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Reporter from Hollywood Hills to capitol hill chris rock ripping nancy pelosi and the dems. What he says they let the pandemic in. Fox and friends first starts right now. Good morning to you. Thank you for joining us. Heather officials warning more catastrophic flooding could be on the way as sally dumps more rain on eastern alabama and western georgia. Reporter ashley joins us in pensacola, hit hard by the deadly storm. Reporter Hurricane Sally which is now a tropical depression dumped 1620 inches of rain in parts of pensacola which is where i am now. This is a parking line standing in. The car behind me is up to its running boards in water and if we pan over to the red car, that one is slightly out of the water a little bit but there is sand washed up on this parking lot and yesterday, 2 00 or 3 00 the road to my left, you can see, very dark, was completely covered with water. It is no longer covered with water we saw cars driving through a couple minutes ago. Hurricane sally yesterday killed one person that we know of, one confirmed report, rescue crews rescued upwards of 300 people from this storm, catastrophic flooding is the biggest issue, even just driving down here, there was feet of water covering roads, bridges closed, roads closed, took us 3 hours, should have taken an hour, took 3 hours because we took so many different routes from the storm but take a listen to what people had to say with their accounts of how they weathered the storm. Of yours, 12 hours. It held for 16 hours by michael on, pretty scary. My wife was crying because shes never seen this. This storm is moving its way through georgia, one of those slowmoving storms. Some of these images are truly unbelievable. Now lets go to meteorologist janice dean who has been tracking this, those images are devastating. Janice with got reports, rainfall totals exceeding two feet, 30 inches in bellevue, florida. We will continue to get updates from the storm, not over yet. It is a depression but we are seeing potential for flash flooding into georgia. Eventually the carolinas and virginia so 35 miles per hour, this time yesterday was close to making landfall as a category 2, 145 mileperhour sustained winds, here the wind gusts in florida and alabama, Hurricane Force winds at least, 99 mileperhour windss in alabama so this is going to be the legacy of the storm, heavy rainfall, the storm surge, the incredible damage all along the coast of florida and alabama as well as parts of mississippi up to georgia where we have flash flood warnings outside atlanta and macon, georgia. This will be the story as we go through the next 2448 hours the heavy rainfall moving into these areas, certainly the rainfall totals coming true, 30 inches of rainfall is quite incredible. My next report i will show you teddy which is scheduled to be a major hurricane perhaps affecting the east coast next week, we will keep you uptodate on that as well. One of two los angeles deputies shot during the ambush is released from the hospital. Is the sheriff says detectives are closer to finding the gunman behind the attack. Carley shimkus joins us with more on the manhunt. 24yearold male officer shot during saturdays brazen attack is now out of the hospital. His partner who helped save his life remains hospitalized, her condition is unclear. This as a group of faith leaders rallied around the offices yesterday, the group prayed for their recovery in a show of support for law enforcement. Los angeless sheriff gave an update on the search for the gunman saying they are narrowing in. We are making progress. Our detectives are confident they are on . We followed multiple leads and we are doing the whole story together and we are on the right path. Reporter donald trump is calling for a attacks on police to end while pinning the violence on democrats. The leftwing war on cops puts our officers in danger and communities at grave risk. Cant do this. Biden described the police as the enemy. They are not the enemy, they are the friend. Reporter in the article, the los angeles time says the la county sheriffs departments aggressive response to the attackers raised alarms among some activists who say police are making the situation worse. In minneapolis the councilmembers are complaining about an uptick in crime just two months after moving to eliminate the Police Department. By the time on 9 one one and officers dispatched, they can be a mile plus away, it is difficult to stop and i dont know if adding more bodies is the solution to that. The Minneapolis Police Department Crime data shows a rise in assaults, robberies and homicides with 59 People Killed so far this year. Reporter turning to the 2020 election corona virus taking center stage on the campaign trail, donald trump telling americans 100 million doses of the vaccine could be distributed by the end of this year. Those remarks are getting some pushback. Joe biden lays out his own plan for handling the pandemic if elected. Griff jenkins live in washington. Big news from the white house podium, the president selling optimistic vaccine could be rolled out as soon as next month. As soon as the fda approves the vaccine, and as you know we are very close to that and we will be able to distribute at least 100 million vaccine doses by the end of 2020. We are on track to deliver and distribute the vaccine in a very very safe and effective manner. We think we can start sometime in october. Reporter this is the cdc outlines a sweeping plan to make a vaccine available to all americans but its director doctor Robert Renfield offered a different timeline and the president , on capitol hill. When is it going to be generally available to the American Public . So we can begin to take advantage of the vaccine to get back to regular life . I think we are probably looking at late Second Quarter Third Quarter 2021. Reporter the contradiction causing the president to call redfield to challenge the claim. I think he made a mistake when he said that. It is Incorrect Information and i called him and he didnt tell me that and i think he got the message may be confused. Maybe it was stated incorrectly. We are ready to go immediately as the vaccine is announced. Reporter the president criticized redfield for saying he believes masks could be a more effective means of protection against the virus than a vaccine. Meanwhile joe biden says he would have authority as president to enact a federal mask mandate after Public Health officials told him universal mask wearing could save 100,000 lives. When it comes to the vaccine there is one person biden says he specifically did not trust. I trust vaccines. I trust scientists but i dont trust donald trump. Ive called for in effective Distribution Plan for months. Reporter on the campaign trail both are traveling, biden heads to scranton, pennsylvania for townhall while the president is heading to a rally in wisconsin. Todd a member of the Coronavirus Task force, scott atlas, said regardless of political posturing americans will have access to a safe vaccine. Highly likely from what everyone says it will be available by the end of the year. We dont know exactly when. It could be at the end of october, sometime in november. There are anticipated 700 million doses to be available on or around end of q1, end of first quarter, 700 million doses so if you realize we will first immediately take care of all the high risk people and then you will have vaccine available for everybody else. Reporter pfizer predicted could have a vaccine ready by next month with an exciting return to the stage for the American Country music awards months after being postponed due to covid19. The starstudded show packed with surprises including a tie for entertainer of the year. Thank you to the lord jesus christ, my lord and savior, thank you to my wife. Thank you fans for spending your hardearned money. 2020, man. Reporter firsttime host keith urban talked about how unpredictable 2020 has been. Trying to find two pandemics. Covid19 and social injustice. For too many lives lost to both. Reporter singer kane brown gave an emotional performance with his hit song worldwide beautiful. One to another wants to see beauty reporter this years show was hosted in nashville for the first time. You think it would be in nashville by now but there we go. Time 11 minutes after the hour, no surrender, the fight to keep this statue honoring the greatest generation after a city threatens. In a report says right around the country will cost 1 billion in insurance. Our next guests business was damaged during the chaos in seattle, he joins us live next. Ready to juvederm it . 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Todd in the days following the death of George Floyd Riots and looting across the country somewhere between 1 billion 2 billion, the priciest such damage in us history and unrest is gone on for months. A seattle Business Owner knows the right price of writing and joined me now to discuss. Thank you for being here, lets look at the numbers, 1 2 billion in damage expected between may 2, 06, and june 8th, just shy of two weeks according to the Insurance Information institute, that is a pretty large number. It is a huge number and weve got bad news from our Insurance Company. Our Insurance Company informed us we didnt have riot coverage which who would have thought at any time we would need riot coverage in our insurance plan. There was a big eyeopener for us. Jillian you are being denied . The coverage is unique to what happened at the end of may in downtown seattle. We are talking to different people about how we can hopefully get some sort of compensation. We call this a catastrophic Business Interruption that happened, so we are still working on it, dont know exactly how we are going to get some sort of reimbursement for our damages so that is it for sure. Jillian have you talk to other Business Owners dealing with the problem . Yes, many are dealing with the same problem. Not knowing any of us would need riot insurance was one thing that has come out of this is the fact that we are in a situation, these insurance costs are going to continue to soar because the streets in seattle are so dangerous. Right now our police force is no longer a source of protection. With that, we hear rumors that vigilante vigilantes are going to take over the streets, so we are in a bad place in seattle, a bad place because again, we got broken into a week ago around the corner in our office and we happened to be in the office as somebody was trying to break into our office so the craziness continues. Shannon where do you see yourself going with your business in the next 6 months to a year . Are you planning to try to reopen . I know at some point we discussed moving out of the area. Where are you with that . We are looking for a location in scottsdale to open a retail store and working on a plan to move our offices to tucson, arizona because theyve got a terrific incentive. Arizona is giving businesses that have been affected in washington, oregon and california, governor doocy has been open about helping businesses relocate to arizona so we are looking at that and we might have a plan in place before the end of the year for sure. Keep us updated, we will check back in with you, sorry we had to talk under these circumstances, thank you for joining us. Todd congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez has a plan for joe biden. We can likely push Vice President biden a more progressive direction. Reporter her progressive push for our next possible president. Boeing and the faa blasted for, quote, horrific culmination and errors on the 737 max was a pilot joins us for what this means for the planes future coming up next. This isnt just a wifi upgrade. This is xfi complete from xfinity. Youll get the xfi gateway with advanced security, so your connected devices are also protected. And stay out plus with unlimited data, you can stream and scroll more than ever. And well ensure that you get the most wifi coverage throughout your home. This is xfi complete. Simple, easy, awesome. Get the security, unlimited daa and wifi coverage you need. Plus, xfi customers can add xfi complete for 11 a month. Click, call or visit a store today. Todd a new congressional fault for bowing in the faa from a 77 max crashes the claimed hundreds of lives. The damning report calls in a horrific culmination of faulty technical assumptions and lack of transparency, insufficient oversight. Aviation expert kyle barry joins me now. Always great to have you on these topics. What stands out to me the most is the condemnation of the faa. They were your former employer, dont mean to be mean but their job is to protect the flying public. Why did they fail at that job . The report blames boeing as well as the faa, an 18 month report and honestly there were no surprises in this report. It is all information we already know and the focus, was boeing complacent was the fda complacent with a tight relationship with boeing and the Self Certification process so it pretty much looks at the gamut and like i said theres really no surprises, this stuff yesterday was actually investors didnt take this report too seriously but i understand there is Key Information in here but i think the committee was going for the motions with stuff we quite frankly knew about. You mention the cozy relationship between the faa and boeing . Is this not something to be worried about necessarily boeing but all planemakers . In this particular instance, the relationship is going on successfully for decades and obviously this was due to this two horrific events with 737 maxes but in my opinion up until this incident it worked very well and this was indeed a wakeup call for the faa and boeing and everything will be tweaked out. One thing is for certain. This is been under the microscope for 18 years. When this airplane does fly it will be the safest airplane on the face of the earth given the scrutiny, the whole world media and the faa, they are making sure all their eyes are dotted antinumplaps are crossed. We can hope that is the case. I want to go back to the house reports, one line stood out to me. It also found faulty assumptions about the design and performance of pilots. To the layperson im thinking weve been flying for 100 years, we should have the whole flying thing figured out by now. How did boeing mess this up so badly . Boeing is a very big organization. We are talking thousands of engineers employed by boeing and human beings unfortunately do make mistakes and mistakes did fall through the cracks here but like i said, overall they do a fine job, and this like other accidents in aviation will be a good learning lesson. We learn from our mistakes in aviation. It is a science and it is not perfect and from these two horrible crashes, information obviously was learned and that will make aviation safer going forward. Of jillian or i mess up nobody dies, these guys mess up, the horrific consequences but we appreciate your insight on all things flight. Have a great day. You too, thank you. Jillian a legendary coach praising the big 10 for bringing football back, he says donald trump deserve some credit. The gulf coast reeling from devastating flooding as sally slowly moves inland, live on the ground in florida. Jana steen has the latest track plus Something Else brewing out there in the atlantic next. Todd sally approaching georgia and the carolinas with more catastrophic flooding expected, one person dead in the storm and half 1 Million People without power. Jillian ashley joins us with more. This was a marina. Let me show you what i see. This boardwalk is split, completely broke off. If you look at the distraction these boats are not supposed to be in this place, you have debris over here, the water is disgusting, all kinds of stuff in it. If you look at this area over here the boardwalk is flipped up. You can hear the sound of boats draining water out of the bottom because they filled up, there are boats on their tops in the water over here but there is so much destruction, usually boats are lined up perfectly, that is not the case here. There is debris everywhere, things are not where they are supposed to be. Seems to me this snuck up on us, one of those storms they had a week or 2 to prepare, it just happened, moving boat into drydock, tough to see that. We appreciate it. Lets go to janice dean, the latest on the weather situation and your tease a few minutes earlier on that teddy situation has us talking. Janice lets talk about what is left of sally, a depression moving through portions of the southeast, georgia, flash flooding concerns for the carolinas into virginia. It is weakening, that is the good news but still dropping quite a bit of rain. There is the latest track for the remnants of this storm today through friday and then we will be done with it and have to see what is next. Here is the additional rainfall we could see on order of four, six, eight inches in isolated amounts across portions of the midatlantic and southeast, tornado threat as well, the eastern part of the storm could produce week tornadoes and structural damage in these areas. Here is hurricane teddy, several systems are happening in the atlantic. The euro model, bermuda needs to watch this, expecting a major hurricane and into monday and tuesday will go towards the northeast . Here is one of our reliable forecast models, has it moving again towards bermuda making an impact on bermuda perhaps next weekend then maybe into the Maritime Provinces was we have to watch teddy. We have many days to do so and the other part of this is Hurricane Season is not over yet. We will continue to keep you up to date. Heather United Cajun Navy has boots on the ground. Jillian thank you for being here. What is your biggest challenge at this point . Reporter we mobilized to the area on the border of alabama and florida, divergent a lot of assets responding to hurricane laura. You showed previous segments caused significant damage to property, a lot of storm surge and we ended up with some water rescues in foley, alabama. Todd what is your plan of attack the next 24 hours . Lets keep an eye on the gulf and atlantic to see if we have anything else to worry about, we are moving into greek names because we are running out of the alphabet for storm names. We are making sure folks have enough water and other supplies, the officials can come in with her efforts. Jillian what damage are you seen on the ground, live pictures where you see boats all over the place, homes underwater, what are your crews seeing . A lot of the same thing, significant surge came in, seeing some flooding. A lot of homes on the gulf coast are built on stilts up off the ground, the water rose faster than folks expected and ended up getting trapped so they have to wait for those waters to reseed so they can get out assuming their vehicles werent flooded but a lot of boats, a lot of cars flipped, roof damage, a lot of places people vacationing on the beach, they sustained a lot of damage. Appreciate your time this morning, thanks so much. A judge is expected to revisit the 1 million bill for protesters in pennsylvania. 13 people were arrested outside the Lancaster Police station early monday, nine got the massive bailouts which a judge will let them make their case now they have attorneys, demonstrations going after the shooting death of Ricardo Nunez who was charged after charging an officer with a knife. Protesters in new york confront officers outside city hall. 16 demonstrators cited for Disorderly Conduct calling for the officers involved in the death of daniel proved to be fired and arrested. Body can Video Shows Police handcuffing prudent putting a covering over his head. A new report reveals city officials wanted to delay the videos release which it was made public 5 months after the incident. The United States is to move ahead with new sanctions on iran this weekend, this move sets up a new showdown with the United Nations. Reporter amid tensions between the United States and iran the Us Government says that any country doing business with the iranians could be sanctions under the un embargo that was in place. This embargo set to expire in october, unclear if the Un Security Council approve this unilateral move by the trump administration. In the past, us allies like france, germany and britain rejected the idea that the us can move forward with sanctions outside the framework of the 2015 nuclear deal. In 2018 donald trump will be us out of the deal and critics argue this gives the us no Bargaining Power within the framework. As iran moves forward with its Nuclear Program the secretary of state, mike pompeo says the arms embargo on the Islamic Republic will now be permanent. They remain the Worlds Largest state sponsor of terrorism and we dont believe they trade and weapons of war with impunity is acceptable. We will return to the United Nations to reimpose sanctions so the arms embargo will become permanent next week. Visa balance come as donald trump threatened the regime and to run earlier this week that he would attack them 1000 times greater if they launched an attack against the United States or its allies. This follows a report in politico indicating the iranians were planning to assassinate the Us Ambassador to south africa. Donald trump slamming democrats for not passing a coronavirus refill while calling on republicans to consider a larger stimulus the president tweeting democrats are heartless, they dont want to give to me with payments to people who desperately need the money, go for much higher numbers, republicans, it comes back to the usa anyway one way or another, the president encouraging Chuck Schumer and nancy pelosi, iowa senator Chuck Grassley believes the deal is unlikely. Here is how radical the people are controlling the house of representatives. We have a Bipartisan Group of 50 people. At 1 trillion. Do they want to do something or not. The senator believes pelosi will eventually get something passed but after the election. Big 10 conference will return for faulk football, conference pulling a 180 after postponing the season last month due to covid19. The legendary coach thanks donald trump for making this possible. Donald trump got involved because the players did not have a seat at the table. What he really did was offered the information on Different Things they have done for contacting different people and because of the improvement they made on covid19 testing that made it possible for the big 10 to feel comfortable moving forward. Reporter the season starts october 2, 04, that will be eight games with no fans, College Basketball wont be far behind, players start november 2, 05, one day before thanksgiving. Todd sarasotas controversial Unconditional Surrender statue can stay, that is the verdict from city leaders after republican congressman defended the monument which you see right there depicting the famous photo of a soldier kissing a woman after world war ii ended. They say that woman did not want to be kissed. I know it is a statue or do i . The survey said 80 of local residents wanted the statute to stay. They fight back against cancel culture and won. Jillian the first president ial debate two weeks away and while donald trump, joe biden stays close to home. The democrats lack of hustle shows 0 confidence in bidens message. That is next. Todd donald trump hitting the campaign trail in wisconsin while joe biden will speak to Senate Democrats over the phone. Will bidens lowlying strategy hurt his chances . Joining us with the answer media reporter for the hill, joe concha. We talk about bidens defense for a while but is this it . Is he literally going to run out the clock for the next 47 days . I think he thinks he has this big lead that he can display four corners and run out the clock, great sports analogy. I dont look at National Polls much because National Polls dont get us anywhere. Elections are decided in very few states, florida, north carolina, ohio, pennsylvania for example and if you look at the real clear politics index of polls it is always in the margin a are in those states along with michigan. The president could lose michigan and wisconsin and win pennsylvania, ohio, carolina, florida, keep the states he won in 2016 and when the presidency. Keeping that in mind. I look at enthusiasm because that is a big big number, one that we missed in 2016 when looking at all these polls, donald trump right now, fox news paul that just came out 59 of trump voters are enthusiastic to vote for the candidate with joe biden it is only 43 . What does that look like in 2016, this is the number that should alarm all biden supporters out there in the Biden Campaign, 2016 at this time 44 were enthusiastic to vote for hillary clinton, 35 were enthusiastic to vote for donald trump. In other words his numbers completely turned on its head. In this case biden if he thinks he can sit on a lead right now there is no wind at his back as far as people wanting to go out and vote for him and by not putting them out there it shows the campaign has almost 0 confidence in their candidate and their message. By saying donald trump is a bad guy, i am a good guy, we are not voting for a priest, we are voting for president and americans understand that. One way biden is getting out there is through advertising. Look at this, 65 million plus is what biden is spending on campaign ads in ten battleground states. Does this make sense for biden . Lean on the preproduced content, cant make a gaffe in a commercial . The Biden Campaign is homogenized, packaged, reminds me of the campaign i saw on the democratic side, they embrace authenticity, something joe biden over the years had to connect with people on the campaign trail. Hes not on the campaign trail. I dont feel Television Advertising has the pop it used to and donald trump has a good advertising arm of his own, 86 million followers on twitter. It is a wash in this case. Todd put your debate consultant hat on. What does each candidate need to do in the debates which are two weeks away . I was looking at that. I think donald trump needs to do more prep, probably just wing it because authenticity, he will be himself but it is like a heavyweight fight, you want to spar and train and prep a little better in that regard. Doesnt mean we want to homogenize donald trump either, something about the old navy seal saying which is the more sweating training the less you bleeding for. As far as joe biden is concerned if he does what he did in march of 2000 of 2020 against bernie sanders, 1on1 debate, hold his own, dont make too many gaffes and we will be okay, he will ask some uncomfortable questions particularly joe biden that he hasnt heard before because reporters arent asking him and joe biden gets defense event tends to get disoriented. In this regard joe biden has to do a lot of prep for his own on questions he hasnt face to this point. He did not say joe biden needs to play more songs from his phone. We will talk about that at a later time. We appreciate your time, we got to run, thanks as always. Joe biden not progressive enough for aoc. I think overall we can likely push Vice President biden in a more progressive direction. The new york congresswoman. She can push biden on policies including foreignpolicy, climate change, healthcare reform and Marijuana Legalization according to an interview. Interesting. Chris rock blasting nancy pelosi and the Democratic Party for prioritizing impeachment over the coronavirus. Telling the new york times, quote. Thing was we are going to get him impeached which was never going to happen. We can blame trump but he is the 5yearold. Republicans tell outright lies, democrats lead out key pieces of truth that would lead to a more nuanced argument. 49 minutes after the hour, the cdc director says masks provide more protection than a vaccine, the president disagrees. Is there clearcut answer. Doctor jeanette has been on the frontlines the beginning and joins us live next. Nah. Here . Nope. Here. When the middle of nowhere. Is somewhere. The allnew chevy trailblazer. The game doesnt end after a spectacular touchdown grab because theres always another team looking to punch one in. With nfl redzone from nfl network on xfinity, you get every touchdown from every game on sunday afternoons. All season long. Watch every breakout star, every heart pounding running attack and every bigtime defensive stop. Sundays were made for football on xfinity. Thats simple, easy, awesome. Add the more sports and entertainment package for nfl redzone. Click, call or visit a store today to learn more. Experts announced new at home rapid test for covid19 that uses Artificial Intelligence to get results in 15 minutes but is it reliable and what impact could have on the trajectory of the virus. Good morning, thank you for being here. A report that hasnt gained fda approval, Companies Pushing for emergency use authorization. Tell me what you know about this and how it would work. It is a great tool, you can do it in the comfort of your own home. You take a nasal swab, swab each nostril and put the swab in a little solution Internet Solution you let it sit for a few minutes and then put a few drops into a urinary tract test a pregnancy test and then you let it sit for a few minutes, take a picture of the result, send it to the apps on your sulfonated gives you the results within 15 minutes. I think it is a great idea, great tool to do at home, a test you can do at home and it could save your trip to the Doctors Office. The key is how much does it cost and is it accurate . So are the Company Claims it is 90 sensitive which that meet what we have compared to going to your Doctors Office. It is not received fda approval but hopefully soon it will with those High Sensitivity and specificity results they claim to have. Is this something that in your opinion would be used as a sole test for those results or safer argument take you get a positive, you still want to get a nasal swab and get it confirmed . Good question. If the tests are truly 90 sensitive and 100 specific that means it is a pretty accurate test which may mean you dont need to go to the Doctors Office and having these results in ram not having to wait for lab results for days or weeks could get you back into the community sooner rather than later. Lets talk about this, it had a lot of people talking, cdc director Robert Redfield said facemasks offer more protection than a vaccine. Lets take a listen. This facemask is more guaranteed to protect me against covid19 than when i take a covid19 vaccine. The most important powerful Public Health to we have. He walked back a little bit and send a tweet about 10 hours ago if we could put that on screen reading i 100 believe in the importance of vaccines and in particular of a covid19 vaccine which will get americans back to normal everyday life. I assume he took a lot of heat on that. I know the president disagreed, what is your opinion . It is not about what is more important but having many defensive tools in our back pocket to conquer this disease. We need multiple defenses, we need the vaccine, therapeutics, masks, lots of studies show masks can prevent 30,000 deaths every single year and also definitive evidence that shows vaccines save thousands of lives every year. Putting all these together handinhand we can conquer this disease, we need everything we can get that has been shown to work to fight the disease, not just one or the other. You need a whole Home Improvement project. Todd Rudy Giuliani taking action to mop up bill diblasios mess was the former mayors plan to get the big apple back on top, dont want to miss it. Own your look. With fewer lines. Theres only one botox® cosmetic. Its the only one. Fda approved. To temporarily make frown lines. Crows feet. And forehead lines. Look better. The effects of botox® cosmetic, may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. Alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness may be a sign of a lifethreatening condition. Do not receive botox® cosmetic if you have a skin infection. Side effects may include allergic reactions, injection site pain, headache, eyebrow, eyelid drooping, and eyelid swelling. Tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications including botulinum toxins as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. So, give that just saw a puppy look. And whatever that look is. Look like you. With fewer lines. See results at botoxcosmetic. Com on kings hawaiian bread yum kings hawaiian. Jillian this is a fox news alert, sally blamed for at least one death as the storm lashes the southeast. We are live in florida as janice dean tracks the system. Todd minneapolis leaders under pressure to end of violence in the city, now the same politicians trying to abolish the Police Department want to know where the officers are. Coronavirus Takes Center Stage on the campaign trail, Donald Trumps vaccine promise has joe biden gets the green light for National Mask mandate. Fox and friends first continues right now

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