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A recap of the days headlines and a look at whats in store for tomorrow. Lawyer would have done what Jeff Sessions did. He was part of the campaign, you cant oversee an investigation of a campaign you were part of so he had to recuse himself. Shannon why does the president get that . I dont know. Is that a lawyer, he is frustrated, he thinks this is a witchhunt, jeff did the right thing legally but mueller is now very deep into his investigation. This conflict is far beyond mueller and recusal. This is not a good working relationship from what i can tell. For the good of the nation we need an Attorney General that has the confidence of the president and im not blaming Jeff Sessions. There is no finer man but at the end of the day there are plenty of conservative judges and lawyers that i think could do this job, the we can get somebody confirmed but if he does replace Jeff Sessions the burden will be on the president to pick somebody highly qualified, give mueller the space he needs to finish his investigation but i say this appointments, we serve at the pleasure of the president so i find it quite frankly wrong for the senate to reject the idea that donald trump cant replace his Attorney General. You are saying before the midterms no way. We dont have enough time, we have brett cavanagh, an election coming up and i say this loving Jeff Sessions but for the countrys sake and the department of justices say, we need somebody that can have the trust of the president. This relationship is going to get better or result in a new face and a new voice of the department of justice. Grahams comments appeared to be an unprompted invitation to the president to take action if he wishes, a wink and a nod gesture that he has a friend in the senate, you guys are friends, if grassley chooses to go to the Senate Finance Committee Graham would become Judiciary Committee chairman. Up for reelection in 2020 being close to trump would stave off a primary challenge. Here is what i say about that. Of Senator Grassley knows the finance committee, i will become chairman in the traditions of the senate. I hope he stays because i think he has been a great chairman. I saying on National Television the obvious, Jeff Sessions and donald trump do not enjoy a healthy relationship. Im not blaming Jeff Sessions, i think he is highly ethical and very competent but this is not working and at the end of the day people in the department of justice, the president deserves an Attorney General that has his confidence. Im not suggesting that he fired Jeff Sessions because hes not a political hack. Im suggesting if he cant work with Jeff Sessions he has the right to pick somebody who is competent and the burden will be on the president to pick somebody he has confidence in. Next time you play golf let us know if he has any names. We will see what he does which i hate that it came to us but it is obvious something has got to give. Thanks for coming in tonight. Donald trumps former lawyer pleaded guilty to breaking finance laws, legal experts are at odds whether that means any legal trouble for the president. Lets get clarity from former Chief Assistant us attorney andrew mccarthy, great to have you with us tonight. I want to read something from Bradley Smith who said these laws are so vague and confusing, increasingly Campaign Finance laws illustrate the classic situation where the governments can always get you for something, to the question of what they will get you for. Is this one of those cases . There is reason to be concerned about that because i think the history here is the federal Election Commission has taken a different approach to some of the Campaign Finance laws than the Justice Department has. What that has led to particularly in the prosecution of john edwards a few years back is a very aggressive, on the margins of the Justice Departments Enforcement Authority a very aggressive take on what campaignfinance laws holes and it did not work out well for the Justice Department. They convinced the judge to let the case go the jury but the jury acquitted on one count, hung on the rest and when doj took another look they said they are not doing well again. Mark penn, former clinton pollster, democratic i wrote an oped in the hill and this is what he said about the edwards case when there were hundreds of thousands of dollars funneled to take care of a woman he had a child with. And a lot of similar parallels. None of the donors in the 2012 john edwards case face any legal issues and the federal Election Commission ruled payments were not Campaign Contributions that had to be reported. Both facts prosecutors tried to suppress at trial. Why is it different from Michael Cohen . Why he pleads guilty to these charges if that is how it worked out in this case . I think it is different with respect when you are talking about the candidate versus somebody who donates to the candidate. And Donald Trumps instance what i would say is his best defense is the government couldnt possibly prove beyond reasonable doubt that he violated campaignfinance law. One of the charges at the very least out of the two that are leveled against cohen and the charges he pled guilty to earlier this week donald trump couldnt possibly commit it because they are two different charges that are very different in nature against cohen. One is that he made excessive Campaign Contributions, he exceeded the 2700 limit that applies to individuals making Campaign Contributions, that doesnt apply to the president. He doesnt have a dollar limit. I dont see how he could be guilty of that count. The other charge is not that cohen actually made an Illegal Campaign contribution but caused a corporation, the american media, caused them to make an inkind contribution. There is no evidence the president did that. Jillian they are cooperating, talks with prosecutors, it is about the president. We dont know when that immunity was made. It is not irrelevant to the president but when you look at this, april shortly after these guys, the company got subpoena, the government Didnt Know Cohen was going to plead guilty, and what probably happened in the spring time. Shannon thank you so much. It made a difference when it did occur. Us president has never been removed from office by impeachment. More and more democrats are using the i word their leadership is shying away. The president s lawyer says that wont happen. Everything cohen says, you can only impeach him for political reasons. Jillian we talk about that with the panel, Hurricane Lane pounding the Hawaiian Islands, we have the latest update on the storm abstract coming up. Changs with a Tire Rotation as well. Ooo i could put that on an airplane banner. Our 19. 99 oil change also includes a Tire Rotation. Book an appointment online. You said youre not like me, never drop to your knees, look into the sky for a momentary high, you never even tried till its time to say goodbye, bye everybody fights for a little bit of light, i believe. Geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. I know i know i know i know when did brian move back in . Brians back . He doesnt get my room. Hes only going to be here for like a week. Like a month, tops. Oh boy. Wifi fast enough for the whole family is simple, easy, awesome. In many cultures, young men would stay with their families until their 40s. Shannon in light of Michael Cohens plea deal, talk of i shannon in late of Michael Cohens talk of impeachment come many on both sides of the aisle say slow down. Anita vogel has more on what it takes to impeach a president , never happened before. Reporter the bar is high, only two president have been impeached, Andrew Johnson and bill clinton, both were acquitted but when it comes to donald trump talk of impeachment has been swirling around him ever since he was sworn in, maybe before. Just this week the president said it would be bad for the country. I dont know how you can impeach somebody who has done a great job. If i ever got impeached i think the market would crash. Reporter first, Impeachment Charges are introduced in the house based on treason, bribery or other High Crimes And Misdemeanors, the House Committee investigates whether the charges are warranted and if yes, lay out the accusations. A simple majority is needed to improve the articles of impeachment and advance the case to the senate. The senate and conduct a trial presided over by the chief justice of the united states, in this case john roberts. Conviction occurs if two thirds of the senate finds the president guilty. It is not clear exactly what the crime is donald trump has committed at this point but critics are working hard to find one. The conviction of his former Campaign Chair and guilty plea from a former lawyer on tax evasion and other charges most of the media is drumming up a firestorm. The president is clearly guilty of High Crimes And Misdemeanors. He should resign his office or be impeached. Impeach trump. There are deep and difficult and troubling questions and criminal law shouldnt be used against people when it is up in the air and confused. Shannon last year several democrats introduced articles of impeachment against the president and while those efforts failed some save democrats take back the house this november, they could certainly be emboldened to try again. Shannon thank you very much. Lets talk about it with our panel, Fox News Contributor guy benson, people have been impeached but no one has been kicked out of office is what i meant to say. All the stuff that has not happened under those circumstances. The president talked about how the markets will crash if he is impeached and certainly there is instability and insecurity when these kinds of things happen. Wall street analysts generally agree a protracted impeachment fight could weigh on stocks giving trump to any drop on wall street would be based on the uncertainty of the outcome rather than a real fear of a post trump presidency. Wall street and stocks are resilient. Stocks may not have dropped, it is a Roller Coaster and other business initiatives. Is a great economy . Stocks have been up on the barack obama, i think the president is taking too much credit for the economy and what will happen to the stock market simply because of his presence in the white house. Shannon there are those in the beltway, it and risking a higher turnout among Donald Trumps supporters. I dont think it is a Conspiracy Theory that the white house if trump does not have impeachable offenses that are lodged against him against this futile gambit by the democrats, they would love to feed off of that and paint the resistance as extreme and fire up their own base and that is why the democratic leadership does not want to talk about this yet. The president talked to Ainsley Ehrhardt saying how can you impeach someone who is doing a good job . Articles of impeachment would not say count one, doing a great job. It would be a high crime or misdemeanor and nowhere in that ballpark yet. The thing that surprises me about the democratic leadership is how they are not being terribly subtle about their opinion on this, telling their members, lets not talk about this now but lets have the voters have their say and then talk about it. It is obvious what their plan is. Your republican or part of the gop, there is no need to talk about it. Democrats should be forced to talk about it. The likelihood of an Impeachment Vote is higher than they want to admit. Impeachment legislation was introduced long before cohen implicated donald trump but they took two votes, the second one, 66 democrats said lets move forward. They split with Party Leadership even back then. Theres nothing to talk about. It is inherent that if you get the majority in the house and senate and given democrats and this president has given them a lot of reasons to want to impeach him beyond the politics. The mueller investigation, cohen is still cooperating and once that is completed was a lot of democrats think to figure out whether to impeach someone or not, democrats are right to read their answers in that. Lets say democrats controlled the house right now, same facts, circumstances exactly the same as they are today, if nancy pelosi were speaker with their be serious talk of impeachment . What is the incentive . Two thirds over there. Democrats under the scenario. Comey. And High Crimes And Misdemeanors not based shannon you dont think that rises to High Crimes And Misdemeanors. I disagree. We will talk about the high word many times again. Up is down, black is white, hot is called, two months before the Midterm Election could new jersey be trending read and texas going. . The latest numbers right after this. You shouldnt be rushed into booking a hotel. With expedias addon advantage, booking a Flight Unlocks discounts on select hotels until the day you leave for your trip. 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Michigan state Democratic Party doing the fake hack attack and it is called in russia you could see the confusion. Mystery solved. Shannon we have a mystery about what voters care about, healthcare is number one, not something we heard about on capitol hill. It pops up here and there but democrats talk about it but republicans dont want to talk about it because they screwed up. They had their chance, eight years to put together a replacement for obamacare. They have done a good job taking it away but havent done a good job replacing it and what republicans have known for a long time was repeal, once you got to a certain point enough people were Getting Health Insurance through these programs including expansion of medicaid and subsidies for middleclass people so they could buy insurance if youre not giving them a replacement it is a nonstarter. Democrats know that and this is an issue that dovetails with the key demographic, suburban, collegeeducated moms. What about your Health Insurance . Could we look at the graphic One More Time . Shannon we can work down. If we saw it again we would see 50 control of the house, 54 , those are people who say i dont care, i am voting to take it away from the republicans or take away from the democrats. No offense to those voters. Shannon what does that have to do with what we were talking about which is impeachment . These are people they call the base because they always vote. Hard partisans and they are going to march for their party. Issues like healthcare, issues like the economy and other things is how you move swing voters you need that will decide whether or not there are two scenarios, when is they hold the house by ten seats. Then there is another one where they lose by 30 seats and both of those are in play right now. Those voters will decide which end of the spectrum it is. Shannon that would not be good news for them. We have a lot of that. I will say, to be out of the team is gigantic for them. You know the special phenomenon, americans hate congress. The other 434. Can we go to new jersey, we have a situation where the democrat incumbent bob menendez got in legal trouble. One of the races, 49 of people believe he is involved in, quote, serious wrongdoing. Although he was cleared legally of these issues, a tighter race than people expect. Remember pigpen from a Charlie Brown cartoon . Mendez have a pigpen situation going on. Things he admitted to doing, being friends with the Guy Gaming The Medicare System and being friendly friends with this guy is not a good look. Even in new jersey where there might be a lower standard in west virginia, lower standard for ethical conduct among politicians and the republicans, self funding, moderate businessman who offered a viable alternative so the race looks close. You mentioned texas earlier. Within four points. A Charismatic House member, running against ted cruz in the race looks close but all i would sell you all i would say to you is august is going to look different than late september. What will happen is partisans will come home to roost and both parties are looking at fools gold whether it is new jersey or texas i dont know. Shannon a lot of undecideds out there. You are always paying attention. New information as we track Hurricane Lanes Path Approaching Hawaii and you thought the left didnt like donald trump, now it is the Vice President collapse, quote, Extreme Niceness that has them up in arms. Of bedrock. Meet george jetson. His boy elroy. With instant acceleration, electric cars are more fun to drive and more affordable than ever. Electric cars are here. Plug into the present. With Uncontrolled Moderor atopic dermatitis, you never know how your skin will look. And it can feel like no matter what you do, youre itching all the time. 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Shannon fox news alert, looking at live images from diamond head in or who, hawaii, Hurricane Lane remains a powerful category 3 storm as it hits the big island but is expected to have a major potentially lifethreatening impact on the Hawaiian Islands. Adam housley reports. Reporter the storm is expected to drench the Hawaiian Islands late tonight, early in the morning on the east coast. As it comes ashore using the conditions here as well. The last couple hours you can see that the sea has become more rugged, more choppy as we get rain bands coming through. And pummeling the big island, 30 miles to the east, hammering the east side of the big island with 15 inches coming down or the 12 hour timeframe, that rain will come our way and drench us, as we moved to the east. The storm is breaking down a bit which is good but it is sitting here which could be bad. When you talk to those who decided to stay preparations began several days ago when people were warned about the storm. When you are talking, they will tell you they feel prepared even though they are not sure what to expect. Hunker down in a hotel room. At least a category for, not even going to be interesting. It is going to be exciting. We get some wind gusts. It is more a rain event than a wind event. On maui, a lot of airlines canceled flights on friday in preparation as lane comes this way. Live in the fox news extreme Weather Center tracking the hurricane tonight. Some good news out of the National Hurricane center, the forecast cohen has shifted west. Maybe not having as big an impact but the rain is already having big impact on the eastern side, 19 inches of rain, incredible flooding going on across the eastern side, big mountains 13,000 feet high, a lot of moisture out of the air mass. On the western side of maui as well. Bashir we have been talking about impacting more breaking the storm down a little bit, category 3, major hurricanes. The forecast cohen, all the islands remaining out of the cone at this point. That is great news. By tomorrow afternoon it is pulling north and we expect this westerly turn. We are mostly done with this. Sunspots likely 30 inches of rain and where you get that rain, we have mudslides and flooding as well. Shannon thank you for working late with us. There has been plenty of bias against the Vice President since the day mike pence was added to the gop ticket. A new book titled The Shadow President claims he is a christian supremacists. Frank bruni describes it there are problems with impeaching donald trump, the big one is the holy terror waiting in the wings, that would be mike pence. He is self infatuated, a big it, also a liar, also cool. Here to discuss, ben shapiro the daily wire, great to have you with us. A holy terror . This is how you got trump. You say mitt romney is the worst guy in the world and before the john mccain was the worst guy the world and then how about we nominate this guy . The guy who punches everything and it turns out no matter how bad the republicans supposedly is the next republican will inevitably be worse. Mike pence will be a worse person, scarier person than donald trump. You think there is some limit to the lengths the left will go to portray a republican is bad but no matter how much they hit trump the next guy they dont like as much or more because he is the next guy. Shannon why is it so easily and openly discussed and marked among a lot of folks out there mainstream and on the left the idea of having devout Christian Faith . Omarosa anyone wishing for impeachment might remember we will beg for the date of trump is pence becomes president , he is directed by heidi to agree with trump no matter what and remember this from joy behar on the view in february. One thing to talk to jesus, it is another thing when jesus talks to you. That is called Mental Illness if im not correct. Shannon she apologized, heres what she said. I think mike pence is right, i was raised to respect everyones religious faith and i fell short of that. I sincerely apologize for what i said. Shannon why is it okay to christian so much . Because there is a baseline level of hatred for christians on the cultural left and it is most evident in new york and los angeles. Is this belief that everybody who deeply believe their faith is a big it. The reason they are acting it out is not because they believe their religion but they are using their religion as a cover for bigotry, the sort of thing they used with that cake shop, not that he is a christian or has to abide by religious standards but he hates gay people and trans people using religion as a cover, the same sort of thing about mike pence, theres a radical tendency among religious people, they use jesus or the bible as an excuse, none of that is true but it demonstrates the militant secularism and shows why putting people who believe that in charge of government is dangerous because if they believe religious folks are by Nature Bigots and only using this religious talk to cover up their bigotry no wonder they crackdown on folks with a religious bent despite the constitution was specifically designed to preserve their religious freedom. Shannon this goes pretty far with the language, talking about him being a christian supremacists and warning people if he becomes president youre looking at a theocracy. Makes it so like the mullahs of iran are taking over in the us. I find it bewildering the same folks claiming mike pence is going to run a theocracy once a federal gun control. It is truly amazing. It is also amazing the folks saying mike pence once to run of theocracy, the fact that mike pence is a constitutional conservative who wants to limit the size and scope of government. The only people who want to rule from above by instituting their moral preferences on society from the top down are the folks on the left who want to invade rights on a regular basis and force people to do things they dont want to do. It is more common on the left and the right, using their own theocratic tendencies which a lot of folks on the radical left the as a godlike figure. Using that the aquatic tendency and projecting onto people like mike pence, quite disgusting. Shannon circle back to what you said earlier, fail to see it is precisely this kind of elitist bigotry that fuels trump and they wonder why their readership is declining and people continue to vote for candidates they believe are crazy. Thank you for joining us, great to have you with us. The secretary of education as a new plan for School Safety the same day we are getting a new look at what happened, a daring trek through hurricane to save the life of a young boy, tonights midnight hero. Reese witherspoon tonight dare to dream big. All the Laughter Kevin Heart if you change one letter in cancer it becomes dancer, what . All the stars tom hanks keep this movement going strong. Every Network Every star kevin bacon dream big with us. One night to save lives get ready to see it all tune in live, September 7th 8 7 central people he receive money from a taxpayerfunded scheme for families of Murder Victims getting 7500. New video of what happened in february during the massacre in florida. The images come as theres talk of an effort to arm teachers in Public Schools across the country. Phil keating has details from miami. Opposition build all day against the education secretarys federal funding for the first time to put guns in schools into the hands of teachers, democrats vowing to block it by all means necessary and some republicans dont like the idea either. Education secretary betsydevos talk to a man who lost his son, alex. The worst hours of my life. What are the most important considerations looking at how to make schools safer . Reporter the boss herself is answering that question, using federal funds to put weapons in the hands of educators by allowing academic grant money, to arm teachers and apply for the grants. Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren tweeted now that the divorce devos once to use federal education dollars to put guns and classrooms, the dumbest idea i have ever heard. In florida newly released camera footage outside stuntman Douglas High School shows the terror among the students, the urgency of Law Enforcement to find the shooter. The state Supreme Court ordered its releasing actions of deputies during the shooting was in the Public Interest but the videos do not show what officers allege, when they arrived, four Broward Deputies On Scene were taking cover behind cars or trees instead of storming the building when students were bleeding and dying. These videos do not show or prove that. This evening a funding bill for the Department Of Education past 807 without addressing the grant money for guns but this fight likely is not over since the house and senate must merge their bills later this fall. Shannon thank you very much. Tonight two heroes on the anniversary of hurricane harvey, doctor Stephen Kendall will perform Emergency Surgery on a teenager at Clearlake Regional Medical Center in western texas. The streets were flooded. Canon mccall and met him at his home. The two men ran the first leg of the journey, a mile through water 6 to 8 inches deep, drove the second part and finally had to finish it up. They finished the last halfmile waiting through waist deep water to get to the clinic where kimmel was able to complete the surgery. They are all heroes. Mostwatched, most trusted, most grateful you spent the evening with us, good night from washington, i am shannon bream. 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