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Going over the speed limit and sped up when troopers tried to stop the car. Now the ugly. This 800pound gator met its demise at the hands of floridas farmer who said it was eating his livestock. He will donate the meat to charity. Sounds good. Thank you very much for joining us. Ive been here since 1 00 a. M. Im out of here. A trooper. Fox friends starts now. Have a good day. She is out of here, and we are in here. Good morning. It is wednesday, it is april 6th, im Ainsley Earhardt. The frontrunner falling behind in wisconsin. Ted cruz dominates donald trump declaring the race has been reset. Tonight is a turning point. It is a rallying cry. It is a call from the hardworking men and women of wisconsin to the people of america. So it is a contested convention now is a contested convention now inevitable . On the other side, Hillary Clinton, the frontrunner, got berned in wisconsin. Please keep this a secret, do not tell secretary clinton, but i believe weve got an excellent chance to win new york and a lot of delegates in that state. [ applause ] oh, bernie. She knows. So how worried should hillary be ahead of her home state . The latest home state primary. Wow. Hillarys authenticity problem gets cheesy, literally. The memes going viral. Well share it because we have three hours to fill, and the other anchors have left the building. Mornings are better with friends in steves hands no, no, no, no, no. Well, live from studio e, as in election, its your postgame show. A lot of you went to bed not knowing what happened last night. Were going to explain it to you right now as we get to our top story. An underdog upset in the wisconsin primaries. Senators ted cruz and Bernie Sanders celebrating big wins. The losers of the race had very different reactions to those results. And to prove it, weve booked mike tobin live in milwaukee with more. Hey, mike. Reporter good morning, gang, on a rainy wednesday morning. Everyone is still in the fight. Senator ted cruz insisting that he defy the media and pundits who had predicted that wisconsin would be perfect for trump. He insists that hes on his way to 1,237 delegates before the convention. Tonight is a turning point. It is a rallying cry. It is a call from the hardworking men and women of wisconsin to the people of america. Of the 17 candidates who started this race, a terrific, talented, dynamic field, five have now endorsed this campaign. [ applause ] reporter donald trump not magnanimous this morning, issuing a terse statement that reads in part, ted cruz is worse than a puppet. Hes a trojan horse being used by the party bosses attempting to steal the nomination from mr. Trump. On the democratic side, Bernie Sanders riding his momentum, racking up his seventh win in eight contests. I dont know if the audience here knows it i dont see any tvs here but it has been projected by i think all of the networks that we won in wisconsin [ applause ] reporter the Hillary Clinton campaign had predicted that she could lose in wisconsin. She was considerably more gracious than mr. Trump, issuing a tweet that reads, congrats to Bernie Sanders on winning wisconsin. To all the voters and volunteers who poured your hearts out into this campaign. Back to the republican side. A chief strategist for Governor John Kasich issued a statement saying that this means that none of the republicans will reach the magic number of 1,237, and were headed for a contest in cleveland. Back to you in new york. All right. Thank you, mike. Thank you very much. Amazing to see. To recapping, amazing to see the difference in reaction. I think donald trump and Hillary Clinton legitimately could say wisconsin was going to be tough for both of them. Meet you in new york where theyre supposed to dominate. Now i think that donald trump, i think the antitrump movements getting to him a little bit. Yeah. Well, look at the polls. People thought it was going to be closer than this. Some people were reporting it was going to be neck and neck because democrats were able to vote. Trumps getting a lot of the democratic vote. But it wasnt as close. Trump knew going in that wisconsin was one of his worst states. I mean, wisconsin is a lot like iowa. Thats why scott walker, they thought in the beginning, would do so well in iowa. Wisconsin is so much like iowa. Who won iowa . Ted cruz. Meanwhile, it should take a look at the delegates. Trump has 740. Ted cruz has got 514. John kasich is still technically in fourth place. Marco rubio has about 160 delegates, and john kasich, who is still in, is at 140. Charles krauthammer was on fox and talking about his predictions if there is a contested convention. Take a listen. He has tremendous power over his troops. If he decides to stand up and walk out, 1,000 will walk out after him. If he decides hes going to make real trouble and it will disrupt the convention, i dont mean with violence, but i mean protests, demonstrations, boycotts, you could see that. It will be up to him when he feels its in his interest and when he feels because he reacts viscerally in many ways, when he feels hes been cheated. And if he does, all hell will break loose. I mean, for him to feel cheated is is one thing. I think as he heads to new york and sees if he can keep the momentum here, i think for donald trump, hes got two weeks to have a somewhat quiet week. The last two weeks i think leading up to this were tumultuous between the policy papers, between the interviews that he put out, i think that it was a blizzard. I think its time now to bolster up his staff and start matching the other staffs because ted cruz has been so organized. It reminds me of barack obama in 2008. Well, trump said last night that one of the things he worried is the republican establishment is going to try to poach the nomination from him and hand it to somebody else. Meanwhile, you have Newt Gingrich who says at the convention he thinks the partys going to come together. The washington insiders are different. They are they want the contested convention. They want the chaos theyre not going to get it. Theyre not going to get it . Look, i dont have neither donald trump nor ted cruz will be the nominee yes, i dont know how to say this to my many good friends in washington sitting around in a variety of bars tonight celebrating. Guys, i got to tell you, it aint going to work. A hint happening . It aint happening. Youre either going to get ted or donald. Live with it, and either one of them can beat hillary. And thats good for america. Hes not the only one who said that. Yesterday, priebus said that the winner is running now. He said in the bylaws, if youre up there, youve got to have won eight state. John kasich has won one state. Marco rubio has a bunch of delegates but hasnt won what if you got g one if you go one ballot, two, and youre not at 1,237 . Then i think theyve got to decide theyre deciding, i understand, the rnc meeting in new york this week to decide what these rules are going to be down ballot. Yeah. The likelihood of a contested convention pretty high at this point. We want to know what you think. Write us, friends foxnews. Com. I have Michelle Cline who follows me on twitter, she says we need candidates to pull together. Write us. All right. Tell us, too, if you think its going to come from the big three, or are you looking for somebody to come from the outside. That would be a disaster. Let me say it. On the other side this really is the headline. Remember, Hillary Clinton was supposed to be inevitable. She was going to be it from the getgo. This guy from vermont by the name of Bernie Sanders has stood in her way. She has now lost seven of the last eight primaries. Keep in mind, she is the frontrunner. Casting to doubt her appeal to independents and her ability to energize voters. She lost to barack obama in wisconsin by 17 points in 2007. You know what, yesterday Bernie Sanders won the under 30 voters by a margin of 51. And he knows that he has got her on the ropes. This campaign has won seven out of the last set caucuses and primaries. With your help on saturday, were going to win here in wyoming. Then we are headed to new york. [ applause ] please keep this a secret. Do not tell secretary clinton. Shes getting a little nervous, and i dont want her to get more nervous. But i believe weve got an excellent chance to win new york and a lot of delegates in that state. [ applause ] speaking of delegates, look how close it is. Look at clinton and look at sanders delegates, including the superdelegates. Clinton has 1,743. Bernie has 1,056. Still got a long way to go. In california, for instance, there are 546 delegates including the superdelegates, up for grabs for the democrats. Yesterday bernie won the bluecollar vote, the rural, and benefited from the fact that wisconsin is an open primary and independents and democrats can vote across party line. He got a big independent vote. Independents made up more than a quarter of the democratic vote, and sanders won them by 40 . If youre going to be the president of the United States, youve got to win independents, and bernie beat hillary on that count in wisconsin. The Younger Generation likes him, brian. 73 gave him the vote. Keep in mind, too, how close it would be without the superdelegates, many of which can flip if they feel the momentums going the other way. About 102delegate difference going into new york where they debate on the 14th, where Bernie Sanders was born. Where Hillary Clinton is now headed from a 12point lead to an 8point lead. Even in single digits, you could take it as a victory for Bernie Sanders. Absolutely. On the democrat side as Bernie Sanders says, it looks like it is rigged by the establishment in favor of hillary. And the billionaire class. We hate those people. There you go. Lets hand it over to heather. But a great job thank you. Welcome home. Is this home, is wisconsin home . Both home. Always a midwesterner. It was hard to find hale supporter in wisconsin. Bernie sanders, but not Hillary Clinton. A couple of News Headlines at ten minutes after the hour. Incredible video of a narrow escape in the middle of a raging wildfire in oklahoma. Take a look at this. He needs to get out. I know he needs to get out he cant get out. Come on. Goodness. There was a man inside that, running inside a van, moments before the flames consumed the road grader. He was digging a fire line and got stuck in a ditch. The news crew drove him to safety. Those are the ones who spotted him. The outofcontrol wildfire has burned tens of thousands of acres in oklahoma. Glad that he is okay. One of the Worlds Largest messaging services is now completely private. Its called whats app, operated by facebook. Its providing more than one billion users with endtoend encryption. All messages, photos, and videos can only be read by the sender and receiver, blocking all thirdparty access, including the u. S. Government. This decision comes on the heels of that very bitter public battle between apple and the fbi about customer privacy. And an insane case of road rage near miami turning very dangerous when a driver tries to run a motorcycle off the road. Watch this. The motorcyclist claiming that the car cut him off and then went after him. Wow. The car is seen swerving, trying to run the motorcycle off the road for several miles. Even at high speeds. Driving against traffic. Really . The motorcycle eventually outran that car thankfully, and amazingly, no one was hurt. Crazy in florida. Whoa wow. Unbelievable. And then some sports to tell you about this morning. A fourpeat for the uconn Womens Basketball team. Watch this. Jefferson gets it up in time. She drills the three oh, nice. The huskies go undefeated winning their fourth consecutive ncaa title. They cruised by Syracuse Orange 8251. Guess we cant say orangemen, can we . The 11th championship for coach gino ariama, passing the Legendary John wooden for the most by any College Basketball coach. Ladies, job well done. Those are your headlines. Ill see you soon. The most dominant team in sports. Seriously. All right. 13 after the hour. Coming up, terrorists streaming into europe posing as immigrants. Now weve learned theyre impossible to track. The shocking new problem in the war on terror ahead. And with cruzs big wisconsin win, is a contested convention all but certain for the gop . Our next guest says yes. Not so fast. A deal could be made before cleveland. Nice. Needed Something Else to say besides yes. Los Angeles Police confirmed yesterday that they had to intervene and disperse a crowd helping to ii rappers film an ant two rappers film an antidonald trump video. Were allowed to be d. J. Kasich. I accept im not 22. I accept i do a shorter set these days. I even accept i have a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve problem. But i wont play anything less than my best. So if theres Something Better than warfarin, im going for it. Eliquis. Eliquis reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin, plus it had significantly less major bleeding than warfarin. Eliquis had both. Thats what i wanted to hear. Dont stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. Eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. 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N, and everything we ship has something in common. Whether its expedited overnight. Or shipped around the globe,. Its handled by od employees who know that delivering freight. Means delivering promises. Od. Helping the world keep promises. Its official. Wisconsin is cruz country. The texas senator winning yet another state over donald trump and gaining on the frontrunner in the delegate count. Is a contested convention all but certain . With trump coming in number one and cruz number two. Joining us now is political analyst Scott Rasmussen, founding president of the digital news service sterk. Welcome back. First off, what do you take from wisconsin . I look at the distance of the win this a substantial volcano. Right. This was a big win, 13 points. Bigger than projected. It suggests that a lot of people who do not want donald trump as president or as a republican nominee are coalescing behind an alternative. Its also a tribute to scott walker, the wisconsin governor who strongly backed ted cruz. For whatever reason, donald trump attacked scott walker in his home state. Didnt make any sense at all. He ended up winning the district, donald trump, which is odd because hes a rock star there. One thing cruz has, an impressive organization, were seeing it in the acquisition of unbound delegates where . Right. North dakota, 28 delegates at stake. Ted cruz picked up between 18 and 26 delegates that was just a few days ago. Couple days ago. Donald trump got one. Were seeing the name is colorado. Six scleelected, all cruz supporters. Well see the same in wyoming. Remember, in what i call the primary of the unbound delegates, there are more delegates at stake than in any individual state. Twice as many as california. Looking ahead, two weeks, no debates in between, donald trump needs 50 in new york to be dominant and get all 95 delegates. Dont know if he can get there. Well see how much last nights results affect new york. After new york, it goes to other northeastern states. Donald trump will have a couple of good weeks. After that, the map looks very bad, and it could be that ted cruz will win heavily down the stretch in places like south dakota, montana, and i expect he would win california, as well. He would even though donald trump currently is up by eight in california. Yeah. But what were seeing is a shift in all of the numbers. Look, the reality is nobody is going to have 1,237 pledged delegates going into the convention. There will be a lot of dealmaking and talk beforehand. The nominee will be ted cruz or donald trump. All the other talk is fantasy. Donald trump might have the bigger name, maybe the better message and presentation. The better organization, cruz is better organized. Are you seeing that . Yes. If so, do you think that donald trump could get up to speed quickly . He brought on Paul Manifort to run his delegate effort. A veteran who has a great history in the Republican Party. Hes starting from so far behind, i dont know if he can get there quickly enough. Wow. So its going to be interesting to see. You have hillary with 740 employees and donald trump with 95. And look, face it, you have to say the chances of donald trump being the nominee is below 50 . A big shift. Thank you very much. Thank you. An exciting time. Ten minutes before the bottom of the hour. Ahead, the race for the nomination could come down to one thing what women want, the fascinating results from last nights exit polls next. And look at that monster. How some farmers tracking down a potentially recordbreaking gator who was eating their cattle. Is that real . Hey, need fast heartburn relief . Try cool mint zantac. It releases a cooling sensation in your mouth and throat. Zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. Nexium can take 24 hours. Try cool mint zantac. No pill relieves heartburn faster. What if 30,000 people download the new app . Were good. Okay. What if a Million People download the new app . Were good. Five million . Good. We scale on demand. Hybrid infrastructure, boom. Ok. What if 30 Million People download the app . Were not good. Were total heroes. Scale on demand with the Number One Company in cloud infrastructure. I wanwho doesnt . Ape. So i bike. I get all of my greens. And i try not to faint. This. I can do easily. Benefiber healthy shape. Just a couple of spoonfuls every day means fewer cravings. Plus, its all natural, clear, tastefree and dissolves completely. Its clinically proven to keep me fuller longer and helps keep me healthy inside and out. Benefiber healthy shape. This, i can do. Find benefiber healthy shape in the fiber aisle. Some quick wednesday headlines. A man is thrown from his suv during a Dramatic Police chase in missouri. Dash cam video caught the jarring crash. In seconds, a Police Officer is forced to go from Law Enforcement mode into lifesaving mode. He find the suspect not breathing in a ditch and starts cpr saving his life. In the hunt for this morning, its on for how a popular tourist helicopter crashed in tennessee killing five. The group on a sightsee ride in the Great Smoky Mountains in a chopper built by Smoky Mountain helicopters. Investigators believe just 12 minutes into the flight, the chopper hit a ridge and burst into flames before crashing. The fire destroyed the wreckage complicating the investigation. The ntsb says it could take up to a year to get the answers. Ainsley, over to you. Thank you. Bernie sanders and ted cruz coming out on top in wisconsin. How did they win . Here to break down the exit polls is pollster and partner at milansky and partners, great to see you. You, too. This is fun to look at. As republican women were interviewed as they exited the polls in wisconsin, what did they say . They went for cruz. This is fascinating to me. Ted cruz has not been the candidate of women. What this says is ted cruz has been a candidate chameleon candidate. Once an outsider, then hes become an insider. Hes got all of the insiders coming to support him. Now hes the candidate of women. Been out on the stump talking about how hes a champion of women. Hes really been capitalizing on trumps moment of going against women. And here he is with getting 48 of women went for ted cruz. Wow. What about the very conservative, they were asked if you consider yourself conservative, who did you vote for . What did you find . 65 went for ted cruz. This is a high number though not surprising. The field was narrowed. This was not unexpected. All right. Who did the late deciding democrats vote for . They went for bernie and went in a big way. 65 went for Bernie Sanders. And this should be concerning to Hillary Clinton. What this suggests to me is that the momentum is shifting to Bernie Sanders. I think hillarys likely still going to be the nominee. When you see six of the seven last states went for Bernie Sanders and late deciders, that means people are asking conversations and saying, gosh, whats going on . Who do i like . I like Bernie Sanders when im paying attention, listening to the message out there now and having conversations. That means trouble for Hillary Clinton. This is pretty fascinating. Republicans were asked what your feel regulars if ted cruz is elected. Then they were asking if trump was. What was their response for ted cruz . If he wins . If he this is interesting because 60 say theyre optimistic. 40 say theyre concerned or scared. The complete reverse is true if its donald trump. 40 are optimistic. 60 are scared. What this suggests to me is that donald trump has a ceiling. Its about 40 in wisconsin. He got 35 of the votes which means he got almost all the votes in wisconsin that he could have. What he needs to do if hes going to move forward is start surrounding himself with people and showing that he can overcome the things that make him scared. It means aligning himself with people, what are the fears about . Is that hes too impulsive, that he doesnt have the experience . Is it that hes not deep enough on policies . Hes got to start surrounding himself with people beyond chris christie, beyond carson, that will make him seem more well rounded. I think looking toward new york and the rest of the races that are going to come, well have to start seeing a more wellrounded candidate if hes going to break through the ceiling. New york will be interesting. Weve been saying that wisconsin is cruz country. New york, Donald Trumps from new york, Hillary Clinton claims this is her home state. And so does Bernie Sanders. Yeah. You know, i think that weve got to see hillary and trump win big and win big in new york. Right. This could be a turning point. Well see what happens in new york. Thanks. Coming up, donald trump losing wisconsin with the types of voters hes used to winning. Is he at risk of losing his base . Our Political Panel is on deck and ready to answer that. And the p. C. Police meet the fashion police. Why this gap ad has so many people mad. The Company Actually took it down. Thats next. First, happy birthday to our friend Candace Cameron burre. She is 40 years old. You can do this. By the way, this finger its 90 of parenting. I built my business with passion. But i keep it growing by making every dollar count. Thats why i have the spark cash card from capital one. I earn unlimited 2 cash back on everything i buy for my studio. And that unlimited 2 cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. Thats huge for my bottom line. Whats in your wallet . Ram trucks are reaching new heights when it comes to capability and efficiency. 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I think the people of this country are ready for a political revolution, and if you ignore what you hear on Corporate Media, the facts are clear. We have a path toward victory, a path toward the white house. Are we Corporate Media . I dont know. Ted cruz and Bernie Sanders winning the badger state. 48 to cruz, 38 john kasich in it, 14. Bernie sanders beat hillary with 56 of the vote. Here for reaction, our Political Panel, the Washington Examiner contributor lisa booth along with matt welch, editorinchief of reason magazine and democratic pollster, lisa tarkoff. Hillary clinton had another bad day. Shes lost seven of the last contest. Yet, the democrat establishment is squarely behind her. Shes the one. Yeah, and shes had a string of bad nights. This is a problem for Hillary Clinton. Look, the delegates, the superdelegates arent on Bernie Sanders side. But the enthusiasm is. This is a problem for Hillary Clinton. What Bernie Sanders has been able to do is bring hillary clinton to the left. Name an issue, and Hillary Clinton has flipflopped on the issue. When its criminal justice reform, when its goirj, literally name the gay marriage, literally name it, and shes been on it. This is about principle for Bernie Sanders. For Hillary Clinton, its about winning and not principle. Matt, what do you think about bernies big win . It makes new york really interesting. You talked about how its pulling Hillary Clinton to the left. She was with Governor Cuomo this week touting a 15 minimum wage. Thats bernies issue, not hers. Shes grabbing at any desperately. If she doesnt get new york, bernie has still some kind of path to winning at least a plurality of nonsuperdelegates. That puts the democrats in a bind. What happens if he gets this many more delegates, but the superdelegates win the day. What happens if the Democratic Party has to go undemocratic to decide who gets the nomination . Its rigged heard that before. Jessica, one of the things that works again hillary every week, every contest, trust worthiness. The numberone issue. Bernie in the 80s, she was in the teens. Won 82 , absolutely. The numbertwo issue was does the candidate care about people like me. While she wins the right experience question, that was only 10 of people said it was the most important issue to them. In contrast to what lisa was saying, the enthusiasm, it is with bernie. I would say the momentum is here. We never talk about the fact that bernie is winning open contests. In new york, its only democrats voting for her. Democrats love Hillary Clinton. I would add he doesnt highlight the fact that his message is not resonating with minority voters. I mean, the ratio, polling over 70 of the africanamerican vote time and time again. When he says this is a message for the country, it isnt. I think thats important as you move into the diverse states. Lets talk about donald trump and ted cruz. And last night, ted cruz won substantially in wisconsin. Donald trump knew going in wisconsin was going to be one of his worst states, and he was right. Wisconsin was a mixed bag for donald trump. The Ted Cruz Campaign to their credit did a good job about making wisconsin a referendum on donald trump. If you look at the polling, the majority of Republican Voters were concerned about a donald trump presidency. And three quarters went to ted cruz. He did a good job making this referendum on donald trump, and he also was a testament to the organizational structure of his campaign. However, i think its important ton overstate it. Then you head into new york on april 1th in a series of northeastern states where donald trump could do quite well in. And its not just new york that looms large, your home state of california, the two big states could actually throw this into complete chaos. Yeah. God help the rest of the country. Theres a reason why both states push through a 15 minimum wage this week. Since these states are in play, youre going to see weird policies coming through. It will happen more on the democratic side than the republican side. The fact that these places matter, and my liberal friends thinking that california and new york might push donald trump through to the finish line, its going to make their heads explode. Jessica . My heads exploding for sure. No, i agree with what everyone said on the panel. I would add that i thought the most interesting exit poll on the republican side was at 62 of gop voters said they would back donald trump if he was the nominee. And the rest didnt. 10 said they would break for Hillary Clinton. Similar for ted cruz. These are still not palatable nominees. I dont think john kasich can pull it out. These guys are not theyre not popular in a way that you want going in with a general election. Hillary clinton isnt either, though but people are energized, people turning out in great numbers. Hillarys voters, according to the exit polls, she won 65 and older by 20 points. Bernie won 30 people under 3051. Which is ironic. Hes 74 years old. And if if he was to win the general election, would be the oldest president to serve in the United States. His message is potent. Free everything. Yeah. Everyone loves santa claus. I think its not just that. I mean, when you look at the fact that Bernie Sanders isnt winning his own generation, which is incredibly strange i was talking to my babyboomer father. He was like, why is this happening. Its because we lived through mccarthyism, we lived through the vietnam war. We know that we want practicality at this point. I know its not sexy to say, hey, im the practical candidate, but she is. She has the right experience for the job. I think at the end of the day that will resonate. She has over 2. 5 million more votes than him. Why doesnt that count for something . The republicans have a problem that Hillary Clinton doesnt, the stayathome problem. If either of the republican frontrunners wins, theres going to be a lot of republicans who stay home or Vote Third Party or vote for Hillary Clinton, god help them. Hillary clinton, if she wins, the sanders voters will come along. They will show in. Matt, a question. Why is john kasich still in the rac race . God knows. I think he wants to win the badge of i stayed in longest, i didnt quit. Perfect attendance. Hes going to play a key role in new york because in new york hell do better here than ted cruz. It matters how well you do at preventing donald trump from getting 50 . Enthused prize hell serve a purpose hoo thats the prize. He will serve a purpose here. He hadnt won a contest since ohio. Stick around. Come back in a couple of hours. Well be here. 20 minutes before the top of the hour. Heather joins us with the news. Reporter good morning, good morning to all of you. A terrifying new report to tell you about this morning that confirmed some of the thins that protesters have been fearing. Terrorists taking advantage of the syrian migrant crisis and then passing through security gaps along the european border. In the report, the e. U. Reveals that it has no idea how many migrants have crossed into europe and that theres really no way of tracking them. Another big fear, the Staggering Number of europeans who have traveled to syria to join isis and who are now trying to get back into europe. Back here at home, this had an official campus, a crest, and even scoot president. The university of even a school president. The university of northern new jersey was a total fake from the very beginning. The feds creating the school three years ago to bust a phony visa ring. Now 21 people are under arrest. Theyre accused of taking money to help more than 1,000 people illegally obtain student visas. Officials say none of the socalled students appeared to pose a threat to the United States. Many of them, perhaps not all, will be deported. And do you think that there is anything wrong with this ad . Well, the p. C. Police does. And they are now calling on gap to pull this kids ad. The photo was taken for ellen degeneres kids line. Shows a black girl next to a white girl. The white girls resting her arm on the black little girls head. The ad was called racist by some twitter users. Gap apologized, even saying it would take down the photo. Its still up. Heres an ad from july, 2015, nobody thought that was a big deal when the roles were reversed and a little black girl had her arm on the little white girls head. What do you think . And have you ever seen anything like this . This is real, and it is an 800pound alligator meeting its demise at the hands of a florida farmer who says it was eating his livestock. Look at that thing right there as we just pan up. Enormous. There was the farm owner out out west farms, the name of it, in okeechobee. Its set to find out the 15foot it set to find the 15foot people and kill it. He says hes donating the meat to charity. All right. Those are your headlines. What do you can eat it. Why couldnt you put the alligator in the zoo . Probably 100 years old. Its wild. But it was eating all of the cows. One at a time. Get new cows. Get new cows. Yeah. New cows. Do you want the alligator . Should we arrange for that . Not anymore. Hes dead. There are a lot of gators in florida, maria. Reporter back yards, roads, if you have a pool, its likely in your pool. Yeah. A lot gators across florida. We want to head farther north and talk about michigan. Out there, we have a storm system thats rolling through early this morning and bringing in snow. It will be accumulating with several inches that are expected. We have Winter Weather advisories in effect. And they also include minnesota and wisconsin this morning. Temperatures ready of the system across new england are cold. Even in new york city, youre at 30 degrees, chilly. 20s for you in boston and burlington, in the teens. You factor in the wind, and some areas feel colder than what the thermometer reads. Across parts of the southwestern u. S. , we have temperatures heating up into the 80s and 90s. Lets head inside. All right. Good deal. Thanks. Let me tell you whats coming up next as we move ahead on this post election coverage from wisconsin. Its been the centerpiece of his campaign since day one. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and i will have mexico pay for that wall. Now president obama want to chime in on Donald Trumps immigration plan and wall plan. A live report from washington next. And nobody saw this coming the scandalplagued external held in contempt of Congress Says democracy is being stolen. Vo across america, people are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes with noninsulin victoza®. For a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar. But it didnt get me to my goal. So i asked my doctor about victoza®. He said victoza® works differently than pills. And comes in a pen. Victoza® is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. Its taken once a day, any time. Victoza® is not for weight loss, but it may help you lose some weight. Victoza® works with your body to lower blood sugar in 3 ways in the stomach, the liver, and the pancreas. Vo victoza® is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. It is not recommended as the first medication. Victoza® has not been studied with mealtime insulin. Victoza® is not insulin. Do not take victoza® if you have a personal or Family History of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza® or any of its ingredients. Symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include itching, rash, or difficulty breathing. Tell your doctor if you get a lump or swelling in your neck. Serious side effects may happen in people who take victoza®, including inflammation of the pancreas pancreatitis . Stop taking victoza® and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back, with or without vomiting. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. Taking victoza® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. The most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. Side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. If your pill isnt giving you the control you need ask your doctor about noninsulin victoza®. Its covered by most health plans. A quick look at political headlines now. Our democracy is being stolen. Thats what former u. S. Attorney general eric holder tweeted out yesterday. He was angry over new voter i. D. Laws and long voting lines. Twitter users pushed back saying massive voter turnout is a good thing for democracy and i. D. Laws are common sense. Would you eat ice cream named for Hillary Clinton . One democratic senator is pitching that idea. Californias Barbara Boxer wants ben jerrys to make historic raspberry chocolate. This is what it would look like. She even showed it jerry himself. Boxer says hell use his best ice cream judgment. He was a sanders guy. Right. Let me tell you what else is going on. It has been Donald Trumps Campaign Promise since day one. I will build a great, great wall on our southern poureder, and i will have border, and i will have mexico pay for the wall. People saying, how would you do that. Hes vealing that. And president obama hes revealing that. And president obama speaking out on that. And peter doocy live in d. C. With the latest. Good morning. Reporter good morning. Thats right, the thing that made trump so popular initially with primary voters, the wall between the u. S. And mexico, not such a hit with president obama who admit at the white house yesterday he is very familiar with the finer points of trumps plan to make mexico pay for that wall by making it illegal for immigrants in this country to send money to relatives south of the border. The notion that were going to track every Western Union bit of money being sent to mexico, you know, good luck with that. President obama then took his critique a step further, guessing that if people in mexico stopped getting money sent to them by relatives in the states known as remittance s, then the mexican economy would crumble, and even more mexicans would enter this country illegally. We also learned yesterday that president obama is apparently talking trump with a lot of World Leaders who he says are constantly calling to ask him questions about his proposals that they have heard about. The president said he thinks ted cruz has draconian ideas about immigration but did not mention the other republican running, Governor John Kasich. The president s remarks about his disagreements with donald trump came just minutes after the president announced new steps his administration is taking to stop American Companies from setting up shop overseas for tax purposes. That is somewhat ironic because stopping those corporate inversions is a centerpiece of the trump platform. Back to you. Thanks. One of the reasons why he would stop it is he would stop it because hes going to lower the Corporate Tax so people wouldnt have an incentive to move over. That would be interesting, rather than punishing people for doing it. That should be the top of everyones list in my opinion. Small business, my friends that have small businesses, its very expensive. There needs to be an incentive for them to keep jobs in america. Right. Heres a newsflash, the tax system in this country is screwed up. Right. Just saying. 100 . Somebodys got to do something. Coming up on this wednesday, donald trump and ted cruz wedne donald trump and ted cruz say theyre the best candidates to beat Hillary Clinton but a brandnew poll out moments ago says they could be wrong. Well break down the numbers from a key state, straight ahead. And cheesy, Clayton Morris is here with the 2016 memes going viral this morning. Bringing in some cheese whiz. Youre not gonna watch it no, youre not gonna watch it we cant let you download on the goooooo youll just have to miss it yeah, youll just have to miss it we cant let you download. Uh, no thanks. I have x1 from xfinity so. Dont fall for directv. Xfinity lets you download your shows from anywhere. I used to like that song. Rethink. Reimagine. 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Its time to take a closer look. Well, it was a very busy night for social media with wisconsin primary trending on both facebook and twitter. What else is trending . Clayton morris has the breakdown. You had something ricochetting, votes were being stolen. Yeah, a fake news story. You say, wait a minute, breaking bad is coming back to television . No, Trump Supporters in wisconsin were seeing their votes switched by mysterious operators over to ted cruz. So the people were panicking and calling up local stations and calling Police Departments and saying, wait a second, i learned on facebook that my vote was switched to ted cruz. That did not happen. It was a fake news story. One of the abc affiliate said they were flooded with phone calls and they said, no, this is a fake news story. Its called united media publishing, fake news site. Ignore it. Like the onion. Not a reason to call 911. No. But cheese might have been last night. Its the dairy state. Of course. So everyone was comparing the candidates to different blocks of cheeses last night. They put up Bernie Sanders as a block of cheese next to Hillary Clinton as an imitation choice for cheese. Cheese whiz . Today is your day, wisconsin, make a vote for Bernie Sanders. This was retreated and shared all over social media. What is your cheese of choice . Cheese whiz. Directly from the cow to the canister. When youre 5 years old thats your favorite. Anything kraft i like. Comparing the candidates. Last night, donald trump had a bad night not only in wisconsin from the delegate count and voting, but also for supporters checking on social media look at this. This was the first time in the entire caucus or primary season that donald trump lost the Google Search trends last night. In wisconsin. In wisconsin. To ted cruz. But it is a harbinger of things to come in the northeast states. People jumping on social media were more interested in finding out about ted cruz in wisconsin than they were about donald trump. Thats the question s this race a turning point . We have to see. He did he did peak at 8 00 p. M. And then donald trump went back back back up again. I was surprised it was called so early. Right. It was pretty easy. All right, clayton, thank you. I left some cheese whiz in the greenroom for you. You seem like a velveeta guy. Anything spreadable. He said that donald trump could win wisconsin thanks to his silent majority, but that didnt happen. Is trump losing his base . Or is this just one fluke of the race . Well talk to sean duffy. Hell join us live in the next hour. And Charlize Theron complaining about not getting good roles in hollywood because shes too hot. Its not easy being drop dead gorgeous. Hollywood is bias against it. Youre preaching to the choir here. Amazin prune juice to stay fit on the inside . Its made only from prunes, nothing else. Its a natural source of fiber and five essential vitamins. Amazin prune juice and amazin prune light. From sunsweet, the feel good fruit. And i didnt get here alone. There were people who listened along the way. People who gave me options. Kept me on track. And through it all, my retirement never got left behind. So today, im prepared for anything we may want tomorrow to be. Every someday needs a plan. Lets talk about your old 401 k today. What knee pain . . What sore elbow . Advil liquigels make pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain . Advil. Good morning to you. Its wednesday, april 6th. Im Ainsley Earhardt. The frontrunner falling behind in wisconsin, and ted cruz dominates donald trump declaring the race has been reset. Tonight is a turning point. It is the rallying cry. It is a call from the hard working men and women of wisconsin to the people of america. So is a contested convention now inevitable . Meanwhile, on the other side, Hillary Clinton got burned by bernie in wisconsin. Please keep this a secret. Do not tell secretary clinton, but i believe weve got an excellent chance to win new york and a lot of delegates in that state. [ cheers and applause ] oh, man, if that happened, her goose would be cooked. How worried should hillary be ahead of her home state latest home state. Her goose would be burned. Absolutely. Somebody help. This is an emergency. Charlize theron devastated, no one in hollywood will hire her because shes just too hot and tall. Hmm. Breaking news. Please get the violin. Exactly. Mornings are better with friends. Good morning. If you are just waking up and you dont know the results, we have them for you. Lets get right to that top story and an underdog upset in the wisconsin primary. Yes. Spoiler alert. If youre wait if youre taping the show and you want to watch it later. Senator ted cruz and Bernie Sanders celebrating big victories but the losers had different reactions to the results. Mike tobin is live in the capital of milwaukee, wisconsin, with the very latest with the very latest on packerpalooza. Reporter good morning, gang. The immediate result of the upsets last night is that everybody including Governor John Kasich is still in the fight. Senator ted cruz insisting that what he did last night was defy if media and the media and the pundits and he said hell rack up the 1,237 delegates needed before the gop convention. Tonight is a turning point. Is the rallying cry. It is a call from the hard working men and women of wisconsin to the people of america. Of the 17 candidates who started this race, a terrific, talented, dynamic field, five have now endorsed this campaign. [ applause ] reporter donald j. Trump issued a terse statement that reads in part, ted cruz is worse than a puppet hes a trojan horse. Being used by the party bosses attempting to steal the nomination from mr. Trump. Now over on the democratic side, senator sanders riding his momentum racked up his seventh win in eight contests. I dont know if the audience here knows it, i dont see any tvs here, but it has been projected by i think all of the networks that we won in wisconsin. [ cheers and applause ] reporter now the Hillary Clinton campaign predicted she could lose wisconsin. She took a much more gracious approach than trump, tweeting as follows. Congrats to Bernie Sanders on winning wisconsin. To all the voters and volunteers who poured your hearts into this campaign. And heres little election nugget, tiny little efrahm, wisconsin, voted last night to allow booze. There you go. Times theyre achangin. Bring in the distillery and some of milwaukees best. There you go. You know, okay, so donald trump finished second yesterday in wisconsin. He knew going in that wisconsin was one of his worst states. Surveys in fact going back into the fall showed for the most part that he had support in northern wisconsin but in the reddest counties around milwaukee, not so much. And when you look at the various issues, i mean, what is he number one on . Immigration. That finished at only 5 according to the exit polls. You know, also trade and immigration, not big in wisconsin. Wisconsin voters said theyre concerned about government spending. The economy. And terrorism and on those issues they felt cruz was number one. He said he didnt expect to win, he thought he might, but he knew he was behind. It was like iowa and wisconsin. Cruz won iowa and cruz was supposed to win wisconsin. Cruz won by 13 points. The gap was a lot wider than what we were all predicting it was going to be. The question is is this an indication Going Forward into new york in two weeks or is it just the fact that thats cruz country . One off . And trump didnt have the smoothest week and it wasnt a state built for him. Ted cruz got a republican governor, Governor Walker with his huge machine. As someone brought up yesterday, i forgot who, if cruz gets the nomination, that was the pairing. That was rudy. Yeah. Still a substantial lead for trump 740 to 514 and kasich at 143. Hes still trailing marco rubio, so Scott Rasmussen said lets look what the map has coming up and long term. Not that smooth for either candidate. After new york it goes to other northeastern states. Drumg will have donald trump will have a couple of good weeks but after that, the map looks very bad. It could be that ted cruz will win in south dakota, montana, and i expect he would win california as well. The reality is, nobody is going to have 1,237 pledged delegates going into the convention. There will be deal making and talk before hand. But the nominee will be either ted cruz or donald trump. All the other talk is just fantasy. If you add up all the numbers, trump could pull this out if he gets all of the votes from here on out going into june 7th. All the delegates, yes. In the 60s i think ted cruz might be above 100 . 100 . Because i added up his numbers, even through every single primary we have left, he cant win. And she did it in long hand. God bless her. I did. Carried the one. Can you work on my taxes after the show . Absolutely. So we asked you, were you cool with the idea of a contested convention . Were you cool . That was the question. Herb said this about it. Contested conventions are more the rule than the exception. Ronald reagan had a contested convention. Abraham lincoln had one as well. I heard a statistic i want to say it was on Rush Limbaugh last week when i was driving around in the car. I think he said of the last ten contested conventions, the people who were the frontrunners were only nominated i want to say three times. Three out of the ten. Correct. Thats correct. And steve asked are you cool with it, i said are you groovy with it . If no candidate gets 1,237 it goes to the floor vote. Thats the rule. Trump doesnt get to demand his own special rules. Thats the rule. Hes right. Branded in politics, he says it all the time. He can set up an organization. He does it all the time. He has some time to set up the organization which hes beginning to do to accumulate delegates along the way and of course in july when we go to the convention. So then i asked frank, is this awesome or just a bummer . And he says if the gop wants to keep me in the party then dont fool with cruz or trump getting the nomination. Okay. Thanks to all who wrote in. So regarding the candidates, you know, and the people who did the voting up in the dairy state of wisconsin, we had the exit pollsters out. And they asked some people out of the polling places who did you vote for and stuff like that . Of the women on the republican side, 48 of them voted for ted cruz. Donald trump, 35, john kasich at 15. I wonder why that is, is it the Michelle Fields thing that played in there . Is it what abortion . Or is it just women in that state, they really like ted cruz . I mean, whos to say they changed their mind after that. Next time you go with the clipboard and ask them. Id love to do that. Im fascinated with all this. Shed ask you everything. We have this question on the exit polls how worried are you in the direction of the nation . 65 very worried. 29 somewhat worried and 1 freeze get out of my way. Then they were asked about the feelings about the way that the federal government was working. 56 was dissatisfy and 32 said they were angry. 8 satisfied but not enthusiastic and 2 enthusiastic. So that was like more than 80 saying they werent happy with the direction of the company. I think the headline there is what 2 are enthusiastic about the way that the government is working . Good point. High fives, everybody. So this really is the big story. Donald trump knew going in that wisconsin was not good for him. Hillary clinton is the frontrunner on the democrat side. You pick up the papers in new york city shes the one whos going to be the one. Shes lost seven of the eight contests to the socialist to vermont. Can you imagine if Elizabeth Warren was running . Who has the same ideology as Bernie Sanders . Shed be losing right now. You know what, Bernie Sanders is getting the message to his voters and the public in general. Hillary clinton has got a problem. Him. This campaign has won seven out of the last eight caucuses and primaries. With your help on saturday, were going to win here in wyoming. Then we are headed to new york. [ cheers and applause ] please keep this a secret. Do not tell secretary clinton, shes getting a little nervous and i dont want her to get more nervous. But i believe weve got an excellent chance to win new york and a lot of delegates in that state. And by the way he won hes right. With 56 of the vote as opposed to Hillary Clintons 43 of the vote. Theyll debate on the 14th and of course i know this is so different. Look at the super delegate count. Because of the super delegates. The super delegates in the darker blue on her column. Right. Thats true. All right. This reminds me though of 2008. I thought she was going to do well and then barack obama comes in. People didnt know much about him and then he obviously wins. I wonder if thats going to happen here. For her it was deja vu all over again because barack obama beat her in wisconsin by 17 points. Now the socialist from vermont beat her a lot. Whos earning a lot of money from people around the nation. Hi, heather nauert. Hi, Brian Kilmeade and hi, steve. Good not to work to serve breakfast first. Exactly. I have unbelievable video to show you of an out of control wildfire as it burns in oklahoma and this video shows one mans narrow escape from the flames. Watch this. He needs to get out. I know he needs to get out. He cant get out. Well, there he runs to safety inside a news van just moments before flames completely consumed the road grater. He had been digging a fire line. The news crew drove him home to safety. The raging wildfire has burned tens of thousands of acres in oklahoma. An illegal immigrant could be charged in a crash that killed a volunteer firefighter and his two Young Children in texas. Police say Margarito Quintero swerved into oncoming traffic and slammed head on into captain peter hackings car. Quintero was arrested and deported back to mexico in 2008. He did not have a drivers license. Hacking, his 4yearold daughter and 22monthold son died. Quintero is in critical condition. If he survives hell now face homicide charges. What a heart breaking story. A retired u. S. Marine corps dog receiving top honor for her brave military service. Lucca completed more than 400 missions in iraq and afghanistan after losing a leg while she was hunting for homemade bombs. Listen. Thats amazing, to see all the hard work and the hours and hours of training, to use. Lucca had her first find of and ied and saved my life for first time. What a sweet dog. Not one marine was killed during luccas bomb sniffing patrols. German shepherds are the best. Those are your headlines. My great pyrenees heard you say that. Sorry, great pyrenees. How many do you have . Three. Three. Thank you, heather. Coming up, terrorists are streaming in to europe, posing as migrants. And now we have learned theyre impossible to track. The shocking new problem in the war on terror coming up. He said that trump could win wisconsin thanks to the silent majority, but that did not happen. Is trump losing his base or one fluke of a race . Wisconsin congressman sean duffy who looks exactly like that, comes up live. This just got interesting. Why pause to take a pill . 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And oralb delivers a clinically proven superior clean versus sonicare diamondclean. My mouth feels super clean oralb. Know youre getting a superior clean. Im never going back to a manual brush. To put in dr. Scholls active series insoles. They help reduce wear and tear on my legs, becuase they have triple zone protection. And reduce shock by 40 . So i feel like im ready to take on anything. The folks do i dont care about ideology, i care about my family, i care about america. Leave the ideology aside and fight for me and our country. And thats why you see him getting so much support. Not just in wisconsin, but across the country. That was republican congressman sean duffy of the state of wisconsin, referring to the socalled silent majority supportering donald trump in wisconsin. So were they last night and what do wisconsins results mean for trump Going Forward . Joining us right now is congressman sean duffy of wisconsin. Good morning to you, congressman. Good to see you. What do you make of good morning, steve. What do you make of the result for donald trump yesterday in wisconsin . Well, if you look at the wisconsin map, he did very well in central and northern and western wisconsin like we anticipated. But were more rural part of the state. So that wasnt enough votes to carry him across the line. If you look at the wisconsin map, its the eastern side of the state, the more popular side of the state that ted cruz won. This is the home of the wisconsin conservative talk radio. The guys that are part of the never trump movement. And they were i mean, really effective in talking about how donald trump wasnt a true conservative and ted cruz was the only one left standing who would carry their conservative principles and ideas to washington should he win. Thats how the map kind of broke down. And okay. Steve, theres another point in wisconsin. Thats a little more wealthy part of the state that eastern side. Yep. Our part of the state, they have been left behind in this obama economy. Theyre concerned about their family and their economics and their paychecks and i think thats why they looked to donald trump and his strong leadership and his ability to lead the economy forward and improve their financial standing. Okay. Going forward, sean, what should trump learn from what happened in wisconsin as he goes forward into pennsylvania and new york state . Well, if you have a popular governor and his reforms are popular, dont hit him. Thats stupid. We love scott walker and we love scott walkers reforms. I think that was the biggest point here in wisconsin. That took trump down, which was, you know, he attacked the successful reforms of walker. But moving forward, he has to he has to broaden his base. You cant exclude women. Stop hitting megyn kelly. Stop attacking the female population. You have get more than 35 of the female vote. And you have to broaden your base outside of those who make less than 50,000 a year. You have to broaden your appeal. And donald continues to tell us that hes going to do that. But now is the time. If hes going to actually be successful moving forward. Right. I thought one of the more interesting stories last night was Bernie Sanders. I mean, he won lot. He won all but three counties in wisconsin. The fire and the bern is with bernie moving forward and hillary will have a tough convention. Youre right about that. Sean duffy, thank you for joining us live. Hey, thank you. All right, meanwhile coming up hes been labeled a racist and a bigot for his plan to fight terror, but he says they have it all wrong. Former nypd detective bo dietl is here to set the record straight. Come on in, bo. There it is. This is where i met your grandpa. Right under this tree. man some things are Worth Holding onto. Theyre hugging the tree. man thats why we got a subaru. Or was it that tree . man the twentysixteen subaru outback. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. You premium like clockwork. Month after month. Year after year. Then one night, you hydroplane into a ditch. Yeah. Surprise. Your Insurance Company tells you to pay up again. Why pay for insurance if you have to pay even more for using it . If you have Liberty Mutual deductible fund™, you could pay no deductible at all. Sign up to immediately lower your deductible by 100. And keep lowering it 100 annually, until its gone. Then continue to earn that 100 every year. Theres no limit to how much you can earn and this savings applies to every vehicle on your policy. Call to learn more. Switch to Liberty Mutual and you could save up to 509. Call Liberty Mutual for a free quote today at see Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. It is time for your news by the numbers. The delegate addition. Heres where the gop race stands Going Forward. There are 18 states and a total of 810 delegates up for grabs for the republicans. The next contest colorado followed by wyoming and then new york. 1,237 thats the magic number needed to secure the republican nomination and there were some crucial states left including the 95 delegates that are up for grabs in the empire state. Then thats california with 172. Brian and bo . Thanks a lot, ainsley. 24 after the hour. When it comes to bringing down terror groups former detective extraordinaire bo dietl has been under fire for excepts like this. These are the same attackers that attacked six months ago in paris. Theyre within the same block radius. All they had to do was put surveillance on the people over there and they would have found out whats going on. They could have sent in undercovers in there. A lot have criminal record, that these little punks. Bo dietl said his comments are being misrepresented and he said muslims are the best antiterrorist deterrents. If you want to crack down in the muslim neighborhood your best asset is . The Muslim Americans. Its the same thing, if were infiltrating the italian mobsters hanging out in the italian restaurants detain undercovers. If i look for the old irish running guns back to ireland i look at the irish. Everybody gets politically correct, its like screeching chalk on a blackboard. Dont use the word Muslim American with terrorism. Thats baloney. The fact is, listen, over in europe were talking about it now. People are coming into the country through the southern border, people are here. I want to know from the good Muslim Americans whats going on in the community. And i want them to interact with the police and love the fact that you have more police speaking arabic. Uniform why not put undercovers to talk to people in communities. Hey, you see anything suspicious, see something, say something. Why is it fricking politically uncorrect to report these things . Ted cruz said i want to increase patrols in muslim neighborhoods. The way it was said it makes everybody cringe. Im not looking for watchdogs all over muslim communities. Im looking for te interaction we have when looking for gangs up in east harlem or motorcycle gangs up in the bronx that are causing all kinds of selling guns. You put undercovers. What are you going to use . Going to use bo dietl . No, use an africanamerican or a hispanic to infiltrate. The same with the muslim neighborhoods. If thats a possibility of theres a possibility of something happening, where is it going to happen . The blind cleric before 9 11, the first attack in 93 he was going to blow up all the tunnels. I spoke to ray kelly with all due respect to bratton, i want to stop before it happened. Kelly said there were two incidents where they had interaction, cooperation of two attacks and they stopped it. Come on, lets be real. Its coming here. You talked about here we go because you have the commissioner of Police Taking on ted cruz directly as if he was running for office. He says i dont want to put my guys who have a muslim background in to mosques. Why is that . Because of the big bird mayor and his today toward anything hes progressive. He doesnt want to hear the word muslim terrorist. These are terrorists. If there are catholics blowing up synagogues these are going to be catholic terrorists. Terrorist is not a dirty word. If youre a muslim terrorist youre a muslim terrorist. You wonder if this commissioner is being held hostage by this mayor, give up his beliefs . I dont know. I like bill bratton, but all i can say its not all about the machine guns in front of penn station and all that. But its about stopping it before it happens. Bo dietl, getting some backlash and setting the record straight. Read more about it on foxandfriends. Com. I dont care about the backlash. Another crushing blow for Hillary Clinton. Is the inevitable nominee entering panic mode . Tucker carlson is here and he took a shower and came right over. Somebody help her. Charlize theron devastated, no one will hire her in hollywood because shes too beautiful. How dare she. How does she deal with all that . I take pictures of sunrises, but with my back pain i couldnt sleep and get up in time. Then i found aleve pm. Aleve pm is the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. Im back. Aleve pm for a better am. What aremaking a cake ht now . Ayla reminds me of like a master chef and emiana reminds me of like a monster chef. Uh oh. I dont see cake, i just see mess. Its like awful. It feels like i am not actually cleaning it up whats that make mommy do . doorbell whats that . Swiffer wetjet. So much stuff coming up. This is amazing woah. Wow. Now i feel more like making a mess is part of growing up. Stop cleaning. Start swiffering. Z. Bernie sanders and Hillary Clinton are meeting for another debate next thursday at the Brooklyn Navy yard. Bernie said he chose it because of the history and hillary likes it because its poorly lit and close to the east river. [ laughter ] the battle for wisconsin, packer packerpalooza, we bring in tucker carlson. You did a great job. Comfortable here late at night. Speaking of comfort, how comfortable is Hillary Clinton right now . Youve got Bernie Sanders, hes won seven of the last eight contests. Its a remarkable story. And not a strong candidate either. Actually, not a guy grounded in the details even of his own programs. Hes selling something that i think a lot of conservatives imagined died back in 1991. Thats socialist ideology. Yet, hes clearly an effective insurgent. Heres the problem mathematically. Hes much closer to Hillary Clinton in delegates than most people understand. If you take out the super delegates who are fundamentally a nondemocratic, undemocratic part of this contest, their evidence of the system is rigged, which it is on her behalf, hes fewer than 300 away from her. So were moving to a crisis of legitimacy on the democratic side and democratic voters may say wait a second. The super delegates in her column, theyre the darker blue there at the top theyre not so far apart. So at what point do bernie voters realize this is going to be stolen from them in the democratic establishment. Wake up and smell the socialism. What i found was interesting, the way that the losers handled the loss last night. Hillary clinton congratulated Bernie Sanders, but then Bernie Sanders said this in his speech about her. This campaign has won seven out of the last eight caucuses and primaries. With your help on saturday, were gonna win here in wyoming, then we are headed to new york. [ cheers and applause ] please keep this a secret. Do not tell secretary clinton, shes getting a little nervous, and i dont want her to get more nervous. But i believe weve got an excellent chance to win new york and a lot of delegates in that state. So some happiness, some pat patting each other on the back. So now we look at 1,745 to 1,056. Lets look at donald trump. There were a couple of polls that showed he was closing the gap from ten to five and one poll said hed win by ten. He lost, extremely disappointed. Heres the statement he released. He said this. Ted cruz is worse than a puppet. Hes a trojan horse being used by the party, by the party bosses attempting to steal the nomination from mr. Trump. So that was through a spokesperson. Your reaction to his reaction . Well, i think its it was an odd response. I mean, moments like this call for a magnanimous response, an acknowledgent of acknowledgement of reality. Were going to beat this man in the next state. Thats boiler plate for a reason. You say that in order to reassure the voters you understand what happened, message received. I think the Trump Campaign is giving the sense theyre not sort of in tune with whats happening on the ground. There does seem to be selfsabotage going on in the Trump Campaign. I dont know if its intentional or not, im not a freudian psychiatrist, but something going on. They knew that wisconsin is not the best state. Its like iowa, thats why scott walker was expected to do well in iowa and he didnt and cruz won. Coming off two of the worst weeks any candidate i have ever covered ever had. All of that came from the Trump Campaign. Heres the message is it republicans are really angry at their political leadership. In washington. Exactly. And if the parties were the officer corps, they would be fraged by their own troops. Whats the response to that . Republican leaders are still talk about a fresh face, maybe paul ryan will do it. Do they understand the gravity of statements like that how counterproductive those are . Those are confirmation for the voter that his party has no respect for him. Hates him. Doesnt care what he thinks. We have 50 state elections and the Republican Party are saying they dont matter. Donald trump is still winning but maybe this is an indication of what well see in the next election. Whats your recommendation to him Going Forward . What does he do need to do differently . Hes still the prohibitive frontrunner. Reassure the voters one, that you take this seriously. That you want to win and govern once you do. And two, that you are evolving. Candidates change, they need to change. They need to show theyre learning and bearing down. Learning things. I mean, these are important qualities that voters expect. What about the reports that his organization is too lean and theres infighting, too many people getting fired and let go and not getting hired . From what i have seen thats true. They are shedding staff when a conventional campaign would be bringing people on. They are an unconventional campaign, and its worked at this point. When donald trump acknowledges look, im at this place because i talked about things nobody else would talk about. I spoke for people who had no voice. Thats all true. He stop doing it about two weeks ago and began to talk about himself or picking the pointless fights with peripheral fights that got him nothing. Get back to the core issues. Last night was a good night for ted cruz but Going Forward youve got pennsylvania. Youve got new york, youve got delaware, places like that. Looks like trump right now is leading. And actually in those States John Kasich who many say probably still shouldnt be in the race hell come in second. Kasich may come in second but the Kasich Campaign itself is one of the reasons this whole season happened in the first place. There is no plausible path for john kasich to get the nomination. Hes the spoiler. Only by fiat, by appointment, when a bunch of people sit in the room and say, john kasich, youre the man. Thats deeply insulting. Stop promoting john kasich it offends people. Whats your advice to john kasich . My advice to far be it for me to give advice, he could be the nominee, no he couldnt. If this is a democratic process. Whats your advice to us, because were supposed to toss to heather. Do you think we should or keep it here . Tossing to heather is always the right choice. Go ahead and go. Lets do it democratically. Whos in favor of tossing to heather . I am. Heather nauert, youre a total star, a scholar and an athlete. Do not drop out, we need you. Okay, good morning. Thanks, tucker. I have some serious news to bring you, coming out of europe right now. A terrifying new report that confirms some serious security lapses along the european borders. The fear that the terrorists are crossing into europe to plan future attacks. A new report from the e. U. Reveals that it has no idea how many migrants its Member States have actually taken in and they say theres really no way of tracking them either. Another big fear is the Staggering Number of europeans who have travelled to syria to join isis who are now trying to get back into europe. Well, back here at home, there is just one way to explain how an indianapolis man was able to walk away from this alive. Watch. I was extremely lucky, man. The timing i think just really helped me. Wow. Lucky and timing. That was 38yearold mike ford. Still in shock after this enormous chipotle sign came crashing down on his top of his car. He somehow managed to walk away with just a gash to the back of head. He said he was leaning down at that exact moment that the bricks fell on top of him. Had he been sitting up it could have been worse. Glad hes okay. And talk about a bombshell crime. Look at this sexy gal right here. A bikini model now facing charges in a 2 million Identity Theft ring. Let lets keep watching that. Her and her boyfriend are accused of opening up 40 American Express platinum cards and used them to bank roll trips and fancy shopping sprees which included these bikinis. And she almost got away with it. Yeah. All right. And this one is one of hollywoods leading ladies and she is hot. Wow. You look amazing. And maybe a little uncomfortable. I looked like jane austen threw up on me. Thats Charlize Theron and she said her good looks are costing her jobs. The oscar winning actress telling british gq that pretty people get turned away from roles quickly. So wrong. Yeah. The internet though begs to differ. One twitter user calling her a pretty people activist. Another one saying, i suspect its even harder on uglier actresses. Ouch. Another one out the door with therons last remaining fans. Shes been in meetings with the casting directors and they say, we cant hire her. Shes getting endorsements. We have a dr. Keith ablow segment coming up. She should call in. Help me, im too attractive. All the guys they loved the two stories. They usually maybe youre talking a little bit during the headlines, but not today. All eyes on the monitor. Didnt she win an Academy Award as a monster, right . No monsters ball that was halle berry. Its called monster. Coming up wheres Kevin Mccarthy when you need him . Were talking about donald trump. Hes the leading current candidate, but theres a major curveball that could stop his nomination. And we didnt see this coming. The scandal plagued exattorney general held in contempt of Congress Wants to weigh in on the election process. Hes back. Cant afford to let heartburn get in the way . Try nexium 24hr, the 1 selling brand for frequent heartburn. Get complete protection with the leader in frequent heartburn. Thats nexium level protection. Im spending too muchs for time hiringnter. And not enough time in my kitchen. announcer need to hire fast . Go to ziprecruiter. 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Or will they be unbound for glory and need to rely on those unbound delegates . Well, here to discuss this is our fox news legal analyst Peter Johnson jr. Looks like theyre unbound for glory, i love hearing that music this morning. They need to rely, donald trump or ted cruz on so called unbound delegates. Those are those delegates who are not by law by party rules having to vote for the person who wins that particular state. And theres about 143 spread around the United States in the republican race. On top of that, there are about 80 rubio delegates who may be unbound as a result of marco rubio stepping out of the race. Then perha others. So bound delegate means you have to vote for the person to whom youre pledged for, but in a lot of states, like pennsylvania, like we were talking about before we came on, people will elect a person in that state, donald trump, cruz, john kasich, but all of the delegates are not committed to vote for the person who actually won that state or that district. They make a personal determination at the convention. So theres a lot of movement here. So for cruz, and for trump and even kasich in a remote sense, they need to be working on these socalled unbound delegates, people who are not committed to begin with or uncommitted as of the second ballot. Its a primary race, but its really a secondary race. What happens on the second ballot if you dont win on the first ballot. I wonder how often does that happen . If someone who is unbound go into the convention and vote for the candidate that their state didnt vote for . Well, thats a very interesting issue and a lot of cruz and Trump Supporters are concerned and upset. Is this going to be a reversion to old time politics in the Republican Party where the socalled establishment, the socalled elites dictate the socalled unbound that they better vote for someone who is acceptable to the washington elites, whos acceptable to the state capitals, who may not be inclined to vote for trump or cruz. And then theres some third person surprise that comes in at the time of the convention. So trump and cruz need to mind their ps and qs in terms of working on the unbound delegates and becoming more palatable to the elites, the establishment, the people who run the parties so they can win on a second or third or fourth or fifth or sixth ballot. You know, its going to be an educational experience for all of us. You can study it all day. A little nugget. Thank you for clarifying this for us. Peter johnson jr. Do you ever hand your kid an ipad to distract them and get them to stop crying . We want to answer no. Are you normal or are you nuts . Dr. Keith ablow is here to answer that next. But first on this day in 1984, Kenny Loggins was topping the charts with his hit foot loose. You do all this research on a perfect car then smash it into a tree. Your Insurance Company raises your rates. Maybe you should have done more research on them. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Just one of the many features that comes standard with our base policy. Call for a free quote today. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. Am i normal or am i nuts . It is normal, and who is nuts . Its the question that we all ask ourselves every now and then, right . Luckily, weve got psychiatrist and fox news medical ateam dr. Keith ablow, joining us live from boston with some answers. Good morning. Do not go alone into the dark night i like to say. Im here for you. How poetic, thank you very much. First question, ainsley. All right, the first is my 3yearold is already addicted to my iphone. He can sit and play games for hours. Im uncomfortable about it but the games are educational and his reading skills are now pretty advanced. At 3 . What should i do, is this normal . Well, the situation were not going to tell you what the 3yearold is. The mother is nutty, okay . And the situation is nuts. How did we get to a place we got to a place with three hours on an iphone playing games is defensible . This is the personalizing we know for sure, the studies are there, you play games for three hours a day as a kid, youre more subject to anxiety, more subject to depression. Have less interpersonal skills. We know these things are addictive. And so the bottom line is, get the kid off the iphone. Get a puppy. Go outside. Exactly. Right . Play some lacrosse, football, whatever it is. Tennis. Put down the phone. Put it down. Its bad stuff. Really is. All right, heres another one. My in laws gave my kids used toys for their birthdays. While they gave their other grand daughter a generous cash gift. My children are the better behaved ones who visit them and the other kid is a brat. Normal or nuts . Totally, totally nuts, right . I mean, these grandparents apparently are trying to convey a message. Either theyre upset with this person writing in or theyre upset with the spouse involved. But theyre trying to deliver a message. Take the message. You know what . Its such an outrageous dichotomy, its such a difference that you should say, listen, here are the toys back. We know where the Goodwill Store is. Whoa. Right down the street, well go ourself, thank you. On the way out the door. I dont want a used eagle eye gi joe. Thanks. This political season my sisters are at each others throats. They cant be in the same room without screaming at each other. Are they normal or nuts . I know the answer. Totally normal. This is for all the marbles. We may be deciding whether were gutting a country to speak of. People should be screaming at, not physically, metaphorically. Totally normal. Totally normal. Good to see you. If you want to be a trump supporter, do it at your open peril in california. What . [ bleep ]. What [ bleep ] . Put your sign down. Dude, just vote for trump. Didnt like the sign. So wheres the tolerance . The social media experiment that turns dangerous straight ahead. You scream, i scream, we all scream for Hillary Clinton flavored ice cream. What does it taste like . What . Its easy to love your laxative when that lax loves your body back. Only miralax hydrates, eases and softens to unblock naturally, so you have peace of mind from start to finish. Love your laxative. Miralax. Every Auto Insurance policy has a number. But not every Insurance Company understands the life behind it. Those who have served our nation have earned the very best service in return. Usaa. We know what it means to serve. Get an Auto Insurance quote and see why 92 of our members plan to stay for fe. Good wednesday morning to you and to your family. Its april the 6th, 2016. Im Ainsley Earhardt and the frontrunner falters. Ted cruz soars through wisconsin, knocking off the gop frontrunner, donald trump in that state. Tonight is a turning point. It is a rallying cry. It is a call from the hard working men and women of wisconsin. To the people of america. Okay, so the pressure is on. Can trump regain his footing or is a contested convention now just inevitable . And the frontrunner in trouble on the other side as well. Hillary clinton gets burned in wisconsin. Please keep this a secret. Do not tell secretary clinton, but i believe weve got an excellent chance to win new york and a lot of delegates in that state. Should hillary be worried ahead of her home state primary in new york . And who saw this coming, the scandalplagued exattorney general who defended voter intimidation tactics and spied on reports before he was held in in context of congress and then he weighed in on the election. I cant wait to hear it. Because this day, the day after the primary in wisconsin, are better with friends. Well, you know what, we thought this morning things could be clearer, but thats not the case. Today, were talking chaos. Let gets to to our top story lets get to our top story, underdog upset on both sides in wisconsin. Both ted cruz and Bernie Sanders celebrating big wins, but the losers had different reactions to the result. Mike tobin made note of that mike, im going to toss to you in milwaukee. Reporter well, on a rainy wednesday morning the upsets means that everyone is still in the race. Senator ted cruz saying that he defied the media and pundits who predicted that wisconsin would go well for donald trump. He says hes on his way to get the 1,237 delegates before the convention. Tonight is a turning point. It is the rallying cry. It is a call from the hard working men and women of wisconsin to the people of america. Of the 17 candidates who started this race, a terrific, talented, dynamic field, five have now enforced this campaign. [ cheers and applause ] reporter donald j. Trump not magnanimous, and part of the Statement Reads as follows. Ted cruz is a trojan horse being used by the party bosses attempting to steal the nomination mr. Trump. On the democratic side, senator sanders riding his momentum, racked up the seventh win in eight contests. I dont know if the audience here knows it, i dont see any tvs here, but it has been projected by i think all of the networks that we won in wisconsin. Reporter now the Hillary Clinton campaign predicted she could lose wisconsin and she took a much more gracious approach than trump tweeting as follows. Congrats to Bernie Sanders on winning wisconsin and all voters and volunteers who poured your hearts into this campaign. Back to the republican side, a chief strategist for Governor John Kasich said that the results mean no one will get the 1,237 delegates and were headed for a contest in cleveland. Back to you in new york. Thank you very much, mike tobin, live on the streets of milwaukee. All right. I looked at the real clear politics surveys over the last six months or so, because remember six months ago scott walker was way ahead in his home state for a long time and then it switched and started to get kind of mixed up. Ben carson won for a couple of weeks, donald trump won for a couple of weeks and ted cruz has won for a month or two although as brian pointed out earlier there was that outlier poll by arg, the day before the polling that showed that donald trump was up by ten. That was not accurate. Right. Yeah. 5138 was the difference. You might be waking up and saying wisconsin is small state, doesnt really matter, but it does really matter Going Forward. Is this an indication of what well see in the next states to come . You know in new york, there are a lot of delegates up for grabs. Theres 95 republican delegates then in june, 172 delegates in california. Look at the count right now. Donald trumps got 740. Cruz has 514 and kasich has 143. What donald trump has to do, this is a home game for him. Bernie sanders and senator Hillary Clinton, they all live in new york. Thats where the circus stops. Although theyre going to wyoming on the democratic side to do a caucus there. So i think that its very interesting to see if donald trump can get over 50 and walk away with all 95. If he wins new york and under 50 hell be dividing up the delegates. Plus, wisconsin is much different than new york. Wisconsin is a very conservative state. New york, more moderate. 100 , yeah. But the congressman sean duffy from the great state of wisconsin was with us a while ago. He had essentially a checklist for donald trump on how to win Going Forward. The congressman said this. He has to broaden his base. You cant exclude women. Stop hitting megyn kelly. Stop attacking the female population. You have to get more than 35 of the female vote and you have to broaden your base outside of those who make less than 50,000 a year. You have to broaden your appeal and donald continues to tell us hes going do that, but now is the time if hes to be successful in moving forward. He said, dont go after our governor either. He went after scott walker. He went after nikki haley in South Carolina and this didnt hurt him. Right. But scott walker would have won what your point you said before. Scott walker even though he didnt last past iowa if you put him into wisconsin he would have won. Thats how popular he was. Are you all right . There are people waving behind you. Okay. He was not listening to what you were saying. Remind me to give him more ritalin, because we have to get him focused. Theres somebody jumping up and down behind you. Its hard not to notice. We worship, you oh, brian. Bernie sanders is jumping up and down, and he goes i won seven of the last eight. He was excited. As he should be. Out of the last seven elections hes won six of them. Clinton has 1,743 and clinton has 1,056 and california, 475 democratic daepgs are delegates are up for grabs. So theyre very close. Do you know who has the energized voters . The under 30 voters. He won 5 to 1. Hillary won among africanamericans but they only make up onetenth the population of the great state of wisconsin. Bernie also won the blue collar, the rural. And he benefitted from the fact that it was an open convention where independents and even republicans could vote for somebody else. And he won a quarter more than a quarter of the democratic voter and he won 40 of the independents. He points he does better against donald trump than Hillary Clinton head to head. Tucker carlson said this before he left. Hes clearly an effective insurgent. But heres the problem mathematically. Hes much closer to Hillary Clinton in delegates than most understand. If you take out the super delegates who are fundamentally a nondemocratic, undemocratic part of this contest, their evidence is rigged on her behalf, hes 300 away from her. So at what point do the bernie voters wake up and realize this is going to be stolen way from them by the democratic establishment . So funny because thats whats people on the republican side are saying, look, if it goes to an uncontested convention, it might get stolen from donald trump or ted cruz. I wonder if shes worried about it, like in 2008. They have to find some way, Hillary Clinton to get her win and keep Bernie Sanders involved. Because hes only as she points out now, hes hes only been a democrat for ten minutes. Hes normally an independent who caucuses with the democrats. They havent paid a lot of the taxes, and he wants 90 of your paycheck. Hes going to give you free everything. Who doesnt want free everything . We all want free stuff. At least a discount. Its just not possible. Lets hand it over to heather nauert. Good morning. We were in wisconsin, all the democrats were behind Bernie Sanders. I didnt find a single one for Hillary Clinton and thats interesting. I have some headlines to bring you. Did you know our democracy is being stolen . That is what former u. S. Attorney general eric holder tweeted out. Hes angry over new voter i. D. Laws and long lines. Twitter users are pushing back. Voter i. D. Protects against our democracy. And wisconsin saw the largest voter turnout since 1980 yesterday. Nice job there. One of the largest messaging apps is making ittizier for making it easier for terrorists to communicate. Whatsapp has more than 1 billion users and issued end to end encryption of all personal messaging. All third parties are blocked including the government. Authorities are concerned it may be the perfect app for terrorists to privately communicate around the globe. The change comes on the heels of a bitter public battle between apple and the fbi about customer privacy. Hundreds of u. S. Citizens exposed thanks to the Panama Papers leak. Officials say about 200 u. S. Passports and thousands of American Companies are included in the massive data breach which now reveals how the worlds wealthiest use off shore Bank Accounts to possibly avoid paying taxes. So far, no major u. S. Names have been revealed. The biggest scandal so far has been linked to icelands Prime Minister who is now stepping down. And a fourpete for the uconn Womens Basketball team. Jefferson gets it up in time she drills the three the huskies going undefeated, winning their fourth consecutive ncaa title. They cruised by the Syracuse Orange 8251. Its the 11th championship for the coach gino our . Ya. Well done. Those are your headlines. Ladies, uconn do it. Year after year after year. Thats great. Elementaall right. The polls predicted that cruz and sanders would win, and they were right on the money. This is part of a greater trend against trump . Larry sabato looks into his crystal ball coming up. Hes a doctor. And you scream, i scream, we all scream for Hillary Clintons ice cream. And one member of Congress Wants to make it a reality. Who says they cant get anything done . I have asthma. One of many pieces in my life. So when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my longterm control medicine, i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment. Oncedaily breo prevents asthma symptoms. Breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. 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You know, were at the point in this contest, in this gop contest, and even the democratic one, where we have a pretty good idea of which groups from state to state vote for which candidate. And if you plug in the numbers of the percentages from each of those demographic groups you can come reasonably close to the percentage that each candidate is expected to get. And trump got exactly what he was expected to get and well do the same will do the same thing for forthcoming primaries. On the democratic side, Bernie Sanders beat Hillary Clinton by close to 13 as well. You saw this coming too. Yes. Well, wisconsin was going to be i think inevitably a good state for Bernie Sanders. Its perfect for him. Its very substantially white on the democratic side. The voters on the democratic side are very liberal. Theres even a socialist tradition in some of the cities there. You know that, steve. You have looked into living in some of those cities for that very reason. Yeah, funny. This is you know, as Hillary Clinton wakes up, this is a bad spell for her. She has lost seven of the last contests to the socialist from vermont. She is supposed to be the one who is a slam dunk. You know, i assume that somebody in her campaign is analyzing why it is that with all of her advantages, she cannot shake a 74yearold socialist. This is bad news. Now, in addition to that, and i think this is the really important point, its not that hes not going to get the nomination, steve, he is not. She is. But the more delegates what these gets, the more primaries that he wins, the more demands this large group of sanders delegates is going to make before and at the convention. Demands for platform planks. I have already heard some of the sanders delegates are going to insist that sanders be the Vice President ial candidate. How is she going to deal with this . Is she going to leave philadelphia limping or with somehow a united party . Its a big problem. Absolutely. Thats a problem. Because he would she would never make him the Vice President. Not in a million years. Thats right. Lets look ahead to new york. This is where Bernie Sanders was born here. Hillary clinton is the is a former senator from here although shes really from another state. Arkansas and also illinois. But this is where donald trump was born and this is where he got famous and made all his money. Yeah. We have all of these home grown candidates coming in in new york and my guess is that clinton will end up beating sanders. On the republican sidei think its a question of the margin by which trump wins. Our early projections are that he will get over 50 of the vote and be able to get all of those delegates. But cruz has gotten new momentum coming out of wisconsin. Can it last two weeks . You know . This has been a pingpong battle all along. And it probably will continue to be. Plus in our age, two weeks is an eternity. You know, this crazy race there are bound to be other things that happen in between this primary that happened last night and new yorks in two weeks. Larry, real quickly, it does look as if donald trump may fall short of that 1,237 number of delegates. Which means its going to be lets make a deal in the weeks before the convention. And you have just said what a lot of analysts forgot to say last night and this morning. Were focusing now on the six weeks between the end of the primaries, june 7th, and the beginning of the Republican Convention on july 18th. In my view, thats when the decisions going to be made. Delegates that are unpledged will be wooed, deals will be made. Thats shocking i know. Maybe tickets will be formed. That may be how some delegates are moved. Stand by for the wooing. All right, larry sabato joining us live from virginia, thank you. Thank you, steve. All right. Always a pleasure. Coming up, if you want to be a trump supporter you might have to do it at your own peril in california. What . [ bleep ] the sign down, man. Put the [ bleep ] sign down. Dude, just vote for trump. Dude, he doesnt like that sign, wheres the tolerance here . The man behind that social media experiment that turned violent. And the pc police meet the fashion police. Gap forced to pull this ad because some say apparently that is racist. This wbr id wbr84716 is lulu, wbr id wbr85018 our newest dog. b mom didnt want another dog. She said its too much work. Lulus hair just floats. Uhh help me doorbell mom, check this out. Wow. Swiffer sweeper, and dusters. This is what im talking about. Look at that. Sticks to this better than it sticks to lulu. Thats your hair lulu mom, can we have another dog . laughing trap and lock up to 4x more dirt, dust and hair than the store brand stop cleaning. Start swiffer ing some quick headlines for you. Insane road rage near miami. Look at this. Where a car tries to run a motorcycle off the road. Whoa. The car is seen swerving trying to cut off the motorcycle for several miles. Even at high speeds and driving against traffic. The motorcycle eventually outruns the car. Amazingly no one is hurt. A man is thrown from his suv during a Dramatic Police chase in missouri. Dash cam video caught the crash and in a matter of seconds the Police Officer is forced to go from Law Enforcement mode to life saving mode. He started cpr and he saved the persons life. All right. Lately we have seen more and more trump protests get out of control, so who are the real aggressors here . We may have some answers, finally. Look at this youtube social experiment to see how people react when faced with a trump or a sanders sign. Hey, man, [ bleep ] you. Youre getting pretty violent. Put the [ bleep ] sign down, man. Dude, just vote for trump. [ bleep ]. Just vote for trump. All you have to do is vote for trump. [ bleep ]. Why . [ bleep ] racist. Are you a racist . Im not a racist. I like his economic policies. You have to vote for donald trump. Thumbs up. As soon as i put up that bernie sign, the middle finger goes to thumbs. And joey salads is joining us from los angeles. You went out with the sign that said trump. You didnt provoke anything. You held it and you got what kind of an answer . People freaked out on me. Why . They gave me a lot of middle fingers. They tried to assault me because they think that trump is racist and a bigot and a fascist and that was the main answers i got from these nonTrump Supporters. Where were you . It was in north hollywood. Were you fearful . Im watching these videos and im thinking, oh, my gosh, youre putting yourself in a very dangerous situation. By holding a sign. I know, by holding a sign. So many people went after you. Were you scared . I wasnt scared because like two months ago i got in the ring with a bull and i got hit by a bull, so this is nothing. But then at the end of the video, you do say, all right, enough is enough. Im done with this. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I mean, it was fun and all to a certain extend just because its an adrenaline rush. Kind of like a thrill, you know, doing these videos. But, yeah, i just felt like at that point i had all the footage i needed to make a point. Well, the footage tells the story. My analysis of it is its not the Trump Supporters who are the agitators and the troublemakers at these event, its the antitrump people causing the problems. That accurate . Yes. I did this video randomly on the street, just to get the passersby reaction to a trump supporter. And the reason why i came up with this video is because i see all on the news that antitrump protesters are blocking streets. Holding up ambulances. Stepping on flags. Crashing trump rallies and then the Trump Supporters get blamed for everything. It makes no sense. Whats your message to donald trump . Keep doing what hes doing. But what about the division here . Because the other flip side, the analysis, some people could take from this video is a lot of people dont like him. Oh, yeah. A lot of people, they hate him. But i feel line i feel that come from the twisted headlines and the media warping whatever he says into something negative. I dont want to say it, but theres a lot of dumb people out there who dont read past the headline and they dont create opinions for themselves. Like the guy who said hes racist and you asked why and he couldnt give you examples. Yeah, i got called racist by plenty in this video and i have plenty of black friends. Im no racist. Well, we were able to gauge the reaction. Joey salads, thank you very much. Provocative. Thank you. Coming up on a wednesday, the frontrunners donald trump and Hillary Clinton turn out to be losers last night in wisconsin. What does this mean for the ballots in the race . Our Political Panel, look at that, theyre back. And a teenager hailed a hero for saving his coachs life with only minutes to spare. Hear from the boy who made the life saving play. Thats coming up next. I take these out. To put in dr. Scholls active series insoles. They help reduce wear and tear on my legs, becuase they have triple zone protection. And reduce shock by 40 . So i feel like im ready to take on anything. In new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. All across the state, the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, the lowest taxes in decades, and new infrastructure for a new generation attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. Like in rochester, with worldclass botox. And in buffalo, where medicine meets the future. Let us help grow your companys tomorrow today at business. Ny. Gov wrely on the Us Postal Service . Because when they ship with us, their business becomes our business. Thats why we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. 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We have a path toward victory. A path toward the white house. All right. Ted cruz and Bernie Sanders, winning the battle in the badger state last night. Final results for gop 48 for 48 of the vote for ted cruz. And donald trump took 35 and kasich with 14 . On the democratic side, Bernie Sanders beat hillary by 56 of the vote. So hes on a bit of a roll. Not unexpected for either to win. Here to react and find out where we go from here is our panel. Lisa boothe and matt welch he works for reason magazine. Hes been up all night and jessica tarlov. Lets start with Bernie Sanders. We know about the super delegate and the delegates. How much is Bernie Sanders pumped up right now . So much of the momentum is with his campaign, but the numbers arent with him and the math isnt there. And what theyre doing now, they have made it clear their strategy is to deny her the nomination with delegates and then try to get super delegates to switch for him. As happened in 08. But its a different story because barack obama came in as the frontrunner and Bernie Sanders is never going to be the frontrunner in this race so i think its a much more difficult argument to make. The New York Times said they blew it i have no idea why they allowed that to happen or had the conversations. They were lamenting what could have been. While they were in the middle of a race. Well, theyre doing better than they ever have been doing. It made no sense. Like the mets talking about what went wrong, theyre 11. Matt welch, lets talk about this because Bernie Sanders not only has a lot of power come the convention hes barely a democrat. Hes been doing this for a few weeks. Hes an independent. Well, this shows what we have come to see in american politics over the last four, eight, ten years which is that the market share of both democrats and republicans, people who selfidentify as both, has shrunk during this time. Thats a palpable people who selfidentify as democrats is up around 75 right now, that creates instability and dynamism there so people who are perceived as outsiders have a good chance inside the parties. Hillary clinton cannot start thinking for the about the november, because shes still got to spend to beat Bernie Sanders. Thats not good. No matter how you spin it. What were seeing is the liberal enthusiasm is with Bernie Sanders and the liberal establishment is with Hillary Clinton. Hes gotten seven out of the last eight contests and for trump and Hillary Clinton is about changing ting thor narrat because ted cruz tried to make wisconsin as a referendum on new york and similarly for Hillary Clinton coming off the string of losses she needs a strong showing in new york to try to change the narrative as well. Right. Thats absolutely true. But keep in mind, i thought it was interesting that ted cruz went more after hillary than after trump. Usually we got personal. Not this time. Seems like hes trying to give the perceptions going to be around in the general election. Hes trying to galvanize the forces and say, im the antitrump candidate. I know people want to look at what the next speech is sand the next primary is. But i want to go behind the scenes. Matt, theres a sense that the infrastructure is not there for donald trump. That when he leaves the state he doesnt leave an infrastructure behind. And trying to get delegates he doesnt have a group yesterday. They are too streamlined. Too late to bulk up . Its never too late to bulk up, but he manages his own brand. He does that very, very successfully but thats a limited skill. Every stray delegate is going to ted cruz. Theyre organizing to get them. So that makes new york potentially trumps waterloo. Right . Because trump if he doesnt get to 1,237 i dont think he gets this nomination. Thats not true for ted cruz. If ted cruz gets a plurality, but not 1,237, then he becomes the choice of people who dont like trump. But theres still a few months until july and we still have a guy with 1 billion bucks who the write the checks to get the top people in to organize on the delegate side. And brian, look at someone like donald trump and ted cruz, someone like Lindsey Graham part of the establishment has said that picking between the two of them is like getting shot or poisoned. So i think the support going to be interesting depending on what happens with cruz or trump. Reince priebus i know on the Reince Priebus he said, stop the paul ryan talk. The candidate will be one of the three. Is that smart to do . I think it is. We were talking about this earlier, i think that hes correct actually and i tend to not think that hes usually going to be right. I believe it will be ted cruz instead of donald trump. Wow. That would be because more than likely hes not the frontrunner going in. You agree . Yeah. No way you can have some outsider come in. There would be a massive revolt. There will be a massive revolt, but it will be even larger if it was a third person. At least it doesnt have to be a mass revolt. The Republican Party is engulfed in flames and youre adding kerosene to the fire if you bring in a white horse. You guys okay, do you need a permission note . I have to toss to heather. Great job, panel. Thanks so much, brian. Good morning. Got a tragic story to bring you. It shows an officers restraint. He dared the officer to kill him. Watch this. Im going to pat you down. Kill me, kill me now shots fired, shots fired. Get down get down oh, wow. Dramatic. Well, this ohio Police Officer is now being praised for his restraint. A murder suspect pulls a knife on that Police Officer and then tells that officer repeatedly to use deadly force to kill him. The officer firing one shot, he wounded the man. And amazingly stands his ground for two minutes until backup arrives and arrests the suspect. The officer did what he was trained to do. Would you eat an ice cream named after Hillary Clinton . One democratic senator is pitching the idea. Californias Barbara Boxer wants ben jerrys to m raspberry chocolate ice cream. She even showed it to jerry himself. Boxer says jerry assured her hell use his best ice cream judgment, but remember they have already made a flavor for Bernie Sanders. They have bernies yearning, really . Okay, i think ill pass. A teenagers quick thinking saved his basketball coachs life. Baseball rather. The coach in arizona started to have a massive heart attack and stopped breathing and thats when the 13yearold nathan boxer jumped into action. Okay. You need to wash your hands and start pushing on his chest. What a brave young guy. The coach isaac heinrich will make a full recovery. He posted this picture on instagram calling bowyer his Guardian Angel and he thanked god for guiding him in life. Do you think thats anything wrong with this ad . The pc police are upset about it and they are now calling on the gap to pull the kids clothing ad. The photo shows a black girl next to the white girl and the white girl is resting her hand on the top of the black girls head and theyre adopted sisters. They were called racist and gap apologized. The photo is still up. Heres an ad from july 2015. Nobody thought this was a problem when the rules were reversed. What do you think of that . And those are your headlines. You know what, heather . We have a million folks on the email machine. Kareem says, as an africanamerican, ill admit im offended that this picture is even an issue. Move along. Sylvester says, pictures tell stories too. Its either an innocent photo pose or an indirect way of showing suppression by one race on another race. Okay. What else do you think . Email us at foxandfriends. Com. Its been a centerpiece of his campaign since day one. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border and i will have mexico pay for that wall. You know who wants to talk about the wall . The president. A live report coming up next. From outsiders to establishment to ladys man . How ted cruz won the womens vote in wisconsin. Well talk about its. My mom loves giving me advice. She even gives me advice. About my toothpaste and mouthwash. But shes a dentist so. I kind of have to listen. She said jen, go pro with crest prohealth advanced. Advance to healthier gums. And stronger teeth from day one. Using crest toothpaste and mouthwash makes my. Whole mouth feel awesome. And my teeth are stronger too. Crestpro health advanced. Is superior to colgate total. In these 5 areas dentists check. This check up . So good. Go pro with crest prohealth advanced. Moms right. Again a perfect car then smash it into a tree. Your Insurance Company raises your rates. 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All of them. Another big music headline. You wont see this song being performed any time soon. She cant get any sleep. Thats because Janet Jackson is hoping to have a baby. She made the big announcement on twitter this morning. My husband and i are planning our family. So im going to have to delay the tour. The 49yearold singer did not say when the unbreakable world tour would resume. She could begin the worldwide tour in august. Is she pregnant . Thats the question . Are they going to start trying . I dont know. Were happy for you. I hate it for the fans who spent a lot of money on the tickets. Do you know if shes pregnant or trying to get pregnant . Have your people call her people. Watch the e channel. Its Donald Trumps Campaign Promise since day one. I will build a great, great wall on the southern border and ill have mexico pay for the wall. And now hes revealing howll do it. And president obama is weighing in. Peter doocy has more. When president obama was asked why he wont endorse either clinton or sanders, he says its because he hasnt had a chance to study either of their positions too closely. But, he has apparently had time to study Donald Trumps plan for building a border wall between the u. S. And mexico. Especially how to pay for it. In part, by establishing a new rule that would outlaw remittances or the wiring of money from immigrants in the states to relatives back home in mexico until mexico writes a wall for the full Construction Costs somewhere between 5 and 10 billion. After reading up on trumps plan, the president is calling it half baked. The notion that were going to track every Western Union, you know, bit of money thats being sent to mexico, you know, good luck with that. The president predicted that if hes if the cash transfers become illegal, it would be so bad that more mexicans would get desperate and more would end up sneaking across the border, exasperating the Immigration Crisis here. And World Leaders he said are questioning him about wacky proposals put forth by donald trump and ted cruz whose immigration ideas he called draconian. He singled out cruz and trump, but john kasichs name did not come up as the president stepped into the Briefing Room to comment on the republican primary process yesterday. Back to you. All right, peter, thank you so much. He loves talking about republicans. And the wall. And mocking them. Yeah. Thats an interesting proposal though. I mean, if you were to turn off the money from this country to that country, what would happen . It would be they would definitely get their attention and he talked about who would pay for the wall and how mexico would pay for the wall in the washington post. I read Something Else hes asking for a onetime only payment of 10 billion from mexico and well let the transfers continue. Like a balloon payment. We know what mexico thinks about this. Remember what he said . The expresident the expresident. All right. Meanwhile coming up on a wednesday, trump is man with a message so where did he go wrong in wisconsin . The exit polls may have an answer. And nothing wrong about bill hemmer. He worked all night, he was on his board looking at wisconsin. How are you . Were still standing. Martha wrote this, im going to read it. Wisconsin in the rearview mirror, Bernie Sanders and ted cruz are looking ahead. Well show you the numbers, how it shakes out with byron and wallace and stirewalt on the campaigns. Where are we today, america . Dont move, we will join you next. Ok team, what if 30,000 people download the new app . Were good. Okay. What if a Million People download the new app . Were good. Five million . Good. We scale on demand. Hybrid infrastructure, boom. Ok. What if 30 Million People download the app . Were not good. Were total heroes. Scale on demand with the Number One Company in cloud infrastructure. Rethink. Reimagine. Because right here, right now. 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We have been talking about cruz and sanders. Their big victories in wisconsin all morning long. But why did voters cast their ballots the way they did . And what will this mean for the path ahead . Pollster and partner at maslansky partners, lee carter, she is here to break down the exit polls. When folks are walking out of the polls there in wisconsin, you were asking them questions and or someone was. Yeah. They asked them about the women voters. What do women who do women vote for and what did you find . Women voted for ted cruz. No surprise here, but it is surprising if you imagine six months ago that we were talking about women voters going to cruz, everybody would have laughed you off the stage. Because they would have said theres no way, ted cruz was one of the least likable candidates by women. Now hes done a huge pivot. Hes really started to message to women. Hes a champion of women, hes brought on all kinds of stories about his mother, about his wife, about what hell do for women, what women mean to this country and what well do for them. Its been a phenomenal turn around. Of course hes benefited from what trial has done over the last two weeks, the abortion thing, and the Michelle Fields, those have hurt him. But to take home 48 of the womens vote is a surprise to cruz. Its surprising to see what trump will do to get that woman vote back. It is. What about political experience . When people were asked if political experience means anything to you, who did they pick . 68 of people said experience matters, and they went for cruz. Hes only 45 years old. Hes very much like obama was in 2008 and a lot of people said somebody with that kind of experience doesnt have enough, a junior senator. Thats whats gotten to ted cruz and people said thats the experience were looking for. The experience is important. Thats not a lot of the electorate. A lot of people are antiestablishment. We have seen that over the last few months. When they asked which democratic candidate is honest and trustworthy, what did you find . This is a big problem for Hillary Clinton. When you look at the numbers 83 said honest and trustworthy, sanders. Only 16 went for Hillary Clinton. It has been state after state after state. We have seen this number, 80 for sanders, 90 for sanders and hillary has low numbers here. Its an issue shes got to address. At the end of the day if you want to be motivated to go you have to trust somebody to pull that lever. Lee carter, thank you for being with us. Very interesting. Stay with us. We have more fox friends coming up. Allergies with nasal congestion . Find fast relief behind the counter with claritind. [ upbeat music ] strut past that aisle for the allergy relief that starts working in as little as 30 minutes and contains the best oral decongestant. Live claritin clear, with claritind. All right. Actress Charlize Theron in panic mode because no one in hollywood will hire her. Apparently because shes too hot, too attractive. And shes too tall and blonde. We asked you what you thought and you said this. Safa said life is hard for her and maybe we ought to start a Kickstarter Fund for her. Help the pretty. Bill where are we this morning . Senator cruz calls it a turning point. With his win in wisconsin, is it enough . Martha ted cruz won the badger state by 13 points. Ted cruz will pick up the lions share of the 42 delegates, making Donald Trumps road to the nomination

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