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A recap of the days headlines and a look at whats in store for tomorrow. Executive order, the National Security exception in the Executive Order was invoked, we never had a situation where a president did it on his own, no process, no outline of what the concerns work and he just unilaterally revoked it. We dont know how the court would view this. The president suggesting we get discovery and go back through your emails and find out how much you are paid to get on different shows and other things. Is that enough to scare john brennan away from this . I dont think so. When he shows up is fairly political. If he has merit to his claim or argument to the story, there are reasons for both sides, some say the president wants to continue if it benefits them, brennan says it benefits them because as you could see, playing the role of martyr, it is unclear how this plays out because both seem to think continuing this conversation makes sense for both of them. Shannon we have this report that don mcgann has spent time talking with the special counsel, no one seems very upset or worried about it, not like they didnt know. All three Editorial Board pieces say donald trump had to waive Executive Privilege for Mister Mcgann to cooperate with mister mueller, he cooperated only after mister trump waived any privilege claim, not what you would expect if he was leading a coverup. Additional reporting indicated they retroactively take it back, somehow tried to pull back the privilege after the fact, you cant do that. I messed that up. Once you sit down and answer question you waive the privilege and are not going to say i cant answer that. The president gave him permission, nothing to hide. He relied on that prior guidance. We dont know what his original lawyers new about the situation. They lets don mcgann talk for 30 hours. Even if he did say something jillian people are saying the legal team at the time, they have been taught the folks were defending the president saying he didnt say anything incriminating and nothing to worry about. All the details are out. He provided 30 hours of testimony. All this information is here. If don mcganns statement it would be one more reason not to sit down because it is a mountain of evidence against whatever the president recalls and perjury becomes a problem. I want to talk to you about brett cavanagh, the nominee to the Supreme Court taking Anthony Kennedys seat, he is turning to meet with heavy hitters on the democratic side, Diane Feinstein and these things coming up, these memos released by the National Archives from when he worked for the Bush White House and Kenneth Starr about the questions he was posing for then have these documents and when we are getting them. Does that work with the nominee . This is a lot of politics at play, coming up before the election, this particular nominee almost certainly if theres ever a subpoena has to address these questions of the scope of special Counsel Authority and continue the context of the original premise, original point, i had to wash my eyes out with soap to remember what we were dealing with 20 years ago. That concerns misuse of authority and abuse of power. Jillian the senators say they expect Brett Kavanaugh to recuse himself from any case from the trump administration. Nobody can recuse a justice but themselves. Great to see you both, come x in. Top stories tonight in contrast to the democrats new rally, something to abolish ice, donald trump on is the top immigration and Border Enforcement Agencies with a special white house ceremony today. Garrett tenney has more on how heated this topic is. The white house wanted to send a clear message that unlike a Growing Number of democrats this Administration Fully supports our Immigration Enforcement agencies and the work they do to keep us safe at the salute to the heroes event, he on of the men and women of ice and blasted democrats who want to abolish ice. Incredible people, you do an unbelievable job, you are not appreciated enough. Politicians who become aliens before american citizens should find a new line of work because it is not going to work. The president believes immigration is a winning issue for republicans in the midterm elections in use todays event to go after democrats once again claiming they are weak on crime and want open borders. We are building the wall stepbystep. It is not easy because we have opposition from democrats, they dont mind crime, they dont mind crime, pretty sad and i think we have much more of a red wave than what you are going to see as a phony. Wave, blue wave means crime, it means open borders, not good. This past weekend it wasnt just democrats going after ice, Media Outlets went wild when they learned ice agents arrested and illegal immigrant from mexico who was on the way to the hospital with his pregnant wife. One detail they left out of the headlines apart from being a scheduled csection is the man is wanted for murder and mexican prosecutors asked the us for Help Tracking him down. The acting Deputy Director of ice defended the arrest. This was a referral we got, we did surveillance to find out when they lived and none of the ice offices that made that arrested anything wrong. A lot of progressives are calling for ice to be abolished, many moderate democrats are worried those efforts could backfire and hurt the partys chances of retaking the house in november and that is something the president and republicans agree on as well. Shannon the president predict immigration will be the major issue separating the two parties in the november elections, critics say he is using Law Enforcement officers for inappropriate political purposes. Georgia republican senator david purdue won the praise of donald trump. Thank you for being with us. I want to play a little more of what the president had to say about saying dont cooperate with federal immigration and it is time to abolish ice. Heres what he said. A small group that gets a lot of publicity because they have no courage, they have no guts, just have big loudmouths and we dont want to put up with that and i want you to know that you are loved. Is he playing politics with this . When you hear him talk privately this is an impassioned president. You side publicly. The message was very clear. We have your backs, appreciate what you do. Shannon the Washington Post quoted in active ice director who said they rolled out the red carpet for ice and theres something to be said for more out but you are doing it in a way that politicizes it, it will take years of work to reform ices reputation, they could be tarnished forever is a tool of the far right. Democrats have taken such an extreme position, but the bottom line with most americans viewpoint, candidate for Attorney General talking about putting suits of the concise. Jillian i want to play this, this is part of the video talking about that. Is Attorney General i will continue to speak out against ice. I will prosecute ice for their criminal acts and as candidate for ag this is important, to speak out, to abolish ice. I said that is in an american position when i was asked that question and seems to me what we got, people calling for abolishment of ice are more worried about the people who perpetrate the crimes against americans than they are protecting americans. That is the top Law Enforcement person in new york talking about the rights of the criminal, not the rights of the victims. Shannon what about these different localities where we see them protesting not wanting to help ice, occupy ice in portland and other places where people were fearful about trying to get to and from work and do their jobs. The president knows that Sanctuary Cities have to go. This then abomination, he made a point we are a country of laws, his First Response ability is to protect american citizens within the constitution. He takes it very seriously and you saw and energized and passionate and emotional president about this. Jillian senators in august in dc, you really pushed hard for it last year. Are you going to get some substance done . We hope so. We are in a position we havent been in in 15 years, taking up a bill with hhs and we havent done that in 15 years. We havent passed all the Appropriation Bills in 20 years. We are trying to do two things, one is to go after the nomination, we have 300 nominees waiting for confirmation. This is the height of democratic obstructionism, it is historic in the second thing is to get these Appropriation Bills funded. Shannon there is a return to regular order with spending bills with the Supreme Court nomination coming up so thanks for making the stop here, thank you. When we return, 2 dozen former miss americas calling for Gretchen Carlson to resign over claims of bullying. The leadership to include the Board Of Directors complicit in this and to move forward and actually heal, need to do the right thing. Joining us live, Miss America 2011 is one of those calling for the resignation talking to fox news at made exclusively. Later on one of the biggest conservative voices in radio and social media joins us with stunning new claims about censorship. Facebook says it is a big misunderstanding. We will bring both sides when dennis joins us live. This wifi is fast. I know i know i know i know when did brian move back in . Brians back . He doesnt get my room. Hes only going to be here for like a week. Like a month, tops. Oh boy. Wifi fast enough for the whole family is simple, easy, awesome. In many cultures, young men would stay with their families until their 40s. Shannon this is a fox news alert. Brandnew chilling revelation strengthen fox news alert, brandnew revelations in the case of a colorado man accused of killing his pregnant wife and two young daughters. An Arrest Affidavit said he was having an affair and he claims his wife strangled their two daughters shortly after he asked for a separation. He told authorities that sentiment to a fit of rage and he strangled his wife. He is charged with 9 Felony Counts including three firstdegree murder charges. Miss america is accusing Pageant Leadership of manipulation and bullying and tonight a Growing Number of former miss americas are coming forward and support and calling for the resignation of the pageants entire Board Of Directors. Trace gallagher is on the case. Reporter in a matter of weeks this is gone from Back Channel Grumbling to accusations and allegations in the national media. The Tipping Point likely came friday, with a 5page letter saying she had been bullied by Regina Hopper and chairman Gretchen Carlson, former fox news anchor. Carl monroe, quote, our chair and ceo systematically silenced me, reduced me, marginalized me and he raced me in my role in subtle and notsosubtle ways on a daily basis, she goes on to claim she has been left out of interviews, not invited to meetings and called the wrong name but last night Gretchen Carlson hit back on twitter, quote, actions have consequences, friday we learned 75,000 in scholarships which would have been the first scholarship increase in years is no longer on the table as a direct result of the explosive allegations in your letter. Carlson did not explain how the Scholarship Money was lost and before her tweet was fully absorbed in the Social Media Bloodstream A petition of 20,000 signatures, 27 State Organizations and 21 former miss americas were Carling On Carlson to step down, three former miss americas called up carlson on nbc and abc. Watch. This person has taken the responsibility for the way she has treated our Current Miss America. Of 5. Page letter explaining how she has been treated is appalling. We are not going to do the Victim Shaming here. Im sure she didnt want that when she was part of the me too movement and the sponsorships will return when they see we are willing to do the right thing. Jackson is referring to her Sexual Harassment allegations against roger ailes. The miss America Pageant released a statement that it supports her but her letter contains mischaracterizations and unfounded accusations. Thanks very much, joining us exclusively another former miss america who is adding her name to be called for the board to step down. Miss america 2011 joins us, welcome, teresa. I want to read a little more of the letter, the rhetoric about empowering women and openness and transparency is great but the reality is quite different, she talked about being controlled, manipulated, silenced and believed. What was your reaction when you saw the letter that she went public asking for another former miss americass help. I found her letter incredibly brave because it is atypical to speak up when people in power are involved in these situations and she knows there may be back lash against her, so her letter was really impressive to me because even now see in statements the Miss America Organization has issues they are in many ways now blaming her and saying she should not have spoken up which is exactly what she was talking about when she referenced being silenced constantly and sad to see that continuing. Let me read more of what Gretchen Carlson who chairs the Miss America Board Put a lengthy twitter statement in which she said i want to be clear that i have never bullied or silenced you. She went on to talk about actions have consequences, we lost 75,000 in scholarships as a direct result of the explosive allegations in your letter. A lot of folks had a visceral reaction to that feeling they are putting blame on her for speaking up and going public. Exactly what i thought when i saw that. I had waited for some time to form my own opinions about this. We had a call with gretchen a couple days ago in which she tried to answer questions many former miss americas hadnt been released this statement and while i dont think her intentions are bad i dont think she is understanding the impact of the things she is saying and doing so she had initially said she should have come to her privately rather than writing a letter to all of us and now she is doing the same thing, she wrote this letter and released it on twitter in which she is blaming cara saying she needs to support the pageant so again silencing her the same way cara explained. When i saw that it confirmed for me what is going on and made me realize i do need to support her in this and the bravery it took to come forward in the retribution she might be facing the. On gretchens i love and respect her as a person but as a leader she needs to understand the responsibility she has in the impact her words and actions of cost, that is different from having good intentions because her intentions may be good but the impact is still there. She hasnt really accepted that and i see no true acknowledgment which are which concerns me. Jillian let me review something a bit snarky from this womans journal, this brouhaha between the Current Miss America whose name i never knew and the reigning pageant executives seems much of do about nothing, trying to turn a Beauty Pageant into a socially responsible celebration of womankind always seemed farfetched to me by trying to be all things to all women, it went from irrelevant to irritating and less then a minute it takes to produce another pageant. In full disclosure from my time as Miss Virginia and the miss america finalist the money enables me to go to college with no debt so i saw a great benefit but obviously it is a bit of turmoil and transition. How the response of those who say the program is not worthwhile for women anyway . Reporter i won miss america when i was 17 years old but i am now starting my first year of law school at uc berkeley and i also joined the air force, the Air National Guard and i believe miss america empowered me to do those things and im doing it while a single mom and i dont think i ever would have had the same opportunities without miss america and while we are not all things to all women, i believe miss america is a vital part of our society for women in empowering them, giving them a platform, providing Scholarship Money and so many things an outsider might not see but someone who has been in the program for years and had that firsthand experience i know what it has done for my life and other women. Shannon it is not for everyone but if it is something they want to do, both of us having benefited greatly i hope the program is able to mend people to come together and be a positive force for other women, thank you very much. When we return the latest dust up over claims that social media is conservative posts and videos, the host of Dennis Prager radio show joins us live with the scoop next. His boy elroy. With instant acceleration, electric cars are more fun to drive and more affordable than ever. Electric cars are here. Plug into the present. Shannon knew tonight come a Growing Number of conservatives are complaining about alleged cen shannon a Growing Number of conservatives complaining about alleged censorship on facebook. A nonprofit conservative educational site calling out the Social Media Giant for blocking recent videos and posts from reaching 3 million followers, Facebook Says it was a mistake but prager says that is not the only Social Media Platform that tried to censor his conservative message. Lets talk to Dennis Prager. I want to read some of these posts you found out were going nowhere. 3 million followers and no one seeing it. 3 million followers and 1 billion views this year. Jillian but couldnt go anywhere. Baseball represents the best of america, sounds very treasonous. Known to be hatemonger. Jillian why do young people have a warped concept of america . Israels right to exist, Alan Dershowitz explains, your kid will respect you once you respect your self. These were not going anywhere your videos were taken. It began with youtube and google and they put dozens of our videos, 340 total on their restricted list which means theoretically it is pornographic or violent. Shannon is it either . George will talking about baseball as the american sport doesnt meet the definition of pornography or violence. Alan dershowitz is a lifelong liberal. It doesnt matter. Of the left doesnt like what you do they censor you. I need to emphasize this. The left doesnt believe in free speech and half of the students in college today dont believe in freespeech or hate speech but they declare what is hate speech. We dont have one word of hate. We have a psychiatrist who gives a talk on how to learn to forgive. A Rabbi Giving A talk on not gossiping. This is as sweet a website as you can find. Shannon it sounds inflammatory. Facebook said we mistakenly removed these videos and restore the because they dont break their standard. This result in a reduction in content distribution, we are very sorry and are continuing to look into what happened. I am skeptical but i want to give them the benefit of the doubt. If a come back to us and say this is why it happened and we fired the guy who did it because we understand how bad this is i will be very impressed. I suspect no one will pay a price. I suspect there will be another mistake in the future but the larger issue, what is happening at the university is happening on the internet. Suppression of all nonleft if Americans Dont Awaken to this we will lose the unique thing of america which is free speech. Shannon we had poll numbers talking about how people on College Campuses dont think the First Amendment should protect speech they find offensive. I dont know if they familiar with the Westboro Baptist gang who won Supreme Court on free speech, but google and youtube, the judge kicked it out, got it on appeal the part of the ruling was the judge that you cant have a First Amendment case because this isnt a government or state actor. The best analogy i can give is if delta or american or united announced we wont allow anybody on who carries the wall street journal on board. They are a private company, they can make their own rules but everybody understands when youre the conduit for millions of people and there are only three Major Airlines you are not just a private Country Company with idiosyncratic rules and same holds with these people, they control more information than anyone controlled in the history of mankind, that is a big deal. Shannon it is personal for you but you are worried about broader implications. You are on appeal to the ninth circuit. What do you think your chances are . There are chances because the judge did not dismiss the case. We can appeal. She did not say without prejudice. Likewise she said it was mere puffery that they claim they were open. That is a big deal. She gave us leeway. I have said all along if youtube, google and facebook announced we are only receptive to leftwing views, i have no argument. It is the fraud that they claim to be open that is so appalling. Shannon twitter said it is not about content but actions and other things. Glad you made it, good to see you. Up next, iran feels the effects of sanctions as they pull the plug on an oil deal and the pope speaks against the clergy sexual abuse scandal. We have the latest was reaction from the biases of pittsburgh. Whatever it takes to curb this problem needs to be done. Of nowhere. You do, too, but not in time. 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The letter from the pope amid new Sex Abuse Scandals for the church in pennsylvania. Punishments for the accused. Josh schapiro calls the popes that are powerful and hopes it will convince church leaders, pittsburgh bishop said they have made drastic improvements over 30 years and pushed back against calls for his resignation. The church is different today. I can say clearly in the course of the last 30 years we have been a leader in implementing a number of reforms that were meant to protect children and respond to it. Reporter the Archbishop Of Washington Dc met with his counsel of priests just hours after the letter was released, he is accused of protecting nearly 100 abusive priests during 18 years as bishop. He is no longer defending the annual World Meeting of families in ireland. He was supposed to give the keynote address, no explanation was given for the cancellation. Reporter thank you very much. A rare moment of cooperation. Despite rising tensions between the us and turkey. Turkish authorities announcing the arrest of two suspect in connection with the shooting at the American Embassy in istanbul. A statement from the us embassy praised fast and professional action of the turkish government and police as well as their support and protection. A moment of solidarity as donald trump continues to battle turkey over to refusal to release an american pastor accused of plotting a coup, charges he had only denies. French oil Giant Totalme quitting its multibilliondollar gas project in iran is the was implement its first round of tough sanctions. Carmakers dialer and renault dropping plans to invest in iran along with deutsche telekom. A new report, rescuing venezuela as failing economy, an increase to gas prices and introduction of a new currency that comes with a 3000 increase to the minimum wage. Critics say the changes make matters worse. Without the new reforms, they photographed how much everyday items currently cost, toilet paper would cost 2. 6 million and a kilogram comes in at 3 million. That is scary. Economists warned inflation in venezuela could hit 1 million . First lady Milania Trump Planning her First Official solo trip through several african countries in october. The first lady said she is excited to educate herself on issues facing children and learning about its rich culture and history. She recently launched the usbased effort focused on the wellbeing of children. An emotional reunion decades after being ripped apart corrosive separated by the korean war are finally united. That is next. The wrinkles. And i dont add up the years. But what i do count on. Is staying happy and healthy. So, i add protein, vitamins and minerals to my diet with boost®. New boost® high protein nutritional drink now has 33 more highquality protein, along with 26 essential and minerals your body needs. 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Relatives will spend 3 days but 11 supervised hours together. North korea does not want his people learning much about the outside world. They mean nothing without a Firm Commitment to denuclearization and that is what the us once. There is another summit coming up and everyone will be looking at that with concrete evidence they are moving in the right direction. Tonight midnight he rose in long beach, california, rescued Larry Watkins and her chihuahua when there suv flew over the rails, looks like they got stuck. As the men jumped in and attempting to lift larry through the water, the Water Pressure was causing the windows to rise. All 3 made it out without injury. Merry thanked them, here are still dry and they didnt even mess up my lipstick. Unlike the truck which was extracted by the Long Beach Fire Department those heroes jumped right in and didnt waste any time. Mostwatched, most trusted, most grateful you spent your evening with us. 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