Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20160912 10:00:00 : co

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20160912 10:00:00

caught fire while charging. the ugly. a bullet comes within inches of a person's head. surveillance video shows the clerk bravely chasing them out of the store. >> very lucky. "fox and friends" starts right now. bye bye. >> bye. good morning to you and your family. monday, september 12th. i'm ainsley earhardt. new questions surrounding hillary clinton's health after she stumbled out of a 9/11 memorial ceremony. the campaign forced to cancel some events and announce a diagnosis. we're live. that as clinton faces fresh fire for insulting millions and millions and millions of americans. >> you could put half of trump supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. >> the racist, sexist, homophobic, zen phobic, islamaphobic. you name it.
>> she regrets part of what she said. this morning, her running mate said no reason to regret it we'll tell you more. >> really? on the 15th anniversary marking the attacks of 9/11, more protests in the nfl and in football, against the national anthem. nfl players kneeling, one raising a fist. but now kids as young as 11 and 12 taking a knee during the national anthem. colin kaepernick plays tonight. mornings are better with friends. ♪ ♪ >> donald trump holding up the five fingers right here. he's one of five great guests this morning. and kyle rove is in the house. >> the famous wayne newton will be on. >> he's got a great message. going to get a great honor.
dr. phil is going to be here. an exclusive interview. >> meatloaf again? >> much like our number one topic, had a health scare on stage. >> he did. >> he's going to talk about that for the first time. meatloaf still singing, still coming here and was a contestant on apprentice. came in third place. >> also behind the scenes with harry connick, jr. >> how do you know that? >> because i actually went and did it. >> she went on friday. >> we'll show you that story. we begin with the race for the white house. the democratic nominee forced to cancel some campaign events out in california after she passed out at the 9/11 memorial trying to get into the scoop i van. >> the democrats now considering a replacement? what? ed is here with more. >> questions not just about hillary clinton's health by but her veracity, transparency after
her campaign said she was diagnosed with pneumonia back on friday. she only revealed that yesterday. questions sparked as she abruptly left the 9/11 memorial. you can see her nearly collapsing. trying to help as she slumps forward into that van. clinton had arrived, appearing well, donald trump, other dignitaries were there as well. this comes, remember, as clinton's recent coughing fits and her campaign raised more eyebrows by leaving that ceremony without bringing the reporters who traveled with her. fox's rick leventhal were on the scene and broke the story from a law enforcement source that said she had a medical episode. she was taken to her daughter chelsea's apartment where her spokesman declared she was overheated even the weather in new york city was 82 degrees. no mention of pneumonia in that initial statement or by secretary clinton as she left the apartment saying she felt fine. she left her home in chappaqua
without the reporter who normally traveled with her. she was examined by her doctor who said she's been experiencing a cough related to allergies. on friday, during follow-up evaluation, she was diagnosed with pneumonia and put on antibiotics and advised to rest and modify her schedule. this morning, she became overheated and dehydrated. she's now rehydrated and recovering nicely. clinton now getting off the a trail, canceling a trip to california as donald trump goes to maryland and north carolina today. there were journalists and others speculating, we want to underline speculating whether she'll drop out and someone like joe biden -- everybody is wishing secretary clinton well. no doubt there will be pressure on her to release o more detailed medical records. while clinton allies say trump needs to release his full health records and his tax returns as well. >> thanks, ed. >> that's a heck of a pivot.
while we have some time, release your taxes. >> it's interesting. because on the cover of the new york times which for the most part has been the newsletter for the dnc, clinton falls ill at memorial. after partisan questions on health, new calls to address the issue. clearly, we're going to find out a lot more about both the candidates' health. >> dr. carlson is down in d.c. and he's going to weigh in on this topic. tucker, they wapted 90 minutes. kept the press corps in the dark for 90 minutes. what are your thoughts about that? >> it's been happening the past 25 years in her public life. she has pure contempt for the press. they like it. it's a "50 shades of grey" relationship. they're masochistic. thank you sir, may i have another. the more cruel she is to the press. the more they attack her. attack anyone who raises legitimate questions. scolding other journalists who dared ask obvious questions
about her health. drew pinsky, a show on cnn fired after raising legitimate medical questions about her health. this is an orchestrated campaign about her health, not taking place or in see crept, we're watching it unfold to help hillary clinton become the president. it's not journalism, it's less than that. >> "50 shades of grey," i don't know anything about that. we'll have to look that up. >> it's abusive, that's the point. >> they like it. i loved your point yesterday, who is handling the schedule? she had pneumonia diagnosed on friday. she had a series of things going on. they scheduled to go out to california for a fundraiser for money she doesn't even need. she's destroying donald trump in that race. she's going to fly cross-country to do that and then sit there. is anyone looking out for her health? anyone who says show us your toughness. no. that shows an unreasonable necessary. >> it's a good point. i'm hardly hillary voter but i
watch that tape and i cringe for her. i feel genuine sympathy. she collapsed publicly at an event. pneumonia kills people, lots of people. the idea that she was campaigning at this pace as sick as she was suggests to me that nobody in her orbit is capable of telling her no. clearly, she drove herself to do this, for whatever reason. why wouldn't an adult in the room say, you know what, if your wife or a loved one had pneumonia and was attempting to work, you would say of course not, that's ridiculous, no way. >> i'm sure you saw the daily beast quoted to law enforcement sources said when she collapsed secret service threw her in the van like a side of beef. that is the quote. like a side of beef. yet, if she was in that condition, why did they take her to chelsea's apartment? >> exactly right. >> somebody like that, you take them to the hospital unless this happened before. they knew what this is all about the scooby van had everything in it. >> or like tucker said, no one
wants to tell her no. >> she has a physician with her all the time, candidates do, of course. imagine, you collapse in public, it's not clear why. nobody knows why. you need a diagnosis. you're not going to get a good diagnosis at chelsea's house unless dock torsion are there waiting. >> unless political concerns are more important than health concerns. it does show a kind of intensity that's awe-inspiring but not good judgment. >> by the way, if someone is a little unwieldy and not sure afoot, hold them. you can touch them. they were letting her wobble back and forth. if they got hurt on a football field, they have a hand around them. they're tougher than a
presidential candidate. we know what hillary clinton -- we were working this morning. a lot of people are just waking up. we have to remind folks what hillary said about half of donald trump supporters over the weekend. take a listen. >> to be grossly general is particular, you could put half of trump supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. right? the racist, sexist, homophobic, islamaphobic, you name it. unfortunately, there are people like that. he has lifted them up. >> tucker, she went on to say yesterday, i shouldn't have said half of his supporters. >> she meant all. >> her running mate, tim kaine had this quote in the "washington post." he said hillary's comments in full did make clear there are a
lot of trump supporters who have concerns about the economy and other issues. if it's reported fairly that she kind of talked about both halves. what's your reaction? >> two things going on here. the first is the obvious one. the role of vice president has as a central criterion, obedience. if she's -- he'd be for it, because he has to be. >> the second point to make, her expression of contempt for the middle of the country is commonplace in the world she lives in, the world he lives in. frankly the world i live in here in washington. this is what the elites believe as a matter of course. she happened to be caught on tape saying it. they believe it's not just wrong, but they're bad people, immoral. they're not really worth listening to because they're morally stained. they're whatever, racist, sextist, islamaphobic as she put it. this is a very common view. i really hope that our viewers
don't come away thinking only hillary clinton believes this. everyone in her orbit believes it. everyone in that audience believes it in that elite crowd in some place i don't go to in new york city. but real quick, tucker, on top of that, tim kaine was never read into this. he was all set to apologize. she never told tim kaine that and the "washington post" got ahold of talking points, how they're supposed to blame the press because there's too many follow-up questions on this. >> such a good point. that was the first thing i thought. should have told poor tim kaine, the last japanese soldier in okinawa doesn't know the war is over still firing on behalf of the emperor who surrendered. >> thanks for getting up so early on this monday morning. all right. it's 6:11 here in new york city and heather is joining us for the news today. >> good morning, gang. great to see you. a rally that was supposed to be for peace but ended in bloodshed. six people shot, one killed
after a shooting in birmingham, alabama. police say that all six of the victims were innocent bystanders. according to investigators, as many as 60 shots were fired. likely from multiple guns. at this hour, no suspects in custody and no motive is known. a devastating start to a homecoming week for a high school football team. a horrifying bus crash leaving students and coaches hurt and the bus driver dead. you can see the front of the bus, completely smashed into a cement pillar. this at the denver international airport. it had just picked up that team on the way back from a tournament in california. more than one dozen students had to be rushed to the hospital. three coaches seriously hurt. investigators say they're still trying to figure out what went wrong. our prayers go out to those families this morning. beams of light reaching into the new york skyline to remember those who lost their lives in the world trade center on september 11, 2001. this emotional tribute, one of many across the nation marking
15 years since the deadly terror attacks in u.s. history. victims family members, survivors and a dignitaries reading the names of the nearly 3,000 people who died in the 9/11 attacks. then at the pentagon, president obama hosted a memorial service but moving the moment of silence five meant ahead of the planned time when the plane was hit by the pentagon. those are your headlines. back here. >> heather, thank you very much. meanwhile, on this monday, national anthem protests spreading all across the nfl yesterday on sunday. even one on september 11th. but one team taking a stand, how they honored america with the help of president george w. bush. >> the ten commandments covered up a high school after, get this, just one person had a problem with it. one person complained. >> if it was 11, thou shalt not complain. i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo
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stand for the national anthem at that's games. recently when you have colin kaepernick not standing, you have others following. >> denver broncos, brandon marshall on thursday night and as expected sunday, we knew it would happen somewhere. you're looking at arian foster, michael thomas, jelani jenkins and kenny stills all decide during the national anthem, while most have their hands-on their hearts, they would look at the ground. >> marcus peters, as you can see right there, raised his right. >> he did -- he's on the end. so he raised his right fist which is reminiscent. he said this about why he did it right after the game. >> i'm supporting colin in what he's doing. as far as raising awareness with the justice system. but i didn't mean anything by it. i talked to the coach, coach said it was okay if i wanted to
express my thoughts. >> what's the coach going to say? then all of a sudden you lose the locker room. he becomes a martyr. he puts up his hand for black power. this is what i think possibly in my mind worse. it is spread as expected to kids' games. now you have a game atwood row wilson high school in philadelphia where the kids and the players took a knee. then it's beaumont bowls, the 11 and 12-year-olds in texas. 22 players ask their coach can we take a knee for injustice. inequitable justice system. they are taking a knee while everyone else says stand for the national anthem. >> so many of you guys have written in and you are just appalled that people would take a knee or not stand for the national anthem. for all of you guys, the dallas cowboys, they did stand alongside george w. bush and laura bush. you can see them on the field with some police officers. they stood there while the
national anthem was recited or sung at the cowboys game. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ >> they were chanting usa. of course, it all got started with colin kaepernick who felt very strongly about it. one of our guests today is wayne newton who is being honored here in new york city for being a lifelong sports fan. what he says about colin kaepernick is it's his right to do that. but if he doesn't like america, get out of the country, he says. >> i think they're picking the wrong time to protest the wrong thing. fundamentally, he's saying you don't like the nation. you stop standing for the national anthem. >> right.
hillary clinton insulting millions in a pitch to take down donald trump. is this her 47% moment? the woodhouse brothers are here to debate that. >> i have a feeling they're going to disagree. ♪ experience the thrill of the lexus is f sport. because the ultimate expression of power, is control. this is the pursuit of perfection.
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quick headlines. scheduled at sundown tonight. the u.s. and russia making the agreement in the midst of a year's long civil war between the syrian government and the backed rebels. if anyone told the rebels to stop fighting, migrants given a free pass into the united states thanks to mexico. the migrants reportedly turned themselves into mexican immigration officials who give them a permit to go across in texas and california to the u.s. that sounds great. many coming from terror hotbeds
like where he will shabaab operate. i see no problem with that. meanwhile, today marks 57 days to the election and hillary clinton in damage control mode after she said this friday night. >> you could put half of trump supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. right? racist, sexist, homophobic, islamaphobic. you name it. sniekt hillary clinton then walking back half of the comments saying, quote, last night i was grossly generalistic and that was wrong. is that a word. >> you're not starting yet. >> mitt romney 47% moment. here to debate we have brandon woodhouse, presidents of correct the record and dallas woodhouse, the executive director of the north carolina republican party who i think we heard just a
moment ago. dallas, start with you. >> already started. >> how bad is this basket of e deplorables for hillary clinton? >> all are reinforced bad things people believe. according to hillary clinton, this country that elected barack obama twice in the last eight years became a country of 50 to 100 million racists. i don't know what brad thinks. but generally, generally insulting 47, 48, 50% of the voters is not the best thing in the world. look, this is what hillary clinton thinks. meanwhile, she has her weekend at bernie's moment where she's being drug around not able to stand up. >> come on, steve. >> but i think this is what she thinks. she dee tests people like me and people who live in raleigh and in dubuque.
>> that's what your brother would say. >> i know. >> dallas, you certainly are deplorable. >> look, steve, this is the fakest controversy i've ever seen. >> what? >> wait a minute. >> brad, stop. >> was it fake when mitt romney had his 47% moment? that was widely reported. >> let me explain to you the difference. mitt romney made his 47% moment, he didn't express any empathy or sympathy for the people he was talk about. he said they were gaming the system, they wanted free stuff. he wrote them off. what hillary clinton said the second half, if you didn't play, was that there are many, many voters, a big cohort of trump voters who just want -- don't believe in -- >> that was in the -- it said blame the press, essentially. i'm not blaming the press but that was in the second half of the statement. >> she said she regretted saying
half. who knows if she meant more or less than that. >> donald trump tweeted this out. wow, hillary clinton was so insulting my supporters, millions of amazing hard working people. i think it will cost her at the polls. dallas? >> i actually think donald trump needs to expand on it. she's insumtilting regular hard working folks. when she came down to north carolina -- >> dallas, let me -- >> steve. >> one at a time. >> [ overlapping talking ]. >> i feel like their mother. >> to be offended like this, you needed to be in that category. if you're a racist, if you're a jean phobic, islamaphobic, you might be offended by what she said. >> that is totally untrue. >> are you saying -- >> voter i.d., they can't --
>> think about it -- >> there anywhere on the conservative moment you're always right that's what the democrats do. it's always a way of shutting down the base. >> here's what people need to know about what hillary clinton said. >> quickly. >> she believes it. her supporters believe it. it's a sad statement of what she thinks of her fellow country men. at the end of the day -- >> it's not true. >> brad, you got the last five seconds. >> that is absolutely not true. this completely ignores what she said after what you played. which is there are millions of americans supporting trump that want a better deal. she wants to represent -- >> in other words, the whole country is a bunch of racist -- >> obviously she touched a nerve with what she said. when the woodhouse brothers get this interruptee, it's trouble for somebody. dallas and brad, thank you very much for joining us from your various locations. >> thank you. all right. guys, it's 6:30 here in new york city. we know what hillary clinton has to say about the benghazi
attack. >> was it because of a protest or because of guys out for a walk one night and decided they would go kill some americans? what difference at this point does it make? >> but our next guest blew the whistle on benghazi and he says it's made a huge difference. greg hick has a warning next. you remember him from the state department. a college football player caught on camera punching a ref on the field in front of the crowd. brand new trouble brewing for him this morning. happy birthday to our own greg gutfeld. he's got 52 little candles on his unicorn cake. at safelite, we know how busy life can be. these kids were headed to their first dance recital... ...when their windshield got cracked... ...but they couldn't miss the show.
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a key whistle blower in the benghazi attack. greg hicks testified before congress a year after the 2012 attacks in libya. >> because of that, he says he got demoted and just weeks ago, he finally, after 25 years, left the state department. here with us this morning is the -- greg hicks. greg, why was it important for you, now that you're retired, why was it important for you to speak out now, one day after 9/11, which means four years ago for year, an attack that killed four people including your friend, ambassador stevens? >> thanks very much. national security is front and center in this election. i hope the voters remember ben gaz when i they go to the polls. >> in what way? >> well, mrs. clinton delegated her legal security responsibility to others. her legal security obligation to protect our people in benghazi.
and because of that, our security complement in tripoli was reduced from 34 -- when chris stevens twoent benghazi, he had two security officers with him instead of a dozen or maybe moore. in addition, she delegated a decision that allowed our people in benghazi to be divided between two compounds. according to the law, that decision can't be delegated. and thus, we have the stand-down controversy that is so vividly portrayed in the 13 hours movie. >> greg, why did you feel service so important for you to speak out and be the whistle blower against an agency that you worked for and against hillary clinton. was was it important for you to do that knowing that you're risking your job and your safety? >> i believe that the american people needed to know the truth about the heroism of the americans in benghazi that
night. and the americans who flew from tripoli to benghazi to try to save their comrades. because of that heroism, 30 americans are alive today who otherwise might not be. >> greg, hillary clinton says repeatedly that donald trump is unfit to be president of the united states regarding his temperament and his judgment. you have seen hillary clinton's judgment regarding benghazi. how was it? >> i think that it was quite -- didn't cut the muster. she had a responsibility to make sure our people in benghazi were protected. she sent our people into harm's way and then she didn't pay attention. unfortunately, four people who are tremendous americans are no longer with us. >> ambassador stevens could net get ahold of her, but ben affleck could.
>> that i haven't heard. >> didn't have her e-mail. >> greg, thank you so much for coming on our show this morning and telling us your side of the story. we appreciate that. he was the number two guy in libya at the time. was demoted to a desk job and now retired after 25 years of service. >> he would have spoken out earlier but the department of state muzzled him. greg, thank you. meanwhile, 23 minutes before the top of the hour. >> a couple headlines to bring you. good morning to all of you. a mother of three who wanted to blow up the eiffel tower is now the first member of france's all-female isis cell to be charged. french police arresting the 29-year-old woman after finding her fingerprints in a car that was packed with gas cylinders left parked near the notre dame cathedral in paris. isis is said to be grooming and training female-only terror cells to strike targets in the west by taking advantage of
widowed women of dead isis soldiers. sometimes those women are referred to as black widows. back here at home, students are fighting for their faith at a high school in texas after one complaint forcing a school in lubbock, texas, to cover up the ten commandments. it was painted on a wall. outraged students took action into their own hands and posted bible verses on sticky notes in the hallways. they covered the commandments to not have a lawsuit. a college football player apologizing after punching a referee in the middle of a game. mt. san antonio college officials now say it was an accident. take a look at this and judge for yourself. >> ref just got punched in the face by a player. what? >> you can see that right there. the ref had been holding back lineman bernard shermer when he was knocked unconscious. this happened in california.
shermer claims he was trying to punch himself. he was arrested and could face a five-year football ban. those are your headlines. >> brian, over to you. >> he was trying to hit himself. >> unacceptable. meanwhile, the first nfl sunday is in the books. let's review some of it. for example, some players are dancing. >> pass is caught for the touchdown. time to salsa. >> victor cruz back on the field after more than 700 days hurt. helping the giants beat the cowboys 20-19 at texas stadium. >> the raiders two-point conversion gamble paying off in the final seconds. derek carr, the conversion worked. they dropped their season opener dropped 35-34. what a comeback there. what guts. jimmy garoppolo filling in nicely for tom brady. he is serving his four-game sensation for deflating footballs. garoppolo putting the patriots up early. they road and beat the
cardinals. they miss a game-winning field goal to complete the upset in the desert. congratulations. the patriots keep on winning along without their big tight end. >> what are the rules as far as celebrating? you can dance in the nfl? >> not excessive. salsa not accepted. >> i -- >> i would have danced more had i known that i could have got away with it. >> back in the day. >> don't you even -- >> victor cruz shows you don't need one for salsa. donald trump says it's important we work with russia to fight terror. >> if we had a relationship with russia, wouldn't it be wonderful if we could work on it together and knock the hell out of isis? >> well, yeah. maybe president obama was listening. he just made a deal with putin about syria. is trump right? house homeland security chair here to react next.
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russia, wouldn't it be wonderful if we could work on it together and knock the hell out of isis? >> on that count, perhaps. what about other counts? our next guest says not so fast. chairman of the homeland security committee, texas congressman michael mccall was just here for marking 15 years since 9/11 attacks and stuck around to talk to us. are you okay with -- >> i was with donald trump yesterday at the memorial service, it was a moving service. i would urge caution on this one. i do think he's right that we have common interests with russia as it goes to isis. if they're willing to strike isis and syria, great. so far they've been hitting rebel forces more than isis. i think russia is in there for another reason. that's to stabilize syria to assad's advantage and to iran's advantage. we have to be careful about this. i do think there is an opportunity to provide safe-havens and go after isis.
reagan talked about peace through strength. that's how we need to deal with mr. putin, strength through the military. strength in diplomacy. i think donald trump does understand that. >> have we shown that strength to russia? >> no, of course not. i think the obama administration has only shown weakness and we all know weakness invites aggression and that's why he's been so aggressive against the ukraine and the baltic states and crimea. >> you feel the worst is yet to come in the months remaining in the obama add mfrpgs. as we see iran act up, north korea act um. another nemesis is russia and ukraine is looking wearingly wondering if we're going to he -- >> they're all testing us. they know in president is weak, not going to respond. this is where, again, weakness invites aggression globally. not to mention mrs. clinton's failed foreign policy creating instability in the middle east and northern africa which led to the modern day creation of isis.
>> yesterday we had a chance to mark 15 years as chairman of homeland security, i'm sure it's vital to see it up close and personal. what's your take on 15 years later and what exists downtown. >> very moving experience. every prior new york police chief was there, all the mayors there. for the first time the two presidential candidates were actually there. i was more on the trump side of the aisle. of course, hillary clinton was there and she left a little early from the service. you look at a different threat today than before 9/11. it's evolved, greater use of the internet, exploiting the internet to radicalize those in the united states. i would say we're in the highest threat environment since 9/11. >> right now? >> right now. >> for those who say we're safer, you can't say that? >> it's a different threat. we're safer in the sense that we built an apparatus with airlines, with sharing intelligence. in terms of the numbers, brian, the shear numbers have gone up
and plots against the united states. arrests in the united states. over 100 isis followers. and thousands of investigations. >> chairman of homeland security, mike mccall, thanks so much. coming up straight ahead, speaking of trump, the gop no, ma'am lee will join us live at the top of the hour. our own leah gabriel has taken many flights as a pilot and passenger. never with a blind pilot at the controls until now. she joins us with this incredible story. that's coming up.
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♪ ♪ have you ever had a dream but someone told you that you couldn't do it, they told you no? fox news correspondent leah gabe bree yell met a man told just that. >> jim plaser lost his eyesight in his 20s. he accomplished a lot of things in his life. he told me all about it when he flew around in his plane. >> as someone who has been a pilot for 15 years, it isn't easy to be in the backseat. it's especially hard today because the pilot is blind. jim used to be president for a fortune 500 company but he was forced into early retirement due to a degenerative can't that leads to blindness. >> there is no treatment and no
cure. >> jim hasn't let a little thing like losing sight to stop him from taking to the skies. that's where joel comes in. you know what, i can't see but i want to be a pilot again. >> is that for real? is this guy serious? for the most part, i got his vision, what he was trying to do. >> and now the team has become a well-oiled flying machine. >> in the team, you depend on your instruments to get you to that carrier. i depend on joel. he's my instrument. he gives me that verbal feedback. he paints the picture of my environment and what i need to do to be successful. >> seems a little crazy, huh? so how do they do it? here we go.
whew! we're flying. >> now you can reach left. flaps up. >> is this safe? >> yes. i have a complete set of dual controls. >> one of the important things we have is i was too disoriented to understand what was going on in the cockpit, i would say joel, you're taking the controls. >> tell me what it feels like to have the airplane under your control right now? >> it's an awesome feeling, getting back in the cockpit after going through the challenge of visual impairment and figuring out i am able to do this and working with joel. >> does that make you a guide pilot? >> there are some similarities between my guide dog micah and joel. when i'm in the air, joel is my micah. >> the airport is about six miles off our right wing, threats make a 90 degree, 30
degree bank right turn to final. but how would i do flying blind? >> are you ready? >> i'm closing my eyes. i trust you. >> 40 degrees banking to the left. >> okay. that was a little scary. >> let's try a right turn -- 13th level -- >> at wing slefle. >> if i had not had that experience, i would never understand how tricky it is and how challenging it is for jim to do what he does. i'm so impressed. so what advice does jim have for others facing overwhelming challenges? >> think outside the box. be innovative in your approach. if you can't get there one way, find another way to get there. >> awesome. just an incredible man. his website
he's doing everything. joel, his guide pilot, is basically his one instrument. so they use verbal commands to paint a visual picture and jim does everything from taking off to landing. >> how does he land? that would be the scary part? >> it's all feel. i used to be a landing signal officer in the navy and i helped people land on aircraft carriers. i tried it. >> you did try to fly the plane with your eyes closed. did you have one of the eyes a little open? >> i should have, but you saw what happened when i actually had my eyes closed. you get what's called vertigo when you feel like you are at a bank when your wing is level. it's challenging. i admire jim and joel for what they have been doing. coming up in a couple of minutes, top of the hour, donald trump is going to join us live for his first interview since hillary clinton called off of
his -- called half of his supporters deplorable. >> wayne newton is here with a powerful message that right now only heather knows. ♪ ♪ are two billion people
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good morning to you and your family. it is monday. september 12th. i'm ainsley earhardt. brand-new questions this morning surrounding hillary clinton's campaign after she collapsed at the 9/11 memorial and what her campaign kept secret from the press. and wonder what donald trump thinks about this comment. >> you could put half of trump's supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. they are racist, sexist, xenophobic, islamphobic, you name it. >> donald trump is going to be
here to respond live here. who would do this, thousands of flags for a 9/11 memorial are thrown in the crash and it was not an accident. we'll tell you what happened but your mornings are still better with friends. ♪ ♪ >> we have a huge show today. donald trump is going to be here in just a matter of minutes to talk with us. >> all right, karl rove is going to be talking about the battleground polls that shows that donald trump has a path to victory. >> dr. phil will be here. he's got an exclusive interview of a case not gone away. >> meat loaf is here. and there he is wayne newton is dropping by, mr. las vegas himself being honored in new york city. we're going to talk to him about politics and colin kaepernick
who plays tonight. we begin this hour with a race to the white house, new questions this morning surrounding hillary clinton's health. >> the democratic nominee now forced to cancel campaign events in california after she kraps -- collapsed at the 9/11 memorial. >> we have the latest. >> reporter: i think it's important to point out that our colleague rick leventhal broke this news yesterday long before the video appeared showing her stumbling into her van. he had very good law enforcement sources, and it wasn't until the evening that we knew from her doctor, from hillary clinton's doctor, that she had been diagnosed with pneumonia on friday. this is a statement released by dr. laura barack. she was put on antibiotics and advised to rest and modify her schedule. i have just examined her and she is now rehydrated and recovering nicely. the video posted on social media
showed aides helping hillary clinton to the fan as her secret service detail opened the door, her knees appeared to buckle as she stepped forward. for more than an hour, campaign aides did not return reporters calls and the traveling press pool was kept in the dark. the press secretary said she overheated. 90 minutes later she emerge from her daughter's downtown apartment about noon, smiling and waving. she signed an autograph for a young supporter. just one week earlier, a coughing fit caused her to interrupt a speech and later a press briefing. [ coughing ] >> every time i think about trump, i get allergic. >> reporter: the campaign has now canceled her two-day trip to california but we do understand she plans to make a
teleconference appearance to a fund-raiser that she was supposed to appear at in san francisco later today. back to you guys. >> thanks, jennifer. let's bring in donald trump to talk about that. mr. trump she was diagnosed with pneumonia on friday we're just learning and also the press was kept in the dark for an hour and a half after she was carted off from the 9/11 memorial. why was the press kept in the dark for so long? >> what i really just don't know, i hope she gets well soon. i don't know what's going on. i'm like you. i see what i see. the coughing fit was a week ago, so i assume that was pneumonia also. i would have think it would have been so something is going on but i just hope she gets well and gets back on the trail, and we'll be seeing her at the debate. >> sure. >> what's so interesting is that the dnc, if these reports are correct, might be considering a replacement? does donald trump have a plan to take on tim kaine and joe biden? >> no, i don't think she will
replace her. we have to see what's wrong. whatever it is, it is, i'm ready. >> health is an issue now, right? >> i think it's an issue. in fact, this week -- this last week, i took a physical, and i'll be releasing, when the numbers come, hopefully they are going to be good, i think they are going to be good, i feel great, but when the numbers come in, i'll be releasing very, very specific numbers. >> that's interesting. dr. ben carson said hey why don't both the candidates do it and you've done it. >> i think it's true. i think it's true. i'm going to be -- i've already done it and the report should be finished this week. let's talk about something that hillary clinton said on friday night. she was at a big fund-raiser here in new york city where she said that half of your followers are a basket of deploerbles,
racist, homophobic. today, your communications adviser, put out this question of the day. secretary clinton, on friday you said half of donald trump's supporters belong in the basket of deplorables. mr. trump has a lead with former active duty military members with 55% saying they support him. in your opinion, what portion of those supporters belong in that basket? how big of a mistake? >> at first i thought it wasn't within the realm of possible that she said it. she doubled up because it was said with such anger and such unbelievable anger and i think this is the biggest mistake of the political season. i really do. when i saw this in its full
form, and i saw the anger with which she said it, the way she spoke, i think it's the single biggest mistake of the political season. they compare this to 47% on one of the shows last night. they said it's much worse. you people did a poll and it came out 87% much worse than the 47% which is pretty catastrophic. >> she tried to walk it back. she said she regrets saying half. >> when you are president, you are president of all the people. you are not president of 50% or 75%. you are president of all the people. you are president of everybody and somehow it has to get out there that it's not a certain group of people that's going to be left behind. they have already been left behind with jobs and lots of other things. you know, you have to be president of everybody. >> donald trump, you are in the unique position in that your base is blue collar, the people
that yell for you are the nine-to-fivers, the construction guys, the people who are not zillionaes, it seems hillary clinton in making these comments and going to these high-ranking fund-raisers, in some ways, she seems divorced from the everyday american. >> my base is blue collar, but my base is everything else also. i'm really proud of the blue collar, because the job they do is incredible and the fact is they haven't been taken care of properly by this country. it's very interesting, people 18 years ago were making more in real wages, many people, but on average, people 18 years ago were making more than they are making today and they are working harder today and in many cases to a large extent because of this horrible obamacare, in many cases they are working two jobs, but my base is everything.
i good out. i have people everywhere, everything. this is a big base, including, by the way, women, including african-americans which you see, including hispanics. you saw the poll numbers for hispanics this weekend because they want to protect their jobs. they don't want people pouring in and taking their jobs. i really believe my base is everything. >> we want to ask you about the colin kaepernick thing, yesterday, the nfl doing 9/11, four players kneeling and the one raising a fist on 9/11 during the national anthem. what's your reaction? >> i think it's a lack of respect for our country. i think it's a lack of appreciation for our country, and it's a very sad thing. i've never seen anything quite like it, actually. you are talking about a major sport, maybe the major sport and when you see that and it leads
to a lot of other things. i think it's a great lack of respect and appreciation for our country, and i really said they should try another country, see if they like it better, see if they are going to be making $20 million being a second string quarterback. >> in arian foster's case, i think we could be better. that's his point. since you did good to african-american communities and speak to that church, do you see an equity and a problem in the african-american community that this might help. >> i've been to many black communities in a short period of time, philadelphia, detroit, and numerous others and i'm going to a lot and i'll tell you what, there is a great love for the country. i have to say that. there's a great, great love for the country. when i went to the church in
detroit, the by -- bishop was such an incredible guy and the whole atmosphere was such love. there is tremendous love for this country. unbelievable actually. >> does this help? >> i don't know if it helps. the one thing it does do is you have freedom. freedom to do what you want to do. freedom of expression. freedom of what you want to do, that's the one thing it does show, but it's really i think very sad. when i watch it, it's so sad. it would be nice, look, we're going to fix things, fix the inner cities, we're going to get tremendous african-american voters. you've already seen this. hillary has been doing this stuff for 35 years, she hasn't done anything for inner cities, except get their votes and see you in four years. that's what she does. she's been terrible for the african-american community and she's been terrible for the hispanic community and they are seeing that and look at the numbers. my numbers are going up
manyfold. >> in january you would like to move into 1600 pennsylvania avenue, but actually later today you are going to move into a spot halfway between the white house and the u.s. capital on pennsylvania, the trump d.c. -- the former d.c. post office is now a trump hotel and it's opening today two years ahead of schedule. how did you do that? >> we are way ahead of schedule and the quality is better than we thought and we're right on budget and it's a great thing. i would like the country to go ahead of schedule and be on budget or under bug would be great, we would be opening up one of the great hotels of the year. the most sought after project in the history of the gsa, general services, from the government. got it from the government. we laid it on the line. the hotel is magnificent. in addition, we built the
largest luxury ball room in washington and meeting rooms. spas. it's really going to be a great tribute to our country. >> ivanka led it, correct? >> she lead it and it's her baby. we had at least a thousand workers in the lobby and we gave them the speech and they went back to work because we have the opening. it has been an amazing project and the whole country is talking about it and it's a soft opening. the main opening we're going to save for just before election time. i thought that would be a good time but we actually have a soft opening today. >> all right. very good. donald trump joining us from somewhere in his empire. thank you very much. >> thank you very much. >> two appearances today. >> the sign in front of the hotel says spa by ivanka trump. on this monday, some call her -- call him a traitor.
who is calling on the president to give snowden a par done? we're going to take you live to a patriotic display. a field of a thousand flags and how you can take one home. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. i know more about isis then the generals do. john mccain, a war hero. he's not a war hero, he's a war hero because he was captured. i like people that weren't captured ok. donald trump compared his sacrifices to the sacrifices of two parents who lost their son in war.
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a beautiful display of patriotism, thousands of american flags standing tall honoring the fallen mill, men and women who have died in the line of duty since 9/11. >> the flags benefitting our nation's veteran. >> rocky madden from fox 2 joins us with more. >> good morning. difficult to see all the flags at this point. they are illuminated for nighttime but the sun hasn't come up here. i want to show you how this works. volunteers put these up. on each flag is the picture of a person it honored. in this case, it's staff sergeant germosen. probably not anybody knew him in st. louis. the 7,000 flags, each one is for
a person who died during the war on terror since september 11th. they began this project back in april and many of the volunteers were goldstar families and, you know the controversy right now concerning the american flag many apparently one of the goldstar mothers said it while they were putting these flags together, you know, people who protest the flag or denigrate had the flag had never one of them folded and handed to them. obviously referring to the funeral of a military person when the flag is removed from the casket and folded and handed to the loved one. these flags are coming down today. you can purchase one. a donation of $75. it will go to ford charities and if you want to get one of these flags, go to the internet, flagsofvalor that money will go to four
different charities. >> that's incredible. 7,000 people are remembered there and they got pictures for every single one of them. >> every one of them. plus their dog tags. it's really cool. >> it is cool. if anybody would also like the website, good to our website here in 15 minutes, "fox & friends".come. donald trump and hillary clinton deadlocked in battleground states. what states does trump need to win the white house? karl rove joins us live with the answer and a few more next. and mr. las vegas himself, wayne newton has a message for the nfl players protesting the national anthem. if you don't like this country, get out, mr. las vegas coming up. [alarm beeping]
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welcome back. it's 24 minutes after the hour. a few quick headlines to bring you right now, the florida mosque that pulse nightclub shooter omar mateen once attended went up in flames overnight. a high school football team's bus crashing, leaving more than a dozen students and coaches hurt and the bus driver is dead. you can see it smashed into a pillar. the cause is unknown. and a chilling message from a terrorist.
a terrorist threatening to repeat the attack several times. with just over eight weeks until election day and new polls show donald trump and hillary clinton deadlocked in a few key battleground states so what does this mean for trump's road to the white house? what would that look like? let's talk to karl rove, joining us from grand rapids, michigan. good morning. >> good morning, steve. >> first to arizona, trump at 42, hillary clinton at 41. he's up by one. in georgia, the margin is up trump up by 3. in nevada, trump is down by 1. what do you make of all that? >> well, look, this confirms previous trends, some of it good, some of it bad for trump.
arizona and georgia have been comfortably in the republican column, so for him to be narrowly ahead is a concern. he can't afford to lose those 11 electoral votes in arizona or the 16 in georgia. on the other hand, nevada, this also confirms a trend there which she hasn't been too well there. this is a close race in a state that's traditionally very purple. there's one other state which is good news for trump that we don't know if it's a trend. that is new hampshire. it showed the race there to be a 1 point clinton lead. if that state has closed, that's good news for trump because that's the state the republicans last won in 2000. >> what's going on in the polls? is she becoming less popular and he more popular? a month ago, it looked like she was trending toward winning? >> the answer to your question is yes, both.
she peaks on august 7th and the real clear politics average of national polls, she has a lead of 7.9 points and since then that lead was cut late last week by 2/3 down to 2.7. it's now back up to 3.1 point lead. she's lost 67% of her lead. part of it she's gone down and part of it he's gone up. if you look inside his numbers, his favorables have gone up 4 and unfavorables down 4. nonetheless, both of these candidates are not well liked. his unfavorables are 54% and his 58%. >> her you ever favorables can't be helped by the fact she talked about the basket of deplorables, half of his audience. >> look at her apology. i apologize for having said half of them were that way. that was like her apology last
week. she admitted a mistake with her email server but in responding at the commander in chief forum. i did everything right and i would do it again. that doesn't sound like an apology. neither one of them is an apology. >> how big of of a deal is the health thing after it looks like she passed out yesterday? >> we got it divided in half, the fact that she's gotten pneumonia is a problem. what's an even bigger problem is she was diagnosed on friday and the public found out about it on sunday. that creates a heightened sense that she's hiding something, there's something more there because she's not being forthcoming in it. she had the episode in cleveland where she's hacking. she get her to a doctor on friday. they diagnose her with a minor case of pneumonia, capable of being treated with antibiotics. they don't teled us -- tell us
about it until sunday. >> donald trump was just on. he said he had a physical and blood work done and going to release it as soon as the numbers come in. i guess it's an issue. >> it would be smart for him to put out all of his health records and put big pressure on her to put out her all records, including the episode that she had with the cop cushion that led to six months recovery according to her husband. >> all right. mr. politics, karl rove, thank you for joining us today from grand rapids. >> great to see you, steve. coming up on this monday, who would do this? look at that right there. thousands of flags meant for a 9/11 memorial, thrown in the garbage. it wasn't an accident. wayne newton has a message for the nfl players protesting during our national anthem. if you don't like our country, get out. [ "on the road again," by willie nelson ] ♪ on the road again
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> you just got to love that guy. ladies and gentlemen, mr. las vegas, long time friend of the show, wayne newton is in the house. >> what is it like to see those videos? i don't have a mustache anymore.
>> i shaved it. somebody gave me a t-shirt once and it had eyebrows and a mustache and you knew who it was. >> engineer -- geraldo. >> so is that disturbed you? >> i shaved it off. first lady on the elevator said hi, wayne. you do this thing that toeb -- tony and frank sinatra has. i see someone on the stage, i wonder if they are tired of doing this? you always seem fresh. >> i never am tired of performing. i took a year or two off because
i've been working since i was four. i took my wife on vacation. i really missed being on stage. the fact is i love to bring some happiness into people's lives and to see the look on their face when that happens. >> there's no better way to do it than with music and performing. we're going to be in vegas for the debate. >> absolutely. >> you haven't been shy about talking about politics. who are you supporting in this race? >> well, i finally found out that i could be called deplorable. >> which half? you are in that half. >> i'm in the basket half. >> wayne were you a trump supporter from the get go or did you like somebody else and you had to shift because they dropped out. >> i have been a trump supporter from the beginning. >> from the get go. >> and in fact he has been a
friend of mine i'm proud to say for more years than either of us talk about. >> what was it about donald trump that you liked from the get go that a lot of the political pundits and some of them in many cases are never trumpers, they never did he tell good him -- didn't get about him. >> the fact that if you ask donald trump a question, you are going to get an honest opinion of where he's coming from. there's going to be no coloring it. i called him -- i was going through one of the mountains and valleys that we go through in life, myself, and i called him to get some advice, and i actually called him to say what attorney should i hire for this problem, and he said, wayne, have you talked to the people that you are having a problem with yourself? i said no. he said do yourself a favor, before you get into the attorney thing, call them, and it was the best information and the most honest information that i can
say that anybody has ever given me because it was foenl -- phenomenal. >> is saved you a ton of money. i want to talk about something else that's happening over the last few weeks, nfl players sitting did you know during the national anthem. what's your reaction to that? >> my reaction is quite simple. i think every american has the right to say and do whatever it is that freedom offers us, however, during the national anthem is not a time or a place to show that kind of thing, and i have no tolerance at all for it, and i support their right to say what they believe and how they believe it, but that's the wrong place and time. >> if they don't like it, what? >> get the hell out. >> of the country. >> of the country. >> you are here in new york because you are being honored
for the 31st annual great sports legend dinner. what's your connection with sports? >> actually, i've been a big friend of the banicanni, nick's entire career. i could watch television afternoon because working all night but then when nick's son mark became perilled, i was on board and they didn't know it nor did i know them. i was just a fan, and years later, i ran into some people that were very close to them, and they said would you like to meet them, i said absolutely. from that point on i've been supporting -- >> every year -- it's the 31st annual great sports legend dinner tonight. you are getting the humanitarian award. it's an unbelievable night and day. what an honor. fantastic.
>> i'm humbled by it, i tell you. i think so many people have done so much more than i've done and i will continue to support them and the cause -- >> spinal cord research. >> spinal cord research because we're into trial stages now which is phenomenal and they are doing such great research. mark is determined to walk again and stuff like that. >> have a great night tonight. wayne newton, thank you very much. we'll see you in vegas, baby. >> it's a deal. >> and we're staying with you. >> we can a rent a car if we have our housing taken care of. >> we've got a list. celine dion and you are on the list too. >> that's code for get her a comp. thank you so much. off you are off to a great day. we start out with a really disgraceful story coming out of 9/11 and the anniversary
there. this picture shows a 9/11 memorial at a college completely destroyed by vandals. students at occidental college in los angeles planted flags to mark all the lives lost of the deadly terror attack in the united states. but vandals, crushed, snapped, and threw every single flag in the garbage. the students rallied and replanted each flag. the director of the new movie "snowden" has a message for president obama. oliver stone, the director, now urging president obama to issue a pardon for the nsa whistle-blower edward snowden before the end of his presidency. he's been living in russia to
avoid prosecution here in the united states but reportedly wants to come become to u.s. here she is, your newly crowned miss america. watch. >> miss arkansas! [ cheers and applause ] >> savvy shields. >> congratulations, ms. arkansas. she took home the miss america title last night in atlantic city. during the question portion, judges asked her what she thought of hillary clinton. >> if you are trying to be leader of the free world, everything you say and do matters all of your actions are held to a higher standard. >> the 21-year-old takes home a $50,000 scholarship and a six-figure salary. her talent was jazz. we got to see her jazz hands earlier. >> she can kick her leg up. >> she sure can. >> you got to stretch. >> otherwise you are going to be in trouble. coming up this monday, donald trump hitting the
campaign trail and hillary clinton with a brand-new ad. we're outside trump tower with the latest coming up next. and you know him like this. can you teach us something? >> what would you like? >> anything you want to do. >> that's ab. >> harry con nick jr has a new gig and i got to sit down one-on-one with him and sit down with a live audience. >> i hear this is a great show. >> it is. we'll tell you about it. allergies distracting you? when your symptoms start... doctors recommend taking ...non-drowsy claritin every day of your allergy season. claritin provides powerful, non-drowsy 24 hour relief... for fewer interruptions from the amazing things you do every day. live claritin clear. siriusxm's free listening event that's might be over,ckin'. but now you can turn us back on with packages starting at $5.99 a month, plus fees. just call 855-874-7743
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take on any road with intuitive all-wheel drive. the nissan rogue, murano and pathfinder. now get 0% apr for 72 months, plus $500 bonus cash. hillary clinton still on defense after these insulting comments about american voters. >> you can put half of trump supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. they are racist, sexist,
homophobic, dozen owephobic, islamphobic, you name it. >> donald trump continues his relentless attack with a brand-new political ad. john roberts has gotten the edge. you are ready to show it? >> am i going to what? >> are you going to show the ad? >> we'll show part of the ad in a second. donald trump made some news with you folks. he had a physical last week. he's going to release the results of that physical thursday on the dr. oz show. we've discovered that since you talked to him. donald trump staying away from any mention of what happened to hillary clinton yesterday. they feel the issue itself, particularly the way they are campaign handled, has created its own narrative, so they don't see any up side in adding to that and there actually is a potential downside. listen to the restraint and discipline with which he talked
about when he spoke with you a little while ago. >> i really don't know. i hope she gets well soon. i don't know what's going on. like you, i see what i see. the coughing fit was a week ago, so i assume that was pneumonia also. i would think it would have been, but something is going on. i hope she gets well and gets back on the trail and we'll be seeing her at the debate. >> now to the other issue, the ad and the basket of deplorables. donald trump has got a $2 million ad he's launching today in ohio, north carolina, and florida, featuring clinton's own words. the trump is going to make this stick to her like the democrats made the 47% comment stick to romney back in 2012. he told you he thinks this comment is much worse. >> personally when, i heard it, i thought that it was not something within the realm of possible that she would have said it. i said to my people i don't
believe she said it. i think you have to check it. there's no way she said it. she actually did. she doubled up and it was said with such anger, such unbelievable anger. i think this is the biggest mistake of the political season. >> here's what donald trump is going to do with that this afternoon speaking to the national guard association. he will make the point one -- what half of my military supporters does hillary clinton say are deplorable. >> john roberts who would have no sound bites without the "fox & friends." we carried you through that whole thing. >> you do. you carry me. i'm a burden on your back. i'm sorry. >> thank you, john. from award-winning musician to "american idol" judge, coming up next, i'm talking to the man
himself, harry connick, jr. because she knows that when it's cold outside... it's good food and good company that keep you warm inside. marie callender's. it's time to savor.
harry connick jr is an award-winning musician and actor who is no stranger to the television set as you know. now he's stepping into a new role. he's now a talk show host, but first he gave me a behind the scenes sneak peek. do you want to see it, brian? >> more than anything. you've got a live audience out there. does that make you nervous? >> i love it. >> what was it like when you got the call you got your own show? >> it had been floating around for a while probably since my mid 20s. i knew i wanted to play music and i wanted it to be in front of a live audience in new york.
i wanted to have everyday people. we were going to have celebrities. it's great to have celebrities, but i really want us to have everyday people and celebrate everyday people. >> who is going to be on the show, very first day, on monday today, who is going to be on the show today? >> i'm excited. my dear friend sandra bullock. >> we have russell crowe, anthony anderson, zoey deschanel. i'm sure i'm leaving people out. >> this is so cool. ♪ ♪ how did you get from new orleans to here? >> well, when i was 18, i moved to new york and i had a dream of being a musician and a performer and kind of took a day at a time. i made a lot of records, did broadway shows and movies and tv
and i got to the point where i wanted to do something that combined all the thing i love and brought them under one roof. being from new orleans, being from south carolina, i love to have a good time, i love to have a party. >> we know how to do that in the south, don't we? >> we do. i wanted to take that nighttime party feel and bring it to people every day five days a week, right in their living room every single day. >> who do you give it credit to it? >> i give to my mother and father, and now i give it to my wife and girls. they are the reason i get up every day and all i want to do is sort of impress them if i can. >> three girls. how are they? >> 20, 18 and 14. i'm in love with these girls. i love them more and more in different ways as they get older. if you set a good example and you try to do things by example, lead by example, they are going to pay attention to what you are doing. so jill and i, we try our best
to be good parents and the girls are doing an amazing job at figuring things out. >> how did you meet jill? >> i was swimming in the pool at the hotel i was staying at and i see this woman walk by the pool who is leaving the hotel to go to a modeling job. i didn't know that at the time, and i jumped out of the pool, and i introduced myself to her, and when i got close up to her, i said oh, my god, i'm in trouble now, i've never seen a more beautiful woman, and i feel like that 26 years later. >> and you are used to this, the live audience, "american idol." >> i love being in front of a live audience. i'm having the time of my life doing this show. i want to give people a party, a respite from their day. people work out there, man. i want them to turn on the tv and forget about their troubles for an hour every day and hopefully we can have a good time. >> can you show me something
that you can do or play? >> i actually have the sheet music. if i don't have the sheet music, i can't do everything. every piece of music i play, i have to have the sheet music. >> can you teach us something? >> what would you like? >> anything you would like to do. >> give me a number 1 to 10. >> 8. >> keys? give me a letter. >> a. >> i'm going to play a tune that's got 8 beats in a key of a. that's eight beats. that's eight beats. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> wow. harry -- >> that is talent. >> that is unbelievable. >> we're going to be watching harry premier's today on fox stations nationwide. check your local listings for
that. >> i hear great things about the show. >> he's such a nice guy. >> still a huge show, bret bear joins us at the top of the hour, plus dr. phil and meatloaf. . never before has bret been on with meatloaf. i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed.
see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at good monday morning to you and to your family, it's september 12th. i'm ainsley earhardt. breaking news from donald trump, the republican nominee planning to release his medical records this week after the collapse of hillary clinton over the weekend. and clinton calling trump supporters deplorable. she doubled up because it was said with such anger and such unbelievable anger and i think this is the biggest mistake of
the political season. the 15th an verse require marking -- anniversary of 9/11. more protests over the national anthem. kids following suit. we have high school and another group in beaumont, texas. dr. phil is here with a message with them. our slogan remains. put a smile on your face and mornings are better because you are with friends. ♪ ♪ dr. phil has got an exclusive with jonbenet ramsey's brother on his show. >> do you recognize that song? >> of course. >> the man behind the music, meatloaf himself is here live. >> we have a three-hour show. we're almost done. >> bret baier is going to be with us first this. >> we begin with the race for
the white house. new questions this morning surrounding hillary clinton's health. >> the democratic nominee now canceling campaign events in california after she collapsed yesterday at the 9/11 memorial famously now caught on twitter video. >> i can't believe she was going to head out there anyway. the democrats now reportedly considering a replacement. jennifer griffin is in west chester, new york. jennifer, is this true? >> reporter: i don't have any confirmation of that, brian, but what i can say is that we possibly would not have known about hillary clinton's health condition if it hasn't been our own rick leventhal who broke the story yesterday with law enforcement sources and that follow-on video taken by a bystander, the press pool was not allowed anywhere near her. we only learned last night from her doctor that she had been diagnosed with pneumonia on friday. here's what her doctor said last night, she was put on antibiotics and advised to rest and modify her schedule. i have just examined her and she
is now rehydrated and recovering nicely. video posted on social media showed aides trying to help her to the van as her secret service detail opened the door, hillary clinton's knees appeared to buckle as she stepped forward and stumbled toward the vehicle, cutting short her visit to the 9/11 memorial. for more than an hour, campaign aides did not return reporters' calls and the traveling press pool was kept in the dark. the press secretary said she overheated. 90 minutes later she emerged from her daughter's apartment. one week earlier, a coughing fit during a labor day picnic in ohio caused her to interrupt her speech and later a press briefing. [ coughing ] >> every time i think about donald trump, i get allergic.
>> donald trump was on "fox & friends" moments ago and saying that he had had a physical just last week. here's what he said. i took a physical, and i'll be releasing, when the numbers come, hopefully they are going to be good, i think they are going to be good, i feel great, but when the numbers come in, i'll be releasing very, very specific numbers. >> reporter: we understand from our john roberts that trump plans to release that physical information on an airing of dr. oz later this week. >> jennifer, not too far from where hillary is right now. let's bring in bret baier. bret, i'm sure you saw yesterday, hillary clinton left early and that twitter video and the campaign said she
overheated. we saw in "the daily beast" a secret service agent threw her into the van like a side of beef. they go to chelsea's apartment when she needs medical attention. something didn't smell right about the story. >> i want to echo jennifer's comments. rick leventhal broke that story and for the first part of it, there were other channels saying this is more conspiracy theory talk and that cable channels shouldn't give oxygen to this kind of thing. these are facts, and he had law enforcement sources, and he accurately described exactly what happened, and then we saw the video, and once you saw the video, the change from the campaign from she was overheated to a little bit later the statement from the doctor that she actually was diagnosed friday with pneumonia. i think, you know, opens a different door here. now, whether the health issue overall is going to move numbers
in this race, i don't know, but i do know that the way the campaign handled this and handles other things opens the door to what are they hiding, and it becomes an issue by the way they handled, even if it's just, you know, candidates get sick and presidents get sick. >> you are right. it goes back to trust. what are we to believe? her biggest weakness is trust among the american people, even though it's personal and everybody wants her to get better and i mean that, you wonder do we even believe the pneumonia story, because does someone with pneumonia scheduled a 3,000 mile journey to do more fundraising in los angeles, on friday night have a big speech. >> after she's diagnosed with pneumonia on friday, she holds a two-hour national security meeting. she holds a press krves. she sits down with cnn with a
one-on-one interview, and has two fund-raisers, that was a busy schedule. >> especially considering she took the weekend off before that. she's taken several weekends off if you compare the number of times she's been out in the media to donald trump. she's taken time off, so you would think if she were really sick -- it brings up some questions. if it weren't for that video, the mainstream media might have been able to stick to that story, that you can't believe what other networks are saying. i'm glad we have that video to show us what the truth is. now, bret, we had donald trump on earlier. he said he's going to real his medical records this week. how important is it for the candidates to do that? >> it's important for the pressure, from the donald trump's campaign perspective, if he does that, he's going to quell the calls for his medical records and really put the pressure on hillary clinton. i think we'll see how detailed
it gets, but he's going to be as you mentioned on dr. oz on thursday and we're told it's going to be a release of detailed, you know the results of that physical. you look back to john mccain in 2008, he put out 1,200 pages of detailed medical records to let reporters see though because of all the questions about health, and one would think that now that this is a legitimate issue for the mainstream media to pursue. >> in fact, it's on the cover of the "new york times" asking just that. meanwhile, on friday night, one of those press availabilities -- there was a camera at the back in one of those fund-raisers, hillary clinton called half of trump's supporters the basket of deplorab deplorables. mr. trump was on the show an hour ago and he couldn't believe she said it. >> when i heard it, i thought that it was not something within the realm of possible that she would have said it. i said to my people, i don't
believe she said it. you have to check it. there's no way she said this. she actually did and she really doubled up because it was said with such anger and such unbelievable anger and i think this is the biggest mistake of the political season. remember this. you are going to be president. you are president of all the people. you are not president of 50% or 75%. you are president of all the people. you are president of everybody. >> his reaction is quite measured in her illness. we don't know -- with pneumonia and his reaction to calling his audience, was not emotional, it was i want to be president for everyone, even people that don't vote for me. that's not how donald trump used to react. >> i was struck by the tone as well. the fact that the question -- the health question started with i hope she's better. i think that's where most people's heads are on that issue. i think on the dploeshls -- deplorables comments. it is a big deal in part because it fits that whole mold of the 47% comment by mitt romney in
2012, that it kind of lines up with a perception that people may have that she is tied to, you know, northeast liberal elites that look down at the middle of the country and that fits that and so by doing it and her kind of half apology-apology, saying that she was sorry for saying "half" by the way, "half" is roughly 47%, it lines up like that, and i think he's right. >> as it turns out, mr. trump is going to buy $2 million worth of ads and play hillary clinton saying that in four battleground states starting very shortly. tonight on your program, you've got an interview with indiana governor mike pence. >> i'm sure he slept on a cot last night. >> hard working man. >> we worked yesterday too. >> in the morning, though. we had the afternoon off.
heather, another hard working girl. >> no slumber last night. >> good morning to all of you. we start out with a fox news alert. the florida mosque that american terrorist omar mateen once attended intentionally set on fire last night. a video shows a suspect walking up to that building moments before flames broke out. officials are investigating this as an arson case and will release the video to help locate the suspect. mateen died in a shoot out with police after he killed 49 people in orlando's pulse nightclub in june. a school bus slams into a cement pillar, killing the driver and injuring the high school football. you can see the bus, the front completely destroyed. the team was on its way back
from a tournament in california. more than one dozen students had to be rushed to the hospital. three coaches seriously hurt. investigators are still trying to figure out what went wrong. samsung's latest phone is so dangerous that the company won't let some people use it even if they want to. samsung is planning to deactivate all galaxy note 7s in france by the end of the september. this is after 2.7 million phones were recalled after several caught fire here in the united states. one completely destroyed this jeep. a memo of silence at the -- moment of silence meant to honor those at the pentagon on september 11th. he couldn't wait to get things started. the president moving the moment of silence up five minutes ahead of the planned 9:37 a.m. time. that's when the plane had actually hit the pentagon. according to the daily caller,
he was impatient. that's how they repeated it -- reported it. meanwhile, on this this monday, new developments in a cold case that gripped the country for nearly two decades. jonbenet's brother talks publicly. >> the first thing i remember my mom burst into my room, really frantic, saying oh, my gosh, running around the room folking for jonbene te. >> the brand-new polls from washington. that will be next. ♪ ♪ i'm claudine and i quit smoking with chantix. smoking's a monkey on my back. it was, it was always controlling your time, your actions, your money. it had me. it had me. i would not be a non-smoker today if it wasn't for chantix. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking.
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there's the countdown. 57 days until the election and new polls show that donald trump and hillary clinton deadlocked in the key battleground states. >> what does this mean for trump's road to the white house? >> let's talk to ed henry. he's here to break down the numbers. ed. >> good morning, guys. what's interesting is donald trump continues to close in these polls on hillary clinton and the polls are coming out at a time when her health is forcing her off the campaign
trail at this critical juncture. look at the latest poll, for example, which shows that trump still has some concerns in traditional battleground. republican states that he should be winning by more and watch gary johnson in these polls. it shows clinton at 46%, and libertarian gary johnson as 9%. jill stein, 2%. nevada, even tighter, a state carried by president obama twice. trump in the lead by 1 point. 42, 41. johnson again eight points, jill stein just three. that's in the wall street journal poll. these are serious battlegrounds in that poll. arizona, he's on top in arizona, it's a state republicans usually win big. he's only 47% over clinton.
new hampshire, clinton lost to bernie sanders by double digits. she's up just 39% over 37% over trump. why? gary johnson is up in new hampshire. stein at 3 rs. look at georgia. trump is up 44% to 42%. georgia is one of those traditionally republican states where trump should be up by more. you can tell in these battleground, he is up. it's within the margin of error. it's extremely tight. he had been trailing clinton but suddenly he is closing in these some of these states or at least taking a small lead and with clinton's health scare, she's off the trail for at least two days or more at a time when we're just two weeks away from that first debate. this is a critical juncture, guys. >> plus the basket of deplorables comment can't help
her. i can't believe that number with gary johnson in new hampshire. how does he get 15 to 17%. >> but aleppo might hurt him. as the polls tighten in about battleground states, donald trump goes on the attack. 49ers quarterback colin kaepernick started and now the protest is spreading. new full out -- fall out next. g abigail higgins had...
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news by the number. first up, 1-0, that's the new england patriots record so far. jimmy garropolo subing in for tom brady during his suspension. and next, $35 million. >> sully. >> good movie. brian, liked it. he saw it. that's how much "sully" brought in at the box office. and finally, two, that is how many years the new trump d.c. hotel opened ahead of schedule. it's located in the historic part of d.c., the old post office building on pennsylvania avenue and it's undergone $200 million in renovation.
in yesterday, on the day we mark 15 years since 9/11 attacks, four dolphin players took a knee on the sidelines and kansas state quarterback marcus peters raised his fist during the anthem. >> here now, we have kevin here. they say it's about oppression and lack of equity in our judicial system and justice system and law enforcement. what's your message? >> well, it's nonsense and the idea, brian, that, you know, this is spreading, is to me is ridiculous. there are 1696 players in the nfl, and the overwhelming majority of them don't stand for this, scm in fact i would venture to tell you they would love to tell their teammates to knock the nonsense off. it's their first amend trying to to do it. it's ridiculous that they do it. i think the most ridiculous part
of this whole thing is these are kids who don't practice what they preach. they have removed themselves from the very environment that they say all this occurs. they put together their little charities and they claim that they are giving back to the black community. none of these guys live in the black community, not one and none of them are raising their children in the community they claim they want to serve. it's completely disingenuous, we give it a lot of press. it's not catching on because america knows that the whole premise of it is a lie. >> kevin, i wish you were right, but you are not. sadly, we have a picture of a 12-year-old teen who tweeted out. they asked their coach in beaumont, texas, can we kneel during the national anthem and basically ignore it? the coach said yes. we have a high school team that did the same thing over in philadelphia and we have colon kaepernick who is going to do the same thing tonight in his game and next week without the, i guess the regret of 9/11 in
the backdrop, i think it's going to happen more and more and i just don't think that it's going to accomplish any goals except for further divide the country. >> it's not going to accomplish anything and i'm not wrong. the fact of the matter is at every incident you are talking about there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions of kids who stand in honor of the flag of the national anthem and the unfortunate thing is we've allowed liberalism teach these kids that they are victims of something. victims of what? these are nfl players that have made it. they have removed themselves from bad situations. they are not bad situations created by the police, created by a bunch of white people, except white liberals, the majority of the situation where they are having their problems is by democrats and in many cases black democrats, so what do are they proficienting -- protesting? they are protesting nothing. america is sick of it. all of those games you talk about, whether it's a 12-year-old kid, it's anecdotal.
we're proud of what we've built. we're proud of the direction it's about to go in when we're done with the democrats and i think for the most part they are ready to move on. >> do you want the league to do something? >> i think the league should essentially look at this as for what it is and stop social engineering, bring it back to meritocracy what you do on the field speaks for your performance and dispence with the nonsense. i'm not watching the nfl for the very reason. it's unfortunate that the nfl feels it's necessary to do this, to capitulate because if they don't, they are going to lose a contract or they are not going to get to play the super bowl somewhere. most people would rather just watch the games and not worry about the social engineering of this type of nonsense. >> we'll see what happens tonight and we'll see where it goes from here. i don't know -- colin kaepernick
sits on the bench during the national anthem. he's the backup quarterback and he's going to get $12 million to do that. kevin, thanks so much. >> my pleasure, brian. 20 years after jonbenet ramsey's murder, older brother is going to appear on dr. phil today. who would do this, houses of flags -- thousands of flags for a 9/11 memorial thrown in the trash and this is not an accident. ♪ ♪ (announcer vo) that's right, keep rockin'.
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hillary clinton still on defense after these insulting comments about american voters.
>> you could put half of trump's supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. they are racist, sexist, xenophobic, islamphobic, you name it. now donald trump continues his relentless attack with a brand-new ad using those words from hillary clinton. >> fox news senior national correspondent john roberts joins us live from outside of trump tower about a block away. >> reporter: good morning to you. you can bet the trump campaign is going to be all over this. i've been talking to the campaign staff as they are walking into the building on their monday morning commute into work. they have been handed a huge gift here. $2 million ad buy starts on television in ohio, north carolina, pennsylvania and florida, trying to apply her comments as a basket of deplorables as broadly as possible. watch this. >> speaking to wealthy donors, hillary clinton calls tens of millions of americans deplorable. people like you, you, and you.
deplorable. you know what's deplorable? hillary clinton. >> donald trump is going to be doubling down on that thatch when he appears before the national guard association conference in baltimore. one of the things he will talk about is what half of my military supporters does hillary clinton think is deplorable. the one thing that the trump campaign is avoiding is any comment on hillary clinton's health problems. you probably saw the videotape yesterday. she was at a 9/11 memorial service yesterday. was having some trouble. had to leave. stumbling getting into your van. had to be helped in by staff and secret service. donald trump said this this morning on "fox & friends." listen. >> what i really just don't know, i hope she gets well soon. i don't know what's going on. i'm like you. i see what i see. the coughing fit was a week ago, so i assume that was pneumonia also. i would have think it would have been so something is going on but i just hope she gets well and gets back on the trail, and
we'll be seeing her at the debate. >> reporter: what happened yesterday and the way that they are campaign has handled it has drawn attention and criticism even from democrats. look at what david axelrod tweeted out. antibiotics can take care of pneumonia. what's the cure for an unhealthy penchant for priefsly that repeatedly creates unnecessary problems? donald trump had a physical last week. the results will be made public on the dr. oz show. there could be possible news there. >> thanks a lot for promoting dr. oz in front of dr. phil. >> what's -- that's so unprofessional. unbelievable. >> all right, dr. phil, have you been watching this, the whole collapsing thing yesterday? >> i have. i watched it, yeah. >> what's your -- do you have an
observation? >> well, you know, all i saw was the film clips and i don't think it's right to form an opinion unless you've actually examined the patient. everybody has got an opinion. examine the patient or mind your own business. >> we all wish her the best. >> something you've examined is the death of jonbenet ramsey. 20 years ago. for years people have been trying to get an interview with her brother burke. finally, you did. >> well, it's the missing link and in 20 years, this thing has been examined from every angle you can possibly imagine and it's never gotten cold. all over the internet, there's these factions, intruder, the parents or burke. he's never spoken and that's the missing link. there are three tapes. a psychologist interviewing tape and two interrogation tapes and
they went missing. burke has never spoken and the three interrogation tapes are missing. i've got burke and the three interrogation tapes. >> it was not easy to find them. >> what can we expect to see? >> you are going to hear some things from the only other person known to be in the house the night of the murder, and he speaks very openly. it was a no holds barred interview. he's going to talk about such things as the bowl of pineapple that was there. >> you want to see a clip. >> let's do. >> let's take a look. >> do you remember waking up that morning? >> yep. the first thing i remember is my mom bursting into my room, really frantic saying oh, my gosh, oh, my gosh, oh, my gosh, running around my room, looking for jonbenet. at that point i was awake and the next thing i remember is a police officer coming to my room and shining a flashlight. >> it was still dark when this happened? >> yeah, i was just laying there. >> the smile -- >> bizarre. >> there is unusual affect when
he's talking about otherwise very deep and dark content, but he is socially uncomfortable. he works remotely as a computer analyst. he doesn't go into the office. he's not around people a lot. he's very intelligent. nothing was off limits. i asked him straight up did you murder your sister jonbenet ramsey. i asked him the questions people want answers too. i asked him about the baseball bat. i asked him about the incident before about hitting her in the head with a golf club. i asked him about all the things that people want to know about, the bowl of pineapple, all of these things that have people -- people have waited 20 years to hear him answer. he answers those questions. >> with your psychological background, you are trained to see if people are being candid with you in order to treat them. now you are interviewing them. >> i play those tapes and i watch him watch those tapes of him being interviewed at the time of the murder, and it was interesting to see his reaction
to himself and to watch him as he sees that and see how he reacts to it. i asked him straight up, did your parents think you did it? do you think your parents did it? >> what did he say? >> all of those questions. after 20 years, it would be really disrespectful for me to answer for him. i'm going to let him answer those questions. i'll tell you this, whatever your opinion is, it will be different after you watch these shows. >> do you have an opinion if he's guilty? >> i do. >> do you offer it in the show? >> i'm very candid about where i come down on this in the show. there's no question about where i stand when this is over. >> what day does that air? >> it airs today, tomorrow, and a week from today. it's a three-part series and i promise you when this is over there will be great clarity about this -- about this very mysterious case. >> how do you feel about these protests going on during the "star spangled banner"? >> i think people have the right to do the protest and people
have the right to say what they think about the protest. for me, i stand up every time they play the national anthem. i put my hand over the heart and i'm going to do so. i'm part of america, if i don't like it, then i'll discuss that and i'll say what i say, but if i'm here, i'm going to stand up and put my hand over my heart and i think that's my choice and i have the right to do that and the right to say that. he has the right to not do it. and i have the right to say i wish he wouldn't. >> the season premier of the 15th season kicking off with "dr. phil". >> hard to believe. >> congratulations. dr. phil, at this point, we hand it over to heather. >> good morning to you. 20 minutes before the top of the hour. fox news alert right now. a mother of three wanted to blow up the eiffel tower and she's considered the first member of france's all female isis cell.
she's set to be charged. police find her fingerprints in a car packed with gas cylinders parked near the notre dame cathedral. isis are taking advantage of widowed women of dead isis fighters. this is simply a disgrace. a disgusting picture showing a 9/11 memorial at a college that was destroyed by vandals. students at occidental college planted flags to mark each of the lives lost on the 9/11 terror attacks. vandals crushed every single flag. students ended up rallying and replanted those shes flags on campus. good for them. here she is, your newly crowned miss america.
>> miss arkansas! [ cheers and applause ] >> savvy shields. >> well, that is ms. arkansas. her name is savvy shields. she took home the miss america title last night in atlantic city. she's 21-year-old. she's taking home a $50,000 scholarship and a six-figure salary. coming up, more on hillary clinton's health scare. what donald trump just told us and why her campaign kept the press away. >> and months after collapsing on stage, meatloaf ready to talk about it. he will join us live with a message for his fans and he will still do anything for love. ♪ mapping the oceans. where we explore. protecting biodiversity. everywhere we work. defeating malaria. improving energy efficiency. developing more clean burning natural gas.
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upgrade your phone system and learn how you could save at well, yesterday, during the 9/11 commemoration, we were here on the couch when we got
word that rick leventhal had an exclusive. law enforcement sources told him that hillary clinton essentially her knees buckled, she went down while getting into the scooby van. >> referred to a medical emergency. >> they threw her into the van like a side of beef. that's what we heard. then we heard they drove her to chels chelsea's apartment, then we heard from the spokesperson who said she overheated. then she comes out and hugs a little kid and says it's a beautiful day in new york city. i feel fine. >> that's her walking out of chelsea's apartment on the sidewalk. we interviewed to donald trump earlier to talk to him about this. this is what he had to say about the health scare involving hillary clinton. >> what i really just don't know, i hope she gets well soon. i don't know what's going on. i'm like you. i see what i see. the coughing fit was a week ago, so i assume that was pneumonia also.
i would think it would have been, so something is going on, but i just hope she gets well and gets back on the trail, and we'll be seeing her at the debate. >> that was diplomatic of him saying. she never told us it was pneumonia before. it was a claim that she didn't tell she was unwell. if we didn't bring the video up, she said she was overheated. >> we asked you at home to send us your comments. greg on facebook said this is just another hillary rodham clinton lie. no one knows the true medical state of her condition and we never will. >> look for her to be unable to attend debates, at least the first one, due to pneumonia,
right. >> there's no one to prop her up or help her on the debate. >> if she was my mom, i'd tell her to hang it up. she's too fragile for this job. if anyone is locking out for her best interests, would they say hop on a plane, go 3,nou for more fund-raisers. >> she was diagnosed allegedly on friday and they let her campaign throughout the weekend. >> here's the thing, she collapses down at the 9/11 memorial and what do they do? they take her to chelsea's apartment -- >> rather than a hospital. >> to an apartment. she canceled stops the next two days as she recovers. just to get to bill hemmerer's show, i have no idea to do. >> we're just two bats out of hell over here. good morning guys. 58 days from the election. what about this health episode for hillary clinton and more on
how trump is responding. full analysis on that. general flynn's reaction about the comment of deplorable trump supporters. and uber is sending self-driving cars to pittsburgh now. would you take a ride? martha and i will see you at the top of the hour, ten minutes away. [ front assist sounds ] [ music stops ] [ girl laughs ] ♪ on the road again ♪ like a band of gypsies we go down the highway ♪ [ beetle horn honks ] no matter which passat you choose, you get more standard features, for less than you expected. hurry in and lease the 2017 passat s for just $199 a month.
♪music ♪music thank you dear, very much ♪music you're welcome ♪music thank you ♪you make me feel so young look who's coming... ♪you make me feel so spring has sprung♪ ♪and every time i see your face♪ ♪i'm such a happy individual you're not fooling anybody, you know ♪the moment that you speak ♪i wanna go play... ♪ ♪ ♪ >> oh, boy. >> that was a scary moment for music fans this summer when the
artist meatloaf collapsed on stage. >> remember the grammy winner fell during an encore of his hit i'll do everything anything for love and was immediately rushed to the hospital. >> meatloaf is back and he's on the mend and joins us live. >> it's a pleasure to be here. >> what happened? >> i'm fine. i've got some problems. we're dealing with them. what we're here to talk about is a new album. >> you have a new album through all of this. >> yes. i do. comes out friday. braver than we are. what's that about? >> oh, man. how do you explain it? where do you start? the initial song called who needs the young, was written by jim steinman at the age of 19 years old. we did three of his first songs he ever wrote on the record so what i did on the record was i
did every character as a 19-year-old because i'm an actor. i'm not a method actor and jimmy is a method writer. i've never asked him what he's written a song about ever. the only thing he says to me is get the melody right. >> i want to ask you about your experience on "the worked for >> it was fine. >> did you stay touch with him? are you friends with him? >> not really. i'm not really a political human being, you know. to quote dolly parton, america has got a great system, and the people make the right choice. >> and dolly parton said that? >> she did. >> on the "apprentice" you came
in on third? >> third. >> have you ever thought you wanted to be donald trump? >> i only want to be myself. >> you came in third but you knew you came in first. >> we knew that after the art gallery that marly and rich were going to be first and second. we decided who was third was the actual winner. >> how much do you value football days in who you are today? >> they make me who i am. i'm very disciplined. you've never seen me have a picture in the paper of a dui. you don't see me hanging out at clubs. you don't see me drinking. you don't -- i'm very disciplined. days off the shows, i don't talk. i stay in my room. i don't even go to restaurants.
i don't go to movies. >> your performances are athletic. you are moving, aggressive. >> yeah, most of them, until i injured, but we're going to take care of that. >> where are you from originally? >> dallas. >> how did you get from dallas to having this amazing musical career? >> i got hit in the head with a shot put. >> that will do it. >> it happens to everybody. >> congratulations on the new album. >> comes up september 16th. >> the new album, i didn't want it to have tracks like a regular record. i wanted it to be a symphony, but itunes, because of itunes, we had to have tracks. >> all right. mr. meatloaf, always a pleasure. >> more "fox & friends" moments away. can't see it. can't taste it.
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>> fox news, our new logo in beer cans.
>> staff sergeant james hamilton does this for a living. boths caps, he does it in fox news. he sent it to us in the mail. we're going to put in our green room. this is heavy. >> have a great day. see you back here tomorrow. bill: hillary clinton apparently taking a sick day today. the democratic nominee canceling a trip to california after this wobbly moment. this video raising questions about her health. as we say, hope you had a great weekend. martha: good morning, i'm martha maccallum. let's take a look at this. you probably have seen it over the course of the weekend. there is the spotlight shadow of mrs. clinton before she gets into the van. stumbling, situation before she gets into the van. her doctor says the reason for all of this is she

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Pedestrian Crossing , Automotive Mirror , Highway , Fur , Fur Clothing , Statue , Fashion Design , Choreography , Temple , Turban , Smartphone , Portable Communications Device , Mobile Device , Feature Phone , Telephony , Sidewalk , Rickshaw , Road Surface , Intersection , Road Trip , Plaza , Market , Bazaar , Chinese New Year , Window Covering , Window Treatment , Guitarist , Acrobatics , Modern Dance , Aerialist , Dancer , Dance , Concert Dance , Symbol , Birds Eye View , Aerial Photography , Disaster , Historic Site , Natural Disaster , Unesco World Heritage Site , Explosion , Tsunami , Pollution , Crew , Cheering , Fault , Formation , Escarpment , Rock Climbing , Pointer , Pointing Breed , Street Dog , American Pit Bull Terrier , Chain Link Fencing , Wire Fencing , Softball , Baseball , Mesh , Construction , Minibus , Cruise Ship , Poker , Touchdown , Cake , Dessert , Cake Decorating , Icing , Frozen Dessert , Birthday Cake , Baking , Sugar Paste , Baked Goods , Dairy , Cream , Ice Cream , Buttercream , Chocolate Cake , Torte , Cup , Cuisine , Birthday , Prison , Electronic Engineering , National Historic Landmark , Emergency Vehicle , Microvan , Wedding Reception , Bride , Bridal Clothing , Gown , Car Seat , Ballet , Ballet Tutu , Quinceanera , Ballet Dancer , Musical Theatre , Rock Concert , Iphone , Portable Media Player , Cellular Network , Theatre , Auditorium , Concert , Tire Care , Chevrolet Hhr , Chrysler , Mower , Golf , Lawn Mower , Kindergarten , Ford Freestar , Mercury Mariner , Saturn Vue , Ford , Chrysler Town And Country , Mazda Mpv , Chrysler Voyager , Ford Windstar , Chevrolet Venture , Dodge Caravan , Nissan Quest , Hyundai Entourage , Brass , Bell , Still Life , Place Of Worship , Street Art , Brick , Brickwork , Windscreen Wiper , Cathedral , Metro , Groom , Tradition , Guard Dog , Horse , Conformation Show , Calligraphy , Writing , Drawing , Reading , Tattoo , Leather , Jazz Club , Musical Ensemble , Automotive Navigation System , Steering Wheel , Cockpit , Train Station , Passenger Car , Metro Station , Cable Stayed Bridge , Extradosed Bridge , Suspension Bridge , Fixed Link , Skyway , Brug , Concrete Bridge , Beam Bridge , Guitar , Bodybuilding , Hug , Kiss , Balcony , Handrail , Superhero , Ipod , Mp3 Player , Media Player , Mobile Phone Accessories , Stone Carving , Concrete , Action Film , Trailer , Steel , Sketch , Headphones , Warehouse , Industry , Apple , Diet Food , Local Food , Recipe , Produce , Superfood , Vegetable , Rose Family , Malus , Rosales , Sweetness , Side Dish , Ingredient , Natural Foods , Rv , Book , Flyer , Trailer Truck , Garbage Truck , Selfie , Travel Trailer , Tablet Computer , Ambulance , Undergarment , Stomach , Knee , Cocktail Dress , Sewing Machine , Milling , Small Appliance , Toolroom , Military Vehicle , Natural Material , Off Road Racing , Bentley , Lion , Big Cats , Bison , Fire , Lcd Tv , Automotive Tail Brake Light , Avengers , Street Sign , Troop , Soldier , Army , Town Square , Basilica , History , Firefighter , Military Organization , Album Cover , Ball , Data Storage Device , Football Equipment , Football Helmet , Stick And Ball Sports , Football , Goal , Face Mask , Hockey Protective Equipment , Goaltender Mask , Mask , Defensive Tackle , Forward , Soccer Ball , Interview , Dusk , Port , Moonlight , Supercar , Concept Car , Lexus , Lexus Gs , Mercedes Benz , Freeway , Electricity , Mercedes Benz Glk Class , Mercedes Benz Gl Class , Mercedes Benza Class , Mercedes Benzm Class , Automotive Fog Light , Mercedes Benze Class , Mercedes Benzs Class , Mercedes Benz Cls Class , Mercedes Benzc Class , Speedometer , Gauge , Measuring Instrument , Volkswagen , Volkswagen Touareg , Volkswagen Golf , Audi A5 , Tool , Tachometer , Audi R8 , Volkswagen Tiguan , Volkswagen Passat , Odometer , Mercedes Benz Sls Amg , Steering Part , Lexus Lfa , Vehicle Audio , Trip Computer , Mitsubishi , Mazda Cx 5 , Mazda3 , Subaru , Subaru Impreza Wrx Sti , Infiniti , Custom Car , Eclipse , Moon , Backlighting , Crescent , Pendant , Locket , Jewellery , Necklace , Christmas Ornament , Silver , Cooking , Cook , Dough , Dish , Fondant , Carrot , Leaf Vegetable , Root Vegetable , Baby Carrot , Vegetarian Food , Vegan Nutrition , Cruciferous Vegetables , Salad , Legume , Crudités , Asparagus , Muffin , Chocolate , Snack , Finger Food , Pastry , Cupcake , Denim , Waist , Chip , Pot Pie , Fast Food , Asian Food , Gyro , Burrito , Mediterranean Food , Sabich , European Food , Staple Food , Lunch , Comfort Food , Mexican Food , Sandwich Wrap , Pie , Greek Food , Sandwich , Breakfast , Flatbread , Meal , Brunch , Gluten , Blackboard , Shelf , Flowerpot , Shelving , Coffee Table , Bedroom , Tile , Strawberries , Nightshade Family , Chili Pepper , Tomato , Herb , Korean Food , Bean , Château , Historic House , Manor House , Church , North American Fraternity And Sorority Housing , Villa , Classical Architecture , Palace , Listed Building , Beam , Publication , Newspaper , Party Supply , Tennis Ball , Bowling Equipment , Workbench , Plywood , Wheatgrass , Bonsai , Non Vascular Land Plant , Annual Plant , Cactus , Hedgehog Cactus , Succulent Plant , Fireplace , Swiss Ball , Watercolor Paint , Botany , Chlorophyta , Sphere , Oval , Carmine , Home Cinema , Military Aircraft , Fighter Aircraft , Lockheed Martin , Ground Attack Aircraft , Grummanf 14 Tomcat , Lockheed Martinf 35 Lightning Ii , Stealth Aircraft , Runway , Landing , Comfort , Family , Dalmatian , Snout , Great Dane , American Bulldog , Peach , Outdoor Shoe , Auto Mechanic , Engine , Automotive Engine Part , Mechanic , Railroad Engineer , Horse Trailer , Gas , Shipping Container , Hard Hat , Cowboy Hat , Chimney , Column , Security , Chef , Chief Cook , Vacuum Cleaner , Overcoat , Trench Coat , Fire Extinguisher , Keychain , Action Figure , Padlock , Espresso Machine , Coffeemaker , Barista , Wheelchair , Bartender , Court , Arch , Shadow , Bedtime , Mother , Hotel , Painting , Stained Glass , Throat , Propeller Driven Aircraft , Military Transport Aircraft , North Americanp 51 Mustang , Curtissp 40 Warhawk , Trainer , Supermarine Spitfire , Head Restraint , Barechested , Shooting , Tent , Biplane , Model Aircraft , Seaplane , Cessna 150 , Cessna 172 , Boeing 737 , Extra Ea 300 , Grumman American Aa 1 , Putter , Golf Equipment , Golf Club , Precision Sports , Solar Energy , Dog Walking , Obedience Training , Dog Sports , Animal Sports , Speedboat , Smoke , Wildfire , Tornado , Storm , Air Racing , Northrop Grumman , Aerobatics , Helicopter Pilot , Seat Belt , Camera , Cameras Optics , Single Lens Reflex Camera , Camera Accessory , Livestock Guardian Dog , Ancient Dog Breeds , Hunting Dog , Gun Dog , Baby Activity , Turboprop , Consolidated Pby Catalina , Radio Controlled Aircraft , Air Show , Crop , Agriculture , Farm , Paddy Field , Trap Shooting , Collaboration , All Terrain Vehicle , Tractor , Outdoor Power Equipment , Agricultural Machinery , Kia Sportage , Mazda Cx 7 , Monster Truck , Plough , Hay , Straw , Tread , Motorcycle , Go Kart , Rally Raid , Scoreboard , Golf Cart , Nature Reserve , Biome , Stream , Mud Bogging , Bank , Wetland , Pond , Puddle , Cafeteria , Coffeehouse , Display Case , Escalator , Baby Shower , Egg , Paint , Acrylic Paint , Tongue , Hearing , Slum , Marketplace , Waste , Flea Market , Terrace , Valley , Mountain Pass , Alps , National Park , Summit , Ranch , Mount Scenery , Wadi , Selling , Street Food , Greengrocer , Sari , Stall , Hindu Temple , Village , Motorcycling , Scooter , Drum , Floodplain , Golf Course , Plantation , Marsh , Polder , Lacustrine Plain , Canal , Ritual , Creative Arts , Umbrella , Insect , Dragonflies And Damseflies , Banana Leaf , Dragonfly , Butterfly , Invertebrate , Damselfly , Moths And Butterflies , Pollinator , Carnival , Membranophone , Colorfulness , Nissan , Nissan Qashqai , Hyundai Santa Fe , Hyundai Tucson , Ford Kuga , Nissanx Trail , Maserati , Shrine , Wat , Video Game Arcade Cabinet , Arcade Game , Greenhouse , Botanical Garden , Orangery , Arch Bridge , Headland , Viaduct , Estuary , Steeple , Clock Tower , Spire , Corporate Headquarters , Headquarters , Medieval Architecture , Seat Of Local Government , Zebra Crossing , Natural Landscape , Autumn , Tarn , Temperate Broadleaf And Mixed Forest , Canyon , Deciduous , Plant Community , Chaparral , Depression , Shrubland , Cliff , Transparent Material , Whiteboard , Office Supplies , Chalk , Aisle , Ice Hotel , Underwater , Electrical Supply , Transmission Tower , Turquoise , Marine Mammal , Picture Frame , Clock , Electronic Component , Jeep Commander Xk , Rallycross , Drag Racing , Endurance Racing Motorsport , Banger Racing , Dirt Track Racing , Auto Race , Cheerleading , Castle , University , Gothic Architecture , Stately Home , Synagogue , Mosque , Choir , Snooker , Card Game , Outcrop , Bedrock , Makhtesh , Sill , Dust , Saab Automobile , Cadillac , Porsche , Sahara , Erg , Volkswagen Amarok , Kia Sorento , Acura Mdx , Acura , Drifting , World Rally Car , Group B , Autocross , Cadillac Cts V , Boeing 747 , Supersonic Aircraft , Fairchild Republica 10 Thunderbolt Ii , Douglas Dc 3 , Douglasc 47 Skytrain , Douglas Aircraft Company , Lockheedc 130 Hercules , Fokker 50 , Transallc 160 , Lockheed Ac 130 , Fedora , Beanie , Daughter , Recliner , Loudspeaker , Grandparent , Sandal , Ballet Flat , Ring , Elder , Classical Sculpture , Office Chair , Flesh , Subaru Tribeca , Toyota , Toyota Highlander , Ford Edge , Porsche Cayenne , Breakfast Sandwich , Panini , Emergency Service , Emergency , Hamburger , à La Carte Food , French Fries , Folk Instrument , Canapé , Appetizer , Gate , Pier , Shade , Luxury Yacht , Resort , Surfing Equipment , Surfboard , Wetsuit , Beach , Tide , Stand Up Paddle Surfing , Bodyboarding , Paragliding , Skimboarding , Kitesurfing , Convertible , Porsche 911 , Porsche 911 Classic , Porsche 930 , Porsche 912 , Volkswagen Karmann Ghia , Porsche 356 , Chocolate Syrup , Ganache , Pudding , Mousse , Chocolate Pudding , Coffee , Electronics Accessory , Computer Data Storage , Food Court , Wine , Recruiter , Chrysler Pt Cruiser , Gozinaki , Navy Beans , Baked Beans , Nut , Caucasian Cuisine , Chikki , Dulce De Leche , Caramel Color , Chocolate Bar , Confectionery , Bonbon , Praline , Sauces , Chocolate Spread , Cookies And Crackers , Chocolate Brownie , Nail Care , Manicure , Energy Bar , Breakfast Cereal , Granola , Cranberry , Trail Mix , Disc Jockey , Sound Engineer , Cdj , Electronic Musical Instrument , Neon Sign , Star , Perennial Plant , Neon , Slot Machine , Circus , Christmas Lights , Fête , Musical , Fair , Power Station , Missile , Management , Adventure Game , Carriage , Cart , Horse And Buggy , Horse Tack , Coachman , Wagon , Horse Harness , Jinrikisha , Fried Food , Fried Chicken , Crispy Fried Chicken , Chicken Meat , Deep Frying , Karaage , Chicken Nugget , Frying , Chicken Fingers , Meat , Fried Clams , Southern United States Food , Livestock , American Food , Fish And Chips , Kids Meal , Chicken And Chips , Canadian Cuisine , Potato , Baklava , Tamale , Mcdonalds Chicken Mcnuggets , Korokke , Marathon , Long Distance Running , Athletics , Duathlon , Ultramarathon , Half Marathon , Track And Field Athletics , Triathlon , Racewalking , Take Out Food , Chinese Food , Clam Cake , Prepackaged Meal , Water Transportation , Ferry , Motor Ship , Passenger Ship , Ship , Light Bulb , Volkswagen Jetta , Mitsubishi Endeavor , Center Console , Liftback , Honda , Range Rover , Mercedes Benz Viano , Mirror , Automotive Side View Mirror , Mitsubishi Outlander , Honda Fit , Honda Civic Hybrid , Volkswagen Beetle , Classic , Baja Bug , Bugatti , Blouse , Leggings , Sweater , Wig , Brassiere , Fitness Professional , Sleeveless Shirt , Day Dress , Gelato , Cheese , Cream Cheese , Frozen Yogurt , Meatball , Strawberry , Malasada , Oliebol , Pizza , Tarte Flambée , Pizza Cheese , Zwiebelkuchen , Focaccia , Sicilian Pizza , Quiche , Italian Food , Chocolate Ice Cream , Sorbetes , Smoothie , Milkshake , Batida , Non Alcoholic Beverage , Lingerie , Swimwear , Nightwear , Prom , Outer Space , Nebula , Fractal Art , Universe , Glitter , Moisture , Liquid Bubble , Dew , Coral Reef , Violet Family , Lavender , Reed Instrument , Brass Instrument , Saxophone , Wind Instrument , Woodwind Instrument , Trumpet , Planet , Space Station , Cemetery , Grave , Headstone , Ping Pong , Netbook , Gardening , Tennis Court , Kayak , Fisheye Lens , Lamborghini , Bugatti Veyron , Drums , Bassist , Wrestler , Reef , Coral , Bed Frame , Bed Sheet , Box Spring , Bedding , Sleep , Wedding Dress , Carpet , Hall , Red Carpet , Line Art , Fishing Rod , Balance , Fisherman , Figure Drawing , Surf Fishing , Coloring Book , Nissan Juke , Alfa Romeo , Supermini , Fireworks , Stunt , Street Stunts , Tunnel , Lightning , Thunderstorm , Basketball Player , Turkey Meat , Roasting , Duck Meat , Thanksgiving Dinner , Roast Goose , Hendl , Thanksgiving , Bakery , Cookie , Microwave Oven , Taste , Culinary Art , Musical Keyboard , Digital Piano , Mascot , Clown , Bookselling , Bouquet , Citrullus , Melon , Watermelon , Banana , Playset , Carousel , Army Men , Miniature , Mattress Pad , Pillow , Duvet Cover , Duvet , Blanket , Sofa Bed , Quilt , Futon , Drummer , Segway , Longboard , Kick Scooter , Longboarding , Skateboard , Skateboarding Equipment , Outdoor Recreation , Nursery , Afro , Leather Jacket , Laminate Flooring , Cuisine Classique , Scarf , Clothes Iron , Ipad , Graphics Tablet , Videoconferencing , Dodge Journey , Fiat , Sad , Spring Break , Shorts , Flame , Jacko Lantern , Halloween , Twig , Bmw M5 , Bmw 335 , Bmw 5 Series , Exhaust System , Sparkler , New Year , New Years Eve , Diwali , Porsche 911 Gt3 , Techart 997 Turbo , Nissan Gt R , Porsche Carrera Gt , Porsche Cayman , Maserati Quattroporte , Pontiac G8 , Rolling , Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution , Hardtop , Banquet , Supper , Nativity Scene , Dinner , Sapsali , Bearded Collie , Labradoodle , Scale , Ice Skating , Volvo Xc70 , Volvo Xc90 , Tropical Cyclone , Fire Department , Fire Apparatus , Rescue , Seafood , Melee Weapon , Cold Weapon , Bat , Scrap , Demolition , Bird Of Prey , Earthquake , Sailor , Cornales , Marriage , Software Engineering , Fender , Disco , Temple Fade , Bovine , Cattle , Dairy Cow , Cow Goat Family , Water Buffalo , Terrestrial Animal , Horn , Working Animal , Bull , Herd , Grazing , Wildebeest , Elephant , Elephants And Mammoths , Pack Animal , Cowboy , Practical Shooting , Home Fencing , Arrow , Barbed Wire , Herding , Herder , Sheep , Donkey , Deer , Intrusion , Batholith , Felidae , Cat , Fawn , Puppy , Whiskers , Lens , Buick Enclave , Ford Focus Rs Wrc , Outdoor Table , Wicker , Window Blind , Handball , Futsal , Taekwondo , Landscape Lighting , Tropical And Subtropical Coniferous Forests , Cable Car , Waterfall , Bungee Jumping , Jumping , Fluvial Landforms Of Streams , Aurora , Toyota 86 , Maserati Granturismo , Lexus Is , Nissan 350z , Nissan 370z , Ferrari 599 Gtb Fiorano , Camera Lens , Reflex Camera , Digital Camera , Mirrorless Interchangeable Lens Camera , Digital Slr , Chopper , Motorcycle Accessories , Cruiser , Vehicle Brake , Output Device , Cool , Figurine , Red Flag , Cricket , One Day International , Wicket , Bat And Ball Games , Twenty20 , Astronaut , Jet Engine , Aircraft Cabin , Naval Ship , Aircraft Carrier , Warship , Battleship , Naval Architecture , Frigate , Navy , Sports Uniform , College Softball , Belly Dance , Schnauzer , Fox Terrier , Australian Shepherd , Pembroke Welsh Corgi , Welsh Corgi , Jack Russell Terrier , West Highland White Terrier , Terrier , Wire Hair Fox Terrier , Maltese , Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier , Borzoi , Pomeranian , Bichon , Loveseat , Cue Stick , Kia Forte , Kia Forte Koup , Kia Cerato , Kia Cee D , Kia Rio , Chevrolet Spark , Pontiac Vibe , Toyota Matrix , Toyota Corolla Verso , Mazda Mazda5 , Nissan Micra , Toyota Yaris , Toyota Prius , Mazda , Opel , Toyota Avensis , Honda City , Kia Optima , Hyundai Elantra , Fiat Bravo , Seat León , Ford Focus , Lamborghini Aventador , Lamborghini Gallardo , Bass Guitar , Orchestra , Container Ship , Pulpit , Marines , Memorial , Project , Nurse , Nursing , Astronomy , Cymbal , Hybrid Electric Vehicle , Hydrogen Vehicle , Space Shuttle , Rocket , Spaceplane , Rocket Powered Aircraft , Spider Man , Nike Free , Audi Sportback Concept , Audi Cabriolet , Honda Ridgeline , Sea Ice , Volkswagen Gti , Trolleybus , Porsche Panamera , Brochure , Magazine , Flash Photography , Clip Art , Shopping , Graffiti , Comics , Handwriting , Menu , Budgie , Lovebird , Candle , Gingerbread , Cockatoo , Santa Claus , Angry , Supervillain , Aggression , Royal Icing , Octopus , Cephalopod , Bracelet , Marine Invertebrates , Electric Guitar , Acoustic Guitar , Acoustic Electric Guitar , Ukulele , String Instrument Accessory , Gold , Guitar Accessory , Theatrical Scenery , Jazz Guitarist , Slide Guitar , Stallion , Dog Sled , Fir , Wine Glass , Blender , Soft Drink , Drinking , Navel , Briefs , Energy Shot , Pint Glass , Energy Drink , Renault Magnum , Freight Car , Filling Station , Warehouseman , Pole Vault , High Jump , Tennis , Tennis Player , Racket , Racquet Sport , Trampolining , Tennis Equipment , Real Tennis , Net Sports , Tennis Racket Accessory , Soft Tennis , Rackets , Mercedes Benz Slr Mclaren , Rolls Royce Ghost , Rolls Royce Phantom Coupé , Rolls Royce Wraith , Fashion Model , Ankle , Basic Pump , Haute Couture , Chapel , Payment Card ,

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