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Fair and balanced. Later, longtime trump supporter roger stone is also here, as Paul Manafort is edging closer to a conclusion in the trial, they are fresh reports that Robert Mueller is now zeroing in on stone. Will this give more grace to critics who charge the special counsel is simply out of contro . Plus, well talk exclusively to interior secretary ryan zinke, fresh off a heartbreaking tour of northern california, details about the damage done by those wildfires. Hello, and welcome to fox news night. Im ed henry and for shannon bream. One of our viewer sent me a tweet today, demanding to know how covering omarosa helps our economy or because illegal immigration. She was right. Omarosa doesnt impact any of that, which begs the question, why has the president now tweeted six times in the last few days on omarosa . Tonight, well cover real issues, like those wildfires i mentioned, the attempted terror attacked in london, and several major primaries tonight, and the big Midterm Election year. But we start with it to my tale of the tapes that have caught the white houses attention. And our correspondent Trace Gallagher breaks it all down. Good evening, trees. Good evening, ed. As Omarosa Manigault newman continues promoting a new book which came out today, she remains involved in a very cost her backandforth of President Trump at the white house. The Trump Campaign is file a lien arbitration complaint against her, alleging she is in breach of a 2016 confidentiality agreement. This is all related to claims made by Maniguault Newman in her new book. Setting up new m allegations of sexism and racism, quoting, when you give a crazed, crying lowlife a break and give her a job at the white house, i guess i just didnt work out. Good work by general kelly for quickly firing that dog. Later on msnbc, Maniguault Newman responded to the president s tweet. Watch. I think that it just shows you that if he would say that publicly, what else would he say about me privately . He is absolutely no respect for women, for africanamericans. We should know that during her book to her, omarosa hasnt exactly bolstered her credibility. She has made numerous contradictory statements, including her claim that when they worked together on the apprentice, donald trump was caught on tape using multiple racial slurs. She had offered no evidence and apprentice creator mark burnett says the claim is false. But today, White House Press secretary Sarah Sanders was pressed on the issue and said she cant guarantee that the president has never been recorded using the nword but that she has never heard ed brady has also waited on the president calling omarosa a dog. Listen. This has nothing to do with race and everything to do with the president calling out somebody black of integrity. Quickly, ed, back to the allegation of donald trump using a racial slur. Today, turmeric, former Trump Campaign manager Corey Lewandowski said he never heard that word and there was never a conversation about a cape. Ed . Ed Trace Gallagher starting us off tonight. Thank you. The former spokesman for the 2017 Trump Campaign, current Senior Advisor to a 2020 campaign, Katrina Pierson, as i promised, back life to come on. Great to have you two nights in a row. Lets get this straight so we dont have you at their night in a row. Apparently omarosa was watching us last night because i got an email that you told trevor noah at the daily show she heard me tell you that you knew nothing about Conference Call, talking about whether the president used for nword, you said this was a movie script. So she she says, she released at least one of these audiotapes to show you lied to us. Look, first of all, that is not true as well. There are two of two things that occurred last night in our discussion. You have read for me a book excerpt that i have not seen because the book cannot come out yet, and you referenced mean having been speaking to the president. That is false. We have transcript today of the tapes that omarosa released that prove that to be true. Also, i will say, that omarosa actually played cbs today, ed. Ed how so . She has been on this campaign trail on her little book trail when her interview with chuck todd and Savannah Guthriee made a specific claim about me, and that is what i have been addressing in all of my interviews. Ed okay. Lets get to the point. Lets play the clip from last night. I was asking you about the president talking to longtime aide lynne patton about whether or not he had used this be 23. Lets play that and well get to the facts. Speak a long time trump aide reported she asked trump about it on the plane specifically, whether it was possible so trey tate might exist, and he said no. Then she, katrina, asked him what she wanted to do. Katrina cursed and said, he said it. Did that happen . [laughs] no, ed. That did not happen. It sounds like she is writing a script for a movie. I have already been out there talking about this, that is absolutely not true. Ed so you referenced a moment ago that the second time i said she last night, i said, she, Katrina Pierson, with the book says, you, when pearson. That i apologize. That is an honest mistake. That does not change the fact that you are now claiming they are triggered every phone calls, talking about women with jason miller im not claiming that, ed. Ed you told me that several times today. Let me get to the facts. I dont want to get two side issues. Bottom line is, there was one line with jason miller, one wita similar. Well get to miller and a second. The one without jason miller on cbs, omarosa says come according to a transcript you provided may come a point they are not aired yet, omarosa says, yeah, its out there, meaning this week 23 tape, it is just and Katrina Pierson cuts in, yeah, he said it. [bleep], okay. That is a roughly what she said in the book, that you cursed him as i ask you last night, and you said, he said it. He used for nword. You deny that to me. Absolutely. You know why . Im refuting a claim that omarosa made and ill say it again on chuck todd and Savannah Guthrie. Ed lets not talk about chuck todd. Lets talk about the state. Pardon me. Im not going to pardon me no, no, no the tape says that you said that he said it. You told me you never said that speak about is not. We were talking about ed you were not on tape. This is the question this is regards to a specific discussion check the tape of what he said on chuck todd and Savannah Guthrie she specifically said that i said and confirmed that donald trump said a derogatory term on a Conference Call with jason miller, that did not happen that is what im refuting what happened today, ed, what happened today, omarosa submitted two different tapes to cbs ed we will not get sidetracked. We have to ed no, no, pardon me. Its our show. Hang on one second. I will admit their struggle tapes. I will look to blame them. But first of all, im going to leave lead this discussion. The fact of the matter is, today, you clarified today and said, i just said, yes, he used the nword because they wanted to move the conversation along. That was a different discussion. To be when there are multiple discussions. If that is the truth, why didnt you tell me, ed, i dont know all the details of this book, i havent seen it, but i did say, yes, he used the nword to move the conversation along. You didnt say that last night. The question i was asked about this Conference Call with jason miller, the answer is, no. That was not said by the transcript is right here. Both calls the first call that you were talking about where she is claiming that i said that was in a totally different call where she was arguing with lynne patton about the existence of this tape. Let me explain some thing to omarosa has been using this tape to manipulate people, she is a bully, she is pushy, she is a dog with a bone in this tape ed you keep using dog lets go to the facts are not attacks. Absolutely prides me when you keep talking about a similar. The second call. That is the call shes referencing. Ed let talk about that call, lets get to the substance. On that call, you see in your Statement Today that basically, we were just sifting through rumors. In the jason miller call. He was a campaign aide. In fact, we have a transcript that you provided, okay, and here is what is on the tape. Jason miller says, its kind of tough to go out and drop something about whether the president uses the nword when you dont even know the context is. I hate to start emailing things around when we are just that is sifting through rumors. Guess what Katrina Pierson says. Its true. Thats true you dont want to go around making these accusations and coming up with things its very true. Ed you say hang on. You just misquoted yourself. You said, i said, that is true. No, you said its true. The audio said, its true. Its true, you dont want to make those kinds of claims. If you back up, lynne patton says, thats true, because we are actually talking about, there is no evidence. We are saying, in this transcript, that there is absolutely nothing we can find, they are just rumors and innuendo about this tape and it is true that we cannot move forward with this without it rates me when you just use the term dog. The president called omarosa a dog. I was talking to you before the show, you have a son, you love him very much. I believe the president out of this. Do you raise your son to call a woman, any woman, in this country, a dog . This isnt about my son. Ed would be appropriate for you, or for me we will leave your son out of this. Pardon me. This is a personal issue with donald trump in omarosa. Ed well leave your son out of it and the president out of it. Would it be appropriate for me to call the woman a dog . Yes or no . It depends on what she did to you. I dont know what she did. Omarosa bit the hand that fed her. To me, that is what a dog is. The president has reference to several men as dogs, like mitt romney, he has others to a number of people. This is not just for omarosa. Ed as a woman, do you think its appropriate for any man to call the woman a dog . Really . As a woman, as a strong black woman, i think everyone should be able to defend themselves the best way they see fit, ed. Ed Katrina Pierson, thank you for coming back. Ill are the top story strata, the trial Paul Manafort took another unexpected turn today. The former Term Campaign chairman has decided not to take the stand. Our correspondent Kristin Fisher is here. Good evening. Hey, ed. The prosecution called on more than two dozen witnesses over the course of two weeks. Today, the defense directed and rested its case without calling a single witness. Including the man standing trial, Paul Manafort. His legal team says they did not mount a defense because they believe the prosecution has not met its burden of proof. So now it is time for closing arguments. They will start tomorrow morning, each side has been given up to two hours. So the judge has urged them to use last time. So it is possible that the jury could get the case as early as tomorrow afternoon. The defense has made a strong case, theyve argued that rick gates is not a reliable witness, that there are holes in his testimony. He is a hard at the same time, the prosecution had a ton of witnesses, a lot of evidence, it is going to be a tough an uphill run for mr. Manafort. The judge in this case has not made things easier for the prosecution. They had deliberated with a total jurors, opinionated judges from the bench. At one point, they asked the prosecution, do you think i made any such comments . Lead prosecutor, said yes. The judge asked for an example, and he said, many, but he specifically cited the moment during rick gates testimony,e said, manafort couldnt be that good at it because gets done matt gaetz allegedly stole money. Today, a slight victory for the prosecution, ed. He said that he will tell the jury to ignore what he said, to ignore those more those more opinionated remarks, and instead, focus on the evidence. Ed was focusing on something else. There are reports out there that long term Trump Advisor Roger stone might be next in muellers cross hairs. But he hearing about that . Is looking like. Hes come under scrutiny for his connection to wikileaks and lucifer 2. 0, whose strzok was a digital friend for brunch and intelligence officers, and now,s bringing in a growing number of people, from stones in our circle, to testify before a grand jury, including that man. I dont know anything about russian collusion. I never worked for roger in 2016, if i am being brought into testify about his character or some of the other people there, ive answered honestly. The fact that stone himself has not been called in for questioning is another clear sign that he could potentially be a subject or a target of this investigation. Ed . Ed Kristin Fisher, i appreciate their reporting. As as a republican strategist rr stone next on the special counsel was . Stone joins us now live to tell us what he knows and what he doesnt. Good evening, mr. Stone. Thank you, ed. Great to be here. Ed we heard that clip from kristin davis, known as the manhattan madam. She got in trouble, so she has reformed her life, and youve hired her to do work. She is trying to turn things around and she basically says, somehow, the special counsel who is supposed to be looking at alleged russian collusion brought her in for questioning. What is this all about . They struck her with a bill for 1400 in child care for her testimony because she had to travel to washington. Kristin davis has no knowledge of russian collusion or wikileaks collaboration or any other illegal act on my part pertaining to the 2016 election or anything else. Nor does anybody else who has been paraded in front of the grand jury. This is quite simple. There is no such evidence. There is no such witness who can testify truthfully to the contrary. I really do regard those as the president says, as a witch hunt. That was a great report from a reporter but it was all speculation. Yes, i had an innocuous 24 Word Exchange with him on wikileaks direct messages come along after wikileaks had already published the allegedly hacked dnc emails. Innocuous. Ed you are saying thered be no crime to any alleged any talking to guccifer, wikileaks, what you are maintaining tonight. As you know, the case of Paul Manafort, i believe your partners in a firm in washington many years ago, it wasnt recent, but bottom line, Paul Manafort, doesnt appear, has nothing to do with russian collusion but is facing potentially many years in jail for crimes that have nothing to do with a 2016 election. Do you fear your next . It certainly is possible that a runaway federal prosecutor could conjure up some offense on my part in an effort to pressure me to testify against the president , or to just silence me because i have been, i think, and articulate critic of the partisan nature of the mueller process. But as to any crime relating to the election, russian collusion, wikileaks collaboration, or any other misdeed having to do the 2016 election, no. And no other offense that i am aware of. On the other hand, the grand jury system is a very onesided system. They ask you leading questions. Kristin davis said this morning on fox that when she tried to explain, they cut her off. You give an answer they dont lie, they cut you off. No, i think if they bring a case against me, it will be a fabricated case, and there is no circumstances whatsoever, ed, in which i will testify. Ed real quick, we are just talking about omarosa, she was on msnbc earlier today and invoked you. Listen to this. I think that roger stone right now is being investigated, and rightfully so. He has been one of those dark, shady characters in trump world for a very long time, and i think that they have their site sets properly on him. Ed he calls you a dark, shady character. Does omarosa know something about you that we dont and you know something about the president that you might tell Robert Mueller . A, look in the mirror, omarosa. You were the one who convinced the president to send a delegation to haiti for the inauguration of the corrupt regime, the same people who rip the country off after the earthquake. Now with different front fun. You thought the president was great until you got fired and now you say he is a racist. Secondarily, no, i have no information that would be negative toward the president. And i am not going to make any up in order to get out of a tight spot, some false allegation is brought against him. Ed 15 seconds. What is the bottom line here . It doesnt appear that Paul Manafort, who has been squeezed for a month on month, facing a long time potentially in jail, or you, have anything on the president. So why would the prosecutors be trying to squeeze you . I think because i have been a very effective advocate on behalf of the president , because im the conservatives and liberals love to hate. Ed, there is no russian collusion on my part, there is no wikileaks collaboration, there is no other illegal act pertaining to the 2016 election. Ed roger stone, well see if those facts hold up. We appreciate you coming into night. Meanwhile, after years of taking on unions and pushing assertive reforms, Governor Scott walker may be the one republican who gets democrats in his date and agitated as the president does. How did that play out in tonights big midwestern primaries . Who better to ask minority political anchor, bret baier . He standing by. Well find out of the Domestic Violence allegations against a top democrat, Keith Ellison, effective as primary run in minnesota. Details next. Minnesota gentlemen, i have just received word the louisiana purchase, is complete instant purchase notifications from capital one. So you wont miss a purchase large, small, or very large. Technology this helpful. Could make history. Whats in your wallet . Timeit should be measuredsured byby how long steak lobster is back at outback. Back by popular demand, steak lobster starting at 15. 99 and time. Is limited, so hurry in today. Outback steakhouse. Aussie rules. And i dont add up the years. But what i do count on is boost®. Delicious boost® high protein nuritional drink now has 33 more protein, along with 26 essential vitamins and minerals boost® high protein. Be up for life. 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In many cultures, young men would stay with their families until their 40s. Ed results pouring in this hour is big primary elections take place in wisconsin, minnesota, connecticut, and vermont. Before we get to that, finally, a result from last weeks primary. Jeff colyer is conceding to immigration hawk and the trump backed candidate chris call back after a very tight race. Team covered right now on tonights big races. Chief political anchor, host of special report, bret baier, standing by with fresh analysis. Peter doocy, primary peat, and wisconsin. We begin with few Political Correspondent mike emanuel. We called him a means meeting streep mike last night. Live in minnesota with the latest on top democrat Keith Ellison facing scandal on this primary night. Getting in, mike. Good evening to you. Despite shocking allegations are made from a girlfriend the weekend before primary day, congressman Keith Ellison cruised to victory tonight here in minnesota. He was the strongest of five Democratic Candidates running for Minnesota Attorney general in terms of name i. D. And can pay in cash but allegations of emotional and physical abuse by his former girlfriend, karen monahan, threaten to derail his candidacy ahead of the primary. A short time ago, ellison was asked several time about the abuse claims, including by fox, and he questions. Well, they are not true, but tonight is about the victory. Well focus on that, well be talking about this other stuff in the next two days. We are not trying to avoid the topic. We will handle it. Ellisons former girlfriend at hers enclave there is Video Evidence of the abuse. A minnesota political analyst says if that is the case, it could be a ticking time bomb for ellisons political career. The real big issue now is whether or not his exgirlfriend really does have a video and how does this play out in the next few weeks, because if the video does exist, that almost certainly answers career, but even the allegation floating out there certainly raises questions for some people about, lets say, his fitness to be ag. The shocker of the night came in the minnesota governors race. Former minnesota governor tim valenti losing his bid to return to the governor to mansion. It was thought that he would be a heavy favorite. Ed we appreciate the report. Heading over to the state, everybody has got their eyes on tonight, wisconsin. Republicans are choosing who will give senator Tammy Baldwin a run for her money in november, and exceed crucial for democrats. Key if they want to change the balance of power in those midterms. Correspondent peter doocy live in milwaukee. Good evening, peter. Good evening, ed. In that race, the outsider candidate, businessman and marine Kevin Nicholson could not turn a huge fundraising advantage into a primary win. He just conceded a few minutes ago, theyve started to break down the stage. That means that the candidate who will face the incumbent democrat, Tammy Baldwin, in november, is going to be leah vukmir, who was a favorite of paul ryan and scott walker and Reince Priebus and a lot of g. O. P. Establishment type folks here in wisconsin. Another race, wisconsins republican Governor Scott walker did get a democratic apartment tonight. The state School Superintendent tony devers, who easily emerged from an eight person democratic field. He is an outspoken opponent of walkers most famous legislation that reined in unions collective Bargaining Power and evers also poses a 10 billion electronic plan that fox gone wants to build here. He accuses walker, his soontobe opponent, of giving them a handout. Ryan has walker, rather, has already won mike two gubernatorial elections and he beat back a really dumb a great call try so evers is going to ho make a fourth time a turn for the democrats. National Democratic Leaders are also hoping to flip the seat being vacated by by the retirig speaker paul ryan. They found their candidate in november. Its going to be randy the iron stanch sells price. He said he will go to d. C. And ryan can go work in a mine, that never happened. But his successor also unlike today, a former running aid, and he won by a sizable margin in the first district, so now paul ryan said in a statement, i will do everything i can to help his Fall Campaign and look forward to his victory in november. About 37 million was spent on the republican side and the democratic side in this primary. Republicans like their chances of flipping the seat because President Trump did win here in 2016. Obviously, didnt go the way the nicholson headquarters wanted tonight but now we know, leah vukmir is going to be facing Tammy Baldwin, trying to flip the seat in november. The one big race ahead. Peter doocy, appreciate it. Host of special report, bret baier. What we are looking at tonight is how this sets the mood, how this sets the table for 2020, looking down, as peter mentioned, wisconsin, something this president carried unexpectedly, minnesota, where mike is, the president said, if they had only let me go there more, i told them i could win, and it was very tight in minnesota. This race tonight with tim pawlenty losing to the county commissioner, jeff johnson, was fascinating, because you had two guys who criticized President Trump, canada trump, on the campaign, and spent this campaign saying how much they didnt mean it. Who didnt been at the most . Tim pawlenty, two term governor, former governor, obviously, former president ial candidate, supposed to be ed supposed to be one of the hopes of the republican party. He loses to this guy, and now this is going to be a head up against the u. S. Democratic congressman tim walz, he won tonight. Also, the Minnesota State senator karen housley, she won the public and primary, to fill the seat of al franken that was filled by tina smith, the lieutenant governor, now sitting senator. Interesting about this, this is not in anybodys radar. It should be. This race could be closer than people think. Housley is the wife of the buffalo sabers head coach, phil housley, former washington capital, former nhl former nhl hall of famer ed the stanley cup champion there. You know, hockey plays in minnesota. Dont discount this race. It is not one that is on the front burner but it could be one that is really close in the end. Ed and we lets stay in minnesota for a second because mike emanuel mention Keith Ellison. This is not just about a state attorney general race, in the b2 era, you have allegations of domestic abuse, he has sharply denied. He said that he will talk about in the days ahead. This is someone who is the first muslimamerican elected to congress, and as a deputy dnc chair, a big party official, supposed to be a rising star, who is in a lot of trouble. I think you will see more questions now that hes over this hump. It was fascinating to watch the Media Coverage or lack of coverage. You had the allegations against congressmen, republican congressman Chris Collins that he denies as well, didnt have to do with domestic abuse, had to do with finances, he was clobbered in the media. This went on covered by large Media Outlets for a little while and now hes addressing it but he is will knock this primary. It could be an interesting race in the fall for attorney general. Ed something that has gotten a lot of coverage, some people believe too much coverage, is omarosa. We just booked to correct all my Katrina Pierson. Among the other things, heres what she said. Ed why didnt you tell me, ed, i didnt know all the details, but i did say, yes, he used this and were to use the conversation along whitesburg of the first call you are talking about where she is claiming i said that, was in a totally different call, where she was arguing with lynne patton about the existence. Let me explain something to you omarosa has been using this tape to manipulate people. Ed shes also using this tape to sell a lot of books. You have Katrina Pierson doubling down on the book idea of using the word dog. They say they dont want to focus, shes a liar, they are giving her more attention, and they are selling a lot of books. I kind of needed a whiteboard for that discussion because there were a lot of things going on. Ed this one, that one. The bottom line is they were trying to spin it originally, then omarosa comes out with tapes, and it doesnt look good, and now they are trying to figure it out, going forward. The whole thing is ugly. I said today that the president created his own vortex of controversy by the way he tweeted about it today. Obviously, i asked Kellyanne Conway about it on special report, and you did here tonight. I think it is not going away. Well see. Ed 30 seconds. Where are we in a Mueller Investigation . No one can figure out what is going on with the manafort trial, these weird delays, the defense will rest, some people believe, legal analysts, there could be a mistrial, problem with one of the jurors. These charges, bank fraud, nothing to do with collusion in 2016. Ed i think its fascinating. Well see the closing statements. Obviously, defense doesnt feel like the prosecutors made the bar. They feel confident. We dont know what we dont know but its coming to a head i think and we heard Rudy Giuliani say that the negotiations may come after this trial moves forward. Five seconds left, being the political junkie that i am, ed here comes the joke. 4 of 6 states in new england currently are held by republican governors, and progressive, liberal new england. There could be a fifth. Connecticut. Tonight, businessman bob stefan askey he wins the g. O. P. Nomination. The democrat, ned lamont, won. This is the connecticut governor, dan malloy, really unpopular, and it could be setting up another republican governor in new england. Well see. Ed good stuff from bret. I remember when there was a special election in pennsylvania, you were here with me and you said that lamp one because he had the chops. [laughter] i dont have that line tonight. Ed bret baier, i appreciate appreciated. Climate change has nothing to do with the california wildfires, so says ryan zinke. What is causing the blazes . 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Think of a very extensive investigation over the course of two years to look into allegations of sexual abuse in six of the eight dioceses in the state of pennsylvania, and the grand jury laid out the significance of this report in their opening line, say, we need you to hear this. There have been other reports about stacked on child sex abuse within the Catholic Church but never on this scale. More than a thousand held victims were identified in this twoyear investigation but the real member of abused children as likely in the thousands. All of them raped in some way and pushed away by Church Leaders who prefer to protect their abusers and institution above all. Priests were raping boys and girls and they headed for records. Decades. It went on for more than 70 years. One priest admitted to assaulting more than a dozen young boys, and the grand jury identified more than 300 predator priests but almost none will face prosecution due to statute of limitation laws. The report is critical current, Cardinal Donald wuerl, the former archdiocese of pittsburgh and now d. C. For covering up the abuse. Others are suggesting these kinds of coverups could go all the way to the top of the Catholic Church. If we are going to be serious about investigating how this could have happened, we have to go all the way to the vatican to say what did the vatican offices departments no. Pope francis has been busy with increasing pressure to deal with sexual abuse. Just the last few months, several highranking leaders have gone to prison or resigned for their roles of a Sexual Assault cases. Ed thank you for that. We appreciate it. Still to come, the interior secretary ryan zinke just got back from seeing firsthand the other devastation of those california wildfires. He is here next from the president s cabinet to share what he saw. Little things can be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats differently. 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With instant acceleration, electric cars are more fun to drive and more affordable than ever. Electric cars are here. Plug into the present. Anif youve got a lifee. You gotta swiffer damage done by this devastating car fire. It has now ranked the states sixth most destructive. Interior secretary and key is now back in washington and joins me. We appreciate you being here. Great to be with you. I have been in bosnia, ive been in iraq, i have never seen anything like it. The level of destruction that this fire, and he gets that hot, way too much fuel. Ed weve seen these images, and they are horrifying, but you were on the ground, some of your own employees at the interior department, as i understand it, lost their homes. People feel this in their bones. People feel this in their hearts. What did you see . What did you smell . You walk up in the neighborhood, and one case, everything is gone, they are in shock, just crying, theyve lost everything theyve had come another case, the only standing house, they have derived by, stopping the car, got to get oud talk to the folks, they are out there in lawn chairs. The only house standing, and the entire neighborhood, they are just in shock. Then you drive, neighborhood after neighborhood after neighborhood, and look, i have heard the argument about climate change. This is not about climate change. Yes, the seasons are getting longer, the temperatures are getting hotter, but whether you are denier or a believer, it doesnt relieve you of responsibility to do something about the fires. Remove the fuel. We are talking about hundred 20 plus trees died in california from drought, the density of trees ed this is making this all worse. It is literally a time bomb and we have been talking about this for years, going back, actively managing forests, that means prescribed burns, mechanical extraction, thinning ed clear it out so it will not catch fire, not get worse . This fire is now 300,000 acres. There is a lot of temper that can get salvaged and go to the timber miles as long as you can. There will be lawsuits by these radical folks that walked up the forests, the same groups, by the way, that prevented public access, when you prevent public access, shut roads down, guess who doesnt have access . The forest fires. They got to bring in ed the firefighters. They got to bring in bulldozers and by that time ed some of them have lost their lives. What is your might situate environmentalists . The sierra club and others, but what needs to happen in terms of Forest Management . No one loves public land more than me. I am a steward of our public lands. I want people to recreate in the summer, rather than evacuate, i want to go back to healthy forests. That means, get rid of the dead and dying timber, lets protect the habitat, lets make the water sheds clean. Lets make sure also we do things smart, like, for instance, fire breaks, where necessary. Some of the fire officials, others particularly, environmentalist, some are scratching their heads when the president to eat on august 6th a couple of things. California wildfires are being magnified and made much worse by the bad environmental laws, which are as mentioned, which arent allowing massive amounts of readily available water to be properly utilized. It is being diverted in the pacific ocean, must also tree clear. In terms of the water issue, though, that the president tweeted out, politifact did a check on us and they said among other things, the president appears to have conflated the states real water controversy between farmers and environmentalists with the unrelated issue of firefighting. This states fire your agency says it has not had problem accessing water, they went on te president s claim false. I would say that the president s how mike is right. It is about managing resources. You look at the water, california is advocating 40 natural flow. They are advocating and some camps to remove the dams. They are advocating for water to be redistributed, so, twothirds of our fuel of our food, is produced in the central valley. Ed parted mes. Some of the brave firefighters are saying that is not the reason, the president is wrong. The president is right about resources, managing resources. The water i think is a separate issue from the fires. Ed he shouldnt have brought that in . Remember, he said lets make sure we cut trees. Ed we agree on that. But to be fair, on the water issue on the water issue, its an example of not managing resources. Hes correct in that. On the fires, he is correct, but not on the cutting trees, but you have to have prescribed burns, the left will say there is only one variable. That is do nothing. Habitat, Global Warming. It is not Global Warming equals fires. The equation is much more complex. You have fuel load, beetle kill, disease, warming temperatures, and to fix this problem, lets thin, look at prescribed birds, actively manage the fire ed something up and pushing for a long time, our hearts go out to everyone on the Ground Fighting this and we appreciate you. The firefighters have been doing a big mess magnificent jo. We forget that while the forest is burning, their homes, their family is in jeopardy, and they are on the front lines right out there, fighting the fires. Ed we appreciate you coming in. Important work highlighted right there. Stick around. European leaders theyve never seen anything like this before but they are still are they still ignoring the problem or before their eyes . That is the burning question. Next. Motorcycle revving motorcycle revving motorcycle revving motorcycle revving no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. And just like tyrone taylor, they know what it takes to help keep you protected. Are you in good hands . Ed remarkable story, about 80 cars torched overnight by masked vandals in sweden. Nobody has been arrested. Swedens Prime Minister called it an extremely coordinated attack and flashed out of the perpetrator today, you can see them torching cars, asking, what the heck are you doing . Meanwhile, London Police are treating this mornings crash as a terror attack. Correspondent Benjamin Hall with the latest now on the Second Attack on or near the parliament and just 18 months. Yet another terror attack here in london. Using that method we have seen time and time again, both here and abroad, a car used to mow down pedestrians in an iconic location. So simple, so hard to stop. Expert saying its amazing that no more than three people were. It began at 7 30 this morning when a silver car went around parliament square, accelerating not far from big ben, smash into a group of cyclist, sending them flying before driving into an entrance to the parliament and crashing into a safety barrier. Police swarmed over the car, they pulled out the man and they handcuffed him. He made no attempt to escape. He was calm, collected, and he appeared to have no secondary attack planned as its often the case of these vehicle attacks. No weapons, no knives, no explosives with him in the car. Today President Trump tweeted about the attack, saying, another terrorist attack in london. These animals are crazy and must be dealt with through toughness and strength. The suspect has not been named but he is believed to be 29. Not believed to have been known to Counter Terrorism belief. No nor is he cooperating with officers. They say he is british but originally from abroad. He drove his car from birmingham last night, arriving in london around midnight. Now the researchers are taking place and made birmingham and nottingham, it appears that police are getting closer to identifying him and identifying if perhaps there are any other threats. For now, each in central london, things are much closer call mon they were. Ed thank you, benjamin. Time for tonights midnight here. 19yearold mckenzie decided to pay it forward by buying the woman behind her a cup of coffee. Little did you know how much of an impact this simple gesture would have on this struggling single mother, nicole, going through tough times. She said the coffee was more than just a little bit of joe. 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