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At home, either a dad to a baby or puppy or animal, you count too. Puppies dont count. You got to end us your phot photos. Photos. Friends foxnews. Com. Everyone gets to participate. Either you are a dad or you have a dad. To kowts for fathers day. Thanks for being here. Got to be a pretty good fathers day for trump. Think about what the democrats had with mueller time, they were waiting and hoping saying that bob mueller is going to take out the president and the report didnt turn out exactlys as hay hoped. Weve got all of these dems running ar for president. They had a whole bunch of rallies to start the process and it fell flat. Yesterday was supposed to be the big impeachment day. Heres the headlines. Proimpeachment rallies are a scattered, all small. Impeach trump rally n draws small crowd. Impeach rally draws dozens. And one counter protester who calls him greatest president since ronald reagan. When the one counter president gets a headline, you know youre not doing much. When i talk about the democratic politicians across the country who arent in line with the politicians. Nancy pelosi is trying to be the reasonable one saying hold on a second, i think this might help donald trump get elected. Around the country, theyre like enough. The democratic voters want too hear the politicians talk about issues. And i think they feel this is a huge distraction and they hope that this wont help via warren or buttigieg get elected. Should congress begin the impeachment process, 31 yes, 61 say no and 6 say dont know. I think this is an important point that nancy pelosi is looking at it. Other democrats need to look at this say and hold on a second, is this going to help us or hurt us. You mentioned warren and buttigieg. Both of them have called for impeachment. Theyre talking about it because the rabid base want it. So six in ten americans, despite what the candidates are saying, six in ten americans saying do not impeach. And they have Something Better to do on a saturday. And 6 say i dont know. Leave me alone. Stop calling me. Lindsey graham says to the democrats, go ahead, make the president s day. Heres the deal. Mueller is the final word for me. Everything that the house is doing is politically motivated. This is political revenge. Moth americans are wanting to move on. To my democrats in the house, if you bring up impeachment after the Mueller Report, its going to blow up in your face, youre being unfair to the president and hes going to get reelected. They would serve it on a platter. They know that. Thats why theyre holding back. Someone else weighing in on another issue. I know you wait for james comey to comment an. It says, political candidates and elected officials should not talk about the future prosecution of any individual. Law enforcement decisions must be a political. This many feel is in response to Kamala Harris who come out and say if she were in charge her doj would prosecute President Trump. Why is comey waiking in o weigh . William barr is investigating james comey and others and maybe he wants to be on record saying politics shouldnt play a role here. Instead of attacking the president hes lately been a little more cautious disbli think hes tryin. I think hee the fact that hes not partisan saying i want to prosecute the sitting president if i win and hes saying me too. Like, any of us involved, we didnt mean it. Its been a journey for him, the tweets of him wandering in the forest and being hyper political seizing every opportunity to get that interview, i thought he was interviewing for one of our jobs at one point and now hes stepping back saying wait a second, im nonpartisan. Its been quite an evolution in the pub like eye. Youve got comey saying leave politics out of impeachment and these investigations. Then you have ben rhodes basically suggesting politics is all over whats happening in iran on National Security sending out this tweet. This definitely feels like the kind of incident where you would want an International Information to establish what happened. Huge risk of escalation. So what hes trying to do is again suggest, as the left has before, that President Trump is hellbent on going to war with iran when in fact President Trump said on friday that he wants to talk but deal from a position of strength. Dan crenshaw had a little fun with this. A great response, navy s. E. A. L. Congressman said this. Do or dont believe the Intel Community and youre not a trusted source to weigh in on iran. You sold the public a fallshood of a moderated iranian va jet stream. Using your words and ignoring the true danger iran presents in the region. He did an interview in the the New York Times magazine in 2016 talking about how effectively he believed that reporters were clueless saying theyre all 27yearolds sitting in washington, d. C. They dont know what theyre talking about. I feed them talking points and they repeat them. He sold them a nair tiff in order to get the Iranian Nuclear deal which was seen weak be many around the world as an obama legacy item. Theres ben rhodes saying he was shading the truth to sell the deal. Using the media to sell their narrative and then he tweets questioning whether or not our state department and intel agencies are being truthful in recognizing that International Ships were bombed by the iranians. Let me say, i love dan kren crenshaw. I really do. Hes one of the politicians that utilizes twitter best. He says what everybody is thinking. Hes un apologetic. Unafraid. I love his background. I think hes going to be a force that grows as time passes. Every time he comments on something i welcome it. I honestly do. We talk about the economy and other domestic issues and now were talking about iran. Its interesting because the president this week is going to officially launch his president ial campaign. Are they going to bring an escalator in. Were going to get to that later in the show. But the democrat front runner Vice President joe biden is trying to run on the fact that he was Vice President for eight years. Bob gates said that everybody marble security issue for decades joe biden was wrong on. Thats what a bipartisan figure has said. So the president in an interview with abc news has gone a little further. He wanted to be the tough guy. Hes not a tough guy. Hes a weak guy. Hes reka recalibrated on every. Everything hes said hes took back two weeks later. Hes getting slammed by the left. He did a number of them, George Stephanopoulos on abc, that portion is airing today. Yeah, hes recognizing the reality that we all see and he sees better than others you watch the field joe biden has nowhere to sit. And theres a reason for that when you look at the polls and whats happening now. Hes trying to tack to the left even though thats not where hes been. His confusion on the Hyde Amendment was so pronounced and terrible. Even folks on the left were saying you said one thing for 40 years and now youre saying something different. I think hes really struggling. And now its going to be the president s key talking point when it comes to joe biden. Where do you stand. Why are you not out there front and center talking about the issues. You seem afraid to stand for something. Who are you catering to . Are you talking to your Democratic Base, are you talking to people who have been following you for years. And who are you really . Is it day to day. Are you out to please whoever you think is going to vote for you today or tomorrow and dont really stand for anything. Biden still sits atop many of the polls as the. The democrac front runner. Bernie sanders still around second place but Elizabeth Warren seems to be coming on. Shes up to 15 right on the heels of sanders. That was in iowa. Theres also, among california voters, you see 22 for joe biden, 18 for warren, 17 sanders, 13 Kamala Harris who of course is the senator from california. But key there that its within a point. s not like shes running far ahead of sanders but shes taking the sanders message and polishing it a little bit with policy plans. Polls from iowa and california, another one from nevada, if you add up sanders and warren im not saying the voter wills go to the other. The progressive number is much higher than the joe biden number. If youre joe biden and you see those percentages, thats why hes moving left. And these debates are going to force him to make that call. And it gives a lot of hope to fro expressives whtoprogressive. Shes kind of shrugging off of the attention saying its really early. Take a listen to what she had to say. So its way too early to talk about polls. What are we, eight months away from the first caucuses and primary elections . Im out there doing what i believe in. Donald trump is going do whatever he thinks helps donald trump. I think the way that we win is to go out and talk to people all across this country about our plans for the future. About our vision. About what were really willing to get in there and fight for. I think thats going to be the big difference. Simple tight message. I think thats great strategy. I think shes right to say its way too early. There hasnt been a debate yet. I think these polls mean virtually nothing. And her saying im going to get out there, speak my mind, tell you what i stand for is a great relaunch. To your point, i think that Bernie Sanders voters are looking at sanders and warren very very tightly. Warrens supporters aring looing at him and they feel those are the hard left, the people they can rely on. Pete buttigieg in there as well. Theres a cultish flavor to bernie people too. They felt he was slanted against or the system was rigged. Who knows where they go. Were going to turn to headlines now. Chaos at target this fathers day weekend as cash registers go off line at more than 1800 u. S. Stores. Customers stuck in line for hours unable to buy anything. The Company Released a statement reading in part, we can confirm that this was not a data breach or security related issue and no guest information was compromises at any time. The problem is now fixed. And dozens of Jimmy Buffett fans from oklahoma became extremely sick during an april trip to the Dominican Republic. 46 people came disow down with a mysterious illness. Its unclear what caused it. This is the latest trouble for the Dominican Republic. Eight americans have died there over the last year. Not good. Those are your headlines. Its fathers day. Keep sending us ur emails. And photos. Were moving on to a fox news alert. Its Prime Minister betten ya hughs wife pleads guilty to crimes. The breaking news in minutes. I think it would be pretty obvious who was responsible for this. And we actually have Video Evidence that show what is the iranians have been doing. A fox news alert. The uk Foreign Affairs secretary jeremy hunt backing up america in blaming iran on attacks on two oil tankers. What else can the allies be doing to keep pressure on iran. Here to weigh in jim hanson. Good morning, sir. Morning. So what more can our allies be doing and how serious is this situation right now . I think the allies need to recognize, as germany hunt did, that iran was responsible and theyve escalated things beyond talk. Theyve asked for and earned some sort of retribution. You cant conduct diplomacy without an amount of force. You need an iron fist in the glove otherwise you have diplomats sitting around sipping tea and heating pett pet fours. Irans aggression may fore trump to launch military attack. Quickly make your point that the military attack may be warranted. No serious person is calling for war with iran. Theyre trying to make it so we should talk or go to war. No. What we need to do is for President Trump to be able to sit down and secretary pompeo and the rest of the team, to be able to negotiate with iran, they cant be threatening shipping across the region. Theyre threatening the straits and dont forget their attacks in yemen through the houthiss with threatened the other strait where most of the ill comes out of the region. Youre suggesting an attack that gets irans attention, retribution and gets them to the table so we deal from a position of strength. Ben rhodes says this definitely feels like the kind of incident where you would want an International Investigation to establish what happened. Huge risk of escalation. Hes calling you and others on the right out. And i wonder if he heard what germany hunt said, which is that he backed up america and President Trump. Nobody should really take ben rhodes as obamas designated liar for the iran deal seriously. Hes not a National Security or Foreign Policy expert. Hes a professional spin master. And what hes doing now is what hes done all along. Helping cover for the Iranian Regime and their malign activities thats it. Direct, blunt as palms. Appreciate you coming in. Seattle taking a bold gamble on war on drugs. A possible free pass for possession. Our next guest is a nurse who has been sober for years. Shes saying that the idea is completely backwards. Shes calling out the National Officials in washington state. Youre going to want to hear this next. Hy. Welcome back. Starting with a fox news alert. The wife of israeli Prime Minister admits to misusing state funds. Sara netanyahu was accused of spending 100,000 dollars of state money on catering and charged with fraud. More massive protests in hong kong after the government suspended a law allowing extradition to mainland china. Demonstrators want the plan scrapped completely ancall for hong kongs chief executive to resign. Turning to a bold gamble to fight the war on drugs, the seattle city of seattle becoming the first in the nation to stop charging people with drug possession including heroin, meth and crack. Is this the best approach . Here to weigh in is jodi wilkie, a resident nurse. Thanks for being here. Hi. Im happy on the here. Thank you so much. So whats going on in seattle because this sounds like a potentially dangerous solution that they have proposed. Right. I agree. I think that they should go ahead and prosecute people who have broken the law. Its not a good way to go. Its leading to more and more homeless and more and more troubles for the citizens of seattle and the streets of seattle are becoming mer and mod more unsafe. Youre clean and sober pep tell us a little bit of your story and how that impacts the way you feel about this particular issue in seattle. Oh, yeah. Thank you for asking. Getting sober is not easy and not everybody really needs to stop using. Pot is legal here. So i mean i respect the fact that its a legal choice for some people. But not everybody can really handle it. What we have a big drug problem out there. It forces people to become homeless sometimes when they cant handle the rigors of real life. Theres a lot that goes on behind that. My particular struggle i just realized when my children were young that i couldnt manage being a mother and using, so i quit. And you know, that changed my life. I realize how hard it is, it sometimes takes a few tries for people to get out of the substance that theyre on. But i just didnt think that leniency is helpful really. Now theyre saying that their goal is to divert these lowlevel, how do you say it, offenders into treatment. Do you think as someone who went through this experience yourself, do you think a solution like this would have helped or hurt you to get sober . I think that treatment for some people is critical, it really is a helpful process. But some people dont take it seriously. I think if you want to get sober you have to put your heart and soul into it and you have to really embrace the sober lifestyle, change all of your friends, your associates, everybody that you know. Its a lifestyle change. And if youre not really all in, your chances of success are limited. Now, jodi, if we take a look at the map, five states have reclassified drug possession to misdemeanors. Alaska, california, connecticut, oklahoma, utah. This is seeming to become a trend. And i want to ask you, what are the risks here in terms of a slippery slope . Many people think youre talking about marijuana. Well theyre not talk about marijuana, theyre talking about meth, crack and heroin. Theyre talking about serious drugs if youre care rging less than gram of those serious drugs. Where could this lead that could become scary . Weve seen where it leads. Take a look at san francisco, take a look at los angeles and seattle, were right behind them. The drug addicted Homeless Population is a serious problem. And whenever you have the criminals and addicts who are defining public policy, you have a problem. So i dont agree with that policy at all. Ive worked with some of these people in the hospital in nursing home and what we find is they join us in the nursing home and then when they get well we cant release them on to the streets because they have no place to go and this is where they end up living. I want to thank you for being here, sharing your personal story and obviously your experience as a nurse and working in these communities has a great impact. Thank you so much for being here. Appreciate it. Thank you. Free speech on campus. No more deceptive telemarketer calls and beer delivered right to your door. All of that is now law in texas. But the freedom doesnt stop there. The other new law laws now on te books, we got them for you next. Xperience with u. Congratulations tell us about it. So a week ago i asked the most beautiful wonderful smartest toughest best woman i know on the planet Jenny Cunningham to be my wife. We are so thrilled. Thank you. You know, im so blessed and were so happy. We took a week vacation. Shes got three kids, ive got three, weve got one together and were so excited for our family. And you were tell thy because you were like im going to take her to the caribbean. So you let me in on part of the story. I let people in on part of it but i kept the nugget secret. I love you baib. A lot of people here know jen. True medic provided these recliners. And during the commercial there was a remote on this side of my chair naturally i thought it was fair. I hit every button, im like its not working. And its my chair youre maneuvering. Hes like, this is my chair. And ed is like wait a minute. He pressed every button on the remote. We were sitting in texas right now i wouldnt mess with texas. You know what they do in time for fathers day. They make sure there are interesting new laws that they want to get out there. Governor greg bob bot just signed a beer to go bill. This is good for you, pete. It is. And weve got other bills here, giving texans for liberty, banned red light cameras, protected free speech on campus, allow kids lem m lemonade stand. Approve beer and wine delivery. Ilet the kids have their lemonae stands. Thank you, Texas Governor greg abbott. He will be on thursday. Youre doing a terrific job while pete ignores you. Im excited about the peer to go bill but what does it say youre in a placey you have to defend lemonade stands and save chickfila. Who would want to ban chickfila. They hate it because theyre spiritual, close on sundays. Faithfocused on as a company and people object to that. They make great chicken. Even if you object to it, guess what, dont eat there. You have the option to not eat there. Were in a ban culture where everything you disagree with has to be taken off of the happen map. If you dont like it, dont watch the show, dont eat the food. I heap they ask him why he thinks people flee to texas and its good reason. Hes going to be on fox friends on tuesday. Now they can flee the red lights too. I guess it was the last state you couldnt take beer to go. I hope the governor brings some beer be when he comes in on tuesday. Were going to turn to headlines for you now. Dominican authorities intend to release information on the hit on ortiz. Police say ortiz had a nearly 8,000 dollar bounty on his head. Hes recover in a massachusetts hospital after he was shot in the back in santa domingo. President trump denies a the New York Times report claiming the u. S. Is increasing cyberattacks on russia, the president tweeting in part, quote, this is a virtual act of treason by a once great paper so desperate for a story, even if bad for our country, also, not true. The the New York Times report cited administration officials. And netflixs new prank show under fire before it even airs. Prank encounters hosted by Stranger Things show actor. The critics call the show cruel misleading people looking for work. Netflix plans to launch the episodes later this year. It has not commented on the backlash. Julia roberts reveals the original ending to pretty woman was supposed to be much darker. So what after he climbed up the tower and rescued her . She rescues him right back. Roberts character getting to live her happily ever after when the wealthy businessman who hired her fall falls in love wih her. The actress tells variety magazine the original hending was different than that. Threw her out of the car, threw the money on top of her and drove away leaving her in some dirty alley. What . I dont think the audience would have liked that. The movie changed directions when disney came on board. Lets have a happy ending. I like happy endings in movies like that. What a catch in that movie. Rick, any thoughts . I havent seen it. What . What . I know. Hold on a second. Saved by the bell. Your home work is saved by the bell and pretty woman for the weekend. Im just older than you, just inforenough that i missed it. Pretty woman i have no excuse. Check it out. Except now that i know it ends happily ever after. I know. We ruined it. Lets talk a little weather. Big rain for a lot of people. Take a look at the map. Show you whats going on. Temperature wise, things looking like it did yesterday, cooler air across the carolinas, parts of north georgia, a little wet come in, wedging in cooler air. A little rain in south florida but look at that line of storms from parts of texas toward the northeast. This looks like it did yesterday except the rain is moving to the northeast. Its not going to be a washout but youre going to constantly be looking to the sky. Some of it will be heavy, especially this morning around the cincinnati area and the dallas area. And unfortunately parts of oklahoma and kansas and missouri, the same spots seeing the flooding, more rain coming in. Take a look at what happens this week. That exact line is the same spot thats going to see a lot of rain this week. So the flooding story that i cant stoop talking about is going to continue for part of this week. Back to you. Thanks, rick. This back massage feels great. Youre having a party with this chair. I dont know whats going on over here. True medic. President trump announcing a big expansion for health care. Thanks to the changes were making, an estimated 11 million americans will choose their own plans with the help of the hras. One doctor says the change is a big change for the American Workers. And she joins us live with the details. Headlines. The u. S. Looks to make it two or two at the womens world cup today. They take on clil lee. Chile. America donated thaihand. Gary lemon is holding on to a onestroke lead heading into the u. S. Open today. What a par. Come on. Youve got to be kidding me. Yes. Woodland 1 is under par through three rounds but reigning twotime champ Brooks Koepka is within striking distance. Four shots back. You can find that on fox. And Gary Woodland supports the charity that weve talked about a lot. A win for Small Businesses and workers as President Trump expands options for health care. We are dramatically increasing the ability of american to access more Affordable Health insurance through options and through their employers. Were doing so by expanding Health Reimbursement arrangements or hras, thanks to the changes were making an estimated 11 million american wills now choose their own plans with the held of the hras. Here to break down the impacts this has on American Workers is dr. That ko nicole s. I need you help on this. I want to know how does this help Small Businesses, how does this help people, why is this good news. President trump is, you know, playing on exactly what he has said, congress failed repeal and replace and hes using limits of his executive power. What hes trying to do is expand choice and competition into the individual mark. Hras are another form of pretax dollars that employers can use to Fund Insurance premiums. So its actually employerowned as opposed to employeeowned. Which is like an hsa account. Health savings account. What this is going to do is allow specifically Small Businesses so you know, the big gbig ga plans youre not goo see change there. The Small Businesses are going to be able to offer hras to their employees and they can choose their insurance plan. Theyre not going to be held hostage to a group plan. Theyre going to go to the individual marketplace, use the hra and get the plan they want, the plan that works for their family. Its pretax dollars and its more choice for the individual employees because they dont have to do the one option that is obamacare. Its bringing choice to the employee and its also going to help drive more people into the individual market which is going to drive the price competition and give you more affordable options and more choice. Thats exactly what President Trump said hes vowing to do and thats what hes doing. Working towards that. Portability of insurance is a big issue as you know. So what happens when you switch jobs . So thats why a lot of people stay in their jobs right now. They dont want to lose the Group Coverage they have. I call it the g goliath Group Coverage. If you allow your employees to use the hras, the employees can keep their plans when switches jobs. This gives great flexibility to people who are looking to switch jobs. Nownow youre going to have businesses that need to up their game to keep employees. Does that include catastrophic coverage saying i dont want holistic coverage. Is it more flectsability . Using the hras under the aca, the restrictions would not allow you to do that. However these new rules would give you more flexibility to pick the plan that works for you. This is a big contrast to what 2020 democrats have proposed. You hear a lot of talk of medicare for all and Big Government involvement. This is the opposite of that, providing more competition and putting more control in the hands of people. I think this is a big win for President Trump if he goes out and talks about this and it gets implemented. This is the opposite of washington knows best, this is you know best what your family needs and that is exactly what President Trump is working towards. Very good. Dr. Sapphire, thank you. I hope i clarified some of that for everyone. Its helpful. Such a confusing topic overall. Thank you. President trump backing a move to protect the american flag. The new proposal he calls a no nobrainer coming up. What better way to celebrate fathers day than with bacon. Bacon breakfast tacos, bacon cornbread. Dr. Sapphire might have something to say about that. Well, theres no better way to celebrate dads. We checked. This is the best way. And with some hot crispy bacon. Better believe it. Here with the perfect recipes to get dad out of bed this morning, chef peter sherman, author of a great book the bacon bible bhaps better thawhats better. The bible is better, second is bacon bible. You have 200 recipes for bacon. The whole idea of this book is introducing people to new ways to eat bacon, not just on the side plate. But to real lie use it. So today we have a bunch of recipes from the book. Weve got a bacon sausage from a whole line of sausages that we make where youre using bacon in the grind. Putting anytime a taco. In the taco this morning. Mow does that work . Obviously i cook some bacon or some sausage up right now, put it with some eggs, simply seasoned with a little cilantro and some scallions. The flavor of the sausage is what you want to come through and Everything Else tames that down. Theres a whole bunch of accompaniments in the book. A pick ld pickled jalapeno sala. Bacon cornbread . I have no heard of that before. Its funny because when you start thinking about all of the different ways you could use bacon you end up having a ton of bacon fat. What can i do with bacon fat. Fat is flavor. By the way one if you come to town, its close to times square. Just a few blocks off of it. Bar bacon. But its not like youre opening up a pack of, you know, like whatever, youre making everything. Everything. We have chipotle bacon right there. We make bacon for a reuben. What is that in. Most bacon is coming, cooked at 150 degrees, its a little chewy. We can se tender rise it, breadt and fry it like chicken nuggets. Check this out. Wanting to stretch, you know, the fat in different ways. The thing with the cornbread is, you know, we were making a whole bunch of infused liquors for the bar. So bacon infused bourbon for an old fashioned. But it took a while for the idea that the cornbread. Not only were you flavoring the liquor with the bacon but the bacon was flavoring the bacon fat. I had also bourbon flavored bacon fat. The bacon bible go pick it up. Coming up, Mike Huckabee, cory lew win dowcorey lewandowss live. Happy fathers day. Yes. Happy fathers day to both of you. Happy fathers day to tony, my dad at home whos watching. Youre the best dad ever. Happy fathers day to everyone at home. Ill take that privilege to my father brian happy fathers day. And my father ed as well. If you dont have a gift yet, can i recommend the bacon bible which was given to me for any birthday. I already have it at home. But its 200 recipes for bacon. Now i get why you proposed. We have some staff photos for fathers day. This is amy pictured with her family and dad tony tharchlt is that is awesome. Heres associate writer jim with his father on a golf course. This is field producer nikki with dad derek at the lsu game in dallas. Heres Production Assistant joseph along with his grandpa and dad. Both named frank. Email us your fathers day photos friends foxnews. Com. We want to see them. We want to share in this experience. And dads you guys are so important in your kids lives. Thank you to my dad, every dad out there, you do not go underappreciated. When you email us, tell us a story, make us laugh. Dont forget to tell us who is in the photo, if theres a grandpa in there. And youre not a dad of a dog, i does not count. It counts for me. I got you dog daddy. More fun and grilling coming up. In the meantime, back in the 2016 campaign when you have the chants at trump rallies of lock her up about Hillary Clinton deleted the email, you had a lot of democrats then saying thats a Banana Republic kind of deal, you cant go after your public opponents and now theyve flipped on that. The 2020 candidates want to be the next commander in chief at 1600 pennsylvania. Theyre vowing to prosecute trump. Listen. Any attorney general that i would appoint is somebody who will faithly apply the concept that no one is above the law, everybody should be held accountable whether theyre a former president or somebody who has never been near the halls of power. Thats the point. Everyone should be held accountable and the president is not above the law. If we do not hold the president accountable we will have set the precedent that some people in this country, because of their position of power, are in fact above the law. Were they talking about Hillary Clinton . No, they werent. Shes not president. But that whole idea. Reminding everyone. Just so you know. But it is amazing. And Pete Buttigieg, remember when he came out, everybody thought he was going to be a thoughtful mayor with all of these new ideas. He slipped into the same tired base, got to impeach, got to prosecute, reparations because hes focused on a black vote where he had zero percent. Hes not been above sliding where me needs to slide. Is there a memo that goes around to the politicians, say this. It seems that they repeat the same nonsense over and over again. Its boring, the same talking points and it reminds me of why President Trump won. President trump is preparing to launch a 2020 Election Campaign on tuesday. Today is four years since he launched his white house bid and came down that famous golden escalator. We have the Washington Examiner saying never too the man on the escalator four years ago. Not anymore. And its so funny because the media found this all funny, oh, ha, ha, donald trump. Remember that . Take a listen. I have not yet included donald trump in our coverage of the republican president ial came pain ancampaign and that is bece is obviously never going to be president. He is obviously never going to be the republican nominee for president. Who has donald trump in the allin fantasy candidate draft. He is not going to be president. Not going to be the nominee. Hell never be president. It would take a full day to play every clip of people saying that. This happened on the republican side too, looking left, looking right, whats she saying, whats he saying, should i go further or not. And you remember trump in this first president ial debate which was will you abide by the republican endorsement and he was the only one that raised his hand. He won because he cut against the grain. He ran against the crowd. Was himself and unique. Think about before that first dpdebate, the moment he comes dn the escalator with his wife and his daughter introduced him. It was surreal in the moment four years ago. Critic after critic said hell never be president. And they were wrong again and again and again. Yeah, he was grossly underestimated by myself included. I wasnt sure he was going to beat Hillary Clinton because the media was fawning over her. The guy was a nonpolitician. I get his appeal. Im tired of listening to the politicians spew the same stuff over and over. This is a guy who says what he feels and sometimes he rubs people the wrong way but its honest and authentic. When people have conversations around their dinner table, thats how they talk about the issue. I get his appeal and i think its going to set him apart of whats coming out of the mouths of the democrats right now. It sounds preprogrammed. People want to hear real talk. Some people saw it from the beginning. One is Corey Lewandowski. Were going to have him lye on the program to reflect on that moment. At that moment when hes coming down the escalator did you believe it was possible to win the nomination. When he came down the escalator i didnt think it would happen. I was like, i dont know. I was a conservative republican support someone else. When its issue or style or pride in country, i call it trump conversion moment. Its that one moment where youre like, i get it. But what youre tapping into is the media mob where the Mainstream Media will latch on to something saying this is never going to happen and this is why. Weve got stats telling you Hillary Clinton has a 98 chance of winning and they were wrong. Theres a mob as well with the latenight talk show hosts. All they want to do is pile on the president. Its a pileon effect. A mob. On and on. And occasionally theres somebody from within that bubble that says hang on a second, this is a dummied. David spade, the comedian, he says hes simply not interested in making jokes about the president. Watch. I think at this point it would be piling on, you know. If it gets to be where after a few years trump turned into an easy target. At the beginning its like can you believe this guy and now its like, yeah, we can. Less shock value. Ill try other ways flps ways to be funny. There are a lot of other ways. And and chully be funny. Have you seen the democratic field . Have you seen nancy pelosi and Chuck Schumer . Theyre made for comedy. Have you seen Maxine Waters . Have you seen Elizabeth Warren . Pick whoever you want. Bernie sanders . The guy is a character in and of himself. When larry david played him last time, that was awesome. One thing he said that was great was like theres so much stuff outside of politics that weve forgotten. Gender reveal parties when a ba ib by is coming. Those are really funny. People look to comedy as an escape from the news and from the political discussions and its okay to have some comedy related to politicians but its allconsuming where the latenight comedians seem like political commentators. People are looking for you to take them away from that. Theyre pushing a political message, an agenda. What do you think at home, friends foxnews. Com. Do you want comeed cant to take a break in politics . Are you happy that he spoke out saying theres other funny stuff out there that we could talk about thats not dedicated to taking down President Trump . You give a guy like greg gutfeld, give them a nightly show on a network to compete with one of those, they would do gangbusters. And look at gregs ratings, hes doing better than the lateshow cast. He is i a funny dude. Hes funnier off air. I agree. I dont agree. Headlines for you. Attacks on two ail tankers. The crown prince saying that the saudis wont hesitate to address threats and rises tensions. Crew members from one of the ships arrive in dubai after two days in iran. The iranian government strongly denied any role in the attack. Planned parenthood is building a new clinic in alabama. The 10,000square foot facile is thfacilityis under constructionn birmingham. Groups including planned parenthood are challenging the law in court. A runway is back open after United Airlines flight skidded off of the pavement at newark airport. The faa says the planes tires blew out while landing. Emergency crews were called to n to evacuate the aircraft. They were care ruing 166 passengers from denver. None were seriously hurt. And President Trump throwing support behind a bill to ban the burning of the american flag. The president tweeting yesterday, quote, all in for senator steve danes as he proposes an amendment for a strong ban on burning our american flag, a nobrainer. The bill would amend the constitution giving congress the ability to ban burning the flag. Its one of those things where you fight for freedom and Free Expression. But i think the flag banning proposal is part of why trump became so popular. I was thinking about where we were four years ago and we didnt see the under currents of immigration, of unfair trade practices, but he was willing to talk about but a lot of republicans werent. Same thingant patriotism. Theres a sense around america that the flag is being disrespected, that were not saying the pledge of allegiance, not stand fg for anthem. What does it mee mean for people. You look at a proposal like that, im all for Free Expression but quit burning my flag. Thats going to be heavily debated. A lot of people are going to say i dont support that, i dont support burning the flag but i have to support your right to be able to do so. Very fair position. And you would have to amend the constitution in order to ban burning the flag. I was reading the bacon bible. The Ten Commandments offfetz sat live by his own words. Hes got the scoop next. Former fbi chief james comey has some advice to those calling to prosecute President Trump. In a tweet writing political candidates and elected officials should not talk about the prosecution of any anybody. Law enforcement decisions must be a political. Well, here to react, fox news contributor, Jason Chaffetz. Good morning, happy fathers day. Good morning. Thank you. Should we be getting a lesson on this from james comey in. The problem with james comey is he doesnt does what he says. He says he didnt do sneaky stuff. He did some sneaky stuff. Did some leaking of classified information. And he did something she was never supposed to b to do as a prosecutor, he waxed on all of the time that Hillary Clinton and her team had done wrong. She was not done well by james comey. And the reason every president ial candidate is being asked this question is the American People have lost the confidence in the department of justice and specifically the higher echelon of the fbi because there has not been an equal application of justice in this country. First i want to stay on comey quickly because youre a former colleagueyour formercolleague tn 2016 if candidate had gotten that dirt and everybody wants him to call the fbi, who is on the other line of the phone, james comey, peter strzok, all kinds of trump haters . Trey gowdy has a very interesting perspective and hes right. Look at now, as weve exposed what happened at that higher echelon, who was on the other end of that. Now, what donald trump, when he was asked the question he said he would do both. He would tell the fbi and he would listen. And you have democrat candidates saying we should impeach the president. For listening . Thats what they want to impeach him for . Didnt Hillary Clinton listen to what was in the antitrump dossier . Not only did she listen, she paid for it. Remember, it was president bill clinton, while Hillary Clinton was the secretary of state bill clinton took more than 1 is,000s dollars out of the state for speeches including russia and paid millions of dollars to dig up dirt to create the dossier thats used to go after thencandidate donald trump. Thats is so over the top and different than what theyre preaching about. People want accountability. Weve talked about that before. And michael wh who horowitz. Weve been hearing about this report. Where is it. As the report comes to the crescendo, other people step forward at the last minute. Its going to be any time now. It may spill over into july. But this is going to be quite revealing. He does a thorough job. Hes dealing with more than a million documents and it will be the definitive word on whats going on. Thats why you have to wonder if thats why james comey and Andrew Mccabe is speaking out. Last point i want to make. You have a new granddaughter. Yes. My wife and i were very blessed. We have three kids, a granddaughter and another granddaughter on the way due in october. Were counting our blessings. What a wonderful blessing. Jason chaffetz appreciate you coming many. Happy fathers day. Meanwhile, this has been a tough story all week long and theres more. Another mysterious death in the Dominican Republic. A new york woman dying while celebrating her birthday. Her son is rightfully demanding answers. He joins us live with his plea for help. A story you simply cannot miss. With drivewise. Moving is hard. No kidding. But moving your internet and tv . Thats easy. Easy . easy . Easy. Because now xfinity lets you transfer your Service Online in just about a minute with a few simple steps. Really . Really. That was easy. Yup. Plus, with twohour appointment windows, its all on your schedule. Awesome. Now all you have to do is move. That thing. [ sigh ] introducing an easier way to move with xfinity. Its just another way were working to make your life simple, easy, awesome. Go to xfinity. Com moving to get started. Time now for your news by the numbers. First, two thats how many birds could shut down on entire music festival. Two endangers birds and four eggs were recently discovered on chicagos beach, the potential site for the music fest. A permit for the event has not been approved. The same thing just happened in new jersey, one bird. Next, 13 million, thats how much you need to buy two private islands off of the coast of manhattan. The old radio broadcast bunker was created to a four bedroom pad. Featuring five acres of land. Strikes me as a good deal. Finally 5. 64 million, how much a babe ruth jersey went for at auction, becoming the most expensive sports people ra beale ya ever. The previous record was a jersey from the legend at 4. 4 millio. Tragedy in the Dominican Republic as the number of americans who have mysteriously died there is now rising to at least eight. The latest, a new york mom leila cox went there to celebrate her 53rd bitterdy but never returned home. Officials say he died of a heart attack. Her son is searching for answers and the officials are telling him all of the toxicology machines are broken. Will, thank you for being here. First of all, my sincere condolences to you for the loss of your mother. This is a horrific tragedy. Do you have any insight as to what happened to her here own this vacation . No, i do not have any insight. Everything theyve told me so far has changed on a daily basis. Im waiting for more information come monday. Hopefully with further analysis of the autopsy report we might be able to get more information. But they told me it could take a month to two month to do that. The claim is that she had a heart attack. Did she have a heart condition . Did she go into this vacation with any Health Condition that you knew of . No. Everybody who knew her, her family in new york, her family down in knoxville, all knew she was in good health. She had no prior heart conditions, no prior Health Conditions. She worked in a hospital. She would get checkups all of the time. She had no Health Conditions. Everyone who knew her knew this. You wanted a toxicology report done and they told you that all of their machines that would conduct the toxicology reports in the Dominican Republic are broke. Broken. That sounds like an old explanation. And that certainly would not sit well with me while trying to find out what happened to my mother. How did you find out that information and where did that leave you . What was your next step after that . Well that is correct. They told me all of their toxicology machines were broken. I found that out from the u. S. eembassy. Ms. Garcia told me that, said that all of the toxicology machines are broken. We do not know when well get them fixed. I was suspicious beforehand but that confirmed my suspicions that something is not right here. How can a whole countrys toxicology machines be broken. From there basically without some sort of miracle i cannot do my own u. S. Autopsy or my own u. S. Toxicology. As of right now i can just hope for the best. I requested a tube of her blood be sent along with her remains and that is yet to be answered for me. Ive been talking to the u. S. Embassy and they should get back to me on monday. They couldnt reach the doctor because he left the office on friday. You were suspicious for other reasons related to your moths body and the way that whole conversation went about. Tell us about that. Well by the time i found out my father got a phone call at 3 p. M. The u. S. Embassy closed at 4 p. M. By the time i find out, i have the power of attorney, im her only son. Under Dominican Republic law i only had 24 hours to proceed with the process, decide what to do with the body and cremate the body or embalm. I made a few phone calls and thanks to people for powerful than me helped, talked to the government and they extended that deadline until monday. Wow, 24 hours. We have a statement i want to read this from you. They have released a statement saying we received a forensics report stating that the cause of death was a heart attack and has been ruled as a natural death. Well strive to continue to provide Outstanding Service to our customers with their safety and security top of mind. When you see that statement, whats your reaction . I mean, i just hope that theyre honest about it. Thats the best i can hope for. I mean, its an all exclusive resort. You pay for a hotel room. Everything is included, food, drinks, anything you want. But if they cant guarantee the safety of their customers, i think thats their biggest concern. And i hope they get to the bottom of this because i dont want another u. S. Citizen to pass away, and an innocent u. S. Citizen to pass away and someone to face what im going through currently. I know you goal is to try to get your moms body back to the United States to get that toxicology report. My hope for you is that you get answers. Theres nothing worse than suffering a horrific tragedy like that and not having answer to what happened to your mom. Youre in my thoughts and prayers that your get your answers and im so sorry for you for suffering this terrible tragedy. Thank you for being here. The stage is set for the first democratic debate. 20 candidates made the cut but who does Mike Huckabee think will come out on top. Were going to ask them when he comes on live, coming up next. We have to have a talk. Who. I cant handle yall. Whose is shorter. I cant. Daddy. Oh my. Can you imagine if you dad picked you up at School Wearing that . Shot of the morning fathers day edition. This dad surprising his daughter with his own pair of jean shorts to teach her a lesson. Jason is vowing to wear them in public if she wears her. The video is going viral on facebook. More than 29 million views. I think in fairness he stole this idea from Mike Huckabee who did this with his own kids, didnt you, governor in. Right. Thats exactly what i did. And mine has been seen by 175 Million People who have vowed never ever again to access to internet. This is an hilarious video. You got to give this guy some credit to go out and do Something Like this. Funny fathers day moment. To put that on the internet, he definitely would show up at her School Wearing a that. Happy fathers day to you. Thanks so much. Are you celebrating today . Doing anything special . Kind of. Im working at my church in the parking lot which is my typical sunday duty when im home. Ill be directing traffic on fathers day. Mostly because my children and grandchildren are spread out all over the place. Well be texting, phoning, emailing but still connects today and having a nice time to remind each other of what a great joy it is to have a family that loves each other. Thats to me what its all about. You sent out a nice tweet of your daughter Sarah Sanders mentioned that shell be stepping down. You thanked the president for treating her with great dignity and respect. A lot of people, you can react to that but a lot of people wondering, the president himself threw it out there, she might run for your old job, governor of arkansas. She doesnt know what shes going to do. Thats the fact. Shes loved this job and been totally consumed in it. She loves the president. Has nothing but the highest level of respect and appreciation. But i dont think its really caught up with her that shes going to be, you know, having to find the next chapter in her life. No, she doesnt know if thats what shes going to do. But if she does, i think she would be great at it. It would be interesting. She would be going back to a house that she basically grew up in if she ended up being governor and moving into the governors mansion. Reflect on her time, three and a half years with the president. I think she has had the toughest job of any press secretary. Never has there been a press corps that was so relentlessly negative toward a president as this press corps has been toward President Trump. Theres always contention but its never been like this where its openly hostile and personal. And the attacks on not just the president but on her have been unprecedented. And then to go to pint of being thrown of restaurants, thats just absurd. But i think shes handled it with dignity and class, im proud of her and i think a lot of people in america have been amazed that she didnt lose her temper and lose her cool in many of those moments. Youre right about that. Governor, the stage is set for the first democratic debates. June 26th and june 27th. Two groupings, the first one has some would say the star would be Elizabeth Warren, has beto, cory booker, julian castro. You can sea the whole list. And then you have the second grouping with joe bidens, Bernie Sanderses who have been at the time. Who do you think is going to come out on top in this debate, in both of these actually . I think in the debate involving joe biden whoever can best challenge him and take the shine off of her his frontrunner status. I want to commend the democrats for doing something thats very smart. They did something that was very smart in that they took all of the names, put them in a hat and drew them rather than ranking them in some artificial way this early in the debate. Thats very smart. The republicans should have learn from that. I have been saying that for the last 12 years, thats what they should have done. Lets be real clear. These are not debates. This is a Television Show, pure and simple. A Television Show. A reality contest. And i think some of the people who have the best shot are people like Kamala Harris who is very good on her feet, shes strong, a great voice, a great speaking voice. She can have just enough sort of glint in her eye and smile on her face. Attitude makes more difference in these debates than does what one says. I agree. And i think buttigieg too is going to be one to watch. People have been interested in him and how he has a similar approach in being quite convincing. Happent happy fathers day. Going to turn to headlines for you now. President trump praising florida ice november nor tore signing a bill that essentially bans sanctuary cities tweeting quote, more and more states want to do this but their governors and leaders dont have the courage to do so. The bill requires local government to cooperate with federal immigration authorities. Chelsea manning is facing 500 in fines per day until he cooperates with federal investigators. The fines went into effect after the former Army Intelligence analyst missed a judges 30day deadline to testify before a grand jury. The fines will double to 1,000 dollars next month. Manning is refusing to testify in a wikileaks probe targeting founder julian aaing. Assange. Dean cain gettinge on a recent flight. He shared this note reading, thank you for flying with us superman. The note referring to deans work. I love that. Those are wrur headlines. Your headlines. Rick, where are you . I hate when i cant see you. What have you got for us . Troubles for a lot of dads out there. Unfortunately it a lot of rain and unfortunately in some of the same spots sha hav that have beg the rain. The rain across central plains, more heavy rain overnight across kansas and oklahoma. We saw that last night. Because of all of this rain obviously we have the flooding concerns and the crop concerns, people arent able to get out and plant and problems just continue. Its the exact same spot thats been seeing it. Although some of the energy is moving northeast. Youre going to have to watch out for a couple of spotty showers that will move in from time to time. Down across the south, areas of texas and louisiana, arkansas this plorng, big heavy downpours, thunderstorms there. Watch out for it. This is how the next couple of days play out. You get the popup storms across the plains, areas of the east, areas of florida. No big change to the picture and were going to continue to have all of our flooding problems. Poor dads. Except dads get to eat at least inside. When its raining. A new survey says 75 of dads like to bond with their kids over food. Why not say thank you with a little rack of ribs. A little rack . A lot of rack. Diane hendricks, thanks for being here. Yeah. What have you got in. Its fathers day. If you havent prepared, do an express lane through the Grocery Store and get this on the table. This is the full spread and then well go to the ribs. This is the simplest appetizer. I have guacamole salsa to die for. Its amazing. And those chips are called whips, parmesan crisps guilty free and a good low carb high protein snack. We have gua guacamole. We want to get to the ribs. Okay. So these are spare ribs and these are st. Louis style ribs, and these are baby back ribs. The spare rib is from the lower part of the rib and i has the tip on. And st. Louis style the tip is cut off. Its easier to eat. This is all smithfield. Extra tender pork. 100 fresh pork. Even though the different sizes. Its all pork. 100 fresh pork. Its really dishes. You can find it in walmart or target, grab and go. Here we have a Barbecue Sauce. I want to show you a quick way to make a Barbecue Sauce. Ithis is honey harvested in the mountains of grease. You take a Barbecue Sauce, whisk in the honey. You can make your own Barbecue Sauce or you can buy it at the store, your favorite one and then you baste it on and stick it on the grill. You do the same thing in a smoker. Just got one, havent used it yet. You can do the same thing in a smoker. Smithfield has them dry rubbed and you can buy them dry rubbed and make your own Barbecue Sauce and base them. Is there a website . Dianehendricks. Com. And you brought beer. Shes back later on in the show. In the meantime well go inside. You better save the guacamole for me. All im going to say. Maybe. Well the media is already hyping another candidate ahead of the democrat debates. Senator Elizabeth Warren as the undisputed star. Candidate whose star has been on the rise however, senator Elizabeth Warren. Warren is the 2020 policy pace setter. But can warren actually steal the spotlight . Thats coming up next. All right. Some quick headlines. Houston, texas an star j. J. Watt taketaking matters into his ownd tweeting i say we chip in and buy whata. Burgeburger back. A new studt fewer fast foodburgs are for the best. Warning east fast foods can cause irreversible dementia. Pete . That explains a lot, ed. The stage is set for the first democratic debate and the media is hyping up one particular candidate. Night one well see chute senator Elizabeth Warren as the undisputed star. Shes rise in the polls. If youre looking for Elizabeth Warren, she has a lot of plans. The candidate whose star has been on the rise however, senator lrp. Elizabeth warren. Warren is y pace setter rolling out 21 proposals. Will she steal the spotlight . Here to weigh in, howie carr. Appreciate you being here. A lot has been made for luck of the draw she had for being the sole top tier candidate in the first debate. Is that an advantage for her . I think it is. First night will get more viewers. And the other advantage is you have biden and Bernie Sanders on the second night and buttigieg, the mayor of south bend is already going after them. Hes criticizing biden for supporting the iraq war, saying bernie is too old. Thats where youre going to get fireworks. Shes in third place right now in most polls. So let somebody else try to take out the front runners and she can rise above the fray. And you know, shes not really in there with a lot of heavy hitters. I think anybody could look good against mayor deblasio from new york, just to cite one example. There were a lot of great candidates yet President Trump rose above it all. We had governor huckabee on a whole ago saying debates are not policy. Theyre reality shows. Doeis she able to stand out . I thought governor huckabee made a good point about that. Im not sure she does. Shes getting touted. All of these puff pieces in all of the leftwing magazines and websites. Some of her ideas are pretty whacky. Shes proposing a wealth tax. So if you have asset of 50 million, she wants a 1 tax or 2 tax every year. You would have to come up with a million bucks. So i mean, thats i mean it sounds good on the campaign trail and it gets the base all excited but it doesnt work. I mean even in the puff piece that the new yorker ran they pointed out that 12 countries had this plan 20 years ago and all but three of them have abandoned it. It leads to scams and you know, manipulation and fraud. And its not going to help the appreciation of real estate values, art values. Julie. Jewelry. Its a band plan. Youre running on double taxation. Its not income. Youre taxing wealth. Its crazy. Well see how it plays out. The media giving her bounce right now. Howie carr thank for you time. Well still need a fathers day gift . Believe it or not, its not too late. Weve got some great lastminute options for dad coming up next. Nothing like a little procrastination on fathers day. In fact i may buy myself a gift. Im looking at this. You are. Believe it or not, its not too late to get a gift for dad. Here with ideas is carry riley. Thank for being here. Its super important. Were going to go down the row and start with gift cards. Yeah. Well basically this is an app. Its actually called gift ya. When you have lastminute gift gifgiving and you havent done , this is the venmo of gifting. It gives you spenning money to give your dad that he can then spend at any of his favorite stores. Gift ya . Yeah, whether its a big box store, a mom and pop store, personalize it, a video, a photo, its awesome. Quick and easy. These flip flops are great. Youve got a whole combination of clothing here. This is jc penny. I love this because i like to put my kids in the car. Iemg going to be doing this later. They have affordable pricings anprices andits very stylish. This is the Michael Strahan collection. Yes, we love him. A good family man. Cuff links, wallet. Lits great. Its great. I like watches an keys. Theyankees. My husband kriedz whe cried w this. You can get this at macys, at belk, online. Basically whats so special is every watch is made different. It is incorporated right here. This is from the 1923 stadium. In the watch. This is 595. A collectors item. Its like an heirloom. And its authenticated. It is authenticated with the mlb. This is for real. We might have to buy it for jeds dad. We mieghtd hav might have to. Its the 40th anniversary dustbuster. One of their newest lines. Im going to have you do a contest, who can suck up the coffee grounds. Theres a power boost. Whoa will your work . Do i get a trophy . Im sorry. Jed has never cleaned her apartment ou her apartment apparently. We dont have any time for this but also alcohol. Kettle one, 13 generations. This is a yummy cocktail, bring it to lunch. Thank you so much. Corey lewandowski coming up next hour. Jon jon a heartwarming reunion this mothers day. A missouri mom surprised by the daughter she gave up for adoption 28 years ago. Elliott davis has their story. I want to go out in the street and scream and shout. I want to dance. A reunion years in the making. 28 years to be exact. I dont know. Its real. Its just real. Jeanette that scotts mom gave up up for adoption 28 years ago when she was four or five months old. Shes seeing her mom for the First Time Since then. Ive waited my entire life to be here, to just be with my mom. Sometimes they say the grass is greener when you get adopted. But im just happy to be here at this poinrise. Ear lottery ticke. R the. Haha, it happens. And if youve got cutrate Car Insurance, paying for this could feel like getting robbed twice. So get allstate. And be better protected from mayhem. Like me. They feel like they have to drink a lot of water. Patients that i see that complain about dry mouth, medications seem to be the number one cause for dry mouth. Dry mouth can cause increased cavities, bad breath, oral irritation. Jedediah oh, boy, petes singing. He knows all of the words. Pete i always think that i know the words. Jedediah it sounded right to me listen, it was close enough. Ed are you going to sing at your wedding . Pete am i going to sing at my wedding . No. Jedediah i would pay to see that video. I want to make 10. Pete i love karaoke though. Ed weve done it together. Pete we actually had a christmas party, me and ed. Ed youve been sending photos all morning. Here is one from ray. Picture with his two daughters sharing a fathers day milkshake that looks awesome. Jedediah check out this celebrating his first fathers day with his dad and new son, george. Oh, look at the baby pete very special and this one from shawn, showing two generations of military service. His dad, a vietnam veteran who inspired him to serve as well. He is a combat medic. These are awesome. Keep the emails coming in its fathers day we love it and its just an american holiday. I could be wrong. Theres probably other fathers day but my guess is its not today although youll fact check that and ill be wrong so ill just declare it an american holiday. Jedediah happy fathers day to everyone, to all of these amazing dads out there. We appreciate you so much. Ed absolutely and the president of the United States waking up this morning on fathers day wondering whatever happened to this democratic surge theyve been talking about. Democrats were pushing the Mueller Report saying mueller time is coming and it comes out no collusion, no obstruction. And then like well maybe it was so maybe well have an impeachment effort, so everybody calm down and in the meantime the base of the party the resist movement going back to the inaugural which has been having all of these protesters saying this is the weekend. This is the weekend were going to get the drum beat for impeachment so they held rallies all across the country and they flat. Pete those are the headlines. The media would love this. Ed look at it theres hardly anyone there. Pete more pavement than people. Los angeles daily news says pro impeachment rallies are scattered across Southern California all relatively small and calm. And the trump rally in Downtown Portland draws small crowds, and impeach trump rally draws dozens and the one counterprotester got a mention in there as well so listen if youre tom stire, the billionaire spending million s and millions trying to impeach impeach and your culmination weekend is a couple of folks . Ed theres a counterprotester calling him the greatest president since reagan. Jedediah what goes along with this is this poll should congress begin the impeachment process. 33 say yes, to begin the process but 61 say no and 6 say i dont know so that is reflected in the low attendance at these hours as ive been saying for so long impeachment is a great discussion among politicians but voters are just not interested and exhausted from this story. They want to talk about issues and they dont want the democratic voters dont want their democratic politicians. Ed to your point, axios did this focus group with voters in pennsylvania, key battleground of course, who voted obama previously and then went to trump and flipped in 2016 and out of the eight voters most of them really liked President Trump but said they had open minds but they were sticking with trump but they added they could care less about the Mueller Report or impeachment. All eight of these obama voters said they wanted to hear about the economy and trade and tariff s. Pete even when i go to the din ers and talk to folks not just republicans but democrats and liberals even theyre over it. Theres a lot of heat but not a lot of light. Like a lot of yelling about it folks on capitol hill say that, we want to do it president ial candidates say i want to do it and they dont want to do it because they know how bad it would be. Jedediah there you go. Ed not a lot of light. Pete i also dont know what that means. Jedediah another person dropping insight is senator Lindsey Graham saying that impeachment talk will only get trump elected again. Check it out. So here is the deal. Mueller is the final word for me everything the house is doing is politically motivated. This is political revenge and i think most americans are ready to move on, to my democratic colleagues in the house so if you bring up impeachment after mueller issued his report based on the Mueller Report then its going to blow up in your face your hurting the country being unfair to the president and hes going to get reelected. Ed if this was any weekend that you wanted to pick where you really wanted and youre on the left and show theres enthusiasm for impeachment, we want to take him out hes not reelected this is the weekend because on tuesday, of this coming week President Trump is officially relaunching his campaign. Jedediah oh, yeah. Ed in orlando and the president has been saying on one side that the rsvps are coming in fast and furious, they have tens of thousands for a venue that cant hold that many, so you would want to show strength on the left, with these impeachment rallies and it said its a little bit of a duda and then pete a lot of a duda of that. Ed a major rally on tuesday. Pete youre right if you want enthusiasm you also need voters who are for something. If youre running for president on the democratic side you rant supporters not just resisters. Thats the energy youre going to need and so far theyre missing it on both sides. Jedediah trump is coming out strong already, going right for that front runner joe biden. Joe biden is taking a lot of heat lately, with respect to the height amendment in particular that he goes back and fourth that he cant find his way and then guess what hes flip flopping listen to trump talking about that. President trump he wanted to be the tough guy, hes not a tough guy hes a weak guy, but he is recalibrated on everything. Everything he says hes taken back two weeks later because hes getting slammed by the left and hes stuck with this stuff. I mean hes really stuck with it ed to the president s point who is slamming biden . Its not just the president. Its the left. They are the ones who pressured him into flip flopping on the height amendment and then other democrats after he flopped on that one saying whats next . Are you going to renounce your vote for the iraq war for example, because now the door is wide open, the Pressure Campaign against joe biden and he folded on the height amendment after years and years of saying this was about his faith and this was one little part of agreement on abortion not to have federal funding and all of a sudden he flip flopped. Pete absolutely you mentioned the height amendment. I think the word are two things that define joe biden so far. He hid, because he didnt want to answer questions and when he finally got a little bit of pressure from left wing abortion advocates he flipped. People want political courage. And it might not be your moment if youre politically courageous maybe you say things the electorate isnt ready to hear but it paid off for President Trump who said thins that were unpopular with what everyone thought was the republican orthodox at the time turns out he tapped into real energy that was there but i dont think thats joe biden. There isnt a joe biden base prompting for him so hes trying to have political courage but he doesnt so hes switching but then thats inauthentic which opens the door for other candidates that look authentic. Jedediah thats our conversation we always have about electability and the democratic donors or who the political think is the most electable candidate as in joe biden. He has the most money, the most name recognition. Yeah, but he doesnt excite people and people arent excited voters arent there like im going to go support joe biden. Where it happened with mitt romney and i always say when that elite Political Class says this person is the most elect able thats usually the person you run from because thats not what the public wants ed that happened to Hillary Clinton too. Bernie move out of the way, Hillary Clinton is more elect able and there wasnt a lot of enthusiasm and she lost so now youve got biden on top of the field this week as we said the president makes it for for his reelection the week after well see the democrats finally take the stage down to miami two nights, joe biden is on night two with Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg, Kamala Harris, you can see there so the question is will they go on the attack and try to take down the front runner. Here is Mike Huckabee. I think in the debate involving joe biden whoever can best challenge him and take the shine off of his front runner status and thats always the important thing to do, i think some of the people who have the best shot are people like Kamala Harris, whose very good on her feet. Shes strong, shes got a great voice, a great speaking voice, she can have just enough sort of glint in her eye and smile in her face. Attitude makes more difference in these debates than does what one says. Jedediah i think thats absolutely true. I think when you look at these debates its the person who stands out. President trump stood out on that debate stage with the other republicans, a lot of personality and he wasnt afraid he was very clear he was not going to be the type of person that would get elected to go in and do what washington wanted him to do. Im waiting to see who on that democratic debate stage has that pete the guts it took to raise his hand alone, and to take on only rosie odonnell, you remember he was under the gun from the beginning and he stood out and we havent yet seen really any of these candidates tested on the debate stage. I guess joe biden when he ran the two previous times and got 1 was on the debate stage but who sticks out, how do they stick out and whose a real performer . The base is looking to go against trump and we dont know who that is. Ed here we are since about three years since the election. Hillary clinton never left and neither did james comey. Hes got a tweet out saying political candidates and elected officials should not talk about the future prosecution of any individual. Law enforcement decisions must be apolitical. Apparently responding to Kamala Harris another democratic contenders saying if they are elected they will almost immediately move to have their justice department, their attorney general prosecute President Trump. Well guess what Jason Chaffetz says comey is a fine one to be talking. The problem with james comey is he doesnt do what he says. Listen he said he doesnt do sneaky stuff and he did a lot of sneaky stuff and he did something he was never supposed to do as a prosecutor and that is announce hes not doing prosecutions but then he goes on about all of the things that Hillary Clinton and her team had done wrong, and the reason every president ial candidate is being asked this question is that the American People have lost the confidence in the department of justice and specifically the higher fbi, because there has not been an equal application of justice in this country. Pete great point by Jason Chaffetz but when you were reading the comey tweet, i was reading the bacon file. Do we really care what james comey has to say right now . Ed what was your intent . Jedediah its amazing and the transformation of comey now hes a reason to balance the impartial, james comey before he was super partial tweeting pictures of himself and all this crazy stuff. Listen, this pete hes talking about equal justice and Hillary Clinton its so sick. Sick as thick cut bacon. Jedediah well done. Were going to turn to headlines for you in this 8 00 a. M. Hour. President trump strongly denies a New York Times report claiming the u. S. Is increasing cyberattacks on russia. The president tweeting in part, this is a virtual act of treason by a oncegreat paper, so desperate for a story. Any story, even if bad for our country and also not true. The New York Times reports cited administration officials. The wife of the israeli Prime Minister admits to misusing state funds and accepting a plea deal overnight agreeing to payback about 15,000 u. S. Dollars accused of spending about 100,000 in state money on catering and charged with fraud. She will now have a criminal record. Chaos at target this fathers day weekend as cash registers go offline at more than 1,800 u. S. Stores. Customers stuck in line for hours unable to buy anything because of the technology glitch. The Company Released a statement reading in part, we can confirm this was not a data breach or securityrelated issue and no guest information was compromis ed at any time. The problem is now fixed. Those are your headlines. Pete well it turns out other countries do celebrate fathers day on this day. That was my point maybe other countries do it on other days but okay some countries can play along too. Jedediah happy fathers day to everyone everywhere. Pete im only talking to american dads. You can bluff the world. Jedediah and puppy daddies and all animal daddyies. Pete were at a dead end. Four years ago today President Trump came down that golden escalator of trump tower launch ing his bid for the white house. Ed former campaign chief Corey Lewandowski was there and will talk about the moment that changed America Forever play it cool and escape heartburn fast with new tums chewy bites cooling sensation. Tum tum tum tums with new tums chewy bites cooling sensation. Through other peoples you can vacations, scroll or you can be the kind of person that books their own vacation. A booker. Scootin through life at 7 miles an hour. [awesome] you see, bookers just go for it, they book a surfside resort, order a fourth taco even though three was plenty. cause bookers dont make bucket lists. No booking way, they make memories. Just like this guy right here. Be a booker at booking. Com. The worlds 1 choice for booking accommodations. President trump i am officially running for president of the United States and we are going to make our country great again. Pete it has been four years since donald trump came down that golden escalator and launch ed his bid for the white house. It was the beginning of what can only be called a historical action almost totally ignored by those in the media then who wrote him off as a joke. I have not yet included donald trump in our coverage of the republican president ial campaign this season and that is because he is obviously never going to be president. He is obviously never going to be the republican nominee for president. Who has donald trump in the all in 2016 fantasy candidate draft . Hes not going to be president or the republican nominee. Jedediah oh, jokes on you former Trump Campaign manager Corey Lewandowski was there, and he joins us now. Corey its amazing to look at that footage of so many people that just wrote him off. I have to say i was skeptical at first too. I said will this is a Television Show and a businessman, can he make it happen, can he win this election . Guess what, he did it and he might do it again. Well hes definitely going to do it again. First and foremost happy fathers day to pete and ed, congratulations, but look four years ago today, when donald trump and Melania Trump came down that golden escalator that now will become a historic vision in many peoples minds until he took that podium nobody actually knew what he was going to say. Nobody truly believed he was going to do it. I knew because id been traveling with him for the last six months at that point going around to New Hampshire, South Carolina, and we saw the massive crowds that responded his message which was make America Great again. Pete corey you are one of the very few people there at the beginning. Did you believe that what has happened was possible then . Well i did because as i said , i saw the reaction. Every time donald trump got up to speak whether we were in des moines, iowa or manchester, New Hampshire even before he announced he was going to run for president and what the public polling said, which i dont believe it but they said hes not going to do well and not be a real candidate. As soon as donald trump got in the race he went to first place within the first three weeks and never looked back and it was a historic run and hes poised to have a bigger election victory in 2020 than the one in 2016. Ed why do you say that because in this abc interview they are reporting there is these internal polls for the Trump Campaign, they say the poll numbers are not what youre saying that in fact in some key battlegrounds this president is under water. Well i remember looking at the polls four years ago today. They said that donald trump was going to lose to Hillary Clinton , by 12 points and the truth was, everybody knew that when they heard the message of donald trump, and now he has a record to deliver that he did the promises he made are the promises he kept to the American People so he has the record to stand on, the booming economy making sure our allies know we stand with them and our enemies will be against them and making sure hes secured the southern border, building a wall. Over 400 miles of the wall will be built by this Time Next Year so this president in a time of Economic Prosperity for everybody not only deserves but will get reelectioned in 2020 i dont care what the polls say. I travel the country. I talk to people every day they to that hes delivering for them jedediah corey i think the difference is so many politicians get elected and get in there and they dont deliver on their promises. This president actually made a lot of promises about the economy and immigration and he did follow through and bottom line is results matter if the economy is better if people that didnt have jobs before have jobs thats what makes a difference. Ed Corey Lewandowski of course and just remember four years ago today we launched the new Campaign Kicks off tuesday in orlando florida, tuesday night the president , the first lady and Vice President , the second lady will all be down and can be a great night. Ed corey by the way thanks for saying happy fathers day. Pete we appreciate it. Thank you. Ed meantime a big move to address the opioid crisis. Every estrategy in the country could end up suing the companies who make the pills. Jedediah one recovery addict calls this a big step in the right direction and he joins us coming up, next. Geico makes it easy to get help when you need it. With licensed agents available 24 7. Its not just easy. Its havingawalrusingoal easy roooaaaar its a walrus ridiculous yes nice save, big guy good job duncan way to go [chanting] its not just easy. Its geico easy. Oh, duncan. Stay up. No sleepies. Goldman be good while im gone. [ laughing ] woo hoo. Welcome to my house mmm, mmm, mmmmm. Ball. Ball. Ball. Awww, whos a good boy . Its me. Me, me, me. Yuck, thats gross. You got to get that under control. [ dogs howling ] seriously . Embrace the mischief. Say get pets tickets into your x1 voice remote to see it in theaters. Pete welcome back quick headlines for you new consequences for sponsors of legal immigrants who end up on welfare. The trump adminitration says sponsors will have to payback every dollar spent on benefits. The new policy comes days after acting director of u. S. Citizenship and immigration services. The goal is to ensure everyone coming to america is self sufficient. Makes sense to me. And President Trump praising floridas governor for signing a bill that essentially bans sanctuary cities. The president calling government brave tweeting more and more states want to do this but their governors and leaders dont have the courage to do so. The bill requires local governments to cooperate with federal immigration authorities, jed, ed, down to you guys. Ed every city, town and county in america could receive part of a 480 billion settlement, a pay out from Drug Companies accused of fueling the opioid crisis. Jedediah lawyers representing hundreds of local governments currently suing the companies, just pitched the plan that would give local cities and towns a say in accepting a settlement deal. Is this a step in the right direction . Ed ryan hampton he is in recovery and he is the author of american fix, inside the opioid addiction crisis and how to end it and he joins us live this morning. Good morning, ryan. Good morning, thank you so much for having me. Ed give us your reaction to how this is playing out . So, you know the pharmaceutical Companies Got us into this mess and we absolutely have to have them accountable to help us get out of this mess. 400,000 people have died from drug overdoses in this country todate. 200 people will die from preventable opioid overdoses today and were looking down the barrel of, you know, potentially another half Million People dead in the next 10 years if we dont take some sort of disruptive radical recovery and formed approach right now so the news coming out of ohio on friday that were going to roll up these 25,000 cities into this 480 billion federal opioid Litigation Settlement proposal is encouraging news. We dont have any time to waste, but i will say that although this is going to get access to funds for people in all 50 states, these communities either its new york or red wing, minnesota or los angeles or miami everyone is going to have equal access to the money. We do have another challenge. We have another hurdle that well have to get over and thats how will this money be spent so from someone like me on my side of the dirt, someone whose in recovery whose seeing, you know, this crisis every single day, local Community Organizations that support treatment, recovery, prevention, harm reduction, they need this money and 480 billion sounds like a lot of money because it is a lot of money. The problem is is that we risk it being spent in these general funds for these local communities and these states if we dont start getting vocal about it and im not saying that on hypothesis. It has already happened, so there was a dangerous precedent that was set in oklahoma on this Purdue Pharma settlement back in april. Oklahoma attorney general settled for 270 million with purdue and we thought that money was going to go right to the frontlines of the crisis like we need it to, we need these billions of dollars; however where the money went, 200 million of that went to build this shiny new University Center thats going to focus on addiction that we may not see outcomes from for five or 10 years. Less than 5 , 12. 5 million, went to direct services. So while i believe this is a step in the right direction, let me finish in one second, i think that we need checkpoints in the Settlement Agreement that make sure this money, 100 of this money, is going to go to direct services. Jedediah i want to just ask you about the accusations against these Drug Companies because it is that they overstated the benefits of these drugs and underplayed the risks among other things, but that in their marketing they were deceptive. What about those out there that say some of the responsibility has to fall on the individual though, because there are tons of overthecounter products out there. You can go to a pharmaceutical and buy and they are incredibly dangerous and that responsibility falls on the consumer so where do you draw the line between responsibility of consumer and responsibility of the drug company and why is the drug company the enemy in this situation . Listen, i think that you look through these court cases particularly in massachusetts, and, you know the systematic ways that Purdue Pharma went to basically hoodwink the american consumer, what Johnson Johnson has donald what were learning in oklahoma they know that they lied to the american public. They wanted to go and weaponize the american medicine cabinet with opioids and hundreds of thousands of people have died so is there some personal accountability in people finding and sustaining the recovery like me . Yes once i am in recovery, absolutely 100 i take some accountability for that, but we need to be providing services for people who are dying right now on the streets, so this choice versus this moral choice argument is ridiculous. Look Richard Sackler called us all wreckless criminals in an email. I think that the facts are out there in these cases and id go as far to say that i hope we take on them individually in some of these lawsuits as a revenue stream but id go as far to say that that family particularly should be sitting in jail and we should throw away the key. Ed they are going to get their day in court, we appreciate you coming in and wish you well of course in your recovery. Jedediah congratulations by the way. Thank you so much happy fathers day. Ed is congressman tim ryan taking a page from the republican play book to try and win the democratic nomination . My focus is on economics. My focus is on the working class people, the forgotten communities, the forgotten workers. Jedediah congressman sean duffy heard that promise from democrats before and they never deliver. Guys, i want you to meet someone. This is jamie. Youre going to be seeing a lot more of him now. Im not calling him dad. Oh, nno. Look, [sighs] i get it. Some new guy comes in helping your mom bundle and save with progressive, but hey, were all in this together. Right, champ . Im getting more nuggets. How about some carrots . You dont want to ruin your dinner. Youre not my dad thats fair. Overstepped. Its a revolution in sleep. The sleep number 360 smart bed now from 899. Senses your movement and automatically adjusts on each side to keep you both comfortable. And snoring . How smart is that . Smarter sleep. So you can come out swinging, maintain your inner focus, and wake up rested and ready for anything. Only at a sleep number store, dont miss the queen sleep number 360 c2 smart bed, now only 899. Plus, 0 interest for 48 months on most beds. Ends wednesday. Jedediah happy fathers day everyone. Pete was that the graphic . Ed yeah. Pete do it again. Oh, were not playing it again. Ed were celebrating with our staff as well. Pete thats right check out katie with her dad leo at the grand canyon. Jedediah this fathers day throw back, bridgette and her siblings with their dad dave, love that. Ed great and here is line producer julie with her dad, jim jedediah awww. Ed fantastic. Jedediah kaitlyn with her dad tom, brother brian, mom kathy at a Country Music concert, oh, yeah. Pete im looking at kaitlyn right now. Jedediah right here. Pete producer stephanie with her dad will. Ed will and i have exchanged some words over the yankees but i want to wish him a happy fathers day. Pete shes about to have a child. Jedediah happy fathers day to you guys, at home, to all of the dads and happy fathers day day to these recliners. Pete thank you, if you let me keep it. Ed yeah, i want to talk and see if they will ship one of these out to wisconsin where we find congressman sean duffy a dad whose been on the program and his wonderful wife whose been here many times happy fathers day, sir. Good morning, hangs for having me on and jedediah whose soon to have a little one. Jedediah congressman youre about to be the dad of nine. Every time i see rachel im like i dont know how you do it, girl but you are my super hero. I know my husband is watching at home can you give him some advice for a soon to be first time dad . Well if you dont come home with a little manual on how to be a good dad you got to figure it out. We all figured it out for ourselves and we make mistakes and we improve as we raise our kids and for me ive had a lot of chances with eight kids and nine on the way, you obviously get a little better with each child, so pete knows that as well with a house full of little ones too. Ed i think you mean a ninth on the way not nine. Its not eight plus nine. Pete to that point, sean what are the simple things for dads that youve taken away that are expected . For me its important. We go to church on sunday, we have prayer time at night. You know we have dinners together, rachel is a great cook so finding that time that you do things together as a family is so important and for me in the summer, i love it because i always go up north to my hometown to hayward, wisconsin to the lake i grew up on and i spend time with my kids so we fish and swim, tube and ski and paddleboard and whats great is you sit around the campfire and you have conversations together and our phones dont work that well and so our life is crazy and were pulled in so many different directions, where can we let all that stress go and just have time to sit and be with our family and tell stories and build memories and each family is different but carving out that special time so you can all be together and build those memories, make those movies i think is critical and so often today, its so busy we dont do it but its so important for our kids and i think its important too, what great things that our own dads do for us, what great memories do we have that we can pull into our own role as a father as well, and for my dad happy birthday tom duffy, hes 85. He runs half marathons. He bikes on the trail, great dad at 85 and still works. Ed congratulations, and happy birthday to him and obviously, some great advice from you but you also have to balance being a dad, being a husband, being a congressman, and playing the political game if you will. Theres a lot of democratic president ial candidates some of them from the house where theyre your colleagues. One is tim ryan. We want to play this and have you react to what tim ryan is saying about the secret formula. I consider myself a progressive but my focus is on economics. My focus is on the working class people, the forgotten communities, the forgotten workers, who havent been able to make ends meet. I believe this election the democrats want to nominate somebody and must nominate somebody who deeply understands the economic struggles that people are going through. Were not going to be able to beat donald trump. Ed its funny because he talks about the forgotten man and woman basically. Where have we heard that before, congressman . Where is tim ryan from, you guys . Ed ohio. Ohio. Where they have a 3. 3 unemployment rate, because donald trump is the president. So tim ryan wants to help ohio and the other forgotten men and women stop running for president and endorse donald trump, because its the policies that we all fought for as republicans and donald trump has fought for in the white house, that has grown this economy. I mean the forgotten men and women have a president whose now fighting for a better trade deal with china. A better trade deal with, you know, canada and mexico, so our workers are taken care of and again this would have worked three years ago before donald trump but donald trump has done exactly what tim ryan is talking about, but i will give tim ryan credit and listen the socialistic policies wont work, they wont lift up the middle class and the guys who put the boots on every day. Ed obviously, they disagree with him congressman and we will see that play out at their first debate coming up. Happy fathers day thanks for coming in. Happy fathers day. Pete tim ryan drops out endorses donald trump. Jedediah i dont think so. Weve got headlines now the family of a woman who died in the Dominican Republic is demanding answers. Officials say she died of a heart attack but her son joined us earlier and said his family is being mislead. She said all of the toxicology machines are broke and we do not know when we will get them fixed. I was already suspicious before hand, but that all but confirmed my suspicions that something is not right here. Jedediah this as dozens of jimmy buffet fans from oklahoma became extremely sick during an april trip to the Dominican Republic. 37 people reported coming down with a mysterous illness after checking into a hotel in punta c ana. At least eight americans have died there over the last year and soon to be dad and phillies star bryce harper opening up about his close bond with his dad this fathers day. He tells the philadelphia inquirer, he worked his tail off and never let his job take over his relationship with us, as a family or us as kids. He made that his mission. If my kids need me at any given time im there. He found time for everything. He and his wife are expecting their first child in august. And those are your headlines. Ed all right, thanks, jed. Pete well to show dad how much you appreciate him with a toast over a get we know he will love a brand new bottle of fathers day whiskey. Pete beverage manager and Award Winning bartender tracy. Thanks for being here. Thank you guys for having me ed what do we need to know . Well go over this real quick. Auto it have four different whiskeys to talk to you about, Irish Whiskey this is smooth with a bold flavor, the cool thing about this is actually the distillery is really cool. Its also 100 selfsustainable, the whole distillery. Pete for the green dad there we go. There you go enjoy. Were making a cocktail with this whiskey that is actually an old fashion that everybody is familiar with, right . So i just did two ounces of our Irish Whiskey, some black tea that i made at home and some orange bitters and you can find those online or pick them up at the store. Ed scotch is always a high end gift. This is the next bottle that were getting into. This is a single malt scotch so it has a little bit of smoke in it and it makes it really good for this next cocktail and well shake this up really quick for you guys because were running low on time so well do two ounces of this and this cocktail is called a penicillin. Cure what ales you. We have some ice and well do threequarter of our lemon, threequarters of a ginger infused honey syrup. Rick easy three ingredients. Throw some ice in there and lock that up and ill let you shake that for me. Moving right along, so this is for someone who might be on a budget and still wants to treat their father to a really great flavored bourbon and then the last one that we have here is if you really want to treat him to something special. This is going to really impress your father. This is about 210 a bottle. Ed we appreciate all of the advice. We appreciate you coming in. It was really nice meeting you guys, thank you. [applause] thank you guys. Jedediah well forget socialism, by any means necessary, and she just won our next guest is from colorado and says this should scare every american, dont miss it. Fact is, every Insurance Company hopes you drive safely. But allstate actually helps you drive safely. With drivewise. It lets you know when you go too fast. And brake too hard. With feedback to help you drive safer. Giving you the power to actually lower your cost. Unfortunately, it cant do anything about that. Now that you know the truth. Are you in good hands . Dont just dream book your next vacation. Be a booker at booking. Com jedediah well Bernie Sanders and alexandria ocasiocortez push a socialism platform for the democratic mainstream, and others in their party taking it a whole step further. In denver, candy baca just won a seat on the city council when describing her political agenda she says i believe in Community Ownership of land, labor, resources, and distribution of those resources and whatever that morphs into will Serve Community the best and im excited to usher it in by any means necessary. Our next guest a colorado native warns these comments should alarm every american. Constitutional law attorney and trump 2020 Advisory Board member is here to explain. Thanks so much for being here. Thank you for having me. Jedediah i look at this and its terrifying to me to see someone say they want to impose a communist system essentially by any means necessary. Whats going on over there . Yeah, this is really discouraging for the rest of the country to look at whats happening in colorado and you have to understand that colorado used to be about an 85 red state but then it was actually targeted about 10 years ago by plan parenthood and the extreme left that brought in a lot of logging effort for incremental ism and to make sure to really shift this state politically and theyve been successful unfortunately, and so what this Denver City Council woman represents is not just one seat on the Denver City Council its actually whats going on in colorado as a whole. We have now the legislature which is entirely democraticrun as well as an extremely Progressive Left governor and the fact that shes saying by any means necessary actually reflects whats going on in the legislature as well. I testify routinely on behalf of colorado family action and other s in colorado to really bring a conservative viewpoint and say listen we have the rule of law still in this country, and the legislature there simply rejects anything that goes along with the constitution they want to usher in, their own agenda by any means necessary. Jedediah but when you hear by any means necessary what does she actually mean strategically when she says that . Well for this particular Denver City Councilwoman, i dont know what she means but for the legislature what weve seen is sanctuary cities, weve seen the National Popular vote recently passed weve seen extreme measures like sex education. We had over 400 people come out and tell our Colorado Legislature no we dont want this, and we given by god that our declaration acknowledges and yet the Denver City Council as well as the Colorado Legislature they just ignore all of that and they say we will go ahead and vote our agenda and the Progressive Left and what they mean by any means necessary is really ignoring the rule of law and our constitution and the fact that colorado is still part of the union, its still under the constitution. Jedediah now this far left wing that you see happening in colorado this is indicative of whats happening throughout the country in many respects you have people like alexandria ocasiocortez, people like Bernie Sanders emerging as being now the now mainstream of the party so where do these moderate democrats even in states like colorado where do they go and when they look at a national election, do they feel like their party has left them . Well i think even friends of mine that are moderate democrats are very discouraged with their own party and im hopeful they will come over to trump 2020 lets hope for that but really understand that conservatism isnt about democrat or republican. Its about conserving our rule of law, conserving our rights and we need to make sure that the vote in 2020 genuinely reflects that. Jedediah thanks for being here in communism doesnt scare you it certainly should. Absolutely and happy fathers day. Jedediah awesome yes, happy fathers day. Were celebrating fathers day the only way we know how, out making bloody mary and pete is all excited i can tell you that. Like its dynamite, like i told you once, now i told you twice with new nicorette coated ice mint. Layered with flavor. Its the first and only coated nicotine lozenge. For an amazing taste. That outlasts your craving. New nicorette ice mint. Pete whoever made that graphic should get a raise. Breakfast is better with bacon. Ed served every meal. Pete even more true on fathers day. Rick back with more recipes to get dad out of bed is owner of bar, bacon and author owner of the bacon bible, welcome back. Good morning. Rick youre making something amazing. I just had a birthday for my kids the other day and we cooked food and my parents were going crazy over them and its a food you never get away from and were adding bacon in kind of a burnt end form here so i took normal slab bacon and slow cook ed it so it got to the temperature in my oven so its more tender and we put your favorite Barbecue Sauce through it and just put that on top and that with a tater tot is a home run. Rick can somebody make this at home . If you just go buy flat bacon which you can get online or at your local butcher and then like i said put it in a pan , in the oven, at 200 which is sort of the smoking temperature that you would do for bacon, let that slow cook it until it hits 195, and a couple hours id say no more than two itll be this tender. It just falls apart. Pete thats why theres a bacon bible. Jedediah whats this here . That same sort of method of getting your bacon to be more tender, that can get an application for doing anything, so this, we breaded and fried and made like little what we call kentucky fried bacon. Jedediah thats a good name. Rick come on house pickles all of this you can find in the book thats available on amazon. Rick bacon booze, what is that . Taking bacon and using the different ways, you know the fat that comes off of the bacon is used to in fuse your liquors and those liquors you can put into your cocktails like a bloody mary and old fashion, you could pick the fat as well and put it into your mayonnaise and make it that way, chipotle bacon mayonnaise. Pete what could be better than chipotle bacon mayonnaise. That on a blt . Rick or a bloody mary. Guys, thanks. Happy fathers day. Pete happy fathers day to all of those dads. To severe psoriasis, Little Things can be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. 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Pete i was just talking to rick theyve out done themselves this morning the producers with this great show on this fathers day they know what fathers love. They love a little red meat. Ed and Barbecue Sauce and bacon all over. Your fathers day photos pouring in, here is barry, and a great friend and yankees fan. Pete love it. We wont hold that against him here is charles enjoying a gift from his son and grandson, and went to vegas at the funny car drag race. Jedediah this one from john calling himself blessed this fathers day pictured with his four daughters what a great family photo. Ed keep them coming. Pete thats a Baseball Team right there. Congratulations. Jedediah there it is. Ed was that the duffys . Jedediah [laughter] their family photo is amazing. Ed nine kids is an entire baseball field, the whole diamond. Jedediah i was just like wow in awe looking at it. Ed if you were put to all of the democrats running for president youd have like three Baseball Teams right . 27, right . And its interesting, because they had a lot of outrage this weekend about what the president said about taking dirt about opponents, they seem to have forgotten what Hillary Clinton did in the dnc did with the dirt they paid for from russia, russian disinformation. They also attacked President Trump for what he said at his rallies when people were chanting lock her up over the emails and now theyre saying they want to lock the president up. Pete they are including top 2020 democrats running for president. Well here is a bit of what theyre saying. Any attorney general that i would appoint is somebody who will faithfully apply the concept that no one is above the law, that everybody should be held accountable whether theyre a former president or somebody whose never been anywhere near the power thats the whole point i believe that they would have no choice. Everyone should be held accountable and the president is not above the law. If we do not hold the president accountable we will have set the precedent that some people in this country because of their position of power are in fact above the law. Jedediah prosecute him for what for what honestly . Prosecute him and i love that theres such a disconnect between what the democratic politicians are saying and what people around the country are feeling. We talked about this polling all morning showing that peoples eyes are not on impeachment. Theyre not looking at that they want to talk about the issue and every chance that democrats running for election in 2020 get , every moment thats where they go to investigations, impeachment, you know, never do they seize the opportunity to take that moment and talk about health care, or talk about the economy. Its like a vacancy when it comes to the issue. Pete mayor Pete Buttigieg when he came out everybody wanted this breath of fresh air policy guy, and above the fray, here he is once we get into the middle of the campaign, he turns into a typical politician and now he wants the black vote calling for impeaching President Trump and he basically said my test for an attorney general is someone who will investigate President Trump. Imagine what theyre saying about bill barr and the irony of that. Ed and if they want to win, wouldnt they take at least a peak at the polls and figure out where the American People are, whats the pulse and we put a poll earlier in the show i believe, six in 10 americans are saying do not impeachment the president so if you want to stand up and you believe he should be impeached then actually do it instead of talking about it. Pete but the poll theyre looking at the Democratic Base poll though. Amongst democrats the number is much higher and thats why theyre talking to them. Jedediah they are also in the bubble. They are in that bubble where they talk to each other. Politicians get to the point where they talk to each other and they say oh, this is, theyre not talking to voters o r really in touch with what around the country are saying democrats included, a lot are like enough stop talking about this if you reporter talking about issues you arent running an election, if you arent presenting to people what you can bring to the table you arent going to win. Ed interesting because the president is going to be officially kicking things off, of course come tuesday, in orlando and when you talk about the polls theres a lot made of internal polls within the Trump Campaign that critics say show in battlegrounds hes not doing as well as he thinks on the other hand the president has been out there talking about this rally in orlando battleground florida of course, and an arena that will have about 20,000 seats, i suppose, not people, because theyve got 70,000 rsvps the p employee who want to keep pouring in so the president has gotten thousand jax and excitement from his base , the democrats still struggling. Pete to contrast that with the dozen showing up at the movement in oregon. We live in a world where very serious things are happening and the president take the issue of iran. He scrapped the deal and the economy under maximum pressure is collapsing they are lashing out bombing tankers shooting at our drones and the state department and this white house confirmed they believe based on intelligence they were responsible. Well, turns out some of the advisors in the Obama Administration take a bit of a different view. This is ben roads youll remember that name when we remind you a bit of what he was up to. Im sure you know anyway. He tweeted that it definitely feels like the kind of incident where he launched an International Investigation to establish what happened, huge risk of escalation. Ed hang on right there because one of our key allies the british are saying that basically President Trump is right, that the iranians were behind this, so ben rhodes, a former obama guy is trying to sew this idea, this narrative that President Trump is lying about the intelligence to send us to war, with iran, when even our british allies who you would , you know if you were to listen to the obama folks are against everything President Trump does, jeremy hunt, is out there saying the u. S. Is right about this, iran is behind it, but ben rhodes has his own problems with the truth. Jedediah someone who didnt waste any time, one of my favorites congressman dan cent shaw responded that ben rhodes commentary saying do or dont you believe the intel common the and youre weighing in on iran the sold the public the falsehood of moderating Iranian Regime using your Media Echo Chamber your words and ignoring the true danger iran presents in the region. Im grateful for him, cent shaw wastes no time. He hits twitter or he hits media or you had him here on the couch and he said a lot of people are thinking you hold people accountable for their hipocracy. Ed but its factbased too because he talks about a New York Times magazine piece that ben rhodes admitted that he basically mislead the media and took advantage of these young reporters who didnt know all of the facts to spin a tail that the iranians were more moderate and it was a good time for barack obama to seal that nuclear deal, which turned out to be a whole bunch of bunk. Pete he basically called he did call these reporters clueless, 27yearold kids in washington d. C. And as the spin master in the white house i can tell them what they need to believe on iran and another guy who shoots straight is jim hanson. We had him on the program earlier on this. Listen. Nobody should take ben rhodes as obamas designated liar for the iran deal seriously hes not a National Security or Foreign Policy expert. Hes a professional spin master and what hes doing now is what hes done all along. Helping cover for the Iranian Regime and their activities and thats it. Pete yeah. Ed absolutely. Jedediah now in 2020 looking at the democrats someone who has been climbing significantly in the polls is Elizabeth Warren and im wondering you have these two debate nights coming up and i wonder if her placement in those debates is going to work to her advantage. Ed shes center stage for night one. Jedediah shes not in the grouping with bind en and sanders. She will have an opportunity to stand out and when you talk to democrats, 2020 nominee preference biden 32 , sanders 13 , warren 9 , Pete Buttigieg 8 , harris at 8 . Ed that is a brand new poll out this hour from fox news, so the significance is warren is now in third place. Mayor pete i would point out and Kamala Harris jedediah not far behind. Ed theyre right there statistically, and Pete Buttigieg are with biden and sanders so the point being theyll be there and have a chance, harris, sanders, mayor pete, to go after the front runner joe biden on night two later this month, but night one, to your point, Elizabeth Warren is center stage. Shes not facing any of those. Shes got other folks that corey booker and others who are way further behind in the polls so the point is, warren has been steadily climbing and now, in third place in the fox news poll , just out this hour, shes carving out a niche for herself. Pete no better polls than fox news polls but i dont at this point trust any national polls. I mean they dont really mean anything and id say that in a nonpartisan sense, its so Early National polls are not reflective of the states that are most important, iowa and nevada, South Carolina places like that where indeed biden has a lead but not as big of one and youve got bernie and Elizabeth Warren who the president like to call poke a honduras as basically tied, but if you add their support together, its more than joe biden, so the enthusiasm still isnt there for the establishment guy which means the field is wide open and the debates will be really interesting. Jedediah to her credit though Elizabeth Warren as we talked about earlier said listen im not paying attention to the poll s right now its too early. The debates havent happened yet im here to bring my message to the people. Ed she has specific policy proposals. Jedediah and she wants to talk to voters and knows the polls can shift at any point if you look at the polls of Hillary Clinton and President Trump thats all you need to know really she wants to have her finger on the pulse of the nation. Ed theres a radio talk show host in boston so thats Elizabeth Warrens home state where she represents massachusetts. Hes been a sharp critic of senator warren, but was on the program earlier saying she might actually have an advantage in this race. Watch. An advantage for her is that you have biden and Bernie Sanders on the second night, and Pete Buttigieg, the mayor of south bend, is already going after them. Hes criticizing biden for supporting the iraq war and saying bernie is too old so thats where you get fireworks and of shes in third place right now, in most polls, so let somebody else try to take out the front runners and she could just kind of rise above the fray pete we will all have a strategy going into the first one and very telling about where they think they are and what kind of image they represent. Jedediah they very well may abandon that strategy after that first debate. Weve god headlines for you in this 9 00 a. M. Hour, the la pee dee is investigating after police say an off duty officer shot and killed a man who attacked him at a california costco. Authorities say the officer opened fire after he was assaulted while holding his child. Two of the alleged attackers family members were critically hurt. Police say the men did not know each other. No one has been charged. Saudi arabia joins the u. S. In blaming iran for attacks on two oil tankers in the gulf of oman. The crown prince saying the saudis wont hesitate to address threats and rising tensions in the middle east. The warning comes as crew members from one of the ships arrive in dubai after spending two days in iran. The iranian government has strongly denied any role in the attacks. And more massive protests in hong kong overnight, after the government suspended a law allowing extradition to mainland china. Demonstrators say they want the plans scrapped completely and are calling for hong kongs chief executive to resign. And a southwest flight crew gives a special shout out to one of their passengers celebrating a major milestone. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Jedediah crew members singing happy birthday to a world war ii veteran turning 101 years old. Passengers also getting in on the action turning off their overhead lights as a symbol of blowing out candles and i love that. Pete thats cool. Jedediah you know 101 my grandma lived close to 103 and she was kicking straight until the end so good for you, man. Pete love it. Well President Trump says the market will crash if hes not reelected in 2020 is he right . Ed Charles Payne hes the man who knows. Hes kicking back. Pete youve got to get in here and do some work buddy. Well come to you. Ed hes up next. I want it that way. I cant believe it. That karl brought his karaoke machine . Aint nothing but a heartache. No, i cant believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my Car Insurance with geico. I never wanna hear you say. No, kevin. No, kevin believe it geico could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. Play it cool and escape heartburn fast with new tums chewy bites cooling sensation. Tum tum tum tums with new tums chewy bites cooling sensation. Whats going on . Its the 3pm slump. Should have had a p3. Oh yeah. Should have had a p3. Need energy . Get p3. With a mix of meat, cheese and nuts. 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Ed just a couple days before officially launching his 2020 reElection Campaign the president issuing sort of an ominous warning. Pete in a tweet he writes the trump economy is setting records and has a long way to go up; however if anyone but me takes over in 2020 i know the competition very well, there will be a market crash, the likes of which has not been seen before. Keep America Great. Jedediah here to react sunday morning futures guest host, Charles Payne. Charles . Charlie good morning happy fathers day. Jedediah now is the president right with that . Charles well the market would go down particularly if one of these candidates were to win. Remember what happened in the market when President Trump was elected it went straight to the moon and by the way ironically i believe thats how they should judge president s they always judge when they are inaugurated but if the markets react immediately they should judge markets the day after after the election and if you did that this market already ed charles if a socialistic candidate wins but what if joe biden wins could you really predict a crash . Charles i wouldnt say a crash but joe biden has been pulled to his left and his policies are expensive and you got to do undo all of the things that of the underpinnings of this economy which by the was it is absolutely on fire. Pete charles i showed up onset you gave me homework. Charles i gave you guys two pages of things not reported this week. Pete [laughter] charles so lets report it now. Economic data not reported. Small Business Confidence exploded, the highest level since october of last year. Why is that important . That is much more important than the ceo of goldman sachs. Its much more important than the ceo of costco. These are people who do business in america, with americans on the ground, their confidence is through the roof. Watch the small Business Confidence. Wages, nonsupervisory wages. These are the people who have voted for President Trump and more than 3 whats the significance of that . It hasnt happened in more than a decade. More than a decade. Jedediah man charles. Charles the numbers are staggering by the way friday the retail sales report was out it was so powerful that the gdp estimate for this quarter went up 50 . Americans are flush, theyre confident, making money it is really an amazing story thats not being told. Jedediah why, why though . You give us this handout, you got so passionate these are important stats why is nobody talking about it . Charles i hate to say it but its antitrump media and a lot is in the financial world its really unfortunate because people make investments based on what they see. Or what they hear and the Financial Media is reluctant to give financial news. Financial news the market is down 400, everybody hears about it, wages going through the roof, where . In america. Ed top of the hour youre filling in for maria what do you got . Charles we got gordon chang of course is amazing, Peter Navarro who is really perhaps the toughest person in the administration on china, china doesnt want any part of Peter Navarro so well be talking about whats coming up because pretty soon President Trump or perhaps president xi will meet in japan. Its going to be huge. Pete Charles Payne well be watching. Jedediah happy fathers day. Ed you and i did a program with rachel camposduffy on fox nation where you talked about fatherhood. Give us a quick point for this day what should people be reflecting on . Charles you know, i think the most important thing is that fathers are also always learning with their children, so Everyone Needs to be patient with each other. Thats a lesson i learned the hard way with my dad. We had a strained relationship after he came back from vietnam. We finally had a great conversation one month before he died. It should have been that way, so just children understand parents and parents understand each other. Ed great message. Thanks a lot. Jedediah thank you charles. Ed what do curt warner, dean cain and george p. Bush all have in common . I want to know. They have some of the most inspiring fathers day stories. Pete our next guest talked with each one of them and got the inside scoop, coming up. The boys are being barbara bush in town fact is, every Insurance Company hopes you drive safely. But allstate actually helps you drive safely. With drivewise. It lets you know when you go too fast. And brake too hard. With feedback to help you drive safer. 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He was able to walk offthefield thankfully on his own, the braves lost to the phillies 65 and hanging on to a slim one heading into the final round of the u. S. Open today, and woodland, 11 under par, for three rounds and the reigning two time champ still has a shot only four shots back and thats on fox today and the u. S. Looks to make it two for two at the womens world cup today when they take on chile. You can watch that game as well on fox, noon easter remember the u. S. Dominated thailand 130 in their first match and pete was super excited. Pete i was. Love it thanks, ed. All right, well were continuing the celebration of dads across the country this fathers day. Our next guest interviews high profile fathers from actors to nfl players, with a vision to change the narrative of father hood and family life. The host of the podcast first class father hood. He joins us now, thank you so much for being here. Thank you pete for having me its such an honor to be on the show and happy fathers day to all of the dads out there. Pete talk to me about the first class fatherhood podcast. Absolutely today is the day we celebrate family life but theres an attack as i see it on fatality just the way dads are portrayed on tv and the movies the guy who always has his head down life is always kicking him in the rear and i hear from a lot of the young men they have this negative outlook on what fatherhood and family life is all about so i gathered a collection of interviews with men who have really accomplished greatly in this lifetime, hall of famers, navy seals, multi Million Dollar entrepreneurs and they stated that despite all of their amazing accomplishments in life it has been through the experience of fatherhood they have gotten the greatest sense of achievement in their life. Pete i love the mission of the podcast. Theres a couple of stories youve interviewed dean cain. Yes of course. He really blew me away because this is a dad who had the opportunity to become the highest paid actor in television at the time with a role that if he accepted it would have meant him being absent as a father so they pretty much put it to him as you take the role or you be a dad you cant be both and he said he made the decision in about a couple of seconds, no thank you, ill take being a dad any day. Pete a great guy and dad. You talk about super bowl mvps curt warner. Yeah, father of seven a lot of dads we struggle with time management no matter what our jobs are and curt said i learned a long time ago that balance doesnt necessarily mean equal whereas i cant give eight hours a day to my wife and my children and to my job but when im with my wife, be with my wife and with my kids be with my kids and with my job be at my job so sometimes you make that mistake of being at the job and our minds are at home with our family and and we need to stay focused and present. Pete wise words everyone struggles with that. George p. Bush. Yeah what an honor it was to have the grandson of george h. W. Bush and nephew of george bourbon the podcast and he said we have to Pay Attention even though sometimes we focus mainly on our children we cant forget about the foundation of our family which is our spouse and wife to make sure we dont lose sight of that while were taking care of our children, and he said, you know, this has been going on for thousands of years theres billions of dads so well have those uncomfortable moments and just to relax and enjoy them a little bit more. Pete learning, gleaning lessons , its best done through examples of people, and thats exactly what you do on this podcast. You learn something every time you do it. Yeah and im no great father myself. My main goal is to try to be a better dad today than i was yesterday and this podcast helped out tremendously. Pete ive been contemplating on something Charles Payne said when he said every day in parent ing fatherhood is learning because youve never done a 9yearold before or 10yearold or 11yearold before, so this podcast strikes me as a great place to get wisdom. Like i said i had a lot of navy seals on the show. They always say you have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Pete that is true the podcast is called first class father hood, can be downloaded anywhere thank you very much. Appreciate it. I like that tie. You got it. Pete well its one of the best romantic comedies out there. But did you know pretty woman almost had a different ending . Star Julia Roberts just spilled the big secret, thats coming up , next. Pretty woman, walking down the street, pretty woman, the kind of like to meet, pretty woman employees need more than just a paycheck. 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Applebees new loaded chicken fajitas. Now only 10. 99. Whats up, guys . Oh, my god. Nice to meet you. Do you want to take some swings . Do you want to take some swings . Come on lets take some swings. Ed wow. Jedediah love that. Pete your shot of the morning Los Angeles Dodgers star giving a baseball coach and his son a big fathers day surprise. Jedediah the major league mvp candidate giving the boy bat ting tips and tickets to tonights dodgers cubs game. Ed his dad made him the man he is today and was happy to create this memory for this father and son some very happy dodgers fans out there. Jedediah and were here celebrating fathers day all day my dad whose at home and all of the dads out there, weve had some ribs, weve had bacon. Ed more meat coming. Pete and thank true medic for these amazing chairs. Ive had a back massage all morning and im currently getting massaged as well. Jedediah in fact before his chair didnt turn on and there was controversy about that. Pete i turned to dave our station manager and said how can you make me work in these environments if ill have a reclining charity better work. Ed it is not just fathers day but four years ago to the day, that then candidate donald trump walked down that golden escalator, youll see it right there at trump tower june 16, 2015, and i dare say that american politics will never be the same. Jedediah thats right and many people underestimated him myself included i wasnt sure if he was able to win that primary, wasnt sure if he would go against these political insiders so to speak, he was definitely the outsider and if you check out some of these headlines theres some admissions by a lot of people in the media the Washington Examiner saying they said never the man on the escalator four years ago not any more. Pete well im laughing now, but some other folks were laughing about four years ago, were going to play it in the way back machine, watch. I have not yet included donald trump in our coverage of the republican president ial campaign this season, and that is because he is obviously never going to be president. He is obviously never going to be the republican nominee for president. Who has donald trump in the all in 2016 fantasy candidate draft and the answer is nobody. Hes not going to be president or the republican nominee. Ed why would you ever watch that where he acts as a political expert who work in the senate way back when and he knows everything and he couldnt have been more wrong. Pete the worst use of the word obviously he used like three times in that sentence. You could play that clip for an hour of the ways that then candidate trump was dismissed, insulted and attacked and do you know what there were only a small handful of people that were behind him when he was a candidate before he announced one of those was Corey Lewandowski, who was his campaign manager, had a front row seat when everyone was hating and no one believed this is what he had to say. When donald trump and Melania Trump came down that golden escalator that now will become a historic vision in many peoples minds until he took that podium, nobody actually knew what he was going to say. Nobody truly leaved he was going to do it. I knew because id been traveling with him and we saw the massive crowds that responded his message which was make America Great again. As soon as donald trump got in the race, he went to first place within the first three weeks and he never looked back and hes poised to have a bigger election victory in 2020. Jedediah i think trump won because he was real. Because he sounded like someone who was just saying what he felt it wasnt filtered through some washing machine and its interesting watching these 2020 Democratic Candidates its like they havent learned their lesson i hear talking point after talking point so friends at fox news. Com what do you think about why did President Trump win the first time around and what are his odds of winning this time around as well. Pete he had the guts to cut against the orthodox and he could do it because he cut his teeth in new york City Real Estate and played the political game, here we are today. Jedediah hes not really afraid to say what he thinks which most politicians are always walking on egg shells like who am i going to upset. Well turn to headlines for you now. Dominican authorities plan to release the motive behind the attempted hit on red sox slugger david ortiz. The nations attorney general says a full narrative of events will be released this week. Police say ortiz had a nearly 8,000 dollars bounty on his head and ortiz is recovering in a massachusetts hospital after he was shot in the back. A North Carolina mom uses the find my friends app to track down her daughter who was stuck in her car, that slid off a mountain. 911 on the phone. My daughter is in a ditch in a ravine. Jedediah wow the teen was trapped for seven hours and the mom says its a miracle her daughter is alive. And our friend dean cain is used to taking to the skies, oh, yes, superman. If youll excuse me, ive got to fly. Yesterday but a recent flight was something special, dean shared this note with a Flight Attendant reading thank you for flying with us superman, this of course to deans work as a man of steel on the new adventures of superman. And Julia Roberts reveals the original ending to pretty woman was supposed to be much darker. So what happened after you climbed up the tower and rescued her . She rescued him right back. Jedediah roberts character getting to live her happily ever after, when the wealthy businessman who hired her as an escort falls in love with her and the actress tells variety magazine the original ending was far from the fairytale. Threw her out of the car, threw the money on top of her as memory serves, and just sort of drove away leaving her in some dirty allie. Jedediah thats quite a difference. The movie changed directions when disney came on board. I am not surprised and those are your headlines. Ed thank you, jed. Rick so it is time to take over the grill and give dad a break. Pete here with some steak any dad will thank you for, chef and culinary nutritionist, you have a tv show as well . Yes its called fresh to frozen and back and its on amazon. How to prepare fresh meals freeze them and bring them back to the table, okay so were doing a mexican steak dinner for dad so here the recipe is on my website with strip steak and we have some grilled zuccini and grilled corn that ill put in there, have you ever heard of that its a fresco, and its salty and creamy and delicious and just wonderful. Its Authentic Mexican flavor and this just look at how good this looks. Ed that looks amazing but i think what people really want is a steak. So anyway the strip is from the short loin which is a muscle not used a lot so thats why its so tender so thats why i always choose a strip steak. My dad loves a strip steak. Rick you said put it on top of what . You will absolutely love that and moving on to chicken so this is a marinated chicken. Its really great. I mean it really elevates the flavor of the dish and its great for marinades, dipping and stir fry. Rick after or before its cook ed . Ill cook it a little bit. Thats a great question. I cook it a little bit and then i will baste it and then ill put it on the grill and baste it again so i lick to get it about threequarters of the way cooked before i start with dressings because then they burn on the grill. Rick right. Jedediah go for it. This is like an asian cole slaw and one of my dear friends is chef maria loi, and her products just hit the market and shes doing great and these are nests and delicious and its easy, it takes three seconds. Okay, this is for pete. I mean its for all of you but pete ive got booze here. Ed move over. This is high brew coffee and it is 100 Premium Direct beans, and you know, its cold brew which means theres no heat added. Ed what do you mix it with because we got to run. Vodka. Low fat milk. Ed happy fathers day to your dad. Then well do a little honey and high brew. Jedediah appreciate it. Senator joanie ernst is calling mexico canada trade deal, she joins us, coming up, next. My experience with usaa has been excellent. 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Taking tzds with insulins may cause Heart Failure that can lead to death. Toujeo, ask your doctor. Lets groove tonight. Pete were back with quick headlines a man caught on camera sleeping behind the wheel of his tesla during rush hour traffic. The driver is seen reclining back his hands off the wheel, tesla cars have an autopilot feature, but are not designed to be fully autonomous. The person who posted the video says he tried honking several times but the man just went back to sleep. And tsa catches a woman trying to sneak four knives on to a plane by hiding them in her knee brace. Officers making the shocking discovery in boston to say the woman started laughing when they asked her about it and need less to say she was not allowed on the flight. Ed thankful for that, pete, thank you. President trump hoping Congress Moves quickly to act on the u. S. Mexico canada trade deal and our next guest calls it a total win for farmers in her state and manufactures as well and a win for the economy. That is iowa gop senator joni ernst who joins us live rate now good morning, ed great to be with you. Ed fantastic why do you think its a win because weve heard some republicans saying that theres been a stall to this and they want to get it moving why do you think its a big win and how you go get it done . It is a big win because not only is it great for our manufactures in the state of iowa but its also good for our farmers. Mexico is one of our largest trading partners as is canada but we do grow a lot of commodities like corn and soybeans and mexico is a number one consumer of iowas exported corn so if we can strengthen this bond and get more of our products to them, its a big win for us. Ed well the president as you know took a lot of heat as i suggested even from some republicans about threatening those tariffs against mexico and in a separate deal not related u. S. Mca, obviously but its all on the table at the same time. He didnt have to use those tariffs because mexico came to the table to try and crackdown on some of this illegal immigration but the president also said that a byproduct of all of that may be mexico buying more of those foreign products from your state and others talk about that a little bit. Well we certainly would love to see that and thats why the u. S. Mca is so very important to us. We must get it over the finish line so we have been calling on Speaker Pelosi as soon as she receives that language she needs to get it through the house, and it will go through the senate, but again, we want to make sure that were securing this deal. Its good for farmers. Its good for manufactures. Its good all the way around. Ed senator ive talked to larry kudlow and others in the white house and they say their concern is that Speaker Pelosi keeps saying she does want to have a vote but there are some on the left as you know, resisters in her caucus who dont want to give the president a victory. Make your case for why this is not about the president but its about the nation and all of us winning. Well shame on them for that. We want to give a win for the United States of america and thats exactly what this trade deal does, and for the folks on the left, there is some great inclusions that have not been in a trade deal before. Things like labor provisions, environmental provisions, those are really important to a number of folks beyond the fact that we will have very very good trade with mexico and canada and strength en our alliances there. It is a win for america and just happens to be the president that has negotiated this deal. Ed senator last question ive talked to some sources on capitol hill who say that they think that what nancy pelosi might do is wait until near the end of the session before Congress Goes out for the year, maybe after the august break, and have a vote very late so that her members on the left dont give her too much heat but that she wants to get this done. Do you believe that theory, do you think in the end it will get done before the election . I believe it will get donald i would love to see that vote come up before august. Again its a win for the United States and a strong leader would be able to bring up a provision, a bill that is right for the United States. Ed senator joni ernst we appreciate you sharing part of your sunday with us. Absolutely thank you. Ed all right meanwhile the final hour of the u. S. Open about to tee off at pebble beach , but its tee time now on fox square. You can watch the real action later on fox, but weve got the gear, to help youred daniels golf game, on fathers day. Pete happy fathers day to all of the golf dads across America Today kicks off the fathers day of the u. S. Open at pebble beach so we made our own tee time to get our golf game on. Jedediah here to help us out pg a tour chief marketing officer matt. Good morning. Great its sunday of the u. S. Open i get to hang out with you all happy shout out to happy fathers day to my dad by the way. Jedediah you got some good stuff here. Weve got all kinds of great gifts. The coolest thing is dads just want to get something fun if they play golf, right . Theres range finders and gps devices. The range finders all you do is point it at the flag and it vibrates tells you the exact distance and distance is whats really important. It can be anything. It vibrates when you hit the flag. Pete 28yards to that wall right there. Ed what about the gear because so first of all you told us something very interesting about this red mock turtleneck. Yeah so weve got great apparel here every dad needs new shirts all the time. This is tigers mock turtleneck. We sold a thousand of these in 72 hours after he won the master s and sales increased a lot over those two weeks so we were really happy he won. Ed he will be wearing it today presumably. This is the shirt worn by brooks kepka, hes up there in contention and its funny because his shoes used to have metal spikes and now they are basically sneakers. Youve got spiked versions which still have the spikes on them, and foot joy is more of a light style. Jedediah really comfortable. Theres no doubt that when you talk about great gifts for dad, sort of man jewelry in the sport of golf. Jedediah [laughter] its absolutely putters. Weve got the spider putter here from taylor made. Ed this red one is out on the tour a lot. It is a lot of these are so you cant go wrong with a great putter. Pete we should practice a little bit. Now rick got a lot of practice early. Rick and it was good. Pete rick hit a lot of shots off camera. So lets see what you got, rick lets see it. So analyze his stroke there, how is it . Its pretty good. Pete you know rick we teach 40,000 lessons a year in our store we can help you with that. [laughter] just a little firm but very very good. Hes a natural. How are you right handed or left handed . Okay, right here, right here come right here like that. [applause] pete im stopping right there. There we go, jed, in heels. Oh, almost. Almost jedediah not bad. Ed pete already nailed it. Oh, i pulled it. Ed give him another try. Ed one more. That was just pressure. Now theres real pressure. Bingo there it is. Congratulations. Rick you can see the u. S. Open on fox. Jedediah thats right tonight. Ed its going to go late because they are out west, pebble beach as you said check out your stores you have one in jersey, long island. Coast to coast, 40 stores all over. The best place to find gifts for dad. Thank you very much. When crabe stronger. Strong, with new nicorette coated ice mint. Layered with flavor. Its the first and only coated nicotine lozenge. For an amazing taste. That outlasts your craving. New nicorette ice mint. Youre having one more bite no one more bite kraft. For the win win. Every day, visionaries are creating the future. So, every day, we put our latest technology and unrivaled network to work. The United States Postal Service makes more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. Because the future only happens with people who really know how to deliver it. Ed here we go. Pete aint happening. Whats happening today . Were going to keep going but enjoy your fathers day right here on fox. 2 00 p. M. Eastern the u. S. Open the final round is getting very tight. Hit the barbecue and maybe have a drink or two. Help dad out today let him do whatever he wants tell him you love him. Ed see you next weekend, guys. Pete go to Church Charles good morning, good sunday morning everyone. Happy fathers day to all of the dads out there, im Charles Payne filling in for maria bartiromo, and this is sunday morning futures, brand new fox news poll out, this morning, on a wide range of issues including immigration, tariffs, and how President Trump matches up against 2020 democrats well get reaction to all from both sides of the political aisle and joining us excuse everly straight ahead, and two Top Republicans from the house and senate the congressman Michael Mccaul and Ranking Member on the house Foreign Affairs committee well talk about this rising tensions with iran and also senator marsha plaque burn sits on the Judiciary Committee what is the

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