Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox News At Night With Shannon Brea

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox News At Night With Shannon Bream 20201002

to mute the candidates? the answer tonight on both of these big, breaking stories from the trump campaign straight ahead. hello, i'd welcome to "fox new @ night." i'm shannon bream in washington. we kick off tonight with white house course on it kevin corke. hey, kevin. >> evening, shannon. unsettling news coming become a counselor to the president hope hicks, as he just pointed out, who traveled aboard air force one to tuesday nights today has tested positive covid-19. now, we don't know what impact that will have on others that she has been around, testing is done regularly, as you know, at the white house complex. in fact, tonight, we have a statement from the white house which reads, in part, "white house operations collaborates with the president and white house military office to ensure all plans and procedures incorporate current cdc guidance and best practices for limiting covid-19." here is the president earlier tonight with our sean hannity. >> she did test positive, i just heard about this, she tested positive. she has a hard worker, a lot of masks, she wears masks a lot, but she tested positive. and i just went out with the test, i'll see -- because we spend a lot of time, and the first lady just went out with a test come also. so whether we quarantine or whether we have it, i don't know. i just went for a test, and we will see what happens. >> we will see what happens, says the president. as you mentioned, shannon, hicks has been with the president at the complex and on the road, and the campaign has become increasingly active. we will see exactly what the impact might be on the campaign moving forward. all of this is actually happening on a day in which the white house expressed a great deal of frustration that the media continues to ask the president about his views on racism and white supremacy, even though he has answered such questions repeatedly for years. >> what are your views on the ku klux klan and white supremacist? >> i totally disavow the ku klux klan. i totally disavow david duke. >> it is a recipe we have seen before, going back to 2016 when then candidate trump was repeatedly asked to denounce white supremacy. he did so, and since then, he has done so again and again. >> in one voice, our nation must condemn racism, bigotry, and white supremacy. racism is evil, and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs. including the kkk. , neo-nazis, white supremacists. >> still, there he was at this year's first debate covering the very same ground four years later. >> are you willing tonight to condemn white supremacist and militia groups, and to say that they need to stand down? >> throw in a few more questions on the topic at today's white house press briefing, you can imagine why the political cauldron just might be nearing a boiling point. >> you need to let me finish. it's quite funny that the media goes haywire about interrupting in debates, and that very same tactic themselves, this is a white house briefing. you asked a question, and you give me time to answer. >> to be clear, it wasn't just the press stirring the proverbial pot, g.o.p. senators mitch mcconnell, lindsey graham, and tim scott, among others, also to varying degrees urging the president to clarify his marks my remarks after the debate. politically, the biden campaign benefits are the way from the story come every denial keeps the opposition on the defensive, even as biden himself struggles to build much-needed enthusiasm among black voters. an area where republicans are pointing to, the president picked up support from a second black state lawmaker. ohio democrat bernadine kennedy kant, who, like vernon jones of georgia, is now backing his reelection bid. also tonight, house democrats passed their own version of a covid-19 aid package, largely symbolic, as you probably know, just an expression, frankly, of frustration that talks, at least on a bipartisan compromise, remain stalled for now. shannon? >> shannon: yeah, we will have more on that. kevin corke, thank you very much. >> you bet. >> shannon: rule changes under consideration tonight by the commission under a presidential debate. the group give the moderator a mute button to silence the candidates? course on a jacqui heinrich has the very latest, she is live in wilmington, delaware, tonight. good evening, jacqui. >> good evening, shannon. considerations are underway for just how the american people can get real answers out of the next presidential debate, and while both campaigns are making claims about alleged requests, the last moderator, chris wallace, has some advice. >> joe, you agree with bernie sanders and the far left -- >> to cut the mics are not cut the mike's? chris wallace caught in the cross fire says the commission should think about the next man in his shoes. >> i don't want to be in the position of saying i'm going to interpose myself between the president and the public and say you can't hear what he has to say now. i think that is a pretty tough spot to put any moderator in. >> they haven't confirmed reports they are thinking of giving the next moderator a mute button, as a source tells fox news, that request was made by biden's debate negotiator brady williamson, but williamson told fox that is probably a rumor, but it is not true. asked if he suggested it, even in a joking way, williamson said no. the trump campaign's tim murtaugh double down, think biden's campaign can't unite because it was made in front of plenty of witnesses, adding, "biden should have a mute button because he is the biggest threat to himself, but the biden campaign clapped back, saying in part, "there is as much truth to this is the other week lies, adding, from a place of equivalent seriousness, we understand the trump campaign insisted donald trump before inches taller. one democrat definitely doesn't want to hear anymore, speaker nancy pelosi. >> it was a sad occasion for our country, one and done. >> biden shooting down questions over whether he will show up, yesterday. >> i'm looking forward to it. >> and today. >> yes, i will participate. >> in the meantime, biden campaign is finding new ways to get their word i would. starting door knocks in four swing states after previously criticizing the trump campaign for doing the same thing in the middle of the pandemic. they say they are expanding on a working virtual strategy and going after people who are hard to reach by phone, but the trump campaign says there are about 19 million doors behind. shannon? >> shannon: okay, jacqui heinrich life for us tonight, thanks. just 32 days left, the battle over poll watchers, debate rules, and race issues heating up, along with word a key presidential advisor who has been by his side all week has tested positive for covid-19. talk about the impact entice breaking news with trump campaign communications director tim murtaugh. great happy with us, tim. >> good to see you, shannon. thank you for having me on. >> shannon: okay, you're consistently with the president on the road, as well. i have had some events already white house where i've had to go through the test before you can get into this bubble, potentially being near the president. can you give us any sense of the security and safety protocols? the president tweeted tonight he is waiting on test results and going into quarantine. >> as it relates to the president, i really can't go beyond what he tweeted. he has access to the best doctors in the world they are at the white house, and their safety and health protocols are second-to-none, they protect the white house complex and the president on the people who work there, of course. on the campaign, we take very good care of our folks, too, we take good precautions and we await the president's test results just like everybody else and we will just go on from there. >> shannon: do you have any worries traveling in that inner circle, as you do, as well? >> no, we always feel very comfortable, here at the campaign and when we are interacting with the president or white house staff. great health precautions are taken, and when we travel and everyone we interact with, we test as we go on the road, and when we return, and we provide hand sanitizer and masks to people at events, to encourage their use, so we take great health and safety precautions when we are out on the road, doing campaign events, and the president of the people who work with him at the white house to come as well. >> shannon: okay, tim, let's talk about the debate over the debates. andrew bates saying our position is clear, we will participate under the cpd's rules, the commission's rules, and the only question is whether the president will start following the rules in the next two debates. your response? >> mr. bates, i'm not sure if he knows what is going on in these negotiation rooms, but the fact is, it is the joe biden campaign that is asking for these rule changes. it's brady williamson who was the lead negotiator for the biden campaign in a room with plenty of witnesses from both campaigns, asking for the rule change, including having a mute button for the moderator to cut off one candidate or another, and we know why they are asking for those rules changes, it's because biden had a terrible debate the other night. the president was very aggressive and pressed his case about how joe biden has a terrible record, 47 years of failure in washington, and biden was backpedaling and was on the road no microbes most of the time, so it's no wonder they want the rules to be changed, but the president intends to dee and we think the rules should stay the same, and the biden campaign shouldn't be working the refs and getting them to move the goalposts while the game is already underway. so, that's our position. the president wants to debate, he won the first one and will win back next two. >> shannon: okay, obviously you know that across the spectrum, and certainly on the left, they think it was the vice president who came out on top, but he says he is going to show up, you guys are going to sew up, so we look forward to round two and three when they come. i want to ask about news tonight out of philadelphia that the campaign has filed paperwork in court over this conversation about people being able to show up and watch at the polls. the headline is "trump campaign sous philly over satellite election offices," says "the campaign is asking to be able to assign representative's to observe inside that satellite offices to help with their massive avalanche they think of mail-in ballots, but election lawyers city officials, and the state top election officials, all say there is no right under pennsylvania law even for a certified poll watcher to watch people do things like register to vote or fill out a mail-in ballot. where do you go from here? >> well, paul watchers are just about the most common thing in any campaign, republics do it, democrats do it, and have been doing it for decades, from presidential races all the way down to city council or town council races. and look, the philadelphia authorities were letting media into observe and take pictures and report on what was going on there, and yet, the philadelphia officials wouldn't let campaign representatives go and observe the same thing, so to somehow equate this with intimidation is nothing but demagoguery and fearmongering, because everyone who was involved with campaigns and the people who are the local election officials in philadelphia, everyone knows that paul watchers are completely harmless, part of the process, it's a way for the campaigns to know what is going on in there and that everything is being done according to the laws and regulations, it is the most common thing both parties do it, in campaigns, every city and state in this country, on every election, from every level, from president all the way down to town council. >> shannon: i can say it has been common in many, many elections over the years, so we will watch and see with the court in philadelphia decides as you all pressed forward there. tim murtaugh, thank you for your time. >> sure, thank you, shannon. anytime. >> shannon: okay, kentucky attorney general daniel cameron speaking out tonight about being called a race traitor. after a grand jury he presented evidence and testimony to did not charge any police officers directly in the shooting death of breonna taylor. of correspondent rick leventhal has the story for us tonight. good evening, rick. >> good evening, shannon. the kentucky ag told tucker carlson tonight breonna taylor's death was a tragedy, but his job was to stand up for the truth and the truth is when the officers are serving a wind at taylor's apartment, her boyfriend shot at them and those officers had no choice but to return fire. the grand jury's decision not to charge the officers in taylor's death led to mass protests and violence in louisville and other major cities and also sparked personal attacks against the attorney general, who happens to be african-american. all of which he found disappointing, but not surprising. >> because i lead with the facts and the truth and had that lead to the conclusion, somehow, i've betrayed my race. it is repugnant. it is so disappointing. but it's par for the course. >> cameron says the biggest myth and promoted is that the wounded officer was actually hit by friendly fire, which cameron says would require a magic bullet and defy physics, calling it silly, shannon. >> shannon: okay, and rick, something that has been brewing since the debate, this group, the proud boys, what are we hearing more about that controversy in this group tonight? >> we heard from the president about that tonight. he says he has always condemned white supremacists, also condemning left-wing hate groups like antifa, and he wanted joe biden to do the same, saying antifa is causing riots and killing people, and he tried to set the record straight tonight with sean hannity. >> let me be clear again. i condemn the kkk. i condemn all white supremacists. i condemned the proud boys. i don't know much about the proud boys come almost nothing, but i condemned that. >> well, the proud boys have held demonstrations and lead to brawls and arrests, described as a hate group which members call unfair and untrue. leaders of the group's salts salt lake city chapter spoke to our local fox news station there. >> i will say this on behalf of the -- we are in no way, shape, or form white supremacists. we have a vetting system that gets those guys out of our hair. >> i don't care what color your skin is. we are all americans, and we need to find a way to come together. >> the proud boys' current national leader describes the group as "a drinking group." shannon? >> shannon: we will debate that more coming up. as we been reporting, the president and first lady now in self-quarantine after advisor hope hicks texts positive for covid. more on that breaking news straight ahead. plus, the president again condemning white supremacy tonight as the candidates fight to convince black americans they have earned their vote. kay cole james of the heritage foundation weighs in on the choice all americans are facing, just a 32 days away. she's next. ♪ to whatever road you take, make sure your tires are ready to get you there safely. right now at midas, buy three cooper tires, and get one free. find your tires at i wanted my hepatitis c gone. and get one free. i put off treating mine. epclusa treats all main types of chronic hep c. whatever your type, epclusa could be your kind of cure. i just found out about mine. i knew for years. epclusa has a 98% overall cure rate. i had no symptoms of hepatitis c mine caused liver damage. epclusa is only one pill, once a day, taken with or without food for 12 weeks. before starting epclusa, your doctor will test if you have had hepatitis b, which may flare up, and could cause serious liver problems during and after treatment. tell your doctor if you have had hepatitis b, other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or other medical conditions... ...and all medicines you take, including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with epclusa may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. common side effects include headache and tiredness. ask your doctor today, if epclusa is your kind of cure. noticks and fleas?o simplifies protection. see ya! heartworm disease? 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>> shannon: i'm very good. i want to read something i ran across today in the "battle creek inquirer," "what does it mean to be a black republican in battle creek," talking about the situation in michigan. only 5% of black voters identified as republican, according to a survey of more than 12,000 registered voters conducted by the pew research center. compared to 65% of black registered voters who identify as democrats and 26% who identify as independent. kay, in the article, they talk to some conservative black americans and folks who identify themselves as leading to the republican party, and they talk about the fact they have spent their whole life with their family and everybody they knew being strictly in-line with the democratic party and they are taking a lot of heat for sort of venturing into a different way of thought. how in the world do you change voters minds, looking at these percentages and these numbers? >> shannon, quite frankly, as the president of the heritage foundation, i have the privilege of representing conservatives of all stripes, of all manner of diversity. and it's a great honor to do that. i think that message that we hae is a clear message, and it's a message that appeals to all americans, be they black or white. we don't engage in identity politics. we tell our story, we talk about great policy, and we attract people based on that. >> shannon: well, and it was interesting, because in that particular article, there were a couple of men, one of them is a state lawmaker in michigan, and he said that was what it was for him, he grew up in based on faith and even though he had been sort of brought up in a house of democrats, he was pulled to the republican platform because it was more in line with his personal faith issues of abortion and some things. so, how do you sell those ideas, like you said, to a diverse group of voters? >> well, you know, i think, in the package that you introduce d introducing this particular segment, you have a businessman who said he looked at it from a business perspective. i look at it from a policy perspective. i think what's most important for americans right now to figure out what kind of country we want, and this, as ronald reagan said, is a time of choosing. we can have an america where we respect our police, where we -- where we support and fight for a strong national defense and limited government. we can have an america where we respect our founding document. we can have an america where the supreme court is safe and not going to be used for political purposes, or someone is interested in packing the court. we want an america where every vote counts and our founders gave us a way to do that through the electoral college, and we want to know that is safe, so it's a time of choosing for what kind of america we want. and at the heritage foundation, we've decided we have a clear vision for what we believe is the best course of action for america, and we're going to fight for that, and that is why we are launching this new campaign, by the way, that will encourage americans to think about, what is the america that they want, and are they willing to go out and fight for that america, and vote for that america? >> shannon: you touched on so many hot button issues there, from law enforcement to voter fraud, those issues, every vote counting, you have really taken a lead on that, but you also have some critics would try to use your own numbers against you, so i want to put those out there and get your response. robert rice, former labor secretary, a democrat, he says this, "the right wing heritage foundation, after examining 36 years of mail-in ballots, found only 1,285 cases of voter fraud out of nearly 2 billion votes cast, a rate of .0000007 -- i might have added a zero in there -- percent, about the same probability is being hit by an asteroid. so when you say you want to make sure that every vote counts, what does that mean? >> well, what that means is in a critical time like this, with the chaos that exists out there right now, we want to make sure that not only is voter fraud not an issue, but also make sure that the mishandling of ballots isn't an issue. every american wants their vote to count, and you can go to the heritage foundation and look at our website and see the confirmed cases that we have documented across the country, and i think, you know, our ideas are strong enough that there is no reason -- we don't want to suppress any vote, whatsoever. we want every american to vote, and we want every american to vote to count, but we want to make sure that every american has the opportunity to cast their vote anyway that they know that it's secure, and they know that it is going to be counted. >> shannon: and i would hope that every american who is watching this -- were not watching -- would feel the same way, i think that is something we can agree on. okay, i want to read something that shocked me, this headline, and quickly get a response from you. "politico," "americans increasingly a believe is justified if the other side wins, it is a bunch of researchers who go on to say that, "one in five americans with a strong political affiliation say they are quite willing to endorse violence if the other party wins the button on my presidency." i mean, kay, where are we in america right now, that that number is out there? >> that is a very sad number, and i think the other four out of the five of us have got to stand up, got to speak up, and got to say that that is not the american way. violence never resolves anything, and we have a form of government and a form -- an opportunity to work through the legal system, if there are challenges. violence never works. it's never the answer. it's not the american way. >> shannon: kay cole james, always great to have you with us, thank you so much for your time. >well, the president goes into quarantine awaiting a covid test, medical analysis next. plus, the department of homeland security singling out certain domestic groups as top terror threats. but which ones and didn't the list? that might surprise you, next. parents teach their children many life lessons. let's make hand washing an important one. safeguard is donating ten million dollars in hand soaps and sanitizers to families in need. safeguard your family. wash away germs. keeping your oysters growing while keeping your business growing has you swamped. 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picks someone who has traveled repeatedly with the president on air force one this week, a very tight circle with him, at this point, what we know -- we are learning new things all the time -- if you were advising him, but would be your concern about his exposure at this point? >> well, shannon, they are taking a lot of precautions and this is a routine, they've done this before, when the president was with one of bolsonaro's aides, he got self-isolation, retested, we did a little longer, not just to hear about a repeat test results tonight, but probably tomorrow, at some point during the day, just make sure there is no asymptomatic or presymptomatic period, but this is something that is routine and we know that hope hicks was part of the group following protocols, wearing a mask indoors and, on that airplane. >> shannon: okay, so the testing is regular in that circle around the president, so hope hicks has been tested in recent days and clear until we think today, what would it mean that her case was early on, would that make her any more or less contagious? >> well, we know the most contagious period is about 24 hours before symptoms develop. we don't even know if she has had symptoms. we understand it to be asymptomatic, but if you were to develop symptoms, the period of is before those symptoms develop. that is what we will be following closely and that is what i'm sure the white house doctors will use. they have really good judgment, and as you know, they have used a lot of protocols to test everybody with the rapid 15 minute test before you going to the white house compound. >> shannon: all right, for now, they will be the first couple in quarantine, and we will watch for the test results tomorrow. dr. makary, thank you for scribbling for us on this breaking news. >> thank you, shannon. >> shannon: okay, breaking tonight, a report from the hole and security department reportedly suggests that white supremacists present the greatest terror threats to the u.s. one former dhs official is blaming the president. >> trump has created, in my opinion, the favorable conditions that have allowed these domestic terrorist groups to rise. if the white house wanted to cover its eyes and wanted to cover its years when they heard about domestic terrorism because they did not want to pay attention to the right wing extremist they saw as a potential base of support. >> shannon: okay, let's talk about these serious accusations with dave brown and harmeet dhillon. earlier tonight with sean hannity, the president completely disavowed support from these groups, but harmeet, the dhs report, draft document, i don't think it is out and official yet, didn't refer to threats from antifa, and yet, that is with the right is consistently saying is fomenting a lot of what we are seeing out there in the more violent protests in the streets. what are we to make of this data? >> well, i think the report we are hearing, it doesn't surprise me, because the dhs, fbi, have been really far behind on the playbook for some time and ignoring the current and live threats of antifa around the world, particularly rising in the united states. look, it is not just the right raising the alarm about antifa, any american turning on the television can see with their own eyes who is burning down buildings in america, who was shooting at the police, who is firebombing the i.c.e. facility in tacoma last year, who is targeting journalists like andy know, client, and who is active on social media, making threats, and daily creating chaos in our cities. it's not white supremacists, and i say that as a person who grew up in the deep south, there was the kkk in my town, they were in there far gasp of death in the 1970s, and other than isolated incidents here in america, they are not active today compared to these new, modern threats that are being called out around the world, but america for some reason is not doing that and i security apparatus. >> shannon: okay, dave, are you in agreement with the vice president, with the chairman of the house judiciary committee, jerry nadler, that antifa is an idea but not really a thing, not really a organized entity, acting out in anyway? >> that was fbi director chris raised testimony to the house, homeland security committee, ea, excuse me, but look, shannon, 76% of all violent domestic terror incidents over the past ten years, according to the department of homeland security, have been from right-wing groups in this country, so i'm going to defer to the experts on this one. i think dhs has a little better sense of what constitutes a clear and present danger to national security in the united states then, frankly, anybody on this panel, the fact is right-wing extremism is an incredibly significant threat, and by the way, it wasn't just under the trump administration, that is something the obama administration was also tracking. we see over the last ten years, a steady rise. 2018 at 2019 numbers, domestic extremist violence, racially motivated attacks, where the number one primary type of attacker in 2018, 2019, and mostly full, too. that is, by definition, white supremacists and those ideas and ideologies. it is not just the united stat united states, there is a trend across other countries, and a a former secretary of homeland security talked about, as part of her job, the alarm bells were going off, because not just in the united states, shannon, it's literally across the world you are seeing this rise in right-wing extremism. i hope the dhs report that is ultimately published takes this seriously. i know there's obviously concern among former dhs officials at the white house, for whatever reason, isn't taking this type of threat as seriously as they should. >> shannon: harmeet, do you think it's that some of the information is dated, hasn't caught up yet, that antifa is a newer problem in the u.s.? if we're talking ten years back, dave is pointing to the experts who say the data is there. >> well, there is data, historically, like i said, and there is data about all kinds of groups over time, the kkk was once a big force in america, it isn't today. skinheads exist and have gangs and prison. are they roaming the streets, they shooting cops? they have created targeted incidents of violence against religious committee, the sikh community, and there have been other incidents like that, but when i talk about is a volume of incidents of violence and threats to our establishment, that's not white supremacists, that is a tired fantasy. it's antifa, and it's antifa in europe, as well. yes, europe has all kinds of problems. i agree there are different problems happening over there, and forgive me if i don't believe the fbi anymore, compared to what i see with my own circle eyes. they have lost a lot of credibility in america. >> shannon: harmeet and dave, we have to leave it there. thank you both for weighing in. >> thank you. >> thanks, shannon. >> shannon: okay, athletes born biologically male should be able to compete in schools that get federal funding? georgia senator kelly loeffler has legislation on that front, and the left is calling her a bigot. she is here live next with her response. that haunt me the most. 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>> well, shannon, i'll tell you, it's not surprising the left is coming on me for suggesting that girls should compete against girls and girls sports, but the fact is 1972, title ix was passed to establish fairness and equality for girls in things like sports to make sure federal funding didn't promote discrimination. i know just having grown up and played sports that had i had to compete against boys in that first track meet, i would have been very discouraged. i would have never gone on to run marathons and achieved some of my dreams, and i know what sports can teach girls. resilience, teamwork, hardware, confidence, and i want to make sure all girls have that opportunity, and that is what this is about, and it is sad to see the left pushing back against the progress we have made for women to achieve equality in sports. it is why we have the nba and the wnba, there are biological differences, and in fact, men have larger muscle mass, oxygen capacity, larger bones, and that makes a difference of about 10%. >> shannon: over at "the federalist," writing, "conservatives should not be afraid of engaging in culture war issues, she says, "people find themselves living in an upside down world where bigotry and violence, not being treated fairly when biological males are allowed to compete with them. the left would have a lot of problems with the statement, language used in everything else, but quickly do you think the g.o.p. is a afraid to weigh in on these culture war issues? >> shannon, i am a political outsider, i just stepped into public service this year. i have been committed to speaking out and standing up for family values, standing up to the cancel culture. look, this is an issue that virtually all americans agree with. girls should compete against girls, any number of surveys, you can see that is the belief, and that is why i stood up, because i'm not going to be intimidated by the left. >> shannon: all right, we'll track it and see if it gets any traffic in the senate. senator loeffler, great to have you with us. >> thanks, shannon. >> shannon: okay, will news that the coronavirus has reached the president inner circle affect his plans to campaign in wisconsin? a report on that battleground state, both sides have got to win it, next. hi, i'm dorothy hamill. as i look toward 65, i'm thinking about medicare. i know i want coverage that connects all the different parts of my health care to keep me aging actively. aetna medicare advantage plans offer $0 monthly premiums. with benefits like dental, vision and hearing. and telehealth so you can see a primary care doctor from the comfort of home. keep doing what you love. that's the aetna medicare advantage. call today and we'll send you a $10 visa reward card with no obligation to enroll. ♪ >> shannon: the president scheduled to visit the battleground state of wisconsin on saturday, but state and local officials are urging him to reconsider amid a surge of covid-19 cases there, and now, tonight, for that one of his closest aides, hope hicks, has tested positive after traveling with him all week. the president and first lady are self-quarantining while they await test results. correspondent rich edson has more on the story tonight. hey, rich. >> good evening, shannon. president trump is returning to wisconsin, though his campaign is overhauling the trip. the president is now planning rallies in green bay and another in janesville, wisconsin. the campaign just added janesville and scrapped a rally in the cross as local officials requested the president skip that city because of a spike in covid cases. >> both la crosse and green bay are two of the hottest hot spots state in the nation. and it makes no sense to me, president trump, for his campaign events they are. >> over the past two weeks, wisconsin is third among u.s. states for per capita increases in coronavirus cases come in officials they reported nearly 2900 new cases today. that is a record there. wisconsin has reported more than 125,000 cases and more than 1300 deaths overall. >> we will make america proud again. >> as for the safety at presidential he, the white house says it encourages social distancing at the rallies, many are outdoors, the supporters are usually crowded and often ditch their masks. presidential aide hope hicks has tested positive for the coronavirus. according to officials, hicks has recently traveled repeatedly with president trump bureau the white house press secretary maintains there is a double standard in assessing covid protocols, especially after widespread protests this summer. >> there really seems to be two standards of health in this country, one for trump supporter's and one for everyone else. it is vital if you are protesting, but somehow political speech is no longer vital when it comes from a trump supporter. >> president trump won wisconsin by less than one percentage point in 2016. polling averages from 538 show him trailing vice president biden in the state by a several percentage points. shannon? >> shannon: rich edson, thank you. big news tonight that a close presidential aide, hope hicks s, has tested positive for covid. the president and first lady both quarantining as they await the results of the tests. we will give you updates. most watched, most trusted, most grateful you spent the evening with us. good night from washington. i'm shannon bream. hope, it is the light in all of us that cannot be extinguished. it rages on to give us a glimmer of what we can do, and of who we can become. because hope fuels opportunity. university of phoenix is awarding up to one million dollars in new scholarships through this month. yes, hope is alive and well. see what scholarship you qualify for at with priceline, you can get up to 60% off amazing hotels. and when you get a big deal... feel like a big deal. ♪ priceline. every trip is a big deal. ♪ this is the feeling of total protection now that we protect your identity, mobile phone, auto, home and life you've never been in better hands allstate click or call for a quote today we were paying an arm and a leg for postage. i remember setting up shipstation. one or two clicks and everything was up and running. i was printing out labels and saving money. shipstation saves us so much time. it makes it really easy and seamless. pick an order, print everything you need, slap the label onto the box, and it's ready to go. our costs for shipping were cut in half. just like that. shipstation. the #1 choice of online sellers. go to and get 2 months free. ♪ >> tucker: good evening, and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." if you've been watching the news, you know many of america's most prominent journalists bent the day on the hunt for white supremacists. but they seem highly agitated about that. why are they so worried? come on, you know. white supremacist mobs spread our country down, spent the summer torching buildings and shooting people in minneapolis, kenosha, portland, seattle, and many other places across the land. it was the worst domestic terrorism in this country and more than 50 years, and white supremacist did it. we better find them. check under the bed. just kidding. that was a joke,

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