Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20160802 10:00:00 : co

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20160802 10:00:00

the ugly ryan lockby story. he says it is blue. we're going to report it. thanks for sticking with us. have a great tuesday. "fox & friends" starts right now. all right. good morning. it is tuesday, august 2nd, 2016. i'm sandra smith. donald trump unleashing on hillary clinton. >> made a deal with the devil. she's the devil. >> plus, we get a look at donald's campaign trail snack? >> we do. then who exactly hacked hillary and the dnc? according to an nsa whistle-blower, it was not russia. the bombshell just dropped and who he says could be responsible coming up shortly. wow. and did you see this open? did you see this yesterday?
couldn't quite -- couldn't quite tell me apart from my brother jim. >> my older brother jim got married to cara. >> that was your brother? >> they look so much a i can loo, right? >> she thought it was me. that is me in 12th grade. putting her to the test with a new game, brian or not brian? these are both brian, right? >> yeah, that's a trick question. this was a trick question. on the s.a.t.s -- >> i'm going to find out. it's not going to be easy because your mornings are better with friends. i would say you're sitting in today for ainsley. we're on tv, right. >> they're picking on me. >> you're watching on a 60 inch television. the tv we have in the studio, can we get a picture of how little one of the tvs are?
>> oh. >> we are looking at little television 15 feet away. that's what we see. >> right. you're saying that the mistake could have easily happened to anyone. >> right. >> essentially i was showing a picture in the g block yesterday, which was the last block, and you thought it was me. >> i thought i ruined a beautiful moment, congratulating your brother and the bride. >> maybe that would have been the give away. >> my brother jim got married yesterday. jim. >> you could have been walking her down the aisle. >> so you ruined one beautiful moment. it happens. okay? >> so you destroyed one show. it's only monday. >> we're going to play brian, not brian. you can play along at home. >> i promise i won't let it happen again. right to the campaign trail this morning, donald trump ramping up his rhetoric against rifle hillary clinton. overnight the donald doubling down on his democratic challenger calling her the
devil. >> doubling down is one way to say it. peter doocy is live in virginia where trump will be today. hey, peter. >> reporter: good morning. trump's week long swing through battleground states began with a couple of events and it came with a new brutal nickname for hillary clinton. it was rolled out while trump was reaching out to bernie sanders former supporters in mechanicsford, pennsylvania. trump said sanders was cornered into making an unfair deal to endorse hillary clinton after she rigged the primaries for herself. he then said this. >> he made a bad deal. he should have not made a deal. he would have gone down and done something really important. he has buyer's remorse, you know? this guy has buyer's remorse. if he would have just not done anything, go home, go to sleep, he would have been a hero, but he made a deal with the devil. she's the devil. he made a deal with the devil.
really. >> before trump's other event in columbus, ohio, he accused a fire marshall there of capping attendance at the rally in a huge room at the convention center at 1,000 people for political reasons wanting to keep the rally small. the fire marshall says he thinks there was a mixup since he understood the event to be only set up for 1,000 people. at the end of the day it did look like it was all smiles for trump. he posted a picture enjoying some kfc on his jet for dinner writing great afternoon in ohio and great evening in pennsylvania. departing now. see you tomorrow, virginia. that's where we are at in the washington, dc's, western suburb. just to show that because the democrats put one of this state's senators on this ticket, trump is still going to contest the 13 electoral votes.
>> i noticed that, too, in scranton. i don't think the fire marshall is pro hillary, but in scranton, too, i saw a lot of seats towards the end where i'm sure these people in the street would have loved to have taken them. >> peter, how big was the room? >> reporter: the room was big, but when we got there it was set up for people to sit down so it did look like the event we were at in columbus, ohio, once the seats were all taken they stopped letting people in. there may have been a misunderstanding. they definitely could have -- >> could have been more. >> could have been more human beings inside the room. there certainly was space for it. the fire marshall said it was all his misunderstanding. >> his call. thank you very much. regarding the picture regarding the kfc, with the fork and knife, looking at david martowsko, one of the freight writers over at the daily mail. i'm not sure why donald trump
was using a fork and knife. he ate at least five pieces with his hand. five pieces. >> if he sees people watching, didn't he cut pizza with a fork? didn't he cut pizza with a fork? >> that was romney. >> that was romney? >> no. palin. >> they went over but i think trump ate the pizza with his hands. >> kasich did. >> kasich talks with his mouth full which ticked off donald trump. >> who knew? >> a fork and knife? >> don't eat kfc. i try not to break out during my dinner. >> pay day my dad used to bring home a bucket every time. >> stridex pads. >> meanwhile, let's talk a little bit about this. you know this. it's a big story over the last couple of days. kazir khan very critical of trump at the dnc. he spoke out about how his son
was killed in 2004 by a suicide bomber in iraq. donald trump had an interesting observation last night on "the hannity" program. listen to this. >> if i was president, goes back 12 years ago, if i was president his son wouldn't have died because i wouldn't have been in the war. if i was president then there would have been no war for iraq, i can tell you that, because it's ridiculous, the whole thing. >> he said on his program a number of times, he was not for the iraq war however hillary clinton did vote for it. >> i will say this about donald trump in the book though, we went over this with him "the america we deserve" he does mention six years of tough talk and u.s. fire power have little to show and does say that a war with iraq, the fact is we decided to strike against iraq. it is madness not to carry the mission to its conclusion. he did have an opinion like a lot of people did.
>> but there are some people at this point are just saying can you see that this family is offended and apologize? we haven't seen him do that in the face of these controversial moments in the campaign. >> yes. this could be a four or five day story that could last a little bit longer and it doesn't work to donald trump's advantage to do that. now yesterday we talked about the two speeches, the khan speech and the pat smith speech. everyone carried the khan speech live. there were some networks that carried the pat smith speech live. we didn't carry either. >> it's interesting you should mention looking at media bias. regarding kazir khan speech. he got 50, 5-0 coverage over pat smith. the khan story got 15:30 on the
big three. the pat smith got 70 seconds. >> going back to these calls for donald trump to apologize. newt gingrich is saying, wait, if anybody should apologize, it's hillary clinton. he's calling her a liar. listen. >> anybody watching this campaign knows that at least 80% of the media is in the tank for hillary. look at the coverage right now. we're treating deliberately lying about the fbi investigation on wallace on fox, deliberately lying. even the washington post had to say she was deliberately lying. she's lying about 50 some,000 e-mails. she's lying about national security. that somehow -- why shouldn't she apologize. if donald trump owes anybody else an apology, it's hillary clinton. trump is a stubborn guy. i think part of his point is mr.
khan went to a political convention, said some nasty things. he did not make sort of a soft presentation. he accused trump of some nasty things. trump is stubborn. trump didn't delete 33,000 e-mails, trump didn't send out secret information, trump didn't lie about the fbi. hillary did all that stuff. >> one of the other things that donald trump said yesterday was just how dishonest the press is. he said "the new york times" totally dishonest. cnn, he referred to them as the clinton news network. >> the washington post, they're getting a little better. >> they are getting better. >> i will say this, whatever donald trump does don't ban "the new york times." everyone knows about "the new york times," washington post, he says they're getting better. let them go to the events. i don't think it's a good precedent to do that. newt gingrich will call it like he sees it. he cares about the viewer and the sloter more than he does
any -- >> a bit of a confession for the candidate he supports. he is a stubborn guy. let's get the headlines this morning. >> you were going to say speaking of stubborn, right? >> exactly. >> somebody called you that. good morning, you got me. great day. chinese spy in the fbi? a former fbi worker now admitting that he was working for the chinese government. joey chun worked as an electronic technician for nearly two decades and he had top security clearance. he admits he lied about traveling overassets to give them surveillance and personnel information. he's expected to ser of two years in prison. extreme weather to bring you again. after deadly flood waters leave behind absolute devastation. take a look at this. alicott city, maryland, cars swept away, a month's worth of
rain falling in just two hours. it will now take an estimated hundreds of millions of dollars to clean up that mess. hearts go out to the folks there in maryland. this may be the best story of the morning. two officers rescuing a blind dog who was lost in a california wild fire. kaya, that's the name of the dog. the owners were forced to evacuate her and leave her behind. heroic fresno officers went back to get the dog. a heartwarming reunion for the husky and her owners. the red stuff on her coat, you can see it there, it's flame retardant and speckled all over her fur. things got crazy at training camp. they gathered at the press conference but they were not expecting this. >> no injuries to report. looking pretty great out there so with that being said, time's yours. >> well, that isn't the real
coach. take a look at this. chris wilhelm is a super fan from philadelphia who looks exactly like andy reid, the real coach. the real one took over a few minutes later. he met reid for the first time. >> that's great. >> for even a second. he was awesome. >> coming up on this tuesday, don't worry, veterans. president obama says everything at the va is a-okay. >> the days of having to wait in line at the va office or mailing in, those days are over. >> that sounds good but iraq and afghanistan war vet says the president is totally disconnected from real. and imagine to waking up to finding a bear breaking into your house and then it actually attacks. it's the video that you have to see. >> whew!
oh, god. whoa! [ bleep ]. bp drilling teams train in virtual reality simulators in here, so we're better prepared for any situation out there. because safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. of many pieces in my nevi havlife.hma...ed. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours.
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nice neighborhood. ♪ nationwide is on your side president obama says there's still work to be done with the va but the system is improving. >> we've put in place more clinicians, more counselors, more peer support. veterans helping veterans. today we're delivering more mental health care to more
veterans than ever. we are saving lives. the days of having to wait in line at the va office or mailing it in, those days are over. >> oh, my goodness, why would he say that? where do we stand when it comes to the care for our vets? here to weigh in is pete hegstead in the reserves right now. pete, your reaction to the president picking up your issue. >> my reaction is this is exactly why people are frustrated with washington, d.c., because our ruling class in washington tell them time and time again that things are getting better, things are improving, their lives are better and then they look at their own lives. in this case for veterans, their own wait, the care they're getting, they're saying, it's not better. it's worse. the stats being reported are reported to government. if you're adding so much more on top why is my life not getting better? why has my wait time increased? why do i still not have any choice? why hasn't trump been fired. the elites are lying and this
speech at the va is a perfect example of that. >> unbelievable. playing politics with a lame duck president from the white house as he salutes gold star parents yesterday ironically. here's what he said. there were 600,000 people waiting and now it's down to 80,000. he adds 450,000 appeals are pending. what does that tell you? break down those numbers. >> what it tells you is they got a ton of criticism a couple of years ago for this -- the backlog, the disability claims backlog that was reaching 600, 700,000, they decided to get rid of that. what they did instead of adjudicating and completing the claims, they moved quickly claims from the initial system to the appeals backlog. here's the ironic part, the 450,000 are waiting three o four years, brian, for their appeal
to be adjudicated. vets on the ground, their service is no better. they're waiting longer, that's why they wanted someone to shake up the system like donald trump. >> if you need va care you watched the president or care about it. write us. tell us. are things dramatically better, or worse since the president took this up and this disaster was exposed. we'll read them throughout the show. pete, thanks so much. >> thanks, brian. >> pete said we need to have choice. coming up straight ahead, at one college saying all lives matter they need diversity training. an outraged student joins us next. and a heated conversation between a vietnam vet and a pokemon go player at a veterans' memorial. watch. >> you go [ bleep ] gravestones right there. [ bleep ] grave stone. >> no, it's not.
>> what do you mean, no, it's not. >> crazy old man. we need to get these veterans out of here. >> wow. now that vet now facing charges. he joins us live with his side of the story. he seems to have a strong case. >> [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. gravestones right there. [ bleep ] grave stone. >> no, it's not. >> what do you mean no it's not? can a toothpaste do everything well? this clean was like - pow. it felt like i had just gone to the dentist. it just kind of like, wiped everything clean. my teeth are glowing. they are so white. crest [hd]. 6x cleaning, 6x whitening.
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good morning. welcome back. a quick look at your headlines this morning. an historic travel warning. for the first time ever the cdc issuing a travel advisory right here in the u.s. telling pregnant women and their partners not to travel to south florida. it comes after ten new zika cases were just found in miami. and mcdonalds unveiling a new happier meal. the fast food chain revamping
classic food items. the changes included removing artificial preservatives from chicken nuggets, removing high fructose corn syrup from their buns and replacing margarine with butter. knowledge for your next trip to mcy d's. turns out butter is better. all lives matter, right? apparently not to the university of houston. university student government vice president rohini setti has been suspended from her role and ordered to attend a diversity workshop after responding to the dallas police ambush by writing, forget black lives matter, more like all lives matter. she also has to attend cultural events and make a public presentation about cultural issues. here to react is jordan smith. he is a friend of that suspended student and the president of the university of houston college republicans.
good morning to you, george. >> hi, guys. thanks for having me on. >> great to have you. all she wrote was forget all black lives matter, all lives matter, and then it hit the fan. who was upset? >> there are people online upset. people on facebook the night it happened upset. the black student union got ahold of it. the liberals on campus got ahold of it and they ran with it. >> they ran with it. what kind of trouble is she in? >> she's been suspended for 50 days from the position. she took the position to help people. she's an engineer. she wants to change the way this university works. now she has to attend diversity training. she's having to present a letter to the sga, having to talk to students. go to three cultural events a month. i'm on fox news right now talking about her. her name is being run through the mud. >> does it break down along ideological lines as to who's with her, who's against her? >> somewhat.
there are some people who even though they're liberal, they think this is ridiculous. she has the right to say what she wants. >> absolutely. >> that's how this country works. >> if you're going to go anywhere in america to have a free flow of ideas, you would think it is the college campus. university of houston, not so much. >> to be in college is to be liberal these days. there are right opinions and there are wrong opinions. thank goodness we have a university president who's come out and said, listen, everyone has a right to free speech. we're not going to say anything about this. this is not our place. the student government association said if you have the wrong opinion, we're going to be mad at you. we're going to throw you out. >> you're talking about the student government association. >> yes, sir. >> that's the leadership outfit for all of the kids and yet they seem to have a political agenda here, don't they? >> completely. you know, they've told about 30% of the people on campus, hey, your opinion doesn't matter anymore. what you want to say, you don't
get the right to say it anymore. if we don't like it -- they're supposed to represent us and they're not representing us very well. >> the university believes in free speech. the student government association can kind of do what they want to. >> yes. >> going forward does she want to drop out of the student government association? if i was in her shoes, i would. >> from my understanding, she's a very strong person. she's a sweet, sweet person. one of the best people i've ever met. she took this position to change how the university works. as of right now she's standing strong. she wants to still help people. from what i've heard, she's staying strong. she's going to be there. >> okay. very good. by the way, we did reach out to the university of houston student government association, the president there, shane smith, for a comment. he has not replied to it us. jordan smith, thank you very much for getting up early to tell us the story. >> thank you, guys. this was fun. >> fun?
he's in college, he's having fun. we drove him to the studio. it's a good morning. >> beats going to the pub. >> probably. it's early. meanwhile, straight ahead on this tuesday, protesters taking the anti-cop movement to a new level calling to abolish the police department. you have to hear this one to believe it. did you see this yesterday, sandra smith could not quite tell brian from his brother jim. >> my older brother jim got married to kara. >> she's beautiful. that was your brother? i thought that was you. >> they look so much alike, right? >> oh, my god. >> so this morning we're putting sandra to the test asking, is this brian or not brian? and you can play along at home. i've seen that guy on tv as brian. just sayin'. ♪ he wrecked the rec room this summer. his stellar notebooks will last through june. get back to great. this week, these items just one cent each.
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married to kara and -- >> they're beautiful. >> wait, that was your brother? i thought that was you. >> they look so much alike, right? >> oh, my god. >> no. they had music at the wedding but they didn't play the wedding classic, the macarana. >> looking back you were snuggled in a little bit too close to be your brother. >> not appropriate to be that close to the bride. >> it's your shot of the morning today. yesterday sandra mistook brian's older brother jim for him. she thought brian got married again over the weekend. >> i thought maybe he walked his brother's bride down the aisle. >> that would have been cool. so this morning we're putting her to the test with, get the paddles out -- >> this is the first time you've ever been tested. >> it's early in the morning. if it works out, i'm going to franchise it. brian or not brian. sandra, this is the way we're not going to do it. >> remind everybody how small my screen is. >> i'm going to go this is not
brian. >> i believe that is the fellow from yesterday. isn't that jim? >> is that your brother? >> that's jim. >> is that brian or not brian? >> that is donnie osmond. >> that's not brian. >> 2-0. sandra really on her game. >> she's on fire. >> okay. snl. >> that is brian on "saturday night live." >> do not do that. >> that is brian on "saturday night live." >> that is a few extra chins. >> who is that? >> brian. >> who is that? >> i believe -- that is -- that is me. >> where did you get these? >> that is me. that is me at like i think ninth grade. >> okay. is that brian or not brian? >> is that like mahoney from police academy. >> that's correct. not brian. >> also from massapequa. >> brian or not brian? >> yes, that is brian. >> so cute. is that your high school picture? >> high school senior picture.
>> are we done? that's it. i got one wrong. >> before the break just go right through it. >> just getting started. >> yesterday when we were putting this together -- >> now i know who you are. >> i feel like we got closer. >> yesterday i suggested we get a picture of burt confy. >> fine game show host. >> very, very good. >> milton bradley called and they want to franchise it. they set get some dice. >> do you have images of people who look exactly like brian to confuse sandra, if you do, e-mail them to us, friends@fox and news. e-mail him, tweet him. >> back to the news of the day. >> very good. >> always take your tests early in the morning you do best early in the morning. heather tomorrow we'll see doocy, put up lincoln shavy. >> chris matthews. >> yeah, i love that. >> we could do there every day. good morning. got some news headlines to bring
you right now. lock your doors, folks. if not, a bear and her two cubs might make themselves right at home. watch this. >> whoa come look at this. bears. oh, god. all right. whoa! [ bleep ]. oh, my god. i locked it. i thought it was you. >> i thought it was you. >> honey, i thought it was you but it was a bear. that's a guy -- >> a bear. >> that's the guy screaming. he's in california. he hears something stumbling around. he thinks it's his roommate. when he gets a closer look that fuzzy thing is a bear, two cubs. >> not the roommate. >> he runs into the bedroom shutting the door just in the nick of time. the bears eventually went out the back door that was left open by mistake. lesson learned, i hope. well, want to serve in the police and no job for you. a mcdonald's worker has been fired after refusing to serve a
georgia police officer. the owner said we have been ardent supporters of the hall county sheriff's office and the men and women in law enforcement in our community. calling to abolish the police department. listen to this from yesterday. >> get out of town. >> that group in city hall park in new york city refusing to leave until police officers are completely off the streets. what? they also want the nypd commissioner bratton to resign. by the way, he announced that he would be stepping down eventually while reparations for all victims of police brutality, that's what they say they want. they want all money for the nypd to go to minority communities. this group holding this is a spinoff of the black lives matter movement. those are your headlines. who would fight crime if they took the police off the streets in new york city. >> citizens arrest.
everybody would walk around with handcuffs. >> not everybody. >> thanks, heather. >> thank you very much. everybody is impacted by the weather and for that we go to maria molina. maria, it's hot and there are some big storms. >> yeah. we've had all kinds of extreme weather over the last couple of days, and i want to share with you some video out of patterson, new jersey. this is taken on sunday evening when we had storms rolling through. there was significant flooding occurring out there. keep in mind, again, this is in new jersey. not too far away from new york city and there was water coming down on the streets flowing downstream. also expecting to see more heavy rain throughout the day todayar. we've been seeing it early this morning across portions of new jersey. there have been reports of flash flooding occurring out there with more than three inches of rain coming down in a short amount of time during the overnight hours. a threat for severe weather will be in place generally across this region as you head a little bit farther north and east across illinois, wisconsin and iowa. damaging winds being the primary concern. more storms with exiting parts
of the northern rockies. that storm system as we head into tomorrow, we're bringing a more significant threat for severe weather. it will even extend into parts of dan where we could see isolated tornadoes, damaging winds and large hail will be a concern as well. the heat is a big story across portions of the central plains. upper 90s. triple digit heat. very pleasant across the eastern u.s., especially new york city. high temperatures forecasted to be 77 degrees, staying pleasant into tomorrow. take a look at the plains for tomorrow. the heat continues to build. let's head back inside. >> all right. into the hundreds. thank you very much. >> thanks, maria. speaking of feeling the heat, who hacked hillary and the dnc? according to an nsa whistle-blower, it wasn't russia. the bombshell just dropped and who he says could be responsible. then, days before the olympic games begins, we just learned something shocking about the opening ceremony. gisele is going to get attacked.
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use caution when driving or operating machinery. most common side-affect is nausea. i can't believe i did it. i quit smoking. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. all right. we've got some quick headlines for you on this tuesday morning. for the first time the united states is taking out isis in libya with airstrikes. the attacks targeting the coastal city of sirte near tripoli. u.n.-backed libyan government asked the united states for help with the bombing campaign to get rid of isis fighters and military equipment. what took them so long ? meanwhile, isis is targeting apparently the olympics in rio. they're calling for lone wolf attacks on visitors, including americans, and they suggest using poison or drones with small explosives. we're learning super model gisele will be assaulted in the
opening ceremony on friday. part of a scene involving the brazilian. >> boomer: shell, muggers and police. in the beginning apparently she is mugged and then by the ending part of that opening scene the police are closing in on the mugger but she protects the mugger and sends the police on their way or something like that. >> should you have given away the ending? >> that's okay. >> really crazy. >> right. >> so that is art? is that theater? what is that? >> well, you know, at the beginning of the olympics they always have some crazy kind of thing you don't quite understand. they're going to have one down in rio, too. >> good. we do have some lead time to try to figure it out. meanwhile, there is a fellow by the name of william benny. he's the architect of the nsa surveillance program. he famously became a whistle-blower, left the agency in 2001, in october of that year. he was on with aaron clyne on one of the radio shows here in new york city. he had quite a headline.
you know, while hillary clinton said, yeah, i deleted 33,000 e-mail or something like that, he says he knows exactly who has all of them. >> it makes a lot of sense because all along everybody is saying, somebody should be able to get access to those e-mails. they don't just delete and go off into the abyss. >> they said the nsa has the ability to hack into fbi and cia archives in order to get information which was a revelation that edward snowden made apparent and backed up a little bit later. so he believes, this is a jump though in my estimation, he believes since the nsa is ticked off that hillary clinton was so slip shot with the way she handled her e-mail situation and some of the emp mails that flew back and forth, they were unsecure during her rein as secretary of state, that they have her 33,000 deleted e-mails and they'll expose them. >> yeah. you know, we had suggested after
it was revealed that she used all of those e-mails that the nsa probably had them. we'll tell you more about that. it's interesting, mr. benny quotes former fbi director muller, he was talking about how the fbi has the ability to access secret databases to track down known terrorist suspects apparently. apparently the fbi and the cia, there's no oversight of this, but they both have direct access to the database. are her e-mail in the database? we don't know. the question is if the current fbi director, comey, really wanted to look at that, you would think he might have gone ahead and, you know, accessed it through this program that benny is talking about. then he would have to reveal, yes, i looked at them. i got them from the nsa. then you've revealed the source of the method and that's bad. >> two things, the 33,000
e-mails are about yoga and chelsea's wedding. >> you believe that? >> hillary clinton said i had somebody else go through them, my lawyer go through them and delete them before i handed over the e-mail. >> that's not true. as it turns out the lawyers did not look at every one of them. >> those are the 33,000 that are not handed over. do i have this right? he's assuming, he's assuming since the nsa was ticked off since she was using an unsecure e-mail with all of our top secrets that they have this -- these e-mails and they could bring them forward. >> if anybody is going to know, it would be this guy. he was the architect of the nsa surveillance program so he knows the case. >> you accurately point out this is speculation at this point in time. we're going to bring in judge andrew napolitano at 7:00 a.m. who benny says hacked the dnc. who knows what. judge andrew napolitano. >> that's a great picture of the
judge. i mean, he's smiling. he looks great. >> is that the judge or not the judge? >> let's do that. new paddles. get some pop sticks. >> you guys are not going to quit teasing me about that, are you? >> i'm pretty sure not. >> coming up, a confrontation from vietnam veterans and pokemon go players camping out at the vietnam war memorial. >> [ bleep ]. >> no, it's not. >> what do you mean, no, it's not? >> crazy old man. i wouldn't mind getting punched to get these veterans out of here. >> that vet is facing charges. >> he's facing charges? >> yeah, he's facing charges. the vet is. why? let me ask him. >> then we're getting in touch with our wild side this morning. yes, that's a sloth. what happens when the animals -- >> the sloth is up there. >> a monkey. >> you're next. i'm afraid. if you need advice for your business,
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hey, things are getting a little wild this morning. you know why? because we have a baboon. we have a -- >> baboon? >> a baboon. >> please don't mock the host on camera. >> sorry. >> and a scorpion. >> here to introduce them, the mutual of omaha wild kingdom. >> good morning. >> let's start with the sloth before we get to the baboons. >> the baboon. all right. so we have a sloth -- right behind you. >> oh. >> just hanging out. >> is he happy? >> yeah. actually, this is a female. and she's pretty up there in age but she's rocking it right now. she's so beautiful. she loves to be on camera.
obviously, when we look at a sloth we think to ourselves these are pretty unusual. first of all, they're low metabolism. low body heat makes them just slow in general. >> slothy. >> a little slothy. >> they're big huggers? >> of limbs. >> i wouldn't want to hug them, they have long claws. people think because they're is slow they wouldn't hurt you, but in general don't go up to the wild sloth because of the claws. >> very nice. come on over -- >> where's the baboon? >> do they know they don't have to live life on the edge? >> she's looking at us right now. >> oh, look. >> so this is a one-month-old olive baboon. they are from africa. when they're born, mom takes very, very good care of them. they hang around traveling on the mom's stomach for a long time. and eventually end up riding up on the saddle like riding a horse. >> in the jungles do they have
to wash this off? >> no, they don't. >> and they will eat anything in the african savannah to roots and shoots up to antelopes. >> so adorable? >> could we raise and these at home? >> no, i would definitely not recommend having a monkey. i'm like please don't have a monkey. >> yep, that's the giant marine todd. >> this is my favorite. >> this is one of the largest toads in -- is actually the largest toad in the world. >> you can't get warts from it? >> no. that's a myth. but these are poisonous. >> that's worse. >> the reason this is an issue, these animals have been introduced all over. from south america, but they have been introduced to australia and hawaii and florida and what happens is -- >> thank goodness we have crocodiles and poison toads. >> but we have dogs. >> you have to be careful. >> so if he got really nervous
he'd blow unlike a ball, like look at big i am. the glands squirts out the white stuff f you lick it -- >> okay -- >> so the toad. >> and they are very large, jump very fall. >> this is a big owl. i love birds. >> you should be closer to him. >> the screech owl. >> this is one of the smallest owls in all of the u.s. a lot of people think that owls can turn their heads all the way around, but they can't. they can turn it about 275 degrees. >> a chiropractor's dream. >> exactly. the reason for that is that the eyeballs are fixed in the heads. they can't move them around like you and i can. >> what does kind of sound does a screech owl make? >> like that. not the hooty owl. >> yeah. valiant effort.
>> where's the scorpion? i love the screech owls. >> this is a giant dictator scorpion. it tries to get its own way. >> brian, go over -- >> messy looking. >> this is from the brady bunch, remember what happened. >> this is the largest in the world, they get about eight inches. a lot of people think the scorpion is going to go straight to stinging you. but -- >> you're holding it. >> the tail? >> they have a stinger -- i'll let him walk a little bit if you look, they have that stinger. inside of that is venom. so if they were to try to get to their prey, and they couldn't use their pinchers, then they would use that venom. >> you think she's the safest of animals, one's got poison, venom and a sloth justoff. >> thank you very much. >> thank you so much. make sure to watch >> mind whispering the tease, because the sloth is sleeping. >> coming up, a cartoon image of
a gun is just too offensive for apple. they're replacing the emoji with a squirt gun. brian? and an nsa whistle-blower said it wasn't russia who hacked the e-mails.
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good morning. it is tuesday, august 2nd. i'm sandra smith. donald trump unleashing hell on hillary clinton. >> made a deal with the devil. she's the devil. >> plus, the donald also causing more controversy this morning for eating kfc with a knife and fork. we're live on the trail. >> still looks delicious. then who hacked hillary and the dnc? according to a whistle-blower, it was not russia. judge napolitano weighs in on the bombshell just dropped by a former nsa official, the man who was the architect of the surveillance program.
a heated confrontation erupts between a vietnam veteran and pokemon go players at a veterans memorial. >> you're like [ bleep ] -- a gravestone. >> no, it's not. >> what do you mean no it's not? >> crazy old man. i wouldn't mind getting punched to get the veterans out of here. >> now it's the veteran who is facing charges. should he be facing charges? we report, you decide. a reminder, don't burp, mornings are better with "friends." well, on a tuesday, first tuesday in august, ainsley is off. we have sandra smith -- >> and i went into the kitchen to wash my hands real quick -- >> because of the poisons and the toxins. >> that's what's different about "fox & friends." you have big named guests and animals and the sloth is still hanging around. meanwhile, right to the campaign trail. donald trump ramping up his rhetoric against rival hillary
clinton. the donald doubling dun on his democratic challenger calling her the devil. >> peter doocy is live in ashburn, virginia, where trump will be later today. hey, peter. >> reporter: so donald trump says that his democratic rival is the devil because he thinks that hillary clinton rigged the primary system for herself. and this is how he broke down that new nickname for some bernie sanders supporters that he was trying to win over in pennsylvania last night. >> made a bad deal. he would have gone down and did something important. he has buyer's remorse. if he went home, go to sleep, relax, he would have been a hero but he made a deal with the devil. she's the devil. he made a deal with the devil. >> trump had a big crowd there in pennsylvania and he thinks he should have had a bigger crowd in ohio earlier in the day.
he blasted the fire marshall in columbus for only letting 1,000 people into his rally at a convention center there. he accused that official of capping attendees for political reasons, hinting at keeping the trump crowd small. but he said it was a big mix-up. he thought the event was only set up for 1,000 supporters. by the end of the night, he was smiling and eating some kfc on his jet ride home. he tweeted great afternoon in ohio and a great evening in pennsylvania. departing now, see you tomorrow in virginia. and here in virginia, this high school where some folks are already lining up is going to host trump's only event of the day. it is his third trip to a swing state in the last two days. it is right in tim kaine's background. goes the show that trump is not throwing in the towel on virginia and their 13 electoral votes just because one of the state's u.s. senators is hillary clinton's running mate. back to you in new york. >> peter doocy, live in ashburn,
virginia. thank you. we're bringing in judge napolitano to talk about all sorts of things. you know william binney, former nsa official. architect of the surveillance program. he says that the person -- as it turns out, despite what the dnc and democrats are saying, it was not russia that hacked the dnc. it was perhaps an official -- it was somebody from the nsa who was angry about the fact that she was using personal e-mail server, which violated what is called gamma material which is the most sensitive at the nsa. do you believe that? >> i do believe it. one of the reasons there's so much anxiety -- very interesting. one of the reasons there's so much anxiety about mrs. clinton from intelligence community is the belief that some of the materials that she handled with such extreme carelessness -- i'm using jim comey's phrase, but in my opinion it was criminal. but in the fbi director's opinion it was extreme carelessness, contained the
names of american undercover intelligence agents, some of whom are no longer with us. this is the belief of a lot of people in the intelligence community. that mrs. clinton does become president of the united states, she's going to have a lot of antipathy about people in the intelligence community. >> that wasn't in the report that people might have died because names were listed an sent. >> correct. correct. the fbi did not reveal that. the fbi never revealed the contents. and quite properly because it's still classified. >> sure. >> the fbi never revealed the contents of the 25 top secret of which five were s.a.p. even fbi agents didn't have the clearance to reveal them. so bill binney is saying of the 60,000 nsa agents and contractors, there's a critical mass who fear mrs. clinton's presidency. >> right. >> and more likely than not hacked into the dnc and leaked
it -- >> so this is a man -- he recently did a radio interview where he explained essentially is that. listen. >> you had to just estimate here, as an analyst who your best guess -- what would be your best guess for who the hacker is, who lucifer 2 is? >> in the situation i was thinking about how many other people had this data and hacked into the dnc. well, hacking into hillary's server at home. i go back to a statement made by the director mueller of the fbi back in the 30th of march 2011 and he said he got together with the department of defense and they created a technology database where he as a member of the fbi could go in with one query and get all past e-mails and feature ones as they came in. what he's talking about is going into the nsa database so that
means that nsa and the number of other agencies in the u.s. government also have those e-mails. >> so what he is saying is there's this nsa database, unbeknownst to us, and they have access to it and comey could have looked at hillary's e-mail if they had them, but then he'd open up a whole can of worms. >> then he'd be revealing that the nsa does have everybody's e-mails. which a lot of us believe. which bill binney a former nsa official who developed the software that the nsa uses says they have. which they have never acknowledged. there would be serious criminal allegations if the fbi had unfettered access to the nsa -- did they ask, did they get a search warrant for her materials? no. >> well, it cost debbie
wasserman schultz her job. i can't imagine the nsa feeding julian assange this information, can you? >> yes. >> you think -- >> that is exactly what bill binney is saying, and the -- >> who would do that? >> it's not we, it's a guy. >> this is not an official federal government policy. this is the behavior. one of the 60,000 was snowden. so it's the behavior of some of the 60,000 people. some are military, some are is civilian employees of the government, some are outside contractors. but many have access. they have different levels of security clearance. some can go deeper into the nsa database than others. >> julian assange was on another show yesterday and he says they have a lot more damning hillary clinton campaign e-mails coming out. >> okay. this again is going to become a campaign issue, because julian assange blame mrs. clinton for the fact he's in exile in the basement of the ecuadoran embassy in london. they condemned mrs. clinton's
secrecy and they reveal what they have. every time they have promised a day that dump they have delivered. >> so thinking there could be an october surprise, that is not inconceivable? >> it is not inconceivable they know exactly when -- look at what they did to debbie wasserman schultz. >> absolutely. >> they know exactly the perfect timing to release these materials. >> and i believe assange that says that e-mails show that hillary clinton helped arm isis. >> yes. when she was arming militias in libya which she claimed was to overthrow gadhafi, the cia warned her, these are terrorist organizations they'll use the arms against us and she told them to take a hike and armed them anyways. we know what happened. >> thank you very much. >> wow. >> who is sitting next to you? is that brian?
>> looks like donny osmond to some. >> good to see you. >> this is on-camera tension. you don't hear much about it. let's go over to heather nauert who joins us with -- this is quite a headline, isn't it? >> it is. good morning to all of you. there was a chinese spy serving in the fbi. a former electronics technician is now admitting that he was actually working for china, not the united states after all. even though we were paying his salary. his name is joey chun, he worked in the new york office for nearly two decades. he had a top level security clearance. he admits he lied about traveling overseas to meet with the chinese officials. he gave them personnel information about people he served with the in the fbi. he is expected to serve two years in prison. well, the politics now, donald trump facing mounting backlash over his comments about the family of a fallen muslim soldier, but one person says he
should have not apologized to the khans. patricia smith, the mother of the benghazi victim sean smith said it's trump's business to say what he wants. >> i'm not going to put any words into donald's mouth. he is saying what he believes. i was treated like dirt. i don't think that the khan family was treated that way. but i was treated like dirt. i was called a liar. >> she went on to blast hillary clinton saying her leadership skills, quote kill people. well, it's patriot versus pokemon go players at a veterans memorial park in minnesota. watch this. >> these are [ bleep ] gravestones right there. what the [ bleep ] -- gravestones. >> no, it's not. >> what do you mean no, it's not? >> crazy old man. i wouldn't mind getting punched to get the veterans out of here. >> wow, did you hear this? he said this is a gravestone, and the kid said no, it's not, burped at him and called him a crazy old man. well, that fedup vietnam
veteran, rightfully so, he flipped over their tent and calmed the cops on them and now that veteran has been charged with disorderly conduct and destruction of property. that city is stopping short of banning the game pokemon go, but made up rules against putting up tents or hammocks to attract people. we'll talk about this later. apple wants to make every iphone in america firearm free. the latest software update -- you probably keep getting notices about it, listen to this. this green squirt gun is replacing the pistol revolver emoji. really? it's coming a year after a group against gun violence launched a social media campaign called disarm the iphone. so you want to use the revolver, nope, you get a squirt gun. that was one of my favorite emojis. i don't know. >> well, i still have it on
mine. >> okay. >> don't upgrade if you want to keep it. >> i have the martini glass which i use frequently. >> me too. >> we have a lot in common. >> thank you. >> i use voice text. can't really help. >> all right. they're protesting police brutality, but what message are they really sending? >> what do we want, dead cops, when do we want it now? >> so black lives matter lays out a brand-new list of demands while promoting against cops. we are sorting through the hypocrisy, next. and this photo was stumping the internet. can you see the cat hiding in plain sight? keep looking. i know you have things to do, but i asked you to do this. just do this, this once. >> hey, kitty, kitty. pregnancy is an exciting time, but you may experience common discomforts.
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>> what do we want? dead cops. when do we want them? now. what do we want? dead cops. >> pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon. pigs in a blanket -- >> here with reaction is heather macdonald from the manhattan institute, the author of "the war on cops." heather, good morning to you. >> good morning, steve. >> reparation, does that surprise you? >> no, that didn't -- what surprised me is the transrights plank, nobody in the south side of chicago cares about transrights. with killing of police officers up 72% this year, the black lives matter movement should be absolutely ashamed of itself, but it's desperate to keep itself relevant and in the news. >> so while they're pushing
reparations and these other demands, the headlines for you regarding black lives matter and this whole movement is you say cops are dying and crime is going up, right? >> black lives are being taken. homicides are already up another 15% this year. last year they were up 17% and in black cities they were up about -- in places like cleveland, 90%. and the reason for that, steve, is that cops are backing off of precisely the type of proactive policing that saves lives because the media and the white house keeps telling them that they're racist. >> well, that's -- that does what then? if the white house and the media and politicians are saying that the cops are racist, what are they supposed to do? >> it exposes the black lives matter as an utter fraud and the concern of the media for black lives as another fraud. because nobody knows the name of the 3-year-old boy who was shot on father's day this year in
chicago who's now paralyzed r life. yet, the world knows the name of thing new mike -- the name of the thug michael brown because that's who the media chooses to focus on. the thousands of law-abiding inner city residents who are desperate for police protection get no attention from black lives matter activists, they're not invited to the white house. and as a result of this, we are now returning in the inner city areas to what is starting to look like a breakdown of law and order. >> unfortunately, so many men and women who protect this nation and are now reluck tant to do their job. >> recruiting is down. >> thank you very much for joining us. still ahead, on a tuesday, donald trump firing back at his critics and the media, doubling down on the comments he made about a gold star father.
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some quick headlines for you on a tuesday morning. facebook is blocking talk radio host michael savage for posting a story about islamic crime. he linked to a story about a muslim migrant killing a pregnant woman in germany. facebook says it violates its policies and blocked him for 21 hours. and siri is playing dumb, pretending she doesn't know
where you can see dinesh d'souza's new hillary movie. she doesn't appear to have any technical glitches when it cops to other movies at the cinema. >> siri needs to get out more. it's a popular news let their breaks down the headlines you need to know -- the skimm is a cheat sheet for news of the day. i'm a subscriber myself. >> at nearly 4 million subscribers they have a voice. how do they do it? here to explain we have the skimm girls behind it, carly zakin and danielle weisberg, founders and ceo. the skimm is part of the "fox & friends" friendly because newscorp is a minor investor in your company. welcome. >> thank you for having. >> you were news producers across the street at nbc. >> right across the street. >> at what point did you say,
enough of it? >> we loved news. we didn't think we'd start a company at 25. that was kind of crazy. we grew up loving it and we saw our friends weren't connecting with what we produced for a living. >> yeah. they weren't watching what we produced. we'd fill them in what happened on the world today. >> weren't they home watching tv? >> they weren't home at 6:30 and they'd say, what happened, tell me what's going on in the world. >> i'm frequently on a train. ly give you -- i will give you guys kudos and a lot of people are reading this, a lot are women. give us an idea of what you look at. i get it be e-mail and now you have an app. but you get that e-mail. it get you ready for a day. give us an example -- >> skim the news for us. >> part of our shtick is that every day we give you real-life scenarios you might experience. whether it's what to say when your co-worker spills coffee on you. what to say when your co-worker forwards your e-mail to your boss. >> oh, great. >> no one likes a snitch, that includes the u.s. government.
they agree. yesterday a former employee named joey chun pleased guilty to illegally passing sensitive info to a chinese official. he was initially arrested back in march and yesterday he admitted he passed sensitive info. he did that for years and chun got paid for passing along this info which is not so -- so not legal on so many levels. >> no kidding. >> now he face up to ten years in prison. looks like it will be less, but that's what he was facing. done-done chun is how you sum up that story. >> heather -- that's a headline for us today as well in "the new york post" where there was a chinese spy in the fbi or something like that what i like about the skimm to your credit is you take the news and you make it so much easier because so many -- the people watching right here they love the news. so they -- they do it all the time. but you make it easy for anybody. >> you make it easy, but you don't dumb it down. i think that's really important. >> thank you.
thank you. our goal is to make news conversational. so we write like you talk to your friends. what you talk your friends about can be just as much what has's going on with isis, as much as "the bachelorette." >> what is the top -- >> i think the campaign is big today. libya and isis, people want to know what's going on. we make it easier to be smarter. people have limited time. >> so who is your target audience? >> female millennials. women on the go to our literally addicted to their phone and whether they're on the train in the morning or, you know, running home at the end of the day. they're on the go they're getting news right into their routine. >> but hard not to go to work. was it hard not to go to a place? >> well, we started this and we were roommates on a couch. >> on a couch. >> right at home. >> we don't recommend starting a company with like anyone you lived with. for us, it worked out. >> we were long time friends and
then roommates and in a tiny apartment. like the size of a living room. >> so you've got a news letter. go online. but you've got a new app. >> yes, we do. >> we launched the app a few weeks ago. it makes it easier to be smarter about the future. here's the daily skimm, everything that happened yesterday, everything you need to know today and here's everything that's coming up. its like a "tv guide" -- we have the olympics coming up. we have a new feature, an olympics only calendar. >> nbc must love that. >> well, we're giving out what people want to know. it's olympics as well as when the president -- >> kudo to you by the way. you have been named to the forbes 30 under 30 most influentials. you're a chicago girl, you're a new york girl. so thank you. >> thank you, guys. >> congratulations. welcome to the newscorp family. >> thank you. >> love to see you again. >> thank you very much. all right.
meanwhile, coming up an tuesday, you heard the mainstream media gushing about the democratic national convention. right? >> i thought it had a lot of charm. >> the first two nights at the republican convention, again, it's -- not much of a comparison. >> it was an interesting thing happening last week in cleveland but i knew day one of the dnc they would bring it together. >> of course she did. but the rnc, well, they got 12 times more negative coverage than the dnc. why? well, we'll talk to "face the nation" john dickerson. and don't mess with this airline cry. >> sit down, enough! enough! >> wow. >> the dramatic takedown of a drunk passenger. you need to see that. >> that's the captain crunch. >> i guess they used the autopilot so he could attack him.
don't bring that mess around here, evan! whoo! don't do it. don't you dare. i don't think so! [ sighs ] it's okay, big fella. we're gonna get through this together. [ baseball bat cracks ] nice rip, robbie. ♪ raaah! when you bundle home and auto insurance through progressive, you get more than just a big discount. i'm gonna need you to leave. you get relentless protection. [ baseball bat cracks ]
♪ ♪ the only cat, the only cat who knows where it's at ♪ all right, the shot of the morning. this photo is stumping the internet. all the internet. somewhere in this pile of logs is a sleeping cat. please don't answer while i'm reading the prompter? do you see it? wait for it. >> it's way up at the top. >> oh, wow. you actually had your eye on it. >> i have been looking at it. it's hard to see but if you look at the -- on the right image in the circle towards the right part of the oval, it's the cat face. if you see -- >> there's a reason why it's been posted to reddit and it's going viral. because people have to find -- >> another reason to worry about our country. >> "the new york post" used the
headline, it was cat aflashed. you see him on sundays on "face the nation." he is john dickerson from cbs, and he's here because he's got a brand-new book out and he wanted to meet steve in brian. "whistlestop," can i say the timing is perfect? >> yeah. >> yeah. >> it's great to see you. congratulations on your success, getting the job. >> thank you. >> i really deserve some of the credit because when we met at the hoover institute, you were an esteemed correspondent and now you have one of the most prestigious jobs in all of television. >> you said stick with the television. don't go into the musical -- >> good scoop on bernie sanders. turns out he's not a smiley faced kind of guy. >> he was so stoic when hillary clinton was speaking. >> he looked steamed. >> he said it's hard to tell
when he's joyous or steamed and some of his followers were more vocal in the unhappiness. >> hey, you look so glum. well, i always -- that's the way i live my life. even though he's a nice guy. can we talk about donald trump and the latest controversy around him? we heard that trump going to suffer, this time it will hurt him. do you sense that this story here with captain khan and his family is really going to hurt? >> well, you're right? this has been -- i don't know the 20th time it's supposed to hurt him. to the extent it hurts him, two things to watch for. one is republicans who criticize him. not just the left, not just democrats. so if republicans continue to comment -- criticize him, that's a problem. the other thing is if clearly the democratic -- what they're trying to do is make a temperament an issue. so say he doesn't -- he can't hold back his impulses. so this folds into that territory they're trying to prepare, just in the same way with hillary clinton, if republicans raise the issue of trust and then she says, well,
the fbi said i was truthful, then everybody says aha, this is -- you're walking inio to your weakness. >> there are critics of the remarks that he's made about this family, and the loss of their son, saying he should apologize. he's not only apologizing, but he's firing back. in his most recent remarks saying their son wouldn't even be dead if he had been in the white house. >> if i was president, if i were president, his son wouldn't have died because i wasn't in the war. if i was president back then, there would have been no war for iraq i can tell you that. i think it's ridiculous the whole thing. >> he has been on this program for a number of years and he has said all along, i was never for that. just to remind that hillary clinton did vote for the war in iraq. >> yes. and mike pence there's debate about whether he was for it at first and if he changed his mind. so i think what republicans who have his interests at heart say to me is, move to another topic. >> yes. >> talk about something else. because this is not -- well, anything else other than this.
that's what those who are advising him say, but a lot of the people who love donald trump love this punching back idea. love he doesn't back down because they think he won't back down for them. >> if you're going to look at media bias this is the best time to do it. you have the democratic and the republican conventions, how it was handled. there's a real bias -- >> 12 to 1. >> yeah. if you talk about the negativity on both conventions with the rnc and dnc, take a look at these numbers. the rnc had 63 times more negative comments than the dnc. do you feel that way when you're preparing for both when you're delivering? >> i wonder what negative comments means in the context. so in other words is it negative about the speakers, is it about -- because, you know, donald trump was basically saying we are in -- >> 12 to 1 margin journalists spent more time deriding the republican convention for its negativity. >> or you can look at the con
story which over the last two weeks they looked at pat smith's story. she blamed hillary personally. the three networks over the last two weeks covered that story for 70 seconds but have covered the khan story 55 minutes. >> so is the difference in that case hillary clinton did -- well, the big difference is obviously hillary clinton had something differently to do with benghazi as opposed donald trump didn't have anything to do with the khan family. didn't donald trump respond to khan in a way that hillary clinton didn't? when you have the nominee engaging with the story, doesn't that change the kind -- >> interesting you say that, because when hillary clinton was talking to chris wallace a couple of days ago, opposite you, she essentially called pat smith a liar. said, you know, i'm not going to say anything about here -- >> very politically -- >> yeah. tried to move off the topic. which i think -- >> tried to suggest that she misspoke -- not telling the truth. >> it's tough. that's the way it is. it's going to be tough. i think that -- i think for both
candidates they have to realize what they're up against. now for you, your passion has been the campaign. you have been out on the trail. so you put together this book that has a historical perspective on other campaigns. not so much who becomes president, but the campaign to become president. >> when you're in the middle of a campaign it's so unpredictable, hard to figure out what's going on. for me i turn back to the history and tried to find in the past whether there are any patterns for the present. so in 1964, there was a stop goldwater movement. very those to the never trump movement. you had the 19 republican governors participating in the stop goldwater. it was not effective, but think if you had 19 republican governors now, you didn't, so what does that tell us about the trump campaign and the republican party? by sort of going through history not only interesting to see the parallels, governor rockefeller getting booed at the '64 convention, not dissimilar from ted cruz getting the sendoff that he got.
but it gives you a window into what's different and why is that, and therefore, that's what's interesting. >> i love the way you open the book. you tell the famous story about ronald reagan, hey, i paid for this microphone. a lot of people don't realize the dynamic where it was supposed to be him and george herbert walker bush and who are the other five guys? >> reagan comes in -- everyone thinks reagan ruled the world. he came into new hampshire having lost iowa. it was problem time for reagan. so he uses this moment with bush the debate between the two of them. they left out the other candidates and reagan decided they wanted the candidates there. it's bush and running game within the other five candidates who don't have seats. at one point the crowd is yelling give them a seat. give them a seat. that's when when he grabs the microphone and has that moment that everybody -- even if they didn't watch it in realtime could remember. >> hey, cut his mike up. >> right. he had the sound man on the payroll. so they couldn't cut his mike. >> awesome! >> because he had them on the payroll because he paid for the
debate. >> he rented it. >> because they were getting around some issues. >> your new book, john dicker n dickerson, "whistlestop." >> makes you feel better about the country, because we used to fight all the time at the conventions. it's a healthy time. >> and the country doesn't end, doesn't dissolve. just read the book. it only takes one mistake when a child is left in the hot car. kurt the cyberguy has the life-saving technology that all parents need to see. and plus hillary clinton calling in warren buffett who says a monkey is better at business than trump. really? all right. stuart varney breaks down the battle of the billionaires. how much money does stuart have? >> -- at the stock page, the monkey on average would have made 150%. nexium 24hr is now the #1 choice of doctors and pharmacists for their own frequent heartburn.
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welcome back. quarter to the top of the hour, and don't mess with this airline pilot. the crew taking down a drunk passenger who attacks a flight attendant. watch this. >> sit down. sit down! enough. you don't put your hands of my flight attendant. >> nice, i like that pilot. well, that flight landed in north carolina. the man refused to return to his seat even though the plane wasn't at the gate. the pilot using the seat belt strap to keep the man from kicking the cops and then dragging him off. the flight attendant he attacked now has therapy three to four times a week we are told. as for that passenger he's now banned from flying on commercial airlines. well, you want to sneak into the united states without getting caught? it is easy. illegal immigrants just have to follow the simple rules advertised on its website, including some tips. it's how to guide about safe
zones and here are some of those tips. they suggest -- our government by the way suggesting that illegals walk with someone else to stay safe. they advise that you can hide in the church to stay away from law. or get this, stand at a school bus stop to blend in. well, this guy missed that memo. he tried to sneak into the united states from mexico. he was stashed in a gas tank. creative, but not creative enough to outwit our border patrol agents. they suspected something was up, and they searched the pickup truck and they found him hiding in the specially built compartment in the gas tank. he was sent back. what do you think of that? those are your headlines. see you back here shortly. unreal. >> heather nauert, thank you. it's the battle of the billionaires. warren buffett hitting the campaign trail with hillary clinton to slam donald trump's business record. >> in 1995, when he audited the company if a monkey had thrown a
dart at the stock page, the monkey on average would have made 150%. but the people that believed in him, that listened to his siren song, came away losing well over 90 cents on the dollar. >> here to react, host of "varney & co." on fox business network, stuart varney. warren buffett, no secret about it, he is very against donald trump going into that white house. >> yes, he is. this is a concerted attempt to undermine donald trump's business reputation. back to his failures in atlantic city, making him look like a poor businessman. note the contemptuous tone from warren buffett yesterday. i think it's an attempt to provoke donald trump. make him respond to this latest attack upon him. distract in fact from the real debate which is how do we return america to prosperity? that's a distraction. >> but warren buffett is a guy
who look at the ledger sheet at the end of the day as voters people will say, when they pull the lever, okay, i'm worried about jobs. who will create jobs, hillary or donald trump? >> this distracts from that. the counterpunch that donald trump comes one is a distraction from the issue of who's going to create jobs, who's going to return to prosperity. trump is on my show at 9:00. he's calling in. i'll ask him about this. is counterpunching really working? is he going to counterpunch against warren buffett? >> but stuart, like two champions, one in football, one in baseball. they do different type of investing. one does real estate, one rides the stock market. one build, one invests. they both won. you're -- >> they're billionaires. >> what are we supposed to learn from this? >> not much. what we're supposed to do is distract away from the real debate here. there's a hostile media, that the establishment media is universally opposed to donald trump.
so they will pick up on these provocations. wait for them to respond and -- >> donald trump, 9:00 a.m., fox business network, "varney & co." >> 9:00 sharp. still hot car dangers for small children. they are a real thing, but before you have to break that expensive window, we have the tech to help protect your child from being locked inside a hot car. a
the -- the summer months can be dangerous for kids in cars but there's new technology that can prevent surgeries. here's kurt the cyberguys. >> maybe it's the distractions in our lives that causes this. what we're talking is the record number of this tragic event happening. children left in hot cars only
to have an outstandingly terrible outcome happen. well, some technology that could actually change that outcome. if you have this. gm is one of the first carmakers to have something built in. it's called a rear seat reminder. it's inside of the 2017 gmc acadia that this car is. when you turn the car off, once you get to a destination, it knows that you have already put something in the back seat. and the display will remind you to go into the back of the car. now, i turn it off right now because i want to hear this. uh-oh. what is that? that's another alert. we're hearing it from the back. but this one right here is from a company that's in tampa, florida. it's sense a light. a wireless device that installs in less than 30 seconds in the car. it will alert the adult as they're getting out of the car that somebody or something is left in the back seat. that also will make a loud alarm to the car itself as you walk
away and you don't answer it. then it will also if you keep ignoring it, it will show you this app. it will send you an alert to you. and let you know that, hey, you have left something in the back of the car. yes, that is your child. there's another one that i want to show you that's pretty amazing, on the other side of the car. in the back seat, integrated into the child seat of the car is a technology. this is from even flow, the seat. as you look at this little buckle, that's the magic inside of this. a magnet in here will tell you and sensor safe, remind you that a child is in the car. plug the little thing into the port of the car that comes with this and boom it's active. this starts at about $149. then if your kid is messing around and they get a little bit older and then this comes apart, it will alert you that it's -- that it's something -- something bad is happening in the back seat with that. so it serves two purposes with
that. and then this is out for over three years. called ride and remind. it doesn't matter which car it is. this car could be your car. makes no difference. you get inside the car. and okay, we have the car open now. if you notice the child is in the back seat of the car, with an installer this is available on amazon for $99. an alarm installer can put this in. it also activates very simply with one button. then if you leave the child there for 40 seconds, well, you get a polite reminder first. then you get your car turning into the sos alert machine that no one can avoid. smart technology. we'll show you more online later on. back to you. >> for more information, log on to coming up next, our laura ingraham and rudy giuliani. ♪
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good morning. it's hour three at "fox & friends." tuesday, august 2, 2016. i'm sandra smith in for ainsley earhardt this morning. and this is donald trump unleashed. >> he made a deal with the devil. she's the devil. >> but he didn't stop there. why he's doubling down on his attacks on hillary this morning. then who exactly leaked hillary and the dnc? turns out it probably wasn't russia. a big bombshell that dropped overnight. we'll tell you what we know. and he just redefined free-falling. >> jumper -- >> they're off. he's in! >> meet the sky diver who did something that i wouldn't do. he plummeted 25,000 feet to earth where we are now.
without a parachute. >> oh, man. >> welcome back. mornings are better with "friends." that is something that i wouldn't even think of. that you could jump out of plane without a parachute into the net. that's line underdog. >> it was brilliant. we watched it on fox friday or saturday night, because you have to figure, okay, what if something goes haywire? there were some guys who jumped with him, presumably to help him if there was a problem. but then i think -- at 5,000 feet or something like that, they went away. >> pulled the rip cord. >> he went all the way down. he had no rip cord. >> i always think of pack your own parachute, i hope he sewed his own net. >> there was a rule -- i want to say screen actor's guild, you have to have a parachute if you're going to jump out of an
airplane. they waived the rule. and jumped out. he made history. >> how do you practice? jump off a couch? >> i don't know. we'll ask him. he'll be with us in this hour. meanwhile to heather, with some jaw dropping news from the fbi. good morning to you. i hope you're off to the great day. two minutes after the top of the hour. there was a chinese spy serving in the fbi. he was a former electronics technician and he's now admitting that he was actually working for china. joey chun is his name. you can see him right there. he worked in the agency's new york city office with nearly two decades. he also had a top security clearance. well, chun now admits that he lied about traveling overseas to meet chinese officials. he actually gave them surveillance information and personnel information about people he served with in the fbi. he's now expected to serve two years in prison. some extreme weather to bring you once again today. a historic town we have told you
about and we have shown you the awful pictures of, now picking up the pieces this morning after deadly floodwaters leave behind absolute devastation. ca cars swept away in ellicott city, maryland. a month's worth of rain falling in just two hours. it will take hundreds of millions of dollars we're told just to clean up that mess. well, in a room packed with thousands of u.s. veterans, president obama says that the v.a. still needs some work, but the system is getting better. >> we've put in place more clinicians, more counselors, more peer support. veterans helping veterans. today we're delivering more mental health care to veterans than ever. the day of waiting at the v.a. office or mailing it in, those days are over. >> but where do we really stand? here is what pete hegseth a
veteran as well had to say on "fox & friends" earlier today. >> if you're adding so much more on top, why is my life not getting better? why is my wait time increasing? why do i still not have a choice? why is not still been fired? this is why donald trump resonates because the elites are lying to us about the reality. >> well, that was president obama's final major address to veterans before leaving office. and take look at this new ad for gap kids. see anything wrong with it? well, einstein is mispelled and the captions describe the girl as a social butterfly. okay. the boy as a little scholar. well, some are saying that it is sexist. but is it really an issue? we asked you what you think, people are writing in, and i think we have the viewer response. >> we do, heather. thank you very much. dave on twitter says, some people really need to get over their pc, easily offended, cry baby, thunderstorm sucking need
to grow up. >> for goodness sake, how can you seriously think this is okay? >> and brandon tweets this. this sends you into the anger filled frenzy you're in need of counseling. i think a lot of people are saying i'm outraged about this, but i wonder what laura ingraham thinks because laura has paid for her own satellite time to weigh into this story. laura, weigh in. >> well, at a time where we have little girls being turned into sex slaves by isis, being taken out of the arms of their mothers in iraq and syria and in africa, the fact that anyone is wasting any time on this is so disturbing. it's hard to have words for it. but this is all the left has. they have to churn this phony emotion about how much they care about girls and it's a gender, a stereotyping that's really holding them back. i think most people, you know,
they want a government that works. they want a culture they can be proud of. all of this is just a side issue and a side show. >> let's talk about one of the main issues and that's who's going to be the next president of the united states. it was back and forth yesterday on the campaign trail on both sides. donald trump some of the things he's said, he's afraid the november election is going to be rigged. "the new york times," ccn, clinton news network biased toward him he said. he said if he was president, khizr khan's son would be alive because there would not have been a war. and of bernie sanders he made a deal with the devil. she's the devil. she made a deal with the devil regarding bernie sanders and hillary clinton. so what do you think all of that? >> well, i think the devil comment is, you know, it's prompted by someone in the audience. but they were basically echoing what sanders had said earlier on the campaign trail about hillary, you know, the devil is in the details here about what hillary wants to do for the country.
i said this last night on "special report." i want to say this very clearly. the nation is right now in decline. we have a foreign policy in total chaos. we have 70% of the public thinking we're going in the wrong direction. many people list the government as one of the biggest problems facing the country. and yet, we in the media -- and i put myself in the category, we get caught up in well, he said this and an audience member said this, hillary is wearing this pantsuit. then, you know, a person in the audience said this outrageous thing. i think the american people, it's all white noise. i think whether you want change in government or not, if you don't want what's happening in this city to change, you should vote for hillary clinton. if you think we've done the right thing in foreign policy, in our trade deals are the right thing, in our borders are handled correctly, your wages are going up, vote for hillary. if that's not happening, if you think we're getting more divided
along racial lines, gender lines, religion lines, vote for donald trump. with all of his gaffes he's made, self-inflicted errors and wounds, i'll grant people some of that. but the fact of the matter is, hillary clinton is one of the most corrupt people to ever enter office. it's been proving time and again. that's the truth. and, you know, for anyone who cares about the truth that is truth. >> fair to say we're getting a look at the general election in the first week. the nsa whistle-stopper saying that russia didn't hack the dnc, it was the nsa. the whistle-blower saying they have all of clinton's -- what is it, 30,000 deleted e-mails. >> well, we know what this administration usually does to whistle-blowers, so i hope he has -- i hope he has plenty of cover out there. does any of this surprise anyone watching this? i mean, our government can listen to any cell phone conversation right now that they
want to. i mean, it can turn -- >> it has a camera on your iphone that can watch you. >> so can the 13-year-old down the block. >> well, every time we get in the car we're being monitored. every street corner and every intersection. we're supposed to believe that the government has no ability to get these deleted e-mails -- hillary's e-mails or have an ability to find out what was going on at the dnc and they needed it for some reason? none of this surprises me. >> laura, we don't know. this is a whistle-blower that says they're capable of doing it, the nsa is all ticked off because hillary clinton was so slipshod with the way she handled classified e-mails. and julian assange said the worst is yet to come. he is set to release another batch. debbie wasserman schultz got fired, people questioned, but bernie sanders decided not to stand up and fight. julian assange is a criminal. i think he should be in jail. having said this, this comes forward what's going to happen? >> well, it depends on if the -- you know f the vaunted elites
and the american people treat whatever is in those e-mails -- if anything is in them, as important as they treat, you know, the latest back and forth between trump and a pundit on the campaign trail. it depends. i mean, it has to be covered honestly. the fact that hillary went on television on sunday and lied about what she did as secretary of state in the face of a tape that was played to her, i mean, trump is right. that is pathological. trump might -- trump definitely stepped in on it on describing the putin relationship and entaki entangling with the khans, that was needless and pointless, but hillary clinton laid bear all our secrets, yet the press like the pavlovian talks they are,
they rushed to russia, must have been the russians. >> we have empirical proof you look at the media bias and you look at the republican versus the democratic conventions. the networks gave the republican convention 12 times more negative coverage than the democrats convention. then you look at the khan versus the pat smith story, they gave smith and her story about her son sean smith 70 seconds over the last two weeks on the big three networks. then the big three networks gave the khan story 55 minutes as of last night. so it appears to be a media bias. is it? >> at this point don't you expect hillary to invite mr. khan to actually stand in for her at the democratic national -- you know, the debate, the first debate, the presidential debate. the whole thing is ridiculous. but thank god for the media research center, number one. but number two, this isn't going -- this has been going on for decades. donald trump has to ignore the
media and go right to the people. this will continue to happen. they'll continue to demonize him. they'll distract and demonize. the four ds that the democrats are masterful at conducting in this election. he's going to have to put on the blinders. and move forward and talk directly to the american people. he's going to have to ignore i. if he gets caught up in the maelstrom of the media bias, i don't think it gets him much. he should point out the corruption in washington. >> i think it was glenn green walt who said in slate that donald trump has 100% of the media against him. they don't want to get him elect and he is a liberal guy. by the way before you go, you did a -- your speech at the rnc was a terrific speech. >> yeah. >> thank you so much. >> you were great. >> thank you. thank you very much. >> thank you. meanwhile, straight ahead, what if i tell you we can stop people before they turn to terror and this cartoon is behind it?
lea gabrielle will describe it. and did you see this yesterday? sandra could not tell brian from her brother jim. >> in my household, my brother jim got married over the weekend. >> so this morning we're pointing sandra -- is that brian or not brian? that's not brian, that's lea gabrielle. >> nice to see you! before taking his team to state for the first time... gilman: go get it, marcus. go get it. gilman used his cash rewards credit card from bank of america to earn 1% cash back everywhere, every time. at places like the batting cages. ♪ [ crowd cheers ] 2% back at grocery stores and now at wholesale clubs. and 3% back on gas. which helped him give his players something extra. the cash rewards credit card from bank of america. more cash back for the things you buy most.
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well, some of the tech giants at silicon valley now targeting terror propaganda. stopping people before they turn to terror and doing it a high-tech way. >> google, facebook, twitter have all pitched in to finance new videos like this, explaining the jihadist groups to american teens on american media who might be susceptible to that. lea gabrielle, explain how this is working or may work in the future. >> this is called a counternarrative campaign and counternarrative ideas. in other words, there's the terrorist ideology being sent across on the internet. these counternarrative ideas
have been pretty common. pretty widely known, but how to accomplish this. basically the project was developed to try to implement some of this. essentially for example, teens who might have posted something like mujahideen on their facebook or have that type of content, then they'd have this type of content this counternarrative content pop up to try to inform them and give them the other perspective. >> so looking at what you've got right there, it looks like a cartoon. >> yes. >> so this cartoon is supposed to turn somebody away from terror into the good lane? >> it's basically -- yes. it's a counternarrative. for example, the one you're looking at average muhammad, that was basically a cartoon aimed at younger people. you know, teenage and younger population. to basically, you know, give them some of the other ideologies they can be looking at. for example, i watch some of the videos, it talks about the death and the destruction and how isis creates slaves and how that's not part of the true islam that
people believe in. the greater islamic community. >> the key is the, the best cartoon and the best message, how do you get it to the right people what is the broadcast vehicle? >> if somebody has content on their facebook -- on their facebook page like mujahideen or shari'ah, this might pop up. like the way they target you for advertising. they can sort of target you for this type of ideology being sent to your -- >> quick point to be made. if you -- the social media companies have been under a lot of pressure from the government to clamp down and do something because they have access. so many people we are hearing are radicalized on the internet. >> we are in a cyber war. this is a cyber war because it's the way the terrorist groups are targeting people. lone wolves are so difficult to detect from the intelligence community. we are good at determining who
is connected to the terrorist organizations. people sitting at home in their basement being radicalized on the internet is difficult to reach. >> what ages? >> depends on the campaign -- the age. >> a lot was about inclusiveness. being ambassadors as muslims in our country. >> lea gabrielle. thank you. denied service at mcdonald's because they were cops. it's disgusting story that we're hearing all too often these days. how they handled it this time. that's just ahead. and he just redefined free-falling. >> jumpers are off! >> the sky diver who plummeted 25,000 feet to earth without a parachute joins us live, next. for lower back pain sufferers,
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medical headlines right now. an historic travel warning for first time ever. the cdc is issuing a travel advisory right here in the u.s. telling pregnant women and partner not to travel to south florida. it comes after ten new zika cases were found in miami. the government now saying there's not really any proof that flossing even works. how are you supposed to get it out? just suck it out. might not even prevent gum disease or cavities.
good luck, gingivitis. and mcdonald's unveiling a new happier meal. revamping the classic menu items for those who want to eat healthier. that includes removing artificial preservatives from chicken mcnuggets. the butter is replacing margarine on the breakfast sandwiches. that's all i have for you. history made for a sky diver who leaps from the plane without a parachute. >> they're off! he's in! >> he was in. luke aikins, making history, free-falling over california. it started 25,000 feet, he landed at 120 miles an hour. in that massive net on live tv. you saw it all on fox. the --
>> yep, making him the first person to jump from the airplane safely without a parachute or wing suit. luke and his wife monica join us on the couch now. luke, are you okay? >> i'm okay. >> you're okay. >> yes. >> you landed at the edge of the net. were you worried at all? >> it wasn't the edge, not quite the middle. >> when you jump out, who were the other people there? >> my cousin andy farington and john devouren. my best friends in the world. >> if something went haywire between 25,000 feet up and planet earth, were they going to help you at any point? >> is there a backup plan? >> there's zero chance they could do anything once we left the plane. we didn't have tandem -- >> they're just support them? >> just having my buddies there. >> hey, we're on tv, let's jump. >> monica, you're sitting here quietly. >> she's in shock. >> what did you say when your
husband said he wanted to jump out of the plane without a parachute? >> well, we sat down, for a long time, and we talked about it. it's just part of what we do. >> pretty much a yes or no answer. do you want to do it or not want to do it? how did you prepare for it? >> i mean, the team to make this happen is unbelievable. my part was i had to line up and get there and flip to the back at the right moment. the guys who built the c contraption -- >> but you're measuring the wind. there's so much science that went into this jump. >> that's what i really wanted people to see, was that there's a lot of crazy people do out there and wing it. it was a leap of faith, but this was not at all. it was mathematically -- >> and you did it because of the giant net. you said you flipped over on your back when you hit the net. what did the net feel like, because it feels like a boing. and backup net underneath it? >> well, every time i had seen
it, it goes through my head over and over again. when i flipped to my back, jim churchman said you have to tighten up and be ready for it. when i flipped to the back and the net hit, i almost can't tell you what it felt like. it was tingling, like adrenaline. i did two rolls to the middle, i was laying there and pumping my feet. it was awesome. >> why do you feel the need to do this? >> to scare your wife? >> no. i try to not scare her too much. it's funny when i walked to the airplane, hey, dad i thought you weren't going to wear a parachute. we went with it the way we did, it was awesome. >> monica, you want him to do more? >> for sure. that's who he is. >> wow. >> how could you possibly outdo this? i know growing up you were a fan of evel knievel. in the back of your head you're thinking of something. >> i don't think you top this. you move on the something else.
i heard stories back from a guy at world war ii who jumped out of an airplane and it was on fire and he lived in the trees and the mountains. it was really cool to do it on purpose. >> i'm glad you flipped over on your back. had a harder time with makeup. >> congratulations. >> thank you for joining us. >> what a story. thank you very much. safe travels back to seattle. >> and good job, fox, by televising it. coming up at one college, saying all lives matter gets you in a seat in diversity training. hear from an outraged student at that university next. plus donald trump firing back at his critics and the media, doubling down on the comments he made about a gold star father. rudy giuliani joins us live in new york city. >> donald trump has critics? bp is pioneering drone technology to monitor refinery operations,
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in the kilmeade household, my older brother jim got married to cara. >> wait, that was your brother? >> they look so much alike, right? >> no, no, they had music at the wedding but they didn't play the wedding classic "the macarena" which was very popular in the '90s. >> can i just say what mayor giuliani said, wait, that guy looks like brian. >> earlier in the program we played is it brian or not brian, keying -- >> not knowing -- >> mistaking jim for brian yesterday. so we have some pictures and sandra, you -- >> i passed the real brian kilmeade -- >> really to test yourself again? >> let's go. >> first up, this is from -- >> a tweet from ed.
from the tv series -- >> let's see the picture. >> is that brian -- >> that's not brian. this is a good comparison though. >> that was -- let's see. from the series "adventures of superman before kilmeade lost some weight." >> looks like a confused sweaty me. >> is this brian or not brian? >> who is that? >> this is not brian. >> #kilmeade look alike. >> a viewer's friend or brother. or something. >> that's -- >> when he comes in before makeup. >> right. >> willis says, adam looks like adam ant from the singer from the 1980s, according to will in alabama. >> i like that one. fair enough. this is another one. oh. okay. >> we're out of music. kill the music. >> well, let me tell you, i know now the difference between brian -- the real brian kilmeade and a his brother.
>> i heard you in the background. >> next time we do this segment we'll actually have jim on the couch. >> by the way, rudy giuliani is here. i don't know if you heard him laughing in the background. but rudy giuliani is a key surrogate if donald trump will win this presidency or not. people are wondering if he's given himself a fatal blow with the controversy. >> no, i think it could have been handled better, he knows that. however, he'll -- there's a big difference between what donald trump did and what hillary clinton lying directly to gold star mothers. if we're talking about gold star mothers and disrespecting them, what's worse than lying about the cause of death of your -- >> are you talking about pat smith? >> yeah. i'm talking about lying directly about the cause of death when we have a telephone call demonstrating what the truth is, then lied to the face of a gold
star mother. why doesn't the press make a bigger deal out of that? >> you know why, the press is tilting to hillary's side it seems. >> yeah, my advice to donald would be very simple. i'll tell you the advice i'd give him. you have one person to attack. hillary clinton. and barack obama because it's the obama administration. let all of us -- myself, gingrich, christie, his whole army, let us attack everybody else. that's always been my rule in politics. which is you're running against one person. don't run against the world. >> plus with hillary clinton -- she is saying i'm going to make him unstable. i'm going to make him -- i'm going to make him unworthy of the presidency. now she's rolling out billionaires to take him on. cuban, buffett and bloomberg. >> yesterday's news, they don't matter. factual error they make, then use a surrogate to dispute the
factual error. if all they do is general criticism, laugh them off and ignore them. he's not running against buffett, he's not running against bloomberg. bloomberg couldn't get the nomination. he's not running against cuban. nobody -- he offered himself -- cuban offered himself to either party as a candidate. both parties said, we don't want you, mark. don't say that, donald. let me say that. >> so mayor -- >> let somebody else say it. you go after hillary, you point out jobs. trade agreements. how we have lost jobs in america. how the boarder is porous. how crimes are -- are continuing to go up. >> so to that note, there's been a large group of protesters gathering at city hall, the city hall park here in new york city. they want law enforcement abolished. they're using that hash tag to gather, shut down city hall nyc.
>> this is what obama and hillary have brought us. their convention have brought us. in which they honor only the women who lost their sons to, you know, police shootings. some justified, some unjustified. they didn't honor the police officers' families who lost their own lives. this is -- this is doing that stupid thing about, you know, somebody doesn't -- somebody says all lives matter and they get thrown out of school. >> houston. >> are you crazy? that's crazy. >> they weren't thrown out of school, but punished. >> okay. but that's crazy. these are the things that donald should be pointing out. if we go in hillary's direction that's the america we'll get. if i say all lives matter i get punished at school. >> where did this start? >> it started with obama not keeping his promise. like i said during my speech during the convention, what ever happened to there are no black lives, there are no white lives, they're just american lives.
that went away the first time he took sides in a police dispute incorrectly in camden and he takes sides every time. who has apologized to the police officers in baltimore who have been found not guilty? >> nobody. >> who has apologized for taking their reputation away? do you know who apologized -- do you know the damage -- i come from the police officer family. five police officers who were cops. thank god they never got in trouble, but do you know the damage to their families when a police officer gets arrested, a police officer goes on trial? psychological damage to kids that get made fun of? all this. >> they can't get that back. >> when she announced -- hillary clinton pronounced them guilty before they were found innocent, which by the way is the reversal of the law, right? the worst criminal is presumed innocent. theoretically, hillary is a lawyer, of course she did fail the bar exam first time. you do know that. >> i didn't know that. >> i just wanted to point that out. >> how did you find out? >> so donald doesn't have to do it. >> did you pass it on the first
time? >> you're damned right i did. >> okay. thank you. >> thank you, rudy. >> let's get to heather nauert now with the headlines. >> good morning, mr. mayor, we have that story you were talking about a moment ago. the university in texas. but first, we have this. some sad news, the former "90210" actress shannen doherty said her cancer is now getting worse. listen. >> from one of my surgeries we discovered that some of the cancer cells might have actually gone out of the lymph nodes. for that reason, we are doing chemo and then after that i'll do radiation. >> well, she made the headlines last week posting a series of instagram pictures. documenting her shaving her head as she battles cancer. she says she doesn't know how far or where the cancer has spread. but we'll keep you posted. all lives matter, right? apparently not to the university of houston. the student government vice president rohini sethi has been
suspended from her role and now ordered to attend a diversity workshop after she responded to the dallas police officers' ambush by writing this. forget black lives matter, more like all lives matter. well, her friend and president of the student government for college republicans joined us earlier on "fox & friends" to react. listen to this. >> thank goodness we had a university president who's come out and said, listen, everyone has a right to free speech. we're not going to say anything about this. this is not our fight. but these student government associations is basically said, if you have the wrong opinion we're going to be mad at you and throw you out. >> well, the university now responding, saying that it does allow free speech and they don't control actions by the student government association. but still, she had to go through all kinds of training and stuff. well, mcdonald's worker fired for refusing to serve a police officer in georgia. after hearing about what happened, the owner took action. saying quote, we have been
ardent supporters of the hall county sheriff's office and the men and women that are now law enforcement. looks like there's been resolved then. and a heroic pilot taking matters into his own hands after a passenger attacks a flight attendant on board. watch in. >> sit down, sit down! you don't put your hands on my flight attendant! >> when the guy refused to return to his seat, even though the plane still wasn't at the gate, the pilot using a seat belt strap to keep the man from kicking cops and ended up drag -- who ended up dragging him off. the flight attendant he attacked now has to go to therapy three or four times a week. this man is now banned from flying on commercial airlines. those are your headlines. >> he looks like such a nice guy. >> i was thinking the same thing. >> can i get rid of these? >> no, how many pictures do you have of me? do you want any at home? scott, anybody?
>> we worship you oh, brian. >> never ask a question you don't know the answer to. >> one at a time. >> all right. >> i'll give them away outside. >> coming up on a tuesday, a fox news alert. a double agent for china with top secret clearance inside the fbi for apparently five years. now the government is scrambling to find out what this spy revealed. a live report coming up next. and "the new york times" says donald trump has a few places to go on his road to the white house. >> but the three states could be the key to victory. got new york, but "the new york times" could be all wrong though. >> shocking. she spent summer binge-watching.
soon, she'll be binge-studying. now she writes mostly in emoji. soon, she'll type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. today, the only spanish words he knows are burrito and enchilada. soon, he'll take notes en espanol. get back to great with the right gear. from the place with the experts. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. all right. fox news alert now. we have a chinese spy in the fbi. >> yep. that guy right there, a former electronics technician now admitting paerpt -- apparently
he was working for china. >> kristin fisher is live in washington with this story and the very latest. >> reporter: hey, good morning, guys. so his name is kun shan chun, also known as joey. he was born in china, and he moved to the u.s. in the '80s and became a citizen. he had been working for the fbi until 1997, until his arrest in march. chun and his family maintained close ties with chinese natio l nationals and businesses since 2006. he worked as an electronic technician with top security clearance which means he had access to the most sensitive data like surveillance and personnel information. now, over a five-year period he travelled overseas to meet with chinese nationals and give them that information. in exchange, he'd get things like cash or perks like hotel stays. he also lied to the fbi allegedly about traveling, which is against the fbi's policy.
now, chun was caught in an undercover sting that began last summer. he pleaded guilty in federal court in lower manhattan. in statement the u.s. attorney said, quote, americans who act as unauthorized foreign agents commit a federal offense and threatens our security. and when it's an fbi security like chun the threat is all the more serious and the betrayal all the more duplicitous. now, these -- this kind of crime comes with a maximum sentence of ten years in prison. but as part of a plea deal, chun is only expected to get two years. he'll be sentenced in december. back to you. >> chinese spy in the fbi, who knew? thank you very much. >> thank you. >> damage -- >> only two years. does that seem like enough? >> no. still ahead, could the entire election come down to these three states? we'll look at donald trump's
must win map. but first hemmer with a look at what's coming up. >> on a last name basis. what is donald trump going to say today? he's holding a press conference this morning. did the victims of benghazi get a raw deal? the father of one of the victims is here to talk about that. hillary gets a bump, how long does it last and what happen whence a group of bad mom -- of what happens when a group of bad moms goes to see a movie called "bad moms?" use your imagiation.
donald trump and hillary clinton hitting the road for the first week of campaigning as presidential nominees. her convention wrapped up last week. a new poll shows hillary clinton holding a narrow 43 to 41 lead over donald trump in 11
battleground states. but while "the new york times" claims the electoral map gives donald trump few places to go, funny, trump campaign manager paul manafort has said their game plan expand the map. >> we're going to try to get 12 or 15 states. we know the states and we think that donald trump expands the map in the ways for us to win. unlike mitt romney which had one way to win, we think of putting ohio at play. >> well, yeah, but "the new york times" doesn't believe that. well, here to break down trump's possible path to the presidency is republican pollster -- >> good morning to you. >> we'll put up a map of the swing states that he needs to win -- ohio and florida and north carolina. do you agree with that? >> yes, but he can still win without those states but very, very important states. i think if you're donald trump, you definitely want to win ohio and florida and north carolina
which is state that obama won in '08, but romney won in '12. i think it's important and underrated in this election. >> how trump can win if he loses florida, and you say if he wins then in ohio, new hampshire, nevada, michigan, pennsylvania, north carolina, iowa, then he could do it that way as well. >> no question about it. that's what paul manafort was saying and paul manafort is right. there's a lot of different paths for donald trump to win here. one of the states that the republicans haven't won since 1992 is pennsylvania. and people there are really complaining about the economy. if you saw the last quinnipiac poll on the two issues that matter most, national security and the economy donald trump had big advantages over hillary clinton on those issues. >> what about -- how do things stand in ohio for trump? >> again, it's -- >> i mean, kasich isn't helping him. >> yeah, but one -- it will be a race not with john kasich and john kasich is a very popular governor there. but it's going to be a race between hillary clinton and donald trump. and again, those issues that
matter most, trump has the advantage. >> all right. so if he loses ohio, you say he could win by going to win in florida, new hampshire, nevada, michigan, pennsylvania and north carolina and iowa. >> yep. i think two states there, both iowa and wisconsin and wisconsin is a state where republicans have won recently with ron johnson and scott walker. and again, there's a lot of economic insecurity there. that's why you saw hillary clinton trying to attack donald trump last -- yesterday on the economy. and i think if trump can stay focused on the issue of the economy there, he can have a real shot in both iowa and wisconsin. >> after her convention, she got a bounce. >> yeah. >> everybody always gets a bounce. >> always natural. and this is one of those elections where i think the people forget that four years ago after the first debate, mitt romney was ahead.
and basically by a few points, and the debates are really going to matter. >> thank you. jim mclaughlin, thank you very much. meanwhile, speaking of donald trump he's causing some controversy for eating kfc in his jet. notice he's got a knife and a fork. we've got the inside scoop coming up. i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine,
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all right. sandra? >> oh, tim kaine causing some trouble on the campaign trail with this. >> this is good. ♪ >> well, i think it sounds pretty good. right? i love the harmonica. apparently he plays the
harmonica on the bus at 1:00 in the morning. i guess that's the problem. word is journalists aren't too happy about it. >> keep it down! >> and social media going crazy with donald trump eating kfc with a knife and a fork. >> it's messy. >> we're out of time. bill: there is new polling showing donald trump getting a convention bounce. he's going to hold a press conference. good morning. liz: the new numbers show hillary clinton back on top. 19 points ahead of the margin of error. she trailed trump by 3 points in the same poll before the convention. bill: donald trump said this

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Auto Racing , Sports Sedan , Racing , Motorsport , Highway , Minivan , Compact Car , Honda Element , Sport Utility Vehicle , Crossover Suv , Saturn , Off Road Racing , Off Roading , Rally Raid , Off Road Vehicle , Automotive Design , Personal Luxury Car , Windshield , Rear View Mirror , Automotive Mirror , Electric Vehicle , Hybrid Vehicle , Law Enforcement , Sports Car , Supercar , Bugatti , Bugatti Veyron , Executive Car , Police Car , Mitsubishi Endeavor , Pet , Dog , Mammal , Canidae , Dog Breed , Vertebrate , Working Dog , Alaskan Malamute , Carnivore , Canis , Sled Dog , Siberian Husky , Tamaskan Dog , Wolfdog , Greenland Dog , Sporting Group , Sulimov Dog , Sakhalin Husky , Wolf , Conformation Show , Seppala Siberian Sleddog , Fur , Canadian Eskimo Dog , Akita , Snout , Saarloos Wolfdog , Czechoslovakian Wolfdog , Alaskan Klee Kai , Northern Inuit Dog , Native American Indian Dog , Miniature Siberian Husky , Police Dog , Service , Exercise Machine , Hospital , Military , Cricket , Baseball Field , Cardinal , Baseball , Race , College Baseball , Bat And Ball Games , Sports Equipment , Coach , Grass , Softball , Spacecraft , Satellite , Cat , Stairs , Felidae , Animal Shelter , Bear , Night , Midnight , Street Light , Scoreboard , Acrobatics , Stage , Performing Arts , Beard , Moustache , Human , Eye , Temple , Selfie , Happy , Wrinkle , Ear , Barechested , Organ , Finger , Tooth , Surfer Hair , Portrait Photography , Scale , Mobile Phone , Measuring Instrument , Thermostat , Communication Device , Watch , Swimming Pool , Resort , Leisure Centre , Hotel , Estate , Apartment , Resort Town , Arecales , Palm Tree , Smoke , Fire , Explosion , Water Feature , Daytime , Atmospheric Phenomenon , Cumulus , Calm , Meteorological Phenomenon , Paper Product , Document , Stock Photography , Haze , Website , Paper , Online Advertising , Horizon , Design , Artwork , Icon , Animation , Trademark , Diagram , Web Page , Cable Car , Daylighting , Iron , Airport Terminal , Metro , Shopping Mall , Bus , Architecture , Retail , Display Window , Commercial Building , Metal , Black Hair , Student , Classroom , Airline , Crane , Traffic Light , Skyscraper , Tower Block , Industry , Factory , Engineering , Steel , Engine , Machine Tool , Technician , Steering Wheel , Astronaut , Forklift Truck , Engineer , White , Leaf , Pattern , Flower , Macro Photography , Wood , Learning , Woodworking , Hobby , Customer , Local Food , Marketplace , Market , Floristry , Floral Design , Travel , Houseplant , Selling , Bazaar , Supermarket , Grocery Store , Shopkeeper , Scale Model , Tabletop Game , Play , Electronic Engineering , Firearm , Square , Flowerpot , Pottery , Science , Kitchen , Medi Cal , Education , Health Care , Chemistry , Pharmacy , Small Appliance , Baby , Home Appliance , Major Appliance , Toilet Seat , Baby Products , Undergarment , Teacher , Research , Class , Chemist , Pharmacy Technician , Prescription Drug , Pickup Truck , Landscape , Truck , Commercial Vehicle , Coupe Utility , Landscaping , Light Commercial Vehicle , Flower Arranging , Garden , Bouquet , Creative Arts , Backyard , Cornales , Yard , Shrub , Door , Mini Suv , Van , Function Hall , Wedding Reception , Marriage , Bride , Nativity Scene , Tradition , Gown , Religion , Meal , Brunch , Banquet , Party , Textile , Supper , Cook , Cooking , Food , Chef , Culinary Art , Cuisine , Dish , Baking , Eating , Lunch , Dinner , Taste , Golden Retriever , Retriever , Companion Dog , Ball , Operating System , Sign Language , Hair Care , Layered Hair , Standing , Sleeve , Top , Twig , Bangs , Hair Accessory , Artificial Hair Integrations , Costume , Lace Wig , Feathered Hair , Bob Cut , Material Property , Number , Parallel , Poster , Illustration , Photo Shoot , Trousers , Clothing , Jeans , Outerwear , Jacket , Leggings , Denim , Waist , Blazer , Shirt , Stomach , Chip , Love , Meeting , Presentation , Collaboration , Desk , Window Covering , Management , Sash Window , Fixture , Window Treatment , Window Film , Buzz Cut , Fruit , Natural Foods , Produce , Greengrocer , Apple , Vegetable , Vegetarian Food , Whole Food , Portable Communications Device , Smartphone , Convenience Store , Convenience Food , Superfood , Junk Food , Malus , Iphone , Feature Phone , Telephone , Dress Shirt , Tablet Computer , Mobile Device , Telephony , Endurance Sports , Nail , Grocer , Diet Food , Bromeliaceae , Vegan Nutrition , Symbol , Rectangle , Black , Nature , Silhouette , Evening , Plain , Dawn , Shadow , Pc Game , Soldier , Grassland , Digital Compositing , Manager , Software , Computer Program , Gps Navigation Device , Vitis , Grass Family , Lawn , Artificial Turf , Storm , Tornado , Woody Plant , Bodybuilding , Action Figure , Toy , Transformers , Fiction , Lego , Horse , Horse Tack , Cowboy Hat , Hat , Hard Hat , Airplane , Aircraft , Air Force , Aviation , Military Aircraft , Fairchild Republica 10 Thunderbolt Ii , Ground Attack Aircraft , Jet Aircraft , Fighter Aircraft , Military Transport Aircraft , Fighter Pilot , Aerospace Manufacturer , Flight , Bovine , Cattle , Dairy Cow , Cow Goat Family , Terrestrial Animal , Dairy , Water Buffalo , Working Animal , Livestock , Bull , Horn , Herd , Pasture , Grazing , Safari , National Park , Savanna , Wildebeest , Elephant , Elephants And Mammoths , Meadow , Natural Environment , Rural Area , Pack Animal , Branch , Mare , Mane , Prairie , Farm , Adventure , Bison , Fedora , Cowboy , Fence , Net , Shorts , Curtain , Practical Shooting , Weapon , Shooting Range , Sculpture , Shooting Sport , Shooting , Precision Sports , Barbed Wire , Home Fencing , Herder , Herding , Field , Sheep , Deer , Goats , G Oat , Goat Antelope , Sun Hat , Texture , Emblem , Plastic , Liquid , Afro , Countertop , Cabinetry , Wood Flooring , Wood Stain , Tile , Cuisine Classique , Laminate Flooring , Loft , Scarf , Blouse , Clothes Iron , Laptop , Ipad , Computer , Personal Computer , Graphics Tablet , Netbook , Wall , Shelf , Home Door , Mother , Led Backlit Lcd Display , Projection Screen , Seminar , Videoconferencing , Land Vehicle , City Car , Compact Sport Utility Vehicle , Dodge Journey , Subcompact Car , Kia Motors , Mazda Cx 9 , Hatchback , Suzuki , Walking , Street Fashion , Coat , Black And White , Monochrome Photography , Style , Monochrome , Taxi , Brick , Peking Opera , Adaptation , Arena , Playground , Race Track , Arch , Brickwork , Siding , Bridge , Fried Food , Fast Food , Ingredient , Deep Frying , Chicken Nugget , Appetizer , Side Dish , Frying , Asian Food , Recipe , Snack , French Fries , Baked Goods , Finger Food , European Food , Mcdonalds Chicken Mcnuggets , Kids Meal , Comfort Food , Potato Chip , American Food , Fast Food Restaurant , Bk Chicken Nuggets , Korokke , Dessert , Pakora , Staple Food , Karaage , Sata Andagi , Lecture , Theatre , Skyline , Cityscape , Handwriting , Triangle , Parade , Running , Marathon , Shelving , Light Fixture , Plaster , Balloon , Party Supply , Swiss Ball , Glass Bottle , Bottle , Distilled Beverage , Bag , Handbag , Luggage And Bags , Baggage , Action Film , Scene , Street Art , Mural , Visual Arts , Modern Art , Painting , Graffiti , Bike , Motorcycle , Portable Media Player , Media Player , Motorcycling , Bicycle Motocross , Flatland Bmx , Tire , Automotive Tire , Spoke , Rim , Captain America , Superhero , Display Case , Robot , Video Game Software , Beagle , Scent Hound , Basset Hound , Hound , Treeing Walker Coonhound , Rare Breed Dog , Beagle Harrier , Finnish Hound , Harrier , Hunting Dog , Posavac Hound , Pocket Beagle , Coonhound , Portuguese Pointer , American Foxhound , English Foxhound , Hamiltonstövare , Estonian Hound , Serbian Hound , Grand Anglo Français Tricolore , Whippet , Greyhound , Italian Greyhound , Vehicle Door , Sighthound , Guard Dog , Car Seat , Vizsla , Pointing Breed , Labrador Retriever , Zoo , Longboard , High Heels , Foot , Skateboard , Skateboarding Equipment , Exercise Equipment , Deck , Outdoor Structure , Patio , Non Sporting Group , Porch , Pomeranian , Pembroke Welsh Corgi , Welsh Corgi , Musical Instrument , Singing , Cookware And Bakeware , Alcoholic Beverage , Alcohols , Kitchen Appliance , Bartender , Audio Equipment , Computer Hardware , Loudspeaker , Flesh , Basset Artésien Normand , Driveway , Skateboarding , Longboarding , Boardsport , Freeride , Road Trip , Morning , Sunlight , Thoroughfare , Freestyle Bmx , String Instrument , Electronic Instrument , Leather , Great Dane , Schnauzer , Calf , Miniature Schnauzer , Fox Terrier , Whiskers , Puppy , West Highland White Terrier , Wire Hair Fox Terrier , Borzoi , Winter Storm , Ice , Winter , Freezing , Bedroom , Bed , Pillow , Linens , Bed Sheet , Sofa Bed , Studio Couch , Bed Frame , Loveseat , Rolling Stock , Train , Passenger Car , Railroad Car , Railway , High Speed Rail , Temple Fade , Wrist , Glove , Ring , Jewellery , Jogging , Long Distance Running , Exercise , Soil , Athletics , Cross Country Running , Barefoot , Long Jump , Racewalking , Sand , Woodland , Trail , Outdoor Recreation , Ultramarathon , Forest , Jungle , Orienteering , State Park , Path , Duathlon , Grove , Adventure Racing , Triathlon , Old Growth Forest , Rainforest , Valdivian Temperate Rain Forest , Sports Training , Chain Link Fencing , Wire Fencing , Baseball Player , Throwing , Javelin Throw , Pitch , Baseball Equipment , Baseball Positions , College Softball , Pitcher , Infielder , Golf , Professional Golfer , Golfer , Golf Equipment , Wedge , Golf Course , Golf Club , Pitch And Putt , Match Play , Romance , Lighting Accessory , Multimedia Software , Small To Medium Sized Cats , Hood , Freeway , Badge , Award , Shade , Canopy , Tent , Light Aircraft , Ford Crown Victoria , Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor , Full Size Car , Sedan , Ford , Banger Racing , Landmark , Historic Site , Monument , Tower , Column , Ancient History , National Historic Landmark , History , Street Sign , Pride Parade , Naval Architecture , Watercraft , Space Station , Ship , Space Shuttle , Speedometer , Map , Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game , Automotive Navigation System , Nightclub , Fur Clothing , Maine Coon , Kitten , Big Cats , Goggles , Air Hockey , Sportswear , Dance , Pilates , Training , Ankle , Sole , Boot , Choreography , Bathing , New World Monkey , Old World Monkey , Orangutan , Tape , Macaque , Kiss , Plastic Bottle , Skin Care , Personal Care , Lampshade , Lamp , Reading , Home Accessories , Grandparent , Baby Shower , Drinking , Picnic , Family , Fisheye Lens , Still Life Photography , Flyer , Album Cover , Climbing , Rock Climbing , Formation , Bouldering , Geology , Cave , Fault , Caving , Swimwear , Fitness And Figure Competition , Lingerie , Erosion , Wine , Court , Stage Equipment , Entertainment , Song , Music Artist , Singer , Concert , Strongman , Hot Air Ballooning , Aerostat , Teddy Bear , Daughter , Rabbit , Tiger , Bengal Tiger , Siberian Tiger , Vegetation , Nature Reserve , Biome , Wild Cat , Plant Stem , Jaguar , Butterfly , Monarch Butterfly , Moths And Butterflies , Insect , Pollinator , Brush Footed Butterfly , Invertebrate , Pieridae , Wildflower , Plant Community , Landscape Lighting , Adventure Game , Herb , Bakery , Desktop Computer , Computer Keyboard , Pianist , Neon , Dietary Supplement , Fluid , Street Food , Barbecue , Grilling , Buffet , Breakfast , Petal , Buttercream , Sweetness , Icing , Hamburger , Cupcake , Ice Cream , Frozen Dessert , Salad , Packaging And Labeling , Carton , Laundry Detergent , Computer Monitor , Microphone , Tripod , Sphere , Computer Icon , Output Device , Bean , Trampolining Equipment And Supplies , Springboard , Diving , Jumping , Trampoline , Sloppy Joe , Steak , Meat , Salisbury Steak , Rib Eye Steak , Churrasco Food , Meat Chop , Sirloin Steak , Steak Au Poivre , Beef , Roasting , Ribs , Carne Asada , Pork Steak , Iranian Cuisine , Swing , Bow And Arrow , Musical Theatre , Music Venue , Cycling Shorts , Sports Gear , Vest , Wetsuit , Sleeveless Shirt , Elliptical Trainer , Fitness Professional , Sports Uniform , Biathlon , Hall , Fashion Design , Professor , Plaid , Tartan , Museum , Art Gallery , Exhibition , Vernissage , Art Exhibition , Dreadlocks , Sneakers , Book , Poster Session , Citrullus , Kindergarten , Watermelon , Melon , Vascular Plant , Freshwater Aquarium , Aquarium , Aquarium Lighting , Botany , Terrestrial Plant , Aquatic Plant , Fish , Pet Supply , Marine Biology , Sloth , Three Toed Sloth , Two Toed Sloth , Baboon , Prairie Dog , Gibbon , Polar Bear , Stuffed Toy , Plush , Holiday , Rabbits And Hares , Rhesus Macaque , Baby Activity , Marsupial , Koala , Birth , Rodent , Frog , Toad , Amphibian , True Toad , True Frog , Cane Toad , Bufo , Beaked Toad , Bullfrog , Anaxyrus , American Toad , Reptile , Lizard , Scaled Reptile , Iguania , Owl , Bird Of Prey , Crab , Decapoda , Eastern Screech Owl , Screech Owl , Falcon , Falconiformes , Accipitriformes , Accipitridae , Wildlife Biologist , Turtle , Sea Turtle , Moth , Arthropod , Pest , Compost , Crustacean , Seafood , Tattoo , Membrane Winged Insect , Balut , Chocolate , Shellfish , Crocodilia , Alligator , Card Game , Lobster , King Crab , Arachnid , Spider , Gun , Handgun , Trigger , Gun Accessory , Gun Barrel , Revolver , Airsoft Gun , Starting Pistol , Ranged Weapon , Air Gun , Anime , Cg Artwork , Performance Art , Theatrical Scenery , Circus , Neon Sign , Bowling , Soccer , Ocean , Carmine , Campus , Planet , Club , Pole Vault , Horse Racing , Rebellion , Signaling Device , Half Marathon , Heptathlon , Log Cabin , Box , Tundra , Eyelash Extensions , Basement , Collection , Aisle , Locker , Cafeteria , Food Court , Stemware , Wine Glass , Coffeehouse , Diner , Auditorium , Conference Hall , People In Nature , Wilderness , Terrain , Temperate Broadleaf And Mixed Forest , Body Of Water , Water Resources , Watercourse , River , Bayou , Bank , Riparian Forest , Waterway , Riparian Zone , Reflection , Stream , Swamp , Wetland , Lake , Pond , Canal , Fluvial Landforms Of Streams , Floodplain , Creek , Rapid , Channel , Spring , Tributary , Lacustrine Plain , Reservoir , Natural Landscape , Waterfall , Tropical And Subtropical Coniferous Forests , Wave , Wind Wave , Water Sport , Open Water Swimming , Surface Water Sports , Wakeboarding , Walkway , Street Stunts , American Pit Bull Terrier , Dog Walking , Dogue De Bordeaux , Extreme Sport , Flood , Nonbuilding Structure , Reflecting Pool , Overpass , Panorama , Hacienda , Obedience Training , Weimaraner , Botanical Garden , Park , Bench , Outdoor Furniture , Plantation , Boutique , Closet , Costume Design , Haute Couture , Marine Mammal , Port , Electrical Supply , System , Mixing Console , Recording Studio , Video Editing Software , Music Workstation , Sailboat , Sail , Sailing , Boat , Helicopter , Rotorcraft , Wind Turbine , Wind Farm , Propeller , General Aviation , Wing , Cessna 182 , Monoplane , Glider , Windmill , Gliding , Aircraft Engine , Ultralight Aviation , Motor Glider , Takeoff , Landing , Airliner , Oil Rig , Offshore Drilling , Sea , Jackup Rig , Drilling Rig , Very Large Floating Structure , Construction Equipment , Floating Production Storage And Offloading , Fishing Vessel , Drillship , Fishing Trawler , Semi Submersible , Ski Equipment , Winter Sport , Firefighter , Rescue , Tank Ship , Ferry , Cargo Ship , Motor Ship , Freight Transport , Oil Tanker , Bulk Carrier , Tugboat , Container Ship , Passenger Ship , Handymax , Fixed Link , Cruise Ship , Battleship , Suspension Bridge , Ocean Liner , Leaf Vegetable , Bowl , Cruciferous Vegetables , Parsley , Coriander , Parsley Family , Lettuce , Broccoli , Dishware , Plate , Porcelain , Cutlery , Meringue , Cream , Crème Fraîche , Milk , Whipped Cream , Yogurt , Marshmallow Creme , Strength Training , Balance , Press Up , Stretching , Circuit Training , Yoga Mat , Mat , Yoga , Weight Training , Zumba , Modern Dance , Aerobics , Aerobic Exercise , Cake Decorating , Fiat , Academic Dress , 3d Modeling , Lens Flare , Cross , Naval Ship , Navy , Military Officer , Warship , Sailor , Aircraft Carrier , Frigate , Text Messaging , Basilica , Place Of Worship , Cellular Network , Pda , Recreation Room , Fencing , Automated Teller Machine , Unicycle , Heron , Cemetery , Pigeons And Doves , Stock Dove , Perching Bird , Seabird , Magnolia , Hydrangea , Rhododendron , Blossom , Camping , Cottage , Garage , Shed , Gull , Umbrella , Soccer Ball , Sleep , Nap , Medical Equipment , Operating Theater , Patient , Comfort , Bedtime , Mattress , Bedding , Bridal Accessory , Maltese , Wool , Writing , Heat , Steppe , Lumber , Logging , Tree Stump , Video Game Arcade Cabinet , Auto Show , Emergency Vehicle , Vintage Car , Automobile Repair Shop , Fire Apparatus , Chevrolet Hhr , Truck Driver , Emergency Service , Hyundai , Kia Sportage , Peugeot 3008 , Concept Car , Electric Car , Seat Belt , Net Sports , Liqueur , Billiard Ball , Pool , Pommel Horse , Figurine , Spitz , German Spitz , Shiba Inu , Toy Dog , German Spitz Mittel , Mascot , Video Game Console , Moonlight , Double Bass , Bowed String Instrument , Plucked String Instruments , Flowering Plant , Viola , Violet Family , Cattleya , Crocus , Orchid , Herbaceous Plant , Bellflower Family , Iris Family , Cue Stick , Violin Family , Calligraphy , Infant Bed , Baby Safety , Baluster , Handrail , Baby Gate , Watercolor Paint , Paint , Wardrobe , Cupboard , Sink , Bathroom , Plumbing Fixture , Bathroom Cabinet , Vase , Still Life , Artifact , Kettle , Blender , Coffeemaker , Molding , Ikebana , Sweater , Cardboard , Drawer , Chest Of Drawers , Nightstand , Tote Bag , Quilt , Quilting , Cosmetics , Laboratory , Coca Cola , Cola , Headphones , Treadmill , Army , Troop , Crop , Super Bowl , Mitsubishii Miev , Car Dealership , Hardware , Windscreen Wiper , Security , Car Seat Cover , Lexus , Mushroom , Medicinal Mushroom , Choir , Canadian Cuisine , Fish And Chips , Good Friday , Massage Chair , Outdoor Shoe , Riding Boot , Cruiser , Motorcycle Accessories , Chopper , Exhaust System , Automotive Engine Part , Automotive Exhaust , Motorcycle Helmet , Sad , Mitsubishi , Traffic Congestion , Compact Mpv , Rolls Royce , Tesla Model S , Volvo Cars , Steering Part , Cab Driver , Porsche , Bentley , Porsche Cayenne , Volkswagen Touareg , Buick Enclave , Cadillac , Volvo Xc90 , Chevrolet Uplander , Volvo V70 , Ford Motor Company , Ford Ecosport , Ford Focus , Hot Hatch , Opel , Peugeot , Volvo Xc70 , Toyota , Head Restraint , Nissan Leaf , Bus Driver , Toyota Venza , Kia Opirus , Subaru Tribeca , Lexus Rx , Lexus Is , Ford Freestar , Chrysler Pacifica , Volvo Xc60 , Chrysler Pt Cruiser , Chevrolet , Gmc , Bentley Continental Flying Spur , Buick Rendezvous , Gmc Envoy , Honda Fit , Opel Meriva , Mini Mpv , Honda Ridgeline , Nissan , Classic Car , Custom Car , Antique Car , Mazda Cx 7 , Mazda Mazda5 , Automotive Tail Brake Light , Toyota Matrix , Tesla , Microvan , Toyota Prius , Mazda3 , Volkswagen Tiguan , Saturn Vue , Saab 9 7x , Suzuki Swift , Scion , Cake , Honda Civic Hybrid , Subaru , Subaru Impreza , Honda Civic , Subaru Impreza Wrx Sti , Coupé , Honda City , St Bernard , , Norwegian Elkhound , Macropodidae , Kangal Dog , Kangaroo , Sloughi , Galgo Espanol , Terrier , South Russian Ovcharka , Sapsali , Goldendoodle , Old English Sheepdog , Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier , Poodle Crossbreed , Small Terrier , Polish Lowland Sheepdog , Catalan Sheepdog , Coton De Tulear , Tibetan Terrier , Office Equipment , Performance Car , Rolling , Ecoregion , Beach , Coast , Dusk , Coastal And Oceanic Landforms , Aeolian Landform , Mudflat , Air Sports , Paragliding , Sport Kite , Parachute , Windsports , Kite Sports , Powered Paragliding , Turquoise , Playstation Vita , Ceramic , Puzzle , Plywood , Toilet , Medicine , Volkswagen , Wallpaper , Drawing , Ticket , Menu , Performing Arts Center , Propeller Driven Aircraft , Air Show , Narrow Body Aircraft , Airbus , Ski Jumping , Aerial Photography , Desert , Sahara , Pyramid , Luxury Yacht , Bar , Underwater , Fractal Art , Riot , Military Vehicle , Jeep , Earthquake , Parrot , Waste , Crash , Corporate Headquarters , Comics , Milling , Tin Can , Barrel , Stool , Bar Stool , Folding Chair , Office Chair , Riding Mower , Lawn Mower , Outdoor Power Equipment , Mower , Mobility Scooter , Tool , Power Tool , Snow Blower , Go Kart , Grille , Ping Pong , Inflatable , Auto Race , Arcade Game , Sunflower , Annual Plant , Perennial Plant , Daisy Family , Granite , Jersey , Carbon , Telephone Booth , Golf Cart , All Terrain Vehicle , Fender , Trailer , Travel Trailer , Supervillain , Rocking Chair , Household Supply , Disc Jockey , Sound Engineer , Audio Engineer , Cdj , Electronic Musical Instrument , Billiards , Billiard Table , Snooker , Straight Pool , Pocket Billiards , English Billiards , Billiard Room , Blackball Pool , Carom Billiards , Eight Ball , Pool Player , Filling Station , Aerobatics , Fried Chicken , Chicken Meat , Fungus , Lingzhi Mushroom , Graduation , Collar , Gym , Weights , Kettlebell , Barbell , Tennis , Racket , Tennis Court , Tennis Player , Racquet Sport , Bungee Jumping , Trampolining , Flip Acrobatic , Tennis Equipment , Real Tennis , Tennis Ball , Soft Tennis , Dirt Track Racing , Group B , Tomato , Ketchup , Rose Family , Rosales , Rv , Minibus , School , Library , Clock , Wall Clock , Forde Series , Hardtop , Ford Super Duty , Fordf Series , Hemp Family , Drinking Water , Bottled Water , Mineral Water , Dentistry , Cosmetic Dentistry , Chicken Fries , Tahu Goreng , Birds Eye View , Supersonic Aircraft , Supersonic Transport , Camel , Camelid , Dune , Skiing , Slope , Mountain Range , Downhill , Air Racing , Medical Imaging , Skyway , Electricity , Public Utility , Observation Tower , Statue , Steeple , Polo Shirt , Beige , Underpants , Briefs , Toe , Long Sleevedt Shirt , Middle Eastern Food , Food Group , Indonesian Food , Meze , Mediterranean Food , Indian Cuisine , Italian Food , Pizza , Stuffing , Quiche , Torte , Ceviche , Greek Food , Burrito , Sandwich Wrap , Mexican Food , Focaccia , Flatbread , Naan , à La Carte Food , Bake Sale , Coupon , Brazilian Food , Publication , Newspaper , Casino , Slot Machine , Dancer , Trophy , Escalator , Picture Frame , Chevrolet Astro , Dodge Ram Van , Dodge , Fordf 550 , Trailer Truck , Fire Department , Mountain Pass , Hill , Track , Valley , Mountain , Highland , Mountainous Landforms , Hill Station , Fell , Fjord , Mount Scenery , Alps , Summit , Football , Soccer Specific Stadium , Soccer Player , Bodybuilding Supplement , Fire Extinguisher , Food Storage , Espresso Machine , Mixer , Tap , Kitchen Knife , Handgun Holster , Attic , Garden Buildings , Roofer , Arrow , Solar Energy , Composite Material , End Table , Coffee Table , Concrete , Moisture , Drop , Dew , Precipitation , Rain , Drizzle , Gardening , Fish Pond , Shopping Cart , Airboat , Water Transportation , Boating , Hovercraft , Loch , Marsh , Canoe , Salt Marsh , Tidal Marsh , Bog , Fen , Inlet , Thermokarst , Yacht , Estuary , Mud , Energy Drink , Spray , Endurocross , Motocross , Freestyle Motocross , Motor Oil , 5 Hour Energy , Ambulance , Perfume , Office Supplies , Collage , Carpet , Gambling , Poker , Headquarters , Cookies And Crackers , Chocolate Chip Cookie , Cookie , Chocolate Chip , Biscuit , Refrigerator , Rainbow , Birthday , Fondant , Egg , Royal Icing , Acrylic Paint , Tongue , Sharing , Hearing , Sea Ice , Iceberg , Arctic , Arctic Ocean , Glacier , Ice Cap , Glacial Landform , Submarine , School Bus , Amusement Ride , Medical Technologist , Research Institute , Medical Assistant , White Coat , Health Care Provider , Physician , Outdoor Table , Outdoor Play Equipment , Animal Sports , Dollhouse , Microwave Oven , Blue And White Porcelain , Washing Machine , Clothes Dryer , Laundry , Dry Cleaning , Crispy Fried Chicken , Syngnathiformes , Coral , Bronze , Christmas , Aurora ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20160802 10:00:00 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20160802 10:00:00

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the ugly ryan lockby story. he says it is blue. we're going to report it. thanks for sticking with us. have a great tuesday. "fox & friends" starts right now. all right. good morning. it is tuesday, august 2nd, 2016. i'm sandra smith. donald trump unleashing on hillary clinton. >> made a deal with the devil. she's the devil. >> plus, we get a look at donald's campaign trail snack? >> we do. then who exactly hacked hillary and the dnc? according to an nsa whistle-blower, it was not russia. the bombshell just dropped and who he says could be responsible coming up shortly. wow. and did you see this open? did you see this yesterday?
couldn't quite -- couldn't quite tell me apart from my brother jim. >> my older brother jim got married to cara. >> that was your brother? >> they look so much a i can loo, right? >> she thought it was me. that is me in 12th grade. putting her to the test with a new game, brian or not brian? these are both brian, right? >> yeah, that's a trick question. this was a trick question. on the s.a.t.s -- >> i'm going to find out. it's not going to be easy because your mornings are better with friends. i would say you're sitting in today for ainsley. we're on tv, right. >> they're picking on me. >> you're watching on a 60 inch television. the tv we have in the studio, can we get a picture of how little one of the tvs are?
>> oh. >> we are looking at little television 15 feet away. that's what we see. >> right. you're saying that the mistake could have easily happened to anyone. >> right. >> essentially i was showing a picture in the g block yesterday, which was the last block, and you thought it was me. >> i thought i ruined a beautiful moment, congratulating your brother and the bride. >> maybe that would have been the give away. >> my brother jim got married yesterday. jim. >> you could have been walking her down the aisle. >> so you ruined one beautiful moment. it happens. okay? >> so you destroyed one show. it's only monday. >> we're going to play brian, not brian. you can play along at home. >> i promise i won't let it happen again. right to the campaign trail this morning, donald trump ramping up his rhetoric against rifle hillary clinton. overnight the donald doubling down on his democratic challenger calling her the
devil. >> doubling down is one way to say it. peter doocy is live in virginia where trump will be today. hey, peter. >> reporter: good morning. trump's week long swing through battleground states began with a couple of events and it came with a new brutal nickname for hillary clinton. it was rolled out while trump was reaching out to bernie sanders former supporters in mechanicsford, pennsylvania. trump said sanders was cornered into making an unfair deal to endorse hillary clinton after she rigged the primaries for herself. he then said this. >> he made a bad deal. he should have not made a deal. he would have gone down and done something really important. he has buyer's remorse, you know? this guy has buyer's remorse. if he would have just not done anything, go home, go to sleep, he would have been a hero, but he made a deal with the devil. she's the devil. he made a deal with the devil.
really. >> before trump's other event in columbus, ohio, he accused a fire marshall there of capping attendance at the rally in a huge room at the convention center at 1,000 people for political reasons wanting to keep the rally small. the fire marshall says he thinks there was a mixup since he understood the event to be only set up for 1,000 people. at the end of the day it did look like it was all smiles for trump. he posted a picture enjoying some kfc on his jet for dinner writing great afternoon in ohio and great evening in pennsylvania. departing now. see you tomorrow, virginia. that's where we are at in the washington, dc's, western suburb. just to show that because the democrats put one of this state's senators on this ticket, trump is still going to contest the 13 electoral votes.
>> i noticed that, too, in scranton. i don't think the fire marshall is pro hillary, but in scranton, too, i saw a lot of seats towards the end where i'm sure these people in the street would have loved to have taken them. >> peter, how big was the room? >> reporter: the room was big, but when we got there it was set up for people to sit down so it did look like the event we were at in columbus, ohio, once the seats were all taken they stopped letting people in. there may have been a misunderstanding. they definitely could have -- >> could have been more. >> could have been more human beings inside the room. there certainly was space for it. the fire marshall said it was all his misunderstanding. >> his call. thank you very much. regarding the picture regarding the kfc, with the fork and knife, looking at david martowsko, one of the freight writers over at the daily mail. i'm not sure why donald trump
was using a fork and knife. he ate at least five pieces with his hand. five pieces. >> if he sees people watching, didn't he cut pizza with a fork? didn't he cut pizza with a fork? >> that was romney. >> that was romney? >> no. palin. >> they went over but i think trump ate the pizza with his hands. >> kasich did. >> kasich talks with his mouth full which ticked off donald trump. >> who knew? >> a fork and knife? >> don't eat kfc. i try not to break out during my dinner. >> pay day my dad used to bring home a bucket every time. >> stridex pads. >> meanwhile, let's talk a little bit about this. you know this. it's a big story over the last couple of days. kazir khan very critical of trump at the dnc. he spoke out about how his son
was killed in 2004 by a suicide bomber in iraq. donald trump had an interesting observation last night on "the hannity" program. listen to this. >> if i was president, goes back 12 years ago, if i was president his son wouldn't have died because i wouldn't have been in the war. if i was president then there would have been no war for iraq, i can tell you that, because it's ridiculous, the whole thing. >> he said on his program a number of times, he was not for the iraq war however hillary clinton did vote for it. >> i will say this about donald trump in the book though, we went over this with him "the america we deserve" he does mention six years of tough talk and u.s. fire power have little to show and does say that a war with iraq, the fact is we decided to strike against iraq. it is madness not to carry the mission to its conclusion. he did have an opinion like a lot of people did.
>> but there are some people at this point are just saying can you see that this family is offended and apologize? we haven't seen him do that in the face of these controversial moments in the campaign. >> yes. this could be a four or five day story that could last a little bit longer and it doesn't work to donald trump's advantage to do that. now yesterday we talked about the two speeches, the khan speech and the pat smith speech. everyone carried the khan speech live. there were some networks that carried the pat smith speech live. we didn't carry either. >> it's interesting you should mention looking at media bias. regarding kazir khan speech. he got 50, 5-0 coverage over pat smith. the khan story got 15:30 on the
big three. the pat smith got 70 seconds. >> going back to these calls for donald trump to apologize. newt gingrich is saying, wait, if anybody should apologize, it's hillary clinton. he's calling her a liar. listen. >> anybody watching this campaign knows that at least 80% of the media is in the tank for hillary. look at the coverage right now. we're treating deliberately lying about the fbi investigation on wallace on fox, deliberately lying. even the washington post had to say she was deliberately lying. she's lying about 50 some,000 e-mails. she's lying about national security. that somehow -- why shouldn't she apologize. if donald trump owes anybody else an apology, it's hillary clinton. trump is a stubborn guy. i think part of his point is mr.
khan went to a political convention, said some nasty things. he did not make sort of a soft presentation. he accused trump of some nasty things. trump is stubborn. trump didn't delete 33,000 e-mails, trump didn't send out secret information, trump didn't lie about the fbi. hillary did all that stuff. >> one of the other things that donald trump said yesterday was just how dishonest the press is. he said "the new york times" totally dishonest. cnn, he referred to them as the clinton news network. >> the washington post, they're getting a little better. >> they are getting better. >> i will say this, whatever donald trump does don't ban "the new york times." everyone knows about "the new york times," washington post, he says they're getting better. let them go to the events. i don't think it's a good precedent to do that. newt gingrich will call it like he sees it. he cares about the viewer and the sloter more than he does
any -- >> a bit of a confession for the candidate he supports. he is a stubborn guy. let's get the headlines this morning. >> you were going to say speaking of stubborn, right? >> exactly. >> somebody called you that. good morning, you got me. great day. chinese spy in the fbi? a former fbi worker now admitting that he was working for the chinese government. joey chun worked as an electronic technician for nearly two decades and he had top security clearance. he admits he lied about traveling overassets to give them surveillance and personnel information. he's expected to ser of two years in prison. extreme weather to bring you again. after deadly flood waters leave behind absolute devastation. take a look at this. alicott city, maryland, cars swept away, a month's worth of
rain falling in just two hours. it will now take an estimated hundreds of millions of dollars to clean up that mess. hearts go out to the folks there in maryland. this may be the best story of the morning. two officers rescuing a blind dog who was lost in a california wild fire. kaya, that's the name of the dog. the owners were forced to evacuate her and leave her behind. heroic fresno officers went back to get the dog. a heartwarming reunion for the husky and her owners. the red stuff on her coat, you can see it there, it's flame retardant and speckled all over her fur. things got crazy at training camp. they gathered at the press conference but they were not expecting this. >> no injuries to report. looking pretty great out there so with that being said, time's yours. >> well, that isn't the real
coach. take a look at this. chris wilhelm is a super fan from philadelphia who looks exactly like andy reid, the real coach. the real one took over a few minutes later. he met reid for the first time. >> that's great. >> for even a second. he was awesome. >> coming up on this tuesday, don't worry, veterans. president obama says everything at the va is a-okay. >> the days of having to wait in line at the va office or mailing in, those days are over. >> that sounds good but iraq and afghanistan war vet says the president is totally disconnected from real. and imagine to waking up to finding a bear breaking into your house and then it actually attacks. it's the video that you have to see. >> whew!
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nice neighborhood. ♪ nationwide is on your side president obama says there's still work to be done with the va but the system is improving. >> we've put in place more clinicians, more counselors, more peer support. veterans helping veterans. today we're delivering more mental health care to more
veterans than ever. we are saving lives. the days of having to wait in line at the va office or mailing it in, those days are over. >> oh, my goodness, why would he say that? where do we stand when it comes to the care for our vets? here to weigh in is pete hegstead in the reserves right now. pete, your reaction to the president picking up your issue. >> my reaction is this is exactly why people are frustrated with washington, d.c., because our ruling class in washington tell them time and time again that things are getting better, things are improving, their lives are better and then they look at their own lives. in this case for veterans, their own wait, the care they're getting, they're saying, it's not better. it's worse. the stats being reported are reported to government. if you're adding so much more on top why is my life not getting better? why has my wait time increased? why do i still not have any choice? why hasn't trump been fired. the elites are lying and this
speech at the va is a perfect example of that. >> unbelievable. playing politics with a lame duck president from the white house as he salutes gold star parents yesterday ironically. here's what he said. there were 600,000 people waiting and now it's down to 80,000. he adds 450,000 appeals are pending. what does that tell you? break down those numbers. >> what it tells you is they got a ton of criticism a couple of years ago for this -- the backlog, the disability claims backlog that was reaching 600, 700,000, they decided to get rid of that. what they did instead of adjudicating and completing the claims, they moved quickly claims from the initial system to the appeals backlog. here's the ironic part, the 450,000 are waiting three o four years, brian, for their appeal
to be adjudicated. vets on the ground, their service is no better. they're waiting longer, that's why they wanted someone to shake up the system like donald trump. >> if you need va care you watched the president or care about it. write us. tell us. are things dramatically better, or worse since the president took this up and this disaster was exposed. we'll read them throughout the show. pete, thanks so much. >> thanks, brian. >> pete said we need to have choice. coming up straight ahead, at one college saying all lives matter they need diversity training. an outraged student joins us next. and a heated conversation between a vietnam vet and a pokemon go player at a veterans' memorial. watch. >> you go [ bleep ] gravestones right there. [ bleep ] grave stone. >> no, it's not.
>> what do you mean, no, it's not. >> crazy old man. we need to get these veterans out of here. >> wow. now that vet now facing charges. he joins us live with his side of the story. he seems to have a strong case. >> [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. gravestones right there. [ bleep ] grave stone. >> no, it's not. >> what do you mean no it's not? can a toothpaste do everything well? this clean was like - pow. it felt like i had just gone to the dentist. it just kind of like, wiped everything clean. my teeth are glowing. they are so white. crest [hd]. 6x cleaning, 6x whitening.
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good morning. welcome back. a quick look at your headlines this morning. an historic travel warning. for the first time ever the cdc issuing a travel advisory right here in the u.s. telling pregnant women and their partners not to travel to south florida. it comes after ten new zika cases were just found in miami. and mcdonalds unveiling a new happier meal. the fast food chain revamping
classic food items. the changes included removing artificial preservatives from chicken nuggets, removing high fructose corn syrup from their buns and replacing margarine with butter. knowledge for your next trip to mcy d's. turns out butter is better. all lives matter, right? apparently not to the university of houston. university student government vice president rohini setti has been suspended from her role and ordered to attend a diversity workshop after responding to the dallas police ambush by writing, forget black lives matter, more like all lives matter. she also has to attend cultural events and make a public presentation about cultural issues. here to react is jordan smith. he is a friend of that suspended student and the president of the university of houston college republicans.
good morning to you, george. >> hi, guys. thanks for having me on. >> great to have you. all she wrote was forget all black lives matter, all lives matter, and then it hit the fan. who was upset? >> there are people online upset. people on facebook the night it happened upset. the black student union got ahold of it. the liberals on campus got ahold of it and they ran with it. >> they ran with it. what kind of trouble is she in? >> she's been suspended for 50 days from the position. she took the position to help people. she's an engineer. she wants to change the way this university works. now she has to attend diversity training. she's having to present a letter to the sga, having to talk to students. go to three cultural events a month. i'm on fox news right now talking about her. her name is being run through the mud. >> does it break down along ideological lines as to who's with her, who's against her? >> somewhat.
there are some people who even though they're liberal, they think this is ridiculous. she has the right to say what she wants. >> absolutely. >> that's how this country works. >> if you're going to go anywhere in america to have a free flow of ideas, you would think it is the college campus. university of houston, not so much. >> to be in college is to be liberal these days. there are right opinions and there are wrong opinions. thank goodness we have a university president who's come out and said, listen, everyone has a right to free speech. we're not going to say anything about this. this is not our place. the student government association said if you have the wrong opinion, we're going to be mad at you. we're going to throw you out. >> you're talking about the student government association. >> yes, sir. >> that's the leadership outfit for all of the kids and yet they seem to have a political agenda here, don't they? >> completely. you know, they've told about 30% of the people on campus, hey, your opinion doesn't matter anymore. what you want to say, you don't
get the right to say it anymore. if we don't like it -- they're supposed to represent us and they're not representing us very well. >> the university believes in free speech. the student government association can kind of do what they want to. >> yes. >> going forward does she want to drop out of the student government association? if i was in her shoes, i would. >> from my understanding, she's a very strong person. she's a sweet, sweet person. one of the best people i've ever met. she took this position to change how the university works. as of right now she's standing strong. she wants to still help people. from what i've heard, she's staying strong. she's going to be there. >> okay. very good. by the way, we did reach out to the university of houston student government association, the president there, shane smith, for a comment. he has not replied to it us. jordan smith, thank you very much for getting up early to tell us the story. >> thank you, guys. this was fun. >> fun?
he's in college, he's having fun. we drove him to the studio. it's a good morning. >> beats going to the pub. >> probably. it's early. meanwhile, straight ahead on this tuesday, protesters taking the anti-cop movement to a new level calling to abolish the police department. you have to hear this one to believe it. did you see this yesterday, sandra smith could not quite tell brian from his brother jim. >> my older brother jim got married to kara. >> she's beautiful. that was your brother? i thought that was you. >> they look so much alike, right? >> oh, my god. >> so this morning we're putting sandra to the test asking, is this brian or not brian? and you can play along at home. i've seen that guy on tv as brian. just sayin'. ♪ he wrecked the rec room this summer. his stellar notebooks will last through june. get back to great. this week, these items just one cent each.
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married to kara and -- >> they're beautiful. >> wait, that was your brother? i thought that was you. >> they look so much alike, right? >> oh, my god. >> no. they had music at the wedding but they didn't play the wedding classic, the macarana. >> looking back you were snuggled in a little bit too close to be your brother. >> not appropriate to be that close to the bride. >> it's your shot of the morning today. yesterday sandra mistook brian's older brother jim for him. she thought brian got married again over the weekend. >> i thought maybe he walked his brother's bride down the aisle. >> that would have been cool. so this morning we're putting her to the test with, get the paddles out -- >> this is the first time you've ever been tested. >> it's early in the morning. if it works out, i'm going to franchise it. brian or not brian. sandra, this is the way we're not going to do it. >> remind everybody how small my screen is. >> i'm going to go this is not
brian. >> i believe that is the fellow from yesterday. isn't that jim? >> is that your brother? >> that's jim. >> is that brian or not brian? >> that is donnie osmond. >> that's not brian. >> 2-0. sandra really on her game. >> she's on fire. >> okay. snl. >> that is brian on "saturday night live." >> do not do that. >> that is brian on "saturday night live." >> that is a few extra chins. >> who is that? >> brian. >> who is that? >> i believe -- that is -- that is me. >> where did you get these? >> that is me. that is me at like i think ninth grade. >> okay. is that brian or not brian? >> is that like mahoney from police academy. >> that's correct. not brian. >> also from massapequa. >> brian or not brian? >> yes, that is brian. >> so cute. is that your high school picture? >> high school senior picture.
>> are we done? that's it. i got one wrong. >> before the break just go right through it. >> just getting started. >> yesterday when we were putting this together -- >> now i know who you are. >> i feel like we got closer. >> yesterday i suggested we get a picture of burt confy. >> fine game show host. >> very, very good. >> milton bradley called and they want to franchise it. they set get some dice. >> do you have images of people who look exactly like brian to confuse sandra, if you do, e-mail them to us, friends@fox and news. e-mail him, tweet him. >> back to the news of the day. >> very good. >> always take your tests early in the morning you do best early in the morning. heather tomorrow we'll see doocy, put up lincoln shavy. >> chris matthews. >> yeah, i love that. >> we could do there every day. good morning. got some news headlines to bring
you right now. lock your doors, folks. if not, a bear and her two cubs might make themselves right at home. watch this. >> whoa come look at this. bears. oh, god. all right. whoa! [ bleep ]. oh, my god. i locked it. i thought it was you. >> i thought it was you. >> honey, i thought it was you but it was a bear. that's a guy -- >> a bear. >> that's the guy screaming. he's in california. he hears something stumbling around. he thinks it's his roommate. when he gets a closer look that fuzzy thing is a bear, two cubs. >> not the roommate. >> he runs into the bedroom shutting the door just in the nick of time. the bears eventually went out the back door that was left open by mistake. lesson learned, i hope. well, want to serve in the police and no job for you. a mcdonald's worker has been fired after refusing to serve a
georgia police officer. the owner said we have been ardent supporters of the hall county sheriff's office and the men and women in law enforcement in our community. calling to abolish the police department. listen to this from yesterday. >> get out of town. >> that group in city hall park in new york city refusing to leave until police officers are completely off the streets. what? they also want the nypd commissioner bratton to resign. by the way, he announced that he would be stepping down eventually while reparations for all victims of police brutality, that's what they say they want. they want all money for the nypd to go to minority communities. this group holding this is a spinoff of the black lives matter movement. those are your headlines. who would fight crime if they took the police off the streets in new york city. >> citizens arrest.
everybody would walk around with handcuffs. >> not everybody. >> thanks, heather. >> thank you very much. everybody is impacted by the weather and for that we go to maria molina. maria, it's hot and there are some big storms. >> yeah. we've had all kinds of extreme weather over the last couple of days, and i want to share with you some video out of patterson, new jersey. this is taken on sunday evening when we had storms rolling through. there was significant flooding occurring out there. keep in mind, again, this is in new jersey. not too far away from new york city and there was water coming down on the streets flowing downstream. also expecting to see more heavy rain throughout the day todayar. we've been seeing it early this morning across portions of new jersey. there have been reports of flash flooding occurring out there with more than three inches of rain coming down in a short amount of time during the overnight hours. a threat for severe weather will be in place generally across this region as you head a little bit farther north and east across illinois, wisconsin and iowa. damaging winds being the primary concern. more storms with exiting parts
of the northern rockies. that storm system as we head into tomorrow, we're bringing a more significant threat for severe weather. it will even extend into parts of dan where we could see isolated tornadoes, damaging winds and large hail will be a concern as well. the heat is a big story across portions of the central plains. upper 90s. triple digit heat. very pleasant across the eastern u.s., especially new york city. high temperatures forecasted to be 77 degrees, staying pleasant into tomorrow. take a look at the plains for tomorrow. the heat continues to build. let's head back inside. >> all right. into the hundreds. thank you very much. >> thanks, maria. speaking of feeling the heat, who hacked hillary and the dnc? according to an nsa whistle-blower, it wasn't russia. the bombshell just dropped and who he says could be responsible. then, days before the olympic games begins, we just learned something shocking about the opening ceremony. gisele is going to get attacked.
plus, it looks like -- >> she's from mutual omaha's wild world of animals joins us life. >> if you are sloth hunting, we just found it. looking for balance in your digestive system?
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use caution when driving or operating machinery. most common side-affect is nausea. i can't believe i did it. i quit smoking. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. all right. we've got some quick headlines for you on this tuesday morning. for the first time the united states is taking out isis in libya with airstrikes. the attacks targeting the coastal city of sirte near tripoli. u.n.-backed libyan government asked the united states for help with the bombing campaign to get rid of isis fighters and military equipment. what took them so long ? meanwhile, isis is targeting apparently the olympics in rio. they're calling for lone wolf attacks on visitors, including americans, and they suggest using poison or drones with small explosives. we're learning super model gisele will be assaulted in the
opening ceremony on friday. part of a scene involving the brazilian. >> boomer: shell, muggers and police. in the beginning apparently she is mugged and then by the ending part of that opening scene the police are closing in on the mugger but she protects the mugger and sends the police on their way or something like that. >> should you have given away the ending? >> that's okay. >> really crazy. >> right. >> so that is art? is that theater? what is that? >> well, you know, at the beginning of the olympics they always have some crazy kind of thing you don't quite understand. they're going to have one down in rio, too. >> good. we do have some lead time to try to figure it out. meanwhile, there is a fellow by the name of william benny. he's the architect of the nsa surveillance program. he famously became a whistle-blower, left the agency in 2001, in october of that year. he was on with aaron clyne on one of the radio shows here in new york city. he had quite a headline.
you know, while hillary clinton said, yeah, i deleted 33,000 e-mail or something like that, he says he knows exactly who has all of them. >> it makes a lot of sense because all along everybody is saying, somebody should be able to get access to those e-mails. they don't just delete and go off into the abyss. >> they said the nsa has the ability to hack into fbi and cia archives in order to get information which was a revelation that edward snowden made apparent and backed up a little bit later. so he believes, this is a jump though in my estimation, he believes since the nsa is ticked off that hillary clinton was so slip shot with the way she handled her e-mail situation and some of the emp mails that flew back and forth, they were unsecure during her rein as secretary of state, that they have her 33,000 deleted e-mails and they'll expose them. >> yeah. you know, we had suggested after
it was revealed that she used all of those e-mails that the nsa probably had them. we'll tell you more about that. it's interesting, mr. benny quotes former fbi director muller, he was talking about how the fbi has the ability to access secret databases to track down known terrorist suspects apparently. apparently the fbi and the cia, there's no oversight of this, but they both have direct access to the database. are her e-mail in the database? we don't know. the question is if the current fbi director, comey, really wanted to look at that, you would think he might have gone ahead and, you know, accessed it through this program that benny is talking about. then he would have to reveal, yes, i looked at them. i got them from the nsa. then you've revealed the source of the method and that's bad. >> two things, the 33,000
e-mails are about yoga and chelsea's wedding. >> you believe that? >> hillary clinton said i had somebody else go through them, my lawyer go through them and delete them before i handed over the e-mail. >> that's not true. as it turns out the lawyers did not look at every one of them. >> those are the 33,000 that are not handed over. do i have this right? he's assuming, he's assuming since the nsa was ticked off since she was using an unsecure e-mail with all of our top secrets that they have this -- these e-mails and they could bring them forward. >> if anybody is going to know, it would be this guy. he was the architect of the nsa surveillance program so he knows the case. >> you accurately point out this is speculation at this point in time. we're going to bring in judge andrew napolitano at 7:00 a.m. who benny says hacked the dnc. who knows what. judge andrew napolitano. >> that's a great picture of the
judge. i mean, he's smiling. he looks great. >> is that the judge or not the judge? >> let's do that. new paddles. get some pop sticks. >> you guys are not going to quit teasing me about that, are you? >> i'm pretty sure not. >> coming up, a confrontation from vietnam veterans and pokemon go players camping out at the vietnam war memorial. >> [ bleep ]. >> no, it's not. >> what do you mean, no, it's not? >> crazy old man. i wouldn't mind getting punched to get these veterans out of here. >> that vet is facing charges. >> he's facing charges? >> yeah, he's facing charges. the vet is. why? let me ask him. >> then we're getting in touch with our wild side this morning. yes, that's a sloth. what happens when the animals -- >> the sloth is up there. >> a monkey. >> you're next. i'm afraid. if you need advice for your business,
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hey, things are getting a little wild this morning. you know why? because we have a baboon. we have a -- >> baboon? >> a baboon. >> please don't mock the host on camera. >> sorry. >> and a scorpion. >> here to introduce them, the mutual of omaha wild kingdom. >> good morning. >> let's start with the sloth before we get to the baboons. >> the baboon. all right. so we have a sloth -- right behind you. >> oh. >> just hanging out. >> is he happy? >> yeah. actually, this is a female. and she's pretty up there in age but she's rocking it right now. she's so beautiful. she loves to be on camera.
obviously, when we look at a sloth we think to ourselves these are pretty unusual. first of all, they're low metabolism. low body heat makes them just slow in general. >> slothy. >> a little slothy. >> they're big huggers? >> of limbs. >> i wouldn't want to hug them, they have long claws. people think because they're is slow they wouldn't hurt you, but in general don't go up to the wild sloth because of the claws. >> very nice. come on over -- >> where's the baboon? >> do they know they don't have to live life on the edge? >> she's looking at us right now. >> oh, look. >> so this is a one-month-old olive baboon. they are from africa. when they're born, mom takes very, very good care of them. they hang around traveling on the mom's stomach for a long time. and eventually end up riding up on the saddle like riding a horse. >> in the jungles do they have
to wash this off? >> no, they don't. >> and they will eat anything in the african savannah to roots and shoots up to antelopes. >> so adorable? >> could we raise and these at home? >> no, i would definitely not recommend having a monkey. i'm like please don't have a monkey. >> yep, that's the giant marine todd. >> this is my favorite. >> this is one of the largest toads in -- is actually the largest toad in the world. >> you can't get warts from it? >> no. that's a myth. but these are poisonous. >> that's worse. >> the reason this is an issue, these animals have been introduced all over. from south america, but they have been introduced to australia and hawaii and florida and what happens is -- >> thank goodness we have crocodiles and poison toads. >> but we have dogs. >> you have to be careful. >> so if he got really nervous
he'd blow unlike a ball, like look at big i am. the glands squirts out the white stuff f you lick it -- >> okay -- >> so the toad. >> and they are very large, jump very fall. >> this is a big owl. i love birds. >> you should be closer to him. >> the screech owl. >> this is one of the smallest owls in all of the u.s. a lot of people think that owls can turn their heads all the way around, but they can't. they can turn it about 275 degrees. >> a chiropractor's dream. >> exactly. the reason for that is that the eyeballs are fixed in the heads. they can't move them around like you and i can. >> what does kind of sound does a screech owl make? >> like that. not the hooty owl. >> yeah. valiant effort.
>> where's the scorpion? i love the screech owls. >> this is a giant dictator scorpion. it tries to get its own way. >> brian, go over -- >> messy looking. >> this is from the brady bunch, remember what happened. >> this is the largest in the world, they get about eight inches. a lot of people think the scorpion is going to go straight to stinging you. but -- >> you're holding it. >> the tail? >> they have a stinger -- i'll let him walk a little bit if you look, they have that stinger. inside of that is venom. so if they were to try to get to their prey, and they couldn't use their pinchers, then they would use that venom. >> you think she's the safest of animals, one's got poison, venom and a sloth justoff. >> thank you very much. >> thank you so much. make sure to watch >> mind whispering the tease, because the sloth is sleeping. >> coming up, a cartoon image of
a gun is just too offensive for apple. they're replacing the emoji with a squirt gun. brian? and an nsa whistle-blower said it wasn't russia who hacked the e-mails.
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good morning. it is tuesday, august 2nd. i'm sandra smith. donald trump unleashing hell on hillary clinton. >> made a deal with the devil. she's the devil. >> plus, the donald also causing more controversy this morning for eating kfc with a knife and fork. we're live on the trail. >> still looks delicious. then who hacked hillary and the dnc? according to a whistle-blower, it was not russia. judge napolitano weighs in on the bombshell just dropped by a former nsa official, the man who was the architect of the surveillance program.
a heated confrontation erupts between a vietnam veteran and pokemon go players at a veterans memorial. >> you're like [ bleep ] -- a gravestone. >> no, it's not. >> what do you mean no it's not? >> crazy old man. i wouldn't mind getting punched to get the veterans out of here. >> now it's the veteran who is facing charges. should he be facing charges? we report, you decide. a reminder, don't burp, mornings are better with "friends." well, on a tuesday, first tuesday in august, ainsley is off. we have sandra smith -- >> and i went into the kitchen to wash my hands real quick -- >> because of the poisons and the toxins. >> that's what's different about "fox & friends." you have big named guests and animals and the sloth is still hanging around. meanwhile, right to the campaign trail. donald trump ramping up his rhetoric against rival hillary
clinton. the donald doubling dun on his democratic challenger calling her the devil. >> peter doocy is live in ashburn, virginia, where trump will be later today. hey, peter. >> reporter: so donald trump says that his democratic rival is the devil because he thinks that hillary clinton rigged the primary system for herself. and this is how he broke down that new nickname for some bernie sanders supporters that he was trying to win over in pennsylvania last night. >> made a bad deal. he would have gone down and did something important. he has buyer's remorse. if he went home, go to sleep, relax, he would have been a hero but he made a deal with the devil. she's the devil. he made a deal with the devil. >> trump had a big crowd there in pennsylvania and he thinks he should have had a bigger crowd in ohio earlier in the day.
he blasted the fire marshall in columbus for only letting 1,000 people into his rally at a convention center there. he accused that official of capping attendees for political reasons, hinting at keeping the trump crowd small. but he said it was a big mix-up. he thought the event was only set up for 1,000 supporters. by the end of the night, he was smiling and eating some kfc on his jet ride home. he tweeted great afternoon in ohio and a great evening in pennsylvania. departing now, see you tomorrow in virginia. and here in virginia, this high school where some folks are already lining up is going to host trump's only event of the day. it is his third trip to a swing state in the last two days. it is right in tim kaine's background. goes the show that trump is not throwing in the towel on virginia and their 13 electoral votes just because one of the state's u.s. senators is hillary clinton's running mate. back to you in new york. >> peter doocy, live in ashburn,
virginia. thank you. we're bringing in judge napolitano to talk about all sorts of things. you know william binney, former nsa official. architect of the surveillance program. he says that the person -- as it turns out, despite what the dnc and democrats are saying, it was not russia that hacked the dnc. it was perhaps an official -- it was somebody from the nsa who was angry about the fact that she was using personal e-mail server, which violated what is called gamma material which is the most sensitive at the nsa. do you believe that? >> i do believe it. one of the reasons there's so much anxiety -- very interesting. one of the reasons there's so much anxiety about mrs. clinton from intelligence community is the belief that some of the materials that she handled with such extreme carelessness -- i'm using jim comey's phrase, but in my opinion it was criminal. but in the fbi director's opinion it was extreme carelessness, contained the
names of american undercover intelligence agents, some of whom are no longer with us. this is the belief of a lot of people in the intelligence community. that mrs. clinton does become president of the united states, she's going to have a lot of antipathy about people in the intelligence community. >> that wasn't in the report that people might have died because names were listed an sent. >> correct. correct. the fbi did not reveal that. the fbi never revealed the contents. and quite properly because it's still classified. >> sure. >> the fbi never revealed the contents of the 25 top secret of which five were s.a.p. even fbi agents didn't have the clearance to reveal them. so bill binney is saying of the 60,000 nsa agents and contractors, there's a critical mass who fear mrs. clinton's presidency. >> right. >> and more likely than not hacked into the dnc and leaked
it -- >> so this is a man -- he recently did a radio interview where he explained essentially is that. listen. >> you had to just estimate here, as an analyst who your best guess -- what would be your best guess for who the hacker is, who lucifer 2 is? >> in the situation i was thinking about how many other people had this data and hacked into the dnc. well, hacking into hillary's server at home. i go back to a statement made by the director mueller of the fbi back in the 30th of march 2011 and he said he got together with the department of defense and they created a technology database where he as a member of the fbi could go in with one query and get all past e-mails and feature ones as they came in. what he's talking about is going into the nsa database so that
means that nsa and the number of other agencies in the u.s. government also have those e-mails. >> so what he is saying is there's this nsa database, unbeknownst to us, and they have access to it and comey could have looked at hillary's e-mail if they had them, but then he'd open up a whole can of worms. >> then he'd be revealing that the nsa does have everybody's e-mails. which a lot of us believe. which bill binney a former nsa official who developed the software that the nsa uses says they have. which they have never acknowledged. there would be serious criminal allegations if the fbi had unfettered access to the nsa -- did they ask, did they get a search warrant for her materials? no. >> well, it cost debbie
wasserman schultz her job. i can't imagine the nsa feeding julian assange this information, can you? >> yes. >> you think -- >> that is exactly what bill binney is saying, and the -- >> who would do that? >> it's not we, it's a guy. >> this is not an official federal government policy. this is the behavior. one of the 60,000 was snowden. so it's the behavior of some of the 60,000 people. some are military, some are is civilian employees of the government, some are outside contractors. but many have access. they have different levels of security clearance. some can go deeper into the nsa database than others. >> julian assange was on another show yesterday and he says they have a lot more damning hillary clinton campaign e-mails coming out. >> okay. this again is going to become a campaign issue, because julian assange blame mrs. clinton for the fact he's in exile in the basement of the ecuadoran embassy in london. they condemned mrs. clinton's
secrecy and they reveal what they have. every time they have promised a day that dump they have delivered. >> so thinking there could be an october surprise, that is not inconceivable? >> it is not inconceivable they know exactly when -- look at what they did to debbie wasserman schultz. >> absolutely. >> they know exactly the perfect timing to release these materials. >> and i believe assange that says that e-mails show that hillary clinton helped arm isis. >> yes. when she was arming militias in libya which she claimed was to overthrow gadhafi, the cia warned her, these are terrorist organizations they'll use the arms against us and she told them to take a hike and armed them anyways. we know what happened. >> thank you very much. >> wow. >> who is sitting next to you? is that brian?
>> looks like donny osmond to some. >> good to see you. >> this is on-camera tension. you don't hear much about it. let's go over to heather nauert who joins us with -- this is quite a headline, isn't it? >> it is. good morning to all of you. there was a chinese spy serving in the fbi. a former electronics technician is now admitting that he was actually working for china, not the united states after all. even though we were paying his salary. his name is joey chun, he worked in the new york office for nearly two decades. he had a top level security clearance. he admits he lied about traveling overseas to meet with the chinese officials. he gave them personnel information about people he served with the in the fbi. he is expected to serve two years in prison. well, the politics now, donald trump facing mounting backlash over his comments about the family of a fallen muslim soldier, but one person says he
should have not apologized to the khans. patricia smith, the mother of the benghazi victim sean smith said it's trump's business to say what he wants. >> i'm not going to put any words into donald's mouth. he is saying what he believes. i was treated like dirt. i don't think that the khan family was treated that way. but i was treated like dirt. i was called a liar. >> she went on to blast hillary clinton saying her leadership skills, quote kill people. well, it's patriot versus pokemon go players at a veterans memorial park in minnesota. watch this. >> these are [ bleep ] gravestones right there. what the [ bleep ] -- gravestones. >> no, it's not. >> what do you mean no, it's not? >> crazy old man. i wouldn't mind getting punched to get the veterans out of here. >> wow, did you hear this? he said this is a gravestone, and the kid said no, it's not, burped at him and called him a crazy old man. well, that fedup vietnam
veteran, rightfully so, he flipped over their tent and calmed the cops on them and now that veteran has been charged with disorderly conduct and destruction of property. that city is stopping short of banning the game pokemon go, but made up rules against putting up tents or hammocks to attract people. we'll talk about this later. apple wants to make every iphone in america firearm free. the latest software update -- you probably keep getting notices about it, listen to this. this green squirt gun is replacing the pistol revolver emoji. really? it's coming a year after a group against gun violence launched a social media campaign called disarm the iphone. so you want to use the revolver, nope, you get a squirt gun. that was one of my favorite emojis. i don't know. >> well, i still have it on
mine. >> okay. >> don't upgrade if you want to keep it. >> i have the martini glass which i use frequently. >> me too. >> we have a lot in common. >> thank you. >> i use voice text. can't really help. >> all right. they're protesting police brutality, but what message are they really sending? >> what do we want, dead cops, when do we want it now? >> so black lives matter lays out a brand-new list of demands while promoting against cops. we are sorting through the hypocrisy, next. and this photo was stumping the internet. can you see the cat hiding in plain sight? keep looking. i know you have things to do, but i asked you to do this. just do this, this once. >> hey, kitty, kitty. pregnancy is an exciting time, but you may experience common discomforts.
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>> what do we want? dead cops. when do we want them? now. what do we want? dead cops. >> pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon. pigs in a blanket -- >> here with reaction is heather macdonald from the manhattan institute, the author of "the war on cops." heather, good morning to you. >> good morning, steve. >> reparation, does that surprise you? >> no, that didn't -- what surprised me is the transrights plank, nobody in the south side of chicago cares about transrights. with killing of police officers up 72% this year, the black lives matter movement should be absolutely ashamed of itself, but it's desperate to keep itself relevant and in the news. >> so while they're pushing
reparations and these other demands, the headlines for you regarding black lives matter and this whole movement is you say cops are dying and crime is going up, right? >> black lives are being taken. homicides are already up another 15% this year. last year they were up 17% and in black cities they were up about -- in places like cleveland, 90%. and the reason for that, steve, is that cops are backing off of precisely the type of proactive policing that saves lives because the media and the white house keeps telling them that they're racist. >> well, that's -- that does what then? if the white house and the media and politicians are saying that the cops are racist, what are they supposed to do? >> it exposes the black lives matter as an utter fraud and the concern of the media for black lives as another fraud. because nobody knows the name of the 3-year-old boy who was shot on father's day this year in
chicago who's now paralyzed r life. yet, the world knows the name of thing new mike -- the name of the thug michael brown because that's who the media chooses to focus on. the thousands of law-abiding inner city residents who are desperate for police protection get no attention from black lives matter activists, they're not invited to the white house. and as a result of this, we are now returning in the inner city areas to what is starting to look like a breakdown of law and order. >> unfortunately, so many men and women who protect this nation and are now reluck tant to do their job. >> recruiting is down. >> thank you very much for joining us. still ahead, on a tuesday, donald trump firing back at his critics and the media, doubling down on the comments he made about a gold star father.
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some quick headlines for you on a tuesday morning. facebook is blocking talk radio host michael savage for posting a story about islamic crime. he linked to a story about a muslim migrant killing a pregnant woman in germany. facebook says it violates its policies and blocked him for 21 hours. and siri is playing dumb, pretending she doesn't know
where you can see dinesh d'souza's new hillary movie. she doesn't appear to have any technical glitches when it cops to other movies at the cinema. >> siri needs to get out more. it's a popular news let their breaks down the headlines you need to know -- the skimm is a cheat sheet for news of the day. i'm a subscriber myself. >> at nearly 4 million subscribers they have a voice. how do they do it? here to explain we have the skimm girls behind it, carly zakin and danielle weisberg, founders and ceo. the skimm is part of the "fox & friends" friendly because newscorp is a minor investor in your company. welcome. >> thank you for having. >> you were news producers across the street at nbc. >> right across the street. >> at what point did you say,
enough of it? >> we loved news. we didn't think we'd start a company at 25. that was kind of crazy. we grew up loving it and we saw our friends weren't connecting with what we produced for a living. >> yeah. they weren't watching what we produced. we'd fill them in what happened on the world today. >> weren't they home watching tv? >> they weren't home at 6:30 and they'd say, what happened, tell me what's going on in the world. >> i'm frequently on a train. ly give you -- i will give you guys kudos and a lot of people are reading this, a lot are women. give us an idea of what you look at. i get it be e-mail and now you have an app. but you get that e-mail. it get you ready for a day. give us an example -- >> skim the news for us. >> part of our shtick is that every day we give you real-life scenarios you might experience. whether it's what to say when your co-worker spills coffee on you. what to say when your co-worker forwards your e-mail to your boss. >> oh, great. >> no one likes a snitch, that includes the u.s. government.
they agree. yesterday a former employee named joey chun pleased guilty to illegally passing sensitive info to a chinese official. he was initially arrested back in march and yesterday he admitted he passed sensitive info. he did that for years and chun got paid for passing along this info which is not so -- so not legal on so many levels. >> no kidding. >> now he face up to ten years in prison. looks like it will be less, but that's what he was facing. done-done chun is how you sum up that story. >> heather -- that's a headline for us today as well in "the new york post" where there was a chinese spy in the fbi or something like that what i like about the skimm to your credit is you take the news and you make it so much easier because so many -- the people watching right here they love the news. so they -- they do it all the time. but you make it easy for anybody. >> you make it easy, but you don't dumb it down. i think that's really important. >> thank you.
thank you. our goal is to make news conversational. so we write like you talk to your friends. what you talk your friends about can be just as much what has's going on with isis, as much as "the bachelorette." >> what is the top -- >> i think the campaign is big today. libya and isis, people want to know what's going on. we make it easier to be smarter. people have limited time. >> so who is your target audience? >> female millennials. women on the go to our literally addicted to their phone and whether they're on the train in the morning or, you know, running home at the end of the day. they're on the go they're getting news right into their routine. >> but hard not to go to work. was it hard not to go to a place? >> well, we started this and we were roommates on a couch. >> on a couch. >> right at home. >> we don't recommend starting a company with like anyone you lived with. for us, it worked out. >> we were long time friends and
then roommates and in a tiny apartment. like the size of a living room. >> so you've got a news letter. go online. but you've got a new app. >> yes, we do. >> we launched the app a few weeks ago. it makes it easier to be smarter about the future. here's the daily skimm, everything that happened yesterday, everything you need to know today and here's everything that's coming up. its like a "tv guide" -- we have the olympics coming up. we have a new feature, an olympics only calendar. >> nbc must love that. >> well, we're giving out what people want to know. it's olympics as well as when the president -- >> kudo to you by the way. you have been named to the forbes 30 under 30 most influentials. you're a chicago girl, you're a new york girl. so thank you. >> thank you, guys. >> congratulations. welcome to the newscorp family. >> thank you. >> love to see you again. >> thank you very much. all right.
meanwhile, coming up an tuesday, you heard the mainstream media gushing about the democratic national convention. right? >> i thought it had a lot of charm. >> the first two nights at the republican convention, again, it's -- not much of a comparison. >> it was an interesting thing happening last week in cleveland but i knew day one of the dnc they would bring it together. >> of course she did. but the rnc, well, they got 12 times more negative coverage than the dnc. why? well, we'll talk to "face the nation" john dickerson. and don't mess with this airline cry. >> sit down, enough! enough! >> wow. >> the dramatic takedown of a drunk passenger. you need to see that. >> that's the captain crunch. >> i guess they used the autopilot so he could attack him.
don't bring that mess around here, evan! whoo! don't do it. don't you dare. i don't think so! [ sighs ] it's okay, big fella. we're gonna get through this together. [ baseball bat cracks ] nice rip, robbie. ♪ raaah! when you bundle home and auto insurance through progressive, you get more than just a big discount. i'm gonna need you to leave. you get relentless protection. [ baseball bat cracks ]
♪ ♪ the only cat, the only cat who knows where it's at ♪ all right, the shot of the morning. this photo is stumping the internet. all the internet. somewhere in this pile of logs is a sleeping cat. please don't answer while i'm reading the prompter? do you see it? wait for it. >> it's way up at the top. >> oh, wow. you actually had your eye on it. >> i have been looking at it. it's hard to see but if you look at the -- on the right image in the circle towards the right part of the oval, it's the cat face. if you see -- >> there's a reason why it's been posted to reddit and it's going viral. because people have to find -- >> another reason to worry about our country. >> "the new york post" used the
headline, it was cat aflashed. you see him on sundays on "face the nation." he is john dickerson from cbs, and he's here because he's got a brand-new book out and he wanted to meet steve in brian. "whistlestop," can i say the timing is perfect? >> yeah. >> yeah. >> it's great to see you. congratulations on your success, getting the job. >> thank you. >> i really deserve some of the credit because when we met at the hoover institute, you were an esteemed correspondent and now you have one of the most prestigious jobs in all of television. >> you said stick with the television. don't go into the musical -- >> good scoop on bernie sanders. turns out he's not a smiley faced kind of guy. >> he was so stoic when hillary clinton was speaking. >> he looked steamed. >> he said it's hard to tell
when he's joyous or steamed and some of his followers were more vocal in the unhappiness. >> hey, you look so glum. well, i always -- that's the way i live my life. even though he's a nice guy. can we talk about donald trump and the latest controversy around him? we heard that trump going to suffer, this time it will hurt him. do you sense that this story here with captain khan and his family is really going to hurt? >> well, you're right? this has been -- i don't know the 20th time it's supposed to hurt him. to the extent it hurts him, two things to watch for. one is republicans who criticize him. not just the left, not just democrats. so if republicans continue to comment -- criticize him, that's a problem. the other thing is if clearly the democratic -- what they're trying to do is make a temperament an issue. so say he doesn't -- he can't hold back his impulses. so this folds into that territory they're trying to prepare, just in the same way with hillary clinton, if republicans raise the issue of trust and then she says, well,
the fbi said i was truthful, then everybody says aha, this is -- you're walking inio to your weakness. >> there are critics of the remarks that he's made about this family, and the loss of their son, saying he should apologize. he's not only apologizing, but he's firing back. in his most recent remarks saying their son wouldn't even be dead if he had been in the white house. >> if i was president, if i were president, his son wouldn't have died because i wasn't in the war. if i was president back then, there would have been no war for iraq i can tell you that. i think it's ridiculous the whole thing. >> he has been on this program for a number of years and he has said all along, i was never for that. just to remind that hillary clinton did vote for the war in iraq. >> yes. and mike pence there's debate about whether he was for it at first and if he changed his mind. so i think what republicans who have his interests at heart say to me is, move to another topic. >> yes. >> talk about something else. because this is not -- well, anything else other than this.
that's what those who are advising him say, but a lot of the people who love donald trump love this punching back idea. love he doesn't back down because they think he won't back down for them. >> if you're going to look at media bias this is the best time to do it. you have the democratic and the republican conventions, how it was handled. there's a real bias -- >> 12 to 1. >> yeah. if you talk about the negativity on both conventions with the rnc and dnc, take a look at these numbers. the rnc had 63 times more negative comments than the dnc. do you feel that way when you're preparing for both when you're delivering? >> i wonder what negative comments means in the context. so in other words is it negative about the speakers, is it about -- because, you know, donald trump was basically saying we are in -- >> 12 to 1 margin journalists spent more time deriding the republican convention for its negativity. >> or you can look at the con
story which over the last two weeks they looked at pat smith's story. she blamed hillary personally. the three networks over the last two weeks covered that story for 70 seconds but have covered the khan story 55 minutes. >> so is the difference in that case hillary clinton did -- well, the big difference is obviously hillary clinton had something differently to do with benghazi as opposed donald trump didn't have anything to do with the khan family. didn't donald trump respond to khan in a way that hillary clinton didn't? when you have the nominee engaging with the story, doesn't that change the kind -- >> interesting you say that, because when hillary clinton was talking to chris wallace a couple of days ago, opposite you, she essentially called pat smith a liar. said, you know, i'm not going to say anything about here -- >> very politically -- >> yeah. tried to move off the topic. which i think -- >> tried to suggest that she misspoke -- not telling the truth. >> it's tough. that's the way it is. it's going to be tough. i think that -- i think for both
candidates they have to realize what they're up against. now for you, your passion has been the campaign. you have been out on the trail. so you put together this book that has a historical perspective on other campaigns. not so much who becomes president, but the campaign to become president. >> when you're in the middle of a campaign it's so unpredictable, hard to figure out what's going on. for me i turn back to the history and tried to find in the past whether there are any patterns for the present. so in 1964, there was a stop goldwater movement. very those to the never trump movement. you had the 19 republican governors participating in the stop goldwater. it was not effective, but think if you had 19 republican governors now, you didn't, so what does that tell us about the trump campaign and the republican party? by sort of going through history not only interesting to see the parallels, governor rockefeller getting booed at the '64 convention, not dissimilar from ted cruz getting the sendoff that he got.
but it gives you a window into what's different and why is that, and therefore, that's what's interesting. >> i love the way you open the book. you tell the famous story about ronald reagan, hey, i paid for this microphone. a lot of people don't realize the dynamic where it was supposed to be him and george herbert walker bush and who are the other five guys? >> reagan comes in -- everyone thinks reagan ruled the world. he came into new hampshire having lost iowa. it was problem time for reagan. so he uses this moment with bush the debate between the two of them. they left out the other candidates and reagan decided they wanted the candidates there. it's bush and running game within the other five candidates who don't have seats. at one point the crowd is yelling give them a seat. give them a seat. that's when when he grabs the microphone and has that moment that everybody -- even if they didn't watch it in realtime could remember. >> hey, cut his mike up. >> right. he had the sound man on the payroll. so they couldn't cut his mike. >> awesome! >> because he had them on the payroll because he paid for the
debate. >> he rented it. >> because they were getting around some issues. >> your new book, john dicker n dickerson, "whistlestop." >> makes you feel better about the country, because we used to fight all the time at the conventions. it's a healthy time. >> and the country doesn't end, doesn't dissolve. just read the book. it only takes one mistake when a child is left in the hot car. kurt the cyberguy has the life-saving technology that all parents need to see. and plus hillary clinton calling in warren buffett who says a monkey is better at business than trump. really? all right. stuart varney breaks down the battle of the billionaires. how much money does stuart have? >> -- at the stock page, the monkey on average would have made 150%. nexium 24hr is now the #1 choice of doctors and pharmacists for their own frequent heartburn.
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welcome back. quarter to the top of the hour, and don't mess with this airline pilot. the crew taking down a drunk passenger who attacks a flight attendant. watch this. >> sit down. sit down! enough. you don't put your hands of my flight attendant. >> nice, i like that pilot. well, that flight landed in north carolina. the man refused to return to his seat even though the plane wasn't at the gate. the pilot using the seat belt strap to keep the man from kicking the cops and then dragging him off. the flight attendant he attacked now has therapy three to four times a week we are told. as for that passenger he's now banned from flying on commercial airlines. well, you want to sneak into the united states without getting caught? it is easy. illegal immigrants just have to follow the simple rules advertised on its website, including some tips. it's how to guide about safe
zones and here are some of those tips. they suggest -- our government by the way suggesting that illegals walk with someone else to stay safe. they advise that you can hide in the church to stay away from law. or get this, stand at a school bus stop to blend in. well, this guy missed that memo. he tried to sneak into the united states from mexico. he was stashed in a gas tank. creative, but not creative enough to outwit our border patrol agents. they suspected something was up, and they searched the pickup truck and they found him hiding in the specially built compartment in the gas tank. he was sent back. what do you think of that? those are your headlines. see you back here shortly. unreal. >> heather nauert, thank you. it's the battle of the billionaires. warren buffett hitting the campaign trail with hillary clinton to slam donald trump's business record. >> in 1995, when he audited the company if a monkey had thrown a
dart at the stock page, the monkey on average would have made 150%. but the people that believed in him, that listened to his siren song, came away losing well over 90 cents on the dollar. >> here to react, host of "varney & co." on fox business network, stuart varney. warren buffett, no secret about it, he is very against donald trump going into that white house. >> yes, he is. this is a concerted attempt to undermine donald trump's business reputation. back to his failures in atlantic city, making him look like a poor businessman. note the contemptuous tone from warren buffett yesterday. i think it's an attempt to provoke donald trump. make him respond to this latest attack upon him. distract in fact from the real debate which is how do we return america to prosperity? that's a distraction. >> but warren buffett is a guy
who look at the ledger sheet at the end of the day as voters people will say, when they pull the lever, okay, i'm worried about jobs. who will create jobs, hillary or donald trump? >> this distracts from that. the counterpunch that donald trump comes one is a distraction from the issue of who's going to create jobs, who's going to return to prosperity. trump is on my show at 9:00. he's calling in. i'll ask him about this. is counterpunching really working? is he going to counterpunch against warren buffett? >> but stuart, like two champions, one in football, one in baseball. they do different type of investing. one does real estate, one rides the stock market. one build, one invests. they both won. you're -- >> they're billionaires. >> what are we supposed to learn from this? >> not much. what we're supposed to do is distract away from the real debate here. there's a hostile media, that the establishment media is universally opposed to donald trump.
so they will pick up on these provocations. wait for them to respond and -- >> donald trump, 9:00 a.m., fox business network, "varney & co." >> 9:00 sharp. still hot car dangers for small children. they are a real thing, but before you have to break that expensive window, we have the tech to help protect your child from being locked inside a hot car. a
the -- the summer months can be dangerous for kids in cars but there's new technology that can prevent surgeries. here's kurt the cyberguys. >> maybe it's the distractions in our lives that causes this. what we're talking is the record number of this tragic event happening. children left in hot cars only
to have an outstandingly terrible outcome happen. well, some technology that could actually change that outcome. if you have this. gm is one of the first carmakers to have something built in. it's called a rear seat reminder. it's inside of the 2017 gmc acadia that this car is. when you turn the car off, once you get to a destination, it knows that you have already put something in the back seat. and the display will remind you to go into the back of the car. now, i turn it off right now because i want to hear this. uh-oh. what is that? that's another alert. we're hearing it from the back. but this one right here is from a company that's in tampa, florida. it's sense a light. a wireless device that installs in less than 30 seconds in the car. it will alert the adult as they're getting out of the car that somebody or something is left in the back seat. that also will make a loud alarm to the car itself as you walk
away and you don't answer it. then it will also if you keep ignoring it, it will show you this app. it will send you an alert to you. and let you know that, hey, you have left something in the back of the car. yes, that is your child. there's another one that i want to show you that's pretty amazing, on the other side of the car. in the back seat, integrated into the child seat of the car is a technology. this is from even flow, the seat. as you look at this little buckle, that's the magic inside of this. a magnet in here will tell you and sensor safe, remind you that a child is in the car. plug the little thing into the port of the car that comes with this and boom it's active. this starts at about $149. then if your kid is messing around and they get a little bit older and then this comes apart, it will alert you that it's -- that it's something -- something bad is happening in the back seat with that. so it serves two purposes with
that. and then this is out for over three years. called ride and remind. it doesn't matter which car it is. this car could be your car. makes no difference. you get inside the car. and okay, we have the car open now. if you notice the child is in the back seat of the car, with an installer this is available on amazon for $99. an alarm installer can put this in. it also activates very simply with one button. then if you leave the child there for 40 seconds, well, you get a polite reminder first. then you get your car turning into the sos alert machine that no one can avoid. smart technology. we'll show you more online later on. back to you. >> for more information, log on to coming up next, our laura ingraham and rudy giuliani. ♪
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good morning. it's hour three at "fox & friends." tuesday, august 2, 2016. i'm sandra smith in for ainsley earhardt this morning. and this is donald trump unleashed. >> he made a deal with the devil. she's the devil. >> but he didn't stop there. why he's doubling down on his attacks on hillary this morning. then who exactly leaked hillary and the dnc? turns out it probably wasn't russia. a big bombshell that dropped overnight. we'll tell you what we know. and he just redefined free-falling. >> jumper -- >> they're off. he's in! >> meet the sky diver who did something that i wouldn't do. he plummeted 25,000 feet to earth where we are now.
without a parachute. >> oh, man. >> welcome back. mornings are better with "friends." that is something that i wouldn't even think of. that you could jump out of plane without a parachute into the net. that's line underdog. >> it was brilliant. we watched it on fox friday or saturday night, because you have to figure, okay, what if something goes haywire? there were some guys who jumped with him, presumably to help him if there was a problem. but then i think -- at 5,000 feet or something like that, they went away. >> pulled the rip cord. >> he went all the way down. he had no rip cord. >> i always think of pack your own parachute, i hope he sewed his own net. >> there was a rule -- i want to say screen actor's guild, you have to have a parachute if you're going to jump out of an
airplane. they waived the rule. and jumped out. he made history. >> how do you practice? jump off a couch? >> i don't know. we'll ask him. he'll be with us in this hour. meanwhile to heather, with some jaw dropping news from the fbi. good morning to you. i hope you're off to the great day. two minutes after the top of the hour. there was a chinese spy serving in the fbi. he was a former electronics technician and he's now admitting that he was actually working for china. joey chun is his name. you can see him right there. he worked in the agency's new york city office with nearly two decades. he also had a top security clearance. well, chun now admits that he lied about traveling overseas to meet chinese officials. he actually gave them surveillance information and personnel information about people he served with in the fbi. he's now expected to serve two years in prison. some extreme weather to bring you once again today. a historic town we have told you
about and we have shown you the awful pictures of, now picking up the pieces this morning after deadly floodwaters leave behind absolute devastation. ca cars swept away in ellicott city, maryland. a month's worth of rain falling in just two hours. it will take hundreds of millions of dollars we're told just to clean up that mess. well, in a room packed with thousands of u.s. veterans, president obama says that the v.a. still needs some work, but the system is getting better. >> we've put in place more clinicians, more counselors, more peer support. veterans helping veterans. today we're delivering more mental health care to veterans than ever. the day of waiting at the v.a. office or mailing it in, those days are over. >> but where do we really stand? here is what pete hegseth a
veteran as well had to say on "fox & friends" earlier today. >> if you're adding so much more on top, why is my life not getting better? why is my wait time increasing? why do i still not have a choice? why is not still been fired? this is why donald trump resonates because the elites are lying to us about the reality. >> well, that was president obama's final major address to veterans before leaving office. and take look at this new ad for gap kids. see anything wrong with it? well, einstein is mispelled and the captions describe the girl as a social butterfly. okay. the boy as a little scholar. well, some are saying that it is sexist. but is it really an issue? we asked you what you think, people are writing in, and i think we have the viewer response. >> we do, heather. thank you very much. dave on twitter says, some people really need to get over their pc, easily offended, cry baby, thunderstorm sucking need
to grow up. >> for goodness sake, how can you seriously think this is okay? >> and brandon tweets this. this sends you into the anger filled frenzy you're in need of counseling. i think a lot of people are saying i'm outraged about this, but i wonder what laura ingraham thinks because laura has paid for her own satellite time to weigh into this story. laura, weigh in. >> well, at a time where we have little girls being turned into sex slaves by isis, being taken out of the arms of their mothers in iraq and syria and in africa, the fact that anyone is wasting any time on this is so disturbing. it's hard to have words for it. but this is all the left has. they have to churn this phony emotion about how much they care about girls and it's a gender, a stereotyping that's really holding them back. i think most people, you know,
they want a government that works. they want a culture they can be proud of. all of this is just a side issue and a side show. >> let's talk about one of the main issues and that's who's going to be the next president of the united states. it was back and forth yesterday on the campaign trail on both sides. donald trump some of the things he's said, he's afraid the november election is going to be rigged. "the new york times," ccn, clinton news network biased toward him he said. he said if he was president, khizr khan's son would be alive because there would not have been a war. and of bernie sanders he made a deal with the devil. she's the devil. she made a deal with the devil regarding bernie sanders and hillary clinton. so what do you think all of that? >> well, i think the devil comment is, you know, it's prompted by someone in the audience. but they were basically echoing what sanders had said earlier on the campaign trail about hillary, you know, the devil is in the details here about what hillary wants to do for the country.
i said this last night on "special report." i want to say this very clearly. the nation is right now in decline. we have a foreign policy in total chaos. we have 70% of the public thinking we're going in the wrong direction. many people list the government as one of the biggest problems facing the country. and yet, we in the media -- and i put myself in the category, we get caught up in well, he said this and an audience member said this, hillary is wearing this pantsuit. then, you know, a person in the audience said this outrageous thing. i think the american people, it's all white noise. i think whether you want change in government or not, if you don't want what's happening in this city to change, you should vote for hillary clinton. if you think we've done the right thing in foreign policy, in our trade deals are the right thing, in our borders are handled correctly, your wages are going up, vote for hillary. if that's not happening, if you think we're getting more divided
along racial lines, gender lines, religion lines, vote for donald trump. with all of his gaffes he's made, self-inflicted errors and wounds, i'll grant people some of that. but the fact of the matter is, hillary clinton is one of the most corrupt people to ever enter office. it's been proving time and again. that's the truth. and, you know, for anyone who cares about the truth that is truth. >> fair to say we're getting a look at the general election in the first week. the nsa whistle-stopper saying that russia didn't hack the dnc, it was the nsa. the whistle-blower saying they have all of clinton's -- what is it, 30,000 deleted e-mails. >> well, we know what this administration usually does to whistle-blowers, so i hope he has -- i hope he has plenty of cover out there. does any of this surprise anyone watching this? i mean, our government can listen to any cell phone conversation right now that they
want to. i mean, it can turn -- >> it has a camera on your iphone that can watch you. >> so can the 13-year-old down the block. >> well, every time we get in the car we're being monitored. every street corner and every intersection. we're supposed to believe that the government has no ability to get these deleted e-mails -- hillary's e-mails or have an ability to find out what was going on at the dnc and they needed it for some reason? none of this surprises me. >> laura, we don't know. this is a whistle-blower that says they're capable of doing it, the nsa is all ticked off because hillary clinton was so slipshod with the way she handled classified e-mails. and julian assange said the worst is yet to come. he is set to release another batch. debbie wasserman schultz got fired, people questioned, but bernie sanders decided not to stand up and fight. julian assange is a criminal. i think he should be in jail. having said this, this comes forward what's going to happen? >> well, it depends on if the -- you know f the vaunted elites
and the american people treat whatever is in those e-mails -- if anything is in them, as important as they treat, you know, the latest back and forth between trump and a pundit on the campaign trail. it depends. i mean, it has to be covered honestly. the fact that hillary went on television on sunday and lied about what she did as secretary of state in the face of a tape that was played to her, i mean, trump is right. that is pathological. trump might -- trump definitely stepped in on it on describing the putin relationship and entaki entangling with the khans, that was needless and pointless, but hillary clinton laid bear all our secrets, yet the press like the pavlovian talks they are,
they rushed to russia, must have been the russians. >> we have empirical proof you look at the media bias and you look at the republican versus the democratic conventions. the networks gave the republican convention 12 times more negative coverage than the democrats convention. then you look at the khan versus the pat smith story, they gave smith and her story about her son sean smith 70 seconds over the last two weeks on the big three networks. then the big three networks gave the khan story 55 minutes as of last night. so it appears to be a media bias. is it? >> at this point don't you expect hillary to invite mr. khan to actually stand in for her at the democratic national -- you know, the debate, the first debate, the presidential debate. the whole thing is ridiculous. but thank god for the media research center, number one. but number two, this isn't going -- this has been going on for decades. donald trump has to ignore the
media and go right to the people. this will continue to happen. they'll continue to demonize him. they'll distract and demonize. the four ds that the democrats are masterful at conducting in this election. he's going to have to put on the blinders. and move forward and talk directly to the american people. he's going to have to ignore i. if he gets caught up in the maelstrom of the media bias, i don't think it gets him much. he should point out the corruption in washington. >> i think it was glenn green walt who said in slate that donald trump has 100% of the media against him. they don't want to get him elect and he is a liberal guy. by the way before you go, you did a -- your speech at the rnc was a terrific speech. >> yeah. >> thank you so much. >> you were great. >> thank you. thank you very much. >> thank you. meanwhile, straight ahead, what if i tell you we can stop people before they turn to terror and this cartoon is behind it?
lea gabrielle will describe it. and did you see this yesterday? sandra could not tell brian from her brother jim. >> in my household, my brother jim got married over the weekend. >> so this morning we're pointing sandra -- is that brian or not brian? that's not brian, that's lea gabrielle. >> nice to see you! before taking his team to state for the first time... gilman: go get it, marcus. go get it. gilman used his cash rewards credit card from bank of america to earn 1% cash back everywhere, every time. at places like the batting cages. ♪ [ crowd cheers ] 2% back at grocery stores and now at wholesale clubs. and 3% back on gas. which helped him give his players something extra. the cash rewards credit card from bank of america. more cash back for the things you buy most.
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well, some of the tech giants at silicon valley now targeting terror propaganda. stopping people before they turn to terror and doing it a high-tech way. >> google, facebook, twitter have all pitched in to finance new videos like this, explaining the jihadist groups to american teens on american media who might be susceptible to that. lea gabrielle, explain how this is working or may work in the future. >> this is called a counternarrative campaign and counternarrative ideas. in other words, there's the terrorist ideology being sent across on the internet. these counternarrative ideas
have been pretty common. pretty widely known, but how to accomplish this. basically the project was developed to try to implement some of this. essentially for example, teens who might have posted something like mujahideen on their facebook or have that type of content, then they'd have this type of content this counternarrative content pop up to try to inform them and give them the other perspective. >> so looking at what you've got right there, it looks like a cartoon. >> yes. >> so this cartoon is supposed to turn somebody away from terror into the good lane? >> it's basically -- yes. it's a counternarrative. for example, the one you're looking at average muhammad, that was basically a cartoon aimed at younger people. you know, teenage and younger population. to basically, you know, give them some of the other ideologies they can be looking at. for example, i watch some of the videos, it talks about the death and the destruction and how isis creates slaves and how that's not part of the true islam that
people believe in. the greater islamic community. >> the key is the, the best cartoon and the best message, how do you get it to the right people what is the broadcast vehicle? >> if somebody has content on their facebook -- on their facebook page like mujahideen or shari'ah, this might pop up. like the way they target you for advertising. they can sort of target you for this type of ideology being sent to your -- >> quick point to be made. if you -- the social media companies have been under a lot of pressure from the government to clamp down and do something because they have access. so many people we are hearing are radicalized on the internet. >> we are in a cyber war. this is a cyber war because it's the way the terrorist groups are targeting people. lone wolves are so difficult to detect from the intelligence community. we are good at determining who
is connected to the terrorist organizations. people sitting at home in their basement being radicalized on the internet is difficult to reach. >> what ages? >> depends on the campaign -- the age. >> a lot was about inclusiveness. being ambassadors as muslims in our country. >> lea gabrielle. thank you. denied service at mcdonald's because they were cops. it's disgusting story that we're hearing all too often these days. how they handled it this time. that's just ahead. and he just redefined free-falling. >> jumpers are off! >> the sky diver who plummeted 25,000 feet to earth without a parachute joins us live, next. for lower back pain sufferers,
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medical headlines right now. an historic travel warning for first time ever. the cdc is issuing a travel advisory right here in the u.s. telling pregnant women and partner not to travel to south florida. it comes after ten new zika cases were found in miami. the government now saying there's not really any proof that flossing even works. how are you supposed to get it out? just suck it out. might not even prevent gum disease or cavities.
good luck, gingivitis. and mcdonald's unveiling a new happier meal. revamping the classic menu items for those who want to eat healthier. that includes removing artificial preservatives from chicken mcnuggets. the butter is replacing margarine on the breakfast sandwiches. that's all i have for you. history made for a sky diver who leaps from the plane without a parachute. >> they're off! he's in! >> he was in. luke aikins, making history, free-falling over california. it started 25,000 feet, he landed at 120 miles an hour. in that massive net on live tv. you saw it all on fox. the --
>> yep, making him the first person to jump from the airplane safely without a parachute or wing suit. luke and his wife monica join us on the couch now. luke, are you okay? >> i'm okay. >> you're okay. >> yes. >> you landed at the edge of the net. were you worried at all? >> it wasn't the edge, not quite the middle. >> when you jump out, who were the other people there? >> my cousin andy farington and john devouren. my best friends in the world. >> if something went haywire between 25,000 feet up and planet earth, were they going to help you at any point? >> is there a backup plan? >> there's zero chance they could do anything once we left the plane. we didn't have tandem -- >> they're just support them? >> just having my buddies there. >> hey, we're on tv, let's jump. >> monica, you're sitting here quietly. >> she's in shock. >> what did you say when your
husband said he wanted to jump out of the plane without a parachute? >> well, we sat down, for a long time, and we talked about it. it's just part of what we do. >> pretty much a yes or no answer. do you want to do it or not want to do it? how did you prepare for it? >> i mean, the team to make this happen is unbelievable. my part was i had to line up and get there and flip to the back at the right moment. the guys who built the c contraption -- >> but you're measuring the wind. there's so much science that went into this jump. >> that's what i really wanted people to see, was that there's a lot of crazy people do out there and wing it. it was a leap of faith, but this was not at all. it was mathematically -- >> and you did it because of the giant net. you said you flipped over on your back when you hit the net. what did the net feel like, because it feels like a boing. and backup net underneath it? >> well, every time i had seen
it, it goes through my head over and over again. when i flipped to my back, jim churchman said you have to tighten up and be ready for it. when i flipped to the back and the net hit, i almost can't tell you what it felt like. it was tingling, like adrenaline. i did two rolls to the middle, i was laying there and pumping my feet. it was awesome. >> why do you feel the need to do this? >> to scare your wife? >> no. i try to not scare her too much. it's funny when i walked to the airplane, hey, dad i thought you weren't going to wear a parachute. we went with it the way we did, it was awesome. >> monica, you want him to do more? >> for sure. that's who he is. >> wow. >> how could you possibly outdo this? i know growing up you were a fan of evel knievel. in the back of your head you're thinking of something. >> i don't think you top this. you move on the something else.
i heard stories back from a guy at world war ii who jumped out of an airplane and it was on fire and he lived in the trees and the mountains. it was really cool to do it on purpose. >> i'm glad you flipped over on your back. had a harder time with makeup. >> congratulations. >> thank you for joining us. >> what a story. thank you very much. safe travels back to seattle. >> and good job, fox, by televising it. coming up at one college, saying all lives matter gets you in a seat in diversity training. hear from an outraged student at that university next. plus donald trump firing back at his critics and the media, doubling down on the comments he made about a gold star father. rudy giuliani joins us live in new york city. >> donald trump has critics? bp is pioneering drone technology to monitor refinery operations,
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in the kilmeade household, my older brother jim got married to cara. >> wait, that was your brother? >> they look so much alike, right? >> no, no, they had music at the wedding but they didn't play the wedding classic "the macarena" which was very popular in the '90s. >> can i just say what mayor giuliani said, wait, that guy looks like brian. >> earlier in the program we played is it brian or not brian, keying -- >> not knowing -- >> mistaking jim for brian yesterday. so we have some pictures and sandra, you -- >> i passed the real brian kilmeade -- >> really to test yourself again? >> let's go. >> first up, this is from -- >> a tweet from ed.
from the tv series -- >> let's see the picture. >> is that brian -- >> that's not brian. this is a good comparison though. >> that was -- let's see. from the series "adventures of superman before kilmeade lost some weight." >> looks like a confused sweaty me. >> is this brian or not brian? >> who is that? >> this is not brian. >> #kilmeade look alike. >> a viewer's friend or brother. or something. >> that's -- >> when he comes in before makeup. >> right. >> willis says, adam looks like adam ant from the singer from the 1980s, according to will in alabama. >> i like that one. fair enough. this is another one. oh. okay. >> we're out of music. kill the music. >> well, let me tell you, i know now the difference between brian -- the real brian kilmeade and a his brother.
>> i heard you in the background. >> next time we do this segment we'll actually have jim on the couch. >> by the way, rudy giuliani is here. i don't know if you heard him laughing in the background. but rudy giuliani is a key surrogate if donald trump will win this presidency or not. people are wondering if he's given himself a fatal blow with the controversy. >> no, i think it could have been handled better, he knows that. however, he'll -- there's a big difference between what donald trump did and what hillary clinton lying directly to gold star mothers. if we're talking about gold star mothers and disrespecting them, what's worse than lying about the cause of death of your -- >> are you talking about pat smith? >> yeah. i'm talking about lying directly about the cause of death when we have a telephone call demonstrating what the truth is, then lied to the face of a gold
star mother. why doesn't the press make a bigger deal out of that? >> you know why, the press is tilting to hillary's side it seems. >> yeah, my advice to donald would be very simple. i'll tell you the advice i'd give him. you have one person to attack. hillary clinton. and barack obama because it's the obama administration. let all of us -- myself, gingrich, christie, his whole army, let us attack everybody else. that's always been my rule in politics. which is you're running against one person. don't run against the world. >> plus with hillary clinton -- she is saying i'm going to make him unstable. i'm going to make him -- i'm going to make him unworthy of the presidency. now she's rolling out billionaires to take him on. cuban, buffett and bloomberg. >> yesterday's news, they don't matter. factual error they make, then use a surrogate to dispute the
factual error. if all they do is general criticism, laugh them off and ignore them. he's not running against buffett, he's not running against bloomberg. bloomberg couldn't get the nomination. he's not running against cuban. nobody -- he offered himself -- cuban offered himself to either party as a candidate. both parties said, we don't want you, mark. don't say that, donald. let me say that. >> so mayor -- >> let somebody else say it. you go after hillary, you point out jobs. trade agreements. how we have lost jobs in america. how the boarder is porous. how crimes are -- are continuing to go up. >> so to that note, there's been a large group of protesters gathering at city hall, the city hall park here in new york city. they want law enforcement abolished. they're using that hash tag to gather, shut down city hall nyc.
>> this is what obama and hillary have brought us. their convention have brought us. in which they honor only the women who lost their sons to, you know, police shootings. some justified, some unjustified. they didn't honor the police officers' families who lost their own lives. this is -- this is doing that stupid thing about, you know, somebody doesn't -- somebody says all lives matter and they get thrown out of school. >> houston. >> are you crazy? that's crazy. >> they weren't thrown out of school, but punished. >> okay. but that's crazy. these are the things that donald should be pointing out. if we go in hillary's direction that's the america we'll get. if i say all lives matter i get punished at school. >> where did this start? >> it started with obama not keeping his promise. like i said during my speech during the convention, what ever happened to there are no black lives, there are no white lives, they're just american lives.
that went away the first time he took sides in a police dispute incorrectly in camden and he takes sides every time. who has apologized to the police officers in baltimore who have been found not guilty? >> nobody. >> who has apologized for taking their reputation away? do you know who apologized -- do you know the damage -- i come from the police officer family. five police officers who were cops. thank god they never got in trouble, but do you know the damage to their families when a police officer gets arrested, a police officer goes on trial? psychological damage to kids that get made fun of? all this. >> they can't get that back. >> when she announced -- hillary clinton pronounced them guilty before they were found innocent, which by the way is the reversal of the law, right? the worst criminal is presumed innocent. theoretically, hillary is a lawyer, of course she did fail the bar exam first time. you do know that. >> i didn't know that. >> i just wanted to point that out. >> how did you find out? >> so donald doesn't have to do it. >> did you pass it on the first
time? >> you're damned right i did. >> okay. thank you. >> thank you, rudy. >> let's get to heather nauert now with the headlines. >> good morning, mr. mayor, we have that story you were talking about a moment ago. the university in texas. but first, we have this. some sad news, the former "90210" actress shannen doherty said her cancer is now getting worse. listen. >> from one of my surgeries we discovered that some of the cancer cells might have actually gone out of the lymph nodes. for that reason, we are doing chemo and then after that i'll do radiation. >> well, she made the headlines last week posting a series of instagram pictures. documenting her shaving her head as she battles cancer. she says she doesn't know how far or where the cancer has spread. but we'll keep you posted. all lives matter, right? apparently not to the university of houston. the student government vice president rohini sethi has been
suspended from her role and now ordered to attend a diversity workshop after she responded to the dallas police officers' ambush by writing this. forget black lives matter, more like all lives matter. well, her friend and president of the student government for college republicans joined us earlier on "fox & friends" to react. listen to this. >> thank goodness we had a university president who's come out and said, listen, everyone has a right to free speech. we're not going to say anything about this. this is not our fight. but these student government associations is basically said, if you have the wrong opinion we're going to be mad at you and throw you out. >> well, the university now responding, saying that it does allow free speech and they don't control actions by the student government association. but still, she had to go through all kinds of training and stuff. well, mcdonald's worker fired for refusing to serve a police officer in georgia. after hearing about what happened, the owner took action. saying quote, we have been
ardent supporters of the hall county sheriff's office and the men and women that are now law enforcement. looks like there's been resolved then. and a heroic pilot taking matters into his own hands after a passenger attacks a flight attendant on board. watch in. >> sit down, sit down! you don't put your hands on my flight attendant! >> when the guy refused to return to his seat, even though the plane still wasn't at the gate, the pilot using a seat belt strap to keep the man from kicking cops and ended up drag -- who ended up dragging him off. the flight attendant he attacked now has to go to therapy three or four times a week. this man is now banned from flying on commercial airlines. those are your headlines. >> he looks like such a nice guy. >> i was thinking the same thing. >> can i get rid of these? >> no, how many pictures do you have of me? do you want any at home? scott, anybody?
>> we worship you oh, brian. >> never ask a question you don't know the answer to. >> one at a time. >> all right. >> i'll give them away outside. >> coming up on a tuesday, a fox news alert. a double agent for china with top secret clearance inside the fbi for apparently five years. now the government is scrambling to find out what this spy revealed. a live report coming up next. and "the new york times" says donald trump has a few places to go on his road to the white house. >> but the three states could be the key to victory. got new york, but "the new york times" could be all wrong though. >> shocking. she spent summer binge-watching.
soon, she'll be binge-studying. now she writes mostly in emoji. soon, she'll type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. today, the only spanish words he knows are burrito and enchilada. soon, he'll take notes en espanol. get back to great with the right gear. from the place with the experts. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. all right. fox news alert now. we have a chinese spy in the fbi. >> yep. that guy right there, a former electronics technician now admitting paerpt -- apparently
he was working for china. >> kristin fisher is live in washington with this story and the very latest. >> reporter: hey, good morning, guys. so his name is kun shan chun, also known as joey. he was born in china, and he moved to the u.s. in the '80s and became a citizen. he had been working for the fbi until 1997, until his arrest in march. chun and his family maintained close ties with chinese natio l nationals and businesses since 2006. he worked as an electronic technician with top security clearance which means he had access to the most sensitive data like surveillance and personnel information. now, over a five-year period he travelled overseas to meet with chinese nationals and give them that information. in exchange, he'd get things like cash or perks like hotel stays. he also lied to the fbi allegedly about traveling, which is against the fbi's policy.
now, chun was caught in an undercover sting that began last summer. he pleaded guilty in federal court in lower manhattan. in statement the u.s. attorney said, quote, americans who act as unauthorized foreign agents commit a federal offense and threatens our security. and when it's an fbi security like chun the threat is all the more serious and the betrayal all the more duplicitous. now, these -- this kind of crime comes with a maximum sentence of ten years in prison. but as part of a plea deal, chun is only expected to get two years. he'll be sentenced in december. back to you. >> chinese spy in the fbi, who knew? thank you very much. >> thank you. >> damage -- >> only two years. does that seem like enough? >> no. still ahead, could the entire election come down to these three states? we'll look at donald trump's
must win map. but first hemmer with a look at what's coming up. >> on a last name basis. what is donald trump going to say today? he's holding a press conference this morning. did the victims of benghazi get a raw deal? the father of one of the victims is here to talk about that. hillary gets a bump, how long does it last and what happen whence a group of bad mom -- of what happens when a group of bad moms goes to see a movie called "bad moms?" use your imagiation.
donald trump and hillary clinton hitting the road for the first week of campaigning as presidential nominees. her convention wrapped up last week. a new poll shows hillary clinton holding a narrow 43 to 41 lead over donald trump in 11
battleground states. but while "the new york times" claims the electoral map gives donald trump few places to go, funny, trump campaign manager paul manafort has said their game plan expand the map. >> we're going to try to get 12 or 15 states. we know the states and we think that donald trump expands the map in the ways for us to win. unlike mitt romney which had one way to win, we think of putting ohio at play. >> well, yeah, but "the new york times" doesn't believe that. well, here to break down trump's possible path to the presidency is republican pollster -- >> good morning to you. >> we'll put up a map of the swing states that he needs to win -- ohio and florida and north carolina. do you agree with that? >> yes, but he can still win without those states but very, very important states. i think if you're donald trump, you definitely want to win ohio and florida and north carolina
which is state that obama won in '08, but romney won in '12. i think it's important and underrated in this election. >> how trump can win if he loses florida, and you say if he wins then in ohio, new hampshire, nevada, michigan, pennsylvania, north carolina, iowa, then he could do it that way as well. >> no question about it. that's what paul manafort was saying and paul manafort is right. there's a lot of different paths for donald trump to win here. one of the states that the republicans haven't won since 1992 is pennsylvania. and people there are really complaining about the economy. if you saw the last quinnipiac poll on the two issues that matter most, national security and the economy donald trump had big advantages over hillary clinton on those issues. >> what about -- how do things stand in ohio for trump? >> again, it's -- >> i mean, kasich isn't helping him. >> yeah, but one -- it will be a race not with john kasich and john kasich is a very popular governor there. but it's going to be a race between hillary clinton and donald trump. and again, those issues that
matter most, trump has the advantage. >> all right. so if he loses ohio, you say he could win by going to win in florida, new hampshire, nevada, michigan, pennsylvania and north carolina and iowa. >> yep. i think two states there, both iowa and wisconsin and wisconsin is a state where republicans have won recently with ron johnson and scott walker. and again, there's a lot of economic insecurity there. that's why you saw hillary clinton trying to attack donald trump last -- yesterday on the economy. and i think if trump can stay focused on the issue of the economy there, he can have a real shot in both iowa and wisconsin. >> after her convention, she got a bounce. >> yeah. >> everybody always gets a bounce. >> always natural. and this is one of those elections where i think the people forget that four years ago after the first debate, mitt romney was ahead.
and basically by a few points, and the debates are really going to matter. >> thank you. jim mclaughlin, thank you very much. meanwhile, speaking of donald trump he's causing some controversy for eating kfc in his jet. notice he's got a knife and a fork. we've got the inside scoop coming up. i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine,
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all right. sandra? >> oh, tim kaine causing some trouble on the campaign trail with this. >> this is good. ♪ >> well, i think it sounds pretty good. right? i love the harmonica. apparently he plays the
harmonica on the bus at 1:00 in the morning. i guess that's the problem. word is journalists aren't too happy about it. >> keep it down! >> and social media going crazy with donald trump eating kfc with a knife and a fork. >> it's messy. >> we're out of time. bill: there is new polling showing donald trump getting a convention bounce. he's going to hold a press conference. good morning. liz: the new numbers show hillary clinton back on top. 19 points ahead of the margin of error. she trailed trump by 3 points in the same poll before the convention. bill: donald trump said this

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Window Treatment , Window Film , Buzz Cut , Fruit , Natural Foods , Produce , Greengrocer , Apple , Vegetable , Vegetarian Food , Whole Food , Portable Communications Device , Smartphone , Convenience Store , Convenience Food , Superfood , Junk Food , Malus , Iphone , Feature Phone , Telephone , Dress Shirt , Tablet Computer , Mobile Device , Telephony , Endurance Sports , Nail , Grocer , Diet Food , Bromeliaceae , Vegan Nutrition , Symbol , Rectangle , Black , Nature , Silhouette , Evening , Plain , Dawn , Shadow , Pc Game , Soldier , Grassland , Digital Compositing , Manager , Software , Computer Program , Gps Navigation Device , Vitis , Grass Family , Lawn , Artificial Turf , Storm , Tornado , Woody Plant , Bodybuilding , Action Figure , Toy , Transformers , Fiction , Lego , Horse , Horse Tack , Cowboy Hat , Hat , Hard Hat , Airplane , Aircraft , Air Force , Aviation , Military Aircraft , Fairchild Republica 10 Thunderbolt Ii , Ground Attack Aircraft , Jet Aircraft , Fighter Aircraft , Military Transport Aircraft , Fighter Pilot , Aerospace Manufacturer , Flight , Bovine , Cattle , Dairy Cow , Cow Goat Family , Terrestrial Animal , Dairy , Water Buffalo , Working Animal , Livestock , Bull , Horn , Herd , Pasture , Grazing , Safari , National Park , Savanna , Wildebeest , Elephant , Elephants And Mammoths , Meadow , Natural Environment , Rural Area , Pack Animal , Branch , Mare , Mane , Prairie , Farm , Adventure , Bison , Fedora , Cowboy , Fence , Net , Shorts , Curtain , Practical Shooting , Weapon , Shooting Range , Sculpture , Shooting Sport , Shooting , Precision Sports , Barbed Wire , Home Fencing , Herder , Herding , Field , Sheep , Deer , Goats , G Oat , Goat Antelope , Sun Hat , Texture , Emblem , Plastic , Liquid , Afro , Countertop , Cabinetry , Wood Flooring , Wood Stain , Tile , Cuisine Classique , Laminate Flooring , Loft , Scarf , Blouse , Clothes Iron , Laptop , Ipad , Computer , Personal Computer , Graphics Tablet , Netbook , Wall , Shelf , Home Door , Mother , Led Backlit Lcd Display , Projection Screen , Seminar , Videoconferencing , Land Vehicle , City Car , Compact Sport Utility Vehicle , Dodge Journey , Subcompact Car , Kia Motors , Mazda Cx 9 , Hatchback , Suzuki , Walking , Street Fashion , Coat , Black And White , Monochrome Photography , Style , Monochrome , Taxi , Brick , Peking Opera , Adaptation , Arena , Playground , Race Track , Arch , Brickwork , Siding , Bridge , Fried Food , Fast Food , Ingredient , Deep Frying , Chicken Nugget , Appetizer , Side Dish , Frying , Asian Food , Recipe , Snack , French Fries , Baked Goods , Finger Food , European Food , Mcdonalds Chicken Mcnuggets , Kids Meal , Comfort Food , Potato Chip , American Food , Fast Food Restaurant , Bk Chicken Nuggets , Korokke , Dessert , Pakora , Staple Food , Karaage , Sata Andagi , Lecture , Theatre , Skyline , Cityscape , Handwriting , Triangle , Parade , Running , Marathon , Shelving , Light Fixture , Plaster , Balloon , Party Supply , Swiss Ball , Glass Bottle , Bottle , Distilled Beverage , Bag , Handbag , Luggage And Bags , Baggage , Action Film , Scene , Street Art , Mural , Visual Arts , Modern Art , Painting , Graffiti , Bike , Motorcycle , Portable Media Player , Media Player , Motorcycling , Bicycle Motocross , Flatland Bmx , Tire , Automotive Tire , Spoke , Rim , Captain America , Superhero , Display Case , Robot , Video Game Software , Beagle , Scent Hound , Basset Hound , Hound , Treeing Walker Coonhound , Rare Breed Dog , Beagle Harrier , Finnish Hound , Harrier , Hunting Dog , Posavac Hound , Pocket Beagle , Coonhound , Portuguese Pointer , American Foxhound , English Foxhound , Hamiltonstövare , Estonian Hound , Serbian Hound , Grand Anglo Français Tricolore , Whippet , Greyhound , Italian Greyhound , Vehicle Door , Sighthound , Guard Dog , Car Seat , Vizsla , Pointing Breed , Labrador Retriever , Zoo , Longboard , High Heels , Foot , Skateboard , Skateboarding Equipment , Exercise Equipment , Deck , Outdoor Structure , Patio , Non Sporting Group , Porch , Pomeranian , Pembroke Welsh Corgi , Welsh Corgi , Musical Instrument , Singing , Cookware And Bakeware , Alcoholic Beverage , Alcohols , Kitchen Appliance , Bartender , Audio Equipment , Computer Hardware , Loudspeaker , Flesh , Basset Artésien Normand , Driveway , Skateboarding , Longboarding , Boardsport , Freeride , Road Trip , Morning , Sunlight , Thoroughfare , Freestyle Bmx , String Instrument , Electronic Instrument , Leather , Great Dane , Schnauzer , Calf , Miniature Schnauzer , Fox Terrier , Whiskers , Puppy , West Highland White Terrier , Wire Hair Fox Terrier , Borzoi , Winter Storm , Ice , Winter , Freezing , Bedroom , Bed , Pillow , Linens , Bed Sheet , Sofa Bed , Studio Couch , Bed Frame , Loveseat , Rolling Stock , Train , Passenger Car , Railroad Car , Railway , High Speed Rail , Temple Fade , Wrist , Glove , Ring , Jewellery , Jogging , Long Distance Running , Exercise , Soil , Athletics , Cross Country Running , Barefoot , Long Jump , Racewalking , Sand , Woodland , Trail , Outdoor Recreation , Ultramarathon , Forest , Jungle , Orienteering , State Park , Path , Duathlon , Grove , Adventure Racing , Triathlon , Old Growth Forest , Rainforest , Valdivian Temperate Rain Forest , Sports Training , Chain Link Fencing , Wire Fencing , Baseball Player , Throwing , Javelin Throw , Pitch , Baseball Equipment , Baseball Positions , College Softball , Pitcher , Infielder , Golf , Professional Golfer , Golfer , Golf Equipment , Wedge , Golf Course , Golf Club , Pitch And Putt , Match Play , Romance , Lighting Accessory , Multimedia Software , Small To Medium Sized Cats , Hood , Freeway , Badge , Award , Shade , Canopy , Tent , Light Aircraft , Ford Crown Victoria , Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor , Full Size Car , Sedan , Ford , Banger Racing , Landmark , Historic Site , Monument , Tower , Column , Ancient History , National Historic Landmark , History , Street Sign , Pride Parade , Naval Architecture , Watercraft , Space Station , Ship , Space Shuttle , Speedometer , Map , Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game , Automotive Navigation System , Nightclub , Fur Clothing , Maine Coon , Kitten , Big Cats , Goggles , Air Hockey , Sportswear , Dance , Pilates , Training , Ankle , Sole , Boot , Choreography , Bathing , New World Monkey , Old World Monkey , Orangutan , Tape , Macaque , Kiss , Plastic Bottle , Skin Care , Personal Care , Lampshade , Lamp , Reading , Home Accessories , Grandparent , Baby Shower , Drinking , Picnic , Family , Fisheye Lens , Still Life Photography , Flyer , Album Cover , Climbing , Rock Climbing , Formation , Bouldering , Geology , Cave , Fault , Caving , Swimwear , Fitness And Figure Competition , Lingerie , Erosion , Wine , Court , Stage Equipment , Entertainment , Song , Music Artist , Singer , Concert , Strongman , Hot Air Ballooning , Aerostat , Teddy Bear , Daughter , Rabbit , Tiger , Bengal Tiger , Siberian Tiger , Vegetation , Nature Reserve , Biome , Wild Cat , Plant Stem , Jaguar , Butterfly , Monarch Butterfly , Moths And Butterflies , Insect , Pollinator , Brush Footed Butterfly , Invertebrate , Pieridae , Wildflower , Plant Community , Landscape Lighting , Adventure Game , Herb , Bakery , Desktop Computer , Computer Keyboard , Pianist , Neon , Dietary Supplement , Fluid , Street Food , Barbecue , Grilling , Buffet , Breakfast , Petal , Buttercream , Sweetness , Icing , Hamburger , Cupcake , Ice Cream , Frozen Dessert , Salad , Packaging And Labeling , Carton , Laundry Detergent , Computer Monitor , Microphone , Tripod , Sphere , Computer Icon , Output Device , Bean , Trampolining Equipment And Supplies , Springboard , Diving , Jumping , Trampoline , Sloppy Joe , Steak , Meat , Salisbury Steak , Rib Eye Steak , Churrasco Food , Meat Chop , Sirloin Steak , Steak Au Poivre , Beef , Roasting , Ribs , Carne Asada , Pork Steak , Iranian Cuisine , Swing , Bow And Arrow , Musical Theatre , Music Venue , Cycling Shorts , Sports Gear , Vest , Wetsuit , Sleeveless Shirt , Elliptical Trainer , Fitness Professional , Sports Uniform , Biathlon , Hall , Fashion Design , Professor , Plaid , Tartan , Museum , Art Gallery , Exhibition , Vernissage , Art Exhibition , Dreadlocks , Sneakers , Book , Poster Session , Citrullus , Kindergarten , Watermelon , Melon , Vascular Plant , Freshwater Aquarium , Aquarium , Aquarium Lighting , Botany , Terrestrial Plant , Aquatic Plant , Fish , Pet Supply , Marine Biology , Sloth , Three Toed Sloth , Two Toed Sloth , Baboon , Prairie Dog , Gibbon , Polar Bear , Stuffed Toy , Plush , Holiday , Rabbits And Hares , Rhesus Macaque , Baby Activity , Marsupial , Koala , Birth , Rodent , Frog , Toad , Amphibian , True Toad , True Frog , Cane Toad , Bufo , Beaked Toad , Bullfrog , Anaxyrus , American Toad , Reptile , Lizard , Scaled Reptile , Iguania , Owl , Bird Of Prey , Crab , Decapoda , Eastern Screech Owl , Screech Owl , Falcon , Falconiformes , Accipitriformes , Accipitridae , Wildlife Biologist , Turtle , Sea Turtle , Moth , Arthropod , Pest , Compost , Crustacean , Seafood , Tattoo , Membrane Winged Insect , Balut , Chocolate , Shellfish , Crocodilia , Alligator , Card Game , Lobster , King Crab , Arachnid , Spider , Gun , Handgun , Trigger , Gun Accessory , Gun Barrel , Revolver , Airsoft Gun , Starting Pistol , Ranged Weapon , Air Gun , Anime , Cg Artwork , Performance Art , Theatrical Scenery , Circus , Neon Sign , Bowling , Soccer , Ocean , Carmine , Campus , Planet , Club , Pole Vault , Horse Racing , Rebellion , Signaling Device , Half Marathon , Heptathlon , Log Cabin , Box , Tundra , Eyelash Extensions , Basement , Collection , Aisle , Locker , Cafeteria , Food Court , Stemware , Wine Glass , Coffeehouse , Diner , Auditorium , Conference Hall , People In Nature , Wilderness , Terrain , Temperate Broadleaf And Mixed Forest , Body Of Water , Water Resources , Watercourse , River , Bayou , Bank , Riparian Forest , Waterway , Riparian Zone , Reflection , Stream , Swamp , Wetland , Lake , Pond , Canal , Fluvial Landforms Of Streams , Floodplain , Creek , Rapid , Channel , Spring , Tributary , Lacustrine Plain , Reservoir , Natural Landscape , Waterfall , Tropical And Subtropical Coniferous Forests , Wave , Wind Wave , Water Sport , Open Water Swimming , Surface Water Sports , Wakeboarding , Walkway , Street Stunts , American Pit Bull Terrier , Dog Walking , Dogue De Bordeaux , Extreme Sport , Flood , Nonbuilding Structure , Reflecting Pool , Overpass , Panorama , Hacienda , Obedience Training , Weimaraner , Botanical Garden , Park , Bench , Outdoor Furniture , Plantation , Boutique , Closet , Costume Design , Haute Couture , Marine Mammal , Port , Electrical Supply , System , Mixing Console , Recording Studio , Video Editing Software , Music Workstation , Sailboat , Sail , Sailing , Boat , Helicopter , Rotorcraft , Wind Turbine , Wind Farm , Propeller , General Aviation , Wing , Cessna 182 , Monoplane , Glider , Windmill , Gliding , Aircraft Engine , Ultralight Aviation , Motor Glider , Takeoff , Landing , Airliner , Oil Rig , Offshore Drilling , Sea , Jackup Rig , Drilling Rig , Very Large Floating Structure , Construction Equipment , Floating Production Storage And Offloading , Fishing Vessel , Drillship , Fishing Trawler , Semi Submersible , Ski Equipment , Winter Sport , Firefighter , Rescue , Tank Ship , Ferry , Cargo Ship , Motor Ship , Freight Transport , Oil Tanker , Bulk Carrier , Tugboat , Container Ship , Passenger Ship , Handymax , Fixed Link , Cruise Ship , Battleship , Suspension Bridge , Ocean Liner , Leaf Vegetable , Bowl , Cruciferous Vegetables , Parsley , Coriander , Parsley Family , Lettuce , Broccoli , Dishware , Plate , Porcelain , Cutlery , Meringue , Cream , Crème Fraîche , Milk , Whipped Cream , Yogurt , Marshmallow Creme , Strength Training , Balance , Press Up , Stretching , Circuit Training , Yoga Mat , Mat , Yoga , Weight Training , Zumba , Modern Dance , Aerobics , Aerobic Exercise , Cake Decorating , Fiat , Academic Dress , 3d Modeling , Lens Flare , Cross , Naval Ship , Navy , Military Officer , Warship , Sailor , Aircraft Carrier , Frigate , Text Messaging , Basilica , Place Of Worship , Cellular Network , Pda , Recreation Room , Fencing , Automated Teller Machine , Unicycle , Heron , Cemetery , Pigeons And Doves , Stock Dove , Perching Bird , Seabird , Magnolia , Hydrangea , Rhododendron , Blossom , Camping , Cottage , Garage , Shed , Gull , Umbrella , Soccer Ball , Sleep , Nap , Medical Equipment , Operating Theater , Patient , Comfort , Bedtime , Mattress , Bedding , Bridal Accessory , Maltese , Wool , Writing , Heat , Steppe , Lumber , Logging , Tree Stump , Video Game Arcade Cabinet , Auto Show , Emergency Vehicle , Vintage Car , Automobile Repair Shop , Fire Apparatus , Chevrolet Hhr , Truck Driver , Emergency Service , Hyundai , Kia Sportage , Peugeot 3008 , Concept Car , Electric Car , Seat Belt , Net Sports , Liqueur , Billiard Ball , Pool , Pommel Horse , Figurine , Spitz , German Spitz , Shiba Inu , Toy Dog , German Spitz Mittel , Mascot , Video Game Console , Moonlight , Double Bass , Bowed String Instrument , Plucked String Instruments , Flowering Plant , Viola , Violet Family , Cattleya , Crocus , Orchid , Herbaceous Plant , Bellflower Family , Iris Family , Cue Stick , Violin Family , Calligraphy , Infant Bed , Baby Safety , Baluster , Handrail , Baby Gate , Watercolor Paint , Paint , Wardrobe , Cupboard , Sink , Bathroom , Plumbing Fixture , Bathroom Cabinet , Vase , Still Life , Artifact , Kettle , Blender , Coffeemaker , Molding , Ikebana , Sweater , Cardboard , Drawer , Chest Of Drawers , Nightstand , Tote Bag , Quilt , Quilting , Cosmetics , Laboratory , Coca Cola , Cola , Headphones , Treadmill , Army , Troop , Crop , Super Bowl , Mitsubishii Miev , Car Dealership , Hardware , Windscreen Wiper , Security , Car Seat Cover , Lexus , Mushroom , Medicinal Mushroom , Choir , Canadian Cuisine , Fish And Chips , Good Friday , Massage Chair , Outdoor Shoe , Riding Boot , Cruiser , Motorcycle Accessories , Chopper , Exhaust System , Automotive Engine Part , Automotive Exhaust , Motorcycle Helmet , Sad , Mitsubishi , Traffic Congestion , Compact Mpv , Rolls Royce , Tesla Model S , Volvo Cars , Steering Part , Cab Driver , Porsche , Bentley , Porsche Cayenne , Volkswagen Touareg , Buick Enclave , Cadillac , Volvo Xc90 , Chevrolet Uplander , Volvo V70 , Ford Motor Company , Ford Ecosport , Ford Focus , Hot Hatch , Opel , Peugeot , Volvo Xc70 , Toyota , Head Restraint , Nissan Leaf , Bus Driver , Toyota Venza , Kia Opirus , Subaru Tribeca , Lexus Rx , Lexus Is , Ford Freestar , Chrysler Pacifica , Volvo Xc60 , Chrysler Pt Cruiser , Chevrolet , Gmc , Bentley Continental Flying Spur , Buick Rendezvous , Gmc Envoy , Honda Fit , Opel Meriva , Mini Mpv , Honda Ridgeline , Nissan , Classic Car , Custom Car , Antique Car , Mazda Cx 7 , Mazda Mazda5 , Automotive Tail Brake Light , Toyota Matrix , Tesla , Microvan , Toyota Prius , Mazda3 , Volkswagen Tiguan , Saturn Vue , Saab 9 7x , Suzuki Swift , Scion , Cake , Honda Civic Hybrid , Subaru , Subaru Impreza , Honda Civic , Subaru Impreza Wrx Sti , Coupé , Honda City , St Bernard , , Norwegian Elkhound , Macropodidae , Kangal Dog , Kangaroo , Sloughi , Galgo Espanol , Terrier , South Russian Ovcharka , Sapsali , Goldendoodle , Old English Sheepdog , Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier , Poodle Crossbreed , Small Terrier , Polish Lowland Sheepdog , Catalan Sheepdog , Coton De Tulear , Tibetan Terrier , Office Equipment , Performance Car , Rolling , Ecoregion , Beach , Coast , Dusk , Coastal And Oceanic Landforms , Aeolian Landform , Mudflat , Air Sports , Paragliding , Sport Kite , Parachute , Windsports , Kite Sports , Powered Paragliding , Turquoise , Playstation Vita , Ceramic , Puzzle , Plywood , Toilet , Medicine , Volkswagen , Wallpaper , Drawing , Ticket , Menu , Performing Arts Center , Propeller Driven Aircraft , Air Show , Narrow Body Aircraft , Airbus , Ski Jumping , Aerial Photography , Desert , Sahara , Pyramid , Luxury Yacht , Bar , Underwater , Fractal Art , Riot , Military Vehicle , Jeep , Earthquake , Parrot , Waste , Crash , Corporate Headquarters , Comics , Milling , Tin Can , Barrel , Stool , Bar Stool , Folding Chair , Office Chair , Riding Mower , Lawn Mower , Outdoor Power Equipment , Mower , Mobility Scooter , Tool , Power Tool , Snow Blower , Go Kart , Grille , Ping Pong , Inflatable , Auto Race , Arcade Game , Sunflower , Annual Plant , Perennial Plant , Daisy Family , Granite , Jersey , Carbon , Telephone Booth , Golf Cart , All Terrain Vehicle , Fender , Trailer , Travel Trailer , Supervillain , Rocking Chair , Household Supply , Disc Jockey , Sound Engineer , Audio Engineer , Cdj , Electronic Musical Instrument , Billiards , Billiard Table , Snooker , Straight Pool , Pocket Billiards , English Billiards , Billiard Room , Blackball Pool , Carom Billiards , Eight Ball , Pool Player , Filling Station , Aerobatics , Fried Chicken , Chicken Meat , Fungus , Lingzhi Mushroom , Graduation , Collar , Gym , Weights , Kettlebell , Barbell , Tennis , Racket , Tennis Court , Tennis Player , Racquet Sport , Bungee Jumping , Trampolining , Flip Acrobatic , Tennis Equipment , Real Tennis , Tennis Ball , Soft Tennis , Dirt Track Racing , Group B , Tomato , Ketchup , Rose Family , Rosales , Rv , Minibus , School , Library , Clock , Wall Clock , Forde Series , Hardtop , Ford Super Duty , Fordf Series , Hemp Family , Drinking Water , Bottled Water , Mineral Water , Dentistry , Cosmetic Dentistry , Chicken Fries , Tahu Goreng , Birds Eye View , Supersonic Aircraft , Supersonic Transport , Camel , Camelid , Dune , Skiing , Slope , Mountain Range , Downhill , Air Racing , Medical Imaging , Skyway , Electricity , Public Utility , Observation Tower , Statue , Steeple , Polo Shirt , Beige , Underpants , Briefs , Toe , Long Sleevedt Shirt , Middle Eastern Food , Food Group , Indonesian Food , Meze , Mediterranean Food , Indian Cuisine , Italian Food , Pizza , Stuffing , Quiche , Torte , Ceviche , Greek Food , Burrito , Sandwich Wrap , Mexican Food , Focaccia , Flatbread , Naan , à La Carte Food , Bake Sale , Coupon , Brazilian Food , Publication , Newspaper , Casino , Slot Machine , Dancer , Trophy , Escalator , Picture Frame , Chevrolet Astro , Dodge Ram Van , Dodge , Fordf 550 , Trailer Truck , Fire Department , Mountain Pass , Hill , Track , Valley , Mountain , Highland , Mountainous Landforms , Hill Station , Fell , Fjord , Mount Scenery , Alps , Summit , Football , Soccer Specific Stadium , Soccer Player , Bodybuilding Supplement , Fire Extinguisher , Food Storage , Espresso Machine , Mixer , Tap , Kitchen Knife , Handgun Holster , Attic , Garden Buildings , Roofer , Arrow , Solar Energy , Composite Material , End Table , Coffee Table , Concrete , Moisture , Drop , Dew , Precipitation , Rain , Drizzle , Gardening , Fish Pond , Shopping Cart , Airboat , Water Transportation , Boating , Hovercraft , Loch , Marsh , Canoe , Salt Marsh , Tidal Marsh , Bog , Fen , Inlet , Thermokarst , Yacht , Estuary , Mud , Energy Drink , Spray , Endurocross , Motocross , Freestyle Motocross , Motor Oil , 5 Hour Energy , Ambulance , Perfume , Office Supplies , Collage , Carpet , Gambling , Poker , Headquarters , Cookies And Crackers , Chocolate Chip Cookie , Cookie , Chocolate Chip , Biscuit , Refrigerator , Rainbow , Birthday , Fondant , Egg , Royal Icing , Acrylic Paint , Tongue , Sharing , Hearing , Sea Ice , Iceberg , Arctic , Arctic Ocean , Glacier , Ice Cap , Glacial Landform , Submarine , School Bus , Amusement Ride , Medical Technologist , Research Institute , Medical Assistant , White Coat , Health Care Provider , Physician , Outdoor Table , Outdoor Play Equipment , Animal Sports , Dollhouse , Microwave Oven , Blue And White Porcelain , Washing Machine , Clothes Dryer , Laundry , Dry Cleaning , Crispy Fried Chicken , Syngnathiformes , Coral , Bronze , Christmas , Aurora ,

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