Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox News Night With Shannon Bream

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox News Night With Shannon Bream 20180802 03:00:00

watch this. ♪ sweet caroline ♪ never seemed so good ♪ ♪ >> shannon: shannon bream and the "fox news @ night" team take it from here. she is always so good. >> shannon: thank you so much. we begin our show with a fox news alert. ♪ the president weeds out attorney general's jeff sessions about ending the mueller pro. the left cries obstruction the white house says, calm down, nothing new to see. we'll discuss it with fox news contributor jason chaffetz and the national republican senatorial committee. a federal judge overseeing the manafort trial cracks down on prosecutors, once again chastising the mueller team for getting to q2. including a warning to lawyers to stop rolling their eyes. what exactly happened in that quarter monday two? jonathan hunt has uncovered. later, republican congressman
jeff dunham drawings is fresh off shopping facility from california where children brought to the u.s. illegally are currently living. what did he see? as anyone in congress is serious about tackling the immigration issue? hello, welcome to "fox news @ night." i'm shannon bream in washington. i'm a presidential tweets, high-profile trial, new information tonight from chief t john roberts, regarding a possible presidential interview with special counsel robert mueller. roberts reporting to white house legal team is still leaning no, but the president trump wants to keep the talks going. mueller agreeing to some conditions set by the president's legal team but not all of them, including some biggies. meanwhile the only child to come out of the special counsel probe appears to be getting to a rocky start for the government bridge chief correspondent jonathan hunt is here to break break it down. good evening, jonathan. >> hey, shannon. good evening. a bad day for the government. a very good day for men's warehouse. i'll explain in a moment. only indications are that
paul manafort's trial on baking and tax fraud charges could rack up more quickly then quickly with u.s. district judge dsl is moving proceedings along rapidle patience for lawyers eating up time without evidence the judge considers irrelevant. it prosecutors focused on manafort's expensive and sometimes eccentric choice of clothes, he told them to move on, saying it's not a crime to be wealthy. and while manafort may have a yearning for $15,000 ostrich jackets, the judge said of his own sartorial choices, "if it doesn't say men's warehouse, i don't buy it." judge ellis also told prosecutors not to use the word "oligarch" to describe the wealthy ukrainians with whom manafort did business because the word implied that manafort was associated with "despicable people and therefore he's despicable, that is not the
american way," the judge said. president trump attacked the mueller investigation, and want to, saying paul manafort was being treated more harshly than mob boss al capone. another tweet saying, "this is a terrible situation an attorney jeff sessions should stop this rigged witch hunt right now." a direct order to the attorney general. the president's attorney, rudy giuliani, said the president frequently uses twitter to express opinions and that is all he was doing today. >> he used the word "should," used the word "must," no presidential directives that followed it. he didn't direct him to do it. he's not going to direct him to do it. >> fox news has also learned tonight that a special counsel robert mueller has responded via letter to president trump's lawyers questions and demands about the scope of any potential interview between mueller and
and a fellow of the hoover institution joins us now. let's talk about with the president had to say. he had an email out there directed as jonathan set up the attorney general but here's what jay sekulow, part of his legal team said. "the president did not issue an order or directive to the department of justice. we'll start with you. >> a ridiculous notion that somehow this was an order. first of all, if the president wanted to fire bob mueller, the president could do it himself, even if you tell someone else to do it for a second of all, the typical type of hyperventilation we are seeing from the left. anytime the president makes a pronouncement about the mueller investigation somehow, it is tied to obstruction of justice. a ridiculous absorption. look, i think it lacks carpet credibility and frankly makes it harder for democrats to make the case that they want to make against the president. this is just rhetoric. >> shannon: one of the top democrats putting his credibility on the line as congressman adam schiff, the ranking democrat on house and tell. he says "the president of united states just called on his
attorney general to put an end to an investigation in which the president, his family, and campaign may be amply aided. this is an attempt to obstruct justice hiding in plain sight. america must never accept it. jason chaffetz, do you accept it? >> no. adam schiff has been discredited so many times. i can't believe anybody even reads what he writes or talks about. he is totally irrelevant. i did think it was a very bad day for the government. if they think that this old case of mr. manafort, for supposedly not paying taxes on income come away before the interaction with donald trump, if that is the best they have got two years into this, i think the president makes a good point. in support of what lanhee said, really, if the president wanted a directive, he could do it himself or he could write a letter directly to the attorney general. but i tweet is not that. >> shannon: lanhee, the president did talk, numerous tweets that seemed to be supportive of manafort or at least questioning the prosecution of him. the white house says it's not
A recap of the day's headlines and a look at what's in store for tomorrow.
even for a female, those are some pretty pricey duds. i'm i want to get a look at them. the judge said today, if it's not men's warehouse, i don't know about it. he told the prosecution to quit bringing up the stuff about money. he said this is about whether or not the guy paid his taxes and reported as income, not targeting him because he happened to be wealthy. >> i love judge ellis. i like his style, i like what he does things. i don't think he will put up with any bull and i like the way he runs his courtroom. he's been there since the reagan administration at i really like him. but remember what we are talking about, from men's warehouse to somebody's closet, this has nothing to do with russia. why the american taxpayers can continue pour millions of dollars into it mueller is doing, i think judge ellis got a right. he's trying to put the squeeze on manafort to somehow come up with something on trump, and i hope ellis doesn't, you know, let him to continue to go down that road. total waste of time and money. >> shannon: he's been pretty
strident with these guys. lanhee, want to ask you about gates, who made a plea deal, used to be partners, a business relationship with manafort, today, the prosecutor is saying that he may not even testify. that's pricey? it looks like the manafort defense is built around gates and attacking his credibility. he is the one who made the plea deal and in a lot of ways, focusing, served up manafort to the special counsel. he may not take the stand. >> is a little bit surprising, shannon. the anticipation was that gates would be the star witness for the prosecution. why do they deal otherwise? it is a little surprising. again, not surprising from the manafort side, that they are pointing the finger at gates, a classic strategy of courtroom defense. we shouldn't be surprised. it is a little surprising. i still think gates does end up on the stand before this all said and done. >> shannon: lanhee, jason chaffetz, i don't know about you guys come about and looking forward today. to see what judge ellis has to say. they become a gentleman. without waiting for the results of the actual special counsel
they concluded, general clapper, who said that russia's overarching aim was to degrade our trust in the democratic process. so russia's interference in the election would have perhaps made us wonder whether, the extent to which they might of influence people's thinking. under no circumstances are anyone ever said that russia succeeded. that's an unknown. it's impossible to prove that. when general clapper wrote in his book recently that russia had actually tilted the election to president trump, he admitted that he wasn't privy to any intelligence since the publication of his own report that would have swayed him, one way or the other. it's just speculation. i would tell you, having spent the better part of 30 years in the u.s. government with the cia, you speculated your own peril. you got to stick to the facts. >> shannon: good advice for all of us. a piece in "the washington post" by max boot, "he concludes, "without the russian influence effort, i believe trump would not have been even within
striking distance of clinton on election day, that is the inconvenient truth. the putin republicans want to admit." fact or fiction? is there evidence? i have not seen evidence of that. there was one guy he was really happy to hear those comments, vladimir putin sitting in the kremlin, popping vodka bottles, celebrating, that some of these countries are doing is effectively serving as a force multiplier for putin's influence campaign. a self-inflicted wound. when we are already under the kremlin's fee to. >> shannon: do you think that it divides people? there is constant talk on capitol hill it as to whether his benefiting hillary or trump or republicans or democrats, when most people who have actually studied it and have seen the evidence say it was all about creating chaos. now we are having these conversations and people continue to run with us narrative. >> vladimir putin hates us all. he hates democrats, republicans, we are all the main enemy. you have to look at it in an aggregate. the dni included that part of
holy grail for putin. trying to drive a wedge within the republican party, of ronald reagan, responsible for tearing down the soviet union, which for putin, the greatest geopolitical disaster of the 20th century. >> shannon: he would like to see that come back together, and sooner rather than later is my estimation. again, this -- launching these conversations gives fuel to those who are running with evidence in making these claims. clearly, for many of them, the guess is that it is to justify the reason that hillary lost, at least in their mind. we'll see. as is not over. a special counsel probe is far from over. that is where we will get factual and evidence-based answers. thank you for coming in. >> thank you. >> shannon: the primary battle for the senate in arizona is getting heated. republican candidates embracing president trump while snapping amongst themselves, including the recently pardoned -- you know him -- sheriff joe arpaio. >> they have been trying to get me out of the race from the beginning and i don't like them
bribing them for money to get me to drop out of the race. >> shannon: president trump doubles down on his threat to shut down the government over funding for the border wall. but you may be surprised about something he added to that idea today and a chat with rush limbaugh. we'll play it for you. hear it for yourself. then leslie marshall and larry o'connor way and live next. ♪ >> tech: at safelite autoglass, we really pride ourselves on making it easy for you to get your windshield fixed. >> teacher: let's turn in your science papers. >> tech vo: this teacher always puts her students first.
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>> shannon: a campaign contest that could change the balance of power in washington. the race for a place for retiring g.o.p. cleanser jeff flake, early voting set to begin tomorrow. alicia acuna look at the g.o.p. candidates efforts to out trump each other. >> republicans are locked in a heated primary battle to defend a senate seat the g.o.p. has held for three decades. >> messy? i don't think it's messy. >> former maricopa county sheriff to arpaio is 1 of 2 candidates on the far right, who bristles at people saying that he is splitting the vote. >> we will bring the heat to drain the swamp. >> former state senate senator, who unsuccessfully challenged john mccain two years ago, claims joe arpaio, at age 86, as past her prime. her husband said he's unlikely to live long enough to finish a six-year senate term. >> for bringing that out, how
much lower can you get? >> joe has been a folk hero, he spent some buddy who has been important, in arizona, and i hate to see somebody that he is surrounding himself with on his campaign, ruining the legacy has left. >> even a president trump part of him and the administration has shown support -- >> sheriff joe arpaio! i am honored to have you here. >> there has been no endorsement in the race. >> i've got the strongest voting record with president trump. long before i was running in the senate. >> former fighter pilot in two term congresswoman martha mcsally is a front runner. yet she has been called out for warming to a president xi has been critical of it in the past. >> we are keeping an eye on our targets while engaging with primary voters and unifying republicans behind us. >> all of this plays out in front of the changing arizona electorate, hispanics now make up 30% of the population and independent voters hold sway. democratic frontrunner, congresswoman kiersten cinema, is counting on, the onetime
green party activist continues to distance herself from the past, even saying this about the president. >> i will take it as it comes. the good -- take it when it's good and oppose it when it's wrong. >> the official election day is actually august 28th but according to state figures, by that date, approximately 80% of voters will have cast their ballots. shannon? >> shannon: it's ours earlier and earlier all the time with these different states. the thank you so much. president trump dialing up rush limbaugh on the 30th anniversary of the conservative host radio program. something new the commander-in-chief had to say about a potential government shutdown caught her attention. listen. >> well, if you do it before, there is a lot more pressure to get a great solution. but it's riskier. if you do it afterwards, there's less pressure, there's less risk, i'm just not sure you would make as good a deal. i will say, a lot of good people, though, would ask me in the nicest of ways, could we do
it after the election. >> i bet. >> they have been good to me. i've had a lot of good support within the republican party. you saw the poll numbers in the republican party, they like me. you have to give them a little bit happy. >> shannon: was that music capitol hill republic and sears? let's talk about it with the panel. fox news contributor leslie marshall and radio host larry o'connor. welcome to you both. >> hi, shannon. >> shannon: referred a lot about the president saying, listen, congressional leaders and said we thought we had an understanding, he is still talking about the shutdown. leslie, tempering that, saying these folks have been good for me, taking that into consideration. maybe they shut down as before, maybe after the midterms. >> it is so not typical of the president to change his tune in to talk out of both sides of his mouth on an issue. i'm shocked. look, in my opinion, the president saying, we will start on the government if i don't get what they want, is tantamount to my kids when they were toddlers,
at the target in the aisle in the toy section not getting what they wanted. when he says, i don't care about politics, this is not political, we know that's not true because i'm sure a lot of republicans said, look, mr. president, if you do this, before the midterms, we could lose one or both chambers in congress and that is why it would be after. even admits it wouldn't be as good a deal after. basically, finding out as political, and not a good deal. most americans don't want her to begin with. >> shannon: i've had a lot of meltdowns and target as well because her a lot of stuff in there, larry, that i would like to get in my cart is often very full. with that in mind, the president has said, we lose the leverage, he thinks the g.o.p. does, if we don't make the deal with the democrats, force them into the midterms. he also admitted a bit of a gamble in these swing districts where they may not want to see such a hard line on the wall and on immigration. >> leave it up rush limbaugh, by the way, 30 years and, getting a juicy headline from the president today, good for him. i got to say, conventional
wisdom has always said that a government shutdown as toxic politics are republicans. but this president has always turned conventional wisdom on its ear. i think there is some political benefited out the american voter is that you stand for something. by the way, you stand for something as important as border security, national security, and enforcing our immigration laws, and one other thing, keeping your promises. this president is trying to keep his promise. he can't get any cooperation from the house. the democrats want to do anything for him. may be using this leverage is a good thing. i think it's good politics to stand by what you believe. >> shannon: we see continually in these rallies, as we did through the campaign, year and happened to us in administration, still, build the wall chance, happening everywhere. leslie came another thing, former president obama issuing a new list of people that he will be helping and endorsing, some notable names were left off, though, we noted, the senate race in texas, beto o'rourke, challenging ted cruz, o'rourke, now a congressman, not there.
and alexandria cossey of cortez. the darling of a socialist left. she's not on there either. as it say anything to? >> honestly, i think it is -- you can't endorse everyone, first of all. second of all, when he says he is going to endorse, he won't only be out there, he will physically be going to these places and he has to be in districts that are going to help the individual that is running. i don't think that is going to be the case in a red state like texas, when you look at a roar, and quite frankly, president obama is not speaking to, not going to be as palatable to the very far left of center democrats or the people that are more moderate or even right-leaning democrats, as we may see in texas. the list that he has is appropriate. his endorsement could help. we know that a big name, even a former president, left or right, doesn't always have the person running. >> shannon: i saw some reaction from the right, larry, saying, bring it on, they lost
he's a leftist, he always has been. >> shannon: he's embracing it. larry and leslie, so many other juicy nuggets we could discuss. we are out of time. please come back. good to see you both. >> you back. >> shannon: the aclu sues the trump administration, accusing them of violating the constitutional rights of adults who cross into the u.s. illegally and are now being detained. up next, the g.o.p. congressman who just visited one center housing children. not subject to the lawsuit. the california republican jeff denham of california tells us exactly what he saw. plus, three democratic governors threatened or turned on federal dollars if the trump administration sticks to a pledge to no longer allow your tax dollars to go to clinics performing abortions. is it make sense for the states to refuse millions? they argue that the policies are putting h health care access at risk. ♪ nd say yesss! to linzess.
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administration, alleging that illegal immigrant adults were being held under a federal prison in california being denied constitutional rights, that include health care and religious freedom. the republican congressman from california draft nms fresh off a visit to a child immigration detention facility. we have plenty to talk about. congressman, thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> shannon: a writer and account that that in the place he visited, it was clean, orderly, the kids were taking field trips, including to a university, most of them have been reunited with the adults that that to they had come here with. that is under the narrative we are hearing from media outlets. >> no. first, let me say, we should not need any of these facilities at all. we should be securing our borders, stopping the catch and release program, and fixing of our overall broken immigration system, including an earned pathway. specifically on this facility, i was not going to let them deny me access. i wanted to make sure that the two girls that were there two weeks ago, the first time i try to visit come over reunified
with their parents, and they were. >> shannon: you mention a heavy left for congress, all the things i need to get done, the immigration makeover. is there an appetite for it? i hear from folks, as you do from both sides of the aisle, who talk a big game and nothing gets done on the hill. >> hardworking taxpayers are demanding it. i was willing to not only push the other party come but to push my own party, as well. we got to get this done and i think congress has got to continue to bring this issue up to find a real solution to add to. >> shannon: what do you think about the president talking about a government shutdown? either preor post-midterm election? >> it shouldn't come to any of those types of issues or demands. congress need to needs to do it. we brought up a bill and miss bill actually had a lot of the gang of eight bills issues that came out of the senate that had every democrat in the senate who voted for it, every democrat in the house had signed on to it. the media across the country said, you need to get this done.
we introduced nearly the same bill, not one democrat supports anymore. obviously, this is very political. i think the american public needs to continue to push congress to get its job done. >> shannon: okay. i want to ask you quickly about two court cases. the ruling for the ninth circuit saying the administration cannot take away funding or limit funding for sanctuary cities because they don't agree with their policies, essentially saying, they won't cooperate with federal law enforcement with respect to illegal immigrants. the ninth circuit ruling, the united states constitution exclusively grants the power of the first to congress, not the president. devon o'malley, dod spokesman said, "a victory for criminal aliens in california who can continue to commit crimes knowing that the state's leadership will protect them from federal immigration officers." what do you make of the situation in california on that front? >> it certainly is disappointing. this is not about immigration, this is about the rule of law. we are a free society based on a set of laws that we need to follow. i want to make sure that we are
not going to punish communities like mine. i want to see all levels of law enforcement making working together and we do serve safe communities. one of the things i've continued to press the administration on is to make sure that we actually have paths to communities where our sheriffs are working with all levels of law enforcement, so that our cherubs aren't penalized in the process were actually doing their jobs. we do have cities here in california, as well as a governor, that has pushed for a sanctuary state. that does not create a safety for anybody. >> shannon: quickly, i need to get your reaction to the aclu will you lawsuit. they say about 1,000 adults who came here illegally did not have room for beds with i.c.e. now they are being held in a prison instead. the aclu says they are being denied basic human needs such as health care, food, and sunlight. they are suing to get them out of prison, not sure where they would go. >> yeah, and it's disappointing. we actually have had several pieces of legislation and an appropriations bill to expand
these facilities, so we are controlling the influx at the border so we can house them in these detention centers, as well as have more judges so that we can have expedited due process. but we ultimately -- we have to control the border and not to let people just roam free. there are some that are pushing for open borders, and getting rid of i.c.e. i believe we have to follow the rule of law. i'm going down to the border with a group of other members to take a look at not only the new border security proposals, but really, look at these detention centers. we'll be down here first of next week. >> shannon: will you update us? >> absolutely. i look forward to talking to about it. >> shannon: congressman denham, thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> shannon: democratic governors threatening to withdraw their states for mall title x family planning funds at the trump administration goes forward with proposed changes that would affect clinics that provide abortions. pro-life groups say that is putting ideology above
nonabortion services for the poor and others. garrett tenney is tracking the details. >> good to be with you. with the white house wants to do with the rule is make sure that taxpayer dollars are in no way facilitating role in promoting, or encouraging abortion. that has prompted a backlash from a growing number of state democratic leaders who argue with not only unconstitutional, but unethical for the government to limit access to abortion. 40 democratic governors are threatening to sue the trump administration over a proposed change to the title x family planning program. this week, three governors and said they are willing to take it a step further. if the trump administration moves ahead with proposed changes to title x funding guidelines, the governors of washington, oregon, and hawaii come are starting to blow their states out of the program and turn down the millions of dollars in federal funding that come with it. the $260 million program provides grants to clinics and hospitals providing family planning and preventive health services to low-income patients, and currently, planned parenthood is among
those who receive those grants. that would change of the department of health and human services' new rule goes into effect because it would "prohibit recipients from using title x funds to perform, promote, refer for, or support abortion as a method of family planning." if that happens, the three western governors are willing to turn down a lot of free money coming into their states. last year, hawaii received nearly $3 million in title x grants, according to the national family planning and reproductive health association. oregon received $2.7 million. washington got nearly $4 million. governor jay inslee of washington said he believes the proposed changes to title x title x are unethical and he doesn't want his date to be a part of it. >> we are going to stand with planned parenthood against the trump administration's really barbarous effort to put a gag rule in place to prevent women from getting access to legitimate thematically
appropriate information. >> pro-life groups, such as concerned women for america, save it as nothing but a political stand by democrats. "the fact that three governors are willing to take a pass and approximately $10 million and instead choose planned parenthood over care for poor women is shocking. this is an unmasking of the radical ideology behind abortion and proof that health care for women was never the point." clearly, there are a lot of strong opinions on both sides of this issue. the department of health and human services receives more than 190,000 comments on this proposed rule. the agency is now going through all of those before deciding whether or not to make changes to the rule before it goes into effect. once it does, a lot of folks already planning to file lawsuits against it. >> shannon: either way. i don't about you but my mailbox with blood of the last few weeks from people on both sides of this. a lot of passion. the administration not afraid to weigh in. thank you. breaking news next. president trump orders and sanctions for turkey over jailed american pastor andrew brunson. we have been following his
story. as our nato ally, turkey, actually turning into a frenemy? remains of soldiers from the korean war returning to the u.s. we'll take you to that ceremony next. is different. it relieves all your worst symptoms, including nasal congestion, which most pills don't. it's more complete allergy relief. and all from a gentle mist you can barely feel. flonase sensimist helps block six key inflammatory substances. most pills only block one. and six is greater than one. flonase sensimist.
announcing new sanctions on turkey over its refusal to drop what the u.s. is calling trumped up charges against an american pastor. vice president mike pence hailed tangible progress with north korea over returning the presumed remains of u.s. troops. we have team coverage for you tonight on foreign policy. dan springer covers u.s. korean war troops returning to american soil. we begin with kristin fisher as the president is making good now on a threat against turkey. >> hey, shannon. this american pastor was in a turkish person for almost two years and he's facing up to 35 years if convicted. the trump administration was able to get him transferred to house arrest last week. they say that it's still not good enough. that is why they want to impose the sanctions. so the sanctions target two top officials of the turkish government who the white house has played leading roles in the pastor's arrest and detention shortly after the sanctions were announced, the treasury secretary said that pastor brunson's on on trusted detention and continued prosecution by turkish officials as unacceptable. president trump has made it abundantly clear that the united states accepts turkey to release him immediately.
pastor andrew brunson is an evangelical christian come originally from north carolina, lived in turkey for more than 20 years. he was leading a church there when he was arrested, and accused of espionage and backing a coup attempt against turkish president erdogan. pastor brunson says he's innocent at the white house believes in. >> we see no evidence that pastor brunson has done anything wrong, and we believe that he is a victim of unfair and unjust it detention by the government of turkey. >> in response, the turkish government says we strongly protest the u.s. treasury department's decision to sanction our country and that an equivalent response for this aggressive attitude will be given without delay. this marks a pretty serious ratcheting of tensions between the u.s. and turkey had to think, just a few weeks ago, president trump and erdogan were pretty friendly with one another. since then, the two leaders have discussed the pastor's case on several occasions but clearly, the talks did not end well, though, they will continue.
the secretary of state said today that he is planning to meet with his turkish counterpart in singapore later this week. >> shannon: thank you for the update. we will continue to cover it. thank you. just hours ago, the presumed remains of u.s. troops from the korean war return to american soil. vice president mike pence says it's strict on my proof that talktalk for the singapore negotiations with north korea are paying off. dan stringer's life from hawaii. good evening, dan. >> good evening, shannon. what a day. a stopper yet moving ceremony here at joint base pearl harbor this afternoon. there remains arrived on two cargo planes from south korea, just a few days earlier, though, they had been turned over by north korea, where they had been for at least 65 years. 55 transfer case history to the american flag were walked into a hanger by an honor guard representing the army, air force, marines, navy. vice president mike pence was on hand to receive the remains. his father was a korean war
hero. he called this a tangible step toward peace in the korean peninsula. auntie honored the war dead now finally home. >> today, they are known but to god. but soon we will know their names. and we will tell their stories of courage. they were soldiers, yes, but they were also husbands, fathers, brothers, and neighbor neighbors. long gone but never lost to the memory of their loved ones. >> also at today's ceremony was a korean war veteran herbert schreiner. he leads a veteran group and halt. an emotional day because his younger brother was killed in korea by a land mine. his body was returned but seven many are still missing. >> i know how it feels to have somebody that lost their lives
for freedom to come home. i feel it, and i feel bad for those who cannot identify, receive their dads are brothers with makeup on. >> the korean war was the first major conflict of the decades long cold war, lasted three years and left many dead. the last time u.s. field teams were allowed to north korea was 2005 in the last remains true never by north korea was a 2007, all the remains end up at the same place, the defense p.o.w. m.i.a. accounting agency. in its sole mission is to bring home and identify america's war dead. now starts the clock to try to identify these remains. it will take, shannon, at least months to years to identify all the remains. the work will begin in earnest tomorrow. >> shannon: hopefully, finally, some answers for the loved ones who have been waiting
and waiting for decades. dan springer in hawaii, thank you very much. new details emerging tonight in the investigation into the disappearance of mollie tibbetts. the iowa college student missing for two weeks. her boyfriend speaks exclusively to fox news. we'll hear from him next. ♪ >> i love you and i miss you and i want you to come home. ♪ time. it shouldn't be measured by clocks. it should be measured by how long steak & lobster is back at outback. back by popular demand, steak & lobster starting at $15.99! and limited, so hurry in today. outback steakhouse. aussie rules. when you barely clip a tpassing car.
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♪ >> shannon: new leads in the investigation into the disappearance of 20-year-old college student mollie tibbetts. she vanished two weeks ago and tonight, seven fbi agents came to his home and ask to search his property without a warrant. reportedly the federal investigators are there for nearly two hours taking pictures and searching his garage. the farmer says he's got nothing to hide. he is not being charged with a grin. tonight, mollie tibbetts' boyfriend is speaking exclusively with fox news. correspondent eric shawn has that interview. hi. >> shannon, as you know, 20-year-old mollie tibbetts vanished near brooklyn, iowa. a small town about an hour east of des moines. she's a student at at the university of iowa and was last seen jogging at night and she was living at her boyfriend's house for the summer. she's an avid jogger. you regularly ran 45 minutes a
day. law enforcement officials have ruled out any wrongdoing by her boyfriend, who is named dalton jack. he was 100 miles away at the time mollie was believed or disappeared. they were scheduled to be in the dominican republic in the caribbean for the wedding of dalton's brother but now that wedding has been canceled. dalton and mollie were high school sweethearts and he told fox news he cannot imagine that she has vanished. >> i don't want to go wracking it through my brain, thinking of what happened, what happened, what happened, just driving myself insane. i know everybody else around here is. you just go to lead by example. i love you and i miss you and i want you to come home. >> this piece to tibbetts family tells fox news that any suspicions about dalton are wro. her family subbing for any information that can help bring her back, and authorities say her disappearance is "not consistent with her past." >> everyone knows everyone. everyone talks to everyone.
and you can't do anything there without somebody seeing it. so we need to get that person or persons to come forward with that information, the bottom line is, somebody knows something. >> mollie and dalton's families are hoping for a good break in this case. the question is tonight, when will that come? shannon? >> shannon: many questions, no answers. thank you very much. our hall of fame "midnight hero" is next. ♪ oam, to nourishing 3 minute miracle, to the moisture-infusing gold series. we give more women great hair days - every day. pantene. new family connections, every day.llion that's more ways to discover new relatives. people who share your dna. and maybe a whole lot more. order your kit at (door bell rings) it's ohey. this is amazing.
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Services , Backlash , Poor , Garrett Tenney , Number , Title X , Change , Family Planning Program , 40 , Step , Hawaii , Funding Guidelines , Oregon , Family Planning , Grants , Health Services , Hospitals , Planned Parenthood , 60 Million , 260 Million , Effect , Funds , Recipients , Method , Department Of Health And Human Services , Who Wass In Thank Hawaii , Titlex Grants , 3 Million , Million , Jay Inslee , Reproductive Health Association , 2 7 Million , 7 Million , 4 Million , Parenthood , Gag Rule , Concerned Women For America , 10 Million , 0 Million , Proof , Unmasking , Lawsuits , Agency , Mailbox , 190000 , Andrew Brunson , Turkey , Sanctions , Blood , Breaking News , President Trump Orders , Passion , Story , Ally , Frenemy , Nato , Remains , Symptoms , Ceremony , Korean War , Soldiers , Nasal Congestion , Flonase Sensimist , Pills Don T , Relief , Pills , Allergy , Mist , Substances , Mike Pence , North Korea , Troops , Foreign Policy , Progress , Team Coverage , Refusal , Dan Springer , American Soil , Kristin Fisher , Person , Pastor , House Arrest , 35 , Detention , Officials , Roles , Arrest , Enough , Treasury Secretary , Coup Attempt , Espionage , Evangelical Christian , Church , North Carolina , Erdogan , Victim , Anything Wrong , Response , Turkish Government , Delay , Attitude , Us Treasury Department , Decision , Another , Ratcheting , Tensions , Occasions , Planning , Counterpart , Secretary Of State , Update , Singapore , Negotiations , Talktalk , Korean War Return To American Soil , Dan Stringers Life From Hawaii , Cargo Planes , South Korea , Base , Stopper , Pearl Harbor , 65 , Father , Army , Hanger , Flag , Honor Guard , Hand , Transfer Case , Marines , Air Force , Navy , 55 , Home , Auntie , War , Hero , Peace , Korean Peninsula , God , Brothers , Courage , Fathers , Neighbor , Husbands , Stories , Yes , Herbert Schreiner , Neighbors , Veteran Group , Memory , Loved Ones , Brother , Land Mine , Lives , Halt , Body , Seven , Makeup On , Dads , Cannot Identify , Teams , Dead , Field , Cold War , Conflict , Defense Pow Mia Accounting Agency , Mission , Americas War Dead , 2007 , 2005 , Work , Clock , Hopefully , Student Mollie Tibbetts , Boyfriend , Disappearance , Jin Hawaii , Iowa College , Clocks , Lobster , Car , Steak , Outback , Aussie Rules , Outback Steakhouse , Popular Demand , Time Is Limited , Tpassing , 15 99 , 5 99 , Insurance Company , Pen , Big Deal , Rate , Minor , Wrong , Scratch , Liberty Mutual Won T , Drivers , Accident , Rates , Liberty Mutual Insurance , Accident Forgiveness , Leads , Investigators , Property , Warrant , Fbi Agents , Farmer , Garage , Eric Shawn , Grin , Iowa , Brooklyn , Jogging , Jogger , Town , Summer , University Of Iowa , Des Moines , 45 , Law Enforcement Officials , Mollie , Dalton Jack , Dominican Republic , Wrongdoing , 100 , Wedding , High School Sweethearts , Caribbean , Brain , Family , Everybody , Example , Back , Family Subbing , Suspicions , Swro , Authorities , Persons , Families , Bottom Line , Question , Break , Midnight Hero , Hall Of Fame , Foam , Day Llion , Series , Family Connections , Miracle , Hair , Pantene , 3 , More , Dna , Relatives , Kit , Door Bell Rings , Ancestrydna Com , Ohey , Humira , Doctor , Moderate , Ulcerative Colitis , Control , Infections , Cancers , Medications , Haven T , Tuberculosis , Ability , Uc Under Control , Areas , Reactions , Nervous System Problems , Have , Liver , Tb , Heart Failure , Lymphoma , Hepatitis B , Infection , Don T , Sores , Gastroenterologist , Vehicles , Truck , Dependability , Vehicle , Designs , Performance , Woah , Cars , Innovations , Trucks , Jd , Brand , Suvs , Row , Dynasty , Chevy , At T , Power Dependability Awards , Wow , Plans , Entertainment Options , Ton , Shark , Uh , Channels , Data , Tv , Amazon , Hbo , Visit Att , Dot Com , Gas , Auto , Deductible , Claim , Lamp Post , Brake , Bike , Roof Rack , Nowhere , Allstate , Home Insurance , World , Esurance , Pat Tillman , Star , Cardinals , 9 11 , Fame , Friendly Fire , Announcement , Nfl , Army Ranger , Afghanistan , 2004 , 25 ,

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