Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox News Night With Shannon Bream

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox News Night With Shannon Bream 20190307

live than that and the democrats move to build and impeachment case against the president. stick around, because later on, eric shock is here, his first live tv interview after striking a deal with pretty -- federal prosecutors to drop a dozen corruption charges he has been fighting. he claims he was targeted by overzealous prosecutors but what did he have to admit to today to get the deal with prosecutors done. welcome to fox news at night. we begin with the latest on the house democrats anti-semitism resolution or not. good evening. >> reporter: today was the day house democrats originally planned to introduce a resolution condemning anti-semitism but it never happened. congresswoman omar ignited a firestorm with more comments how democrats are backing off and focusing their attention on donald trump and his record of tolerance. >> it seems there's confusion among your colleagues. are you anti-semitic to cure >> reporter: minnesota congresswoman omar wanted nothing to do with questions about comments she made last week when she questioned the united states relationship with israel. many republicans and democrats were quick to rebuke the latest in a list of questionable comments. >> what congresswoman omar said i thought was wrong and hurtful. >> apparently she believes the only reason leaders would stand with the jewish people and the state of israel is jewish money. i think we've all heard that kind of talk before and we must not tolerate it. >> reporter: when asked if omar would be removed from the house foreign affairs committee the conversation turned from omar to donald trump. >> when his he ever said anything about the hateful remarks that continue to flow out of 1600 pennsylvania ave.? when his he ever said anything about them? we are not going to be lectured by mitch mcconnell on anything. >> reporter: omar's comments hit home with her own party, there are 24 jewish democrats in a house and two republicans. >> right now you have the old democratic party that -- the new democratic party, what is in that, nancy pelosi is moderate, people with anti-semitic comments and it is a very different party than i imagined a year ago. >> reporter: democrats brought in the anti-semitism measure to include all forms of hate but it is not clear when or if such a measure will be introduced and it is not clear if omar's name will be mentioned in the resolution. and democrats worry she could be in danger if that happens. not i reached out to bernie sanders's team for his take on the congresswoman's comments. democrats and republicans are upset about a range of things, sanders who is jewish addresses a specific issue in his statement to the israeli prime minister saying we must not equate anti-semitism with legitimate criticism of the right-wing netanyahu government in israel but what i fear is going on in the house now is an effort to target congresswoman omar as a way of stifling debate. that is wrong. other 2020 candidates getting to weigh in on this issue as well. shannon: thank you. a recent european union poll finding 90% of european jews believe anti-semitism has risen in the past 5 years there. new video from belgium shows a carnival parade were afloat with giant caricatures of jews sitting on bags of money. two jewish organizations committed a complaint against the carnival group. the european commission says it is an thinkable. it was paraded on european street 74 years after the holocaust. the news comes as allegations of anti-semitism great britain's labour party. can anti-semitism split democrats like it split labor. i democrat here in danger of losing jewish members over their handling of what nancy pelosi called deeply offensive anti-semitic comments by congresswoman omar. nancy pelosi called the comments not intentionally anti-semitic. let's bring in judy jackson from the american islamic forum for democracy and the republican from minnesota, norm coleman, of the republican jewish coalition. thank you for being here. what do you make of nancy pelosi softening a bit on her characterization of these comments? >> she's getting pressure from the left. nancy pelosi and steny hoyer and all democrats who originally said this isn't right. omar is an anti-semite. not everyone criticizes israel, or anybody who is jewish but someone who repeatedly issues, traffics the classic tracts, control politicians with media, control money and royalties and that person is anti-semite, you have nancy pelosi reasonably criticize it and you have to step back, the far left is pushing back and it is the base of the democratic party today. shannon: we heard several reports on what happened, house democrats erupted protests, indirect sanction of representative omar, they will not include her name in this resolution. the article says house democrats erupted in fury challenging leaders, sanctioning freshman omar. and there would be that much heat. and -- >> they will sacrifice anything, at the end of the day, the coalition of the far left socialists, dictators, it is offensive to me that she's not held to the same standard, there would be unanimous rebuke and wouldn't have been an issue but she's being coddled and infantilized. she's not being given public love. i would ask the democrats, the definition of new anti-semitism is generally nation of israel and the way in which to make the jewish community, and generalizing conspiracy theories, and canards of tropes of bigotry against the jewish community and classic new anti-semitism and democrats are making fools out of themselves, taking the bull by the horns, >> >> more than one occurrence since she joined congress. there is a big rising anti-semitism and racism and that is a bigger conversation we need to have but it starts at 1600 pennsylvania ave. not with one member, 430 members of congress. >> the reality is a member of congress served on the foreign relations committee and this is classic anti-semitism. talk about jews controlling the media, big-money controlling politicians, the new anti-semitism is a bds movement, israel shouldn't exist so we will boycott sanctions. that is the new anti-semitism. what you hear from omar is classic anti-semitism. the way to deal with that is classically point the finger at somebody else and that is what this is about. democrats have to deal with this. as the head of the republican jewish coalition i'm not the one to counsel democrats on how to solve this but there are democrats -- it has been a bipartisan issue, that has changed, the far left democrat base is moving the democrat party away from the state of israel and tolerating this classic anti-semitism which breaks my heart. shannon: it is being broadened to include anti-islam a phobia as part of the language. >> is offensive to me there is moral equivalency between what the jewish community has been to, holocaust, up to pittsburgh recently, to compare that to there is some anti-muslim bigotry but there is no way to compare it. we were told the same with the black lives matter movement and now we are told all lives matter is insulting but when it is clearly no moral equivalency between anti-semitism and what is happening post 9/11 to muslim communities it is offensive and we should not insult muslims by saying there is equality there. it is a very different narrative. shannon: great to see you looking so good and great to have you with us. breaking tonight donald trump's former lawyer michael cohen turned over more documents in an attempt to prove his false statement to congress in 2017 was the blame on the president's other attorney, they may be inaccurate and they denied that. cohen was on the hill today, the same day democrats pre-impeachment push turned into another impeachment threat by a freshman lawmaker. kristin fisher is here to break it down. >> michael cohen gave lawmakers what he claimed is evidence of one of the key charges he made in his testimony last week at the false statement he made to congress which is about to go to jail for was edited by the president's attorney. two sources confirmed that colin turned over documents to house intelligence committee that do include edits from the president's legal team. it is unclear who specifically edited the documents or what exactly this changed. after cohen made the claim last week, what the president's attorneys said testimony by michael cohen's attorneys ended with a statement of congress to alter the duration of the trump tower moscow negotiations is completely false. republican on the committee is accusing democrats of coaching, and's testimony but he refused to comment on all of it. as he was leaving capitol hill today here was his own public statement. >> i believe all the members were satisfied with the statements and the response i gave to them. i told them that they need additional information they would want they should feel comfortable to reach out to my council and i would continue to cooperate to the fullest extent of my capabilities. >> is marathon four days of testimony is seen by some as the beginning of the democrats push to impeach the president and congresswoman rashida tlaib introduced two articles of impeachment this month. that met with the democratic leadership wants. they want to wait and that the investigations play out. >> we may disagree that we have to wait for certain hearings but at the same time i think they all know the dangers of allowing donald trump to continue to violate the united states constitution. >> the concern among democratic leadership is if they move to impeach the president without clear evidence of wrongdoing and more public support that it will hurt them in 2020. according to a new quinnipiac university poll released just yesterday 59% of voters said donald trump should not be impeached. shannon: we will see you again later. the senate is poised to rebuke the president over his emergency declaration to build a wall on the southern border without congress of the administration is pointing to record-breaking new statistics and claims about what is happening at the border. the ceo of twitter admits he was too aggressive in banning conservatives. is that good enough for high profile twitter users who are actually band? jesse kelly is in tonight's power panel along with leslie and larry. nice tip. i'll give you two bucks for the chair. two?! that's a victorian antique! all right, how much for the recliner, then? wait wait... how did that get out here? that is definitely not for sale! is this a yard sale? if it's in the yard then it's... for sale. oh, here we go. geico. it's easy to switch and save on homeowners and renters insurance. all of you. how you live, what you love. that's what inspired us to create america's most advanced internet. internet that puts you in charge. that protects what's important. it handles everything, and reaches everywhere. this is beyond wifi, this is xfi. simple. easy. awesome. xfinity, the future of awesome. >> shannon: breaking tonight, the wall street term reporting that michael cohen may have lied to congress again last week. talked to mike he >> the wall street journal reporting michael cohen may have lied to congress again last week. he testified he never asked donald trump for a pardon but lanny davis is quoted as saying in the month after the fbi raid last year he did indeed try to get a pardon. is there an emergency at the southern border or not? trump administration officials released new numbers about tens of thousands of illegal immigrants flooding the border each month. the dhs secretary found itself on the hot seat on capitol hill. mike emanuel was there. >> this is not a manufactured crisis, this is truly an emergency. >> reporter: kirsten nielsen headlined the house. after customs and border protection call the situation at the southern border at a breaking point. 76,000 migrants illegally crossed in february at 11 year high. more than 300% increase the number of family units are rented compared to the same time. go last fiscal year. 70 large groups of 100 or more people so far this year totaling 12,069 people compared to 13 groups in 2018 and only two in 2017. >> is the secretary of homeland security i can no longer ensure you was coming into the country, that is a direct national security threat. >> reporter: time and again she back donald trump's decision to go around congress and build a border wall. >> have you advise the president on his emergency declaration? >> what i've done is given them the facts from the border. >> reporter: one california democrat blasted nielsen as uninformed after nielsen said any migrants seeking asylum would not be turned away. >> either you are lying to this committee or you don't know what is happening at the border. >> reporter: in the senate judiciary committee lindsey graham tried to drill down with customs and border protection commissioner. >> if we built barriers where barriers meant sex -- meant sense that would help. if we change the laws the created this problem that would help most of all. >> correct. >> reporter: almond security and standard generally revealed is looking at how the trump administration is processing those seeking asylum and whether illegal immigrant parents were deported without their children. acting inspector general john kelly says the department of homeland security was not fully prepared for the administration and 0-tolerance policy. chuck grassley and diane feinstein asked the health and human services secretary, inspector general to investigate allegations of sexual abuse of unaccompanied minors. >> time for the power panel. fox news contributor leslie marshall, radio show host larry o'connor, host of the jesse and kelly show in houston, welcome to all of you. the numbers that came out today and some of the revelations by the dhs secretary including the regnant the test of every girl over the age of 10 who comes to the border because what happens to them on this trip, that was shocking to me. >> it is shocking and that is part of the crisis, not that these people are coming here, but what happens to them after they get here, separated from their parents, whether they are victims of harassment, sexual assault, molestation and we have a four your backlog in our courts, no legal representation for these individuals and if we have an emergency over the numbers we need to look to the year 2000 when we didn't declare national emergency and had hundreds of thousands more coming to the border at that time 19 years ago. shannon: we are told this is not a crisis but today people are saying yes it is a crisis. the wall street journal, record immigration surge at the border, the washington post record-breaking family migration overwhelming agencies, there is a crisis at the border. >> the pregnancy tests are not after they get here to see what happened, they are in safe harbor here. it is what happens on the 2000 mile journey across mexico. by having an open border policy is attracting people and children are being used as ponds. i am sure yours do too. the way to stop it is to secure the borders so there is not a reason for them to come here. in 2014 the obama administration asked emergency appropriations to secure the border because we had 40% fewer crossing the border illegally and that time they passed a law called the secure the southwestern border act. guess what it didn't do. it didn't secure the southwestern border. we need to secure the border and we have a president doing it. in 2000 we had a major problem and we have been whistling past the graveyard since then. we should finally do something about it. >> the numbers up and dropping since then. >> numbers show that we could be on pace for 1 million people. >> can we pause on this really quick? if you want to weigh in on this breaking news from the wall street journal, michael cohen may have lied again, he's only going to jail for lying to congress but apparently he said he never asked, never sought any kind of pardon from the president, there are reports from the wall street journal that his lawyers had those conversations or were asked to have those conversations. >> that is what michael cohen does, he lives. he has lied from the beginning. he lied to congress twice now and continues to bring people down with him and we know what he's doing, he's selling a book, he's trying to add up as many points is he can with not jobs in the left-wing media so as soon as he gets out of prison he can go on a bookstore and they can make sure his book goes up to number one because his career is over and he has nothing to show for it and this is version number 2 million of this is the thing that's going to take down trump, nothings going to take down trump that has been presented so far. >> what do you make of this revelation? it is different from what we are hearing tonight. >> it is he said he said. we need to see evidence. he has lied before. could he have lied about this? absolutely. could the lawyers be lying about this? absolutely. if you look at the timing of this, he was artie trashing the president. it is going to say help me out with a pardon? the timing is a little bit suspicious but i wouldn't put it past him to ask for a pardon. a lot of people in that position would. shannon: we heard there were discussions after the raid, some discussion of his attorneys coming to the trump legal team, when talking about a pardon. if not kind of implying he may cooperate with the southern district, clearly ratcheted up, looking at trump finances and family members. >> the problem with that he said he said scenario is that he said his michael cohen and the other is lanny davis, michael cohen's lawyer. that's a problem because they are both on the same side supposedly. the real problem is this guy who is unknown the liar is the star witness for the democrats in congress. they can't get enough of this guy because they don't care whether he is telling the truth or not but he's giving them anything they can use for impeachment because that is all they have got, to impeach this president instead of defeat him on policy and ideas, they can't do that. shannon: to the twitter thing, you are one of the people who was kicked off twitter, jack dorsey, the ceo, here's what he said. >> we fully admit we were too aggressive when we saw this. shannon: is that good enough for you to make mistakes? >> i don't need an apology. i don't need jack and i don't need twitter and conservatives need to wake up and realize you better do something with your career and find a new avenue and make sure you don't need twitter because they will keep banning people. just because he's apologizing are he's trying to cover his rear end and keep congress off his back. that is all he is doing. to give twitter that power over you if you're a conservative, for a man buying a dream current asking your wife to parallel park it for you. >> a! hazing go now you've gone too far. >> i'm the best parallel parker in the universe. i come from boston and failed my driving test the first time around, i will go up against any guy to parallel park. shannon: it may take me 20 minutes that i'm not going to have any cars. >> i'm saying nothing about this. shannon: thank you for weighing in on multiple topics, great to have you. shocking revelation by one of the senate's newest members, martha mc sally, raped by a superior officer. what she's doing now to make sure it doesn't happen to others in the military. a conservative activist assaulted at uc berkeley, the suspect had his first court appearance and is pleading not guilty. you have seen the video caught on camera. >> what is there to say? it was sickening to watch it, it is outrageous. in the former soviet union. with no food and no heat they get weaker and more die everyday. i want you to see their faces. look into their eyes that are haunted still by the memories of the past. they urgently need our help now. with your gift of just $25 you can rush life-saving food, a blanket and medicine to those who have nothing. these are people who often have to go for days without food. this woman would die in a matter of days or weeks without our help. you can be the difference between life and death for an elderly holocaust survivor. with your gift of just $25 you will provide food, warmth and medicine to those struggling to survive. please call now or go online to are we going to feed the hungry? clothe the naked? are we going to hear the cries of the oppressed? or are we going to be silent to them? if god is leading you to help. don't push it off. do not turn your eyes. act now. only $25 will bring food, a blanket and medicine to a holocaust survivor suffering alone with nowhere else to turn. the fellowship is faced with desperate pleas for food blankets and medicine. call right now or visit to save a life. i hope and pray you will do so before time is up and it is too late. >> shannon: a man charged in the assault of young conservative activist on activist at uc berkeley appearing in >> the man charged in the assault of young conservative activist on campus at uc berkeley appearing in court for the first time, but not guilty. trace gallagher is on the case. >> this attack sparked criticism. justice for conservatives moves at a stale space because despite the event being caught on cell phone video on the suspect be identified it up. overweight to arrest 20-year-old zachary greenberg. february 19th greenberg was studying at the uc berkeley library when he came across conservative activist williams was at a recruiting table for the conservative group turning point usa. the table had trump logos that said hate crime hoaxes hurt real victims as this was at the height of the alleged hate crime hoaxes by jussie smollett. he accused williams of promoting violence and then got violent. here's the attack followed by williams's attorney. >> what is there to say? it is sickening to watch it. outrageous that a young man exercising his first amendment rights on the berkeley campus was viciously assaulted and subjected to violent threats. >> reporter: zachary greenberg is facing 3 felonies and cleaning assault. today he pleaded not guilty and his attorney had a message for those who say greenberg violated hayden williams's right to free speech saying freedom is a 2 way street. >> one important constitutional freedom his perception of innocence, due process of law, due process in court, not on social media or the internet. >> reporter: greenberg's attorney said he has a clean record but hayden williams's attorney said this was not greenberg's first brush with the court system though she did not offer specifics. shannon: i'm sure we will find out. r kelly has been arrested again, this time reportedly over unpaid child support, was taken into custody after leaving an illinois court room. he pleaded not guilty to 10 counts of aggravated sexual abuse accused by four women three of whom were underage at the time. 11 r kelly ranted and cried in his first interview on the subject claiming he's innocent. >> i didn't do this stuff. this is not me. i'm fighting for my life. >> reporter: a somber moment on capitol hill as the first female fighter pilot to fly in combat says she was raped by superior officer in the air force, startling revelation from one of the senate's newest members. kristin fisher is back with more. >> reporter: a surprising moment. you have two trailblazers for women in the military, the first female air force fighter pilot to fly in combat coming out and saying she was sexually assaulted on more than one occasion during her 26 years in the military and when she finally reported it she said she was horrified by how the military handled it. >> like many victims i felt the system was raping me all over again. but i didn't quit. i decided to stay and continue to serve and fight. >> reporter: speaking at a hearing on such a result and protection, martha excel explained why it took her so long to come forward. >> i didn't trust the system at the time. i blame myself. i was ashamed and confused. perpetrators abuse there positions of power in profound ways. in one case i was preyed upon and raped by a superior officer. >> reporter: a pentagon survey last year found the highest number of sexual assault reports in more than a decade. a trend excel he hopes to reverse. >> i share the discussed of the failure of the military system and many commanders who failed in their responsibilities. it is for this very reason we must allow, we must demand commanders stay at the center of the solution and live up to the moral and legal responsibilities that come with being a commander. >> reporter: tonight the air force says it is standing behind mc sally and promising to illuminate sexual assault from its ranks but what a story. >> courage for her to stay in the situation and fight. i can't imagine what she went through. she's fighting to make sure others know. hillary clinton still explaining why she lost the 2016 election, this time blaming voting laws. any truth to that statement? we will find out why one well-known fact checker is blasting clinton's assertion, what does the former wisconsin governor have to say? scott walker joins us next. >> shannon: one big story >> one big story in our countdown to 2020, the democratic national committee will not allow fox news to moderate one of the democratic presidential debate. party chairman tom perez setting a story new yorker magazine referencing the channel's coverage of donald trump, the story alleges this channel has become a propaganda vehicle for the president. he said a statement fox news is not in a position to host a fair and neutral debate for our candidates. here's a statement from the managing editor, we hope the dnc will reconsider its decision to bar chris wallace, bret baer and martha maccallum all of whom embody the ultimate journalistic integrity and professionalism from moderating a democratic presidential debate. they are the best debate team in the business and offer candidates an important opportunity to make their case to the largest tv news audience in america which includes many persuadable voters. eric's wall well who is visiting iowa and new hampshire says this about his party rejecting our request for debates. i've been on nearly every fox news show. i don't go on because i kept the views of their hosts but because i respect some of their viewers are open-minded, viewers like my parents and in-laws. we should talk to them getting them on our side will save america. speaking of presidential politics hillary clinton is talking about her failed 2016 bit blaming voter suppression for her loss. >> i was the first person who ran for president without the protection of the voting rights act and i will tell you it makes a really big difference. it made a difference in wisconsin, the best studies that have been done since between 40, and 80,000 people were turned away from the polls because of the color of their skin. >> those claims got four pinocchios not from us but the washington post, hillary clinton is wrong on multiple levels and seriously misleading about voter suppression claims in georgia and wisconsin. former republican governor of wisconsin, scott walker, a contender for the presidency in the past, great to have you with us. >> thanks, great to be with you. it was amazing, she can't get over this loss and wants to blame it on anything but herself, she never came back to wisconsin after she lost the primary to bernie sanders and her ideas didn't work with people in the midwest. he will look at anyone else to blame except herself. the truth is even the liberal washington post gave are not one two but four pinocchios because the facts don't align with what hillary clinton says. >> wisconsin was not under the voting rights act. looking at the studies and numbers and if people want to read it they give you the highest rating for lying or being inaccurate. because you have been through the debate process what do you make of the news of the dnc does not think fox news is able to host a fair or neutral debate for the democrats so we will not get the opportunity? >> it is remarkable, they are saying if you watch fox news we don't want your vote. that -- in wisconsin in the past one of the candidates said they didn't want to have people voting for donald trump vote for them in the past and they backtracked, he carried the state of wisconsin. i think they are going to regret this because states like michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania, key states they need to win the presidency in 2020 they need some of the people watching fox news as well as a tv station so it is a big mistake. shannon: we have hosted some contenders on democrat side. we want to hear them and our viewers wants to hear from them. the president tweeting democrats watch fox news from all the debate good. i will do the same with the fake news networks and radical left democrat in the general election debate. is that the pendulum swinging too far the other way? >> in the end the president does better the more opportunities he gets to speak to a wide audience unfiltered. i was with him a week and a half ago in washington and he was with a bunch of republican governors across the country, a number of us supporting them and when he talks about the 5.3 million jobs, record low unemployment for african-americans and latinos in this country, the lowest unemployment rate since 1969 and a bunch of other things like simple things like the right to trial legislation he passed, giving people facing terminal illness a chance to try something new, to give that hope back to a hopeless situation, those are all things he talks about and when he speaks to the american voters the better off he's going to be. >> easily leveraged social media disadvantage. the new governor in wisconsin, including this proposed budget that includes giving drivers licenses to people who are in the country illegally. he says we are seeing a document that folks will be eligible to receive drivers licenses and id cards which makes roads and community safer, help strengthen our economy and wisconsin families, they talked a lot about safety and the fact that people will be properly trained to drive and able to get insurance. police need to investigate anything, they said it will make it easier for them to find people. >> a huge mistake not only in wisconsin what is being proposed but in multiple states across country. this is part of a trend after the 2018 elections. we are a nation of immigrants but also a nation of laws and we should have legal immigration like the president talked about in the state of the union address but shouldn't have state and local jurisdictions rewarding people breaking the law any more than you would expect the state to help someone fill out a fraudulent federal income tax form, violating things that are federal law. we can do a better job of this and the safety argument is ridiculous, to expect the one who violates federal immigration laws, to not be in a position for local and state traffic laws is an inherent contradiction. shannon: the republican controlled legislature don't have plans to go along with it so we will see what the proposal is in response. scott walker, great to have you with us. he was once a rising star in the republican party brought down by 2 dozen felony corruption charges, today he deals with the fed. eric shock live after the break. >> shannon: a turn of events >> a stunning turn of events for a former congressman once considered a rising star in the republican party brought down by charges of misusing government campaign funds. in 2016 he was charged with a slew of federal crimes. tonight federal prosecutors have reached a deal with aaron shock and he is here lives, first live tv interview after striking that deal, good to have you with us. >> thanks for having me on, good to be here. shannon: he resigned when there were ethics probe starting, you faced 24, charges, federal charges, dropped to 22 but now you have 3 years of fighting and a deal that one man's to misdemeanor charge and if you're good for 6 months and payback these find you move on. you said you were surprised by this. it happened quickly. >> we thought we were headed to trial in june because they charged me with 24 felonies, 80 to 100 years in prison and we knew it was a fictitious case, we knew this started with a lead prosecutor who saw me as a path to stardom, infected instigated my office, $29 transactions and in the absence of a crime he attempted to try to manufacture crimes. heather: there was a 52 page federal indictment, they accused you of trading government and campaign funds as a personal piggy bank, flying private, buying cars, buying tickets at face value which you admitted to doing. they sounded like they had gathered quite a bit of information regarding putting together this indictment. >> the same agency walked into federal court and said this indictment of 24 felonies has no merit and they dropped every one of those charges against me today in court and what they asked for was a plea not from me but from my campaign organization for a simple sec violation which is failure to keep the adequate necessary documents and records for fec reports you are required to file a congress. i said when i resigned from congress four years ago we could have done a better job. i was out there running around the country helping candidates. i had a district larger than 90 states that i traveled to all 205 towns at least once throughout the year, so we made some mistakes but mistakes are not crimes. i said then and it was proven today in court, neither i nor any of my staff purposefully violated any rules or laws. the agency came forward today and said we are dropping these charges speaks volumes. >> you admit you were buying things at face value tickets and selling them as markups and not reporting that income to the irs there was talk of a lot of use of private jets and things that are members of the hill didn't think were appropriate the way those things were charged. >> let me just say all of that proved to not be true. the reality is -- >> you did take a private jet. >> flying private is not illegal. i took 1078 flights over eight years in the government took issue with two of them. did we scrub two of them? yes. when i campaigned for 42 congressional candidates in one month, i campaigned for more congressman at a time. i did it because those congressman asked me to campaign for them. i wasn't getting paid more getting benefit, i was working harder for my team. for people to say he is flying around more than us, because i am requested to go campaign for more people but there's nothing illegal or improper about that and i can assure you whether it is paul ryan or nancy pelosi, when they have to fire and they do it privately. shannon: this is a great relief to you and your team after millions of dollars legal team, we will look to see what your new chapter is. >> i look forward to sleeping a little better at night after the last four years. shannon: thanks for joining us. more news after this. ion of your typical bank. capital one is anything but typical. that's why we designed savings and checking accounts with no fees or minimums. this is banking reimagined. what's in your wallet? if you want to know why people you have to start by asking... could listening to audible help you find the secret to a stronger relationship? sometimes it doesn't take anything at all for us... just say "alexa, give me my free audible book," and your first pick is on us. ♪ do you ♪ love me? ♪ ♪ i can really move ♪ ♪ do you love me? ♪ i'm in the groove ♪ now do you love me? ♪ do you love me ♪ now that i can dance? ♪ watch me now! ♪ work, work, ah work it out baby ♪ applebee's 3 course meal starting at $11.99. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. >> shannon: we are going to take you out live t >> we're taking you live to the west coast in los angeles. a car hit a fire hydrant out there and you see the water gushing forth, the car is still underneath that gusher and the fire department is on the scene trying to work on this, get the water turned off. we don't know if they've got not yet or not but you never know. the west coast. a lot of you are watching us on the west coast, this doesn't snarl things that too much and everything is safe. most-watched, most trusted, most grateful you spent the evening with us, good night from washington. i am shannon bream. >> the projections a diabetic current pace we on track to encounter close to 1 million illegal aliens at the southern border this year. heather: is march 7th and this is "fox and friends first" happening at 4:00 on the east coast, if that's not a crisis what is? the homeland security secretary delivers a dire warning about the southern border as a brand-new caravan had away. where live in washington. mexico or dangerous than ever, the terrifying travel warning just weeks before spring break. taylor swift setting his sights on 2020, the popstar says

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