Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox News Night With Shannon Bream

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox News Night With Shannon Bream 20180814

accountability in the investigator of the investigators? will investigate. hello and welcome to "fox news @ night." i am ed henry in for shannon bream. we begin with the latest insider account of the white house. omarosa manigault newman is a former colleague of katrina pierson, making wild claims by the president. person will reveal that new information i mentioned about omarosa in a moment. but first, let's go to trace gallagher. good evening, trace. >> good evening. in three separate interviews including two tonight, omarosa manigault newman continues to indicate she has more tapes to release, even saying on msnbc that robert mueller is a special counsel office has contacted her. watch. >> oh, i have plenty. >> anything mueller would like to see? speak out of his office because again, i will share it. anything that they want, i'll cooperate. >> do you think trump should be impeached? >> at this point, yes. >> she also continues or contradictions. in her book, she writes, "someone told her that during a taping of the imprint's years ago, donald trump used a racial slur, then she claimed she personally heard it. now she says he used the n-word multiple times. watch. >> it sounds as if he used it every day. it rolled off his mouth kind of like when you first heard the "access hollywood" tape, you would never imagine if talk that way, it rolled off of his tongu. >> breaking tonight, president trump denies making racist statements and says "apprentice" creator mark burnett says there are no racist tapes. but manacled newman has failed to provide her claims, and new allegations about john kelly firing her. here's general kelsey and omarosa in the situation room followed by the allegation. watch this. >> i think it's important to understand that if we make this a friendly departure, we can all be -- you can look at your time here at the white house as a year of service to the nation, you can go on without any type of difficulty in the future relative to your reputation. >> i ask him if i could leave and he told me four times i couldn't. he wanted to intimidate me, put fear in me, and he didn't want anyone to know what they were doing to me in that room. >> earlier today, she said her whistle-blower status affords her special protections, and tonight, she wouldn't answer how she stuck a recording device into the situation room because of threats from trump lawyers. she went on to say she thinks president trump is in mental decline and that she never signed a nondisclosure agreement in the white house. the president responded several times on twitter, saying, "another fake news media will be working overtime to make even wacky omarosa look legitimate as possible." ed? >> ed: trace gallagher, i appreciate you starting us off. here to respond to the latest claims from omarosa maniguault newman and reveal new information of her arm, the former spokesman for the 2016 trump campaign, current senior advisor device 2020 reelection campaign, katrina pierson. she is quoted or perhaps misquoted and omarosa's new book. good evening. >> good evening, thanks for having me. >> ed: i appreciate you being here. a lot to him back. let's start with a quote from the book, about whether this is true or not. in the book, omarosa says "katria heard from her sources that the tape was of the trump using the n-word. someone who knew frank luntz told her that he had heard it. the longtime trump aide reported she asked trump about it on the plane, whether it is possible such trey tate might exist and he said no. then she, asked what he wanted to do and katrina cursed and said, he said." did that happen? >> no. it sounds like she's writing a script for a movie. i've been out there talking about this, i did absolutely not true. i have no sources without tape, i have no connections to anyone at "celebrity apprentice," other than omarosa. in fact, she was the only one that brought this tape up. people that i have checked with, who she's meant to him, have no idea what she's talking about. ed, i'm really not going to be angry about this. clearly, omarosa is in a very desperate situation. i really do feel sorry for her. this is obviously trash for cash. i was really concerned with omarosa when she got married, when she had to buy a fake wedding ring. so i do feel sorry for her. but i will not stand by and allow her to continue to tarnish everyone's reputation and hurt the one person that helped her become who she is in that celebrity world. >> ed: we give you a chance to respond. i want to get to the new information but first, i want to be clear, you've been around the president during the campaign, since the campaign, since he was elected president. have you ever heard him use the n-word, any sort of racial slur? >> absolutely not. the answer is no. in fact, the president and his family have been nothing but kind, generous, and respectful to myself and everybody else that i know of color of color. >> ed: okay. let's get to the new info. i mentioned glenn patton, longtime trump aide, going back to his business dealings, i believe she has been working at the housing and urban development, longtime trump advisor, inside and outside the government. i understand she's putting out a statement this hour that is refuting these claims. can you tell us about that? >> as i mentioned, omarosa was the source of this tape, she was concerned about this tape since the latter part of this campaign. in my opinion, as a tool of manipulation of the people around her. she has been mentioning lynne patton's name or the last couple of days on her melodramatic interviews as someone who could actually cooperate what she was saying in effect, lynne patton has released a statement this evening and she has given an exclusive -- >> ed: what is she saying? >> it's running in "the huffington post," and it says that it is simply not true. more importantly, ed, it's the timeline. the reason why omarosa is facing a rapid contradictions is because you can't keep her license straight. she's got out there and said that she has not heard the tapes until her book was finalized. whatever he wanted it now and what lynne patton is announcing tonight -- >> ed: that is lynne patton right there. just want to be clear. pardon me. lynne patton is now saying tonight that on december 12th at 11:30 p.m., she's being very specific, 2017, 11:30 p.m., and a phone call she says, omarosa told her then that she had heard the tape where the president allegedly said the n-word. significant because now in recent days, omarosa has said that she has not heard it until after writing her book. december 12, 2017, she hadn't written the book and she was still in the white house. that is of a contradiction. is that what your understanding is tonight? >> it's a major contradiction. it's a bombshell, lynne patton. two days after that, she went on abc news interview defending a president, saying, "that he is not a racist." so how could that be possible if she heard the tape already, that she was using as their excuse to change her tone with the president? >> ed: another quick point i want to make. mark burnett, top -- one of the creators of "the apprentice," tweeted that mark burnett called him and said, no such tape exists. beyond that, omarosa was on msnbc and osprey saying that bill pruitt, another producer on "the apprentice" is corroborating her story. i understand you have a different story tonight. >> bill pruitt was the producer of seasons one and two, where she is claiming that this apparently took place. she also told lynne patton that bill pruitt was her original source of the tape, and lynne patton spoke with bill this evening and is announcing that that is simply not true and as i suspected, all along, this tape does not exist. omarosa extras desperate for money for money. >> ed: all right. last question. you are at her wedding. there are photos of you online having fun with omarosa. i know people, friends, they break up, the president hired her well over $100,000 a year in taxpayer money inside the white house. the president and the campaigns that he was going to hire the best and the brightest, that he was a business name, there you are at the wedding. he's had problems now with michael cohen as well. big picture here, you are going after omarosa hard and attacking her. but the fact of the matter is -- >> i'm not attacking her, i'm stating the fact braids be when you talked about her ring -- >> i did feel sorry for her. >> ed: you said it was trash for cash. i want to be clear. you've been friends with her and the president hired her to a sensitive white house post, being paid almost $200,000 a year in taxpayer money. that was a mistake, wasn't it? >> no. the president has no control that the decisions that people make brady simply gave an individual an opportunity to achieve greatness. she could have been out there champion here communities with a prisoner format everything that but president is doing for the black community but she chose to go a different way. the president is not responsible for others' reactions. >> ed: katrina pierson, i appreciate it. >> thanks. >> ed: other top story, the fbi agent who sent anti-trump text messages, and briefly served on special counsel robert mueller's russia investigation, was fired tonight. good evening, kristen. >> good evening, ed. a moment that president trump has been pushing for four months. he accused now former fbi agent peter strzok of politicizing the fbi, now stzrok's attorney blaming the clients firing on the exact same thing. >> i don't think that you can rationally reach any conclusion other than it was political. it's difficult to believe, given the steady drumbeat of texts demonizing him from the president and all the calls on capitol hill for pete to be fired that that did not play a role in the bureaus ultimate decision. >> after the inspector general report came out in june, criticizing stzrok for sending those anti-trump text messages, the fbi's office of professional responsibility recommended that stzrok be suspended for 60 days and demoted, but not fired. stzrok's attorney is accusing a deputy director of the fbi of overruling that recommendation and breaking with bureau tradition. >> of course his lawyer says that it was a railroad job. his only other option is to say, you know what, my client prejudged two major investigations, he made up his mind that hillary clinton was and was innocent before he interviewed her, he made us by his mind that donald trump should be impeached before he bothered to interview him, and all, by the way, he did a lot of this on the government phone and he violated other fbi policy. >> president trump celebrated the news on twitter. agent peter strzok was just fired from the fbi, finally, based on the fact that strzok was in charge of the witch hunt, will it be dropped? is a total hoax? no collusion, no obstruction, i just fight back." strzok was removed from a special counsel probe one year ago as soon as mueller learned of the text messages. he's a sixth senior fbi official to be fired, demoted, leave since the story broke. as for what strzok will do next, will he speak out publicly like his former fbi colleagues, james comey, strzok's attorney says right now, he's mulling things over but ed, a gofundme page job with his legal fees has already raised $80,000 in just nine hours. >> ed: kristin fisher, i appreciate your report. for more on both of these big, high-profile firings dominating the new cycle, let's bring tonight's panel. democratic strategist isaac white, former deputy assistant attorney general and bush in ministry should come and tom dupree, senior columnist at, kurt schlichter. we appreciate you being here. >> good evening. >> ed: isaac, want to start with you on the news we had from katrina pierson. a lot of people on the left-pumping of this book from omarosa, a lot of us apart his arms up about it. there are growing contradictions and what she says. >> we sent essentially talked to tv, reality tv, melodrama into the white house, and so what we see spewing out of the white house is talk to you become a reality become a melodrama. some of the stuff has turned out to be true because she has tapes to back it up, some of it seems farcical, a lot of it just seems like melodrama. >> ed: kurt, what you make of the fact that omarosa was on msnbc tonight adjusting at least -- we don't know what we can believe and not believe -- that a special counsel robert mueller's office had contacted her at some point recently and she said, i'm ready to talk. >> omarosa sure knows her msnbc audience. they'll eat that up. just like they ate up michael cohen, and stormy daniels, and every other loser weirdo and mutation who came along trying to undo donald trump. omarosa is a clown show. she's a train wreck. i don't understand why anyone is giving her the time of day. i certainly can't imagine anybody is buying her buck. good luck, omarosa. you don't seem to have much of a future doing anything else at this rate. >> ed: i want to bring tom end. briefly, you call her a clown show. it was a clown show hired by the president of the united states, right? >> statistically, sometimes you are going to hire people who don't work out. boy, she didn't work out. donald trump is appointing thousands of people's offices, you are going to get some losers, and omarosa, he did. >> ed: tom, i don't want to bring you into the political clown show. you come on and talk about judiciary issues in the justice department. there is a serious matter here, though, about the tapes she's recorded. i'm getting a lot of emails today from our viewers saying, number one, tipping the president, is there anything illegal about that? might be unethical. is it illegal? may be more importantly with general kelly being in the situation room, a secure place, or bringing in a phone and recording the chief of staff. is there a problem there? a law that may have been broken, a national security guideline that she may have broken? >> certainly, as far as national security policies, guidelines, absolutely, she violated a bunch of them prayed for one thing, and the situation room, they have signs that you are not allowed to bring in personal electronic devices, precisely to prevent this sort of thing. she obviously breached the general ethical rules, working in the white house, you don't surreptitiously record the chief of staff. whether or not she faces legal jeopardy is an open question. i'm aware of a federal statute that prohibits exactly what she did. there is no question she has total disregard for policy, total disregard for ethics, and i can't imagine that many people will view her as a particularly credible witness at at this po. >> ed: want to move on to peter strzok. i see, isaac, you were chomping at the bit there as kurt talked about the clown show. a quick moment as a democrat. >> this whole white house is a clown show. to kurt's point, that is a great irony of all this, omarosa came out and complained that she was shocked at donald trump lying and attacking her on twitter. i mean, if donald trump has shown anything, it is that he has a propensity to lie and to resort to cheap, classless attacks. how wasn't she shocked? >> ed: let me jump and get to peter strzok. you had all these text messages, i can smell the terms of borders and walmart, we got to prevent them from being elected," there's been a whole trail of text messages raising questions. what took so long for him to be fired? >> who knows. i think this department of justice doesn't understand who they work for, which is the american people. you cannot have a senior fbi official out there unilaterally deciding that he wants to undo the effect of an election. this guy is cheating on his wife on the job. he's texting all the time! my 14-year-old daughter couldn't text that much! and he's incompetent. he's prejudging and ruining investigation. the hillary investigation and the trump investigation. they couldn't have been anything but fire this guy to shut it down once ago. >> ed: tom, final word. where are we in all of those? use are rudy giuliani on "fox & friends" and "hannity," saying this is not just about the investigation of the president but it's about the investigation of the investigators and rudy giuliani on fox calling for a second special counsel. >> i think that today's firing, i don't think it will have a dramatic impact on the way people perceive either strzok or the mueller investigation. this guy was on the hill testifying. most americans made up their mind based on what they saw on the screen, how he presented, most importantly, what he did. i think that this will provide additional fuel for people who want to say that there was a lot of corruption behind the scenes and i agree there are a lot of very unusual things, to say the least, going on behind the scenes in 2016. i think that this will just continue the debate. i'm glad that peter strzok athletes will be out of the picture for the time being. >> he was removed a year ago. let's remember. he was removed a year ago from the mueller investigation. if anything, that speaks to the integrity of the investigation and why they brought 35 indictments, five guilty pleas, one prison sentence already. this guy was kicked off a year ago in order to make sure that this was beyond reproach, beyond question. >> ed: isaac, kurt, appreciate you coming in. >> thank you. >> ed: meanwhile, breaking news straight ahead on pastor brunson. steele and president turkey. tonight, the white house national security advisor john bolton is pushing for his release. we hear from his family jay sekulow as they turn up the heat on the u.s. ally. >> we will not have a normal relationship with turkey until they let pastor brunson out. >> ed: meanwhile, the president gives the troops a pay raise and has fun doing it. >> does anybody not want a raise, raise your hand? what's going on here? are these real patriots? i don't know, general . >> ed: but the bill he signed as deadly serious. $770 billion to both of the military, the president says, like never before. you see there general jack keane, he will break down the details next. ♪ to most people, i look like... ...most people. but on the inside, i feel chronic, widespread pain. fibromyalgia may be invisible to others, but my pain is real. fibromyalgia is thought to be caused by overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i'm glad my doctor prescribed lyrica. for some, lyrica delivers effective relief from fibromyalgia pain... ...and improves function. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions, suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worse depression, unusual changes in mood or behavior, swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects: dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain, swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. with less pain, i can do more. ask your doctor about lyrica. if you're eligible, you could pay as little as $25 a month. well, esurance makes it simple and affordable. in fact, drivers who switched from geico to esurance saved an average of $412. that's auto and home insurance for the modern world. esurance. an allstate company. click or call. a hotel can make or break a trip. and at expedia, we don't think you should be rushed into booking one. that's why we created expedia's add-on advantage. now after booking your flight, you unlock discounts on select hotels right until the day you leave. ♪ add-on advantage. discounted hotel rates when you add on to your trip. only when you book with expedia. i've been making blades here at gillette for 20 years. there's a lot of innovation that goes into making america's #1 shave. precision machinery and high-quality materials from around the world. nobody else even comes close. now starting at $7.99. gillette. the best a man can get. this wi-fi is fast. i know! i know! i know! i know! when did brian move back in? 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>> ed: brian, we appreciate your part. a new push from the national security advisor at the white house, john bolton, you try to force a release of the detained american pastor brunson from turkey. garrett tenney is live in washington following the developing story. >> good evening to you by the white house has been ramping up the pressure on turkey this last month, especially politically and economically to release pastor andrew brunson and those efforts appear to be having at least some effect. today, as turkey's financial markets plummeted and its currency fell to record lows, the country's ambassador to the u.s. requested a meeting with national security advisor john bolton to discuss the detention of pastor brunson and relations between our two countries. the white house has been tight-lipped about any conversations surrounding him so it's not clear what kind of progress, if any, was made that today's talks but jay sekulow, who represents the brunson family and is one of the president's personal attorneys tells fox news, "we are working with the president, vice president, and the secretary of state as well as members of congress, the president and his team are rated committed to securing the release of pastor brunson and we remain hopeful it will occur soon." today's meeting is at first we know of between the two countries between president trump announced plans fridays two double tariffs on turkish steel and aluminum over brunson's attainment. turkish president erdogan is not backing down, the parade on sunday, he accused the u.s. of committing economic warfare and not to given to economic pressure. >> translator: you are active in attending to sacrifice your relationship with 85 million people for a pastor with ties to terror organizations. we will do it as law dictates. you cannot make turkey bow down by ordering it around. >> they claim that a pastor as a spy who was working with terrorist groups in a failed military coup to overthrow turkey's government. white house officials called those allegations absurd and say that they are ready to slap turkey with additional tariffs if the pastor is not released. >> ed: turkey, which is supposed to be a key ally, bend under the pressure. retired for costs are general jack keane is here to weigh in. i covered barack obama, went in and looked at a interview he did in 2016 and said turkey is taking worrisome steps but they are still a key nato ally. what is a state of the relationship? speak of the relationship has been strained for some time. in 2016, when the coup started against erdogan, not a single country from the west came out to support him. that is because he's been moving toward an authoritarian regime, stripping the people of democratic values, becoming a strong man and a sense, aligning himself with russia and iran and syria. we have had some major issues with erdogan for some time. >> ed: this idea that pastor brunson has terrorist ties seems absurd, obviously, as the white house says, and is absurd. do you think this pressure, especially the tariffs at a time with the turkish economy is in a precarious position, is it going to have an impact? while they given? >> yeah, i think they will. the reason why pastor brunson is in prison is because he's a u.s. citizen residing in turkey. we have a turkish citizen residing in the united states who erdogan believes with the catalyst for the coup, his . we have no evidence to support that, so therefore, we are not extraditing him to turkey. that is why we are in the pickle we are in. listen, erdogan started this financial crisis himself when he expanded operations and cited turkey, creating a lot of debt and also refused to deal with low interest rates. those interest rates have to rise. we've exacerbated it for sure but we are not the cause of it. where we are headed here is a diplomatic solution for sure because erdogan has to avoid default. he's got a huge pressure on himself. he's tempered to a fault, that is for sure. at the end of the day, we'll see pastor brunson being released. >> ed: as you look around the world, this president campaigned as somebody who is going to get tougher, not just with voles but ally sometimes when they needed tough, and you look at what happened in turkey, you look at a foe like iran, the pressure on the president, you look at the defense bill today, over $700 billion to rebuild the military. what stands out to you in terms of what will have the most impact? >> first of all, we are growing the military in its size. we got to a 70 year low with this military, absolutely stunning, giving, given our world response abilities. the second thing, you've heard commanders go up before the congress had told him the serious readiness problem for our viewers, what that means is that a lack of flying hours, lack repairing hours, we are borrowing equipment. a lack of training time for our troops. we saw ships banging into other ships as a result of lack of training and preparation for our sailors at sea. that will begin to get fixed. as you showed in the introduction, we will capitalize our investment accounts and a significant way to buy more ships, more airplanes, more helicopters, ground fighting vehicles, missiles, et cetera, all that has got to be done and thankfully, we'll get the troops a significant pay raise for the first time in almost a decade. >> ed: general jack keane, the men and women in uniform who served so bravely for us need that. we appreciate you breaking it down. >> good talking to you, ed. >> ed: we also have breaking news tonight and the trial of the muslim extremist group running a new mexico compound prayed allegedly to train kids for acts of violence at schools. plus, stick around, we are live on the ground with our chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel. he's in minnesota. the primary there has been rocked by allegations of domestic violence against a top democrat, keith ellison. new developments tonight straight ahead. president trump weighs in on wisconsin's primary by mentioning a boycott against the state's big employer, harley-davidson. peter doocy is previewing the badger stayed primary next on a beautiful night in milwaukee. ♪ r accident - no big deal, right? 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(vo) with fair, transparent value for every trade-in... enterprise makes it easy. >> ed: tomorrow, voters head to the polls in wisconsin, minnesota, connecticut, and vermont for primary elections. tonight congressman keith ellison, the cochair of the democratic national committee commissioning allegations he emotionally and physically abused and ex-girlfriend. some are claiming these allegations are politically motivated. geopolitical correspondent correspondent mike emanuel is live in minnesota. good evening. >> good evening, ed. the stunning allegations of abuse are threatening a rising star of the democratic party, who is facing a primary election to be the state attorney general. keith ellison's vice chair of the democratic national committee. he's been a member of congress since 2007 and ellison is considered to be the likely front-runner of five democrats running to be minnesota's attorney general. over the weekend, the son of his ex-girlfriend accused ellison of abusing his mother and claims there is video evidence. his ex-girlfriend, karen monahan, backed up the sun's claims, calling a narcissist abuse, saying, "the pathologica, smearing my name, and seeking validation and sympathy from the various females he was praying on, kept getting more and more frequent." ellison put out a statement, saying "karen and i were in a long-term relationship which ended in 2016 and i still care deeply for her well-being. this video does not exist because i never behaved in this way and any characterization otherwise is false." one of the other candidates in this race is calling for a full criminal investigation and says ellison should step aside. >> this is a serious domestic charge, he serves as a number two person of the democratic national committee. frankly, i think he should resign from that position. i don't think you should be up l these allegations are resolved. >> the timing of this is obviously deeply troubling for ellison, coming out that we can before the minnesota primary, and some suggest that ellison is not likely to get the benefit of the doubt. >> voters, andrew cuomo have a lot of questions about whether these allegations are true, and the timing of them, but anything involving sexual assault is going to have a big impact in the democratic primary. >> and there is not much time for this to be vetted or to play out before minnesota voters go to the polls tomorrow. ed? >> ed: mike emanuel. maybe we can call him main street mike, thank you. in wisconsin, democrats tammy baldwin has a chance of winning this fall. peter doocy is live in milwaukee. good evening, peter. >> good evening, ed. the big bite here tomorrow as you see which republican is going to face in november the incumbent democrat tammy baldwin, who is seen as vulnerable because back in 2016, the state was won by president trump. a few hours ago in wisconsin, the congressmen retiring from wisconsin's first district, which also is a primary tomorrow, came to campaign for his pick, state senator. paul ryan lauded her as having the highest odds of flipping the seat and part of her last-minute pitch to voters was to look past the primary to the general election, seeking to define the democratic party, which lacks a clear national leader by linking the democratic incumbent to a democratic socialist. >> she stands with, of all people, bernie sanders, calling for a single payer government run health care. >> but leah vukmir trails kevin nicholson and they had to had fund-raising fight. she is the favorite of senators ted cruz and mike lee. outside money is now pouring into what could be the most expensive badger state senate primary ever, and nicholson is raking in cash, even now back in college, he was the president of the college democrats of americ america. >> conservative principles and policies and values actually work and empower people, given an opportunity to be successful. i did not get that when i was 21, i sure as heck get it now. >> president trump has not endorsed anyone in the senate primary but he has weighed in on a very touchy subject in wisconsin, a possible boycott of wisconsin's own harley-davidson if they wind up reacting to new tariffs by setting up shop elsewhere. the president tweeted, "many harley-davidson owners plan to boycott the company if manufacturing moves overseas. great! most other companies are coming in our direction, including harley competitors, a really bad move. u.s. will soon have a level playing field or better." harley's headquarters are here in milwaukee. leah vukmir, running for the senate, says she doesn't think they will wind up leaving wisconsin. nicholson, kevin nicholson, running for the senate, says he doesn't think a boycott would be necessary and the incumbent governor, scott walker, who is expected to fail to victory in his primary yesterday says that he does not want a boycott, no matter what the president says. ed? >> ed: primary pete, peter doocy. i appreciate you staying alive for us tonight. we'll see you tomorrow. new tonight on the extremist muslim compound in new mexico where authorities alleged ringleaders were training kids for violent acts against the government, including may be school shootings. the judge says the five defendants can be released on $25,025,000 bonds each, because defense attorneys focusing for their part on what they called a double standard ay alleging that of the suspects were white and christian, rather than black and muslim, they might not be in court at all. the president is not the only one who has a problem with the press apparently. >> i know this is one of our priorities, to undermine my prospects as speaker. >> ed: fresh attacks about media coming from democrats? like nancy pelosi and bill de blasio? should democrats be worried about a new poll showing party voters supporting socialism. we discuss it all with governor mike huckabee. he set next. ♪ was there, just not always where i needed to be. is she alright? 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"the reason socialism doesn't work is it sooner or later you run out of other people's money." that is why it doesn't work. it never worked. there's not one place on earth where it has been effective. it has been able to be sustained. it can't be. it's a false system based on basically a godless idea that people will just want to sit around and work hard and give it all away to somebody who didn't work hard and that is not the way the human body, the human mind is hardwired. >> ed: we see nancy pelosi, someone who i'm sure you believed in recent years was far left, is now having troubles with the far left. you've got over 50 democrats, either incumbents are candidates for office, saying they want to support her if the democrats win back the majority, so much and so, she's so discombobulated, she was going after nbc over the weekend and saying, you guys are trying to stir up trouble. >> you know, when you are a democrat and you've lost nbc, you have completely lost the left wing of your party. that is an astonishing thing, when she's upset that nbc has taken her on. that shows you how far, not only most of the democrats have gone, but how far nbc has gone, and they are out there on the edge, and nancy pelosi is wondering, what happened. while, they left her. >> ed: governor, i noticed on twitter today -- can't believe everything you say -- it is your daughter's birthday. sarah huckabee sanders. what did you tell her? >> i just wish her a happy birthday. she was born on friday the 13th. i told her it was one of the luckiest generals wonderful days of my life when she was born and she has been a delight. i hope she's had a good birthday and didn't get thrown out of any restaurant today. >> ed: she's been in the middle of a lot of controversy but that is one proud papa. we appreciate you coming in. >> you bet, ed. >> ed: you've heard of storm chasers. what about fire teasers? they fly into the smoke to help you. that is next. ♪ i've been making blades here at gillette for 20 years. i bet i'm the first blade maker you've ever met. there's a lot of innovation that goes into making our thinnest longest lasting blades on the market. precision machinery and high-quality materials from around the world. nobody else even comes close. it's about delivering a more comfortable shave every time. invented in boston, made and sold around the world. order now at gillette. the best a man can get. ♪ >> ed: fox news alert. a firefighter in the mendocino fire in northern california has died. fact finding on incident is ongoing. while the fight continues, new players are popping up. tonight, there is one plane flying into the wild fires, not self-contained them, but to find out how they affect you, so they can get more intelligence and information. correspondent alicia acuna explains. >> this video is for my specially outfitted in a c-130 plane, headed in search of a wild fire plume. instruments on board pull in the air and in real time generate information on the composition of the smoke, some of which captured goes back to the lab. >> this is science that will help daily air quality forecasts, this is science that will help daily weather forecasts. >> emily fisher as part of a team of scientists and researchers from five universities and a handful of federally funded agencies leaving the largest and most of mike's most comprehensive effort to analyze the chemistry of wildfire smoke right >> because the smoke will be unbearable places, that is why you need an aircraft he had a lightweight speak of study, tell him could lead to more specific health warnings in a wildfire season that is up to a record-breaking and dangerous start fights >> the toxic exposure, it is secondhand smoke everywhere. >> my eyes are irritated, it is harder to breathe. speak with his national weather service map shows the levels of smoke in u.s. red and orange are worst, the blue, reaching to the east coast. researchers want to know how it changes as it dissipates and interacts with other pollutants. >> we might be able to predict more if one failure is going to be worse for some folks that another fire is. >> for places like the holy fire in california were public health officials are telling folks the ash could be toxic. >> final results will be up for another year but in the next three months, scientists say they have unique insight into what we are breathing and when wildfire smoke makes it to where we left. ed? >> ed: thanks, alicia. most-watched, most trusted, most grateful you spend your evening with us. good night from new york. i met henry. i will see you here tomorrow. among our guests, roger stone. reports at robert mueller, the special counsel, may be zeroing in on him. good night. ♪ saving on this! saving in here. rewarded! learn more at ancestrydna can open you to a world of new cultures to explore. with two times more detail than any other dna test... you can get a new taste of your heritage. only $59- our site's lowest price ever. my gums are irritated. i don't have to worry about that, do i? actually, you do. harmful bacteria lurk just below the gum line. crest gum detoxify works below the gum line to neutralize harmful plaque bacteria and help reverse early gum damage. and, now there's new crest gum & enamel repair. it gives you clinically proven healthier gums and helps repair and strengthen weakened enamel. gum detoxify and gum & enamel repair, from crest. gums are good, so is my check-up! crest. healthy, beautiful smiles for life. maui designed to respond torn on the the bright sunaii, and harsh glare of the islands, all while enhancing the view. after thirty years, we're still independently owned and the freethinking hawaiian spirit that first inspired us, is still a part of everything we do. our polarizedplus2 lenses not only protect eyes from harmful rays, they also make colors more vivid and contrast crisper. try on a pair and see for yourself. the view's better from here. and i don't add up the years. but what i do count on is boost®. delicious boost® high protein nuritional drink now has 33% more protein, along with 26 essential vitamins and minerals boost® high protein. be up for life. boost® high protein. when you bundle your auto and hwith esurance, you could save with their single deductible. so if you confused the brake with the gas, or if your lamp post jumped out of nowhere, or if you forgot your bike was on the roof rack, you only pay one deductible -instead of two- for a claim involving both your auto and home. and when you save that much, it's almost like it... never even happened. that's auto and home insurance for the modern world. esurance. an allstate company. click or call. night. tucker is up next. ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight" by the left got violent over theso weekend while the press averted its gaze and pretended nothing happened. >> if it came down to addenda was a group effort, it would be like buy qaddafi." >> i would believe him up. >> you what? >> yeah. >> tucker: telling you would actually happen through the folder. first, disgraced fbi agent peter strzok is now

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox News Night With Shannon Bream 20180814 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox News Night With Shannon Bream 20180814

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accountability in the investigator of the investigators? will investigate. hello and welcome to "fox news @ night." i am ed henry in for shannon bream. we begin with the latest insider account of the white house. omarosa manigault newman is a former colleague of katrina pierson, making wild claims by the president. person will reveal that new information i mentioned about omarosa in a moment. but first, let's go to trace gallagher. good evening, trace. >> good evening. in three separate interviews including two tonight, omarosa manigault newman continues to indicate she has more tapes to release, even saying on msnbc that robert mueller is a special counsel office has contacted her. watch. >> oh, i have plenty. >> anything mueller would like to see? speak out of his office because again, i will share it. anything that they want, i'll cooperate. >> do you think trump should be impeached? >> at this point, yes. >> she also continues or contradictions. in her book, she writes, "someone told her that during a taping of the imprint's years ago, donald trump used a racial slur, then she claimed she personally heard it. now she says he used the n-word multiple times. watch. >> it sounds as if he used it every day. it rolled off his mouth kind of like when you first heard the "access hollywood" tape, you would never imagine if talk that way, it rolled off of his tongu. >> breaking tonight, president trump denies making racist statements and says "apprentice" creator mark burnett says there are no racist tapes. but manacled newman has failed to provide her claims, and new allegations about john kelly firing her. here's general kelsey and omarosa in the situation room followed by the allegation. watch this. >> i think it's important to understand that if we make this a friendly departure, we can all be -- you can look at your time here at the white house as a year of service to the nation, you can go on without any type of difficulty in the future relative to your reputation. >> i ask him if i could leave and he told me four times i couldn't. he wanted to intimidate me, put fear in me, and he didn't want anyone to know what they were doing to me in that room. >> earlier today, she said her whistle-blower status affords her special protections, and tonight, she wouldn't answer how she stuck a recording device into the situation room because of threats from trump lawyers. she went on to say she thinks president trump is in mental decline and that she never signed a nondisclosure agreement in the white house. the president responded several times on twitter, saying, "another fake news media will be working overtime to make even wacky omarosa look legitimate as possible." ed? >> ed: trace gallagher, i appreciate you starting us off. here to respond to the latest claims from omarosa maniguault newman and reveal new information of her arm, the former spokesman for the 2016 trump campaign, current senior advisor device 2020 reelection campaign, katrina pierson. she is quoted or perhaps misquoted and omarosa's new book. good evening. >> good evening, thanks for having me. >> ed: i appreciate you being here. a lot to him back. let's start with a quote from the book, about whether this is true or not. in the book, omarosa says "katria heard from her sources that the tape was of the trump using the n-word. someone who knew frank luntz told her that he had heard it. the longtime trump aide reported she asked trump about it on the plane, whether it is possible such trey tate might exist and he said no. then she, asked what he wanted to do and katrina cursed and said, he said." did that happen? >> no. it sounds like she's writing a script for a movie. i've been out there talking about this, i did absolutely not true. i have no sources without tape, i have no connections to anyone at "celebrity apprentice," other than omarosa. in fact, she was the only one that brought this tape up. people that i have checked with, who she's meant to him, have no idea what she's talking about. ed, i'm really not going to be angry about this. clearly, omarosa is in a very desperate situation. i really do feel sorry for her. this is obviously trash for cash. i was really concerned with omarosa when she got married, when she had to buy a fake wedding ring. so i do feel sorry for her. but i will not stand by and allow her to continue to tarnish everyone's reputation and hurt the one person that helped her become who she is in that celebrity world. >> ed: we give you a chance to respond. i want to get to the new information but first, i want to be clear, you've been around the president during the campaign, since the campaign, since he was elected president. have you ever heard him use the n-word, any sort of racial slur? >> absolutely not. the answer is no. in fact, the president and his family have been nothing but kind, generous, and respectful to myself and everybody else that i know of color of color. >> ed: okay. let's get to the new info. i mentioned glenn patton, longtime trump aide, going back to his business dealings, i believe she has been working at the housing and urban development, longtime trump advisor, inside and outside the government. i understand she's putting out a statement this hour that is refuting these claims. can you tell us about that? >> as i mentioned, omarosa was the source of this tape, she was concerned about this tape since the latter part of this campaign. in my opinion, as a tool of manipulation of the people around her. she has been mentioning lynne patton's name or the last couple of days on her melodramatic interviews as someone who could actually cooperate what she was saying in effect, lynne patton has released a statement this evening and she has given an exclusive -- >> ed: what is she saying? >> it's running in "the huffington post," and it says that it is simply not true. more importantly, ed, it's the timeline. the reason why omarosa is facing a rapid contradictions is because you can't keep her license straight. she's got out there and said that she has not heard the tapes until her book was finalized. whatever he wanted it now and what lynne patton is announcing tonight -- >> ed: that is lynne patton right there. just want to be clear. pardon me. lynne patton is now saying tonight that on december 12th at 11:30 p.m., she's being very specific, 2017, 11:30 p.m., and a phone call she says, omarosa told her then that she had heard the tape where the president allegedly said the n-word. significant because now in recent days, omarosa has said that she has not heard it until after writing her book. december 12, 2017, she hadn't written the book and she was still in the white house. that is of a contradiction. is that what your understanding is tonight? >> it's a major contradiction. it's a bombshell, lynne patton. two days after that, she went on abc news interview defending a president, saying, "that he is not a racist." so how could that be possible if she heard the tape already, that she was using as their excuse to change her tone with the president? >> ed: another quick point i want to make. mark burnett, top -- one of the creators of "the apprentice," tweeted that mark burnett called him and said, no such tape exists. beyond that, omarosa was on msnbc and osprey saying that bill pruitt, another producer on "the apprentice" is corroborating her story. i understand you have a different story tonight. >> bill pruitt was the producer of seasons one and two, where she is claiming that this apparently took place. she also told lynne patton that bill pruitt was her original source of the tape, and lynne patton spoke with bill this evening and is announcing that that is simply not true and as i suspected, all along, this tape does not exist. omarosa extras desperate for money for money. >> ed: all right. last question. you are at her wedding. there are photos of you online having fun with omarosa. i know people, friends, they break up, the president hired her well over $100,000 a year in taxpayer money inside the white house. the president and the campaigns that he was going to hire the best and the brightest, that he was a business name, there you are at the wedding. he's had problems now with michael cohen as well. big picture here, you are going after omarosa hard and attacking her. but the fact of the matter is -- >> i'm not attacking her, i'm stating the fact braids be when you talked about her ring -- >> i did feel sorry for her. >> ed: you said it was trash for cash. i want to be clear. you've been friends with her and the president hired her to a sensitive white house post, being paid almost $200,000 a year in taxpayer money. that was a mistake, wasn't it? >> no. the president has no control that the decisions that people make brady simply gave an individual an opportunity to achieve greatness. she could have been out there champion here communities with a prisoner format everything that but president is doing for the black community but she chose to go a different way. the president is not responsible for others' reactions. >> ed: katrina pierson, i appreciate it. >> thanks. >> ed: other top story, the fbi agent who sent anti-trump text messages, and briefly served on special counsel robert mueller's russia investigation, was fired tonight. good evening, kristen. >> good evening, ed. a moment that president trump has been pushing for four months. he accused now former fbi agent peter strzok of politicizing the fbi, now stzrok's attorney blaming the clients firing on the exact same thing. >> i don't think that you can rationally reach any conclusion other than it was political. it's difficult to believe, given the steady drumbeat of texts demonizing him from the president and all the calls on capitol hill for pete to be fired that that did not play a role in the bureaus ultimate decision. >> after the inspector general report came out in june, criticizing stzrok for sending those anti-trump text messages, the fbi's office of professional responsibility recommended that stzrok be suspended for 60 days and demoted, but not fired. stzrok's attorney is accusing a deputy director of the fbi of overruling that recommendation and breaking with bureau tradition. >> of course his lawyer says that it was a railroad job. his only other option is to say, you know what, my client prejudged two major investigations, he made up his mind that hillary clinton was and was innocent before he interviewed her, he made us by his mind that donald trump should be impeached before he bothered to interview him, and all, by the way, he did a lot of this on the government phone and he violated other fbi policy. >> president trump celebrated the news on twitter. agent peter strzok was just fired from the fbi, finally, based on the fact that strzok was in charge of the witch hunt, will it be dropped? is a total hoax? no collusion, no obstruction, i just fight back." strzok was removed from a special counsel probe one year ago as soon as mueller learned of the text messages. he's a sixth senior fbi official to be fired, demoted, leave since the story broke. as for what strzok will do next, will he speak out publicly like his former fbi colleagues, james comey, strzok's attorney says right now, he's mulling things over but ed, a gofundme page job with his legal fees has already raised $80,000 in just nine hours. >> ed: kristin fisher, i appreciate your report. for more on both of these big, high-profile firings dominating the new cycle, let's bring tonight's panel. democratic strategist isaac white, former deputy assistant attorney general and bush in ministry should come and tom dupree, senior columnist at, kurt schlichter. we appreciate you being here. >> good evening. >> ed: isaac, want to start with you on the news we had from katrina pierson. a lot of people on the left-pumping of this book from omarosa, a lot of us apart his arms up about it. there are growing contradictions and what she says. >> we sent essentially talked to tv, reality tv, melodrama into the white house, and so what we see spewing out of the white house is talk to you become a reality become a melodrama. some of the stuff has turned out to be true because she has tapes to back it up, some of it seems farcical, a lot of it just seems like melodrama. >> ed: kurt, what you make of the fact that omarosa was on msnbc tonight adjusting at least -- we don't know what we can believe and not believe -- that a special counsel robert mueller's office had contacted her at some point recently and she said, i'm ready to talk. >> omarosa sure knows her msnbc audience. they'll eat that up. just like they ate up michael cohen, and stormy daniels, and every other loser weirdo and mutation who came along trying to undo donald trump. omarosa is a clown show. she's a train wreck. i don't understand why anyone is giving her the time of day. i certainly can't imagine anybody is buying her buck. good luck, omarosa. you don't seem to have much of a future doing anything else at this rate. >> ed: i want to bring tom end. briefly, you call her a clown show. it was a clown show hired by the president of the united states, right? >> statistically, sometimes you are going to hire people who don't work out. boy, she didn't work out. donald trump is appointing thousands of people's offices, you are going to get some losers, and omarosa, he did. >> ed: tom, i don't want to bring you into the political clown show. you come on and talk about judiciary issues in the justice department. there is a serious matter here, though, about the tapes she's recorded. i'm getting a lot of emails today from our viewers saying, number one, tipping the president, is there anything illegal about that? might be unethical. is it illegal? may be more importantly with general kelly being in the situation room, a secure place, or bringing in a phone and recording the chief of staff. is there a problem there? a law that may have been broken, a national security guideline that she may have broken? >> certainly, as far as national security policies, guidelines, absolutely, she violated a bunch of them prayed for one thing, and the situation room, they have signs that you are not allowed to bring in personal electronic devices, precisely to prevent this sort of thing. she obviously breached the general ethical rules, working in the white house, you don't surreptitiously record the chief of staff. whether or not she faces legal jeopardy is an open question. i'm aware of a federal statute that prohibits exactly what she did. there is no question she has total disregard for policy, total disregard for ethics, and i can't imagine that many people will view her as a particularly credible witness at at this po. >> ed: want to move on to peter strzok. i see, isaac, you were chomping at the bit there as kurt talked about the clown show. a quick moment as a democrat. >> this whole white house is a clown show. to kurt's point, that is a great irony of all this, omarosa came out and complained that she was shocked at donald trump lying and attacking her on twitter. i mean, if donald trump has shown anything, it is that he has a propensity to lie and to resort to cheap, classless attacks. how wasn't she shocked? >> ed: let me jump and get to peter strzok. you had all these text messages, i can smell the terms of borders and walmart, we got to prevent them from being elected," there's been a whole trail of text messages raising questions. what took so long for him to be fired? >> who knows. i think this department of justice doesn't understand who they work for, which is the american people. you cannot have a senior fbi official out there unilaterally deciding that he wants to undo the effect of an election. this guy is cheating on his wife on the job. he's texting all the time! my 14-year-old daughter couldn't text that much! and he's incompetent. he's prejudging and ruining investigation. the hillary investigation and the trump investigation. they couldn't have been anything but fire this guy to shut it down once ago. >> ed: tom, final word. where are we in all of those? use are rudy giuliani on "fox & friends" and "hannity," saying this is not just about the investigation of the president but it's about the investigation of the investigators and rudy giuliani on fox calling for a second special counsel. >> i think that today's firing, i don't think it will have a dramatic impact on the way people perceive either strzok or the mueller investigation. this guy was on the hill testifying. most americans made up their mind based on what they saw on the screen, how he presented, most importantly, what he did. i think that this will provide additional fuel for people who want to say that there was a lot of corruption behind the scenes and i agree there are a lot of very unusual things, to say the least, going on behind the scenes in 2016. i think that this will just continue the debate. i'm glad that peter strzok athletes will be out of the picture for the time being. >> he was removed a year ago. let's remember. he was removed a year ago from the mueller investigation. if anything, that speaks to the integrity of the investigation and why they brought 35 indictments, five guilty pleas, one prison sentence already. this guy was kicked off a year ago in order to make sure that this was beyond reproach, beyond question. >> ed: isaac, kurt, appreciate you coming in. >> thank you. >> ed: meanwhile, breaking news straight ahead on pastor brunson. steele and president turkey. tonight, the white house national security advisor john bolton is pushing for his release. we hear from his family jay sekulow as they turn up the heat on the u.s. ally. >> we will not have a normal relationship with turkey until they let pastor brunson out. >> ed: meanwhile, the president gives the troops a pay raise and has fun doing it. >> does anybody not want a raise, raise your hand? what's going on here? are these real patriots? i don't know, general . >> ed: but the bill he signed as deadly serious. $770 billion to both of the military, the president says, like never before. you see there general jack keane, he will break down the details next. ♪ to most people, i look like... ...most people. but on the inside, i feel chronic, widespread pain. fibromyalgia may be invisible to others, but my pain is real. fibromyalgia is thought to be caused by overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i'm glad my doctor prescribed lyrica. for some, lyrica delivers effective relief from fibromyalgia pain... ...and improves function. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions, suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worse depression, unusual changes in mood or behavior, swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects: dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain, swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. with less pain, i can do more. ask your doctor about lyrica. if you're eligible, you could pay as little as $25 a month. well, esurance makes it simple and affordable. in fact, drivers who switched from geico to esurance saved an average of $412. that's auto and home insurance for the modern world. esurance. an allstate company. click or call. a hotel can make or break a trip. and at expedia, we don't think you should be rushed into booking one. that's why we created expedia's add-on advantage. now after booking your flight, you unlock discounts on select hotels right until the day you leave. ♪ add-on advantage. discounted hotel rates when you add on to your trip. only when you book with expedia. i've been making blades here at gillette for 20 years. there's a lot of innovation that goes into making america's #1 shave. precision machinery and high-quality materials from around the world. nobody else even comes close. now starting at $7.99. gillette. the best a man can get. this wi-fi is fast. i know! i know! i know! i know! when did brian move back in? brian's back? he doesn't get my room. he's only going to be here for like a week. like a month, tops. oh boy. wi-fi fast enough for the whole family is simple, easy, awesome. in many cultures, young men would stay with their families until their 40's. >> ed: tonight, big strategic shift to tell you about from the defense department. when it comes to tackling threats from russia and china. correspondent bryan llenas is at fort drum were where president trump signed the new spending bills. >> we are now rebuilding our military like we never have before. >> the tenth mountain division, the most diploid divisions as 9/11, welcomed the president ana military demonstration. a celebration of sorts before the president signed into law the john s. mccain national defense authorization act, a $760 billion defense spending budget for 2019 that promises to boost the military. under this bill, the u.s. military will add 15,000 troops to its ranks, and troops will get a 2.6% raise, the largest pay pump and a decade. billions will be invested in new weapons, including 77 new after 35 fighter aircraft. 13 new battleships, nearly a billion dollars to update nuclear capabilities, research artificial intelligence, and create a space defenses. >> every day, the army is fighting for us, and now we are fighting for you. 100%. >> the investments are being made to counter china, which has ramped up its military activity in the south china sea. under the outcome of the u.s. will now send form up into taiwan, conduct new joint military actions with japan, australia, and india, and tied to national security review is to give chinese companies from e secrets. the bill is also tougher on russia, sanctioning russia's arms industry while sending $250 million worth of weapons to the ukraine. notably, the president chose not to mention senator john mccain's name today. this act was named in his honor by his congressional colleagues as a thank you for his service. mccain is one of the most vocal critics of the president. ed? >> ed: brian, we appreciate your part. a new push from the national security advisor at the white house, john bolton, you try to force a release of the detained american pastor brunson from turkey. garrett tenney is live in washington following the developing story. >> good evening to you by the white house has been ramping up the pressure on turkey this last month, especially politically and economically to release pastor andrew brunson and those efforts appear to be having at least some effect. today, as turkey's financial markets plummeted and its currency fell to record lows, the country's ambassador to the u.s. requested a meeting with national security advisor john bolton to discuss the detention of pastor brunson and relations between our two countries. the white house has been tight-lipped about any conversations surrounding him so it's not clear what kind of progress, if any, was made that today's talks but jay sekulow, who represents the brunson family and is one of the president's personal attorneys tells fox news, "we are working with the president, vice president, and the secretary of state as well as members of congress, the president and his team are rated committed to securing the release of pastor brunson and we remain hopeful it will occur soon." today's meeting is at first we know of between the two countries between president trump announced plans fridays two double tariffs on turkish steel and aluminum over brunson's attainment. turkish president erdogan is not backing down, the parade on sunday, he accused the u.s. of committing economic warfare and not to given to economic pressure. >> translator: you are active in attending to sacrifice your relationship with 85 million people for a pastor with ties to terror organizations. we will do it as law dictates. you cannot make turkey bow down by ordering it around. >> they claim that a pastor as a spy who was working with terrorist groups in a failed military coup to overthrow turkey's government. white house officials called those allegations absurd and say that they are ready to slap turkey with additional tariffs if the pastor is not released. >> ed: turkey, which is supposed to be a key ally, bend under the pressure. retired for costs are general jack keane is here to weigh in. i covered barack obama, went in and looked at a interview he did in 2016 and said turkey is taking worrisome steps but they are still a key nato ally. what is a state of the relationship? speak of the relationship has been strained for some time. in 2016, when the coup started against erdogan, not a single country from the west came out to support him. that is because he's been moving toward an authoritarian regime, stripping the people of democratic values, becoming a strong man and a sense, aligning himself with russia and iran and syria. we have had some major issues with erdogan for some time. >> ed: this idea that pastor brunson has terrorist ties seems absurd, obviously, as the white house says, and is absurd. do you think this pressure, especially the tariffs at a time with the turkish economy is in a precarious position, is it going to have an impact? while they given? >> yeah, i think they will. the reason why pastor brunson is in prison is because he's a u.s. citizen residing in turkey. we have a turkish citizen residing in the united states who erdogan believes with the catalyst for the coup, his . we have no evidence to support that, so therefore, we are not extraditing him to turkey. that is why we are in the pickle we are in. listen, erdogan started this financial crisis himself when he expanded operations and cited turkey, creating a lot of debt and also refused to deal with low interest rates. those interest rates have to rise. we've exacerbated it for sure but we are not the cause of it. where we are headed here is a diplomatic solution for sure because erdogan has to avoid default. he's got a huge pressure on himself. he's tempered to a fault, that is for sure. at the end of the day, we'll see pastor brunson being released. >> ed: as you look around the world, this president campaigned as somebody who is going to get tougher, not just with voles but ally sometimes when they needed tough, and you look at what happened in turkey, you look at a foe like iran, the pressure on the president, you look at the defense bill today, over $700 billion to rebuild the military. what stands out to you in terms of what will have the most impact? >> first of all, we are growing the military in its size. we got to a 70 year low with this military, absolutely stunning, giving, given our world response abilities. the second thing, you've heard commanders go up before the congress had told him the serious readiness problem for our viewers, what that means is that a lack of flying hours, lack repairing hours, we are borrowing equipment. a lack of training time for our troops. we saw ships banging into other ships as a result of lack of training and preparation for our sailors at sea. that will begin to get fixed. as you showed in the introduction, we will capitalize our investment accounts and a significant way to buy more ships, more airplanes, more helicopters, ground fighting vehicles, missiles, et cetera, all that has got to be done and thankfully, we'll get the troops a significant pay raise for the first time in almost a decade. >> ed: general jack keane, the men and women in uniform who served so bravely for us need that. we appreciate you breaking it down. >> good talking to you, ed. >> ed: we also have breaking news tonight and the trial of the muslim extremist group running a new mexico compound prayed allegedly to train kids for acts of violence at schools. plus, stick around, we are live on the ground with our chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel. he's in minnesota. the primary there has been rocked by allegations of domestic violence against a top democrat, keith ellison. new developments tonight straight ahead. president trump weighs in on wisconsin's primary by mentioning a boycott against the state's big employer, harley-davidson. peter doocy is previewing the badger stayed primary next on a beautiful night in milwaukee. ♪ r accident - no big deal, right? 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(vo) with fair, transparent value for every trade-in... enterprise makes it easy. >> ed: tomorrow, voters head to the polls in wisconsin, minnesota, connecticut, and vermont for primary elections. tonight congressman keith ellison, the cochair of the democratic national committee commissioning allegations he emotionally and physically abused and ex-girlfriend. some are claiming these allegations are politically motivated. geopolitical correspondent correspondent mike emanuel is live in minnesota. good evening. >> good evening, ed. the stunning allegations of abuse are threatening a rising star of the democratic party, who is facing a primary election to be the state attorney general. keith ellison's vice chair of the democratic national committee. he's been a member of congress since 2007 and ellison is considered to be the likely front-runner of five democrats running to be minnesota's attorney general. over the weekend, the son of his ex-girlfriend accused ellison of abusing his mother and claims there is video evidence. his ex-girlfriend, karen monahan, backed up the sun's claims, calling a narcissist abuse, saying, "the pathologica, smearing my name, and seeking validation and sympathy from the various females he was praying on, kept getting more and more frequent." ellison put out a statement, saying "karen and i were in a long-term relationship which ended in 2016 and i still care deeply for her well-being. this video does not exist because i never behaved in this way and any characterization otherwise is false." one of the other candidates in this race is calling for a full criminal investigation and says ellison should step aside. >> this is a serious domestic charge, he serves as a number two person of the democratic national committee. frankly, i think he should resign from that position. i don't think you should be up l these allegations are resolved. >> the timing of this is obviously deeply troubling for ellison, coming out that we can before the minnesota primary, and some suggest that ellison is not likely to get the benefit of the doubt. >> voters, andrew cuomo have a lot of questions about whether these allegations are true, and the timing of them, but anything involving sexual assault is going to have a big impact in the democratic primary. >> and there is not much time for this to be vetted or to play out before minnesota voters go to the polls tomorrow. ed? >> ed: mike emanuel. maybe we can call him main street mike, thank you. in wisconsin, democrats tammy baldwin has a chance of winning this fall. peter doocy is live in milwaukee. good evening, peter. >> good evening, ed. the big bite here tomorrow as you see which republican is going to face in november the incumbent democrat tammy baldwin, who is seen as vulnerable because back in 2016, the state was won by president trump. a few hours ago in wisconsin, the congressmen retiring from wisconsin's first district, which also is a primary tomorrow, came to campaign for his pick, state senator. paul ryan lauded her as having the highest odds of flipping the seat and part of her last-minute pitch to voters was to look past the primary to the general election, seeking to define the democratic party, which lacks a clear national leader by linking the democratic incumbent to a democratic socialist. >> she stands with, of all people, bernie sanders, calling for a single payer government run health care. >> but leah vukmir trails kevin nicholson and they had to had fund-raising fight. she is the favorite of senators ted cruz and mike lee. outside money is now pouring into what could be the most expensive badger state senate primary ever, and nicholson is raking in cash, even now back in college, he was the president of the college democrats of americ america. >> conservative principles and policies and values actually work and empower people, given an opportunity to be successful. i did not get that when i was 21, i sure as heck get it now. >> president trump has not endorsed anyone in the senate primary but he has weighed in on a very touchy subject in wisconsin, a possible boycott of wisconsin's own harley-davidson if they wind up reacting to new tariffs by setting up shop elsewhere. the president tweeted, "many harley-davidson owners plan to boycott the company if manufacturing moves overseas. great! most other companies are coming in our direction, including harley competitors, a really bad move. u.s. will soon have a level playing field or better." harley's headquarters are here in milwaukee. leah vukmir, running for the senate, says she doesn't think they will wind up leaving wisconsin. nicholson, kevin nicholson, running for the senate, says he doesn't think a boycott would be necessary and the incumbent governor, scott walker, who is expected to fail to victory in his primary yesterday says that he does not want a boycott, no matter what the president says. ed? >> ed: primary pete, peter doocy. i appreciate you staying alive for us tonight. we'll see you tomorrow. new tonight on the extremist muslim compound in new mexico where authorities alleged ringleaders were training kids for violent acts against the government, including may be school shootings. the judge says the five defendants can be released on $25,025,000 bonds each, because defense attorneys focusing for their part on what they called a double standard ay alleging that of the suspects were white and christian, rather than black and muslim, they might not be in court at all. the president is not the only one who has a problem with the press apparently. >> i know this is one of our priorities, to undermine my prospects as speaker. >> ed: fresh attacks about media coming from democrats? like nancy pelosi and bill de blasio? should democrats be worried about a new poll showing party voters supporting socialism. we discuss it all with governor mike huckabee. he set next. ♪ was there, just not always where i needed to be. is she alright? 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"the reason socialism doesn't work is it sooner or later you run out of other people's money." that is why it doesn't work. it never worked. there's not one place on earth where it has been effective. it has been able to be sustained. it can't be. it's a false system based on basically a godless idea that people will just want to sit around and work hard and give it all away to somebody who didn't work hard and that is not the way the human body, the human mind is hardwired. >> ed: we see nancy pelosi, someone who i'm sure you believed in recent years was far left, is now having troubles with the far left. you've got over 50 democrats, either incumbents are candidates for office, saying they want to support her if the democrats win back the majority, so much and so, she's so discombobulated, she was going after nbc over the weekend and saying, you guys are trying to stir up trouble. >> you know, when you are a democrat and you've lost nbc, you have completely lost the left wing of your party. that is an astonishing thing, when she's upset that nbc has taken her on. that shows you how far, not only most of the democrats have gone, but how far nbc has gone, and they are out there on the edge, and nancy pelosi is wondering, what happened. while, they left her. >> ed: governor, i noticed on twitter today -- can't believe everything you say -- it is your daughter's birthday. sarah huckabee sanders. what did you tell her? >> i just wish her a happy birthday. she was born on friday the 13th. i told her it was one of the luckiest generals wonderful days of my life when she was born and she has been a delight. i hope she's had a good birthday and didn't get thrown out of any restaurant today. >> ed: she's been in the middle of a lot of controversy but that is one proud papa. we appreciate you coming in. >> you bet, ed. >> ed: you've heard of storm chasers. what about fire teasers? they fly into the smoke to help you. that is next. ♪ i've been making blades here at gillette for 20 years. i bet i'm the first blade maker you've ever met. there's a lot of innovation that goes into making our thinnest longest lasting blades on the market. precision machinery and high-quality materials from around the world. nobody else even comes close. it's about delivering a more comfortable shave every time. invented in boston, made and sold around the world. order now at gillette. the best a man can get. ♪ >> ed: fox news alert. a firefighter in the mendocino fire in northern california has died. fact finding on incident is ongoing. while the fight continues, new players are popping up. tonight, there is one plane flying into the wild fires, not self-contained them, but to find out how they affect you, so they can get more intelligence and information. correspondent alicia acuna explains. >> this video is for my specially outfitted in a c-130 plane, headed in search of a wild fire plume. instruments on board pull in the air and in real time generate information on the composition of the smoke, some of which captured goes back to the lab. >> this is science that will help daily air quality forecasts, this is science that will help daily weather forecasts. >> emily fisher as part of a team of scientists and researchers from five universities and a handful of federally funded agencies leaving the largest and most of mike's most comprehensive effort to analyze the chemistry of wildfire smoke right >> because the smoke will be unbearable places, that is why you need an aircraft he had a lightweight speak of study, tell him could lead to more specific health warnings in a wildfire season that is up to a record-breaking and dangerous start fights >> the toxic exposure, it is secondhand smoke everywhere. >> my eyes are irritated, it is harder to breathe. speak with his national weather service map shows the levels of smoke in u.s. red and orange are worst, the blue, reaching to the east coast. researchers want to know how it changes as it dissipates and interacts with other pollutants. >> we might be able to predict more if one failure is going to be worse for some folks that another fire is. >> for places like the holy fire in california were public health officials are telling folks the ash could be toxic. >> final results will be up for another year but in the next three months, scientists say they have unique insight into what we are breathing and when wildfire smoke makes it to where we left. ed? >> ed: thanks, alicia. most-watched, most trusted, most grateful you spend your evening with us. good night from new york. i met henry. i will see you here tomorrow. among our guests, roger stone. reports at robert mueller, the special counsel, may be zeroing in on him. good night. ♪ saving on this! saving in here. rewarded! learn more at ancestrydna can open you to a world of new cultures to explore. with two times more detail than any other dna test... you can get a new taste of your heritage. only $59- our site's lowest price ever. my gums are irritated. i don't have to worry about that, do i? actually, you do. harmful bacteria lurk just below the gum line. crest gum detoxify works below the gum line to neutralize harmful plaque bacteria and help reverse early gum damage. and, now there's new crest gum & enamel repair. it gives you clinically proven healthier gums and helps repair and strengthen weakened enamel. gum detoxify and gum & enamel repair, from crest. gums are good, so is my check-up! crest. healthy, beautiful smiles for life. maui designed to respond torn on the the bright sunaii, and harsh glare of the islands, all while enhancing the view. after thirty years, we're still independently owned and the freethinking hawaiian spirit that first inspired us, is still a part of everything we do. our polarizedplus2 lenses not only protect eyes from harmful rays, they also make colors more vivid and contrast crisper. try on a pair and see for yourself. the view's better from here. and i don't add up the years. but what i do count on is boost®. delicious boost® high protein nuritional drink now has 33% more protein, along with 26 essential vitamins and minerals boost® high protein. be up for life. boost® high protein. when you bundle your auto and hwith esurance, you could save with their single deductible. so if you confused the brake with the gas, or if your lamp post jumped out of nowhere, or if you forgot your bike was on the roof rack, you only pay one deductible -instead of two- for a claim involving both your auto and home. and when you save that much, it's almost like it... never even happened. that's auto and home insurance for the modern world. esurance. an allstate company. click or call. night. tucker is up next. ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight" by the left got violent over theso weekend while the press averted its gaze and pretended nothing happened. >> if it came down to addenda was a group effort, it would be like buy qaddafi." >> i would believe him up. >> you what? >> yeah. >> tucker: telling you would actually happen through the folder. first, disgraced fbi agent peter strzok is now

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