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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20161005 10:00:00 : co

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20161005 10:00:00

98% say mike pence won. tim kaine just 2%. join the conversation right now on the "fox and friends first" facebook page. #keep talking. >> "fox and friends" starts right now. have a great wednesday. >> see you tomorrow at 5:00 a.m. the thought of donald trump as commander in chief scares us to death. he's not polished like hillary clinton. >> do you want a you're hired president in hillary clinton or a you're fired president in donald trump. >> she had a clinton foundation accepting contribution frs foreign governments. >> you are a donald trump -- [ overlapping talking ]. >> donald trup, somebody who praises vladimir putin. he loves dictators. he's got a personal mt. rushmore. kim jong un, p vladimir putin.
he's called mex ans rapists and criminals. mexicans are rapists and criminals. this guy says all mexicans are bad. >> you whipped out that mexican thing again. >> mexicans are rapists and criminals. >> there you go. >> he's called women, slobs, pigs, dogs and disgusting. slobs, pigs, dogs, disgusting. >> senator that was beneath you and hillary clinton. that's pretty low. >> live from new york city and farmville, virginia, the site of the one and only vice presidential debate, it's "fox and friends" for a business wednesday. >> a lot of times after a big match, there's a call for a rematch. but there won't -- >> we've seen enough. >> we're calling off the judges. >> i guess some person that saw a lot up close and personal and then went to the after party, after, after party. it's ainsley earhardt. hey, ainsley. >> reporter: hey, guys. oh, my word. everyone in spin alley was talking about the same thing. all of those interruptions.
they were talking about the moderator. a lot of people didn't think she did a very good job because she was talking as you saw in the sound bite as governor pence was trying to talk about our sons fighting for the country, both being marines. if they had done what hillary clinton had done, they would have been court-martialed. in the middle of that moment, the moderator is still talking, trying to ask the question. >> great point. how many times did the moderator, elaine khan owe interrupt both of them? the answer is 27. >> i was going to say, but then when it comes to the actual participants, kaine interrupted pence 70 times according to 538 and mr. pence tried to counter punch, looks like he interrupted the other 40 times. >> in many ways, governor pence had to fight for donald trump and tim kaine really rather -- it was all about donald trump
and i thought that governor pence did a better job going after hillary clinton than even donald trump did when he was with hillary clinton. so think about this. four people were actually on that stage last night, although you only saw two. >> reporter: that's right. i read a tweet last night that said if you want to know what this debate was about, then turn three different radios on three different channels in your house at the same time and that gives you a sound bite of what we all heard last night. listen to this. we talked about the interruptions. 70 different times kaine interrupted pence. we put together a montage of the interruptions. just a few of the interruptions. we can't put 70 together. look at this. >> employed tens of thousands of people in this country. >> and paid his taxes and lost a billion dollars a year. >> the newly emboldened the aggression of russia that was in ukraine. >> you guys love russia.
>> she had a clinton foundation accepting contribution frs foreign governments. >> you are donald trump supreme is. >> hillary clinton expanding the -- >> instead of you violating the contribution. >> you don't let them know, we don't let them? >> you're on my time. >> isn't this a discussion? >> let's talk about this. >> governor, he needs an opportunity. >> an opportunity to finish my sentence if i can. the clinton foundation accepted foreign contributions from foreign governments and foreign donors while she was secretary of state. >> now i can wait -- i get to weigh in. >> gentlemen, the people in home cannot understand either one of you when you speak over each other. i would please ask you to wait until it is that the other is finished. >> she got that right. >> people couldn't understand what was going on. what's interesting. if you see tim kaine, we've had him on this program through the years. he turns out to be a mellow
debater. but clearly, the campaign's idea was we're going to turn him into an attack dog. he was mr. butt inski the whole time. mike pence, on the other hand, he was more comfortable and calm and reasonable and he made an effective case for donald trump. >> i just thought ainsley, it was everything, everywhere we went with the debate, it all went back to donald trump's taxes. you could be talking about syria or north korea nukes and somehow it was because donald trump didn't pay taxes in 1995. in a way, he blamed trump. >> you're right. >> for not just disclosing his taxes because he hasn't. that was the big theme that i think tim kaine went to the stage with last night. >> well, he didn't do anything wrong. it's not illegal to do what he did. he was totally above board by not paying those taxes. you're right, brian. you can continuously heard the talking points from kaine. he continuously -- he kept saying slob, dogs over and over and over. then he was attacking,
attacking, attacking. he did look combative. you're right, that's not his personality. you can't coach someone to go into the debate to be someone that they're not. last night, it really flopped because he stuck to those talking points and then pence said wait a minute, that's nothing compared to what hillary clinton has done. listen. >> donald trump, during his campaign has called mexicans rapists and criminals, called women, slobs, pigs, dogs, disgusting. i don't like saying that in front of my wife and my mother. he attacked an indiana-born federal judge and said he was unqualified to hear a federal lawsuit because his parents were mexican. he went after john mccain, a p.o.w. and said he wasn't a hero because he had been captured. if you want to have a society where people are respected and respect laws, you can't have somebody at the top who demeans every group he talks about. >> you said ours is an insult-driven campaign. did you all just hear that?
ours is an insult-driven campaign. if donald trump said all the things you said he said and the way you said he said them, he still wouldn't have a fraction of the insults that hillary clinton leveled when she said that half of our supporters were a basket of deplorables. she said they were ir rz redeemable. they were not american. >> well, in that instance, he didn't interrupt because mr. pence is doing such an effective job reminding people that -- of the whole deplorable thing. >> it's interesting though, clearly, brian to your point earlier, the debates on the democratic side, what they wanted to do was just do as much damage to donald trump that ultimately -- i think john -- on the front page of the new york post online got it right, said mike pence mopped the floor with tim kaine. >> tim kaine had a good comeback
when he said she made a mistake. when has donald trump apologize. donald trump did say if i hurt anybody personally. >> she regretted saying half. >> she does say a lot of them are deplorable. >> reporter: i loved how kaine said, he said slobs, pigs, dogs, disgusting and then he said, i don't like saying that in front of my wife and my mother. i was thinking, but you just did. >> right. >> as a woman -- >> i talked to my about it. if you're repeating something somebody else said, you can't get in trouble. >> that's right. i remember that. the cuss word in gone with the wind. we were allowed to say that one line, that one cuss word when we were little because we were quoting a movie. >> which one of us was born in the south. frankly, my dear, i don't give a -- >> we don't have the cuss jar on the set. meanwhile, there was a stark difference when it came to law enforcement.
and mike pence stood up for the law enforcement community with this exchange. >> yeah. >> my uncle was a cop. career cop on the beat in downtown chicago. he was my hero when i was growing up. we would visit my dad's family in chicago. police officers are the best of us. men and women, white, african-american, asian, latino, hispanic. they put their lives on the line every single day. and let me say, at the risk of agreeing with you, community policing is a great idea. they also hear the bad-mouthing. the bad-mouthing that feeds upon tragedy in the wake of police action shootings as a reason to use a broad-brush to accuse law enforcement of implicit bias or institutional racism. we ought to assure the public we have a full, complete and
transparent investigation whenever there's a loss of life because of police action. but senator, please, enough of this seeking every opportunity to demean law enforcement broadly by making accusation of implicit bias every time tragedy occurs. >> a reference to implicit bias. a reference to what hillary clinton said. i thought it was effective when governor pence said he's got the endorsement of the police benevolent association and the border patrol. why would they endorse my immigration plan if it wasn't good. why would they endorse our view on cops if it wasn't strong? >> right. >> brian, you bring up an excellent point. i agree with you. when he said that, i thought that's an opportunity. you know, as these candidates, they have to find this opportunity to push any endorsements they can or all the good that their running mate has achieved. >> i've got an actual fact. by the way, kellyanne conway who runs the trump campaign will be
joining us in the 8:00 hour on "fox and friends" sniemts she was depicted on snl over the weekend. got to get her take on that. fox news alert, more than one million americans order today evacuate their homes immediately as hurricane matthew barrels down on the east coast. >> that's right. >> a panic in the sunshine state of florida as the state faces a direct hit perhaps from the storm. hundreds of people now rushing to get supplies ahead of the deadly storm. >> all right. that's hurricane matthew rushing ashore in cuba overnight. blasting the island with 125 miles per hour winds. >> janice dean predicted it. she's live in the weather room with us. >> we'll start to feel the effects. florida tomorrow morning will be dealing with this storm. category 3. it weakened a little bit as it made a second landfall across cuba. now a beeline towards the
bahamas. catastrophic storm for them with 10 to 15-foot storm surge. it will be strengthening as the water is very warm here. this is thursday, this is a very close call with perhaps a strengthening hurricane. thursday morning into the afternoon. here's the forecast track. there's as we go through timeo . very close to the florida coastline. up towards the carolinas, we will be tracking this. listen to your local officials and we'll have the latest from the fox news extreme weather center. back to you, guys. >> that's scary to see. off the coast of florida. >> people need to be prepared. >> look how high that goes up. governor scott was trying to get people to pay attention. >> they better. >> janice, thank you. immigration front and center last night in the vice presidential debate. >> after we secure the border build a wall and -- we do internal enforcement. >> senator jeff sessions has been advising the trump campaign on that topic. how does he think it went? he's going to join ainsley in
virginia. >> i can't wait to see what they're seeing. ainsley, hit spin alley to get the instant reaction from both sides. runs into a familiar face or faces. you'll find out who she ran into, shortly. although just 4 foot 8, simone biles is packed with power. that's why she trusts tide pods. she knows small can be powerful. tide. number one rated.
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comprehensive immigration reform. donald trump believes in deportation. you got to pick your choice. >> i cannot believe that governor pence would sit here and defend his running mate's claim that we should create a deportation force so that they'll all be gone. >> senator we have a deportation force. it's called immigrations and customs enforcement. >> 16 million -- >> senator, that's nonsense. the issue of immigration dominated the 2016 election. it was no surprise when the vp nominees had that heated exchange last night. here to react to that is alabama senator, trump adviser. >> waiting on the sunrise here. >> i know. what did you think about last night? did they address the immigration issues enough? >> they talked about it. i don't think they got into the depth or policy of it. hillary clinton has says she
wants to admit 65,000 refugees from syria alone. that's on top of the 10,000 that barack obama has said he wants to. it's a massive increase. they can't be vetted. experts have told us that. once they're in the country, you can't monitor and keep up with them. this is far more than any agency or government can do. in places at risk and donald trump is exactly right. we need to slow this down and be careful and protect the national interests first. >> i was disappointed with the moderator when i watched that sound bite when senator kaine was saying, trump wants to deport everyone and mike pence saying that's ludicrous and nonsense. she didn't interrupt and say, you should defend yourself, pence, what do you mean by that? what is donald trump saying? we never got a chance to hear that donald trump backed off on that. he's saying no, i want to deport criminals. pence didn't get a chance to -- >> that was often the case, wasn't it, last night?
certain things never quite got finished and the discussion never quite ended properly and completely. donald trump is absolutely committed to ending the lawlessness, building the wall, the barriers needed to stop the illegal flow. that will stop, send a message to the world. people stop attempting to come. that's the first thing that will happen. we'll have a drop in all of that. then he's talked about deporting criminals first. and after we've ended the lawlessness, got the criminals deported, then we can wrestle with people who have been here a long time and see what to do about that. anybody here that enters unlawfully is subject to being deported under our laws. >> right. that's what pence is reminding us of last night. he said it's called i.c.e. it's illegal. if you're an illegal alien, you're not allowed to be here by law. we're trying to enforce the law. >> exactly. we've got to be careful undermining the rule of law as we go forward through this
process. it has to be carefully done and protect the future. the american people are right. for 30 years, they've asked politicians and leaders to produce a lawful immigration system, one that benefits them. that doesn't flood the labor market and pull down their wages and job prospects, one that doesn't bring in criminals who sell dope and bring in illegal drugs and that kind of thing. we've not done it. the government can do it. donald trump is committed to it. hillary clinton is absolutely not going to do it. the choice could not be clearer. >> it's not about separating mothers from their children. it's about deporting criminals and making sure americans have more rights than illegals. >> absolutely. >> senator, thank you for being with us. >> thank you. we have been talking about the vp nominees this morning. what about the top of the ticket? what did their paths to the presidency look like this morning? we're doing a map. we have that coming up next. >> the internet is crowning the winner of last night's debate. tim kaine's eyebrows.
the hilarious moment going viral. straight ahead.
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good morning to you. welcome back to "fox and friends." 24 minutes after the hour. a few headlines to bring you right now. the terrorist accused of planting bombs in new york city and new jersey is now awake and talking with investigators. ahmad rahami telling the fbi that he built one bomb in his bedroom in new jersey. he's considered the main suspect in that attack that left 31 people dead. excuse me, hurt. breaking overnight, police officers targeted in a drive-by shooting a gunman opening fire
on the police headquarters building in indianapolis, indiana. police say more than a dozen gunshots came from an suv. no one was hurt. that shooter on the loose this morning. we'll follow that story as it develops. a dramatic start to the mlb playoffs. take a look here. edwin en cars yoen blasting a walk-off home run to beat the orioles in the 11th inning. we'll see you back here soon. let's head outside to steve. >> what a game. we've been talking about the vice presidential nominees this morning after the big debate. what about the top of the ticket. how does the map shake up to get to 270? here to help us crunch the numbers in soom key battleground states, caitlin, of real clear politics.com. >> good morning. >> you look at the polling averages right now and red indicates where donald trump is leading and hillary clinton is
in blue. >> right. >> he's about 40 short of her. >> if you had to pick, which ones would they be? wisconsin is lean towards democrats while the -- >> say wisconsin, michigan. there we go. and michigan. i would also add virginia to the blue cone. so that's where we are right now. we'll show you why pennsylvania is so important in this matchup. look. even if trump wins most of the remaining battlegrounds, iowa -- there you go. >> ohio. georgia, north carolina. let's even give him florida. >> okay. >> got to hit florida hard. >> look at that close matchup right now. he could even win arizona and nevada. >> look at that. that's 265. that's five away.
>> he's really close. but look, democrats are ahead in colorado and they won it twice. let's give that to democrats. look at this matchup. look how close it comes with pennsylvania. >> you give that to republicans, puts trump over the edge. give it to democrats, and there's the hillary clinton victory. >> right now, it is so close and it does come down to pennsylvania. ohio, though, interestingly enough, it sounds like the democrats have written it off. >> ohio is really interesting this year because the demographics are favorable to trump. it's a wider than the national average. this is where trump's bread and butter is. still a close race. they're still looking at ohio. florida is also really close. remember, this is the state that democrats have won twice in the past two elections. high growing latino population there, which helps them. donald trump is playing to other areas in the state. the real clear politics polling
average has this race within a point. >> after the presidential debate, you know, hillary got a little bitty bump out of that. what about after the vice presidential debate? clearly, you look at the online polls and i know they're not scientific. but you look at the twitter verse, it looks like tim kaine did not do as well as mike pence. does mike pence wind up helping donald trump? >> i don't think this will necessarily move the poellls. i think it neutralizes the bad news right now for donald trump. i think pence did a lot of cleanup work there setting trump up for the next debate on sunday which we'll all be watching. >> we will indeed. caitlin, thank you very much. from real clear politics.com. meanwhile, just when you thought the 9/11 conspiracy theories couldn't get any crazier, there's this. >> hillary clinton went to washington to get funds to rebuild her city. donald trump was fighting a very different fight. it was a fight to avoid paying taxes so that he wouldn't
support the fight against terror. >> really? >> pete hegseth and senator scott brown are all fired up about that and they're up next. ainsley ran into a couple of famous faces along the way last night. more from virginia and new york city on this wednesday. people always say let's just get a sandwich or something. you don't just learn how to drive... or solve the world's problems... be a dad... "or something" and we don't just make sandwiches "or something" we hand-slice avocado, pull smoked chicken, bake fresh foccacia and craft every sandwich clean from top to bottom... there's nothing "or something" about it. panera. food as it should be.
also tell you that it's important in this moment to remember that hillary clinton had a private server in her home that had classified information. >> 30 seconds. >> on drone strikes, e-mails from the president of the united states of america were on there. hillary clinton and her husband set up a private foundation called the clinton foundation. while she was secretary of state, the clinton foundation
accepted tens of millions of dollars from foreign governments and foreign donors that you ask the trustworthy question at the beginning. >> they're looking at the pay to play politics that she operated with the clinton foundation through the server while she's secretary of state. >> governor -- >> they're saying enough is enough. we would know more about it if hillary clinton would turn over 393,000 -- 33,000 e-mails. >> all right. let's turn -- senator. >> that's like two debates in which we never got the interaction between the candidates to justify the clinton foundation links, the priet server. it was stated. there was no follow-up. it was kind of two on one. she really did, seemed to many people watching team up with tim kaine. the media research center -- she
elaine cue manno, asked him kaine one question. you have that saying that's par for the dems. curve balls for the -- >> what questions did ainsley ask in the spin room yesterday? was it 8 to 1 hard and easy? how do we possibly find this out? >> brian, everyone was talking about the interruptions in the spin room. we were all watching at the same time and during that hour and a half debate, we're all like, oh, my gosh, please let him finish what he was saying. it's not different than when we do an interview onset and folks at home, they hate it when we allow people to interrupt each other. you can't hear what the other one is saying. you want to hear that point. you owe that to each of the candidates. i do think she got too involved. it's interesting, it shows you how together mike pence was because i didn't even notice hard or softball questions really because he was able, i thought he was really able to handle all of the questions in a
graceful way. let me show you what was happening behind the scenes in spin alley. ♪ >> so this is called spin alley. this is where journalists from all over the world come to watch the debate, waiting on political experts to come out here and interview with us. we're next to sean hannity. what did you think of the debate? >> i thought it was great. it was the most irritating debate i think i've ever watched. i felt like screaming at one point. tim kaine, shut up. here comes mike pence, well, what about deplorables, why are you always so negative and why is the campaign this way, let's stay on issue. i think on substance, he won hands down. >> who is behind you? >> that would be eric trump. >> hi, eric. honestly, it's why my father picked him. he's poised out there, he was composed. he's amazing. he's incredibly articulate. he was calming in so many ways but he also led with tremendous strength. >> the interruptions, what did you think about that?
>> i found them a little annoying quite frankly sitting up front. i thought it was a little rude. >> critics are saying tim kaine interrupted too much. >> i think he had points he wanted to make and he wasn't going to let falsehood just lay on the table. when he thought there was something worth correcting or there was something that was worth interjecting, he did it and he did a aggressively. >> kelly anne, what did you think? >> an amazing night for governor mike pence. he was affable and genial. unlike senator tim kaine, could not stop interrupting mike pence and the moderator. i thought it was unfortunate night for his ticket. i thought it was a great night for donald trump. his first exercise in leadership, the first important decision he made as the presidential nominee was his vice presidential selection. it shows his leadership and judgment in now selecting governor pence. >> what was your sense of the debate? >> well, i thought that the job
in the vice presidential debates. make the case on behalf of your running mate. number two, make the case against the person on the other side. i think tim kaine did an effective job explaining why donald trump was uniquely unqualified to be president of the united states. i thought what was notable is the fact that mike pence took a pass and did not choose to defend donald trump. >> i spy tucker carlson. tell us what you thought. >> you know, i've always liked tim kaine. i don't think he did any favors. i thought he was playing a role that didn't fit him. didn't you? he's not an aggressive nasty guy. he tried to play one on hillary's behalf. i don't think it worked. i went into this thinking, you know what, who would you rather have dinner with. maybe kaine wins. by the end, i thought pence wins for whatever it's worth. >> anything else you want to add. who is your favorite anchor on "fox and friends" including yourself? >> i'm including myself in the whole television universe. ainsley earhardt of south carolina. no, it's true. >> what?
what's going on? >> i've never seen an embrace along with an interview. this is the first time that's ever done. he was hugging you the whole time. >> you're just jealous. >> sure, a little bit. >> you're just jealous my tv husband. you can't help it. at the end of the night, you're running on empty, two hours of sleep. going back to the hotel for two hours. you get a little nutty. you're like, please hold me up, tucker. that's what it was all about. i said what did you think about the moderator. he said it has to be a tough job to be a moderator, especially when you fail. he's something else. >> it's a tough job. but she was interrupted both of them 27 times. >> she did have that one moment when she said we can't hear you guys. >> brian fallon does a great job for the clinton camp. nice of him to give you that time. >> i was glad we got that interview. that was nice of him. >> great job. stand by. more from spin alley shortly and longwood university.
now we turn to heather nauert with the news. >> good morning to all of you. first, he was armed. los angeles police now releasing brand new surveillance video showing 18-year-old carnell snell holding this gun just moments before he was shot and killed by police. you can see snell pulling the semiautomatic handgun from his waistband. police say that he pointed it at them right before he was shot. that shooting is now sparking outrage across southern california. black lives matter protesters now calling for the police chief's resignation. a major break this morning into the investigation of the horrific train crash in new jersey. the ntsb just recovering the second black box trapped inside the mangled front carve the new jersey transit train. crews have also recovered video taken from a camera mounted at the front of the train as well as the operator's cell phone. key devices could tell investigators how fast that train was going and if the brakes were applied.
one person died and more than 1700 others were injured. a major break in the case for kim kardashian. the masked thieves who allegedly held a gun to the star's head before stealing millions of dollars in jewelry reportedly caught on camera. those armed robbers captured in a million to one image by a security camera facing a mirror. the images reflected to show their get away. tmz reporting this morning that concierge is a key witness after kardashian allegedly told police that he was in the room during the heist. kardashian was bound and gagged as the men ransacked her apartment in paris. those are your headlines. >> what's with that? >> a little bizarre. >> you go to an elite hotel where there are no security cameras. >> here's the thing. you've got your own security team. why aren't they being secure? >> can you get to the bottom of this, heather? >> i'll fly to paris for you. >> it's in every newscast.
meanwhile, when you thought the 9/11 conspiracy theories couldn't get any crazier, there's this. >> hillary clinton went to washington to get funds to rebuild her city. donald trump was fighting a very different fight. it was a fight to avoid paying taxes so that he wouldn't support the fight against terror. >> what? >> yeah. >> what a reach. >> pete hegseth and senator scott brown fired up about that. they're here live. >> and speaking of senator tim kaine, why is he being compared to a batman villain? >> i think i know. >> cole shwe're breaking that d. you can run an errand. (music playing) ♪ push it real good... (announcer vo) or you can take a joyride. bye bye, errands, we sing out loud here. siriusxm. road happy.
(announcer vo) you can go straight home. (howard stern on radio) welcome to show business. (announcer vo) or you can hear the rest of howard. bababooey! (announcer vo) sorry, confused neighbors, howard's on. siriusxm. road happy. hi. senator tim kaine, mike pence and the vp debaters, still
trending on social media this morning. >> that's right. i checked my twitter feed. here with the top trends is headlines 24/7 carly simpson. >> we should say channel 115 is one-year-old today. >> one-year-old. happy anniversary to us. it's been a fantastic year. you're right. last night was also pretty darn good. a lot of people assumed it would be boring. but it wasn't on the debate stage and especially on social media. mike pence had this great line last night. he said police officers are the best of us. donald trump highlighted that on twitter, tweeting i agree, mike. thank you to all our law enforcement officers. and majority of trump's -- what trump did is he retweeted other people's messages like this one. kaine says hillary and he have plans. she could care less what kaine thinks. the gem getting attention on -- someone compared kaine to a villain in the batman movies.
>> kaine looks like an evil crook out of batman movies. and donald trump retweeted it. >> uh-oh. i think we'll have a side by side. what do you think? >> i don't think it's the riddler. more like the joker doesn't he? >> all we know is that donald trump was having fun online last night. >> did the batman movies have an sbupter. >> interruptions were the name of the game. kaine interrupted 77 times and the moderator intersected 27 times. here she is struggling to get a word in edgewise. >> hillary clinton failed to renegotiate a status of forces agreement. >> that is incorrect. >> gentlemen -- >> all of our troops from iraq and isis. >> i -- >> hillary clinton had a private server in her home that had classified information. >> 30 seconds. >> drone trike. you asked the trustworthy question at the very beginning. >> governor, your two minutes are up. >> they're looking at the pay to play politics. >> my favorite tweet of the
night came from a woman, she tweeted. if i wanted to watch two white dudes bicker near a woman named elaine, i would definitely watch seinfeld. this is why social media is fantastic. >> we phoning focus on the litts that aren't important. the eyebrows of tim kaine. >> mike pence actually got the most attention on social media according to twitter and facebook. but kaine's eyebrows really stole the show. a lot of people talking about how they moved up and down fluidly. they're very expressive, which is not necessarily a bad thing. one person tweeted, i can't wait to see his eyebrows on "dancing with the stars." >> look at that. >> another person said i think the real winner will be tim cain's left eyebrow. >> it would be the left eyebrow, not the right. >> the lefty eyebrow. >> got to be fair these days, right? >> social media is one thing. see if there's tv ratings as well. the all-time high was sarah palin with 51 million.
>> that was a big one. >> total on social media, mike pence had more -- >> on twitter and facebook. he also achieved, gained more twitter followers last night. >> but you don't know whether it was negative or positive. just aggregate number. >> bingo. >> happy anniversary. you're coming back later, right? >> absolutely. coming up straight ahead, talk about a leap. tim kaine linking donald trump's taxes to 9/11. >> hillary clinton went to washington to get funds to rebuild her city. donald trump was fighting a very different fight. it was a fight to avoid paying taxes so that he wouldn't support the fight against terror. >> really? that's a link. pete hegseth and senator scott brown are fired u. they're here live. how will last night's vice presidential debate impact the next debate between hillary clinton and donald trump on sunday? we're going to talk to the trump campaign manager, kellyanne conway when she joins us life. live.
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in the only vice presidential debate of the entire campaign cycle, tim kaine attacked donald trump over his taxes, even going as far as accusing donald trump of shortchanging our troops during 9/11. listen. >> governor pence just said that donald trump will rebuild the military. no, he won't. donald trump is avoiding paying taxes. "the new york times" story suggested that he probably didn't pay taxes for about 18 years, starting in 1995. those years included the years of 9/11. hillary clinton went to washington to get funds to rebuild her city and protect
first responders, but donald trump was fighting a very different fight. it was a fight to avoid paying taxes so that he wouldn't support the fight against terror. >> is that a fair argument, or is that a leap? here to weigh in on this is fox news contributor pete and former massachusetts senator scott brown. both are also veterans. thank you so much for being here, both of you. senator, what did you think of last night's debate when it comes to isis, al qaeda, iraq? >> i thought the isis response was perfect. it was al qaeda and bin laden. i congratulated president obama. that was a gutsy move to go after him. with regard to isis, the fact they tried to blame president bush was laughable. clinton and obama could have renegotiated a status of forces agreement. that allows us to have certain protections when men and women are over there serving. we could have left a training force there, as the generals
recommended, about 10,000 troops. they could have been there to make sure you didn't have that vacuum. the vacuum created isis. isis was al qaeda of iraq. now they're bigger than the psi of new england, well funded, and wreaking havoc. >> pete, has a veteran, what are your thoughts? >> it's absurd. when he listed why we're safer, one of them was because we only have 15,000 troops instead of 175. he's admitting our retreat is some sort of a good thing in light of isis reviving itself. the clip you played at the beginning, this idea that donald trump doesn't want to rebuild our military because he didn't pay taxes, and he happened to not pay taxes maybe during 9/11. i mean, let's talk about who has the real pre-9/11 mind set here. you've got in hillary clinton and tim kaine unwillingness to call it radical islam. they want open borders. they don't want to rebuild our military. they don't have a plan to defeat isis. i thought mike pence did a very nice job, as the senator said, laying out who opened the door for isis and who would continue those types on policies.
he was very good on that level. >> senator, was that just a talking point, that he just wanted to get in there the taxes thing? it had nothing to do with 9/11. >> nothing to do with it. i guess 47% of the people in our country that don't pay taxes, and the businesses, apparently they hate the military. that's the most unusual thing i heard all night. the fact that apparently if you follow the law, don't break the law when you're following the tax code, and just happen not to pay taxes, i guess you voluntarily need to pay taxes in order to be supportive of our troops. it's laughable. just to extend on to what pete said, look at syria. when he drew the red line, that's another extension of what happened in iraq. he did nothing. that emboldened putin. they keep saying trump and putin have this man thing. it's ridiculous. the only reason putin is emboldened is because of the poor policies and the weak policies of obama and clinton. am i right, pete? >> whose reset button was it that was misspelled that
ultimately opened up the door for him to redraw the borders of eastern europe? these all follow defeat of the policies of barack obama and hillary clinton. and tim kaine is not very good at defending it. mike pence is because he's steeped in these issues. his gut of america should be strong and we should lead, put america first. he had the clear advantage there. >> yeah, wasn't even close. wasn't even close in terms of pence dominating the debate. i thought he was spot on. here's what we have to look to in st. louis. we have to have an opportunity where donald trump capitalized and builds on that ground, that base that governor pence led. hillary is going to have a difficult time. she's going to have to basically repair the damage that kaine did. >> pence had a reagan-esque line. are we safer now than seven years ago? that said it perfectly. >> thank you so much, gentlemen, for serving our country and being here so early. >> well, you have heard a lot from governor pence and senator kaine this morning.
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the thought of donald trump as commander in chief scares us to death. >> look, he's not a polished politician like you and hillary clinton. >> do you want a you're hired president in hillary clinton or a you're fired president in donald trump? >> she had a clinton foundation accepting contributions from foreign governments. >> you are donald trump's apprentice. >> donald trump, you have somebody who praises vladimir putin all the time. praised vladimir putin and is sitting down with vladimir putin. he loves dictators. he's got a personal mt. rushmore. vladimir putin, kim jong-un, saddam hussein. >> did you work on that one a
long time? >> donald trump has called mexicans rapists and criminals. these guys say all mexicans are bad. >> senator, you've ripped out that mexican thing again. >> mexicans are rapists and criminals. >> there they go again. >> he's called women slobs, pigs, dogs, disgusting. slobs, pigs, dogs, disgusting. >> senator, senator. that was even beneath you and hillary clinton. that's pretty low. >> how low could they go? it was supposed to be a snooze fest. it turned out to be a slug fest. >> i was doing a couple things. i was watching and tweeting and reading donald trump's live tweets because he was looking at it. donald trump must have had his ears ringing if he wasn't watching because it was really, ainsley, all about donald trump and hillary clinton. it wasn't really about them and their records because tim kaine is on the record criticizing barack obama and hillary clinton
for her foreign policy. last night he was actually defending it. >> brian and steve, i thought of you guys when i was watching it here in virginia because we just showed that clip of kaine saying he loves dictators. it remind me, he's like turning into donald trump. donald trump says, i love women, i love the mexicans. >> i love the poorly educated. >> right, right. everyone after the debate was talking about one thing. they were talking about the number of interruptions. you couldn't hear some of the responses because they were talking over each other. yeah, it was ridiculous. we have a clip. there were 70 different times that kaine interrupted pence. pence interrupted kaine 40 times. but listen to some of these interruptions where it just got ridiculous. >> he's employed tens of thousands of people in this country -- >> and paid few taxes and lost a billion dollars a year. >> the newly emboldened aggression of russia, whether it was in ukraine -- >> you guys love russia.
>> she had a clinton foundation accepting contributions from foreign governments and foreign -- >> you are donald trump's apprentice. >> hillary clinton expanding the -- >> or instead of you violating the constitution. >> we can't know for certain who these people are -- >> yes, we can. >> senator, i think i'm still on my time. >> isn't this a discussion? >> this is our open discussion. >> well, let me interrupt you and finish my sentence, if i can. the clinton foundation accepted foreign contributions from foreign governments and foreign donors while she was secretary of state. >> okay. now i can weigh -- >> she had a private server. >> i get to weigh in. >> gentlemen, the people at home cannot understand either one of you when you speak over each other. i would please ask you to wait until the other is finished. >> look, here's the thing about -- it was shocking after you realized that tim kaine had -- who's a mellow debater,
generally, he was clearly going to be the attack dog. during whatever mike pence was going to say, he was going to interject himself. it got to the point where it was annoying. at the same time, the moderator absolutely lost control of things. i'm looking at the rules for the vice presidential debate. what elaine said, she said the moderator will ask an opening question after which each candidate will have two minutes to respond. the moderator will then use the balance of the time for a deeper discussion of the topic. instead, you know, whenever tim kaine started answering a question, or rather mike pence would ask a question, then tim kaine would interject himself. you know, the idea, the strategy is to throw him off. ultimately, though, i think the people got a very bad taste in their mouth about what tim kaine was all about. he just looked annoying. >> steve, you bring up a good point. what does that say? you're right. we didn't expect that from either of the candidates. we thought this was going to be very pleasant.
with tim kaine being so combative and being on the defensive, what does that say? what was happening behind the scenes? were his coaches telling him to act like that? you can't really force that on someone. they need to be genuine and be who they are. >> that's a good point. here's what they're saying. tim kaine was given the task of not aiming for mike pence but aiming over his head to donald trump and put everything out there from taxes to putin to some of the comments he's said in the past we've all heard before. that was tim kaine, not to win it but take aim at trump. afterwards, cnbc was reporting a "new york times" reporter who was quoting a trump adviser saying that donald trump was not happy, satisfied with mike pence's performance, essentially saying he didn't defend himself big enough -- good enough. jason miller came out and just wrote to me and said that's completely unhinged. president clinton camp has become that now. they're making things up. mr. trump's final tweet from
last night was, quote, mike pence won big, we should all be proud of mike. go with that. so there's a lot of things going on below the surface. >> right. well, mike pence did have an opportunity to hit hillary clinton on the clinton foundation. they're criticizing donald trump about his taxes, which is legal, but many people are criticizing hillary clinton for the clinton foundation, wondering if what happened there, the pay for play, if that's legal. if you really should be able to buy your way into the government. listen to what mike pence said about the clinton foundation. >> hillary clinton and her husband set up a private foundation called the clinton foundation. while she was secretary of state, the clinton foundation accepted tens of millions of dollars from foreign governments and foreign donors. now, y'all need to know out there, this is basic stuff. foreign donors and certainly foreign governments cannot participate in the american political process. they financial contributions. but the clintons figure out a
way to create a foundation where foreign governments and foreign donors could donate millions of dollars. you talk about all these baseless rumors. about russia and the rest, hillary clinton -- you asked the trustworthiness question at the beginning. they're looking at the pay to play politics that she operated with the clinton foundation through a private server while she's secretary of state, and they're saying enough is enough. >> by the way, tim kaine really put himself out on a limb there. afterwards, he came back and said that this foundation is phenomenal, it ranks higher than the red cross in terms of accountability and effectiveness. man, that's out on a limb. i think there's a lot to be looked at in terms of the foundation. i think tim kaine is full force backing it. i think an investigation might reveal the foundation is not nearly as strong as they're portraying it, which could lead to other problems, let alone the pay for play. >> i'll tell you what, had the moderator had control of the
situation, when you get going on something good like the clinton foundation, you just ask a follow-up question. instead, today in the pages of "the washington post," they say that tim kaine and elaine were both losers at the big debate last night. the first winner they suggested was mike pence, the governor seen screen left right there, from indiana. ainsley? >> well, there were some moments last night where i thought governor pence, he showed his gracefulness. i thought he was not afraid to look at tim kaine and say, we might be on different sides of the aisle, but i do agree with you on that, and i appreciate you mentioning that. this is one example. when they talked about law enforcement, senator kaine said, i believe in community policing. then pence was asked about it, and governor pence said this about it. it was one of the best moments of the night. listen. >> you know, my uncle was a cop, a career cop on the beat in
downtown chicago. he was my hero when i was growing up. we go up to visit my dad's family in chicago. police officers are the best of us. men and women, white, african-american, asian, latino, hispanic. they put their lives on the line every single day, and let me say, you know, at the risk of agreeing with you, community policing is a great idea. they also hear the bad mouthing, the bad mouthing that comes from people that seize monotragedy in the wake of police action shootings as a reason to use a broad brush to accuse law enforcement of implicit bias or institutional racism. we got to assure the public we'll have a full and complete and transparent investigation whenever there's a loss of life because of police action. but senator, please, you know, enough of this seeking every
opportunity to demean law enforcement broadly by making the accusation of implicit bias every time tragedy occurs. >> and when it comes to law enforcement, here's the thing. you know, you know that hillary clinton said the implicit bias, the african-american vote, i understand what you're going through. she also brought it up that my grandchildren are going to be less threatened than black grandchildren. i look for that theme when it comes to law enforcement to be all over the town hall on sunday. what i saw yesterday, it's going to be all over the town hall event on sunday. >> steve and brian, i think people are walking away and they're saying that mike pence won this because kaine was combative and kaine was aggressive and throwing punches. i don't think -- i think mike pence just was defending -- whenever he mentioned the deplorable thing, he just defended. he wasn't out there attacking. i think in the beginning of the election, the attacks really worked. that's why donald trump went to the top so fast. but i think at this point, when i'm hearing from everyone, stick
to policy. no more attacks. we're sick of that. >> sure. >> do y'all agree? >> mike pence seemed reasonable and calm. then you had tim kaine, who seemed overcaffeinated. just saying. ainsley, stand by there in farmville. we have a fox news alert. more than a million americans have been ordered to evacuate immediately as hurricane matthew is heading toward the southeastern coast of the united states. >> wow. haiti knows the power. a frantic rush for supplies in florida right now. the state bracing for impact as soon as tomorrow. >> these images out of the caribbean. the deadly storm blasting cuba with 125-mile-per-hour winds, on its way to the bahamas. it's already claimed 11 lives. >> senior meteorologist janice dean is live in the weather center tracking the latest. janice, this does not surprise you. >> no, not now. and we're getting closer. hurricane warnings are up for the east coast of florida. the first time we've seen hurricane warnings across the east coast in florida in eight years. so people need to be prepared.
125-mile-per-hour sustained winds, category 3. it got disrupted a little bit from landfall across cuba but is expected to restrengthen in the bahamas. the bahamas taking a direct hit from a strengthening hurricane. storm surge of 10 to 15 feet, which could be extraordinarily damaging for them. then hugging the coast, we have been forecasting this for days now, but how close does it get to the coast? that's the difference between 120-mile-per-hour winds and 50-mile-per-hour winds if it's a little offshore. so really carefully monitoring this. of course, you want to be listening to your local officials. governor rick scott has been excellent at making sure people know what to do, where your evacuation zones are. but the tropical storm models are indicating a close brush, if not a direct hit at some point along the southeast coast. the one good thing is the northeast is out of the cone. so that's the one piece of good information. we'll keep you posted. >> janice, just a little question for you. the fact that the center of the storm is off the east coast of
florida, that means it would be impacted by winds from the north, not as strong? >> not as strong because you're getting the -- the impact, the big impact, is in the northeast quadrant. you're getting these offshore winds. but listen, i want people to be prepared as possible for category 3 storm. don't let your guard down. take those evacuations seriously. and we hope that we're not dealing with a big event. how's that? >> good way to put it. all right. janice, thank you very much. meanwhile, straight ahead on this wednesday, both guys in last night's debate served as governors of their states. who did a better job? >> i still finished my term with $2 billion in the bank. that's a little different than when senator kaine was governor here in virginia. >> our next guest used to work for tim kaine and says mike pence was right in that sound bite. and were there plenty of zingers last night?
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i come from a state that
works. the state of indiana has balanced budgets. we cut taxes. we made record investments in education and infrastructure. i still finished my term with $2 billion in the bank. that's a little bit different than when senator kaine was governor here in virginia. he actually tried to raise taxes by about $4 billion. he left his state about $2 billion in the hole. the state of indiana, we've cut unemployment in half. unemployment doubled when he was governor. >> governor mike pence comparing his record in indiana to that of senator tim kaine when he was virginia's governor. joining us now, it's a man who worked for governor kaine and currently is the executive director of the trump-o-crat pac. i want the folks at moment to know about your resume. you've been a lifelong democrat. you've run political campaigns, the head of the democratic party here, delegate to the democratic convention in 2012 under
governor mark warner here in the state of virginia. you were the special assistant for policy. then you were reappointed when tim kaine was the governor of this state. yet, you are voting for donald trump. why? >> that's correct. i grew up in a small town about 30 miles south of here. 20 years ago it had 15 manufacturing facilities. today it has one. there's nobody more responsible for those job losses than bill and hillary clinton. also, washington. washington is a complete train wreck. who is going to change things? it's not going to be hillary clinton. it's going to be donald trump. he's going to go up there, shake things up, and turn our country around. >> it's one thing to keep your opinion to yourself, go to the polls, vote for donald trump, don't tell any of your democratic friends, but you're here on fox news. you're announcing you're voting for trump, but you're friends with tim kaine. >> sure. i think tim kaine is one of the finest public servants i've ever known. he's a decent human being. i have no idea what they did to
him last night. he was doing -- i mean, it was just not him. >> you didn't recognize him? >> they did him a disservice by making him come out and been an attack dog. >> if you feel so strongly about what a great guy he is, why aren't you voting for him? >> he's not running for president, she is. >> you have a problem with hillary? >> i do. >> what's the problem with her? >> well, she has her record on jobs and trade, her lifelong establishment politics, and also the clinton foundation. i mean, these are people who left the white house dead broke -- quote, dead broke -- now they're worth over a quarter of a billion dollars. that's by selling influence all over the world. i think it's unconscionable. how in the world can we have somebody president with that record? >> all right, christian. thanks for coming on and sharing your opinion. all the best. senator tim kaine telling america that the terrorist threat has decreased under president obama. really? do you agree with that? we're going to talk to our panel of national security experts. there they are with brian.
coming up next.
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good morning and welcome back. 24 minutes after the hour. a couple quick headlines to bring you right now. the terrorist accused of planting bombs in new york city and also new jersey awake and now talking with investigators. ahmad rahami reportedly telling the fbi he built at least one bomb in his new jersey bedroom. he's considered the main suspect in that attack, which left 31 people hurt. also breaking overnight, police officers targeted in a drive-by shooting. the gunman opening fire on headquarters building in indianapolis. police say more than a dozen gunshots came from an suv. no one was hurt.
that shooter is on the loose. we'll keep following this story as it develops. and the masked thieves who held kim kardashian at gunpoint before stealing millions of dollars in jewelry reportedly c. investigators calling it a million-to-one image taken by a security camera that was facing a mirror. their image reflected the details that showed the getaway. tmz also reported the concierge as a key witness since he was inside at the time of the break-in. to be continued. those are your headlines, brian. >> all right. the vp nominees squared off last night. we want to find out who the better running mate is and who would do a better job keeping america safe. let's listen. >> the terrorist threat has decreased in some ways with because an iranian nuclear deal. there's not 175,000 troops in a dangerous part of the world. there's only 15,000. let me tell you this. to beat terrorism, there's only one candidate who can do it, and
it's hillary clinton. >> america's less safe today than it was the day that barack obama became president of the united states. it's absolutely inarguable. we've weakened america's place in the world. it's been a combination of factors, but mostly it's been a lack of leadership. >> who had the better argument? who has the better policy? joining us right now, andrew pete. carl higby is here, retired navy s.e.a.l. and jillian turner, fox news contributor and former white house national security council staff member under the bush and obama ms. first, jillian, to you. that's pretty tough to say the iranian deal made -- brought the nuclear program out of the middle east. >> right, but this is what the current administration believes. so, you know, kaine is going to be kind of lock step with that. i thought he did a good job last night in terms of defending his candidate's record. hillary clinton is a lot more hawkish. we were talking in the break about this. she never stands up and says
these things, but he pointed out last night that she advocated for some really good policies early on that the administration rejected, like surging in afghanistan, which she ultimately convinced president obama to do, invading the compound that ultimately resulted in bin laden's death. >> she had nothing to do with that. >> yes, she did. >> that was her initiative? >> no, but she was one of the people that night in the situation room prodding president obama to go for it. >> let me just say, that surge was done during the campaign. he committed to the afghanistan surge during -- while he was campaigning. that's the good war. iraq's the bad war. >> but there was an ensuing fight about how many troops to send in. she advocated for more every step of the way. she deserves credit. >> she has to stand up and say, this is where president obama's wrong, here's where i'm right. but she's afraid of losing the obama coalition. when he advocated for the iran deal and said that was a good thing, is that risky? >> absolutely. the problem here is tim kaine could not point to a single hillary accomplishment that has made the world or america a
safer place except for this iran deal, where she gave $150 billion to a state-sponsor of terror. what do you think they're going to use that money for, flower pots? absolutely not. they're going to give it back to the terrorists creating harm to america. >> andrew, it's a tough case to make when you find out the iranians are buzzing our battleships in the persian gulf as late as last week. yet, tim kaine was defending it last night. >> because the unresolved tension, the iran deal was always that if you take all the sanctions off iran without resolving its territory ambitions, you're going to wind up with an iran that dominates the middle east because there's no pressure on it now. so that's something -- that's a problem in the deal that the administration has kind of skated over, but now it's really coming back to bite them because of these incidents, like them buzzing our ships. >> the other name that came out, real quick, vladimir putin. let's talk about that. vladimir putin, we now know he's speaking to them and they've
landed into syria without permission and are going very aggressive without our dealings and without even checking with us now. so we decide to give them the cold shoulder. that's also a tough guy to go after if you're hillary clinton. >> oh, absolutely. you know, i thought that pence did a great job on that issue last night as he did on all the foreign policy issues. i would vote for him tomorrow if he was the candidate. the problem is the chasm between him and donald trump on some of these issues. again, donald trump has been out front praising vladimir putin. pence was walking that back last night, which needs to happen. so i think that on that issue, on a whole host of other issues, iraq, syria, he's way out front of donald trump. >> look, hillary clinton has all the time in the world in the past few years to deal with vladimir putin, deal with the russian reset, and she failed. she systemically failed. >> andrew? >> there was rising tension with putin since the bush administration. hillary clinton came in promising to reset the relationship, and they failed. >> guys, thanks so much.
we'll see what happens on sunday now. meanwhile, straight ahead, there were plenty of zingers last night. for example -- >> do you want a you're hired president in hillary clinton or do you want a you're fired president in donald trump? >> well, first, let me say i appreciated the you're hired, you're fired thing. >> which one liners won over the independent voters? we'll find out next. and the critics say the moderator let the debate turn into a free for all. others were happy. what grade would you live her? we're live in washington next. see me. see me. don't stare at me. see me. see me. see me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. i'm not contagious. see me to know that... ...i won't stop
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you are donald trump's
apprenti apprentice. do you want a you're hired president in hillary clinton, or do you want a you're fired president in donald trump? donald trump can't start a twitter war with miss universe without shooting himself in the foot. he loves dictators. he's got kind of a personal mt. rushmore. vladimir putin, kim jong-un, moammar gadhafi, and saddam hussein. it's an octopus-like organization with tentacles all over the world. >> you could certainly tell tim kaine had some practice, poll-tested lines he wanted to roll out, ainsley. last night he worked them all in. >> oh, my gosh, yes. he had a list of talking points, and he wanted to hit them all. many people are saying he was not himself last night, that's not at all what people expected and someone coached him to be like that and it wasn't genuine. let's find out what the voters thought. we're going to ask our pollster lee carter. she just put last night's debate to the dial test. thanks for being with us.
>> great to be here. >> tim kaine, he said you're the you're fired, president, hillary clinton is the you're hired president. listen to this sound bite and watch those dials. >> on the economy, there's a fundamental choice for the american electorate. do you want a you're hired president in hillary clinton, or do you want a you're fired president in donald trump? i think that's not such a hard choice. >> you can see there not surprisingly democrats like this a whole lot. they gave him a "b" plus. independents and republicans gave it an "f." i think the important line to watch is that independent yellow line. one of the respondents said he was a robot, repeating and repeating and repeating preplanned sound bites. he didn't seem believable. >> i thought it was interesting last night when tim kaine went down the list of all the things that donald trump has said and insults he's said. i thought, how is mike pence going to defend this? he did an excellent job because
he reminded the folks at home of what hillary clinton has said, and said honestly, she's offended more people than trump ever could. listen to this. >> he says ours is an insult-driven campaign. did you all just hear that? ours is an insult-driven campaign? to be honest with you, donald trump had said all the things you said he said and the way you said he said them, he still wouldn't have a fraction of the insults that hillary clinton level when he said that half of our supporters were a basket of deplorables. she said they were ir redeemare. it's extraordinary. >> republicans off the chart. pence did an amazing job last night. they gave him an "a." so did independents. democrats gave him an "f." what they said, and this is really important, a lot of people are criticizing pence saying you didn't defend donald
trump. he absolutely did in the minds of independents. they said he diffused those comments by donald trump. he did a very good job of reassuring voters who weren't so sure about donald trump that pence was going to be there and they were going to be sort of balancing each other out. really, he did an excellent job for donald trump last night. >> we want to play a sound bite of tim kaine saying that mike pence or donald trump is completely careless when it comes to nuclear weapons. listen to this and watch the dials. >> let me tell you what will really make the middle east dangerous. donald trump's idea that more nations should get nuclear weapons. saudi arabia, japan, south korea. ronald reagan said something really interesting about nuclear proliferation back in the 1980s. he said the problem with nuclear proliferation is that some fool or maniac could trigger a catastrophic event, and i think that's who governor pence's running mate is, exactly who president reagan warned us about. >> senator, that was even
beneath you and hillary clinton. that's pretty low. >> so you can see there when kaine was talking, democrats liked it. they gave it a "b." independents and republicans, not as much. pence, on the other hand, even the democrats, when he spoke and came back, gave him a "c." they said he was being reasonable and fair. overall, the voters we spoke to last night said pence had the performance of his career. kaine was disappointing to a lot of folks. he hasn't been out there a whole lot. they think this was his opportunity to introduce himself to the voters, and he just really didn't do a great job of that. his interrupting, they said, was so distracting that it was hard to focus on anything else. >> a lot of people are saying that. steve an brian, we talked yesterday. maybe this is a tryout for the next race to find out if one of these gentlemen will end up running for president in the next go around. we'll have to see. >> that's right. i certainly think that mike pence helped himself in republican world. >> i saw eric ericson tweeted out that mike pence has put himself, if donald trump loses,
out front for 2020. >> that would be about right. ainsley and lee, thank you very much. now we've got a serious fox news alert. more than a million americans have been ordered by their governors to evacuate immediately as hurricane andrew currently in the caribbean is barrelling toward the southeastern united states. >> this is matthew! >> wow. store shelves completely empty in florida as residents prepare for impact as early as tomorrow. 125-mile-an-hour winds and torrential rains are claiming 11 lives as this storm tears across the caribbean and cuba. >> janice dean subpoeis live in weather center. i misspoke. i mentioned andrew. this is a big storm on that scale. >> absolutely. and wihen you're talking about florida, they know andrew. category 5 hurricane, the last
time we had a category 5 hurricane across florida was andrew. so you know what, i i mean, if it gets people's attention to pay attention, that's a good thing. it looks like this storm is strengthening now. you can see that eye starting to reform. it weakened over cuba last night. we have hurricane watches and warnings all up and down the florida coastline. they haven't had a hurricane warning along the east coast of florida in eight years. so people need to pay close attention to this. the other reason why is because this is going to be a close call. how close will it come to the impact is going to mean the difference between perhaps a category 3 or 4 storm and maybe just a tropical storm. so that's why we need to really pay very close attention to the next advisory, which will be out before 8:00 a.m. so we'll bring you the very late et est. again, the one message is if you live across florida, the carolinas, georgia, up towards the mid-atlantic, you need to be paying close attention to this. this could be category 3 or 4,
the first major hurricane to make impact in many, many years. back to you. >> it's a big storm. i heard one governor, janice, say people along the coast should go 100 miles inland. >> not a bad piece of advice, to be honest. >> thank you, ma'am. all right. 19 minutes before the top of the hour on this wednesday. the theme of last night's debate, pardon the interruption. did the moderator step on mike pence, preventing him from bringing up hillary's scandals? some of the critics say yes. we're live in washington next. and a huge show ahead. donald trump's campaign manager kellyanne conway and joe trippi live. >> they're all looking in different directions. who are they looking at? music: suspenseful ♪
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good morning. back 44 minutes after the hour. a few headlines to bring you right now. he was armed. los angeles police releasing brand new surveillance video. take a look at this right here. it shows the 18-year-old suspect holding a gun just moments before he was shot and killed by police officers. you can see him pulling the semiautomatic handgun from his waistband. police say he pointed it right at them with a bullet in the chamber. his death is now sparking outrage across southern california. black lives matter protesters now calling for that police chief's resignation. more on that as we get it. and do you remember when president obama said this about obamacare back in 2009? >> the reforms i'm proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally. >> lie! >> well, california is now trying to change that by becoming the first to offer obamacare to illegals. governor jerry brown now asking
for permission to cover nearly 400,000 people in that state who are here illegally. those are your headlines. see you back here in a little bit. all right. thank you very much, heather. tim kaine driving home insult after insult by interrupting his rival at every turn. >> let me finish a sentence. >> $20,000 portrait of donald trump? >> ten cents on the dollar. >> you are donald trump's apprentice. let me talk about this -- >> senator, i think i'm still on my time. >> but it's the moderator that's under fire right now, accused of bias for cutting off mike pence when he brought up hillary clinton's e-mail scandal. peter doocy is live in farmville, virginia. >> reporter: hey, brian. right when things started getting good last night and voters were about to be treated to fireworks as governor mike pence used a point about cybersecurity to spring board into a dig at hillary clinton
for having a private e-mail server, the moderator jumped in and tried to change the subject. >> it's important in this moment to remember that hillary clinton had a private server in her home that had classified information -- >> all right, governor, your 30 seconds is up. >> -- drone strikes, e-mails from the president of the united states of america were on there. her private server was subject to being hacked -- >> governor, i'd like to ask you a about syria. governor, you've now had a minute. >> reporter: pence was obviously prepared to insert e-mail issues into the conversation wherever he could to make points about mishandling classified information and allegations of pay for play during clinton's time at the state department because it's a way for his side to score points, and that's how a debate works. that's also why tim kaine was ready with the defense of secretary clinton's e-mail practices. he had to know it was coming at some point. but the moderator from cbs news
decided it was more important to try to stick to her own script and the clock instead of letting the candidates go at it. so there's no way to know if pence or kaine could have scored on the e-mail issue if they had been allowed to stay off topic just a little longer. back to you in new york. >> peter doocy live in new york. >> there's a heckler. we have a heckler here. oh, no, it's ainsley. >> i'm peter's assistant. come here. >> dueling hand-up locations. >> he has a twitter page for his hair. so i brought the brush. i brought the coffee. taking care of your baby boy. >> thank you very much. his mother and i thank you, ainsley. >> you're welcome. >> all right. live from longwood. you don't see that every day. >> we actually kind of broke the illusion that peter was on the other side of campus when he's actually in ainsley's reach. we've been outed.
real quick on the moderator thing, it's always tough when you're debating a woman, even in today's day and age when everyone is equal. also, if you're going and you're interrupting a female moderator, i also think it's tough too. you could have the best point in the world, but if you look like you're being rude to the moderator, it falls flat. >> and tim kaine constantly interrupted the female moderator. >> that's the risk. all right. meanwhile, straight ahead, it was one of the most controversial topics of the evening last night. >> the very idea that a child that is almost born into the world could still have their life taken from them is just beyond me. >> tucker carlson says that's one of the most important parts of the evening, maybe a game changer. we're going to talk to him live from d.c. next. good morning, tucker. >> does he travel overnight? first on this day in 1947, harry truman delivered the first televised white house address. the yankees won their fifth world series in a row. turns out they were happy. in 1991, markey mark and the
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i can't understand why hillary clinton, and now senator kaine at her side, is to support a practice like partial birth abortion. i know senator kaine, you hold pro-lie views personally, but the very idea that a child that is almost born into the world could still have their life taken from them is just unethical to me.
i can't conscience about a party that supports that. >> both vice presidential nominees are known for their strong catholic backgrounds, but who's really more in line with what the rest of america thinks? >> mr. everything, tucker carlson, joins us now. tucker, who do you think resonated the best yesterday, not counting your interview with ainsley at the end in the spin room. you both resonated well. let's talk about out of the two. >> well, i thought pence clearly won. he clearly won. you're seeing the spin this morning. well, it doesn't matter, nobody watched. okay, fine. he still won. actually, why isn't it reassuring for voters who kind of want to vote for trump and are concerned about him to see he has a sober, smart, running mate capable of thinking. i don't see the downside for trump at all. remarkable moment for me was the abortion moment because keep in mind pence was not asked about abortion. he was asked more broadly about his religious faith. he brought it up.
republicans do not do this. they're afraid of the topic. they're wrong on this one specific point. partial birth abortion. the country is split on abortion. it's not split on late-term or third trimester abortion. we have a lot of polling on this. we know what the mainstream is. we know less than 30% of the country supports legal third-term abortion, elective abortion during a third term. the kaine position, the clinton position is way out of the mainstream. pence, by saying this, wins. >> sure. and the way he framed it was very sober and very accurate, where he's talking about an almost-born baby. that's what you're talking about, right there. >> exactly. and i have to say, kaine's position on this is ludicrous. his position is i'm pro-life personally, i think abortion is immoral, but i'm for unlimited taxpayer funded abortion. if i think that guns are immoral, do i get a hundred percent rating from the nra, do they endorse me? yet he's been endorsed by the abortion lobby. stupid. >> at one point, tim kaine said this.
listen. >> my primary role is to be hillary clinton's right-hand person and strong supporter as she puts together the most historic administration possible. i relish that role. i'm so proud of her. >> he's her right-hand person. why do men have to neuter themselves to fit with progressive orthodoxy? tim kaine is a man. why is it embarrassing to do that? he didn't choose to be a man. he was born that way. that's the biological reality the rest of us are busy denying, but it doesn't make it any less true. you're wondering why men aren't voting for hillary, maybe this is why. >> right. if you're a man, admit you're a man. that's the message i get from tucker carlson today. >> why is it embarrassing? it's not your fault. >> i'm proud to be a man. >> yeah, it's fine. it's great. >> you're proud to be a man, steve. >> absolutely. tucker, thank you very much. >> thanks, guys. >> he's all man. >> all man. >> amen. >> indeed. meanwhile, coming up, a big show still ahead. trump campaign manager kellyanne conway weighs in on the debate and the attacks aimed at donald
trump. coming up next. mr. brady, we've been expecting you. will you be needing anything else? not a thing. beautyrest black. get your beautyrest.
beautyrest black. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine.
all seems beautiful to me. the thought of donald trump as commander in chief scares us to death. >> look, he's not a polished politician like you and hillary clinton. >> do you want a you're hired president in hillary clinton, or do you want a you're fired president in donald trump? >> she has a clinton foundation accepting contributions from foreign governments -- >> you are donald trump's apprentice. >> if your son or my son handled classified information the way hillary clinton did, they be court-martialed. >> donald trump, you have someone who praises vladimir putin. he loves dictators. he's got a personal mt. rushmore. vladimir putin, kim jong-un, moammar gadhafi, and saddam hussein. >> did you work on that one a
long time? >> donald trump has called mexicans rapists and criminals. these guys say all mexicans are bad. >> senator, you've ripped out that mexican thing again. >> mexicans are rapists and criminals. >> there they go again. >> he's called women slobs, pigs, dogs, disgusting. >> senator. senator, that was even beneath you and hillary clinton, and that's pretty low. >> those are some of the scenes, the highlights and the low lights from last night. 90 minutes long. a lot of interaction. a lot of interrupting. if you're looking for ainsley earhardt on the couch, stop looking. shshe's very safe. she's in virginia at a disclosed location. how are you, ainsley? >> i'm doing great, brian. thank you so much. hey, steve. great to see you this morning. your son and i are out here reporting. it's been a lot of fun. it's eye opening, educational. y'all have been doing this for a long time, but this is my first time. >> believe me, there's no election cycle like this one.
just ask our next guest, kellyanne conway, joining us live here on the couch. she was in virginia last night, flew back. it looks like -- i've looked at the -- for the most part, the twitter verse, online networks, pretty much everybody on the planet says mike pence won. >> there's no question. that's why today the democrats are trying to spin it as if he did not, especially after they spent all of last week talking about the ground rules for deciding who won and who did not. you know how you know mike pence won the debate last night? number one, you watched it, or number two, you're listening to everybody last night and today saying these debates don't really matter. you know, in addition to governor pence's stellar, spectacular performance, tim kaine was just terrible. those are two separate things. he interrupted 72 times. >> that was the strategy, wasn't it? as i interrupt you. >> the interruption and frankly the ignoring of the female moderator was really a low point throughout the debate. >> are you saying he's also
sexist? >> i love using that word. it's the word that the left and the democrats and hillary clinton folks love to employ against everyone who doesn't support her. if you don't support hillary clinton, you're a sexist. so why in the world was her running mate interrupting and ignoring the female moderator, asian-american female moderator by the way, completely? it was almost like he didn't hear her. it came off terribly on tv. i think that the one-two punch of bill clinton stepping on hillary's message, saying obamacare is a, quote, craziest thing he's ever seen, then her running mate doing her no favors. >> word was he was not aiming for mike pence, he was aiming for donald trump. >> mentioned donald trump's name 160 times. that's not a debate. that's an obsession. >> kellyanne, you're talking about women. let's talk about women's issues, the abortion topic. you had mike pence attacking hillary clinton for her extreme abortion position.
third-term abortion, very controversial. you had tim kaine, who was flip-flopped on this issue and had to embrace what hillary clinton is believing in. but you're not hearing that story from the mainstream media. listen to this sound bite, then let's discuss it. >> what i can't understand is with hillary clinton and now senator kaine at her side is to support a practice like partial birth abortion. i mean, to hold to the view -- and i know senator kaine, you hold pro-life views personally, but the very idea that a child that is almost born into the world could still have their life taken from them is just beyond me. i can't conscience about a party that supports that. >> we support roe versus wade. we support the constitutional right of american women to consult their own conscience. why don't you trust women to make this choice for themselves? we can encourage people to support life, of course we can,
but why don't you trust women? why doesn't donald trump trust women? >> i believe it with all my heart, and i couldn't be more proud to be standing with a pro-life candidate in donald trump. >> kellyanne, as a woman, why isn't the mainstream media talking about how tim kaine has flip-flopped on this controversial issue? >> oh, because abortion is like a religion to many of them. ainsley, last night was a moment i've been waiting for literally for decades. i've been working on messaging in the pro-life movement for decades. finally we have somebody running for president or vice president who articulated it perfectly. go read the democratic party platform on abortion. it is basically abortion any time, anyone, anywhere. it is not the same, legal, and rare stance of president bill clinton. there's no exceptions for sex selection. you can basically find out the sex of your baby and decide for that reason only you'd like to terminate your pregnancy. donald trump has said if he's president, he will sign into law the pain capable bill, which is
nonpartisan, doctors and scientists saying at about 20 weeks a fetus can feel pain. they were talking about the hyde amendment. that means no taxpayer funding for abortion. i don't pay for your abortion, you don't pay for my viagra, not to get so personal. but it sounds like a pretty good deal. sounds fair to the taxpayer. i thought this was an incredible moment to show the extremism of the democratic party on abortion. this is probably the only place you'll hear it today. >> kellyanne, just to build on this for a second, you say there's a right way to message it, but do you also say no matter what your beliefs are, if you say i'm going to overturn roe v. wade, that that'll be also something that would hurt any candidate? >> well, that's why tim kaine was trying to go there and pretend that donald trump and mike pence are against women. this is a very stale talking point on their side. and the fact is that people believe that the states should decide their health care policy and many other policies, frankly. and this is no exception.
what roe versus wade did, it made a federal policy. it made a federal policy many years ago. when you chip away, you look at very few americans in this country, those who call themselves pro-choice included. they say, i'm pro-choice, but i'm not pro that. what do you mean? no, i mean, if this happens or that happens -- that's the point, how extreme. they love to say about women's issues, they talk about women's issues and it's really euphemism for abortion. they'll talk about women's health and they really mean abortion. we think all issues are women's issues. i've been doing this for 28 years. i've never heard the phrase men's issues. >> exactly. >> the idea men can handle all the issues. >> can't even call ourselves men anymore. we're people. >> that's right. right-hand person. you were talking a moment ago about the number of times tim kaine, mr. buttinski, butted into the female moderator.
then again, the moderator is taking heat because it seems like she kept interrupting mike pence. we got some sound bite. we don't have the sound bite. >> not important, but she did it, what, 70 times. >> she interrupted 27 times. according to the media research center, she asked mike pence eight really hard questions and she asked tim kaine one really hard question. >> that as it is, you see who won the debate hands down. i think governor pence just came and he actually broke new ground. the thing i would say about tim kaine's performance last night is he sounded like all the hillary clinton paid advertising. he sounded like what the campaign has been about. it's not fresh material for americans. >> kellyanne, i agree with you. hen'ted to get his point, his talking points that his coaches had told him to talk about, about donald trump not paying taxes, even though that was legal. i thought this was bizarre. he tried to say because donald
trump hasn't paid taxes, therefore he must not like america, therefore he must not like the military. listen to this and we'll get your reaction. >> "the new york times" story suggested that he probably didn't pay taxes for about 18 years starting in 1995. those years included the years of 9/11. so get this. on 9/11, hillary clinton and donald trump's hometown was attacked by the worst terrorist attack in the history of the united states. young men and women signed up to serve in the military to fight terrorism. hillary clinton went to washington to get funds to rebuild her city and protect first responders, but donald trump was fighting a very different fight. it was a fight to avoid paying taxes so that he wouldn't support the fight against terror. >> yeah, whoever gave him that sound bite ought to not be involved any longer. i thought that was a really low point to try to conflate all those things together. 9/11 was a national tragedy, and
hillary clinton was in the united states senate and did what many people did on a bipartisan basis, which was fight for the 9/11 first responders. also, i did feel in that moment that tim kaine was on -- you know, he was really on very shaky ground because he's sitting next to a guy like tim kaine who has a son who's currently a u.s. marine. i think if donald trump has made his campaign about anything other than make america great again, build a wall, it's been the veterans and military and law enforcement. >> i want to bring you to the big issue. vladimir putin and taxes. about donald trump not paying taxes. that's been the buzz since sunday's story came out. yesterday, donald trump brought up george sorros and warren buffett. how does that apply and help define what donald trump did? >> it helps define it in this way. the tax provision that donald trump used in 1995 has been on books, brian, since 1918.
if president obama and his democratically controlled house and senate felt so passionately that it should be eliminated, why didn't they make that a priority when they controlled washington? the other thing is, tim kaine knows this, so he was being disingenuous. donald trump has paid hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes over decades. city, local, and state taxes. federal payroll taxes, property taxes, real estate taxes, sales taxes, excise taxes. the man has contributed mightily to our economy and has done something tim kaine and hillary clinton have never done, which is create a job. i thought that was a really low moment. the other thing about the tax provision in 1995 is two things. number one, "the new york times" said he may not have paid taxes. we don't know. number two, in years that he did make a profit, this being a very profitable man, obviously, in years he did make a profit, of course he paid income tax like the rest of us do. >> if more liberals paid taxes, they would know anybody could
write off investment losses. but that's something else. sunday in st. louis, the presidential candidates are going to go head to head at washington university. what can we expect from donald trump? >> oh, powerful performance. a great format, the town hall format, engaging people in the audience. i think it's a much better format for him than for hillary clinton. he's just more practiced -- she's a much more practiced politician. she rehearses things, obviously. he's more practiced dealing with people one on one. that's what he does, you know, in these rallies and when he comes off the rallies. he's engaging with people for sometimes an hour afterward. i think he's going to take the case to her. we really appreciate president bill clinton coming out this week and telling us what a disaster obamacare truly is and saying it's the kracraziest thi in the world. he's becoming our best surrog e surrogate. this campaign is what it's always been about. past versus future, failed politician, typical politician versus successful businessman. if you are part of the 70% of americans who say you want to
take this country in a new and different direction, you're with donald trump and mike pence. >> ainsley -- >> kellyanne, we'll definitely be watching. i assume that will help donald trump going into this next debate. many people, the majority of people we're hearing from are saying mike pence won last night. >> well, mike pence won for those scoring winners and losers, but he did something else. he reminded people the great judgment and leadership that donald trump has exercised. the first decision you make as a presidential nominee is who is your running mate. as ronald reagan said, personnel is policy. the selection of mike pence to be donald trump's running mate really showed what great judgment and leadership he has. >> you must be pooped. you better take a nap. >> you left at 3:00 a.m. thank you very much. >> got the 3:00 a.m. call, brian. >> absolutely. and you answered it. all right. ainsley will be joining you back there in farmville in a couple minutes. in the meantime, a fox news alert. a monster hurricane headed straight for the southeastern portion of the united states,
packing heavy rain and wednesday. a million people are already evacuated. janice dean is tracking matthew next. if you're approaching 65, now's the time to get your ducks in a row. to learn about medicare, and the options you have. you see, medicare doesn't cover everything -
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this wbr-id "wbr82497" is matthew!
>> back with a fox news alert now. i think you know what we're talking about. the u.s. is bracing for the deadly matthew hurricane. as many as 1 million americans have been told to evacuate immediately. gas stations in south florida, first time in a long time, running out of gas as the state prepares for impact as early as tomorrow. houses blown off their foundations, streets turned to rivers as the powerful hurricane blasted the caribbean. 11 have been killed so far, and the damage is being described as catastrophic. janice dean is live in the weather center. not just talking about what the storm has done but what it can do as we're essentially in its path. >> absolutely. florida, the carolinas need to be watching this storm very carefully. we have the 8:00 a.m. advisory from the national hurricane center. still a category 3 storm. it has weakened a little bit because it went over land, eastern cuba, disrupted a little bit. you can see the final frames here. we have an eye forming.
so the structure is intact. the water in the bahamas is very warm. so there is very strong indications that we're going to be dealing with a category 3, category 4 storm. real quick, coming very close to florida on thursday. the track shows florida and the carolinas still in its path. people need to be on an alert. your local officials, if they're telling you to evacuate, you need to do so. this is one of the most serious storms we have seen in at least a decade. so taking a look at the track there, category 4. this is friday. very close to land. again, if this moves a little more to the west, that's going to be the difference between a category 4 storm and maybe just a tropical storm. that's why people need to be on alert. i know all of the governors along the southeast coast are going to be having press conferences. not only today but through the workweek. and here is your gfs model.ain, florida, the carolinas, and then there's a chance, brian, that this moves back in towards the
southeast and does a loop. we could be dealing with this well into sunday, monday, and tuesday. back to you. >> janice, yesterday you told me on radio, look out up to massachusetts. do you really think it's going to go that high? >> no, now the forecast models are showing a push again to the south and perhaps this thing hanging out along the coastline, which would be awful. so that's why we -- i mean, we need to monitor. we could be talking about well into next week, brian. so very dangerous situation for all along the southeast coast. northeast looks like you're okay for now. >> and use your head because you're going to first responders in jeopardy if you don't listen. janice dean, thanks so much. we've been talking about the vp nominees this morning because they debated last night. what about the top of the ticket? what do their paths to the presidency look like today? we're doing the math. yep, on the map, next. guess what guys, i switched to sprint. sprint? i'm hearing good things about the network.
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good morning and welcome back to "fox & friends." now 24 minutes after the hour. quick headlines to bring you. breaking overnight, another case of police officers being targeted. a gunman opened fire at an indianapolis police headquarters. more than a dozen gunshots fired from inside an suv. no one was hurt, but police are still trying to track down that shooter. we'll keep following that story. the terrorist accused of planting bombs in new york city and also new jersey is finally awake and is now talking with investigators nearly three weeks after though se attacks. ahmad rahami reportedly telling the fbi he built at least one bomb in his new jersey bedroom. he's considered the main suspect behind those bombings that left 31 people hurt.
and the masked thieves who allegedly held kim kardashian at gunpoint before stealing millions of dollars in jewelry reportedly caught on camera. investigators are calling it a million-to-one image. it was taken by a security camera that was facing a mirror. the reflected images apparently show the getaway. tmz is reporting this morning the concierge is also a key witness in the case. and those are your headlines. see you soon. >> heather, thank you. we've been talking about the vice presidential nominees all morning, but what about the top of the ticket? if you take 270 electoral votes to win the white house, where does the map stand right now? here to help us crunch the numbers in some key tbattle ground states, kaitlyn burns. >> let's take a look at where clinton and trump are currently leading. >> okay. let's start out with hillary clinton. we'll turn those states blue. >> right. let's give her wisconsin, just for how polling is right now.
and how about michigan as well. getz hiv ger virginia because she's leading there. and let's go ahead and give her colorado just because she's leading there as well. >> you need 270. she's still short. >> exactly. so let's look at places where trump can do well. >> okay. >> let's give him arizona just because traditionally republicans do well there. georgia even. let's give him north carolina. look how close that is. he's leading in ohio. and he's leading in iowa. those are key battlegrounds. look at this map right now. look at the three states it comes down to. florida, nevada, and pennsylvania. now, you know how much time clinton and trump are spending in pennsylvania. >> sure. >> here's why. even if trump wins, say, nevada and florida, he's still below the threshold. if clinton wins pennsylvania, there, she's above the threshold. so it's very close. now, if trump can keep it close
in pennsylvania, real clear politics has about four points clinton leading in that state right now. if he can win this state, he gets over that threshold. if not, it's for the democrats. that's why they're spending so much time in that key battleground state. >> let me ask you something. you guys at realclearpoll d realclearpolitics.com look at this all the time. there's a difference between scientific, unscientific, automated polls. when somebody calls you up on the phone, i think it was out in los angeles referred to as the bradley effect, where people didn't want to appear biased against somebody. they would tell the person, oh, i would never vote for donald trump because i don't want to be regarded as a racist bigot, whatever the latest adjective is. has anybody been able to quantify what that number of people who say, no, i'd never vote for him, but actually are planning to? >> not yet. and i know republicans and especially the trump campaign has been talking about these
closet trump supporters who may not be reflected in the polls but will come out in the race. there could be some of that on the clinton side too. remember, these are two very unpopular candidates. that's kind of what we're dealing with. but that wasn't really reflected in the primaries, the people who said they would come out pretty much did. so i'm not sure i buy that just yet. but these polls are close. that's why you're seeing trump in nevada today, for example, really competing heavily there and all these battleground states. this is decided by a handful of states. >> absolutely. and if pennsylvania goes for trump, he wins. >> exactly. and reverse for clinton. good to see you. >> thank you very much. all right. meanwhile straight ahead on this wednesday, who's really running the dirtiest campaign? >> donald trump during this campaign has called mexicans rapists and criminals. >> he says ours is an insult-driven campaign. she said that half of our supporters were a basket of deplorables. >> coming up, lisa boothe and
joe trippi are going to break down what happened last night with ainsley. and why is tim kaine being compared to a villain on batman? the eyebrows have it. ♪ lots of vitamins a&c, and, only 50 calories a serving... good morning, indeed. v8. veggies for all.
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♪ on october 6th, bring your bible to school. learn more at bringyourbible.org. ♪ donald trump during this campaign has called mexicans rapists and criminals. he's called women slobs, pigs, dogs, disgusting. i don't like saying that in front of my wife and my mother. >> he says ours is an insult-driven campaign. did you all just hear that? ours is an insult-driven campaign? i mean, to be honest with you, if donald trump had said all the things you said he said in the
way you said he said them, he still wouldn't have a fraction of the insults that hillary clinton leveled when she said that half of our supporters were a basket of deplorables. >> mike pence and tim kaine trading blows on each other's insult-driven campaigns. so which side is worse? fox news contributor joe trippi and founder of high news strategies and washington examiner contributor, lisa boothe, are here to weigh in on this. that was pretty clever of mike pence. i thought how is he going to defend that? donald trump has said some things that were lifted out. that was extremely clever, saying hillary clinton had offended way more people than donald trump had. joe? >> and it's going to get worse. i mean, i just think with the two of them trading those barbs last night, the next 35 days, it's going to be a lot more of the same. so you get into, well, who's worse and who's got the best
attacks, i don't think it matters. the whole race has become so negative that supporters of trump are going to believe it was the clinton campaign that's most negative and had made the worst attacks, and clinton campaign supporters will believe that about trump and pence. but it's only going to go downhill from here, in my own view. >> lisa, is it all about preparation? mike pence knew he was going to get some of these comments. people thought, how is he going to respond? >> you could tell he put a lot of preparation in it. governor pence had a near perfect performance. he did everything he needed to do. he defended donald trump well, but he also, more importantly, laid out indictment of hillary clinton and senator kaine. he did so in a way where he looks like the adult in the room. when senator kaine kept trying to interject and to get him there with some of these personal attacks, he just looked sort of petty. governor pence was able to control the dynamic of the conversation, hit back, and swat away those attacks while still not coming across as condescending or rude or mean.
>> there's an art to it. >> and ainsley, i think the most important thing he did last night was when he talked about the sense he was a governor from indiana, that donald trump is a business guy. they're the outsiders. hillary clinton and senator kaine are the insiders, the politicians, referring to senator kaine as senator numerous times and painting that picture of we're the outsiders, we're the change agents, they're part of the establishment, they're part of the problem. >> but the other thing -- i think the thing that made this debate so different from the pence/trump side of things was he didn't take any of the bait, and he didn't defend everything. he let a lot of things just go by and ignore them, and then jump in and make his point, something that you'd like to think donald trump might learn from. because i think it served them a lot better. >> why is it? i know i've interviewed him before. he doesn't talk badly about people. he might say, i don't agree with their record, which is what he was doing last night basically, and defending donald trump. but he wasn't on the attack
mode. >> i guess so. i mean, i don't know -- that and the fact that he was a radio talk show host. so i think -- i mean, i think a lot of his background just helped prepare him. i think kaine was overprepared and sort of overloaded. >> i think that's the point here. governor pence didn't try to be anyone that he's not. he's not an attack dog. he's not a super aggressive guy. and senator kaine isn't as well. the problem for senator kaine, if he was trying to play a role and be an attack dog and that was out of character and it showed last night because he ended up looking silly. he ended up looking like a petulant child a opposed to a vice presidential candidate. >> there are democrats who would make that claim about the republican. >> voters want people to be g e genuine. all right. steve, brian, back to you. meanwhile, this is the other big story this wednesday morning. more than a million americans have been ordered to evacuate
immediately by their governors as hurricane matthew roars toward the southeastern portion of the united states. >> all right. the storm is expected to hit florida as early as tomorrow. senior meteorologist janice dean is live in the weather center for the latest. hey, janice. >> yep, we're talking about possible impacts across florida as early as tomorrow. you can see the storm is restrengthening after weakening a little bit. still a category 3. we are expecting perhaps a category 4. back to that strength in the next 12 to 24 hours. hurricane watches and warnings posted along the east coast of florida, the first time they have seen hurricane watches and warnings in eight years. we need to take this very seriously as the forecast track shows, you know, maybe a direct impact along the florida coastline as well as georgia and the carolinas. you knead need to listen to you government officials. if they're telling you to evacuate today, you need to do so. we'll be on it and bring you the very latest. back to you. >> janice, thank you very much. we have a house down in florida, and i told you yesterday we were putting up the
hurricane shutters. it's been so long since we put them up, couldn't find some of oblem. >> steve, i also heard that a whole generation has grown up without a major hurricane. homeowners are saying, what's the big deal? yet, florida used to be the most savvy state, sadly, because of the amount of hurricanes that hit them. mow it's been so long, a lot of people are worried, including governor scott, that people aren't going to know it's for real. >> the word is out though. a couple days' advanced warning. something big could be happening. >> someone gave word to heather we're ready to do news. i don't know who. >> just for you two. good morning, brian and steve. a couple headlines to bring you. 30 minutes after the hour. our american veterans are still dying while they're waiting for their health care. even more disturbing violations uncovered inside the phoenix v.a. hospital. there's a new report out from the v.a.'s inspector general that shows 215 more of our heroes dying before they could
get in to see their doctors. that and the time since the scandal broke in 2014, the report also finding nearly 38,000 appointments still unfilled, many of them delayed or simply not rescheduled. heartbreaking. a teen is viciously beaten after sticking up for police officers on facebook. and now his mom is demanding justice, calling the attack a racially motivated hate crime. it started as an argument between the victim and his classmate who wore a black lives matter t-shirt to the alabama high school that he attended. other students saw the exchange, and two days later, the teenager was attacked after the homecoming football game. so far, no one has been arrested. wishing him a speedy recovery. do you remember this one? president obama talked about obamacare back in 2009. listen. >> the reforms i'm proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally. >> you lie!
>> so obamacare wouldn't apply to illegals, the president said. but now the state of california is trying to change that by becoming the first state to offer obamacare to illegals. governor jerry brown now asking for permission to cover nearly 400,000 people who are currently in the state of california illegally. and those are your headlines. wonder how much that's going to cost. >> we should get joe wilson on the phone. he was the one who yelled that out, you lie. >> that's right. he did. >> probably wasn't the best thing he ever yelled. >> probably. >> but it might be accurate. all right. heather, thank you. all right. i'm going to read now. plenty of zingers last night. >> do you want a you're hired president in hillary clinton, or do you want a you're fired president in donald trump? >> well, first, let me say i appreciated the you're hired, you're fired thing. >> yeah, which means he didn't. which one liners won over the independent voters? the brand new dials you'll see only here straight ahead. >> and one of the most talked about moments from the debate happened off stage.
this governor's dancing. carly is breaking down the social media reaction. >> is that the charleston? woah!
you're not taking these.
hey, hey, hey! you're not taking those. woah, woah! you're not taking that. come with me. you're not taking that. you're not taking that. you're not taking that. mom, i'm taking the subaru. don't be late. even when we're not there to keep them safe, our subaru outback will be. (vo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. social media still fired up about last night's vice presidential debate. so what were the most talked about moments? >> i think it just ended ten minutes ago, by the way. let's ask carly shimkus. some things on social media really stood out. >> this was tim kaine and mike pence's big moment in the spotlight. all eyes were still on donald trump because he live tweeted the debate. >> of course. >> of course he did.
well, mike pence had this really great line that the trump team picked up on. he said police officers are the best of us, law enforcement in this country is a force for good. and the majority of what trump did last night was he actually just retweeted messages that other people wrote. well, one of the ones that's picking up the most attention online is a retweet he sent. someone said kaine looks like an evil crook out of the batman movie. >> oh, burn. >> clever there. >> meanwhile -- >> for a while, i did not know he retweeted. i thought he came up with. most of the trouble he gets in are the retweets. >> people are just having fun. although, he definitely shouldn't have said it himself. a retweet is a little different. >> meanwhile, the moderator has taken a lot of heat, particularly from people on the right who felt she was too tough on one side. it's an impossible job. i think she probably did the best she can. the big question is, you know, maybe why was she selected as moderator? we don't know. nonetheless, she's gone viral. >> and the interruption totals
are in. kaine interrupted 77 times, pence 58 times. the moderator was kind of left trying to fight for a word in edge wise. one pretty clever tweet that i saw, someone said, if i wanted to watch two white dudes bicker near a woman named elaine, i would definitely just watch "seinfeld." >> there you go. >> kind of sums it up. >> also, when we talk about the norwood university in the open, i thought this stood out when mike pence said this in the very beginning. >> thank you to norwood university for their wonderful hospitali hospitality. it's deeply humbling for me to be here. >> i turned to my wife and said, did he just say norwood? >> which i don't think even exists. >> because they were at longwood. >> maybe it was pre-debate nerves. bill roth on twitter picked up on it. big 12 administrators now considering norwood university as expansion candidate. and this tweet from a longwood grad. he said, things i learned today
thanks to pence, my degree is from norwood university, not longwood university, sally mae, you hear that? sorry, sally mae is definitely not listening. >> let's talkedne dance. >> that's right. tim kaine used to be the governor of the great state of virginia. terry mcauliffe is the current governor and some sort of dance party last night. >> nobody had more fun last night than governor mccaauliffe. this video is now going viral online. you see the senator kind of clapping in the background, probably for the best. he doesn't look like one that really shakes his hips. >> right. >> he likes to have a good time. >> sure, why not. >> fantastic. >> so are people on social media with that video. >> thanks for dropping by. >> thank you very much. meanwhile, this line from tim kaine seemed like it was memorized. >> do you want a you're hired president in hillary clinton, or
do you want a you're fired president in donald trump? >> first, let me say i appreciated the you're hired, you're fired thing. >> what did the independent voters think of tim kaine? lee carter has the brand new dials you're only going to see here next as they cut a rug at norwood university. >> hey, what's coming up next, martha? only you know. >> great show this morning, you guys. so i'll tell you what's coming up when bill and i join you at the top of the hour. so who won the vp debate last night, and does it matter in the bottom line equation of the this race? we'll talk to both campaigns, get their reaction. plus, carl rove is here. and as the situation in syria deteriorates rapidly, who will help? apparently the white house is signaling that it will do no more. martin o'malley and john barasso on the daunting crisis and how the next president might be different.
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things got a bit fiery at the first and only vice presidential debate of 2016 last night. but what did you, the voter, think of it all? let's ask our pollster, lee carter. she just put a lot of those sound bites from last night to the dial test. hey, lee. >> hey. >> first one we're going to talk about is kaine when he was talking about either you're hired or you're fired. take a listen. >> on the economy, there's a fundamental choice for the american electorate. do you want a you're hired president in hillary clinton, or do you wanted a you're fired president in donald trump? i think that's not such a hard choice. >> so you can see there democrats not surprisingly like this. they gave him a "b" plus, but the independents and republicans gave it an "f".
most important line to watch is that independent line, the yellow line. they said he seemed robotic, it seemed scripted. it didn't necessarily seem authentic. >> senator kaine called trump's campaign an insult-driven campaign. listen to this and watch the dials. >> donald trump during his campaign has called mexicans rapists and criminals. he's called women slobs, pigs, dogs, disgusting. i don't like saying that in front of my wife and my mother. if you want to have a society where people are respected and respect laws, you can't have somebody at the top who demeans every group that he talks about, and i just -- again, i cannot believe that governor pence will defend the insult-driven campaign that donald trump has run. >> so you can see there democrats 100% agree. they gave this an "a." it was off the chart. you didn't even see that blue line. but independents and republicans, not so much. they gave it an "f." they said these seemed like
prepared sound bites, he cherry picked them, and they were out of context. >> okay. now the response to what you just heard about the insults that trump has given out, governor pence came back and he said, listen, that's nothing compared to what hillary clinton has said. listen to this and watch the dials. >> he says ours is an insult-driven campaign. did you all just hear that? ours is an insult-driven campaign? to be honest with you, if donald trump had said all the things that you said he said in the way you said he said them, he still wouldn't have a fraction of the insults that hillary clinton level when she said half of our supporters were a basket of deplorables. she said they were irredeemable, they were not america. it's extraordinary. >> you can see the republican line disappeared it was so high. that was an "a." independents gave it an "a" as well. democrats gave it an "f." the thing a lot of people are talking about, did pence defend
donald trump enough last night? he absolutely did. he did his job last night, and he did it well. what voters said is he diffused a lot of concerns that i had about donald trump. they're a perfect counterbalance to each other. a lot of his comments, he helped put in context and did a good job defending donald trump. >> people criticized donald trump in the first debate because he didn't talk about the clinton foundation, but this was an opportunity for governor pence to do just that. >> all this talk about tax returns, and i get it. you want to keep bringing that up. it must have did well in some focus group. hillary clinton and her husband set up a private foundation called the clinton foundation. while she was secretary of state, the clinton foundation accepted tens of millions of dollars from foreign governments and foreign donors. you asked the trustworthy question at the very beginning. >> governor, your two minutes -- >> the reason people don't trust hillary clinton is because they're looking at the pay to play politics she operated with the clinton foundation through a private server while secretary
of state, and they're saying enough is enough. >> so you can see there, again, republicans off the charts, gave it an "a." independents along with them. democrats, an "f." this is the longest, i think, that pence got to speak uninterruuninterrupted. he was interrupted more than 70 times in 90 minutes. can you imagine that? this clinton foundation issue, this trustworthiness issue is a real problem for hillary clinton. and he played it well. he played the cards that he was dealt very, very well last night. i think overall, the voters said that pence won the night, so i think we've got one down for the trump/pence campaign and one for hillary and kaine. we'll see what happens in st. louis. >> all right. we asked you guys at home to weigh in on this. thank you so much for sending in your e-mails. we're going to read some of those coming up after the break.
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so what did you think? janice on wbr id "wbr107639" facebook said mike pence remained cool, calm. and wbr id "wbr107939" gerrard says this. /b
an interruption is one thing, but at least make it count. it was just gibberish. by the way, we're going do continue this conversation on the radio. among our guests, abby's dad, governor huntsman will be with us. >> ainsley, great job out there. >> safe travels. >> come back soon. >> thank you so much. bill: who came out on top in the vice presidential debates? the reviews are in. but will this move the needle? the band is back together here in new york. martha: back from farmville, virginia. it was great. i'm martha maccallum. we are back in new york today. but a small virginia town played host to political theater last night between tim kaine and mike pence. they tra

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Gear , Personal Protective Equipment , Rolling Stock , Railway , Public Transport , Train , Railroad Car , High Speed Rail , Shed , Glass , Wind , Disaster , Natural Disaster , Cloud , Cumulus , Meteorological Phenomenon , Personal Luxury Car , Storm , Aircraft , Geological Phenomenon , Mountain Range , Uniform , Organism , Art , Fiction , Play , Comics , Adaptation , Tropical Cyclone , Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game , Photomontage , Earth , Map , Landscape , Illustration , Race , Player , Photograph , Management , Company , Joint , Blazer , Ceiling , Lighting , Line , Interior Design , Symmetry , Light Fixture , Fan , Team , Photobombing , Flooring , Carpet , Costume , Landmark , Dome , Night , Midnight , Place Of Worship , Byzantine Architecture , Darkness , National Historic Landmark , Tower , Basilica , Historic Site , Stupa , Mosque , Atmosphere , Marine Biology , Ocean , Sea , Operating System , Captain America , Talent Show , Learning , Room , Classroom , Class , Employment , Education , Collaboration , Teacher , Student , Training , Office , Academic Institution , Fashion , Lobby , Floor , Physical Fitness , Museum , Display Window , Shopping Mall , Exhibition , Airport Terminal , Art Exhibition , Machine , Art Gallery , Headgear , Commercial Building , Parking Lot , Plaza , Race Track , Traffic , Electronic Signage , Sign , Shoulder , Sitting , Standing , Outerwear , Arm , Photography , Neck , Sleeve , Muscle , Top , Portrait , Shirt , T Shirt , Blouse , Social Group , Workwear , Medical Assistant , Diagram , Parallel , Paper Product , Document , Paper , Trademark , Rectangle , Online Advertising , Website , Artistic Gymnastics , Gymnastics , Pommel Horse , Leotard , Balance Beam , Sportswear , Floor Exercise , Acrobatics , Sports Equipment , Rhythmic Gymnastics , Tournament , Sport Aerobics , Entertainment , Performance Art , Aerialist , Circus , Choreography , Dance , Flip Acrobatic , Professional Wrestling , Tricking , Abdomen , Bed , Infant Bed , Trunk , Baby , Baby Products , Street Food , Action Figure , Toy , Chest , Electronics , Spoke , Major Appliance , Audio Equipment , Fender , Washing Machine , Tire Care , Shelf , Kitchen , Hardwood , Home Appliance , Cabinetry , Shelving , Wood , Living Room , Refrigerator , Countertop , Wood Flooring , Door , Laundry Room , Chair , Small Appliance , Tile , Kitchen Appliance , Home Accessories , Baby Gate , Flavor , Liquid , Circle , Label , Drink , Orange Soft Drink , Soft Drink , Juice , Science , Cook , Restaurant , Cooking , Hand , Finger , Netbook , Laptop , Gadget , Book , Computer Keyboard , Office Equipment , Personal Computer , Typing , Nail , Writing , Thumb , People In Nature , Nature , Field , Happy , Prairie , Crop , Summer , Grass Family , Morning , Meadow , Grassland , Grass , Wheat , Sunlight , Agriculture , Friendship , Wildflower , Portrait Photography , Stock Photography , Farm , Poales , Cereal , Food Grain , Flower , Nose , Barley , Web Page , Smartphone , Communication Device , Mobile Phone , Portable Communications Device , Software , Design , Collage , Multimedia Software , Computer Program , Computer Icon , Icon , Feature Phone , Iphone , Telephone , Telephony , Desk , Facial Hair , Eyewear , Vision Care , Glasses , Dress , Trousers , Lawn , Vacation , Beard , Human , Fur , Moustache , Alcohols , Alcoholic Beverage , Distilled Beverage , Number , Artwork , Watch , Stopwatch , Fashion Accessory , Measuring Instrument , Wrist , Jewellery , Gauge , Scale , Material Property , Post It Note , Square , Pattern , Electronics Accessory , Portable Media Player , Cable , Ipod , Plastic , Tool , Thermostat , Water , Macro Photography , Sphere , Ball , Clock , Pool , Media Player , Daytime , Horizon , Traffic Sign , Peach , Power Plugs And Sockets , Wireless Router , Symbol , General Motors , Monument , Statue , Steeple , Memorial , Obelisk , Spire , Skyline , National Monument , Water Feature , Skyscraper , Tower Block , Architecture , Waterway , Reflection , Daylighting , Channel , Watercraft , Factory , Iron , Metal , Industry , Warehouse , Steel , Black And White , Machine Tool , Engineering , System , Black Hair , Style , Album Cover , Singer , Singing , Song , Music Artist , Head , Sunglasses , Monochrome Photography , Laugh , Monochrome , Wrinkle , White , Microphone , Fashion Design , Cool , Flesh , Ear , Aggression , Physicist , Television Set , Walking , Shadow , Wall , Texture , Concrete , Composite Material , Grave , Cemetery , Ceremony , Headstone , Guru , Lens Flare , Religion , Tie , Pope , Cheering , Ancient History , History , Temple , Painting , Visual Arts , Arch , Column , Church , Ancient Roman Architecture , Cathedral , Middle Ages , Classical Architecture , Roman Temple , Ancient Greek Temple , Medieval Architecture , Ancient Rome , Courthouse , Egyptian Temple , Mausoleum , Senior Citizen , Watercolor Paint , Arcade , Sculpture , Classical Sculpture , Stone Carving , Carving , Relief , Artifact , Military , Air Force , Troop , Army , Soldier , Airplane , Military Organization , Military Aircraft , Fighter Aircraft , Military Transport Aircraft , Aviation , Air Show , Flight , Jet Aircraft , Ground Attack Aircraft , Aerobatics , Aerospace Manufacturer , Lockheed Martin , Saab Jas 39 Gripen , Sukhoi Su 27 , Mcdonnell Douglasf 15 Eagle , Supersonic Aircraft , Stairs , Bottle , Drinkware , Calligraphy , Wine Bottle , Tableware , Outer Space , Planet , Astronomical Object , Universe , Astronomy , Star , Sparkler , Holiday , Still Life Photography , Fête , Diwali , New Years Eve , Fireworks , New Year , Love , Neon Sign , Boxing Ring , Striking Combat Sports , Cruise Ship , Carmine , Television Studio , Lcd Tv , Hot Air Balloon , Water Park , Suite , Dining Room , Display Case , Home Automation , Animation , Boats And Boating Equipment Supplies , Hobby , Boat , Boating , Blue Collar Worker , Engineer , Construction Worker , Construction , Construction Equipment , Hard Hat , Hat , Abseiling , Helmet , Electrical Contractor , Electrical Wiring , Technician , Guitar , Plucked String Instruments , Military Person , Law Enforcement , Military Uniform , Military Officer , Winter , Leaf , Clothing , Collar , Coat , Dress Shirt , Recruiter , Pantsuit , Model , Handshake , Leather , Leggings , Overcoat , Black , Afterglow , Track , Evening , Freeway , Highway , Rural Area , Infrastructure , Ecoregion , Dusk , Plain , Sunset , Panorama , Sunrise , Dawn , Fixed Link , Locomotive , Firefighter , High Visibility Clothing , Emergency Service , Police , Team Sport , Ball Game , Freight Transport , Train Station , Shipping Container , Freight Car , Cargo , Metro , Vehicle Door , Windshield , City Car , Hatchback , Hybrid Vehicle , Executive Car , Fire Department , Heat , Fire , Flame , Cash Crop , Corn , Plant Stem , Flowering Plant , Sweet Corn , Plantation , Vegetarian Food , Food , Seed Plant , Service , Health Care , Pharmacy , Library , Crane , Nightclub , Party , Emergency , Paramedic , Goggles , Road Surface , Soil , Robot , Underwater , Fish , Cityscape , Corporate Headquarters , Birds Eye View , Headquarters , Thoroughfare , Nonbuilding Structure , Passenger Car , Rolling , Amusement Park , Modern Art , Quilting , Veterans Day , Jersey , Independence Day , Aerospace Engineering , Houseplant , Microwave Oven , Automated Teller Machine , Hardware Accessory , Yard , Garden , Shrub , Landscaping , Backyard , Porch , Cottage , Walkway , Electric Vehicle , Parking , Driveway , Electric Car , Curtain , Window Treatment , Window Covering , Fixture , Wood Stain , Couch , Door Handle , Tablet Computer , Gps Navigation Device , Deck , Balcony , Human Body , Handrail , Cameras Optics , Camera , Selfie , Digital Camera , Mobile Device , Computer Monitor , Pet , Dog Breed , Canidae , Dog , Golden Retriever , Puppy , Retriever , Sporting Group , Carnivore , Labrador Retriever , Cat , Felidae , Kitten , Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever , Sofa Bed , Mammal , Vertebrate , Companion Dog , Conformation Show , Playground , Picket Fence , Home Fencing , Street Sign , Artificial Turf , Dead Bolt , Toilet , Box , Packaging And Labeling , Carton , Publication , Snout , Street Dog , Whiskers , Ancient Dog Breeds , Hovawart , Small Greek Domestic Dog , Triangle , Jeans , Waist , Present , Picture Frame , Craft , Baby Shower , Pembroke Welsh Corgi , Welsh Corgi , Flyer , Chemistry , Calm , Sea Turtle , Pest , Wing , Wildlife , Bear , Small To Medium Sized Cats , Marsupial , Ice , Freezing , Winter Storm , Blender , Transparent Material , Buzz Cut , Volkswagen Beetle , Off Road Vehicle , Crash , Baja Bug , Riot , Sidewalk , Police Car , Emergency Vehicle , Full Size Car , Street Light , Sport Utility Vehicle , Landscape Lighting , Baseball Park , Baseball Field , Baseball Positions , Bat And Ball Games , College Baseball , Baseball , Infielder , Baseball Player , Baseball Equipment , Baseball Umpire , Baseball Uniform , Softball , College Softball , Pitch , Pitcher , Catcher , Super Bowl , Stomach , Throat , Fitness Professional , Stage Equipment , Desktop Computer , Office Chair , Computer , Lamp , Interaction , Floral Design , Flower Arranging , Floristry , Botany , Spring , Hydrangea , Annual Plant , Cornales , Gardening , Hydrangeaceae , Botanical Garden , Textile , Output Device , Hospital , Medical Equipment , Plaster , Bouquet , , Aviator Sunglass , Personal Care , Belt , Creative Arts , Gown , Bride , Bridal Clothing , Wedding Dress , Groom , Eating , Medi Cal , Artificial Hair Integrations , Hair Accessory , Layered Hair , Bob Cut , Bangs , Hair Care , Cosmetics , Elder , Cap , Family , Pianist , Tattoo , Tongue , Barechested , Pleased , Grandparent , Sibling , Red Hair , Professor , Scene , Flash Photography , Golf Equipment , Golf Club , Government , Auditorium , Basketball , Protest , Police Officer , Leisure Centre , Spacecraft , Traffic Congestion , Rear View Mirror , Car Dealership , Chevrolet Hhr , Police Dog , Chevrolet , Intersection , Opera , Supercar , Muscle Car , Auto Race , Bugatti , Club , Waste , Automobile Repair Shop , Seafood , Electronic Instrument , Computer Hardware , Net , Astronaut , Eyelash Extensions , Street Fashion , Space Station , Satellite , Supervillain , Comedy , Ship , Neon , Automotive Mirror , Volvo Cars , Tesla Model S , Lexus , Mercedes Benz , Steering Wheel , Porsche Panamera , Porsche , Compact Mpv , Steering Part , Satellite Radio , Center Console , Head Restraint , Car Seat Cover , Volkswagen Touareg , Chocolate , Superfood , Local Food , Recipe , Natural Foods , Vegetable , Produce , Ingredient , Nut , Cuisine , Gift Basket , Laminate Flooring , Molding , Fireplace , Hearth , Coffee Table , Wood Burning Stove , Recliner , Loveseat , Loft , Plywood , Recreation Room , Chest Of Drawers , Drawer , Granite , Varnish , Exercise Equipment , Manor House , Farmhouse , Mansion , North American Fraternity And Sorority Housing , Villa , Garden Buildings , Historic House , Ford Windstar , Ford Five Hundred , Umbrella , Land Vehicle , Hyundai Veloster , Mini Suv , Kia Sportage , Mazda3 , Ford Motor Company , Mazda Cx 7 , Opel , Supermini , Ford Ecosport , Fordc Max , Ford Focus , Vehicle Audio , Honda Civic Hybrid , Longboard , Nissan , Sedan , Lexus Hs , Nissan Sentra , Kia Soul , Volvo V70 , Water Resources , Canal , Watercourse , Natural Environment , Coral Reef , Reef , Coastal And Oceanic Landforms , Coral , Turquoise , Video Game Arcade Cabinet , Wave , Internet Meme , Actors , Lighting Accessory , Courtyard , Park , Campus , Pomeranian , Spitz , Non Sporting Group , West Highland White Terrier , Toy Dog , Bichon , Samoyed , German Shepherd Dog , Herding Dog , Working Dog , Dalmatian , Great Dane , Bulldog , French Bulldog , Old English Bulldog , White English Bulldog , Toy Bulldog , Olde English Bulldogge , Pug , American Bulldog , Australian Bulldog , Terrier , Sapsali , Irish Wolfhound , Rare Breed Dog , Glen Of Imaal Terrier , Bearded Collie , Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier , Small Terrier , Tibetan Terrier , Lhasa Apso , Vulnerable Native Breeds , Grand Basset Griffon Vendéen , Briard , Otterhound , Australian Shepherd , Border Collie , Spaniel , English Springer Spaniel , St Bernard , Pointer , Baking , Boston Terrier , Meal , Snack , Breakfast , Dish , Granola , Lunch , Cookware And Bakeware , Cruciferous Vegetables , Leaf Vegetable , Side Dish , Glass Bottle , Mixer , Juicer , Junk Food , Liqueur , Jack Russell Terrier , Kooikerhondje , Pointing Breed , Emblem , Speedometer , Drawing , Mural , Whiteboard , Branch , Blizzard , Earrings , Feathered Hair , Body Piercing , Cockpit , Pilot , Airline , Karate , Daitō Ryū Aiki Jūjutsu , Japanese Martial Arts , Martial Arts , Reading , Mother , Court , Smoking , Nail Polish , Nail Care , Beer , Outlet Store , Bar , Bartender , Tabletop Game , Projection Screen , Palace , Official Residence , University , Presidential Palace , Stately Home , Château , Mattress , Mattress Pad , Box Spring , Comfort , Bedroom , Bed Sheet , Bedding , Bed Frame , Linens , Duvet Cover , Pillow , Duvet , Nightstand , Boutique Hotel , Blanket , Beige , Studio Couch , Sleep , Bedtime , Nap , Birth , Baby Sleeping , Wallpaper , Travel , Chainsaw , Stick And Ball Games , Stick And Ball Sports , Truck , Outdoor Power Equipment , String Trimmer , Lawn Mower , Mower , Gardener , Lego , Hair Dryer , Headphones , Power Tool , Hardware , Saw , Endurocross , Freestyle Motocross , Motocross , Mountain Bike , Motorcycle , Bike , Cyclo Cross , Action Film , Infantry , Marines , Plastic Bottle , Inflatable Boat , Plumbing Fixture , Bathroom , Yacht , Luxury Yacht , Bidet , Toilet Seat , Washing , Water Bottle , Long Sleevedt Shirt , Sports Uniform , Plastic Bag , Dietary Supplement , Fluid , Mineral Water , Future , Aluminium , Computer Cooling , Computer Case , Petal , Anime , Poker Table , Concept Car , Saudi , Hood , Performance Car , Audi R8 , Atmospheric Phenomenon , Haze , Boxing , Boxing Equipment , Muay Thai , Professional Boxing , Combat Sport , Tsunami , Explosion , Pollution , Wind Wave , Coast , Tide , Automotive Navigation System , Woody Plant , Hot Air Ballooning , Balloon , Motor Ship , Port , Naval Architecture , Container Ship , Loch , Mirror , Drug , Pharmaceutical Drug , Antifungal Medication , Analgesic , Stimulant , Capsule , Medicine , Match , Elbow , Payment Card , Cafeteria , Coffeehouse , Hall , Angry , Escalator , General Aviation , Brain As Food , Brain , Medical Imaging , Radiology , Human Anatomy , X Ray , Radiography , Bone , Medical Radiography , Echinoderm , Marine Invertebrates , Invertebrate , Starfish , 3d Modeling , Fractal Art , Laser , Ice Hotel , Digital Compositing , Celestial Event , Nebula , Cnidaria , Bioluminescence , Jellyfish , Skin Care , Cream , Vegan Nutrition , Film Noir , Moonlight , Homemaker , Asparagus , Legume , Asian Food , Beef , Meat , Brisket , European Food , Roast Beef , Steak , Bell Peppers And Chili , Chili Pepper , Fruit , Capsicum , Nightshade Family , Food Processor , Dessert , English Cuisine , Parfait , Brunch , Finger Food , Baked Goods , Appetizer , Comfort Food , Staple Food , Tapas , Supper , à La Carte Food , Thai Food , Buffet , Meze , Chinese Food , Indonesian Food , Korean Food , Dinner , Culinary Art , Bromeliaceae , Banana , Spinach , Lettuce , Banana Family , Apple , Strawberries , Vending Machine , Shorts , Denim , Sleeveless Shirt , Chip , Photo Shoot , Brassiere , Undergarment , Headset , Sad , Desert , Sand , Aeolian Landform , Sahara , Road Trip , Steppe , Erg , Coupé , Sports Car , Honda City , Rolls Royce , Range Rover , Porsche Cayenne , Cadillac , Mold , Bmw , Auto Racing , Motorsport , World Rally Car , Race Car , Drifting , Mountainous Landforms , Mountain Pass , Highland , Hill , Mountain , Hill Station , Terrain , Valley , Bridge , Badlands , Canyon , Fjord , Bentley , Compact Sport Utility Vehicle , Volvo Xc90 , Infiniti , Jaguar Xj , Fox , Red Fox , Dhole , Kit Fox , Jackal , Terrestrial Animal , Red Wolf , Swift Fox , Coyote , Canis , Beach , Shelby Mustang , Bmw M3 , Backlighting , Public Utility , Electricity , Seminar , Convention Center , Function Hall , Fashion Model , Japanese Spitz , Maltese , Shiba Inu , Scent Hound , Basset Hound , Treeing Walker Coonhound , Brazilian Terrier , Hound , Coonhound , Persian , Coton De Tulear , Schnoodle , Morkie , Shih Tzu , Wire Hair Fox Terrier , Havanese , Goldendoodle , Ragdoll , Cairn Terrier , Bichon Frisé , Old English Sheepdog , Bolognese , Beagle , Puggle , Mobile Phone Accessories , Graphics Tablet , Ipad , Guard Dog , American Pit Bull Terrier , Whippet , Italian Greyhound , Bull Terrier , Tail , Fawn , Polish Lowland Sheepdog , Landseer , Romanian Mioritic Shepherd Dog , Australian Terrier , Dutch Smoushond , Shetland Sheepdog , Scotch Collie , Rough Collie , Collie , Miniature Australian Shepherd , Alaskan Malamute , Japanese Chin , Cavalier King Charles Spaniel , Panda , American Staffordshire Terrier , Cattle , Bovine , Animal Shelter , Dairy Cow , Cow Goat Family , Hunting Dog , Bluetick Coonhound , German Shorthaired Pointer , Siberian Husky , Hedgehog , Wolfdog , Procyonidae , Cockapoo , Yorkshire Terrier , Cavachon , Norwich Terrier , Schnauzer , Miniature Schnauzer , Poodle , Poodle Crossbreed , Cookies And Crackers , Fried Food , Cookie , Fried Chicken , Chicken Meat , Fast Food , American Food , Instant Noodles , Coffeemaker , Espresso Machine , Bean , Vodka , Dogo Argentino , Bull Terrier Miniature , Gull Terr , Bully Kutta , Molosser , Rhinoceros , Guitarist , Fisheye Lens , Fast Food Restaurant , Ford , Ford Fusion , Ford Mondeo , Chevrolet Volt , Tesla , Honda Fcx Clarity , Toyota Venza , Jury , Biome , Swimming Pool , Bodybuilding , Banquet , Wedding Reception , Wedding , Marriage , Rehearsal Dinner , Swimming , Caribbean , Swimwear , Book Cover , Lagoon , Island , Public Library , Bookcase , Aisle , Bookselling , Whole Food , Greengrocer , Diet Food , Grocer , Trade , Salumi , Prosciutto , Charcuterie , Cold Cut , Salt Cured Meat , Lamb And Mutton , Veal , Samgyeopsal , Animal Fat , Meat Chop , Pork , Kassler , Antipasto , Salad , Ham , Greek Food , Food Group , Dinosaur , Tyrannosaurus , Cordless Telephone , Calculator , Cellular Network , Numeric Keypad , Input Device , Remote Control , Satellite Phone , Sketch , Seabird , Line Art , Fishing Rod , Balance , Fisherman , Recreational Fishing , Surf Fishing , Fishing , Angling , Weapon , Coloring Book , Light Aircraft , Powerboating , Amusement Ride , Palm Tree , Arecales , Elaeis , Rallycross , Off Roading , Geology , Kiss , Foot , Barbecue , Outdoor Grill , Grilling , Bow And Arrow , Archery , Bow , Longbow , Cold Weapon , Arrow , Bicycle Frame , Bicycle Wheel , Road Bicycle , Cycle Sport , Cycling , Bicycle Part , Bicycles Equipment And Supplies , Bicycle Pedal , Hybrid Bicycle , Bicycle Drivetrain Part , Bicycle Saddle , Cross Country Cycling , Racing Bicycle , Endurance Sports , Road Cycling , Bicycle Handlebar , Bicycle Fork , Bicycle Racing , Crankset , Bicycle Tire , Bicycle Helmet , Road Bicycle Racing , Cyclo Cross Bicycle , Bicycle Motocross , Bmx Bike , Bicycle Clothing , Groupset , Freeride , Flatland Bmx , Duathlon , Freestyle Bmx , Bicycle Trailer , Sandal , Ankle , Boot , Outdoor Shoe , High Heels , Sneakers , Athletic Shoe , Town Square , Seat Of Local Government , Running , Cosplay , Electronic Engineering , Electrical Supply , Mixing Console , Recording Studio , Video Editing Software , Music Workstation , Sailboat , Sail , Sailing , Helicopter , Rotorcraft , Fighter Pilot , Wind Turbine , Wind Farm , Propeller , Cessna 182 , Monoplane , Glider , Gliding , Ultralight Aviation , Adventure , Aircraft Engine , Takeoff , Landing , Bus , Oil Rig , Offshore Drilling , Jackup Rig , Very Large Floating Structure , Drilling Rig , Fishing Vessel , Floating Production Storage And Offloading , Semi Submersible , Videoconferencing , Ski Equipment , Winter Sport , Rescue , Tank Ship , Ferry , Cargo Ship , Tugboat , Oil Tanker , Passenger Ship , Bulk Carrier , Pier , Suspension Bridge , Battleship , Ocean Liner , Lace Wig , Slam Dunk , Basketball Moves , Parliament , Inflatable , Taekwondo , Taxi , Lacrosse , Woodsman , Leaf Blower , Air Gun , Gun , Firearm , Shooting Sport , Model Aircraft , Scale Model , Crew , Haute Couture , Fashion Show , Lampshade , Church Bell , Wine , Barrel , Stemware , Soccer Ball , Football , Soccer , Soccer Player , Football Player , Kick , Soccer Kick , Forward , Sports Training , Soccer Specific Stadium , Pallone , Womens Football , International Rules Football , Freestyle Football , Goalkeeper , Headpiece , Handwriting , Orange , Crescent , Silhouette , Clip Art , Hanukkah , Angry Birds , Office Supplies , Sharing , Brochure , Knee , Middle Eastern Food , Stuffing , Breakfast Cereal , Italian Food , Pizza , Quiche , Icing , Buttercream , Cake , Torte , Frozen Dessert , Ceviche , Tomato , Mediterranean Food , Burrito , Focaccia , Flatbread , Naan , Kids Meal , Bake Sale , Coupon , Bakery , Brazilian Food , Taste , Full Breakfast , Underpants , Briefs , Traffic Light , Trial , Pajamas , Button , Ceramic , Putter , Art Paper , Origami , Cylinder , Circuit Component , Handbag , Bag , Padlock , Mp3 Player , Paint , Printing , Health Care Provider , Citrus , Accessory Fruit , Malus , Drupe , Lemon , Sweet Lemon , Picnic , Outdoor Table , Prison , Insect , Vitis , Window Blind , Green Bean , Strawberry , Sweetness , Berry , Beet Root , Verrine , Smoothie , Mousse , Milkshake , Wine Glass , Dairy , Garnish , Petit Four , Polish Food , Laboratory Equipment , Banana Leaf , Citrullus , Watermelon , Kettlebell , Press Up , Exercise , Gym , Air Hockey , Concrete Mixer , Playground Slide , Outdoor Play Equipment , Wetsuit , Elliptical Trainer , Trailer Truck , Trailer , Renault Magnum , Gas , Rv , Filling Station , Tour Bus Service , Food Truck , Jeep Commander Xk , Hardtop , Forklift Truck , Travel Trailer , R2 D2 , Goal , Closet , Sole , Cleat , Pigeons And Doves , Lumber , Plank , Avengers , Roller Coaster , Hotel , Brutalist Architecture , Airport , Bird Of Prey , Bald Eagle , Accipitriformes , Falconiformes , Classic Car , Recycling , Cable Car , Truck Racing , One Day International , Musical Instrument , Woodwind Instrument , Reed Instrument , Cue Stick , Baseball Bat , Billiards , School Bus , Subaru , Subaru Outback , Subaru Tribeca , Baluster , Bench , Swing , Woodland , Forest , Shade , Religious Item , Shooting Range , Plaid , Tartan , Mazda Cx 9 , Mist , Windscreen Wiper , Fog , Body Jewelry , Silver , Stained Glass , Kitchen Stove , Timbales , Drum , Solar Energy , Plan , Sun , Daughter , Mass Production , Alley , Inventory , School , Kindergarten , Private School , Secondary School , State School , Course , Spray , Bodybuilding Supplement , Wilderness , Alps , Glacial Landform , Moraine , Massif , Summit , Lake , Glacier , Mountaineering , Piste , Ice Cap , Cirque , Volkswagen , Audi Allroad , River , Nursery , Rubiks Cube , Sconce , Crawling , Zipper , Twig , Cg Artwork , Mythology , Feather , Natural Material , Home Door , Model Car , Compact Van ,

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