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Chickfila offering their signature Customer Service at a backed up vaccine site. Fox and friends first starts right now. Good morning, you are watching fox and friends first on tuesday morning. Todd straight to that fox news alert, in alabama a trail of destruction, damaging winds knocking down power lines, terracotta roofs and uprooting trees just north of birmingham. Steve ripping for hampton in hotel. According to local reports guests and staff are able to escape safely, homes and businesses blasted into piles of debris. Todd 20 people have minor injuries, janice dean coming up. Carley President Biden exercising his executive power during his first full week in office. Todd he has 33 actions under his belt and will find more today. Griff jenkins live in washington with what is next. Reporter President Biden keeping busy signing another flurry of executive actions this week. Each day has been following a designated theme. Today it is racial inequity, we expect a range of actions involving policing, prisons and housing. Heres the rest of the week. Tomorrow will be the Climate Crisis this thursday healthcare, friday immigration, yesterday was by american which President Biden touted with reporters. American manufacturing was the arsenal of democracy in world war ii and it must be part of the engine of american prosperity now. That means we will use taxpayer money to rebuild america. We will buy American Products and support american jobs. Fox was not on the list of news organizations selected to ask a question but the president chose to follow peter doocy anyway. I know he always asks me tough questions and always has an edge to them but i like him anyway so go ahead. This is a single article of impeachment against donald trump for incitement of insurrection, was transmitted from the house to the senate. Youve seen it being walked over, already causing division on capitol hill, the Top Republican in the house had this to say. The house is supposed to be the grand jury, there were no hearings, no investigation. It was just rushed through, there is no better example how political this is in seeing what the manager says, Eric Swallwell who was associated with the chinese spy, that shows what a farce this impeachment is and they are just playing politics. The trial gets underway two weeks from today on february 9th and it comes as the senate split 50 50 appears headed for a power shedding deal, Vice President paris casting tiebreakers, democrats are in the majority but after manchin and cinema signal they would not support the filibuster end, to what they had with shared power in 2001, we will see what happens. Interesting article on mcconnells newfound power even though he is the minority now. Thanks. Some news on former president trump, sacrificial postpresidency office. Released a statement saying will manage activities and appearances to, quote, carry on the agenda of the Trump Administration through advocacy, organizing and public activism. The office is in palm beach county, florida where trump relocated last week. Meantime Donald Trumps former Us Ambassador to the United Nations nikki haley weighed in on the future of the Republican Party and the role donald trump plays in it. Everyone trying to determine where the party goes, we should not want to go back to the Republican Party before trump. We gained a lot of people that were unheard, unseen, many of whom like i grew up in South Carolina had just been misunderstood. We want to keep them in the party but the reality is we lost a lot of women and we lost a lot of collegeeducated. We want to bring them in and expand but the way we expand the tent is by going back to what has always made us the stronger party. Haley is a rumor leading contender to run for president in 2024. The Biden Administration speaking out against the violent protests in the pacific northwest, portland and Washington State still reeling after riders damaged buildings and clashed with police. Jackie ibanez here with what the white house had to say. Press secretary jen psaki said President Biden condemned the protests in the strongest possible terms. Smashing windows is not protesting and neither is looting and actions like these are totally unacceptable. He dodged the weather business is set by the pandemic and the riots would get their own relief. Talk, washington was the latest site of unrest with reported antifa members smashing windows, burning flags. The violence started after a Police Officer rode his car through a crowd sending two people to the hospital, one of those victims speaking out this morning. I was a licensed barber. I cant stand up for long. Gos of time. I have eight daughters to support. Ive got to think how im going to work now, you know . For the officer he feared for his life with video showing people banging on his window. In seattle antibiden protesters smashed of a federal courthouse and storefronts there. Despite the violence the city plans to hold a townhall today. In portland protesters hot with Riot Police Outside the local ice facility. The officers deploying tear gas and rubber bullets. Here is mayor tom wheeler. We actually unfortunately are seeing this growing trend towards people saying if you dont agree with me politically we are going to come after you either physically or we are going to come after your home or your place of business. Mayor ted wheeler had a firsthand experience with that trend, pepper spraying a man who confronted him at a restaurant. According to the Police Report wheeler file the man accused him of violating virus restrictions and refused to leave after the mayor warned him of the spray. Quite a situation pepper spraying people. Meantime Indianapolis Police arrest a teenager for the mass murder leaving five debt including a pregnant woman and her unborn child. The police chief tweeting in part we promised swift justice for this heinous act, we delivered on that promise, 17yearold is the older brother of the boy being treated for gunshot wounds. The Team Reportedly killing his family after a dispute with the father. Is expected to be charged as an adult. A manhunt underway after man was brutally attacked in new york city, the mob beating and stripping down a 26yearold in the big apple but it appears the group was waiting for him to get off the bus from atlanta. A dozen suspects took off in several vehicles with the victims phone, close and shoes. The New York Post reported the victim is a gang member with a long rap sheet as he is in stable condition right now. Dan on the gino slamming of islands and liberal city saying it is time for everyone to reevaluate the direction of our country. You have to ask liberal america a serious question, is this what you want . You have kids, a lot of political disagreement with liberals but a lot of them are probably loving parents, dont you have children, is this what you want in your cities . This isnt happening across conservative led cities in america. It is almost exclusively a phenomenon and liberal cities. Take a look at this, new york city saw its bloodiest year in nearly a decade, 447 homicides. Shannon President Biden raising the bar on a number of vaccinations he hopes to get done per day. I promised we would get at least 100 million vaccinations. I think we may bill a be able to get that to 150, 1. 5 million a day rather than 1 million a day. Biden says the goal is for everyone to have access to a vaccine by springtime and herd immunity by summer. Doctor Nicole Safire will weigh in the next hour. Did you see this . South carolina mayor calling in a probe to ease gridlock at a drivethrough covid19 vaccinations site. They will help you right there. A local chickfila manager directing traffic, the mayor says he knew the company has a great reputation for mastering the art of drivethroughs and his instincts were right. Wait times cut from an hour to 15 minutes. Should chickfila workers run all federal agencies . Youve been to chickfilas throughout the country. All of them run like this. It is unbelievable. Someone is calling us right now, could be chickfila. Hello, that is my phone. , the bluecollar joe facing backlash from bluecollar workers. This new administration is after the industry as a whole. Im trying to stand up for american workers. This is a fight we need to be in together. District Media Group President Beverly Hallberg warns bidens emergency policies will leave even more workers out of job. An American Hero from the greatest generation celebrating his one hundredth birthday in style. The patriotic Warming Hearts across america coming up. Lift. When you have Goodyear Duratrac tires. When you have rancho shocks and an integrated dual exhaust. When you have all that, the last thing youll need. Is a road. The Chevy Silverado trail boss. Ready to offroad, right from the factory. These folks dont have time to go to the post office they use stamps. Com all the services of the post office only cheaper get a 4week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to stamps. Com tv and never go to the post office again. Robinhood believes now is the time to do money get a 4week trial plus without the commission a fees and account minimums. So, you can start investing today, wherever you are even on the bus. Download now and get your first stock on us. Robinhood. Shannon President Joe Biden preselected reporters and media he will take questions from at his foremost First Formal Press Conference as president. Todd what does this show about how the Biden Administration will handle the media . Beverly hallberg joins us. Does this look like a media cocoon to you . Reporter it is an extension of what we saw during the election, you had members of the election, now members of the administration deciding which reporters could ask questions. I will give President Biden credit, he did have peter doocy, not something he seemed to run by his staff and let peter doocy ask a question. Thank goodness for peter doocy because hes asking tough questions, more than what ice cream flavor joe biden likes. Im thankful that joe biden is doing that but we will see more of this where plenty of reporters who are there for the briefing dont get a chance to ask a question. We have the moment between peter doocy and President Biden from yesterday. Take a look. I know he always asks me tough questions and always has an edge to them but i like him anyway so go ahead and ask your question. Thank you, mister president. Kind of a nice moment and im sure peter doocy appreciated it. How do you think joe biden did on a substantive level with questions about the coronavirus, one about us relations with russia, another about floor openings or how did he did in answering those questions . He has been struggling because the Biden Administration has had a hard time explaining how their policy when it comes to the coronavirus are different from what donald trump moves forward with his operation warp speed agenda. They are struggling to answer. What wedecca is the Vaccine Distribution seems to be less then we saw under donald trump. It comes down to the numbers and we are only a week into this administration but numbers tell a story and those numbers will be hard for them to answer for if they dont ramp up the production and distribution of the vaccine soon. President biden signing an executive order and that strengthening by american policies just days before he will take executive action to address Climate Change. Does biden risk alienating a key part of his Democratic Base specifically Union Workers and union unions, Union Support i should say to placate fringe environmentalists . Absolutely and with this the whole by american plan president s have done in the past with the problem with President Biden his other Climate Policies have led to loss of jobs already, one of the executive orders he has signed killing the keystone xl pipeline has already led to 11,000 jobs being lost, we will see more regulation, harder for Energy Companies to do business and we are talking Energy Business that has been booming in this country where we are fracking, relying on natural gas, not dependent on the middle east like we were before and these are where jobs are lost. He will talk about using taxpayer money to go to companies but instead if you really want american jobs to prosper you roll back regulation or rollback taxes and let businesses operate on their own, that is how you get americans back to work. I want you to listen to neil crabtree, welding foreman on the Keystone Pipeline, pipeline that as you mentioned joe biden just killed, joe biden wants to create jobs but listen to what he has to say. This is an american job issue. I dont care if you are union or nonunion. This administration is attacking our industry altogether. Im looking at allamericans, trying to stand up for american workers. This new administration is against all jobs right now. That man just lost his job because the pipeline was killed. What is your reaction to that . Will joe biden live to see a day where he regrets killing this pipeline . I think he will regret it. This is where he is bowing to progressive ideology and progressives who want a very tough Climate Change Energy Policy which does kill business in this country is another policy hes been talking about is whether the minimum wage should be raised to 15, that would kill so many businesses across this country. If joe biden doesnt stick to his more moderate policy and continues to cave to progressive ideology we will have a lot of jobs lost when we know businesses are struggling from the coronavirus. Thank you for joining us, appreciate it. Todd a natural gas explosion reduces a home to rubble. Todd lockdown order lifting, california governor using restrictions, but is the reversal too late . The man helping lead the charge to recall the governor joins us live in the effort gain steam. California governor gavin newsom lifting the stayathome order for some residents of his state but the recall of against them gets closer to the number needed to make it on about is the move a little too little too late . Joining me is randy economy. We know this pandemic is serious but to be deadly serious on one and 24 hours later were all good. Reporter he knows he is in the process of being recalled, because of what we are doing at recallgavin2020. Com has electrified california and time for the people to recall gavin newsom. He has held everybody lockdown for 10 months now. Today, i guess everything will be okay, go back to opening and get back to normal, everything is all right, we have about 1. 3 Million People, to recall him from office. He is realizing his possible trip to the white house might be derailed down the road because of people taking this campaign on hand. This could be viewed as playing defense and his allies playing offense in a piece entitled far right movements including youand on virus skeptical linked to the recall. Is that criticism warranted . Not at all. We have probably 100,000 people volunteering and have been volunteering for the last 7 months on our campaign, from all walks of life, democrats, 300,000 are democrats, republicans, independents, we are from every ethnic background and sometimes when you have 100,000 people there will be a few but that is what california is all about. It is about this campaign isnt about one particular person but 40 Million People and having this campaign on the edge of being successful in being able to hold this governor accountable to the people in a summer recall election when it would be held is nothing more than short of a miracle and for the la times to do their expose had peace on me and others in charge of this movement was deplorable and how dare they and it was yellow journalism. I was raised as a journalist. Im an investigative journalist, hardcore investigative journalist and there was nothing but a political hit piece. To review there may be some fringe elements in your campaign but to label them all as cuteanon or far right extremists or some insistence of indoors and correct. Correct. You are absolutely right. We are californians. Governor moonbeam. We appreciate your time. Over to you. Coming up new York Governor Andrew Cuomo using restrictions for everyone but hardheaded restaurants. We speak with a panel of outraged Business Owners was canceled culture getting a dose from the walking dead, the actor speaking out against censorship next. The foundation of any country or society that will progress will be built on the notion of freedom. We been having a decay of that for quite some time. It is orwellian. When we started our business we were paying an arm and a leg for postage. I remember setting up shipstation. One or two clicks and everything was up and running. I was printing out labels and saving money. Shipstation saves us so much time. It makes it really easy and seamless. Pick an order, print everything you need, slap the label onto the box, and its ready to go. Our costs for shipping were cut in half. Just like that. Shipstation. The 1 choice of online sellers. Go to shipstation. Com tv and get 2 months free. As we are back with a fox news alert, terrifying tornado ripping through alabama overnight, powerful winds knocking down power lines, turned off roofs and approving trees north of birmingham, causing Severe Damage to this hotel. According to reports, guests and staff were able to escape unharmed. Some homes and businesses were completely torn to shreds, 20 people suffered minor injuries. Carley Governor Andrew Cuomo saying new york and start listening covid19 restrictions but not for the hardhit restaurant industry. We are at a new place now and we can open up more economic activity. The Indoor Dining in new york city is new york city specific condition. We are not at this point at this point contemplating any changes. Our new York City Panel joins me to react with the owner of amsterdam billiards greg and, eddie traverss restaurant owner, good morning to you all. What is your reaction to Governor Cuomos comments, he wants to start loosening restrictions but not on your business. Crazy because on the fourteenth of december all of the numbers at one. 4 of infections, 74 , doesnt make any sense why he would keep us close, keep hundreds of thousands of people out of work, makes no sense. I cant get over those numbers either. Less than 2 spread in restaurants, household gatherings account for 75 of the spread so why Governor Cuomo isnt budging on this . Let me give you a quote from Governor Phil Murphy of new jersey right across the hudson from new york city. Governor phil murphy, democrat new jersey. There is no data to support Indoor Dining has significantly contributed to the spread of covid19. What is the difference between new jersey and new york . Shannon good point. Governor cuomo and governor murphy are working together on some restrictions because some people live in new jersey, work in new york so for that one a dont see i to i. Philadelphia which is a city just 90 minutes south of new york city is open to 25 Indoor Dining, whats the difference between philadelphia and new york city . You make a great point. You also say the government is punishing restaurant workers raining rather than protecting them. Explain that. Closing peoples businesses, think outside constantly to colleagues, they got stormed with violations and revocations of liquor licenses. I couldnt even open my business. I have no way to put Outdoor Dining and fear the repercussions of getting slammed with these tickets is bad enough, trying to pay your rent and insurance, to have a place for people to come back and go to work and put food on your table, tremendous losses. Shannon you are the proprietor of the oldest restaurant in new york city. It has an incredible story, played a big role in the revolutionary war, was the headquarters for George Washington and one of the frustrating things about this is people in positions of power just dont seem like they care that your business could shut down, when these places are really important to america, the story of america. What do you want Governor Cuomo to do right now to make sure your restaurant can stay open . He needs to open us up at 25 at a minimum. If he doesnt, in the next few weeks, a lot of restaurants will fail, toward september october you will see 56 restaurants gone. Is finished the cdc money is gone these restaurants will be finished. It is true you sued the governor in rom that so you could start opening pool halls . We did but we did not do that as a first resort but as a last resort, we approached Governor Cuomo with a lobbying campaign in september and the whole industry sent fedex packages and petitions and so forth and his office never responded so the lawsuit was a last resort, we didnt have any other option and we won, we had a great lawyer, winning lawsuits against the state, these are not as we are approaching these lawsuits vindictive lear anything but we have no other option right now. Let me mention one other thing, bars and restaurants, bars are not open yet, restaurants, we have to close at 10 00 pm, why is that, why do we have to close at 10 00 pm, why cant we stay open until 11 00 pm or midnight . What is the Science Behind that . Shannon doesnt seem like there is any and i understand your frustrations, thank you for joining us, best of luck. 104 Police Officers were heard during the capital right, 81 Capital Police and 31 in the metropolitan department. 38 Police Officers tested positive for coronavirus. It is unclear how many were on duty during the siege. 200 National Guardsmen tested positive for covid1960. Of the nations capital, the woman accused of stealing Nancy Pelosis laptop is covering up online, accused of deleting accounts online and switching devices and telling others to delete messages sent or received from her, she faces 20 years if convicted. Is really Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu censored by facebook with a site blocking a chat bot on his page. Reporter good morning. Facebook suspended a chat bot belonging to Benjamin Netanyahu saying it violated privacy rules. The bot would automatically message people who clicks on a link related to coronavirus. The message appeared as if it was coming from the Prime Minister itself and read, quote, if you have friends or family members age 6 or over who have not been vaccinated you can write a response with their name and phone number and i may call to convince them. A post was also deleted by the social media giant. A spokesman for facebook commented on the incident saying under the companys Privacy Policy they do not allow content for peoples medical information, the spokesperson added the chat bot suspension is just temporary. This comes as israel continues to lead the world in vaccinations using the americanmade pfizer or modern so a vexing, 44 of the population received one dose of the vaccine. Is really Prime Minister benjamin and yahoo is hoping a lot of the Vaccination Campaign success will help him in the polls. In march is really. To the polls for the fourth time in just two years. Check this out. Natural gas explosion releasing a home to rubble near the university of new mexico, 14 units of fire rescue race to the scene, nearby homes were evacuated as utility crews worked to stabilize the gas line. No one was injured by fire or explosion. The cause is under investigation. That disney updating the crews ride in florida and california, a popular attraction getting a new storyline and updated scenes after back lash over the depiction of native people, statement on the blog says the reinvented ride will, quote, reflect and value the diversity of the world around us. No word on when the overhaul ride will be completed. Always my first thought. The jungle cruise. That was so much fun. Thank you, donald trump after he endorsed her run for arkansas governor, the present calling her a warrior always fights for the people of arkansas and do what is right, not what is politically correct, sanders served as former president s press secretary until june of 2019, sanders saying in part, quote, thank you for your endorsement and for always believing in me. Jillian i have never been to disney world. It is on my post pandemic bucket. Send me to florida. In the meantime still ahead protesters storm city hall and desecrate the American Flag. This is going to enrage you. This is happening in Washington State. Radio journalist attack by the mob said he has never experienced anything like it, he shares his story with us next. Protesters in washington turning violent stomping on American Flag as they break into city hall. Carley turning hostility on the press. Joe t hand was chased with spray paint, he joins us with that story. I know it wasnt just that. They threw a drink in your face. What happened . Why were these people so angry . It is a homeless and kim and around city hall. November is 2 and a half months old, it spread over the better part of two blocks and the city announced they wanted campers to move 25 feet from the building as if the past friday so i went to cover that and to see what was happening. A group of young protesters set up a perimeter, standing quietly with signs and as soon as i tried to enter this zone around city hall i was met by protesters who said i wasnt welcome by wasnt allowed if i wasnt showing solidarity with this group, who i have been reporting on the situation as i said for 2 and a half months, i talked with advocates and others who are closely involved with this group, they seem to be outside people by and large, they just objected to me taking photos, having any kind of recording equipment and did go after me, tried to get michael, one did steal my microphone. I had a knife that i use to record audio with and they were trying to get that. I was basically surrounded and eventually was doused with hot chocolate and spraypainted a bit. It was a bit unnerving i have to say. We are glad that you are okay. Is what the mayor had to say. Circumstances at city hall are entirely untenable, protesters and outside agitators actions, to people experiencing homelessness and putting them at increased risk. Im not calling you old but by the greater beard you appear to be a seasoned journalist, this is not your first rodeo but as someone who has covered protests like this before isnt it abundantly clear to you that the left is really ramping up their tactics and doing something completely different than they did one year ago or 2 years ago . This particular situation, weve had protests on both sides. Ive never seen anything quite like this. This was, i think the mayor is right that this was an outside group that latched onto this local issue. So many places are experiencing problems with homelessness and it is an intractable problem that is difficult to deal with, i feel these were people that whatever reason latched onto this and have a different focus in mind and the idea they are protesting and you dont want journalists to be there to communicate we know they were angry because the mayor wants to break up is homeless and cameron, is the mayor going to do that, what is the next action on the homeless encampment front . At this point sounds like something that may happen this week, the city intends to end this and cameron by the end of the month. Sounds like the riots, the protest did not work. Thank you so much for joining us. Be safe. Meantime Rupert Murdoch owner fox news railing against cancel culture and its work orthodoxy, he says, quote, for those of us in media there is a real challenge to confront a wave of censorship that seeks to silence conversation, stifle debate and ultimately stop individuals in society from realizing their potential. Murdoch vowing to fight back against censorship calling cancel culture a global threat against Free Exchange of ideas. An actor from the walking dead is also pushing back. The foundation of any country or any society that is going to progress is going to be built on the notion of freedom, freedom of expression, freedom of thought. It is orwellian. He is calling on corporate america, hollywood to stop censoring opposing voices and make diverse opinions acceptable. Still ahead donald trump got the ball rolling with our next guest explains why the latino conservative Movement Continues to gain momentum. A celebration for a courageous american who fought in not one but two wars. He wanted a birthday parade next. The us along relied on hispanic vote but that has been changing as more of those voters throw their support behind conservative lawmakers. Joining me to discuss this trend from the latino conservative podcast andrew alvarez. Thanks for being here. Lets look at the numbers, this is Donald Trumps support among hispanic voters, 2016, 28 , 2020 it rose to 35 . The question i always ask when presenting this topic, if donald trump and his supporters are widely branded as racist then why do we see these numbers . Why are we seeing this increase . That has a couple different meanings to me, different answers to me, i myself have been labeled a racist because im a trump supporter and was a trump supporter and the answer to that would be along the lines of the hypocrisy we have seen as latinos and what trump has said as opposed to what Democratic Party has been saying, the same thing. Will this support of conservatism stop now that donald trump is out of office . Absolutely not. In fact i converted to conservatism during obamacare when that happened and i can see this trend snowballing because i took a trip not that long because one of the border towns in texas and even then when you would expect where there is obviously a highly highly Latino Community you would see the trend of conservatism even in the border town is increasing. Along those lines do latinos need to be more outspoken against illegal immigration in order to convince the rest of the country we are here in the Republican Party, growing our numbers, we are here to stay . Absolutely and thats one thing i tell everybody. Im totally for immigration legally but illegal immigration, theres been a problem with that in the past. I have seen it growing up as a natural born citizen in the united states, even my parents were natural born citizens of the united states. I have seen people come over illegally, not just an economic thing but a safety thing as well, knowing these people cross the border, the land they have to go through, the mountains, the dangerous terrain, not just an economic thing but Public Safety thing for the people crossing over. There seems to be not a lot of concern for those individuals or these kids making these ridiculously long journeys and risking their lives and parents risking their lives as well. We talked about what latinos need to do. What can republicans do to grow the number of latinos that become conservatives . The best thing republicans can do would be to support latinos and reach out to latinos. A lot of latinos out there are proud and in our proud and as we are quiet. We dont speak out and thats one of the main reasons i started my podcast. Ive seen a lot of us just sitting around doing nothing, put her shoes on every day, go to work and that is it, not enough of us get up and stand up and stand for our rights and i believe all republicans should encourage that, not just latinos but everybody of the same ideology to stand up for their voices and their rights. I would travel around the country, at first it was only cubans that supported the republicans but i agree little bible more and more latinos that are not cubans are definitely supporting the Republican Party. Interesting to see what happens in 2022. We appreciate your time, thank you. A Pennsylvania Community celebrating a world war ii veterans one hundredth birthday. This is so cool. Police, fire and ems personnel parading by the nursing home where evans lives, they are sending wishes from outside his window, the navy veteran waving back with his worlds best grandpa sign. Im sure he is. Good stuff. Coming up in the next hour fox and friends first President Biden cancels the Keystone Pipeline putting thousands of americans out of work. A union leader whose members have buyers remorse sound off next hour. Dr. Nicole saphier and congressman greg steube, got live. These folks, they dont have time to go to the post office they have businesses to grow customers to care for lives to get home to they use stamps. Com print discounted postage for any letter any package any time right from your computer all the services of the post office plus ups only cheaper get our special tv offer a 4week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to stamps. Com tv and never go to the post office again. Robinhood believes now is the time to do money. A 4week trial without the Commission Fees so you can start investing today, wherever you are even hanging with your dog. So, what are you waiting for . Download now and get your first stock on us. Robinhood. Fox news alert, for millions of americans in the path of severe storms. Parts of alabama waking up to distraction left by a suspected tornado overnight but we are tracking the dangerous system. Peaceful protests are a cornerstone of our democracy, but smashing windows is not protesting in the there is looting. The Biden Administration finally addressing violence on the west coast but is a too little too late, portlands mayor pepper sprayed a man who confronted him on the street of his own city. I know he always asks me tough questions and always has an edge to them by like him anyway so go ahead and ask your question. No questions about ice cream from peter doocy during President Bidens First Formal Press Conference. Fox and friends first continues right now. Todd good morning, you are watching fox and friends first on tuesday mor

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