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Terrorists intensify. His name is mohommad amiri. He could strike again at any moment. This guy was on a terror watch list and has been watched for a number of months, dropped off apparently in the last two months. He has six aliases and has been under government surveillance for a while. Yeah, so they knew who he was and capable of. Germany tried to deport him this summer but couldnt because they didnt have valid documents. And tunisia was not sure he was one of their own, so they let him go. Next thing you know, he stabs and shoots a truck driver allegedly, takes the truck and kills 12 people. Who has six aliases if youre 24 years old. Then they let him go. Drug addict, likes like a drug distributor, using drugs and has been accused of that in the past. And hes a genius and leaves his wallet under the seat to know exactly where he is. Maybe he never thought he would survive. Sadly, he has. What looks bad is the german cops, keep in mind, on tuesday german cops announced they had the guy. But it was the wrong guy. Then they said, we had the wrong man. When the police went through the cab after that truck plowed through and killed 12 people, they missed the guys papers right there in plain sight. Heres one of the problems, though. Apparently in 2011 after he left tunisia, he left italy. In italy he was in a Detention Center for migrants and started it on fire. He was kept in prison there for four years. His brother said that jail changed him. He became more devout, he started praying and he stopped smoking. Just one of the things about this particular story then is italy wanted to send him back to tunisia, but he didnt have the proper paperwork according to state agents. So he went into germany where they said, you dont have paperwork, thats fine. Its hard to track down a guy like this. He looks so different. They do, indeed. Hes following a radical cleric. Any time you see this title, you have to be watching him. People in the Community Need to section them off and say, i have a problem, keep your eye on these people, men and women that take that. Meanwhile, he was on our watch list. What is up with tunisia . A tunisian guy ran over 86 people last july. And at least 6,000 tunisians left home to join isis. Pretty scary. So this guy was on a watch list, they have been watching him until they realized, you know, we really dont have anything on him. Well watch him sporadically. He fell off the radar. Apparently earlier this month, fast forward to the fact that germany wanted to deport him, but tunisia said he doesnt have paperwork. Keep in mind, hes tunisian. Donald trump was asked all about this. And these are the first comments hes made since terror struck the world a few days ago. Here he is in front of mara lago. Have you reevaluated the plans whats happened is disgraceful. 100 . Reporter your comments about the truck attack in berlin being against christians, do you think that this might say it again, what . The attack in paris, is this an attack against christians . When did when did i say that . I think, i believe you said it in a press release. So go ahead. So im wondering how this might affect muslims . Its an attack on humanity and it has to be stopped. I think it was a press release they tweeted and said this was an attack on christians. Having said that, it was an attack on humanity. Talking here on our couch, your couch at home, the president of the United States is not allowed to followup, its not all muslims, dont worry about it. Dont be fearful. You have a better chance of getting hit by a car. Instead, this is the problem. You feel like somebody has your back. Meanwhile, Newt Gingrich sees a problem. If youre part of the liberal elite, you are not allowed to think about this because it is so politically incorrect so you have to believe its not true. Clearly refugees and immigrants in places like france, belgium, germany, you would think theres a lesson there for america. But the Obama Administration was incapable of learning it. Its part of why Hillary Clinton lost. Sure. One of the other reasons is Hillary Clinton and democrats in general were reluctant to call it islamic extremism, which it is. That reporter talking to donald trump was trying to get something out of him. He didnt buy it. She was trying to get him to say, what this the deal with the muslim registry, are you still onto that . Clearly, trump is saying the european attacks prove me right. What hes talking about is with the migrant crisis throughout europe, they dont know who these people are. And this particular guy is exhibit a. I mean, if the guy is tunisian, he goes to italy. Italy wont send him back to tunisia because he doesnt have papers. That says something about tunisia and italy. And germany, when they tried to deport him the last couple of months, he doesnt have papers. I think going forward, this new president is going to do something, whether it is extreme vetting or whatever, things are going to change. All right. So he wrote the book on enhanced interrogation, why . Because he set up the program as a private contractor outside the cia. If youre with the cia, you have to take the worst of the worst of al qaeda and use enhanced interrogation tactics on them. In turn of doing that, he spent hours with all the worst of the worst who are the brain child of people who send out the 24yearold tunisians to do the horrific act. The problem is we dont capture or interrogate anybody anymore. And he watched the cia get pressure from politicians to be politically correct. And all this stuff began to collapse, but he understands the mindset. Heres what he said last night. Heres the way Political Correctness works for a guy like Khalid Sheikh mohommad. It allows them to operate in our midst without being challenged. It allows them to ratchet up the focus on sharia law without us pushing back on it. And we end up inadvertently imposing on ourselves the blas me a blasphemy laws. We dont say Merry Christmas on the street, women have to wear head gear. And they try to impose sharia on the people that come into them. We simply have to not let that happen. Right. We are all so scared about offending someone. These individuals, they are killers. They are trained to kill. They hate americans, they hate christians, in fact, we just got word that two americans were hurt in that Christmas Market attack in berlin. One person is hospitalized, one person, and the other american was released. Two were hurt in nice, france, too. We should also point out, the jgerman authorities have released the name of him, but it is possible it is not him. It is possible someone planted documents in the truck. But nevertheless, he on this thursday morning is germans number one suspect. But this does expose serious gaffes in the countrys immigration policy over there given the fact they have accepted so many people with backgrounds they simply cannot vet. Get him and throw him out of your country, you dont want him there anywhere. Just like the pakistanis you picked up, you find it was the wrong guy, but he was still lying. How he of the into the country and he was there illegally. Throw him out they let him stay in germany. Makes no sense. Well keep you posted on that. Meantime, it is 6 10. And jackie is joining us on headline duty. We start down in the state of florida. Good morning, friends. Good morning to everyone at home. So the terrorists are cooking up a bomb in florida . Thats a question under investigation right now. Potential terrorist was arrested after his terrified mom called to say she was too scared to be alone with her own son. Investigators took the 21yearold into custody after con fronting him after a smell in their home. His father passed out from the smell. The Police Arrived at the suspe suspects home and he attacked them. They uncovered potential bombmaking materials inside. And North Carolina governor Pat Mccormick generated a lot of controversy over the bathroom bill was passed. This costs the state tens of millions of dollars. And the death toll is rising this morning me tultepec, mexico, after a fireworks explosion occurred there. Investigators now say vendors were displaying the fireworks outside of their individual concrete stalls, which are designed to prevent this type of tragedy. 33 now confirmed dead this morning. 12 remain missing. And dramatic dash cam video for you showing the terrifying moments a drunk semi truck driver put other lives in danger. Look at this. You can see the truck on a minnesota highway swerving, stop there, but he stopped swerving. When the man behind the wheel is pulled over, he falls out of the truck and is rolling on the ground, crawling on the ground, and the officer said he couldnt help the guy stand up. One, two, three, up then he finds two bottles of liquor in his truck. The man blew a. 28 and was hauled off to jail. Wow. Those are your headlines, friends. Back to you guys. That was a blue light special that became a red light special. Driving a walmart truck, thats a lot of liquor. All right, jackie, thank you. Coming up, have you seen this video . A fedex truck stolen. And thats the driver hanging on for his life on the outside. So what was happening inside the truck that made it a target . Stay tuned, well tell you what we know. And remember when president obama said this . If i watched fox news, i wouldnt vote for me either, right . Because youve got this spring, this funhouse mirror through which people are receiving information. Well, he just took it to the next level. Lisa booth is here with that coming up next. I hope she brought the funhouse mirror. Fact. People spend less time lying awake with aches and pains with advil pm than with tylenol pm. Advil pm combines the number one pain reliever with the number one sleep aid. Gentle, nonhabit forming advil pm. For a healing nights sleep. Afoot and lighthearted i take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. President obama using the same argument claiming the real reason the democrats lost the election, fox news. Yep, in an interview with the atlantic he says, quote, in 2008 i was never subjected to the vilification of fox news, rush limbaugh, the whole conservative media ecosystem. After i was elected, it was deployed full force. It had an impact in terms of who voted for me. This surprises me, hes going out the same way hes going in, blaming fox news and rush limbaugh. Well, it is almost like someone never told him that sometimes things in life dont go your way. But we have seen president obama and the Democratic Party literally come up with every excuse under the sun to try to explain their losses, both with Hillary Clinton and the historic losses under president obama. The 800 billion stimulus didnt produce. If you say obamacare has fallen short of almost all the promises, its as if youre looking at him through a glass thats not fair. Or even a climate regulation that essentially tries to decimate an entire industry with the coal industry. Thats the reality here. His policies were rejected. We have seen them rejected on historic margins. You look at the fact that the Democratic Party controls fewer state legislators than ever before. The republicans have a majority of the republicanships across the country and now control the house, the senate and the white house. This was a mass rejection of president obamas policies and also Hillary Clinton as a failed candidate. Hes also reflecting back on the last eight years. Republicans were tough on him. We asked real questions of him. His response was, i will not talk to you. Bret baier a few times and a few others, but he said this before the election to bill maher. Look, if i watched fox news, i wouldnt vote for me either. Right . Because youve got this spring, this funhouse mirror through which people receive information. Again, its the same attitude. He went on to say in the atlantic, people respond negatively to me because they respond to the character theyre seeing on tv called barack obama or in the office of the presidency in the white house. And thats what it represents. You dont take it personally. You understand if people are angry if the government is failing, but arent you going to look at the guy who represents the government . All right, fine, but george bush was called stup stupid. They did a play two doors down, will ferrell president elect trumps policies were rejected. It is hard for him to accept. But when youre a small family and you see your insurance policy premiums skyrocket to the degree they have under barack obama, some cases in over 100 . In arizona, for instance. If youre seeing the policies have a real impact on your family, an impact on your wallet, you will reject them at the voting booth. Heres the thing, the polls show that he is 55 approval rating, much above his policies. So that flies in the face of his conclusion that were looking at him through a funhouse mirror. They say, i like this guy, but not as president. What have we learned from the election . For the past eight years the Democratic Party has been likened by the policies of barack obama. There were historic losses at the state and federal level. Now they lost the white house as well. Thats a resounding rejection of their policies and what the Democratic Party stands for. At some point, they have to look in the mirror and accept the results of the election. Lisa booth, two jobs competing to give you health care coverage. Congratulations. Thank you, brian. Straight ahead, donald trump named the person of the year. So who was just named the least influential person of the year . Stay tuned. And have you seen this sheriff laying down the law after a woman is busted stealing from toys for tots . Youre going someplace, youre going where we lock up grinches. Well talk to the sheriff coming up. 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Dont start a war you know youre going to lose. Finally you can now find all of netflix in the same place as all your other entertainment. On xfinity x1. Some headlines for you now. Hillary clinton is seen as the least influential people. Tim kaine also made the list for being tragically safe as her vp pick. And a group is demanding ivanka trump take her artwork off her walls. Some artists are protesting her through her dad. One said, get my work off your walls. Im embarrassed to be seen with you. Okay. Steve . Okay. Meanwhile, take a look right there. A real life grinch, this christmas a florida woman posing as a volunteer accused of stealing many toys from toys for tots. Tammy strickland will spend christmas behind bars and that makes the polk county sheriff very happy. Well, tammy, you are going someplace. You are going to where we lock up grinches. Its called the county jail, or grinch city. Im excited shes in jail. It makes my christmas a happy christmas and a Merry Christmas. Well, that sheriff who unleashed that fury is polk county Sheriff Grady Judd live from tampa this morning. Sheriff, good morning to you. Good morning, steve, how are you doing today . Im doing okay. We saw this story, we had to talk to you. First of all, lets start at the very beginning. Who dropped a dime on her . Someone called crime stoppers. They needed some christmas money, so they called about a crook. A grinch. And we took it from there. Okay. So as you have, you know, unpeeled the onion here and looked at what was going on with this you describe this woman as a grinch, what was she doing . I know she was a volunteer for toys for tots, which is a really nice thing to do around the holidays, but something was going on. Well, heres what she was doing. She filed false applications. 29 of them. And asked for toys for 140 children. Well, we got the tip and started investigating. Sure enough, none of the kids actually existed. So as we are doing the investigation, they were just going to go out and arrest her. And i said, hey, our detectives are simply the best. I said, lets call her in and do a sting. So we called her up. She already emailed toys for tots twice to say, i need the toys, i need the toys. So we had her drive to the undercover location. And guess what . She arrived to get the stolen toys in a cadillac escalade. Do you hear me . A cadillac escalade. And not only was she driving a cadi, but shes on state assistance. Sheriff, what was she doing with these toys . Was she going to give them to people she was related to or just keep them or what . When we did a search warrant, we found a whole lot of other toys we suspect she stole in 2015 when she was a volunteer. So we seized those toys. And we know she has a private business where she does tax refunds. And on her web page, she says, a free toy for every child. Come in and see me. So, as a result, we think she was giving them to her clients children. Unbelievable. Well, if shes preparing taxes for people throughout the state of florida, have you heard from any of those people yet to complain about her . Oh, yes, we have. After the initial news reports came out, we received information on facebook. We have also received information by different telephone calls. You know what . Her grinchlike problems are just beginning. We have not investigated her 2015 cases or her irs problems. Shes in it up to here. Well, sheriff, watching that press conference, it seemed to me that you were happy with your power you were able to put this woman as you described as a grinch into the Gray Bar Hotel for christmas. Do you know how happy we were . My detectives are the best. Thats what they gave me for christmas this year. We were able to put her in grinch city, that we call the county jail, and it just makes my christmas. Well, there you go. Telling the story about the grinch who almost stole those toys. You recovered the toys, did you give them back to toys for tots . Yes, they will have all the toys back and toys for tots is filling 100 of the requests in our county. That is fantastic. Sheriff grady judd in polk county where he won during reelection 99. 8 of the vote. Sheriff, thank you very much. Merry christmas to you. Merry christmas to you. Thank you. That is quite a story, isnt it . Well, well, well. All right. Coming up on this thursday, harry reid finally coming clean about bashing mitt romney back in the day. Remember . Theres no brazen lies. I did what was necessary. But he said he didnt pay taxes for ten years. Thats not true. Shouldnt democrats consider that fake news as well . And first he saved jobs with carrier. And now the president elect is making good on his deal to cut the cost of air force one. Well tell you about that. But first, happy birthday to senator ted cruz. Hes got 46 candles on his cake. 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We are over searching for the invisible characters. People love that stuff. Really . Okay. Speaking of invisible what a transition. Im anxious to hear where you are going with this. Well, because he had no support from congress. Can i help you with this . The best episode is the invisible man. Am i correct . No help at all. No, okay. Anyway, because he didnt have the support of congress, barack obama said, i can still get stuff done because i have a pen and a phone. Well, trump has twitter. And it was two weeks ago when trump went on twitter and threatened to Cancel Air Force one, the new one. And make it invisible . Right. Were going to get rid of that because its costing 4 billion. And an f35 program is out of control with the costs. So yesterday, because of the twitter rant, he actually sat down with, separately, the ceos of boeing and Lockheed Martin and got a deal out of the guy from boeing. They are going to cut the cost. Thats right. Its going to be 4 billion to replace air force one. Hes saying, all right, im listening to you, mr. Trump. We want to save the taxpayer money. So im going to lower the cost. Everybody is smiling at the end. Heres donald trump talking about the meetings he put together in beautiful mara lago. Amazing people. Primarily the f35. We tried to get the cost down. The program is very, very expensive. Reporter did you discuss concessions from Lockheed Martin . Well, its a little bit of a dance. Were going to get the cost down and well get it done beautifully. These are beautiful people. These are amazing people. And im very impressed with them. And good negotiators, too. Good. Good, chris. Reporter in a conversation with boeing, did it seem to produce positive results . I think so. Youre looking to cut a tremendous amount of money off of this. Youre seeing the ceo of Lockheed Martin, marlin houston, did not talk to the media. But put out a statement well work with the government. Keep in mind, he also took to task the f35 program. On monday, the air force Lieutenant General in charge of the f35 program, general chris bogden, said the costs were not out of control. He said that on monday. He sat down with the president elect yesterday. He did not release a statement, but im sure they are working on prices. The fact they are meeting oneonone shows theres a new sheriff in town. You dont need to have a blistering conversation to get your point across. Oh, its blistering. Im going to cancel it. Right. But when they finally met face to face, he realized there are very few companies that do what they can do. Dennis mullenberg said this, boeings ceo after the meeting in mara lago. Were going to get it done for less than that. And were committed to Work Together to make sure that happens. They will work to make it happen. When i interviewed eric trump, this is a family of negotiator, i remember interviewing him with his life laura, and i was talking about their wedding. He said the flowers were the most expensive. I said, did they slap you with a big bill at the end of the wedding . He said, oh, no, no, that was negotiated well in advance. If they dont like the cost, they will negotiate the price. It is unusual to have the president of the United States, the president elect of the United States, actually negotiate a Government Procurement contract, but donald trump has made it very clear, he sees that as part of his job as being our president. Its to make sure to save us money. Yesterday it looked like he did some. The point about the wedding is, i like the fact that they are a billiondollar family. They are worth a lot of money. Someone doing their wedding could take advantage of them, but they negotiated it ahead of time. Im sure it was a huge amount, but maybe they are billionaires because of that, they saved money along the way. He told the minister, im not paying you, but you can put your name on the resume. The fact came out they are wasting 200 billion in the government. And the current secretary of defense said he wont meet with people that came up with the total. I want donald trump to meet with those people and find out where the waste is before we start to build up our military again. The point is, things are changing in washington. And hes not even president yet. 23 minutes now before the top of the hour, Jackie Ibanez is joining us on this thursday morning with the headlines. Good morning, jackie. Nice to be here with you this morning. They were best friends and gave their lives to protecting their communities. And now shocking body cam video shows the tragic final moments before two Georgia Police officers were murdered in the line of duty. Come here. Come here. Hes going out the back door. The video shows the two officers responding to a domestic disturbance call in the city of americas. The two walked through the front door before chasing the suspect through the back of the house and into an alleyway where the suspect then opened fire. That shooter then took his own life. And get in while the getting is good, folks. Thats the call for mexicos ambassador to the u. S. Urging millions of u. S. Immigrants to apply for citizenship before president elect trump takes office. It could be a good line of defense if he changes the immigrant laws. And harry reid admitting to playing dirty politics . Talking to knpr radio in las vegas, the former democratic leader said he did what was necessary back when he falsely claimed mitt romney had not paid his taxes. Remember that . Theres no brazen lies. I did what was necessary. Well, there you have it. Romney did release evidence he fully paid his taxes. Going back more than 20 years. And terrifying moments as a fedex driver clings to the side of his carjacked van. Look at that an armed suspect climbing inside while the worker was making a delivery in glendale, arizona. The driver refusing to give up the van pull of Christmas Presents. Good for him. He was finally forced to, after a second suspect pulled up in a car and pointed a gun at him. The thieves stole everything before abandoning the van. They are still on the run. That fedex guy is on the run. They were Christmas Presents. Go get them. This is why we need drones to deliver our packages. Exactly, brian. That was in arizona . They will recover the packages and get them to the right people, right . I would hope so. Im glad that didnt happen in new york. We just had the story with the sheriff and the grinch down in southern florida. And out in arizona, too. He was a great sheriff. Bad weather and the holiday rush already causing a travel nightmare. Hundreds of passengers were trapped on the runway at lax for hours. That airport saying its a domino effect of delays, blaming the Holiday Weekend and the weather and warning its only going to get worse as we get closer to christmas. Janice dean, what else can i say . I will be in touch with santa claus to make sure everyone, every girl and boy, gets their toys. Because a big storm is coming Christmas Eve into christmas day. Well take a look at the maps. Theres a little bit of a warm up. Thats the good news. The bad news is we have several storm systems, one of them across the southwest, including southern california. Heavy rain and mountain snow. Thats our first system. We actually have a weak system across the northeast as well. So this one is going to move into the i just heard is that a llama . We have animals out here. There he is. I wish we had a camera. It is like a camel guy. Can we move the camera . We will, hang on. This is more important than the weather right now. Is that a camel . Is that a camel . I think thats a camel. What do you think, guys . Well, that camel is going to be coming up in a few minutes. And just so youre aware, were going to be tracking that storm across the u. S. That could delay travelers. So just be in touch with your airline. Tweet them, they are good with the tweets and everything. There is a camel live on 48th and 6th right now. I dont think i have ever seen that or said that on live tv. How do you think she gets to work . Oh, my gosh. Do we have wisemen here, too . That is fantastic. I may ride the camel. It is only one hump. You need two humps. She would walk a mile for a forecast, janice dean outside. Youll find out what that is about in a minute. Camels dont attack you, they spit on you. Thats how they attack . Im not sure. All right. From video games to the big screen, assassins creed is out in theaters ten years after the game debuted. Well talk to michael who sat down with the cast. It is tough to follow a camel, i have to say. This is what it is like to bring the video game to the movie screen. Action what am i . At 6 00 p. M. Yesterday evening, you were executed and pronounced dead. Whenever you hear movies based on a toy or video game youre like oh, please. But this is so fresh. The directors have never made a movie before. So it was a completely new take. And hes a really serious filmmaker from what ive seen. I thought it was such a perfect mix of entertainment and profound questions about the world we live in. We were sent over to the scene to partake in what happened. It hurt. I dont know how you do it. What was it like . It was important for us that we did the action sequences ourselves. Definitely 95 of the fights or so. A leap of faith, what was it like shooting that . Very nerveracking. Damion walters who does it at 120 foot without any wire as a freefall, i was like, damion, you dont have to do it from that height. We can add things later like they do in a lot of the films. Hes like, im going to break my record in this movie. Im going to do it. That is out now. For more of my celebrity interviews, follow me on instagram and twitter. So the guy does do the jump. Michael, thank you very much. And let me tell you what is coming up straight ahead. This man allegedly drove a truck into a market killing and injuring people. Is this terrorist attack another example on the war on christians . Well examine that, next. Up with complicated cash back cards . Some cards limit where you earn bonus cash back to places they choose. Then they change those places every few months. Quicksilver keeps it simple. With quicksilver you always earn unlimited 1. 5 cash back on every purchase, everywhere. tis the season for simple. Whats in your wallet . Yeah, chevy was great in that. Who played the wife . Beverly dangelo Juliette Lewis costarred as the daughter. Oh, i think it was um. Chris columbus was the director. Its called claymation. Narwhals really exist. Actually guys, it was the ghost of christmas past. Never stick your tongue on a frozen flag pole. Yukon cornelius. Die hard is considered a Christmas Movie thats the unlimited effect. Stream your entertainment with unlimited data when you switch to at t and have directv. Test test test test test test test. Test. Test see ya next year. This season, start a new tradition. Experience the power of infiniti now, with leases starting at 319 a month. Infiniti. Empower the drive. The manhunt is still underway for the 24yearold tunisian that could strike again. President elect trump call this is an attack on humanity. So how can the global war on christians be stopped . The author of the book called isis, iran and israel what you need to know about the mideast crisis. Good morning. First of all, i watch fox friends and appreciate what you do, especially on a topic like this. We have become friends over the last year. We wanted to bring you on to talk to our viewers about what is happening. You are living in jerusalem in the middle east. What is happening to christians there . Especially in the middle east, just a few weeks ago i was in Northern Iraq, and this was captured by isis in 2014. In two years they basically destroyed the city, in many ways, and when you go there, you can just see the war on jesus or the war on christians. Churches were born. You can see the crosses throughout the city were taken one of the most moving things i saw was they took thousands of books from a convent, put them in the Church Courtyard and burned them. It reminded me of the 1933 burnings in nazi, germany. The ideology on christians throughout the middle east. Cardinal dolan, i was with him yesterday, and he said hes been urged by jewish leaders to stand up for the christian the massacre of christians. Because dont let what happened to them happen to you guys because there has not been enough christian leaders speaking out about what the annihilation is. Including what happened in berlin. Exactly. Thats the question i have had the last couple of years since i wrote the book, which includes the christian persecution. Some jewish people have asked me, why are christian leaders not speaking out more about that . I think that is something people need to do more, because christianity in Northern Iraq, in particular, is really on the verge of extinction. Back here in america, what can we do . What can donald trump do to help christians that are living in other countries . Well, three things. First of all, prayer, provision and politics. Christians can be praying for their fellow believers there in the middle east. They need help right now. Its a dire situation for many of them. In politics, i think donald trump can do a couple things. First of all, this legislation that would create a safe zone in Northern Iraq for christians. Hes already set there could be something in syria. Not almost this from berlin and where ever. So then donald trump says he is going to isis. He is really speaking out and will identify and all of the bad things happening the news of christmas is still going on. Great to see you. Merry christmas. A huge show. We still have Kelly Ann Conway. Plus we are bringing this nativity scene to life this morning with real animals out there on our plaza. Thats why the camel is here. Thats where we got the idea for the camel. You wouldnt believe whats in this kiester. A farmers market. A fire truck. Even a marching band. And if i can get comfortable talking about this kiester, then you can get comfortable using preparation h. For any sort of discomfort in yours. Preparation h. Get comfortable with it. Tis the season of bright Christmas Lights and nativity scenes. We have some of those animals right here on our plaza. He has a mind of his own. What have you brought with you today . I have a lot of animals we have been utilizing for about 4,000 years. Lets start with the camel. Well, like i said, call of these animals we have been utilizing for agriculture, power, strength, companionship. We are grateful for them, thats for sure. One thats fascinating is a camel. They are really built to live in desert habitats. So two layers of eyelashes, really thick eyebrows and nostrils that close. And they dont need a lot of water because they store it. They can go for about 100 miles in the desert with no water because 80 pounds of fat is stored in that hump. It is actually not water slashing around. Yeah. Some are easier to ride. And this donkey is from sicily. It is a sicilian donkey. They have been bread for a really long time to be really short and very very powerful but they are also really intelligent and sweet. Can they pro create . They can pro create, yes. Why is it called the holy cross donkey . One has a that goes across their back that looks like a cross. They are beautiful animals. My favorite is that thing right there. It is an african pigmy goat. They are so smart. They are very smart and very sweet. I think what i love is their eyes are goofy looking. How big do they get . About double that size. The males go to hit each others head and go. And the coamel does that. And this is a very symbolic animal. We utilize them for their wool. We are very lucky to have all of these animal ns their life. I hope everybody can learn to love aproeshuate them. And the animals breathed on him to keep him warm in the manager. A lot of these are a sign of wealth because they provide so much. Thank you very much. Thank you for having us. Merry christmas. And tell the animals Kelly Ann Conway both next hour. All right. Ill tell them. Music playing vo its the holidays at verizon, and the best deals are on the best network. With no surprise overages, you can use your data worry free and even carry over the data you dont use. And right now get four lines and 20 gigs for only 40 per line. Youll even get the iphone 7, the Samsung Galaxy s7, the pixel phone by google, or the motoz droid absolutely free. Hurry, these offers end soon. Get the best deals and the best network, only on verizon. People spend less time lying awake with aches and pains with advil pm than with tylenol pm. Advil pm combines the number one pain reliever with the number one sleep aid. Gentle, nonhabit forming advil pm. For a healing nights sleep. Major cities on high alert following the christmas massacre. In time square 1 Million People are expected to ring in the new year. In time square is on high alert. All it would take is a vehicle. What are the breaking details we have at this time from time square . More than a Million People gathered here on new years eve. It could make it the perfect target far terrorist. Thats always the case. The nypd and Homeland Security release add joint security bulletin and named this area time square as the target for attacks. One thing thats important, they say there are no specific or credible threats. Officials have said what they are concerned about are lone wolves. Overseas the International Manhunt now for the berlin terrorist is intensifying. 24yearold tunisia could strike at any moment. He has six aliases. He has been under government surveillance for months. Germany tried to deport the guy this summer. Also breaking this morning confirming two americans when that suspect plowed into the market. Two americans, one still in the hospital. Back here in time square they wont be taking any chances on new years eve. All large bags are banned. The police are removing all of the trash cans, things they do every year, radiation detectors. This year there is even a little bit more than what we have seen in the past. All right. Thanks a lot. Thank you. Very scary. They also are going to have these concrete jersey barriers so no vehicle can get inside without jumping through major truck hoops. There will be thousands of people lining the streets. And lets talk about the transition becoming part of the team on the inside and outside. Joining us now, the former Campaign Manager and key aid to donald trump. Welcome back. Good morning. Thank you so much. Good morning. Do the attacks in your rope prove that trump was right . They really dont know who they are letting into some of these countries. I think thats right. What donald trump talked about in this campaign and what we talked about if we are going to bring people in we will have a thorough process to make sure we know what their intentions are. I think thats the role is to make sure his people are protected internationally. He has been proving right in this regard. We dont know what their intentions are. We need to do a better job of protecting our people. If you do know, who did he speak to before he came out with this statement yesterday . Who did he consult with first . I saw mike flynn was in the backdrop. Who else was . Steve bannon, other members of his core team were there. You know, as you know, he is down in florida right now. It has been widely reported most of his senior staff is down here making sure he is continuing to get the briefings he needs and running the daytoday operations. One of the criticisms was when a terror attack happened somewhere in the world he didnt come out and talk about it. Donald trump is not even president and he is talking about it. This is what he was talking about. I want folk to listen to what some of the reporters are saying. They are trying to suggest this is something that all muslims are doing. Donald trump did not take the bait. Listen to this. So whats your reaction to that . It is an humanity. It is about making sure people are safe to congregate where they want to be. Now that he is president elect of the United States to make sure that the people of the United States is safe. What he has said is he will make sure we will have extreme vetting so we can prevent from perpetrating jihad. You know, yesterday he said one of the terms donald trump is known for is drain the swamp. He still says it today. He says the word that gingrich got from inside the camp is they dont want to use this term anymore. I think drain the swamp is somewhere down the bottom making sure middle class people have more jobs, making sure we are renegotiating our bad trade deals or replacing that and putting in something new. I think at the end of the day its about creating jobs, fixing the bad trade deals. So draining the swamp is a larger narrative but it is also putting people back to work. We cant think we are going to be a global power house anymore. What donald trump is saying is him meeting with the ceo saying we are not going to spend 4 billion on an airplane. He is not even the president yet and he is already renegotiating our deals. Thats what the people elected him to do. Thats what he is going to do. I dont think they knew he would take attention to such particular deals. In this case people sitting out there whether its the carrier deal going yeah, i hope he keeps doing that. Youre up in New Hampshire to celebrate your christmas. I understand in a couple of weeks, maybe a couple of days after christmas you are moving down to washington and youre opening up a new business, a consulting firm. I was reading some of the Mainstream Media, youre becoming part of the swamp. I love the Mainstream Media. Why would they want to get it right for the first time . Its amazing. Tell us about your consulting firm. If i go inside im a bad guy. If im unemployed im a statistic. You cant win with Mainstream Media right now. I think theres a number of businesses dont know who to talk to to get an answer. Donald trump sed he will reduce the size of the government and reduce the burden on Small Businesses. If i can be helpful in making sure his agenda moves forward and if that means from the outside so his agenda of tax cuts and Small Business tax breaks moves forward through congress i want to be part of that in any way i can. If i can be a resource through corporations its not going to happen. I will make sure Donald Trumps agenda will be put forth. Is this a plan b for you . When you werent named this is your plan b . No. Look, as you guys know, it has been a privilege to be part of his team far long time. If i want today go inside i have the opportunity to do that. For me and what i think is best for his opportunity to be successful in washington and how i can be part of that, my opportunity is on the outside. My opportunity is coordinating outside Interest Groups to make sure that Supreme Court nominee goes through to make sure his cabinet secretaries go through, to make sure tax cuts go through, to make sure congress is understanding people out in the American Public voted so because they want wholesale change. If i can be a resource to make sure congress understand that thats what they want to do. President elect donald trump eets first Campaign Manager, thank you very much. We have a fox news alert. Kelly an conway giving an official title. She has been named counselor to the president. She will join us live in 20 minutes and well ask her about it. She will be going to washington and she will be on the inside. Tough decision for her with Young Children to pick up and move. She said some of the private schools there are not being very welcoming to the trump administration. So well have her in 20 minutes. Shell have an office in the west wing. It is time for news and on this thursday jackie has that for us. Good morning. Good morning. A rage inferno tearing through 140 buildings, burning an entire city to the ground. This happening in a city northwest of tokyo, japan. What started as a restaurant fire now spreading because of strong winds. Two people are hurt. It is unclear what sparked that fire. Well keep an eye on it for you. Blaming groups for failing to repeal the bathroom bill. It generated a lot of controversy when it was passed earlier this year requiring transgender people. The bill has already cost the state tens of millions of dollars. And they were best friends and they gave their lives to protecting that you are communities and now shock body cam video shows the moments before two Georgia Police officers were murdered in the line of duty. He is going out the back door. Hard to watch. It shows officers responds to a domestic disturbance. They walked through the front door where the suspect opened fire in the ally way. The shooter took his own life. The it is to perform at the big event. They are taking a swipe at mr. Trump by not including his name on his special addition. Thats not very nice. I have a feeling it wont the first flight. They are having a hard time finding celebrities to perform it. A fox news alert, terror down in florida. Authorities looks into a possible terrorist busted by his own mom. We are live from tampa next. If you suddenly had a heart attack would you notice the signs . The doctor has advice that could save your life. Good morning, sir. Youre next. Lunch is ready campbells spiderman soups. Made for real, real life. Thanks mom afoot and lighthearted i take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. He is behind bars after his own mother called the cops saying she was too afraid to be afraid with her own son. We are live now from florida. Reporter good morning to you. The sheriff says he is treating the man in custody as if he could have been a potential terrorist. Investigators spent hours after getting reports of a suspicious materials inside of a bedroom. A 21yearold is behind bars on felony charges. He is accused of battering a deputy, violently resisting arrest and also putting his hands on his parent. They received the call early wednesday about an elderly man. Deputies returned to the familys home to check on her the same morning. The wife reportedly described a strange smell. Deputies looked into it and found whats been referred to as possible explosive materials in the room of the couples son. When deputies tried to take him into custody a dangerous situation unfolded. He attacked her deputies and they were basically in a fight for our lives. These deputies were in an absolute struggle to fight and get the suspects constrained. During that fight he kept trying to unholster one of the deputys weapons. They did an outstanding job retaining that weapon. We learned that a deputy broke his hand and another took a hit to the head. He is being held on more than 50,000 in bonds. Back to you. Thank you very much with the very latest. The fight for their lives. Im glad she reported him. No kidding, indeed. Political news breaking moments ago. Kel kel Kellyanne Conway will be on the couch with us in the next ten minutes. And if you were having a heart attack, would you know what to do . Thats the guy i would call. The holidays should bring joy. So why are you still putting up with complicated cash back cards . Some cards limit where you earn bonus cash back to places they choose. Then they change those places every few months. Quicksilver keeps it simple. 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New figures showing immigration accounts for 45 of population growth. 40 is the percent of millennials living at home with mom and dad and everybody else. I hope they are pitching in. The number one most annoying word in america is what . Whatever. A new marriage pole shows whatever irritates 38 of american. Third, you know, right tied with i cant even. I cant even is my most hated word. What about you cant make it up . I dont like that. You dont like that . You cant make this fact up. 610,000 people die from heart attacks every single year that. Is one in every four deaths. It is the leading cause of death for men and women. Some time it is symptoms are hard to figure out once youre having one. How do you tell if you or somebody else is having a heart attack . Urgent care trauma physician is here. Thanks for making couch call today. Five minutes is a lot of pressure. It is. Five minutes to save their life. The big question, is it gas, heartbu heartburn . Thats a heart question. At least as a layperson maybe you have a Little Information about what you should be thinking about. If they are associated with exertion you might want to be a little more concerned if youre having those type of symptoms. A lot of digestive traffic is so closely related things like heartburn do feel like a heart attack. Do you have a Family History of somebody that had a heart attack at a young age . Do you have risk factors like being a smoker . It should help you navigate what will be more serious. I heard you have pain down your left arm. Thats one of the classic symptoms, short of breath, dizziness, more left sided chest pain is obviously where the heart is. Not everybody will have classic symptoms. I had a little bit of people that had pain in their teeth or mild shortness of breath. How do you figure out if it is the real type or question thats not. A couple of years ago it felt like somebody was standing on my chest. My wife said take a rolaid. I bet you have indie indigestio. She was right. If your grandparent has had Heart Disease and its lasting more than 20 minutes, you some of the more classic signs you have to think it may be more serious. What do you do . Call 911. What. What do you do before the ambulance gets there . If you really are having a heart attack getting to the hospital is super important. The time delay in opening up the blood vessels is critical. Should you drive yourself . Absolutely not. If you dont have any other option getting there as fast as you can is critical. If youre having a heart attack it reduces platelet sticking and very effective if you take an aspirin. You have right here. A if somebody is complaing of chest pain or if they collapse does it open up . It opens up. It will make a little bit of noise here. Youll see inhere that these are pads here. There you go. Theres the noise. But its basically cpr aid for dummies. It will monitor the rhythm of the art. Some times they are having an arrhythm arrhythmia. Thats what these will do. You say the cheap ones are not really good. A better investment is a Blood Pressure monitor. If the Blood Pressure is super high or super low thats the problem. Being able to monitor your pulse because it may be the arrhythmia is very preventative. You gave us a check. Rolaids, baby aspirin and probably our Blood Pressure under control. But always have to use judgmen judgment. All right. Thanks. Thank you. Happy holidays. You too. Coming up, its been a rough year for the mainstream legacy media. We could be talking landsl e landslid landslides. Hillary clinton could win in a landslide and realign the country. We. And this political news breaking moments ago about ke y Kellyanne Conway. Shes got a new job. All finished. Umm. You wouldnt want your painter to quit part way. I think you missed a spot. So when it comes to pain relievers, why put up with just part of a day . Aleve, live whole not part. Painter you want this color over the whole house . 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So wherever your Retirement Journey takes you, we can help you reach your goals. Call us or your advisor t. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. Enchts Kellyanne Conway named counselor to the president. What does that mean . Well, that means im going to the west wing to continue my service to president elect donald trump and im very excited. You couldve opened up a huge consulting firm. How did you decide to go for the white house . Thank you. I did weigh a number of different factors. I know it will be a very Family Friendly west wing in white house. I have seen him with his own children and grandchildren. I have known a number of them for years. I think when you have this opportunity its an honor but its also very humbling, the responsibility of serving at a senior level. It is difficult to pass that up. I very much respect the rest of the senior team you have seen in action already. If we were to picture what your job would be like, who had served the white house in the position youre going to be holding . It. Has been held by someone like carrie hughes. I think everybody fit sboos thes fits into their titles and their roles. Thats what ill do here. You steve bannon, folks very close to him. What about your little ones . They are excited. I have a hold out. My 12yearold daughter who reminds me a lot of me. She started an online petition that the conway kids are moving to washington. Her twin brother reminded me. He said sure, you have over 200 signatures but one is your friends dog. I appreciate her moks xy. I think shell like being there. How did they treat you . Real america is here right now. Thats right. I was treated very well. We tried to slip in and out. Congratulations. Thank you. You know, youre historic. You were the first woman to get a guy, anybody elected president of the United States. If you were a democrat you would be on the cover of all of the magazines. They would be talking about the legendary Kellyanne Conway. Because youre a republican you got the job done but at the same time is there disappointment theres such a double standard . I think there is disappointment in a double standard. I dont want him treated differently. My name thing is not about glory for me. I have had plenty of it. The thing is that donald trump be treated the way president s should be treated. You get people to realize this is a country we share. I know its a divided country but he won. Thats the thing i would wish for more than anything else. The prestige, glory, we all feel it. You ran the team that won. Its amazing but theres no substitute for a quality candidate. We found it out with donald trump. Theres no substitute. It made all of the difference. And youre probably not going to be doing as much media as in the white house. You never know. We dont see much of it. Thats the person that has been working with you most. One is the terror which is not going away. This is what we constantly hear. We know how donald trump feels. We dont know what his policies are. How is he going to attack this within so many western cultures . Whats the policy. What he said this summer is still there because its still his vision in this regard. Donald trump has made very clear that we need better vetting policies in these countries that train, harbor and export terrorists. Jere germany is up there for coming to the random terrorist attacks. Its not brought out by isis. They get crazy and say you cant do that. Why not . If you know reasonable cause then why would we continue to look the other way when we know these countries are on their own . Look at the statistics. He is trying to get back to where we were before isis became more powerful which has happened in the last couple of years. It has allowed them to flourish and do the and. We work with allies and work with people we usually dont work with. You first have to be willing to name it, to defeat it. I would remind everyone. We saw this very important point. At Hillary Clintons convention in philadelphia in july she referred to radical islamist are determined enmys. She wouldnt even call them terrorists but just tell us who it is. He at least is going to do that. How about boeing . Lets talk about that for a moment. To replace the air force one fleet it will cost 4 billion. Right. President elect says absolutely not. Thats too much money for the taxpayer to pay. He cancelled that order. He met with the ceo yesterday and they both came out and talked about it. Now the ceo is saying all right. I will make it a lot cheaper. This is the donald trump effect very plain and simple. He wants that particular project to be a classic trump project which is ahead of schedule and under budget. I talked to him about it privately. He talked about it publicly. He says look, we want people to make money. We want them to earn whats there and we want a quality product. Thats what every president and his team should be asking on behalf of the taxpayers. Are we paying too much for it . The classic question we ask every day. We have never had a chief executive who actually gotten involved in government. Trump says look, its part of the job of saving people money. He ran on that and he won on that. So expect more of that. He looks at himself as the protector of the people. He is the peoples money and thats what they appreciate. He will look out for the people. And he is interested in meeting with the ceos. We cant even keep up. Its not just people there for a photo on. They want to go and have a discussion about the issues they have been working on for years. And we welcome that completely. This is a guy just like you saw on the campaign. He was willing to go to five or seven states a day. So the scheduling was easy. I didnt have to choose between pennsylvania and wisconsin. He was willing to do that. Same thing with this transition schedule. He is working so incredibly hard he is in these extra meetings with other elected officials, people who will or will not serve in the cabinets. Whats been the hardest part . What did you notice about the nominee and now you watch the president elect during the transition period. What do you think he adapted to the slowest . He is adopted quiapting quice job. You can see the enormity of it. He is ready to be president. It is not just being president ial. It is being a leader and somebody he surrounds himself with people he can trust. His cabinet is very conserve tifr, a election of serious men and women and he also i think is adapting to the Intelligence Briefings where he is the one receiving them. He is the one receiving the president ial daily briefing. Yes. And he gets that. He got it yesterday. In addition to that he is speaking to council. So many different people in that arena. And only thing to challenge . The biggest challenge for him . I think its a challenge because it would be a challenge for any human being but it doesnt seem to be for him. How does he end and i saw this weekend that people are still stopping him and want to talk to him and touch him and take pictures with him and want to speak with him. He did it. He is so incredibly gracious to everyone who seeks to do that. I have not only see that with officials and celebrities and popular people. This is what he is. Folks will continue to feel like he is there for the people. It is also just somebody who did this for all of the right reasons trying to embrace everybody at the same time. Yes. Any timetable on secretary of agriculture . Coming soon. I thought it would be before christmas. It could be. The only thing that happened is the list is candid, not contracted. Just this week he met with additional candidates and has been incredibly impressed. I am impressed at the diversity of people with whom he speaks, their back grounlds, their visions, their plans. Its a huge learning process. Sure. He is weighing consequences and options. I will cut to it. He was future farmers of america president. Is he out of the running. He had a title. I had a job with my aunt. Did he . Absolutely. You dont know this at home but for the minutes kellyanne has been sitting here about ever 15 seconds since you were named a new text message. And i never looked at it one time. Those are probably my kids saying mom, where are my sneakers. Yeah. The conway kids at home. Right. We are a couple of days away from christmas. We will have a contest to see how who would wrap a package the quickest. You would win. Kellyanne conway. Well show you how to wrap a gift so it looks like it is done professionally. We have got everything. Dont let the food you eat during the day haunt you at night. Nexium 24hr. Shuts down your stomachs active acid pumps. To stop the burn of frequent heartburn. All day and night. Have we seen them before . Banish the burn with nexium 24hr. What can you do if youre not too gifted at wrapping presents . Not give presents . No. Here to help us is the winner of the scotch brand contest. Mary angela. Mary angela. And give us a couple of tips. A lot of us are doing it wrong. Perfect. A couple of tips is when you have your paper cut already i would suggest you fold them in like a v on the edge, quickly tape and then a v and fold down. Fold down. And you went pro . I did. Another key thing is to fold the creases. You do that by simply pinching your fingers together. Instead of knotting a bow you will loop a bow. Loop it once, loop it again and krinch l it up and take a piece of string and loop it. Loop it. Well do this and have a wrap off. What are we going to wrap . You have the option to wrap any one of those items there that are unwrapped. Thats the easiest one. I think you should take that one thats the hardest. Yeah, already you can take a roll of pap tler. Where is the tape . What are you looking for . Speed, creativity and. And we have a minute on the clock. All right. Ready, set, go. Thank you. Youre welcome. I just got help from a pro. Wait a minute. This is making me nervous. Not too bad. I like the technique everyone has going on. I would have put that in a box. Oh, boy. Oh. Some will say thats an option. Hers is coming out really well. Wow. Im done. I need a bow. Here, take mine. Oh, my goodness. I think thats pretty good. Thats gorgeous. Thank you very much. Your wrapping is actually very good. I used to work at a Mens Clothing store and before christmas we would do about 100 packages a day. That looks pretty good. I would say for effort everyone gets a for effort but i like the way you completed it. Thank you. It has been a rough year for the Mainstream Media. We could be talking landslide. It would not only have an impact on this race but realign the country. All right. Well run down the five worst moments of Mainstream Media but well show you the worst Christmas Present wrapped ever. Look at this. Come on. Its time to look at some of the most mortifying moments. Good to have you. Good to be here again. Lets look at how the Mainstream Media predicted this election. They all said hillary was going to win. Listen to this. This snisnt a winning form politics. Hillary clinton is more likely to win in a landslide but realign the country. It would translate to an electoral landslide. We heard landslide four times. It is so much worse than defeats truman. Months of the media shouting at us that Hillary Clinton was going to win. They never listened to what American People actually had to say. I because huge embarrassment. Remember the host reacting to the Election Results saying trump won because of white people. Listen to this. In the coming days people will be looking for someone to blame, the Democratic Party, but once you dust for fingerprints its pretty clear who ruined america, white people. Whats your reaction to that . This is the year that white people are responsible for all of the worlds problems. When you about twothirds of the population you dont just get assertions, its more than a little bit racist. Also castro passes away or dies and the Mainstream Media praises. Listen to this. Im quite certain they are not celebrating in cuba. Even his critics praised in Hillary Clinton. To this day George Washington of this country. He was a romantic figure when he came into power. Kids rooted for the guy. Squl what is your reaction . You had not just the media but canadian Prime Minister and even to white houses own statement treating castro like he was good to his people. To explain his treatment to people rather than tens of thousands of eyewitness accounts about how castro is a homicidal tyrant. That is unforgivable. Remember when the Mainstream Media refuse today cad to call . It is some of the most law. Clearly theres a place today to talk about the tone and temperament of our national leaders. If we understand all of the hateful thoughts back hateful words become hateful actions. Yeah. Isis is committing terror attacks and our media spinning it on Second Amendment rights. Thats fake news. All right. Thank you so much. Good to see you. Coming up, talk about devine intervention. He takes to the streets of new york city. What happened . Keep it here. We cant wait to see that. And she gets cooking intervention with paula dean. Well see how she celebrates christmas. Thats straight ahead. My heart beats one hundred thousand times a day, sending oxygen to my muscles. Again so i can lift even the most demanding weight. Take care of all your most important parts with centrum. Now verified non gmo and gluten free. Actually making your body feel better, making your whole day better. 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Ask your doctor about farxiga and learn how you can get it for free. Major u. S. Cities on high alert. That includes time square. About 1 Million People start their walk every day. It is packed. And at 8 00 in new york city thats where we are right now with breaking details about how buttoned up. Reporter yeah. A little more than usual this year. You got to talking about new years eve but even in the days leading up to it. I am in front of one of these christmas popup stores. The isnt it true twist this year, the nypd releasing a joint security bulletin. It names time square that bulletin as a target ahead of the new years celebration. They do not have any credible threats, no specific threats. They are concerned about home grown extremists. The International Manhunt has intensified this morning. The 24yearold considered to be armed and dangerous. Officials say he could strike again they fear at any moment. We know now he was on a terror watch list. He has six aliases. He has been under government surveillance for months. He is also to be in contact with the chief isis recruiter. Germany tried to depart him this summer. He didnt have valid documents. The paperwork that they need today get him kicked out arrived nearly two days after the attack. On top of that confirms two americans were hurt when that suspect plowed into the berlin Christmas Market on monday night. One of those victims as far as we know still in the hospital. To come back live here in time square i mentioned this christmas popup market. It looks great and its not open yet but a great place to come with your family. They are selling ornaments for the tree and the like. At this day and age this is another area we need to security. We have seen heavily armed members just patrolling around that pop up market. Thats the type of thing we are dealing with. Sure. Right now obviously youre at the cross roads of the world. You can see in the background traffic. Come new years eve they will bring in jersey barriers. You wont be able to get a truck or car near there, right . Thats right. It is always tough to get in here. Youre alms checking peoples bags. You cant get in or out after a certain time. Because of what we have seen overseas theres an add concern absolutely. And you can still have these terrorists dropping bombs like we saw about a month or two ago. We caught him in new jersey. Thanks. Thank you. It is bizarre to see Christmas Markets and see Police Officers standing outside of them. With machine guns. And people inside shopping for Christmas Presents. He said one of the sadist things that really bothers him is when he gets theres a swat team inside st. Patricks. You were inside yesterday and you talked a little bit you asked him a little bit about what was happening over there. And i talk today him about christians and they are under attack. Should leaders like yourself be saying more and you want to hear what he had to say . I will hear it right now. If your heartbreaks for the christians because they are christians and iconic structures, that just happened. Youish leaders are powerful. They say when are you christians going to start speaking up . You have got to be an advocate for them. They are reminding us that we have to be much more aggressive in defending the rights of christians. And he is absolutely right about that. Your entire will be on our program. Inside and out. There is a place behind the altar i never thought we gould. Thats tomorrow. Youll give us the tour inside, right . And walking on the street . He said we have to be more aggressive on this. Thats why people went to the polls to vote for donald trump. National security were the two big issues for our voters. He wants to secure the borders and make sure we are vetting the people coming here into this country. What happened in berlin, he is trying to prevent what happened in berlin from happening in the u. S. That guy was seeking asylum and coming from another country. They didnt have the right paperwork. It is these migrants. You just dont have proper documentation. Thats why germany didnt deport him. It didnt show up until two days after he killed all of these people. He met a skeptical press on the steps yesterday afternoon. Now i know why he said it is to see him address it quickly and concisely whats going on. Thats what george w. Bush did. If you want to know how successful it was some of the other side accused him of giving up threats because his ratings would go up and the country would rally around him. They said well handle it. Well do the investigation. It is more dangerous to walk on a sidewalk. Donald trump says if something happens at least im doing everything i can to make sure it done you could go into time square and worry about a bomb. I am not the type of person that is an alarmist by any stretch of an imagination. When i go into time square im thinking about that. Times have changed. You do have to get aggressive on that. There are people who want to kill him. It is refreshing that donald trump he labels it as such. And at least he is talking. You know, president obama hadnt even said anything about the berlin assault. He isnt nechb office and talking about it. Romney said it was terror. Trump won and one of the reasons he did win is the fact that he said he is going to keep us safe. Somebody who was beside him the whole time was Kellyanne Conway. We just had her here on the couch. What is she going to do . Listen. Going to the west wing to continue my service to donald trump and mike pence and im very excited. I think its an honor and very humbling, the responsibility of serving at a senior level. It is difficult to pass that up. I respect the rest of the senior team you have seen in action already. She knows him and she knows messaging and puts her ear to the ground to find out what people think. Ill add this. I remember when karen was so valuable to george w. Bush. She said i have to spend time with my family. She left. A lot of people think the messaging never recovered. Thats the role she will be playing. With her not being in the white house maybe donald trump would have really suffered. Yeah. We have to remember his came pain turned around. I think she brought a softer i guess feeling or edge to the campaign. She focused on extremes. Thats right. We asked her what her kids think. She has a twin son and twin daughter. They 11 or 12. The daughter has a petition online and getting all of her friends to sign it. Keep the conway kids in new jersey. The son has his bags packed around. We had Donald Trumps here. He is going to help. He was talking about how he was going to make it easier for Small Businesses. He will make a lot of money. Yeah. And then you have his last Campaign Manager who is actually going to be not too far down the west wing hall from the president elect. Her daughter will thank her one day. You cant turn that up. And we have been following the other news stories. Sadly it is more terror. Accused of possibly cooking up a bomb in a florida home. Listen to this. Police arresting that guy right there, 21yearold, after he violently attacked them even trying to take one of their guns. His fterrified mom said she was too afraid to be alone with her own son. They say the suspects parents confronted him about a strange smell, his father even passing out from it. North carolina governor blaming Left Wing Group for failing to repeal the controversial bathroom bill. It generated a lot of controversy requiring transgender people to use public bathrooms. The bill has already cost the state tens of millions of dollars. And they were best friends and they gave their lives to protecting their communities. Shocking, a body cam video showing the horrific murder of two Police Officers, the entire ordeal unfolding in 16 plus pounding seconds. Watch. Come here. Come here. He is going out the back door. Stop. That was right before they died. The video shows the officers responding to a domestic disturbance call in the city of america. The two walked through the front door before chasing the suspect through the back of the house into an ally where the suspect opened fire on them. That shooter took his own life. And dramatic dash cam video showing the terrifying moments a drunk semi truck driver puts others in danger. You can see the truck swerving back and forth uncontrollably. The man behind the wheel pulled over and he falls out of the pavement. He is rolling and crawling on the ground. Even the officer cant help him stand up on his own two feet. The officer finds two bolts of liquor in his truck. The man blowing a. 28 and was hauled off to jail. That guy is in trouble. As he should be. Thank you. The world on edge as we have been telling you about the Christmas Market massacre. Is now the time to be letting refugees in at record numbers . Texas attorney general joins us live next. With advil, youll ask what bad knee . What throbbing head . Advil makes pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain . Advil. A man in his 20s still on the run. The global refugee crisis has the world on edge. Wisconsin Governor Scott walker appeals to the president in a letter saying we would like our state to have a broader role in determines how many refugee and from which countries until we are comfortable with the vetting process being utilized to screen these individuals. Will donald trump be able to make this happen . Here is ken from the beautiful city of dallas. Good morning to you. Good morning. Thanks for having me on. To the way it works is the federal government pretty much puts him where ever he wants to, right . Thats right. We sued the federal government trying to stop it. Federal law controlled this issue. We have been stuck with no control over who is coming to our state. We dont know anything about him as they come. Thats right. The president of the United States made it very clear he would like to have 110,000 come into the country in this current year and he is actually a little ahead of that. It is a little north of 110,000. What is your biggest worry about some of these refugees. We are concerned that the same situation in europe will happen here. If you think about it, what would be the best way for a terrorist to get into the country . It is through this type of program where we literally know nothing about these people. Yet we dont know anything about these people because they are not in our database. Thats right. We had dr. James mitchell talking about mit. He said like minded jihadi brothers would wrath themselves in our Civil Liberties for protection, support themselves in our welfare systems while they spread their message and when the time was right they would rise up and attack. Thats all scary stuff. You dont have any idea who these people are. The other thing is the fact that when the federal government drops these refugees in different states, who is on the hook for paying a lot of bills . The state of texas and taxpayers there. Thats abchutely true. This is one of the reasons our governors are pulling out of the refugee program. It doesnt stop these people for coming in. We dont want to put our stamp of approval. Do you think donald trump will fix this problem . I really do. Im encouraged and hopeful given what he talked about in the campaign. He is not afraid to address it. All right. Thank you very much. Merry christmas. Merry christmas to you. Straight ahead, harry reid finally coming clean about bashing mitt romney. Remember when he told a lie about romney in 2012 . There are no brazen lies. I did what was necessary. Did what was necessary to get barack obama reelected. Shouldnt democrats consider that fake news too we wonder . And do you pay a Homeowners Association fee . How do you know that money is being used for your property . Bob is here answering some of your questions coming up next live from vegas, baby. President obama may be staying in bsta stayista staying in washington. Joe will be moving to pennsylvania after the inauguration . January. And Hillary Clinton just made gqs list of 2016s least influential people. Blasting clinton for losing the election. T and a group of artists make their art work take their art work off her walls. You dont want to upset artists. One of them, alex said get my work off your walls. Im embarrassed to be seen with you. That was my best alex impersonation. Oh, my gosh. Thank you. So you finally found your dream home. The only problem, thats little thing called an hoa, Homeowners Association, fee. How can you make sure your money isnt going to waste . Bob massi joins us now to break it all down. Im distracted because brian is trying to get in my shot. Sorry, bob. All right. We have gotten a lot of questions from folks that want to know more about Homeowners Associations. What is the reserve fund and how does it work . Any time youre part of an hoa, all of us put money in. The money is there to take care of the common area and maintain the streets, landscaping and things like that. It is supposed to be there to make sure there is enough money to make sure all of these things are in fact met. It is important to understand that you have the right to look into this account and understand how the money is being used as a homeowner. What is the most common problem with the reserve funds, bob . What i have seen over the past several years is some times you mismanagement, misappropriation of moneys that the hoa board uses. It is a group of people that live in the neighborhood. There are homeowners there and many of them are very qualified people. A lot of them do a good job. Some overuse the money. More importantly they are not able to see what the next five years in development is for that community. The reserve fund gets too low. When it gets too low they get assessed a certain amount of money. They have a right to say wait. I want to see where the money is gone and how it is being managed. How am i being assessed when we have been paying enough money . You have to be careful. It is your money. Can you request that . Can you request the budget or the finances . Before you buy into any development you have the right to get the information, the bylaws. Youre allowed to ask for the budget, the financials. You want to know are there any assessments that will be made . Are they a solvent community . Homeowners have the right to ask that board or management kpa company. You have a right to get that information before you buy. Be proact i haive. Do it in a civil action. You have the right to say am i putting my money in . Is it being used correctly . Thanks for sending gifts to all of us. God bless you. Thank you, bob. Can you you can catch the property man on saturdays and sundays. It comes on at 3 00 eastern time right here on the fox news channel. If you have a real estate question we will answer the questions. Coming up a brand new push from mexico to make sure illegals can stay here in the u. S. Forever. Well explain that. Getting into the Christmas Spirit with paula dean. That cake is good enough for jesus. It is good enough for me. It will be my favorite cake too. Well go inside paula deans house to find out what her favorite Christmas Recipes are. Thats coming up next. The holidays should bring joy. So why are you still putting up with complicated cash back cards . Some cards limit where you earn bonus cash back to places they choose. Then they change those places every few months. Quicksilver keeps it simple. With quicksilver you always earn unlimited 1. 5 cash back on every purchase, everywhere. tis the season for simple. Whats in your wallet . A farmers market. Ve whats in this kiester. A fire truck. Even a marching band. And if i can get comfortable talking about this kiester, then you can get comfortable using preparation h. For any sort of discomfort in yours. Preparation h. Get comfortable with it. Tom arnold claiming to have a copy of some of princes outtakes where donald trump says every bad thing ever. We here at the tonight show were able to get a copy of those tapes. I got to say, trump does say literally everything. Listen to this. I like to drink orange juice after i brush my teeth. I think it takes fantastic. When i text people i like to tlooef dot, dot, dot. When im at starbucks i never think about what i want until i am at the register. I like to read every item on at the register. All of the annoying things people c people. Do. Then nothing ever comes through. Its like how long is that thing they are writing . And they stop writing and you never get a message. Who are you talking to specifically . You actually. Is this one person in mind . I have never done that, gone to throw something away and you look and the trash bag is tied up. What do you do . Jam it in the side. No. My family does this very unique thing. They will leave the garbage by the door and nobody will bring it to the pail because im the man. What about the toilet paper to paper towels . If theres no toilet paper use another bathroom. I got a lot of stuff to do. Youre buying your wife a new set of cookware the message is i love you but make me some supper. How about this, make anything. I did it again. How dare you do that. Why do you do that all of the time . Do not buy pots, pans, a blender, vacuum nothing with an electrical plug in. Buy something with diamonds. Get them drones. Women do not want drones. My husband wants a drone and i refuse to get it. He will play with it for two weeks. Or he will start shooting the neighbors. I got a job to do. I will take over from here. Get in while the getting is good, folks. Urging millions of immigrants to apply for u. S. Citizenship. It could be a good Legal Defense if trump changes immigration laws. More than 11 million Illegal Immigrants living here in the United States right now. Harry reid admitting to playing dirty politics. The foreman democratic leader said he did what was necessary back when he falsely claimed former gop nominee hadnt paid his taxes. Remember this . There is no brazen lie. I did what was necessary. Unbelievable. Romney did release evidence he fully paid his taxes going back more than 20 years. And terrifying moments as a fed ex driver clinging to the side of his van. A robber climbed inside. The driver refusing to give up the van full of Christmas Presents. He was finally forced after a second suspect pulled up in a white car and pointed a gun at him. The thieves stealing everything inside and they are still on the run. If youre in glendale, arizona your packages might be a little late. An accident nearly claimed the life of their fouryearold. Santa accompanied by Police Officers in maryland coming together to surprise the family with presents at and a 5,000 check. That wasnt the end of it. Here are the keys to your new car oh, my gosh. I have never had a new car. That is so sweet. They thought they were being treated to dinner. They got a lot more. They are mostly donated by hero officers themselves. I love stories like that. Its abiliout what youre givin not what youre getting, brian. Oh. You cant go wrong. No. I mean i do believe giving is more important than receiving. Thats a good thing. After spending a day with the cardinal i really get it now. The bible thing is making sense. The reason for the season. Exactly. And the interview with the cardinal willi be here tomorrow. You cant have Christmas Decorations without strtrees, decorations and butter. Thats how paula dean cooks at her house. Is it true when we send you to see paula dean she brought the butter . Yeah. There was lot of butter flowing. You should see her house. She was here a couple of weeks ago. Her and i got like a house fire. You know, we just have the same type of personality. The wonderful producers decided lets send her down to georgia where i got a real taste of how paula dean and her family spend their christmas. Take a look. Im here in savannah, georgia at paula deans house. Look who is here. I want to show you how we celebrate christmas down here in the south. Tell me how you decorate this gorgeous house of yours. Lets start with the trees, first of all. This is an unbelievable tree. Mr. Peacock up here. I love unexpected things. We decorate with oyster shells a lot. Take a look at this. Turtle shells. We love, love, love turtle shels. Do you have any christmas traditions . We have our wrapping room set up in the theater. I go and i get five to six families thats not going to have christmas. We do around 20 children. Thats what its all about. We have everything that we need. Youre not supposed to make me cry. The thought of a child waking up on Christmas Morning and not having anything just makes me so sad. So i do what i can. Well, i want to take you on a tour of the house. Oh, my gosh. We all go in. Im looking at the family photos. Theres one person missing. No its not. Oh. Zb this is my second favorite room in the house. This is my bathroom. I love you even more. This would be my favorite room of the whole place. You veceven have a Christmas Tree. We have to have a Christmas Tree in here. You want to see my first favorite room . Yes. Lets do it. Look at this kitchen. Its paula deans kitchen. You film your show in here, right . I do. I have a show called positively paula. Its all done right here. You need to show me a christmas desert that will make my christmas sing. I love the old timey divinity icing cocoa nut cake. You cannot make it when its raining outside. Its too much humidity in the air. Im sheer i control the weather. This will be the best divinity icing you have ever had. A cup and a half of sugar. I want jamie to come in. Jamie. He finally showed up. Hello cousin jamie dean. Are we cousins . He was a little boy and he came in and he said momma, what are you doing . I said im making jesuss birthday cake he said well, momma, if that cake is good enough for jesus its good enough for me. That will be my favorite cake too. Come on over here, baby. All right. So look over here. We have made divinity icing and it is raining outside. Yeah. That is a piece of art. Thats what happens right there. That is one good piece of cake. Oh, my gosh. Im part of the family. Its official. He just called you cousin. Are you related . Some how we are. It has to do with horses or dogs back in the day. So yes, i believe we are sister cousins from another family. Youre on the deans list. And you can find the recipe on our web site. How about that bathroom . A fireplace, a place for the Christmas Tree, couches. I mean i could have camped out for weeks. And the bathtub right in the middle of it all. I would have taken a bath there if they asked me to. All right. On that note. It was great. And she invited my whole family there. Thats where we are going for christmas. Just camp out in the bathroom. You could. Thanks for letting me do it. President obama, does he think president elect trump should follow his example . Going through the legislative process he is always better and because it is hard. Judge alex rules on that next. And this time last year we heard from our office outside the fox and friends studios. They blew us away. This morning they are back again to do it again. His message is dont do what i do. Going through the legislative process is always better and partly because its better to undo. Is this a last ditch effort by the president to state his legacy . Here is circuit judge alex. What is he doing there . . Probably that. He said he wasnt getting cooperation from congress and he did a lot of things he knew could be undone. I think he felt confident hillary was going to win and arent going to be undone. He is right. It is better to do things by legislation. Right after he gave that advice he went and signed another executive order banning oil drilling in the arctic circle. Whether you agree or disagree it is ironic to give that advice and run out and give another one. He likes to be told to reel it back. It is to be for the last eight years. This permanent drilling ban that he just passed and portions of atlantic, he believes it is tied to legislation that would actually stop trump from drilling. Yes. The white houses position is its tied to legislation does not have a clause in which case he believes it is permanent. The republicans vow that he is wrong, that its been done before and they say they will fight it and remove it. A lot of things he vowed to do immediately. He could undo nafta immediately. The transpacific is dead. It wasnt going to pass through legislation anyway . No. And as far as immigration is concerned he could ban people from syria and limit the number of immigrants that could come into the country. He could undo the deal with cuba, with iran although we have given him all of the money. He could undo that deal as well. You know, there is executive orders relating to schools and transgender students that were very con ten shous. The c with knowing that the democrats will have a hard time keeping him from 60 it might push them to get legislation and do this the way it is supposed to be. I dont think america loves the executive order thing. No. It gets us very close to a monarc monarchy. And bitterness. Yes. And not just with executive orders. Look at the things that reid did as far as which means give me majority exactly. Things used to have to be done by twothirds vote. Some of those regarding the cabinet appointments need a majority because reid open that had door. It is unbelievable he would say that as his advice. Always great to see you in person. You too. Last year we heard these amazing voices. They blew us away. This morning they are back. In fact, they are doing it now. We heard this choir ca carolling outside our studio last year. And we went down to see them this year. Yes. Give yourselves a round of applause for getting up this morning. [ cheers and applause ] last year over there half way down the block was a breezeway in our building. You were not invited to sing. You stopped there and practiced . Yes. And also there was a roof over it. A little bit warmer. Our producers were inside and heard you sings. We wanted you to share your voices with the rest of the country. It was such a surreal moment. We almost left and they are like wait, wait, wait. They are coming down. Are you still any good . I hope so. All right. We are going to put you to the test. Yes. From around the world. Is that all right with you guys . The students from randolph, new jersey. [ cheers and applause ] mone hundredts thousand times a day, sending oxygen to my muscles. Again so i can lift even the most demanding weight. Take care of all your most important parts with centrum. Now verified non gmo and gluten free. Gregg breaking new details on the hunr the terrorist believed to be responsible for the Christmas Market attack. The manhunt now spanning the entire continent as we learn that two americans were injured in the terror attack on that berlin marketplace. Good morning, im Gregg Jarrett live in americas newsroom. Molly bill and martha are on vacation. We are now learning that german investigators had the berlin suspect on their radar for months, and he was at one point set to be reported, but that was scuttled due to the lack of paperwork in his home country, tunisia. Investigators found his fingerprints inside that truck that was used to kill 12

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