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I will release children from cages. I will get rid of the private Detention Centers. On day one we take out our executive order and we rescind everything damn thing on this issue. Brian there you go. Round 2 of week one took place last night. I would have to say, guys, much more interesting. Much more aggressive last night and much more revealing. Steve i think the candidates we saw last night were watching night one and they realize you had there is no price to pay when you are at this debate and you interrupt because the moderators were, you know, they were challenged to try to keep everybody running on the same track but there were so many interruptions the Washington Post this morning suggest that perhaps they should consider cutting peoples mikes. Lisa some of that made the candidates look bad because have you senator Kirsten Gillibrand who continues to cut. In i dont necessarily think that painted her well. You are right. Yesterdays debate or the night before, two entirely different debate like the jv squad vs. Varsity. Brian we are running out of kettle drum music. Go to the prompter. We have Team Coverage in south florida. Todd piro has gotten full expenses and per diem pay for him to go to a diner this morning where griff has taken money out of his own pocket to take care of his own accommodations. He will be reimbursed later. Begin with griff live outside the debate hall. Griff . Griff good morning, brian, steve, and lisa. Two nights of 20 candidates debating on a stage in miami. One question for the nation who if any would break out of the pack and challenge frontrunner joe biden. We now have our answer senator Kamala Harris. She has talked about being a little girl in california being bussed to Public School to integrate and directly challenged biden on his record on race. It is a moment you will hear about again and again today. But it wasnt the only. Of course on stage Bernie Sanders the architect of todays far Left Progressive position on healthcare, medicare for all. You saw an absolute embrace from all of the candidates on that position. You even saw at one point all of the candidates raising their hands over the question of whether or not they would be supporting healthcare for 11 million undocumented immigrants. That was certainly a moment as well as we move forward after tonights debate. But, when the candidates were asked, look, if you can only get one thing done, your top priority, your top issue, what do you fight for . Here is a little bit of what they had to say. Listen. Ending gun violence. Climbed change. Passing a family bill of rights. Passing a middle class working families tax cut. Take on the special interest. Defeat donald trump. Got to fix our democracy. 1,000 freedom dinksd for every american. Climate change. My first call is to Prime Minister of new zealand. Now the president was also watching from afar. No surprise. And is he tweeting about it. Here is what he had to say about it. Quote im in japan at the g20 representing our country well. I heard it was not a good day for sleepy joe or crazy bernie. One is exhausted, the other is nuts. Whats the big deal . I guess we will see if the president has more to say. Joe biden heads now to chicago where he will headline a dinner for referenced jesse jacks Push Coalition in chicago. Certainly his race record will come up in this environment. We will see what that brings us. Also, dont forget, there was a question of how much the moderate voices would play in this one on the first night john delaney and last night John Hickenlooper no. Room for moderate voices if the first night is any indication. Remember, its 8 months to go before the first primary we will see if that moderate voice comes back. Guys . Steve we will indeed. Griff, thank you very much. After night one, we were struggling to figure out what the most memorable sound bites were. Lisa there werent a lot. Steve griff just touched on one of them. All looking to congress to fix the problem at our southern border, which they have not done. They have passed a spending bill. That was about it yesterday. Meanwhile the moderator asked a question that got everybodys attention including that guy who is currently in japan. Watch this. Raise your hand if your government plan would provide coverage for undocumented immigrants. [cheers and applause] steve yep, thats unanimous. Brian pretty telling. Something when you look at our Healthcare System and how much it costs and how people are struggling to get insurance, why would you give priority to people maybe as many as 22 million and give them healthcare . And then think about what that means. If you are in guatemala, nigeria, norway or some place else and come to this country, now is the perfect fulltime sneak across our border have you free healthcare. What else free . Just about everything else. Drivers license as well. Lisa brian, you are absolutely right. Our policies in this country incents advise Illegal Immigrants and Pay Attention to what politicians are saying in the country. Democrats say look if i become president free healthcare for everyone including Illegal Immigrants of course you are going to want to make that trip. Steve the president saw that and heard about it and tweeted out this. All democrats just raised their hands for giving millions of illegal aliens Unlimited Healthcare. How about taking care of american citizens first . Thats the end of the race. Glad we finally got to see that. Meanwhile the New York Post put the cover of that shot and it says who wants to lose the election . And i think we have a full screen all major Democratic Candidates raised hand in favor of Illegal Immigrants. Brian so the party that had bill clinton go out and talk about the need to crack down on border and he was first to build the wall. Barack obama who sat down in an interview and said all of these unaccompanied minors have you got to go home. And families coming here turn around. Now all of a sudden it has dramatically changed and Vice President joe biden just said what the heck has happened. Im 76 years old. I dont recognize anybodys policies but i will pretend to go along with it. Here is joe biden who was challenged. I thought he was going to be challenged on a myriad of things. Did i not expect Kamala Harris to hold in her pocket her personal story about busing. Kamala harris, to weigh in so strongly, when it was cory booker who took her on when joe biden how he dealt with segregationists in the 1970s. Watch how biden not recover from. I do not believe you are a racist and i also believe and its personal and it was actually very hurtful to hear you talk about the reputation of two United States senators who built their reputation and career on the segregation of race in this country. You also worked with them to oppose busing. And you know, there was a little girl in california, who pass part of the second class to integrate her Public School. And she was bused to School Every Day. And that little girl was me. Thats a mischaracterization of my position across the board. I did not praise racists. Do you agree today that you were wrong to oppose busing in america then . No. Do you agree. Did i not oppose busing in america. What i opposed was busing ordered by the department of education. Lisa whats interesting is it looks like this was thought out by the campaign. Kamala harris tweeted out after this remark a picture of her and said there was a little girl in california who was bussed to school a picture of herself. I wonder, you guys she had gone after him three times first on i understand congratulation and immigration. And days he worked with senator eastland and the busing comments. Was it overdone . Do you think it comes across as too much at that point . Brian no. I thought she nailed it. Her tone was perfect. Her personal story if it holds up i imagine it did knocked tout of the park. Joe biden was fact checked by the new york times. He was the leading owe opponent of busing in the 1970s and 1980s. Amended bills from seeking busing as a tool of desegregation. Limiting federal funding for busing and allowing the federal public to participate to remove Court Ordered busing. I dont want to debate busing but you cant debate where he stood. Steve he said he was against busing from the department of education. He tried to clarify it. Brian it didnt work. Steve then he said im out of time. Brian which is raze to end likes that . Steve he is out of luck. Is he out of gas. Lisa Kamala Harris wasnt the only one who went after joe biden former Vice President. Eric swalwell, congressman Eric Swalwell took a swipe at him over generational issues. Watch this. I was 6 years old when a president ial candidate came to the California Democratic convention and said its time to pass the torch to a new generation of americans. That candidate was then senator joe biden. Joe biden was right when he said it was time to pass the torch to a new generation of americans 32 years ago. He is still right today. If we are going to solve the issues of automation, pass the torch. We are going to solve the issues of climate a chaos. Pass the torch. If we are going to pass the student loan debt, pass the torch. Im Still Holding on to that torch. Lisa thats damaging, i think. Steve it just does make clear there is a whole new generation of younger democrats in the left wing ready to go. Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders who is about as far as to the left as you can get, he, under questioning from the moderators, admitted that with medicare for all, there is a price well pay. Watch this. That. Healthcare in my view is a human right. And we have got to pass a medicare for all single payer system. Will you raise taxes for the middle class in the Sanders Administration . People who have healthcare under medicare for all will have no premiums no, deductibles, no copayments, no out of pocket expenses, yes. They will pay more in taxes but less in healthcare for what they get. Steve pay more in taxes. He finally said it. Brian Bernie Sanders has likes to yell at you and say the same thing all over again. Lisa and his hands are very interesting. Brian he has no answer, lisa, for the fact that he nobody has ever done anything that he has put out there. He has never executed any of his plans, period. In fact, in the state of vermont they decided to give single payer and they decided to go ahead and do it. Guess what happened . It was rejected by voters because it turns out they bring a total of 2. 7 billion in tax money. They would have to ask the constituents of vermont for 2. 5 billion annually to pay for it. This would be an enormous burden, so they scrapped it. Then he uses canada as an example. And it was parroted right back to him you are comparing canada 35 million to a country of 300 million . Where are any of your programs working and dont tell me england is the model or canada is the model when they they get some type of surgery thats complicated or you need it expeditiously, they come here. Lisa brian, heres the thing. The estimates for the medicare for all put about 30 trillion over the course. Now we have democrats talking about giving healthcare to Illegal Immigrants as well. As you had estimated yale had estimated 332 trillion. You can see how that doesnt add up from a money standpoint. Have you got to figure the trump camp is delighted. Lisa even just the image of everybody he will holding up their hand. Thats an attack ad. Steve video, picture. Ari fleischer former press secretary to the president was watching the last two nights. He has had great tweets. Last night he tweeted this out the democratic plan for the future, number one decriminalize illegal border crossings. Number two, provide illegals with drivers licenses. Number three, fro vide illegals with free healthcare. Number four watch illegal immigration soar. Five, create a path to citizenship, and six win elections. And ari says that is what this is about. Brian this is what republicans have to do. This is the issues that do matter no, matter who you talk to outside or probably whether you are watching in wisconsin or texas. Healthcare matters to all of you. Immigration matters to all of you. And Students Loan debts matters to most of you. These issues got to be solved and addressed. But you just saw how 10, maybe 20 people would address it. Is that good enough . I know one thing. Its not practical under our current budget. So, its up to republican and the president to make it clear what he would do. Steve so, today were the post game show for last nights debate. Who do you think the winners and losers are . Email us friends foxnews. Com. We are also on facebook. Lisa also, you have comments on some of the things you heard last night. Do you think we should give healthcare to Illegal Immigrants living in the country. Let us know. Steve more importantly what did you think of andrew yang not wearing a necktie. Lisa it was miami. Brian terrible do. A debate and forget to talk. He was on for awful three minutes. I have no idea by he was there or Marianne Williamson. I kept forgetting she was there and then she would step in. Maybe its better if you dont talk. I dont know. Just a thought. Steve we have a busy morning kicking off now. Thanks for joining us. Democrats taking dreamers onto the debate stage. I will immediately, by executive action, reinstate daca status and daca protection to those young people. Steve okay. Up next a dreamer who supports President Trump and his wall with reaction to what they heard last night. Brian plus, it is friday, the turf is out and the america Concert Series is up and running and continues with get, this walker haste. He was singing at 4 00 in the morning and boy are neighbors angry. I wanted more from my copd medicine. Thats why ive got the power of 1 2 3 medicines with trelegy. The only fdaapproved 3in1 copd treatment. Trelegy. The power of 123. Trelegy 123 trelegy. With trelegy and the power of 1 2 3, im breathing better. Trelegy works 3 ways to. Open airways,. Keep them open. And reduce inflammation. For 24 hours of better breathing. Trelegy wont replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Trelegy is not for asthma. Tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high Blood Pressure before taking it. Do not take trelegy more than prescribed. Trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. Call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling. Problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. Think your copd medicine is doing enough . Maybe you should think again. Ask your doctor about oncedaily trelegy and the power of 1 2 3. Trelegy 123 save at trelegy. Com i will immediately, by executive action, reinstate daca status and daca protection to those young people. I will further extend protection for deferral of deportation for their parents. I would fight for comprehensive Immigration Reform with a pathway to citizenship. Second, i would reform how we treat Asylum Seekers at the border. Brian okay 2020 democrat candidates sharing proposals including executive actions to protect daca recipients. Would that be a good idea . Lisa here with reaction is daca recipient and trump supporter hilario llenas. You look under president obama, he had more deportations than President Trump has. You had a lot of the photos surfacing from his time and his administration of children in cages. But, President Trump is treated differential b differene immediately and the left. When you hear democrats different story around election time were going to promise this and promise that were going to fix immigration. When it comes down to it its always tomorrow. Its always gained to gain votes towards the hispanics. We can no longer wait. I say right now you have a president who is willing to make a deal across the aisle. Its time, you know, with the campaign towards and work with this president because he wants to fix actual solutions. Brian you came here when you were 1. Your mom brought you here. President obama gave daca status. You were able to get a job. You are 26 years old right now. And you wouldnt be able to get that job and get healthcare without the daca status. The president is sympathetic to that but he wants to do a bigger deal. You want people to get your status but yet you also want bordeBorder Security. How do you meld the two . Well, you need both parties to come together and put their own political difference. We can no longer wait until 2020 which i dont understand why everyone right now is who is at the debate in the past couple days they are not talking about what can i do to reach across the aisle. What can i do to work with republicans . Its always, always about well lets just grant amnesty to everybody. Lets just do everything. And they forget about the Border Security aspects. If you want to have Immigration Reform, you have to have immigration control. We need both parties to come together and we need democrats to step up to the plate and work with this president. Lisa hilario about that we have been hearing about decriminalizing border crossings and policies like that. Will that incentivize more illegal immigration . You know, immigration is a very complex issue. Its completely complex. We need both parties to Work Together. We need both leadership right now. Lisa hilario if you have these families in Central America and hearing here in the United States healthcare to Illegal Immigrants, does that not incentivize . Well, thats part of the complex issue. We need to work on Border Security. We need to work on finding a permanent solution for dreamers. Also, what can we do to prevent these migrants coming and making this long, dangerous journey. Brian you are a strong spokesperson for the daca status. The president wants to do a deal. He almost had one. Lets hope he goes back and gets one. Thank you so much. Thank you. God bless. Brian 26 years old working at a fortune 500 company. Lisa President Trump and Vladimir Putin coming face to face overnight and this happened. [shouting questions] brian more on the g20 summit. Behind closed doors now. Advil is. Relief thats fast. Strength that lasts. Youll ask. What pain . With advil liquigels. 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President trump is about to join the other g20 leaders for cultural event and dinner here in osaka, japan most of his evening focused around that evening with russian president Vladimir Putin. It was their first meeting since the special Counsel Robert Mueller came out with his report finding. The russian government had sweeping and systematic interference in the 2016 election. A reporter asked the president if he planned to tell putin not to meddle nut in theup coming u. S. Election. [shouting questions] don discuss arms control, venezuela and ukraine, all points of contention against the United States and russia. Tomorrow the president is scheduled to meet with chinese president xi jinping. Middle trade fight threatening to escalate. The president said tonight it will be a productive meeting. Though offered no sense of what the discussion might produce. The United States has put tariffs on 250 billion worth of chinese imports into the United States and is on schedule to put tariffs on the rest of chinas imports, about 300 billion worth. Brian . Brian thanks, rich. They cant let up on huawei or else a huge backlash on america. Steve steve you are right. Im right here. John hickenlooper sounding off on Bernie Sanders for america. Watch this passage. Anyway what he said was if we dont clearly define we are not socialists, republicans are going to come at us every way they can. The vermont senator hitting back by taking swipes at President Trump but is hickenlooper right for calling out sanders. Jason chaffetz, policy director of the conservative Partnership Institute rachel brevard and democratic strategist and senior contributor of millennial politics max burns. Welcome. Max, what did you make of John Hickenlooper saying to bernie we cant be socialists or we are going to lose. I dont know where John Hickenlooper has been republicans have been calling democrats socialists since 18888. They are going to do it whether or not we are advocating policies that are actually socialist. And very few were willing to get on to a full Bernie Sanders, dems socialist platform. Steve it was a race to see who could be the most left person there maybe not socialist but way to the left. Absolutely. Call a spade a spade long enough eventually they will admit it. This party is so far to the left. We are talking medicare for all. Elimination of private health insurance. Talking decriminalization of the border. And we are talking tax hikes on the middle class. This is a party that is so far to the left joe biden doesnt even know what to do with it. Steve jason, you are smiling because this is the narrative by republicans. We are going to campaign you cant have socialists run the country. The policy prescriptions put forward by the democrats i dont think are going to be accepted by the mainstream. They may be lurching to the left to get the democratic support out there. If you look at taking away peoples prescriptions or taking away their healthcare insurance. You look at the proillegal alien viewpoint. I think they are so out of touch, i dont see how they bring more people into the party. I think they are repelling people every time they stand up and debate. Steve of course, there is a crisis at our southern border. We have been talking about it for months. Meanwhile the democrats on the stage last night in miami brought up immigration. They talked about it a lot. Here is some of that. Listen to this. There is nothing he will not do to separate a family and for a party that associates itself with christianity has lost all claim to ever use religious language again. Those who come seek asylum we should immediately have the capacity to absorb them, keep them safe. I will release children from cages. I will get rid of the private Detention Centers. I would not be spending money in for profit prisons to lock up children and Asylum Seekers. Steve of course there was also that memorable moment when can i see the hands who would support healthcare for people who are in the country illegally . Glafn. Everybody that has gone on to actually win the presidency had a degree of optimism with them. Everybody from reagan and bush and bill clinton to barack obama, but i heard none of that over the last two nights. They were doing everything they could to take away your freedom. Put government first. Take more taxes. I dont think that resonates. I saw no degree of optimism coming from those democrats it will hurt them come election. Steve it was a grim on election both nights. We need to be clear on one thing. Democrats are now unabashedly the party of open borders. We saw no discussion of Border Security or enforcement. It was simply lets decriminalize border crossers. That is, without question, open borders. Thats where we are now as a party, as a democrat party. Steve max . This is such bogus outrage is anyone going to pretend that donald trump ran a positive primary campaign when he ran. Calling rand paul ugly and jeb bushs wife an illegal immigrant. People like Pete Buttigieg and Kamala Harris and Julian Castro stood out because they put forward an optimistic view of the country. Steve lets do a lightning round ask you who the winner and loser was. Max start where you the democrats. From last night the winner easily Kamala Harris. I think she commanded the stage from the beginning and put joe biden on the ropes in a way that he didnt really recover from the second half. Steve what happened to joe . Joe biden came in knowing exactly what he needed to do and the problems that he needed to fix with his base. He not only failed to do it. But he actually doubled down in a way that makes him look incredibly out of touch with the party today. Steve first person to say hey im out of time i have got to shut up. Who is the loser . I would say its an even tie between joe biden and donald trump. If im donald trump watching Kamala Harris or Elizabeth Warren i would say i cant compete with this. Steve rachel . Kamala harris walked away completely in charge. Owned the stage. Steve loser. Joe biden. The party is galloping past him. He has no idea what is going on. Steve jason, who was the loser last night . I think Bernie Sanders. He used to be out there all by himself. Had a unique message. Now he seems to be in the mix and fading fast. I saw no energy out of him and he couldnt answer the basic questions other than yes, your taxes are going to go way, way up under my plan. At least is he honest. Steve who is your winner . I think donald trump is stronger politically today than he has ever been. Steve why did i know you were going to say that. I really do believe that. Steve on this panel we have somebody who says donald trump was the winner and somebody who says he was the loser. I cant believe we disagree. Im very disappointed. Steve check out jason, he will be back in the studio doing outnumbered today at noon eastern. Max and rachel and jason, thank you. Steve joe biden taking to task on race. Did you see this . It was hurtful to hear you talk about the reputation of two United States senators who built their reputation and career on the segregation of race in this country. Steve diamond and silk are going to weigh in on that coming up next. Plus, todd piro is having breakfast with friends in miami. What did the voters think about last night . We will check in with todd coming up next. Good morning the rest of my life is going to start today your brain changes as you get older. But prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. 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Get started at fastsigns. Com. I do not believe you are a racist. I also believe and it is personal, it was actually very hurtful to hear you talk about the reputations of two United States senators who built their reputation and career on the segregation of race in this country. You know, there was a little girl in california who was part of the second class toll integrate her Public School and she was bussed to School Every Day and that little girl was me. This is a mischaracterization of my position across the board. Did i not praise racists. Im the guy to extended the Voting Rights act for 20 years. Implement very strongly deal with the fact of the notion of denying people access to the ballot box. I agree that everybody my time is up. Im sorry. Brian wow. That was awkward. Steve never seen that before. Kamala harris grilling former Vice President joe biden on race record. On one of the most talk about the moments in passages from last nights democratic debate. Lisa here to react to all of it is diamond and silk. Is Vice President joe biden vulnerable on issues of race . Well, yes, he is. If you look at his past, his history, and his record, especially when he gave a Senate Floor Speech back in 1993 about the crime bill. It echoed the sentiments of bigotry and racism. What i dont understand is who is advising joe biden. Why didnt he hit Kamala Harris back on her record when it comes to race how she has droves of black men locked up as a prosecutor. She didnt defend them. Why didnt he hit her back . Because she doesnt have a pretty past. Hers is just as ugly. Lisa how so. It is Kamala Harris. Lisa how so . Because Kamala Harris was a prosecutor that had black men locked up for the same thing she was doing smoking weed. She does not have a good record. Thats right. Okay . So im looking at them. Joe biden should have hit her back. Her record is not clean either. And then how is kamala record same record and family. Its not just joe biden. Its the party that democrats are the party of segregation and she supports it. Right. Steve she not only went after joe biden. She went after donald trump and Donald Trumps economy as well. And i believe we have a sound bite. Lets go ahead and go to that right now. We dont have a sound bite. She said this president walks around talking about and flouting the great economy, right . And what she claimed was that people are forced to work multiple jobs to make ends meet under trumps economy. Why didnt he say that up under obamas economy when people were working two and three jobs. Shame on Kamala Harris. Because if she believes in income equality, then what about the people that live out there the state she represents the homelessness thats on the street that dont have any income. What about . Who cares about income inequality . Brian most people watching right now have had two jobs at most points in their life. I never blamed the president whoever it was at the time. I think on some level, diamond, the democrats dont want this argument the main reason is they are the ones who gave birth to the ku klux klan it was a republican, abraham lincolns party that up until the 1960s that would push back against racism. Thats right. Brian somehow that narrative flipped and people are forced to go back to remember what senator byrd was and even though every name is named after him and every hallway has a black with his face on it. Thats right. And not to mention if you look at everybody out of those democrats out there. Looked like they were auditioning to be the president of mexico. Not america. Because i see that they want to give illegal aliens everything for free but they want to give to u. S. Citizen is higher attacks. I dont understand that. There was no winners on none of these stages. All of them were losers advocating for illegal aliens and not advocating for americans. Thats right. Steve diamond and silk joining us on this friday morning from diamond and silk world headquarters. Ladies, thank you very much. Have a good weekend. Lisa thank you. Brian see you on the road and watch you on fox nation. What i would likes to do now with your permission is bring in todd piro because i see carley is over there dying to talk and i dont know if i should trust the prompter or trust my eyes. Todd piro, you are live at the chuck wagon restaurant in miami, florida. Jewels know that carley is ready when you are done. Lisa no rush. Todd understood. Brian, to your point earlier, i am on a full per diem and we use every penny. Obviously night two of the debates last night. Morning two of breakfast with friends. We begin with frank. Frank is a navy vet. Thank you, frank, for your service. Also a consultant. What was your reaction to the debates . I think joe and bernie really looked old yesterday. Kamala harris and mayor pete probably gained the most from the exchanges. Todd all right. Thats franks opinion. Woody, financial broker disagrees. What was your take on biden . I thought biden held his own. I think it was a little unfair what kamala was fair her fained outrage was a little bit too much. Todd obviously less than 500 days to go until the president ial election. These folk also be able to work out their differences by then. Maria, i love maria, private investigator retired. We will call her maria p. I. For the entire segment. You turned off the debate. Why . I did not it brings back too much too many bad memories of socialism or communism. Its not for me. I have been here over 60 years and still hurts. Todd understood. We have a lot more from the chuck wagon here in miami. Check back in with you in the 7 30 and 8 00 eastern hours. Back to you in new york. Lisa perfect amount of time. Great job. Steve all right. Thank you very much, todd piro. As brian indicated carley is here with the headlines. Brian just stairs at you until you talk to her. Kevin says h he had nothing to do with leaking planned details of ice raids. Absolutely not. I have not and would not ever leak details of a sensitive operation. Safety men and women who go out there every day he denied leaking and denied anyone in the agency was involved in the leaks which ultimately led to the cancellation of the raids. A teenager is being hailed a hero for catching a toddler who fell from a second story window. Take a look. This video from turkey shows the 17yearold with his arm stretched out, ready to jump into action. Now, he says he was walking by after work when he noticed the little girl playing near an open window, incredibly, she escaped without a scratch. That is amazing. A second woman claimed she was left behind on an air canada plane. This time i will a legally blind 69yearold woman. She says she did not have a cell phone to call for help. After toronto crew made her wait for an hour for a wheelchair. They never returned. The mechanic found the woman an hour later. Air canada blames crew miscommunication. Similar incident happened earlier this month. New york city mayor bill de blasio facing backlash after quoting one of the most hated historical figures over revolution. Che. Suggesting de blasio should have known better due to latin american ties sarcastically tweeting quote it was all incredit dibble coincidence. Donna shalala said it is unacceptable to quote a murderer. De blasio has apologized. A lot to talk about. It is a friday in the summer. A lot of the folks are at 48th and sixth avenue for allamerican Concert Series. That means a lot of the people are joining janice right now. Janice they are in line. There is a ton of people in line. They are coming in 7 00 hour. We have waukesh walker hayes i d him do a sound check. It is a Beautiful Day to kick off the summertime heat this weekend. Look at new york. 90 today with the heat index its going to feel warmer than that many big cities are going to be feeling the heat. The northwest is the only place thats going to feel cooler than average. Severe storms for the northern plains, through the great lakes. Thats going to move into the northeast tomorrow unfortunately where we could see the potential for some large hail, damaging winds, along with a cold front thats going to move through. There is your forecast today. Mostly sunny for a lot of big states. We could see some scattered thunderstorms along the gulf coast and its going to be cooler than average across the northeast. I dont know if you can move your camera to see the crowd here. Are you guys excited . [cheers and applause] are you going to come in and do barbecue with us and see walker hayes . Yes. I cant wait to see all of you. Coming up in the next hour with the barbecue brought to you by sandals, the allamerican summer Concert Series. Back to you. Thank you, janice. Bernie sanders is vowing to take on wall street. Listen to this. Nothing will change unless we have the guts to take on wall street and the rich will get richer and everybody else will be struggling. Steve Anthony Scaramucci got his start on wall street. What does he think about Bernie Sanders . I think we have an idea. He is next. I will probably never make a million bucks ou only pay for what you need. Nice. But, uh. Whats up with your. Partner . Not again. Limu thats your reflection. Only pay for what you need. Liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty lets get down to business. The business of getting it done. The business of road trips. The business of getting everyone back together. The business of hustle. And hard work. And whatever this is. Modernized comfort inns suites have been refreshed because whatever business youre in, our business is you. Book direct at choicehotels. Com steve well, another round of democratic president ial debates, this time stacked with top tier contenders, squaring off in a fiery second night of debates. Brian i hope Anthony Scaramucci watched. We booked him for the segment. He was former communications director. Did you watch last night . Did i watch last night. Brian good job. What stands out for you. Listen, i thought Kamala Harris she practiced that probably consistently for 10 days. I was surprised that Vice President biden had not practiced. It seemed like he was going in there to wing it. When you are the frontrunner like that, everybody is going to be you have target practice on your back. He was not ready for that and then what i was saying to lisa on the break. He looked like a punch drunk fighter waiting for the bell to ring and finally says im out of time you cant do that. Metaphors run through the tape in a situation like that. He won both nights for the following reason they are killing each other. Coming up with ridiculous immigration strategies. Lisa the headline who wants to lose the election . Will this cost them the election . I really think the president is probably focusing on osaka right now and focused on g20 and trade situation. Lisa politically how did that go down . Terrible thing for them. Once the president gets his teeth on that and starts to explain to people how they want to do and how radical left they shifted their agenda. One of the worst things that happened to the democrats is bill de blasio and guys like Bernie Sanders. Drawing everybody to the left. When theyre all raising their hands like that that is fantastic for President Trump. There were two nights of debates. President trump won both. I implore you to go on his Instagram Account and the controlling that hcontrolling hg righcontrol trolling he is doing right now. My 19yearold son showed it to me last night. How deep the president can get on Instagram Account. 20 trump. Frankly. Im not saying that as a partisan. Im really trying to be objective. I was impressed with senator harris last night. I did think she stood out. She spoke in a compassionate way about her life situation. Im really hoping Marianne Williamson will bring the love. Lisa she is a spiritual guru. Love the day go into meditation after this session is over. Steve we that sound bite. Here she is. Im sorry we havent talked more tonight about how we are going to beat donald trump. Is he not going to be beaten by just somebody who has plans. He is going to be beaten by somebody who has an idea what this man has done. So, mr. President , if youre listening, have you harnessed fear for political purposes and only love can cast that out. I am going to harness love for political purposes. I will meet you on that field and, sir, love will win. Lisa love, right . She is 0 percent in the polls and we are all talking about her this morning in a weird way i like it. Silver medalist. Kamala harris gets the gold medalist. Joe biden gets incomplete. If he really wants to be the frontrunner and have the opportunity to challenge President Trump, he has got to get in the rink and he has to train a little bit more. Brian Nancy Kerrigan won the silver and got a lot of endorsements out of it. Bernie and biden went at it. Listen to this. Nothing will change unless we have the guts to take on wall street. If we dont have the guts to take them on, we will continue to have plans. We will continue to have talks and the rich will get richer and everybody else will be struggling. Donald trump thinks wall street built america. Ordinary middle class americans built america. Donald trump has put us in a horrible situation. I would be going about eliminating Donald Trumps tax cuts for the wealthy. Steve i think they all say that they would get rid of the trump tax cuts. The stuff about wall street isnt that more soak the rich . A couple years ago you had the president on the phone i was upstairs on marias show. We were battling it out about wall street. He doesnt like wall street. They actually have, okay, and i would encourage everybody, president to read Bernie Sanders editorial yesterday in the wall street journal if he wrote it or somebody wrote it for him brilliant eggs expositioexposition is. Transfere richest and middle classes that not done as well as they should. The president knows that the great thing about the president is he is taking elements of what Bernie Sanders is saying but is he applying the right policy and the right Market Driven forces to make that better. And so the president actually does agree with Bernie Sanders on a couple of issues that we have to help lower and middle class families. Thats why i wrote the book the blue collar president because he is so tied in brian i love it. The point im making, have you got to read his oped and take elements of his oped and use it for the forces of good. Great to be here, guys. Thank you for having me. Glad you came. Steve we are glad you are watching and still ahead. Bret baier, stu varney, Donna Brazile next two hours. Brian catching up to the music i will never be the same im glad you came [ laughter ] everyone acts like their parents. You have a tattoo. Yes. Fun. Do you not work . So, what kind of mower you got, seth . I dont know. Some kid comes over. We pay him to do it. But its not all bad. Someone even showed us how we can save money by bundling home and auto with progressive. Progressive cant protect you from becoming your parents. But we can protect your home and auto. With huge savings like bass pro flag chairs for under 10 each. And this stars and stripes tailgate toss game for under 30. Now with free 2 day shipping. Repair the enamel on a daily basis. With the new pronamel repair toothpaste we can help actively repair enamel in its weakened state. Its innovative. My goto toothpaste is going to be pronamel repair. Who used expedia to book the Vacation Rental that led to the ride which took them to the place where they discovered that sometimes a little down time can lift you right up. Flights, hotels, cars, activities, Vacation Rentals. Expedia. Everything you need to go. Hi. Maria ramirez mom maria Maria Ramirez. Mcdonalds is committing 150 Million Dollars in tuition assistance, education, and career advising programs. Prof Maria Ramirez mom and dad Maria Ramirez to help more employees achieve their dreams. My first squall to new zealand. Breaking up with russia. Hacking our democracy successfully. The opposition. There are moments in history where states fail to preserve the civil rights of all people. Joe biden was right when he said it was time to pass the torch to a new generation of americans 32 years ago. He is still right today. Im Still Holding on to that porch. Guys, you know what . America does not want to witness a food fight. They want to know how we are going to put food on their table. [cheers and applause] good time to me steve welcome back, folks, hour two for fox friends for a friday. Brian it was a big night. That was pretty much the a team that you saw for the Democratic Candidates outside of Elizabeth Warren. Saw a much different debate last night. We will go over it. Fireworks were flying on the road. Candidates taking off the gloves big time after a very docile round one. The second debate of the 2020 president ial election is now in the books. Lisa it really was so different than the previous night. Former Vice President joe biden taking a steady stream of shots from the debate from his fellow democrats. Steve he did, indeed. We have Team Coverage in south florida. Todd piro screen right is talking to diners this morning to get their reaction. He is at the chuck wagon. Right now screen left. We have Griff Jenkins live outside the debate hall. Griff, give us a recap. Steve, lisa, and brian. Good morning. Two nights, 20 candidates. Everyone wanted to know would someone challenge joe biden and break out of the pack. We do know a little girl in california recounted days integrated in Public Schools. Busing every day to go there harris taking on biden directly on his record over race. This is the moment you will hear about all day, watch. I do not believe you are a racist. But i also believe and its personal and i was actually it was hurtful to hear you talk about the reputations of two United States senators who built their reputation and career on the segregation of race in this country. You also worked with them to oppose busing. Look, everything i have done in my career i ran because of civil rights. I continue to think we have to make fund mental changes in civil rights. Griff griff harris wasnt the only one to challenge biden. He got it from all sides. A generational question from Eric Swalwell one of the lesser known candidates saying hey, pass that torch, joe. Listen. I was 6 years old when a president ial candidate came from the California Democratic convention and said its time to pass the torch to a new generation of americans. That candidate was then senator joe biden. Im Still Holding on to that torch. Like last night policy was front and center. Healthcare. You had the architect of the progressive medicare for all Bernie Sanders. It was a pretty far reaching idea in the last election. This time it is what they are all embracing, just in varying degrees. Here is a little bit of what they had to say. Listen. Healthcare, in my view, is a human right. We have got to pass a medicare for all single payer system. I believe we need to get to universal healthcare as a right. Not a privilege to single payer. The fact of the matter is that the quickest, fastest way to do it is build on obamacare. We must move now. Im against any democrat who opposes, takes down obamacare. Another moment actually on healthcare all 10 candidates raising their hands to support giving healthcare to the 11 million undocumented immigrants in this country. Heres the thing. We have got eight months to go before the first primary and one thing was clear in the last two nights. That is that moderate voices have literally no room there. We shall see what happens in the next debate. Guys . Steve no kidding. Thank you very much, griff. It was certainly a rush to the left. You know, the conventional wisdom was going into last night, when you had four of the five top candidates on the democratic side that joe biden was the most electable guy because he was the sanist guy. More moderate. Kamala harris you look at the winner and loser list that a lot of the papers have. She is listed as the big winner. Joe biden either sideways or a loser on this. You have to figure he will stay at the top of the polls. But she will probably get into double digits. Lisa i know who we should ask about it we have bret baier chief political anchor and anchor of special report. Bret, you look at the 2010 election and obamacare really cost democrats that midterm election. So looking ahead to 2020, if democrats are advocating for medicare for all, the elimination of private health insurance, does that potentially have the same impact . Yeah. Good morning. I think the policy issues are really where this these two debates hinged. And in essence, at the end of it. You could say that donald trump was a winner. Because griff referenced that moment where all of the candidates on stage were asked about providing health insurance, Health Coverage for Illegal Immigrants. Take a listen to this. Raise your hand if your government plan would provide coverage for undocumented immigrants. [applause] steve that was all of the hands. All of them raised their hands. Thats a big moment. Think about the evolution on this issue when president obama, back in 2009 was giving his state of the union address. You remember this infamous moment that you lied moment with congressman joe wilson from south carolina. Guess what he was talking about. Well, lets go back and take a listen. There are also those who claim that our Reform Efforts would insure Illegal Immigrants. This too is false. The reforms the reforms im proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally. You lie. [gasps] not true. Brian but now . Saying thats not true. But now that whole thing has evolved. And on a number of issues. Democrats have evolved. Lisa whats the political impact. They are going to jump on it. You saw the president tweeting about it last night. And i think there is going to be the form of the 2020 race how democrats have evolved on this issue. Brian contrasting views and go to the other party. Im astounding by is when you look at bill clintons comments and barack obama, like you just brought up on the same issues. How far the party has moved away. Bill clinton, 1995. All america not only most heavily effected are nightly disturbed by the large number of illegal aliens entering our country. Thats bill clinton, barack obama, our direct message to the families of Central America, do not send your children to our borders. We will send you home. This sounds like donald trump. What happened . Well, bill clinton also said 23 years ago that the era of Big Government is over. Well, if you watch the last two nights, its making a come back. Because there are a lot of big programs. Green new deal, medicare for all, on obamacare, think about how we as a country could not talk about the possibility of single payer, no, no, no. This is not single payer. The candidates on that stage last night and the night before essentially said no, thats what we are eventually striving for. Its a matter of you who to get there. Lisa thats what a lot of republicans warned about. Steve bret, this morning, a lot of papers and shows are doing winners and losers. A lot of people are putting Kamala Harris as a winner after some of her sound bites last night. Folks missed it . Here is the montage of some of them. Listen. Where was that question when the republicans and donald trump passed a tax bill that benefits the top 1 and the biggest corporations in this country. [cheers and applause] contributing at least 1 trillion to the debt of america, which middle class families will pay for one way or another . Senator harris, senator harris, we will let all of you speak. Senator harris . Hey, guys, you know what . America does not wanted to witness a food fight. They want to know how we are going to put food on their table. This microphone that the put of the United States holds in her hand is used in a way that is about respecting the values of our country. And not about locking children up. Steve okay. So her polling average has been at 7 as of yesterday. Where does it go now . Up. Significantly, maybe. I think, again, the reason that donald trump may have had a good night because your frontrunner, joe biden, really got hit hard. And that exchange that griff played earlier, i think, is just devastating we will see how deficit staghtsd. But Kamala Harris continually last night created moments. And thats what these debates are about creating moments. She did it very effectively. And it seems like she flipped a switch in campaign mode. Lisa did she overreach potentially . I dont think so. Walk in that room last night, it was consensus that she was the big winner. Maybe not of just last night but the night before. Brian one thing to keep in mind, she is all in on the Green New Deal. She is all in on getting rid of private insurance. Steve she held up her hand. She was one of two. She is all in for giving illegals health insurance. Those are pretty left wing principles. I guess to close, bret. Im just wondering, since you were on our show, do you want us to come on your show tonight at 7 00 and wear the same outfits . I would love that my show is at 6 00. I would love that you guys could be the panel. Lisa lets do it. You heard it right there, people, america. Its happenings. Steve were doing a panel right now . Isnt this enough . Lisa he can ask us questions. Steve bret great coverage in miami. Thank you for getting up so early on this friday morning. Bret all right. We will see you guys. Brian watch bret at 6 00. Carley shimkus is somewhere safe i hope. Carley feeling pretty safe right now. New evidence in the case of missing College Students mackenzie lueck. Her friends alerting police in utah after her Instagram Account started following a new account. Meantime detectives spent all day digging for evidence at Salt Lake City home. Police confirming a connection to the homeowner but wont say how. Now, they are also looking for a mattress and box spring that the man gave away last week. Lewis disappeared last monday after taking a lift from the airport to meet someone at a park around 3 00 a. M. You are taking a live look at the senate floor now open for a rare predawn vote. Requiring congressional approval for any possible use of military force in iran. The session opened at 5 00 a. M. So far dick durbin, jeff merkley, gary peters, jon tester and Kyrsten Sinema have all voted yes. Mcsally, lankford, johnson and sullivan voting no. Remain open all day to allow the senators to vote. Navy seal attorneys gallagher expected to rest their case. Gallagher has pleaded not guilty to murder charges in the killing of an isis prisoner in iraq. An iraqi general testified that gallagher did not stab detainee in 2017, in convicted, gallagher faces life in prisoner. Listen to this. A vietnam veteran overcomes the odds t get back on his feet thanks to Ground Breaking device. Its so nice to be able to just stand up and look somebody right in the eye and talk to them. Thats what i enjoy the most. Carley using exo skeleton able to right again makes walking on his own nearly impossible. First man in the country to receive the device from the v. A. s spinal cord injury center. That is fabulous news. Guys, those are your headlines. Steve technology. Guys, thank you very much. It was one of the most memorable moment of the night when one candidate questioned socialism. The bottom line is if we dont clearly define that we are not socialists, the republicans are going to come at us every way they can and call us socialists. Steve is he right . Stuart varney knows socialism isnt the answer. After last night do the democrats, as you can see. He is walking up. He is the next contestant on fox friends. Everythings going to be all right nobodys got to worry about nothing dont go hitting that panic button copd makes it hard to breathe. 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What we dont like is relying on fancy technology for help. Snail mail we were invited to a y2k party. Uh, didnt that happen, like, 20 years ago . Oh, look, karolyn, weve got a mathematician on our hands check it out now you can schedule a callback or reschedule an appointment, even on nights and weekends. Todays xfinity service. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Id rather not. If we dont clearly define we are not socialists. The republicans are going to come at us every way we can if we turn towards socialism. We run the risk of helping to reelect the worst president in american history. I think the responses at the tolls last poll had us 10 points ahead of donald trump because the American People understand trump is a phoney. Thats how we beat trump we expose him for the fraud that he is. Steve Bernie Sanders trying to defend himself when pressed on how a socialist could beat donald trump. Lisa his answer didnt seem to impress the other candidates. Brian it impressed stuart varney. He kept saying Bernie Sanders makes a lot of sense. Host of varney and company 9 to noon. Thats a cruel joke. Brian just proved my hypothesis. After two days of debates amongst the democrats badly divided party now being led by unelectable socialists. Thats my conclusion after the two days of debate. Lets throw in speaker pelosis abject defeat of a border funding. This is not a party thats in good shape this friday morning. Brian did they pass the 4. 5 billion and she did it over the objections of her whole left wing. Digested the whole senate bill. They are apoplectic this morning that this bill actually passed. It was a republican bill basically from the senate. Went to the house. Trucks voted for it in the house. Some democrat did. Nancy pelosi in retreat. Steve she had to cave and Mitch Mcconnell got exactly what he wanted. Doesnt what we saw last night, stuart, doesnt that play into the narrative that the republicans are using that if you vote for one of these democrats, were going to wind up a socialist country . Absolutely. Almost all of the can cattle have an element of socialism. He was forced to admit that taxation required for his policies would hit middle america. Right. But berniey used to be the outlier. And now irving has embraced. He is mainstream within the democrat party. And thats a fact. Stuart President Trumps tax cuts took a hit. Who actually benefited . 82 of middle class people got a tax cut under President Trumps policy which averaged 1,260 per year. 90 of the overall population saw an increase in their takehome pay. Now, joe biden says that trump put us in a horrible position, his words. Is he referring to income inequality. But if all of these people get all of these benefits from trumps tax cuts, do they lose those benefits when biden and harris and the rest repeal those tax cuts . Yeah. They pay more in taxes. Thats not progress. Thats going backwards. And it would ruin the economy. Lisa do you think americans are aware of the benefits they have received under the tax cut. No. Lisa is President Trump doing a good enough job messaging that . No. I think the democrats have done a good job demagoguing the tax cuts as only benefiting the rich, which is absolutely not true. Brian you didnt just benefit the rich. You benefited america by coming on today. You are on a roll today, arent you . Brian i just want to make a statement. Im rolling with you, i kind of like it. Lisa we all would like some compliments, too brian. Brian maybe later. Lisa thank you, stuart, always a pleasure. Good to see you. Lisa squad voluntarily entered and cleared a strong point. This week he received the middle of honor from President Trump. Steve he has been long time friend of pete hegseth. As you can see right there, they both join us live next. Awesome. But natures bounty has innovative ways to help you maintain balance and help keep you active and wellrested. Because hey, tomorrows coming up fast. Natures bounty. Because youre better off healthy. Has been excellent. They really appreciate the military family and it really shows. With all that usaa offers why go with anybody else . We know their rates are good, we know that theyre always going to take care of us. It was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. It was funny because when we would call another insurance company, hey would say oh we cant beat usaa were the webber family. Were the tenneys were the hayles, and were usaa members for life. Get your usaa Auto Insurance quote today. Welcome to fowler, indiana. One of the windiest places in america. 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Staff sergeant bellavia, whose intrepid spirit and unwavering resolve defeats our enemies, protects our freedoms and defends our Great American flag. David, today we honor your extraordinary courage. We salute your selfless service. And we thank you for carrying on the legacy of american valor. Steve and joining us live right now Staff Sergeant bellavia joins us along with his close friend and fox Friends Weekend cohost pete hegseth. Good morning to both of you. Staff sergeant, it is such an honor to have you with us today. Thats very kind of you, thank you, sir. Steve could you take us back to that day that we have been talking about in 2004. Second battle of fallujah. Marine corps effort the army. 22 cav and 22 infantry which was my unit. We were brought in there to support. This enemy had six months to sit unmolested and we went in there and it was close quarter combat, you know. Its grizzly stuff. Steve it was as bad as it gets . You know, it was pretty rough. Thank god i had the men and women from 22 infantry. We did this shoulder to shoulder. We lost our company commander, sean sims. Steven, j. V. Madison. These were important guys to our team. Our young people responded, our training. Its a real privilege to serve this country at a time of war where brian pete, you meet a lot of people who serve. I have read his book before i met him. I watch book notes midnight on saturday. Talking about your story. What made him stand out . This is my original copy of housetohouse that david signed for me in 2006. What stood out is the minute he left the military, which is when i met him. He continued to fight for the guys fighting. When he came out with a silver star. Every single one of us who read his book said this is a medal of honor story. Which is higher which is what he was bestowed at the white house. We walked into. We had a mission to walk in and find 6 to 8 bad guys and a group of about 10 houses. We walked into one house and these guys set up an ambush. Bell fed machine guns. Young early 20somethingyearold kid opens the door and just like the battle of etim through a door. This young kid just puts down reflexive fire. We talk about one persons actions but there are 55 different decisions that other people make that allow to you make decisions. And i was you know, i just happened to be at the right place at the right time. Lisa when you found out you were going to receive the medal of honor, what went fly your mind. Unbelievable. You feel awkward and uncomfortable. My commanderinchief allowed me to bring my soldiers on that stage and that meant so much to them. Steve they were in the white house with you. Not only were they in the white house. What did it mean to you. It meant everything to us and to myself. My president brought our soldiers on the stage. That has never happened before in the medal of honor ceremony. About one person. And he allowed it to make it about the entire team. Lisa wow. Like every soldier he will be humbled i was the right guy at the right time. In this book and elsewhere. Steve you tell us what happened, pete it . Was a series of choices. Your guys were pinned down. Clear a room so the men could go in. Whats going through your head when you are stacked outside the building, the five bad guys are still inside the house, and you know they are going to live to fight another day . Well, you know, you are angry. There is a little bit of shame that you broke contact to begin with we are american soldiers fighting against our terrorists. Trying to break their back and end the war. Every battle we are trying to end the war in iraq. Thats what this is all about. So you want to take you get initiative and dominate the enemy. And thats what i thought i had an opportunity to do. I kept rolling until my luck ran out. Brian until your luck ran out. In the end you realized the room, what was it propane was in the room. So you could not use a firearm. So you had to kill the guy with your bare hands. Well, there was an implement used but, yeah. I mean thats the thing. We are fighting for our lives. And i had this happened a lot. I mean, we talk about one snapshot in fallujah. There was a lot of Close Quarter Battle thats grizzly and thats ghoul issue wilghoulish. But at the sae a lot of incredible stuff. Lisa take us back to the mind set making these calculations. Maybe if you have time to think about it, you probably dont do it, right . You care so much love on the battlefield. You love these men. You love what you are doing. You love this country. And there is no enemy thats ever going to stand against that. This is the middle of the night, drugged up terrorists. You happen to have a Time Magazine reporter there. There is literally audio and video on the scene there is video where michael wear the reporter, 10, 20 minutes outside the house. Its quiet. You are the only american inside a house full of trucked up terrorists suicidal and wants to die for their cause. Whats going on in that house at the time. There is a loft confusion. Because i had a guy, Staff Sergeant scott lawson was in the house with me. You dont know. Are you hearing foot stepping upstairs . Is that an american soldier on the roof coming down you . Dont want to shoot your own. Then you have got a journalist running around, this australian lunatic. Brian is he very aggressively. He is running room to room with a camera. This is not it was very chaotic and crazy. Brian im reading this book when it first came out. Im watching roll this out and tell your story. Not only are you a great communicator. I said this is almost like a novel in that you walk in before you joined the military and your house is being robbed they dont expect you to be home. Looks at you and you freeze. You didnt move. They end up getting away. You remember looking in your dads eyes disappointment that you didnt stop the invasion. Later on, join the military. And did you go into the worst block in the on the planet and you have the courage to not only go in there but to take out everybody. Save your buddy and take a guy out with your hands talk about redemption you cant write a script like that. World war ii. Its a blessing. Brian you chose to rise to the moment. You learned how to be a hero. You know, the thing is, when you are peer pressure can make you Smoke Cigarettes at 13. Peer pressure can also make you clear a road of ieds and take out a bunch of bad guys. Its who your peers are. If you have great people around you, you will find that you are going to rise to any level because everyone is in this together. There is a million reasons why we are divided outside. This military, it doesnt matter what you look like, how worship, what you do, its one team. And anyone that wants to step up against that team you are in for a long, long day. David, i got to know you afterwards, part of groups for freedom. Why is it that 10 years later you are the first living recipient of the medal of honor from the iraq war. I dont know. I have got to till, im very proud to be a veteran of the iraq war, as you are. There was we can never again make a bad war and good war. The chip on the iraq war veteran soldiers that ours was a bad war. And i like to believe that there are many more of these coming, to living recipients as well. You think about Raphael Peralta and brad castle and all these incredible stories. Iraq war veterans have nothing to be ashamed of. We did our job. Attention needs to be paid to what we did in iraq. Brian it kills me when leaders talk about diminish the war or dumb war. Really . This Saddam Hussein was a menace for decades. Shooting at our planes over 10 years. George bush 41 was called leak for bill clinton. 41 goes in. Occupation spration brilliant. Writing about it for generations. The surge is historic. We sent a message to the middle east. Americans will fight and if it wasnt for a bad politician pulling troops out prematurely that would have been the verdict. Lisa politicians that diminished that service what would you tell them . I dont pretend to rewrite the narrative of the iraq war. All im Say Something we didnt get a vote or a choice. We followed the lawful intent of our government to serve our country. And dont put the policy over the valor of my generation . This generation serving today. Brian brilliant. We are the greatest generation. We have been at war longer than any other generation of american. We are doing multiple. This guy has been to gitmo, afghanistan, and iraq. Thats the triple double right there. And there are americans that are given six years of their life at war. Brian and volunteer you had. Volunteered professionals. You know what . Support the troops. Join the military. Because your country needs you. We need to serve right now. America needs us and our enemies arent sleeping. Brian world war ii everyone grew up on the heroism of audie murphy this is the hero of our generation david bellavia. Lisa we honor you for your service. Thank you. Brian keep the word out there . We are going to try to get as Many Americans to make a decision that we both made service to our country makes us better men, better women, better citizens, husbands, fathers, america is worth any sacrifice. Lisa thank you for that. Brian they should make your book a movie. I know they talked about it. They have got to make the book a movie. Is he my agent now. Lisa probably make a good one. He is the best, right . Steve it is a real honor. Thank you, sir. Straight ahead on this friday morning, our allamerican summer Concert Series brought to you by sandals continues. We will talk to singer walker hayes. Hey, walker, we are coming out biopharmaceutical researchers. Pursuing lifechanging cures in a country that fosters innovation here, they find breakthroughs. Like a way to fight cancer by arming a patients own tcells. Because its not just about the next breakthrough. Its all the ones after that. With moderate to severe ulceratiyour plans. Crohns, can change in minutes. Your head wants to do one thing. But your gut says not today. If your Current Treatment isnt working. Ask your doctor about entyvio®. Entyvio® acts specifically in the gi tract, to prevent an excess of white blood cells from entering and causing damaging inflammation. Entyvio® has helped many patients achieve longterm relief and remission. 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Highly unaccomplished collection of democrats running for an office that a man thats doing the job very well. Was not impressed. Old ideas. And thats it. All i have to say. Todd jay, thank you. Kenneth worked for fema. You said you were disappointed, why . I was very disappointed because they lacked policy details and pie in the sky that was basically country. Todd thank you. Good work alzheimers it. Took my grandmother. I appreciate it. They offer no plan that makes any sense for financing their schemes why watch . All it is a bunch of hot air. Todd we have heard those themes. Lets get to mrs. Nazel. You are retired. Talk of free healthcare for Illegal Immigrants really fired you up. Why . It does. If you offer that to them more and more will come. Why wouldnt they come if they get free healthcare, free everything, so, to me, it just opens the door for more problems. Todd understood. Thank you very much. You are welcome. Todd go over here to danny, is he a veteran. Is he also a democrat. You thought joe and bernie did okay, why . I like both opinions on Climate Control and whoever does more for Climate Control is going to get my vote. Todd you said you are not necessarily just voting for a democrat. It has to be the right democrat. Correct. Thank you for your service. Finally, we end with brian. Brian . Also a veteran, thank you for your sufficiency, sir. You said this debate did trump a lot of favors, why . I felt they were their own worst enemy by promoting free healthcare for illegals and not penalize the illegal crossing into our country. Todd thank you all. We appreciate it. Coming back in 8 00 hour. Pack to you in new york. [applause] steve round of applause down there at the chuck wagon. Brian Carley Shimkus does not like the applause. Carley i love the applause. I will applaud for you. [cheers and applause] brian im sorry, i misread your card. Carley that was more than a golf clap, i think. News here, terrifying moments as an outofcontrol motor home goes flying through the air and crashing into a ferry. Mechanical failures caused the rv to fly off the fairy ramp, launching it into the air. The rv flying over the river and slamming into the edge of a departing boat. Oh my gosh. Police confirming the driver was killed and a passenger is in critical condition. Nobody else was hurt. 2020 hopeful cory booker wants immigrants to stop getting deported for smoking potted new jersey bill deporting immigrants for marijuana offenses. According to the human rights watch. More than 34,000 immigrants were deported for Marijuana Possession between 2007 and 2012. The investigation into a massive brawl at a baseball game results in tie stations for 12 people. 11 adults and a 16yearold all accused of disorderly conduct. The shocking video went viral showing participants punching and pushing each other over a call made by a 13yearold umpire. Police were able to identify everyone in that video. She should be ashamed. A world war ii veteran celebrating his 101st birthday with some beer. John bussey sipping some cold at his spot in venice, florida. Bar tenders weighing in on his secret to life. I asked him what his philosophy was on life and how he lived to be 101. And he said no stress. Carley no stress is right. He deserves that beer. Bus is i proudlbusseyled a unite more than 100 jews. Is he a hero. Those guys are your headlines. I will take it to you. I believe you are outside. Steve we are, indeed. Thanks, carley. You heard this country stars hit single you broke up with me. But did you know on the road to success he had to work overnight at costco . Janice he never gave up on his dreams and celebrating the release of his new single dont let her off his album boom. Joining us now is country star walker hayes. Steve ladies and gentlemen, walker hayes. [cheers and applause] lisa tell us about your journey how you got here. My wife and i moved to nashville about 15 years ago. It was a struggle. I was dropped, picked up and dropped by a lot of labels in nashville. Heard no a lot of times. We ran short of money and thank goodness, you know, costco hired me. Thats where i was about three and a half, four years ago. Steve what did you do at costco . Stocked produce. Lets hear it for produce. [cheers] i was in charge of the cooler section for my 4 to 11 00 every day that was my job. Janice you never gave up on your dream . No, no. A lot of people were like how did you stick it out . I dont know. I just loved writing songs. I was still writing. Brian walker, a lot of it your family has got to support you. Watching right now, family has been your anchor. For you, your dad. Your dad said you are really strong on this guy star stack with the music. Go with real estate. You finally said im going to give it one more shot. Yeah. He never laughed at us. You know, and our choice to such such an allusive, crazy dream. For that, i was so grateful. Even when i was ought costco he would be like what did you write lately . What can i hear . When are you going to be on the radio . Steve was he there to buy the 15 heads of lettuce. You know what . Thats the funny thing, he never did get to see my work at costco. Thats a bummer but, yeah, he is my hero thats for sure. Janice tell us about your family. Because you have six children. I do. We have three girls and three boys. All two years apart. My wife laney is a saint. And, yeah, we have an interesting life. Would you encourage your children. No, no, no, no. Lisa why thought. Steve go in your business. Only reason i would not encourage them because when its hard they are going to blame me. So i want that to be their decision. Lisa what would you tell them . I would tell them to chase their dream. If it is their dream go after it. Dont ask me if they should. Let them make their mind up. Janice are they musical though . They are. My 13yearold, she is a great singer. My 9yearold son is a drummer. My 11yearold son just loves music. Brian walker, that song you broke up with me. Thats pretty much in your face to the woman that broke up with you. Is this something did you write that or do you have someone in your mind when you are singing . So when you broke up with me is actually about the music business. Thats what funny is all my songs are about the struggle. Brian why did i not get that . What is wrong with me . Its actually about the town of nashville, you know, after about six or seven years a lot of people are like hey, thats just when i got picked up, again, people came out of the woodwork and i was like yo, yall broke up with me. Janice how tough is the Music Industry . Its super tough. Super tough is the dumbest way to say how tough it is. It is extremely tough. Steve when you get a hit there is nothing better. That feels good, yeah. You broke up with me going platinum felt really, really good. Janice where were you when you heard it on the radio . I cant remember the state of thtowni was in when i d tonight radio. Steve i would never forget it . I think i heard it on xm with my manager we were on the road. Brian never go wrong with xm sirius. They didnt pay me to say that. Brian may 17th release was about your wife. New song dont let her. She and i always play this game what would you do if something happened to me. And the answer is always great. She would never move on. She would never love again. But, in all honesty if you love somebody, you want them to move on. Steve it is a great song. You are going to play that for us when we kick off the summer Concert Series in a couple minutes. Lisa are you guys excited . [cheers and applause] steve walker hayes is coming up also Donna Brazile. Janice that was a great story. Booking. Com offers free so bookers can book now. And ask their boss later. [do you want breakfast or no . ] free cancellations [definitely breakfast. ] how good is that . Be a booker at booking. Com. Brian its the moment that has everybody talking this morning, senator Kamala Harris confronting joe biden over his race record. I do not believe you are a racist but i also believe and its term and it was actually very hurtful to hear you talk about the reputation of two United States senators who built their reputation and career on the segregation of race in this country there was a little girl in california who was part of the second class to integrate her Public School. And she was bused to School Every Day and that little girl was me. Steve so did that damage joe biden . Here to react is Fox News Contributor and former interim chair of the dnc Donna Brazile. Donna, im going to ask you that question. Is Vice President bidens record on race a political liability for him . I think his long record and long history with dealing with many of our racial challenges from busing, equality, to Voting Rights, civil rights, joe biden has been in the forefront on Racial Justice i. However. Lisa why did Kamala Harris call him out then. She called him out because as you well know for the last two weeks when the Vice President himself made reference working in the senate from staunch from the south is right to bring these issues up because we need to have a conversation not just as democrats but as americans. How we move forward on Race Relations or Racial Justice. As you know mayor pete also had a similar question on race in terms of what happened this past week in south bend when an unarmed black man was killed by a white policeman. So, we its a no race and whenever we have a conversation about race, people become uncomfortable. But, i would try to encourage people to not look at it as a fight but more as a way to litigate how do we go forward. Not just look backward. Brian donna, this is not a think thank. This is a race. And this is a battle. There is a vulnerability there. And that vulnerability was exposed. So, where does it go from here . Do you look at now, do the democrats now look at harris as the frontrunner . Oh, no. Come on, we have got many candidates. We cannot determine who our winner is because we havent started to vote. What we can determine is that the Democratic Party is going to have a very, very long primary season where we are going to have debites each and every month until we choose our nominee. If you think this is hotter than july wait until the next debate in july. Its going to get heated. You better put on your sunscreen because this is going to get hot. Lisa we got it on im good. I gots mine on too. Steve after you watched both nights. Yes, did i. Steve democratic debates with 20 people. Who is your winner, and i will ask you hot loser was. You know, its very difficult for me to give somebody, you know, the status of a winner or loser. Here is what i say to my friends and my family. Steve okay. We all win when these people are on stage. I like the fact that we saw some breakthroughs. We got a chance to hear Julian Castro two nights ago. And he made so much sense on immigration. Brian really . Look, we are democrats. Brian open the borders . Decriminalize people who come in . No, you know, thats a fallacy. He basically he talked about his immigration plan. He said that we should not one of the reasons why we have this long line of people is because we need to change the law. We should not penalize people or give them a quoted, unquote, conviction. Lisa why not . But they are knowingly breaking the law . Why not . There are other ways to charge people with offense that do not force families to come apart. The lisa, that was the point. But, look, the break through moment came not only with Julian Castro, but i really enjoyed listening to Michael Bennett last night. I found a lot of things interesting in mayor in governor hickenlooper. Of course, i love ethics change between joe biden and Eric Swalwell on the torch. Everybody needs a light. And i thought that was a great one as well. Brian is there a loser real quick . Oh, yeah. The loser there were several who did not make the debate stage, clearly they didnt get an opportunity. Steve okay. To debate. Im not going to give winners and losers. I think everybody performed very well. They met expectations. Im going to tell you one thing, Marianne Williamson all we need is love. Come on, you know, you know im doing that today. We need love. Where is the love, lisa . Lisa i give it back to you. Steve thank you very much, donna for joining us live. I cant wait to see you all on monday. Im coming on the couch. Scoot over, brian. Here i come. Brian all right. Lisa he doesnt want to sit next to me. Steve well be right back. Everything you love about Car Insurance the discounts. The rate comparisons. At progressive on ice. Tickets not available now or ever. At progressive on ice. You woke up with me, what can i say happy friday, all. Steve all american summer Concert Series, walker hayes, performing number one hit, you broke up with me, all about the music business. The all american summer Concert Series by sandals, all inclusive experience. Lisa he said it is not about a relationship, not about a steve not about a person. Lisa about the Music Industry. I think this is anthem about any guy that broke up with me. It is about the Music Industry. Story of perseverance, keep his eye on what he wanted, to keep successful in the Music Industry. Brian i knew it all the time. I pretended not to know it. I was kidding. Steve hear his singing through the breaks at foxnation. Com. Brian meanwhile, one minute after the top of the hour, fireworks on the road to the white house. Candidates taking the gloves off big time, round two of the first of a 12 debates. It is first one of the 2020 campaign. Lisa sure is. Former Vice President joe biden taking a steady stream of shots from fellow democrats on the miami stage. Steve live Team Coverage in south florida. Todd piro is talking to diners this morning, to get their reaction. He is at the chuck wagon. We begin with griff jenkens outside the debate all in very warm miami. Reporter what everybody was really watching over two nights and 20 candidates would anyone break out, would anyone take on joe biden, separate themselves, the answer is senator Kamala Harris. She challenged joe biden debtly on issue of his race record and civil rights comments he made. Take a listen. I do not believe you are a racist but i also believe, and it is personal. I was, it was hurtful, to hear you talk about the reputations of two United States senators who built their reputations and career on the segregation of race in this country. You also worked with them to oppose busing. Look, everything i have done in my career, i ran because of civil rights. I continue to think we have to make fundamental changes in civil rights. Reporter really big takeaway from the debates how far left the discussion on policy issues has moved. Certainly in health care, we saw it on full display, rather the last cycle when Bernie Sanders was talking about medicare for all, singlepayer. It was an outlyer, now center stage. Take a listen to what some of the candidates talked about it. Health care in my view is a human right. And we have got to pass a medicare for all single payer system. I believe we need to get to universal health care as right, not a privilege to single payers. Quickest way to do it is build on obamacare. We must move now. Im against any democrat who opposed, taking down obamacare. Reporter were starting the first debate at single payer. First primary in new hampshire, february 11th. That is eight months away. Well see where it goes. Recap what candidates on stage would say would be their top priorities. Listen. Ending gun violence. Climate change. Passing family bill of rights. Middle class tax cut. Taking on special interests. Defeating donald trump. Fix our democracy. 1000dollar freedom dividend for every american. The first call to the Prime Minister of new zealand. Reporter not sure if you caught that President Biden said his First Priority would beat donald trump. He would already accomplish that as president. He would talk about Climate Change. Perhaps that is what he meant. Biden headline a dinner in chicago for reverend Jesse Jacksons Push Coalition. A stalwart of civil rights. Well see if there is more news as biden tries to recover what by all accounts wasnt a great night. Brian griff, did you find that, did you predict Marianne Williamson would end with new zealand . Were hearing some reports about that . Reporter never saw it coming. It will be interesting what she has to say in the next debate if she makes it. Lisa work on the sources. You need to know that stuff in advance. Brian griff, thank you very much. Steve i tell you one of the things i think i enjoyed about the debates, weve seen it before, show of hands. Can we see the show of hands, who on the stage feels this way. However at one point a great question by the moderator prompted this exchange which, you know, if you like it, you like it. If you hate it youre probably going to put it in a commercial come next november. Watch this. Raise your hand if your government plan would procoverage for undocumented immigrants. [cheers and applause] steve you know who loved that . The president of the United States. Brian yeah he tweeted this out. All democrats just raised their hands for giving millions of illegal aliens Unlimited Health care. Take care of american citizens first. That is the end of that race. Look around the corner, if you go ahead do what california has said to do, give Everybody Health care, it is a magnet towards illegals coming here from central and south america, or you know, we also saw it from the caribbean. Cubans are coming here. You give somebody health care, theyre coming. Nobody understands the ramifications of their statements trying to show they have a heart, they show they have no head. Lisa bangladesh and coming from the continent of africa. From the New York Post. Imagery is so powerful. President trump and republicans using it advertising forward. Medicare for all, tens of trillions of dollars it will cost. Estimated 22 Illegal Immigrants how can we afford it. A lot of americans i would like to be doing better financially. What about me . Steve want a defense of that hand showing. Here is joe biden and Pete Buttigieg defending health care for illegals. Our country is healthier when everybody is healthier. This is not about a handout. This is an insurance program. Cannot let people who are sick, no matter where they come from, no matter what their status go uncovered. You cant do that. It has to be taken period, you have to. It is humane thing to do. They in fact contribute to the well being of the country, also, for example they increase the lifespan of social security. Brian so not really sure what that means. Eight minutes after the top of the hour of the other people, it wasnt just Kamala Harris going after, going after joe, Vice President joe biden. Joe biden had to expect to be hit. He seemed like only one wasnt expecting to be hit. Knew he wasnt going to be targeted. Steve she has been hinting might bring up segregation it thing in the past, would you think he had been ready for it. Senator Michael Bennet hit joe on support of w tax cuts. Eric swalwell, said essentially, joe, time to leave the stage, watch. I was six years old when a president ial candidate came to the California Democratic convention and said, its time to pass the torch to a new generation of americans. That candidate was then senator joe biden. Joe biden was right when he said it was time to pass the torch of new generations of americans 32 years ago. He is still right today. If he solve the issues of our nation, pass of torch. Solve issues of climate chaos, pass the torch. If we solve issue of student debt, pass of torch. Im holding on the torch. Lisa this generational tact is really potent there are change elections. Americans are asking for change at the ballot box. I think this is a problem for joe biden. How can he look forward when he has to continue to talk about the Previous Administration he was a part of. It will be difficult to do that. Brian here is what democrats do have right. They have the right topics. Illegal immigration the right topic. Health care is the right topic. Student debt and Student Loans is the right topic. And also the word of compromise is the right topic. What they do from here, how they differ from donald trump and what donald trump says in response is interesting, because they were on joe biden for cutting a deal with Mitch Mcconnell. Because you cant get anything done if you dont cut a deal with the other side. They got so mad at him, they would not let him participate in any other negotiations for the rest of the second term with the republicans. Because they dont want, if you dont want to compromise, you definitely dont want joe biden. Lisa pointing to the right issues but are the policy prescriptions the right answers . That is infor america to decide. Steve makes it a clear choice in 2020. If you are for health care for illegals vote for this democrat. Vote for donald trump, if not, he thinks that is bad idea. Brian who do you think won the poll . Steve Marianne Williamson. Lisa no, are you joking . Joe. Brian and drew yang. He talked for two minutes. He forgot to wear a tie. Carley shimkus dressed perfectly for the show. Carley he didnt need to cut the back of the tie. Brian that is a one advantage. Knew evidence in the calls of missing College Student mackenzie lueck. Her Instagram Account started following a new account. Detectives spent all day digging for evidence at a Salt Lake City home. Police confirm a connection to the homeowner but wont say how. Theyre looking for a mattress and box spring the man gave away last week. Lueck disappeared last monday after taking a lyft from the airport to meet someone at a park around 3 00 a. M. Bipartisan 4. 6 billion boarding funding bill is heading to the president s desk. The house passing the measure after Speaker Nancy Pelosi caved to republican pressure and set up a vote. Speaker pelosi backing down from demands within her own party to include restrictions on immigration enforcement. President trump is expected to sign the measure. New york city mayor bill de blasio facing backlash quoting one of the most hated historical figures of the communist revolution, che guevara. [speaking spanish] carley senator rubio said he should know better due to latin american ties. He tweeted it was incredible coincidence. Donna shalala said it is unacceptable to quote a murderer. De blasio apologized. Carley soccer star Megan Rapinoe doubling down on her comments. I stand by my comments about not wanting to go to the white house. With the exception of the expletives. My mother would be sad about that. Carley President Trump said she should not disrespect the white house but he would still invite the team win or lose. Guys. Steve thats right, he invited the team. Lets see what happens. Carley, thank you very much. Former Vice President joe biden sauce he does not want help from barack obama but that did not stop him from dropping his name all over the debate stage last night. President obama i think did a heck of a job. Build on obamacare. During the Obamabiden Administration, so underestimated what barack obama did. Brian all right. Obamas former Economic Advisor weighs in. Feels like the first time, feels like the very first time feels like the first time steven could only imagine enjoying a spicy taco. Now, his world explodes with flavor. Nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for allday allnight protection. Can you imagine 24hours without heartburn . But i can tell you Liberty Mutual customized my Car Insurance so i only pay for what i need. Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Whoooo. Did you know the exact same hotel room. Can have many different prices . Thats why tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites to find the lowest price on the hotel you want. Your Perfect Hotel room for the perfect price president obama i think did a heck of a job. Build on obamacare to build on what we did. Build on the obamabiden situation. So under estimated what barack obama did, first man to bring together entire world, 196 nations to commit to a deal with Climate Change. Brian wow, joe biden says he doesnt want help from barack obama but that didnt stop him from dropping Barack Obamas name across the debate stage last night. Is that the right strategy . Would anyone do the same thing . Fox news contributor and former obama Economic Advisor robert wolf. Is that a good strategy. That is a good strategy. That is what he did for last eight to 10 years. He worked as Vice President under president obama. They worked in partnership. They left the white house as one of the most popular president s and white president s in decades. Brian he never broke 50 in popularity. Well if we looked where the president is today, i think he is in the low 40s. I do think obama has broken higher than, higher than 50 multiple times. Brian one thing that is noticeable, president obama would be too moderate for todays debate stage. Last nights or the night before. Here is Vice President biden defending the record of the former president. The Obamabiden Administration deported more than three million americans. President obama, i think did a heck of a job. Compare him to what this guy is doing is absolutely i find immoral. Brian for the record he didnt deport 3 million americans. He deported people here illegally. Robert, you can see that doesnt fly with the other nine. It was a very interesting two nights. I would say the first night Elizabeth Warren and cory booker did incredibly well. For second night you have to say Kamala Harris was clearly the winner. If i would was Vice President biden focus on deportation was on immigrants who committed crimes. In 2014, brian, as you know, we had families surging from Central America. Brian yep. Similar like today, they had the flores versus reno agreement that forced everyone to keep families together. They even built Detention Centers n 2015, obama introduced the family Case Management program. So he had a great answer for that. I think he should have used it. Brian he didnt seem quick, robert. You know him, you know him well. He did not seem to have his a game. I have not seen it on the stump. President obama said this, direct families to Central American, do not send your children to our borders. We will send them home. Undocumented workers broke our immigration laws, i believe they must be held accountable. That sounds like donald trump, if joe biden says that, what happens . Listen that was a time where certainly for unaccompanied children, he was making sure that they were not being put at risk. I mean also, lets be clear, brian, there was no separation policy similar to what this administration has today. I actually think, you were right in your first comment. I think that the party is focusing on certain things that has shifted to the left. I also think, listen, Kamala Harris, came prepared last night. I think the Vice President has to make sure that he is going to sharpen his debate skills because he did not have his agame last night. Brian youre a money guy. You know the Green New Deal does not work. You know getting rid of private insurance will not fly, and giving health care illegals will not be palatable to the general population. As a democratic strategist that must really concern you . That is what she stands for. There were a bunch of issues over the last couple nights that i would not necessarily agree with. Ive been very clear. Im for health care as a right. Im not for medicare for all. Im for extending the public option. I was very surprised that everyone signed up for the Green New Deal. I believe in a bold green new Climate Change deal. I believe we should go into the paris accord. You and i spoke often, to win the presidency you will have to win the middle. Right now i think that, you know, all i can tell you the last two nights there was no question that the first night was more after q a. Last night was a bit more of a food fight. My guess is President Trump is looking from japan and smiling. Brian right. By the way, that brings me to this just in, nbc News Division says the winner of the first democratic debate . Donald trump. So there you go. Game on. I would just say, i would say, he didnt lose the last two nights. I would certainly say last night Kamala Harris was the winner. Certainly if i was the president i would say that watching these last two nights, having 20 plus people on stage, i would say at least 10 of them should no longer be on stage. Brian right. We will have hopefully better debates coming forward. Brian whether you agree with her or not, she does not shrink under the spotlight. She does very well. Robert wolf, thanks so much. Thanks for having me on. Brian you got it. Straight ahead, President Trump Vladmir Putin came facetoface overnight, what happened . That meeting comes to you, live from japan. I asked walker hayes to play, dollar store. Wonder if he will . Dont even think about checking one price tag, what you want, flipflops . Toothbrush, clorox, shasta, pop rocks, ept, hope not. Paper plates, saying happen halloween, candles smelling like cookies and cream. St. Patricks day party hat with strings. With fordpass, rewards are just a tap away. Whether its using rewards points toward things like complimentary maintenance. 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It was hard to hear but we got it subtitled. Reporter we have it subtitled after very busy day for the president here in osaka. He is wrapping up events with dinner in osaka after day meeting with World Leaders especially russian president Vladmir Putin. Their first meeting after the special counsel released the report showing russian interference in the 2016 election. A reporter asked the president whether he warned putin doing it again in 2020 . [[inaudible]. Reporter at this International Summit the president is paying attention to Political Developments back home, tweeting im in japan at the g20, representing our country well, but i heard it was not a good day for sleepy joe and crazy bernie. One is exhistoried. The other is nuts. So whats the big deal . He said he passed a tv caught some of the democrat as president ial debate. When Democratic Candidates raised their hand providing government Health Coverage for undocumented immigrants. The president called it not a very good thing. Tomorrow the president is scheduled to meet with chinese president xi xinping. The u. S. And china are in middle of a trade fight theyre threatening to escalate. The president said it would be a productive meeting. It is unclear if the two are ready to declare a truce in the is escalating trade fight. Back to you. Steve rich edson live in osaka. Todd piro meddling with breakfast at the chuck wagon breakfast, gauging the ought yens, what they thought of the big debate last night. Hey, todd . We should ture turn on his microphone. Todd you said the debate was terrible, why . There was no substance. Everything they said was said for many years. Most importantly they dont talk about how were going to get out some of the things theyre accusing trump on. No Financial Impact of what theyre talking about. It is terrible. Todd i feel like im in a sting operation, talk into my chess. Peter, retired navy. Candidates say the economy is bad. Why . Most of the middle class is doing fantastic. Im middle class. I would disagree with that. Most of my friend are middle class. Everybody is doing a lot better. Todd thank you for letting me wildly invade your personal space. Carrie is recovering attorney. You said you dont know how the candidates gotten this far in life. Basically none of them are fit to be washing the restrooms of the trump tower. They could never run anything successfully. That is why they chose politics in the first place. Theyre losers, plain and simple. Especially bernie. Todd kerry. Thank you. You said joe biden is preordained . Sure the Democratic Party is not very democratic. Like 2016 they preordained hillary. They took it from bernie. He got a house in new hampshire. Maybe he will get a second one. Todd thank you. Joe a retired football coach, a retired democrat according to him. You said the words you hear is the death of democracy. Why . If you give everything away, and only vote for the person that gives you stuff, not the good person that should do the right things it will kill democracy. It is. Those guys are working at it. Todd coach joe, i appreciate it. I cant go over to derek. I will go to mark, veteran. You say they pander to emotion, why . That is what politicians do. Heck with facts and pander to emotion. Todd great time here in miami . [cheering] back to new york from the 305. Golly. Lisa awesome job, todd. Brian i know why they call it the chuck wagon. There is a chuck wagon back there. Brian makes sends. Steve gold star mom taking a bold stand against socialism with a friend, jon voight a famous actor. Lisa here is walker hayes performing, beautiful. Why do you have to be so beautiful. It wont do it justice, it wont do it justice why do you have to be so beautiful because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum it can cause damage to the enamel. With the new pronamel repair toothpaste we can help actively repair enamel in its weakened state. Its innovative. With pronamel repair, more minerals are able to enter deep into the enamel surface. The fact that you have an opportunity to repair whats already been damaged, its amazing. I think my goto toothpaste is going to be pronamel repair. Since youre heading off to dad. I just got a zerowater. But weve always used brita. Its two stagefilter. Doesnt compare to zerowaters 5stage. This meter shows how much stuff, or dissolved solids, gets left behind. Our tap water is 220. Brita . 110. Seriously . But zerowater let me guess. Zero . Yup, thats how i know it is the puresttasting water. I need to find the receipt for that. Oh yeah, you do. Got it . Got it. Nooooo. Nooooo. Quick, the quicker picker upper bounty picks up messes quicker and is 2x more absorbent. Bounty, the quicker picker upper. This ijust listen. vo theres so much we want to show her. We needed a car that would last long enough to see it all. avo subaru outback. Ninety eight percent are still on the road after 10 years. Come on mom, lets go if we dont clearly define were not socialist the republicans will come at us every which we can. If we turn towards socialism, we run the risk of helping to reelect the worst president in american history. I think responses at the polls, last poll had us 10 points ahead of donald trump because the American People understand that trump is a phony. That is how we beat trump. We expose him for the fraud that he is. Steve well, okay. 2020 president ial hopeful John Hickenlooper sounding off on Bernie Sanders, longstanding socialism agenda for america. This is personal issue to our next guest. Brian both of them, gold star mom, Vice President of moms for america, karen vaughn is here. We remember karen, great to see you. Actor jon voight, america has known you for quite some time, jon. Everyone knows you someone very fervently behind President Trump. Yes indeed. I know you guys. Brian dont yell at me when you say that. Gave you the big break in the studio. Steve you were directing one of the segment. I was. I did a very good job too. I dont know why there werent anymore calls. Brian we won award for this. Lisa before we get started with all this, you lost your son, a member of Seal Team Six in 2011. I want to hear about him. He was a remarkable human being. What i want people to know most about him he loved this country so much. He didnt fight for a government. He didnt want to seize anybodys land he fought for the american way of life. That is what i continue to fight for. It met enough to him to give his life for it t means enough to me to continue fighting. Steve in fact youre hitting the road, going down to our nations capitol. Tell us about the idea behind the rally you got . As we watch socialism creep into american government, more and more, even my family members voted for Andrew Gillum in florida, some of my family members did, i thought what is happening . Why are people so falsely persuaded about what socialism is, what it will actually do to our country. Lisa why do you think theyre so persuaded . The education system. We were talking in the green room, right, jon indoctrination through the education system. Weve seen it for decades. They were smarter than us. They allowed these people to force their thoughts into the childrens minds. The kids are smarter than us. I thought i was until i had my own. Brian tell us what youre combining to do. Tell us about the rally. I was, im in new york shooting ray donovan. Every, you know, holiday, and this, 4th of july is a big one. Veterans day, memorial day. And i always look for something to do. Really was like someone answered my prayer and, i got this invitation from karen and this group to come down and stand with them. There is no greater honor than to stand with these moms who have, you know, lost their loved ones, who sacrificed for our country, for our freedoms, and you know who love and honor and respect our nation. So i, this was, for me, i said, oh, yeah. Got to support this group. Steve take her up on the invitation. Tell us about the rally itself. There could be people who might be interested. I have to say first, i had my first phone call with jon, are you punking me . Is this your cleaning mom. Lisa ashton kutcher. You got to be kidding me. What were doing meeting in section 10 on the capitol lawn, july 4th, 10 a. M. Were invited everybody to attend, media, people across the nation, are rallying to join forces to show support to these gold star family members, right . Who are using their wounds and their brokenness to say, hey, we have kind of a moral authority here in this particular situation to say no to socialism. Were going to nip this in the bud. This is all being funded by moms for america, which i do work with. Moms for america is just a group of mothers across this nation determined to reclaim our culture for truth, family and freedom. Please. Brian i have to say this, if you let me, we still need funding. So if people want to help us on this mission, go to moms for america. Us. Click on the gold star family thing to help fund this. It is costing a a lot to do this endeavor. Lisa what is the message you want to be delivered . And why is it so important to fight against socialism . Yes the message is, we are a free society. Able to grow up on a farm of west tennessee, have the dream of u. S. Navy seal because he was free to do so. Nobody was determining course of his life. Nobody was creating situations he had to walks through. He could do whatever he wanted. That is why it is so important. Brian jon, says pursuit of happiness. We want to pursuit happiness and success. Mayor de blasio says money is in the wrong hands. That is the problem. What do you say about how america, what how america should be represented to you . Well you know, 4th of july, the statement by jefferson, we hold these truths to be selfevident that all men are created equal, that we are endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights and among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. All these, these statements of our founders are so deeply moving to me. They are not just words, they created the most prosperous and most extraordinary nation on earth. Beacon of light, you know . And you look at those things that god, you know, the freedom to pursue loves, you know . To pursue happiness. These are not part of socialism, folks. And people who are speaking so much about socialism, especially young people, who have been indoctrinated in our schools, they dont know what socialism is. If they knew, anything about the Second World War they would know that socialism is a disaster. It is never produced anything. Brian anywhere, anytime. Anywhere in the world. It is an economic sinkhole but also produces nothing but misery and finally violence too. Steve karen, youre having rally on 4th of july. I understand the president invited you. You have vip access. We have vip access to the events that night. As you know are going to be the largest, largest celebration of Independence Day in our nations history. Steve sound like a flyover of president s air force one. Jon, why have you become such a supporter of this president . Well because of what he has can accomplish. He is a doer. He has unflagging energy. He has more energy than you guys. You guys have a lot of energy. Steve right. His record speaks for itself. Followed through on all his promises to the American People. Steve what is the big thing that he has done you appreciate . Well i mean he righted the ship in some ways. Certainly economically hes, all of these giveaways and all of these regulations which are part of this socialist, government takeover of our society produces economic disaster. He has corrected the ship. Brian jon, hollywood seems to make you stand out, not only because youre the best actor around. Thank you very much, brian. Brian Academy Award winner, they disagree with you politically. That legend, Alyssa Milano who might be best actress ever. Lisa i dont know about that. Brian i understand why republicans quote, stay in your lane, jon, flister, nobody cares what out of touch actor thinks. Come at me, alyssa. Alyssa, come at me. Im ready. Lisa oh, my goodness. That is really offensive. Darling, alyssa, god bless you. I pray god sends his light of truth on all those with no truth about the republicans and about our president. May god bless america. Brian were you surprised to hear that from somebody . People say a lot of things. As i said, when i did a show with mark levin, i was there marching in the 60s. And i came awake because of the disaster that happened. The lives that were lost, 2 1 2 million lives when we pulled out of vietnam and cambodia and laos. We have to go through a process in order to learn the truth sometimes. I did. So i have sympathy with the people who are in ignorance. So, it doesnt scare me. Ignorance doesnt scare me. I was like that myself. So, i have to, okay. I just root for everybody to come to the truth. Lisa karen, importantly, tell us one more time about the rally, where is it again. Time, how people contribute . People contribute visiting momsforamerica. Us. Across the from the Library Congress on the capital lawn. He will be there. Were starstruck. I want to say to President Trump if he is listening. He watches you guys all the time. Steve he is in japan. He will watch later. Brian vcr. Vcr. He is rebuilding the nation my son gave his life for. I feel like my country was rescued in 2016, from i dont even know what. I will fight with my last breath to get him reelected in 2020 because i know he loves america. Brian i know, jon, you will fight too, because i saw the champ. You gave it your all. Thank you so much. Lisa saw the moves on the couch. Jon voight. Lisa thank you very much for your sons service. We honor him. Great to be back with you guys. I want to say youre juster risk. You havent lost anything. Maybe even refined everything. Youre terrific. Lisa website crashed. Is there another place they can go . The website crashed . That is amazing. This is our facebook page. Moms for america 1 i think digit on the end. Thank you. That is amazing. Brian you used to being in charge, okay to toss to Carley Shimkus. Carley this is honor. Brian carley, what do we do . Here is Carley Shimkus my future costar, with the news. Here is Carley Shimkus. Brian my future my future costar, with the news. Carley amazing. Okay. Now we have to get to some serious news. We turn to the headlines. Kevin mcaleenan said he had nothing to do with leaking details of planned i. C. E. Raids. Absolutely not. I would not and have not ever leaked details after sensitive Law Enforcement operation. My primary responsibility is the safety of men and women who go out there every day to protect the American People. So just not true. Carley he was accused of leaking plans for the raids in 10 cities. He also denies anyone in the agency was involved in the leak which ultimately led to the cancellation of the raids. A teenager is being hailed a hero for catching ad to letter who fell from a second story window. Take a look at this. This video from turkey shows the 17yearold with his arms stretched out ready to jump into action. Oh, my gosh. He was walking by after work he noticed the little girl playing near an open window. Incredibly she escaped without a scratch. Amazing. A second woman claims she was left behind on an air canada plane, this time a legally blind 69yearold woman. She says she didnt have a phone to call for help, after the toronto crew made her way wait for a wheelchair. He said they never returned. A mechanic found the woman about an hour later. Air canada blames crew miscommunication. A similar incident happened earlier this month. Those guys, are your headlines. Lisa bet you never thought jon voight would be tossing to you. Carley that was amazing a moment i will never forget. Steve thank you very much, carley. Janice dean on this side of the studio. Janice just us. I got to hug i am as he was exiting. Pretty amazing. Current temperatures, it is warm out there. 77 in new york. 71 in cincinnati. Humid is on the rise. We have a cold front that will visit us across the northeast tomorrow. That could bring a threat for strong to severe storms. Were watching plains states, parts of the great lakes, potential for large hail, damaging winds, isolated tornadoes. The cold front marchs eastward. Potential for stronger storms on saturday for parts of the northeast. The big story feels like summertime. A lot of 90s, feeling like 100 degrees in a lot of these places. It is summertime though. News flash. Brian why we have tank tops. Why god invented tank tops. Janice i have yet to see you in a tank top. I would gladly look at that on social media. Lisa everyone has the right to bear arms. Steve walkers hayes, performs the latest single. You will want to hear it next. [cheering] steve now it is time for our all american summer Concert Series performer, brought to you by sandals, the the world es only fivestar resort. Brian do you have anymore songs to play. Dont let her. [cheering]. She sauce says something if something ever, happened to me she would never, fall in love again, u, what a waste we always said wed go together, but im just half of her forever, this goes out to whoever takes my place she dont give two cents about money, likes a little coffee in her honey, let her sleep late as she wants, home is her favorite restaurant better watch your mouth and your grammar, she loves babies, hates glitter, you better shave, before you kiss her and if she ever misses me, please dont let her she iss insecure about her legs, right, something wrong with her hair, right, just tell her shes crazy, even though she wont believe you best advice i can give you brother, dont ever say shes acting just like her mother, even though she does sometimes, it goes gonna be our little secret she dont give 2 cents about her money, likes a little coffee in her honey, let her sleep late as she wants, home is her favorite restaurant dont you dare come home if youre hammeredded, better watch your mouth and your grammar, she loves babies, hates glitter make her feel better, Say Something funny, Say Something about the weather, tell her whenever i am, im good, and if she thinking she can love again, she should, unstood. Or kids that hes her favorite flower, dont every watch the Office Without her, after church she phone that talk, her favorite season is football she dont give two cents about money, like as little coffee in her honey, let her sleep late as she wants, home is her favorite restaurant dont you dare come back home if youre hammered, better watch your mouth and your grammar, she loves babies, hates glitter, you better shave before you kiss her, and if she ever misses me, please dont let but in my mind im still 35. Thats why i take osteo biflex, to keep me moving the way i was made to. It nourishes and strengthens my joints for the long term. Osteo biflex now in triple strength plus magnesium. With a lot of other young couples. Then we noticed something. Strange. Oh, could you, uh, make me a burger . Poof youre a burger. [ laughter ] everyone acts like their parents. You have a tattoo. Yes. Fun. Do you not work . So, what kind of mower you got, seth . I dont know. Some kid comes over. We pay him to do it. But its not all bad. Someone even showed us how we can save money by bundling home and auto with progressive. Progressive cant protect you from becoming your parents. But we can protect your home and auto. Progressive cant protect you from becoming your parents. Use the promo code fox sports and get 10 off. More walker hayes and sam 90s country. Have a great afternoon. Sandra another strong message from President Trump and his Campaign Team after a fiery second night of debates from 2020 democrats. The president saying he heard a rumor that the democrats plan to rename themselves a socialist party. Im sandra smith, happy friday. I am Trace Gallagher in for bill hemmer, President Trump pulling no punches about what he thinks of the debate even while traveling overseas slamming the ten candidates from last nights debate for their far left views. Sandra meanwhile, the 2020 hopefuls wasting no time going after each other in the front runner joe biden but one of the biggest moments by far of the night right here. They might raise your hand if

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