Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20160614 10:00:00 : co

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20160614 10:00:00

but his meeting is seen as uniting the democrats against donald trump. >> the primaries could come to an end. can you believe it, heather? >> i know. >> "fox & friends" starts right now. have a good day. ♪ ♪ >> i lost a friend. >> he started shooting, and shooter and getting closer and closer. >> the music was going. slawd it stops. all you could hear was sprays of bullets over and over again. >> he laughed when he was shooting. >> we had bodies piled up on top of each other. i've never seen anything like this in my career. ♪ >> this killer was radicalized and at least in some part through the internet. >> the orlando terrorist may be
dead, but the virus that poisoned his mind remains very much alive. ♪ >> a radical islamic terrorist targeted gay and lesbian citizens because of their sexual orientation. it's a strike at the heart and soul of who we are as a nation. ♪ >> on this tuesday morning, we continue to talk about the terror in orlando that took place on sunday night. brian kilmeade is down in orlando where brian, last night in the heart of orlando, at the dr. phillips performing arts center, they had a vigil and it was a night of tears. >> it was packed, too. there were signs everywhere. people came from all around. they came from other towns and other cities. after everything we'll be talking about for the next three hours, nobody is talking about politics.
nobody is talking about the presidential race. certainly at the d.c. primary, it's all about what happened, how do we stop it, and will it happen again, and those are some of the things we're going to be looking to cover over the next three hours. >> thanks, brian. they rang the bell there at that vigil 49 times to remember the victims that were lost over the weekend. we have fox team coverage of the orlando attacks. john roberts is covering the political fallout, but we start with leland vittert with the breaking information about the terrorist's past. >> good morning to you. behind me at the pulse nightclub, the investigation continues and we're learning that omar mateen was a frequent visitor to this nightclub. in fact, on the night of the attack, at least one person told the l.a. times they recognized him from the gay dating app jacked. make of that what you will but it does begin to put together a profile and figure out a little bit more why mateen targeted the pulse nightclub. the other thing as the fbi is
looking into as they search his cell phone records and computer records, is did he target disney world? in the end, he did not target disney world. the fbi is trying to figure out why. >> it's early. we're working hard . we're highly confident that this killer was radicalized and at least some part through the internet. >> we're getting a look inside this terrorist apartment and it looks relatively normal inside. there's a "star wars" themed bathroom. there was some religious books found there. these pictures coming from the daily mail and while the apartment itself seemed normal and lived in, we're learning that the terrorist was anything but. >> omar was severely disturbed.
he had anger issues and the basis of those angers was that he had rage toward groups and classes of people. he was a racist. he was a sexist. >> now, the other big question here this morning is could more lives have been saved had police gone into the pulse nightclub earlier? remember there's that time between 2:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. where there was a stand-off and hostage situation and the orlando police this morning are facing a lot of questions about whether had they gone in earlier, a number of other folks could have been saved, perhaps folks who bled out on the dance floor on the pulse nightclub rather than being taken to the hospital. >> there are other questions about that. people were wondering during that three-hour span what was going on inside that club. as soon as he went into the bathroom, that's when the law enforcement officers or the investigators, that's when they rushed in. >> leland brought up in the
beginning where leland was talking about how omar mateen apparently may have been using a gay dating site and on the cover of the new york post today he was gay. this comes from his ex-wife said that he had confessed to her at some point early in their relationship that he had gay tendencies and apparently he said that his father referred to him as gay in front of her. the investigators, brian, are suggesting that perhaps he went to this pulse nightclub which was two hours away from his house on the east coast of florida simply to be anonymous where nobody would know him. >> he had been there dozens of times. four eyewitnesses said we have seen him at this club before. sometimes he was bee lij jent -- belligerent. the father is under scrutiny for
that. after seeing a man kissing another man, it made him quite angry in front of his son. and already there's deception in those statements. don't be surprised if something else happens there. last night, as it begins to get dark, the word went out for a vigil, 7:00 eastern time, where people came from everywhere into central florida to give notice and homage to those who lost their lives. >> the hardest thing was it was pin pointed. it was out in public, one area, one club, one community of people. >> it's so close to home. any of us could have been there. any nightclub. it's rough. >> we need to get prepared. we need to be aware of our surroundings, who is in our community. we need to be prepared. >> about 30 hours that we had no clue at all where he was, you
know. we called him, we text him and we knew something was up when he didn't reply to us. >> why is it important to be here today? >> we're here to condemn the terrorist act. i'm a muslim myself. i don't approve this. my religion doesn't approve of this. this is not acceptable by any means. we're all equal. >> it wasn't just the friends and family members of those who lost their lives. it was also leaders of the lgbt community, of the muslim community and the latino community all standing in solidarity. >> that man in particular, ainsley, was going around to hundreds of people with a card saying i'm a muslim arab member of this community and do not label me with this killer that did this carnage right over my shoulder. but go ahead. >> good for him. a lot of people are wanting muslims to come out and say this
is detestable and this is not what our religion is about. brian, there were vigils all over the country. there were a lot yesterday. there were leaders of communities that were leading with law enforcement and the owner of gay clubs throughout the communities to try to talk about how to fight this type of thing, how to fight this type of hate and what to do if they are in this situation. >> meanwhile, the terror attack now in the focus on the campaign trail. donald trump tearing into hillary clinton warning americans her policies will only lead to more horrific attacks like the one in orlando. >> john roberts is in gree greensboro, north carolina. >> donald trump continues to rewrite and redefine the norms of political discourse. typically after a tragedy in orlando, politicians will refrain from partisanship for a time period. not donald trump. yesterday, he went after barack
obama very sharply and hillary clinton as well, saying that hillary clinton, if elected president, would pursue policies that would make this country less safe. >> hillary clinton's catastrophic immigration plan will bring vastly more radical islamic immigration into this country, threatening not only our society, but our entire way of life. >> donald trump's speech yesterday didn't seem to change the mind of his critics who saw it as both try -- try -- strident. how do democrats feel about what trump said? he said has president he would make the country safe, by strengthening the intelligence community and as well implement that temporary ban on
immigration from countries where terrorism thrives. >> the only reason he was here in the first is because we allowed his family to be here. we have a dysfunctional immigration system which does not permit us to know who we let into our country. if i get in there, it's going change and it's going to change quickly. we're going from totally incompetent to just the opposite. >> donald trump pledged yesterday to end the days of deadly ignorance. he's going full-on political today. he has that big rally in greensboro, north carolina tonight. thousands of people expected to attend. >> one other political note, after donald trump called for president obama to resign if he wasn't going to use the term "radical islam." yesterday, hillary clinton who said she would not use it, says now she's okay with it. >> brian, after san bernardino, remember she said she wasn't going to use that term.
now she has changed her mind. >> yeah. it's amazing what happens when bernie sanders is not in the race anymore. that's number one. it shows you what do you really believe on something so couldn't -- consequenceal on the war on terror. it was significant that james comey says looking at this guy's background, we kpt see -- can't see anything in the fbi jurisdiction that we would have done differently. this is a guy who has been to saudi arabia twice. two or three interviews with the fbi. my hope would be if he goes to buy an assault rifle, there's a trigger that let's the fbi know that the guy we think might be attracted to terror suddenly needs an assault rifle. >> 11 minutes after the top of the hour and heather joins us with headlines. >> good morning to all of you. got some major news coming in from overseas.
breaking overnight, the world on high alert after a second isis-inspired attack takes place in less than a week. a terrorist stabbing and killing two french police officers. a husband and his wife, and all of this happening in front of their three-year-old son before they took the little boy hostage. the cold blooded killer reportedly streaming those murders live on facebook. we're trying to track that one down independently. s.w.a.t. teams raiding the home, killing the suspect, saving the little boy. the attacker was a known extremist. donald trump is taking "the washington post's" press credentials away. he was unhappy with a headline on post comments i'm not fan of president obama, but to show you how dishonest the phony "washington post" is, they wrote this headline, donald trump
suggests president obama involved with the orlando shooting. their headline sad. the editor responds, donald trump's decision to revoke "the washington post" press credentials is nothing less than a repud yags of a free and independent press when coverage doesn't kroend to what the candidates wants. working on sunday, a day after the ramp age, cooking and delivering food for those standing in line to donate blood. those are your headlines. >> i wonder if that's the first time they ever opened on sunday. thank you very much. donald trump outlining his plan to stop isis on the home front.
will it work? >> we'll talk to someone from the israel defense forces. that's coming up next. with's range of properties, rebel and key can wing it all the way to jordan and chelsea's wedding. rumble! road trip. there she is. uh oh, oh, oh, oh, what? so here is our road trip itinerary. what's this? a bunch of different places... nah, bro. we gotta go off-script.
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proven history of terrorism against the united states, europe, or our allies. until we fully understand how to end these threats. after full and partial, really long overdue security assessment, we will develop a responsible immigration policy that serves the interests and values of america. this is not just a national security issue. it's a quality of life issue. >> in the wake of the orlando attack, donald trump outlining his plan to take down terror yesterday but how realistic is it? here to weigh in a former member of the elite israeli counterterrorism unit, good morning to you. what did you do with the israeli defense forces? >> i served in their undercover unit, a unit that dresses as local arabs for the purpose of conducting high risk raids.
>> you dressed up at arabs to kidnap terrorists to bring them back? >> correct. >> you know a little bit about what's going on. israel certainly has been up against it for a long time. what do you think of donald trump's speech yesterday? >> well, it's refreshing. i got to be honest. coming from the military and the special operations community from a country like israel, which is very small. we're sourneded by 12 arab states. we don't have time to make mistakes. when you hear a guy like donald who seems to be a little off his rock sometimes but there's a refreshing honesty that we special ops guys like to hear and when he talks about calling this thing what it is, that's something that resonates with me. you can't build a counterterrorist strategy which has completely failed in this country unless you can have a honest conversation is defining
what it is. that's refreshing to hear. >> what do you think about the temporary ban on muslims and people involved in countries in the hot spots in the united states? >> i think it's a good idea. i think that the american security apparatus through no fault of its own is a 14-year-old teenager going through what i call security puberty. america is just starting to get its butt kicked when it comes to terror. the isis threat that seeped through the internet that can radicalize anybody in this country and create an act of terror, i think pumping the brakes on this thing right now with all of the countries that breed terror is a good idea to help america to get caught up. so i think donald is going in the right direction. i really do. >> he's a man with a plan. no doubt. aaron cohen, we thank you very much for joining us today from los angeles. >> thanks for having me. what do you think about that? email us at fox and
>> meanwhile, the fbi says they couldn't have done anything to prevent the attack, despite the fact that they interviewed him twice. >> so far the honest answer is i don't think so. at our remote op, so onsite teams can count on early warning of approaching weather. because safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better.
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the loose. the tsa getting patted down this morning. a man slabbing the agency with a lawsuit, blaming them for missing his flight. he wants his $500 back. the cost of a new plane ticket he was forced to buy after waiting in a tsa security line for 1 1/2 hours. the feds look for the possibility of an accomplice in the orlando attacks, the director says nothing could have been done to stop it from happening. >> we're looking for needles in a nationwide hay stack, but we're called upon which pieces of hay might become needles. >> what can you do? the former fbi who caught the unabomber joins us. with your experience, what do you think? >> when you think about that,
when you think about how many needles are in a hay stack, we have a tremendously big problem ahead of us and looking back, if you -- if you look at the unabomber and take him as an example. it took us 18 years to find him and that's because these people are elusive. they are to themselves and until they actually act, until they reach out and do something, you don't even know that they exist, and then they are right back home in cover and hiding until the next attack. nobody really knows what they are doing and we did a big study in 2001 right before 9/11 pt. we never had a study before on the lone wolf serial bomber or terrorist. we found something very dramatic. that is these people use their ideology as a motivator or justifier for their actions and what they are really after is
aattention, they want to matter in life and be part of a group. every one of the people that we studied had been unable to do that. they tried to join groups and got thrown out. even in a couple of instances, they they wanted to join violent groups and they were so violent, the violent groups threw them out. they wait for that trigger closer to home and they use the ideology as kind of the excuse for them going off and doing these terrible things. >> ted kaczinski was in the middle of the woods. this guy, this guy did have a minor traffic violation. the laws need to change. there were so many red flags. how did he go from a minor traffic violation to walking into a nightclub, opening if firing and shooting more than is 00 people? what did we miss?
>> it's going to take time to know if we missed something, but if you think back to yesterday and the talk that director comey gave, what struck me from that is they worked on this fellow for ten months. they put sources up against him. they used informants. they had him under surveillance. that was going toward a situation where they were offering him kind of an opportunity if you will to let them know what he was really wanting to do, to let him translate his ideology and his thoughts and those words he was saying to people into some form of action and yet he never did. that's the real problem. we come to a place in those cases where they simply have to be put down and you move on to another, you've exhausted everything you can do. you've given it everything you have to give, and yet you have a big backup of more people like him, and that's what i think we have to keep thinking about. this goes back to these needles
again and how many of these people there are potentially when they have the ideology now of isis to help embolden them. they are looking for a message and they have some hero-type worship thing with a group in the middle east who say we're out here, we're a winning team. this is a real problem. this is new. we didn't have to deal with this during the unabomber days. we have to deal with it now. because it's real and it's growing. >> thank you so much for joining us and giving us that insight. coming up, chilling new details emerging about the raid that took down the orlando gunman. we're going to take you inside the club as the terrorist opened fire. plus we're getting the first look at the officer whose life was saved by a kevlar helmet. what's being done to help those officers heal? if you think you've seen it all,
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we're still learning the details about the takedown that actually ultimately after three hours would take down the killer, the terrorist, the assassin, what it was like for the off duty officer who arrived at the scene five minutes before the terrorist would show up. he was armed. the terrorist was armed to the teeth. this is what we were told last night. >> my understanding he initially engage the suspect and calling. >> shooting and calling. >> he got help very quickly within two minutes or less, he had backup officers there. remember, this individual is
firing an assault weapon. more than likely, if that law enforcement only had his side arm, which was a nine millimeter sigauer handgun. >> man was he outgunned and virtually outnumbered as this terrorist opened up fire, armed to the teeth with another glock in the car. joining us now to talk about the trauma of that moment, pete hernandez, who is the president of the wounded warrior foundation and jimmy brown, jimmy has been through this before. he spent nine years with the nypd and transferred to the fndy, that was the day of 9/11. you witnessed the trauma of 9/11. it prompted you to take some action. what did you go through after experiencing that? >> after 9/11, i experienced a whole host of emotions and reactions. the most immediate one was
guilt. guilt that couldn't help more people and i'm sure to some degree some of the men and women who were directly involved in this are going to feel some form of guilt. it's the way we operate. we expect we're going to have a positive outcome each and every time. >> 11 officers involved, they were relefed for a short period of time, so they can decompress. when -- how does your organization help people get over the trauma? they can't even fully process it yet. >> basically what we're doing is we're providing the peer support. we're providing a bridge for these officers to come through another law enforcement officer to get the help and counselling to cope what they just experienced. >> the guys they are dealing with, they don't even know what's going to be hitting them being jimmy, am i right? >> for the most part. it's going to take some time for the full weight and gravity to hit them.
>> it depends the role you had in the shooting. even if you witnessed the carnage, that's a trauma. if you are the first one in, that's another trauma. if the crossfire wounds an additional person, that's an additional trauma. how does that play into it? >> how they deal with it both personally and professionally. >> as a member of the wounded officers initiative, the families might be the first ones to detect the trauma that the officers are going through, correct? >> yes. and what we tell the families is be mindful of their normal behavior and anything outside of that normal behavior can be a red flag and it needs to be watched and kind of looked into. >> so interesting, jim, because you are trying to save lives, the emergency operator, take down the assailant, you got the cop background. what was it like inside that
club from best you can ascertain? >> what has been passed along to me it was bodies upon bodies. it's something that even our military members for the most part don't normally see when they are serving overseas. this is a unique experience that most of us will never, ever get to experience, each within law enforcement and then public safety. >> later we're going to have rudy giuliani here and other law enforcement officials. can we admit that the war on radical islam is in our police for force? >> it definitely is. >> is that something that's initiated in the training that you guys and ladies go through? >> more and more it's starting to be integrated in the trapg in dealing with active shooters, things like that. we're starting to get more and more into it.
ever since 9/11, law enforcement has taken a taken turn. all central florida agencies responded to one location. it wasn't just the orlando police department. you have the orange county sheriffs office, all different agencies around central florida couldn't jernlinging -- converging in one area to help one another. you can see the training is effective and it definitely works. >> jimmy, for the most part, we've been trying to talk to some of the officers about what they went through to shed some light and giving them the spotlight that they deserve. what's your message if they are watching right now? >> the message we say to them is take care of yourself first. the analogy is if you are on a plane, the plane is going to crash, the oxygen masks come down. you put yours on first. you can't help anybody else unless you are able to help yourself first. >> these guys are tough guys. they don't need help, right?
>> that's part of the problem, is that we kind of -- >> we're the helpers. we don't like to self-help. so that's the biggest hurdle we have to here. >> it's ptsd here at home and not in afghanistan or iraq. it's not about weakness. thanks so much. the wounded officers initiative, i appreciate it. steve and aainsley back to you. >> good morning to all of you. he laughed as he was shooting, that's just one of the chilling new details that survivors from the orlando nightclub blood bath. listen. >> he laughed when he was shooting inside of the stall. just like -- a laugh of like satisfaction, like i'm getting done what i came here to do, and it's imprinted in my head forever. >> wow, chilling. he's amazingly alive to tell that story.
he was shot four times inside one of the nightclub's bathrooms. he played dead and hiding under several other bodies for three hours as the stories start to emerge today. how is this one for timing, just a week before the orlando attack, homeland security was told to combat violent extremism with politics correctness? it was advised that they avoid using words disrespectful to muslims, those words include jihad andsharia. it also recommends that the department of homeland security avoid, quote, stigmatizing specific communities. great news for the family of an american hero. a judge tossing out a nearly $2 million judgment against the family and its estate of chris kyle that was going in the favor of jesse ventura. the former minnesota governor claimed that he was defamed in
the late author's chris kyle book, "american sniper." important to note that ventura was never even mentioned in that book. an outpouring of love after a purely evil attack. a go fund me campaign raising $3 million for the victims of the orlando terror attack in just one day. nearly 70,000 donors contributing to the cause, including go fund me itself which gave $100,000. chinese the largest and fastest -- it's the largest and fastest funded campaign in its six-year history. that is something. >> terrific. >> thank you. meanwhile, this kevlar helmet saved an orlando officer's life but the obama administration wants to take away equipment like this from police. former cop and secret service agent says that move could be costing us lives. he joins us straight ahead.
plus, the fbi is seeing if they missed any signs of radicalization. what about the nsa? what was their role in tracking him? judge innapolitano joins us nex. ♪ ♪
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is here to weigh in on that. >> here's what we learned in the last 12 hours or so. when a company has a contract with the federal government and that contract involves the potential use of force, a security company, and mateen was employed by an international security firm that had over 600,000 employees, and one of their clients was the cia, that company is required to perform a certain level of background check, and that level of background check requires inquiring of contacts with the fbi, and the fbi, knowing that this person works for a contractor that is employed by the cia, is required to tell the company about any contacts it has with each of its employees. so we have a bilateral disconnect. the company doesn't knock on the door of the fbi and the fbi doesn't knock on the door of the company. had they kmurnthd it's extremely unlikely that he would have had
the licensure to carry the heavy gun. he could have gotten the handgun just because he had no criminal record and he's a resident of florida. those are the only standards there. but the large gun, the rifle, is the one that he would not have been able to legally purchase or carry. >> now we have 49 people dead because of that mistake. how did that happen and how do we prevent this from happening again? >> there are a lot of mistakes here. this is another no-gun zone. just like columbine, newtown, san bernardino, it happened in a place where people are not allowed to protect themselves. i heard geraldo last night on o'reilly, when all is loss, at least fight to save the dignity of those behind you. if any of those people had a handgun, this guy had two weapons. he fired over 200 rounds. one weapon holds six rounds, another holds 15. he reloaded a dozen times.
no matter how fast you reload, when you are releading, you are not shooting. if anybody in that club had had a lawfully purchased and acquired and carried handgun -- >> concealed carry. >> they could have stopped him or kill him before this slaughter happened. these mad man will always find a way or sickos as this guy was, the only way to stop them is fire power. >> the fact you are showing how the fbi was supposed to be talking to a number of federal agencies should have been sharing this information, that's reminiscent of pre- 9/11 how different parts of the federal government weren't talking to each other which resulted in the intel failure and they said after that, you know what, we're going to fix it, it's all going to be better. >> i don't mean this to be a general criticism of the fbi. they have a lot on their plates. they are very much stretched thin with all of the major
investigations they have, and they probably viewed this as routine at the time. but this requirement of communication is standard operating procedure when you are dealing with a contractor who works for the cia and that work involves the use of weapons. >> thank you, judge. >> you are welcome. >> oh, my goodness. all right. meanwhile, straight ahead, the officers in orlando use kevlar helmets and armored vehicles to stop the terrorist attack. >> our next guest says equipment like that saves cops' lives. ♪ ♪ s date doesn't go well. same here. wouldn't it be great if everyone said what they meant? the citi double cash card does. earn 1% cash back when you buy, and 1% as you pay. double means double.
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fox news alert.
we are getting our first look at the police officer who took a bullet to the head in the orlando shoot-out only to be saved by his kevlar helmet. >> napolitano is showing a few stitches on his head after that kevlar helmet did stop that fatal shot that saved his life. >> we told you that the obama administration has been pushing the end to the federal funding for the military style equipment. the plan is an overall effort to improve the image of police in the aftermath of the ferguson riots. meanwhile -- >> even still, how can law enforcement protect themselves and keep others safe? let's toss it out to brian with dan bongino. a former secret service agent to president obama. >> so kevlar, it's the style equipment. you have changed your opinion on
whether local law enforcement should have this stuff at their fingertips. >> i think it's because i came from the secret service background -- and the optics i hate that term, but that was important to me. you didn't want the president to be driving around in the bearcat because it looks like the government is closed off to people and i was sensitive to that. after ferguson, being a cop and federal agent was on my mind. but i think it's clear that the enemy has declared this soil to be under attack. if we don't equipment our police officers to deal with that, we're really putting them literally in the line of fire. that's a big mistake. >> we saw some photos of the officers that night. they wear a lot of armor. some say, that's more than the average soldier wears in the average field of afghanistan and iraq. >> yeah, but you have to balance the amount of weight with water they're carrying you don't have that in the domestic environment. it may look bad but it's not
that -- >> i would not mind if my officer was armored up. that would bother me as long as they felt safe. i talked to sheriff demings last night, he wants washington to back off. >> when we see things like this that happens in our country, it reminds all of us about a need to have some of these pieces of equipment. so hopefully sensible people will make decisions in washington and within our state to do the right thing, to make sure that these law enforcement officers have what they need to protect our citizens and our homeland. >> right. and their decisions affect your guys. >> their decisions can affect my personnel. they can affect the lives of innocent citizens. >> washington, let the law enforcement do what they need to do, but train them first. >> i agree. training regarding the military style police equipment is important. have strict rules of engagement.
i'm sensitive to the argument by my libertarian friends, i have a strong libertarian streak that we don't want to overmilitarize our cops but it's clear that san bernardino and what happened down the road right here have completely changed the game. >> on a side note, i like how you're involved in the local law enforcement field, and the more army men and marines and sailors and air force that come back and become cops i think it's better for america too. >> yeah. cross poll anization of training is never a bad thing. >> thank you. i know you have a big announcement on monday about your career. the orlando shooter was radicalized here at home. >> as far as we can tell right now, this is certainly an example of the kind of home grown extremism that all of us have been so concerned about for
a very long time. >> but donald trump says it's about ideology and we should be surveilling mossinques like new york city did under mayor rudy giuliani. he is here with a look at what that looks like. you can worry about them. you can even choose a car for them. (mom) honey, are you ok? (child) i'm ok. (announcer vo) love. (mom) we're ok. (announcer vo) it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
♪ i lost friends. >> started shooting and shooting and started to get closer and closer and closer. >> the music was going and then all of a sudden, it stopped. all you could hear was sprays of bullets over and over again. >> -- when he was shooting. >> we had bodies piled on top of each other. i never seen anything like this in my career. >> this killer was radicalized.
and at least in some part through the internet. >> the orlando terrorist may be dead, but the virus that poisoned his mind remains very much alive. ♪ >> a radical islamic terrorist targeted gay and lesbian citizens because of their sexual orientation. it's a strike at the heart and soul of who we are as a nation. >> on this tuesday morning we continue our coverage of terror here in america. brian is down there in orlando. he's been covering it live on the scene at the nightclub where so many people lost their lives on sunday. >> that's right. a big vigil down there. brian, today here on the curvy couch we have with us former mayor of new york city, rudy giuliani. good morning to you.
>> good morning. how are you? >> what do you make of what happened a block from where brian is sitting? >> i'm as shocked and upset about it as everyone. i have offered my condolences to the mayor and the governor. i spoke to them in the last couple of days, offered my help and assistance in any way i can. having gone through this, i was in san bernardino several weeks after the killings there and i said, i hope this is the last time i have to come to a place like this and i knew in the back of my mind because of the policies that my government has. i fully assumed there would be further attacks. i said if you show weakness in the face of islamic extremist terrorism, they take advantage and attack you more and the president in his refusal to use the words is making it extraordinarily difficult for the military, for the local police and for the local citizens to properly identify this threat. if you don't mention the connecting link between the people who are committing the terrorist attacks it's hard to find them. >> donald trump said if the
president won't say the words he should resign. >> well, i don't know if i'd go that far. i respect donald for saying it. now i guess donald is trying to get him to respond, right, by getting him out of office and replacing him with someone like that because hillary just like him. putting the politic aside, i prosecuted the mafia. hundreds and thousands actually when you consider italy. if i didn't see the connection between the italian mafia, the sicilian mafia, new york, chicago, las vegas, the teamster's pension fund, we never would have cleaned up las vegas. we never would have cleaned up the fulton fish market. we never would have cleaned up new york. we would have never destroyed the five families. if i had treated them all as some example of dispirit -- >> because you called it mafia. >> because i saw the connections and my police could look through the connections. the guys in phoenix could give me joe -- or in tampa, i'm sorry, in tucson, could give me
joe bonona's garbage, and he told his doctor he was pretending to have a heart attack and we could put him in attack. if you don't put in the factor of the investigating crime and the military, there's great confusion. the people in san bernardino saw the shooters in the garage before the attacks and were suspicious but they were afraid to come forward because our president makes them afraid to sound like they're islamophobic. they're not islamophobic. >> i think brian has a question for you, mayor. >> yeah, mr. mayor. good to see you. you know leadership and you know the law. i'm going to ask you this question. i asked our brain room, has anything changed with the fbi over the last 7 1/2 years that would prevent them from being
aggressive enough to stop the tsarnaev brothers and stop this clown, this terrorist, because they interviewed both twice and three times in the case of mateen. bring me inside that -- the fbi, led by james comey and in a wonderful way. 35,000 men and women. if there's something we have to change about their interrogation tactics and ability to stop this guy in -- get them from the interview process to possibly behind bar, detainment until we find out more. after all, he went to saudi arabia twice and has been talking about being al qaeda since the tenth grade. >> yeah, well, you know, brian, i love the fbi. and jim comey is a friend, a former assistant u.s. attorney that worked for me and someone that i think is doing an excellent job. i think some of the things he's said in the last couple of days fly right in the face of what president obama and hillary clinton have been saying. however, i can't help but realize having been in the federal bureaucracy for 17 years that the words of the president
have to have an impact on the fbi. there's no question they have to have an impact. this absolutely -- absolute completely inane inability to say islamic extreme terrorism is one of the reasons that the people in san bernardino never reported it to the fbi. and one of the reasons that nadal was described as workplace violence. one of the reasons that the fbi maybe doesn't want to show too much zealousness that might be regarded as being overzealous in the pursuit of arab americans or islamic americans. and i did question, you know, in a congressional hearing the whole situation with the tsarnaev brothers. when he went back to russia, that should have raised, you know, 50 red flags. here he was described to them by russian intelligence as a terrorist. they checked it out. didn't find anything. the guy goes to russia and then
he goes to right near chechnya? you don't put a red flag on that when he comes back or maybe you don't let him back. and finally, the information should have been given to the boston police so if the fbi didn't have the resources to follow him, the boston police certainly -- >> mr. mayor. >> you go to the boston -- they'll tell you that. >> do you know that the fbi agents say we feel handcuffed when we get to situations like this? their gut tells them this is a bad guy, but the law and maybe the parameters of their jobs stopped them from locking this guy up. >> you know i do and you know them too. there are fbi agents and other federal agents and there are even some local police who say they feel that they don't have the support to conduct a complete investigation. which might be described from the obama/hillary side as an
overzealous side. >> people are so terrified we'll offend someone. however, what's offensive is to have 49 people dead today. how do you explain that? >> how stupid is it to pull police officers out of the mosque? absolutely stupid. >> and during your administration, there was surveillance of mosques and donald trump called for a renewal of that particular policy. yesterday, both donald trump and hillary clinton were talking about terror. we have a little sound bite to show folks what they had to say as donald trump said we need to crack down more. listen. >> hillary clinton for months and despite so many attacks repeatedly refused to even say the words radical islam. she has no clue in my opinion what radical islam is and she won't speak honestly about it if she does in fact know. she's in total denial and her continuing reluctance to ever
name the enemy broadcasts weakness across the entire world. she wants to take away americans' guns and then as mid the very people who want to slaughter us. the bottom line is that hillary supports policies that bring the threat of radical islam into america and allow it to grow overseas. >> at least yesterday hillary said she is okay using the term radical islam for the first time. >> well, i think donald trump forced her to do it. i mean, she hasn't been doing it for years because obama doesn't do it. but i mean, but the reality is, i put police officers under cover in mosques and then ray kelly and mayor bloomberg increased it substantially after september 11th as they should have. and the present mayor has taken them out. that's part of not identifying with the common dead -- what the common thread is in the attack in brussels, the attack in paris and now orlando. >> and one of the plots was
hatched in a mosque. >> the plot in '93 -- the plot in '93 was hatched in a mosque. >> i know you can't talk about numbers but you thwarted several different situations, terror attacks because you were inside the mosques. >> as well as got information about terror attacks in other parts of the country from the surveillance of mosques. believe me i know the religious community in new york really well. i got to spend fridays in -- with an imam pasha and saturdays in a jewish synagogue and sundays in the catholic or a protestant church. that's what it's like being mayor of new york. there's no minister or rabbi in this city nor are there some imams that object to having police officers in their congregation. in fact, they want them there. they want them to learn the message. it's enlightening for them. so you've got -- if you've got nothing going on there but a
beautiful religious service, why in his name would you not want to have a police officer there? >> all right. rudy, thank you very much for dropping by. very busy morning. all right, more from brian down in orlando in a moment, but right now, heather has the headlines. >> i do. this is coming from overseas. a series story, breaking overnight, a sickening terror attack streamed live on facebook by the killer. a known islamist and extremist who was under surveillance by the french government stabbing and killing two french police officers, a husband and his wife. this all happening in their home and right in front of their 3-year-old son. s.w.a.t. teams raiding that home killing the suspect and then saving the little boy. two more suspects are now in custody. isis is claiming responsibility for the deaths of those two. back here at home 49 innocent lives taken in the orlando rampage and one
congressman plans to walk out on the moment of silence. connecticut's jim himes said i won't attend one more moment of silence on the floor. it does not honor the victims it mocks them. well, his state saw a similar tragedy with the sandy hook elementary school shooting. he said the moment of silence is another excuse for his colleagues to avoid taking what he considers to be real action on gun control. well, after months of personal attacks, senator bernie sanders is expected to spend his final primary in washington, d.c., today. helping hillary clinton come up with ways to beat donald trump. a closed door meeting between the two is set for tonight. that move is seen as the first step in uniting the party against the republicans. and an outpouring of support in orlando. jetblue offering free flights in and out of that city for family members who lost loved ones or whose loved ones were hurt in the orlando terror attacks.
also, chick-fil-a standing in solidarity. some employees in the orlando area working on sunday, that's of course a day that the restaurant is normally closed. they chose to show up to work to cook and then deliver food to all of those people who are standing in line to donate blood at those blood banks. also to provide meals for law enforcement at the scene, just hours after the attack. nice job, chick-fil-a. we're happy to bring you those stories out of the tragedy. >> not first sunday that chick-fil-a has opened up. >> pray for orlando. love it. thank you so much. all right. thanks, heather. coming up, the orlando gunman may have had a bigger target. could it have been disney? now security is being stepped up all across the state. we are live at the happiest place on earth, coming up next. e me pain here.
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killer. >> shayla reaves from fox 13 in tampa with what's being done to keep the families safe. >> reporter: right now authorities want to find out if there's a link between mateen and disney properties. they want to check for any clues that he may have scouted out any possible targets. investigators are checking his computer and reaching out to disney security personnel to find out more. now, a law enforcement source provided that information to fox news monday and there are a few key things that those investigators want to check out. we're told they're looking for any pictures or video of disneyland on mateen's computer and checking out surveillance video as well. any video that might place him or around the theme park or nearby attractships. also they'll look at any evidence on his phone including the device's geolocation history to see in any extended time might have been spent at the
park. his wife said he did scout disney word. they scouted disney springs as well as pulse nightclub as recently as april. now, when asked if any direct evidence had been found so far authorities say it is still too early to tell. still a disney spokesperson said that they have been taking steps for some time now to increase security measures on the grounds of the property. among the steps they are taking, there are some that you can see, including more k-9 units, more officers on site and they're using more screening devices that can double as metal detectors as well. these are just the steps being taken to make sure the happiest place on earth remains a safe one. back to you. >> shayla reaves reporting in tampa, thank you. i don't think anybody will have a problem if they had increased
security and metal detectorsed a disney. >> absolutely not. we encourage them. if i take my family there i would. we are learning new and disturbing information about the killer, like he celebrated 9/11 on september 11, 2001. what was going on inside his head? dr. keith ablow up next. >> on the day of the 9/11 attack when he got on my school bus, he acted like he was -- when he got to his seat he would stop and make an explosion type of sound and then he would fall into his seat.
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the massacre in orlando, a stark reminder of isis'
widespread influence not just around the world, but right here at home. heather nauert now with a look at that. >> hi, anxiously. good morning. fox news new confirms startling new number, how much the influence is growing. right now isis has presence in all 50 states with 1,000 open cases currently. 25-plus attacks carried out in the last two years alone here at home. so far, 250 americans have tried or have succeeded in traveling to syria. about 300 americans currently spreading isis propaganda and communicating with isis sympathizers on social media. we are getting this information from the federal government. and law enforcement is doing what it can to stay on top of the terror activity, charging 91 people under federal law since april. ten people have been charged this year, the biggest spike seen last year when 62 people were charged. all of those, five, have been
convicted. including an ex-u.s. serviceman in new york. since 2014, the u.s. has been a victim of 25 plots or attacks, but looking outside the country there have been 39 isis plots or attacks in europe as well as another 25 outside the u.s. and europe and the biggest number. i know we're throwing a lot of numbers at you, but this is important. 40,000. that's the how many people from 120 different countries in total have travelled to syria to try to become isis fighters or help isis since 2011. seven of them were westerners. wow, unbelievable numbers but we wanted to bring you that information as we got it. steve? >> thank you, heather. meanwhile, new details emerging about the orlando killer, more people speaking out about his demeanor. one gave a chilling account to peter doocy last night.
>> he never spoke from when i was there. he laughed when he was shooting inside of the stall. >> was he laughing a lot? was it just -- >> it was just like one -- like a laugh of like satisfaction. like i'm getting done what i came here to do and it's imprinted in my head forever. >> former associations now speaking out as well. one called mateen unhinged and unstable. as we piece together his life leading up to the tragedy on sunday morning. the question remains -- what happened to that guy? to make him snap. fox news medical a-team psychologist dr. keith ablow joins us right now. what do you think? >> well, listen, here's what i think. i think that this country is a beacon of freedom, it will attract people who hate freedom, who hate self-expression. so it's no surprise that people are talking about the fact that this fellow may have had feelings about being gay, may
have hung around with gay men at some point in his life. i don't think that that is going to explain this because after all, we know that certainly other regimes we fought, the nazi regime, you know, maybe they internally were afraid of their autonomy, their liberty, their artistic tendency, doesn't matter. they were the enemy. >> well, what you're referring to is the cover of "the new york post" that said he was gay and apparently his wife said that he admitted at some point that he had gay tendencies. he to be called gay by his -- he had been called gay by his father in front of her. there was a story out there that he used a couple of gay apps. a classmate of his said they went to gay bars together. there's that component which you just addressed. >> sure. >> then that's this, and this speaks to the comments he made where he talked on the phone with the police officers and he pledged allegiance to isis. and he also screamed allahu
akbar, apparently. here's a former classmate talking about what omar mateen did on september the 11th, 2001. >> i rode the bus with him. on the day of the 9/11 attacks, when he got on my school bus, he acted like he was a -- he would hold his arms out to his side and make plane sides and then he made an explosion type of sound and then fall into his seat. on that day he fell into his seat and started to make like screaming type of noises and started to laugh about it and acting like it was a big joke. >> what do you make of that? >> obviously unhinged comes to mind. i worry, i don't want us want to be in denial. this is somebody who took pleasure in killing those with
ideas different from their own. he doesn't care what we think. he doesn't care how we remember him. he cares no doubt he'll be remembered as a freedom fighter taking out 49 great people. we see them as great, he sees them as the devil. right? so that's -- we have to put ourselves in their position and say, how would we feel if we saw a building blown up, right, of our worst adversaries. how did we feel when osama bin laden was killed? we defeated the enemy and he's felt this way for a long, long time. >> after that sound bite from the classmate where he said that he was celebrating, donald trump tweeted out, i thought nobody celebrated on september the 11th. dr. ablow, thank you very much for joining us live today. still ahead on a tuesday, another sickening terror attack and this one streamed live on
facebook. isis took credit. breaking news from paris. and what's being done to keep america's streets safe? homeland security's michael mccaul is here next to tell us. you stay up. you listen. you laugh. you worry. you do whatever it takes to take care of your family. and when it's time to plan for your family's future, we're here for you.
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duracell quantum lasts longer so kevin jorgeson can power through the night. sfx: duracell slamtones a fox news alert. brand new details just in about a sickening terror attack that was streamed live on facebook by a killer. a known extremist who was under surveillance in france stabbing and killing two french police officers, a husband and his wife. >> this all happening right in front of their 3-year-old son. s.w.a.t. teams raiding that house, killing the suspect and saving the little boy. isis claiming responsibility for this. >> all right. that happened in paris. so we are also live right now in orlando. brian? >> right. and president hollande in the
past has no problem calling islamic terror islamic terror. joining us right now president of homeland security, michael mccaul. first off, can you tell us anything that you might know about what's happening in france? >> i know france -- the threat streams against france particularly during the euro cup which is coming up soon has been very severe. we have expected this quite frankly for the past couple months. and i think now you're seeing the start of it. now we're in the season of ramadan which is a holy season for them. and that's typically when you see terrorist attacks being ramped up. >> all right. chairman, you know, as we talk about omar mateen and he -- when he was apparently shooting he was screaming allahu akbar. he talked to the police officers on the 911 phone call and pledged his allegiance to isis. it looks like there some sort of
connection to isis although the president of the united states has referred to it as home grown. how is the homeland security committee addressing the threat main land? >> well, today i'll be moderating a presentation by the secretary of homeland security, the fbi director, national counterintelligence center in a classified briefing before the congress. next week i'll be holding oversight hearings on this case. but the fact is the president seems to always want to down play the threat, calls it home grown violence. doesn't call it radical islamist terror which it is, doesn't want to say there's any form of terrorist organization. >> why is that, chairman? >> i think he wants to down play the threat because he wants it to go away, but the fact is it hasn't gone away and won't go away for quite some time.
you have to define the enemy to beat it. that's a basic military strategist idea. we have to define it as radical islamism and defeat it. we did it with the nazis in world war ii and now we have islamic extremism. he wants to put his head in the sand and pretend like it isn't happening and the fact is that isis -- central isis takes credit for this attack. >> what about secretary kerry saying don't blame religion, warning americans to be very careful when talking about this attack and blaming religion. >> well, i think we have to be careful in our rhetoric and not inflame and help their recruiting, but, you know, the fact is it's a perverted form of islam. which is a religion. and you can't escape the fact that it is what it is. it's radicalized, you know,
islamist extremism. to pretend like it's something else defies reality. >> chairman, i have to ask you too, this guy, this 29-year-old killer, got homeland security cleared. was interviewed twice or three times by the fbi and was cleared. he was able to pass a background check. what has to change about this process? >> well, look, we're going to be doing oversight hearings on the two investigations. one in 2013, one in 2014. he made very inflammatory comments about being a part of al qaeda in 2013. in 2014 he joined his friend, the most deadly suicide bomber in syria who left from florida to go into syria. not like this guy has a clean slate. he as some issues and in addition he travelled to mecca, on two occasions, to saudi arabia.
we want to know about those travels and what he was doing over there and who he met with. so i think there are a lot of unanswered questions. these -- it's a classic case like boston, chattanooga, san bernardino. where after the fact you learn so much more about that person that you wish you knew about before the attack occurred so you could have stopped it. >> sure. yesterday afternoon, donald trump gave a speech in manchester, new hampshire, where he talked about immigration and things like that he promised to enforce his temporary ban on immigrants from terrorist countries. what do you think about that, given what has been happening? >> well, i think you need to stop all terrorist pathways into the united states.
whether that be through more vetting process like what we did with the safe act, that stopped the syrian refugees coming in to the country. we put a pause on that program and the house -- it didn't pass the senate, but we did that. that was my bill in the house. i think we need to look at securing the border, to stop them from coming in. but also in the smart way targeting the threat where it is and making sure that threat doesn't come into the united states. i think mr. trump is concerned about people who are already here who can radicalize and pull off what was now the deadliest terrorist attack since 9/11. >> thank you, mr. chairman. great to you here today. we hope we can get some reforms to stop this thing in its tracks. let's hope you make progress in washington. >> thank you, sir. thanks for having me. >> let's hand it over to heath we are some headlines for us. >> good morning. the attack on orlando may have marco rubio thinking about running for office again. on a radio show yesterday, the florida senator said that he has been deeply impacted by the terror attack in orlando.
though he's recently vowed not to run for re-election, he went on to say, quote it gives you pause to think a little bit about your service to the country and where you can be most useful. by the way, a close friend of his is running for that office and he previously said that he wouldn't take on his friend. we'll keep you posted. a plane basically falling apart, 30,000 feet in the air. look at this. passengers watched this in horror. part of an american airlines cover breaking off, forcing the pilots to make an emergency landing. that flight was from phoenix to san francisco. it eventually returned to phoenix and everyone was okay. an incredible video of a chain reaction crash on a packed highway. the truck on the right tries to switch lanes but the two ended up colliding anyway. the truck flipped over on to its roof in front of on coming cars. amazingly no one was seriously hurt. we are getting the first
look at the hero police officer who took a bullet to his kevlar helmet and take look at that gash on his forehead. this happening in orlando after that gun battle with the orlando shooter. officer michael napolitano one of the 11 police officers who have been identified by their bosses for having saved dozens and dozens of hostages, he has some cuts on his forehead after getting several stitches. his helmet may have saved his life very likely after he was shot at. you can see the dent and the small hole made by the bullet. thank goodness for that. those are your headlines. >> thank you, heather. wow. coming up, brian is standing by with florida's governor, rick scott, who spoke on the phone with someone who knows about dealing with terror attacks. former president george w. bush. >> what was his message to victims? brian is next, live from new york and orlando.
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welcome back, everyone. i'm brian kilmeade, coming to you live from orlando. joining us once again is governor rick scott, as we try to find out -- and for tfirst time i'm talking to you, all the victims' families have been notified and that hadn't happened yesterday. >> yeah, i met with a mom who knew her son had bled to death.
he was in the nightclub and he bled to death. she believes her son was a hero. i talked to a dad and he said this has to stop. we have to think about how we're going to share information, how we're going to destroy isis. i mean, the stories -- i talked to the family who thought their son was dead and just found out he was alive. i talked to a young man who has three gunshot wounds in his back. he's alive. >> i went to the vigil last night. i asked people what is the biggest surprise in the investigation and almost to a person they said that this isis -- this guy was involved somehow was isis, whether he was motivated by the website or the islamic state success, terror hit orlando. president bush called you. what did he say? >> well, he said he and laura were praying for us. and anything he could do, he would love to be helpful.
so -- but he called. you know, brian, here's the deal. if not now, when are we going to take this seriously? this is an attack on orlando, a gay nightclub, attack on gays, attack on hispanics and our country. when are we going to say enough is enough and say we are going to destroy isis, we're going to stop the evil of radical islam. we have to at some point, is 49 enough? how many more can there be? >> you tell that to the people at san bernardino, ft. hood. the people that see the isis threat here and the president of the united states does not see it that way. he was talking about guns yesterday, why is it so easy to get the ar-15 and i imagine that's the topic on thursday. did he call you yet? >> no. the second amendment didn't kill anybody, but evil, isis has killed. we have to stand up for this
country. we have to say we'll vet people before they come into our country. if you disagree with what with what our country believes in why are you allowed in our country? we have 49 people dead, murdered, 43 people in the hospital. i was at the hospital, still having surgeries. they're not sure they're going to live. when do we stop this? >> well, i mean, you know that the fbi talked to him three times. you know as early as tenth grade he was cheering and talking about 9/11. he was able to go that club and for three hours assassinate people in cold blood. >> after the paris attack i was on the call with the white house and i said, will you share vetting information from anybody that comes into our -- you're going to send to my state. they said no. >> you're talking about the syrian refugees that could be coming in our direction that have come here? >> right. the white house said they will not share that information with the florida law enforcement. they said, oh, that -- those people have privacy rights.
still ahead, the mainstream media has never been good at calling out the bad guys. why are they sticking to a certain script when it comes to attacks like this? oh hank, you look red. are you sunburned? no, dory. well, you do look red. i'm supposed to be red. and fish don't get sunburned. what! you're a fish? uhhhh. keep your little ones protected with coppertone kids. see disney pixar's finding dory june 17th. [phone buzzing] some things are simply impossible to ignore. the strikingly designed lexus nx turbo and hybrid. the suv that dares to go beyond utility. this is the pursuit of perfection.
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the mainstream media has never been faster or more ruthless at taking down the folks that they consider the bad guys. unless the bad guys are islamic extremi extremists. look at yesterday's shows yesterday. abc only mentioned the word radical islam exile quoting donald trump. on cbs, only mentioned while quoting donald trump. and on nbc's "today" show, one reporter referred to isis as
islamic extremist group, not the orlando terrorist. so why is the media so afraid to say the "i" word? ashley pratt is the senior political writer for lifezette and she joins us now. good morning, ashley. >> good morning. >> why do you think this is? >> i honestly don't know, ainsley. other than the fact that the mainstream media seems to be taking their cues from the president of the united states who refuses to call our enemy what it is -- radical islamic terrorism. and because of that we are in a dangerous situation. radical islamic terrorists are at war with us and we clearly saw that in the horrific tragedy that happened in orlando. but yet when we have a president and a mainstream media that's afraid to define our enemy who do we how to fight here? instead, we see hillary clinton blaming law abiding gun owners who seek to protect themselves
and that right there is the biggest problem is that we can't clearly define our enemy so who are we fighting and what puts an end to this? >> what needs -- you know, this is a political -- we're in the middle of the election cycle. when you listen to what hillary clinton is saying she yesterday did call it radical islam. then you have donald trump on the other side. you know, criticizing john kerry. kerry is saying don't make this about religion. >> right. i think here, you know, we have donald trump who has been hitting on terrorism for a very long time, since the beginning of his campaign. hillary clinton in one of the first debates when she was actually asked as well as the other democratic candidates what their top three policy priorities would be, national security was not one of them. and now she's trying to talk tough on terror. you can really see the irony in her message yesterday when she
tries to go after this, saying she's going to be tough. she's going to get all the lone wolves that are out there. we need to realize that while there might be some lone wolf incide incidents, radical islamics are terrorizing our country. that's something that americans need to be vigilant about. we need someone to get tough on its, who will call it for what it is. and the media has a role to play in that. they can no longer sit on the sidelines, you know, say we need all the facts in this case. we have seen witnesses and people who have spoken to the terrorists prior to what happened say that in fact they realized what was going on here the whole time. >> ashley pratt, thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you. donald trump tears into hillary clinton link her to president obama when it comes to terror and to immigration. >> she supports so much of what is wrong and what is wrong with this country, and what's going wrong with our country and our borders. >> so is this a preview of what's to come? laura ingraham is here to react to that coming up next.
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♪nbfáñiñrw3 i lost friends. >> started shooting and shooting and started to get closer and closer and closer. >> the music waszv going and th all of a sudden, it stopped. all you could hear was sprays of bullets over and over again. >> he laughed when he was shooting. >> we had bodies piled up on top of each other. i had>.#ver anything like this in my career.e1xdñr >> this killer was radicalized and at least in some'2 but the virus that poisoned his mind remains very much alive.çó
>> last night in orlandot(çóñi brian was, there was a vigil. we heard someçóok of the songs night. >> yeah. one thing about orlando. it's like los angeles inzv a wa. people come from different places to come to orlando. oftentimes you hear, i'm first generation. you got a sense in this area they want to do more than just give blood. they want the terror to stop and they want answers. around that's what we're talking
to about the attorney general, pam bondi, the latest on the investigation. guys, as you know, the president is due down here in 48 hours, but i'm not hopeful he's talking terror. i think he'll be talking guns. >> yeah. probably right. >> we'll see. >> but the question this morning, was thete terrorist wh targeted a gay nightclub, we get our first look inside his house. >> leland vitter is live with the very latest. leland? >> reporter: good morning, steve and ainsley. there's growing evidence to the fact that omar mateen was indeed gay himself. evidently, he went to the pulse nightclub, a number of times. frequented a lot of folks there told "the l.a. times" that they recognized him not only from that nightclub, but also from gay dating apps. specifically one called jack'd he was known to use. his ex-wife also alluded to the fact that he was gay. how that played into his decision to target the nightclub during gay pride month is still
unclear. obtained exclusive pictures inside of his apartment. obviously that's something that the fbi is going to be looking at and seeing what they may be able to find in there. "star wars" bathroom is one thing that sticks out from the pictures. also a number of religious books that were seen there inside that apartment. it looks relatively lived in and while it may have been a somewhat normal apartment, according to his friends this was anything but a normal person. >> omar was severely disturbed. he had anger issues. and the basis of the anger issues was that he had rage towards groups and classes of people. he was a racist, he was a sexist. >> the other thing is being brought up today is disney world and what if any indications there may be on mateen's computers. his cell phones, those kind of thing he tried to target the
happiest place on earth. most well known attraction in florida, perhaps one of the most well known attractions in the world. they're trying to figure out if he cased disney world or aspirations to attack there. whether that came from himself or whether they were directed from terrorists overseas. back to you guys. >> leland, thank you very much. we continue from orlando and now washington, d.c. laura ingraham joins us. she's the editor of lifezette. laura, let's start with what leland just talked about, the cover of "new york post" and drudge right now, he was gay. that according to omar mateen's wife. she confessed he had gay tendencies. she was with him and his father twice and he called him gay. he went a couple of hours away on the east coast of florida to be anonymous where nobody knew him and apparently he used some dating apps -- gay dating apps
like grinder and jack'd. does this change this story at all? >> well, i'm sure a psychological profile will be done by experts of him. one of the interesting things i read this morning was the fact that mateen's wife, ex-wife, said that she was told by the fbi -- i believe that's what the report was in the brazilian media outlet where she gave her interview, not to mention the fact that her husband had gay tendencies. i hope that's not true. i mean, if -- that's an odd thing to say if it weren't true first of all. so who knows? remember the rumors that were kind of quickly dispelled that mohamm mohammed atta one of the 9/11 hijackers was gay? i was watching the frequent club goers on pulse saying they had seen him at pulse and that the idea that he was repulsed by,
you know, two gay men kissing didn't really square with how -- he was walking by people, you know, in an amorous -- in amorous interactions with each other. didn't have interaction at the club. there's a lot of information swirling around that seems to change the narrative a little bit here. i mean, not to say he wasn't an isis sympathizer. he probably was. but there was a lot of other turmoil -- internal turmoil it seems going on with this one individual and a father who in some ways seem to be getting a free pass from the media in his like never ending interviews he's doing who himself seemed to have some, you know, radical views when it comes to the taliban and so forth in previous years. how this all plays into it, we'll see. but we have to think really long and hard in this country before we start bringing in new people from a very different background, very different culture who might be great
people. but when we can't keep ahead of the terror people with native born americans, we can't keep ahead of this and we're dropping hundreds of people a week into the united states in -- who probably haven't been vetted in the way that would make most americans comfortable. it's very tricky. >> laura, donald trump and hillary clinton were talking about the terror in general and what happened over the weekend, yesterday. let's take a listen and get your reaction. >> sure. >> she's in total denial and her continuing reluctance to ever name the enemy broadcasts weakness across the entire world. >> i think trump as usual is obsessed with name calling and from my perspective it matters what we do, not what we say. >> she supports so much of what is wrong and what is wrong with this country. >> all this talk and, you know, demagoguery and, you know, rhetoric is not going to solve the problems. >> she has no clue in my opinion what radical islam is and she won't speak honestly about it if she does in fact know.
>> all right. laura, what's your reaction of them going after each other? >> well, it's not surprising. i think that as difficult as this moment is for america, i think we're going to see in the coming weeks just how hospitable americans are or are not to the idea of continuing to bring in people into the country who we can't rely on the vetting of. i think he's going to the lack of seriousness that he believes the obama and clinton administration had toward this issue. and we had the tsarnaev brothers. we have this. we had major hassan as someone who perpetrated workplace violence, we have hundreds of ongoing investigations, and we have men and women on the ground trying to keep ahead of this,
but with the social media and with internal psychological trauma that some of the young men and women have inside of them, it's a lot for our authorities to try to keep ahead of this. so i think trump is tapping into something that's serious. i think he has to remember though that we have a lot of great muslim americans that are working in police and in communities like minnesota who are trying to do their best to stop the radicalization. i don't want to alienate all of the good folks out there who are trying to really help us. >> sure. >> in this situation either. so i think he's referenced it before and i hope he continues to reference them. because they're really important in this fight against radical islam. >> and i met quite a few orlando residents who are muslim last night, showing up at the vigil to say exactly what you just said, laura. meanwhile, if you want to see a separation between the reality on the ground which is there's terrorists amongst us and what the reality is in washington, no better than the interview i did with governor rick scott of
florida a short time ago. there's a huge gulf of mexico between him and the president. >> has the president called you? >> no. a staffer has called. no. after the paris attacks i was on a call with the white house, i said will you share vetting information with any of the people that come into my state and they said. >> you are talking about the syrian refugees who are coming here? >> yes, the white house said they won't share that information with the florida law enforcement. they said that those people have privacy rights. what about the security rights? if you live in any state, you'll be state. i'm responsible for the people in my state. i'm fed up with our -- with the fact we're not destroying isis, we're not vetting the people or not taking care of our own citizens. >> is that unbelievable, is that unbelievable that a democratic president won't call a republican governor and won't tell them the refugees they're
putting into their states? can you imagine if president bush didn't call new orleans after hurricane katrina? >> remember that chris christie and new jersey decided to opt out of the federal refugee program. we have heard accounts from individuals in rut land, vermont, we have only one mayor who have been alerted to the fact that a hundred refugees dropped in a small rural community by the way, that is struggling in many ways economically. now this from governor scott right after this terror attack? so president obama wants to us he has such a big heart and he cares so much about people. what about these good people now who are suffering in florida as a result of a radicalized individual, may or may have been gay. looks like he was, who was clearly someone who should have been stopped before he got to this point. he can't even make a phone call? he makes a phone call to baltimore, ferguson, and to
trayvon martin's family which is fine. but come on. i mean, this is a community hurting and governor scott is no great fan of president obama's, but this is when he has to put that aside and really work toward healing this and fixing it in a profound way. it's not happening. >> well, you would hope so. >> remember, he's not running for president again. he doesn't have to worry about electio elections. >> oh, yeah. this about hillary, this is a bucket list of keeping a democrat in the white house. i hope americans are caring track of this. we are on a knife's edge and the president throws fuel on the fire. >> all right. thank you, laura. >> thanks, guys. >> all right. let's do some news now and here's heather. all right, good morning, we start off with a fox news alert now. a really disturbing story coming in from overseas this morning. new details just in about a sickening terror attack that was streamed live on facebook by the killer. this comes out of france this
morning. a known islamist extremist who was under surveillance stabbing and killing two french police officers overnight. the attack happened in their home just north of paris. right in front of their 3-year-old son. s.w.a.t. teams raiding the home killing the suspect and then saving that little boy. isis now claiming responsibility for the deaths of those two police officers. stocks surge in the wake of the orlando massacre. shares of two major gun makers in america now up. smith & wesson stocks rising 7%. shares of stern ruger up. the number of people buying guns is expected to increase like after the san bernardino attacks. chick-fil-a standing in solidarity with those in orlando. some employees working on a sunday, a day when the restaurant is normally closed. they chose to cook and deliver food to those standing in line to deliver blood and to law enforcement agents at the scene.
see you back here in 20 minutes. >> thank you very much. still coming up, president obama still refusing to call the orlando tern report attack radical islam. lieutenant peters said the president needs to admit he's wrong. we'll be right back. your heart rate. when you're going up that hill. or holding up that post. or hiking on that trail. baaaaah! that was weird. or you want to know how many calories you burned. when you're doing this. or this. or this. or this. which means, you should probably wear this. beat yesterday with vivoactive hr. from garmin. real is touching a ray. amazing is moving like one. real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them.
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welcome back, everyone, here in orlando, with the florida attorney general, pam bondi, who has been as busy as anybody in america, back and forth with the victims. trying to find out what exactly happened diagonally across from us. thank you for driving down to do this. what can you tell us about the victims in grave conditions? >> they're still in grave condition. the good news is that the 49 who have guyed have been identified. yesterday, we were in with all the family members and i'm headed back there today. we're doing everything we can to to get funeral services taken care of. we're going into this -- we did not realize that so many of these individuals had such limited resources. so i'm going to do everything i can to fight to ensure that they have proper burials, jetblue's been flying in their family members which is amazing. >> a crowd funding website
that's hit all types of records, up to $3 million. i'm sure you'll see that goes to the right people. >> yes. yes. >> what was it like inside this? the whole world is watching to find out what the details of what happened inside there -- to stop the next attack. what can you tell us? >> well, the good news is again all the bodies that were stacked upon each other with cell phones ringing -- can you imagine families trying to call their loved ones, imagine that scene behind us, where family members are trying to call their loved ones and they're dead inside that room. we know that the bodies have been removed. we're going to make sure they're treated with dignity and respect, receive proper burial. >> right. >> but it's an active, ongoing crime scene. the fbi has control of this crime scene. the fbi agents on this scene are doing a great job. >> they are. what led up to that is going to need to be examined too, whether he should have been allowed to get a gun, pass a background check. i think we have to look into that. >> all of that. >> the president will be here
thursday. will you meet with him? what's the communication been like with washington? >> he has had no contact with me, nor do i believe he's contacted our governor at all. if he wants to meet with us, of course we will, he's the president of the united states. we'd be glad to meet with him and brief him and tell him what we know regarding the investigation and my close contact with the victims' families. there's no contact, our contact is with the boots on the ground, the fbi, the atf, everyone working closely together here. no contact with the white house. >> disappointed? >> of course we are. sure. sure. frankly, i believe the president of the united states -- this isn't about politics right now. this is about americans. and i believe he should have reached out the the governor of the state of florida. >> right. >> and he hasn't. and that's not going to stop us from protecting our lgbt community. orlando, and our state. >> everybody, especially with all your refugees here. you know nothing about. this is the fluid scene behind
you. attorney general, the mass media around the governor who we just spoke to. >> yes. >> thanks so much for coming down. we appreciate you informing our viewers about what's going on. >> keep praying. >> yeah. back to you in the studio. >> we'll be back with ralph peters next. why do so many businesses rely on the us postal service? because when they ship with us, their business becomes our business. that's why we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. here, there, everywhere. united states postal service priority: you
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i will suspend immigration from areas wbr-id "wbr86465" of the world where there's a proven history of terrorism against the united states, europe or our allies. when it comes to radical islamic terrorism, ignorance is not bliss. it's deadly. the days of deadly ignorance will end. and they will end soon if i'm elected. there you have donald trump
yesterday giving a speech in manchester, new hampshire, where he talk about immigration and terrorism. let's bring in lieutenant ralph peters, fox news lieutenant strategist. what did you make of what donald trump had to say yesterday? >> i do not support either candidate, let me make that clear. but yesterday was the first time donald trump started to really cohere much of what he said made perfect sense to me. and while i don't support a blanket ban on all muslims coming to this country, you need to slow the train a little bit. we do have as he said a right to know who enters here, and who remains here. that's common sense. i think we have allowed political correctness to trump strategy, national defense and public safety for far too long now. and so i think one of the reasons for trump's appeal is he just -- he just upsets the apple cart. he says things nobody else will say. you know, the em perrior has no clothes syndrome.
>> jeh johnson responded to trump suspending immigration from the countries tied to terrorism. he disagrees. listen to this sound bite and we'll get your reaction. >> i will say that overly simplistic suggestions that we ban people from entering this country based only religion or ban people from the entire region of the world is counterproductive. it will not work. we need to build bridges to communities, to american muslim communities right now to encourage them to help us in our homeland security efforts. >> all right, colonel peters, what's your reaction? >> again, a blanket ban isn't the answer, but open borders aren't the answer either. and the idea that we have failed to build bridges to muslim american communities is absolutely -- absolute nonsense. when you hear politicians, whether it's mrs. clinton or
president obama refusing to use radical islam, it turns into baby talk and it harms our relationships with the islam nation. they're not fools, they're grown-ups. we have to make choices. our ancestors had to make choices. when we went to war with germany, my german american ancestors had who choose, are they germans or americans? and they chose america. most muslims have chosen american and there are some around radical mosques who we're not allowed to surveil, have chosen the shari'ah law. you cannot do that. it's an either/or. you're an either or an american or you're not. i think people like jeh johnson utterly miss the crucial fact that multiculturism doesn't work. ethnic and religious diversity do. but you have to have one culture. values based on our heritage and
our laws. you cannot flout those laws and you cannot change a heritage. >> colonel, the president of the united states is still -- he will not use the term radical islam. however, hillary clinton yesterday was asked on a television show about it and she said, you know, i really don't like to, because she has in the past said because it targets a religion. but yesterday she started using it. it looks like donald trump has forced her into a corner where she's just made a political decision. you know what, i probably should use it. >> i think she made a decision she had to use it and because trump called her out. i mean, the two children running for president keep playing i dare you, i double dare you. you know? it's just sad. but the more interesting thing to me really is president obama. behind that mr. cool exterior, he's clearly a bedevilled man. a psychological complex man to the point where he makes richard
nixon look like mr. normal and there are several factors for why he won't say radical islam. one, his experience as a child, in indonesia, he romanticizing this law. he refuses to accept any facts that portray any aspect of islam, even the wahhabis, and we have a president who can never admit he's wrong. he's so insecure and vain at the same time, and he never says i was -- i'm sorry, i was wrong. he doesn't do it. on top of that, he's a weird case of arrested development. now, most of us might be -- i think we'd be pretty embarrassed if you had film clips of things we said or how we had dressed or looked as undergraduates, but he has a view of the world, that america is the problem and that's all there is to it. it's so astonishingly
doctrinaire and almost two full terms in the white house he won't accept the evidence while not all of islam is the problem. within the islamic world today, shiia, sunni, all the seconds there's a complex multilayered convulsive struggle for the future and fate of that religion. we can't change it. but we have to protect ourselves in the meantime. >> lieutenant colonel ralph peters, thank you. >> thank you. all right, meanwhile, a fox news alert at 8:30. after the terror attack, two police officers were murdered by the isis terrorist who streamed it all live for everybody to see on facebook. the breaking details coming up next. plus, following the orlando terror attack, best selling author brad thor said the issue isn't guns and that's only one way to solve the problem. he's here live next. olay regenerist renews from within...
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8:34 in new york city. breaking details right now, just coming in about a horrific terror attack in france that was streamed live on facebook by the killer. >> the known extremist killing two police officers in front of their 3-year-old son and benjamin hall is live in london with the latest for us. what can you tell us? >> yeah, good morning. well, terror felt on both sides of the atlantic after the brutal killing of the two police officials who were man and wife. and french president francois
hollande said this is terrorism and must be stamped out. it took place after the attacker who had been convicted of recruiting jihadi fighters stabbed the commander outside of his home. he recorded the death live and he streamed it on facebook. three hours later, after a police standoff the home was raided by commandos and his wife was found dead. the 3-year-old son was unharmed but in the live attack the attacker puzzled over what he should do with him. today's news isis cited an unnamed source saying that an isis fighter carried out the attack. the attacker is dead, larossi abballa, his phone had recently been tapped by security forces. a post on took pointed to his ideology, anti-israel,
anti-saudi arabia. so a lot of issues happening at the moment, france is on edge, it's hosting the soccer tournament and hundreds of jihadists have been arrested to prevent this. questions about how a man whose phone was tapped was able to get away with this. >> the president of the united states here is focused on the weapons used in the attack, not the isis links using terms like home grown. what about in france? are they reluctant to say isis? are they quick to talk about the weapons? >> hi, brian. i mean, there's no such reluctance really in europe to address this as it is. europe has quite a history of, you know, radical islam and of course the multiculture nature of france have pointed to that. no, not such a distinction here. clearly labelling as it was and a pledge to the isis and the
roots over here. >> benjamin hall, thank you. i appreciate it. >> let's hand it over to heath we are some headlines for us this morning. new details about the terror attack in atlanta. he laughed as he was shooting, that's one of the new chilling details coming from a survivor of the orlando nightclub bloodbath. >> inside, i was just seeing everyone's face of just genuine fear and terrified. we're trying to be quiet so he won't find us. outside you can hear bullet after bullet after bullet, going off as it got closer and closer to our stall. >> that's norman kaziano, he was shot four times in one of the bathrooms. he played dead, hiding under three bodies for hours. well, great news for the family of an american hero, a judge now tossing out a nearly $2 million lawsuit or an award
in that controversial lawsuit that sparked a whole lot of outrage. a federal appeals court judge rejecting a $1.8 million judgment that had been awarded to the former minnesota governor, jesse ventura. he was claiming he was defamed in the late author's chris kyle's book, but ventura's name was never mentioned in that book. a cop car bursting into flames. an officer tried to rescue a stranded driver and now needs help herself. watch. >> incredible dash cam showing showing the moment a semi swerves into the pickup, setting the cop car on fire. the new mexico officer was trying to jump start the pickup when it rolled back into traffic. no one was seriously hurt. and happy 70th birthday, donald trump. i hope you're hungry for some cake today. look at this. >> a group of die hard trump
supporters in india throwing a birthday party complete with cake, singing and the life-sized poster of the presumptive presidential nominee. the republican nominee. they say they like his tough talk against islamist extremists and call him the future king of the united states. last time i checked we fought against a king. those are your headlines. ainsley, over to you. >> thank you. that's right. president obama talking about the investigation into the orlando massacre by attacking gun laws instead of talking about terrorism and the real issue here. take a listen. >> we have to counter extremism, but we have to make sure that it is not easy for somebody who decides they want to harm people in this country to be able to obtain weapons to get at them. >> is the focus on guns the wrong message to send here or
should the conversation turn to the radical islamic ideology espoused by the killer? here to discuss is best selling author brad thor whose new book there it is, called "foreign agent" and it's out today. thank you for coming in. we hear about how islam is a peaceful religion, but when you talk about radical islam, what should we do, how do you combat that? >> first of all, the president talks about combating islamic extremism. when you have the shooter in orlando, who there are a lot of mental issues there as well. i think we'll find out it's not pure jihad, but with the jihadists who commit the terror attacks they are practicing muslim the way that mohammed wanted it practiced. it's incredible disingenuous of barack obama to say -- talk about the at the gun thing as well because he's doing nothing to combat extremism. ralph peters who i love, he
nailed it years ago in an article where he said, we should be killing not capturing. the jihadists. they are of little intelligence value and we should get rid of them. that's the one-two punch, we need go after the ideology and the united states instead of putting pressure on the islamic world to reform islam gives us longer lines at the tsa, the nsa collecting all the meta data. >> well, the guy the fbi interviewed him is several times. so many red flags, so many people who worked with him, what he said to them. so much hate in his heart. we were talking about waiting in lines for tsa and we're the ones that are waiting these long lines at the airport. but you were talking about and you mentioned this in in the book. 40,000 members of isis right now, how do you stay ahead of them? >> over 100,000 tweets a day. isis is moving quickly. one of the problems in orlando is that at the security company, this guy didn't get fired
because apparently the boss was concerned or there was an idea he wasn't being reprimanded he was muslim. saw that in san bernardino, the neighbors didn't call in the suspicious activity in the garage because they'd be accused of being islamophobic, and so political correctness is the biggest weakness. that's part of what president obama and the democrats in particular need to get over. if we see suspicious behavior we need to fearlessly report it. >> well, they're talking about guns. is it a gun issue? >> no, it's not a gun issue. if not a gun, they'll go for knives. this horrific attack in paris was done with a knife. there are explosives. yes, there was guns in paris in the bataclan, but guns are not the issue. we need to go after the ideology that creates these people. >> brad thor, thank you and grtion on the new book. >> thank you. a war of words between the
candidates. stick around we'll play some of the sound bites after the orlando attack. >> you know, whether you call it radical jihadism or extremism it's the same words. >> should americans be confident about the war on terror? peter johnson jr. is on deck to talk about this and plus in the wake of the orlando attack it is important to remember those protecting our freedom and we are honoring the u.s. army on the 241st birthday. we'll salute them in our plaza just ahead.
with's range of properties, rebel and key can wing it all the way to jordan and chelsea's wedding. rumble! road trip. there she is. uh oh, oh, oh, oh, what? so here is our road trip itinerary. what's this? a bunch of different places... nah, bro. we gotta go off-script. rip to shreds every motel, cabin and teepee, between here and the wedding. now get out of my seat. alright. (screams) road trip! whahhhh hahaha... road trip! you know, whether you call it radical jihadism, islamism, i think they mean the same thing. >> first of all, she said she'd say the words but didn't say the words. second of all, radical islamic
terrorism, she's trying to soften it up. >> we have to go after the radical organizations and hit them hard and make sure it's not easy for somebody who decides they want to harm people in this country to be able to obtain weapons. >> some stark contrasts between the president and the candidates following the attack in orlando. here to weigh in is fox news legal analyst peter johnson jr. he joins us this morning from los angeles. >> good morning, steve. you know, on this day, i'm very confident in the american people. they understand these united states of america. i was moved by the people in orlando, gay and straight people of all types standing together for america. but i'm not so confident about our politicians. i'm kind of getting sick and tired of hearing a lot of their nonsense. especially the fact that these candidates are now fund-raising off this orlando disaster, off this orlando massacre.
everyone has an agenda. the president has an agenda and he wants to talk about gay rights. we understand gay rights. hillary clinton sends out a e-mail and wants to talk about islam phobia to make sure we don't discriminate against muslim americans. we shouldn't discriminate against muslim americans trump is saying that the president is sympathizing with the islamic extremists. should those who have been on watch lists be able to buy weapons like we saw here? should we accept the nra's viewpoint that any constitutional violation with regard to the second amendment will forever hurt us? so should we accept the fact that there will be mass fatalities that we saw in orlando? what happened? did the fbi fail? they didn't succeed in terms of bringing this guy to heel. why did we fail? why are we not picking up on the
lone wolfes as it were that we have identified? we saw that with hassan and now with this animal. as an american, i have a lot of concerns, especially when i hear a lot of nonsense from a lot of politicians and then they're out raising money based on their political message. >> well, that's what candidates do though. but peter, ultimately in november what it will come down to is you're in the voting booth. you have to figure which of those two is going to keep you safe? >> who's going to protect us? now donald trump makes it clear that we need to change the way we're doing things. hillary clinton now based on donald trump's statement seems to have this post massacre revelation that there is something called radical islamic terrorism. although she doesn't call it that. at the same time, starts to condemn countries in the middle east like saudi arabia.
but we never heard a peep from her with regard to that issue while she was secretary of state. so how do we get to this position? what do we do going forward? there's a lot of unanswered questions. the american people are looking for practical solutions. >> you're right -- >> that's what we need. >> peter johnson jr., joining us from los angeles where it is 5:50 in the morning. thank you very much. >> good morning. all right, coming up on a tuesday, it is important to remember those protecting our freedom in the wake of the orlando attack and we are honoring the u.s. army today on the 241st birthday which is also flag day. we're going to salute them on the plaza next. first, let's go back down to orlando where bill hemmer is live at the top of the hour. bill? >> hey, steve. two hours coming up here, more headlines this morning. what we're learning about the killer and what he did in the 50rd and florida -- in the orlando and the florida community and in the years and the days before on this
massacre. we'll talk to billy bennett from the trump team, speak with the fbi. you will hear a press conference from the surgeons at the trauma center up the road here, two blocks away, that are fighting to save lives even today. they will have a press conference live and you will see it in a moment here. see you at the top of the hour in america's newsroom.
♪ today we have our flags honoring the u.s. army on its 241st birthday and the brave men and women who have sacrificed their lives every day to protect our freedom. >> joining us is the 59th superintendent of the u.s. military academy at west point,
lieutenant general robert k. flynn and medal of honor recipient captain florent groberg. a round of applause, everyone. [ applause ] >> you have a cake here to celebrate. >> we're all excited. 241 years. >> amazing. what does that mean to you? >> i came into the army in 1975 and now i'm celebrating the 241st birthday of the army. we're excited about this. >> it's great to have captain groberg here as well because back in 2012, you saved a bunch of lives. >> 2012, you know, worst day of my life. and today, 241st birthday of the army represents some of the greatest individuals who serve our nation. in my case -- >> well, i come from the army family. my dad was in the army. how about some cake cutting, guys? >> we're excited. >> the army has -- between the people of the united states and all the evils that are out there, so it's an honor to celebrate the birthday today. >> all right.
we have the ceremonial sword here. ainsley, do you want to -- >> should we all do the honors? steve, you help. >> all right. >> okay. here we go. >> now, this is a sudden action? >> on three. one, two, three. >> well, we've got the top part. >> there's cardboard i think. >> thank you so much. congratulations. happy birthday to the army. thank you so much to everyone out there who served this great nation. >> thank you. >> we'll step aside, but first, a little more of this. ♪
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and matt leech for doing a great job for producing. i'll be in washington on wednesday, be back with you on thursday. run to ♪ ♪ bill: thank you, brian. fox news alert now. a whole new broadcast begins now. a chilling new look inside the nightclub during the attack in orlando. a young woman posting on snapchat as shots rang out inside. [gunfire] bill: that woman is 25-year-old amanda alvear, documenting what would be her final moments on earth. she's one of the 49 who did not survive the massacre, and her story's just one of so many we're hearing about again this morning. as we say good morning again, split broadcast. i'm bill hemmer back here

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, Aquarium Lighting , Coral Reef , Pomacentridae , Fish Supply , Natural Environment , Reef , Coral , Coral Reef Fish , Stony Coral , Marine Invertebrates , Cnidaria , Sea Anemone , Bony Fish , Retail , Outlet Store , Shopping , Display Case , Boxing Ring , Contact Sport , Boxing Equipment , Striking Combat Sports , Boxing , Office Equipment , Steel , Fashion Design , Boutique , Customer , Film Noir , Employment , Fur Clothing , Museum , Modern Art , Vernissage , Visual Arts , Library , Bookcase , Public Library , Bookselling , Book , Publication , Throat , Hearing , Layered Hair , Giraffidae , Flyer , Chicken , Rooster , Kia Soul , City Car , Hatchback , Mini Suv , Ford Ecosport , Grille , Hammock , Sunset , Branch , Twig , Net , Vegetation , Rainforest , Old Growth Forest , Shrub , Valdivian Temperate Rain Forest , Abseiling , Temperate Broadleaf And Mixed Forest , Temperate Coniferous Forest , Woodland , Backpacking , Plant Community , Trail , Bungee Jumping , Lifejacket , Rafting , Inflatable Boat , Inflatable , Watercraft , Crew , Oar , Sports Gear , Public Transport , Commercial Vehicle , Truck , Van , Car Dealership , Parking Lot , Gmc , Planet , Car Seat Cover , Sidewalk , Taxi , Cab Driver , Fence , Public Utility , Emblem , Symbol , Crest , Military Uniform , Multimedia Software , Education , Hard Hat , Heat , Spring , Magnolia , Horse , Blossom , Magnolia Family , Picnic , Campus , Fungus , Korokke , Cherry Blossom , Orange , Citrus , Still Life , Cutlery , Almond , Granola , Superfood , Lingzhi Mushroom , Medicinal Mushroom , Mushroom , Eating , Popcorn , Amaryllis Family , Cattleya , Moth Orchid , Atmosphere Of Earth , Crescent , Slope , Calligraphy , Coat , Street Fashion , Trench Coat , Collar , Shirt , Dress Shirt , Choreography , Musical Instrument , Reed Instrument , Weapon , Baseball Bat , Trombone , Pantsuit , Professor , Moonlight , Chemistry , Fashion Show , Haute Couture , Mountainous Landforms , Glacier , Mountain , Glacial Landform , Ridge , Valley , Vintage Car , Off Road Vehicle , Off Roading , Range Rover , Volkswagen Amarok , Pickup Truck , Mitsubishi , Ford Explorer Sport Trac , Nissan Titan , Land Rover Series , Jeep , Uaz Patriot , Nissan Patrol , Off Road Racing , Mud , Regularity Rally , Fault , Badlands , Inlet , Waterfall , Dawn , Red Sky At Morning , Ecoregion , Sunrise , Desert , Afterglow , Dusk , Aeolian Landform , Explosion , Jeep Commander Xk , Mini , Dodge Ram Srt 10 , Ram , Lincoln Navigator , Field , National Park , Prairie , Fell , Tundra , Wildflower , Autumn , Freestyle Motocross , Motocross , Freeride , Mercedes Benz Glk Class , Steppe , Pasture , Drawer , Kitchen Stove , Cupboard , Tile , Sink , Chest Of Drawers , Dishwasher , Clothes Dryer , Gas , Scale Model , Conformation Show , Automotive Exhaust , Tent , Camping , Outdoor Play Equipment , Trampolining Equipment And Supplies , Sculpture , Sunlounger , Brick , Deck , Garbage Truck , Construction Equipment , Crane , Recycling , Plumbing Fixture , Home Door , Mattress , Lake District , Cliff , Fjord , Flash Photography , Trampolining , Trampoline , Diving , Springboard , Jumping , Smoke , Precipitation , Bathing , Fountain , Wakeboarding , Pond , Bank , Jacuzzi , Album Cover , Landscape Lighting , Arch , Villa , Hacienda , Weaving , Wicker , Plucked String Instruments , Clàrsach , Acrobatics , Banquet , Rehearsal Dinner , Wine , Meeting , Payment Card , Credit Card , Icon , Bangs , Red Hair , Tongue , Bodybuilding Supplement , Dietary Supplement , Stimulant , Nutraceutical , Pleased , Honda , Security , Baseball Glove , Baseball Equipment , Baseball , Folk Instrument , Accordion , Baseball Protective Gear , Softball , Garmon , Glove , Chainsaw , Tool , Power Tool , Hardware , Outdoor Power Equipment , String Trimmer , Longboard , Chainsaw Carving , Skateboarding , Endurocross , Daughter , Sibling , Haze , Tradition , Teacher , Bus , School Uniform , Collaboration , Interview , Cookware And Bakeware , Nordic Walking , Blender , History , Action Film , Jersey , 3d Modeling , Recruiter , Management , Figurine , Kettle , Automated Teller Machine , Vending Machine , Arcade Game , Video Game Console , Golf Cart , Breadboard , Circuit Prototyping , Circuit Component , Shade , Satay , Pakora , Lumber , Plank , Hanise , Clementine , Pollen , Breakfast Cereal , Fondant , Orchid , Gardenia , Baked Goods , Jasmine , Daitō Ryū Aiki Jūjutsu , Basketball , Medi Cal , Radiology , Dry Cleaning , Cage , Office Supplies , Mixing Console , Cdj , Sound Engineer , Audio Engineer , Electronic Musical Instrument , Slam Dunk , Basketball Moves , Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor , Ford Edge , Ford Motor Company , Wire Fencing , Chain Link Fencing , Zoo , Home Fencing , Town Square , Château , Medieval Architecture , Mosque , Church , Monastery , Synagogue , Honda Element , Ford Crown Victoria , Traffic Light , Ford Freestar , Chevrolet Uplander , Biathlon , Cruise Ship , String Instrument , Sharp , Double Bass , Violin Family , Violin , Bowed String Instrument , Violist , Cello , Violinist , Viola , Viol , Orchestra , Concertmaster , Fiddle , Violone , Bass Violin , Cellist , Octobass , Bassist , Tololoche , Beef , Steak , Brisket , Sirloin Steak , Ribs , Churrasco Food , Kitchen Knife , Roast Beef , Meat Carving , Pork , Meatloaf , Kobe Beef , Pork Loin , Ham , Rib Eye Steak , Chocolate , Turducken , Lamb And Mutton , Red Meat , Local Food , Yakiniku , Corned Beef , Veal , Outdoor Grill , Grillades , Barbecue Grill , Venison , Spare Ribs , Pork Ribs , Iranian Cuisine , Fried Prawn , Pork Steak , Meat Chop , Universe , Nebula , Star , Outer Space , Astronomy , Fête , Celestial Event , Fireworks , New Year , New Years Eve , Neon Sign , New Years Day , Diwali , Requiem Shark , Carcharhiniformes , Tiger Shark , Ice Hotel , Suspension Bridge , Emperor Penguin , Big Cats , Canoe , Pole , Fair , Cool , Pet Supply , Aquatic Plant , Cypriniformes , Iceberg , Sea Ice , Hangar , Warehouse , Attic , Scaffolding , Hall , Transparent Material , Engineer , Blue Collar Worker , Forklift Truck , Metro , Groom , Hyundai Veracruz , Volvo V70 , Spruce Fir Forest , Tropical And Subtropical Coniferous Forests , Vascular Plant , Northern Hardwood Forest , Grove , Path , Hiking , Working Dog , Beer Pong , Racquet Sport , Drinking Game , Freestyle Skiing , Snowboard , Alpine Skiing , Wood Chopping , Logging , Tree Stump , Traditional Sport , Watch Accessory , Buick Encore , Hubcap , Tire Care , Suzuki , Infiniti , Infiniti Ex , Nissan , Kia Sportage , Compact Mpv , Hyundai Tucson , Hyundai Santa Fe , Nissan Qashqai , Nissan Juke , Mazda Cx 5 , Audi , Porsche Cayenne , Steering Wheel , Rolls Royce Ghost , Lexus , Hyundai Veloster , Alfa Romeo , Alfa Romeo Mito , Mazda , Mazda Cx 7 , Volvo Xc90 , Toyota Venza , Kia Sorento , Jeep Trailhawk , Nissanx Trail , Cylinder , Cup , Bed Frame , Bedding , Bed Sheet , Box Spring , Moon , Full Moon , Digital Compositing , Ammunition , Energy Drink , Battery , Astronaut , Captain America , Avengers , Naval Architecture , Jet Engine , Aircraft Engine , Aviation , Aircraft , Flight , Airliner , Airplane , Pipe , Airbus , Paragliding , Powered Paragliding , Parachute , Drag Racing , Fighter Pilot , Conference Hall , Seminar , Loudspeaker , Volvo Xc70 , Food Truck , Light Commercial Vehicle , Ford Transit , Minibus , Tesla , Giraffe , Terrestrial Animal , Safari , Savanna , Scooter , Motorcycle , All Terrain Vehicle , Supermini , Speedboat , Mitsubishi Outlander , Farm , Column , Alley , Prison , Elder , Guitar Amplifier , Dog Agility , Akita , Fox Terrier , Border Collie , Obedience Training , Skateboard , Freestyle Bmx , Skateboarding Equipment , Flatland Bmx , Frisbee Games , Lawn Game , Swing , Baby Carriage , Baby Products , Grass Family , Citrullus , Sled Dog , Siberian Husky , Horse Harness , Animal Sports , Lap , Peach , Liqueur , Wine Bottle , Sauces , Condiment , Syrup , Cheeseburger , Hamburger , Sandwich , Lawn Mower , Open Wheel Car , Mower , Formula One Car , Tractor , Formula One , Steering Part , Agricultural Machinery , Jeep Wrangler , Fire Apparatus , Chevrolet Silverado , Automobile Repair Shop , Emergency Service , Flowering Plant , Cardinal , Taste , Class , School , Academic Institution , Private School , Sports Uniform , Chapel , Cathedral , Aisle , Fire Department , Fire Station , Emergency , Rescue , Paramedic , Fire Marshal , Fireman , Truck Driver , Non Commissioned Officer , Track And Field Athletics , Handwriting , Kindergarten , Watermelon , Melon , Banana , Makeover , Water Transportation , Motor Ship , Ferry , Passenger Ship , Ship , Palace , Channel , Luxury Yacht , Ocean Liner , Barge , Loch , Reservoir , Body Of Water , Duvet Cover , Mattress Pad , Boutique Hotel , Duvet , Pillow , Honeymoon , Romance , Composite Material , Thermae , Opera , Choir , Plantation , Crop , Religious Institute , Unesco World Heritage Site , Middle Ages , Ancient History , Gown , Marina , Dock , Train , Harbor , Yacht , Clock Tower , Village , Fixed Link , Railway , Spider Web , Spider , Arachnid , Tangle Web Spider , Natural Material , Harvestmen , Orb Weaver Spider , Plant Stem , Tread , Synthetic Rubber , Iguania , Lizard , Iguana , Reptile , Scaled Reptile , Chameleon , Iguanidae , Dragon Lizard , Gecko , Amphibian , Sedge Family , Range Rover Evoque , Exhaust System , Audi Tt , Fender , Land Rover , Volkswagen Touareg , Police Dog , Elephants And Mammoths , Cottage , Beige , Hammer Drill , Drill , Impact Driver , Cameras Optics , Camera , Impact Wrench , Screw Gun , Power Tool Combo Set , Single Lens Reflex Camera , Digital Slr , Reflex Camera , Optical Instrument , Binoculars , Digital Camera , Gun , Measuring Instrument , Scientific Instrument , Tripod , Handheld Power Drill , Rotary Tool , Reciprocating Saw , Cookies And Crackers , Biscuit , Cookie , Ritz Cracker , Sweetness , Cracker , Cream , Sunscreen , Plough , Agriculture , Planter , Dirt Road , Shrubland , Strategy Video Game , Mythology , Perching Bird , Riding Mower , Hydrangea , Botanical Garden , Cornales , Annual Plant , Chrysanths , Cafeteria , Cook , Handrail , Baluster , Washing Machine , Laundry Room , Laundry , Oven , Electrical Supply , Electrical Wiring , Electricity , Elevator , Washing , Shower , Plumbing , Tap , Shower Head , Bathroom , Drama , Kiss , Sole , Jack Russell Terrier , Puppy Love , Russell Terrier , Pembroke Welsh Corgi , Welsh Corgi , Christmas , Arena , Statue , Chinese New Year , Baseball Umpire , Coach , Shooting Sport , Trigger , Airsoft Gun , Shooting , Air Gun , Revolver , Automotive Engine Part , Handgun , Lock , Net Sports , Volleyball , Supermarket , Inventory , Gun Accessory , Rifle , Assault Rifle , Airsoft , Gun Barrel , Ranged Weapon , Practical Shooting , Filling Station , Dumbbell , Watercraft Rowing , Slopestyle , Lumberjack , Electronics Accessory , Wedding Ring , Engagement Ring , Eagleray , Electric Ray , Skate , Fin , Erosion , Common Bottlenose Dolphin , Short Beaked Common Dolphin , Beluga Whale , Bottlenose Dolphin , Buttercream , Gingerbread , Hyundai Elantra , Neon , Casino , Slot Machine , Mazda3 , Pedestrian Crossing , Maserati , Volkswagen , Collage , Toyota , Mitsubishi Endeavor , Rv , Trailer , Travel Trailer , Ambulance , Rally Raid , Wadi , Conifer , Pine Family , Evergreen , Fir , Spruce , Cypress Family , Mitsubishi Pajero , Trolleybus , Track , Canyon , Soccer Ball , Soccer , Football , Ball , Kick , Soccer Player , Womens Football , Forward , Soccer Kick , Freestyle Football , Cycling Shorts , Bicycle Trainer , Bicycle Tire , Crankset , Groupset , Bicycle Chain , Brake , Hub Gear , Bicycle Stem , Vehicle Brake , Bmx Bike , Derailleur Gears , Sock , Outdoor Shoe , Athletic Shoe , Sneakers , Cleat , Calf , Plimsoll Shoe , Pilates , Compound Bow , Bow , Fluid , Nail Polish , Solution , Nail Care , Computer Icon , Classical Architecture , Courthouse , Presidential Palace , Byzantine Architecture , Official Residence , University , Seat Of Local Government , Stately Home , Listed Building , Monument , Parliament , Hot Air Balloon , Hot Air Ballooning , Aerostat , Marines , Bmw 3 Series Gran Turismo , Bmw 3 Series , Bmw X5 , Bmw 3 Series F30 , Bmw 5 Series , Bmw X1 , Bmw X6 , Overpass , Subway , Audi A3 , Honda City , Bmw M3 , Bmw 3 Series E90 , Bmw 320 , Automotive Fog Light , Tunnel , World Rally Car , Subaru , Subaru Impreza Wrx Sti , Headland , Promontory , Cape , Klippe , Mount Scenery , Escarpment , Peninsula , Cove , Bmw 335 , Bmw 1 Series E87 , Waist , Feathered Hair , Eyelash Extensions , Cosmetics , Lipstick , Gloss , Manicure , Fractal Art , Vortex , Fashion Model , Little Black Dress , Button , Leather Jacket , Eye Liner , People In Nature , Retirement Home , Air Hockey , Ski Jumping , Whiteboard , Projection Screen , Disaster , Birthday , Birthday Cake , Grapevine Family , Vitis , Grape , Marching Band , Marching , Membranophone , Drum , Marching Percussion , Idiophone , Davul , Coca Cola , Jaguar Xf , Jaguar , Jaguar Xk , Mercedes Benz Slr Mclaren , Audi Rs 6 , Maserati Granturismo , Nissan Gt R , Audi A5 , Pontiac G8 , Bmw M5 , Jaguar Xj , Juicer , Juice , Jumping Into The Pool , Natural Foods , Legume , Salisbury Steak , Carne Asada , Market , Convenience Food , Curry , Burmese Food , Arborist , Carving , Painting , Owl , Guitarist , Guitar , Hobby , Spectacle , Optometry , Guard Rail , Log Cabin , Call Centre , Typing , Software Engineering , Confirmation , Mahjong , Tabletop Game , Microscope , Research , Course , Tutor , College , Ballet , Physician , Medical Assistant , Wind Instrument , Folk Dance , Hand Drum , Funeral , Naval Officer , Limousine , Bodyguard , Present , Pasteles , Anniversary , Air Force , Bake Sale , Metropolitan Bishop , Umbrella , People On Beach , Trunks , Whiskers , Domestic Short Haired Cat , Russian Blue , American Shorthair , British Shorthair , Dog Collar , Toilet Seat , Cable , Hardware Accessory , General Motors , Deer , Arch Bridge , Chevrolet Astro , Microvan , Chevrolet , Screen Door , Door Handle , Security Alarm , Health Care , Picket Fence , Gate , Sleep , Bridal Accessory , Bedtime , Tartan , Plaid , Wool , Nap , Robot , Blue And White Porcelain , Baby Safety , Baby Activity ,

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