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How the states governors reacting to a ruling he says leaves voters an impossible choice. My family has been dragged through the mud. I have a solution. Going for a walk. Do you want to get away . A dads viral solution to stir craziness has given everybody a much needed laugh. Fox and friends first starts right now. A very good morning to you. You are watching fox and friends first on tuesday morning. Straight to a fox news alert, the white house celebrates remarkable progress as the coronavirus outbreak may be stabilizing in some us hotspots. Shannon with death near 11,000 expert say now is not the time to let up the fight. Todd pyro joins us live in new york city and miami. That is right. So many of us change our lives dramatically in the last few weeks. In every that when combined with heroic action a medical professional seems to be working according to the vice president. Not only seeing remarkable progress in Washington State and california where the numbers remain low and steady, a great tribute to the people of both of those states and all of their dedicated healthcare workers, we are beginning to see a leveling, just at the very beginning. More positive developments in louisiana where the governor said he is hopeful they are beginning to see a flattening of the curve there, the state is no longer on track to run out of hospital beds and ventilators this weekend in new york the governor announcing hospitalization, icu admissions and daily intubation all down. A flattening of the curve there as well. This graph shows daily cases falling slightly and somewhat leveling off over the past few days but the battle is far from won the pentagon announcing 1500 military medical personnel will arrive in new york city by wednesday, many deployed to hospitals to help the citys overwhelmed medical staff. The pentagon also planning to build a Field Hospital at the Miami Beach Convention center which just two months ago was the site of so much of super bowl fun. Many Health Officials expect the first week of may to be floridas speak in the comfort now accepting patients regardless of whether they have coronavirus, the new jersey governor thanking the white house for allowing some of his States Residents access to beds on the medical ship. All this after we just got word that a crewmember tested positive for coronavirus and is now in isolation aboard that ship and we tried to end with positivity at the end of each of these hits, close to 20,000 people have recovered in the us from the virus, look forward to bringing you that number as it rises over the course of the next days, weeks, and months. Texas has checkpoints along the louisiana border to contain the outbreak, Texas Governor greg abbott issuing the order requiring drivers to complete a travel form in self quarantine for two weeks. The longhorn state has more than 8000 cases with 153 deaths. Chicago expanding benefits to Illegal Immigrants and refugees. Mayor Lori Lightfoot expected to make that announcement this morning, some of the citys initiative include paid sick leave during the states stay at home order and relief on rent payments. Walmart facing wrongful death lawsuit after one of its chicago area workers died from publications of the virus, the family of wanda evans claiming management ignored his symptoms and failed to alert other workers. He died two days after being sent home. A second employee, Philip Thomas also died from the virus at the same Evergreen Park location was walmart responding saying neither associate was at the store more than a week we took action to reinforce our cleaning and sanitizing measures. Divers are, the body of Robert F Kennedys granddaughter from chesapeake bay. Found in 25 feet of water near the familys home. Today the search continues for her 8yearold son who went missing last week after their canoe overturned, the daughter of former Lieutenant Governor Kathleen Kennedy townsend. Hundreds of thousands of voters expected to ignore a stayathome order and take part in wisconsins president ial primary. This despite the governors lastminute attempt to delay inperson voting. If jenkins joins us with the legal battle. Voters in wisconsin have the option to flexible polls despite existing stayathome orders. March 2, 05, the Us Supreme Court has final say with the governors attempt to delay the election by two months, issuing the statement following the decision saying they have to choose between exercising their right to vote and staying healthy and safe. The majority ruled against the press request writing extending the date by which ballots may be cast by voters for an additional 6 days after the election date fundamentally alters the nature of the election. Justice ginsburg writing she fears massive disenfranchisement as a result adding it puts voters in a predicament. Either they have to brave the polls endangering their own and others safety with a. The right to vote through no fault of their own. As a result, 2500 Wisconsin National guard members have been activated to help in all 72 counties, Wisconsin Election Commission spokeswoman had this to say. The National Guard is assisting i put on active order so if someone is a member of the Wisconsin National guard they are being asked to serve as a poll worker in the county of residence. Biden and sanderss campaigns made clear they will not be participating in any in person activities, they will be virtual but it looks to the next possible primaries, there are six coming up on april 28th, connecticut, delaware, maryland, new york, pennsylvania, rhode island, all six have been postponed but this decision perhaps the first volley in a long flight because we dont know how long this will go but the contest must go on. This decision certainly interesting. The la zoo ramping up Safety Measures for animals after a tiger contracted covid19. Workers taking care of a big cats and gorillas and other mammals Wearing Masks and gloves, encouraged to practice social distancing, those who is not planning on testing animals for the virus saying none are showing symptoms. A nasa astronaut takes honoring he was fighting the pandemic to new heights. Andrew morgan tweeting this photo from the International Space station. Look at this, the fdny and nypd set the world standard in Selfless Community service. We salute you and First Responders everywhere. The fdny thanking him for saluting there was an of our members and all those on the front lines of this fight. More stories like this for information on how you can help go to foxnews. Com america together. Doctor Anthony Fauci says a vaccine will help us get back to normal. I feel confident that over appear go of time we will get a vaccine and never have to get back to where we are now. It could take another year before one is widely available. How do you get back to life and stop the spread until then. Our next guest offers some advice. Haircuts not essential during this pandemic unless youre the mayor of chicago. Wait until you hear Lori Lightfoots justification for ignoring her own orders. When we get back to normal we will get back gradually to the point before we can function in society. If you want to get to precoronavirus that might never happen. Before we have a vaccine or widespread therapy that provides a shortterm immunity if that becomes possible then our movement back to normal will need to be somewhat gradual. Experts agree the United States may never return to normal as the Coronavirus Claims 10,000 american lives. This is a second American Company has study Clinical Trials in the race to find a cure. What do we need to do to curb the outbreak . Jillian joining us is professor of medicine at new york medical college, thank you for joining us. Appreciate it. What is your opinion . We are nowhere close to a vaccine in the near future. The hope is we have one next year but what do we need to do between now and then . Youve got to remember 85 of people with the disease are asymptomatic or just sick with something that appears to be the flu and these people, we import they stay home and not go anywhere. The 15 that are sick have to be treated. Usually a patient gets sick and comes to the hospital emergency room which is already overcrowded and we evaluate them. The major complaints are shortness of breath, we look at their pulse, the ability of blood to go from the lungs the blood and my gosh, we have to place a tube in the patient and put them in a ventilator, then we use medications. We have a variety of medications we are using and that includes hydroxy chloroquine, magnesium and the antiviral drugs which are a shot in the dark, the one we are trying to all get is remedy severe. You have to be a Clinical Trial site to get that. We are in the process of doing that. We are not sure it works so we basically try to sustain you even on the respirator and get you out of the hospital, get you off the respirator and out of the hospital. We did that with the first doctor from our emergency room who had this dreaded virus a month ago or so. He spent two weeks on the respirator and now is up, walking, talking, 70 years old, age doesnt matter at this point. The vaccine is very exciting but like Everything Else that has to be proven to be safe, phase i is being accelerated and rushed, phase 2 goes into more people, phase three is like we can start immunizing people that are at great risk and phase 4 it comes out for the public but im not expecting that until perhaps winter of 2021 or spring of 2021. If it is really rushed through. Vaccine has to be both effective and safe. That is the key. Lets look a couple vaccines there looking at, they will use Healthy Volunteers using the viruss genetic code and they are aiming for results late summer and look at the next one here, million doses by the end of the year. Moderna, you see the breakdown, the question is until one of these comes out and is safe and could be massproduced are we looking at a situation where we are not going to sports games, restaurants, bars until mid next year . Theres two possibilities. Anthony fauci mentioned it could be a cyclical disease like the flu. Of cyclical disease means it will run its course, burn itself out so there will be a low level, this is where mitigation comes in, this is where the importance of staying home is and i hope we are seeing some light in new york city where the number of cases, the number of ventilation uses, number of patients put in the icu are beginning to lower. I saw the data earlier, that is good news that mitigation works. If the fire was kind of dies out we are still going to have to be careful. Whether we go to sports games in the Movie Theater etc. I think will be possible if this medication works in the mitigation is really critical here and i think it is working. I really do. I havent seen a drop in our hospital yet, we are overwhelmed, we are preparing for this massive surge this weekend next weekend it is beginning to shape up. I have to put on extra doctors. I have doctors that are exhausted, nurses that are exhausted, we are trying to replace them with additional people from the outside and the military is going to help us. Everybody, doctors and nurses, staff working around the clock, we give them all our thanks because they really are thank you for joining us, doctor bob, thank you for the information, we appreciate it. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson now in intensive care with coronavirus, we are live in london with an update on his condition overnight in the Ripple Effect on his government. America is strong. No matter the events that unfolds, Law Enforcement officers stand ready to protect and serve. Lawenforcement teaming up to send a message of hope to the country to officers in that inspiring video, join us live. As we work to get through these times together, you may not be thinking about blood donation, but blood is needed to save the lives of people who are sick with a range of illnesses. Its easy and safe to give. If you are in good health, please donate. We need heroes now. Visit red cross blood dot org to schedule an appointment. Yeah. This moving thing never gets any easier. Well, xfinity makes moving super easy. I can transfer my internet and tv service in about a minute. Wow, that is easy. Almost as easy as having those guys help you move. We are those guys. Thats you . The truck adds 10 pounds. In the arms. Okay. Transfer your Service Online in a few easy steps. Now thats simple, easy, awesome. Transfer your service in minutes, making moving with xfinity a breeze. Visit xfinity. Com moving today. Good morning and welcome back. They risk their lives to keep us safe each and every day and now the brave men and women of Americas Police force are coming together virtually for message of hope in the face of covid19. Challenging and unpredictable times, we stand with you. Things seem scary during these times but remember america is strong. No matter the crisis, no matter the event that unfolds Law Enforcement officers stand ready to protect and serve. Hope is also contagious so keep spreading that around. Lieutenant brian shea, thanks for joining us, appreciate it. I will start with you. How has your job changed or has it since the outbreak began . Lawenforcement across the country has taken steps to mitigate their exposure to this, with the need to have Law Enforcement officers ready at all times. Weve taken steps to take officers who had a different approach to different situations, certainly calls the dont necessarily need an officer to be facetoface with somebody we are able to handle over the phone and thats one way weve medicated exposure for our offices. Looking at numbers of the death across the country, new york city pretty hard hit with 13, california with three and across the country on your screen. You guys have a job i would imagine is frightening every single day. You leave the door and dont know youre coming home at night, does this add another element of fear . It has the potential for that. I dont think most cops probably feel when they are going into work more afraid than before because the mindset it takes to do this job in general is one that you do walk out and have a certain level of confidence and hope that you are going to go out and do your best and come home safe but there is certainly a sense of i should make sure im taking extra precautions right now. This message of hope is so important right now to everybody across the country. What has the reaction been so far . Absolutely positively since this crisis really hit, the support for Law Enforcement in my experiences been evident. The public understands we have a job to do regardless of the risk, we are going to do that job and they have come together to help us in any way they can, bringing meals to the officers that may not be able to go home and have meals with their wife and children are husband and children. The support has been there and even when we go out into the public they understand we have to take steps to mitigate how far we go in terms of getting close to individuals but certainly like mike said weve got into this job for a reason and understand those risks and we are going to be there to ensure public safety. Ryan talked about support for Law Enforcement, if you look at the statistic, prior to covid1929 of americans had confidence in the police, that number only 29 , hard to look at that number or even say that number. Do you think that changes after this . I hope every circumstance lawenforcement faces but that we as a society are facing can help bring that number up. It is a sad number to hear, all we can do is say we cant change the past but what we can do now is engage the situation were in and do our absolute best and hope people that see that can recognize we are in this together in those numbers go up. Thank you for joining us and thank you for what you are doing each and every day, appreciate it. Have a good day. Wuhan then and wuhan now. A dramatic difference in just two month as china claims to have had no new deaths. An improvement regardless but beijing is back in the hot seat accused of selling donated medical supplies. We are live with that. Despite the heroic efforts and good work of our local election officials. There is not a sufficiently safe way to administer in person voting. Wisconsins primary will go on today but one mayor says that will put thousands of lives at risk. He joins us live with a demand for lawmakers. Good morning, back with a fox news alert, World Leaders sending Boris Johnson messages of support as he fights covid19 in the intensive care units. An update on his condition this morning. The update is no real change. Boris johnson at st. Thomas hospital in london. He is in fact battling coronavirus and according to one newspaper is battling for his life. The Statement Last night from number 10 downing street said in part over the course of the afternoon the condition of the Prime Minister has worsened and on the advice of the medical community he has been moved to the intensive care unit of the hospital. The Prime Minister was diagnosed ten days ago, left self quarantine sunday night, then apparently there was a rapid deterioration in his condition including high fever, persistent coughing and that prompted the move to the icu. Hes not on a ventilator, hasnt been prepared for one but according to one report has received four liters of oxygen to help with breathing. World leaders responding sending messages to the Prime Minister including a message from donald trump who is a good friend of Boris Johnson, important ally in various foreign gatherings. Listen to what he said. I want to send best wishes to a good friend of mine and friend to our nation, Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Americans are praying for his recovery. He has been a good friend, something very special, resolute, doesnt quit, doesnt give up. Reporter there is no succession procedure in the uk. Acting in place right now deputized as Prime Minister is the equivalent of the secretary of state, foreign secretary dominic rob. Uses johnson is getting the best care possible. The uk is dealing with its own coronavirus challenge, over 5000, 50,000 cases. China in the hot seat accused of forcing italy to buy back critical medical supplies donated to beijing at the start of the pandemic. Allegations come as china lifted lockdown and crowds flocked to tourist sites. Reporter good morning. In the report indicates the Chinese Government forced italy to buy group of medical supplies originally supposed to be donated. According to this report some of the personal protective equipment was donated to china from italy when the coronavirus outbreak began, china making italy pay to get their access donations as many European Countries have said recently purchased chinese gear and tests are not working properly, china is in the news today, the italians have reached out to numerous countries to get equal into the country remains overwhelmed. One piece of good news, the number of new cases in italy and of the us allies in europe is dropping. There is new concern as countries in asia are returning to normal very rapidly, japan assessed to declare a state of emergency over the virus pandemic after using restrictions last month and new images out of china show large crowds of people at popular tourist sites. Senator Lindsey Graham reacted on fox news. Take a listen. If it were up to me, the world should send china a bill for the pandemic, this is the third pandemic to come out of china from these wet markets where they have bats and monkeys with the virus carrying the virus intermingled with the food supply. I would make china pay big time. Clearly each country around the world is handling the coronavirus outbreak differently. We do now in israel just a few hours from now the entire country is going to go into a permanent or semipermanent lockdown through the passover holiday in an effort to slow the spread here. Now to this happening in wisconsin, polling sites are preparing to open for the primary election. This comes after the Supreme Court blocked an executive order to postpone due to covid19. Reporter cases topping 125. It is forcing voters to choose between their safety and their right to vote. Most wisconsins dont care about political fighting or battles going on in the courts, they are just scared right now and scared of going to the polls. There is not a sufficiently safe way to administer in person voting. Tim cabot joins us to discuss the widespread impact on this years election. Thank you for joining us. I know that you are one of nine mayors that wrote a letter to the health apartment requesting a mail in election only. Were you surprised . I really am. The stay at home order the governor issued encourages our citizens to stay home. Having in person voting contradicts that. A group of us got together to urge the secretary to stop the in person voting and go to a male only process here. Rob the Supreme Court got involved, the majority position, extending the vote fundamentally changes the nature of the election. The dissent on the other side of the says voters have to brave the polls and risk their safety or lose their right to vote. Both sides think they have a point. Which side do you think is right . To air on the side of keeping citizens safe and go to things like mail ballots, and extend the voting, other states around the country have done that, wisconsin the only one taking to the april primary requiring people to go out of their homes and cast a ballot in person. At the local level we are trying to make everything as fair and accessible as possible, we have a challenge to work at keeping our citizens and poll workers and people safe and that will be difficult to do today. Lets look at the Republican Party chairmans statement, quote, the confusion and time wasted as a result of multiple lawsuits when we should have been solely focused on preparing for challenging election is sad and unfortunate. The Democratic Party chair tweets of this, the Supreme Court legislated from the bench following trumps team orders writing a new election law to disenfranchise thousands of wisconsin voters and consigned an unknown number of wisconsinites to their death. What do you make of that . Our goal is to keep people safe. The experience in march, what michigan dealt with having in person voting. What we are concerned about in wisconsin is we will see things like his people come out of their homes and gather, we will still try to keep people safe but i put the blame on the state legislature for not addressing this weeks ago when they were able to make changes and allow people to vote by mail or postpone until june. Interesting story, thank you for your time, we appreciate it. A democrat and experiment will treatment that she says saved her life. Donald trump had not talked about this it would not be accessible for anyone right now. Rob could it be in jeopardy . The concern growing that drug supply, the drug could be in short supply. A show of thanks to frontline medical workers doing heroic work day in and day out . Or next guest offering free rooms after learning a nurse trying to keep her loved ones safe. The antimalarial drug sparking National Debate in the fight against covid19 and now a Michigan Democratic state representative said it saved her life. Jackie ibanez has more on this. I saw this interview last night as if it werent for the president mentioning it she wouldnt of known she could use it. Pretty phenomenal. Karen is giving Many Americans hope that certain drugs can help patients when their battle with coronavirus. Crediting hydroxy chloroquine for saving her life. You have to given an opportunity and for me it saved my life. If donald trump is not talked about this it would not be something that is accessible for anyone to get that right now. Donald trump tweeting so glad to see you getting better. Hydroxy chloroquine safety approved for some uses including treating malaria and rheumatoid arthritis. It is used to treat patients in controlled Clinical Trials. Doctor Anthony Fauci said dont put much promise in the drug until the trial. The data are at best suggestive. You have been cases that show there may be an effect on others to show there is no effect. In terms of science i dont think we can definitively say. Donald trumps trade advisor is pushing back on that. I let him speak for himself but i would have two words, second opinion. Doctors disagree about things all the time. Doctor burke says it is a conversation between the doctor and patient. We do a lot of drug use off label, physicians do all the time and that is why the president made clear that this is up to the physician and the patient. 4000 patients are being treated with the drug in new york, across 56 hospitals, university of Albany School of Public Health as their primary study could come back in weeks instead of months. Meantime they are taking steps to increase supplies after the drug was put on the shortages list. Rob thank you so much. After hearing about a nurse who had to sleep on her own balcony to maintain safe distance from her family while she fights covid19 text mayor set out to change that exchanging free rooms at a luxury hotel for some of the medical heroes who are on the front lines. A great story. Joining me sean harry. We appreciate you coming on. I want to start, tell me the story of this nurse, how you found this out and what she has gone through. It is pretty cool. Appreciate you having me on this morning. We had two ladies that started emily phillips, two ladies started it with emilys husband, a doctor, do you have an rv i can borrow. They call a friend in brought an rv over and said we can help more seeing social media posts. I saw facebook post, looking for a play, she was a nurse from mecca and the rv, wouldnt allow her to keep it at the apartment complex, so you got any ideas . The vp of center in america, just put her there and my boss called me up and said lets dedicate two floors and help people that are helping us. Rob you were the perfect person this, you work for the company that owns this hotel and you are the mayor. What kind of response have you gotten after making this move . 18,000 people, we our hashtag his life connected. It has been awesome to connect not just life but this thing has turned out to be a nationwide event and so being able to do this, we filled up in 48 hours, my emails i going crazy. It is awesome how people come together at a time like this. Rob lets read a statement from this hotel group, they are doing a great thing, statler is the name of the hotel designating two floors of its guestrooms to medical professionals serving on the front lines. Centurion American Development group wants to alleviate and show appreciation for the sacrifices they make every day for the health of our citizens, talk about the private sector and all they are trying to do. It is a beautiful thing. Is beautiful because after we put this out there are other businesses that have stepped up. We are fortunate that we own some restaurants and refine hospitality, robert hall has partnered with us and stepped up and we are feeding him breakfast, lunch and dinner, josh, property management, asset manager, we are going to open up a third floor tomorrow to continue helping people. There was a local Carpet Cleaning company that wanted to come in and say we will clean the carpets for you. Lets band together and do this. If anybody wants information on this you can go to centurion care. Mayor sean terry, thank you so much. We appreciate it. We will be right back. Awesome internet. Its more than just fast. It keeps all your devices running smoothly. With builtin security that protects your kids. No matter what theyre up to. It protects your info. And gives you 24 7 peace of mind. That if its connected, its protected. Even that that petcamera thingy. [ whines ] can your internet do that . Xfinity xfi can because its. Simple, easy, awesome. [ barking ] [ one morwoo me by[ laughing ] woo play pop music no way dude, play rock music yeah woah no matter what music you like, stream it now on pandora with xfinity. And dont forget to catch Trolls World Tour in theaters and at home on demand friday. Rated pg. Lets party people one more time donald trump striking a deal with 3m after a public dispute over exporting masks and not putting america first. The agreement will bring 55 million facemasks to the with every month in addition to 35 million masks. 3m isnt the only company answering the call to action. Cvs opening new drivethrough coronavirus testing sites, the pharmacy giant says the sites can conduct 1000 tests every day, the tests are free but require patients to register online first. Chicagos mayor Lori Lightfoot is spotted breaking social distancing to get a haircut just one week after she made this psa. The data shows social distancing works. Please pay attention, stay home, save lives. Get your roots done, that is not essential. Carley shimkus here with the social media sound off in the mayors defense. Reporter the citys barbershops and hair salons are shutdown to try to stop the spread a photo surfaced of Lori Lightfoot posing with a hairdresser after getting a haircut leading to serious back lash. She has defend herself saying the woman who cut my hair had a mask and gloves, i am practicing what i am preaching, i take my personal hygiene very seriously. I felt i needed to have a haircut, she needed a haircut because she is a public face of the city. People across social media are cutting into her. Carol on twitter says no excuses, dont you think we would all like to have a haircut . Dont you think all stylists would like to be working . Another twitter user says she missed in a promise opportunity to lead by example and show solidarity with the sacrifices she is asking the people shes leading to make. She is getting some backlash from both republicans and democrats. It was posted on social media by her . How very elitist. The nypd has been plagued by this virus but we have good news. I will dive into this post because it says it all. The nypds nineteenth precinct said welcome back to one of our first officers fully recovered from covid19, the mask is only for extra protection. We are glad to have him back. A lot of folks on social media happy about that. One twitter user says phenomenal news, tremendous Police Officers on the upper east side. That is where the nineteenth precinct is located. Excellent is considering 2200 members. It is great to see that. The quarantine situation the family has been driving me nuts. I have a solution. I call it going for a walk. You didnt think i would actually go for a walk, did you . Some people are using this social isolation to get healthy. Others are drinking beer. That video posted by the youtube channel, 400,000 views lots of laughs. Go for the walk, then drink beer. And hide for your wife while drinking beer. It is 5 minutes until the top of the hour. Americans have questions after being advised wear masks in public. Should they be reused . A doctor is answering the questions. Out delivered to the doorstep. 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Not only thing remarkable progress in Washington State and california but we are seeing a leveling. Tuesday april some of the fox news alert. Is america braces for the worst of the covid19 pandemic proof that social distancing is working in the nations first hotspots. Rob live with the next steps as states report good news. The Supreme Court gets the final word on todays election as wisconsin wait in limbo. The states governors reacting to a ruling that leaves voters an impossible choice. The ipad, two winners

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