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Coronavirus. Reporter the number of deaths are still going down but experts call that a lagging indicator. If you watch what politicians do rather than what they say it speaks volumes. Governor abbott of texas, a pioneer in the reopening movement is shutting his state down again. No more rafting in texas, no more bars in texas, the la mayor is telling people to stay home. New data shows exponential growth in the American South and west with new cases topping the worst in new york and new jersey during the outbreak but younger americans make up a greater portion of those infected present in a unique problem with the Coronavirus Task force which made its first appearance in the White House Briefing room in two month. Ultimately you will infect someone who is vulnerable and that maybe somebodys grandmother, someone on chemotherapy, a child who has leukemia. We are doing everything to keep him alive today. Reporter 18 family members are covid19 positive beginning with house party in the dallas area. There dad is on life support. The close people in the eye and say my dad is dying. When asked about the rally this past weekend and also where few worried masks, no social distancing and secret Service Agents now quarantining because of possible exposure to the virus. Freedom of speech and the right to peaceably assemble is enshrined in the constitution of the United States. Even in a Health Crisis we dont forfeit our constitutional rights. In new jersey, a little r and r late this afternoon. He canceled those plans, just got back from arizona which has seen an explosion of coronavirus cases in the governor is asking but not yet ordering people to stay at home. Mike thanks a lot. Trump administration taking action to crack down on the distraction of statues and memorials and tracking suspected losers, kevin cork has that story and the Nations Capital. Good evening. Reporter attorney general william barr, the task forces dedicated to combating, we have seen as part of some of the nations wide protest in the wake of the death of george floyd. The fbi also released a sort of fbi most wanted poster, 6 dozen people face federal charges for their roles in rioting and even murder related to the unrest over the past several weeks, the fbi putting up a poster for 15 more saying vandalizing the Andrew Jackson statute, i should point out elsewhere we have a couple of attorneys accused of tossing molotov cocktails and nypd squad cars. The fbi recognizes the rights of american citizens for their First Amendment rights but when it crosses into illegal activity it is something we have to address. Reporter and address it they will. A mostly quiet rally, the emancipation statue in the Nations Capital, protesters vowed to bring it down but that hasnt happened, donald trump took another step toward ensuring statues and monuments like it will remain in place and was removed lawfully, and to the protections of memorials, statues and properties particularly on federal lands, it proposes to enforce laws prohibiting vandalism and acts of violence and withhold support tied to public spaces from state and local governments that failed to protect such monuments and withdraw grants from jurisdictions and Law Enforcement agencies that permit desecration of such statues. There was a tens moment, at the park, it was a mostly peaceful rally but some folks got animated it even heated, you know who jack is, 800,000 followers, watching the speakers, and after that it was katie bar the door. A lot of pushing and shoving. We were there alongside, nothing would happen to fellow americans, doesnt matter if youre prothe statue or antithe statue. Mike thanks a lot. A night of largely Peaceful Demonstrations in portland, oregon took an ugly turn early this morning with several businesses reportedly getting looted, small fires set, police deploying teargas. The latest from a couple epicenters of the recent civil unrest. It has been a tens day in seattle after city workers arrived early this morning to remove some barricades and ended up in a faceoff with several dozen protesters. We were here with groups from the department of transportation showing up with backhoes and trucks to haul away the barricades that established the occupations footprints but after a few hours they pulled back. Police say they were confronted by protesters who had guns and it was too dangerous to go in. The citys retreat was the latest disappointment for neighbors like John Mcdermott whose automated shop was vandalized by chop protesters. We hoped they would clean the mess up and get our streets back and get our city back, we did. Our police force back. It is unbelievable. I have no words. Reporter the city of minneapolis has taken the first step creating a new version of Law Enforcement, the City Council Approved the proposal to change the speech artery that would allow the Police Department to be dismantled. Minneapolis police have come under fire following George Floyds do. The proposal has to make the Charter Commission before making it onto the november delaware voters would have the final say. A topic is one in which the charter should take up the issue of Police Staffing and one in which we believe the voters should vote on. Reporter floyds that sparked nationwide protests calling to defund Police Departments. That is one of the demand in seattles johnson, the mayor proposed cutting 20 million in the Police Budget making some happy but not all. Other demands include abolishing the department altogether. She wanted everyone to leave this area peacefully and most have but there is still no Police Presence here and some neighbors told me they fear more violence as chop enters its third weekend. The attorney general directing the creation of a Justice Department task force to counter, quote, violent antigovernment extremists taking advantage of recent demonstrations to so discord through acts of violence. We have to stop it before it happens and that is where the burden is, they are not stepping up to the plate, not doing their job. Mike guy benson and seattle radio host jason rent. Good evening, gentlemen. What is your reaction to the attorney general setting up this task force it is long overdue but we have to be honest how difficult it will be to go after antifa members. It is not a National Organization that has one leader and in a lot of ways it is folks living in different cities where they have hotspots of antifa action and they dont coordinate with other antifa groups, they just show up. They have this ideological position, a dangerous one that they are willing to take but it is not a typical kind of club you can infiltrate so it will be difficult. It needs to be done. Listen to donald trump. Taking over American Cities. In all case it is democrats, democrat run in all cases and joe biden would have that be the whole country. Does this make the argument that donald trump is running a law and Order Administration . He is running against the opposite of law and order which is lawlessness in some major American Cities including with all respect my friend jason his city is ground 0, seattle, totally embarrassing for the entire country and what struck me is the effort in the Mainstream Press to gaslight the American People as if antifa isnt a thing and it is not really doing that much damage and unfortunately for those people pushing that storyline we all have eyes and ears and phones that youtube and television and week after week of distraction and flareups across the country. I agree with jason this is long overdue. We need the laws enforced and a lot of democrat run cities that has not been happening. Listen to stephen inside chop in seattle. In the communities. Reporter is their actual leadership you have seen. A lot of people think they are in charge, that is part of the problem. When the city comes in they tried to clear it out, people are not okay with that. There was a meeting a few hours ago with, quote, chop they come to an agreement for a portion of the barricades to be removed, so many different voices that are there, not everyone is on the same page and it is inevitable theres going to be more conflict. Mike we have seen the tearing down statues phenomenon including taking down George Washington and ulysses s grant, how should that be addressed . How can you reason with people who have gone in lightspeed fashion from confederate statues to George Washington, now we saw the report, the emancipation statue in washington dc literally paid for and funded by email to pay slaves and is in honor of Abraham Lincoln and dedicated by frederick douglass, they decided that one had to come down. These are morons who are illiterate and ignorant historically, they want distraction, they dont like the country and im not speaking about the vast majority of Peaceful Protesters who once reforms in this country. Im talking about the mob and we should stop calling them, pretending they are something they are not. Mike First Amendment right to peacefully protest but to scrub history is a different story. Have a great weekend. As we told you earlier the president signing an executive order imposing stiff penalties for assault on us monuments, the director of the fbi says federal Law Enforcement will not tolerate rioting and destruction of those monuments. Hundreds are being investigated for what he calls violent extremist agendas. The latest tonight. Reporter is monuments fall across the country fbi agents are watching it in real time from this room. The fbi recognizes the rights of american citizens to exercise First Amendment rights. When it crosses into illegal activity it is something to address. Reporter fox news was granted access to the fbi strategic information and Operations Center where officials are watching trend plant in vandalism, responding to those trends and synthesizing collected intelligence for the next hotspots across america. To take advantage of americans exercising their rights to peacefully protest, to hijack that for their own opportunistic acts. Dozens of cities are blanketed. In some cases city officials removed statues, crowds took control, from albert pike, before sending it on fire. The violence and destruction of property in certain parts of the country is illegal and needs to stop now. Reporter fbi director Christopher Ray says his job is to strike the right balance. Violence and distraction of property is not the way to go. Reporter there watching social Media Chatter and other communications and terrorism networks, hoping to cash in on the unrest. We need your help. We need to see something, say something. Reporter closer to the november election, officials expect to see more collectivity but when it happens they will be ready. Reporter mike pence will go to church with texas among thousands of worshipers on sunday, he will attend with pastor Robert Jeffers and he and doctor siegel are here next. Businesses are starting to bounce back. But what if you could do better than that . Like adapt. Discover. Deliver, in new ways, to new customers. What if you could come back stronger . Faster. Better. At comcast business, we want to help you not just bounce back, but bounce forward. And now, with one of our best offers ever, were committed to helping you do just that. Get a powerful and reliable internet and voice solution for only 29. 95 a month for three months. Call or go online today. You pack the church with young people who were not wearing masks. How can you say the campaign is not part of the problem . We are creating a setting for people to choose to participate in the political process and we will continue to do that. It is important that we recognize how important freedom and responsibility for the entire equation. He gets it to address thousands of worshipers at the First Baptist church in dallas. To talk about the administrations actions, Robert Jeffress and doctor mark siegel, great to have you. As we mentioned there, he was challenged about the wisdom of large Church Services during covid19, what precautions are you taking . We take the birx covid19 threat seriously. We felt the need to mitigate the risk by taking concrete actions, spreading the event over 6 blocks of downtown dallas, doing temperature checks, strongly encouraging the wearing of masks sent encouraging those more vulnerable to the virus to stay at home and watch online. We really believe in the need to keep people safe but we also believe people have a need to worship and trying to balance both of those competing needs. Any thought of requiring masks . We dont have that, we are encouraging them, encouraging people to wear masks, with the congregation, the only time i do it is when speaking to the crowd. Young people are not taking the pandemic seriously, listen to this. Our focus today is very much on the advent of a rising series of new cases across the American South but nevertheless there are 16 states with rising cases and rising percentages. We are facing a serious problem in certain areas. What were dealing with right now is Community Spread in the context of a substantial proportion of the people who are getting infected do not know they are infected. Mike what is your message to younger folks across the country . The hypocrisy of leaders who say it is okay to have protest on the one hand and block out the religious gatherings on the other just ruled against by a federal judge in albany, new york referring to Governor Cuomo and bill diblasio, that message all across the country. I agree with the idea, i have been to his church, it is huge, enormous and beautiful, handout masks, have families be together because they have been together but separate families, some social distancing would be in order and Lieutenant Governor patrick has a message for me to deliver. I spoke to him and he said dont pass the plate, hes going to give a donation so you dont have to pass the plate so there wont be risk of contagion from that. Watching the mail for that. Texas and florida sitting down bars, harris county, texas judge sounding the alarm after a surge in covid19 cases in the houston area. If we dont ask now we will be at the point of no return. We need folks to do what they did two months ago. Mike time for drastic measures there. I dont think it is time for drastic measures. Its time to understand there is a huge surge in cases but not in depth which could mean many things, that the virus could be milder, could be we are diagnosing it earlier with early testing, could be that it is because the Younger Group is spreading it as we said and get milder symptoms and could be because we are better at reading it. We know the complications was all of that is positive but doesnt mean we can ignore it. It is worrisome we are seeing so many more cases. Most importantly we need to keep an eye on hospitals not so much because of all the complications of covid19 but we cant see hospitals shutdown again because elected of surgeries and testing are so important. With kim jong un for the Infectious Disease precautions can shutdown holdings of hospitals. Mike how is donald trump doing with evangelical voters . There have been polls that show a little bit of a slippage in those polls. I think that is temporary when you combine what the external threats with the pandemic, the economy, couple that with unrelenting criticism from the left it is understandable. Those numbers will rebound and i told the president recently that i believe he will win the evangelical vote by an even larger margin than the 81 he won by in 2016. Mike have a wonderful weekend. The director of the National Institutes of health has one of the most important jobs in the country as nih races to develop vaccine options and a vaccine for covid19 but doctor Francis Collins is not just a man of science, Lauren Greene explains. From the earliest days of the pandemic we marshaled the genius of american scientists and researchers. Doctor Francis Collins. Director of the National Institutes of health at the forefront of what donald trump calls a Warp Speed Development of a coronavirus vaccine, also this years whenever the procedures prize awarded to those making strides in the area of science and faith, a walking embodiment of the harmony between the spiritual and the temple. This is wonderful to be able to have insights from science, the same time in the same day and the same persons experience. Reporter once an atheist collins wrote about his transformation in the bestselling book the language of god which followed his work leading another group of scientists 20 years ago in the groundbreaking genome products which mapped the 3 billion sequence of the human dna. Finding a vaccine for the deadly covid19 pandemic is more critical. It has an even greater sense of urgency. No one was going to leave their life if we were a day late with the genome project. Human trials began in july. We should start to see who has the greatest promise and push that forward to a solution, minimizing the highest groups of people. The only thing more infectious than the coronavirus is hope. Reporter collins has the utmost confidence in the Scientific Minds bring a vaccine to end the virus and has faith that god is in charge. Mike donald trump spoke at length against his former National Security it National Security adviser, john bolton gets a chance to respond next. Mike following the unsuccessful attempt to block the release of john boltons time is National Security ad rob following the release of john boltons book, the president going on the offensive on hannity last night. John bolton released classified material, should he be prosecuted . Absolutely. I noticed that earlier, made two bad mistakes, he was good for one thing. Everyone thought he was crazy because all he wanted to do was bomb people. Mike the author of the room where it happens, ambassador john bolton, good to see you. Glad to be with you. Mike a lot of criticism for donald trump, he is criticizing you, how the response . What you just showed and other things are pretty childish, demeaning to the office of the president and im not going to respond. I have written what actually happened, as accurately as i can, they will make up their own mind about donald trump. Jillian we address this concern. Second guessing the president to prevent his reelection, a true betrayal of confidence. Mike why not release this after donald Trump Leaves Office . The president has spoken publicly, just hasnt told the truth about a lot of them. It is nothing new in washington to have books written during the term of the president , people serving these administration alone, Sarah Sanders has written a book, sean spicer has written a book during the obama administration, Hillary Clinton wrote a book, this upsets donald trump, his family suing his own niece to block her book, you can see a pattern. K t mcfarland worries about the damage youve done to the office of the president going forward. The president should have a frank and honest conversation, some 8 is going to run out, turning it around for his own profits. Mike how do you respond to that . The president talked about a lot of these meetings, some of the things he talked about on his own, some things the president himself leaked to journalist as everyone knows. We are all adults. George washingtons administration, Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson attacked each other through partisan newspapers founded in part with government money, George Washington managed to make it through. We dont live in the middle ages, we dont live in a feudal society. I owe a duty of loyalty, i owe it to the prostitution, not to a flawed president. Mike listen to fbi director ray with bret baer. Americans can have confidence, the election infrastructure, and adversary, vote counts would be difficult to achieve. It doesnt mean there are lots of other ways foreign adversaries tried. Mike as an insider at a senior level how worried are you about foreign interference . I they vote half a chapter to the subject, i think there was russian interference, and effort to influence the election, as we said publicly, china, iran and north korea might try to interfere in 2020 as well, mike pence gave an important speech about chinese efforts not simply to affect the elections themselves but to affect the whole political process and more readily enable offense youve us Cyber Operations against those who would attack our elections. Anybody who says this is not a serious threat is not paying attention. Mike is that the response, used cyber to send a message that they better not mess with the United States . That is one way to do it. To make it easier to engage in those operations that cumbersome procedures of the obama administration, it has a broader purpose to establish structures with cyberspace against adversaries for trying to come after us in a range of activities, not just elections but elections, the threat of Cyber Espionage and outright cyber warfare is something we have to deal with for as far as the eye can see. Mike you burn the bridge with the trump folks, has thus destroyed your opportunity to work for a future administration . I dont care at this point about working for a future administration. Im concerned about the future of the Republican Party. After the november election it will be moving into the posttrump era, whether he wins or loses, more quickly if he loses, i think the Republican Party has defined ways to pluck this albatross loose from around her neck otherwise the party could suffer permanent damage. Mike the white house says you published classified information. Do you worry you put yourself in some kind of legal jeopardy . Im convinced there is nothing classified in the book. When i sat down to write it, i had long experience with classified information, i was determined not to put in anything that could be judged classified. I did submit to the prepublication review process. It was a very arduous four months in the government itself has acknowledged at the end of it, the career official responsible for the review concluded there was no classified information. What weve got a single by the president months ago, i dont want this book out before the election and that is what his aides tried to do. Let me be clear to the people, theres nothing in this booklet donald trump fears foreign governments reading. What he fears is the American People reading it. Mike john bolton, thanks for your time. The president s claim the city of seattle is endorsing the socalled chop, night court convenes next. 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You just heard from a resident and Business Owner from capitol hill in seattle, they filed a classaction lawsuit against the city alleging officials were complicit in allowing occupy protests that made them feel unsafe in their neighborhood. It is debate time with the legal eagles david bruno and brian claypool, exhibit a, take a listen to the mayors chief of staff. Is the mayor said we want to allow people to peacefully demonstrate but at the same time open up to Small Businesses and be accessible to everyone. Mike is that happening . The city has no liability in this and that is based on Supreme Court precedent, castlerock versus gonzalez and the finding is believe it or not police have no duty to protect the citizens unless somebody is in custody. We recently saw this decision in the parkland shooting case where deputies were criticized for not doing enough in the Federal District court in that case also found the city has no responsibility to protect anybody. There is the legal standing. David is a great lawyer but there are two constitutional provisions in this case has merit, the first is the equal protection clause under the fourteenth amendment that the government has to govern impartially. This is an Unlawful Assembly, imperiled for peace, tranquility and safety in that neighborhood. There for the government has to come in, declare it an Unlawful Assembly and ask the people protesting to leave. This is a violation of the fifth amendment by depriving life and liberty to these Business Owners. What does that mean . They are entitled to due process of law before they lose their business and essentially these Business Owners of lost the ability to run a business for over two weeks. Mike here is the Small Business perspective. As far as the city reaching out to Small Businesses there has been 0, most of the attention is focused on chop, making sure people at chop are well taken care of but no support for no encouragement for us. To reopen our stores. I understand the complaints. I am a Business Owner myself and i understand decisions the city makes has ramifications for the economy and Business Owners but this is not violation of the law. This is a political issue in this mayor, former United States attorney appointed by barack obama, this is a political issue. If they feel aggrieved they need to do it at the ballot box. Mike your view . The city of seattle and the mayor enabled the behavior. This is not peaceful protest. This is organized chaos. When you set up barriers to allow them to continue, when you set up for the parties to allow them to continue thats not like kicking an alcoholic to a bar, enables the behavior, it needs to end because the young man died there. This needs to be disassembled, let the Business Owners get back to business. Mike the city has acknowledged serious safety issues it has created in particular noting there are dangerous conditions at night but the city maintained its policy of providing resources and support for the top occupiers. Does that argument work . The best argument they have. The police have no duty to protect, if they have enabled it then potentially i could see the argument there but also i would point out that the plaintiffs in this case in the first line of the complaint say this is peaceful and lawful, First Amendment, it is not going to be found to be an unlawful protest. Mike final thoughts from you. One apartment owner has protesters breaking in and defecating in the apartment building. There is a duty for the city to intervene and allow these Business Owners to operate. Mike thanks so much. The democrats break with timehonored tradition in their new push for dc statehood. That is next. Mike the Democratic House of representatives making history approving a bill to make washington dc the 50 first state. Chad Program Reports from capitol hill. Reporter frederick douglass, the one state you for dc inside the us capital, dc wont be, state, it will be a commonwealth like kentucky or massachusetts and it will be named after frederick douglass, douglas commonwealth or dc. Muriel bowser says opposition to state with hinges on race. Lets fight back against the cries that we are too liberal or too many democrats. Reporter the statehood push intensified after the killing of george floyd. Compromises the touchstone of admitting states to the union, the us granted alaska and hawaii statehood in 1959 because they offset each other politically. Dc is a democratic city, democrats wants to admit dc without a republican counterweight. The answer is simple, power, democrats want to make washington estate because they want two new Democratic Senators in perpetuity. Reporter however politics evil, alaska was the last democratic state, hawaii the republican state, eventually the politics of both flipped but there was still a balance. I asked nancy pelosi about the lack of an equalizer. Forgive me for not valuing your question to the extent you are valuing it. What estate is can change over time. The fact is people in the district of columbia pay taxes, talk about too black, too democratic. They have no vote in congress which is why republicans demand statehood alternatives. Instead of making dc estate we should abolish their taxes. Reporter the key to statehood is the senate. We will take the senate and get dc statehood. Reporter need 51 votes to make dc the 50 first state but 60 votes to break the Senate Filibuster and that is the counterbalance republicans are looking for. Mike thanks. Good news before we say good night. A centennial celebration, the oldest state worker in california celebrated her one hundredth birthday this week after 77 years of working in finance, mainly celebrated with her coworkers over brunch, many seeing each other for the first time in months due to the pandemic, during her time with the department she traveled to chile and russia, she used in abacus and accounting machine. Her advice to young workers, be of service. A lot of wisdom. That is it for us tonight, have a wonderful evening and a safe and healthy weekend, mostwatched, most trusted, most grateful you spent the evening with us, good night from washington, i am mike emanuel. These folks dont have time to go to the post office they use stamps. Com all the services of the post office only cheaper get a 4week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to stamps. Com tv and never go to the post office again. Sean hannity. Listen to his theme music and great hair. Jason welcome to the special edition of hannity, looking at live pictures from our Nations Capital where protesters are threatening to tear down the statue of Abraham Lincoln and a freed. This is a monument that celebrates the emancipation proclamation. We will take you there live in just a moment. But first yesterday, President Trump sat down with sean for a hannity town hall in green bay, wisconsin. Here is part two of that interview where sean and the president are talking about bidens alleged corruption. Corrupt job because you say

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