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They will have to make decision. That is one that the farmers love, the manufacturers love. Is a great deal for this country. Afterwards i think one of the its a great deal for this country and nafta was one of the most straight deals ever made. Maybe the wto was worse, the wto from the time that happened in 95 from the time that happened, china became like a rocket ship. Pretty much flatlined and joined the wto and became they went through the roof and very much to our liability we lost tremendous amounts of money over that time and tremendous amounts. It was a terrible deal, wto. If you look at nafta, nafta has been a disaster for our country. Usmc a is a great deal for our country. Canada is happy and they are happy like we are happy but we are happy, canada, mexico, they wanted mexico just approved it and canada is waiting for us to approve it and the Prime Minister just left him a while ago and they are thrilled with the deal and everybody wants it and hopefully it will be a bipartisan deal. I told nancy pelosi this is a bipartisan deal, a lot of democrats wanted especially the industrials also, things on wages and things on the environment and few people have been able to get into an agreement and it is a very big deal, very big deal. It is a great deal, tremendous support, they have to put it up for a vote and a great vote in the house and great for the senate and tremendous trade deal between the United States and canada and mexico and something very special. Spent a lot of time with a lot of countries and australia is an example, japan, negotiating with them because they send us millions of drugs and we sent the wheat which doesnt work. But what happens is japan is you probably saw the things they are doing but they are opening up Many Companies. Throughout our countries, especially in michigan. We have a lot of activity, japan activity, a lot of activity, companies are coming back to our country, the hottest show in town, economy is the best one and every leader, virtually every leader, congratulations, incredible what happened to the american economy, the best economy in the world and started from election day, put it out yesterday, we took a tremendous boost the day after i got elected after being president from that point until essentially now, we hit the alltime high again for many many times. I cant tell you what was but many many times we broke the record and stock market is great, jobs are great, essentially we ever had in some categories, definitely had the minimum in 51 years but more than that and it is going to be more than that. Africanamerican, asian american, you saw that. Hispanic american, best numbers in history, history of our country, lowest unemployment numbers, best numbers, and many bluecollar workers doing fantastic, the biggest beneficiary, talk about for the rich for the everybody and also for Big Companies moving here and remember who owns the stocks because the people that own the stock is not the Big Companies but people with 401 k s whose numbers are 60 , 42 , different numbers are tremendously high, the other spouse think the spouse is investing in 401 k s is a super genius but those 401 k s are very high. We are not going to devote any time to it but with that kind of attitude their 401 k s are going to crash and the market will crash because what they want to do you would crash the market and the amount of wealth left would be incredible but rather wait till later in the campaign to say that because to be honest with you i want them to go and take these policies, dont want them to change them anytime soon. Let them have a good time. Interesting to watch what is happening. I found it very interesting. With that we will take a few questions and im heading to south korea. I may or may not see kim jong un but we are heading to south korea, spent a day and a half there, president moon is a really good guy, he was here too. We will see what happens. Thank you so much for joining us here, we appreciate it, a chance to ask questions. Tell us a little more how this china deal may work Going Forward because chinese officials told fox news they will not make any concessions until all of the tariffs have been lifted and they want relief on huawei, taken off the blacklist and pursuing extradition, can you tell us how you see this unfolding and if you meet kim jong un tomorrow would you step across the border to north korea . I feel very comfortable doing that. With respect to china, basically we are going to continue the negotiation which i envied a while back and continue the negotiation. We agreed i would not be putting tariffs on 325 billion. We are fairly advanced depending on where you want to look at and where you want to start. Pretty advanced. We did discuss things. We mentioned huawei. We will have to see. One of the things i will allow, we send and sell to huawei tremendous amount of product that goes into various things they make and that is okay, we will keep selling their product. These are American Companies that make product. It is more complex by the way, highly scientific and in some cases we are the ones that do it and the only ones that do it. What we have done is incredible. And nobody has been able to compete and pretty easily i have agreed to allow them to sell that product so American Companies will continue. We are having a problem that we are not exactly happy they couldnt sell because they had nothing to do with whatever was potentially happening with respect to huawei. We talked about education, harder for Chinese Students to come in and that is something if it were, if somebody needed it that way i dont and we have students coming, great students and tremendous assets but we did discuss it. It was brought up as a point and i said that just like any other nation, we are going we were looking but if you graduate from a college because of great companies, we talk about silicon valley, we have a problem in the country that you graduate number one in your class from the best school in the country and they say you have to leave, cant keep them and we are going spark persons waiver but we are going to make it so they can not always stay but have access. We want to keep these people here. Most of the way down the road. That could happen. We hold them on tariffs and they will buy farm products. That could happen. They would like to make a deal, i can tell you that. We can make a deal with a historic event, we never had a deal with china. We had tremendous deficits, tremendous amounts of money put into china, 500 million, not just surplus and deficit. Im talking about real hard cash. Should never have been allowed to happen from all of our president s over steve harmon from voice of america. After your discussions with Prime Minister abe, are you still thinking about withdrawing from the usjapan Security Treaty and what do Prime Ministers say . Not thinking about that at all. I am just saying it is an unfair agreement. I told them that for the last 6 months. If somebody attacks japan, we go after them in a battle full force and effect. We are locked in a battle and committed to fight for japan. If somebody should attack the United States they dont have to do that. That is unfair. The kind of deals we make. It is almost like we had people that either didnt care or were stupid but that is the kind of deals we had. We are going to have to change it because should that happen, far more likely should that happen, somebody attacks us, we are helping they have to help us. No problem with that. Arrest a question, i want to clarify. Could lead to wait until the end or drop the extradition effort. From huawei. That was not discussed. We did discuss huawei but didnt discuss our situation. On russia it seems like maybe you didnt mean it when you said yesterday dont metal in our elections. You have to take a look at the words. I did say it. We had a discussion. We had a great discussion. Vladimir putin and myself, a tremendous discussion. They would like to do trade with the United States and they have great product, rich land and a lot of oil and minerals and the like and i can see trade going up with russia, we do very little trade with russia which is ridiculous. I could see some real positive things, i did discuss it a little after that. Yesterday former president jimmy carter suggested your presidency is a legitimate and you only got the white house with help from russia. Isnt it crazy . Jimmy carter, look, he is a nice man, he was a terrible president. He is a democrat and it is a typical talking point. He is loyal to the democrats and i guess he should be. But as everybody understands i won not because of russia, not because of anybody but myself. I went out and campaigned better, smarter, harder than Hillary Clinton. I went to wisconsin, i went to michigan, i had 32,000 people at 1 00 on the morning on election day. I won michigan, i won wisconsin, i won pennsylvania, i won states that traditionally havent been won by a republican for many years and this had nothing to do with anybody but the fact that i worked harder and much smarter than Hillary Clinton did. I will say this. Jimmy carter, i was surprised he would make a statement. A lot of democrats like to make that statement. He has been trashed within his own party. I felt badly for him because look over the years his party, he is the forgotten president. I understand why they say that. He was not a good president. Look what happened with iran. It was a disaster. They tied him up in knots. The reason Ronald Reagan probably became president. A democrat talking point. If i could follow up on the question about your comments with Vladimir Putin about election meddling, you did seem to be joking with the russian president. Are we taking that to be wrong . What is it with your coziness with some of these dictators and autocrats at these summits . Mohammed bin selman, the crown prince of saudi arabia you were asked about the case of Jamal Khashoggi you did not respond to that question. Were you afraid of offending him on that subject . I dont care about offending people. I thought you would know that. And congratulations. I understand your book is doing well. It is doing very well. I will get you an autographed copy. I want to see it. Send me a copy. I get along with everybody except you people. I get along with a lot of people. I have a tremendous relationship with president xi. Nobody has a deal we have. Tens of billions of dollars from china coming in. We are moving along towards something that could be very historic. I get along with Vladimir Putin. I get along with mohammed from saudi arabia. I spoke to saudi arabia a year ago, getting very high. I wasnt so nice. I said you got to get more oil into the system. What is happening is no good but they did and people driving it very low numbers right now. You havent seen. In the old days you would have spikes where gas wasnt 5 and more and wasnt so good but i get along with people that would be perceived as being very nice. A lot of very nice leaders of countries. I was with Prime Minister may today. I was with so many. The new head of australia, japan, Prime Minister abe, they are all fine, some are stronger than others, some are tougher than others. But if i may, mister president is on the case of Jamal Khashoggi a lot of journalists in this room object to what appears to be the saudi governments complicity and perhaps orchestration of the assassination and dismembering of a journalist and when you were given the opportunity to, didnt solomon out on that you did not do it. Did you do it privately . Do you agree that it is despicable for a government to kill a journalist . Yes i do. I think it is horrible or anybody else. I think it is horrible. If you look at saudi arabia, 13 people are so have been prosecuted. Others are being prosecuted. They have treated it very very seriously and will continue to and i let everybody know that. I am very unhappy about that. If you look at what is going on right now within the saudi arabia they are prosecuting additional people. A lot of things happening. At the same time, nobody so far has pointed a finger at the future king of saudi arabia. I will say i spoke to his father, i spoke to his father at great length. They have been a terrific ally. They are creating millions of jobs in this country not only military but 400 billion worth in connection worth of Different Things and with that being said, i am extremely angry and unhappy that this has taken place but as of this moment more than 13 people have been prosecuted and the numbers are going up but it is a good question. Thank you, mister president. It is good to know that the further escalation of trade tension with china and can you share details of your interaction with president xi and another quick question, do you think it is possible that there will be a third one on one summit with chairman kim . It may happen tomorrow. We wont call it a summit. We will call it a handshake. It could happen. He would like to do it and i wouldnt mind doing it at all. I am visiting the dmz. I will as per your question on president xi, hes a brilliant leader, a brilliant man, considered to be one of the great leaders in 200 years in china and he is strong, he is tough but he is good. We have a very Good Relationship and i said we cant have it where the United States loses this kind of money for the privilege of building up china. It has to be a fair deal. And he understands that. As he said nobody ever came to us. No other president it would be a lot easier not only for them but many other reasons but i dont want to do bev. A point in time, chance to do things nobody else has ever done. We are making a deal with china and if we dont, tremendous rightfield with tremendous money coming into our country but i have a feeling over appear go of time, i want to get the deal right. It is extremely i did not say complicated but intricate but in the meantime our farmers will end up being the great beneficiary. What i did with farmers, a certain amount of money. I went to sonny perdue and said how much money do you china spend on farms, in farms . The best year of that 16 billion. Okay. We will take it in much more than that every year in tariffs and i took 16 billion out of those tariffs and essentially those tariffs and distributing it among the farmers who have been hurt because they were used as a pond so china could get a good deal but in the end farmers are the biggest beneficiary but i made up for the fact the china was targeting our farmers because farmers like me and i love them. They sort of love me when you get down to it and it was 16 billion, billion, i took it out of the Tariffs Money essentially and we are in the process of distributing, farmers could not be happier other than they are unusual, had them around the table, many of the farmers and five weeks ago, we want a level playing field. They will take anyway you want to give it to them they will take. The farmers are in a class by themselves. They dont want subsidies or a handout. All they want is a level playing field, they are unbelievable people and unbelievable patriots. Thank you, mister president was a quick followup. Very public invitation to kim jong un. Is a bad side if he doesnt show up . Everybody is going to say he was stood up by chairman kim. I understood that. It is very hard to it is very hard got a call very quickly. A lot of people follow it. They contacted us. Just a quick we get along. I got along with him and i get along with other people. It is a fair question but i really have a great relationship with everybody. I said a long time ago maybe i will be a sleeper on Foreign Policy and if you look at what happened on foreignpolicy we are working on what happens, would like to make a deal, it would be smart but we will see what happens. They are doing very poorly, 18 sites of confliction meaning they were behind. And if you look at what happened, they are not being taken for suckers. We lose on defending them because we treatment percentage of the world and who pays for it and on top of that we lose money with the same and it is all change and expected to change, they cant believe honestly like i would ask Prime Minister abe, how did this happen where you send us billions and billions of Dollars Worth of cars and we send you practically nothing, he said nobody ever complained, same thing with china. You send the card to was, we charge you essentially nothing, but basically there are ways around that. You send a car to us and you pay nothing, we send a car to humans we pay 45 tariff. How did that happen . Just kept lifting it, lifting it, lifting it. Just kept lifting it and nobody called but i called. Go ahead. You clearly saw the democratic debate. Im sure you saw the exchange between joe biden and, harris and federally mandated busing, Biden Thought that was bad policy, he tried to stop it. Kamala harris said it was an important part of desegregation including her own experience. Where do you stand on the issue of federally mandated busing . Before i get into that, i thought she was given too much credit. He didnt do well. And the facts were not necessarily on his side. I think she was given too much credit for what she did. Wasnt that outstanding and probably he was hit harder than he should have been hit. As far as that i will tell you in four weeks because we are coming out with a policy that will be more interesting and surprising to a lot of people. You have a question . Do you think Kamala Harris would be a tough Opponent Given what you saw in that debate . You never know who is going to be tough. Who you think turned out to be tough turns out to be not much and sometimes you think i have seen it. I had a total of 18 a lot of people say 17, governor of virginia, remember, governor of virginia, previous governor. Of the 18, i never thought about being a politician, two days before before that. Not too much before. You looked at some of them. And the ones i felt i should write a book. Some other people they had 24, 25. Some of the ones i felt would be absolutely absolutely the toughest turned out not tough at all. Others a lot of people said werent tough were tougher. I think she was given too much credit. That was so out of the can what she said. It was right out of her box and i thought that he didnt respond great. This was not Winston Churchill we are dealing with. It wasnt nearly as bad as they portended to be. I clarify your negotiation with what you agreed to on huawei . Did you agree huawei consults us or us companies can sell their equipment to huawei, not talking about equipment where there was no Great National emergency but they can sell their weapon, we have companies in silicon valleybased in different parts of the country making complex equipment. On turkey, if it goes ahead with s 400 purchases . Another one that i got along with very well, a tough cookie. Like president erdogan he is tough but i get along with him. It is a really good thing because he wanted to wipe out he has a big problem with the kurds and he had a 65,000 man army at the border, and helped with that, 100 of the caliphate and i called him and asked him not to do it. They are natural enemies of his or turkeys. They were lined up to go out and wipe out people we just defeated, the isis caliphate, cant do it and he didnt do it. He goes out during the obama administration. They wouldnt sell it to them. He is a member of nato and could be an ally, he has a big army, he took his big fighters and they are working together because he doesnt want to see People Killed and neither do i and i mentioned that was another thing i mentioned to Vladimir Putin, please take it easy. They have been encircling that. There was a statement 6month ago that would have been catastrophic but they have 30,000 turks, 3 Million People and getting terrorists is okay but you dont want to kill 3 Million People to get the terrorists. We get along great but what happened turkey and i will tell you when it is here and when it is not fair. President obamas group said no. He kept wanting to buy it, they said no no no. Couldnt buy it. So he then went to russia and but the s 400, made a deal to buy it because they wouldnt allow him to buy it. This Administration Previous to mine would not let him buy it. He goes to russia and makes a deal for the s 400 that is not nearly as good. Put up a lot of money and he bought it. As soon as he bought it people went back from my country and said we dont want you to use that system because it is not the nato system, we dont want you to use that system, do us a favor, we will sell you the pension, he said it is too late, i already bought it and he bought 100, f 35s, greatest fighter jet in the world. Hard to beat something when you cant see it. He bought 116, he bought over 100. Now he wents delivery, he paid a tremendous amount of money to lockheed, our economy, our jobs and everything and now they are saying hes using the s 400 system which is incompatible with our system and if you use the s 400 system russia and other people can gain access into the f 35 but honestly i am all for our country but he was told you cant buy it. When you cant have something, all of a sudden getting Something Else and they said, first we will sell it to you and then they said we will get it to you immediately but he said i cant do it. I spent a fortune on buying another system, similar system from russia but the problem is he already bought the planes and the planes are incompatible from our standpoint, not from the standpoint from our standpoint National Security so it is a mess and honestly it is not really erdogans fault. Now we have breaking News Donald Trump loves tariffs. On the side of turkey, no i am not. What i have to tell you, president erdogan, gave our pastor back, nobody else could get him back, remember, they couldnt get him back to me in jail for 35 years, hes going to be in jail forever, an innocent man. I called him, he was standing in the oval office and he was back. From my standpoint he is a tough guy, he is tough. I think he was unfairly treated. You cant have it but after the system, when he said we will sell it to you and give it to you right away but by that time he had bought the place so it is a complicated deal, we are working on it. What about china you there was a negotiation on Huawei Holding off on tariffs so sounds like china agreed to buy more but is this a lopsided agreement or what more . A good question. I did agreed to allow our company, i like our Company Selling things to other people. So it is not easy. A tremendous amount, our companies were very upset, these companies, you know all of them. They werent exactly happy that we were allowing that, allowing them to sell but we agreed to leave that to the end. Huawei is a complicated situation. We agreed to leave that to the end. I have a question about the border but i wanted to follow up on the question about bussing. Do you see it as a viable way of integrating schools does that relate to the policy . What they have done for a long period of time. There are not that many ways to get people to schools. This something that has been done. In some cases it has been done with a hammer instead of a glove. This is certainly been a thing that has been used. If Vice President biden had answered the question differently it would be a different result because it did hit him hard but it is certainly a primary method of getting people to schools. Does it relate to the policies you are going to unveil that you just floated . Everything we are doing you will be hearing about in the next couple months. I want to ask about the border, seems like theres a week to go until the ice raids begin under the deadline you imposed. Given you have a july 4th recess is it realistic to think you are going to get a deal to actually reform the asylum laws . We could do it in 45 minutes, i said 15, we could do it quickly, we could do it in an hour. We could get rid of the loopholes very quickly, these are horrible loopholes. The reason mexico is so good, they have tough immigration. They dont have the kind of things, the kind of stupidity we have where somebody touches 1 foot on our stand and we have to bring them into a court, register them, catch and release them and they are supposed to come back in 3 years for a court case, about 2 come back as you know just as well as anybody, may be better than most but the fact is they come back but nobody comes back, 2 come back. It is a horrible system. They come in illegally and we are bringing them out legally. At the request of some very good democrats they asked me if i could hold it for a couple weeks, a week left but other than the fact we got a bipartisan way, and appreciate nancy pelosi working on this, it was humanitarian money and dont forget nobody ever had this problem before, we are running hospitals and so many Different Things for the kids and the kids under the laws the kids are used, illegally used to get other people to come in. If you have a child it is much easier to come into the country, but if you have a child it is much easier. We have these kids who have been horribly abused and we could stop that with a minor change in the law. It is a terrible thing that they are not doing it. Here is what is happening. Lets see if you can get that to us. In the meantime we got an approval last night, humanitarian aid, we have that. We can have that done, way down if we stop people from coming up. For instance if we had walls up but had it hard, on the border, who drowned, very tough, moments where it can be very cold and it becomes very violent. And so many lives will be slaved and if they would change the laws it would take us an hour but lets give you two weeks. At the end of the second week, we are legally removing. You are still planning for that deadline. Unless we do something, democrats, seems to me, want open borders and for the life of me i cannot figure i want people to come into our country. We have all these countries coming in, fox, in wisconsin, so Many Companies coming in. I was with president abe, they need people. The only problem, it is very unfair, you have millions of people trying to get into our country, they take tests, they study, didnt know a lot about the country. Very complicated process. These people have worked hard, and welcome to the United States. It is very unfair but we will be removing large numbers of people, people have to understand, starting in a week after july 4th. The deal that was just past does nothing that is humanitarian. We are running now hospitals, border patrol, these are incredible people. The reason people are coming up is we are doing so well is a country in past years, mexico, they took 32 of cargo and now we are the hot country in the world and people are coming up because they want a piece of that action and the reason children are coming up is we had a Separation Policy under president obama, 2014, look how horrible they turned out, it was built by president obama. Im not blaming him. They had a Separation Policy. What i ended, it is going to bring more children out, that child can stay. I said and it is nice in one way but in terms of what we are doing it makes it even tougher but the really bad thing is cartels and i think mexico did 6000 and now they are doing 16,000 on our border. Mexico looking to swamp the cartels. What mexico is doing without the tariffs weve been after them for many years to do it but the numbers are way down and so far a lot of things that happens. He is please in the second row. Two questions. Would you like me to leave . I can stay, we can do this. I dont need he state of their too long. If i stay there quickly, why did he not give us more time, if i stay up for 2 hours they say he stayed up too long. If you promise you are not going to say, everybody if you want i will go on. Should i go on or not go on . What do you think . You are not going to say he went on too long . I have a flight that leaves pretty much when i wanted to. Two questions about iran. A week ago you called Office Strike because you were concerned it would kill iranians. Disproportionately. Did military leaders provide you any alternatives, derelicts oil rig that could have been hit . I had 50 alternatives, many alternatives. You dont know what the sites where. The military did a great job. When you chosen designated certain areas, how many people are going to die, i am talking on the other side. That means a lot to me too. How many people are going to die . Probably 150. It could be less but much more because this is heavy stuff going in and we had the greatest military in the world. These are incredible people. Hopefully we dont have to use it much and we look at the numbers, 716 billion, we have planes so old, brandnew 35s, superhornets and the equipment we have is incredible, the army has new things, we have a military that is really great and hopefully you dont have to use it much but they came in and i asked the question and it came back a short time later, about 150 people and that is disproportionate. The question is at the g 20 summit, what can you tell us. Has the ball been moved in any direction towards easing tensions with iran in the meetings you had . I had a lot of countries, france has come up. If you look at president macron who said i do a lot of business with iran. I would love to see them. I dont mind talking to. Talk is good, talk to him, dont talk to him. I think john kerry should not have been talking to him. That is doing the process a lot. But john kerry speaking to iran a lot, saying things like if you wait another 15 months maybe trump will lose the election and you can deal with a person that is easier than trump and that will give you everything you want. That makes it a little tougher but it is okay. The week you tweeted your displeasure with the Supreme Court decision on the census it is very unfortunate. Are you going to try to delay we are looking at that legally. The census was shocking to me. I figured it would not be expensive to do a census. It is billions of dollars, billions, billions, they knock on doors of every house in the country and everything. They are not allowed to ask whether somebody is a citizen of the United States. How horrible and ridiculous is that . We are looking at it wasnt a real decision. Now, right now it depends, it depends on what happens and very strange decision, very sad decision not in terms, a very sad because it was so convoluted, had to be very hard. You guys were Playing Politics in deciding not who is really Playing Politics . Check it out. Tell me who is Playing Politics. You mentioned earlier it has been a wild. Vladimir putin, you spoke intellection interference privately, would you take a stronger stone . We talked about it. We talked about it before. He denies it totally. How many times can you get somebody to deny something. He has in the past denied it and also denied it publicly. We talked about it and a lot of other things. We talked about something i think is important and that is putting a on what he is buying and we are buying from the nuclear standpoint and bombs control, we talked about arms control. Makes a lot of sense. What was in the Mueller Report . The Mueller Report was a good report. 18 people hated me, mueller who was totally conflicted and didnt like me. He was totally conflicted and now obstruction, no collusion and it was a good report. Democrats do all 5 . They are working to get iraq. Your Administration Just unveiled the economic portion of the deal. Why were no palestinian members of the White House Committee . We were just getting started. We have a very good david, more successful in new york, david friedman, we have great talent, Jared Kushner and with me being president if you dont get the deal done it will never happen. We have to see what happens. The palestinians basically, i am not sure, they want to make a deal but they want to be a little bit cute. I understand where they are coming from. I ended the money, we were paying them 550 million a year and ended that money because a year ago i heard they were saying nasty things, we are trying to make a deal, to help them. If the deal is made we would go back on a humanitarian basis not a different from the border because you see problems with what is going on, we have a good chance of making the deal and a lot of people think it is the toughest deal of all and it may be the toughest deal of all. A lot of people would say that is a deal cant be made no matter what. We are going to try but i really believe i went to other negotiators. Did you ever take the money away because they were always very hostile and it is an appropriate . Why is it inappropriate and what i have done is you are not negotiating and you dont want to make peace we are not going to pay you. I think they want to make a deal and i have had a very Good Relationship with some of their leaders and a Good Relationship with israel. The transaction was up in the air because of what happened with Benjamin Netanyahus election and then couldnt put together the correlation. That would have come up, something happened faster and that is going on for 3 months. People say it is the hardest deal, what do you think . It is tougher than israel and the palestinians, they use that as the excuse for a deal. It is the toughest deal. That is the man i am looking at. Some clarification. Are you saying you are taking huawei off . We will be talking about huawei but supplying equipment for our companies, Companies Making billions in equipment but we are not discussing huawei with president xi. I want to see where we end up. We have a National Security problem which is paramount. Why are you taking huawei off of the Commerce Department . We have a meeting on that tomorrow and tuesday. Talk about the economic trade practices that are critical. You dont talk about the National Security concerns. That goes without saying. I took the te off. That was a personal deal and president xi called me and asked for a personal favor. He is a leader of a major country and it was important having to do with where the employers are located and his relationship to that area, it was 85,000 and they were almost out of business and agreed to pay a penalty and other things including some Management Changes which is much smaller than huawei. That is very big and the problem is democrats go out and say, you got 200 billion and they say what a terrible deal. But you have 1. 2 billion and we closed and reopened it and had certain changes, they changed the board, made Management Changes and buying an american product is important. I we going to continue onward . Yes . Does anybody say no . Thank you. One question. We just left angela. She is another friend of mine. We have a great relationship, we spent a lot of time together. You praised the g 20 summit is successful. There was a g 19 against one summits if we look at climate change. Why is it you think ignoring the dangers of Climate Changes and interests of the American People . We have the best numbers we ever had. Im not looking to create a standard that is so high that we will lose 25 of our production. Im not looking to do that. We have the cleanest water we ever had, the cleanest air we ever had. Im not willing to sacrifice the tremendous power of what we have built up over a long time. And what i enhanced. I am not willing to do that and to understand where i stand i am not necessarily sure im not sure that i agree with certain countries what they are doing because they are losing a lot of the power of what they can do with factories. Not talking political power although that comes with it. Im talking about the powering of a plant. It doesnt always work with a windmill. When the windmill is off the plate isnt working. It doesnt work with solar because solar is not strong enough. A lot of them want to go to wind which cause a lot of problems. Wind doesnt work for the most part. I dont want to be subsidizing things that dont have to be subsidized. The United States is paying tremendous amounts on wind. I dont like it. We will take a few more. Two questions on iran. A better one please. Iran says it will be on the verge of violating iranian enrichment. What would be your response when that happens . You will see. That is all i can do. That is all i can do. We cannot let iran have a nuclear weapon. Thank you, you meant yesterday with Vladimir Putin and you touched the subject of venezuela. What was said during the meeting about venezuela and also we are following venezuela closely. It is a catastrophe. It is what socialism can do. It was one of the richest countries, 20 years ago, gotten among the largest reserves in the world and food, water, it is incredible. I discussed it with almost every leader this weekend. We dont want it to happen to us or their countries. Change takes time and venezuela do you think there is a possibility . So many people are leaving venezuela it will be a ghost town. Very bad thing that is happening in venezuela. Nobody has seen anything like it. So many people from venezuela in miami, incredible people, they are incredible incredible they call it a little venezuela. These are people that are hard workers, just incredible. To see what is happening to venezuela is heartbreaking. Is a time to change the strategy i have 5 different strategies. We are helping them the same way. They are making a big mistake. They have oil, we have a lot of things in store if we have to do it. We dont want to do anything but we dont want to get involved to the extent you may be thinking but we have a lot of alternatives and we will see what happens. Maduro is doing very poorly. Is not working. I just wanted politico. I want to follow up on questions that were asked. Question. About the crown prince that you met with earlier today. I didnt hear you answer the question. Do you raise the killing of Jamal Khashoggi with him . I asked him what was happening. It could be more in the works and large numbers of people being prosecuted. He is very angry about it and i did mention it to him

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