Going away. How will it all play out . When youre in the white house, you are drinking from a fire hose 24 hours a day. We can Work Together and unify our great country. Fox news reporting, the trump revolution. And now, brett baier. Donald trump, president. A political earthquake. A lot of people still cant believe it. But we have been covering this Political Revolution for from the start. So while americas still catching its breath, we thought wed explain how we got here and where we may be going next. On election day, tattoo artist bob holmes of seabrook, New Hampshire, did something he had never done before. In the 48 years. He voted. Walked in there. Very awkward. I didnt know what to do, who to talk to. I obviously looked lost because somebody came over and talked to me and told me what line to get into and went behind the curtain and voted and took a picture on my phone and posted it on facebook that i voted for donald trump. Hows it going . So far so good. He earned some notoriety in the Campaign Offering free tattoos of trump. Trump wins 2016 . Trump wins 2016. On election eve, he stayed up all night watching. This is us. This is our country. Its real. How do we explain how this is possible . I dont know that he really has a plan. I love the fact that the media and the anchors were freaking out and just couldnt take it. Homes said he switched on fox news at 2 40 in the morning when we made the call. Donald trump will be the 45th president of the United States. I dont think ive been that excited since i was probably 12 years old and i got up for christmas. That literally was the feeling that i had. Bob holmes one of millions of americans who contributed to a shock wave that is still rattling the country coast to coast. So when donald trump emerged from his headquarters to give his victory speech, it seemed like the world had changed. Now its time for america to bind the wounds of division. Have to get together. After a notablidy visive campaign, he spoke words of unification. For those who have chosen not to support me in the past, of which there were a few people, im reaching out to you for your guidance and your help so that we can Work Together and unify our great country. The next day, president elect trump met with president obama at the white house. That meeting seemed to signal a more cordial tone, as well. This was a meeting that was going to last for maybe ten or 15 minutes. The meeting lasted for almost an hour and a half. And it could have as far as im concerned, it could have gone on for a long time. I dont think hes ideologically. Hes pragmatic. That can serve him well as long as hes got good people around him an enhe has a clear sense of direction. I very much look forward to dealing with the president in the future, including counsel. But half of the country was unhappy with the outcome of the election. Quite a few celebrities, some of whom said theyd leave the country. Easy to say throw in the towel and that were going to leave. Im going to move to spain because i want to move to spain. I really, really want to move to spain right now. Students across the u. S. Stage mass walkouts and thousands took to the streets to show they still opposed trump no matter the election results. These marches, sometimes deinvolved into violence. Even as some tried to prevent it, president elect trump was preparing to move in to the white house by picking his team. There was some controversy when governor Chris Christie was replaced by Vice President elect mike pence to head the transition. Kellyanne con way now senior advise tore the transition thinks the press made too much of this. To many the stories artificially generated of transition and chaos remind me of the preelection coverage which was i have a conclusion and now ill search for the evidence. In the nod to the gop establishment, named rnc chairman Reince Priebus as chief of staff but he stirred up controversy again naming steve bannon who helped manage his campaign as senior counselor and white house chief strategist. By placing a champion of the white supremacist, what message is trump sending to the young girl who woke up wednesday morning in rhode island afraid to be a woman of color in america . This is the last refuge of the scoundrels calling people racist. Democratic strategist pat cadell known steve bannon for years. He believe that is the United States must put its interests first, rather than being globalists first and thats not a xenphobic attitude. His sin is that hes antiestablishment. Karl rove says he has a more fundamental concern about the arrangement between priebus, the gop insider, and bannon, the controversial outsider. We have two coequal people running the west wing which means they better be very close, have a very collaborative style. When youre in the white house, you are drinking from a fire hose 24 hours a day. And you need to have processes in place that help the president get all the information he needs for a considered decision and that requires a well operating west wing. Not one thats at war with itself. Since then, president elect trump has kept busy meeting with prospects and hes chosen several names for prominent slots. Senator Jeff Sessions of alabama for attorney general. There is controversy. 30 years ago, he was denied a federal judgeship because of alleged racist statements. Sessions denied the allegations. Meanwhile, in another sign of reaching out to his rivals, trump met with former governor and former gop nominee mitt romney. The two have exchanged harsh words this election cycle. Donald trump is a phony, a fraud. Mitt is a failed candidate. He failed. He failed horribly. The process of picking his team is continuing but no matter who is chosen, Trump Supporters cant wait for their man to take over. Drain the swamp drain the swamp there was high hope that as an outsider hed keep his promises to build a wall, to fight corruption and to repeal obamacare. I expect him to follow through on id like at least 80 , 85 0 of what he said. I dont know the other 15 , i think is always somewhat negotiable in anything. I kept saying this election years not about ideology. Its about insurgency. Ours was not a campaign but rather an incredible and great movement. Made up of millions of hard working men and women who love their country and want a better, Brighter Future for themselves and for their families. While donald trump is busy preparing for the biggest job in the world, its hard to believe that a year and a half ago he was a blip on the political radar. Some people called him a yolk to amuse us until the serious contenders took over. Now that joke turned around, next. Hey, need fast heartburn relief . Try cool mint zantac. It releases a cooling sensation in your mouth and throat. Zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. Nexium can take 24 hours. Try cool mint zantac. No pill relieves heartburn faster. How do you run for president when the field is crowded . And youve never held office before. First, you have to get noticed. Something donald trump was an expert at. My father, donald j. Trump. It was a setting that may have seemed more appropriate for a vegas act than a president to be. But on june 16th, 2015, in trump tower, donald trump had something very important to say to america. Ladies and gentlemen, i am officially running for president of the United States and we are going to make our country great again. The 69yearold billionaire real estate mogul had never held office. But now, he was going for all the marbles. Beyond the announcement, one section of his speech got almost all the attention. When mexico sends its people, theyre not sending their best. Theyre bringing drugs. Theyre bringing crime. Theyre rapists. And some, i assume, are good people. This was not how candidates normally spoke. Pundits announced his campaign dead on arrival. How should republicans handle donald trump . Ignore him. Hes not going to win the republican nomination. I dont think its what the Republican Party needs. But trump kept it up, banging the immigration drum. I will build a great, great wall. On our southern border. And i will have mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words. The line became fodder for countless punch lines. How are you going to deal with immigration . Build a giant wall. Okay. What about the economy . Build a giant wall. Yet, h cord. Nobody builds walls better than me. Believe me. By midjuly trump shot to the top of a crowded republican field. His free wheeling style got the lie yns share of media attention. For instance, no one makes fun of a war hero except donald trump. Here, he talks about john mccain. Hes not a war hero. He is a war hero. He is. Five and a half years ago. Because he was captured. I like people that werent captured. Okay . I hate to tell you. Once again, the pundits counted him out. He needs to apologize and it remains to seen if he has sense enough to do this. Wont be a viable candidates. You cant say these things without crashing and burning. Instead, his polling improved. Everyone else, bing. What would make other candidates radioactive only seemed to make him stronger. There was the comment he made in Rolling Stone magazine about carly fiorina. Quote, look at that face. Would anyone vote for that . But trumps position atop the polls remained firm. Though there were a few twists and turns ahead, by late may, trump secured his partys nomination. Thank you very much, everybody. Thank you. I am your voice and after the Republican National convention in late july, he had pulled even with Hillary Clinton in the polls. But if anyone thought hed moderate his tone for the general election, they were mistaken. Hillary rotten clinton. Crooked Hillary Clinton. Indeed, the brash billionaire was ready for more trash talk and not just about his opponent. You can have it. Anybody want it . In his first debate with secretary clinton, he seemed to go out of the way to attack rosie odonnell. Rosie odonnell i said tough things to her and i think everybody would agree that she deserves it and nobody feels sorry for her. After secretary clinton mentioned her name he called this woman miss piggy. He would soon take on former Miss Universe machado. Gained a massive amount of weight and it was it was a real problem. Then in early october, comments captured on tape by a hot mike in 2005 were released. In the tape, trump shared lewd comments with qum access hollywood host bill by bush. They let you do it. Grab them by the [ bleep ]. Do anything. After that, 11 women spoke out claiming to have been sexually harassed by donald trump. The events never happened. Never. With about one month to go before election day, trump looked like he was in deep trouble. What a campaign its been. The long, winding road to the white house ends here. The polls are set to close. In the early hours, the race is close. Certainly closer than predicted by those who thought secretary clinton was a shoein. The feeling was trump would have to take the swing states of florida, North Carolina and ohio just to have a chance. At 10 30 a victory for donald trump in ohio can be called by the fox news decision desk at this point. At 10 45, North Carolina goes to trump. On monday morning, a much bigger lead in absentee and early voting. 122,000 more republicans who turned out and voted early or absentee and 22,000 fewer democrats that voted early compared to four years ago. So on monday morning, i said, you know, looked at the numbers saying he is going to take North Carolina unless election day is different than election days tended to be. Around 11 00 p. M. Donald trump will win the state of florida according to the fox news decision desk. Now, it was anyones game. Are you starting to feel that Hillary Clinton might lose this thing . Im nervous. 11 30, trump wins wisconsin. And then at 2 41, when he won another rust belt state, the biggest, pennsylvania, it put him over the top. This means that donald trump will be the 45th president of the United States. Winning the most unreal, surreal election we have ever seen. Election night was absolutely euphoric here in this room. It wasnt until he saw the 270 number surpassed that he knew it was real. But its also a complete vindication of the way he ran his campaign on his terms. It was his own style and message. Donald trump fought a campaign not just against candidates but against conventional wisdom and he won. The pundits didnt think he could do it. But the people did. Hed obviously struck a nerve. Well look at that when we return. Donald trumps success its safe to say came as a surprise to the political and media class. This is partly because he seized upon issues that mattered deeply to a lot of americans whod felt long ignored. One such issue trade. From the start of his campaign, Donald Trumps economic populim s made him a favorite of white, working class voters. Best way to stay competitive and protect the business for long term is to move production from our facility in indianapolis to monterey, mexico. This video shows the moment when 1,400 workers at carrier air conditioning were told their jobs will be shipped from indianapolis to mexico in 2017. Were moving. Were shutting down. We are moving to mexico. Starting its like, well, really . Mark, a carrier employee for nearly a quarter century, was there when management made that announcement. I want to be clear. This is strictly a business decision. Yeah. Some people were hollering, some people were, you know, raising some cane. You heard one guy said fyou. [ bleep ]. Dave was a carrier employee of 13 years. And that one guy really said it all for everybody. I looked up and heard somebody crying and my friend cheryl is crying and it is like it just def stated her. I was just basically numb. I just didnt know what the hell to think. Just days later, at a republican debate, donald trump was the only candidate to speak about the mass layoff. All of these 1,400 people that are being laid off, laid off, crying. It was a very sad situation. He explained what he would do to carrier if he was elected president. Get consensus from congress and tax you when the air conditionering come. Stay where you are or build in the United States. That sort of talk directly contradicted decades of republican thinking on free trade. I did catch that on the news that he brought up carrier. I thought, hell yeah. About time somebody says something. Though mark is a democrat, and a union member, this time, he decided to support trump. I believe the entire political systems going to be different from now on. It needs to be changed. Nothing gets done. Nothing happens that benefits the american people. Its been fitting somebody else. If we let everybody go to mexico, were not going to have any jobs for our grandchildren. I think everybodys just mad. And they got fed up with the government letting things like this happen. I appreciate any candidate thats going to do more to keep jobs in america. I hope he can save my job. And everybody elses job thats in the same situation. This is not the First Factory that closed down. Another example is niagara ceramics in buffalo, new york, which closed in 2013. Just impossible to compete with the foreign market. Joe bronco was a Vice President. Very difficult for us to manufacture our product in the usa and dollars per piece more than you could buy it for landed at a port on either coast. Today, the old warehouse feels almost haunted, not by ghosts, but by memories of when the factory employed more than 400 skilled workers. We held on as long as we could and we just couldnt do it. Bronco was down and not out. Hes opened a new ceramics facility in rochester, new york, called north star ceramics, much smaller but growing. Donald trump made it very clear that we made some bad trade deals and theyre affecting businesses like me today and were definitely not working at a level Playing Field. Joe felt so strongly about it he and his family worked to get trump elected. The fact that donald trump is a businessman is playing a huge factor in my support of him. I mean, he understands what it is like to be where i am. In a much larger scale. Before he entered politics, new york congressman Chris Collins was personally involved in securing funding that kept niagara ceramics afloat for several years. And then, he became the first congressman to support trump. Today, he is trumps Congressional Liaison in the transition. Were you ever nervous jumping on the trump train so early . I was never nervous. It was an easy decision for me to make coming from western new york devastated by bad trade deals. When it is president trump, how do you think he helps jobs come back to upstate new york . We have to negotiate trade deals and may well be some tarifftype of barriers to level the Playing Field. When im president , if a Company Wants the fire their workers and leave for mexico, or other countries, then we will charge them a 35 tax where they want to ship the products back into the United States. I dont believe that president of ford now going to follow through and move those small cars to mexico. I think thats a decision he will reverse. Talking tariffs, you heard the critics saying the jobs are gone for good. You dont buy it . Not everyone is going to be, you know, in the stem world, scientist, an engineer a physician. Theyre great jobs and lets be honest with ourselves. Where are the good jobs . And its not in the lower paid surface industries. Its making stuff. What we used to do. And we have got to level the Playing Field tie frustrations and even anger of the working class played a central role in the 2016 election. But hows it that a celebrity billionaire came to be their voice . Thats next. Most president ial biographies describe years of rising through the ranks before achieving the top j