Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20181026 : comparemela

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20181026

conservatives. >> questioning the fbi's opening of the russia probe after interviewing george papgdz on capitol hill. >> the facts are astounding that we would allow this type of investigation without any real solid foundation of collusion. ♪ and the home of the brave ♪ ♪ brian: you know that is jake steinfeld's niece. steve: singing. it is friday, tgif. thank goodness it's fox. brian: right. we have a huge show. anything like the last few days, things are going to break, be unscripted that we cannot follow because of some of the peril that we have been seeing at the border. within the mail rooms across america. ainsley: we will tell you about the devices that were set. 10 total. we will talk about that in just a minute. first talk about the caravan and what's happening on the border. kirstjen nielsen sat down with martha maccallum yesterday. this is what she said. here is a piece of that interview. >> what we intend to do, and i think the president has been very clear, if you do not have a legal right to come to this country and you come as part of this caravan, you will be returned home. this caravan cannot come to the united states. they will not be allowed in. they will not be allowed to stay. >> who is going to stop them? >> we will stop them. everything is on the take. >> we are continuing to work with the government of mexico. they have been a great partner. continuing to work with the other countries to prepare to receive those of their citizens back. everything is on the table to make it very clear that we have a sovereign right to protect our system. steve: if everything is on the table. this morning there is word that the president could actually use an executive order where he uses section 212 of the immigration act, which is the federal statute, where he would declare that. so people who are in this caravan would be ineligible for asylum because it would be, quote, contrary to the national interest and detrimental to the interest of the united states. and it's the same legal authority that the president used during the travel ban. of course, it was immediately challenged in court. this would probably, too. iit has not been finalized. just one of the ideas under consideration right now. an executive order to stop them and deny them amnesty. brian: i'm still under the naive hope the democrats would see the wisdom in sending a message you can't just storm our borders. if you allow this 4,000 or 8,000 in. 80,000 will be coming shortly. that's why secretary of defense mattis is going to be scrambling 800 u.s. troops to the border, we believe. a mix in there of doctors and physicians because, a lot of these people are going to be in bad shape. they have about 1,000 miles to go to get to maccallum. 2,000 to get to san diego. depending where they want to go. ainsley: a lot of doctors and engineers that they can supply equipment and help with the labor projects. they are heading down there next week to prepare for all the migrants coming up in the coming weeks. steve: the question is how many are there? remember this week we were talking about it auto could be 10,000, could be 4,000 now a credible estimate is there are 3,000. a lot of them have already sought refuge and asylum in mexico. a lot of them have dropped out. a lot of them hopped on a bus and went back home. brian bine we're going to be able to hop on the famed beast train and get forward. although there will be mexican authorities there. shots of them holding onto the top. that's the train that could expedite their trip. ainsley: that takes us to a fox news alert. right now, thousands of migrants are preparing to march north toward the southern burden. brian: griff jenkins is now watching. he is there. is he traveling with the caravan in mexico right near the guatemala border, griff? griff griff we are about 120 miles north of the border. as you see hundreds if not thousands of migrants on the march. we are in a small town north of pijijiapan. headed likely towards tijuana. this is one of the areas where they have started in that small town and moving northward and you know i have been talking with them all morning about the fact that the president has been tweeting for them to turn around. that the dhs secretary kirsten nielsen saying they will not be able to get across the border should they come. they don't want them. yet they said they do not want to deter themselves. yet, when i talked about the president, most of these -- a lot of these are from honduras. i talked to one man from honduras about cutting off aid to honduras. he said listen, i left because the president of honduras, juan orlando hernandez is the problem. he is bad. when you talk about cutting off aid, he said it doesn't matter to me because we never saw a dime of that aid because the president never let american aid get in there what have you now as you look here. large groups of people walking, hoping that they are going to get there hoping that in some way they will be able to get to the border and claim asylum. [speaking foreign language] >> honduras? >> see,. [speaking foreign language] he is saying that he is looking for work. he is from honduras looking for work. a woman with a child in a stroller. pushing they do. brian, as you said, it's about 800 miles from here to mcallen, texas where i was earlier this week. 1600 miles to tijuana. one of the things that we are hearing is our producer. we have a producer from mexico city along with us who is wonderful. she has been talking to the pueblo people. organizers of the group. some of this group may actually want to go to mexico city and hold a protest outside of the u.s. embassy there which would be really a first and really escalate the politics of this. what we are learning in just talking to these people, we are hearing that it is largely headed towards possibly te tijuana on the track we are on now, guys. brian: what are they protesting? wife would they protest us in mexico city? >> it seems they are protesting the conditions in their country us. as i talked to one, they are protesting their own leaders. one of the things also, guy its, when this trek usually happenings with the care van they get on trains north of here about an hour away. we are told by the officials here that the trains are not running right now, so this walk you are seeing is going to continue much farther north if they are going to get any help. they are jumping on every car and bus they can. a lot of the locals helping them. guys? steve: indeed. griff, thank you very much. ainsley: griff was showing earlier there were church groups along the route so that when the migrants were walking north, they would stop and the church groups would provide food and clothes for them. steve: all right. amazing live images. meanwhile, another fox news alert. the feds searching a post office facility in florida overnight where perhaps several suspicious packages addressed to democrats are believed to have been processed. as police reviewed surveillance video taken outside of cnn's offices that could narrow the search for the bomber. brian: i think they are getting close. todd prior worry track being thtracking thelatest developmen. >> focused on u.s. postal facility in florida that they believe some of the packages went through. they would not say whether or not they believe suspect or suspects were still in the state of florida. overnight federal agencies along with miami-dade county police were actively working the scene looking into any clue us for the person or group responsible for the bombs now numbering 10. a government official noted what appeared to be thick dark electricians tape sent john brennan. hopeful the tape captured d.n.a. fiber or fingerprints. also reports law enforcement sphoicials have video dropped of 00 bomb package to cnn. >> i can say with certainty that we will identify and arrest the person or people responsible for these acts. todd: as for why the bombs didn't go off. some experts have pointed to the lack of a triggering mechanism suggesting they were never mental to explode in the first place. steve: todd, thank you very much. the miami gerald herald is sayig one of the packages in question went through giant opa-locka. it's the size of five. no retail counter. takes all the mail from south florida. the packaging question the one that wound up in debbie wasserman schultz office itself, remember it had been sent to eric holder. but it was the wrong address and it got returned to florida. at least that one went through that facility according to federal authorities speaking to the miami herald this morning. ainsley: some of the postmarks were missing and then also former president jimmy carter was told to be on alert authorities believed he could be a target as well. brian: i get the sense they are zeroing in on him or them. there is something going on. meanwhile, 10 minutes after the top of the hour. carley shimkus fresh off doing her show with rob, filling in for jillian. great job. carley: i asked to come back because i had so much fun last week. good morning to you and everybody at home. take a listen to this. a teenager busted by the fbi for allegedly trying to join isis. agents arresting the 19-year-old at an airport in columbus, ohio trying to fly to kazakhstan. from there the doj says he planned to sneak into afghanistan for weapons and kidnapping training. court records show he wanted to start a, quote, deadliest civil war on earth here in the u.s. and right now emergency crews are searching the atlantic ocean for a missing plane. small private jet disappeared while flying from south carolina to the bahamas. the coast guard says the pilot reported some type of emergency before losing contact on radar. about 100 miles southeast of charleston. it's unknown how many people were on board. and new questions over the start of the russia probe after lawmakers interview former trump campaign aide george pandz. >> the fact we're finding in here are astounding that we would allow this type of investigation go to the -- without any real solid foundation of collusion. carley: pahoundipandzpapadopouls discussed. he will join us live next hour. and a high school football player is going viral for his country rendition of the national anthem. watch this. ♪ and the home of the brave ♪ carley: that is 18-year-old jackson nikolas in maryland. he plans to be a country music singer after he graduates. that is he is going to get all the girls. steve: he can sing and play? ainsley: and he gave god all the glory. steve: meanwhile marsha blackburn is leading senate race with 11 days to go. she says her opponent wants to roll out the welcome mat for that caravan. really? he would are going to talk to marsha blackburn next. brian: is another clinton headed to washington? what chelsea clinton just revealed about her future in politics ♪ let's get loud ♪ ♪ i've got to tell you something. with the capital one venture card you earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, every day. not just airline purchases? 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morning, congresswoman. >> good morning. steve: one of the contentious issues across the country is this caravan. >> right. steve: i know you have referred to the caravan as illegal alien mob. and your opponent, mr. bredesen said wednesday: a few thousand poor people aren't a threat to the united states security. why did he say that? so many people are thinking well, i'm not sure if they are, but we should be careful. >> we should be careful. there is a right way and wrong way to come to the united states. and this is the wrong way. you don't come as an invading force. and that is what we are seeing with this caravan. and there is an opportunity for those who need asylum to ask for asylum. don't come as an invading force. this is not how you come to this country. you should come wanting to abide by the rule of law. if my opponent had it his way he would be down there at the border welcoming them, giving them driving certificates which is what he did when he was governor of tennessee. give away 50,000 illegal aliens driving certificates. valid state issued ids. we have seen video of his campaign spokesperson encouraging illegal aliens to sign up to work in his campaign. probably be trying to get them to vote. there is a big difference of opinion of how you address individuals that are seeking to come to this country. steve: congressman, what do you make of the president's suggestion, it's in a number of the major papers today that he may use an executive order essentially to declare some migrants would be ineligible for asylum going forward to stop them. >> we know that when you look at this group that is moving toward our southern border that you have those that are in gangs, you have terrorists that are there. and, steve, i have been in those reception centers on the border. one day in the reception center there were people from 23 different countries. i support general mattis and the call for putting some troops on the border to secure that border. and then, also, i support any actions and the actions that we would be see coming forth that would prohibit those that would seek to do us harm from come in this country. i have got to tell you spending time in sheriffs here in tennessee with some of our county mayors, they will tell if you we do not enforce that border, if we let those in that are in gangs that are traffickers, drug traffickers, sex traffickers, they, local law enforcement end up on the front lines. it makes every town award a borr town. steve: tried to get your opponent on to talk about the issues. apparently they have declined our invitation. >> thanks, steve. steve: congresswoman marsha blackburn running for senate in tennessee. thank you, ma'am. >> thank you. steve: the nationwide manhunt for the mail device sender ramping up. authorities are honing in on the state of florida at a postal facility there. up next fbi agent. ays to help you maintain balance and help keep you active and well-rested. because hey, tomorrow's 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sexual misconduct. the fbi found no evidence of wrongdoing as you have heard. and people caught on camera ripping up a republican candidate's political signs and throwing them into the traffic. the new jersey republican tweeting this video saying this is what a desperate bob menendez campaign does before a debate. >> i don't care, y'all don't live here. well, reached out to democratic senator bob menendez campaign for comment. we are still waiting for him to call us back. ainsley? definitely not voting for hugit's ins. >> nationwide manhunt underway after a tenth suspicious package was found. what complication do authorities face in apprehending the person or persons responsible. brian: i want to ask a former fbi specialist. army ranger and founder of the group jenkins. chad, it looks like a lot of people are focused in florida and certain hubs. other places to look in maryland, new york, and los angeles. where would you go? >> i think with the fbi, going and looking at this opeopenopa-locka facility, -- treasure trove of information. not only for the forensics, for the latent prints and d.n.a. but also because of all the subcomponents. it was 0 for 10 of any of these going off. all those subcomponents, looking at where they were procured, where they were acquired and breaks those down. still full-court press fbi and components investigating this right now. >> chad, what do you make about some of these packages missing their post marks? >> well, that could be using the trigger service. look at the one delivered to cnn. again that goes into where we could dump cell phone towers as well if soros and cnn package were both delivered by couriers, now you do the cell phone dump, cross those numbers, see if there is any positive hits and, like i said, there is so many different avenues to pursue this investigation. believe me, the fbi is doing all of that. brian: obviously, politics plays a role. one theme. these people are all critics of president trump. you say you cannot rule out a false flag operation. what leads to you believe that? >> well, it's just one zero for 10 on any of these devices going off. we still have not gotten concrete information from law enforcement whether any of these devices actually were rigged completely ready to go you can't rule out those two options. we really have two primary. one we have the worst right ring bomb maker in history operation where left wing type of operation to create hysteria and to play on the hearts and minds of those independents and undecideds come the midterm. ainsley: we still don't know. we are being told there is no trigger mechanism on all 10 of them. it appears they were never supposed to explode. we are hearing different reports that maybe one of them went through that opa-locka postal supervisors and hearing reports all 10 of them did. did you hear answer to that. >> did i not. brian, you this investigation is further along than the fbi and federal law enforcement enforcement agencies are leading the public on, that's because, at the end of the day, the number one follow is to go ahead and apprehend the individual, the suspects behind this investigation. ainsley: you were saying there is a chance they do have the guy already? >> no, i don't think they have the guy. i think they are a lot closer after the honing in than what we are getting in the media right now. brian: and some people have told me that if they do think they have the guy, they will watch him to see where he goes before they quickly grab them in many cases if they don't feel is he an imminent threat to see if there are layers to this operation. correct? >> i would think at this point in time whether it's a hoax or real device, that's out the window right now. i think the imminent threat has already been crossed because any of these devices if they could go, we don't want that. there is enough, you know, evidence against this individual that if the bureau has them they will sweep them up quick. brian: just to see who else height be involved. thanks, chad. >> thank you. ainsley: earlier you saw griff jenkins with the caravan. what is being done at the border to stop them? we will ask one of the top agents on the ground coming up next. brian: many democrats blaming president trump for the rhetoric behind mail bombs. remember when they said things like this? >> i want to send the military to the white house to get him. >> i have thought an awful lot about blowing up the white house. brian: diamond and silk here shortly to discuss this. ♪ this girl is on fire ♪ how can we say when you book direct at you always get the lowest price on our rooms, guaranteed? let's get someone to say it with a really low voice. carl? lowest price guaranteed. what about the world's lowest limbo stick? how low can you go? nice one, carl. hey i've got an idea. just say, badda book. badda boom. badda book. badda boom. nice. always the lowest price, guaranteed. book now at ♪ ♪ ♪ you... keep doing you. we'll 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brian: i will be talking later. steve: it sounds as if the white house is considering an executive order where the president uses his authority under section 212, essentially to declare some migrants ineligible for asylum. how would that work? >> well, the way it would work is if you look at the population that we're seeing right now growing exponentially, very rapidly, our family units and unaccompanied children primarily countries other than mexico and specifically in the northern triangle, guatemala, and honduras, if you see this population, we're actually looking at about 64% of apprehensions right now falling in this population. and what happens is we process them and then they get released into the communities. and remain here in our communities for three to five years before they see an immigration judge. the key point here is that once they see an immigration judge. 80% or more are denied the asylum claims that they present. so, in very short explanation is that a lot of these people do not have the case for asylum to be approved at the end of the process. brian: we should be able to do -- right now we are being discriminated against mexicans to be honest it seems like central and south americans are getting preference over mexicans. we solved the mexican illegal immigration issue. give favoritism dates back to 2008-2009. your hands are tied in this process. >> yes. every time we have a situation where we catch and release that emboldens that population, that demographic to continue growing and growing. i will tell you that because of the practice where we do not have the ability to return these people to their home countries, that has instigated this caravan to an extent. people do not believe that we will return them back. and we have to absolutely return them back if they come this way and illegally enter the united states. >> agent padilla, when you look at the crowds and hear upwards of 10, 12,000, others show 4,000 in this migrant caravan. we don't know exactly. when the pentagon says they are going to send 800 troops down i'm sure it's helpful but is that enough? >> well, yes. we are seeing -- actually we are seeing about 2,000 apprehensions a day right now without the caravan and my sector alone yesterday, or the day before yesterday, we apprehended well over 800 people and we're averaging very high numbers. that's without the caravan. as the caravan starts moving. in we are already preparing for it we are planning with our interagency. nongovernmental. we will manage this situation. the key is that we are -- we have to be able to return these people home or if we do not do that we will see more caravans. steve: mr. padilla. isn't the problem really the law? if you want to change the way it is, congress has got to do it. and republicans in congress say hey, look, we have been trying to get something done for a while. we have been trying to get some democrats involved and they simply will not change the law with us. >> absolutely. we have to give the men and women of the border patrol the tools that they need. those two tools are very simple. one, is we have to close these immigration loopholes in order to be able to process these people and return them home. the second one is, of course, the personnel, the neck toggle and infrastructure to include the wall system in areas where we need it. the agents are working 24 hours a day doing the best that they can. but, at the end of the day, we need those two things. brian: so the caravan is a public problem. but there is a quiet problem that you deal with every day. 800 to 1,000 apprehensions and some of them walk right up to you and turn themselves in and they are part of the process. and the ones that can't get processed get an angle bracelet which they break off and never show up again. it's a cycle you are seeing on daily basis. it's up to washington to fix it you can only do so much. >> absolutely. that is exactly what's happening. brian: all right. manuel padilla, thank you so much. ainsley: thank you. let's head over to carley she has more headlines for us. carley: hey, guys. let's get straight to this. 2-year-old girl in georgia goes to bed sick and wakes up paralyzed from the neck down. latest case of afm. a polio-like disease affecting children nationwide. doctors still trying to figure out what causes the condition. so far the cdc has reported 62 confirmed cases of afm across 22 states this year. they are also investigating 93 other possible cases. and a police officer and good samaritan team up to save two women from a burning car. the incredible rescue caught on body cam. >> be careful. the new jersey officer and another man bending the car door back and slashing a seat belt to help the passenger escape. they then pulled the other driver -- the driver out, rather, who crashed into a tree. luckily no one was seriously hurt. and a trump supporter claims he was fired over his political beliefs. michael suing the city of indianapolis where he worked as a supervisor in the department of public works. he claims he lost his job in part for voicing political opinions and wearing a make america great again hat. according to the court documents, he was fired over lack of leadership. the clintons can't seem to stay out of the spotlight. in a new interview, chelsea clinton reveals she isn't ruling out a political run saying quote if i think someone were to step down and retire and i thought i could do a good job and it matched my talents, i would have to think if it's the right choice for me. clinton went on to say her mother has not spoken with her about a potential 2020 presidential run. and those guys. ainsley: only if someone stepping down? brian: can i get appointed by a family friend? fantastic. ains. carley: thanks, guys. steve: democrats, some of them blaming president trump's rhetoric for the reason somebody sent suspicious packages to a number of high profile democrats and critics of the president. did they forget about comments like this? >> i have thought an awful lot about blowing up the white house. >> when was the last time an actor assassinated a president? steve: okay, johnny depp. diamond and silk here to call out the hypocrisy next. ainsley: missouri attorney general and candidate josh hawley, sebastian gorka. [laughter] michelle malkin. they are all here live, good gorky and all. 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it's been a while. steve: here with reaction in some of those sound bites social media stars and donald trump supporters diamond and silk joining us from diamond and silk world headquarters. ladies, what do you make of the fact that we have heard a lot of voices in the last 72 hours or so where people say well, yeah, of course somebody has mailed these suspicious packages. and you can blame donald trump for his rhetoric. >> well, you have to understand this is how the left operates. what they do is try to place blame instead of blaming themselves. you know, when they didn't want to accept the outcome of the election. when they got on the streets and marked with those little with use hats on instead of going to the polls. all the things that they said harass trump supporters, kick them when they are low. bomb the white house. see, whatever you put out is going to come back to you. >> that's right. >> so you have to understand this is merely fear tactic being used to cause chaos and confusion. i need for people to rise above it. go to the polls, vote red and vote republican. steve: ladies, the president of the united states has used tough rhetoric. >> ha ha ha ha. >> hold on. because, they have been doing this to our president before he even became president. when he threw his hat in the ring, not even a day later they started calling him these derogatory names, 9.9% of the left wing news is negative toward this president and towards this country. our president only hits you back two times whenever you hit him back the first time. >> that's right. steve: the counter puncher. ainsley: so, ladies. >> that's right. ainsley: what's the solution to this, this political season because i have never witnessed anything like this. but, what's the solution to this? because if you disagree with the right, the left hates the right. the right hates the left. what do we do as a country? >> well, we are going to have to stop hating each other. >> that's right. >> we are going to have to accept the fact that president trump is your president. >> yes. >> he is the president of the united states is what we are going to have to accept. once they can accept that then we can move our country forward. >> that's right. >> the left is going to have to stop with this foolishness, chaos, confusion, fear. you are putting it in the minds of the american people. if you are really american people. if the left wing media really cared about the american people you would not cause chaos and confusion when it comes to news reporting. >> that's right. brian: a lot of people seeing the story in the "the washington post" a lot of democrats getting a little panicky because this reminds them of 2016 because they expected so much and got so little. >> and the president is winning. the only person they fear. he is winning. he is up in the polls. >> midterm elections republican. >> they parties republican. >> that's right. >> listen, we are winning, y'all. they don't like that. what they do is manufacture stuff. >> yep. >> to create chaos and distract. i need for you to pay attention, go to the polls, vote red, vote republican. >> that's right. don't let what's happening at the border distract you. what's happening at the border is manufactured. there is no way that 7,000 people is going to get on the phone and say hey, i'm going to march to the border. that's not happening. how are these people using the bathroom? how are these people getting food as they ever marching to this particular border? how is it that we are able to send troops other to other countries to protect those other country's borders but people have a problem with president trump sending troops to our border to protect america? steve: we have sent a reporter down to the caravan to try to get some of those answers. diamond and silk, thank you very much for your point of view this morning. >> thank you for having us. brian: straight ahead, former trump campaign aid george papadopoulos testifying behind closed doors on capitol hill about possible bites ibias in the juse department. was he set up when it came to the russia investigation. he joins us live in studio to tell us what happened when he spoke to those leaders. steve: keith ellison republican opponent for minnesota attorney general now leading in the polls after leading for most of the race. he will join us next to talk about what's behind his surge. ♪ hey, baby ♪ there ain't no easy way out ♪ i won't back down ♪ hey, >> curious and troubling agencies of domestic violence that have been leveled against mr. ellison. we can't protect keith ellison to protect consumers or anyone else. look at his atrocious record. keith ellison has regularly stood up for and rallied and raised money for people who have murdered police officers. brian: minnesota g.o.p. candidate for attorney general doug ward low slamming keith ellison in a recent debate. second most powerful at the dnc by the way. new poll shows wardlow gaining ground, leading ellison by 7 after having 5 point disadvantage one month ago. here now with the latest is that candidate himself doug wardlow he has the republican side. doug, how did you do this? how did you come back? was it ellison's actions and revelations or something you are doing? >> well, we have been bringing a strong message across the state that minnesotaens want politics out of the attorney general's office. they are troubled by keith ellison. he has a history of rallying and raising money for cop killers. minnesota ans are rightly concerned. >> i saw his girlfriend who accused him of domestic abuse does not want to release the tape that she says verify it personally humiliating to her. do you believe it? >> oh, absolutely. there is overwhelming evidence supporting the allegations of domestic violence against keith ellison. we have gotten 911 call report there are medical records. there are witnesses. so, evidence is really overwhelming. brian: take a look at the polls right now. star tribunal biewn women voters ellison one point advantage over you. he had 16 point advantage on the gender gap there. so, i guess more people are starting to believe his ex-girlfriend which came out and sai she was abused. actually ex-girlfriend's son was the one who came forward. >> that's right. his ex-girlfriend's son came forward and talked about the abuse of his mother that he had witnessed. very troubling. they are starting to see that evidence and there is plenty of evidence that's publicly available for the people of minnesota to conclude that he is unfit to be the state's top law enforcement official. brian: what makes you think he is anti-law enforcement. >> the fact he has raised money for cop killers cathy lien saliah, murdered police officers in los angeles with pipe bombs in the 1970s. go down a list. shakur, there are a number of different police killers that keith ellison has rallied forked in the paths. brian: are you surprised more democrats haven't come out against him being that these alleys are so strong and that there is this other allegations about his relationship with farrakhan? >> absolutely. i am very surprised that leaders in the democratic party here in minute society are still backing him because there are so many troubling things about keith ellison, especially in light of the doug domestic abuse allegations against him. allegations supported by overwhelming evidence. they should come out against him. it's very troubling that they have not. his campaign is cratering. it's absolutely cratering. is he panicking. keith ellison is actually going around, shopping around false rumors about me about when i was 14 years old saying i was a bully. it's just preposterous. brian: doug wardlow surging way in front of the former congressman from minnesota who is second at the dnc, keith ellison. thanks so much, doug. appreciate it. >> thanks some. brian brian we did reach out to the ellison camp. they did not get back to us. meanwhile, griff jenkins is live traveling with the migrant caravan south of mexico right now. he will join us live up next. missouri attorney general and republican senate candidate josh hawley, sebastian gorka are coming up and michelle malkin and josh hawley, a guy in the perfect spot to flip that seat red in missouri. bela's. with big savings on flannel for the whole family. and save 30% on new cabela's men's thermals. bass pro shops and cabela's. your adventure starts here. on table ten. ♪ he'd be proud of us. a family business should stay in the family. see how lincoln's insurance solutions can help protect your family, your business and everyone who counts on you, at your business and everyone who counts on you, and your sister-in-law's tennis partner's chatty coworker's youngest daughter's entire judo class. one shot can make a world of difference. walgreens' specially trained pharmacists, know exactly which flu shot is right for you. protecting the world... over 60 million flu shots and counting, starts with protecting yours, today. walgreens, trusted since 1901. >> hundreds if not thousands of migrants on the march. steve: words president could use executive order where he would declare some of the people would be ineligible for asylum. >> we have to be able to return these people home. if we do not do that we will see more caravans. >> overnight federal agents looking into the clues for the person or group responsible for the bombs. >> our president cannot escape special scrutiny. is he at the head of the hate parade. >> left shouldn't just be angry about this when they are silent about attacks on conservatives. >> new questions over the start of the russia probe after lawmakers interview george papadopoulos. >> the facts are astounding that we would allow this type of investigation without any real solid foundation of collusion ♪ and the home of the brave ♪ [cheers and applause] ♪ working for a living ♪ living and working ♪ this is what they're giving ♪ because i'm work for a living. brian: i like when we have music from guests we have had on. phil vassar has been on. ainsley: we made minimum famous. brian: i wouldn't say we made him famous but we helped his career move forward. steve: sebastian gorka is going to be joining us. we will be talking about what she regards as invasion on our southern border, michelle malkin. brian is going to be talking to george papadopoulos and what a story he has got to tell. the guy who could be the next senator from the great state of missouri josh hawley, charles payne, king of payne is going to talk cash and dan bongino is going to be talking to us regarding all those packages delivered to all sorts of people all across america. ainsley: today is friday. no more alarm clocks after today. brian: unless you have to get up on saturday. lafayette. ainsley: for most people at least. brian: all right. ainsley: reports out that president is thinking of using the executive order to stop that caravan from coming into the united states. he says it's allegedly not in the best interest of the united states. steve: you know what happened? apparently those images of the caravan breaking through the gate and the fence in guatemala into mexico so alarmed the white house that they are trying to figure out some way to do something about the caravan in spite of the law, which makes it very clear if you come into the country and you ask for asylum or if you enter the country illegally you wind up in the court system. and then you disappear. brian: the reports were that there has been series of high level meetings with the president and without the president to find ways legally to stop this. because this cannot go forward. the president has been saying this will not happen. now they seem to have a plan. they have asked the secretary of defense mattis to send 800 troops. they will include doctors in those troops and engineers to turn them around. more importantly, stop the next caravan and the next caravan. kirstjen nielsen is homeland security secretary. she talked to martha yesterday. >> what we intend to do and i think the president has been very clear, if you do not have a legal right to come to this country and you come as part of this caravan, you will be returned home. the caravan cannot come to the united states. they will not be allowed. in they will not be allowed to stay. >> who is going to stop them? >> we will stop them. everything is on the table. we're continuing to work with the government of mexico, been a great partner. we are continuing to work with the other countries to prepare to receive those of their citizens back. everything is on the table to make it very clear that we have a sovereign right to protect our system. steve: one of the suggestions, one of the ideas, one of the problems is the migrants who cross illegally are still taken into custody. they could turn them around and try to force mexico to take them. and that could cause a conflict with mexico. but, white house officials said the u.s. has legal authority to return them because mexico let them into our country in the first place. ainsley: the pentagon is sending the 800 troops like you said, brian, as brian mentioned going to be doctors, going to send engineers supply equipment and labor project set to arrive next week so they can prepare for the migrants coming up. steve: they are going to support the 2,000 national guardsmen already down there. brian: we just had a border patrol officer on. they are getting 1,000 a day anyway. ainsley: arrests, apprehensions. brian: they are not grabbing them by the collar. they are turning themselves in because they want to get here. beef have a huge problem. after this midterm election we have to force these lawmakers to come together and solve it. steve: good luck on that. but, everybody agrees there are loopholes. meanwhile that caravan show nothing signs of stopping despite warnings from the administration. brian: yep. right now, thousands of migrants are gearing up to march closer to our southern border. ainsley: griff jenkins is down there traveling with the caravan. is he in mexico about 120 miles north of guatemala in the southern part of mexico. griff? >> yeah, guys, good morning. you see the hundreds coming and caravans coming in trucks. a lot of the people here at this location about 120 miles north of the guatemalaen border are trying to get on vehicles just like this. they also want to make their way, many of them to tijuana about 1600 miles or possibly texas. which is only half that distance. step out of the way here. we have a truck pretty fluid situation here. but the ultimate goal, ultimate point we are learning this morning, we are going to go this way for a second, guys, despite the president saying sending 800 troops by the border. despite the president saying to turn around and despite his threat of making it more difficult to get asylum, you see people all along here. we have been talking to them all morning. many of them from honduras. here is a family. i have a family here. this is a very nice couple. javier and their 2-year-old son jola. [speaking foreign language] >> basically he is saying that he hopes that they are aware that the president has said that they are not going to be allowed in he hopes the president will have mercy as we have heard all morning. many of them wanting to come for work because of the conditions and, of course, many of the hondurans here. this is largely honduran group we are seeing here they blame the problems and poverty and crime in their country on their current president hernandez. that's what's going on here. if you just look, it's just nonstop, guys. it's early in the morning. they are marching because of the fact that the heat, it's going to get very hot here. reach in excels of 80 degrees. and that kind of heat on these people that have been marching since october 13th is unbelievable. now, you have -- we mentioned earlier about some turning back. about 15 to 1600 we are told here have given it up. have turned themselves in to mexican officials and been repatrepated to country countris countries. they are from san bac pablo in honduras about 1,000 miles, making a guess. two weeks and a lot more to go. here is an interesting scene i want you to see. this is what happens all morning long. the migrants run to jump on willing vehicles that will then take them hopefully north. they want to get to cities about 80, 90-kilometers north of here where traditionally migrants have made these trips. they will get on trains, we are told that mexican officials may be suspending train operations to try sort of dissuade. this as can you see, this is neither a ride. as we have seen civil protection, which is like mexican's version of fema hanging out water and supplies because the situation here is very difficult for many of these people as we continue to get a live look. ainsley: how do these families do this with a 2-year-old? how does the child take a snap? i imagine the child is uncomfortable. i guess they do that because they want their child to have a better life? >> that's right, ainsley. they say that they it's been tough and told me said very difficult particularly with a small child. but he says that he is going to not give up his life because he wants a better life. no opportunity for work,] spanish word for him and his wife to get a better life. tried explain to them and they are aware the president and the administration has said you have to do this in their words the correct way. you can't just show up on the border. they won't be accepted. he is going to hope and pray that that's not true. steve: the administration has made it very clear that you claim asylum just because you want to get a job. you cannot claim asylum for family reunification. has t. has to be a political violence or personal safety thing. griff, you said something about a minute ago that i had not heard before, that is, you know, we are looking at you right there. it's dark there. you would think people would be sleeping. but, because of the heat, they try to get a jump on the day and get as far as they can when it's not 100 degrees. >> that's exactly right. steve. they want to get a jump on the day. you also as you see just piling in this vehicle now. they want to get a jump on any vehicle. [speaking foreign language] so, we are just getting a little closer look so you can see. he is telling them no more people. can't take any more people but, earlier we stopped about 40 miles north of here, a church group trying to give out food. clearly a lot of mexican people are trying to assist this early this morning. mexican officials are still trying to crack down on the immigration, we are told, with our mexico city producer who has been helping us talking with pueblo group organizing this hearing when this group is not large, when it's small, some of the officials are taking them in and basically apprehending them and trying to deport them and let rid of them griff, real quick, are they getting -- are they paying for this travel or is this out of the kindness of this guy's heart? >> i'm sorry, one more time? broke up just a touch. brian: are these guys paying for the ride? >> no. we haven't seen any money changing hands. they are not paying. this is just mexican citizens volunteering. and that's an interesting point. because the more that the mexican population assists them and helps them on their way, the more difficult it becomes in getting them closer to that border with the administration's tough stance. it really will be quite heart wrenching to think of the young family i just saw that's going to spend weeks in difficult travel to get to the border and no one is really sitting them down and saying stop, go back, you are north going to make it you are only going to have a difficult time. steve: griff jenkins with the caravan in southern mexico. griff, thank you very much. ainsley: breaks your heart. we are all parents and hard to see that adults get in that car and the kids are left behind. brian: are you being responsible as an adult doing that and not getting a work visa and doing it the right way? steve: they are able to do that because there are so many loopholes in our laws as we have talked about congress need to change. carley, you have the very latest on these devices. carley: that's right. some more big nufsz to give you here. this is a fox news alert. the feds getting closer to figuring out who is behind the bombs being sent to prominent democrats. overnight investigators searching a major u.s. facility in open lock carks florida open iloka, florida. opa-locka, florida. >> i can say with certainty we will arrest and identify the person or part-time responsible for these. >> one sent to the obamas and the clintons. we will keep you updated as we get more on this front. guys, back to you. >> that's right. all eyes on opa-locka, that facility down near miami. ainsley: thank you, carley. steve: you just saw griff jenkins and the caravan on the move as the president is considering new move to stop them at the border. we will talk to sebastian gorka who says this is a threat to our security. he joins us next. ainsley: one trashing trump supporters literally. the controversial new posters popping up in new york city. ♪ i will never say never ♪ i will fight until forever ♪ ♪ steve: a flert. the white house reportedly weighing executive action to stop the caravan of my grants. this as president trump is expected to send 800 troops into our southern border. here is insight is sebastian gorka strategist. author of that great book called "why we fight" sebastian, good morning to you. >> good morning, steve. >> it sounds like everything is on the table. they could use an executive order, section 212 of the immigration act where the president would declare some migrants ineligible for asylum because it would be contrary to the national interest detrimental to the interest of the united states. that's the same legal authority back in the day he used for the travel ban. >> right. steve: which was immediately challenged in court. >> and we won. i was involved with preparing the original travel moratorium. i was involved in selling it to the american people and explaining it. it was challenged and what happened? the president went through the whole system, through the challenge, the appeal and the supreme court and what did we find at the end? the president has the unique constitutional authority to decide who comes into the united states and under which yardstick they are measured. and he won. this is a national security issue, steve. steve: we were talking to marsha blackburn. her opponent phil bredesen former governor of tennessee said a few thousand poor people down in central america heading our way that's not a national security crisis. >> hey. how does he know that b, people like chris farrell of judicial watch and sara carter have gone down and interviewed the caravan, found people from south asia, from bangladesh are in there the president of guatemala has said he just deported a hundred isis members. this is one of the source countries for the caravan. steve: i know he made that claim but i don't think has been has verified that, have they? >> according to the president of guatemala i wouldn't do that when you look at the fact that this is 80% of the caravan are military-aged males, that's a potential national security threat. at the end of the day, that logic doesn't bear weight. there is 7 billion people in the world. a lot of them are poor. where do we stop? do we open the borders and let everybody? then america ceases to exist, steve. steve: that's a good point. the president of the united states, apparently the entire white house was horrified when those people were able to bust down that gate in guatemala and stream into mexico. this someone of his core platform planks for the president. that is stopping the illegal flow of people in the country. >> this is what democrats, this is what the people behind the caravan and there are organizerriners don't understand. candidate trump built his campaign on immigration reform and building the wall. it's not happening and he is shocked at this caravan as are all decent americans who understand the national security threat. there is public health issues as well. steve: look, after the election, congress has got to do something. >> the system is broken. the idea that you can come in here, register for asylum and then you disappear into the system that's nuts. steve: that's a loser: papadopoulos testified yesterday behind closed doors on capitol hill about possible bias in the department of justice and the russia investigation. he calls the whole thing a set-up. he is going to join brian in 10 minutes to talk about it. goi. awe man. always look for the grown in idaho seal. i am a techie dad.n. i believe the best technology should feel effortless. like magic. at comcast, it's my job to develop, apps and tools that simplify your experience. my name is mike, i'm in product development at comcast. we're working to make things simple, easy and awesome. ♪ brian: news by the numbers. first, 13 minutes. that's the average time taking voters in florida to fill out their ballots as early voting begins in florida. those ballots include more than a dozen constitutional amendments. that should go well. next, $15 an hour. that's how much san jose is planning to pay 25 mommyless people to pic$15 an hourto homek up trash: the december 28th, 1774 edition of the pennsylvania journal and the weekly advertiser discovered at a goodwill in new jersey it could be worth up to $16,000. how did it stay together and not vapor rise? steve: now to a fox news alert. as investigators search for a motive in the string of package scares. congresswoman maxine waters is pinning the blame on the president. >> i think the president of the united states should take responsibility for the kind of violence that we are seeing. i think the president of the united states has been dog whistling to his constituency. they are acting out what they believe the president wants them to. he, in his own way really does do a lot to promote violence. now they are trying to turn it on us. ainsley: is he promoting violence? joining us now with her reaction is michelle malkin the host of michelle malkin investigates. >> michelle, you remember her standing in front of the crowd at those rallies saying get in their face and he is the one invoking violence. >> that woman has a lot of gull that woman does. i started out my newspaper career in los angeles and i have been covering her since the early 1990s. her propensity for inciting violence goes all the way back to even before the l.a. riots. this is something who was essentially, you know, dancing on the ashes of the l.a. riots and who excused that huge violence as a justifiable demonstration of quote, unquote, civil unrest. that is actually the calmest i have ever seen her. what a kabuki theater pose that was. brian: i want you to hear her not calm. steve: flashback. >> if you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store an, at a gasoline station, you push back on them and you tell them they're not welcome. steve: do you trace the waive of activists getting up in the face of republicans to that? >> i think that's the latest manifestation of it. i wrote a book in 2006 wrote unhinged exposing liberals gone wild. mug shots of inciters violence. the other thing that's important, too is there is a phenomenon of blame writing in the wake of all sorts of unsolved incidents of violence or domestic terrorism. a lot of times what happens is, especially the liberal media that jumps the gun on these things is always eating crow afterwards. they never learn their lesson. steve, yesterday you were talking about the anthrax attack. these people have -- amnesia about exactly what happened. do you guys remember that npr had unjustly smeared the traditional values coalition because a couple of the letters had been sent to tom daschle and pat leahy. and so there were people who actually verbalized and theory rised that well, since traditional values coalition had opposed leahy and daschle, wanting to eliminate the phrase so help me god from the senatorial oath, oh, well, they fit the profile of somebody who might be anthrax bomber attackers. and they issued a hollow apology and those smears from happened for years and people are sick of it. ainsley: how do not see the hypocrisy. >> public amnesia and forgetting of historical perspective. even if in the last 10 years there have been many incidents of violence by complete nut balls that were blamed on republicans and blamed on conservative media and people who espouse conservative principles. what really is at issue here is a way to exploit these crises to suppress peaceful conservative free speech. steve: you mentioned your book "unhinged" the book before that was called "invasion" all about our immigration problem. as we look at this caravan heading towards the united states, it sounds like the president may try to do some executive order to essentially do the same thing to people trying to get asylum here as he did with the travel badge, which of course, was immediately challenged in the courts. i have gotten so many email from people who said don't call it a caravan. call it an invasion, is that fair? >> of course it is. it is a full scale invasion by a hostile force. and it requires our president and our commander-in-chief to use any means necessary to protect our sovereignty. the reason that i called my book "invasion" because of article 4 section 46 the constitution. people never talk about this before the constitutional imperative to provide tort common defense and promote general welfare and liberty to ourselves and prosperity. the people who are already here. and if tha that means troops on the border, yes. the problem is that the troops can only serve in administrative support capacities, really a band aid. underlying solution, of course is, to finish the wall and to put more border patrol agents on the border and ranchers and families have been calling for that for the three decades that i have been covering this issue. brine brian maybe they stop getting in front of a judge and turned around instead of wait for the justifiable department grab an ankle bracelet and wal see you when we see you. that's not working. democrats know. this that's why they have got to solve this problem. >> that's right. they have to keep stopping this idea oh we can only solve it after the election. brian: michelle malkin, thanks so much. >> you bet. brian: george papadopoulos testifying behind closed doors on capitol hill about possible bias in the justifiable department. and the russia investigation. he calls the whole thing, quote: a set up. he joins us live to expand. oh! oh! ♪ ozempic®! ♪ (vo) people with type 2 diabetes are excited about the potential of once-weekly ozempic®. in a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than seven and maintained it. oh! under seven? 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>> i believe there was tremendous misconduct on the government's behalf regarding my case. and given certain information i learned just yesterday that i can't publicly disclose right now, i'm actually even considering withdrawing my agreement i have come to with the government. brian: under previous lawyers, you agreed to plead to lying to the fbi and getting 1 days in jail and you served one day, right? so you just say what makes you think you want to withdraw that? >> to have to serve even one day in jail for something that now it seems was completely orchestrated and i was framed in many ways, it's just something by principle and by precedent i would never want another american to go through something like i'm going through again. if i end up deciding to fight this, i would be doing it more so to assure this precedent doesn't affect future americans might join a presidential campaign or anyone for that matter. brian: let me tell you if i got this right, you are helping to help israel prior to president trump running for office, to help israel do the best they can with this new oil discovery. hooking them up with greek officials. try to get a buyer for their oil and expedite their energy. that would put a red flag up to the obama administration. they didn't like you doing that. >> that's right. there is in misunderstanding that i was sort of a russia insider. i have absolutely no contacts whatsoever in russia. i have never been to russia. i have no russian friends. but, i had a lot of contacts in the middle east, israel, egypt, and what i really think this is all about is there was some sort of red flag that the obama administration and possibly his doj put on me for my contacts in israel. if it was politically motivated i'm not sure it seems like that now given certain information i learned recently, but, that's really what this is all about. brian: george papadopoulos gets the attention of donald trump. and he adds you to his foreign policy team. unpaid position use influence and get a job if he wins? >> that's right. >> you decide david cameron relationships donald trump to write editorial saying unfair to do it. antennas go up with british intelligence. is that correct? >> as soon as i gave this interview to the "times" of london i think around may 1st or 2nd of 2016. where specially i told the u.k. prime minister look, back off from the candidate that i'm supporting and you shouldn't be calling him an idiot or whatever he was doing about candidate trump's proposal for a muslim ban which i think many people at the time in the united states were supportive of. and as soon as i gave that interview. that's when my life completely turned upside down. i was being followed in london. i had officials from the u.s. ambassador which seemingly intelligence officials reaching out to me. downer wanted meet. it was in that meeting where he essentially told me you better stop bothering david cam ron and tell trump to stop bothering him, too. brian: think about this, george, the australian ambassador who by the way gave millions of dollars to the clinton foundation is telling to you stop bothering david cameron. you are an american who happens to be working unpaid for donald trump. john ratcliffe is hearing all this in the meeting yesterday and said this. >> >> justice is blind fold lady holding a southwest scales. no one's finger is supposed to be on the scale. >> fail like earlier this year when we saw ransom ware attack which targeted the city of atlanta. >> testimony, i can say is consistent with a lot of other testimony to the point that neither she or peter strzok and the folks at the centers of the -- brian: i have no idea what just happened there john ratcliffe is one of the people talking to you. so alexander downey was talking to you. fryer that you were talking to a guy named miffsit. >> i think i need to clarify who this person joseph miff miffsed maltese professor jopsd the information on me about the russians having hillary clinton's emails. >> so just prior to that he reached out to you for what reasonable? he wanted to talk to you about energy? >> yes, so, no. we meet in a room and i never quite understood why i was meeting this person at this university in rome through my old company which i now found out is some sort of western intelligence front group, okay, which i didn't know at the time. so the entire meeting with joseph mif miffsid completely orchestrated. this man's lawyer went public and said listen, everyone, this narrative about my clients joseph miffsid is totally wrong. is he not a russian agent targeting papadopoulos. weighs working at the behest of the fbi when he was talking to papadopoulos, when he was interacting with papadopoulos. unless his lawyer is slandering his client and awaiting a massive lawsuit for libel, i'm not sure is he lying. brian: joseph says i hear these russians have hillary clinton's emails. he listens and says okay. alexander downer comes up to you a few days later and says what do you know about hillary clinton's emails? >> that allegedly happened. i don't remember talking to alexander about emails bus let's assume this happened at this meeting. seems completely suspicious a week or so after joseph miffsid drops this information on me. brian: unsolicited. >> alexander downer wants to figure out info on this particular topic it just seems it was some sort of sting operation gone bad to be honest with you. brian: word is that downer taped that conversation. downer all of a sudden feels motivated in july 2016 to call the fbi and say i'm really concerned. i had this conversation with george papadopoulos and they say really? so they started following you and start questioning you. the fbi questions you. and then at which time they say you lied to us? >> yeah. so i didn't actually have my first interview with the fbi until january of 2017. so it makes no sense that if alexander downer had this information about me that i was some sort of russian conspiracy personal wh was i interviewed january of 2017 when i met alexander downer may of 2016. it makes absolutely no sense. brian: you are wondering, next thing you know the finn is questioning you and you are under house arrest. how did that feel. >> it's been very difficult. because my livelihood is basically ruined at this point. all my business was based on traveling abroad and domestically. i have travel restrictions. it's been very difficult on my wife, myself. you know, we have gone through a lot. you know, the most beautiful thing though out of this entire episode has been the american public's support for me and my family and i will never forget that. brian: how do you feel about president trump. >> i'm a big supporter of president trump. i think is he doing great stuff for this country. and i have never lost faith in the man. brian: did they try to get to you flip on president trump? >> i can't give you details on the fbi. all i can say i'm a firm supporter of president trump and his agenda. brian: do you have any connections with the russians. >> unless you consider a think tank in russia a connection i have never met only through email and maltese professor who apparently was working with the fbi. brian: now hiding in italy. who framed you? from the best you know, you are not a detective. >> as i stated, all of my contacts with completely in the middle east, and israel in particular and europe. i had absolutely no contacts in russia. just given that, how on earth could a man like me be at the center of a russian conspiracy unless i was completely framed by western intelligence to make it seem that papadopoulos was interacting with russians and that he is the patsy that started this whole investigation. brian: do you feel like this was a plot to unwind donald trump's candidacy and presidency? >> i truly believe it was likely some sort of plot by western intelligence to assure that if candidate trump is elected, remember, this whole insurance policy that there would be a press denting or some excuse to really try and squeeze them as he is trying to be squeezed now. brian: do you believe that someone had a fisa search warrant on you like they did carter page? >> i don't have real evidence yet about that. but, let's just say after my testimony yesterday, i am starting to believe that more and more and more. brian: george, somebody who read the transcript of the downer conversation said for the life of me, i don't know -- i have never met george papadopoulos but i don't know why he pled. what do you tell that lawmaker? >> let's just say maybe it was chaotic moment when i pled and that's exactly why i have new counsel now. and we are actively looking into new options. and possibly withdrawing from this agreement right now. brian: now it begins your rehab. you wanted to testify publicly. get more behind closed doors. what else next for you? >> i definitely still wants to testify publicly. i want to use this experience as part of my patriotic duty to really give back to this country to expose corruption and to assure that nothing like this ever happens again to the american citizen. brian: get out of that plea agreement, right? >> that's the idea. brian: george papadopoulos they launched the mueller probe because of your conversation it is a complete total sham. >> i have to agree with that. brian: thanks, george. coming up straight ahead, we have more "fox & friends first," including some, oh, yeah, ed henry is going to be out here shortly. don't move. again! ahhhh! i can breathe again! ughh! vicks sinex. breathe on. billions of problems. morning breath? garlic breath? stinky breath? there's a therabreath for you. therabreath fresh breath oral rinse instantly fights all types of bad breath and works for 24 hours. so you can... breathe easy. there's therabreath at walmart. >> something now that seems completely orchestrated and i was framed in many ways. it's just something by principle and by precedent i would never want another american to go through something like i'm going through again. steve: i was framed, according to former trump campaign aide george papadopoulos. you heard him say that 10 minutes ago right here in his first tv interview after taking questions from lawmakers on capitol hill yesterday behind closed doors. ainsley: it raises new question over the fbi's start over the russia probe now. brian: here now chief national correspondent ed henry has been all over this. ed: great job getting an exclusive. brian: great for him to come in and talking he is dying to talk. ed: i'm fascinated because legally i don't know what it means for him. obviously get some lawyers on to figure out if you try to go back to special counsel and say i want to undo a plea deal. george papadopoulos got off very light. he was only supposed to spend 14 days in federal prison for lying to the fbi. number one, real quick, remember, last october, i believe it was. when he pled, it was a year ago this month there were people on cnn and elsewhere saying this is a game changer. this is bigger than manafort. brian: they say that every day. >> they say that a lot. i went back and researched it yesterday. because i was working on a piece myself. and it was -- this is so bad for donald trump, papadopoulos is now going to sing. and then at the end he gets 14 days in prison. that means he doesn't have a lot. number one, number two, if he reopens now and says i was framed. framed by who? here is the really really part. it would be the fbi potentially. steve: and their partners. ed: yes, last year, 017, the "new york times" did this massive piece if you will remember saying where did all of this start, the russia investigation? they claimed it started with, i think, downer who you were just talking about, the australian diplomat. the meeting papadopoulos papgdz had with downer. that led to fbi counter intelligence probably of president in russia i believe july 21st, 2016. brian: can i add something, that meeting with downer he says they were drunk had a few drinks and started saying this: he does not confirm that number one, and number two it might be a transcript. it looks like downer was taping the entire conversation. ed: here is why that is important. the fbi claim in 2017, this was their cover story we got dirt from this meeting between the australian diplomat and papadopoulos, and why did they do that? that allowed them to say this started? you'll 2016 before they had the dossier and it wasn't the clinton financed dossier. here's the problem. a couple months ago the "new york times" had another story saying it actually happened different and they did use the dossier. and that papadopoulos meeting didn't matter. so george papadopoulos has a lot of credibility. steve: what did they do to get the fisa warrants used parts of the dossier and took them to the press. the department of justice said hey, look at this press story, obviously let's use this for the fisa warrant. it's circular. ed: why was the fbi leaking to the "new york times" last year? it all started with papadopoulos, not the dossier. because they were trying to push a narrative. ainsley: his why the fought for him a very long time when he couldn't talk. do you think he should go back and reopen this. ed: that's up to him and his family. robert mueller is going to want you to spend more than 14 days in prison if you can't prove your side of the story. it's dangerous. so, again, that's up to him and his family. ainsley: and his lawyers. ed: if he does do that suggests papadopoulos is very confident that he is going to bring other people down. steve: he could have gotten bad legal advice. ed: people at the fbi watching this interview very closely. ed: thanks, ed. great job. griff jenkins live traveling with the migrant caravan. south of mexico right now. he joins us live. steve: dow futures are pointing down after a roller coaster week on wall street. charles payne on deck. the water in your body, unblocking your system naturally. miralax. now available in single serve mix-in pax. i'm ready to crush ap english. i'm ready to do what no one on my block has done before. forget that. what no one in the world has done before. all i need access, tools, connections. high-speed connections. is the world ready for me? through internet essentials, comcast has connected more than six-million low-income people to low-cost, high-speed internet at home. i'm trying to do some homework here. so they're ready for anything. steve: brand new economic numbers coming out 36 minutes making the first g.d.p. report released before the midterms. ainsley: white house anticipating 3.5% growth for the third quarter. what should we expect? brian: hear to weigh in charles payne fox business network filling in for neil yesterday. what are we looking at? >> over 3% for sure. at the high end, possibly 3.8, 3.%. put it in perspective, we never had a full year of 3% the 8 years prior to president obama coming in. -- president trump coming into office. this will be back-to-back quarters over 3%. hasn't happened since 2014. and after 2014, we started to live with this assumed new reality that this kind of growth was impossible that we could never achieve it again. it's absolutely huge news. and, the only problem with it, unfortunately, is on the other side of this, have you got the federal reserve which may see this god news as another reason to slow down the economy. so, it's an interesting dichotomy when you just oppose it with the stock market in the federal reserve and with main street because obviously main street we want strong g.d.p. and wage growth we need it. ainsley: the market rebounding, right? >> the market rebounding. the market is down. going to be down 300 points at the open today. couple things hurting us at the market. two things moved the market. sentiment and fundamentals from, sentimental point of view on 23rd chairman powell gave a speech that rocked wall street's world. he essentially said listen, we have a long way to go. we are going to keep raising rates, we are going to crush this economy. that's how everyone heard it this has been the worst october in years because of that. steve: that's why the president has been out there saying what is the fed doing? >> his exact words were we may go past neutral. we are a long way from neutral. so it's a legitimate reason. and then, of course, on top of that this earning season we have seen a lot of these major companies not produce the kind of revenue. brian: including amazon. >> amazon, google. some of that is ironically the strong dollar, too strong, almost every company that i have listened to all had problems with the strong dollar, including google this morning. steve: we will be watching for the number. we will see it right here on the fox news channel. >> it's going to be huge. >> thank you, sir. >> see you later. ainsley: griff jenkins is traveling live with the migrant caravan in southern mexico right now. he will join us live with the update next. steve: one of the closest races in the mid terms. claire mccaskill in missouri and joshua hawley in a dead heat. he joins us live in 15 minutes ♪ looking like a true survivor ♪ i'm still standing ♪ you can quickly cook food, juicy on the inside and crispy on the outside. go from fresh to deliciously done in half the time. which means it may become the only thing you use in your kitchen. 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>> i lived in florida. 18 years. 18 years. reporter: you were deported when? >> two months, two months, guatemala deportation. reporter: you were deported. you have a crimestoppers on your t-shirt, you're breaking law to go? >> it is tough no. good people. usa is good people. no criminals. reporter: when you hear, you know that it is illegal for you to go without proper citizenship, what do you say? >> i need work. i need money for my family. i need too much money. my country, no money. no work. i need it for my family. i go to the usa. reporter: going back now. i want to ask you one last question. president trump says turn around, don't come. do you have something to say president trump. >> i know. i know. mr. trump says no need hispanics in the usa. mr. trump, maybe no have a heart, maybe have no head. my people, honduras, guatemala, costa rica, nicaragua, i need work. i need work. reporter: do you think they should change the law and let you in just because for the humanitarian, compassion reason? >> yeah. yeah. reporter: you know that is not going to happen. they are not going to let you in. are you still going to try? >> i know. i know. mr. trump i need a change. usa. no is good, i'm sorry. reporter: elio, thank you. that is what is going on here. he clearly knows it is against the law. he was living there. broke the law to go there. he believes he is going any wiiaway. he has a. brian: we need workers. epneed as job. there is a work visa program. we have to find a way work program for obviously a good person, wants to work hard, find a way to make both the ends meet. there has to be a work visa program that is effective. steve: talk to congress. reporter: yeah, but you know, a little bit what i was talking to elio beforehand, living in mexico gives him a better shot. he can't travel thousands of miles to get to work from central american country and honduras. he will being better off in mexico. even if sitting in tijuana. remember the last caravan they were on tijuana side for weeks before the asylum being heard. this gentleman the asylum hearing tough one to make. he broke the law and was deported once. ainsley: tell us where you are, looks like a check point but it es a not, you're about 120 miles from the border. reporter: it is not a check point. you look behind me, this is check point there. this is the mexican federal police. it is essentially their check point because of the border only 100 miles to the south. it is a federal mexican police check point. this is traditionally a route so many migrants go to on the way to california where they perceive officials are more friendly than arizona or certainly texas. steve: griff, you mentioned the previous caravan of migrants that came up towards tijuan n famously i recall a number of lawyers talking to the migrants before they got to the united states check point, the port, told them essentially what to say, how to claim asylum. do you get a feeling they know what to say? that guy said i will to to work because i need money. that is not a reason for asylum, or family reunification. is anybody talking to them to tell them what to say to claim asylum? reporter: we have certainly heard in our conversations with pueblo they are trying to help them in every way. perhaps what to say at the asylum hearing. there is a pueblo leader here with this group last hour, was taking a large group. we tried to get him to talk to us on camera but he just would not do so. they're certainly organized in terms of helping them in every way, whether it is food and water or making this difficult trek or in the case of what to say to the officials when they get to the border for the asylum hearing. but every indication is that we believe there are certainly some concerted effort on the part of organizing group to help them get through the interview. you remember the last caravan came through only a few hundred of 1200 made it got to the border. the officials did metering. essentially set them up course of weeks for the interview. as interviews perhaps go on if they get there this time. this will be a higher bar set for the next step which would be actual hearing with u.s. immigration judge. brian: great work, griff. put it in perspective. a human face behind the big picture. appreciate it. >> thanks, griff. steve: 8:10 in new york city. ainsley: let's hand it over to carley with headlines. carley: the fed is figuring out who is behind the suspicious packages being sent to prominent democrats. overnight investigators searching a major ups facility in opa locka, florida where several of the packages appeared to come through. they noticed big, dark, electrician's tape on suspicious package sent to former cia director john brennan. they hope it has fingerprints and they have video of of of the courier to the person that delivered them in new york. >> we'llers the person responsible for these attacks. carley: 10 suspicious packages found this week, including ones sent to the obamas and clintons. guys, sent back to you. steve: carley, in the "miami herald" they talked to federal authorities because of the opa locka postal facility, they say the packages were constructed, they were not going to go off. ainsley: never intended to explode. no trigger mechanism they said. brian: what you worry about, are the next ones scheduled to go off. he or she, to be honest, almost never seems to be females, did they show you enough they're capable of doing more, or are authorities so confident that they got the person and maybe some of that, some of that, activity we're seeing in florida means they have got the person? ainsley: what is period, some of the postmarks were missing. they contacted president carter, jimmy carter, you might be a target next. be careful when opening your mail. brian: how would they know in? steve: 8:12 in new york city. ainsley: you heard brian' exclusive interview with george papdopoulus. dan bongino will react to the investigation. brian: he has been light years ahead of the investigation, almost more than anybody else senator claire mccaskill, republican josh hawley in almost a virtual dead head. hawley will join us after his big debate next. ♪ ♪ >> democrat who opposed the president every turn. >> this has been a terribly personal campaign. i have tried to keep it on the issues and i am very proud of my bipartisan record? >> have i supported president. you bet i have because the policies he is pursue something good for the state steve steve final debate between senator claire mccaskill and republican josh hawley, got heated in missouri last night. the senate race is one of the closest in the country, 11 days from the election. missouri senate candidate republican josh hawley joins you live from columbia, missouri. good morning, josh. >> good morning. steve: go over to the big screen. according to the "real clear politics" average you are actually leading the incumbent senator from the state of missouri. what is it about your message that seems to be resonating with the folks in that state which went for donald trump? >> i think it is simple. that i will be with the people of my state. i will vote with the people of my state. i will fight for them. senator mccaskill has been in politics 36 years, 12 years in the united states. she is a liberal democrat. she does not vote with the state. she voted no on justice kavanaugh. she voted no on justice gorsuch. she voted no on miss dill class tax cuts. she is sponsoring open borders bill right now, steve. you couldn't get farther away from with people in the state want. that is her problem. steve: she voted no on the border wall. i no shes last night in that little clip she ran she is bipartisan. she claims she votes with the president, president trump half the time, 50% of the time. but not on any of the big things that people have heard about. >> exactly. nothing that this state wants. she votes with chuck schumer 90% of the time. over 2800 times we actually totaled up the votes. so that tells you where she is. she is a liberal democrat. our debate last night she got a little testy, frustrated, she admitted after the debate she was frustrated. her argument and frustration isn't with me, it is with the voters of state of missouri. she is not doing what they want her to do. that is the problem. steve: here is an ad she is running on radio stations in your state. >> what do you know about this josh hawley guy? >> well i think we just elected him to attorney general. he is a man in a hurry. prosecuting fewer criminals, never even tried a case. >> hasn't hawley caught hanging at gym, buying wine during work hours? >> claire is not one of those crazy democrats. she works right in the middle and finds compromise. steve: she is not one of those crazy democrats. what are you doing buying wine during the day? >> all of that, that is all false in every particular. particularly talking about no criminal convictions. we have convicted 100 criminals in the missouri attorney general's office while i have been there. hundreds more convictions. steve: that is a lie. >> that is just false. it is absolutely false. we set records for medicaid fraud prosecution, medicaid fraud recoveries. we led crackdown on human trafficking we never had in the state of missouri. i don't know who senator mccaskill is trying to distance herself from when she say she is not a crazy democrat but she is liberal democrat and her record shows it. steve: we reached out to the mccaskill campaign. we invited her to the program. we did not hear back. we would love to hear her side of the campaign. but she hasn't called us back. josh hawley, running for senator in the great state of missouri. thanks for joining us live. >> thanks for having me. steve: 8:20 here in new york city. straight ahead homeland security secretary chris it tin nielsen says all options are on the table to stop the migrant caravan but promises the migrant caravan will be stopped. we'll debate what happens coming up next. you heard brian es exclusion stiff interview the last hour with george papdopoulus. dan bongino has the reaction coming up. just stick with badda book. badda boom. book now at ito take care of anyct messy situations.. and put irritation in its place. and if i can get comfortable keeping this tookus safe and protected... you can get comfortable doing the same with yours. preparation h. get comfortable with it. ainsley: as the migrant caravan is inching closer and close to the united states there is questions surrounding the motives of some of those who are marching. >> if they are truly fearing for their lives and they're being persecuted they don't need to get to the united states. they should be seeking refuge in mexico. it is motivating them to ignore basically refuge and continue to come to the united states raises questions what their real motives are. ainsley: what should be done about the thousands that are marching to our border here to debate the republican strategist s and democratic strategist. there is reports that the white house is considering executive action to make sure the migrants don't come over. is that a great idea and what is the message to congress? >> that is a great idea. president obama and hillary clinton once said those cross our borders illegally, should be sent right back. i'm glad president trump will uphold that policy. we allow one million immigrants each year. we're doing more than our fair share. people to remember, one out of 5th mean illegal immigrants in the country are able to financially support themselves. 14 out of 15 are expected to live on our tax dollars. we should do something about it. >> rochelle, should our laws and sovereignty be respected. >> absolutely. humane side we have compassion especially with families with children but other side you can't be circumstantial that we are a nation of laws need to be followed. what it comes do what the democrats have done and not done in response to illegally immigration, it seems republicans seem to forget in 2013 they failed to pass a house bill, 40 billion-dollar package, that was pushed forward by chuck schumer which would have allowed 40,000 more border agents, 700 more miles of fencing and enforce border security. so you know democrats have been on board when it comes to stopping illegal immigrants from coming into our country and obviously seeing this caravan, i mean when i saw it i was very shocked at the fact that these people are still trying to come here, especially knowing the president, the kind of president we have right now which may actually end end up separating them from their families and their children. ainsley: they're not doing that anymore. >> not yet. ainsley: there are reports this term credible fear, if you get here, you say you're in fear, you have credible fear, you use that phrase, look at numbers, in 2006, 5% were using that phrase. in 2016, 39% were using that phrase. allowing them to have asylum to come into our country and catch-and-release. >> yeah. well i have to say i'm not shocked in this caravan. i know democrats probably want their voters to get here before midterms. too bad, so sad. i have to also say, i don't feel bad. each of people come over illegally they are criminals. i know i said you can't determine those that are good people and those that are bad people, they are all criminals. >> they're not all criminals. >> illegal migration is a crime. we have opportunities in this country because we're a nation of laws, everyone should abide by them. >> kimberly, you are a mother, you could look at these mothers that are trying to escape, whatever situation they're in, and i'm talking about people who are trying to escape, maybe domestic violence, poor economy or violence, they're trying to protect their children. i have compassion for them. i'm not saying what they're doing is right. i'm not saying they should be allowed into our country because like i said as you mentioned we are a nation of laws but i do have to have some, a little bit of compassion for why some of these people are trying to leave. ainsley: kimberly. >> i understand that part. ainsley: go ahead. >> i understand that part, but at the same time you have to look at it, a lot of people coming across seeking asylum, sometimes don't show up to hear their story and why they seek asylum. if i'm asked to come down to a police station for a crime that i know i didn't commit. i will come in. why don't people show up? because possibly they're not seeking asylum. >> they're afraid to be deported back to their country. that is no not why they are showing up. why president obama had to manage illegally immigration in order to end illegal immigration. ainsley: we have to be nation of laws. we have laws for a reason. we have to protect the people that are here. that is it what the president's mission is. thanks so much. kimberly, rochelle for being with us. >> thank you. ainsley: you're welcome. george papdopoulus joined us for an exclusive interview after meeting behind closed doors with house members and he says it is all a set-up. >> how on earth could a man like me be at center of a russia conspiracy unless i was completely framed by western intelligence. ainsley: dan bonn mean -- bongiy grease with him. he is next. plus hillary clinton supporters couldn't handle the results of the 2016 election but now are democrats gearing up for a midterm heart break? we'll explain. ♪ state of the art technology, makes it brilliant. the visionary lexus nx. lease the 2019 nx 300 for $339 a month for 36 months. experience amazing, at your lexus dealer. >> i believe there was tremendous misconduct on the government's behalf regarding my case. given certain information i learned yesterday, that i can't publicly disclose right now, i'm actually even considering withdrawing my agreement i have come to with the government. brian: do you feel this was a plot to unwind donald trump's candidacy and presidency? >> i feel it was likely some sort of plot by western intelligence to assure if candidate trump is elected, there would be a precedent or some excuse to really try to squeeze him as he is trying to be squeezed now. brian: did the british play a role in that? steve: remember what we're talking about. that is george papdopoulus. it is said his story is what launched the russian probe but as you look closer and closer at his story it just doesn't hold up. his story holds up but the reasons the government eventually spied on the trump campaign does not. dan bongino, former secret service agent, former new york city police officer and host of the dan bongino podcast and "spygate." man, your business card is a food long. thanks for joining us live. >> you got it. happy to be here. steve: you saw brian's interview with papdopoulus a little while ago. he is considering trying to undo the plea deal because he says he was framed. >> yes, good for him. terrific interview. i watched it twice. i'm using sound cuts from it myself. let me make it simple. it is complicated case for the audience. i literally wrote a book so i have details. 30,000-foot view on this. there are two separate stories cannot coexist in the same space at the same time. liberal media version of events and anti-trump crowd, george papdopoulus was given information about a russian agent about hillary's emails which he tried to disseminate amongst the trump campaign to collude. that is their story. the real story. that is fantasyland, okay? the real story that cannot coexist, the information who gave that information to papdopoulus, brian asked about, a maltese professor, joseph misud is not a russian agent. paul of his connections, these are well-documented, basic google search are to western intelligence, anothers friendlies. i get it a lot of people out there are into conspiracy theories and wacko talk, this is stuff anybody can look up on the internet. the guy who starts the whole thing gives information about russian e-mails whose name brian brought up is connected to western intelligence. his ties as russian asset are flimsy at best. the guy's own lawyer, the guy's own lawyer is denying any of these claims at all this is insane. brian: dan, he dumps information on, he dumps information on george papdopoulus. speaking about energy. they might, they talk. he says he will hook him up with this or that. they talk, he says the russians have hillary clinton's emails. he is like, okay, i didn't ask that, whatever. so in comes downer. downer talks to him. he says they were drunk. he says they had one drink. downer is ambassador to australia, he starts talking. what is going on with these emails, hillary's emails. i'm not sure he said it. say the government is right, he said i hear the russians have her emails, nothing will release them. nothing about podesta, that's it. downer tapes the conversation. when he realizes email are out and podesta was hacks he feels compelled to pick up the phone to tell the fbi about this conversation he had. well is downer linked to mifsud? is that 28-year-old unpaid foreign policy advisor the patsy to all of sudden to be the bad guy to show there is trump connection to russia? >> yeah. you just summed it up. here is, best way to envision this, folks, look at it like a push-pull operation. if you were going to frame someone, which i'm absolutely certain papdopoulus was set up, certain, mifsud was not a russian entitity, okay, he was not. envision it as push pull operation. if i want to frame you for a bank robbery you didn't commit i have to push information into your orbit about this bank robbery, that will be pulled out later by someone working in law enforcement to make you look like a middleman. it's a push-pull. mifsud is pushes information into papdopoulus about russian emails. downer and halper, central intelligence agency asset working for the united states government tried to pull out later to make papdopoulus look like a cutout. the problem is, everyone in this space, brian, everyone is deeply connected to western intelligence. brian: exactly. >> halper, downer, they're all connected to friendlies. ainsley: he said no russian collusion. i don't even have any russian friends. his wife has been fighting for him. now he is speaking out. do you think he should withdraw plea deal, opening up another can of worms, he would have to have good lawyers, should he do it? >> ainsley for the sakes of the country, he must repeal this plea deal. george papdopoulus is guilty of nothing other than signing on to the trump campaign. he had no information about russian emails. the people he spoke to were very clearly connected to sadly, friendly intelligence entities who for some reason wanted to take the trump team down. it is no question. steve: dan, weeks after the fbi opened their investigation he talked to that professor halper, who was working with our intel community and halper asked him about the collusion thing and he denied it. then fast forward to much later, and they're trying to open this fisa application, you would think they would put the admission he said papdopoulus, said no collusion, you would think they would put that in the fisa application but they did not. and, you know, it is that omission of exculpatory evidence that people are saying, wait a minute, how did we get where we are? he already said there was no collusion but you didn't put it in the fisa warrant? >> steve, this is even more devastating. not just that they excluded exculpatory evidence, if i accuse of you robbing a bank, everybody says that, i don't have to include that in warrant. if i accuse someone colluding with russians of a conspiracy and there is transcript, who has transcript of what, recording of papdopoulus saying he didn't do it, but had no involvement at all in conspiracy, that is not only exculpatory evidence, that is tier one exculpatory evidence that your whole case is bs. steve: capital b, capital s. brian: somebody in british intelligence played a role in the whole process, downer working in the middle of it. it is unbelievable. dan, thank you so much. >> you got it. ainsley: carley shimkus has breaking news for us. carley: hey, guys. straight to a fox news alert. right now the nypd is investigating a suspicious package in midtown manhattan a street near times square is closed. investigators are trying to figure out who is behind 10 suspicious packages sent to prominent democrats across the country. it is not clear if the latest situation in new york is linked to it. national security advisor john bolton announcing a big development with russia overnight. >> president putin to washington after the first of the year for basically a full day of consultations. carley: bolton's announcement cops days after meeting with putin in moscow. president trump and putin will also hold a bilateral meeting in paris next month. it is not clear if putin has accepted the invitation in d.c. a new york street artist is literally trashing trump supporters, according to a art blog, winston is behind the posters on buildings and trashcans, saying keep nyc trash-free. it shows a man with a make america great hat and confederate tattoo. another poster shows the woman wearing a same hat holding a bible. new england sports fans targeted in posters across the city. donald trump, jr., kicking off the young black leadership summit in d.c. >> usa. usa! usa! carley: the president's son praising hundreds of black conservatives in his speech at the nag -- inaugural event put on by turning appointment usa. they will travel to the white house to meet the president. very good stuff. steve: big day for them. brian: turning point doing amazing things. they seem to be busy. steve: we're showing you griff jenkins traveling with the caravan on the move in southern mexico as it heads towards our border a father whose sons with killed by somebody in this country illegally, here with a message for the caravan coming up. brian: hillary clinton supporters couldn't handle the results of the 2016 election but now are democrats gearing up for a midterm heartbreak? charlie hurt on that next. of the ♪ he's at greater risk for lows. tresiba® releases slow and steady and works all day and night like the body's insulin. 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(vo) ask your health care provider about tresiba®. carley: fox news alert. right now the nypd is investigating a suspicious package in midtown manhattan as times square is closed. investigators are trying to figure out who is behind 10 suspicious packages sent to prominent democrats across the country. with only 11 days before the midterms. i will send it back to you. >> with only 11 days before the midterms, democrats brace for another election upset. brian: candidates injecting fear into their base hoping it will motivate them to vote but will it work? steve: joining us to weigh in, fox news contribute to, opinion editor for "the washington times," charlie hurt. charlie, by the way gdp last quarter, 3.5. that is good news for the president. it has been said, never will get above 3% again. nonetheless, what do you make of these democrats who suddenly are looking at the polls, looking at enthusiasm gap and they're going, wait a minute we thought there would be a gigantic blue tsunami? maybe not to much? >> of course just a few weeks ago they had a considerable gap in enthusiasm between democrats and republicans but, for a number of reasons the chief among them the scandalous the democrats handled brett kavanaugh's nomination did a lot to gin up the support. republicans care a lot about the supreme court. they care a lot about the federal judges and that really brought, got them energized and focused on trying to do something but if you, you think back to, you know two years ago, the there were magazines predicting giant blue wave back then and polling from then to now has only gotten more difficult as more people get away from landlines and more people rely entirely on cell phones, it is getting more difficult, not less difficult to know exactly what is going on out there and when you're trying to poll 435 districts around the country, it gets even more difficult. and so i'm not surprised democrats are worried but at the same time i would also caution that republicans probably should be worried too. nobody has this in the bag right now. ainsley: it will be neck-and-neck. some democrats were interviewed about how fearful they are that president trump will win again. carol in california says, we have to keep going, hope for the best. i don't want to go home crying again. phyllis, a 73-year-old retired teacher from orange county, do i hope, yes, hope, hope, hope. trump getting elected for rest of my life i will never trust what is going to happen again. >> i think a lot of people will be, who don't, who opposed the president two years ago will be traumatized by that election for a very, very long time. the problem for them is just what you mentioned, steve, about the fact that you have 3.5 b -- ggdp. overall economy being good, unemployment low, all that stuff seem to wash away some of the more hysterical accusations against the president. brian: real quick, the president successfully nationalized election. not only should you not run for me, but i want you to vote for me. 435 races, maybe. i think trump is on the ballot everywhere. >> that is a very good point. if you think about it, two years ago, i mean, in 2010 when president obama lost 63 seats, do you remember him campaigning like this around the country? steve: no. >> i don't. trump is in full campaign mode right now. ainsley: doesn't sleep. >> no. brian: charlie, thank you. >> we've been showing you griff jenkins traveling down in mexico with the caravan. it is heading towards our border. a father's whose son was killed by an illegal immigrant is here next. brian: is sandra smith what is coming up on her show because i cannot trust what hemmer says. >> good morning. i'll try my best. we follow the caravan as thousands head to the u.s. border. the options the president is weighing. wow, what a week for u.s. stocks. the most volatile month on record in over a century. what is driving all this action? the white house is going to join us to respond. plus we will have the latest on the pipe bomb fallout. friday morning here in "america's newsroom," join bill and me live, top of the hour. >> fox news alert. a live look at midtown manhattan as the nypd investigate as separate -- street near times square is closed as they investigate. the fbi is investigating a 11th suspicious package. it was recovered in florida, addressed to new jersey senator cory booker. this comes as the feds are trying to figure out who is behind 10 other suspicious packages sent to prominent democrats across the country. brian, send it down to you. brian: cory booker is the latest. meanwhile the caravan, thousands of migrants continue their march to the border, show no signs of stopping despite a warning from the trump administration, threat of sending troops to the border which is environment allly a done deal. our next guest lost his son drew in 2010 has a message for those trying to cross the border. it is don rosenberg. what is the message? >> hi, brian, thanks for having me on. my message isn't to the caravan, my message to the american politicians, the american congress. it is your fault. brian: yep. >> you have the power to stop this from happening. they are going to come as long as we have laws that allow them to come. you know what? i can't blame them for doing that, but unfortunately within that group, there are some people that are criminals. there are some people that will commit crimes once they get here. you know we can try to stop them. the next group will only be bigger. i will throw it back to the congress, particularly out here in california, jerry brown, our legislature, all the blood is on your hands. you made this happen. and you are the ones that can stop it. it is time to start doing something about it. brian: president said we have to stop sanctuary cities. it is a magnet. i understand the intention, it is a magnet for illegals to come. the courts stopped him every step of the way. so they're flooding into california. they're getting all social services in many cases. now, we showed that legislation can work, because we stopped illegal mexicans from crossing the border without going through the general processes. but for some reason we turned the magnet on for central and south america, giving them favoritism. they're getting wrong message. they're getting the right message. you can cross and beat the system and stay by ignoring it. >> that message has to change immediately. that can. the congress could pass the law in a week that would just mirror the law that deals with mexicans and the a few canadians. maybe that come over illegally. basically the law should be wherever you come from that's where you're sent back. immediately. and, if you want, if you want to file for asylum, good. do it in our u.s. embassy in your country. don't come here. because that is the second problem. once they come here, we can't house them all. and we catch-and-release them. over 50% of the people that are released don't even file for asylum let alone show up for their hearing. it is just a he can jo. they're playing this against us and again back to congress. do something about it now before other people are killed. brian: we create a whole under class, if you look at california, there is a whole, there is a whole under class sleeping on the streets where they're doing everything from leaving relieving themselves on down. don, in your son's memory, trying to stop the next person from experiencing your tragedy. thanks so much for coming on today. >> thanks so much. that is why i'm doing what i'm doing. brian: that is fantastic. don rosenberg. thanks. more "fox & friends" in just a moment. in their hundreds. so how do you stay financially well for all those extra years? 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20181026

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conservatives. >> questioning the fbi's opening of the russia probe after interviewing george papgdz on capitol hill. >> the facts are astounding that we would allow this type of investigation without any real solid foundation of collusion. ♪ and the home of the brave ♪ ♪ brian: you know that is jake steinfeld's niece. steve: singing. it is friday, tgif. thank goodness it's fox. brian: right. we have a huge show. anything like the last few days, things are going to break, be unscripted that we cannot follow because of some of the peril that we have been seeing at the border. within the mail rooms across america. ainsley: we will tell you about the devices that were set. 10 total. we will talk about that in just a minute. first talk about the caravan and what's happening on the border. kirstjen nielsen sat down with martha maccallum yesterday. this is what she said. here is a piece of that interview. >> what we intend to do, and i think the president has been very clear, if you do not have a legal right to come to this country and you come as part of this caravan, you will be returned home. this caravan cannot come to the united states. they will not be allowed in. they will not be allowed to stay. >> who is going to stop them? >> we will stop them. everything is on the take. >> we are continuing to work with the government of mexico. they have been a great partner. continuing to work with the other countries to prepare to receive those of their citizens back. everything is on the table to make it very clear that we have a sovereign right to protect our system. steve: if everything is on the table. this morning there is word that the president could actually use an executive order where he uses section 212 of the immigration act, which is the federal statute, where he would declare that. so people who are in this caravan would be ineligible for asylum because it would be, quote, contrary to the national interest and detrimental to the interest of the united states. and it's the same legal authority that the president used during the travel ban. of course, it was immediately challenged in court. this would probably, too. iit has not been finalized. just one of the ideas under consideration right now. an executive order to stop them and deny them amnesty. brian: i'm still under the naive hope the democrats would see the wisdom in sending a message you can't just storm our borders. if you allow this 4,000 or 8,000 in. 80,000 will be coming shortly. that's why secretary of defense mattis is going to be scrambling 800 u.s. troops to the border, we believe. a mix in there of doctors and physicians because, a lot of these people are going to be in bad shape. they have about 1,000 miles to go to get to maccallum. 2,000 to get to san diego. depending where they want to go. ainsley: a lot of doctors and engineers that they can supply equipment and help with the labor projects. they are heading down there next week to prepare for all the migrants coming up in the coming weeks. steve: the question is how many are there? remember this week we were talking about it auto could be 10,000, could be 4,000 now a credible estimate is there are 3,000. a lot of them have already sought refuge and asylum in mexico. a lot of them have dropped out. a lot of them hopped on a bus and went back home. brian bine we're going to be able to hop on the famed beast train and get forward. although there will be mexican authorities there. shots of them holding onto the top. that's the train that could expedite their trip. ainsley: that takes us to a fox news alert. right now, thousands of migrants are preparing to march north toward the southern burden. brian: griff jenkins is now watching. he is there. is he traveling with the caravan in mexico right near the guatemala border, griff? griff griff we are about 120 miles north of the border. as you see hundreds if not thousands of migrants on the march. we are in a small town north of pijijiapan. headed likely towards tijuana. this is one of the areas where they have started in that small town and moving northward and you know i have been talking with them all morning about the fact that the president has been tweeting for them to turn around. that the dhs secretary kirsten nielsen saying they will not be able to get across the border should they come. they don't want them. yet they said they do not want to deter themselves. yet, when i talked about the president, most of these -- a lot of these are from honduras. i talked to one man from honduras about cutting off aid to honduras. he said listen, i left because the president of honduras, juan orlando hernandez is the problem. he is bad. when you talk about cutting off aid, he said it doesn't matter to me because we never saw a dime of that aid because the president never let american aid get in there what have you now as you look here. large groups of people walking, hoping that they are going to get there hoping that in some way they will be able to get to the border and claim asylum. [speaking foreign language] >> honduras? >> see,. [speaking foreign language] he is saying that he is looking for work. he is from honduras looking for work. a woman with a child in a stroller. pushing they do. brian, as you said, it's about 800 miles from here to mcallen, texas where i was earlier this week. 1600 miles to tijuana. one of the things that we are hearing is our producer. we have a producer from mexico city along with us who is wonderful. she has been talking to the pueblo people. organizers of the group. some of this group may actually want to go to mexico city and hold a protest outside of the u.s. embassy there which would be really a first and really escalate the politics of this. what we are learning in just talking to these people, we are hearing that it is largely headed towards possibly te tijuana on the track we are on now, guys. brian: what are they protesting? wife would they protest us in mexico city? >> it seems they are protesting the conditions in their country us. as i talked to one, they are protesting their own leaders. one of the things also, guy its, when this trek usually happenings with the care van they get on trains north of here about an hour away. we are told by the officials here that the trains are not running right now, so this walk you are seeing is going to continue much farther north if they are going to get any help. they are jumping on every car and bus they can. a lot of the locals helping them. guys? steve: indeed. griff, thank you very much. ainsley: griff was showing earlier there were church groups along the route so that when the migrants were walking north, they would stop and the church groups would provide food and clothes for them. steve: all right. amazing live images. meanwhile, another fox news alert. the feds searching a post office facility in florida overnight where perhaps several suspicious packages addressed to democrats are believed to have been processed. as police reviewed surveillance video taken outside of cnn's offices that could narrow the search for the bomber. brian: i think they are getting close. todd prior worry track being thtracking thelatest developmen. >> focused on u.s. postal facility in florida that they believe some of the packages went through. they would not say whether or not they believe suspect or suspects were still in the state of florida. overnight federal agencies along with miami-dade county police were actively working the scene looking into any clue us for the person or group responsible for the bombs now numbering 10. a government official noted what appeared to be thick dark electricians tape sent john brennan. hopeful the tape captured d.n.a. fiber or fingerprints. also reports law enforcement sphoicials have video dropped of 00 bomb package to cnn. >> i can say with certainty that we will identify and arrest the person or people responsible for these acts. todd: as for why the bombs didn't go off. some experts have pointed to the lack of a triggering mechanism suggesting they were never mental to explode in the first place. steve: todd, thank you very much. the miami gerald herald is sayig one of the packages in question went through giant opa-locka. it's the size of five. no retail counter. takes all the mail from south florida. the packaging question the one that wound up in debbie wasserman schultz office itself, remember it had been sent to eric holder. but it was the wrong address and it got returned to florida. at least that one went through that facility according to federal authorities speaking to the miami herald this morning. ainsley: some of the postmarks were missing and then also former president jimmy carter was told to be on alert authorities believed he could be a target as well. brian: i get the sense they are zeroing in on him or them. there is something going on. meanwhile, 10 minutes after the top of the hour. carley shimkus fresh off doing her show with rob, filling in for jillian. great job. carley: i asked to come back because i had so much fun last week. good morning to you and everybody at home. take a listen to this. a teenager busted by the fbi for allegedly trying to join isis. agents arresting the 19-year-old at an airport in columbus, ohio trying to fly to kazakhstan. from there the doj says he planned to sneak into afghanistan for weapons and kidnapping training. court records show he wanted to start a, quote, deadliest civil war on earth here in the u.s. and right now emergency crews are searching the atlantic ocean for a missing plane. small private jet disappeared while flying from south carolina to the bahamas. the coast guard says the pilot reported some type of emergency before losing contact on radar. about 100 miles southeast of charleston. it's unknown how many people were on board. and new questions over the start of the russia probe after lawmakers interview former trump campaign aide george pandz. >> the fact we're finding in here are astounding that we would allow this type of investigation go to the -- without any real solid foundation of collusion. carley: pahoundipandzpapadopouls discussed. he will join us live next hour. and a high school football player is going viral for his country rendition of the national anthem. watch this. ♪ and the home of the brave ♪ carley: that is 18-year-old jackson nikolas in maryland. he plans to be a country music singer after he graduates. that is he is going to get all the girls. steve: he can sing and play? ainsley: and he gave god all the glory. steve: meanwhile marsha blackburn is leading senate race with 11 days to go. she says her opponent wants to roll out the welcome mat for that caravan. really? he would are going to talk to marsha blackburn next. brian: is another clinton headed to washington? what chelsea clinton just revealed about her future in politics ♪ let's get loud ♪ ♪ i've got to tell you something. with the capital one venture card you earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, every day. not just airline purchases? 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of inflammation in the gi tract, and is clinically proven to help many patients achieve both symptom relief and remission. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. entyvio® may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. pml, a rare, serious, potentially fatal brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. tell your doctor if you have an infection experience frequent infections or have flu-like symptoms, or sores. liver problems can occur with entyvio®. if your uc or crohn's treatment isn't working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio®. entyvio®. relief and remission within reach. steve: midterm election now just 11 days out. early voting now underway. real clear politics average has republican candidate marsha blackburn leading by more than six points over democratic challenger phil bredesen, will that lead hold through election day? let's talk to senate congressman and candidate marsha blackburn from nashville. good morning, congresswoman. >> good morning. steve: one of the contentious issues across the country is this caravan. >> right. steve: i know you have referred to the caravan as illegal alien mob. and your opponent, mr. bredesen said wednesday: a few thousand poor people aren't a threat to the united states security. why did he say that? so many people are thinking well, i'm not sure if they are, but we should be careful. >> we should be careful. there is a right way and wrong way to come to the united states. and this is the wrong way. you don't come as an invading force. and that is what we are seeing with this caravan. and there is an opportunity for those who need asylum to ask for asylum. don't come as an invading force. this is not how you come to this country. you should come wanting to abide by the rule of law. if my opponent had it his way he would be down there at the border welcoming them, giving them driving certificates which is what he did when he was governor of tennessee. give away 50,000 illegal aliens driving certificates. valid state issued ids. we have seen video of his campaign spokesperson encouraging illegal aliens to sign up to work in his campaign. probably be trying to get them to vote. there is a big difference of opinion of how you address individuals that are seeking to come to this country. steve: congressman, what do you make of the president's suggestion, it's in a number of the major papers today that he may use an executive order essentially to declare some migrants would be ineligible for asylum going forward to stop them. >> we know that when you look at this group that is moving toward our southern border that you have those that are in gangs, you have terrorists that are there. and, steve, i have been in those reception centers on the border. one day in the reception center there were people from 23 different countries. i support general mattis and the call for putting some troops on the border to secure that border. and then, also, i support any actions and the actions that we would be see coming forth that would prohibit those that would seek to do us harm from come in this country. i have got to tell you spending time in sheriffs here in tennessee with some of our county mayors, they will tell if you we do not enforce that border, if we let those in that are in gangs that are traffickers, drug traffickers, sex traffickers, they, local law enforcement end up on the front lines. it makes every town award a borr town. steve: tried to get your opponent on to talk about the issues. apparently they have declined our invitation. >> thanks, steve. steve: congresswoman marsha blackburn running for senate in tennessee. thank you, ma'am. >> thank you. steve: the nationwide manhunt for the mail device sender ramping up. authorities are honing in on the state of florida at a postal facility there. up next fbi agent. ays to help you maintain balance and help keep you active and well-rested. because hey, tomorrow's 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sexual misconduct. the fbi found no evidence of wrongdoing as you have heard. and people caught on camera ripping up a republican candidate's political signs and throwing them into the traffic. the new jersey republican tweeting this video saying this is what a desperate bob menendez campaign does before a debate. >> i don't care, y'all don't live here. well, reached out to democratic senator bob menendez campaign for comment. we are still waiting for him to call us back. ainsley? definitely not voting for hugit's ins. >> nationwide manhunt underway after a tenth suspicious package was found. what complication do authorities face in apprehending the person or persons responsible. brian: i want to ask a former fbi specialist. army ranger and founder of the group jenkins. chad, it looks like a lot of people are focused in florida and certain hubs. other places to look in maryland, new york, and los angeles. where would you go? >> i think with the fbi, going and looking at this opeopenopa-locka facility, -- treasure trove of information. not only for the forensics, for the latent prints and d.n.a. but also because of all the subcomponents. it was 0 for 10 of any of these going off. all those subcomponents, looking at where they were procured, where they were acquired and breaks those down. still full-court press fbi and components investigating this right now. >> chad, what do you make about some of these packages missing their post marks? >> well, that could be using the trigger service. look at the one delivered to cnn. again that goes into where we could dump cell phone towers as well if soros and cnn package were both delivered by couriers, now you do the cell phone dump, cross those numbers, see if there is any positive hits and, like i said, there is so many different avenues to pursue this investigation. believe me, the fbi is doing all of that. brian: obviously, politics plays a role. one theme. these people are all critics of president trump. you say you cannot rule out a false flag operation. what leads to you believe that? >> well, it's just one zero for 10 on any of these devices going off. we still have not gotten concrete information from law enforcement whether any of these devices actually were rigged completely ready to go you can't rule out those two options. we really have two primary. one we have the worst right ring bomb maker in history operation where left wing type of operation to create hysteria and to play on the hearts and minds of those independents and undecideds come the midterm. ainsley: we still don't know. we are being told there is no trigger mechanism on all 10 of them. it appears they were never supposed to explode. we are hearing different reports that maybe one of them went through that opa-locka postal supervisors and hearing reports all 10 of them did. did you hear answer to that. >> did i not. brian, you this investigation is further along than the fbi and federal law enforcement enforcement agencies are leading the public on, that's because, at the end of the day, the number one follow is to go ahead and apprehend the individual, the suspects behind this investigation. ainsley: you were saying there is a chance they do have the guy already? >> no, i don't think they have the guy. i think they are a lot closer after the honing in than what we are getting in the media right now. brian: and some people have told me that if they do think they have the guy, they will watch him to see where he goes before they quickly grab them in many cases if they don't feel is he an imminent threat to see if there are layers to this operation. correct? >> i would think at this point in time whether it's a hoax or real device, that's out the window right now. i think the imminent threat has already been crossed because any of these devices if they could go, we don't want that. there is enough, you know, evidence against this individual that if the bureau has them they will sweep them up quick. brian: just to see who else height be involved. thanks, chad. >> thank you. ainsley: earlier you saw griff jenkins with the caravan. what is being done at the border to stop them? we will ask one of the top agents on the ground coming up next. brian: many democrats blaming president trump for the rhetoric behind mail bombs. remember when they said things like this? >> i want to send the military to the white house to get him. >> i have thought an awful lot about blowing up the white house. brian: diamond and silk here shortly to discuss this. ♪ this girl is on fire ♪ how can we say when you book direct at you always get the lowest price on our rooms, guaranteed? let's get someone to say it with a really low voice. carl? lowest price guaranteed. what about the world's lowest limbo stick? how low can you go? nice one, carl. hey i've got an idea. just say, badda book. badda boom. badda book. badda boom. nice. always the lowest price, guaranteed. book now at ♪ ♪ ♪ you... keep doing you. we'll 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brian: i will be talking later. steve: it sounds as if the white house is considering an executive order where the president uses his authority under section 212, essentially to declare some migrants ineligible for asylum. how would that work? >> well, the way it would work is if you look at the population that we're seeing right now growing exponentially, very rapidly, our family units and unaccompanied children primarily countries other than mexico and specifically in the northern triangle, guatemala, and honduras, if you see this population, we're actually looking at about 64% of apprehensions right now falling in this population. and what happens is we process them and then they get released into the communities. and remain here in our communities for three to five years before they see an immigration judge. the key point here is that once they see an immigration judge. 80% or more are denied the asylum claims that they present. so, in very short explanation is that a lot of these people do not have the case for asylum to be approved at the end of the process. brian: we should be able to do -- right now we are being discriminated against mexicans to be honest it seems like central and south americans are getting preference over mexicans. we solved the mexican illegal immigration issue. give favoritism dates back to 2008-2009. your hands are tied in this process. >> yes. every time we have a situation where we catch and release that emboldens that population, that demographic to continue growing and growing. i will tell you that because of the practice where we do not have the ability to return these people to their home countries, that has instigated this caravan to an extent. people do not believe that we will return them back. and we have to absolutely return them back if they come this way and illegally enter the united states. >> agent padilla, when you look at the crowds and hear upwards of 10, 12,000, others show 4,000 in this migrant caravan. we don't know exactly. when the pentagon says they are going to send 800 troops down i'm sure it's helpful but is that enough? >> well, yes. we are seeing -- actually we are seeing about 2,000 apprehensions a day right now without the caravan and my sector alone yesterday, or the day before yesterday, we apprehended well over 800 people and we're averaging very high numbers. that's without the caravan. as the caravan starts moving. in we are already preparing for it we are planning with our interagency. nongovernmental. we will manage this situation. the key is that we are -- we have to be able to return these people home or if we do not do that we will see more caravans. steve: mr. padilla. isn't the problem really the law? if you want to change the way it is, congress has got to do it. and republicans in congress say hey, look, we have been trying to get something done for a while. we have been trying to get some democrats involved and they simply will not change the law with us. >> absolutely. we have to give the men and women of the border patrol the tools that they need. those two tools are very simple. one, is we have to close these immigration loopholes in order to be able to process these people and return them home. the second one is, of course, the personnel, the neck toggle and infrastructure to include the wall system in areas where we need it. the agents are working 24 hours a day doing the best that they can. but, at the end of the day, we need those two things. brian: so the caravan is a public problem. but there is a quiet problem that you deal with every day. 800 to 1,000 apprehensions and some of them walk right up to you and turn themselves in and they are part of the process. and the ones that can't get processed get an angle bracelet which they break off and never show up again. it's a cycle you are seeing on daily basis. it's up to washington to fix it you can only do so much. >> absolutely. that is exactly what's happening. brian: all right. manuel padilla, thank you so much. ainsley: thank you. let's head over to carley she has more headlines for us. carley: hey, guys. let's get straight to this. 2-year-old girl in georgia goes to bed sick and wakes up paralyzed from the neck down. latest case of afm. a polio-like disease affecting children nationwide. doctors still trying to figure out what causes the condition. so far the cdc has reported 62 confirmed cases of afm across 22 states this year. they are also investigating 93 other possible cases. and a police officer and good samaritan team up to save two women from a burning car. the incredible rescue caught on body cam. >> be careful. the new jersey officer and another man bending the car door back and slashing a seat belt to help the passenger escape. they then pulled the other driver -- the driver out, rather, who crashed into a tree. luckily no one was seriously hurt. and a trump supporter claims he was fired over his political beliefs. michael suing the city of indianapolis where he worked as a supervisor in the department of public works. he claims he lost his job in part for voicing political opinions and wearing a make america great again hat. according to the court documents, he was fired over lack of leadership. the clintons can't seem to stay out of the spotlight. in a new interview, chelsea clinton reveals she isn't ruling out a political run saying quote if i think someone were to step down and retire and i thought i could do a good job and it matched my talents, i would have to think if it's the right choice for me. clinton went on to say her mother has not spoken with her about a potential 2020 presidential run. and those guys. ainsley: only if someone stepping down? brian: can i get appointed by a family friend? fantastic. ains. carley: thanks, guys. steve: democrats, some of them blaming president trump's rhetoric for the reason somebody sent suspicious packages to a number of high profile democrats and critics of the president. did they forget about comments like this? >> i have thought an awful lot about blowing up the white house. >> when was the last time an actor assassinated a president? steve: okay, johnny depp. diamond and silk here to call out the hypocrisy next. ainsley: missouri attorney general and candidate josh hawley, sebastian gorka. [laughter] michelle malkin. they are all here live, good gorky and all. 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it's been a while. steve: here with reaction in some of those sound bites social media stars and donald trump supporters diamond and silk joining us from diamond and silk world headquarters. ladies, what do you make of the fact that we have heard a lot of voices in the last 72 hours or so where people say well, yeah, of course somebody has mailed these suspicious packages. and you can blame donald trump for his rhetoric. >> well, you have to understand this is how the left operates. what they do is try to place blame instead of blaming themselves. you know, when they didn't want to accept the outcome of the election. when they got on the streets and marked with those little with use hats on instead of going to the polls. all the things that they said harass trump supporters, kick them when they are low. bomb the white house. see, whatever you put out is going to come back to you. >> that's right. >> so you have to understand this is merely fear tactic being used to cause chaos and confusion. i need for people to rise above it. go to the polls, vote red and vote republican. steve: ladies, the president of the united states has used tough rhetoric. >> ha ha ha ha. >> hold on. because, they have been doing this to our president before he even became president. when he threw his hat in the ring, not even a day later they started calling him these derogatory names, 9.9% of the left wing news is negative toward this president and towards this country. our president only hits you back two times whenever you hit him back the first time. >> that's right. steve: the counter puncher. ainsley: so, ladies. >> that's right. ainsley: what's the solution to this, this political season because i have never witnessed anything like this. but, what's the solution to this? because if you disagree with the right, the left hates the right. the right hates the left. what do we do as a country? >> well, we are going to have to stop hating each other. >> that's right. >> we are going to have to accept the fact that president trump is your president. >> yes. >> he is the president of the united states is what we are going to have to accept. once they can accept that then we can move our country forward. >> that's right. >> the left is going to have to stop with this foolishness, chaos, confusion, fear. you are putting it in the minds of the american people. if you are really american people. if the left wing media really cared about the american people you would not cause chaos and confusion when it comes to news reporting. >> that's right. brian: a lot of people seeing the story in the "the washington post" a lot of democrats getting a little panicky because this reminds them of 2016 because they expected so much and got so little. >> and the president is winning. the only person they fear. he is winning. he is up in the polls. >> midterm elections republican. >> they parties republican. >> that's right. >> listen, we are winning, y'all. they don't like that. what they do is manufacture stuff. >> yep. >> to create chaos and distract. i need for you to pay attention, go to the polls, vote red, vote republican. >> that's right. don't let what's happening at the border distract you. what's happening at the border is manufactured. there is no way that 7,000 people is going to get on the phone and say hey, i'm going to march to the border. that's not happening. how are these people using the bathroom? how are these people getting food as they ever marching to this particular border? how is it that we are able to send troops other to other countries to protect those other country's borders but people have a problem with president trump sending troops to our border to protect america? steve: we have sent a reporter down to the caravan to try to get some of those answers. diamond and silk, thank you very much for your point of view this morning. >> thank you for having us. brian: straight ahead, former trump campaign aid george papadopoulos testifying behind closed doors on capitol hill about possible bites ibias in the juse department. was he set up when it came to the russia investigation. he joins us live in studio to tell us what happened when he spoke to those leaders. steve: keith ellison republican opponent for minnesota attorney general now leading in the polls after leading for most of the race. he will join us next to talk about what's behind his surge. ♪ hey, baby ♪ there ain't no easy way out ♪ i won't back down ♪ hey, >> curious and troubling agencies of domestic violence that have been leveled against mr. ellison. we can't protect keith ellison to protect consumers or anyone else. look at his atrocious record. keith ellison has regularly stood up for and rallied and raised money for people who have murdered police officers. brian: minnesota g.o.p. candidate for attorney general doug ward low slamming keith ellison in a recent debate. second most powerful at the dnc by the way. new poll shows wardlow gaining ground, leading ellison by 7 after having 5 point disadvantage one month ago. here now with the latest is that candidate himself doug wardlow he has the republican side. doug, how did you do this? how did you come back? was it ellison's actions and revelations or something you are doing? >> well, we have been bringing a strong message across the state that minnesotaens want politics out of the attorney general's office. they are troubled by keith ellison. he has a history of rallying and raising money for cop killers. minnesota ans are rightly concerned. >> i saw his girlfriend who accused him of domestic abuse does not want to release the tape that she says verify it personally humiliating to her. do you believe it? >> oh, absolutely. there is overwhelming evidence supporting the allegations of domestic violence against keith ellison. we have gotten 911 call report there are medical records. there are witnesses. so, evidence is really overwhelming. brian: take a look at the polls right now. star tribunal biewn women voters ellison one point advantage over you. he had 16 point advantage on the gender gap there. so, i guess more people are starting to believe his ex-girlfriend which came out and sai she was abused. actually ex-girlfriend's son was the one who came forward. >> that's right. his ex-girlfriend's son came forward and talked about the abuse of his mother that he had witnessed. very troubling. they are starting to see that evidence and there is plenty of evidence that's publicly available for the people of minnesota to conclude that he is unfit to be the state's top law enforcement official. brian: what makes you think he is anti-law enforcement. >> the fact he has raised money for cop killers cathy lien saliah, murdered police officers in los angeles with pipe bombs in the 1970s. go down a list. shakur, there are a number of different police killers that keith ellison has rallied forked in the paths. brian: are you surprised more democrats haven't come out against him being that these alleys are so strong and that there is this other allegations about his relationship with farrakhan? >> absolutely. i am very surprised that leaders in the democratic party here in minute society are still backing him because there are so many troubling things about keith ellison, especially in light of the doug domestic abuse allegations against him. allegations supported by overwhelming evidence. they should come out against him. it's very troubling that they have not. his campaign is cratering. it's absolutely cratering. is he panicking. keith ellison is actually going around, shopping around false rumors about me about when i was 14 years old saying i was a bully. it's just preposterous. brian: doug wardlow surging way in front of the former congressman from minnesota who is second at the dnc, keith ellison. thanks so much, doug. appreciate it. >> thanks some. brian brian we did reach out to the ellison camp. they did not get back to us. meanwhile, griff jenkins is live traveling with the migrant caravan south of mexico right now. he will join us live up next. missouri attorney general and republican senate candidate josh hawley, sebastian gorka are coming up and michelle malkin and josh hawley, a guy in the perfect spot to flip that seat red in missouri. bela's. with big savings on flannel for the whole family. and save 30% on new cabela's men's thermals. bass pro shops and cabela's. your adventure starts here. on table ten. ♪ he'd be proud of us. a family business should stay in the family. see how lincoln's insurance solutions can help protect your family, your business and everyone who counts on you, at your business and everyone who counts on you, and your sister-in-law's tennis partner's chatty coworker's youngest daughter's entire judo class. one shot can make a world of difference. walgreens' specially trained pharmacists, know exactly which flu shot is right for you. protecting the world... over 60 million flu shots and counting, starts with protecting yours, today. walgreens, trusted since 1901. >> hundreds if not thousands of migrants on the march. steve: words president could use executive order where he would declare some of the people would be ineligible for asylum. >> we have to be able to return these people home. if we do not do that we will see more caravans. >> overnight federal agents looking into the clues for the person or group responsible for the bombs. >> our president cannot escape special scrutiny. is he at the head of the hate parade. >> left shouldn't just be angry about this when they are silent about attacks on conservatives. >> new questions over the start of the russia probe after lawmakers interview george papadopoulos. >> the facts are astounding that we would allow this type of investigation without any real solid foundation of collusion ♪ and the home of the brave ♪ [cheers and applause] ♪ working for a living ♪ living and working ♪ this is what they're giving ♪ because i'm work for a living. brian: i like when we have music from guests we have had on. phil vassar has been on. ainsley: we made minimum famous. brian: i wouldn't say we made him famous but we helped his career move forward. steve: sebastian gorka is going to be joining us. we will be talking about what she regards as invasion on our southern border, michelle malkin. brian is going to be talking to george papadopoulos and what a story he has got to tell. the guy who could be the next senator from the great state of missouri josh hawley, charles payne, king of payne is going to talk cash and dan bongino is going to be talking to us regarding all those packages delivered to all sorts of people all across america. ainsley: today is friday. no more alarm clocks after today. brian: unless you have to get up on saturday. lafayette. ainsley: for most people at least. brian: all right. ainsley: reports out that president is thinking of using the executive order to stop that caravan from coming into the united states. he says it's allegedly not in the best interest of the united states. steve: you know what happened? apparently those images of the caravan breaking through the gate and the fence in guatemala into mexico so alarmed the white house that they are trying to figure out some way to do something about the caravan in spite of the law, which makes it very clear if you come into the country and you ask for asylum or if you enter the country illegally you wind up in the court system. and then you disappear. brian: the reports were that there has been series of high level meetings with the president and without the president to find ways legally to stop this. because this cannot go forward. the president has been saying this will not happen. now they seem to have a plan. they have asked the secretary of defense mattis to send 800 troops. they will include doctors in those troops and engineers to turn them around. more importantly, stop the next caravan and the next caravan. kirstjen nielsen is homeland security secretary. she talked to martha yesterday. >> what we intend to do and i think the president has been very clear, if you do not have a legal right to come to this country and you come as part of this caravan, you will be returned home. the caravan cannot come to the united states. they will not be allowed. in they will not be allowed to stay. >> who is going to stop them? >> we will stop them. everything is on the table. we're continuing to work with the government of mexico, been a great partner. we are continuing to work with the other countries to prepare to receive those of their citizens back. everything is on the table to make it very clear that we have a sovereign right to protect our system. steve: one of the suggestions, one of the ideas, one of the problems is the migrants who cross illegally are still taken into custody. they could turn them around and try to force mexico to take them. and that could cause a conflict with mexico. but, white house officials said the u.s. has legal authority to return them because mexico let them into our country in the first place. ainsley: the pentagon is sending the 800 troops like you said, brian, as brian mentioned going to be doctors, going to send engineers supply equipment and labor project set to arrive next week so they can prepare for the migrants coming up. steve: they are going to support the 2,000 national guardsmen already down there. brian: we just had a border patrol officer on. they are getting 1,000 a day anyway. ainsley: arrests, apprehensions. brian: they are not grabbing them by the collar. they are turning themselves in because they want to get here. beef have a huge problem. after this midterm election we have to force these lawmakers to come together and solve it. steve: good luck on that. but, everybody agrees there are loopholes. meanwhile that caravan show nothing signs of stopping despite warnings from the administration. brian: yep. right now, thousands of migrants are gearing up to march closer to our southern border. ainsley: griff jenkins is down there traveling with the caravan. is he in mexico about 120 miles north of guatemala in the southern part of mexico. griff? >> yeah, guys, good morning. you see the hundreds coming and caravans coming in trucks. a lot of the people here at this location about 120 miles north of the guatemalaen border are trying to get on vehicles just like this. they also want to make their way, many of them to tijuana about 1600 miles or possibly texas. which is only half that distance. step out of the way here. we have a truck pretty fluid situation here. but the ultimate goal, ultimate point we are learning this morning, we are going to go this way for a second, guys, despite the president saying sending 800 troops by the border. despite the president saying to turn around and despite his threat of making it more difficult to get asylum, you see people all along here. we have been talking to them all morning. many of them from honduras. here is a family. i have a family here. this is a very nice couple. javier and their 2-year-old son jola. [speaking foreign language] >> basically he is saying that he hopes that they are aware that the president has said that they are not going to be allowed in he hopes the president will have mercy as we have heard all morning. many of them wanting to come for work because of the conditions and, of course, many of the hondurans here. this is largely honduran group we are seeing here they blame the problems and poverty and crime in their country on their current president hernandez. that's what's going on here. if you just look, it's just nonstop, guys. it's early in the morning. they are marching because of the fact that the heat, it's going to get very hot here. reach in excels of 80 degrees. and that kind of heat on these people that have been marching since october 13th is unbelievable. now, you have -- we mentioned earlier about some turning back. about 15 to 1600 we are told here have given it up. have turned themselves in to mexican officials and been repatrepated to country countris countries. they are from san bac pablo in honduras about 1,000 miles, making a guess. two weeks and a lot more to go. here is an interesting scene i want you to see. this is what happens all morning long. the migrants run to jump on willing vehicles that will then take them hopefully north. they want to get to cities about 80, 90-kilometers north of here where traditionally migrants have made these trips. they will get on trains, we are told that mexican officials may be suspending train operations to try sort of dissuade. this as can you see, this is neither a ride. as we have seen civil protection, which is like mexican's version of fema hanging out water and supplies because the situation here is very difficult for many of these people as we continue to get a live look. ainsley: how do these families do this with a 2-year-old? how does the child take a snap? i imagine the child is uncomfortable. i guess they do that because they want their child to have a better life? >> that's right, ainsley. they say that they it's been tough and told me said very difficult particularly with a small child. but he says that he is going to not give up his life because he wants a better life. no opportunity for work,] spanish word for him and his wife to get a better life. tried explain to them and they are aware the president and the administration has said you have to do this in their words the correct way. you can't just show up on the border. they won't be accepted. he is going to hope and pray that that's not true. steve: the administration has made it very clear that you claim asylum just because you want to get a job. you cannot claim asylum for family reunification. has t. has to be a political violence or personal safety thing. griff, you said something about a minute ago that i had not heard before, that is, you know, we are looking at you right there. it's dark there. you would think people would be sleeping. but, because of the heat, they try to get a jump on the day and get as far as they can when it's not 100 degrees. >> that's exactly right. steve. they want to get a jump on the day. you also as you see just piling in this vehicle now. they want to get a jump on any vehicle. [speaking foreign language] so, we are just getting a little closer look so you can see. he is telling them no more people. can't take any more people but, earlier we stopped about 40 miles north of here, a church group trying to give out food. clearly a lot of mexican people are trying to assist this early this morning. mexican officials are still trying to crack down on the immigration, we are told, with our mexico city producer who has been helping us talking with pueblo group organizing this hearing when this group is not large, when it's small, some of the officials are taking them in and basically apprehending them and trying to deport them and let rid of them griff, real quick, are they getting -- are they paying for this travel or is this out of the kindness of this guy's heart? >> i'm sorry, one more time? broke up just a touch. brian: are these guys paying for the ride? >> no. we haven't seen any money changing hands. they are not paying. this is just mexican citizens volunteering. and that's an interesting point. because the more that the mexican population assists them and helps them on their way, the more difficult it becomes in getting them closer to that border with the administration's tough stance. it really will be quite heart wrenching to think of the young family i just saw that's going to spend weeks in difficult travel to get to the border and no one is really sitting them down and saying stop, go back, you are north going to make it you are only going to have a difficult time. steve: griff jenkins with the caravan in southern mexico. griff, thank you very much. ainsley: breaks your heart. we are all parents and hard to see that adults get in that car and the kids are left behind. brian: are you being responsible as an adult doing that and not getting a work visa and doing it the right way? steve: they are able to do that because there are so many loopholes in our laws as we have talked about congress need to change. carley, you have the very latest on these devices. carley: that's right. some more big nufsz to give you here. this is a fox news alert. the feds getting closer to figuring out who is behind the bombs being sent to prominent democrats. overnight investigators searching a major u.s. facility in open lock carks florida open iloka, florida. opa-locka, florida. >> i can say with certainty we will arrest and identify the person or part-time responsible for these. >> one sent to the obamas and the clintons. we will keep you updated as we get more on this front. guys, back to you. >> that's right. all eyes on opa-locka, that facility down near miami. ainsley: thank you, carley. steve: you just saw griff jenkins and the caravan on the move as the president is considering new move to stop them at the border. we will talk to sebastian gorka who says this is a threat to our security. he joins us next. ainsley: one trashing trump supporters literally. the controversial new posters popping up in new york city. ♪ i will never say never ♪ i will fight until forever ♪ ♪ steve: a flert. the white house reportedly weighing executive action to stop the caravan of my grants. this as president trump is expected to send 800 troops into our southern border. here is insight is sebastian gorka strategist. author of that great book called "why we fight" sebastian, good morning to you. >> good morning, steve. >> it sounds like everything is on the table. they could use an executive order, section 212 of the immigration act where the president would declare some migrants ineligible for asylum because it would be contrary to the national interest detrimental to the interest of the united states. that's the same legal authority back in the day he used for the travel ban. >> right. steve: which was immediately challenged in court. >> and we won. i was involved with preparing the original travel moratorium. i was involved in selling it to the american people and explaining it. it was challenged and what happened? the president went through the whole system, through the challenge, the appeal and the supreme court and what did we find at the end? the president has the unique constitutional authority to decide who comes into the united states and under which yardstick they are measured. and he won. this is a national security issue, steve. steve: we were talking to marsha blackburn. her opponent phil bredesen former governor of tennessee said a few thousand poor people down in central america heading our way that's not a national security crisis. >> hey. how does he know that b, people like chris farrell of judicial watch and sara carter have gone down and interviewed the caravan, found people from south asia, from bangladesh are in there the president of guatemala has said he just deported a hundred isis members. this is one of the source countries for the caravan. steve: i know he made that claim but i don't think has been has verified that, have they? >> according to the president of guatemala i wouldn't do that when you look at the fact that this is 80% of the caravan are military-aged males, that's a potential national security threat. at the end of the day, that logic doesn't bear weight. there is 7 billion people in the world. a lot of them are poor. where do we stop? do we open the borders and let everybody? then america ceases to exist, steve. steve: that's a good point. the president of the united states, apparently the entire white house was horrified when those people were able to bust down that gate in guatemala and stream into mexico. this someone of his core platform planks for the president. that is stopping the illegal flow of people in the country. >> this is what democrats, this is what the people behind the caravan and there are organizerriners don't understand. candidate trump built his campaign on immigration reform and building the wall. it's not happening and he is shocked at this caravan as are all decent americans who understand the national security threat. there is public health issues as well. steve: look, after the election, congress has got to do something. >> the system is broken. the idea that you can come in here, register for asylum and then you disappear into the system that's nuts. steve: that's a loser: papadopoulos testified yesterday behind closed doors on capitol hill about possible bias in the department of justice and the russia investigation. he calls the whole thing a set-up. he is going to join brian in 10 minutes to talk about it. goi. awe man. always look for the grown in idaho seal. i am a techie dad.n. i believe the best technology should feel effortless. like magic. at comcast, it's my job to develop, apps and tools that simplify your experience. my name is mike, i'm in product development at comcast. we're working to make things simple, easy and awesome. ♪ brian: news by the numbers. first, 13 minutes. that's the average time taking voters in florida to fill out their ballots as early voting begins in florida. those ballots include more than a dozen constitutional amendments. that should go well. next, $15 an hour. that's how much san jose is planning to pay 25 mommyless people to pic$15 an hourto homek up trash: the december 28th, 1774 edition of the pennsylvania journal and the weekly advertiser discovered at a goodwill in new jersey it could be worth up to $16,000. how did it stay together and not vapor rise? steve: now to a fox news alert. as investigators search for a motive in the string of package scares. congresswoman maxine waters is pinning the blame on the president. >> i think the president of the united states should take responsibility for the kind of violence that we are seeing. i think the president of the united states has been dog whistling to his constituency. they are acting out what they believe the president wants them to. he, in his own way really does do a lot to promote violence. now they are trying to turn it on us. ainsley: is he promoting violence? joining us now with her reaction is michelle malkin the host of michelle malkin investigates. >> michelle, you remember her standing in front of the crowd at those rallies saying get in their face and he is the one invoking violence. >> that woman has a lot of gull that woman does. i started out my newspaper career in los angeles and i have been covering her since the early 1990s. her propensity for inciting violence goes all the way back to even before the l.a. riots. this is something who was essentially, you know, dancing on the ashes of the l.a. riots and who excused that huge violence as a justifiable demonstration of quote, unquote, civil unrest. that is actually the calmest i have ever seen her. what a kabuki theater pose that was. brian: i want you to hear her not calm. steve: flashback. >> if you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store an, at a gasoline station, you push back on them and you tell them they're not welcome. steve: do you trace the waive of activists getting up in the face of republicans to that? >> i think that's the latest manifestation of it. i wrote a book in 2006 wrote unhinged exposing liberals gone wild. mug shots of inciters violence. the other thing that's important, too is there is a phenomenon of blame writing in the wake of all sorts of unsolved incidents of violence or domestic terrorism. a lot of times what happens is, especially the liberal media that jumps the gun on these things is always eating crow afterwards. they never learn their lesson. steve, yesterday you were talking about the anthrax attack. these people have -- amnesia about exactly what happened. do you guys remember that npr had unjustly smeared the traditional values coalition because a couple of the letters had been sent to tom daschle and pat leahy. and so there were people who actually verbalized and theory rised that well, since traditional values coalition had opposed leahy and daschle, wanting to eliminate the phrase so help me god from the senatorial oath, oh, well, they fit the profile of somebody who might be anthrax bomber attackers. and they issued a hollow apology and those smears from happened for years and people are sick of it. ainsley: how do not see the hypocrisy. >> public amnesia and forgetting of historical perspective. even if in the last 10 years there have been many incidents of violence by complete nut balls that were blamed on republicans and blamed on conservative media and people who espouse conservative principles. what really is at issue here is a way to exploit these crises to suppress peaceful conservative free speech. steve: you mentioned your book "unhinged" the book before that was called "invasion" all about our immigration problem. as we look at this caravan heading towards the united states, it sounds like the president may try to do some executive order to essentially do the same thing to people trying to get asylum here as he did with the travel badge, which of course, was immediately challenged in the courts. i have gotten so many email from people who said don't call it a caravan. call it an invasion, is that fair? >> of course it is. it is a full scale invasion by a hostile force. and it requires our president and our commander-in-chief to use any means necessary to protect our sovereignty. the reason that i called my book "invasion" because of article 4 section 46 the constitution. people never talk about this before the constitutional imperative to provide tort common defense and promote general welfare and liberty to ourselves and prosperity. the people who are already here. and if tha that means troops on the border, yes. the problem is that the troops can only serve in administrative support capacities, really a band aid. underlying solution, of course is, to finish the wall and to put more border patrol agents on the border and ranchers and families have been calling for that for the three decades that i have been covering this issue. brine brian maybe they stop getting in front of a judge and turned around instead of wait for the justifiable department grab an ankle bracelet and wal see you when we see you. that's not working. democrats know. this that's why they have got to solve this problem. >> that's right. they have to keep stopping this idea oh we can only solve it after the election. brian: michelle malkin, thanks so much. >> you bet. brian: george papadopoulos testifying behind closed doors on capitol hill about possible bias in the justifiable department. and the russia investigation. he calls the whole thing, quote: a set up. he joins us live to expand. oh! oh! ♪ ozempic®! ♪ (vo) people with type 2 diabetes are excited about the potential of once-weekly ozempic®. in a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than seven and maintained it. oh! under seven? 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>> i believe there was tremendous misconduct on the government's behalf regarding my case. and given certain information i learned just yesterday that i can't publicly disclose right now, i'm actually even considering withdrawing my agreement i have come to with the government. brian: under previous lawyers, you agreed to plead to lying to the fbi and getting 1 days in jail and you served one day, right? so you just say what makes you think you want to withdraw that? >> to have to serve even one day in jail for something that now it seems was completely orchestrated and i was framed in many ways, it's just something by principle and by precedent i would never want another american to go through something like i'm going through again. if i end up deciding to fight this, i would be doing it more so to assure this precedent doesn't affect future americans might join a presidential campaign or anyone for that matter. brian: let me tell you if i got this right, you are helping to help israel prior to president trump running for office, to help israel do the best they can with this new oil discovery. hooking them up with greek officials. try to get a buyer for their oil and expedite their energy. that would put a red flag up to the obama administration. they didn't like you doing that. >> that's right. there is in misunderstanding that i was sort of a russia insider. i have absolutely no contacts whatsoever in russia. i have never been to russia. i have no russian friends. but, i had a lot of contacts in the middle east, israel, egypt, and what i really think this is all about is there was some sort of red flag that the obama administration and possibly his doj put on me for my contacts in israel. if it was politically motivated i'm not sure it seems like that now given certain information i learned recently, but, that's really what this is all about. brian: george papadopoulos gets the attention of donald trump. and he adds you to his foreign policy team. unpaid position use influence and get a job if he wins? >> that's right. >> you decide david cameron relationships donald trump to write editorial saying unfair to do it. antennas go up with british intelligence. is that correct? >> as soon as i gave this interview to the "times" of london i think around may 1st or 2nd of 2016. where specially i told the u.k. prime minister look, back off from the candidate that i'm supporting and you shouldn't be calling him an idiot or whatever he was doing about candidate trump's proposal for a muslim ban which i think many people at the time in the united states were supportive of. and as soon as i gave that interview. that's when my life completely turned upside down. i was being followed in london. i had officials from the u.s. ambassador which seemingly intelligence officials reaching out to me. downer wanted meet. it was in that meeting where he essentially told me you better stop bothering david cam ron and tell trump to stop bothering him, too. brian: think about this, george, the australian ambassador who by the way gave millions of dollars to the clinton foundation is telling to you stop bothering david cameron. you are an american who happens to be working unpaid for donald trump. john ratcliffe is hearing all this in the meeting yesterday and said this. >> >> justice is blind fold lady holding a southwest scales. no one's finger is supposed to be on the scale. >> fail like earlier this year when we saw ransom ware attack which targeted the city of atlanta. >> testimony, i can say is consistent with a lot of other testimony to the point that neither she or peter strzok and the folks at the centers of the -- brian: i have no idea what just happened there john ratcliffe is one of the people talking to you. so alexander downey was talking to you. fryer that you were talking to a guy named miffsit. >> i think i need to clarify who this person joseph miff miffsed maltese professor jopsd the information on me about the russians having hillary clinton's emails. >> so just prior to that he reached out to you for what reasonable? he wanted to talk to you about energy? >> yes, so, no. we meet in a room and i never quite understood why i was meeting this person at this university in rome through my old company which i now found out is some sort of western intelligence front group, okay, which i didn't know at the time. so the entire meeting with joseph mif miffsid completely orchestrated. this man's lawyer went public and said listen, everyone, this narrative about my clients joseph miffsid is totally wrong. is he not a russian agent targeting papadopoulos. weighs working at the behest of the fbi when he was talking to papadopoulos, when he was interacting with papadopoulos. unless his lawyer is slandering his client and awaiting a massive lawsuit for libel, i'm not sure is he lying. brian: joseph says i hear these russians have hillary clinton's emails. he listens and says okay. alexander downer comes up to you a few days later and says what do you know about hillary clinton's emails? >> that allegedly happened. i don't remember talking to alexander about emails bus let's assume this happened at this meeting. seems completely suspicious a week or so after joseph miffsid drops this information on me. brian: unsolicited. >> alexander downer wants to figure out info on this particular topic it just seems it was some sort of sting operation gone bad to be honest with you. brian: word is that downer taped that conversation. downer all of a sudden feels motivated in july 2016 to call the fbi and say i'm really concerned. i had this conversation with george papadopoulos and they say really? so they started following you and start questioning you. the fbi questions you. and then at which time they say you lied to us? >> yeah. so i didn't actually have my first interview with the fbi until january of 2017. so it makes no sense that if alexander downer had this information about me that i was some sort of russian conspiracy personal wh was i interviewed january of 2017 when i met alexander downer may of 2016. it makes absolutely no sense. brian: you are wondering, next thing you know the finn is questioning you and you are under house arrest. how did that feel. >> it's been very difficult. because my livelihood is basically ruined at this point. all my business was based on traveling abroad and domestically. i have travel restrictions. it's been very difficult on my wife, myself. you know, we have gone through a lot. you know, the most beautiful thing though out of this entire episode has been the american public's support for me and my family and i will never forget that. brian: how do you feel about president trump. >> i'm a big supporter of president trump. i think is he doing great stuff for this country. and i have never lost faith in the man. brian: did they try to get to you flip on president trump? >> i can't give you details on the fbi. all i can say i'm a firm supporter of president trump and his agenda. brian: do you have any connections with the russians. >> unless you consider a think tank in russia a connection i have never met only through email and maltese professor who apparently was working with the fbi. brian: now hiding in italy. who framed you? from the best you know, you are not a detective. >> as i stated, all of my contacts with completely in the middle east, and israel in particular and europe. i had absolutely no contacts in russia. just given that, how on earth could a man like me be at the center of a russian conspiracy unless i was completely framed by western intelligence to make it seem that papadopoulos was interacting with russians and that he is the patsy that started this whole investigation. brian: do you feel like this was a plot to unwind donald trump's candidacy and presidency? >> i truly believe it was likely some sort of plot by western intelligence to assure that if candidate trump is elected, remember, this whole insurance policy that there would be a press denting or some excuse to really try and squeeze them as he is trying to be squeezed now. brian: do you believe that someone had a fisa search warrant on you like they did carter page? >> i don't have real evidence yet about that. but, let's just say after my testimony yesterday, i am starting to believe that more and more and more. brian: george, somebody who read the transcript of the downer conversation said for the life of me, i don't know -- i have never met george papadopoulos but i don't know why he pled. what do you tell that lawmaker? >> let's just say maybe it was chaotic moment when i pled and that's exactly why i have new counsel now. and we are actively looking into new options. and possibly withdrawing from this agreement right now. brian: now it begins your rehab. you wanted to testify publicly. get more behind closed doors. what else next for you? >> i definitely still wants to testify publicly. i want to use this experience as part of my patriotic duty to really give back to this country to expose corruption and to assure that nothing like this ever happens again to the american citizen. brian: get out of that plea agreement, right? >> that's the idea. brian: george papadopoulos they launched the mueller probe because of your conversation it is a complete total sham. >> i have to agree with that. brian: thanks, george. coming up straight ahead, we have more "fox & friends first," including some, oh, yeah, ed henry is going to be out here shortly. don't move. again! ahhhh! i can breathe again! ughh! vicks sinex. breathe on. billions of problems. morning breath? garlic breath? stinky breath? there's a therabreath for you. therabreath fresh breath oral rinse instantly fights all types of bad breath and works for 24 hours. so you can... breathe easy. there's therabreath at walmart. >> something now that seems completely orchestrated and i was framed in many ways. it's just something by principle and by precedent i would never want another american to go through something like i'm going through again. steve: i was framed, according to former trump campaign aide george papadopoulos. you heard him say that 10 minutes ago right here in his first tv interview after taking questions from lawmakers on capitol hill yesterday behind closed doors. ainsley: it raises new question over the fbi's start over the russia probe now. brian: here now chief national correspondent ed henry has been all over this. ed: great job getting an exclusive. brian: great for him to come in and talking he is dying to talk. ed: i'm fascinated because legally i don't know what it means for him. obviously get some lawyers on to figure out if you try to go back to special counsel and say i want to undo a plea deal. george papadopoulos got off very light. he was only supposed to spend 14 days in federal prison for lying to the fbi. number one, real quick, remember, last october, i believe it was. when he pled, it was a year ago this month there were people on cnn and elsewhere saying this is a game changer. this is bigger than manafort. brian: they say that every day. >> they say that a lot. i went back and researched it yesterday. because i was working on a piece myself. and it was -- this is so bad for donald trump, papadopoulos is now going to sing. and then at the end he gets 14 days in prison. that means he doesn't have a lot. number one, number two, if he reopens now and says i was framed. framed by who? here is the really really part. it would be the fbi potentially. steve: and their partners. ed: yes, last year, 017, the "new york times" did this massive piece if you will remember saying where did all of this start, the russia investigation? they claimed it started with, i think, downer who you were just talking about, the australian diplomat. the meeting papadopoulos papgdz had with downer. that led to fbi counter intelligence probably of president in russia i believe july 21st, 2016. brian: can i add something, that meeting with downer he says they were drunk had a few drinks and started saying this: he does not confirm that number one, and number two it might be a transcript. it looks like downer was taping the entire conversation. ed: here is why that is important. the fbi claim in 2017, this was their cover story we got dirt from this meeting between the australian diplomat and papadopoulos, and why did they do that? that allowed them to say this started? you'll 2016 before they had the dossier and it wasn't the clinton financed dossier. here's the problem. a couple months ago the "new york times" had another story saying it actually happened different and they did use the dossier. and that papadopoulos meeting didn't matter. so george papadopoulos has a lot of credibility. steve: what did they do to get the fisa warrants used parts of the dossier and took them to the press. the department of justice said hey, look at this press story, obviously let's use this for the fisa warrant. it's circular. ed: why was the fbi leaking to the "new york times" last year? it all started with papadopoulos, not the dossier. because they were trying to push a narrative. ainsley: his why the fought for him a very long time when he couldn't talk. do you think he should go back and reopen this. ed: that's up to him and his family. robert mueller is going to want you to spend more than 14 days in prison if you can't prove your side of the story. it's dangerous. so, again, that's up to him and his family. ainsley: and his lawyers. ed: if he does do that suggests papadopoulos is very confident that he is going to bring other people down. steve: he could have gotten bad legal advice. ed: people at the fbi watching this interview very closely. ed: thanks, ed. great job. griff jenkins live traveling with the migrant caravan. south of mexico right now. he joins us live. steve: dow futures are pointing down after a roller coaster week on wall street. charles payne on deck. the water in your body, unblocking your system naturally. miralax. now available in single serve mix-in pax. i'm ready to crush ap english. i'm ready to do what no one on my block has done before. forget that. what no one in the world has done before. all i need access, tools, connections. high-speed connections. is the world ready for me? through internet essentials, comcast has connected more than six-million low-income people to low-cost, high-speed internet at home. i'm trying to do some homework here. so they're ready for anything. steve: brand new economic numbers coming out 36 minutes making the first g.d.p. report released before the midterms. ainsley: white house anticipating 3.5% growth for the third quarter. what should we expect? brian: hear to weigh in charles payne fox business network filling in for neil yesterday. what are we looking at? >> over 3% for sure. at the high end, possibly 3.8, 3.%. put it in perspective, we never had a full year of 3% the 8 years prior to president obama coming in. -- president trump coming into office. this will be back-to-back quarters over 3%. hasn't happened since 2014. and after 2014, we started to live with this assumed new reality that this kind of growth was impossible that we could never achieve it again. it's absolutely huge news. and, the only problem with it, unfortunately, is on the other side of this, have you got the federal reserve which may see this god news as another reason to slow down the economy. so, it's an interesting dichotomy when you just oppose it with the stock market in the federal reserve and with main street because obviously main street we want strong g.d.p. and wage growth we need it. ainsley: the market rebounding, right? >> the market rebounding. the market is down. going to be down 300 points at the open today. couple things hurting us at the market. two things moved the market. sentiment and fundamentals from, sentimental point of view on 23rd chairman powell gave a speech that rocked wall street's world. he essentially said listen, we have a long way to go. we are going to keep raising rates, we are going to crush this economy. that's how everyone heard it this has been the worst october in years because of that. steve: that's why the president has been out there saying what is the fed doing? >> his exact words were we may go past neutral. we are a long way from neutral. so it's a legitimate reason. and then, of course, on top of that this earning season we have seen a lot of these major companies not produce the kind of revenue. brian: including amazon. >> amazon, google. some of that is ironically the strong dollar, too strong, almost every company that i have listened to all had problems with the strong dollar, including google this morning. steve: we will be watching for the number. we will see it right here on the fox news channel. >> it's going to be huge. >> thank you, sir. >> see you later. ainsley: griff jenkins is traveling live with the migrant caravan in southern mexico right now. he will join us live with the update next. steve: one of the closest races in the mid terms. claire mccaskill in missouri and joshua hawley in a dead heat. he joins us live in 15 minutes ♪ looking like a true survivor ♪ i'm still standing ♪ you can quickly cook food, juicy on the inside and crispy on the outside. go from fresh to deliciously done in half the time. which means it may become the only thing you use in your kitchen. 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>> i lived in florida. 18 years. 18 years. reporter: you were deported when? >> two months, two months, guatemala deportation. reporter: you were deported. you have a crimestoppers on your t-shirt, you're breaking law to go? >> it is tough no. good people. usa is good people. no criminals. reporter: when you hear, you know that it is illegal for you to go without proper citizenship, what do you say? >> i need work. i need money for my family. i need too much money. my country, no money. no work. i need it for my family. i go to the usa. reporter: going back now. i want to ask you one last question. president trump says turn around, don't come. do you have something to say president trump. >> i know. i know. mr. trump says no need hispanics in the usa. mr. trump, maybe no have a heart, maybe have no head. my people, honduras, guatemala, costa rica, nicaragua, i need work. i need work. reporter: do you think they should change the law and let you in just because for the humanitarian, compassion reason? >> yeah. yeah. reporter: you know that is not going to happen. they are not going to let you in. are you still going to try? >> i know. i know. mr. trump i need a change. usa. no is good, i'm sorry. reporter: elio, thank you. that is what is going on here. he clearly knows it is against the law. he was living there. broke the law to go there. he believes he is going any wiiaway. he has a. brian: we need workers. epneed as job. there is a work visa program. we have to find a way work program for obviously a good person, wants to work hard, find a way to make both the ends meet. there has to be a work visa program that is effective. steve: talk to congress. reporter: yeah, but you know, a little bit what i was talking to elio beforehand, living in mexico gives him a better shot. he can't travel thousands of miles to get to work from central american country and honduras. he will being better off in mexico. even if sitting in tijuana. remember the last caravan they were on tijuana side for weeks before the asylum being heard. this gentleman the asylum hearing tough one to make. he broke the law and was deported once. ainsley: tell us where you are, looks like a check point but it es a not, you're about 120 miles from the border. reporter: it is not a check point. you look behind me, this is check point there. this is the mexican federal police. it is essentially their check point because of the border only 100 miles to the south. it is a federal mexican police check point. this is traditionally a route so many migrants go to on the way to california where they perceive officials are more friendly than arizona or certainly texas. steve: griff, you mentioned the previous caravan of migrants that came up towards tijuan n famously i recall a number of lawyers talking to the migrants before they got to the united states check point, the port, told them essentially what to say, how to claim asylum. do you get a feeling they know what to say? that guy said i will to to work because i need money. that is not a reason for asylum, or family reunification. is anybody talking to them to tell them what to say to claim asylum? reporter: we have certainly heard in our conversations with pueblo they are trying to help them in every way. perhaps what to say at the asylum hearing. there is a pueblo leader here with this group last hour, was taking a large group. we tried to get him to talk to us on camera but he just would not do so. they're certainly organized in terms of helping them in every way, whether it is food and water or making this difficult trek or in the case of what to say to the officials when they get to the border for the asylum hearing. but every indication is that we believe there are certainly some concerted effort on the part of organizing group to help them get through the interview. you remember the last caravan came through only a few hundred of 1200 made it got to the border. the officials did metering. essentially set them up course of weeks for the interview. as interviews perhaps go on if they get there this time. this will be a higher bar set for the next step which would be actual hearing with u.s. immigration judge. brian: great work, griff. put it in perspective. a human face behind the big picture. appreciate it. >> thanks, griff. steve: 8:10 in new york city. ainsley: let's hand it over to carley with headlines. carley: the fed is figuring out who is behind the suspicious packages being sent to prominent democrats. overnight investigators searching a major ups facility in opa locka, florida where several of the packages appeared to come through. they noticed big, dark, electrician's tape on suspicious package sent to former cia director john brennan. they hope it has fingerprints and they have video of of of the courier to the person that delivered them in new york. >> we'llers the person responsible for these attacks. carley: 10 suspicious packages found this week, including ones sent to the obamas and clintons. guys, sent back to you. steve: carley, in the "miami herald" they talked to federal authorities because of the opa locka postal facility, they say the packages were constructed, they were not going to go off. ainsley: never intended to explode. no trigger mechanism they said. brian: what you worry about, are the next ones scheduled to go off. he or she, to be honest, almost never seems to be females, did they show you enough they're capable of doing more, or are authorities so confident that they got the person and maybe some of that, some of that, activity we're seeing in florida means they have got the person? ainsley: what is period, some of the postmarks were missing. they contacted president carter, jimmy carter, you might be a target next. be careful when opening your mail. brian: how would they know in? steve: 8:12 in new york city. ainsley: you heard brian' exclusive interview with george papdopoulus. dan bongino will react to the investigation. brian: he has been light years ahead of the investigation, almost more than anybody else senator claire mccaskill, republican josh hawley in almost a virtual dead head. hawley will join us after his big debate next. ♪ ♪ >> democrat who opposed the president every turn. >> this has been a terribly personal campaign. i have tried to keep it on the issues and i am very proud of my bipartisan record? >> have i supported president. you bet i have because the policies he is pursue something good for the state steve steve final debate between senator claire mccaskill and republican josh hawley, got heated in missouri last night. the senate race is one of the closest in the country, 11 days from the election. missouri senate candidate republican josh hawley joins you live from columbia, missouri. good morning, josh. >> good morning. steve: go over to the big screen. according to the "real clear politics" average you are actually leading the incumbent senator from the state of missouri. what is it about your message that seems to be resonating with the folks in that state which went for donald trump? >> i think it is simple. that i will be with the people of my state. i will vote with the people of my state. i will fight for them. senator mccaskill has been in politics 36 years, 12 years in the united states. she is a liberal democrat. she does not vote with the state. she voted no on justice kavanaugh. she voted no on justice gorsuch. she voted no on miss dill class tax cuts. she is sponsoring open borders bill right now, steve. you couldn't get farther away from with people in the state want. that is her problem. steve: she voted no on the border wall. i no shes last night in that little clip she ran she is bipartisan. she claims she votes with the president, president trump half the time, 50% of the time. but not on any of the big things that people have heard about. >> exactly. nothing that this state wants. she votes with chuck schumer 90% of the time. over 2800 times we actually totaled up the votes. so that tells you where she is. she is a liberal democrat. our debate last night she got a little testy, frustrated, she admitted after the debate she was frustrated. her argument and frustration isn't with me, it is with the voters of state of missouri. she is not doing what they want her to do. that is the problem. steve: here is an ad she is running on radio stations in your state. >> what do you know about this josh hawley guy? >> well i think we just elected him to attorney general. he is a man in a hurry. prosecuting fewer criminals, never even tried a case. >> hasn't hawley caught hanging at gym, buying wine during work hours? >> claire is not one of those crazy democrats. she works right in the middle and finds compromise. steve: she is not one of those crazy democrats. what are you doing buying wine during the day? >> all of that, that is all false in every particular. particularly talking about no criminal convictions. we have convicted 100 criminals in the missouri attorney general's office while i have been there. hundreds more convictions. steve: that is a lie. >> that is just false. it is absolutely false. we set records for medicaid fraud prosecution, medicaid fraud recoveries. we led crackdown on human trafficking we never had in the state of missouri. i don't know who senator mccaskill is trying to distance herself from when she say she is not a crazy democrat but she is liberal democrat and her record shows it. steve: we reached out to the mccaskill campaign. we invited her to the program. we did not hear back. we would love to hear her side of the campaign. but she hasn't called us back. josh hawley, running for senator in the great state of missouri. thanks for joining us live. >> thanks for having me. steve: 8:20 here in new york city. straight ahead homeland security secretary chris it tin nielsen says all options are on the table to stop the migrant caravan but promises the migrant caravan will be stopped. we'll debate what happens coming up next. you heard brian es exclusion stiff interview the last hour with george papdopoulus. dan bongino has the reaction coming up. just stick with badda book. badda boom. book now at ito take care of anyct messy situations.. and put irritation in its place. and if i can get comfortable keeping this tookus safe and protected... you can get comfortable doing the same with yours. preparation h. get comfortable with it. ainsley: as the migrant caravan is inching closer and close to the united states there is questions surrounding the motives of some of those who are marching. >> if they are truly fearing for their lives and they're being persecuted they don't need to get to the united states. they should be seeking refuge in mexico. it is motivating them to ignore basically refuge and continue to come to the united states raises questions what their real motives are. ainsley: what should be done about the thousands that are marching to our border here to debate the republican strategist s and democratic strategist. there is reports that the white house is considering executive action to make sure the migrants don't come over. is that a great idea and what is the message to congress? >> that is a great idea. president obama and hillary clinton once said those cross our borders illegally, should be sent right back. i'm glad president trump will uphold that policy. we allow one million immigrants each year. we're doing more than our fair share. people to remember, one out of 5th mean illegal immigrants in the country are able to financially support themselves. 14 out of 15 are expected to live on our tax dollars. we should do something about it. >> rochelle, should our laws and sovereignty be respected. >> absolutely. humane side we have compassion especially with families with children but other side you can't be circumstantial that we are a nation of laws need to be followed. what it comes do what the democrats have done and not done in response to illegally immigration, it seems republicans seem to forget in 2013 they failed to pass a house bill, 40 billion-dollar package, that was pushed forward by chuck schumer which would have allowed 40,000 more border agents, 700 more miles of fencing and enforce border security. so you know democrats have been on board when it comes to stopping illegal immigrants from coming into our country and obviously seeing this caravan, i mean when i saw it i was very shocked at the fact that these people are still trying to come here, especially knowing the president, the kind of president we have right now which may actually end end up separating them from their families and their children. ainsley: they're not doing that anymore. >> not yet. ainsley: there are reports this term credible fear, if you get here, you say you're in fear, you have credible fear, you use that phrase, look at numbers, in 2006, 5% were using that phrase. in 2016, 39% were using that phrase. allowing them to have asylum to come into our country and catch-and-release. >> yeah. well i have to say i'm not shocked in this caravan. i know democrats probably want their voters to get here before midterms. too bad, so sad. i have to also say, i don't feel bad. each of people come over illegally they are criminals. i know i said you can't determine those that are good people and those that are bad people, they are all criminals. >> they're not all criminals. >> illegal migration is a crime. we have opportunities in this country because we're a nation of laws, everyone should abide by them. >> kimberly, you are a mother, you could look at these mothers that are trying to escape, whatever situation they're in, and i'm talking about people who are trying to escape, maybe domestic violence, poor economy or violence, they're trying to protect their children. i have compassion for them. i'm not saying what they're doing is right. i'm not saying they should be allowed into our country because like i said as you mentioned we are a nation of laws but i do have to have some, a little bit of compassion for why some of these people are trying to leave. ainsley: kimberly. >> i understand that part. ainsley: go ahead. >> i understand that part, but at the same time you have to look at it, a lot of people coming across seeking asylum, sometimes don't show up to hear their story and why they seek asylum. if i'm asked to come down to a police station for a crime that i know i didn't commit. i will come in. why don't people show up? because possibly they're not seeking asylum. >> they're afraid to be deported back to their country. that is no not why they are showing up. why president obama had to manage illegally immigration in order to end illegal immigration. ainsley: we have to be nation of laws. we have laws for a reason. we have to protect the people that are here. that is it what the president's mission is. thanks so much. kimberly, rochelle for being with us. >> thank you. ainsley: you're welcome. george papdopoulus joined us for an exclusive interview after meeting behind closed doors with house members and he says it is all a set-up. >> how on earth could a man like me be at center of a russia conspiracy unless i was completely framed by western intelligence. ainsley: dan bonn mean -- bongiy grease with him. he is next. plus hillary clinton supporters couldn't handle the results of the 2016 election but now are democrats gearing up for a midterm heart break? we'll explain. ♪ state of the art technology, makes it brilliant. the visionary lexus nx. lease the 2019 nx 300 for $339 a month for 36 months. experience amazing, at your lexus dealer. >> i believe there was tremendous misconduct on the government's behalf regarding my case. given certain information i learned yesterday, that i can't publicly disclose right now, i'm actually even considering withdrawing my agreement i have come to with the government. brian: do you feel this was a plot to unwind donald trump's candidacy and presidency? >> i feel it was likely some sort of plot by western intelligence to assure if candidate trump is elected, there would be a precedent or some excuse to really try to squeeze him as he is trying to be squeezed now. brian: did the british play a role in that? steve: remember what we're talking about. that is george papdopoulus. it is said his story is what launched the russian probe but as you look closer and closer at his story it just doesn't hold up. his story holds up but the reasons the government eventually spied on the trump campaign does not. dan bongino, former secret service agent, former new york city police officer and host of the dan bongino podcast and "spygate." man, your business card is a food long. thanks for joining us live. >> you got it. happy to be here. steve: you saw brian's interview with papdopoulus a little while ago. he is considering trying to undo the plea deal because he says he was framed. >> yes, good for him. terrific interview. i watched it twice. i'm using sound cuts from it myself. let me make it simple. it is complicated case for the audience. i literally wrote a book so i have details. 30,000-foot view on this. there are two separate stories cannot coexist in the same space at the same time. liberal media version of events and anti-trump crowd, george papdopoulus was given information about a russian agent about hillary's emails which he tried to disseminate amongst the trump campaign to collude. that is their story. the real story. that is fantasyland, okay? the real story that cannot coexist, the information who gave that information to papdopoulus, brian asked about, a maltese professor, joseph misud is not a russian agent. paul of his connections, these are well-documented, basic google search are to western intelligence, anothers friendlies. i get it a lot of people out there are into conspiracy theories and wacko talk, this is stuff anybody can look up on the internet. the guy who starts the whole thing gives information about russian e-mails whose name brian brought up is connected to western intelligence. his ties as russian asset are flimsy at best. the guy's own lawyer, the guy's own lawyer is denying any of these claims at all this is insane. brian: dan, he dumps information on, he dumps information on george papdopoulus. speaking about energy. they might, they talk. he says he will hook him up with this or that. they talk, he says the russians have hillary clinton's emails. he is like, okay, i didn't ask that, whatever. so in comes downer. downer talks to him. he says they were drunk. he says they had one drink. downer is ambassador to australia, he starts talking. what is going on with these emails, hillary's emails. i'm not sure he said it. say the government is right, he said i hear the russians have her emails, nothing will release them. nothing about podesta, that's it. downer tapes the conversation. when he realizes email are out and podesta was hacks he feels compelled to pick up the phone to tell the fbi about this conversation he had. well is downer linked to mifsud? is that 28-year-old unpaid foreign policy advisor the patsy to all of sudden to be the bad guy to show there is trump connection to russia? >> yeah. you just summed it up. here is, best way to envision this, folks, look at it like a push-pull operation. if you were going to frame someone, which i'm absolutely certain papdopoulus was set up, certain, mifsud was not a russian entitity, okay, he was not. envision it as push pull operation. if i want to frame you for a bank robbery you didn't commit i have to push information into your orbit about this bank robbery, that will be pulled out later by someone working in law enforcement to make you look like a middleman. it's a push-pull. mifsud is pushes information into papdopoulus about russian emails. downer and halper, central intelligence agency asset working for the united states government tried to pull out later to make papdopoulus look like a cutout. the problem is, everyone in this space, brian, everyone is deeply connected to western intelligence. brian: exactly. >> halper, downer, they're all connected to friendlies. ainsley: he said no russian collusion. i don't even have any russian friends. his wife has been fighting for him. now he is speaking out. do you think he should withdraw plea deal, opening up another can of worms, he would have to have good lawyers, should he do it? >> ainsley for the sakes of the country, he must repeal this plea deal. george papdopoulus is guilty of nothing other than signing on to the trump campaign. he had no information about russian emails. the people he spoke to were very clearly connected to sadly, friendly intelligence entities who for some reason wanted to take the trump team down. it is no question. steve: dan, weeks after the fbi opened their investigation he talked to that professor halper, who was working with our intel community and halper asked him about the collusion thing and he denied it. then fast forward to much later, and they're trying to open this fisa application, you would think they would put the admission he said papdopoulus, said no collusion, you would think they would put that in the fisa application but they did not. and, you know, it is that omission of exculpatory evidence that people are saying, wait a minute, how did we get where we are? he already said there was no collusion but you didn't put it in the fisa warrant? >> steve, this is even more devastating. not just that they excluded exculpatory evidence, if i accuse of you robbing a bank, everybody says that, i don't have to include that in warrant. if i accuse someone colluding with russians of a conspiracy and there is transcript, who has transcript of what, recording of papdopoulus saying he didn't do it, but had no involvement at all in conspiracy, that is not only exculpatory evidence, that is tier one exculpatory evidence that your whole case is bs. steve: capital b, capital s. brian: somebody in british intelligence played a role in the whole process, downer working in the middle of it. it is unbelievable. dan, thank you so much. >> you got it. ainsley: carley shimkus has breaking news for us. carley: hey, guys. straight to a fox news alert. right now the nypd is investigating a suspicious package in midtown manhattan a street near times square is closed. investigators are trying to figure out who is behind 10 suspicious packages sent to prominent democrats across the country. it is not clear if the latest situation in new york is linked to it. national security advisor john bolton announcing a big development with russia overnight. >> president putin to washington after the first of the year for basically a full day of consultations. carley: bolton's announcement cops days after meeting with putin in moscow. president trump and putin will also hold a bilateral meeting in paris next month. it is not clear if putin has accepted the invitation in d.c. a new york street artist is literally trashing trump supporters, according to a art blog, winston is behind the posters on buildings and trashcans, saying keep nyc trash-free. it shows a man with a make america great hat and confederate tattoo. another poster shows the woman wearing a same hat holding a bible. new england sports fans targeted in posters across the city. donald trump, jr., kicking off the young black leadership summit in d.c. >> usa. usa! usa! carley: the president's son praising hundreds of black conservatives in his speech at the nag -- inaugural event put on by turning appointment usa. they will travel to the white house to meet the president. very good stuff. steve: big day for them. brian: turning point doing amazing things. they seem to be busy. steve: we're showing you griff jenkins traveling with the caravan on the move in southern mexico as it heads towards our border a father whose sons with killed by somebody in this country illegally, here with a message for the caravan coming up. brian: hillary clinton supporters couldn't handle the results of the 2016 election but now are democrats gearing up for a midterm heartbreak? charlie hurt on that next. of the ♪ he's at greater risk for lows. tresiba® releases slow and steady and works all day and night like the body's insulin. 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(vo) ask your health care provider about tresiba®. carley: fox news alert. right now the nypd is investigating a suspicious package in midtown manhattan as times square is closed. investigators are trying to figure out who is behind 10 suspicious packages sent to prominent democrats across the country. with only 11 days before the midterms. i will send it back to you. >> with only 11 days before the midterms, democrats brace for another election upset. brian: candidates injecting fear into their base hoping it will motivate them to vote but will it work? steve: joining us to weigh in, fox news contribute to, opinion editor for "the washington times," charlie hurt. charlie, by the way gdp last quarter, 3.5. that is good news for the president. it has been said, never will get above 3% again. nonetheless, what do you make of these democrats who suddenly are looking at the polls, looking at enthusiasm gap and they're going, wait a minute we thought there would be a gigantic blue tsunami? maybe not to much? >> of course just a few weeks ago they had a considerable gap in enthusiasm between democrats and republicans but, for a number of reasons the chief among them the scandalous the democrats handled brett kavanaugh's nomination did a lot to gin up the support. republicans care a lot about the supreme court. they care a lot about the federal judges and that really brought, got them energized and focused on trying to do something but if you, you think back to, you know two years ago, the there were magazines predicting giant blue wave back then and polling from then to now has only gotten more difficult as more people get away from landlines and more people rely entirely on cell phones, it is getting more difficult, not less difficult to know exactly what is going on out there and when you're trying to poll 435 districts around the country, it gets even more difficult. and so i'm not surprised democrats are worried but at the same time i would also caution that republicans probably should be worried too. nobody has this in the bag right now. ainsley: it will be neck-and-neck. some democrats were interviewed about how fearful they are that president trump will win again. carol in california says, we have to keep going, hope for the best. i don't want to go home crying again. phyllis, a 73-year-old retired teacher from orange county, do i hope, yes, hope, hope, hope. trump getting elected for rest of my life i will never trust what is going to happen again. >> i think a lot of people will be, who don't, who opposed the president two years ago will be traumatized by that election for a very, very long time. the problem for them is just what you mentioned, steve, about the fact that you have 3.5 b -- ggdp. overall economy being good, unemployment low, all that stuff seem to wash away some of the more hysterical accusations against the president. brian: real quick, the president successfully nationalized election. not only should you not run for me, but i want you to vote for me. 435 races, maybe. i think trump is on the ballot everywhere. >> that is a very good point. if you think about it, two years ago, i mean, in 2010 when president obama lost 63 seats, do you remember him campaigning like this around the country? steve: no. >> i don't. trump is in full campaign mode right now. ainsley: doesn't sleep. >> no. brian: charlie, thank you. >> we've been showing you griff jenkins traveling down in mexico with the caravan. it is heading towards our border. a father's whose son was killed by an illegal immigrant is here next. brian: is sandra smith what is coming up on her show because i cannot trust what hemmer says. >> good morning. i'll try my best. we follow the caravan as thousands head to the u.s. border. the options the president is weighing. wow, what a week for u.s. stocks. the most volatile month on record in over a century. what is driving all this action? the white house is going to join us to respond. plus we will have the latest on the pipe bomb fallout. friday morning here in "america's newsroom," join bill and me live, top of the hour. >> fox news alert. a live look at midtown manhattan as the nypd investigate as separate -- street near times square is closed as they investigate. the fbi is investigating a 11th suspicious package. it was recovered in florida, addressed to new jersey senator cory booker. this comes as the feds are trying to figure out who is behind 10 other suspicious packages sent to prominent democrats across the country. brian, send it down to you. brian: cory booker is the latest. meanwhile the caravan, thousands of migrants continue their march to the border, show no signs of stopping despite a warning from the trump administration, threat of sending troops to the border which is environment allly a done deal. our next guest lost his son drew in 2010 has a message for those trying to cross the border. it is don rosenberg. what is the message? >> hi, brian, thanks for having me on. my message isn't to the caravan, my message to the american politicians, the american congress. it is your fault. brian: yep. >> you have the power to stop this from happening. they are going to come as long as we have laws that allow them to come. you know what? i can't blame them for doing that, but unfortunately within that group, there are some people that are criminals. there are some people that will commit crimes once they get here. you know we can try to stop them. the next group will only be bigger. i will throw it back to the congress, particularly out here in california, jerry brown, our legislature, all the blood is on your hands. you made this happen. and you are the ones that can stop it. it is time to start doing something about it. brian: president said we have to stop sanctuary cities. it is a magnet. i understand the intention, it is a magnet for illegals to come. the courts stopped him every step of the way. so they're flooding into california. they're getting all social services in many cases. now, we showed that legislation can work, because we stopped illegal mexicans from crossing the border without going through the general processes. but for some reason we turned the magnet on for central and south america, giving them favoritism. they're getting wrong message. they're getting the right message. you can cross and beat the system and stay by ignoring it. >> that message has to change immediately. that can. the congress could pass the law in a week that would just mirror the law that deals with mexicans and the a few canadians. maybe that come over illegally. basically the law should be wherever you come from that's where you're sent back. immediately. and, if you want, if you want to file for asylum, good. do it in our u.s. embassy in your country. don't come here. because that is the second problem. once they come here, we can't house them all. and we catch-and-release them. over 50% of the people that are released don't even file for asylum let alone show up for their hearing. it is just a he can jo. they're playing this against us and again back to congress. do something about it now before other people are killed. brian: we create a whole under class, if you look at california, there is a whole, there is a whole under class sleeping on the streets where they're doing everything from leaving relieving themselves on down. don, in your son's memory, trying to stop the next person from experiencing your tragedy. thanks so much for coming on today. >> thanks so much. that is why i'm doing what i'm doing. brian: that is fantastic. don rosenberg. thanks. more "fox & friends" in just a moment. in their hundreds. so how do you stay financially well for all those extra years? 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