President ial. He is a dangerous, unprincipled, divisive, and shameful racist. Been talking about reaping the rewards of the big tax cut bill because february 1st was going to be the big date when you are also going to have more money in your paycheck. Who says you cant go home theres only one place to call it one of their own. Steve look, were home after a couple days on the roof at 101 constitution where it was really cold. Welcome to us back home. We are chapsd. Chapped. Brian think about our workers who work outdoors every day. I sat with too many thermals on that squeezed me too much. I instead of going thermal i went insular which is beyond armor it squeezes you tight. Ainsley you wore a onesie. Steve you wore a girdle. Brian wearing the tight version of underarmor almost the first version from 1982. Together i think i actually got warm ban hour ago. Ainsley some people call them spanx. Brian i do the no wear spanx. Steve i took two pairs of shoes yesterday. Every 20 minutes i could put the shoes next to the big furnace we had up in the tent. Here is the problem 7 45 yesterday i picked up the shoes. They had melted. Whatever keeps the sole to the shoe melted. Brian thats why we should have a shoe maker on staff or a black smith. Ainsley grateful to our staff. We sat there for three hours. They had to be there for hours before to set all of that up and hours after. Brian unlike our staff, we had to be sober. [laughter] steve will we see that fisa memo later today . There is a possibility there is a reuters story out. Apparently they talked to somebody at the white house. The memo released regarding fisa abuses at the department of justice and the fbi could be released today. Although it sounds like the white house chief council and the National Security also are reviewing i bet we dont see it until monday. Ainsley the house voted on monday night. And then the president has five days. So that means saturday night or is it five working days, which would be monday. I would think i was thinking with this last night he might not release it until monday so the sunday shows can focus on his speech. Brian still focus on the memo though that would be great. The speech was already off almost off the headline us the fbis push back on devin nunes memo. Devin nunes chairman of oversight. He sees this material he thinks should go public. He cant believe it next thing you know he is under a ethics investigation. The oversight Intelligence Committee asked the fbi can you give me some of this information in the fbi ignores, ignores, ignores. Took a subpoena to get this information to come forward in front of the Intelligence Committee which, to me, is inexcusable. When it does come forward devin nunes says you know what . Im going to write up a summary. Im going to give it to the president to let the people know what went into the investigation of the Trump Organization leading up to the election and afterwards. At which time the memo arrives at the white house. Where the fbi director on sunday takes a look at it on monday, we didnt think he had a problem with it. Yesterday, five fbi agents show up. They look at it and they shed hey, chief kelly, we have got a problem with this. He goes whats your problem he . Makes some changes. They make some grammatical changes defensive nunes. Makes some changes. Thinks its for the better. The fbi still not happy. Guess who else isnt happy. Adam schiff. He said you changed the memo that i okayed. Steve right. Is he suggesting, look, he has done all he can adam schiff, to keep it from coming out. Nonetheless, the fbi and the department of justice are hitting the panic button because they dont want it out. Here is what the department of justice released. They said with regard to the house Intelligence Committees memorandum, the fbi was provided a limited opportunity to review this memo the day before the committee voted to release it was that on sunday. Thats when chris wray went over to the capitol. As expressed during our initial review we gave grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the accuracy. Five guys went over. They looked at it next thing you know they have got some suggestions. They made it and adam schiff is saying oh, they changed everything. They actually made some changes the democrats asked for. Ainsley nunes is saying the fbi doesnt want this released because it shows the abuse of power in this agency. He also said. This having stonewalled Congress Demands for information for nearly a year its no surprise to see the fbi and doj issue spurious objections abuses at these eggs. Not surprised stonewalled everything for a year. Brian is the fbi concerned about the relationship of intelligence as it relates to the Intelligence Committee and methods and practices or are they worried its going to make them look terrible and individuals in particular look awful. And is that what they are here to stop . When devin nunes says yeah, i think its the latter why else would they be stopping us as the Intelligence Committee for getting this information for months. Why did i have to go through the courts to get this information to begin with. Steve they did make some changes. There are some on the left that said okay, we didnt vote for that version. Of course they all voted against it anyway. You are going to have to a revote. If they do have a revote, 50 50 chance right now on what would be released to the public, the earliest they could have it is on monday. Remember, half of congress is out in West Virginia. Ainsley thats right. Brian democrats continue to have a melt down about the president s first state of the Union Address. You saw their faces. You saw the grim looks. You saw they didnt stand up when the parents of a family who lost their child to ms13 was given recognition for the courage to come forward and the need to push back on this International Gang operation. But, again, its a little confusing. We thought joe kennedy gave their official response to the state of the union as tradition. But it turns out a lot of people gave a response to the state of the union. Unlike tradition. Ainsley nancy pelosi said it was insulting to call it chain migration. She prefers family reunification. Maxine waters is using the race card. She says the president is a racist. She is the one who kept calling for impeachment. Listen to this. This is from last night. One speech cannot and does not make donald trump president ial. Hes not president ial. And he never will be president ial. He claims that he is bringing people together, but make no mistake, he is a dangerous, unprincipled, divisive and shameful racist. Trump often works to convince diseaferred elements in our society that all of their problems are caused by people of color. Steve so there have you got Maxine Waters issuing her rebuttal on bet. Regarding the actual state of the union i think 45 million watched it on all the television channels. I think Barack Obamas final one was seen by about 15 million less than that. But, keep in mind, the longer you are in office, the more the fewer people watch. The number one cable outfit was fox news channel. It was also the number one outfit that americans turned to. We had over 11 million. It is the highest rating in cable history when it comes to the state of the unions and we have to thank you for tuning us on. Brian 21 million interactions across facebook, instagram and twitter. 41 occurred on facebook. 7 on instagram. 52 of the president s favorite vehicle and that is twitter. Steve it was the most tweeted state of the union ever. Ainsley the reason we tell you this is because its obvious that many people arranged the country, millions of people around the country want to hear what this president has to say. Many people are on board with him, despite what you might hear from Maxine Waters or from nancy pelosi. Not everyone agrees with him but he does have a lot of support. They need to keep that in mind because they have big elections coming up in november. Steve the thing about the elections is keep in mind yesterday we had lee carter on. She tested some of the sound bites from the president. And the republicans gave him good grades. But the independents, the people who actually move elections and determine who our president would be, more closely aligned to the prick now than the democrats and that is not good for the democrats who are saying its a slam dunk. Its over. Shows over. Paul ryan, give us your hammer. Ainsley yesterday you had a biggest on radio. Brian and fox news. Com. Frank luntz apologized to the president. He was antitrumper he listened to this speech and thought he hit it out of the park. This is the story our producer able to uncover. High School Teacher talking to a bunch of 17yearolds at one which time he noticed one of the students wearing a marine shirt. And he commented about the lack of intellect among those who serve in americas military. Here is now suspended teacher with pay greg sal saisalcido. Steve big question whats going to happen to him out in his school district. 150 people showed up demanding answers. The school board is in a pickle because currently they dont have an attorney. The main thing the school board did last night is okay, we need an attorney and we need one fast. Ainsley thethey put him on administrative leave until they can figure out what to do. Brian yesterday i played this for general kelly who had a chance to bring radio show to the white house. He heard it the first time. I read it to him because he couldnt make out some of the audio. This is the response that we can play on television. What is your reaction to that knowing that he is teaching a bunch of 17yearolds . Yeah. Well i think the guy ought to go to hell. I just hope he enjoys the liberties and the lifestyle that we have fought for. Brian he got angrier and angrier. We had to dump some of his response. Ainsley he lost his own son fighting for our country. He said he has gone down to arlington and walked through all the graves and said i, because of my decisions, a lot of these people are here. He takes this very seriously. As most of us do. And most of us all of us should. But, he is saying this guy has the freedom to teach in the classroom because of what these men and women have done. Steve the guy is a government and history teacher. What form of government and history is he teaching. Ainsley is he teaching 17yearolds. Steve we have one of the kids from that class. Victor cuevas who taped that teacher. He will be joining us 8 30 on fox friends. We will hear fro how he felt when the teacher went off. Ainsley thats exclusive. He hasnt talked to anyone yet. Steve 6 12 in new york city. President obama wanted shut gitmo down, President Trump just made good on one of his promises is he going to keep it open. Ainsley you saw it during the state of the union. Children who lost their children to ms13. Msnbc doesnt think of that problem. Speech tonight makes it sound like the biggest threat is ms13. A gang nobody that doesnt watch fox news has ever heard of. Ainsley the mom of one of those murdered children is firing back. 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I dont think we should do that i think that would make us less safe. And there were two things that he said about that. Keeping keeping get 340e open and treating these terror attacks outside our country unlawful acts of war. Those are important policies. Brian you know the counter argument and why half the room sat because they say its a symbol for terrorists to mobilize. Have you gitmo. Thats where they put us. Now we have to really hate america. My reaction is, you know, i talked to a lot of terrorists. I doubt that anybody sitting in that room other than maybe some of the military and. So Intelligence Community actually has talked to a terrorist. I havent talked to a single terrorist who told me that they were attacking us because of gitmo. They are attacking us because they find our way of life repulsive and they want to story it and their religious ideology. In fact, Khalid Sheikh mohammed the mastermind of 9 11 says gitmo is just used as a recruiting tool. If it wasnt gitmo it would be Something Else. Brian wow, he told you that. Right. Brian president bush 500 out. 58g 7 by president obama. Five released by the previous administration. The question is when do we get them and how do we effectively interrogate them. Is your way the right way we should be using now . I dont know. Its hard to say. Heres my honest reaction to that i dont think enhanced interrogation is necessary for 9. 5 of the people the terrorists we capture. One half of 1 that has information that could stop a catastrophic attack smiled of the United States that involves Nuclear Chemical or biological weapons . I think we ought to leave everything on the table. And i dont think that were doing that now. And my concern about the Army Field Manual is that its on the internet. It describes the techniques. It tells people how they are taught to work. It emphasizes the need to get voluntary admissions. Voluntary information. And what i would ask people is, do you really want to wager the safety of your family on the bit that a terrorist whose god sent him there to kill is you willing to provide voluntarily information to stop those attacks . I dont think we should. Brian nope. Thanks so much, dr. Mitchell. Very important things to bring up. Also when we talk about immigration and the visa lottery system. A couple of those guys came to the visa lottery system. Straight ahead. Republican lawmakers bring into action after train slams into garbage truck. All were stunned by. This senator bill cassidy a doctor helping out. He ran to help. What he did and more in a moment. Is up to four times greater. But there are steps you can take to lower your cardiovascular risk. Talk to your Health Care Provider today about diabetic heart disease. And find out more at heartoftype2. Com. Your heart and type 2 diabetes. 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The identity of that fatality christopher folly. 28 years old. Look at this debris field behind me. You see the trash truck, the trash strewn all along the embankment as you work your way up to that rail