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Can we do it safely . Expert standing by to the bay. The crime wave across the us following a deadly weekend in a number of major cities continues as we are monitoring another protest putting demonstrators against police. Pressure mounting. One florida sheriff raising the idea of deputizing of deputizing every gun and against protesters. How to crackdown of local governments wont lose Congressional Democrats trying to remove confederate stages on capitol hill with government funding to keep the country running. Will come to fox news at night. We begin with White House Correspondent kevin cork keeping an eye on protests not far from the white house on a day the president vowed to get American Kids back to school on time. We have a lot to cover. Reporter we are keeping an eye on the situation at the black lives matter plaza north of Lafayette Park which is north of the white house. Weve seen video of a trump supporter struck by a black lives matter supporter, he struck that man directly in front of the Dc Metropolitan Police which as you know have been more or less congregating in the black lives matter plaza for the better part of a month, he struck the man, was immediately apprehended and pulled over the barricades and placed in handcuffs. As we get more details, things are heating up over there. We will keep the night on that. The president today said he will pressure state governors to open schools this coming fall despite a recent surge in coronavirus cases across the country that prompted some local officials to slow their reopening plans. We want to reopen the schools. Everybody wants it, the moms wanted, dads wanted, the kids wanted, time to do it. Time to hit the books and head back to the classroom, that was the president s message today as he welcomed stakeholders to the white house to discuss the safest way to reopen schools despite a recent spike in covid19 cases. At least 39 states have really School Reopening guidance for fall 2020 with most start dates very by district but onsite, online and on the air, the administration has full court press was evident with a single message, lets Work Together to get those schools reopened safely and soon. Lets remember working families, single parents, for people to be able to go back to work fulltime this fall weve got to have these schools up and running and working, anybody who wants to play politics on this thing is unfair notice the we are not going to put up with it. Politics is a major concern in some corners, primarily democratic run states, will simply defy the plea to reopen schools because they dont trust his judgment or that of his administration, some even using cautious cdc language is reason enough to keep schools shuttered. Nobody should hide behind cdc guidance as a way to not reopen schools. We hope most schools are going to be open. We dont want people to make political statements or do it for political reasons was it will be good for them politically so they keep the schools closed, no way. We are very much going to put pressure on governors and everybody else to open the schools, to get them open. The debate over went to reopen schools because of lingering Health Concerns comes as the Administration Withdraws the us from the World Health Organization, a decision both supported and a rider on capitol hill, china lied to who complied and americans died, said james comeer kentucky while bob menendez said this wont protect american lives or and just, it leaves americans second america alone. The president and the education secretary credited floridas reopening plan which orders all of the Sunshine State Public Schools to reopen in august for at least 5 days per week for all students, score one for the Sunshine State. We will debate that and get back to you on the protesting dc. Thank you very much. As cases continue to surge the new york city subway system is rolling out masks, vending machines at the cost the country one large Influential Group is pushing states to make those masks mandatory. Across the country mask mandates are hit and miss and it is creating confusion and conflict as evidenced by a slew of viral videos mask and the nest shoppers so the Retail Industry Leaders Association which represents walmart, target, macys and others is urging governors to make it a requirement that everyone wear a mask, the National Governors Association Says its members are discussing the requests. Part of the confusion is whether masks actually work, assessed ron adams cautioned against the writing in february, quote, seriously, stop buying masks, they are not effective in preventing the general public from catching coronavirus but in midjune doctor adams wrote this quoting some feel face coverings infringe on their freedom of choice but if more where the we will have more freedom to go out. Maybe that is because in a letter to the International Science community 239 Us Health Experts warned that microdroplets of coronavirus could be airborne for hours and social distancing may not be enough to stop infection, some doctors say they dont doubt airborne transmission. Others say it is possible but not likely and the cdc and World Health Organization say they need more evidence. As to the number of infections continuing to climb in some states, doctor scott atlases it doesnt matter. It only matters if we cannot protect so high risk people which we are protecting, how do i know . The death rates are not going up. Reporter as donald trump said they are going way down. In mid april we were averaging 30,000 new cases today and 2000 deaths a day. Yesterday we had 46,000 new cases, 322 deaths. What about the theory that sunlight and ultraviolet rays were supposed to slow the disease . Experts say the hot weather is driving people into the airconditioned indoors where the virus might thrive. The Cleveland Clinic says there is no clear evidence their conditioning spreads the virus. Shannon we are tracking that, thanks. Parents across america are frustrated they are facing deadlines trying to make decisions what to do regarding their childrens education for the fall. The president all in on reopen schools backed up by his secretary of education. Children are social beings, we are all social beings and not being able to be together with students of similar age groups and friends overextended periods of time it is unhealthy for anyone. Can it be done safely this fall . Lets discuss with former medical director Steve Weinberg and republican congressman jim banks, good to have you both with us. Congressman, you introduced the reopen our schools act that would take away federal funds to School Districts that refuse to reopen. Heres some reaction about the stock of reopening from pat gardner, president of the classified Teachers Association in florida where the governor got this moving, i feel like teachers and staff are being put on the front lines with doctors and nurses and havent been trained on how to work with contagious individuals and some of them are going to die, teachers and staff are going to die if you make them go back. The statistics dont back that up. What we know now his children are the least at risk category to contract coronavirus or spread. This issue is personal for me as it is for so many families. I have 3 daughters going to second, third and fifth grades. Watching them go through what they went through with Virtual Learning that failed which studies now show they didnt retain hardly any of what they learned over the last few and swing schools were shut down, if we dont put kids back in the classroom we are leaving an entire generation of kids behind in the statistics dont back up anything but putting kids in the classroom where they belong. Lets talk about that against the backdrop of the spike in cases weve seen in the number of cases, Time Magazine reporting the deaths are down but there are signs of a major spike. The recent surge in states like arizona, florida and texas was first detected in late may, too soon to tell us that surge will lead to a spike in depth but at least in one state, texas theres a major warning sign that more deaths are coming, hospitalizations are spiking meaning lots of people are getting severely ill. We had you on on this topic from the very beginning when there was so much we didnt know and we are several months into it, what do you make of where we are tonight . There is still up a lot we dont know but weve learned so much in the last 4 months. I agree with the congressman, kids got to be back in school, this is personal for me. I am a schoolteacher. Im a college professor. I talked to my boss yesterday and said what am i going to do. I have kids registering in my class . She said we dont know yet so i dont know if im going to teach in person, i dont know if im going to teach online but i know kids have to get back to school. This is a complicated issue. It is not a 1sizefitsall. There is no way we can say a School District in Washington State at a School District in florida have the same problems. They have different problems in the local control is where the report will meet the road. A couple quick examples, schoolteachers, a lot of schoolteachers and some of the districts are 25, 30, right out of college, some are very seasoned, 50, 55, totally different risk factor for them. I side today, real proud of this, Texas Education Agency came up with a fantastic plan, i think it is great. It didnt order the districts to do what they recommend, it came up with a several page plan i wish i could have written myself, really goes into great detail about how to get the kids back in school, what to do few find it infection in them, how to mitigate problems, how to protect teachers and i think we are going to face this very soon was another problem is 6 weeks from now, look at 6 weeks ago, we didnt have anything near the number of cases we have now, now we have a spike, what will would be like in 6 weeks . I dont know. This is a problem waiting for solution . What do you make of those who say this is political football, people who support the president want schools open because of going back to work and help the economy and accusations that those who dont are trying to hold out to impact the election in the fall to benefit biden. I dont know what to think of it. On one hand the president has been strong on the message of reopening schools, his administration is strong on the message as well. Secretary divorce making strong statements today that she agrees with the premise of my reopen our schools act that i introduced last month, taxpayers are going to begin wondering why are we paying taxes to Fund Programs like School Safety grants for example if the schools not going to reopen in the fall. Has the administration is on the right side of opening the schools, you have the detractors and those who hate donald trump who take the other side of the issue i dont think it has anything to do with the election, this is about leadership. I had School Superintendents in my district reach out to me even just tonight about their plans to reopen in the fall. That is the leadership we need, we need to change the conversation from our schools might not be able to reopen in the full to our schools will reopen in the fall but heres what is going to take to get there. I serve on the education but in congress, i vowed to work with any School System in america if they commit to reopening in the fall and i want to work on solutions to do that. My bill grants schools with Liability Protections for example but at the same time states clearly that if you dont reopening the fall we have to ask why we are funding particular federal grants with taxpayer dollars for schools that dont reopen. We will watch that piece of legislation on the hill and we watch the medical data as it comes in. Thank you both very much. Has communities across the country grapple with how to handle soaring crime, one florida sheriff said he, quote, deputized local governors gun owners of protests erupt again. Walk back the current saying he doesnt have the legal authority. Alex hogan joins us from new york tracking protests flaring up again tonight. Reporter we are learning about an suv that drove through a crowded protester in midtown manhattan a couple hours ago, no reports of injuries and the drivers in custody but this follows an uptick in crime we have seen around the country specifically shootings with not only targeted as adults but as children taking their lives as well. In chicago alone the city saw 425 shootings, that is up 75 . One of the victims, a 7yearold girl named Natalia Wallace was shot and killed at a fourth of july party. Police arrested one suspect that they are looking for three others. Takes ownership of the decisions you make, turn yourself in and admit you kill the 7yearold child. In indianapolis of flight over black lives matter and language sparked a fire that killed the mother and injured threeyearold in minneapolis, shooting took place with a woman sitting in her vehicle and she was pregnant, doctors are nearby hospital delivering that child before she died. Her uncle speaking to fox affiliate km xp saying this is a cowardly act, an example of the pandemic of domestic violence, violence against women, it has to stop, quarantine has shown rise and the mystic violence calls, she deserved to live, we need to raise these men better, women and children are scared. In new york or fine video of a father gunned down while walking his 6yearold daughter across the street, 17yearold in the bronx in the 14yearold in queens, and when why be there were 205 shootings in june, up 130 compared to the same time last year. It started after the murder of george floyd, after the protest in the city, after the animosity towards police in the city, after a feeling of emboldened by criminals on the street that the cops cant do anything anymore, no one likes the police and they think they can get away with this and it is safe to carry a gun out on the street. Bill diblasio pending some of the recent crime on people being cooped up during the pandemic. Shannon thank you. A deep dive into this alarming crime wave skyrocketing across america. Expert standing by to weigh in next. And frustrating experience getting hearing aids can be. Thats why i founded lively. Affordable, highquality hearing aids with all of the features you need, and none of the hassle. I use lively hearing aids and its been wonderful. Its so light and so small but its a fraction of the cost of the other devices. They cost thousands less. Its insanely user friendly. You take the hearing test online, the doctor programs in the settings. 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Ive been following jorge ventura, one of the reporters i saw a great deal when i was covering the protests in what is known now as black lives matter plaza. As part of his reporting he is showing his video right here of i street being blocked to normal traffic flow. They allowed a bus of protester to pass through but it has been blocked for regular auto traffic and to give a sense of where that is in relation to the white house i can see the grill there. This is a block and a half north of Lafayette Park. If you go to i and a right and go have a block up that is what we are looking at and there is still a large contingent of Law Enforcement officers and officials just along h street if you follow the alphabet, they are there right along the park and as you see the famous st. Johns episcopal church, right now we know that auto traffic is being impeded by protesters. As we get more details i will pass them along. Shannon you were down there is the church was set ablaze by protesters. The fourth of july weekend in atlanta was violent and deadly, 31 people shot, five killed including an 8yearold girl. Brian kemp declaring a state of emergency in deploying the National Guard to the state capital saying peaceful protests were hijacked by criminals with a dangerous destructive agenda. Lawlessness must be stopped and order restored in our capital city. Numerous of these facing explosion of crime. We discuss with Police Commissioner bernard carried and us attorney and Fox News Contributor andrew mccarthy. We are hearing a lot, New York Post cover calling out mayor bill diblasio saying you got to go do something. A number of things they think would help the city right now including bringing back plainclothes anticrime unit the police shutdown, stopping the compassionate jailbreak and no bail law allowing people to get back on the streets after they have been pulled in. What do you make of the situation as it stands in new york and can it be remedied . It can be remedied if the mayor and the governor combined did exactly what you said. The anticrime removal, but plainclothes guys that actors can millions, go to the communities in plainclothes to look for guns, robberies and progress, shootings and progress, when you pull them out of the street to a going to see major spikes in shootings, shootings lead to murder and Violent Crime across the board is going to rise all the things you just mentioned should be done but you need leadership at the top, you need a mayor that will support the men and women in the fields and this mayor is not going to do that. Is proved himself over and over hes not going to do that. Shannon there are things the feds can do and cant do. San Francisco Chronicle talks about federal charges filed against 7 protesters in portland, oregon where they been demonstrating for 40 consecutive nights, increasingly focusing on federal property including the hatfield federal courthouse, youre a piece saying a lot of this is up to the states and localities so what can the feds do and not do to shutdown this activity . When you have a situation where the presumption that the rule of law is going to be enforced is lost, the big problem is local street crime, Violent Crime, the federal role really has to be supportive. That doesnt mean it is insubstantial. It can be in the lead when you have things like you just described when they are attacking federal property or federal personnel or a terrorism situation theres a lot the feds can do but for the most part when you are talking about Violent Crime, the police in the local community are a more important factor than the federal government. There are three times more new york city cops than there are fbi agents throughout the whole country so just that is just new york city alone so theres a lot that can be done when we Work Together and thinking about what you were just discussing with bernie, right after the 9 11 attack which was another situation when we had a potential breakdown of order that didnt happen and it didnt happen prazosin for the reasons he alludes to, you had unity of support from the political leadership, the Police Commissioner, the us attorney, the court and we pulled together and worked together and that is what is lacking now. Shannon i want to read a headline from the washington examiner, shootings in new york city up 205 in week since the disbanding of the plainclothes unit compared to last year. What i feel your giving the streets back to the criminals, the mother one shooting victim whose son was shot just days after the unit was disbanded. What is your message to that mom and moms and dad suffering out there tonight . The message is put it on your political leaders, go after the democrat leaders in these cities where the violence is the highest and i have to touch on something andy wrote about. When i was in narcotic, 1988, 89, 90, 7 diamond earrings, a goatee, every week, one day a week we had federal day. He wrote about this. We had federal day. Everybody that got locked up for gangs, guns, drugs, shootings and violence across state lines got charged federally, they didnt go a turnstile justice system, they got locked up and they went to prison. That is what they should be doing now in chicago, baltimore, atlanta and other cities including new york city, now is the time to do it. Shannon we will see if we can get agreement on that, thank you for sharing your experiences with us, appreciate it. Breaking cancel culture news, who is in the crosshairs tonight, stick around and find out. Into your best life live like a stress baller with stressballs i got this Mountain Bike for only 11. Dealdash. Com, the fair and honest bidding site. An ipad worth 505, was sold for less than 24; a playstation 4 for less than 16; and a schultz 4k television for less than 2. I won these bluetooth headphones for 20. I got these three suitcases for less than 40. And shipping is always free. Go to dealdash. Com right now and see how much you can save. Shannon in baltimore, authorities retrieving parts of in baltimore authorities are treating part of Christopher Columbus said after protesters tossed it into the harbor on the fourth of july. In dc on capitol hill democrats are targeting confederate symbolism in an annual spending bill to fund the government. Chad program is here to explain. Reporter how much Money Congress spends whether it is for a warship or confederate statue. 12 annual bills fund the government. Controversial figures is central to 5 of those bills. Im including language to require the National Park service to remove all confederate commemorative works. House democrats, 700 billion for the pentagon with legislation that features a 1 million allocation to rename facilities bearing confederate names. The Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell doesnt a person changes. Theres a question of the prominence of recognition of confederates. For example i dont have a problem with changing the bases in the south that i didnt even realize were named after confederate generals. Reporter one bill Funds Congress and order the removal of confederates searches on capitol hill. We spend every day in the capital, to walk past statues of people who didnt feel we were human. Reporter the legislative branch bill, roderick pena, author of the dred scott decision excluding citizenship for blacks and a statue of South Carolina senator and Vice President john c calhoun. This is the peoples house so lets make sure all people are welcome. Reporter one republicans are still fox controversial money bills are not the right venue for removing controversial statues. Other republicans oppose changes altogether. I promise you, continue to defend america, defend americas great traditions against those who want to tear down statues, wants to erase our history. Reporter theres little chance any of these bills become law despite congress authoring a big stopgap bill to avoid a government shutdown. That means the position of removing confederate symbols are just for optics. Reporter thank you very much. In Virginia Work crews started taking down a statue of confederate general jeb stuart earlier today one week after the mayor ordered the removal of all Confederate Monument standing on city property. Removing statues, rethinking names, schools and hospitals and shouting down anyone who doesnt agree the president weighing on efforts by the left to silence any debate. One of their political weapons is cancel culture, driving people from their jobs, shaming dissenters and demanding total submission from anyone who disagrees. This is the very definition of totalitarianism and it is completely alien to our culture and our values. Lets have our own debate with jessica and trump 2020 Campaign Legal advisor jenna ellis. Welcome to you both. Lets start with this Washington Post headline, trump king of cancel culture, i cannot think of another politician a public figure who has spent more time trying to cancel critics than the thinskinned former reality tv star in the oval office, he is not want to be talking about cancel culture because he spent his whole life doing it. Thats just another ridiculous headline from the Mainstream Media trying to twist the president s words and not wanting a fair and honest debate. The problem with cancel culture is it silences everyone, the goal is the presidency clearly from Mount Rushmore is the goal of cancel culture is not to better america but fundamentally change and end america. When we look at the good rules and the nature of cancel culture, they are upset over one thing that they were fine with 5 minutes ago it is all about manipulating the rules and forgetting the fact that the founders ironically actually had the truth was objective and codify that in the declaration of independence by recognizing truth comes from god, our rights come from god and a free, fair and honest debate is what we should be having come our first freedom is the right to freedom of speech and exercise of religion so we can speak the truth and debate these things so cancel culture and removing statues, attaching that to a spending bill is tyranny, the liberal left continues to push through their agenda instead of having an open and honest, recent debate. I thought it was interesting that there were people across the spectrum that we would say are on the left of these arguments and they wrote a piece about weve got to stop the Council Culture so we had a conversation. A letter number of them signed onto, otters, professors, doctors, journalists to the restriction of debate whether by a repressive government or in intolerances side invariably hurts those who lack power and makes everyone less capable of democratic participation was the way to defeat that it is exposure, argument and persuasion, not trying to silence or wish them away. Libertarian conservative commentator dave ruben said hilariously ridiculous, several people on their tried to cancel me personally. The weakness of liberalism is out in the open. At least theres a conversation from people across the political spectrum saying weve got to stop canceling people and have these conversations. Absolutely agree with that sentiment. A liberal that works in a conservative network, i think that it betters us as a nation and it is possible people switch allegiances and switch parties if they hear about a candidate from the other side what they think is good about the person and can measure that up against what they felt for decades in the past but i would say there is confusion about canceling and removing monuments to the confederacy and the Confederate Flag versus having a conversation about keeping statues to Ulysses S Grant or Frederick Douglass statue was attacked, that has no place in what should be going on right now but donald trump is on the side of slavery, on the side of the confederacy, the Confederate Flag which is a racist symbol and he goes after nascar and bubba wallace, look at the president s twitter feed and what he said about nascars decision and bubba wallace, Lindsey Graham had to say nascar made the right call, they are trying to expand their fan base and if you want us to believe Trump Supporters and americans on the whole are not racist and dont support things like having the Confederate Flag flying and hold on a second. I watched it, he talks about our heritage which is racist. User the president s for slavery, that is something jenna will probably want to answer. You have no proof for that and for the president to stand up for our heritage at his Mount Rushmore speech, to say that our founders were imperfect, they had a Perfect Vision for a more Perfect Union and he certainly doesnt stand for slavery, nobody in this country does, that is a ridiculous argument youre playing into the fear mongering of the liberal left to try to paint him in this category of racism when you dont want to talk about the difficulties of america and our culture and cancel culture and policy and acknowledge that he stood up boldly and strongly and proudly for america embracing our heritage because we have a unique premise in American Society that our rights are for all because we are all human beings made in the image of god. That is what he stands for and you know that. One thing if you are standing up for the Confederate Flag you are on the wrong side. Our founders gave us ways to fix the things that are wrong in our society and we see is wrong and we have done it numerous times and we still can as we move forward to make things better for everybody. Jessica and jenna, good to have you both. Your kids may not like this but the federal government is considering banning ticktock over security threats from china. What other ads may be on the chopping block next. No m atter what challenges life throws at you, were always here to help with Fast Response and Great Service and it doesnt stop there were also here to help look ahead thats why were helping members catch up by spreading any missed usaa insurance payments over the next twelve months so you can keep more cash in your pockets for when it matters most and thats just one of the many ways were here to help the military Community Find out more at usaa. Com vo to help were all moving at our own speed. 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Us officials tell fox news discussions around possibly banning ticktock are nearly stages saying the administration is prepared to counter any apps that spies on americans, Chinese Tech Firm bite pants which owns ticktock is denying the claims. The company says its north american users data in servers in the United States with backup in singapore, none of that is subject to chinese law, and it is led by an american ceo, we never provide user data the Chinese Government nor would we do so if asked. Us Officials Say ticktock is among other chinese owned apps, the administration led an International Campaign to cartel or ban Chinese Software claiming they expose Sensitive Data to the Chinese Government, Christopher Ray says 5000 fbi counterintelligence, nearly half are related to china in china is working to compromise American Companies that are researching covid19. Thank you. Will the white house use executive action to ban ticktock . The planning is to roll out executive orders in the coming days so how far is this . Good to have you back. If you know this is something the president criticized the Previous Administration for doing ap has a headline saying trump issued 33 executive orders although he was a critic of such actions when running for office, his extensive use of executive orders comes after he criticized obama for doing the same. That is where we are tonight. A lot of inactivity. A big difference between the obama and trump executive orders, the executive orders we are talking about involve foreign affairs, National Security, that is where the president s constitutional powers are at a tight, the president is there because the framers put it in the constitution so there would be a branch of government to protect the country from sudden threats, china is the great threat to american National Security now and for the foreseeable future plus congress has added to the president s powers when it comes to foreign threats me economic era Congress Gave the president the power to impose economic sanctions on things like huawei, apps like ticktock so this, where the president s powers are quite broad and not likely to be questioned in the courts. Let me ask you the president may take another stab at rolling back daca. Can he get it done . The Supreme Court laid out the roadmap, it said trump can use administrative procedure act, usually takes a year, they have to ask are the process to get back to appeal. Shannon we understand it could be coming as early as this week, good to see you. We are tracking breaking news protests erupting outside the white house, will check with kevin cork on that next. Audi etron. The next frontier of electric. Of frequent nighttime guys,bathroom trips . Well, force Factor Prostate helps reduce urges to urinate, plus fully empty your bladder and promote a normal prostate size. Dont settle. Choose force Factor Prostate, from the 1 fastestgrowing mens health brand at walmart. Well the names have all changed since you hung around but those dreams have remained and theyve turned around whod have thought theyd lead ya back here where we need ya welcome back, america. It sure is good to see you. So we collaborate ocean spray works with nature every day to farm in a Sustainable Way shannon breaking tonight, tensions running high end around black lives matter plaza in d. C. This is just outside the white house. Where told the protesters have been taken to the streets. We know there have been several arrests. Some tonight reportedly blocking traffic involving verbal assaults on t breaking tonight tensions running high in and around black lies matter plaza in dc outside the white house, protesters have been taking to the streets, there have been several arrests, some reportedly blocking traffic and lobbing verbal assaults on every police presence. Kevin cork is tracking all of this and has the latest. Reporter i want to take you back out to black lies matter plaza in the area just adjacent to it. This is just north of Lafayette Park which is itself just north of the white house. If you are familiar with the address 1600 pennsylvania avenue, sixteenth street in the Nations Capital ends at Lafayette Park. Weve seen protesters and demonstrators and others, i hours at that, not everyone is there to protest and demonstrate, some are there to do other things and create lots of trouble. We seen a collection of folks on different nights in that area. This area weve seen from the latest pictures, theres a large contingent of Law Enforcement officials and not just dc police, we understand this a similar protocol to what we saw over the past couple weeks when i was out there, capital police, park police and others are moving in and out of this particular area throughout the evening, just to make sure things are safe. Unfortunately tonight i can tell you there has been a few things that would disturb the folks who live in a district including traffic being shut off by protesters on i street to the northeast of Lafayette Park in the white house itself. They have been able to back up and get out of the area, buses gotten through, we see a trump supporter apparently assaulted in front of police by a black lies matter protester. That happened earlier today. If we get more between now and tomorrow i promise to bring it back up. Now back to you. Shannon looks like it is flaring back up in the Nations Capital, thank you for keeping us updated. We will keep in i had that in your other news but for now, mostwatched, most trusted, most grateful you spent the evening with us, good night from washington. I am shannon bream. With ultrathin layers that turn liquid to gel and lock it inside. For protection i barely feel. New always discreet. Wednesday july 8th, this is a fox news alert, heated protests in our Nations Capital and a call for a end to Law Enforcement as we know, a lot far left lawmakers trying to abolish ice and defund police. We can start to envision through this bill a new version of public safety, to reimagine power structures. We must begin the work of dismantling the system of oppression wherever we find it. Life report as progressives push to overhaul communities in

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