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Near him. Jillian the big game is set. One of the nfls most seasoned champions will take on one of the newest superstars. Fox friends first starts right now. I love it when you go crazy. You take all of my inhibitions. Baby, theres Nothing Holding me back. Todd you could have thrown that to kelsey there. He was so open. Jillian you how do you feel about the super bowl matchup. Todd im a big chiefs fan all of a sudden. Its easy to hop on that bandwagon. Little shocked how well tampa bay played yesterday. Jillian i love it. I love tom brady and patrick mahomes. Its amazing tom brady was able to pull off another championship as a buccaneer, not as a patriot. Patriot. Todd its going to be a fun game. Any time you have patrick mahomes, its going to be a fun game. Well see. Hope you enjoy the next one hour and 58 minutes. Youre watching Fox Friends First on this monday morning. Im todd piro. Carley im carley shimkus. Todd lawmakers are digging in on another round of coronavirus relief. Its political football time, david spunt live in d. C. With a busy week ahead. Reporter good morning. This is the first full week for the 46th president , joe biden many he has a busy week ahead. Each day this week is going to be a different theme day. Todays going to specifically be buy american, the white house saying this is especially important during the pandemic as millions of americans continue to get vaccinated. The goal of the Biden White House is to have at least 100 million shots in the first 100 days. This as democrats now in control of the senate, house and white house are moving forward with a covid relief package. Still, the president wants to work with republicans according to his chief of staff. Listen here. Well, we were going to move fast and bipartisan. The need is urgent. Americans, democrats and republicans are dying. Kids schools that take care of democratic and republican kids are closed. People are on unemployment. People are in food lines. Thats not a party issue. Reporter this is what were looking at this week. Buy american today, racial equality tuesday, Climate Crisis wednesday, health care thursday, immigration on friday. Immigration is a big deal for this administration, they will focus on those priorities. The immigration is a serious point of contention between republicans and democrats. Listen. Joe biden basically announced to the entire world that its ali ali, oxen free at the border. Well see another surge at the border. You already see some caravans coming through. Reporter tonight the house will deliver the sole impeachment article against former President Trump to the senate. Democrats are unified to convict. Republicans are split. No he question but that the article of impeachment that was sent over by the house suggests impeachable conduct. I think the trial is stupid. I think its counterproductive. We already have a flaming fire in the country. Its like taking gasoline and pouring it on top of the fire. Reporter the trial will begin the week of february 8th. Meanwhile, President Biden set to meet with his new defense secretary, lloyd austin today, in the oval office. One of the topics expected, bidens repeal of the ban of transgender people from serving in the military. Carley thank you, david. Todd President Biden is gearing up to sign new executive actions. Mark levine says the president preached unity on Inauguration Day but hasnt shown it. Joe biden made much of the word unity. Nothing that he has done since his inauguration speech demonstrates any form of unity. Its conformity. Hes there, proudly signing one executive order after another. These executive orders do what . Taxpayer paid for abortion on demand even one minute before birth. The paris climate accords which ought to be a treaty which ties our hands, plus his war on american energy. Who benefits from that . Communist china, of course. The only plan in that regard is to trash trump, to dumb down all those achievements and make some absurd claim that hes done some great job. Todd tammy bruce says bidens far left take and quick push to undo trump policies will not erase what the former president showed the American People. Listen. President trump showed us that we werent finished, that there was not a new normal, that americans werent hopeless, that coal miners didnt need to go learn to code, that we could live lives that best suited us, we could make the decisions that were best for our families, we could do the job that we wanted to do if government would get off our back. Todd as for the former president s political few churr, he told the Washington Examiner he will do something but not just yet. Carley an Unlawful Assembly declared in tacoma, washington, after protests turned violent. [crowds chanting] carley reported antifa protesters demanding inmates be freed from a local jail. More than 100 people marching through the streets, lighting an American Flag on fire and shattering windows, the protests starting after a Police Officer drove you through a crowd saturday, injuring at least one person. Seconds before the crowd was seen shouting at the officer and pounding on his car windows, an independent investigation is underway and a meeting is expected to be held today to discuss use of force. The u. S. Reaching a grim milestone, one year after the first case was he detected. Coronavirus cases topping 25 million, with 419,000 deaths. The cdc warns the government remains in the dark on how many vaccines are available. I would say one of the biggest problems right now is i cant tell you how much vaccine we have and if i cant tell it to you then i cant tell it to the governors and i cant tell it to the state health officials. If they dont know how much vaccine theyre getting, not just this week but next week and the week after, they cant plan. Carley more than 20 million doses of vaccines have been administered. Todd sources telling fox news that Sarah Sanders is expected to announce her run for governor of arkansas today. No democrats have yet you announced a bid to run but President Trumps former press secretary faces a pretty competitive republican primary against Lieutenant Governor tim griffin and you may recognize that face on the right, shes been on our of show before, attorney general leslie rutledge. All right. Football talk, tom brady returning to the super bowl for a tenth time. Brady goes for the deep shot, he got it touchdown scotty miller. Oh, my god. Carley oh, my god is right. Bringing the buccaneers to a 3126 win over the green bay packers, got to give green pay the points they deserve there. This years super bowl is in tampa, making the bucs the first team to play the home game. Todd who are they going to play . I have the answer. Im the only one who has the answer. They take on the defending Champ Patrick Mahomes as the kc chiefs, they stopped the buffalo bills. We worked really hard to get to this point. We had two tough games in a row. The next will be really tough too. Being able to go up one of the greatest, if not the greatest quarterback of all time, its going to be a great experience for me. Carley comments are pouring in on social media. One Instagram User writing the past versus the future, couldnt ask for a better matchup. Todd brandon joking, whats weird, it looks like brady is playing his son. Carley ryan posting on twitter, looks like tom brady took the job this year to have a shorter commute. Its absolutely amazing wht tom has been able to do. It shows you the importance of the position and it shows you the dedication of one man. I mean, people have written him off a long time ago and said hes too old, hes too old. He looks like he can keep on going to 50 and i wouldnt be surprised another four, five years from now were still talking about tom brady throwing the ball around. Todd i know he has a lot of haters out there, but its an amazing accomplishment. Carley brady has haters . Todd yes, he does. Tampa bay has a pretty well stocked team. I look at kansas city, i dont see any weaknesses. Carley your money is on kansas city . Todd im not allowed to bet anymore, i have a newborn, so all the money goes there. What do you sunshine. Think . Carley i cant believe a bay is playing the first home game super bowl. President biden facing back lash over the border as a new caravan plans to leave for the u. S. Today. Arizona sheriff mark lamb warns pie dens policies bidens policies will fuel more caravans to come. Todd gavin newsom caught breaking his own coronavirus restriction. The lockdown backlash coming up. Baby, im sorry. Im not sorry. U can start inv, wherever you are even hanging with your dog. So, what are you waiting for . Download now and get your first stock on us. Robinhood. Want to sell the best burger in every zip code . Add an employee. Or ten. Then easily and automatically pay your team and file payroll taxes. That means. World domination or just the west side. Run payroll in less than five minutes with intuit quickbooks. Todd welcome back. We are less than a week into joe bidens presidency and already a second Migrant Caravan set to leave for the border today. Carley Jackie Ibanez joins us live. Reporter reports say the caravans is leaving from honduras, despite calls from the Biden Administration to reconsider. Guatemalan tv reports at least 3,000 migrants will meet before crossing into guatemala, entering mexico and heading towards the southern u. S. This follows a caravan being broken up by Guatemalan Security forces last week. Asylum seekers breaking through a human barricade. As many as 5300 migrants have been sent down to honduras. The rest are spread throughout guatemala. Senate republicans are calling on the Biden Administration to act. We can only do something after youve got in place immigration reforms that allow you to secure the border and stop illegal immigration. Otherwise, doing something is going to encourage more feel to come. We saw a brief example of that, just the fact that he was elected and incentivized some of the Trafficking Networks to try to push people to the United States. Carley the president S Immigration plans include pausing border wall construction, he creating a pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens in the u. S. , ending family separation and giving 4 billion to central america. Former acting dhs secretary chad wolf is worried about the policy changes. Listen. Im afraid that some of the actions that President Biden and the administration have taken will cause immigration and Border Security crisis on the southwest border. Thats something we dont need right now. Its really what im watching through these executive actions and through legislation. Reporter a new poll says 60 of americans want this caravan stopped at the border. Guatemalan media reports a caravan of migrants has been scheduled to leave el salvador for our border on february 14th. Carley, todd. Todd jackie, thank you. Carley thanks, jackie. Joining us live with why he says Law Enforcement is very concerned by the Biden AdministrationS Immigration policy, sheriff mark lamb. Good morning, sheriff. Good morning, how you doing today . Carley very good. President biden has already done a lot when it comes to illegal immigration, ending construction of the border wall, 100 day pause on deportations. What are some of your biggest concerns here . Oh, weve got a lot of concerns. This is going to open it up for more caravans as you mentioned. Director wolf is exactly right. This is going to cause a lot of, problems, not just for us in Law Enforcement, but it causes problems for our partners in mexico and guatemala, theyll have to deal with the caravan as well. Its because were p presenting to them that we have weak immigration policies and that were not going to enforce this rule of law which iS Immigration here in this country. That is dangerous. Its dangerous for us in our communities. It brings drugs and Human Trafficking. Its something that we try hard to stop and this isnt going to help. Todd to that end, President Biden pledging 4 billion to help development in honduras, el salvador, guatemala. He says this money will address the root problem. You say it fails to address the real problem. Ex practice late a little more on extrapolate a little more on that. He acts like this is the first time weve given money to these countries. Weve given them money for a long time. They havent done the job to this point. Theyve got a lot of corruption. The money will go to other places. We have people in this country that are struggling, business thats are struggling. Lets give that 4 billion to them. The other issue is, is that the root he wants to address the root problem. I get that. And there are problems down there. But i would contend that the root problem is our weak immigration laws and inability to enforce those laws. And when you say youre not going to enforce that law for 100 days, thats going to create those caravans, going to make people want to come here. Its only going to increase the amount of Drug Trafficking and Human Trafficking into the country. So i would say that your root problem here is fixing the immigration problem and staying strong on Border Security, just like President Trump has done for four years. Its the only way were going to be able to combat this. Carley President Biden sent a bill to congress that includes a pathway to citizenship for 11 million illegal im grants the country. Support immigrants in the country. Supporters say thats a good thing. In order to get citizenship they would have to pay taxes and get background checks. What do you say to those folks. Im all about creating a better path to citizenship in the country. Our immigration laws stink. They should stop this impeachment stuff and get to work on fixing some of the problems if they truly want to get to the root of the problem. Thats where we need to fix it. So unless we fix those immigration laws, its going to continue to be tough for people to come here and make a better life. What we cant do is just say we give up and allow 8,000 people, 3,000 people to just cross our bore of deer unchecked border unchecked. It brings so many problems into our of communities. In Law Enforcement, we hear the peoples voice. Well continue to stand up as sheriffs and Law Enforcement, continue to protect our borders and communities and regardless of whether we have the support of the president or not. Carley sheriff lamb, thank you for joining us. We appreciate it. Thank you v a great day. Todd straight ahead, a great white shark carley i hate the sharks. Todd the chosen counter doesnt end there. Carley i didnt know we were doing a shark store rim i hate sharks so much. Lawmakers are calling an audible on Governor Cuomo, his push to open bars for the big game, coming up next. New years resolutions come and go. So give your business more than resolutions. Give it solutions, from comcast business. Work more efficiently with fast internet and advanced wifi. Make your business safer with powerful cybersecurity solutions. And stay productive with 24 7 support. Make this years resolution better solutions. Bounce forward with comcast business. Get started with a powerful internet and voice solution for just 64. 90 a month. Plus, for a limited time, ask how to get a 500 prepaid card when you upgrade. Switch today. Carley all right. The stage is set, the buccaneers will face off against the chiefs in super bowl lv. Tom brady punching his ticket for the big game for a record tenth time an the chiefs fighting for their second consecutive win. One freshman lawmaker is asking Governor Cuomo to call an audible on his curfew for bars and restaurants during the big game. Good morning, sir. Theres a 10 00 p. M. Curfew on bars and restaurants in new york. You want the governor to change that. Good morning, carley. Thanks for asking me on to talk about this. About a week ago i was reached out to by a few Restaurant Owners that i represent in the seventh Assembly District and they just straight up said, look, this 10 00 curfew is slowing killing our businesses. Were barely hanging on. If we could have this rescinded before the super bowl it would be a huge lifeline for them right now and they need it. Carley people are still going to socialize during the super bowl. If theres the risk that the game is going to end after bars close, they might not go to these bars and restaurants and theyre going to stay at home and we know thats really where the virus spreads. So it sounds like youre trying to do something from a health standpoint and economic standpoint as well. Well, thats exactly right. So Governor Cuomos Contract Tracing data has shown that bars and restaurants have only accounted for 1. 4 of the virus spread, where private gatherings at home have actually accounted for almost he three quarters, 74, 75 . So by shutting these bars down at 10 00 which is an arbitrary time, youre going to push people to stay home and potentially spread the virus even more. Carley thats so true. Has the governor said anything to you about extending the curfew past 10 00 p. M. On super bowl sunday . I havent heard anything yet. I am hoping hell do the right thing by our Small Businesses. We hear a lot about just protecting our Small Businesses, our main street businesses. If we dont take action, theyre just empty words. Carley lets talk about the vaccine rollout really quickly. I know theres a lot of issues in new york state, a lot of vaccination appointments have been canceled. Do you know whats happening on that front . And if theres anything thats coming down the pipeline to fix it . Ive been told that theyre continuing to work on improving the website. It really has not been a smooth rollout. My office has received calls and i have great staff working to help get seniors these appointments. There was a phone number that was leaked which was a total disaster where people thought they made an appointment and a few hours later, a day later, they were told it was canceled. Theres been a lot of confusion. Im hoping they can get it together really soon. Carley yeah, confusion on the vaccine front. Youve got to get those businesses open and running because, boy oh, boy, do those Restaurant Owners really need the support right now. Assemblyman, thank you for joining us. We appreciate it. Thank you for having me. Carley todd. Todd still ahead, after antifa rioters wreak havoc in seattle, the police chief vowing a crackdown. Is it too lill too late . President biden set to roll out a covid travel ban today, what fliers need to know, next. Todd a fox news alert now, reports of an antifa led riot in tacoma, washington, forcing police to declare an Unlawful Assembly overnight. Carley king county Washington Republican Party chair, dr. Freed, joins us now. Good morning, sir. Whats your reaction to the situation in tacoma . You have a Police Officer running into a crowd of people, apparently he was concerned. They were banging on his windows, that they were going to break into his car. It was a tough situation. It led to another night of rioting. Whats your reaction . We have clearly seen over the last year that the rioters have no care for human life around them. Weve seen 600 people around arrested, over the last few months and none of them are prosecuted. The police chief has come out saying he will take a tougher stance on crime. He is saying he will do that if youve been arrested four or five times for vandalism, theyll consider prosecuting you. Theyre saying continue your lawlessness for four or five times, maybe well start bringing prosecution against you. This is clearly not working as evidenced by a 48 increase in murder in seattle alone this year. Todd lets listen to some more from that police chief. Take a listen. It doesnt matter who was in the president ial office, it really is a matter of understanding that people are out there for disruption. What we dont have any level of accountability and many of them that are coming from outside of the city, they will continue to do that destruction. Todd joshua, this doesnt come as a shock to anybody whose been watching news, the fox news channel, for the last seven, eight months. We saw this stuff in may, june, july, august. We saw it all that time. Why now . Why are we acting now. Its a weak approach, pete holmes, the seattle City Attorney reversed his position in less than 24 hours. He says that he doesnt want to prosecute these peaceful protesters, and clearly we know with the evidence that these folks tonight in tacoma theyre breaking windows, shaking fences down, and these rioters are going unabated and its time that we take a tough stance and enforce the laws in Washington Statement otherwise, were going to see what we see already, rape is up by 65 , burglary up by 35 and this year alone, murder is up by 48 . You know whats sad is seattle used to be known as the place of airplanes, coffee and software and now were known as the place of chaz and lawlessness and violent riots. We need to do something. We need to take back our city. Carley were looking at footage of the riots that occurred on wednesday, there were more in tacoma last night. This should be headline news. This should be on the cover of every major newspaper. The press secretary, jen psaki, says she hasnt spoken to President Biden about the violence. Why do you think its important for the president to address what were seeing unfolding right now. This is a guy that benefited from the chaos of the last year. They established chaz which they said was for racial reconciliation. Clearly it was not. Those folks broke into 67 different asian businesses. When biden is calling for june , its falling on deaf ears. People are being violated. What weve seen this year is a result of the socialist democrats not condemning the violence. Were seeing defunding of the police. Seattle city council moved to defund the police by 20 and right now the Seattle Police chief took a tough stance, they moved to the 50 that they set as a goal last year. We need to he resolve to address the lawlessness that we see as people are being victimized and seeing the their own Constitutional Rights stole n away in the city of seattle and beyond. The president that calls for unity and wants to lead our nation, its time to stand up and show that he has the content of character to do so and so far i think hes letting the American People down. Todd weve been doing this segment for eight months, nine months, doesnt seem like things are getting better. Hopefully something change theres in the beautiful city of seattle. Joshua, we appreciate your time this morning. Have a great day. Carley police in indianapolis are hunting for a gunman in a mass murder. At least five people were killed in their home, including a pregnant woman. The mayor is calling for justice in the targeted attack. One or more individuals perpetrated an act of evil. The full might of local, state and federal Law Enforcement are coming for them. Carley a young man is in critical condition. The incident marks the citys largest mass casualty shooting in more than a decade. Todd the manhunt is intensifying overnight. Officials say david harman and josh sharpieo used tools to escape to get into the prison tool room. A 70,000 reward is being offered for their arrest. Carley on to the pandemic, President Biden is set to reinstate a travel ban on 30 countries to stop the spread of a new variant of the coronavirus. Todd trey yingst is live overseas on who is on the list. Trey. Reporter todd, carley, good morning. With multiple variants of covid19 spreading around the world, the United States is taking new measures to restrict travel from certain areas. Fox news did confirm over the weekend that President Biden plans to reinstate a covid travel ban for most nonu. S. Citizens in brazil, the u. K. And a number of other european countries. South africa is also expected to be added to the list later this week. The director of the cdc is set to sign a separate order today requiring that masks be worn on airplanes. She had this to say on fox news sunday. The more virus that is of out there, the more virus that is he replicating, the more likely were going to have mutations and variants. Not only do we need to vaccinate but we need for people to wear masks, we need all of these other mitigation strategies so we can decrease the amount of virus that is circulating and, therefore, decrease the amount of variants that are out there. Reporter this comes as a new cdc rule goes into effect tuesday, requiring all Inbound International passengers to present a negative pcr test, valid 72 hours from their time of arrival. Overseas similar measures are being taken. Israel will close their airport for all flights over the next week. Israels Prime Minister over the weekend saying, quote, we are closing the skies dramatically, except for rare exceptions to prevent the entry of virus mutations and ensure we progress quickly with the vaccination campaign. Israel vaccinated over 40 of their population as their campaign continues. Todd, carley. Carley trey yingst live for us in jerusalem. Thank you, trey. Todd the recall campaign to get rid of California Governor Gavin Newsom close to getting enough supporters to place it on the ballot. Organizers say they have 1. 2 million signatures. They need 300,000 more by midmarch. The governor has faced intense criticism over his covid19 lockdown orders while as the famous French Laundry photo shows, not following his own restrictions. Chicagos Teacher Union voting to defy a plan to partially return to inperson learning today. They are pushing the return date to wednesday. Remote learning in the nations Third Largest School District will continue in the meantime. They previously said they would treat the move as a strike. The union argues its a strike if they cant log in to teach online. Carley oh, boy. A group of florida boaters got an up close and personal experience with a great white shark. Watch. No way. Put it in my belly. Put it in my belly. Theres your chance. Carley put it in my belly is a unique reaction to a shark sighting. It took a chunk of the motor. The group thinks the shark was between 14 to 16 feet long. That is not the shark. Todd the shark did not bite bernie. We want to make that clear. Carley that is of course bernie sanders. Heres your chance to own a pair of his mittens. The teacher who made the toasty accessory he wore on Inauguration Day has made 3 more pairs. She posted them on ebay with one pair fetching 2,000. Can you believe that . Money raised for two listing will go to charity. Proceeds for the third will help fund her Daughters College education, of course. The mittens are getting some buzz online. Bob on facebook writing great idea, all for charity. Tess tweeting i would pay over 100 for the red ones in the middle or donate to a charity of your choosing. I would buy any of them for over 100, or put them in a museum. And laurie saying on twitter, love this, cant afford but donate to outright vt, vermont, my home state. There you go. The mittens coming in next week. Its like the biggest news item of all time. Todd as somebody who focuses on trends, isnt it crazy how one little thing can skyrocket as a trend . Carley totally agree. This week its mittens. Who knows what it will be next week. Todd sharks. Still ahead, senator josh hawley urging americans to fight for free speech, the latest form of cancel culture that he says must be stopped. Carley a little boy stands with the Seattle Police department in its time of need, his unique way of honoring a fallen Police Officer, coming up next. This is our country. Carley senator josh hawley says its time to stand up to the, quote, muzzling of america. In a new oped hawley breaks down cancel culture and its effects on conservatives including the big techs shutdown of parler. Hes encouraging republicans to fight back because, quote, the cancel culture agenda will only succeed if he let it. He faced black. Backlash forchallenging the rese 2020 election. Todd critics point out two former president s who have been outspoken about their faith, one says george w. Bush said jesus christ was his favorite philosopher. Jimmy carter taught sunday school. Another says i think its fair to say that biden is not even the most religiously observant. Biden is facing criticism from catholic leaders over some of his policies. The New York Times story comes as a new poll these trust in the media is at an alltime low. Carley a new poll shows 46 of americans say they trust the media. Glen gruenwald says this is no surprise. They are losing faith and trust. This is not a new sudden development. If you look at the bar graph of how many people trust the corporate media, the established media in the United States, its been dropping precipitously over the course of many years. When they do talk about it. They do one of three things. Either they complain about it and say its unjust, that theyve lost trust as though they are divinely entitled to have it, or number two, they blame others who criticize their reporting, their bad reporting, as though theyre unfairly villified. The third response is trying to censor their critics and those who are inspiring trust by saying kick these people off the internet, their audience is too big, censor these people. Carley only 18 of republicans reported trusting the media. Can you believe that number . 18 . Todd diana congressly and coy bush leading the cause to commute the sentence of all death row inmates. A total of 13 death had row executions were carried out during President Trumps time in office. In the next hour well speak to the family of donna major who was murdered by a man now awaiting capital punishment. Carley listen to this. A young boy sells hot chocolate to raise money for a fallen officers family. Max spending the day braving the cold to help out officer brandon stockards fiance and two kids. He was shot and killed in the line of duty last week. The suspect was also killed. A funeral is being held tomorrow. But its only open to friends, family and fellow officers. What a good initiative, selling hot chocolate. Todd isnt it fascinating ho through spirit of love comes out of a child. As adults, we often forget about Something Like that time now, 47 minutes after the hour. A gym closed for months on end given and ultimatum, pay 20,000 bucks in back rent or get out. Carley the husband and wife struggling to keep their business afloat say the lack of Government Support is a total gutpunch. They join us live, coming up next. When you switch to xfinity mobile, youre choosing to get connected to the most Reliable Network nationwide, now with 5g included. Discover how to save up to 300 a year with shared data starting at 15 a month, or get the lowest price for one line of unlimited. Come into your local xfinity store to make the most of your mobile experience. You can shop the latest phones, bring your own device, or trade in for extra savings. Stop in or book an appointment to shop safely with peace of mind at your local xfinity store. Whats going to be left is amazon, walmart, target, were going to be forced to file for bankruptcy. Were going to have nothing left. Every day, i continue to choose not to be a victim. I continue to fight. Todd you can see right there, its not just numbers. These are people, real people with rent and operational costs piling up, one california gym may have to close its doors for good as the landlord threatens to kick them out. The coowners of the gym join us now with their story. We saw a clip from another tv station there. You can see the emotion there in adams face, understandable. It seems like you guys had somewhat of a good relationship, if i read the notes correctly, with your landlord. Do you have any sense as to why theyre issuing this demand now you . . Good morning, todd. Thank you for having us. I guess theyre also just as desperate as we are, probably. Theyre out of their resources. Todd that makes sense. Seems like its a trickle down effect. Jenny, describe your efforts to get government help up to this point. Well, i mean, its been a frustrating experience to say the least. We applied for the first round of ppp. We received enough funds to cover one month of operational costs. Since then, weve received no aid, nothing. We have applied for grants. Weve applied for the new round of ppp. Were still waiting to hear back. And weve been closed 11 months, where we are in california. So were doing the best we can but its becoming increasingly difficult. Todd i would imagine your customers, if theyre experiencing difficulties in their own life, one of the first things to go is a gym membership for a gym you quite frankly cant use right now. Thats right. Weve lost about 70 of our membership. But the members we do have have kept us afloat. Were very thankful for them. A lot of them have been incredibly supportive and, yes, its whats getting us through right now. Todd one of the things that has stood out to me, and i feel like i say this in every segment when i interview a struggling Small Business, is why hasnt the money been more targeted. Im sitting here frustrated. Quite frankly, guys, i dont have skin in this game. You do. How frustrating is it when you see some businesses getting all this money and Small Businesses like yourself that were told you cant open or you must open with strict, strict limitations, the fact that youre not getting the money, how frustrating is that . Well, let me answer that. Words can actually no longer describe how we feel. Words are simple. How we do feel at this point is its bigger, a lot bigger than that. You know, its like 11 months in. We have received no support. Theres no aid. Theres no relief. We received nothing. Its 11 months. The ppp loan, which is a loan, hopefully to be forgiven, covered our expenses worth one month. This is month 11. So beyond frustrated. Were sad. Were upset. Todd last question, really quickly. How much longer can you guys on . Well see. We dont know when were going to be allowed to reopen. We have outdoor operations right now in all three of our clubs. So were thankful for that. Its something. But we dont know. Its the unknown. I think probably a lot of Small Business owners feel the same way. Its really not knowing when were going to be allowed to open. I mean, we can go a few more months, maybe. We just really dont know. Every month we remain closed we lose memberships. So right now were kind of appealing to our community to help keep us going. Weve been reaching out to all of our government officials, locally and statewide, to try and get some recognition, to get some help and were just hoping something changes in the next few weeks to a month and well be able to keep going. But yeah, i mean, its getting down to the wire at this point. Todd i have run out of words other than to say were praying for you and hoping for the best. I wish i had answers. I dont, the nation doesnt. Theyve got to come up with some soon. Carley coming up in the next hour, another issue in california, taxpayers could end up footing the bill for san sanfranciscos homeless hotels. Congressman james comer and brian styles and Rachel Campos duffy all live next hour. Robinhood believes now is the time to do money without the Commission Fees and account minimums. So, you can start investing today, wherever you are even on the bus. Download now and get your first stock on us. Robinhood. [crowds chanting] todd this is a fox news alert. More riots rocking Washington State overnight after a police car hit a pedestrian. Reports of fires and damaged business as more unrester results in liberal erupts in liberal cities. I would contend that the root problem is our weak immigration laws. When you say youre not going to enforce that law for 100 days, thats going to create caravans, going to make people want to come here. Carley and its President Bidens first full week in office. Hes already facing serious pushback on his border policies as a Migrant Caravan reportedly begins a march towards the u. S. To godwin, hes got the first down and this game is over. Lobs it up in the air to kelsey. Todd and the big game is set, one of the nfls most seasoned champions, i like the word seasoned, will take on one of its newest superstars. Fox friends first on a monday morning continues right

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