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Planned parenthood say theyve been discriminated against for being pregnant. We are digging into the report with a former planned parenthood clinic director. Hello and welcome to fox news night. Im Shannon Bream in washington. We have fox team coverage. Mike emanuel preview of whats ahead for the shutdown as the senate is about to get back to work tomorrow. Investigating what turkey and russia have planned. We begin with Jonathan Hunt on President Trumps surprise visit to iraq and beyond. Good evening, jonathan. Good evening, shannon. President trump in the first lady arrived in iraq with a very civil message for the troops. We came to al asad to share our eternal gratitude for everything you do to keep america safe, strong, and free. That president and first lady flew unannounced from joint base andrews to joint base al asad in western iraq. Its around 100 miles from baghdad. The president s first visit to military personnel serving in combat zones since he took office, and he acknowledged some nerves about the dangers of the trip. I have concerns about the institution of the presidency . Not for myself personally. I have concerns for the first lady, i will tell you. But if you would have seen what we had to go through with the darkened plane, all the windows closed, no lights on whatsoever. Anywhere. Pitch black. The trip comes days after President Trump said he would be withdrawing all u. S. Troops from syria, a move widely criticized by republicans and democrats alike. And one which led to the resignation of defense secretary jim mattis. In his remarks for the troops in iraq, the president reiterated that they could launch attacks on isis from iraq if necessary and that the syria based u. S. Troops are therefore coming home because isis has essentially been defeated. Two years ago when i became president , they were a very dominant group. They were very dominant. Today they are not so dominant anymore. [cheers and applause] great job. The president said he has no plans to withdraw the 5,200 u. S. Forces in iraq. He did not meet with any iraqi officials during his three hours on the ground but did speak with the iraqi Prime Minister by phone in between shaking hands and taking photos with the troops. The second leg of the trip was a stop in germany, an important staging post for u. S. Troops on their way to and from conflicts around the globe. They are the president met with troops, shaking hands and taking photographs. The planning for the trip to iraq had a partly been in the works for several weeks, shannon, and for those in our highly politicized world to fill the need to keep score, president george w. Bush made four troops to iraq while he was in the white house. President obama made one. Shannon. Shannon all right, jonathan, thank you for the update. Footage from the turkeysyria border. U. S. Troops patrolling amid new threats. Its a very tense situation. Here with the, fox news correspondent david. He joined fox news and then his wife had a baby on friday. Congratulations. Your firstever report is for us, welcome, david. Glad to be here. A lot of news out of syria, very busy. U. S. Troops walking a fine line in a region that becomes more complicated by the day. Call it a chess game in the middle east. U. S. Troops are constantly in the middle of the board. President trump is doubling down on his decision to pull troops from syria as turkey could soon make an entrance. Week after President Trump announced he would pull troops from syria, many of the same troops patrolled the borders between kurdishled forces in turkeybacked forces in Northern Syria. The patrols come as multiple reports suggest turkey is preparing a military incursion in Northern Syria against their longrunning foods, the kurds. Turkish and allied Syrian Opposition forces sometimes fire at us. The u. S. Forces are still patrolling and they havent stopped. Footage released by a Turkish News Agency on monday showed a convoy of Army Vehicles approaching the syrian border. However, a russian government spokeswoman said today the kremlin expects the Syrian Government to take control of areas where u. S. Troops are currently deployed. The washington, d. C. ,based institute for the study of war also points out that iran is positioned to fill in the void in parts of northeast syria after our troops leave. To the south, israel, a series of israeli air strikes were conducted just last night on iranian targets near the syrian capital of damascus. Western intelligence sources confirmed to fox news. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu making clear today his country will not sit idly by with the new threats taking shape. Translator we refuse to accept iran establishing itself militarily in syria aimed against us. We are acting firmly against it, including these days. Sources and russia was notified ahead of the strikes to avoid getting caught in the cross fire between syrian antiaircraft and the israeli jets, as has happened before. Tuesdays action was the first 50 since the Trump Administrations decision to pull u. S. Troops out of syria. In syria, isis has been nearly defeated in a defensive carried out by u. S. And kurdish forces. Remnants of the terror group still exist, according to most reports. President trump today said turkish president erdogan has agreed to battle any remnants of isis in syria. President erdogan said he would likely meet with russian president Vladimir Putin as soon as possible to talk about the u. S. Troop withdrawal timeline. Shannon is going to be critical. Welcome. You have no bags under your eyes with a brandnew baby. I am trying my best. Shannon almost exactly seven years ago today, the last u. S. Troops pulled out of iraq under different president. Since then in the wake of the explosive growth of isis, thousands of troops have returned. Under this president , iraq could be a key to keeping a lid on violence in the region. We see something happen with isis that we dont like, we can end them so fast and so hard, they really wont know what the hell happened. We will knock them silly. Its time for us to use our heads. We dont want to be taken advantage anymore by countries that use us. Shannon lets bring in retired Lieutenant General jerry boykin, former deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence. Good to be with you. Merry christmas. Shannon Merry Christmas. The president took a Merry Christmas to our troops in iraq. What does it do for morale . It cant do anything but pump them up. To have the president of the United States visit is a very big deal. The timing couldnt be better in terms of the president being able to get his message out on what his intentions are with regards to syria. I think this is nothing but a positive for the president , even though i dont personally agree with his decision on syria. Shannon lets talk about it. Former nato commander wesley clark, who has run for president as a democrat, had a very interesting theory that hes floating. He says people are talking about it. Heres his take. Some of our friends and allies in the middle east are asking did erdogan blackmail the president . Shannon thats an interesting charge to level. Yeah, i think general clark probably is rethinking that, and i hope, because ive known him for a long time, i hope that he will try to set the record straight there. First of all, i dont trust erdogan either. And i dont think anybody thats been watching whats going on in syria trusts erdogan cooperatively when it comes to going into an area thats occupied primarily by kurds after decades of the turks chasing the kurds, even killing many, many of the kurds in turkey. I dont trust erdogan here in this situation. Shannon thats clearly one of the issues people have who are opposed to the pullout of syria, saying that the kurds are going to be left in a vulnerable position. Mollie hemingway had an interesting piece in the federalist called trumps syria policy correct but communicated horribly. She says the reality is that assad has won the civil war and the kurds have begun negotiating with him. We can play a role but we dont end them and less protection. They have been an important ally for us. What do we owe the kurds . We owe the kurds certainly some kind of guarantee of their security and support in the future. Go back to iraq. First of all, we left the kurds after the first gulf war. We walked off and abandon them in over 30,000 of them were killed by saddam hussein. Then you look at when we pulled out of iraq seven years ago, we sort of left the kurds to their own devices. They have been fighting against really the shia militias as well as the sunnies. We have provided them almost nothing. Anything we have tried to send them, we have sent through baghdad and it gets siphoned off to either the iranians or it gets siphoned off to some of the militias there in iraq. We have not done right by the kurds. This would be the third time we have abandoned them. That is not a good thing for us to do because, especially with our special operations people, the kurds have been very key to them being able to operate. Shannon lets look to the president and the selection of a new defense secretary. Christian whitten was an advisor to President Trump and president george w. Bush. Heres what he wrote about. He said with democrats gaining control of the house of representatives on january 3, it will become far more important for President Trump to have a defense secretary who can be an effective advocate for president ial policies. The next pentagon chief needs to be both an advocate for President Trumps vision of americas military role in the world and the political pro who can install april trump that work at the defense department. There were some critiques that there werent a lot of pro trumpers there. I think thats probably the case. Im not sure general mattis was aligned with the president on a lot of issues that the president felt strongly about. I think general mattis was probably left of center. That said, doesnt mean he wasnt an effective defense secretary. But i will say this. I think he did exactly the right thing, unlike leon panetta and bob gates when he could no longer support the president s policies, he resigned. Thats the honorable thing to do, rather than stay with it, support bad policies, and then get out and write a book and try to salvage her own reputation. Shannon or write anonymous pieces for the New York Times. 11 people respect him for stepping up and say what he felt he needed to say. General, thank you for joining us. If we dont see you, happy new year. Happy new year. Glad to be with you. Shannon its an era of superlatives for the stock market going from the worst Christmas Eve trading day ever, just a couple days later, the Dow Jones Industrial average posting its biggest single daypoint game ever. One of the lesser notice factors reportedly driving the move was a report from Bloomberg News that the Trump Administration is kickstarting trade talks with china. Reportedly sending a highlevel delegation to beijing on januar. Kristina partsinevelos joins us. What a day here on the New York Stock Exchange floor. You saw traders happy. You saw quite a rally compared to the worst ever Christmas Eve plunge on monday. What do i mean by a rally . You saw the dow closed up 1,086 points. Thats the largest single day point increase in history. You also saw the s p 500 higher. You saw the nasdaq closed in positive territory. This rally comes on the heels of a massive selloff on monday as news surface that treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin contacted the ceos of several major u. S. Banks asking if they had enough liquidity to see them through 2019. President trump added to that market anxiety is well with a tweet blasting the feds saying the central bank is the only problem for the economy. Most of mondays woes were wiped out after one has Economic Advisor Kevin Hassett said powells job is 100 safe and the president has no intention of firing the chairman of the federal reserve. Kevin hassett defended mnuchin decision to question the banks. Secretary mnuchin is in Constant Contact with the financial community. Hes friends with most of those folks. He himself operated in that space. Its very normal for the treasury secretary to call people up and say hey, how was christmas looking . They have credit card data. How are sales . Also do you have problems . He told fox business that president is happy with the treasury secretary. Retail giving the markets a boost with u. S. Sales growing 5. 1 this Holiday Season according to mastercard. Its the biggest increase in six years. You also had a release from amazon stating that they saw an increase in sales for their own products, selling a million eco dots as well as fire sticks. They also said they added tens of millions of new subscribers to prime and people signing up for free trials. On the New York Stock Exchange floor, traders were very optimistic that this rally could continue into 2019. Back to you, shannon. Shannon lets hope it does. Thank you. Five days into a partial Government Shutdown and the senate is scheduled to convene tomorrow afternoon, but what does it really mean . Are democrats ready and willing to negotiate with the president . Chief Congressional Correspondent mike emanuel joins us. At this point it doesnt sound like theres much action. Ive checked in with sources on both sides of the island they are saying no movement at this point. Today was the First Business day of a partial Government Shutdown after the christmas holiday. It was clearly on President Trumps mind all the way in iraq. Whatever it takes. We are going to have a wall. Were going to have safety. We need safety for our country. We have terrorists coming in through the southern border. One quarter of the federal government is closed. The white house insists the furlough government workers will get their money. They might miss of pay period because the Government Shutdown but in the end, even if they arent working, congress has decided to pay people for the whole time. In the end, its really just a shortterm problem, not a longterm problem for government workers. One thing that mice force action would seem people hurting from this shutdown. So far it hasnt happened. Shannon whats the latest from the democrats . Democrats are saying they got offered over the weekend to . 5 billion by the white house, 2. 1 for Border Security and 400 million for other immigration priorities. Democrats dont appear to be budging. They might wait until they are the majority in the house. I think the way we are walking into it, leader pelosi has said, we will promptly open the government. We understand the first responsibility we have is to open the government, to force the president to sign legislation or let it go forward without his signature that opens the government again. So that we can continue to move forward on the agenda that we articulated during the campaign. Thats why some suggest the closer he gets to january 3, the less leverage republicans have because at that point, they will likely be dealing with speaker nancy pelosi. She would likely take credit for reopening the government. Shannon what about the president s allies . We have heard from some of them, different ideas. One suggestion was that the president should take advantage of his ability to take the fight directly to the American People. This is about the perception of the American People and the president has to continue to send the message why hes fighting to secure the border. I know he likes to tweet but lets do a national address, and undressed to the American People from the oval office. Saying why its so important. If he does that, i think he wins the hearts and minds of the people. Oval office address, we will see. Seems like both sides are in their respective corners. Its not entirely clear whats going to get them to the negotiating table for serious talks. Shannon allegedly back in action tomorrow. We will see senators Milling Around and will see if paper goes back and forth. Maybe well get somewhere. Shannon hope springs eternal. Thank you very much. More details about the president s time in iraq and germany tonight. Hes on his way back to d. C. New controversy about his time in iraq is firing up social media. Has to do with maga hats and signing autographs for the troops. The power panel is here to weigh in. Stick around. It senses your movement and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. And now, the queen sleep number 360 c4 smart bed is only 1299. Plus, 24month financing on all beds. Ends new years day. Little things can be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not a cream. Its a pill that treats moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis differently. With otezla,75 clearer skin is achievable. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. Tell your doctor about your medicines and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Otezla. Show more of you. They seem to be the very foundation of your typical bank. Capital one is anything but typical. Thats why we designed capital one cafes. You can get savings and checking accounts with no fees or minimums. And one of americas best savings rates. To top it off, you can open one from anywhere in 5 minutes. This isnt a typical bank. This is banking reimagined. Whats in your wallet . For each job exxonmobil creates, many more are created in the community. Because energy touches so many industries, it supports 10 million u. S. Jobs. Two years ago when i became president , they were very dominant group. They were very dominant. Today they are not so dominant anymore. Shannon the president claiming he has ice is cornered if not defeated. New developments from the president s christmas time trip. President trump spent some time in germany meeting with other top military officials aboard air force one and then he and the first lady took some time out to shake hands and take selfies. A reporter from bloomberg tweeting pictures of the troops holding maga hats. Another one was holding a trump flag which the reporter said was put away when the soldier realize she was being photographed. Antjuan seawright, former Deputy Assistant to president george w. Bush, brad blickman. National security analyst morgan ortagus. Good evening to all of you. Lets start with how the day began. This is a look at some headline headlines. Nbc news has trump becomes first president since 2002 not to visit troops at christmas. Newsweek, trump is the first president in 15 years to not visit troops during christmas. Raw story, the first christmas since 2002 the president hasnt visited the trumps. The troops. We would think that after the appearance in iraq there would be backpedaling right now. Now twitter is full of people who said dont give him credit for going. What do you do . You cant win with the press. The fact is that press didnt pressure the president into going. It was a secret probably in the works, i can tell you from firsthand experience having planned these visits for president george w. Bush that he wasnt forced into it. He was probably on a schedule all along. Assuming that was very well needed and appreciated by the troops. The press can say what they want. The president of the right thing. It was well received, a good morale boost. Kudos to the present. Well done. Shannon antjuan. The first lesson is measure three times, cut once. Lets be patient in criticizing the president. I applaud the president for finally, after two years in his role as commanderinchief, visiting troops in the war zone. Unfortunately its taken two years. What i was disappointed in is some of the language he used visiting troops when he lied twice, first to give them a raise, their first raising ten years. And the amount of money they received. He took credit for giving them a 10 raise when i think its actually 2. 8 or something. Shannon we will do a factcheck on that. Politifact is already done the work for it. Shannon and they are never wrong. [laughs] we have our own research department. The third thing is we somehow set the bar. Expectations so low we are doing trophies and awards for the president doing what i think the commander in chief should always do, visit our troops who served on the front line every day to protect us at home and abroad. Shannon morgan, youve been overseas on holidays. You know how it goes with the commander in chief shows up. Could he win in any possible scenario . I remember the duck and cover alarm going off in baghdad in 2007 for thanksgiving. Many of our friends in the green zone in baghdad during those years probably remember the alarm. It was not our friend. When the president comes or any of the Senior Leadership team in the cabinet, Vice President , when anyone comes of any political party, its a moment of happiness for the troops not just for the troops. We have people in the u. S. Embassy, diplomats, thank you to all of them better serving. People from the intelligence agency, the fbi et cetera that are abroad. Its always a morale boost when they are there. I disagree with my good friend antjuan. Its about the fact that no matter what he does, hes criticized for it. Let me say for the young enlisted men and women who are spending their holiday overseas and who may have gotten a maga hats signed, for other news outlets to write disparaging pieces that they were excited to see the president and wanted to have a maga hats on, i think that really sinks to a new low. Every year we think we cant go to a new low, leave the enlisted troops alone. Let them be happy to see the president. Morgan, would you feel the same if it was a barack obama hatch . I worked for barack obama. Antjuan, i was Barack Obamas representative in saudi arabia is the u. S. Treasury attache. I am speaking to the people, im not talking about you directly. I heard today that it was historic that the first lady went into a combat zone. I am guessing a few troops were happy to see her too. The shutdown continues. Mike emanuel reporting tomorrow they are going to try to get going on capitol hill. Senator patty murray, democrat, tweeting incident bringing certainty into peoples lives, President Trump is continuing to hurt workers and families. He said he would be proud to shutdown the government. Now he seems to not know how to get out of it. Its time for him to work with dems to end it. Will the dems work with him . That is the 5 billion question. The president has signaled his willingness to compromise. Now its up to democrats to meet him halfway. I happen to believe that this is the democrats shutdown. Republicans come all the votes necessary. Democrats could not be found to make the deal. Therefore the government would shut down because they failed to deliver the votes necessary. The president s being perfectly reasonable. The 5 billion, it is payasyougo for the security of our nation. Democrats are resisting the president so much that they are putting our National Security ahead of their own political gamesmanship. Democrats have shut down this government more than any party that held the white house in our history. Shantytowns have gone as long as a month. They usually ended a few days which shows what a charade it is. I think the president needs to stand on principle because this is his read your lips moment. If he doesnt stand on what he believes in what he got elected for, promises may best be promises kept. Shannon senator murray, when the vote. 700 miles of fencing and other border barriers. She voted for it, schumer, feinstein, gillibrand, many others who are currently in the senate. They dont want a border now. They dont want a fence. They dont want a wall. Why did they vote for it before . Shannon, this manufactured crisis by donald trump, the trump shutdown in the manufactured outrage from the right is actually pretty funny because what we know is you said democrats have voted for comprehensive Immigration Reform that included Border Security. We are having a fight today shannon why is it immoral now, as nancy pelosi calling it a moral . 800,000 people out of work because trump wants to check a campaign promise. Shannon and they wont vote for something they voted for before. Democrats want Border Security and what we want is to do comprehensive Immigration Reform. Unfortunately thats what the executive branch does not want to work of the legislative branch. Shannon let me bring morgan in here. Hes not going to have much luck when the democrats take over the house. Did he give the democrats a really nice Christmas Gift early by saying i will own this. Im happy to do it. Its about National Security for me. I will own the shutdown. He did say that. I think it kept his base happy because it showed people he was fighting for the things he promised. Theres two main issues as we look for how do we move forward. First of all, i think theres a lot of blame as it relates to congressional leadership for not getting this done for two years while we had the house and senate. Looking forward, its not just the 5 billion fight because the president s acting chief of staff has indicated they have given a new number to congress that is somewhere between 1. 7 and 5. The wall comprehensively coming to get it built before 2020, is going to take more than the 5 billion they are fighting over right now. I think Everyone Needs to step back and look away from the shutdown and say whats going to be their projected total cost of this wall to get it done by 2020 . By the time hes running for reelection or the end of his residence. Presidency. What can you put on the democrats would that will be a fair trade. Lets stop making it in piecemeal things and shutting down the government every christmas. Lets get a deal done. Shannon we will see if they can. Morgan, brad, antjuan. If the four of us, couldnt work it out, we will see what happens. Thank you very much. Sam found new evidence relating to the missing colorado mother. Her fancy trickle fiance was arrested. We will take you there vo you do more than grant wishes when you share the love. You give hope. Get a new subaru, like the all new forester, and charities like makeawish can receive two hundred and fifty dollars from subaru. vo get zero percent during the subaru share the love event. Shannon this is a fox news alert. M manhunt is underway in california for a suspect who shot and killed a Police Officer in newman city this morning. The 33yearold officer was making a routine traffic stop when he was shot and the suspect fled. He was pronounced dead at the hospital. Authorities have found the truck the gunman was driving but the suspect is at large. Police in washington searching for armed bystanders they say shocked at shoplifter saturday. The alleged thieves were leaving the store when citizens confronted them. Police say is the shoplifter started to drive off, the bystanders shot at them and blew out a couple times. The car was abandoned and police were able to track down the suspect. Police say no one was injured by the armed bystanders left the scene before officers got there. Tonight police say they have new evidence in the case of a missing colorado mother who was last seen on thanksgiving day. As Claudia Cowan reports, discoveries have been found more than 700 miles away. Authorities in colorado and now twin falls, idaho, working with the fbi confirming they have new evidence in what has become a murder investigation. We have not found kelsey. Information has been developed thats helping to narrow down the search. As you can tell from the arrest, sadly we do not believe kelsey is still alive. Refusing to detail new evidence, investigators confirm it was found in idaho near where berreths cell phone pinged after she vanished on thanksgiving. Berreths alleged killer, her fiance and father of her 1yearold daughter, 32yearold Patrick Frazee faces charges of firstdegree murder and solicitation of murder. Today, fox news legal analyst said investigators are honing in on whoever else was involved. They hope someone is going to trip up, someone being accused, that they will trip up eventually. They will trip up and who they talk to, they will consciousness will rise up and they will make an admission. This video shows the 29yearold mom at a grocery store. She was shopping with her daughter hours before dropping the child off with frazee who allegedly killed berreth in her home. We have enough information to implicate patrick in kelseys death which we were able to present to a judge and the judge was able to sign off on the firstdegree murder charge. Hours after frazee was arrested, mourners gathered at berreths Hometown Church in washington. Many signing condolence cards for her family and praying for justice. Patrick frazee is being held without bond. He will be formally arraigned monday and could enter a plea at that time. Shannon claudia, thank you very much. New Video Evidence emergences connection with Assault Charges against actor kevin spacey. He is facing felony indecent Assault Charges stemming from an alleged incident at a nantucket bar with the teenage son of a news anchor. There is a snapchat video of kevin spacey allegedly making physical contact. Wall street journal reporting that Matthew Whitaker made an incorrect claim about his academic and athletic experience on his resume. The journal says whitakers claim that he was an academic allamerican while playing football at the university of iowa is not backed up by any documentary evidence. To be considered for academic allamerican status, student athlete must be a starter or reserve on his or her team and have a 3. 3 average. Top three candidates in polls, dems worried they are all white men. Former Vice President joe biden, bernie sanders, and beto orourke are leading recent polls for 2020. They are at the top of a long list of potential president ial contenders that include a number of women and minorities. Planned parenthood prides itself on being a voice for women, it says. The New York Times has uncovered alleged mistreatment of pregnant planned parenthood employees. Will have that response and analysis. Devastation in indonesia may not be over just yet. 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We did reach out to planned parenthood to discuss the report. They were told there is no one available. We will tell you what they have to say. Joining us now as abby johnson. She has become a prolife advocate. Good to have you with us. Thank you. Shannon i want to talk about some of what is alleged. It says that planned parenthood, managers in some locations declined to hire pregnant candidates, refused request by expectant mothers to take breaks and in some cases push them out of their jobs after they gave birth. Thats according to current and former employees. Most planned parenthood offices do not provide paid Maternity Leave though many let new mothers take partially paid disability leave. Having been a clinic director yourself, what do you make of the accusations . I was contacted by these reporters asking about my experiences with planned parenthood and as a woman who had a baby when i worked at planned parenthood, to talk about what their policies were and the Maternity Leave and it was laughable because there is no maternity or fraternal leave policy for planned parenthood employees. Thats not surprising. Planned parenthood is not an organization that values mothers, women, or children. So of course theyre not going to put forward policies that would actually protect women during the vulnerable time after childbirth. Shannon a lot of individual planned parenthood officials have denied any of these things happened. A log of american companies, the vast majority dont have paid leave for new mothers or fathers. Thats not surprising. I think the issue thats concerning, stories of highrisk pregnancies, that they had problems are needed breaks and being denied that or a chance to eat lunch. Planned parenthood has responded. They have a new president and she has said weve done everything we can. Were launching an investigation. We would never tolerate any kind of discrimination. Its a good chance for us to review our policies in seo we can make things better because we need to be a leader. I think it is an issue, the fact that they are not providing leave policies for women after childbirth. The discrimination is a problem. Absolutely they do not hire women if they know they are pregnant or if they plan to become pregnant. The pressure women into having abortions. I was pressured into having an abortion with my first child. You have a problem, you have their past president talking about the policies for women. The paid Maternity Leave policies are important but they are not leading by example. How can they be pushing these policies if theyre not providing them themselves . Its a problem. Shannon they said the allegations against planned parenthood are assigned a bigger problems with way america treats pregnant and parenting workers. As of 2017, 15 of American Workers had access to paid parental leave. One in four women goes back to work within ten days of giving birth. That last part stunned me. It is shocking and heartbreaking. Women are part of the workforce. We do need to be cared for properly during and after childbirth. Planned parenthood will say its because of financial constraints. Let me tell you i run a prolife nonprofit. Our budget is less than 1 of planned parenthoods budget and we provide 12 weeks of paid Maternity Leave for all of our employees. It can be done. Its not a priority because to be honest, women are not a priority to planned parenthood. Shannon i want to read a little bit from their statement saying they are launching an initiative to strengthen the policies and ensure culture that supports pregnant and parenting staff. Some of the women said it was never sent to me if you get pregnant were going to fire you but they said its clearly the understanding many of them had. Is it fair to infer that when those words havent been said . Well, they may not have set out but planned parenthood says and doesnt say a lot of things that are true and untrue. The bottom line is we have almost 500 former planned parenthood employees in our organization that are speaking out that are talking about pregnancy discrimination inside planned parenthood and other abortion facilities. Its happening. This anecdotal evidence is important. Shannon we hope they would join us at any time. An open invitation to get their side of the story. Abby johnson, thank you for joining us. Protests erupted in tunisia. That story leads where in the world. Authorities arresting 18 people using tear gas to break up protests that started after a journalist set himself on fire. The journalist who posted a video online calling for a revolt over unemployment and what he saw as unfulfilled promises of tunisias 2011 arab spring revolution. Earthquake triggered by the mount etna volcano left ten people injured in eastern sicily. The quake damaged several world homes, cracking highways and toppling a statue in a church. Authorities in indonesia urging people to avoid coastal areas. A tsunami killed over 400 peopl people. The catastrophic 2004 earthquake and tsunami that killed 230,000 people across asia. The government of japan announcing its leaving the International Whaling commission to resume commercial hunts for the animals for the first time in 30 years. The government says the whale population has recovered enough to warrant resuming the hunts. It did say it would no longer go to the antarctic for the hunts, which has been heavily criticized by Animal Rights activists. President trump praising an old photo may be causing new problems moving into a new apartment. Yeah, its pretty stressful. This music is supposed to relax me, though. Maybe youd mellow out a bit if you got geico to help you with your renters insurance. Oh, geico helps with renters insurance . Good to know. Yeah, and they could save you a lot of money. Wow, suddenly i feel so relieved. You guys are fired. Get to know geico and see how much you could save on renters insurance. Shannon President Trump praising troops for their efforts to battle and nearly decimate isis. As Gillian Turner reports, an old foe is promising a new threat. American and British Intelligence officials ringing alarm bells about an uptick in terrorist threats against airlines and airports around the world. Terrorists are going to continue to target us so weve got to keep targeting them. During the Holiday Season, and all yearround. Much of the governments attention has been focused on isis over the past four years. We are destroying the bloodthirsty killers known as isis. We have done a very, very major job on isis. We have defeated isis. Intelligence shows al qaeda has been alive and well and making inroads into vulnerable regions. We have seen linkages from al qaeda in west africa to al qaeda in syria to al qaeda in south asia. In my judgment, they are trying to regain relevance. Al qaeda is looking to make a comeback and reassert itself as the worlds most highprofile terrorist group. Its been hit hard by the u. S. Led Coalition Ground wars inside iraq and syria. The manpower in those countries has been decimated over the past several years. Instead, the group has turned its attention to aviation attacks. Officials say first up on al qaedas agenda is developing new technologies to take down passenger jets including bomb carrying drones, miniaturized bombs, new chemicals, and new explosive methods. Terrorist experts say al qaeda is focused on infiltrating airports. They are planning to get more jihadist operatives hired as airport employees, giving them access to flight and passenger info and planes. We dont have any illusions about what their intent is. European intel chiefs say they are worried President Trumps decision to withdraw u. S. Troops from syria will embolden al qaeda and other terror groups to up the ante in the middle east. The white house is also worried about increasing terrorism and the friendly skies and they been working on the issue behind the scenes for months. National Security Officials will soon release a National Strategy for aviation security. Its the first for the Trump Administration and the First Aviation plan in ten years. The strategy itself is classified but an unclassified version will be released publicly. Shannon. Shannon incorporated you very much. South floridas citizen holding a sign claiming he was homeless. Hes not really homeless. It was part of a prank he says to give back. Every person that gave him a dollar, he gave them 100 bill. Hes a public speaker and content creator and he recorded it and posted it on facebook. He said he believes things come back to you for doing good deeds. We salute him and everyone who gave him a dollar. You are all midnight heroes. Good night from washington. I am Shannon Bream. For each job exxonmobil creates, many more are created in the community. Because energy touches so many industries, it supports 10 million u. S. Jobs. From capital one. Nd i switched to the spark cash card i earn unlimited 2 cash back on everything i buy. And last year, i earned 36,000 in cash back. Which i used to offer Health Insurance to my employees. Whats in your wallet . A peaceful night sleep without only imagine. Frequent heartburn waking him up. Now that dream is a reality. Nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for allday, allnight protection. Can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn . Tammy good evening, everybody, and welcome to the Tucker Carlson tonight program. Im tammy bruce filling in for tucker this evening. President trump surprised u. S. Troops in iraq with a holidayto visit today, his first visit to troops serving in a combat zone. T while there, the president briefly touched on domestic politics, saying a Government Shutdown will only end with money for a border wall. How long do you think there shutdown will last, mr. President . Whenever it takes. We will have a wall. We will have safety. We need safety for our country. Tammy mike emanuel is inl washington with more. Mike . Tammy, good evening. President trump went to see the troops in a combat zone at a time when hes made sig

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