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Ilhan omar in the midst of a controversy this time over the word she used. Described september 11 terrorist attacks and critics calling it racist. The attacks on her hello welcome to fox news night, Shannon Bream m, Team Coverage on Julian Assange, Catherine Herridge and the Mueller Probe but we begin with Kristin Fisher on the dramatic arrest it was quite dramatic and the big question will Julian Assange come excuse may be extradited to the United States . That hearing set for may 2nd. Today the founder of wikileaks literally dragged out of the Ecuador Embassy in england. Of course, the president said he was brightly finally evicted for the repeated, four hours later the u. S. Government charged assange with conspiracy for his role in the Chelsea Manning hack. Assanges attorney say a dangerous precedent for journalist all over the world. To any journalist, it can be extradited for prosecution prosecution for truthful information about the United States. But the Justice Department argues assange went beyond a journalist by allegedly assuming a more active role in one of the largest compromises of classified information in u. S. History. According to the indictment, assange assisted to help manning with United States department of defenses computer. It is clear from the indictment that came out that its not about punishing journalism. It is about assisting the hacking of the military computer to steal information from the United States government. Kristin wikileaks, the emails during 2016 campaign were not mentioned in this indictment but more charges could be comi coming. Im glad that the world of the wheels of justice are finally turning. I think it is time he is arrested. I am glad. Kristin democrats and republicans celebrated the news but President Trump try to distance himself from assange and from his own praise of wikileaks during the campaign. I know nothing about wikileaks. Its not my thing. Wikileaks, i love wikileaks. Wikileaks is amazing. Wikileaks unveils horrible, horrible things about hillary clinton. Kristin the president said all decisions about space up and attorney bill barr who believes the fbi spied on the campaign. I think what he said was absolutely true. There was absolutely spying into my campaign. And i will go a step further with my opinion, illegal spying from unprecedented spying and something that should never be allowed to happen in our country again. And i think his answer was actually a very accurate one. Kristin democrats continuing to counter that by saying it was a Works Council for the attorney general to make such an explosive claim without providing any evidence at least for now, shannon. Shannon all right, kristen thank you very much chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge digging into the assange arrest could have implications for completed mueller investigation. He should be extradited to face justice. The arrest of Julian Assange with imminent release of special counsel Robert Mullers report which is expected to shed new light on russians election and our fans. It may explain to what extent assange and wikileaks passive players. A Senior Senate democrat made a direct connection. There are serious charges involving his role in russian meddling in the election. And should come to Julian Assange for his role in russian meddling in our election. Catherine the Senate Intelligence committee emphasized the damage of the sources and methods. He put the american lives at risk. And i hope he gets a fair legal process, one of the judges based on National Security breaches that have happened in the country. Catherine it was filed under march 2018 and made public today. Well it is silent on the dnc and Clinton Campaign emails released by wikileaks, there are multiple references to the website as organization one in the mueller indictment. We will have the opportunity to question and for Justice Assange to have to stand for the charges that he has been allegedly think hes done. So one is justice, the other thing is we will get information particularly about russian involvement in the election. Catherine longtime Trump Advisor Roger stone is awaiting trial for allegedly lying to congress about wikileaks contacts over the hacked email. They charge still he denies. Public works records to organization one and the release of tens of thousands of documents stolen from the dnc and the personal email accounts of the chairman of the u. S. President ial campaign of hillary clinton. In a 2017 tribute with fox, assange dismissed allegations he worked with moscow or its proxy. Can you tell the American People a thousand people you did not get it from russia or anybody associated with russia . We can say and we have said repeatedly over the last few months that our source is not the russian government. Catherine former government officials and legal experts with assange and the Justice Department over a host of issues including extradition that may be go on well beyond the trump presidency. Shannon Catherine Herridge thank you. The attorney general the handling of the Mueller Report, Rod Rosenstein telling wall street journal he, meaning william barr, is being forthcoming as he can. So this notion hes trying to mislead people, i think is just completely bizarre. Lets bring in the host of left coast news Ethan Bearman and cia, great to have you both tonight. Ethan, lets start there, he said it is bizarre theyre going after bar so hard to come he doesnt have the report but someone from the mueller team working together with him on wreaked action. He pledged yesterday he will not withhold things damaging to the president. Should we have confidence in barr and if not, why not . Ethan with the question is a three week head to write the summary report. That is what we heard and why wasnt he working on reduction knowing we were expecting this report . Shannon but he didnt have the report yet. Ethan of the report why didnt he write the summary so quickly . He had a three weeks heads up about the Mueller Report when it contained which is why he came up with a four page summary. Shannon im not sure he had the full report. I think he was given a briefing about what the findings were likely to be but im not sure he had the report. Which is the time consuming report of all of the reduction. Ethan but still, it seems suspicious that we are holding back. That republicans and the senate mitch mcconnell, majority leader would be holding back at all. We have full rights of this. The republicans and the house actually voted for it unanimously to say we have the right to see this report. What is taking so long . We knew this was the end of it so this isnt a surprise that they need to go through this process. Shannon yeah, but you know, by law, by statute, there are things the attorney general cannot turn over. So hes trying to do it with lightning speed with mueller folks to get it out. Byron the criticisms are leveling against this process just fundamentally not things that you can take without laughing a little bit because mueller is a part of the reduction process. We have been told that numerous times so the Mueller Team Gets to weigh in on what he is and what is not going to be shown to the American People but barr said criteria colorcoded in the report so we know exactly why it is not in the reports. There are reasons why people shouldnt see things and sources and methods in the case the pfizer report democrats were saying we need to respect that and make sure we keep that sacred and secret where as all of a sudden Julian Assange, lets say also the debatable last 24 hours about whether there have been spying going on in the Trump Campaign, that also shows you the desperation from democrats trying to find something to latch onto here. It is obviously spying the Trump Campaign. I work for a spying organization, and it was fine. If words have meaning, that is what it was. Shannon i want to play something former director james said pointblank asked about this idea, the words spying. Here was his explanation. Was the fbi spying on Trump Campaign . No, they were not. They were spying on a term i dont particularly like, but on what the russians were doing. Try to understand the russians trying to gain access, leverage and influence. Like they do. Shannon i want to quickly give you guys an equal chance, not spying on trump at the russians and how they were interacting. Ethan that is what the courts are about, fisa courts, outrage on that one because buck shannon lets give ethan a few seconds. Ethan you are worried about terrorist coming into the country. Shannon guys, days, guys, and need you both to stop for a second. You can cleanly say your piece, 15 seconds, 15 to you buck and i mean at all of you. Ethan if we are after terrace we listen because of overseas source, russians overseas source if they are talking to an american citizen that is what the fisa Court Determines and then issues the warrant. It is that simple called surveillance, buck. Shannon that was 15 seconds, buck, he nailed it. Buck it is also called spying and it doesnt work for the cia but by the way, George Papadopoulos is not a russian. These are american citizens whose rights were trampled on. A lot of people just talk to russians, buddy thats why we have a Fourth Amendment to stop people being spied on by the government. Shannon okay. Time is up, time is up and im a fan of all of the amendments and both of you. Thank you for coming on and see you soon. Ethan thank shannon. Shannon Washington Post reporting white house officials with Illegal Immigrants held in Detention Centers under the streets of sanctuary cities. They said they would take them them like speaker of the house Nancy Pelosis district and report official said is plan to alleviate a shortage of space while also serving as a message to the democrats. White house lawyer for president obama indicted in a mueller spinoff provo james comey said hes confused about spying on the Trump Campaign and andy carson here to weigh in next. In a crossfit gym, were really engaged with who we are as people and making everybody feel welcome. Ordering custom ink tshirts has been a really smart decision for our business. 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With a soil improver to strengthen roots seed to fill in gaps and fertilizer to feed the result. Up to a 50 thicker lawn after just one application. Now yard time is our time. This is a scotts yard. Shannon a major player in the Obama Administration. Former white House Counsel craig gregg with his work of behalf on behalf of Ukrainian Government. Tonight he speaking about. Trace gallagher on the case with the first prominent democrat charged with special count probe, trace. Trace hi, shannon, greg craig lied to investigators as well as federal agents who forced the Foreign Agents registration act a law with lobbyist and others to disclose their overseas activities. The allegation is that craig didnt want to register as a Foreign Agent because it would undermine his impartiality and hear his wife. Craigs craig was hired by the Ukrainian Government to coma report whether the prosecution of was fair. He is a former Prime Minister who was a political opponent of ukraine thenpresident victor. Craig says investigating the trial did not require registering with far. I never discuss the findings of the report within the u. S. Officials. I certainly did not lobby u. S. Officials on behalf of ukraine. I did not help ukraine promote its span when it released a report. The legal team echoed that quoting mr. Craig had no interest in misleading the per unit because he had not done anything that required his registration. Of course the focus on greg craig spun off from special counsel investigation of former Trump Campaign chair Paul Manafort who has already admitted trying to hide his work with former ukraine president Victor Victor gato company village. Trey galli said this appears to be an equal opportunity prosecution. Watch. I guess if youre looking for a bright side, and is neither republicans nor democrats. To make false material statements to an fbi agents during the course of an investigation. Until Robert Mueller took aim at Paul Manafort far violation seldom prosecuted but greg craig facing ten years in prison and former law firm paid a 4. 6 million settlement to avoid prosecution. Shannon. Shannon tracy, we will stay on the case, thank you very much. Former fbi director james comey breaks with new tourney a general and he said he had no idea what bill barr means. I really dont know what he is talking about when he talks about spying on the campaign. When i hear that kind of language used, it is concerning because the fbi and the department of justice conduct Court Ordered electronic surveillance. I have never thought of that as spying. Shannon all right, Fox News Contributor and attorney, Andrew Mccarthy joins us now, andy, great to have you with us. Is this game of semantics . What is going on here with the use of the word spying . Andrew you are hitting the nail on the head. It is a game of semantics. When i was a prosecutor, prosecutor in the same office of james comey, and we always called it court authorized surveillance and other lawyers called it spying. We called our assets or confidential informants, confidential informants. They called them snitches and spies. This is just a game of the labels and spying has the same kind of pejorative and connotation come i guess that collusion has, you know, not necessarily legal or illegal and the attorney general barr said in his testimony, you have to know what predicated it. And that is really the issue here. What you call it is kind of beside the point. Shannon okay, under the headline bill barrs low moment said this, having engaged in this incoherent public display, he has created a problem he needs to fix. He needs to articulate what factors have given rise to concern and not amply addressed in reviews and if you cant do this, he needs to apologize and back down. I mean come across the parties divide, people seem to agree bill barr is an intelligent man. I mean, do you think he was trying to have, you know, a loaded choice of words . What do you make of the use of this . Andrew i really agree with what he said, which, you know, should be uncontroversial. You know, we have this silly argument back in may of last year when stephan helper role as an informant were spite depending on whether you want to have one of these pearl clutching moments or not. When his role in all of this was uncovered. We had this whole debate over whether, what he was doing should be called spying or not. And you know, the issue at that point was it was so obvious what he was doing that it seemed to me that whether he was spying or not was no longer the question but was the Trump Campaign being subject and was trump himself the subject or was it a few bad apples in the orbit of the campaign, but at that point, whether it had actually happened or not seem to be pretty wellestablished. And i think what barr is saying, you know, look, be have a situation where they got fisa warrants against one person in the campaign at least, it and if you look at the fbi fisa warrant applications, they lay out what russia was doing. They say the fbi believes that page and perhaps other members of the Trump Campaign were complacent and russias operation. So page was clearly the subject of the surveillance because of his connection to the Trump Campaign. We also know that they use stephan helper to take runs that other guys who were associated with the Trump Campaign. That is what you do when you are conducting an investigation. As i said about a million times, if they really had solid evidence that a president ial campaign was in cahoots with an adversary government, it would have been the obligation of the Obama Administration and in, government, the Justice Department, the fbi to conduct an investigation. So the issue is, what was the predicate . What was the reason and what triggered all of this. Shannon and that is why barr says he wants to get to the bottom of it and not making factual findings yet. That is what he wants to find out so we will see. Andy mccarthy, always great to have you. Andrew thanks, shannon. Shannon congresswoman alexandria ocasiocortez implies racism is for the backlash to her fellow freshman ilhan omar 9 11 comments. That is next. Just like any other family the house, kids, theyre living the dream and here comes the wacky new maid maid . Uh, im not the. Is she an alien, is she a spy . 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Far too long, we have lived with discomfort of being secondclass citizen. And frankly, im tired of it. And every Single Person in this country should be tired of it. Here was founded after 9 11. Because they recognized that some people did something and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties. Chad at the New York Post took on ilhan omar dramatically. With the front page. Dearest or something, 2,977 people dead by terrorism under the post. G. O. P. Dan crenshaw a former navy seal wounded by ied in afghanistan. Crenshaw toured with his fellow freshman classmate on two the first congressman two kill thousands of americans on 9 11 some people who did something. Unbelievable. Freshman democrat alexandria ocasiocortez upgrade of the New York Post what she described horrifying hateful cover. That is such an image for such a transparent and politically motivated attack on ilhan omar. We are getting to where this is an indictment against progressive women of color. And if they cant figure out how to get it back to policy, we need to call it out for what it is. Because this is not normal. Chad the only other muslim female, Rashida Tilly rushed to l on omars defense. They do this all the time especially women of color, they take the words out of context because we we speak truth to power. Being a refugee herself, she sees what terrorism can do and what violence can do to a whole country, to a whole people. Taking it out of context, this is just pure racist act by many of those. Congresswoman ilhan omar say g. O. P. Dan crenshaw went too far, especially since the feds just arrested a new york man who wanted to kill her. Crenshaw said never incited violence against omar. Shannon. Shannon chad pergram and on the hill, thank you very much congressman ill omar she has made many comments many deemed antisemitic. Back in 2017 she tweeted this america founded by, saying we maintain power through neocolonialism. That was preelection. Lets bring in julian, House Judiciary Committee and contributor guy benson to debate or discuss we will see how it goes, gentlemen, chad talked about the initial tweet by dan crenshaw and a republican freshman as well, saying this is unbelievable, so we tweeting his twee and another, at at this, this is dangerous incitement given the Death Threats i faced and an arrest on that front, i hope the leaders in both parties will condemn it. The love to my country and carly should never be in question. We are all americans, guy. Guy it is not an incitement. What omar said about 9 11 i grew up in new york area and my dad was in lower manhattan. As i watched her describe it the way she did, there was another interview she was awkwardly laughing through some discussion of terrorism. It made me cringe a little bit. I wouldnt talk about those things that way. I was less angry about what she said then some of the responses in her defense. From her and the other two freshman we talked about. It is not incitement to harshly criticize a public official. If that were the standard, then we would never talk in politics. Because if that is an incitement against omar all of the criticisms about donald trump is a threat to his life so everybody shut up. That is a cheap silencing technique they are trying to use here. The other thing quickly that bothered me from aoc and the others, they both suggested this was racist. No, you can have a big problem with what omar said or how she said it without being a racist. The fact that aoc and a subject on tweet when after dan crenshaw and suggested that he hasnt done enough for americans after 9 11. She called him out, why didnt he support this or why didnt he support that. Dan crenshaw after 9 11 signed up, wore a uniform, went to afghanistan and lost an eye. So i think aoc and her crew should be just a little bit careful before they start throwing around, questioning peoples commitments to the country after 9 11. Shannon and julie and he responded to her tweet. Crenshaw said to her, i never called you an american. I did not incite violence against you. You described act of terrorism on american soil that killed thousands of lives and that people did something. It is still unbelievable as it is your response here. I dont think we will be eating lunch together in the house cafeteria or. Julian that famous sphere. I actually think you make a good point about the reaction, the defense of omar being kind of really overthetop and kind of being not constructive and really not helpful. So i think you make a very good point there. Look, ive been very critical of omar. Ive been critical on the show and what i see her use of antisemitic stereotypes. I have taken a lot of grief from democrats from that, some democrats but i think it was clear some of the things that she was saying that were antisemitic stereotypes. Here, her explanation is that what she was trying to get at was the mistreatment of religious minorities after 9 11. That was the point she was trying to get to. I dont know whats in her heart. Maybe she should be called to explain it. But i think she ought to explain it. Shannon but to bring up the idea of racism. Julian i agree. I think that is an unfortunate use of that kind of defense. And i think sometimes that defense is overused on the left for things better and appropriate. I think it is inappropriate here. I mean, look, 9 11 is an open wound on our national soil. And i think any time you speak about it, you have to use very, very careful language. Does your duty to make sure that you are not interpreted as lessening the significance of that. Whether she was or wasnt, the lines that she used from a political point of view for democrats, just really, really bad politics for democrats. And i think digging in the way some of her defenders have been to your point, and i think saying that this is an attack on her was racially driven, i just dont think it helps matters that much. Shannon anything you think she needs to say or will because she may not feel she needs to apologize. She said she is taken out of context quickly. Guy she did not apologize for antisemitism. She did that apology here that apology they are a victory lap after democrats failed to condemn her. I think it is very rich for someone who is now on multiple occasions traffic in bigotry is claiming that legitimate criticisms of her tantamount of bigotry. Shannon lets all stick to content versus personal attacks. Thank you. You guys might be singing kumbaya during the commercial. Theyre so much agreement between you guys and ive never seen it before. The democrats control the house. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh with a new round of investigations plus trouble on a Law School Campus and halfway around the world. They are coming after him. That is next. Got it . Got it. Its slippery. Nooooo. Noooo. Nooooo. Yeeeesss. Quick, the quicker picker upper bounty picks up messes quicker and is 2x more absorbent than the leading ordinary brand. Hey look, i got it. Bounty, the quicker picker upper. My dream car. It turns out, they want me to start next month. She can stay with you to finish her senior year. Things will be tight but, we can make this work. Now. Grandpa, what about your dream car . This is my dream now. Principal we can help you plan for that. Applebees bigger, bolder grill combos. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. Sometimes, bipolar 1 disorder makes you feel like you can do it all. But mania, such as unusual changes in your mood, activity or energy levels, can leave you on shaky ground. 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Shannon more than two dozen progressive Groups Want Congress to examine whether supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh committed perjury during Senate Confirmation hearing. In looking into the push to get Justin Cavanaugh booted from a lifetime appointment, david. Some of these groups want kavanagh removed from the bench but questioning his confirmation process and they demand a full investigation, he was confirmed more than six months ago and his confirmation process ruling on multiple people involved. Note those groups including one called justice launched a campaign to get him fired from his summer teaching job in england. The courses run through George Mason University and Northern Virginia now this is video of george mason students on how cabrera on campus about the cavanaugh teaching appointment and many expressed concerns with the Sexual Assault allegations made against kavanaugh by classmate Christine Blasey ford and students expressed concerns but note so did professors. There was not a full investigation. This is a supreme Court Justice who will be teaching about the United States constitution. So from that standpoint, i have not going to question. It is not a crazy appointment from that standpoint to see the supreme Court Justices going to create value for the students. The same group involved with george mason situation signed on to a letter with other progressive groups asking members of congress to investigate Justice Kavanaughs confirmation hearing responses. Some allege it he lied during those responses to senators. The letter says in part, Justice Kavanaugh less than forthcoming and limited white house records produced already show he was dishonest at times in his responses. Now that he holds the position on the nations highest court, a position he may have gained through his dishonesty, his potential perjury must be investigated. Cavanaugh has contained his innocence against the allegations but yuri is exclusively with fox news back in the fall. I never sexually assaulted anyone, not in high school, not ever. Ive always treated women with dignity and respect. That later went to the House Judiciary Oversight Committee shannon, no word on potential investigation a at this point. Shannon all right, david, thank you very much. Okay, so Justice Kavanaugh to teach george mason chorus on the org origins on the constitution in the u. K. Where the magna magna carta are sealed centuries ago. George mason students, many he be fired from that Teaching Assignment and more so lets turn to the washington for writing about the story, great to have you with those. Nice to be here. I know they have a petition but lets talk about the things in the petition the university to avoid all contracts of Brett Kavanaugh, george mason. Hold a town hall to discuss his hiring and the implications for students and the university by april 25th. They want a formal apology from administrators to sex assault survivors. Last i checked there were 4,000 signatures on the petition. What is the latest . I saw the president to attend a town hall and it will be next week. So it does seem like they will get part of that q a done and more information and conversation about this. So far, this seems to be standing by the decision to have the Justice Kavanaugh teach in it will be interesting to see after next week how if change is the reaction. But i think some other petitions speculating on line. There are at their request and they are too that some of us might say, hey, that is little reasonable. More information on campus were to go go for Sexual Assault survivors free access to free rape kids and if you look at those changes, that seems a little bit more realistic. Shannon so much of the conversation and things they are asking for and those kinds of things make it sound a presumption he was a Sexual Assault or. Alex right. Shannon thats part of the house wants to investigate. When i saw the president of george mason talking to steph about this and the hiring decision, he talked about the fe and the fbi vetted this guy. For him, that was good enough he is a member of the Supreme Court now. He said i dont know how the university would begin to go and investigate these claims. But the students and one professor i saw it, may be more, said essentially, you know, i dont feel comfortable with someone who has suffered a Sexual Assault, having someone like this as part of the faculty. I dont know what else the justice can do at this point. Alex i dont know either. I think there is may be times that heals old. I think there is outrage some. Two things, that were interesting, i sold the court actually overfilled. It is also elective. So i think those two things we could say, hey, if you feel comfortable. It is not mandatory, of course, you dont have to have them as your professor. That is another thing. And this still a law school court. In law school we are talked about presumption of innocence and the level and still in civil cases more evidence than not. Then you get into Sexual Assault and criminal cases and its even higher. So i think at that point, that should also be stressed that you know, everybody is given presumption of innocence. It could be a good learning moment. Shannon i think there are a lot of topics that could be a good part of a discussion but in the meantime they are standing by him in this university, while course over england this summer. We will follow the reporting on it. Alex thank you. We went first nike but now allegations stealing from disabled client, Michael Avenatti with an indictment and it could just be the beginning. 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Visit right now or call during business hours. And accessoriesphones for your mobile phone. Like this device to increase volume on your cell phone. phone ringing get details on this state Program Visit right now or call during business hours. Shannon lengthy new indictments against Michael Avenatti, shocking allegations and they could be the beginning. Correspondent jeff paul with the new charges against Michael Avenatti jeff hes accused of dodging taxes, lying under oath and stealing millions of dollars in settlement money from his clients but now celebrity attorney Michael Avenatti facing more than 300 yl prison after being indicted on 36 new charges. Money generated from one set of crimes was used to further other crimes. Typically, in the form of payments designed to stream along victims so as to prevent mr. Of a naughty financial house of cards from collapsing. Shannon in one such case Michael Avenatti withheld 4 million settlement from mentally ill paraplegic man for years. When the client found documents for disability, Michael Avenatti ignored settlement information to the Social Security administration, knowing it could show the alleged embezzlement. As a result, the client stopped receiving his disability checks. In another case from Authorities Say Michael Avenatti received millions in a case for a client but the next day, a private jett Authorities Say have now seized. Mr. Michael avenatti received money on behalf of clients and simply took the money to finance businesses and personal expenses. Investigator say he was money that was not his to fuel a lavish lifestyle that had no limits and in addition to stealing from clients come authorities also accused him of perjury as well as submitting bogus tax documents are not paying taxes for years. Arab special agents use unique talent to untangle financial web of lies. Jeff he fired back on twitter writing, and tend to fully fight all charges and plead not guilty. I look forward to the entire truth being known as opposed to one side of version meant to sideline me. Jeff he will be arraigned april 29th and faces several charges in new york where he iso extort shoe company nike company. Shannon jeff paul, thank you. All right, pretty pretty much unknown mayor of south bend judge getting significant attraction with caucus goers in iowa in the latest 2020 pole. Searching up to 9 though joe biden leads with 27 even though not officially in the race. Bernie sanders has 16 . Now one subject getting a lot more attention tonight because of that small city mayor from indiana, religion and lgbt community. Here is doug mckelway. If he runs an elected south bend democratic Pete Buttigieg the first openly president in history and the first connected to say this about his has been. It has made me a better man and yes, mr. Vice president it has move me closer to god. Your quarrel, sir has been my creator. Doug the remarks lgbtq shows the candidate is unwilling to see the campaign to a religious faith. Something long claimed by social conservatives. But Pete Buttigieg is reportedly angered mr. Penns. I worked very closely with mayor pete when i was in the state of indiana and we had a great working relationship. He said some things that are critical of my Christian Faith and about me personally. He knows better. He knows me. Doug the second lady karen pentz more direct, the harvard grad, First Amendment protections. This young generation may not know the liberties and freedoms that are protected in the United States in one of them is religious liberty. Doug the skirmish occurs in the broader debate. The democrat peels vulnerabilities of president s to support social conservatives despite what some say his own moral failings. Before you tell me about your religion, show it to me how you treat other people. Doug democrats to redefine faith and politics, some on the right trying to reclaim it. Several conservative catholic websites this week published 6,000 word letter from former Pope Benedict that blames the churches scandal on the revolution of the 1960s. But the former pope goes beyond blaming just the 60s counterculture. He wrote ultimately the reason is the absence of god. Shannon. Shannon doug mckelway, thank you very much. A wine company in ohio that leads to tonight the news roundup. Real news roundup banning abortion after heart beat detected. The low pan of abortions as soon as six weeks into a pregnancy and does include exception to save the life of the mother. Aclu tweeted we will see you in court. Meanwhile missouri lawmakers with similar bill to provide just over the border in illinois displaying this billboard reading welcome to illinois where you can get a legal, safe abortion. The city of chicago filing a civil suit against embattled empire jussie smollett. Seeking to recoup the cost of investigating what they are calling a false report. The suit comes after he reaped he refused to reimburse the city 130,000 for the investigation. House chairman adam schiff with singer john legend and his wife model chrissy taken in the background, he added felt cute, might delete later. The two on him for democratic three date policy conference which teagan told the crowd she is in therapy because of trump selection. Midnight hero heroes next and something you dont see everyday a camel go shopping. We will explain. Finding the side, and im going on tour soon. You told us which city you would like to visit and we will release the dates and place in a couple of days and i hope to see all of you there. My time is thin, but so is my lawn. Its been worn down to ugly thin grass now theres scotts thickr lawn, the revolutionary 3in1 solution for weak lawns. With a soil improver to strengthen roots seed to fill in gaps and fertilizer to feed the result. Up to a 50 thicker lawn after just one application. Now yard time is our time. This is a scotts yard. Plants capture co2. What if other kinds of plants captured it too . If these industrial plants had technology that captured carbon like trees we could help lower emissions. Carbon capture is Important Technology and experts agree. Thats why were working on ways to improve it. So plants. Can be a little more. Like plants. Or psoriatic arthritis, Little Things can be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats differently. For psoriasis, 75 clearer skin is achievable, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. For psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. And the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. Tell your doctor about your medicines and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Ready to treat differently with a pill . Otezla. Show more of you. Ready to treat differently with a pill . We really pride ourselvesglass, on making it easy to get your windshield fixed. With safelite, you can see exactly when well be there. Saving you time for what you love most. Kids whoa kids vo safelite repair, safelite replace but i can tell you Liberty Mutual customized my Car Insurance so i only pay for what i need. Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Shannon time for tonights midnight hero. Joss decided to take his clippers to help the homeless. Josh and his friend bruno brought toiletries to set up a shop overpass and an overt town neighborhood appeared sober and or serve the food and trash gave out free haircuts to the people who lived under the bridge. Josh said what they gave in money and time, they got back tenfold and love and appreciation. Josh and bruno, you are the hands and feet. You are tonights hands and feet, leopard. Here is something you dont see everyday, jeffrey the campbell, in michigan, jeffrey took a field trip and guess what they called ahead for special permission, dont just do this if you have a camel and we will see you tomorrow for more fox news night. Shannon come to Tucker Carlson tonight we keep leakers Julian Assange arrested in london dragged from his longtime refuge in the Ecuadoran Embassy there and thrown into a police van, assange arrest a remarkable newn development in a long and fascinating story one that tells you a lot about the leaders and their priorities. We will have that story in a minute but first, details on what happened to assange, chief intelligence Catherine Herridge. Tucker at this indictment i was filed march 2018 and sealed earlier today as wikileaks

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