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Heading to the floor. Democrats a publicly enough already. A new worry for democrats what many of them fear would struggle head to head with donald trump, the Iowa Caucuses a month away. Im Shannon Bream in new york. We kick off the show tonight as the situation with iran escalates. A sigh of relief might be the best way, remarks that seem to clampdown anxiety in some circles and stir raw emotion. As long as i am president of the United States iran will never be allowed to have a nuclear weapon. A definitive declaration on a day of deescalation. Iran appears to be standing down which is a good thing for all parties concerned and a good thing for the world. Reporter his address to the nation meant to call fears of further escalation of hostilities with iran while asking the world to do its part to end the regimes malign behavior which, said the president seem to only get worse after the passage of the Iran Nuclear Deal which was spearheaded by the Obama Administration and vacated by the trump administration. And the funds made available. And after the Iran Nuclear Deal. They were given 150,000,000, 000, not to mention 1,800,000, 000 in cash. The Obama Administration did send cash to the regime to settle a decadesold dispute over military goods before its government was overthrown in 1979. As for the 150,000,000, 000 claim, the actual value was closer to 55,000,000,000 dollars. Blaming the Obama Administration for the missile attack drew a searing response from susan rice. This is another series of despicable lies by donald trump. The fact that 3 and a half years after taking office, three years after taking office he remains obsessed with president obama shows his extreme weakness and insecurity. Susan rice speaking there. An interesting moment today. Nato is more involved. And for a great number of years. A country that is obviously in deep turmoil right now. Thank you. The house moving forward with a war powers resolution aiming to limit Donald Trumps military options with respect to iran. In the senate a split between hawks like Lindsey Graham and senator mike lee who railed against the short length of todays administrative briefing and concerns that congress is being pushed out of the loop. Probably the worst briefing i have seen as we saw the military issue in the 9 years i have served in the United States senate. And one of the messages, do not debate. A vote for the house is set for tomorrow. Big disagreement about what happened in the briefing and Fact Checkers pushing back on a claim by the president and our next guest who was in that briefing. Good to have you back on fox news at night. Your colleagues from both sides of the aisle, their assessment of what happened today. I came away from this briefing really angry, deeply dissatisfied that after waiting this long for attacks that justify the killing of the secondincommand of a Foreign Government that the answers were unacceptably vague and nonspecific. The worst briefing on a military issue in the years i served in the United States senate. You may not agree on things but he wasnt impressed. You are looking at two very different things. When it comes to blumenthal and Senate Democrats and House Democrats it is now surprised they oppose donald trump, they oppose donald trump and everything and when it comes to taking out soleimani, the worst terrorist on the face of the planet and taking him out was a major victory for keeping america safe and yet Senate Democrats, House Democrats are not interested in the facts, not even willing to admit he was a terrorist because trump derangement trumps everything else. Likely is a dear friend and i think mike was frustrated because the administration, what level of congressional authorization and congressional consultation was necessary, the administration was too quick to dismiss the role of congress. I believe in the constitution. Under the constitution, congress can declare war. When you look at longterm sustained military engagement you need congressional authorization, the administration was pretty dismissive of that but taking out Soleimani America is safer as a result of this and blumenthals take on it was ridiculous because i heard the same briefing. We heard from the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, the head of the cia that soleimani had for decades carried out a campaign murdering americans, directly responsible for the murder of 603 American Service men and women and he directed an attack that killed an American Contractor and the embassy and that resulted in direct action to take them out and it was the right thing to do. Shannon irans response, to settle the score, you and the president talked about the fact the Iran Nuclear Deal send cash to iran that may have directly funded what we call, the ap and fact checks is the administration offered no information supporting the contention that in regaining access to 150,000,000, 000 of assets frozen abroad, a serious chunk of that money to bases in iraq. Iran has many sources of revenue, oil sales to china and other countries dominate its exports but also chemicals, plastics and more. Is it taking a leap to link the Iran Nuclear Deal and those missiles last night. The behavior of ap and Mainstream Media to defend iran, to defend the ayatollah is really sad. They dont like donald trump. That is not lost on anybody. The media lost their minds, many Congressional Democrats lost their minds. Money is functional. Under barack obama. And the Catastrophic Nuclear deal the United States allowed between 100,000,000 and 100,000,000,000, 150,000,000,000 dollars to flow directly into iran. The Obama Administration since 1,700,000, 000 in cash in unmarked bills on pallets in the dead of night in a plane flown into iran later at night, that money come money is fungible and when you flood the ayatollah who is chanting death to america with over 100,000,000, 000, in a very real sense that money the Obama Administration allowed to flow into iran helps fund those missiles that were attacking our service men and women last night. I want to ask about impeachment before i let you go. There to be a trial as soon as next week. Nancy pelosi says the process is not only unfair but designed to deprive senators and the American People of crucial documents and testimony, sounds like Mitch Mcconnell is ready to move ahead despite the demands from the speaker. Is there going to be a trial next week . I hope so. These articles of impeachment will be thrown out, not coming close to the constitutional standard. Of pelosi send them over the senate is going to conduct a fair trial, we are going to respect to process unlike the house, we are going to let both the house managers and the president defend themselves, present their case and judging on the constitutional standard im confident these facially deficient articles of impeachment will be thrown out. If that comes to fruition and when it does senator ted cruz, thanks for joining us, good to see you. Always a pleasure. It after the rocket attacks that resulted in no us casualties, that could be due to an order from tehran to hezbollah militias operating inside iraq. The us says those melissas killed an american civilian contractor setting off the chain of events leading to be with airstrike on irans top general soleimani. Heres what mike pence is saying tonight about those militias. Frankly we are receiving some encouraging intelligence to the same melissas not to move against american targets and we hope that message continues to echo. To the hill the squad of progressive lawmakers ripping into donald trump tonight for issuing new sanctions against iran accusing the president of fanning the flames of war. There should be no surprise with anything donald trump does but ilhan omar says the president is causing her some serious personal problems. I feel ill a little bit because of everything that is taking place and every time i hear of conversations around war i find myself being stricken with ptsd. Omar is the only one of the squad who used that. Rashida tlaib and aoc felt stress, just there for moral support but the talk of war sparked a twitter war. And banks of indiana wrote this is a disgrace, and offense to our nations veterans who do have ptsd after putting their life on the line to keep america safe. Omar responded i survived war as a child dealing with posttraumatic stress disorder like many who served live through war, shameful but you as a member of congress what he race the ptsd of survivors but it appears the squad also has problems with another part of the president s policy that doesnt involve bullets or bombs, the president announced additional sanctions against the iranian regime, omar wrote sanctions are Economic Warfare. You cannot claim to want deescalation and announce new sanctions with no clear goal. This is not a measured response. This might create problems on one of her other controversial positions. Consider this from the Rapid Response department, 2019 antisemite of the year, ilhan omar condemns crippling iranian sanctions despite being an avid supporter of the Boycott Movement against israel. This does beg the question of sanctions are Economic Warfare does her position mean she is advocating a form of warfare against israel, whether or not that is enough to create ptsd for others perhaps is a topic we dont have enough time to delve into. Shannon former obama official said Donald Trumps decision to withdraw from the Iran Nuclear Deal led to nest nights attack. What does retired navy seal in texas, and dan crenshaw think . We will find out when he joins us live next. Theres a booking for every resolution. Book yours at any price, at booking. Com its finally time for. Geico sequels classic geico heroes, starring in six new commercials, with jawdropping savings. Vote for your favorites at geico. Com sequels ahhh, which way do i go . i dont know, im voting for our sequels. With geico, the savings keep on going to a screen near you. While an optimal melatonin level means no nextday grogginess. Zzzquil pure zzzs. Naturally superior sleep. In the years since the signing of the bill in the years since the signing of the deal in 2015 up until Donald Trumps unilateral withdrawal abandoning our allies against the advice of his advisers there were no proxy attacks by iranian proxies on us personnel on iraq, no efforts by iran to attack our drowned in the persian gulf or attack shipping. The Nuclear Program was under control, strict verification and inspections. Former National Security adviser and ambassador susan rice defending the Iran Nuclear Deal that fox news reporting from the end of the obama era cast some doubt on some of the claims shes making today. Heres what we found back then. It was reported president obama suggest numerous times by doing this deal that iran would moderate its nonnuclear behavior. Just the opposite. Every single action the iranians of taken has been bolder and starker than the ones they to before the agreement. Has support for hezbollah or hamas dropped off . Not at all . Modified . Of anything greater. Support for bashar assad changed . Know. Military alliance with Vladimir Putins russia . Stronger. Leon panetta, secretary of defense 201113 largely supports the president s Iran Nuclear Deal but says the president s policy lacks one crucial ingredient. What is missing is the larger strategy of containing iran and making it very clear we negotiated this agreement, we are not going to allow iran to be doing that in that region. We have to deal from a position of strength, not weakness. Did former president obamas legacy Iran Nuclear Deal change the rogue regimes behavior for the better or worse . Lets bring in dan crenshaw who sits on the Homeland Security committee and a former navy seal himself, always good to have you back. We have seen over the last 24 hours and even beyond that a full rollout of former Obama Administration officials who were part of putting together this nuclear deal and in many cases say we got to this point because this president pulled out of it, your response . They are obsessed with defending this strategy of appeasement, they thought the best way to deal with iran was to pay them off, send over cash, unfreeze their assets, lift sanctions and hope for change, remember president obamas theme was hope and change of that was your foreignpolicy as well. It didnt work and it is time to accept that. What actually happened is the iranians were enriched and able to fund their codes quds movement, fund she a militias in iraq. Susan rice saying there was no attack from proxies on american forces, she forgetting the 600 deaths of american soldiers that were a result of iranian made ieds . To say this all started after trump and this is another misconception democrats like to pedal which is history began with donald trump, history began with the killing of soleimani. It did not begin with the killing soleimani because long before that, 1979 as the iran deal was being signed, they were humiliating our sailors and boarding them in the gulf. And since then they have bond oil tankers and Saudi Oil Facilities and are bases and attacked our embassy and killed an american citizen. To say they werent the ones escalating out of desperation is to deny the facts. Shannon she was talking about the signing of the deal until the president withdrew. She was saying that was a good time. Her statement. Been roads said there were no rocket attacks. He gets specific about us interests in iraq during the iran deal, those attacks after trump pulled out of the iran deal and escalated sanctions which was an entirely predictable consequence. Is talking specifically about what we saw in the last 24 hours, and you heard many people say maximum Pressure Campaign is backfiring on this president , how do you respond to that . Its not true. Im not going to listen to someone like ben rhodes who effectively admitted to lying to the American People and creating a chamber in the media to get the iran deal through. The jcp oa, the iran deal left us weaker. It left us with a situation where in 10 to 15 years we would have to find a way to renegotiate the deal against a much wealthier and powerful iran and we would have 0 leverage, leon panetta said something very important, that we have to negotiate from a position of strength, not weakness. Against the Obama Administration the iranians new there were no red lines, no actual deterrence against the Obama Administration. They knew that. The iranians were negotiating from a position of strength. They are more patient, the Obama Administration needed the foreignpolicy when and willing to give away too much to get it but once they got it there was no containment strategy, no talk about the malign influence through the regional Ballistic Missile program. You cant separate those things. Recent intelligence from our israeli partners and keep the iranians were planning on cheating on that. We are left in a position in 10 to 15 years where we have no more leverage and that is a difficult position to be in and at some point we have the escalation the iranians were engaging in and gain back that leverage because they had no path toward normalizing and joining the global order. Shannon they have called on others. Iran has signaled themselves as well. We will watch and wait as they promise more retribution and having served on the front lines you know what that means to our men and women so our thoughts and prayers for protection and wisdom overnight and thank you for your service. Were we on the brink of world war iii or was there some overwhat was going on between the us and iran . Our power panel visit that next. We are only here at this moment, this very dangerous moment, because of Donald Trumps impulses. These kind of we are here at this dangerous moment because of donald trump. These kinds of world changing and historic calamities. We are at the early stages of a hot war. It is a monumental moment. This is exactly what many foreignpolicy and National Security analysts feared here in washington. This could have a significant effect. We may be on a road to a very different middle east come sunrise. This is a very grave and serious moment. That was last night. Today the president opting for sanctions against iran, not military action, to deescalate this whole thing, joining us this intel analyst brett velicovich. And charlie hurt, welcome to you both. When you hear there are multiple bases with us personnel under attack in iraq it does not sound good but how do people take measured steps in covering these things so in the broad daylight of the next day does not appear to be overreaction . Kind of amazing to listen to that montage of quotes you just played and i think the biggest problem, the biggest sort of problem for those people trying to analyze this stuff is three years and they havent figured out donald trump. It is not that difficult. If you want to know what his motives are listen to what he said and that is what he is looking for, not looking for war with iran. That is the last thing he wants. The only entity that once war with iran less than donald trump is iran itself but these people have this prejudice about donald trump. They think he is a warmonger that he is some unstable crazy person who want i dont know what they think he wants to do, they let those prejudices get in the way of every development in the world that comes along and they jump to the worst Case Scenario and sounds like they are almost cheering for something bad to happen to donald trump if you shut up and listen to the president and listen to what he wants you have a pretty good idea what he is going for. He said this was deescalating on both sides and we are done here and we will talk about sanctions but not military action. Tommy jeter, spokesman for president obama two im glad trump has chosen to deescalate the situation but to be clear this is trump drawing a red line with iran that hes not enforcing. I want things to calm down but reporters should realize a whole unequally they deal with democrats and republicans when it comes to war. We can hear charlie having a chuckle over that. Some of the initial reports that came out after the iranian response you would think some of these journalists were working for Iranian State tv because they were spreading misinformation, confusion and providing all this other information that was completely inaccurate and it speaks to the importance of media in this day and age. I spent a lot of time Intelligence Agency and it is like being a journalist, in charge of reporting and Sensitive Information to drive the decisionmaking process at the highest levels and nowadays the media has played, is playing a more Important Role than ever before to also drive the decisionmaking process for policymakers and acting as if they are doing the work of the Intelligence Services because they sometimes have this direct line to the president and his advisers and thats very dangerous because with intelligence information it is all worthless unless you have trustworthy or credible sources of information and when i hear about journalists who came out reporting false information about 30 us soldiers killed in the strikes that is very dangerous Going Forward and that is information that can cause a war and caused devastation to other lives. Shannon the markets were doing well, responded well to what the president had to say and they tend to be apolitical in most cases. Marketwatch. Com saying here is why the stock market is surging after Iranian Missile strikes were interrupted, you would never know it judging by the stock market on wednesday. The director of Equity Strategies said the markets are more rational about the subject than a lot of subjects and the oil supply is not as dramatic as it was because of increased production. A quick final response about the markets . Far more faith in the markets to read donald trump correctly than the media but going back to a funny young man, the idea that the media has showered more scrutiny on president obama then donald trump is the funniest thing he has ever said. Shannon your thoughts on the market . With the strike on soleimani, put evil forces in all forces of the world and they can strike americans with impunity and change the calculus of the iranian regime. They will never again conduct attacks against americans without serious conversations about strategic consequences of that action. And the end it was a good decision on behalf of the president and major victory for his decisive action. Shannon several decades into the sentiment, we are quiet tonight. Cracks in the democratic caucus, Nancy Pelosis impeachment delay, what they are publicly saying next. I said when we when we saw with the arraignment is we would send it over. We havent seen that. Dont know how many times i have to say that. We will be prepared to send the articles. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi still withholding impeachment articles from the senate as democrats saying time to get moving. Lets discuss with jenna ellis and Fox News Contributor leslie marshall, good to have you with us. She said, people who argue the case. Ive got to know what the rules are and how this is going to work, why is that not a good reason to decide who your cindy and . It is unconstitutional. The constitution specifically says the sole power to try all impeachment belongs to the senate so for nancy pelosi to say we are not going to send prosecutors until we know how the senate is going to manage this would be like a prosecutor telling a judge in a regular course we are not going to bring any charges against the defendant until we can coerce you into holding a trial on our terms in managing your courtroom how we prefer. That is unconstitutional, it is ridiculous and i think the American Public is seeing through this because democrats are trying to create a constitutional crisis in america because they are literally trying to overtly just accumulate their own power outside the emergence of their authority because they hate donald trump and want to coerce and compel the senate and donald trump in any way possible to do their bidding. It is unconstitutional and ridiculous. We heard what it might take this large articles from the speaker would be for Senate Democrats to say they are interested in seeing that happen and we are hearing that publicly, blumenthal, jones, Dianne Feinstein one of the most senior members, some of them sang it is time to get this done. You heard a lot from Lindsey Graham on the gop side of the aisle, tonight we will look at a resolution to introduce this, this inaction by the speaker of the house is a gross infringement on Constitutional Authority to try impeachment, if we dont get that by the end of the week when they start, as they set the rules we send them over and that is what she said but there are a growing number of senators on the democratic side who have said lets move this along and shes going to hold it, not that i have an inside channel but until she gets those rules and im not going to argue on constitutional law. I have read the constitution. I dont see a timeline. The interesting thing is the pushback on that, what if nancy pelosi doesnt like the rules, shes not going to send the articles . They have to be what i like . That is what i want them to be fair but that is her judgment because a number of republicans say i dont think the way the house handled this was fair. At the same time republicans said we need to get this done quickly and democrats were doing this too quickly and we will get this done quickly and it is fair to say especially in politics, there is hypocrisy on both sides. This is what senator blumenthal had to say today, he publicly said lets get a move on. I think we are reaching a point where the articles of impeachment should be sent and we could have votes on whether witnesses will be called. The coverup that Mitch Mcconnell is engineering has to be broken at some point. Is not just things in them over but i want to vote on things like witnesses, john bolton said if you subpoena me i will come in the democrats dont think it will get evidence and making a decision as a juror. The senate has sole power to try impeachment. Like any other judicial process even though this is across our judicial process, the rules of the senate constitutionally, 51 senators considered the rules. If theres a decision this doesnt even merit a fullblown trial because there is no legitimate basis for these articles to come, they have a motion to dismiss at any time would be constitutionally and legally proper so whether there is a full trial with witnesses or not it takes 51 senators to decide that and that is the constitutional process. Interesting nugget we are forgetting to talk about is mike pence is generally the tiebreaker in the senate couldnt vote because of potential selfinterest, that will likely fall to the chief justice of the United States. Interesting role for john roberts. Allies will be on him. Another thing i want to point out. If you have a witness like john bolton that could potentially exonerate your client why wouldnt you have him . Im confident they will have him. Thank you both, growing grumblings from democrats worried about socialist Bernie Sanders being the partys nominee but first the western roundup. Two a limited schools been homework setting a story and study saying it has no impact on Elementary School students, the band has resulted in a 50 drop in anxiety referrals to the school psychologist, the principal says they can use that time to learn life skills at home. The fbi is investigating a series of drones over kansas, colorado and arkansas teaming up with the faa and the air force, 30 reports poured in since middecember, clusters of flashing lights have been lighting up the sky, military and local Companies Say it is not that. Californias governor asking lawmakers for 1,400,000, 000 aimed at state and local efforts to end homelessness. Gavin newsom was expected to sign an executive order for temporary shelter in spotlight global fairgrounds and efficient hospitals and calling in 100 do trailers and modular tent structures. In San Francisco transforming hotels into permanent housing for 8000 Homeless People residents or have to chip in 30 of mostly income and upsize the rest. Shannon tonight, establishment democrats are reportedly worrying about senator and democratic socialist Bernie Sanders becoming the establishment democrats are worrying about senator and democratic socialist Bernie Sanders becoming the partys president ial nominee. Trace gallagher is here to explain why. If you counted Bernie Sanders out in september of last year it might be time for a recount when you consider that in the last 3 months of 2019 bernie has dominated the democratic rivals in fundraising, sanders took in 34 and a half million dollars. Pete buttigieg raise just under 25,000,000, joe biden just under 23,000,000 and Elizabeth Lauren just over 21,000, 000 and then there is his poll numbers. Overall he is seconds behind joe biden but head the head matchup with donald trump he fares better than buttigieg or Elizabeth Lauren and the real clear politics average has him leading and i were and new hampshire, all good news for sanders but apparently horrifying for the democratic establishment who believe the democratic socialist would struggle to beat the president and wind up hitting the chances for centrist democrats in house, senate and government races. As a result bernie is getting pushback from people like a california congressman who is working to preserve the democrats majority in the house by protecting vulnerable house members this fall. He says sanders nomination would force 40 Democratic Candidates in competitive districts to run away from Bernie Sanders. Wall street types have also noticed the bernie bounce, that the biggest risk to the market in 2020 is a Bernie Sanders win and that is because when it comes to energy and Climate Change sanders isnt just planning to upset the apple cart, hes planning to blow it up. America knows what many of us now, the time is now to transform our Energy System away from fossil fuels to Energy Efficiency and sustainable energy. When i was democrats will be Associated Press he was curious about elizabeth for an but hasnt been impressed by her on the campaign trail so hes back on board with Bernie Sanders saying with bernie you know exactly what you get. Shannon that is true if youre paying attention. The royal family has been rocked tonight, prince harry and his wife megan markel say they are planning to step back and senior members of the royal family and the queen doesnt sound happy about it. Aishah hasnie has more on the couples decision. Reporter as you said the queen not happy, the queen didnt have any idea this announcement was going to happen in Buckingham Palace released a statement tonight saying discussions with the duke and duchess of sussex are at an early stage and the Statement Reads in part we understand the desire to take a different approach but these are complicated issues that will take time to work through. Prince harry and megan markel stunned the world with their announcement to step down as senior members of the royal family and work on becoming financially independent, the new parent announced a plan to live in the uk and north america as they raise their son archie. They said the decision came after many months of reflection and internal discussion. They have been on a 6 week hiatus in canada for the holidays and returned to royal duties yesterday. This announcement comes a month after they gave the world a glimpse of their struggle coping with Media Attention in the documentary harry and megan, and effort and journey and the duchess filed a lawsuit against several british tabloids for making up false stories about her but some are criticizing the couple including her most vocal critic George Morgan who tweeted this today, people say i am too critical of megan markel but she ditched her family, ditched her dad, ditched most of her friends, split harry from william and has now split him from the royal family. I rest my case. Listen to this. He wanted to be a princess and now it annoys her apparently. I heard someone suggest she could play herself in the crown. Shannon others are blaming morgan saying their constant Harsh Criticism like what you heard there is what drove the couple to make this move in the first place. Prince harry is sixth in line to the throne and no member of the royal family except kate edward when he advocated has made such moves like this was a big deal for the uk. The family is so tight, they have had a rough couple months. It is surprising he would catch his grandmother off. He is going to be fine. Good to have you with us. We want to paid for the to a special person. 33yearold iraqi American Contractor who was killed in a rocket attack, so this got lost in the headlines. This took the life of specialist hameed who was reportedly directed by hezbollah and cited as one of the reasons that led to the us decision to kill iranian general soleimani. He became a naturalized citizen and worked as an interpreter for us forces in iraq, covered in pictures with his young children. Our thoughts are with them tonight. His wife and other loved ones left behind. Thank you for watching tonight from new york, i am Shannon Bream. Not whats easy. So when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. Thats how you do it right. Usaa insurance is made just the way martins family needs it with hasslefree claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. Because doing right by our members, thats whats right. Usaa. What youre made of, were made for. Usaa are your asthma treatments just not enough . Then see what could open up for you with fasenra. It is not a steroid or inhaler. It is not a rescue medicine or for other eosinophilic conditions. Its an addon injection for people 12 and up with asthma driven by eosinophils. Nearly 7 out of 10 adults with asthma may have elevated eosinophils. Fasenra is designed to target and remove eosinophils, a key cause of asthma. 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Heather it is thursday january 9th. Happening right now on the east coast a fox news alert. Intended to kill. The United States military says Iranian Missiles launched that us troops were meant to cause major damage and end american lives. We are lives in the middle east as donald trump ousted the escalate tensions with tehran. There is evidence that

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