expectation it will be vetoed anyway and, in fact, this is political . Sure, chris. This is the bill of john hogan trying to get a vote for years. A saturday from north dakota. He is my colleague from north of the border. This is a cynical attempt to save a senate seat in louisiana if the democrats were serious, we have voted on this years ago. This has been hanging around for six years with five reviews of the keystone xl pipeline and all have come back and said it would have minimal impact on the environment and the president s own state Department Says it would support over 40,000 jobs. In my state of south dakota, 3,000 to 4,000 jobs 100 million in earnings and 20 million in property tax revenue. It is an issue, a in brainer, in the eyes of the American Public which finally is coming to the floor of the senate because they are worried about the job of a senator from louisiana, not because of american jobs. Drilling down, if you will, into the merits of we keystone xl pipeline. President obama was defiant about the pipeline and his approval for it this week in asia. I have to constantly push back against this idea that somehow the keystone xl pipeline is either a massive jobs bill for the United States or is somehow lowering gas prices. Understand what this project is it is providing the ability of canada to pump their oil, send it through our land, the gulf of mexico where it will be sold everywhere else. It doesnt have an impact on United States gas prices. However, look at the facts the state Department Says the project would create 12,000 direct and related jobs near the pipeline, perhaps tens of thousands more further away from the pipeline and it is not just canadian crude, it would also carry 100,000 barrel as day from montana and north dakota. Senator whitehouse, if you put more supply into any part of the system it will lower prices at least marginally. The president is wrong on a budge of the points. Difference is that the tar sands probably are the filthiest fuel on the planet and when you add that to the equation you dramatically increase the effect of Carbon Pollution and Greenhouse Gases. Our friends on the other side will not agree that this is real and they will never treatment Climate Change seriously and they look at one side which is a bunch of jobs. It is 4,000 direct jobs. This is good, i will not deprivation indicate that but we are growing at 200,000 jobs a month in this economy and the last environment and public works bill for the highways would have been 1. 8 million. This is no jobs game changer. And harry reid twice offered votes on keystone xl pipeline on the shaheen bill. The republicans refused to allow the votes because they did not want the shaheen bill to pass before the election would have been good for her in newspaper numb to pass a major piece of bipartisan legislation. The republicans had the chance to vote on keystone xl pipeline and turned it down. Let me bring in senator thune and talk about the issue of the pollution. The argument against the pipeline is the kind of canadian crude we are talking about, oil from tar sands, creates 17 percent more Greenhouse Gases than typical oil and full capacity the pipeline would create as much Carbon Pollution as five million new cars on the road. What is your answer to that . In 2011 with the state department talking about it said the oil from canada would replace the oil from venezuela and, remember, this canada produce the oil. It is a question of whether we will benefit or the chinese are going to benefit. You add to that the fact that the Light Sweet Crude Oil from north dakota, 100,000 barrels of that can go in the pipeline each day which takes pressure off an already stressed rail system is making it more difficult for producers in my part of the country to get their Agricultural Commodities to the market place. It is not where it will be done, it will. Canada will produce the oil but the question is whether america will benefit from it and whether we will replace the oil, the same type of oil coming from venezuela which is what the state Department Said the project would do. Lets talk the other big development. If i may, we need to move along. Put me on record as disputing the facts because i dont think senator thune is accurate. You are duly noted. The president announced a climate deal with china this week. Lets look at that. The United States would emit 26 to 28 percent less carbon in 2025 than in 2005 and china agrees to cap their carbon emission by 2030 when 20 percent of the energy will come from clean sources. Here is how Senate Republican leader mcconnell reacted to this. As i read the agreement it requires the chinese to do nothing at all for 16 years while these carbon emission regulations are creating havoc my state and other states around the country. Senator whitehouse arent we committed to do as senator mcconnell says, a lot more than the chinese. To reach the 2030 target the chinese have to build a Clean Energy Portfolio as big as the entire United States energy fleet. Between new and 2030 they will build an immen amount of clean energy. That is going to be good for american suppliers into those projects. A lot of this is american design. No one is going to build that much capacity on new years eve of 2030. The minority leader, now soon to the majority leader is wrong about that. In terms of the havoc the socalled regulations of all of this are claiming to create by the minority leader, in rhode island we are seeing the havoc from the Carbon Pollution. We are seeing the havoc along our coastline with houses falling into the sea and the havoc with fishermen finding fish that their parents and grandparents never saw, it is getting weird out there, sheldon senator thune, because i want to move on to immigration, in 30 seconds or so, when 97 percent of scientific papers say that human activity does add to Climate Change dont we have to do something . Look, Climate Change is occurring, it is always occurring, there are a number of factors that contribute including human activity. The question, what are we going to do . What cost . The president agreed to a bad deal all pain and no gain for the membership, nonbinding and a hope that some day the chinese might, might, might actually reduce at the same time the United States reduces makes reductions twice what we are planning right now. That means 90 percent increase in utility rates for people, low income people in places like south dakota and what i would say to that, if you trust the chinese on Something Like this, i have some ocean front rot property in south dakota for you, it is onesided and nonbinding deal we have agreed to and i dont expect we will ever see china agree to it in the end. We have a couple of minutes and i want to get to immigration. The president made it clear he plans to take executive action to defer deportation for millions in the country illegal ly. Senator thune are Republican Leaders now seriously considering linking opposition to executive action with Government Funding either by setting up a situation that results in a government shut down or passing shortterm bills, monthbymonth and keeping this fight going and Holding Government funding hostage. Republicans are looking at different options of how best to spend to the unilateral action which is unconstitutional or unlawful but my concern is that shutting down the government doesnt cause a problem but if we shut down what could be a record of legislative accomplishment there for the taking if the president would choose cooperation rather than conflict. This president , right now, is chosing friction, partisanship, and accomplishment, or partisan rather than cooperation. There is an opportunity to get things done but the president is going down the path that will set make it very hard for us to get anything done on immigration. You are saying you dont think republicans should take the bait and do figure to shut down the government . It doesnt solve the problem. Look, we are having those discussions. We were only for a couple of days and we will keep about this and the house leaders are talking about it and the Senate Leaders are talking about it but the fact is the president is well served not to go down this path because he is putting at risk and in peril a real opportunity here to do some things for the country. Unfortunately we have less than 30 seconds remaining, senator whitehouse should the president take the executive action soon . Some say by this week . Or should he wait after after congress passes Government Fund increasing. We have a broken immigration which is why republicans and democrats came together in the senate to pass in a very strong way a bipartisan immigration bill that has been sitting in the house of representatives and Speaker Boehner will not bring it up. If i could get you to answer the question. It is right there to be done. He should force the happened of the speaker and have him take up the bipartisan bill. The story is a Speaker Boehner who will not pass bipartisan Immigration Reform. We have a broken system. And force the hand by taking executive action right away . That could be negotiable. The net of real and unilateral executive action is all that will drive the speakers hands, oil well have a broken immigration system and a lot of political talk. Pass the Senate Bipartisan bill. Thank you both for joining us. What do you think . Will the president pass the keystone xl pipeline and will the senate pass it . We are join by two rising stars from the senates class of 2015 next. So ally bank really has no hidden fees on savings accounts . Thats right. Its just that im worried about you know hidden things. Ok, whys that . No hidden fees, from the bank where no branches equals great rates. Hi. Im new ensure active clear protein drink. Clear huh . Im not juice or fancy water. Ive got 8 grams of protein. New ensure active clear protein. 8 grams protein. Zero fat. Ensure. Take life in. Of warm nestle love thtoll house cookies . Taste well with new nestle toll house frozen cookie dough, you can bake as few or as many as you please. Whenever your sweet tooth comes calling, theyre frozen and ready to bake. Find them in the frozen aisle. Bake some loveâ„¢. President obama doubled down this week on his pledge to take executive action to block the deportation of millions of illegal immigrants. Some Republican Leaders in congress say they may shut down the government to stop him. We want to continue to introduce you to members of the gops new class of freshman senators who will be part of this fight. Joining us from oklahoma, senatorelect James Lankford and here in washington senatorelect tom cotton. Gentlemen, congratulations and welcome to fox news sunday. Thank you. President obama called both of you on Election Night, two of the relatively few new republican senators he reached out to. Senator cotton, when you see what the president intends to do with executive action on immigration, steps that he apparently is taking in a climate deal with china and we think a veto of the keystone pipeline, do you get a sense he can do business with him . I hope so, chris. When president obama called me on Election Night he said, obviously, well have our disagreements but were going to try to make progress for the people of americans. I dont to want prejudge what he may or may not do on immigration. Some voices in his own Party Last Week were urging him not to go guard with it. Im hopeful the president will work with congress to make any changes to our Immigration Laws. Senatorelect lankford, same question, do you sense with what youve seen since the election any give in this president . I dont see any give from the president. He did reach out as well on the phone and said, lets try to find ways to Work Together. I said, we had ways to Work Together a year ago on basic thing, a lot of things including immigration. The house passed in december of 2012 a highskilled Worker Visa Program he immediately threatened veto. Senate never took up. He said f we dont do anything, well do nothing. The first faceoff between the president and republicans is going to be on immigration. Mr. Obama took a hard line on executive action in week in asia. I indicated to Speaker Boehner several months ago that if, in fact, congress failed to act i would use all the Lawful Authority that i possess to try to make the system work better. And thats going to happen. Thats going to happen before the end. Year. Snofelect cotton, i think its fair to say you come from the Tea Party Wing of the gop. Do you think republicans should be prepared to either shut down the government by making some links to the funding which runs out on december 11th or to pass the shortterm spending bills to keep this fight up with the president . Well, i dont think anyone wants to shut down the government because that doesnt solve the problem. Its not just republicans who have spoken on this. The American People have spoken. Immigration was a central issue in my campaign. Won by 17 points. Kay hagan, mark begich, mark udall all supported president obamas amnesty bill, they lost. Bruce braley, michelle nun, they supported that bill and they lost. Oregon, not conservative like arkansas, voted 21 against drivers license for illegal immigrants. The American People have spoken loudly about the kind of Immigration Reform they want. Its not what the president is proposing. But youve got to know, which this has happened before. It happened on obama care in 2013. It happened with Newt Gingrich in the 90s, even if the president ends up vetoing what leng links to funding, it ends up biting. Congress uses our power to control how taxpayer dollars are spent to put limitations on what a president can do. The last six years with Guantanamo Bay the president has wanted to close our Detention Center there and move are you saying youd be prepared, like obamacare, to shut down the government . With Guantanamo Bay, we have fully funded our military spending bills the last six years and put restrictions on what the president can do in terms of transferring terrorists from Guantanamo Bay to the United States. Theres no reason we cant fund our immigration agencies and not let president to give taxpayer money for i. D. S and you would to want put that limit i hopeful we dont have to take that action because im hopeful the president will listen to the American People. Hes been talking about this for months so i dont want to prejudge what oe may or may not do. After the midterms, the Republican Leaders, Mitch Mcconnell in the senate, john boehner in the house, made it pretty clear that they did not want to touch this again after 2013 with obamacare and the fact that the government got shut down. And rightly or wrongly, republicans got blamed. Whats changed . Well, i think the significant part about this is, we still hope to be able to reach out and work with the president on it. Were not pursuing some government shutdown. I think what people misunderstood at the time is how many people really detested what was happening in their personal lives and business with obamacare. Were trying to find every way possible to be able to communicate, this is a real problem pipts not a website problem. Its a real problem that affects every single american, every single business. This is also an issue like this, but people are not pursuing some government shutdown, though. Let me take you to clinton administration. President clinton put out an executive order and the house voted against that to defund that executive order 4172. That was in 1998. Because it took over power from the legislative branch in the states. Id love to see that kind of bipartisanship again for congress to step up and say to a president , you do not have executive authority to do this. Have you to do your responsibility. We have to do ours. But i guess what im trying to get at, and, you know, i fully understand there are a lot of members who say, look, youve got to use the power of the purse. Thats your one advantage, your one piece of leverage over the president to try to change policy but are you willing to go to possibly shutting down the government to do that . My point, i guess, is, regardless of whos responsible on the merits, it seems like Congress Gets blamed and the president ends up winning. Thats certainly what happened in october of 2013. Sure. But your assumption is thats the only option sitting out here to shut down the government. I dont believe thats true. It there are ways to Fund Everything and i dont think the president has the high ground. He has this perception that everyone in the country thinks like him and thats not correct. I represent millions of people, tom cotton represents millions of people. Millions of people scattered around the United States that think like us. And though the president thinks only these few crazy conservatives in congress think this way and no one else does, he has misjudged the American People. The American People believe in the rule of law. They dont have a problem with immigration. They have a problem with illegal immigration. For the for the step up and say, im going to remove the word illegal and transition this and ignore the law, a lot of people have a problem with that. Republicans and democrats alike. Let me change to another subject you guys will have to deal with and thats obamacare and the comments by m. I. T. Professor jonathan grish, who was one of the architects of obamacare. Lets take a look at one of the things he said. Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, you know, call it the stupidity of the American Voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical to get the thing to pass. Senatorelect lankford, what do you think professor grubers comments show and what is it that you think, given the fact that the president will certainly veto any outright repeal of obamacare, what do you think the new republican majorities in the house and senate, can actually accomplish in obamacare over the next two years . I think grubers comments show what is consistent in washington, d. C. This arrogance of centralized government. This administration really believes theyre smarter than everyone else and they need to just create the policy and impose the policy. And states exist only to carry out their wishes from the central government. Thats exactly backwards. The best thing is to return Health Care Decisions back to states, back to local authorities. Health care compacts, all the things that return those authorities back to the states. We have 50 billion, 50 billion, last year in medicare fraud. 50 billion. That doesnt get corrected by continually centralized control. We have to take care of the independent payment advisory broerd, we have to get rid of that. Medical device tax, we have to get rid of that. Get rid of mandates on individual people. People are frustrated with that and theyre going to watch their taxes go up more next year than last year. Its time to stop messages on this bill. People needs solution because it affects their life. Senatorelect cotton, realistically, what do you think you can get done with obamacare while president obama is still in office . Well, our kansans are conservative people but practical people, as well. They know its hard to repeal obamacare when the president is barack obama. The house has stopped those harms, like preventing people to pay a tax or businesses to have to pay a tax if they cant provide an obamacare plan. Or letting people keep their plans as promised. Those passed the house with bipartisan support. The president has taken some of those steps as an administrative pressure i think we can pass that again and the president would be hardpressed to explain why he wants to veto it if it has broad bipartisan support. Senatorselect im tired of saying that so would you get to being senators. Well follow both of on you your senate adventures. Up next, is president obama trying to provoke republicans to overreact with his promise of executive action on immigration . Our sunday group joins the conversation. Plus, what would you like to ask the panel . Just go to facebook or twitter foxnewssunday and we may use your question on the air. The Holiday Season is here, which means its time for the volkswagen signthendrive event. 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For me, simply through executive order, ignore those congressional mandates would not conform with my appropriate role as president. That seemed pretty clear. President obama back in 2011 and a number of times since saying he lacks authority to take executive action to defer deportations for millions of people in this country illegally. A step he now plans to take, perhaps, as early as this week. And its time now for our sunday group. Brit hume, Jackie Kucinich of the washington post, syndicated columnist george will and fox news political analyst juan williams. Well the government to opposition to the executive action, is it a smart political move or another mistake . Its a total blunder to try that. Because if the president were to veto the bill, a bill that would keep the government going, and there was a shutdown, it wouldnt matter. It never has what the proximate cause of the shut down. If the government shuts down, the republicans get the game. Not some of the blame. Not most of the blame. All of the blame. And one would surmise that they may have learned that by now. Their leaders seem to have, but some within the house and senate still think that kind of brinkmanship might work. I doubt it. Jackie, are democrats fully on board with this idea of executive action despite all of the threats, all the promises that its going to poison the well . Do they just think its going to solidify even more of the hispanic voter support for the Democratic Party . And to get back to the other point, it may provoke republicans to overreact . Dont think a lot of democrats held hope that because republicans took over the senate that all of a sudden theres going to be a lot getting done in congress. I dont think that was out there. From what ive heard, democrats are solidly behind the president when it comes to this. Theyve been pushing the president to exert his authority. A lot of them have. Particularly the hispanic members because they to want see something get done on this issue. Do they see no downside to creating this kind of confrontation on this issue . I dont know this confrontation wouldnt have happened anyway. Remember when boehner tried to release just the principles that House Republicans had for Immigration Reform, i think in january of last year, by february, he had already pulled back. So, there wasnt a lot of hope out there anyway. President s have taken a lot of executive actions, all the way back to president lincoln with the emancipation proclamation, harry truman desegregating the militaries in the 40s. Which barack obama is right, the one in 2011 who we saw who said, this is not let me get the quote right would not conform with my appropriate role as president or the new barack obama that weve heard of in the last few months who says, i can do it and im going to do it . The barack obama in 2011 and even more of the barack obama of 2008 who was stringent and correct in his criticism of the bush cheney exexpensive views of executive power. The policies that reporte intelligent people can agree or disagree. Hes going to shield from deportation millions of people who actually face no realistic prospect of deportation. Hes going to give work permits to millions of people who are already working. Its not trivial, but put this in context enforce agencies to concentrate on, a, criminals, and, b, people who arrived recently. Fine. The policies are defensible. The policies are exkrushable. Beyond the legalities, beyond the constitutional questions. Theres a simple et quit of democracy. Particularly after we have had, as tom cotton said, an election in which this issue featured in many states and the results were clear, the country opposes what the president is doing. What about the argument the president would make that you talk about the et quit of democracy. It passed the senate in 2013. Its been sitting in the house for a year and theyve done nothing about it. Thats too bad. We have a bicameral legislation. In fact, 300some bills passed the house and sat in the senate. I want to get back to this question, though, about how much executive action is too much. How much executive action does the president actually have. This weekend the wall street journal had a very interesting article which asked the question, how many is too many . Their argument is when the executive when the president decides to take executive action, it affects smart groups of people, thats clearly within his right, but in this case where he would take executive action that would affect 5, 6 Million People that goes too far. Juan . I dont think the question is, how much is too many by that calculus. And i dont think thats the issue here. I think the issue here is he does not have the right to rewrite the law. I mean, the law and the congress have the right to set the terms for granting citizenship, number of visas, terms for green cards, for example. Thats what the congress has the right to do is what they should be doing. In the clip you played, i think hes saying, he would prefer to have the congress act. Of course he would. Thats not the question. But can he do it on his own . Of course he can do it on his own. This is something president s have done in time in memorial i didnt say. No, you said emancipation pr proclamation. He has moral imperative because were dealing with tearing families apart. Its as if were just talking about politics in law. There are real human being out there theyre going to be departed anyway. Theyre huge numbers. Record numbers of deportations in this country. The reason these numbers on deportation look so large is the administration counts as a deportation people who come and returned at the border, who never get into the interior there are what i would add is the authority youre talking about is prosecutorial discretion which stems from the fact that the government doesnt have the resources to prosecute every lawbreaker. Therefore, prosecutors have discretion as to which cases to prosecute. What were talking about here is a mass refusal to deport people who probably wouldnt be deported anyway. No, theres a different way to look at it. Administrative relief. The president s job hang on. The president s job to manage Immigration Law as passed by the congress. You cant deport all these people. So, what the president is doing is prioritizing, as george said, who is to be the focus of deportation efforts. Criminals are the people, not families. As a practical matter, republicans would be wise to keep an eye on how much actual difference it would make if he were to do this. As a legal matter, it seems evidence that prosecutorial discretion is exercised where you simply you simply dont have the ability to prosecute everybody. In this case, this is such a wholesale refusal to follow the law that i think it would probably exceed constitutional bounds, if you could get a judge to hear it, which is where the problem is. We have to take a break here. When we come back, the next round of open enrollment starts for obamacare, yesterday, as comments from one of the architects of the plan ignite architects of the plan ignite even more controversy. My futu. Military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa Auto Insurance could be one of them. If youre a current or former military member or their family, get an Auto Insurance quote and see why 92 of our members plan to stay for life. Thank you. Ordering chinese food is a very predictable experience. I order b14. I get b14. No surprises. Buying business internet, on the other hand, can be a roller coaster White Knuckle thrill ride. Youre promised one speed. But do you consistently get it . You do with comcast business. And often even more. Its reliable. Just like kung pao fish. Thank you, ping. Reliably fast internet starts at 89. 95 a month. Comcast business. Built for business. Basically, call it the stupidity of the American Voter or whatever. Too stupid to understand. A very clever, you know, basic exploitation of the lack of economic understanding of the American Voter. We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is it in. A new web video from the Republican National committee pouncing on comments from m. I. T. Professor Jonathan Gruber as the new gop majority prepares its plan of attack against obamacare. Were back now with the panel. So, professor gruber who first helped write romney care and then with obamacare says the president s plan was written deceptively on purpose to get it through congress. He says they hid the fact that the mandates were really taxes. He says they hid the fact that the whole was a massive transfer of wealth. George, what does it tell you about obamacare and what does it tell you about the people who wrote it . It tells you they were consciously deceptive. We knew that at the time. It tells you they did lots of unseemly things to get it passed the cornhusker kickback, Louisiana Purchase and all the other logrolling that went on. Beyond that, mr. Gruber has been insulting the American People. And thats not wise. But what he has really said that people havent focused on sufficiently yet is that they deliberately wrote the law clearly to say subsidies could be dispersioned only established by exchanges in the state. Why does this matter . 225 days from now is the last monday in june. By then the Supreme Court will have ruled on whether mr. Gruber is telling the truth. He will have the leverage to negotiate the changes. I am not sure, but, about 15 of the states, of the states have exchanged and the other 35 is off by one or two federal exchanges and according to the law if it is a federal exchange they dont get the subsidy. And the professor gruber said, we wrote it that way to squeeze the states. All right, from the white house on down, democrats are doing everything they can to distance themselves using mr. Gruber, or the professor. Look at the democratic leader in the house of representatives, nancy pelosi, now and back in 2009. I dont know who he is. He didnt help write our balls. I dont know if i have seen the m. I. T. Analysis of gruber compared to 9 status quo. Are the gyrations by democrats though distance themselves from professor gruber embarrassing . That is a gaffe, i would say. I like the tape where she said we have to pass the law to see what is in it, that doesnt help. I think that he was insulting to the American People and arrogant in his attitude so there is a lot of hubris involved and it is the critics of obamacare would says this is why we are set. Are you kidding . Washington we package, we are merchandise, just like projector and gamble. Of course things are packaged in such a way to promote. So there is nothing new. Very little. I would say it is much ado about nothing with him but the critics of obamacare have a field day. The act is working. The uninsured rate dropped by 25 percent. This is something that republicans should be celebrating. We have more competition, we have done away with the medicare doughnut hole, we have no lifetime caps and limits, we have in continues about preexisting ills ins and we have preventsive medicine. Sitin credible that the republicans persist. Two questions, there is a feast here to answer brotherper glreg, one much adieu about nothing, and secondly and more importantly how much effect doeo it have in the efforts of peal,a republicans if not to try to repeal take a scalpel to obama s care. One says its so, but its not quite applicable. Tion i yes, legislation is always argued for in the way thats mosted advantageous to those who are promoting it. What we have here is something e quite different. Differen we have an admission of an all f out effort to deceive on a on number of points, based upon the notion, common, im afraid, among will liberals that t americans do not know what is er good for them and they need e ce vetters in other o locations to take care of that for them. That is the premise of obama care. Atter, as a practical matter, i think, it furthers the case, the senset that people haveal that the peoe were sold a bill of goods on this. Gre the people whoat now did insurae who did great numbers of those people, who did medicate, ab medicaid patients are having a hard time finding a doctor who r will see them. Medicaidse reimbursements are light, doctors dont want to treat them, so the question is do they have care and in many indication cases, the answer is no. It will be a gift that keeps on giving as they attempt to chip away at obama care, but as george as suggested the language of the law on whether nonstate sponsored exchanges can allow w people in those states im will get subsidies. Bs ifidies. That happens, i thio whole law begins to implode. F i think with gruber, if theyn have a hearing, theyll yell at him. It kind w ofi recon firms peopl who already the Supreme Court case issuspici going to chip aw. I also agree that the medical device tax, thats another 29 billion that would be removed. They may not like the medicae device tax, but where do you get the 89 billion over the course of a decade. Yea and open enrollmentr for o the second year of obama care s t started actually yesterday amid some of the policies that people bought last year, are going to cost for the same policy, 20 more this coming were. How confident is the administration that obama care is that going to, and it couldn much worse, is going to do better in its second year than in the first. E officials are telling them tl shop around, theres going to be a cheaper plan, to go and find Something Else that may be a little bit cheaper and theyre e saying that it will level out in the next few years. Whether it does or not, well have to wait and see, but every time that happens, your health p care goes up again, it erodes the confidence. Less than a minute left, im going to ask you the big t picture. What happens to obama swer. Care . Do you think that the basic ba entitlement, im not talking about the one tax, do you think the basically entitlement lasts or not . S if the basic entitlement lasts, that everybody has insurance coverage, thats part thethe ethic of theheanay s cou. The fact is what gruber does is strike at the legitimacy of they law, the defense of obama care has always come down to, its the law, get over it, live with it. But as gruber says, we didnt do it in a legitimate way. Up next, our power player of the week, how one of the biggest names in hotels is appealing toe the next generation of travelers. Rs so i can reach ally bank 24 7, but there are no branches . 24 7 its just im a little reluctant to try new things. Whats wrong with trying new things . Feel that in your muscles . Yeah. I do. Try a new way to bank, where no branches equals great rates. His name has been one of americas best brands for more than half a century. Now hes trying to taylor that brand for the next generation. Heres our power player of the week. Before you walked through the bobby, you checked in ewer room and you never came back to the lobby until you checked of the of your hotel. Bill mahrriott is talking about i traveled 110,000 miles last year. At age 82, hes all about the future. How much of your focus is on the millennials . Right now theyre about 45 to 50 of our business and in another 20 years, theyll be 60 of our business. Marriott has an Innovation Lab where staffers brainstorm and talk with millennials, they even have mockups of potential hotel rooms, edgy, not much color, big beds, and no tvs, but often no desks since theyre on their lap tops. This is the shower right here. This is the shower right there, almost in the guest room. Youve got a bed, a shower, a sink and a big the. You can tell marriott is having to adjust to some of it. We were not exactly cool with flowered bed spreads, now theres no bed spreads, they have a cover over the sheets and blanket. But there are no real bed spreads. Does that scare you or i think thats the right thing to do, this is what the customers want. Bills dad, j. W. Started with a root beer stand in 1927. He met lindhberg once and he said you and i went in business on the same day and you got all the publicity. Now marriott has 18 brands, more than 4,000 hotels, 700,000 rooms and a lot of guests. Probably over a Million People a night. How does that make you feel . Concerned that theyre being well taken care of. Two years ago marriott stepped down as chairman and ceo. You havent exactly required, though, have you . I dont think i will, until they carry me out feet first. But when we asked what the satisfaction of the job is, marriott surprised us. He talked about the 350,000 employees. 50 of our general managers in our hotels have been with the company 25 years or more and they started as hourly workers. That to me is terrific. We bring someone in as a waiter and make them president of the

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