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Says iran is to blame for the attack on the tanker in the gulf of oman. Stick around for a debate with our Foreign Policy experts. Welcome to fox news night, im Shannon Bream in washington. We begin tonight with chief National Correspondent ed henry, good evening. Breaking tonight, the president dealing with a growing number of republican senators who are growing upset about the fact that he was calling out and saying that he would accept dirt from my Foreign Government but what many in the media are not reporting, it was Hillary Clintons campaign and the dnc that secretly hired a former british spy to dig up dirt on canada to trump that may have been russian disinformation, unverified information used by the Obama Administration to conduct surveillance of the trump campaign. Trey gowdy pointed this out tonight and declared in the president s defense if he was referring to dirt, its already in the Public Domain it would hardly need to be turned over to the fbi or anyone else. If he had hypothetically gone to the fbi for help in 2016 it wouldve been handled by anyone from james comey, andrew mccabe, peter strzok, all harsh critics inside the fbi of the president , they seemed hardly objective. Democratic president ial candidates jumped on the controversy and suggested it should finally spark impeachment inquiry especially because if any Public Officials contacted someone representing a nationstate, they should call the fbi. Nancy pelosi is stopping short of saying this should lead to impeachment, watch. The president gave us evidence that he does not know right from wrong. Its a sad thing. I watched the last campaign, the democrat president ial campaign spent 6 million to a foreign entity to travel the world to try to find something and when they could not find it they made false accusations. Salacious accusations. It drove this country into a special counsel lasting more than 22 months. A Foreign Government comes to you as a public official and offers to help your campaign giving you anything of value whether its money or information on your opponent, the right answer is no. Adam schiff also piled on both the house intel chairman made no mention of the fact that hes on tape getting cranked by russian comedians who led him to believe they were insiders who had dirt on President Trump, the democrat sounded like he was willing to accept that damaging info that did not exist. Jim jordan going further, talk about taking foreign help. Hillary clinton hired a foreign spy, he put together an Opposition Research document but the fbi used it to spy on the trump campaign. Former Clinton Campaign spokesman ryan fallon said he would have volunteered to go to europe to verify any of that dirt on candidate trump true. He also added, Opposition Research happens on both sides which is what the president has been saying the last 24 hours. Shannon big departure at the white house today, what can you tell us about Sarah Sanders leaving . The timing of that, the president abruptly announcing it this afternoon was a surprise. Months ago, we had been told she was likely to leave before the election. She has her critics out there saying she was lying from the podium and she had given up doing the Daily White House briefing and hadnt done it in weeks and weeks. Her supporters are many and they are saying this is someone who gave as good as she got, you saw her embracing the president , she became a hero to conservatives across the country. So much so the president is tweeting tonight that he thinks she may run for governor of arkansas which would allow her to follow in the footsteps of her dad and Fox News Contributor mike huckabee. Shannon to governor huckabees. Heres rush limbaughs take. If the republican candidate does not call the fbi after receiving questionable information from foreign sources, then the republican candidate is automatically suspected as a political criminal. Which will then justify an ongoing investigation, should this candidate win. Shannon former National Spokesperson for Hillary Clintons campaign josh swearing and Fox News Contributor andrew mccarthy, welcome to both of you. To that point, politifact. Com excluding karen greenberg, the director of center of National Security, how pundits defended his abc interview and why its misleading. Working handinhand with a with a foreign power for information to influence an election is different from hiring a private firm that hired somebody who had been a foreign intelligence agent, everyone does Opposition Research, the issue here is the Foreign Government. Fair to make comparisons with what happened with the Clinton Campaign in the steele dossier and what the president was talking about last night . Of course its fair to make the comparison, its also fair to point out they also took information from ukraine. They had people who were working with fusion gps who were in the ukrainian government, that ended up being late and got manafort blown out of trump campaign. This is what happens in campaigns and part of the reason it happens is we have a First Amendment in this country, which means you cant make this sort of thing as a practical matter or a legal matter illegal to do. Whether you have a powerful interference in place or impediment in place to stop people from taking information from Foreign Governments depends on what your political norms ar are. If people think this is the sort of thing that shouldnt be done, they will take it out on the people who do it at the ballot box. I think its juvenile to go on and on about this when number one, both sides do it and number two, this is something nobody wants to talk about. Our government is the most active government in the world in terms of our Intelligence Community trying to influence events in other parts of the world. It happens that we are a very consequential country, we have interests all over the world. We try to influence events in other countries, i dont know why we would try to create a situation thats going to make it more difficult for our Intelligence Community to protect americas interest in the world. I dont get that. Shannon let me bring josh in here. The american thinker blog, trump successfully based his said this. Trump now has many of his worst enemies on the record about how heinous it was to accept any intelligence from a foreign source. He mentioned norway, hillary and the dnc paid for dirt from russia. This isnt a question of the law. Even when devin nunes and the Republicanled Intelligence Committee released, they said working with fusion gps was legal and fox news and judge napolitano said it would be clear if felony if he did what he said he was going to do. What are we going to do to prevent Foreign Governments from interfering the next election . We have donald trump giving green lights to any country that wants to interfere, this is about the future, not about the facts. Shannon he made it clear he wasnt talking about interference, he was talking about information. Governments give information for their own purposes so they can interfere in our election and influence events here for our benefit. Shannon what do you make of the information through Christopher Steele a lot of people think was miss information provided by russian accents, potentially the russian government in order to mess with the election. How is that different . It wasnt illegally obtained, obtaining it through a Foreign Government coming and giving you something would be. It was feted and investigated and it wasnt part of the Mueller Report at all. It doesnt bother me that when you do research, son ends up being true and some not, thats why you continue to research. Shannon i want to bring you here quickly, you are saying taking information will not be illegal. People are going to question if its ethical but youre saying its not illegal. I dont think its illegal. Mueller went through an analysis of this in connection with the trump tower investigation, trying to put a dollar figure on it and figure out if it could be a thing of value give me a break. Our theory as a society is that good information will beat out bogus information in the arena of ideas, were not the society that bans information, we are society that says information has to compete. The chair of the fec said tonight it would be a felony. Shannon if you are going to monetize something. Its sparking a conversation all americans are interested in having because we all are on the cusp of a big election. Thank you. The countdown is on, the names are official for the first debate of the democratic primary season just a couple weeks away and another democratic candidate has a town hall right here on fox in tempe, arizona, where immigration is the hot topic. Trace gallagher is on the case tonight. Julian castro isnt racing up in the polls but tonight on fox news he acknowledged that he needs to introduce himself and so he did by taking a few swipes at President Trump and refusing to criticize his democratic challengers. As the only latino candidate in the race, he was asked about immigration, first by a woman who had her identity stolen by an illegal immigrant, watch. Would you be willing to penalize offenders taking advantage of americans by having them not released if they were known to be illegal . Thank you very much for the question. Let me begin the answer by saying all of us know as human beings regardless of circumstance whether people are rich or poor no matter the color of their skin, what their background is that people commit crime. Crime happens. Then Martha Maccallum and bret baier try to get a bit more specific on the immigration issue, watch this. 100,000 people crossing the border a month. We have a court system that is underfunded to be able to deal with that, i would immediately fund enough judges and support staff to actually deal with those cases. Do you think its a crisis . I think its a crisis of leadership. We saw more evidence of former Vice President joe bidens continue move to the left. He took on an evil nemesis of progressives, big corporations quoting i have nothing against amazon but no company pulling in billions of dollars of profit should pay a lower tax rates than firefighters and teachers. We need to reward work, not just wealth. Amazon, jeff bezos fired back saying we paid 2. 6 billion in corporate taxes since 2016, we pay every penny we owe. Congress designed to tax laws encourage companies to reinvest in them the american economy, we have 200 billion in investments since 2011 and 300,000 jobs. I assume his complaint is with the tax code, not amazon. They have announced the 20 president ial candidates will take part in the first debate, joe biden, Julian Castro, even those with relatively low name recognition made the cut. Shannon thank you very much. This is a fox news alert, iranian officials are categorically rejecting secretary of state mike pompeos assertion that iran is responsible for attacks today on two oil tankers in the gulf of oman. The pentagon is releasing new video moments ago, it says this is of an iranian gunboat removing an unexploded mining from one of those tankers. Central command is releasing new pictures tonight of crew that was rescued by the uss bainbridge. Rich edson is following the story. Two more tankers attacked in the middle east near a Crucial Energy passage off the coast of iran. Secretary of state mike pompeo said this is irans work. They promised they would interrupt the flow of oil to the strait of hormuz, its working to execute on that promise. Secretary pompeo citing intelligence, level of expertise required, no other proxy group in that area could have acted with such sophistication. Clear threat to International Peace and security, a blatant assault on the freedom of navigation, and an unacceptable campaign of escalating tension by iran. Just one month ago, National Security advisor john bolton said iran was almost certainly responsible for attacks on other tankers nearby. Investigators found an unexploded mine on the whole of 1 of 2 tankers carrying japanese related cargo and its the same type that was used last month to damage the other tankers. Iran denied involvement in all of the attacks. Iranian foreign minister said they were designed to thwart ongoing discussions between irans Supreme Leader and japanese Prime Minister shinzo abe. Suspicious doesnt begin to describe what likely transpired this morning. Shinzo abe said he was in iran to calm the situation, who Supreme Leader refused to communicate with President Trump. Im not giving him any message because i dont consider him worthy of exchanging messages. The president tweeted while i very much appreciate Prime Minister shinzo abe going to iran to meet, i feel it is too soon to think about making a deal, they are not ready are and are we. Officials say the pentagon dispatched the uss bainbridge and rescued 21 sailors, reports from the region say all sailors were rescued. Patrick shanahan says while the United States does not seek conflict, the department of defense will safeguard commerce. Shannon what will the 2020 democratic contenders do about irans recent aggression, many of them say they hope to rejoin the Iran Nuclear Deal that President Trump walked away fro from. Feel the clarity of nondrowsy claritin and relief from symptoms caused by over 200 indoor and outdoor allergens. Like those from buddy. Because stuffed animals are clearly no substitute for real ones. Feel the clarity. And live claritin clear. Liberty mutual customizes your Car Insurance, hmm. Exactly. So you only pay for what you need. Nice. But, uh. Whats up with your. Partner . Not again. Limu thats your reflection. Only pay for what you need. Liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty who we are as people and making everybody feel welcome. Ordering custom ink tshirts has been a really smart decision for our business. [narrator] custom ink has hundreds of products and free shipping. Upload your logo or start your design today at customink. Com. Upload your logo or start your design today if you have a garden you know, weeds are lowdown little scoundrels. Draw the line with roundup. The sure shot wand extends with a protective shield to target weeds precisely and kill them right down to the root. Roundup brand. Trusted for over 40 years. Whatever its imperfections, this was as close to a true art of the deal as it gets. War in iran will be even worse. War in iran would make the war in iraq look like a cakewal cakewalk. Shannon the 2020 democratic contenders weighing in on a bond, tensions are heating up in the gulf again after attacks on two oil tankers. Lets discuss Foreign Policy reality with Fox News Contributor Daniel Hoffman and cia officer buck sexton. You heard what some of the folks had to say, Joshua Keating at slate says the 2020 democrats want to reenter the iran deal but it may not be possible. Every major democratic candidate has pledged to reenter the deal, its an easy applause line, the deal is popular and pledging to reenter it is an easy way to draw a clear distinction with trumps Foreign Policy. The deal was not popular enough in the senate for it to be approved as a treaty. It didnt deal with irans nefarious aggressive military activity in the region. They are a state sponsor of terrorism, it didnt deal with their Ballistic Missile program, their sunset clause is on the Nuclear Program and senator Chuck Schumer didnt support the deal. I think given their latest moves and ratcheting up aggression in the past couple of months im finding it hard to understand why folks think this would be a good idea to go back to that deal. Shannon a lot of critics of the president are saying he is to blame the onerous sanctions, they say he has been very antagonistic to iran, heres what Julian Castro said in our town hall tonight. The issue that i have with this administration is they seem to be hellbent on moving us toward war with iran and the first step was withdrawing from the nuclear agreement. Shannon there are tremendous problems with the deal, the Obama Administration pushed us into. If i want to reiterate, it didnt deal with iran as a terrorist state at all, it did deal with the Ballistic Missiles program. Beyond that, iran is fighting proxy wars throughout the greater middle east and what we saw in syria was just the highest body count involved in any of those conflicts. If the reality is that the regime hadnt changed at all and when you see some of these Democratic Candidates not just on iran but on Foreign Policy more generally trying to distinguish what they would do from the trump administration, its noticeable they arent really talking about what trump has done. They are creating a fictional Foreign Policy, we are about to go to war with iran. I dont think they want to go towards iran at all, they want to hold iran accountable for nefarious actions across the middle east. When you start to look at what happened, we had a war in libya, we had a disastrous civil war in syria, the Obama Administrations leadership was essentially missing in action and theres not a single place you could point to where there was a dramatic improvement in fact there were dramatic escalations in the wrong way on the wrong direction. This is going to be a tough sell for them, i dont think they want to look back on the last eight years and say trump cant compare to that, he compares favorably to it and they can think of how they would do things better other than this disastrous deal. Shannon the president campaigned on the fact that he wanted to get out of a lot of these foreign incursions. He said openly he doesnt want to go to war with iran but he has also said everything is on the table. He doesnt want to go to war with iran, remember about a month ago they threaten to enrich uranium to weapons grade levels and hold cooperation with europe to stem the flow of migrants and drugs for the middle east if they didnt receive some redress on sanctions. Iran the mind of those four oil tankers and continues to support those proxy militias in yemen and iraq and lebanon. They are the aggressor and the way to stop them from launching attacks on us is to be clear about deterrence. Thats why we sent b52 bombers and the Abraham Lincoln to the region, if they attack us, its not us seeking war, we are deterring the iranians from striking at us and miscalculating what would be an end to the regime. Shannon we are going to leave it there. Thank you for lending us your expertise. Outrage in new york, a man convicted of a brutal 1980 murder set to be freed on parole and his convicted coconspirator could be next. Fox news sits down with the victims mother, next. 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Shannon freshman congresswoman ilhan omar facing fresh criticism tonight at this time in her home state of minnesota. As you may recall, she was ordered to reimburse her own Campaign Committee about 3400 for Campaign Finance violations. Some new twists in the story. She came to congress back in january breaking barriers as the first somali american in congress. She won her district with no problem but now her hometown paper calling her out following Campaign Finance violation, the Editorial Board of the minnesota star tribune wrote every month seems to bring a fresh problem. This weeks editorial release a few days ago is entitled ilhan omars credibility takes another hit. Eight Minnesota State Campaign Finance violations, last week Campaign Finance officials came out and said she repeatedly violated state rules when she paid for out of state campaign cash. Those Officials Say she used Campaign Money for help on her tax returns. Shes accused of filing joint tax returns with her current husband but they werent married at that time, she was legally married to another specific man in time, and minnesota you have to be legally married to someone to file jointly. Shes being ordered to reimburse her campaign under 3500 including 1500 for payments made to the Accounting Firm firing those joint tax returns. She must also pay a 500 penalty to the state of minnesota. The editorial ends with as and wow unelected representative, shes helping to break new ground but more is expected of her than the symbolism attached to her victory. She has a special obligation to be worthy of the trust so many have placed in her including Many Americans who expect better. This is not the first editorial like this, back in october the same newspaper called her out to explain her spending habits. I reached out to her office for comment, as of tonights story i have not heard back. Shannon thank you very much. Tonight attorneys for Justin Fairfax accusers are firing back after his lawyers called for a criminal investigation into the Sexual Assault allegations against him emma by sending letters to prosecutors in massachusetts and north carolin north carolina. His attorneys say this is another political stunt that shows his lack of respect for survivors of Sexual Violence in the criminal Justice System is not the only way government officials can be held accountable for their actions. Word tonight of an eighth american tourist found dead in the Dominican Republic in recent months. 42yearold yoga teacher and mother of three Shirley Miller drowned after being swept out to sea, she and her partner were caught in a riptide, it was found by a fisherman the next day. One of the two men convicted in a brutal murder of a teenage girl there nearly 40 years ago has been paroled and could be free next month. Pearl river new york residents are fighting back, good evening. The medical examiner said he had never seen so brutal on attack. On october 28th 1980, paula was raped and killed as she walked home from a library. Two men were found guilty of murder and sentenced 25 years to life. According to police, mccain hit paula in the head with a 6pound concrete block and raped her. When she stirred he stabbed her five times in the back. Now she is scheduled to be released in july. All of these years he was never remorseful, he was never regretful, he was never apologetic, he didnt even admit to the murder when the evidence was overwhelming that he is the person that held the knife that was stabbed into paulus back. Paulas mother is asking Governor Andrew Cuomo to intervene. If the governor cant do anything, please keep him in there, reverse that decision, parole people who are not murderers. Murder is the worst thing because its irrevocable, especially when its innocent people like paula. She did nothing. New york governor George Pataki said Governor Cuomo should pressure the board to reconsider. Granting parole is an outrage, it is a gross injustice to a family and all new yorkers, Governor Cuomo should urge the parole board to reverse this decision. To think a message could ever be sent that says you can murder a child in such a heinous and evil way and get out one day and see freedom, if that happens, what message are we sending to the world . How can it ever be okay . Mccain had been denied parole seven times since first becoming eligible into thousand five. Shannon thank you very much. Time for tonights western roundup, u. S. Border patrol discovering a body of a 7yearold girl from india in a remote area a mile from the border with mexico. Smugglers left the girl and four others near the border and told them to cross. Border patrol agents picked up two of them and they told authorities the others got separated hours earlier. U. S. And mexican authorities are continuing to search for the other missing migrants. A concerned former teacher is organizing opposition to californias new sex ed rules, we havent independent lee confirmed this but the activist is claiming there are relay races were ten or 11yearold girls are taught to put a on a model of male anatomy, and advanced curriculum beginning in kindergarten. Denver, colorado, electing a new City Council Member who ran on ushering in communal ownership by any means necessary. They were reminded of democratic congresswoman alexandra ocasiocortez. Democratic candidate Julian Castro was accused of pushing politics while he was in federal office, just like Kellyanne Conway got in trouble tonight. Bradley moss and guy benson share their views next. If you have moderate to severe psoriasis, Little Things can be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable. 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Poof youre a burger. [ laughter ] everyone acts like their parents. You have a tattoo. Yes. Fun. Do you not work . So, what kind of mower you got, seth . I dont know. Some kid comes over. We pay him to do it. But its not all bad. Someone even showed us how we can save money by bundling home and auto with progressive. Progressive cant protect you from becoming your parents. But we can protect your home and auto. Progressive cant protect you from becoming your parents. The first survivor of ais out there. Sease and the Alzheimers Association is going to make it happen. But we wont get there without you. Visit alz. Org to join the fight. Shannon Kellyanne Conway accused of repeatedly violating the hatch act, will tell you more about that. While disparaging Democratic Candidates tonight right here on fox news one of the 2020 democratic contenders in the race, Julian Castro drew a line between his own hatch act violation and what conley is being accused of. The difference between me and Kellyanne Conway in the office of special counsel, she violated the hatch act. She said im going to keep doing it, they had repeatedly done that, that is the difference. Shannon lets debate with National Security attorney and they moss guy benson. The special counsel even went as far as to say she needs to be fired. She said to let me know when the jail term starts, youre not going to make me shut up. Castros point that he made was the difference between what he did and what she did was repeat violations in her case and his in his case contrition. Shes starting a lock me up a chat and daring him to do it. Its a fair question, what is the point of this law if she is violating it repeatedly, why do we have this law if its not going to be enforced . Shannon where was the outrage when the obama official violated the hatch act. Two cabinet officials, a third one was under investigations, anyway it says an Obama Administration official was not only accused of violating the hatch act, he was found to have violated the law. What happened . Absolute nothing. No one including the president seem to care back then. There is no criminal provision which is what Kellyanne Conway is pointing to but it does have some teeth. People have been fired because of this, in 2018 there was individual who is having all of the hillary stuff out showing off time and time again, she got fired over that because anyone outside the white house, they can go to the boards in the office of special counsel can file a complaint. The white house is a special entity, this is where the president has unlimited discretion, he said i dont care about these rules. Its interesting because i dont think hes going to fire her. A statement was essentially saying this may have been driven by animus but the special counsel and this was different, this isnt like a Justice Department Robert Mueller special counsel, its a separate office. Henry kerner gave a statement to foxnews. Com, he said im a trump appointee, i had no animus whatsoever. My job is to make sure the federal workforce stays as the politicized and as fair as possible, thats the whole origin of the idea of the hatch act. Thats the goal, i think Kellyanne Conway has made a decision i dont respect this law, im going to keep saying what im saying and we will see if there are any consequences for her. It seems like there wont be. Im not an attorney, i looked at what the law says and what some of the allegations are. It seems cut and dried she was crossing the line of what she is not supposed to do. If the law is supposed to apply to people in her position and it doesnt, maybe its time to change the law and if not, we will see some consequences and im not going to hold my breath. The president has wide latitude and loves when she is doubling down and being defiant because its right in his wheelhouse. Shannon she might get erased. Buck sexton who was on a short minute to go he tweeted as someone who used to work in the federal government, i can tell you the sanctimonious hall monitors who whined about the most minor and alleged hatch act violations, they will tattle to the principal because of your funny reagan mug. Those people tattling, nothing ever happens. This is understood to be trivial and minor and irrelevant. What is outlined here is repeated brazen violations and zero acts of contrition, she does not care that she is breaking this rule. The president likes what im doing, im going to do whatever i want. Shannon there will be any appetite for doing something different, as you said, if the white house has special powers it essentially doesnt apply. It could go the way of the logan act, people talk about it when theyre angry. It does get enforced in other agencies. Shannon federal employees do get fired. This could be a new presiden president , working in the white house, she is arguing politics all day every day. This doesnt apply to you, that might be the new Kellyanne Conway precedent. For now it does make me uncomfortable when there is a law in place that says you cannot do x and you do x over and over again and say i dont care, it is brazen and shes making a choice. Its probably a smart bet on her part that shes going to be fined. Shannon great to have you both. Journalist ronan farrow taking aim at media heavyweights in an Award Ceremony attended by some of the most powerful figures in the news business. In his acceptance speech for reporting on sexual misconduct, he looked out at the whos who of journalists and said i can see people who have lied to protect power. First there was romeo and juliet, now theres page and peter strzok. The deepest state debuts and the stars are here, next. What do all these people have in common, limu . Oug [ paper rustling ] exactly, nothing. Theyre completely different people, thats why they need customized Car Insurance from liberty mutual. Theyll only pay for what they need [ gargling ] [ coins hitting the desk ] yes, and they could save a ton. Youve done it again, limu. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. If you have a garden you know, weeds are lowdown little scoundrels. Draw the line with roundup. The sure shot wand extends with a protective shield to target weeds precisely and kill them right down to the root. Roundup brand. Trusted for over 40 years. Shannon those intimates texts that rocked the deep state are taking a dramatic turn in a new play titled fbi lovebirds under covers. Great to have both of you in costume. I changed because i was sweating, it was nerveracking. Shannon you guys did a play, a live reading on the stage that were the texts back and forth and we have a couple, he apparently said i just went to a southern virginia walmart, i could smell the trump support, he said yes, she said yeah, its scary. He capitalize the word smell. Its very important, that was a big part of the play. There were people who protested, they were saying they were going to protest, you got a death threat at one point, how did this thing come to be . It started with end delaney who produced the film gus, we wanted to do a dramatic reading of the text between these two lovebirds, and they sent it to me, it seemed really interesting and they asked if i would call christy and me knowing how much she loves to do live theater. First time for both of you. I asked her to join us and we decided to do it. Shannon where you guys worried about the controversy . There are people out there saying this is just trying to stir up trouble, you are both outspoken conservatives, were you worried . I was worried about performing in front of a Live Audience which i am not used to doing. That was a big challenge for me. I have a difficult time reading and im dyslexic, to read all of that on stage was a big mountain to climb, it was a big challenge for me. Shannon i know you guys have played husbandandwife before. This time you are playing people married to other people. I think only peter strzok was married. She had kids. Shannon the original theater canceled the venue and said media reports have made us aware of undisclosed details of the event and have generated open violent threats against the participants. We have an institutional responsibility to consider the safety of the staff, and attendees you guys were worried about threats but there were some people who felt the theater was covering for the bias against the project, what do you think . I think its without a doubt. They use that threat as an excuse. Shannon you found a new venue, what was the audience like . How did people respond . It was incredible. They laughed and places we didnt know they would laugh, it was great energy. It was incredible. It was well received and we have been rehearsing this for a few days. You do it over and over again and you dont get an audience reaction but having a Live Audience there, having people so much in the know in washington, d. C. , whether they were fbi agents in there maybe there were, people who knew those two, the reactions were priceless and we fed off that commit was a lot of fun. Its our version of a saturday night live skit of these guys, they havent done this yet. Shannon well stand by, any chance you do a reprisal . Theres talk about it, people are asking us to maybe go to chicago. It was filmed, its going to be released online so people can see it. Who knows . There were people not happy about you guys doing this and they will continue to react. Now you have your post theater celebration. This is a fox news alert, please call in for calm tonight in memphis one night after federal marshals shot a black man who was facing charges of Armed Robbery and assault in connection with a car theft. Authorities say the wanted man had rammed police with the stolen car. 20yearold Brandon Weber was killed after Authorities Say he got out of the vehicle holding some type of weapon following last nights shooting, crowds gathered and began throwing rocks and bricks at officers. 36 officers were hurt in the aftermath. The police chief is asking people to be patient while the shooting is under investigation. Our midnight heros next, a simple gesture from a Police Officer saves a life. And youre still not sure if you want to make the trade . Exactly. Sounds like a case of analysis paralysis. Is there a cure . Td ameritrades trade desk. They can help gut check your strategies and answer all your toughest questions. Sounds perfect. See, your stress level was here and i got you down to here, ive done my job. Call for a strategy gut check with td ameritrade. If you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, every day can begin with flakes. Its a reminder of your struggles with psoriasis. But what if your psoriasis symptoms didnt follow you around . Thats why theres ilumya. With just 2 doses, a majority of people were clear or almost clear. And over time, even more people were clear or almost clear. All with dosing 4 times a year. After 2 initial doses. Plus, ilumya was shown to have similar risks of infections compared to placebo. 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Arizona Police Officer erin lytle is being hailed as a hero for saving a suicidal man from jumping off a freeway bridge by offering him a hug. Before long he climbed onto the pedestrian bridge and they two shared a tearful embrace. You showed all of us the power of a hug and reaching out to someone who is in need. You are the midnight hero. If most watched, most trusted, most grateful you spent the evening with us. Good night from washington, im Shannon Bream. Tucker good evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight, there was a time not long ago if you wanted to commit treason you had to work for it. You had to pass the nuclear codes, receive a shortwave radio transmitter in your basement atd troop movements to the enemy, thats how people use to betray their country. L their standards are much lower now. According to democrats, donald trump committed treason merely by answering a hypothetical question from a reporter, heres how it happened. George stephanopoulos asked the president what he might do if a Foreign Government

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