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Democrats outrage saying they is Defunding Police and he comes on the eve of a visit by joe biden to kenosha, wisconsin. And a plan of and one where he is signaling that the Police Officer who shot jacob blake in the back should be charged. The ministrations is shooting for the moon, ending for an october surprise. The doctor is here to that the Covid Response is getting politicized, and he wants to correct the record. Welcome to fox news at night, im mike emanuel in washington in for shannon bream. Lets kick things off with Jackie Heinrich looking ahead to bidens trip to kenosha. Good evening, mike. After President Trump declined to visit with jacob blakes family because they wanted their lawyer present, former Vice President joe biden will meet with him tomorrow. Biden said to meet with the family of jacob blakes plan to visit to kenosha. As despite the naacp to use the town is a tool in the election process. The mayor said monday. I would say its a little soon paired. Today biden called for officers who shot jacob blake and taylor to be charged at a minimum. Also mentioned. I think that person should meet the legal requirements whatever that calls for. They should be investigated and that should follow through on what needs to be done. With the judicial system work. Lets make sure justice is done predicated the visit to kenosha is a bit of a turnaround for biden on tuesday the campaign could get looked, he doesnt want to do anything that would create a tussle if you will get today. There has been overwhelming requests that i do come. Because, what we want to do is weve got to heal. Weve got to put things together, bring people together. No telling how the visit will be received but at least one man didnt want to meet with President Trump. John wrote the third, owner of rhodes camera shop. He sold his shop eight years ago to todd graham he told political news i think everything he does turns into a circus and i just didnt want to be involved in that. He still owns the property and praised trump for showing support for it one study showed donors in wisconsin had backed President Trump more than biden, but biden is using record making fundraising to stomp out lies from President Trump. Joe biden takes a need for it. I want to make it clear, rioting is not protesting. That biden ad is the first major by focusing on Public Safety and part of its most expensive blitz yet. Jackie, many thanks. Tonight the Nations Capital renewed unrest under Law Enforcement after an officer involved shooting late this evening. We are live from seventh District Police headquarters in southeast washington. Good evening, rich. To get you can see the Headquarters Building behind me basically when you talk about the seventh district headquarters its what other cities would call their precinct or Police Department headquarters in that area. You got a couple hundred protesters out here in front of those protesters, weve got a few deltas and Police Officers who were standing there with their bicycles to prevent people from getting into the office. What youve got though and what youve had over the last couple of hours has been competing bullhorns, people chanting, people even singing at times, but a lot of anger from the community on what transpired here a couple of hours ago. Here is the dc police chief who gave a press conference a short time ago explaining the Police Version of what happened. One of the officers discharged his firearm. We have. We have what we believe to be a male taken to a local hospital and pronounced dead. We have recovered two guns from the scene of this crime. Police say this happened around 3 50 p. M. This afternoon. They were called to this area after uniformed Police Officers that information there was guns in the area and the police say that is what they were looking for and that is what they had. The police chief has also asked what the circumstances behind the officer firing his weapon were. They say thats very preliminary and they are investigating. We really dont know a lot of details about specifically what happened we dont know when were going to see anybody camera footage at this point. The call went out across twitter and people throughout the neighborhood. The response is what you have behind me, continued protest about a couple hundred people here in dc that have been here for a few hours in the seventh district headquarter. In front of them you have the Police Officers holding their bikes and preventing people from trying to come in. Speeches are continuing and protest are continuing. Where watching it from southeast dc. Rich, thanks a lot. Portland mayor ted wheeler is in the market for a new place to live after his own was attacked by the very protesters hes taken pains to defend. This as the Investigation Continues into the shooting death of a trump supporter there on saturday night. Rich leventhal has the latest for us tonight. It was a rare night of calm in portland last night, but still no word of interest on the murder of Aaron J Danielson 39 yearold shot in the chest saturday night in portland after joining a caravan demonstrations with fellow members of the rightleaning group patriot prayer. Members of danielsons group had confrontations with anti Police Protesters possibly including danielsons killer his family and witnesses have identified as an army vet with a black lives matter tattoo on his neck he reportedly claimed online he was 100 percent antifa. The suspect appears to reach for a gun in the earlier dispute and looks like the same person who shoots danielson after he tried to defend himself with pepper spray. The oregonian newspaper reports portlands mayor is looking for a new home after his condo building was repeatedly targeted by protesters including that group who broke windows and set fires outside his door is monday night. The paper says the mayor sent an email to his neighbors reading in part, i want to express my sincere apologies for the damages to our home, and the fear that you are experiencing due to my fifth position. Its unfair to all of you who have no role in politics or in my administration. The Portland Police union says neighboring departments are refusing because to help out because theres no support for cops on the street, including the local da who is refusing to prosecute many of those arrested. They see the political dynamics in the city of portland, the elected officials not enforcing the unforced men and theres come to a place where theres going to be a meeting of the minds, but we are already in sinkhole getting deeper and deeper in deeper as we go. And in san jose, the mayors home was burned after he defended local cops, a crowd of 100 activists platter and yet with paint and blm slogans. Neighbors helped clean up the house and posed for a feelgood pic after. The u. S. Attorney announced they arrested a man in seattle tonight on federal charges of threatening to blow up a Portland Police station. He was busted by the fbi and faces up to ten years in prison. Rick leventhal live on the west coast. Thanks. Drop it back, man. Drop the bat. Drop the bat. That was the Police Officer fatally shooting an africanamerican man be wielding a baseball bat at a walmart. The man later identified as 33 yearold Steven Taylor did not drop the bat and the officer used his days are. The police chief said the taser was ineffective and taylor continue to walk toward the officer. Tonight that officer is facing felony manslaughter charges, prosecutors say it was not reasonable to conclude that taylor posed an imminent threat to the officer so lethal force was not justified. Kenosha at least remains calm tonight at day after President Trumps a visit in the day before joe biden arrives. Here is a couple who turned out for the president yesterday. People from kenosha are good people. They are hardworking people. They just want to make a living. And have a decent life. You dont want to have to worry if you go to the park or what you see in portland or seattle. What happened to him had nothing to do with the color of his skin. It may have been Police Brutality but the Police Officer didnt shoot him because he was black he shot him because he didnt obey police orders. How the candidates are dealing with the latest in americas summer of unrest. While compared. Good to see you. Joe biden is off to kenosha after President Trump was there yesterday. We will get a contrast of their styles. What are your expectations . I would expect more of the same from joe biden. In maine listen, hes finally out of his basement, hes only commenting on the violence and damage and destruction thats going on in cities across our country, which has been taking place for months in some situations. He is only commenting because it is affecting him in the bowls because his only words were peaceful protest. They see that is not working for his campaign, so i find it very disgusting that biden is just now commenting where we have had loss of life, damage and instruction that has taken place, and he is only making these comments because hes concerned about winning an election, hes not concerned about law and order or safety insecurity of americans. The Communications Director has been going after biden he failed to condemn antifa or people full who called the police a cancer or people on his Campaign Staff who called them pigs. He failed to urge democratic governors to call in the National Guard. He failed to urge democrat mirrors to allow the federal government to help. In short he failed. Leslie, how do you respond . Not at all. If youre going to do that we had need to call cause him, but outspread when have the he said there were good guys on both sides. Joe biden said and im going to quote so i dont misquote here, the deadly violence we saw overnight in portland is unacceptable, i condemn this violence unequivocally. I condemn violence of any kind to anyone whether on the right or the left and i challenge donald trump to do the same. I echo those sentiments and thats what im hearing from many in my party and quite frankly people who are undecided or even republicans. We are tied it tired of the divisiveness and quite frank they, with all due respect to janine, fox news had apel that showed joe biden up in every single battleground state whether the margin of error or nine points in some cases. I dont feel at all that joe biden is reacting to pools. Thats actually not joe bidens way if you look at him historically as a politician. Even in this campaign the forest former Vice President i believe as saying this is how i feel. I want to be clear because other people are saying that he feels contrary to that and i think he wanted to be just very clear spot on, this is how i feel, this comes from me, joe biden. Tonight President Trump as ordering the government to defund cities including new york city new york democrat congressman max rose tweeting tonight with this order, President Trump is joining the mayor in defunding the police. It was wrong then and its wrong now. I dont care whether youre republican or democrat, i will not sit back if youre putting my constituents at risk by playing politics. Your thoughts on this funding fight . The president has been trying to get the attention of these democrat mayors in these democrat run cities for weeks and four months because of the ongoing damage and instruction that is taking place right before our eyes. The innocent citizens in these cities and these states, they are the ones who are the victims here. The president wants law and order. He has offered to have the federal Law Enforcement come into these areas to help these communities, these democrats are not playing along with what they need to do. The governments basic role is to protect person and property. These democrats are not doing it they are leaving constituents out to dry. Let me give leslie a chance to respond. Look, when you say playing politics, the president is playing politics right i dont care if they say democrat or republican, is it any wonder that those cities or their states that he punishes are blue . That they have Democratic Leaders for the mayors of the cities or governors of the states. Look, this hurts the people. If you pull funding, for whatever reason, you should never use citizens and voters, weather democrats from another party or even republicans in your own, as political ponds, that is what the president has done here and frankly, from a political perspective, thats not going to help at all. Weve seen it historically in the past blow up in either democrat or republicans face when they dont take care of the people. To janines point, when you say take care of the people, the funding largely helps the cities and states do that. Wesley, janine, thank you so much. Thank you. Tonight we take a closer look at concerns about the Real Identities and motivations of people protesting the police and inciting riots in americas cities. Many americans looking at this closely believe a significant percentage of the most extreme demonstrators are not locals. Good evening, david. Mike kohut late today, attorney general bill barr confirmed that people are coming to washington, dc and other cities to riot, the trend is nationwide and authorities are counting on a federal law to stop it. We dont know who they are. Who funds them, who organizes them. A common concern from leaders both republican and democrat as violence corrupts in cities like portland, seattle, and kenosha, wisconsin. Authorities our working her hard to get out the ringleaders brickey they are fine around the country. We know the people flying around the country. We know we see some of the purchase theyre making before the riots of weapons to use in those riots. So we are following it. Over the weekend during a protest in washington, dc, Police Arrested a 27 yearold who detected they say was recklessly driving a van. It was registered in another washington, washington state. His charges were later dropped. We have intelligence to suggest that that van was also at some of the violence we saw in portland, oregon and some of the violent activity that we saw in kenosha. Last week 17 yearold kyle shot and killed two men protesting in kenosha, wisconsin. The teenager traveled across Straight Lines from illinois into wisconsin. Out of the 175 arrests that have been made there locally, 100 individuals are from outofstate. We know theyre traveling, theyre traveling from places like portland to dc. In cases like these, federal authorities are hanging their hopes on a law with one basic principle. Crossing state lines to engage in rioting writing. In an interview, the travel act makes it clear that its a crime to cross state lines or use facilities in interstate commerce to commit acts of violence to promote permit unlawful activity. Also this week the department of justice announced a criminal investigation looking at the funding of groups that are rioting. David, thanks a lot. The Trump Administration telling states to prepare for covid vaccinations by early november. Members of the White House Coronavirus task force and doctor scott acts list is on deck. Managing type 2 diabetes . Youre on it. Exercising often and eating healthy . Yup, on it there too. You may think youre doing all you can to manage type 2 diabetes and heart disease. But could your medication do more to lower your heart risk . Jardiance can reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults who also have known heart disease. So, it could help save your life from a heart attack or stroke. And it lowers a1c. 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Then tuesday the speaker was caught without a mask and a hair salon when hair salons in San Francisco are supposed to be slows closed. This isnt the first time the party of the Virtual Convention didnt follow their own rules. The radiologist and Health Policy expert at the doctor scott atlas is the newest member of the Coronavirus Task force and he immediately came under attack for reportedly advising the president to induce her immunity by promoting infections, something heavey hammett lee denied doing. Heard immunity means people who have gotten over an infection or been vaccinated can slow down the spread of a virus or bacteria through the community the more transmissible of viruses, the more people who are immune are needed to slow it down. This virus is highly contagious, so herd immunity should be harder to achieve except if there are large numbers of people who arent successful in the first place or if the virus is much more widespread than we think. Atlases focused on the tremendous cost of severe lockdowns and the fear that results hes also noted that cases are overall becoming much milder. You may not be another virologist, but he is a data driven Public Health expert. Thank you very much. The cdc has sent an urgent request to governors to be ready to distribute covid 19 vaccine by early november. As the Trump Administration inventions operation warp speed potentially producing in october surprise for the president who has his doubters. Vanity fair likens the vaccine pushed to a quagmire very similar to vietnam. This is the president s new pandemic advisor doctor scott atlas he takes heat from the Washington Post for purportedly touting herd immunity. According to the New York Times questioning controls like masks. Lets get reactions to those assertions from special advisor to the president dr. Scott atlas. Doctor, welcome. Thank you for having me. Youve taken a great deal of heat about allowing people to get not locking down schools and businesses, the Los Angeles Times suggested just another way to let people die. Where are you, doctor, on herd immunity . Well, unfortunately, im new to washington, i didnt realize that complete lies could be published and then built up by other secondary publications. Frankly, you know, there has never been an advisement by me to the president of the United States, to anyone here, to anyone on the task force to pour sue some kind of strategy of herd immunity. There has never been as strategy of the president to pursue herd immunity or like sweden or anyone else has done. It just completely false and i even said it was completely false, but i guess the denials in washington are irrelevant. I dont know what to say about that, but basically i can control what other people say i can only control what i say. Do you have the president s ear because you are telling him things he wants to hear . Could get that is sort of laughable for anybody who knows me, but i have been working very hard, i have a long career in integrating complicated medicine and research from multiple subspecialties in my clinical career and figuring out with deductive reasoning whats going on with patients. In your healthcare policy, youre asked by the president of the United States to help with the biggest healthcare crisis of the century, there would be something wrong with you if you wouldnt say yes. Of course i said yes. Im here to help the residents are mere as an advisor to the president im a member of the task force because of what i know, because of my style of integrating complicated science and moving it toward a healthcare policy solution. Theyre really is no question about that. I guess is soon as you get a white house badge in washington, youre considered ready for destruction. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi gets caught in a San Francisco salon not wearing a mask and she talked about it today. It was us along owes me an apology for setting up, it was clearly set up. I thought about my staff and people not being able to work and make money, provide for their families, and she is in there comfortably without a mask and feeling safe, then why are we shut down . Why am i not able to have clients come in . Should pelosi have just taken the opportunity to call for San Francisco to open up more . You know, i dont recommend where or how to get your hair done to people in congress, but i would say its not really news to me that a politician would be a hypocrite. I mean the big issue is really not that, the big issue is we need to do rational policies, we need to use the science and then use logic and common sense and talk about how we need to protect the vulnerable, we need to double down on that. We need to make sure that hospitals arent overcrowded we have been doing that. And we need to open society in schools in a very safe way because the prolonged lockdowns are enormously harmful. The story isnt about a congresswoman pelosi going to get her hair done, the story is lets use the real science based policy and common sense and restore america to what people really commit they need and they want. We need to use the information. Its not good enough to say its about the science and then do policies that are contrary to the science. On the vaccine front, the positive it possibility of a rollout has heightened concerns that the Trump Administration is seeking to rush the distribution of a vaccine or simply to hype one that is possible before election day on november 3rd. Your response . Only in politics could such great news is an important thing like a vaccine for a pandemic which has killed almost to hundred thousand americans, only in washington could that be viewed as some kind of bad news. The president and the administration, i think its amazing that there has been really a massive expedition of the bureaucracy and getting something so difficult to do in that short of a time, i dont know how you could criticize Something Like that. There is no corner being cut here by the way. There is no safety measure being cut. I was just in a Task Force Meeting today, and there is a lot of progress being made. We cant say exactly when this will be available, but the anticipation is it will be available in really record time. People dont understand, the way the vaccine is being developed, there is an outside group that is really monitoring the Clinical Trial. This is blinded. It means no one in the government even knows the result of the Clinical Trial is a goes on. Its impossible to be manipulated to. When the appropriate result is back, it would be either available, or it wont be. Things are going very well. Its on track as i understand, they have 100 million doses possibly by the end of the year. Im not in the detailed knowledge of the vaccine, thats being done by other people, but this is something to be, if it happens, its an incredible thing to cut the bureaucracy and get this out for the american people. We have the safest drugs available in the world. I can guarantee there are no Safety Measures being cut here. Dr. Scott atlas, thank you for your time and welcome to washington. Thanks for having me. Vaccine samples from tiny Pharmaceutical Company arriving today in peru to be tested as part of phase three trials. 6,000 people expected to take part in the trials, peru has been one the hardest hit countries around the world with nearly 30,000 since march. More than 150 historical sites renaming or contextualization interior secretary says not on his watch. He is next. 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See what scholarship you qualify for at phoenix. Edu. Muriel bowser has to working group to refine and clarify their conclusions and focus on local dc monuments, not removing important monuments and memorials in dc like the Washington Monument, and Jefferson Memorial but their proposal is still taking the capital by a storm. Lets discuss this notion of monument removal with interior secretary david bernhardt, welcome. Thanks for having me break you get. This working group report suggest relocating or contextualizing Christopher Columbus fountain, Benjamin Franklin statue, Andrew Jackson statute and it continues all the way through the Washington Monument and a statue of george, washington. How do you respond, mister secretary . I think the report was outrageous. Secondly and more importantly, the president loves this country, the monument, the memorial are going to remain front and center on our Nations Capital, just as they were created for all time in memoriam, thats just the reality. From washingtonian, no one thought the Washington Monument could be relocated dc faces cochair Richard Reyes cabling says but adding a sign that noted the first president owned hundreds of slaves would contextualize the name George Washington in ways that were not available when i was in high school. Everybody can have a view of what they would like to see him a national mall, but the reality is the National Park service does a wonderful job of telling the nation story, right across from the jefferson, directly across from the jefferson, you look across the title basin and what do you see . The Martin Luther king memorial. That is the reality and that is the direction we should head. We should ensure that we have monuments that represent all of our great heroes. And highlight the exceptional contributions that people have made. Throughout our nations history. The president has had directed us by creating in National Guard of american heroes. There are lots of stories that can be told in those stories should be told, but that doesnt mean we take these carefully crafted works of art, like the Jefferson Memorial, that was really promoted and pushed through by president roosevelt at the time, and modify those or change them. The reality is they are incredible icons, they serve as great inspiration all over the world, and were not going to modify them. So protesters this summer tried to remove some statues on their own, here is president President Trump on that issue. I signed a very important edict recently people reaping down statures. You can rip them down, but you will serve ten years in jail if you do. As soon as i did that, you havent heard about statues coming down. Statues or monuments. That was effective in convincing protesters to move on . At think the reality is when on federal property, people knew that if they committed a crime, those crimes will be investigated, they would be prosecuted, and they could go to jail for up to ten years. What we saw as an immediate change in the level of activity. So the bottom line as the president s action was bold, and it worked. What about the broader issue of scrubbing our history . What do people 100200 years from now to decide they dont like something about the life for in the year 2020 . America can always have those conversations, but i think what the president did by stepping forward and saying lets have a garden of american heroes, what weve seen, i asked 50 governors for their ideas of who should be in that, and we have also asked over 1900 county commissioners we have received literally hundreds of submissions of great americans who folks would like to see and have their stories told. I think that is the direction the country should head, recognize that we are a wonderful country, weve had great contributions to things ranging from art, physics, law, literature, sports, we have great americans to talk about, recognize, and all of us are imperfect human beings, but some of us have done exceptional things that we need to think about and move forward with as a country. I think its a brilliant idea. Weaves received tons of submissions and i think that is a far better direction to head. Lets tell more of the american story. Many thanks for your time, sir. Thank you. The doj and fbi announced corrective actions they will take to prevent future fisa abuses. Carter page, former Foreign Policy adviser to 2016 candidate donald trump. He joins us live next. Im hector. Im a delivery Operations Manager in san diego, california. We were one of the first stations to pilot a fleet of electric vehicles. Were striving to deliver a package with zero emissions into the air. I feel really proud of the impact that has on the environment. We have two daughters and i want to do everything i can to protect the environment so hopefully they can have a great future. New forms are being met with skepticism by one of the central characters from crossfire her again and author of the new book abuse in power, former Trump Campaign aide carter page joins is now. Good evening, carter. Good evening, mike. Here is a doj spokeswoman on changes to pfizer fisa. Take a listen. On the fisa piece of things, if the fbi seeks a fisa warrant on an elected official a member of the campaign or candidate, they will need to get permission from the attorney general to do so. How do you respond, carter . Mike, i have been through these two new documents which were just released, and unfortunately, you have to bear in mind that these are the same institutions, the doj and the fbi, which totally trampled the u. S. Constitution, it totally trampled u. S. Law, the foreign Intelligence Surveillance act, so these relatively smaller directives, although important, the problem is you have so many rogue bureaucrats, and so Many Political operators in washington who had just done Everything Possible to trample the law and tramples civil trample civil rights of innocent americans that it is really steel very concerning, particularly analyzing the big boat cover up that continues to this day. From the new book abuse in power i started to learn that the nsa and fbi had wire typed and hacked me for at least a year nearly five month had passed since i submitted my privacy act for the pfizer warrant on may 21 of 2017. But the powers that be still dragged their feet what more do you think the public should know about that experience . Mike, there is so much more that people need to know, and unfortunately, the coverup has just continued into continued unfortunately. When that was happening, it was during the rosenstein sessions here at doj, and unfortunately, there has been no accountability whatsoever. Although Mister Rosenstein and sally yates have been called in front of congress, they have basically danced around the question and theres been very little or no accountability whatsoever. One small charge has been levied by the durham investigation, but there is just so much clear evidence of wrongdoing that there really needs to be much bigger steps to get to the bottom of this to finally hold people accountable and also just restoring our legal system and creating a more just society because it really is completely unconscionable at this stage. Former cia director john brennan was interviewed by Jerome Durham in late august from brenhams spokesman, he was informed by Mister Durham that he is not a subject or the target of a criminal investigation and that he is only witness to events the interview was conducted at cia headquarters and lasted eight hours. What you make of that . I have to laugh at that because the one person that has been charged, told my lawyers that i was just a witness as well. And unfortunately, little did we know, and were still finding out the details about it, but they were getting ready to continue to do even more surveillance warrants against me both in april and june of 2017. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people involved in this historic sham to overturn the presidency of donald trump, have still not been held to account whatsoever. Carter page, thank you so much for your time. Best of luck with the book. Thank you, mike. What happens when teachers refuse to go to school . That is next. They will, but with accident forgiveness allstate wont raise your rates just because of an accident, even if its your fault. Cut sonny. Was that good . Line the desert never lies. Isnt that what i said . No you were talking about allstate and insurance. I just. When i. Lets try again. Everybody back to one. Accident forgiveness from allstate. Click or call for a quote today. Ive been involved in. Communications in the media accident forgiveness from allstate. 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The coronavirus is not the only crisis on School Administrations administrators our facing tonight as the new Academic Year begins they are also facing an alarming shortage of teachers, many staying away from their classrooms due to health and safety concerns. Alex hogan choses tonight. Today, democratic president ial candidate joe biden noted some of the difficulties and dangers of heading back to class, especially for educators with Underlying Health conditions and according to a pfizer Family Foundation analysis, that one in four teachers nationally birth to get across the country concerns over how to bring back kids in teachers safely. Wednesday joe biden calling the situation and national emergency. The first thing to do is to make sure that all the protective capacity that we have available to us is made available. Then make choices about whether or not let the district make a choice about whether they open fully. In new york city after the threat of it teachers strike this city waiting a deal to allow more time for schools to be prepared the district 1. 1 million kids will head back to school on september 21st, but some teachers wont. Retirement numbers soaring during the ten to make. The National Education Association Finding that 28 percent of teachers nationwide say they are more likely to leave the job because of covid 19. New york state this summer saying 20 percent more teachers retiring. Mayor boyle to boz io says his city has a plan to fill the gap. Forks for who work for the doe right now and have not been in the classroom, but are qualified to be in the classroom, there are thousands of them to begin with. There are thousands of substitute teachers used every year part. In new jersey, quickly shifting two virtual classes after 250 teachers filed for a leave of absence or work workday accommodations part. We had to shift as a result of that, these requests, you know, opening remotely isnt from a lack of planning, its from a lack of staffing. The superintendent said most teachers arent only dealing with the regulations of their district, but also of their childrens schools so keeping everything organized and making sure that everyone is safe is proving even more difficult this year. Thanks a lot. Finally tonight, check out this incredible footage of a twinsburg, ohio Police Officer rescuing a four yearold girl pinned inside and overturned carberry t quickly jumped into action by crawling into the wreckage, cutting the child safety belts, and pulling her from the car. When the officer did not stop there, he went back to rescue the girls brother, a selfless act, her mother says she will never forget. For that, we hail the officer, are midnight hero. Welldone. That was a fun night. Mostwatched, most trusted, most grateful you spent the evening with us. 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Then a high stakes pattycake Battle Royale ends in triumph. You have the upper hands its a race to the lowest rate, and so much more. Only on the upper hands. Have a good night, everybody. Tucker good evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight. In case you had any remaining doubt that the coronavirus restriction regime your suffering under is another scam designed to punish and control you, and you probably dont doubt it, but in case you do, we have the video to prove that it is. We showed it to you last night. One of the chief and forces of the covid restrictions, a politician and vineyard owner from california called nancy pelosi caught on the Security Camera violating her ownti rules. Sneaking into a hair salon in San Francisco to pair for an msnbc it. A salon that her party forcibly closed to civilians for public

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