Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox News At Night With Shannon Brea

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox News At Night With Shannon Bream 20200715

china pay for a number of things but spent a great deal of time going directly at his november rival as joe biden lays out an ambitious climate plan in a speech loaded with jabs at the president, the economy and more. we will get reaction from larry kudlow straight ahead. the primary including one of the president's first major allies endorsing his primary rival early and often. the results are in. welcome to fox news at night. we will hear from larry kudlow in just a minute but first white house correspondent kevin cork has the latest. >> announcing he signed into law the hong kong autonomy act donald trump put his signature on an executive order that ends the uss preferential treatment of hong kong, for beijing's ramped up security posture in hong kong. also in violation of its one country to systems pledge that was supposed to last 50 years. >> this log is my administration powerful new tolls to hold responsible the individuals and entities involved in extinguishing hong kong's freedom. we've all watched what happened, not a good situation. there freedom has been taken away, their rights have been taken away and with it goes hong kong in my opinion because it will no longer be able to compete with markets. >> nancy pelosi approved of the president's signing of this critical bipartisan human rights legislation passed by congress, a reversal from his years of enabling xi's crackdown against hong kong. the president also as you pointed out took aim at joe biden for what the president suggested was his willful differential treatment of the communist party. >> biden's entire career has been a gift to the chinese communist party, biden supported china's entry into the world trade organization. one of the greatest geopolitical and economic disasters in world history. >> joe biden and president obama freely allowed china to pillage our factories, plunder our communities and steal our most precious secrets. >> if you were surprised to hear the president make a political turn apparently joe biden was not. he said this in a statement. what we heard in the rose garden today wasn't a president at all but a politician who sees his reelection slipping away from him and is furious at his own botched response to the coronavirus pandemic that denied him the campaign event he so craves. as for china their foreign ministry spokesperson said the us made a move that seriously damaged us china relations and, quote, china would respond further according to the development of the situation but by any measure, hong kong moving forward, the corresponding boost to the chinese economy fair to say it will be severely impacted, maybe dramatically so in the short run. a story we will keep an eye on. shannon: the president anxious to launch into campaign mode as you can see but tonight questions about the power of his endorsement for other candidates. jackie heinrich joins us with breaking news on key primaries and runoffs, alabama, texas and maine. what can you tell us? >> definitions's defeat is largely seen as a likely end to his political career, that is an outcome donald trump had been lobbying for. former auburn university football coach pete sessions in a runoff election and will face off against incumbent democrat doug jones, he recused himself from the russia investigation, trump tweeted tonight just called, tommy won big against jeff sessions, will be a great center for the people of alabama, doug jones is a terrible senator who is a liberal puppet for schumer and pelosi, represents alabama poorly, onto november 3rd. in maine sarah giddiness it to face off against susan collins after beating two other democrats in that state's primary, collins is seen as one of the most vulnerable senators in the race is likely determine which party takes control of the senate. a democrat would need to take three seats to gain control and how these races shake out could determine whether joe biden's climate plan has a shot at passing if he is elected. >> reporter: job i didn't fully back the green new deal and faced criticism from progressives for not going far enough on climate change but his $2 trillion plan announced tuesday is both an appeal to progressives in a rebuttal to claims his presidency where toilet glass, it plans to liberate fossil fuel emissions by 2035, houston is -- faster than house democrat proposal that mentions no coal or franking. important in the state of pennsylvania. instead investing in carbon capture technology, clean energy development and infrastructure to reduce emissions with a jabber the president. >> donald trump thinks about climate change the only word he can muster his hoax. when i think about climate change the word i think of is jobs. the white house announced, quote, infrastructure week. how many times have you heard him say that but he has never delivered. >> reporter: the plan addresses economic and racial divides promising spending and minority and working-class communities most affected by pollution and so the campaign didn't offer specifics how it would be paid for it is suggested a mix of tax increases on corporations and the wealthy plus deficit spending, the president was quick to paint it as radical. >> worse than bernie's platform it has gone so far right. he is begging for that vote. shannon: thank you so much. the campaign is back on any the coronavirus pandemic forced the candidates to lay low instead of being on the trail donald trump and former vice president biden giving us a taste of the countdown to election day which is 15 weeks away. joined by larry kudlow, good to have you back. >> appreciate it. >> here is what joe biden had to say about his aggressive plan to tackle not only the economy but climate change. >> when donald trump thinks about climate change the only word he can muster his hoax. when i think about climate change the word i think of his jobs. good paying union jobs that will put americans to work. >> they say 1 million new jobs tied to making electric vehicles and charging stations, millions were union jobs can come from building greener infrastructure, sustainable housing, upgrading millions, biden says will create another million jobs, he said his plan is all about getting things up and running again in a way that donald trump can't do. >> i don't understand it because his environment plan, his green new deal plan would end carbon emissions by 2035, that is only 15 years from now, that means fracking, low-cost natural gas, that also means oil, improves call and so forth. that would probably cut gdp by as much as 12 percent-15%, incalculably millions of lost jobs, particularly blue-collar jobs, construction jobs and so forth and basically raising taxes across the board, corporations, individuals, capital investment, none of that can possibly work without doing enormous damage to the economy, donald trump has been a tax cutter and the regulator throughout this period encouraging cheap energy, cheap and plentiful natural gas energy while emissions are actually dropped by 10% under the president's gain. let me make a point on the regulatory side. there's going to be so much new regulation, not just energy for the biden campaign but tremendous overlay of regulations, government takeover of healthcare for example would be one of them. we did a study that is being published this week that shows the biggest beneficiary of the regulations, the lowest fifth of the population, they had a 15% drop in the cost of living, and increasing wages of 15% in the second lowest was the next quintile. at exactly the low end of the curve the most progressive taxes come from deregulation and our business and individual tax cuts. why would you like to come out a deep pandemic? the data tells a story that does not agree with the former vice president. >> some on the left were frustrated talking about the fact they wanted the vice president's plan to ban:fracking but it doesn't, they found that to be disappointing. very smartly trying to hang onto important states like pennsylvania and others, one paul says younger voters and swing voters are attracted to this idea that he is tackling climate change issues. how do you respond to those who say we don't think it is far left enough? >> that may be. i can't explore the far left of the democratic party. i can only say a few say you will end carbon emissions by 2035, 15 years from now, fracking will be down, natural gas will be gone, oil will be gone and coal will be gone. voters in those swing states will respond negatively to that in my judgment. they know donald trump has been pitching in their favor and i want to make one of the point reading the vice president's news accounts, he wants to buy american. that sounds good like he is endorsing donald trump but you can't buy american if you create an inhospitable business and investment environment with tax increases across the board on successful individuals and middle-class families. how can you buy america if you are repelling american business, they will say offshore, they may lead china a bit. in southeast asia and else -- there's no continuity to it. it is not reasonable. they are not going to be able to do that. >> the president has no plans to talk to president xi, where do things stand with china. >> congressional legislation, permitting sanctions, in china and hong kong who have ruined the hong kong autonomy bill broke a treaty that was 50 or 60 years old, robbing freedoms, robbing free elections, national security implication, investment implications because of probably fraudulent chinese standards and you are not transpiring, don't deny it, doesn't work for anybody. in the south china sea, violating national security and hong kong, human rights believers and removing freedoms so these bills and executive order will permit sanctions. we haven't named individuals yet but we will hold the people responsible accountable over time. the trade deal is still engaged. the trade deal is still engaged. but the rest of the chinese story has been vexing and frustrating to donald trump who has been in a bad mood about china for quite some time and is putting them on notice they will be held accountable for all these misdeeds, one after another after another. >> he was talking about it before the run for the white house and now with sanctions in place for the possibility of sanctions, we will wait until they are actually levied. we appreciate your time, come back soon. ruth bader ginsburg resting at johns hopkins hospital in baltimore being treated for a possible infection. he began experiencing fever and chills last night. we are told she underwent an endoscopic procedure. the 87-year-old justice was hospitalized earlier this year for a benign gallbladder condition. the missouri couple who confronted protesters outside their home base in be facing criminal charges? former missouri governor eric braden joins us live next. now there's dawn powerwash dish spray. the faster, easier way to clean as you go. it cleans grease five times faster on easy messes, just spray, wipe, and rinse. on tough messes, the spray-activated suds cut through grease on contact, without water. just wipe, and rinse. get dishes done faster dawn powerwash dish spray. spray. wipe. rinse. .. 49... 50! i found you! good job. now i'm gonna stay here and you go hide. watch your favorites from anywhere in the house with the xfinity stream app. free with your xfinity service. now any room can be a tv room. stream live tv, on demand shows and movies even your dvr recordings. download the xfinity stream app today to stream the entertainment you love. xfinity. the future of awesome. >> shannon: afte >> after weeks of writing protests ted wheeler telling acting homeland security director chad wolf tonight he wants federal officers off the streets. the democratic mayor saying this, i told the acting secretary my biggest immediate concern is the violence federal offices brought restraint in recent days and life-threatening tactics his agents used. we do not need or want their help. this coming today after portland man was charged with assaulting a federal officer with a hammer. [shouting] >> oregon democrats point to an incident on saturday when it 26-year-old protester was hit in the face with nonlethal crowd control munition reportedly by federal officers. >> trump troops in portland are not the answer is this escalates detention and we need dialogue and de-escalation. shannon: rick leventhal joins us with the latest from portland and beyond. >> dramatic increase in shootings, brazen attacks on police officers and maybe protests stretching resources and making many cities far more dangerous this year than last. portland, hours long standoff between cops and hundreds of demonstrators outside police union headquarters, last night the 40 sixth consecutive night a protest in that city, police dodging bricks, ball bearings, rocks, bottles, pain bonds, also subjected to screening, cowbells and other noisemakers, bright lights and laser pointers, cops finally declaring a riot when protesters blocking roads refuse orders to disperse. the portland pd making multiple arrests and still looking for others who helped free one suspect being taken into custody. officers had to come back overnight when demonstrators return shooting fireworks at the building and stacking a mattress against the wall. the spike in gunfire continues in new york city were 18 more people were wounded in 14 separate incidents last night including three drive-bys in a span of 14 minutes in brooklyn with a 23-year-old woman among the victims shot four times in the chest. >> nobody is as likely to die. the concern we have for all three of the shooting incidents is a sedan involved in these shootings. >> more bullets are flying in new york and other big cities this year over last for june and july with critics including the president blaming the spike on anti-cop rhetoric, police budget cutbacks and the dismantling of anticrime units as part of an effort to appease protesters. >> look what has happened to new york, crime is up, shootings are up, numbers nobody has ever seen before, look at chicago, what a disaster and we are waiting for them to call us because we are all set to go. we have the fbi, we have homeland security, we have everybody ready to go. >> reporter: shootings of 18-24-year-olds are almost double what they were last year and 53 children have been victims of gunfire, 37 and same period in 2019. the deaths include one-year-old baby shot in a stroller at a family cookout in brooklyn sunday night. shannon: as we keep it on the violence implemented across the nation last night for missouri governor eric great and ran toward the sound of gunfire trying to help victims of the deadly shooting in st. louis. he joins us live on that with an update on the case involving the couple who face down protesters with firearms at their home. good to have you with us. sounds like the situation last night, i want to read something from, this is last week before the shooting you should affect, st. louis has one of the highest murder rate in the us, this year is shaping up to be especially deadly, 113 homicide through last thursday including 43 in the past 40 days on pace to top last year's 194. i understand shooting you went to last night trying to render aid, two died there, what do you make of what is going on in st. louis and were you surprised to have this happen when you were outside eating dinner? >> this is what you expect in places like iraq and afghanistan but now it is happening in place like st. louis and cities across the country. we had semi automatic gunfire ringing out in the daylight in a crowded intersection at a place people use to take their family. as you pointed out it wasn't just last night. the murder rate in st. louis is up 30%. children are being killed. while this is happening you have leftist radicals calling for defunding the police and some republican politicians who because of their cowardice are for it. last night, seeing the police officers, firefighters, first responders who came to respond demonstrates the courage and common sense of these men and women who are on the front lines. shannon: mayors and governors are in tough positions, we are looking at larry hogan, what he talks about when the deal with freddie gray in the aftermath of riots in 2015, talks about getting a call from then president obama. he was calling to offer federal assistance for the state of maryland but i was wrong, calling to express my concern, he continued, that your actions could potentially inflame an already tense environment, at no point did he consider backing down, he couldn't stop me. i was the governor. some officials say having federal folks on the streets is inciting and making things worse, very worry that president obama had all those years ago. >> the dynamic that governor hogan is explaining is exactly right. when i was governor of missouri we defeated antifa. they came here to missouri, promised they were going to burn missouri down and what we did was we brought a team together and with the right kind of clarity and compassion and courage we were very clear, we had clergy, we had police lieutenant's, we brought people together and we said everyone has the constitutional right to freedom of speech, everyone has the constitutional right to freedom of assembly and if you're out there peacefully protesting the police will be out there protecting you but we also made clear that throwing a brick through a window is not free speech. if you assault a police officer you are going to be arrested and with that clarity, with compassion we brought it to a end but what you are seeing now is a lot of politicians who aren't taking responsibility for bringing peace but it can be done. shannon: we are out of time. i want to ask about the couple in st. louis who defended their property, they said they were defending against trespasses and could be indicted. we will follow that case and have you back, thank you. the mainstream media shakeup, barry right taking the world inside what she says is really happening at the new york times in her scathing resignation letter, details standing by live. maximize physical respon se. it's no wonder force factor is the #1 fastest-growing men's health brand at walmart. unleash your potential in the bedroom with score!. who've got their eczema under control. with less eczema, you can show more skin. so roll up those sleeves. and help heal your skin from within with dupixent. dupixent is the first treatment of its kind that continuously treats moderate-to-severe eczema, or atopic dermatitis, even between flare ups. dupixent is a biologic, and not a cream or steroid. many people taking dupixent saw clear or almost clear skin, and, had significantly less itch. don't use if you're allergic to dupixent. serious allergic reactions can occur, including anaphylaxis, which is severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, or a parasitic infection. if you take asthma medicines, don't change or stop them without talking to your doctor. so help heal your skin from within, and talk to your eczema specialist about dupixent. if your financial situation has changed, we may be able to help. >> shannon: a big shake-up tonight among the shannon: a big shakeup among the mainstream media over political censorship. barry white thing, she's not going quietly. media analyst and host of fox news media buzz shows us tonight. >> reporter: in a scathing resignation letter barry white, new york times's opinion editor so she has been constantly bullied by her own colleagues calling her a nazi and racist, some publicly smear me as a liar and big it on twitter with no fear that harassing me would be met with appropriate action. this environment yields what she called self censorship. why edit something challenging to our readers when we can assure our job security by publishing our 4000 op-eds that donald trump is a unique danger to the country in the world. that supports gets personal, she complains in the note to the publisher that he and other executives did nothing while privately praising her for her courage and some friendly colleagues see a new mccarthyism there. a former wall street journal opinion editor who is a controversial writer and self-described censure is to made some errors but also complain about being agreed by social media mobs. >> saying i'm offended as a way of making someone radioactive, smearing their reputation. >> wise was critical when james bennett was ousted for publishing a column by tom cotton on riots but only after a back lash led by african-american staffers. the acting opinion editor promised the time to keep publishing voices, experiences and viewpoints from across the political spectrum. but weiss writes the pieces not progressively ask -- only after every line is negotiated and caveat it. barry white's is twitter has become the paper's ultimate editor, harsh words speak to a media culture well beyond the new york times it should concern anyone who cares about free expression in journalism. >> thank you very much. in addition to barry weiss, new york magazine writer andrew sullivan left his job tonight, he says the reason is self-evident and coming in his next column. a curator of the san francisco museum of modern art reside accused of racism because he said he was still collecting work from white artists. the host of the next revolution joins us to weigh in. your reaction to all of that? >> on the new york times, it is interesting to see how personal this letter gets. beyond what we already knew that the new york times editorial he has been taken over by an internal it -- intolerant woke mob, tells you something about the workplace culture in that large, important, influential institution, really abusive and toxic workplace culture and i think given the importance of that organization that something we cannot just brush off. if it was something else, defendant by the rest of the media there would be calls for a federal investigation. get the department of labor involved, do one of their investigations and have a look at the bullying and hate that is going on in that organization. shannon: i want to mention what she alleges in her letter that she has been bullied by coworkers, called nazi, was called racist because she was allowing other viewpoints to be part of the opinion page, underwent constant bullying by colleagues who disagree with my views, there are terms for this unlawful discoloration, hostile work environment, i'm no legal expert but i know this is wrong. >> exactly right. that takes us to the broader point of andrew sullivan, the guy in the san francisco, so many people without the profile of barry waste, without the platform to publish a letter that will be discussed in the media, who have been fired and what we really have to do is try to encourage a climate in which people can fight back, can resist this. if you don't stand up for yourself in this kind of treatment, work in a big company and are fired for something that is indefensible, it is against the law and you should have recourse to legal remedy and we should all encourage that, publicize the resources that are available to stand up, if you don't stand up they keep going and it gets worse and worse. shannon: not everyone is by mister, skeptics says sean penn tweeting this, she made a career out of claiming to be persecuted. it is how she got hired by the new york times in the first place. i don't believe a single thing she says. despite writing a long detailed letter there will be those who think it is sour grapes and she couldn't take the heat. >> i think her position on issues have been known for a long time. the fact she waited this long to come out and make these points tells you she's no shrinking violet, she's been fighting for this but can't take it anymore. the idea this is all just fantasy doesn't fit where you see other writers and other publications documenting people in other institutions, increasingly can't get away with saying things that the mob doesn't approve of. that is antithetical to everything america stands for. shannon: a strange moment in history but there is great upheaval in some people like to capitalize on that but hopefully this will be toward solutions and not further division. always great to have you. thank you so much. the board of education says kids belong back in the school and masks and social distancing may not be necessary. plenty of backlash. we will hear from both sides next. well the names have all changed since you hung around but those dreams have remained and they've turned around who'd have thought they'd lead ya back here where we need ya welcome back, america. it sure is good to see you. cindy crawford doesn't just walk the red carpet. she rocks it! and today, at over 50, she still steals the show. even vogue magazine exclaims, "at 52, cindy still looks as good as she did at 25!" us weekly calls it "proof that cindy does not age" 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months in new york city but there is continued pushback in certain places around the country. max disputes turning to the michigan, one man refuses to wear a mask to a store, police shot the suspect, they say step the store worker for confronting him about not covering his face, shooting comes one day after governor gretchen witmer ordered masks, the highest death toll today. investigation in orlando found false reporting by testing clinics, the apartment of help telling our fox affiliate some centers provided positive results but failed to report negative ones. cases continue to spike around the country. new york, new jersey and connecticut adding four more states to their quarantine list, travelers from wisconsin, ohio, minnesota and new mexico through the tri-state area must self isolate for 14 days, restrictions are in effect for 22 states, people coming through airport and train and bus stations must share their contact information. >> if you leave the airport without filling out the information not only you have a $2,000 fine but can be brought to a hearing in order to complete mandatory quarantine. >> reporter: last week new york city mayor bill diblasio cancel all events until the end of september and in philadelphia the mayor barring events until february of 2021, 7 months from now. >> what we are doing here is following medical advice which i think every city, state in the nation should or we wouldn't be in the situation we see. >> reporter: according to kodak's now which is a group of medical experts examining the pandemic only 3 states are on track to contain the virus, new jersey, vermont, surrounding states around the country try to follow suit. >> thank you. plenty in orange county board of education recommendations to let kids return to school without masks and social distancing. donald trump says efforts to keep kids out of school he thinks our political. >> we have to open our schools. a decision like that is politics because we are starting to do well in the polls because i'm for law and order. i'm for strong business, jobs are coming back at a record level, we've never seen anything like it, i built it once before, strongest economy ever and i am doing it again and they don't want that to happen. >> let's bring in don waggoner from the board of supervisors and the medical director of local kids pediatric medical group, both asked to take part in a panel to give advice in orange county, welcome to both of you. i will play doctor anthony fauci about the conversation on getting kids back to school safely. >> let's try and get them open to the extent that we can but let's take a look at the dynamics of the infection in the area you are in. >> what is getting so much attention is orange county board of education saying kids can go back, might not need masks or social distancing, school district saying that is a nonbinding recommendation, we are not going down that path. what are your thoughts? >> it's important to open up schools this fall taking into consideration the mitigation of the spread and the effect on different areas. i agree with doctor anthony fauci that this, all the aspects have to be taken into consideration but as a pediatrician from what i'm seeing it is in the best interest of children to go back to school. shannon: elsewhere in californi competing demographics and all kinds of things. in la they are not going back to school, the teachers union saying it's time to take a stand against trump's dangerous anti-science agenda that puts the lives of our members, students and families at risk, lives hang in the balance, safety has to be the priority. for them they say it's not safe to go back, for kids, teachers or anyone. >> the question whether it is safe or not is one medical professionals have to decide for themselves and ultimately parents are going to decide whether it is safe to send their kids back or not. one thing we learned at the board of supervisors meeting this morning was the numbers being used to determine the lethality of this disease, the hospitalization rate of this disease and the spread of this disease are unknowable. the cdc said as many as ten times the number of diagnosed cases go undiagnosed, trying to compare rates and figure out how widespread this disease is, you can't do it if you don't have the actual numbers, if you don't have the actual science was what we are saying is, to the governor, the california a bit of public health, the cdc, help us make the right decisions based on science. they are always talking about science, help us with the numbers, right now the numbers are not very clear at all. shannon: what about the conversation kids might not get very sick, there are exceptions to everything but they are not the ones where the sickest but they have to interact with adults to run these schools and they could be vulnerable. >> the data is showing the children in general are not as affected from the actual virus as adults but we do have to take into consideration those that are around some, the public and community they come back to can be affected by that. the children themselves, the risk is nowhere near what it is for adults. >> every parents i know what you guys too is itching to find a way to get kids back in the classroom provided they can do it safely so we will watch as orange county moves forward. thank you both. mail in voting sparking heated debates across the country. what we found next. as you get older, are you worried about staying sharp and alert? forebrain, from the harvard-educated experts at force factor, contains key ingredients to help boost memory, learning, clarity, focus, and more! rush to walmart and find forebrain, our #1 brain booster, in the vitamin aisle. so we collaborate ♪ ocean spray works with nature every day to farm in a sustainable way >> shannon: less than four months until the presidential election as states are running out of time to decide whether they're going >> this than four months until the presidential election and states are running out of time to decide whether to allow mail in voting. mike emanuel takes a look. >> with a 2020 election taking place during the pandemic many are pushing mail in voting for the republican national committee involved in lawsuits from maine to california trying to shut down. >> why do democrats want to do all mail voting? they believe it is easier for them to control and manipulate including ballot harvesting which is something that is hotly contested as well. >> democrats say precautions are being taken and fraud concerns are overblown. >> tactics by republicans, they try to cry voter fraud every year on every issue because they don't want people to go out and vote. >> reporter: cdc recommendations are a variety of voting options, longer voting periods and other options for reducing the number of voters gathering in polling locations was the are in c says mail in ballots is the wrong approach. >> we are very in favor of absentee ballots done in the way states put safeguards in place that have vetted procedure. what we are seeing from democrats is complete rewriting of how elections should be run. >> reporter: the distinction, absentee to that we require someone to request a ballot confirming the voters living in a particular address and alive preventing ballots from going to old addresses or people who have died, donald trump finds that possibility alarming. >> until now vote by mail has not been seen as a particularly partisan issue. republicans use it, democrats use it, political scientists will tell you it doesn't really benefit one party or another. what is baffling to me is why donald trump began yelling about problems with vote by mail at the very moment our country needed to figure out how to hold this election in the middle of a pandemic. >> the aclu is joining the legal fight on the other side, it's argument elderly voters in those at greater risk of coronavirus shouldn't have to endanger their health to vote. shannon: most-watched, most trusted, most grateful you spent the evening with us. i'm shannon bream. . zzzquil pure zzzs all night. fall asleep. stay asleep. >> the core of his economic agenda is a hard left crusade against american energy. he wants to kill american energy. there's never been a time when 2 candidates were so different. >> it is wednesday july 15th, donald trump goes off script holding nothing back in his blistering response to joe biden's $2 trillion climate proposal. what does it mean for jobs, american energy, live in washington, the plan is the president blasts biden claiming he's gone, quote, radical left. >> a step

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