Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Sunday 20171001 : c

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Sunday 20171001

young men and send him to afghanistan, have them stand with soldiers and get them to explain to them what the american flags means before it means. >> we need to pray before the flag, as a community that's what we do. >> president trump has been rolling out the plans for tax reform this week. >> it's important for democrats and republicans to come to the table, if you're not coming to the table to try to deal with tax relief, there's no question that families are paying more taxes than history of the nation. >> once in a lifetime opportunity to restore wealth and american dreams. ♪ ♪ pete: it is october 1st, o.j. simpson is a officially a freeman. abby: released after spending nine years for botched armed robbery. >> todd: adam, good morning. >> good morning, guys, three hours o.j. walked out of northern nevada prison, about an 15 or so out of reno, eight minutes passed local time. three hours ago o.j. walked. six-second video taken by the department of nevada corrections and they put this out. also a photo. o.j. dressed in jeans and white tennis shoes. we were told that there was one suv outside. it was not a ford bronco. that question is going to be asked. one person inside driving, they don't know if there was anybody in the back. he got in suv and drove off. the public information evidence officer, happens periodically, basically she told o.j. upon release, don't come back and o.j. said, i don't intend to. that was pretty much all we heard, they heard from o.j. as they signed papers and left in the suv. question becomes where does he go. the common belief and talked to friends and family said he's coming to las vegas, he could fly private jet, private plane, commercial once commercial flights are back in service in reno, you can take a reno flight to vegas, no problem. we don't know where it's going because florida officially has said that the paperwork has not been turned in and that's been the knowledge by his family and his attorney that he wants to end up in florida. right now, guys, we believe he's coming here. the latest number is $20,000 potentially for the first photo of somebody getting of o.j. wherever he may be. we will be keeping our eyes out on social media and vegas is still awake as you might imagine, you'll have a lot of people to see him. thank you guys in new york. abby: adam housely, thank you so much. if i was living in nevada, i would want to know where he was going or where he was heading. pete: you happen to board 6:00 a.m. commercial flight. abby: sitting next to you. >> that's an instagram moment. >> what do you talk about? >> tutorial on iphone. abby: good point. simple pleasures of life that he didn't get in prison and wants to go to florida. we will have pam bondi, the attorney general of florida, she said, they don't want him in florida. >> here is the deal, she wrote a deal requesting that he not be allowed in florida, we are going to talk to her about the legalities of all that, whether that's going to work or not going to work which is something called interstate exact -- compact. >> that's where his kids are and he enjoys spending most of his time. we weren't around when he was in 1968, we weren't old enough to appreciate. you think about where he was at the moment, the best college running backs at usc. pete: he won the heisman trophy. this was guys was a super star and cultural icon. i even remember junior high the verdict. it's one of those you remember where you were moment. abby: second grade in playground. we followed this for years and years. we will keep a close eye on that one as well. a lot going on. pete: president trump has announced a couple of days he will be heading to puerto rico to see firsthand the devastation as he did in florida, as he did in texas following hurricanes that hit there. he's been hit pretty hard by the san juan mayor, carmen yulin cruz, i think she's permanently on television these days bashing the president. the president hitting back yesterday saying in a tweet, i will be in puerto rico on tuesday to further ensure we continue doing everything possible to assist and support the people in their time of great need. he has doubled down on mayor, the mayor four days ago was praising fema and response, it could be faster and quicker but now turned very nasty. we are dying here, the president is doing nothing and -- abby: she did an interview on another network when she was asked about the president's efforts, press conference, take a listen to this. >> i will do what i never thought i was going to do, i am begging, begging anyone that can hear us to save us from dying. i am asking the members of the press to send a call all over the world, we are dying here. abby: you heard the press conference there. our own geraldo rivera who has been on the ground, he has a lot of family. he did an interview with the mayor and pressed her on some of the things that she was saying, you to take a listen to this. >> it is hostile. when people are dying it is hostile. >> i don't see people dying. >> i don't think you're going in the right place. >> you're talking about people starving? >> yeah, people don't have water, people can't have dialysis. maybe you haven't gone to the right places, you know. if you are a mother and have to give your child water from a creek, i don't think that's something that people want to see in any country. pete: you look mind the -- behind for the mayor, she stands behind pallets of food u.s. sent, you can talk about bureaucracy, cutting through red tape, those comments as well as, i think you were alluding to it, comments she made on cnn basically saying the president's response is sexist, maybe he's use today women who need to be told what to do. in my mind, she's been all over the media. he's become the new face of resistance of how many problems are going on and if you're that busy, if you're people are drinking out of creek and i don't minimize at all, of course, it's devastation, apparently also you have time to get screen printed shirts that say help us, we are dying, sos. abby: in the same interview you're talk about, right before she went into the politics and i don't want to get into small politics and that's what she did. mayor in puerto rico of a different town and he was saying how it's interesting that she's saying that because that's not what i have seen from my perspective and ironically she hasn't been in any of the meetings that i have been with the federal government, with fema, the people that are on the ground to help. you're going to make statements and you're going to have claims about what's going on, maybe do your job and work with the feds on the ground to help the people that you serve. that would give you a little more credibility. todd: to pete's point, maybe he doesn't listen to women, you have seen so much of the president dealing with jennifer gonzález colón, congresswomen for puerto rico. good relationship, one take away that i want to say, the three of us aren't there. we are not on the ground, geraldo is and coming up live at 6:20, before we start jumping into a political he said, she said, let's remember that there are a number of individuals that are saying the response has been okay, the governor of puerto rico and the president have been in constant communication. if you're going take anybody's view on this, i think you should take brock long's, fema administrator because he saw how great he did in houston and florida. let's listen to what he is saying. he's saying, look, we need to work hard here but at the end to have day, this mayor of san juan is a little bit off the rails, fema is trying their best, we are doing an okay job, more is going to be done. pete: play politics or identity politics claiming it's feminism. the president starting. saying very important that nfl players stand tomorrow as always for the play tofg national anthem, respect our flag and our country. many things have changed their position. the dallas cowboys who kneel and stood, they will be standing with their hand over heart. pittsburgh steelers have said they will now come out and honor the anthem as well as new orleans saints drew brees will be standing as well. abby: we will be watching. pete: i'm sick on arm-locking. mini resistance, i still stand. abby: as long as they are not kneeling after the anthem. violshowdown forcing their way inside a voting center, smashing glass and breaking locks to seize ballot boxes. millions of people have been working referendum in spanish government which led to stop the poll after constitutional declared to be illegal. chaos in canada, attack in officer in high-speed chase that led people injured. they are being investigated as acts of terror. first police say car plowed right in police car and stabbed an officer and attacking others before running off. there was an isis flag inside of that suspect's car. later police going on a high-speed chase when they saw, they spotted the suspect driving a white u-haul, two women were knocked unconscious. still unsure if this was the same man from the first attack. and those are headlines this morning. pete: if you have an isis flag in the front of your truck, you're probably not up to good. yeah. todd: no way in hell, that's the response to president trump's tax plan from some republicans, what's their beef and do they have a point? pete: hard work is racist at least according to this professor, is she really teaching that in the classroom? wait to hear what she had to say jimmy's gotten used to his whole room smelling like sweaty odors. yup, he's gone noseblind. he thinks it smells fine, but his mom smells this... luckily for all your hard-to-wash fabrics... ...there's febreze fabric refresher. febreze doesn't just mask, it eliminates odors you've... ...gone noseblind to. and try febreze unstopables for fabric. with up to twice the fresh scent power, you'll want to try it... ...again and again and maybe just one more time. indulge in irresistible freshness. febreze unstopables. breathe happy. ostriches don't really stick their heads in the sand. a peanut is not a nut. and a real john deere... is actually real affordable. you learn something new every day. the surprisingly affordable john deere e series tractors. now you can own america's tractor for just $99 a month. learn more at your john deere dealer. ...better than a manual, and my hygienist says it does. but... ...they're not all the same. turns out, they're really... ...different. who knew? i had no idea. so, she said look for... that's shaped like a dental tool with a round... ...brush head. go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head surrounds each tooth to... ...gently remove more plaque and... ...oral-b crossaction is clinically proven to... ...remove more plaque than sonicare diamondclean. my mouth feels so clean. i'll only use an oral-b! the #1 brand used by dentists worldwide. oral-b. brush like a pro. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ pete: president trump is selling tax plan as rocket fuel for the economy but some republicans unfortunately aren't buying it. senator bob corker says right now there is no, quote, no way in hell he's voting for this plan while new jersey and new york congressman plan to fight to keep state and local tax deductions. so what does this mean for the fate of the president's tax reform? here the weigh in tax and financial expert dan, dan, thanks for joining us this morning. >> thanks. pete: president releases plan, simplification of the tax code, reduction of rates u but one of it includes ending deductions for state and local income taxes, tell us why different states would react differently to that plan? >> if you have a state, high-taxed state, blue states, california, new york, new jersey, connecticut. they have very high tax rates. so what's going to happen is those -- people from those states are not going to get the benefit of a federal tax deduction for those high taxes that they had been paying. so that's something that seems to be upsetting some people. pete: they pay additional federal tax as a result, i believe the scoring is -- the federal revenue will increase by $1.3 trillion over the decade according to tax policy center, so the republicans are looking for pay fors in this plan, this is one of them, if you're in a state where you don't have state income tax you're loving this? >> it has no impact on them, however, let's be clear about something, the president is not looking at that specific item, the reduction of itemized deductions for state taxes as a way to raise money here for the federal government. the whole point of his tax plan which by the way really should be referring to as an economic plan because this is about putting money back into the people's hands. the economy is not going to take off by the government taking our money. pete: sure. >> what happens here is that the president is looking to simplify, meaning offset those deductions with higher standard deduction -- pete: doubling the standard deduction. >> yes, getting rid of amt and to lower rates and at a minimum it's going to be an offset but the president's plan is supposed to actually lower taxes, but keep in mind, this is a working progress, we don't really know what the plan is going to say. it's a blueprint. >> pete: blueprint but as tax expert and financial expert, what's the most important part of the blueprint, what should be nonnoarr for the president and republicans? >> i think when you're talking about getting fuel into this economy it's really lowering that corporate income tax. we are talking about bringing foreign corporations to the united states to do business in the united states and creating jobs in the u.s. pete: what should republicans do to sort of account for the fact that democrats are suddenly now going to be fiscal hawks and talking about exploding debt? >> welshing that's all about politics. let's look at it this way, the cbo isn't always right. whatever the cbo says, well the party is favored by that opinion, they jump all over it. pete: political football. for sure. we appreciate pi. >> thank you. pete: liberal media piling on the president for disaster relief effort in puerto rico. >> how dare he. >> this is what white nationalism looks at politics. pete: someone actually said that on television. should they really be push to go politicize this disaster, a debate next and how would you like to see this at your window at 38,000 feet? i don't know what i'm looking at but is that a drone? i'm not sure. we are teasing it. girls are taught you're not supposed to do. you seal it and send it back and then you wait for your results. it's that simple. you won' for years, at&t has been promising fast internet to small businesses. but for many businesses, it's out of reach. why promise something you can't deliver? comcast business is different. ♪ ♪ we deliver super-fast internet with speeds of 150 megabits per second across our entire network, to more companies, in more locations, than at&t. we do business where you do business. ♪ ♪ we are book with fox news alert. my your of san juan firing back after president trump slams her cooperation during humanitarian crisis. >> more aid arriving to ravaged island. geraldo rivera live for us in san juan with exclusive interview with carmen yulin cruz, geraldo. >> hi, guys, you know, it's very sad to me, melancholy that partisan politics is weighing its ugly head. you have a republican governor who generally think the republican effort is going swell and you have a very left-wing democratic mayor of san juan who is in this -- this fight with the president of the united states causing outrage in the mainstream media that the president is insensitive and the president is ignoring the ply of the people of puerto rico. now you know i have been mildly critical of the u.s. relief effort. i think it's been uneven. it's been spot ji but it has been sincere and i think that the momentum is picking up but carmen yulin cruz, the mayor of san juan went so far to say that people are dying, dying as a result of lack of aid. let's listen to a brief excerpt of my exclusive interview with the mayor and we will talk more on the other side. here is the mayor of san juan. >> if you don't get fed for sevenover eight days, you are dying, if you have 11 people that they took out of nursing home severely dehydrated, you are dying. >> to you wish you had characterized a little -- >> no, it is the way it is. i said it the way it is. i don't have to correct anything in anyway that is not the reality. that is the truth, he who has eyes will be be able to see, he who has an open heart will be able to feel. those who prefer to be blinded to injustice, that's their issue. i have no time for that. >> as far as i know, abby, death toll has been 16, has remained at 16 for this awful, it's been at 16 for over a week. the mayor is not literally correct rather but i lament and i stress this, i lament that there's bitterness and partisanship when everybody should be on the same team, abby. abby: your perspective on the ground is so crucial, more of that interview at 7:30, we will see you soon. the liberal media as you heard from geraldo piling on the president for puerto rico. >> he's got the biggest platform here and he's the one that's telling the people of puerto rico that they want everything done for him. and blaming the financial crisis on this devastation. how dare he? >> this is what white nationalism looks like as policy. puerto ricans are americans, donald trump doesn't care about that. >> that's not human behavior. >> saying they, that they need a handout, he actually makes race problem worst. >> mr. president, that's not good enough. >> well, you should have paid your bills. >> sir, we just need help, please. >> this woman is nasty. >> antitrump media rush today politicized the crisis in puerto rico, here to debate democratic strategists jessica and former navy seal, external affairs carl hiking by, thank you both for being here. you heard from own geraldo rivera and said it is unfortunate, it's unfortunate that before we even are able to see where we are going to be in the coming days, weeks and months this is so politicized, jessica where do you fall on this? >> i fall not with geraldo on this, i guess a little to the left on this. i think where the crucial mistake was made last weekend when the president favored getting involved with the nfl controversy and the steph curry rather than focusing on puerto rico. abby: we don't know that for a fact -- he wasn't tweeting about it. abby: we are not behind closed doors at the white house -- >> he was golfing. [laughter] abby: we don't know how he is was spending all of that time, who he was talking -- >> i'm sure he was on the phone with fema officials. he made it very clear that he speaks to the american people through his twitter account. he chose to prioritize something else and after he did get praised which he did how he handled florida and texas that it would have been smart to emphasizing on puerto rico at the time and the liberal media would have had to lay off a little bit if he was there, there's a tweet where he's saying our hearts are with you, we are sending aid as fast as we can, that's where i think the mistake began. abby: you know how important it is to be there in disaster, that's the most important job as commander in chief. what are your thoughts? >> i'm glad the jessica gauges the president's success on twitter. >> i was down in texas and rockport where the hurricane came out there. because he's not tweeting about it doesn't mean -- -- he only tweets about things he care that, you haven't seen that? i think it's actually not a successful strategy. >> that's a bs. he put 12,000 people on the ground. we have people doing convoys. 60% of the roads in puerto rico because of our efforts because the president sent people out there to aid these people. i love all the democratic strategists an pundits who come on that say the president doesn't care, what do you want to do, how do you want to make a different, right now the unprecedented research in the area, we are flying, walking, driving, anything we can to get resources to every single partnership and it's not being paid attention -- >> all the commentators we heard that are sitting in air-conditioning studios that are voicing their opinion about what's going on in the ground, that's really hard to take seriously because they don't know, they are not there, the other question i have, jessica, the mayor that we showed the video of that's been critical of the president, they have been going back and forth on twitter as well. there's another mayor in puerto rico who says, look, she hasn't been part of our meetings when fema is on the ground. they're helping us assess, helping us help the people. does that hurt her credibility? >> i don't think that it does, i think she actually makes a credible case for what's going on, the idea that that's going to fix the problem. that doesn't really matter. i think when you have the president of the united states of america personally attacking a government official who is on the ground there and there are reporters who are down there as well. we have people there, geraldo, the other major networks do as well. i think the issue is is the president getting into the weeds, going down there personally attacking, saying that the democrats got to her, saying that the puerto ricans want everything done for them as if this is just some sort of handout. you know, half of the people in puerto rico still don't have running water. i believe it's still half of the hospitals are not opened. you see the pictures -- >> five days ago nobody did. we have made huge strides. this is the funny thing, you don't think that's important that the mayor has not attended the actual meetings -- >> no, do i think it's important. >> you're mad the president he hasn't tweeted -- >> how mad do you want me to get to somebody that's down there? abby: how will the whole conversation change. >> i think the conversation will change drastically. to see devastation in person, i was in rockport last week and for him to see that, what it means is symbolic, he cares, he's going down there taking time and analyze whatever he needs to analyze to find out if he needs to commit more resources which i don't think quite frankly can at this point. abby: most importantly people on the ground. both of you thank you so much. o.j. simpson released overnight, freeman for the first time in nine years, what is next for him? hard work is racist at least according to this professor, is she really teaching that to her kids, we have more on that this morning, stick with us. i actually called usaa before we called the police. usaa was there hands-on very quick very prompt. i feel like we're being handled as people that actually have a genuine need. we're the webber family and we are usaa members for life. usaa, get your insurance quote today. for over 100 years like kraft has,natural cheese you learn a lot about what people want. honey, do we have like a super creamy cheese with taco spice already in it? oh, thanks. bon appe-cheese! okay... (vo) do not go gentle into that good night, old age should burn and rave at close of day; rage, rage against the dying of the light. do not go gentle into that good night. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ abby: we are back with fox news alert, o.j. simpson is officially a freeman. there he is, 70-year-old released on parole overnight in nevada after spending nine years in prison for a botched armed robbery. >> it is believed he will live in las vegas for now but simpson did tell parole board he wants to go to florida, however department of corrections they have yet to receive a transfer request. pete: simpson will now spend the next five years under parole supervision. former lapd detective and fox news contributor, mark, good morning, obviously you've got a long history with mr. o.j. simpson, he's free. your take this morning. >> well u it's quite interesting that they -- they describe him as being free, he's not free, he still belongs to the state of nevada and prison system in nevada. he's on parole. they are just allowing him to be in for public. so it's going to be a long five years for him to actually stay on the straight narrow, it's just not his style. abby: you also said the media if they were smart, they would ignore this man, how are you feeling this morning as i'm sure it is blanketing all the airways with him being released? >> well, i think they are doing exactly what he wants. i mean, he loves this attention and i'm sure he loves the idea of people scrambling to get an interview or a photograph. i just think is somewhat of an embarrassing profile we are giving as a nation and people what they are interesting in a parolee gets away from murder and got tagged for robbery and did nine years and this is somehow the lead story in the news in a country where we have hurricanes, where we are at war in the middle east, we are about to enter a conflict with north korea, we have a bad nuclear deal in iran and this is -- this is what we talk about. >> i want to get your opinion on something you just said moments ago, you said you don't think he can stay on a straight narrow, let's delve into that, what do you think happened a 70-year-old o.j. simpson? >> well, he's been in prison for nine years. in the state of nevada when you're a parole' you can't even have alcohol in excess. excess means .08 and for the people that are watching that don't know what that means, that's two drinks in an hour and you're probably a .08. that's just one condition of parole. no fourth amendment privilege, in other words he can be searched, his house, his car by a law enforcement officer that is aware of this parole situation or a parole officer, you know, and his conduct is scrutinized quite a bit deeper than that. i mean, his conduct in business employment, you know, where he goes, where he travels, this is something that o.j. simpson might have a very difficult time succeeding in in this situation and parole. >> mark, o.j. simpson, it's a cultural phenomena, it's a train wreck and often times people can't take their eyes off of, why has he become that, why 20, 30 year sports star, the trial, why people cannot look away? >> you know, i'm not sure why. i think o.j. simpson trial was the beginning of reality tv. i think the media at large might be responsible for some of that. they realized that they didn't need to pay actors and they didn't need studios and they didn't any kind of a backdrop other than a camera and a tragedy and they make the most of it and if you watch tv, we have cameras on people's homes, we are watching them live, i can't imagine anything more boring and i can't imagine anything for boring than to watch o.j. simpson in everyday routine but that's what the media is going to do, they are going to follow him. abby: yeah, a lot of people are fascinated by this man specially the generation above mine that have been around him. they followed his career, right, he was the best running back in the nation at usc and then went on the profootball, he's been in hollywood but for the younger generation, people that are waking up this morning that don't fully understand why the world is so fascinated with o.j. simpson, what is your message to them? >> well, i think they should actually look at the history of o.j. simpson. you know, him being a heisman trophy winner, maybe best running back of all time, actually allowed him to get away with conduct that all of us would never be able to get away with. several times he beat his wife, you know, his conduct was outside of the law, outside of the norms of society but they protected and they kept that under wraps. that is the o.j. simpson that ended up killing two people. that could have been stopped, that could have been intercepted but it wasn't because people looked at him as a god instead of a human. pete: great point. double standard for those in bright lights as oppose to regular folks. appreciate it. >> thank you. abby: turning to other headlines we are following, the blaze lies low, we were wondering what this was earlier, air france jets engine blowing up in midair. passengers -- passengers describing engines blowing up as loud thud and a lot of vibration. can you imagine being in the right? flying from paris to la, luckily nobody was hurt. abby: police have a new way to follow ms13 members, ditch the blue and white nikes, he said they are a dead give away to cops and getting caught with them could mean a trip back to el salvador. calling on colleagues to undermine hard work because it's right ideology. angela putman designed a three-day seminar on white privileged and interviewed students in academic article she writes this, socialized to believe that we got to where we are because of our own individual efforts. she now wants colleagues to stop, quote, perpetuating and redefining whitens through intense education. should i read that one more time. >> read it again so we can be more confused. >> don't work hard kids because then you're just -- you're exercising your white privilege. >> this is all part of let's have universal income. let's make it easy on everybody. nobody needs to work. pete: i bet she wants that too. christopher columbus, latest victim of politically correct culture but not one time how they are trying to save christopher columbus statutes next. abby: high school team is honoring first responders in the most awesome way. it will make your sunday, we've got that for you coming up hi. so i just got off the phone with our allstate agent, and i know that we have accident forgiveness. so the incredibly minor accident that i had tonight... four weeks without the car. okay, yep. good night. with accident forgiveness, your rates won't go up just because of an accident. switching to allstate is worth it. your rates won't go up just because of an accident. ostriches don't really stick their heads in the sand. a peanut is not a nut. and a real john deere... is actually real affordable. you learn something new every day. the surprisingly affordable john deere e series tractors. now you can own america's tractor for just $99 a month. learn more at your john deere dealer. i work ovi need when i my blood sugar to stay in control. so i asked about tresiba®. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ tresiba® is a once-daily, long-acting insulin that lasts even longer than 24 hours. i need to cut my a1c. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ tresiba® works like my body's insulin. releases slow and steady. providing powerful a1c reduction. my week? 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[laughter] pete: joining us to discuss supervisor, joseph. you are completely racist and you want statutes of christopher columbus. >> we are trying to send a strong message that if new york city doesn't want statutes of christopher columbus we are happy to take them in the town. abby: where are you going to put them? >> a number of locations, columbus sons of italy foundation will help us raise the money to build transform to transport them to taxpayers don't have to pay a dime. >> as fellow italian american we are portrayed as mobsters and all the other stuff so somebody like christopher columbus is often a sense of pride despite what the mainstream media would like us to believe. why don't you tell us why that is? >> christopher columbus stands for the spirit of italian americans, all of those who have had great successes in life, the motivation to cross the atlantic, it's an important message and we feel as though the statute should stay in place, but if people are going to go off to this wild left ideology, then they might as well go over to colombia university and protest and demand the name change for colombia university named after christopher columbus. >> don't worry that might be coming. blame columbus for implementing enslavement systems, torture and genocide of indigenous people. nobody in history is perfect. how do you respond -- >> columbus was actually a progressive. he tried, found guilty, spaniards who committed crime against native. so to change history now specially if somebody can trace their roots back to spain, columbus was an agent of spain. abby: nobody is perfect. pete: good stuff. >> we will be at the parade and we are very proud of our italian american heritage in the town of oyster bay. abby: as are we. it will make your day, you don't want to miss it next. i let go of all those feelings. because i am cured with harvoni. harvoni is a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. it's been prescribed to more than a quarter million people. and is proven to cure up to 99% of patients who have had no prior treatment with 12 weeks. certain patients can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. before starting harvoni, your doctor will test to see if you've ever had hepatitis b, which may flare up and cause serious liver problems during and after harvoni treatment. tell your doctor if you've ever had hepatitis b, a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv or any other medical conditions and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with harvoni can cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. common side effects of harvoni include tiredness, headache and weakness. ready to let go of hep c? ask your hep c specialist about harvoni. abby: while nfl players kneel for national anthem one high school is honoring america's heros. >> marched on the field and stood for the national anthem with local police, fire and emt personnel. so what can the pros learn from these friday night heros? >> athletic director scott and football coach josh, lee. thank you both for being with us. what a great story and i think it's something we all need to hear this morning. scott, tell us about what happened on friday and how you came up with this idea? >> well, we are a community, a small farm community that's blessed to be a very diverse place and we always do things to honor people at football games, football is important in our town. we used to have platform to honor people that deserve that and, you know, we've honored the military in the past, being 60% of student body is military due to air force base right next to us. we have gone and honor people who have taken care of our community. friday was no different. i know the story has turned into a huge story, but, you know, our -- our kids all along have -- have try today find ways to honor the people they surround themselves with. this was no different. unfortunately this is news now but i think the long-term goal this this happens all over the place. >> we have try today build a culture of them realizing they are part of something bigger than themselves. what do you mean by that? >> since i came in, day one into the program, i tried to just get the kids to realize that some day they were going to be dad, some day they are going to be husbands and functioning members of the community that they live in and so my main goal has been to kind of establish that atmosphere where they're going to be part of something bigger than themselves and they thought that this was a great opportunity to put that into play. >> i love what you said, scott, that this happens all of the time. we may be focusing on this story right now because there's a bigger conversation going on about what's going on with the nfl but we need to hear stories like this all of the time. josh, thank you so much for being with us. >> thank you, guys. >> abby: thanks for all you do. >> the liberal media piling on the president for disaster releer effort in puerto rico. should they be push to go politicized the disaster, you bet mike huckabee has something to say. he's upset about football tickets he's burning his tickets and spending the day with us. stick around baa baa black sheep, have you any wool? 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what would you do if you got in a plane and you saw o.j. simpson on a plane? >> i would cash in 20,000 bucks. >> let's start with o.j. simpson for a second. where are we in terms of race relations 23 years after o.j. simpson become not a star running back but really a story? >> i think we have to be honest and say that race relations are no where near perfect, no where where they need to be and requires an extraordinary effort on every zern to stop looking at people externally and see them as fellow human beings and to pay respect to them and forget the race, but it's always been a problem and it's going to continue to be. something that i guess maybe i had forgotten, i lived through the 60's and 70's, that was my teen years, guys, i'm going to tell you something, we are not as divided right now as we think we are. you want to see division, go back and remember how divided the country was on things like not just the war but on race and it was far, far worse. so we've made a lot of strides but i think sometimes we forget how far we've come but it doesn't mean we don't have a long distance. you have to go. >> it's so true, if you don't have to understand and look at history you tend to hyperberlize. speaking about hyperly democrats and mayor of san juan are using harsh rhetoric to trash the president for not doing enough. here is what the san juan mayor had to say yesterday. >> i would do that i never thought i was going to do, i am begging you, begging anyone that can hear us to save us from dying. i am asking the members of the press to send a call all over the world. see put an sos hat and saying we are dying here. >> i can understand her frustration. she's in raw position, she's overwhelmed, but i would also say that sometimes when you're in a leadership position it's important to take charge of the situation and work with the people who can help you. going on television and trashing the very people who are sending supplies is probably not the best strategy. i think what we see in the governor is a person who is truly in charge as much as possible but can i mention a couple of things that make this so different. when 100% of the power grid is gone and all the power is out and all of the debris is over roads that would let crews get in. you saw her standing in front of thousands of pallets and supplies, but the problem is they can't be distributed internally because the roads aren't clear and the drivers are home taking care of their families and trying to fend themselves, there's nobody to drive trucks. if people want to know what would happen if we had an elect row magnetic pulse, look at puerto rico and realize that's what we would be facing. tamp down the expectations. the infrastructure has to be rebuilt not by the government but power companies which are privately owned, a lot of the utilities, it's going to be block by block, street by street rebuilding of everything from the ground up and that is not going to be quick. abby: how much of a disservice is it for democrats to jump all over this, it's a political opportunity they feel for them, governor, this is why people hate so much about politics, we lose sight of what's going on. i just got off the phone with carm men yulin cruz, i could read you tweets all morning long. i'm not going to bore you with governor, this is what people hate so much about politics, isn't it? >> well, it really is. this is -- this is like going to a family funeral and fussing about the potato salad. what you need to do is focus on the immediate issue at hand which is getting things restored i don't know how this is helpful. she's been exploited. i feel for her because i'm sure she's physically and emotionally worn out. one thing that the fema director said that she had not been part of meetings, showing up at briefings and that would be a huge help for her to be integrate intoed the recovery plan. >> all right, governor huckabee, it's time for football. we will switch gears to that. 2 hours and 22 minutes away from the first nfl game kickoff in london, saints versus london as president trump says it's very important for nfl players to stand today. why don't you weigh in on this? where are we on this issue? >> it depends on whether the nfl wants to continue to attract audiences or fans or they want to be a political organization. i get it that nfl players have a right to speak their minds but they need to do it on their own time and if they really want to be political, i have a suggestion, there are elections almost every year in america. leave the nfl, give up your millions of dollars of salary and run for public office anywhere from the school board all the way up to running for president and fix it. if you're better at this than anybody who is in office, then i've always said, get off your hands, go sign up for the ballot, run for office, get elected and do a better job. but disrespecting the national anthem, i don't know how that makes america a better country. i just don't see that. >> governor, the cowboys are going the stand up now. the steelers are coming out of the locker, they are trying to thread a needle, stand before or rather lock arms rather than put hands over heart. does that work or, honor the flag and take protests elsewhere? >> that's exactly what they want. look at the numbers tment viewership numbers are plummeting, people are burning jerseys and season tickets, i'm not going back. at the end of the day, the nfl is a business and when business starts running customers out of the store, they better put something in the shelf that people want, are they going to go away businesses that are bye bye and that's what the nfl better wake up and see and i don't know why roger godell has placed this so miserably. he lets kaepernick wear socks that depicts cops as pigs and won't let cowboys wear -- >> i think the fans are spoken. i would be surprised if we saw many people kneeling. >> i agree. abby: great to have you on. >> thank you, sir. >> good to see you, guys. abby: some other headlines we are following, fox news alert, chaos in canada, stabbing of an officer of high-speed chase that left several people injured are now being investigated as acts of terror. first car plowed stabbing the officer several times before running off. police believe there was an isis flag inside of the suspect's car. later police going on a high-speed chase when they thought they spotted the suspect driving a white u-haul. police arresting the suspect who they believe acted alone. that's another fox news alert. violent showdown between voters and police at spanish fight to break away from the country. police forcing their way inside voting centers smashing glass and breaking locks to seize ballot boxes. [shouting] abby: declared it to be illegal. rock star marilyn manson rushed to the hospital after being crushed by a prop right in the middle of the concert. ♪ ♪ abby: fans climbing falling right on top of him. concert cut short. the singer's rep said he was injured. host and cofounder of let's make a deal has just passed away. >> pick your number. door number 3. abby: we all know him, he passed away from heart failure in home on saturday. premiered in 1963 and became a tv staple for decades. that's incredible. monty hall was 96 year's old. pete: i want to go to those microphones that are really long? abby: you might take that back. todd: can you get us one in the break? pete: we have been telling you all about it, mayor of san juan slamming president trump on disaster there. what's going on with hat and t-shirt. deputy fema administrator will join us live to set the record straight. abby: former cop so upset and burning tickets and spending sunday, oh, yes, he's spending it with "fox & friends" instead. stick around for this one. when you've been making delicious natural cheese for over 100 years like kraft has, you learn a lot about what people want. honey, do we have like a super creamy cheese with taco spice already in it? oh, thanks. bon appe-cheese! okay... has gotten to know our business so well that is feels like he's a part of our team. with one phone call, he sets me up with tailored products and services. and when my advisor is focused on my tech, i can focus on my small business. ♪ a dell advisor can help you choose the right products with powerful intel® core™ processors. ♪ this is todd hardy. a fitness buff, youth baseball coach-and lung cancer patient. the day i got the diagnosis, i was just shocked. the surgeon in dallas said i needed to have the top left lobe of my lung removed. i wanted to know what my other options were. and i found that at cancer treatment centers of america. at ctca, our experts examine a variety of therapies, treatments and 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involved in the discussions, how has the collaboration been with her and other officials on the ground? >> well, let me say that having unified command is the key drivers to success in any disaster operation. as you have seen in hurricanes harvey and irma, we worked very closely with mayors and governors from throughout texas and florida and i will say it for puerto rico. we've had a strong and collaborative relationship with the governor. there's also 78 municipalities, now, we can't necessarily satisfy every single one at every single time, all of the time, but i think if you ask the other 77 mayors, they will say we have been good partners, we certainly feel that about them. pete: your answer leaves one of the 78, do you believe that san juan has been a good-faith partner, part of unified effort? >> i can just say that the mayor of san juan has not participated substantially in any efforts of the joint field office. now, that's where all three levels, federal, commonwealth and locals work together to execute plans and deliver aid to those in need. other mayors have been participating. they're connected to us either by satellite phone in far off areas all around puerto rico as well as being on site and again this is in san juan where this joint field office. abby: we are taking about a place that's over a thousand miles from the u.s. mainland. the president has made the point. how much harder does that make it for the relief efforts to get the resources where they need to be? i mean, has the criticism been fair or you think people are not looking at this from the right perspective? >> well a knew that there were going to be substantial challenges in fact, it's going to be a category 5 hurricane can direct impact on puerto rico and that's in fact, exactly what happened. we had commodities, prestaged, personnel prestaged either on the island or just off the island on ships, but that's not enough to sustain operations for weeks and months, so we realized early on that we would need to have substantial support from the u.s. mainland. there were planes loaded with personnel, with supplies ready to go in the aftermath of the hurricane. unfortunately the damage was just so devastating to the communication's network, the energy sector as we are all aware but also to the airport and in the airport we were able to clear the debris quite quickly and the air traffic control was severely damaged and quite frankly it was like pushing a bowling ball -- >> real quick. >> we weren't getting in there, now we are. >> why would the mayor of san juan not participate in command center if it's in san june? >> i can't answer that question. i can only say that we are very focused on disaster operations here and to the extent that she or any other mayor wants to provide input in the process, we not only welcome her but we expect that kind of -- that kind of guidance. me sitting here in washington, 1500 miles away from the island, i can't tell you exactly what's going on in san juan and she certainly can, planners on the ground need her input. abby: thank you so much. we will be right back. >> thanks, dan. only from allstate. switching to allstate is worth it. only from allstate. ...there's something you to smay be missing. a key part of your wellness that you may be... ...overlooking. ♪ it's your eyes. that's why there's ocuvite, from bausch + lomb. as you age your eyes can lose vital nutrients. ocuvite helps replenish those nutrients. ocuvite has lutein, zeaxanthin, and omega-3. nourish your eyes to help them be their healthy best. ocuvite eye vitamins. be good to your eyes. you won' did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back? say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet that's up to 16 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. say hello to faster downloads with internet speeds up to 250 megabits per second. get fast internet and add phone and tv now for only $34.90 more per month. call today. comcast business. built for business. todd: 24 minutes after the hour and we are back with fox news alert. chaos in canada. two attacks being called acts of terror after police officer stabbed and people run over by a van. pete: car plowed into police cruiser and hopping out and stabbing the officer several times before running off. thankfully the officer is expected to be okay. but police believed there was an isis flag inside the suspect's car. abby: later police say they found the suspect in a u-haul at traffic stop leading to high-speed chase on busy streets, the van mowing people down along the way and injuring four people before flipping over. police have now arrested the suspect who they believe has acted alone. but we we will, of course, what evolves. pete: retired new york detective, nfl season holder was so outraged by the players kneeling that he decided to take a stand on his own, watch this. >> i can't pay and i can't watch, these people sit down and protest against cops, i'm burning my tickets, end of an era. i'm sad to see it happen. abby: brandon joins us now. you feel totally disrespected, you want an apology? >> i do. i want an apology from the nfl, players who disrespected law enforcement, disrespecting the flag, disrespecting military, essentially disrespecting the country and what's lost in all of this is that the protests started antilaw enforcement, colin kaepernick, they took knee to protest law enforcement and you come to find out that colin kaepernick has a hidden agenda, it's not as hidden anymore, $25,000 to the foundation, she's a cop killer, she's living in cuba. this is what the nfl is standing for? i have a real problem with that. >> absolutely, you pointed out, it's a double shot against the police because the protests start -- started about so-called police brutality and they are kneeling for an anthem that we all honor, cops serve the flag every day. you see the incident in canada, it's canada but till police officer that is deal with the brunt of these things and yet have to watch a sport where you're disrespected, what should the nfl do, could they bring you back? >> i miss it so much already but i can't go back because it's a slap in the face, maybe an apology, maybe they are saying, we are sorry that we did that, we were wrong, we shouldn't have done it, i don't think that's going to happen. i live in the world, but what we have a real problem, the flag units us, the flag is our -- it's our symbol of liberty and freedom. , you know, americans love the flag. an article in the post about how we view the flag. the two sons of ukraine, 10 and 15, the 15-year-old said how you people love the flag in america, you fly it everywhere and i think that says all. that says it all. abby: we can't lose that. >> as fellow giants fan i want to explain the magnitude of your decision and i want you to explain because giants tickets aren't just a piece of paper, it's not tickets, they are consequences to that, these are tickets that are passed down from generation to generation, you went with your dad, my dad went with his dad, this is about tradition, yet, you were so willing to in essence throw that all away in support of the nation. >> i'm glad you asked the question. i had to call the man i got the tickets, i said, bob, i burnt my tickets and the tickets i got from you that i paid for. he said, no i agree with you, i agree with you, i spent two years in naval hospitals from injuries and illnesses he got from world war ii, he said, i can't stand for that either and he's about -- he's a world war ii vet. you do the math. this man means everything and and i'm so relieved that he stands with my, but i knew he would. >> the emotion in your voice is the emotion that i heard from my dad. this is his tie to his dad and last week's protest hit my dad to the core and football means nothing in essence. >> i didn't even turn it on sunday, right after what happened in london that enraged me, sitting, kneeling down for national anthem and standing up for god save the queen. is there any more bitter irony than that? abby: we will see what happens today. >> clearly resinating with people. abby: absolutely. pete: mayor of san juan slamming president trump's response to disaster there although she hasn't attended any of the fema meetings. our own geraldo rivera goes one on hand with her. exclusive interview live next. abby: don't stand for the anthem, you are off the team. the high school coach making big headlines this morning for that one. check it out i wanted to know where my family came from. i did my ancestrydna. the most shocking result was that i'm 26% native american. i had no idea. it's opened up a whole new world for me. ♪ the uncertainties of hep c. wondering, what if? i let go of all those feelings. because i am cured with harvoni. harvoni is a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. it's been prescribed to more than a quarter million people. and is proven to cure up to 99% of patients who have had no prior treatment with 12 weeks. certain patients can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. before starting harvoni, your doctor will test to see if you've ever had hepatitis b, which may flare up and cause serious liver problems during and after harvoni treatment. tell your doctor if you've ever had hepatitis b, a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv or any other medical conditions and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with harvoni can cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. common side effects of harvoni include tiredness, headache and weakness. ready to let go of hep c? ask your hep c specialist about harvoni. >> 33 minutes after the hour now, we are back with fox news alert, much needed aid arriving to hurricane ravaged country of puerto rico. at least 16 people have died. that number is expected to rise as the evers continue. 12,000 people on the ground helping with relief efforts right now. pete: mayor of san juan firing back. abby: fox news correspondent geraldo rivera is live in san juan with an exclusive interview with mayor carmen yulin cruz. geraldo, take it away. >> you know, abby, it's distressing to me about the quantity and quality of coming in but i understand the logistical challenges, it's not like texas where you can drive down with oklahoma with a truck or florida where you can drive from georgia with a truck to help out. we are a long way from the united states, 1100 miles from florida, an island, it's very difficult, but i must say i'm right by the airport here and i have not heard relief jets coming in and it's already 7:30 eastern time, i don't know why the skies aren't filled with relief aircraft. i know ships are coming in but i tell you what i lament, i really lament in this politically island where you have a republican governor and hard-left wing democratic mayor that -- that this -- she's blaming, the mayor is blaming donald trump for the lack of aid. it's really sad. here is my part 1 of my exclusive interview with san juan's very critical mayor. >> how are you feeling about what's going on? >> well, the aid isn't getting here as quickly as it should be getting here. there are people at all municipalities literally starving, dehydrating, our power grid is off in most of the island and even when it comes on in various portions of san juan, it goes back out, so, for example, we have tried to have our hospital go back to speed, but then the electricity goes off and we have to do all the bacteria testing which takes three to four days, so we need to stabilize that, we need to stabilize the communications. we need to be sensible, you know, when fema asks people to register on the phone or to register via internet in an island that has no power, you know, common sense has to prevail. so we go back to the pen and paper and just two things the old-fashion way, bring them to a data point where data-entry people can take care of it. it just seems like common sense things that should be happening or not happening but i want to make sure that i differentiate that between the structure response and the heart-felt response. fema people, hhs people all have their heart in the right place. i have gotten tremendous -- >> how about the president of the united states? >> i think the president needs to get the information that -- that he needs to get and apparently he hasn't been getting it or he hasn't been watching the news. >> but are people dying? i've been traveling around, i don't see people dying? i spoke to the doctors, they had 53 patients and they had a person that was septic but nobody dying. i wonder -- >> well, dying is a continuum, right? if you don't get fed or 7 or 8 days and your child, you are dying. 11 people that we took out of the nursing home dehydrated, they are dying. i say it the way it is. i don't have to correct anything in any way that's not the reality. that is the true, he who has eyes will be able to see it, he has open heart will be able to feel it. those that prefer to be blinded to injustice, that's their issue. i have no time for that. >> how much of that is politics, the fact that you and the president are different parties and -- >> well, i'm not a member of the democratic party. i have democratic values, shared values with the democratic -- democrats, senator marco rubio's office came here, he's not a democrat. general buchanan don't take a the word of 5-foot tall mayor, general buchanan said yesterday we don't have what it takes to deal with the situation. so don't take my word for it, take the general's word for it. >> all right, that's part 1 of my interview with the mayor who as you heard still claims people are dying although the death count is 16, has been 16 since the storm. i could find no one dying and she was highly critical of president trump. part 2 of my interview which will i'm sure generate con controversy is in the 9:00 o'clock hour. i certify viely and profoundly lament that this -- that politics has introduced its ugly head, the situation is bad enough, back to you guys. >> geraldo, i want to get your thoughts on, this we had a fema administrator and issued the following statement, the mayor of san juan has not participated substantially in any efforts of the joint field office, other mayors have been participating, what's your take on that? >> well, she's very feisty, she's very independent and she's very partisan. i don't think that you can -- puerto rico is an island as i said split in half, the elections are highly contentious, she has a loathing for donald trump and in her mind somehow dismisses the effect of two historic back to back storms and absolutely gives a green light, free pass to the power authorities here who have run the bankrupt agency, the puerto rico electric power authority, bankrupt $6 billion in debt, 16,000 miles of rotten lines that were sure to fail in the first blow. they went out even before the hurricanes happen. so i think that she needs an open heart and some gratitude and i think that the problem is that the president chose to tweet about her and that's what made a lot of people angry, why is the president, you know, punching down that way. i think it was unnecessary and this is an unsavorily controversy and i wish it never happened, back to you. abby: geraldo it's so important to get your perspective. great interview. we will have more of that later in the show. thanks. pete: preview of what else may be headed to puerto rico. >> a little bit of a dryer day than yesterday. if you look at future radar, spotty showers moving across the island throughout the day today, overnight tomorrow and into tomorrow. the tropics is certainly hurricane season, that just means we will see a lot more moisture but nothing that is going to be as bad as what we saw yesterday. that's certainly good news. across the continental 48 and up towards alaska and hawaii, looking pretty good. chilly out here in parts of northeast, very chilly yesterday and chilly day today, that will change. we will warm back up. we are also going to watch big snow moving in across northern rockies, winter storm warnings there. measurable snow. some of that will move across parts of central rockies as well. tem wise, the heat is still done across the south, houston another very warm day today but aside from that, we have this warmer air mass that's going to move towards the east and we can't get that fall in, guys that a lot of people like to have, we are going warm right back up. pete: all right. abby: don't get jackets out yet. tune to go some other story headlines story. a benghazi hero responds to clinton, president trump secretary mattis and dod should send navy including u.s. and comfort to puerto rico now, these are american citizens. chris who defended cia compound in benghazi from islamic extremist, wish you had the sense of urgency while you were watching fifth fight in benghazi, did you not consider us americans. wow. >> also safety barrier collapses, take a look. barrier broke as fans were celebrating a goal in stadium in france, at least 25 people are now injured. four of them seriously. officials say it's still unclear what exactly caused the incident. the game was then suspended. the high school football players are kicked off team for protesting during national anthem. coach in school in texas, former marine had them remove their jerseys as soon as the anthem wrapped up right on the sideline. listen to this. >> i still love them. i understand what they feel but as a coach we have rules and i don't want people disrespecting veterans in the uniform. abby: the coach says he was fine with them protesting just not during anthem. that's a message we have heard from people all over the country. pete: the coach is in charge. abby: there are rules in this world. people have to follow. >> hard turn here. terror in canada, a cop stabbed an people run over, the isis ties in a live report next. abby: o.j. simpson is a freeman released from prison overnight. where is he headed now. attorney general state general pam bondi, we will ask her about what happens next. it's a problem that we can turn around and change. revolution foods is a company we started to provide access to healthy, affordable, kid-inspired, chef crafted food. we looked at what are the aspects of food that will help set up kids for success? making sure foods are made with high quality ingredients and prepared fresh everyday. our collaboration with citi® has helped us really accelerate the expansion of our business in terms of how many communities we can serve. working with citi has also helped to fuel our innovation process and the speed at which we can bring new products into the grocery stores. we are employing 2,000 people across 30 urban areas, and today serve over 2.5 million meals a 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vehicle and attacked service member with a knife. a struggle then in which the male suspect stabbed the officer several times before fleeing the scene on foot northbound down 92nd street. because of the officer's injuries he was transported to hospital. >> the officer was taken to a hospital as you heard him say there and police they sent out an alert to other officers with the name of the person that chevy malibu was registered to. later that night, officers were working at a "traffic check" point, they stopped a u-haul and asked for id. >> the officer recognized the name of being similar to owner of chevy malibu. the u-haul truck fled the scene and pursued by police officers towards the downtown evington, throughout the chase, the truck deliberately attempted to hit pedestrians in crosswalks. >> the suspect hit at least four people, police say the two attacks are related and now being investigated as terrorism. according to edmington they found police evidence, an isis flag. they say the driver is known to police. he's a 30-year-old man. according to chief, they believe he acted alone but at this point aren't ruling others out. the police officer stab is expected to survive the condition of the injured pedestrian, those at least 4 who were hit by the u-haul is unknown, abby, pete and todd. abby: you'll keep a close one. o.j. simpson is a fro man released from prison overnight. where is he headed now? not florida. the state attorney general pam bondi is joining us live to till us more about that. pete: trump former campaign manager, plenty to talk to him about. destroy. but when it comes to mortgages, she's less confident. fortunately for sarah, there's rocket mortgage by quicken loans. it's simple, so she can understand the details and be sure she's getting the right mortgage. apply simply. understand fully. mortgage confidently. >> former senate democratic leader harry reid expect today testify in corruption trial for senator bob menendez. abby: reid was chosen because of closeness with senator. great to have you here. what does this mean? >> well, it means harry reid is going to be a fact witness. what that means, abby, he knows something, he saw something or heard something and what he specifically heard was a meeting that senator menendez dragged harry reid with caitlin where me nend -- menendez and they are going to ask, what did you hear, what did he say and what he asked for. pete: how is it looking for him? >> well, look, this looks really bad for him. remember what this case is all about, this man salamn, buddy was flying him everywhere, putting him in lavish vacations, you need a jet, just call me, well, in exchange for that, menendez was lobbying the federal government to get this guy nor taxpayer dollars for medicare services for his business and having harry reid go along on a meeting, remember, he's a very powerful senator at the time really speaks to sort of corruption in washington. abby: harry reid in is in a tough position because he doesn't want to get caught up in nonsense, legal trouble, he wants to defend a fellow democrat. >> too late. don't go to that meeting. why is harry reid doing going to meetings, does he do that all of the time? >> you think he knew and this is just what happens, hey, i'm coming to help you out? >> menendez was asking for more money for his buddy, that much is more sure. does harry reid know that his buddy was menendez was private airline, maybe, we don't know that. when you have power people like harry reid willing to go to meetings to beg for more money for political friends, that's the sort of situation most americans who pay the bill will not be happy about. abby: where do you see this trial going, it's not going on very long, just a two-month trial? >> you hardly know what's going on if you read the new york times. abby: right. i don't even know. >> you can be the find the information in the local newspaper of senator menendez. it is likely i believe that something illegal took place, we will find out, that's why you have juries and why is he still in the senate. remember, if a republican from texas had done this, he would have been drummed out of the senate as soon as the indictment -- >> you know why this is ongoing, chris christie would get to nominate replacement and it's all about politics. >> sure, you don't want another republican in senate. abby: good to have you on this morning. >> thank you, sir. well, coming up, former deputy campaign manager david bossie and one war won't be showing any nfl games today but they will be using this barrel to burn jerseys if fans want to burn jerseys, we will bring that to you next. ♪ hi. so i just got off the phone with our allstate agent, and i know that we have accident forgiveness. so the incredibly minor accident that i had tonight... four weeks without the car. okay, yep. good night. with accident forgiveness, your rates won't go up just because of an accident. switching to allstate is worth it. your rates won't go up just because of an accident. if you've got a life, you gotta swiffer but on the inside, i feel chronic, widespread most people. fibromyalgia may be invisible to others, but my pain is real. fibromyalgia is thought to be caused by overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i'm glad my doctor prescribed lyrica. for some, lyrica delivers effective relief for moderate to even severe fibromyalgia pain. and improves function. ... don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who've had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. with less pain, i can do more with my family. talk to your doctor today. see if lyrica can help. >> chaos in canada. two attacks being called acts of terror there after police officers stabbed and a group of people are run over by a van. >> ly o.j. simpson has just been released from i aprison in nevada after 2:00 local time. >> people are going to be staking out the buyer state of nevada to see where o.j. goes. >> a tense situation unfolding in puerto rico and it's growing more dire by the minute. >> the big problem is still power. only 5% of the grid is back online. >> all eyes are turning to the nfl today as more national anthem protests are expected to come game time. >> it's political correctness ghana muck in the nfl, and the fans are sick of it -- gone amok in the nfl, and they're turning their feet away from the nfl and football. >> president trump has been rolling out the plans for tax reform this week. >> i think it's important for democrats and republicans to come to the table. >> this is about putting money back into the people's hands. the economy is not going to take off by the government taking our money. >> this is a once-in-a- once-in-a-generation opportunity to pass tax reform to restore our jobs, our wealth, and our great american dream. abby: god sunday morning. you're watching "fox & friends." a fox new alert. o.j. simpson is a free man. pete: after spending nine years in prison for a botched armed robbery. our own adam housley is live in las vegas with the latest. good morning, adam. >> hard to believe it's been nine years he was in jail. we were here for that trial of course. any time o.j. does anything of the sort there's always a very large media contingent around him and you can bet right now there's a massive contingent here in the state of nevada. we were told by state officials a couple of days ago that we had people here from all over the world not only the national media from the u.s., paparazzi from the u.s., paparazzi from outside the country all trying to get a picture of o.j. we have the video from the state of nevada given to us by the the department of corrections. about five hours ago, 12:08 a.m. local time just minutes after he was first eligible to walk out of a nevada prison, o.j. simpson did so, the six second video shows him wearing jeans, white tennis shoes, baseball hats, signs, the papers show he got into an suv that wasn't a bronco driven by one person. we weren't sure who was inside. someone said his friend was inside. this happened in lovelock maybe an hour and a half drive or so in the middle of the night. we're told by at that by hid frond, tom scott, oh, actually he tweeted us and sent us a text message as well saying that "the juice is loose," which of course is the well overused already term at this time of the morning morning. we also know this. the department of corrections spokeswoman says she see told o.j. simpson upon release, " "don't come back" and o.j. said, "you don't intend to." she says they tell a lot of the inmates when they leave don't come back, they want them to re reintegrate into society. the belief it says hour is he will go to las vegas and eventually to florida. there are information from his close friends and his attorney that there may be a press conference at some point, o.j. might come here, clean up a bit, shower up, change his clothes, do a few things and have a press conference with his attorney to let everybody know what his plans are. you never know with o.j. guys so we're here like everybody else. that first, by the way, whoever gets it, we're told the going rate right now is at least $20,.00 pete: the understatement of the decade. you never know about o.j. absolutely true. abby: we've got a big get to bring you now. florida attorney general pam bondi as you just heard, you never know what's going to happen with o.j. simpson, taking a lot of us by surprise being released overnight. we thought maybe would be a few days, maybe a week from now. you are fired up up about this in florida. that's where he wants to go. you say he's not with me here. >> abby, he's not. i've handled parole hearings my entire career as a prosecutor. i have never -- i went back and watched his parole hearing with commissioners. i have never seen such lack of month or so in my entire career. i've handled countless parole hearings and for this guy to want to come to florida and basically, you know, his buddy who he wants to live with, tom scotto is still tweeting jokes about "the juice is on the loose loose." i don't find that humorous at all. he was found civilly liable. i know he wasn't convicted. he owes the goldmans $30 million million. he hasn't paid a penny of it. we know susan jackson in the parole hearing, the commissioner told him to get alcohol treatment because he said he was drunk when he committed the armed robberies. he did not follow through on that. we've gone back, we've listened to that entire hearing, he was laughing during the hearing and we've also looked at his -- other than his just complete lack of remorse, he wants to come to florida and golf all over our state and i don't want that to happen. todd: attorney general bondy you wrote a letter with regard to what you just said asking that he not be allowed in the state of florida. on this show "fox & friends" we talk a lot about the rule of law so we want to be very consistent honest. >> i do too. todd: what in the rule of law do you think supports your position on this? because a number of commentators don't support your position. >> well, and here's -- and that's why i did put it in the alternative. if they find he can live here i want restrictions placed on him. i made that very clear. but we don't have all the records yet. for instance, we get did a look at his entire department of corrections file and the only way florida know house that he didn't complete his alcohol treatment was because the commissioner mentioned it at the hearing so from doing parole hearings my entire career, doc will look at his file, we'll get to see his disciplinary action, we'll get to see if there are extenuating factors. we also know he lied to those commissioners in that hearing when he said that he has had no violent acts, lees lived a conflict free life, he's a peaceful person. i don't think anybody in the world knows that's true. listen to nicole brown simpson's 911 call weeks before the murder murder. listen to all the domestic violence. i could go on and on and on, things that are well documented. we might have to take him, though. there is no right to take him but under the criteria and the hook he's using is he has family living here. it's a shame because his children i think have led really good lives, they've chosen to live under anonymity and now he's going to bring them to the forefront of this if he comes to our state. but if he is allowed to come, that's when we get to go through his file, that's when we say you're not going to report in by mail, o.j. simpson, you're going to have travel restrictions, you're going to get alcohol tested, you're not going to be allowed to drink in our state and those are things we'll be able to endorse. and by the way nevada made our department of corrections think that this man was not being released until next week so therefore we have not seen any travel plans from him. so if they're trying to pull something fast on florida, it's not going to work in our state. pete: pam he'll end up likely in nevada or florida, but the first photo of o.j. simpson may be worth upwards of $20,000. what does that say to you about how the public views o.j. simpson vis-a-vis how you may view him? >> you know what? public, if you see him in florida, take some pictures, send them in, send them in so we can see what he's doing. if you see him drinking alcohol, whatever you see him doing, and i saw one of his former defense attorneys warn him about, social media is everywhere now. so if he's going to act up, we're going to find him in florida, and -- abby: he may be joining social media himself, pam. he says he wants to enjoy the simplicities of life, he wants to enjoy seafood and steak and he wants to get an ipad because he's been in prison before the ipad was invented or brought into our lives. maybe we'll see him on twitter. >> abby, i think he wants the limelight. i don't think the man can help himself, and i think that's what's ultimately is going to get him back in trouble. do we want anyone to fail? no. but do we want someone with such a violent past in our state? no. if we have accept him we're going to put some tough conditions on him. abby: you heard it there, attorney general of florida, pam bondi. we'll see what happens. >> thank you. pete: it's so interesting, 'cause she's right the legal re recourses are limited, if the parole board allows him to move there, but others social pressures you can do to make his life more difficult. todd: when he went in nine years ago, let's face it, social media wasn't anything like it is toda. abby: the sad thing is he's probably going to have a ton of followers on twitter. pete: the fastest twitter following of all time. abby: we have david bossie joining us in a few minutes. other headlines starting with a fox news alert and terror in canada. we are getting our first look now at the isis flag found in the suspect's car after police say he viciously attacked an officer, then mowed innocent people down with a u-haul. police say the 30-year-old man rammed his car into a cruiser outside an edmonton football game sending the officer flying 15 feet into the air, the suspect then stabbing several times and running off. later police say saw the man in a u-haul at a checkpoint. pete: the u-haul truck immediately fled the scene and was pursued by police officers tornadoes downtown edmonton. throughout the chase the truck deliberately attempted to hit pedestrians in crosswalks. abby: the u-haul hit four people before flipping over. that's when police caught the suspect. police still think this man acted alone. todd: a lot of details still to come. also good police work. al-baghdadi -- abby: rock star marilyn inmanson rushed to the hospital after being crushed by a stage prop right in the middle of a concert concert. ♪ abby: wow. manson seen climbing onto the prop in the new york city show when it started to give way, falling right on top of him. the concert as you can imagine was cut short. the singer's rep say he was injured but sources tell variety he should be okay. no word on whether any upcoming shows will be canceled. and a missing man found dead and now the search on for who is responsible. police in florida looking for this man 53-year-old scott nelson due to jennifer fullford fullford's disappearance. using her atm card. her husband said her boss first called police when he didn't pick up his son from school on wednesday. and the oldest living world war ii veteran is sharing his secret to living a long life. i love those steers. 111-year-old richard overton saying the key is a daily dose of whisky. are you listening? and a hundred cigars. he still needs everyday health. his gofundme page is raising money. 24 care inside of his home, keeping him out of a assisted living facility. pete: i guarantee with our "fox & friends" viewers are amazing, i guarantee you that guy reaches his goal by the end of the s.ow abby: they're going to be telling their wives, you want me to live a longer life, give me that whisky. give me a cigar. pete: coming up, a vicious gang made of mostly of illegal immigrants and now there's one surefire way to spot an ms-13 member. here's-a hint look down at the ground. abby: and don't go anywhere. former president trump deputy campaign manager david bossie who's always fired up. coming up next. thanks for loading, sweetie. ...oh, burnt-on gravy? ...gotta rinse that. nope. no way. nada. really? dish issues? throw it all in. cascade platinum powers through even burnt-on gravy. nice. cascade. like paperless, multi-car,e and safe driver, that help them save on their car insurance. any questions? -yeah. -how do you go to the bathroom? great. any insurance-related questions? -mm-hmm. -do you have a girlfriend? uh, i'm actually focusing on my career right now, saving people nearly $600 when they switch, 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[ sighs ] i've got to start booking better gigs. ♪ pete: the mayor of san juan firing back after president trump blasts her poor leadership in the face of disaster there. >> maybe ease used to women perhaps to be told what to do. you know, that's not who we are here in san juan. i think the president needs to get the information that he needs to get. and apparently he hasn't been getting it or he hasn't been watching the news. abby: so as fema tells "fox & friends" tell us us that this same pair has not even pitched in with relief efforts at their joint field office. take a listen to this. >> the mayor of san juan has not not participated substantially in any efforts of the joint field office. other mayors have been participating. they're connected to us either by satellite phone in far-off areas all around puerto rico, as well as being on site. and again this is in san juan where this joint field office is is. to the extent that she or any other mayor wants to provide input into the process, we not only welcome her, but we expect that kind of guidance. we certainly -- me sitting here in washington 1500 miles away from the island, i can't tell you what exactly is going on in san juan and she certainly can and our planners on the ground need her input. todd: a lot to unpack there. here to do it former deputy ischemia manager for president trump and a fox news contributor david bossie. mr. bossie, good to see you on sunday morning. let's start with sexism. how do you respond to those comments from the san juan mayor mayor? >> i find it, quite frankly, a little outrageous. the president and his team led by tom bossert and brock long, the fema administrator, have done an amazing job, not just with trying to get their arms around puerto rico, but what happened in texas and louisiana and florida. they've had high marks across the board from republicans and democrats alike in states across the south of this country like never seen before. three major catastrophic hurricanes hitting in less than three weeks. and it has been an overwhelming response by them. and so when you see one person who is not participating in the chain of command, who has decided to not go down to the joint field office, to not participate with fema administrators who are on the ground, the army corps of engineers who are on the ground, trying to do the best for her people. and you even have the governors of these islands say that our response is unbelievable. now, i don't discount -- i served in the fire service for a long time. i know what first responders go through. i understand the needs of these folks and the heart-wrenching emotions that they're going through. the government, the trump administration is doing everything they can to try and alleviate these people's suffering, but they need a little bit of help from the local communities. it has to be a team effort, not somebody taking potshots. pete: the mayor of san juan has had time to get a hat and a t-shirt made saying sos and " "we're dying here." she's appeared on every single network possible but yet the field office is in san juan fema and she hasn't been to a meeting meeting. how can this be, and how could she stand up and say "we're doing everything" if she's not participating? abby: how do you have any credibility if you don't, david? >> you really don't. i'm just going to advise her for a moment. put down the microphone and start helping your people. get into the the fema headquarters, get into the joint task force headquarters and start pushing materials down through the system. that's what's required by every mayor, whether you're a mayor in florida or in texas, that's what they did. they communicated with the national organization that was coming in, federal and private, i might add, like samaritan's purse who have done an amazing job in all of these places, and they put it down to the lowest level to figure out who in their neighborhoods, who in their communities need it the most. for san juan, obviously the largest city, to have a mayor that's this out of touch, it's really unfortunate for the people of san juan. and i will just add, puerto rico doesn't have any power to speak of, so no one in puerto rico understands anything that is going on because they don't have power for their iphones and for their computers and for their television sets. so this is all going to play out in the weeks to come if she doesn't get her act together. abby: well, we will see. it's a sad, sad situation going on down there. thanks for being on, david. pete: a marine corps veteran forced into the fight of his life after being told he only had months to live. three years later he and his wife with speaking out against a controversial medical option that some say some veterans like him are being offered. todd: and did you know, abby and pete, that hard work is racist? yep, that professor on your screen right there is teaching your kids. we are not kidding. we'll discuss it when we return. ♪ and i'm burning my candle at both ends where's gary? 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[chanting] millions of people in catalonia have been voting in the referendum in defiance of the spanish government, which had pledged to stop the poll after the country's constitutional court declared it to be illegal. and the trump administration confirms it is in direct contact with north korea. secretary of state rex tillerson making a the comments while working overseas in china to deescalate tensions with the rogue nation. tillerson is in beijing laying the groundwork for president trump's november visit. pete? over to you. pete: thanks, todd. in a heartfelt op-ed on marine corps veteran j.j. hanson explains why he was thankful that assisted suicide wasn't an option when he was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor three years ago. now the president of the patients' rights action fund, and outspoken critic of assisted suicide legislation, j.j. and his wife, kristen, join us live this morning. complicated situation here, and we already have an epidemic and problem of veteran suicide in this country but in your particular case you were a marine corps infantry officer served overseas in ramadi, we were just talking about it in iraq. you saw combat over there. then you were diagnosed with an inoop rabble brain tumor, you thought you had only three months to live and you were given the option to take your own life. tell me about that situation. >> thank you so much. really i had a rare form of brain cancer in the left part of the brain, and when i was told i had four months left to live and not only once but by one particular doctor, two doctors, three separate doctors where we had different problems that this wasn't going to be correct. and i found out that over time that we would have issues that we would know about the brain. todd: and how about you on this calculus? you were given the option because in oregon and washington at this point suicide is legal, and you can get pills to end your own life. >> so j.j. had a grand mal seizure in may of 2014 and took him to the hospital and that's when we found out that he had terminal brain cancer and he had four months left to live and he should go home and enjoy the time he had left with his family family. three different doctors told him there was nothing they could do. we were in florida at the time and then we moved back home to new york, and in both states assisted suicide was not legal, and we're thankful. that's why we were moved to share our story, because it was not an easy road for us to travel this journey three years later. pete: three years later after being told you only have four months. >> right is that but you feel like you're raising awareness because there may be other civilians but also veterans who might be tempted to take their own life when they learn something like this. >> correct. on the issue of assisted suicide when i found out about that particular issue is when i learned about it, and that was probably the fifth month of when i was going through my brain problem. initially i was fighting, i was motivated. i was going to be so -- just going to be -- have a lot of energy to fight cancer. but then when i got to the fifth month, i said, wow, i was depressed, i was angry, i was upset, i was upset with my family. and then i said, do i just want to potentially end my life? do i want to give this up? and i thought about this issue of assisted suicide. i knew that those particular pills that, by their law, the way that they have it in the states that they're trying to motivate this is those pills are going to be right in front of me they're going to right next to me and i could take those pills, put them in my stomach and end my life. in my particular case i thought about it. two days i thought about that. pete: with the assistance of your government enabling you to do that if you wanted to. where can folks get more information on what you're doing on patients rights? >> they can go to patientsrights to get helpful information videos. you can also visit the national alliance against legalizing assisted suicide. pete: so you're leading this effort. how many states right now have tried to pass legalized -- >> there's been an onslaught of bills in 2017 and so far 23 states have rejected those bills and we're thankful. pete: absolutely as are we. j.j. hanson and his wife, kristen, thank you for joining us and thank you for your service to our country. one bar won't be showing any nfl game today, transitioning over to the nfl, but they will still be using barrels outside to burn your jersey if you want to. that's next. and we're making the start of breast cancer awareness month an amazing event out on the plaza. free haircut if you donate your hair to the cause. meet some of the brave women battling the disease and find out how you can get involved. stick around. ♪ making me a little bit faster ♪ make my skin a little bit thicker but on the inside, i feel like chronic, widespread pain. fibromyalgia may be invisible to others, but my pain is real. fibromyalgia is thought to be caused by overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i'm glad my doctor prescribed lyrica. for some, lyrica delivers effective relief for moderate to even severe fibromyalgia pain. and improves function. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions, suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worse depression, unusual changes in mood or behavior, swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects: dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain, swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who've had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. with less pain, i can do more with my family. talk to your doctor today. see if lyrica can help. ♪ burning, burn. >> it's like your shot of the morning. you can read what that barrel says. in just a few hours patrons could be throwing their nfl jerseys in this barrel. it's outside a bar in kentucky in order to set them on fire. >> a bar owner there in northern kentucky creating the event of course in protest of the national anthem controversy. >> seems to be the mentality of not only myself but of this country that we've been taught since we were children you stand put your hand on your heart during the national anthem and the only time you kneel is during prayer. >> get this. the owner says people from all around the country are planning to show up. some even mailing their jerseys to be burned. pete: interesting. in the past you've seen it individual teams reacted to a player action, you burn one jersey. this is any jersey across the nfl in sort of a patriotic protest that it's not okay. todd: and we've spoken to people out there at stadiums, they are fired up about this and rightly so. all eyes turning to the nfl today as more national anthem protests are expected come game time. tensions between the nfl, fans, and even our own the president continue to rise as players keep taking a knee on the sidelines. griff jenkins joins us live from mnc stadium in baltimore wiretap very latest. good morning to you. >> good morning, guys. it is the birthplace of the national anthem here, baltimore, and i'm with two season ticket holders, scott hearst and bill martin and his daughter, hayden. guys, of course, the steelers have said that they're going to stand. the ravens, i don't know your ravens, guys. bill, how do you feel about this today? >> i tell you i hope everybody gets along today and enjoy a great football game. we're big ravens fans, we're happy to be here. we support 'em no matter what. i'm wearing a usa shirt today as a sign of saying there's more important things to worry about an a football game. we have much more than unites us than divides us so we're here to show our support. >> sky, we're in in front of the ray lewis statue. 73,000 have signed a petition to remove that statue. of course ray lewis took two knees last week. what do you hope happens today? >> i hope the ravens stand today today. i have no problem with them interlinking arms or like the cowboys taking a knee before the game but while the anthem is playing they need to be on their knees with their hands across the heart praying for this country. we all get along. there's more important things going on in baltimore that we should be taking a knee nowadays with the murder rate and that type of thing. i hope ray lewis does something like that. >> quickly hayden, who are you rooting for today? >> ravens. >> will you be standing for the national anthem? >> yes. >> letter, guys, that's it for the ravens fans here and we'll see what happens. a lot of activity. people are starting to come here here. it's going to be an exciting da. pete: griff, interesting to see fans wearing specifically usa gear when they would normally almost always be wearing team gear. pretty cool. going to headlines now. check this out. this is unbelievable. horror in the sky as a plane flies low to the ground during an emergency landing in canada. that air france jet's engine blowing up and does it not gritting midair. you never want to be on a flight when that happens. passengers describing the engine blowing up as quote "a loud thud and a lot of vibration." the air france jet flying from paris to l.a. fortunately nobody was hurt. listen to this. police have a new way to spot ms-13 gang members and it's not a face tattoo or anything like that. it's sneakers. they say one of the gang's top leaders was heard on a tapped prison phone telling members to ditch these blue and white nikes nikes. they say they're a dead giveaway to cops and gang rivals. getting caught with them could mean a trip back to el salvador. the gang as you know has become a prime target of the trump administration. and i got nothing on this one. penn state professor calling on colleagues to undermine students students' belief in the value of hard work because it is white ideology. angela putman designated a three-day seminar on white privilege to be held, then interviewed students, 12 of them in fact on their belief in merit meritocracy and equal opportunity. in an academic article she wrote students, quote, ""are socialized to believe that we got to where we are because of our own individual efforts." she now wants colleagues to stop quote, ""perpetuating whiteness through intense reeducation." >> what is reify? to push concepts that make no sense. that's when you know academia has gone off the rails. >> that and the cat and the hat story from yesterday. >> rick, you're outside, you're not off the rails. you're always focused. >> i'm not so focused right now because i'm distracted. i said on a scale of 1 to 10 how afraid are you right now? >> three. >> you actually pulled it on, you weren't even saying the word and you came out with that. i'm super impressed. take a look at the weather map. we'll just talk about fall. i haven't done this a long time, we've been so serious for such a long time, we need a little bit of a break. this picture coming in from sheryl in telluride, colorado. fall is there as is winter up in the higher elevations. more snow today. 45 degrees right before sunrise, getting to 55. send me your fall pictures. we haven't had a chance to do this much but you can send them to me on twitter or instagram or facebook or somewhere. across the northeast today it's going to feel like fall, beautiful day, tons of sunshine in the southeast except for parts of north florida where there will be showers and rain moving in of parts of the northern planes, maybe thunderstorms as well. abby: the start of breast cancer awareness month, and one company is bringing attention to the women bravely fighting the disease by offering free makes the to anyone willing to donate eight or more inches of hair. sports person for pachonga resort and casino. >> thank you for having me abby: as a stat, one in eight women will get breast cancer in their life? >> yes. those from the american cancer society and the cdc. very alarming stats. julia lewis dreyfuss came out and said she is fighting the disease. >> three women who are giving their hair to women with breast cancer. are you guys ready to get your hair cut? >> yes. >> set some scissors here. we'll get you set up, abby. you've got moral support from your adorable son. >> every october, what pachonga resort and casino does is we have established a hair donation campaign so we have everybody with long air, men and women and kids, that's quite all right, it gets evened out later on in the styling. men, women, or kids with long air eight inches or more to donate can come into the spa, donate their hair and get a free haircut and style out of it. all of that hair goes to the american cancer society -- >> are you okay? >> such thick hair. >> nice layers. >> thank you. >> it's beautiful. >> you have beautiful hair, by the .ay, >> thank you. >> and these two, mother and daughter, there you go. they have never really cut their hair in their life other than one inch. how are you feeling? >> going to cry. >> you're going to cry? it's all for such a good cause. i want to get to these women over here because they are going to put on wigs. rebecca and michelle, i want to get my microphone for you. how much does this mean? >> it means so much. first of all, i want to thank you ladies, really such a great offering to give to women like us who are going through breast cancer. >> i'm going to work around you ladies like this. >> we very much appreciate these ladies donating their hair. this is such an awesome cause, and so very much needed for women that are going through this at this time. so yes, thank you very much. >> and it's real hair. it's beautiful hair. >> it's lovely. it really is. >> you realize how much hair keeps you warm. >> it's cold out here. >> on days like today. >> yes. definitely hair keeps you very warm, and real hair keeps you very warm. and these were donated by real human women, and mine was given to me by andrew de simone, and he cut and colored it for me. >> i'd love to see it on you lady. quickly where can people go if they want to donate their hair and if you want to get a wig you can get it for free in some cases? >> yes. if you're in the southern california area look us up at or go to the spa. if you don't live in the southern california area you can have your hair cut or done yourself or go into your local salon, have them cut it and send it to the pantene beautiful lengths program. also you can contact the american cancer society if you or someone you know is going through breast cancer and would like to receive a wig, and they are given free of charge to people going through breast cancer. >> we'll make sure to have all of this on our website. you ladies look beautiful and so do you over here. thank you so much for being a part of this. i will toss it into todd. todd: abby, thanks. fox news alert now, terror in canada overnight. a cop stabbed, people run over, and an isis flag found. a live report on the latest coming up next. tais really quite simple.est it comes in the mail, you pull out the tube and you spit in it, which is something southern girls are taught you're not supposed to do. you seal it and send it back and then you wait for your results. it's that simple. you give us comfort. and we give you bare feet, backsweat, and gordo's... everything. i love you, but sometimes you stink. soft surfaces trap odors. febreze fabric refresher cleans them away for good. because the things you love the most can stink. and plug in febreze to keep your whole room fresh for up to 45 days. breathe happy with febreze. >> carnage on the streets of canada overnight after the standing of a police officer -- stabbing of a police officer and a high speed chase that left several people injured. that attack being investigated as an act of terror after police found an isis flag on the scene. allison barber in washington, d.c, with the latest. >> edmonton police satisfy they found an isis flag in the front seat of a car allegedly used to attack one of their officers saturday night. according to the police chief, the attack started outside of a canadian football game. it was an edmonton eskimos game and police say an officer was standing in front of a traffic barricade when a chevy malibu sped down the road plowing into the cop and sending him flying into the area. the driver police say jumped out of the car with a knife. >> a struggle then ensued during which the male suspect stabbed the officer several times before fleeing the scene. >> police say they sent out an alert to other officers with the name of the person the chevy malibu is registered to. later that night officers working a traffic checkpoint reportedly stopped the u-haul, checked the driver's id, and one officer realized the name looked a lot like the one registered and tied to the attack outside of the football game. >> the u-haul truck immediately fled the scene and was pursued by police officers towards downtown edmonton. throughout the chase the truck deliberately attempted to hit pedestrians in crosswalks. >> the suspect hit at least four people. police say the two attacks are related. they arrested the driver, a 30 30-year-old man, and opened a terror investigation. right now, according to the police chief, they believe he acted alone, but at this point aren't ruling others out. the police officer stabbed is expected to survive. todd, the condition of the injured pedestrians is unknown. todd: allison barber live from dc. keep us posted. thank you very much. pete, over to you. pete: thanks, todd. the ongoing crisis in chicago. 17 people shot during another bloody weekend in the windy city city. with five of those shootings turning deadly, including the murder of a pregnant woman. so what needs to be done to stop this bloodshed? retired chicago police sergeant pete kakonis is here to weigh in in. pete, thanks for being with us this morning. the killings continue in chicago chicago. what isn't changing that is allowing this to happen? >> we don't have enough police. we need more endorsement. what we -- what i believe now that i didn't believe last year, you need to bring the national guard in. trump promised that he'd bring in more people to help us. put boots on the ground, have every block that's got a serious crime problem, put two national guard guys and one policeman. you can't overwork your police department when it's undermanned undermanned. you can't make these guys work seven days a week, 30 days a month. we're just overwhelmed. >> pete, right now we have the mayor of san juan with a t-shirt saying "our people are dying." this is not rahm emanuel saying our people are dying, drugs and gangs have infected our communities, we need more cops, we need more help? why is he focused early say on issues like climate change but not on his own streets? >> it's like sleight of hand. talk about climate change, talk about sanctuary cities, talk about a $30 million golf course. building an obama library when the former president doesn't even live here and doesn't want to live here. he avoids everything except the bloodbath that's going on in the city. 541 murders so far this year. in chicago, every two hours and 15 minutes somebody shot. every 12 hours somebody's murder murder. in the last two weekends we've had two pregnant women shot. one lost her baby, the other one they saved the baby, so .ar pete: pete, briefly, is a lot of this political blinders refusing to be for anything the president proposes because rahm emanuel is a partisan? >> absolutely not. he's trying to divert everything -- he wants to get reelected, so he has to downplay and up play certain things. but quality of life in the englewood community or the south sides or west sides of chicago, it's horrible, when little kids can't go out and play, little kids can't do anything for fear of getting shot. it's political. it's all political. he wants to be reelected, so why not ignore 540 something murders and 2870 people shot already. >> pete kakonis speaking truth, more cops. thank you for your time. we appreciate it. >> thank you. pete: all right. is the media so focused on attacking president trump over the crisis in puerto rico that they're ignoring the real story? father jonathan morris joins us to remind us of that this morning. and, quote "no way in hell." that's the response to president trump's tax plan from some republicans. so what's their problem, and do they have a point at all? maria bartiromo is breaking it all down for us. ♪ one way or another i'm going to find you ♪ i'm going to get you, get you, get you, one way or another ♪ i'm going to get you this is the new new york. we are building new airports all across the state. new roads and bridges. new mass transit. new business friendly environment. new lower taxes. and new university partnerships to grow the businesses of tomorrow today. learn more at it's a warm blanket. it's a bottle of clean water. it's a roof and a bed. it's knowing someone cares. it's feeling safe. it's a today that's better than yesterday. every dollar you can spare helps so much more than you can imagine. please donate now to help people affected by hurricane harvey. your help is urgently needed. ♪ abby: president trump addressing what he calls fake news reporting on the crisis in puerto rico ahead of his upcoming visit this tuesday using twitter to address criticism from san juan's mayor and to assure our fellow americans that help is on the way. pete: but it seems the so-called mainstream media is only focusing on president's comments instead of focusing on the real issue which is the victims. todd: here now to discuss what it is media is not, fox news religion correspondent jonathan morris. good to see you, father. and this is people suffering. how do you respond to what the media is doing? >> you guys know i'm very open to offering critique to the president when i see it, but in this case i think it has been despicable how there's been a gleeful attitude to try to find somebody who could say that the federal government, the president, has not done a good job. and even worse than that, and this is, i think, what has really been over the top, i have to change the channel whenever i hear this because it's just so bad for the country, there has been reporting, so to speak, reporting, to try to get people to say that this is a racist thing. and, you know, the reason why the president is not helping per week is because they're spanish speaking. abby: why does it always go there? >> you know, i think it's an interesting story for the media, parts of the media to try to create. and, you know, if it's racist, if the motivation here is racist the president shouldn't have helped out texas, because there's more spanish speaking people in texas than there are in puerto rico. pete: and in florida, too. >> yes. and if anybody has been to puerto rico it's actually an english speaking island. yes, they're spanish, but everybody speaks english, or so many people do. and so i think it's really -- it's not good for our country when you're looking for for those stories. of course we have to take a look at whether the federal government is doing a good job. but that's not something we should be looking for. pete: rooting for failure, almost. >> it's rooting for failure. that's exactly right. and that's not what america is all about, especially in times of crisis. abby: father jonathan morris, we need your voice this morning, as do many others in your service later this morning. a lot more ahead here on "fox & friends" weekend. geraldo rivera live on the ground . coming up next. ... you totanobody's hurt, new car. but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do? drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement™, you'd get your whole car back. i guess they don't want you driving around on three wheels. smart. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, we'll replace the full value of your car. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. >> pete: chaos in can a dan two attacks being called acts of terror thereafter police officer s stabbed in a group of people and run over by a van. >> just after midnight local time. >> people are now going to be staking out pretty much the entire state of nevada to see where oj goes. >> if you see him in florida take some pictures, send him in. so he's going to act up we'll find him in florida. >> tense situation unfolding in puerto rico and it's growing more dire by the minute. >> the big problem is still power only 5% of the grid is back online. >> the trump administration is doing everything they can but they need a little bit of help from the local community. that's what this is all about. it has to be a team effort. >> abby: all eyes are turning to the nfl today as more national anthem protests are expected to come game time. >> it's political correctness gone amuk in the nfl and fans are sick of it. >> president trump has been rolling out the plans for tax reform this week. >> i think it's important for democrats and republicans to come to the table. >> this is about putting money back into the people's hands. the economy is not going to take off by the government taking our money. >> president trump: this is a once in a generation opportunity to pass tax reform and to restore our jobs, our wealth, and our great american dream. >> pete: we are going right to a fox news alert on this october 1 o.j. simpson officially a free man. >> abby: the 70 year old released on parole overnight after spending nine years in prison for a botched armed robbery. >> adam housely live with the very latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning guys still the same answer or question here. that is wherein the world is o.j. simpson. most people believe that he is on his way to las vegas still no official word. there is some talk he might be coming here for a press conference at some point. we know he has deep connections here in this area. the first video came out at eight minutes past the hour of midnight here locally. it shows o.j. simpson six seconds long after he came out of the department of corrections on their facebook page shows o.j. simpson signing the papers that allows him a few minutes after he was eligible to leave prison on parole here in nevada. now, we did hear from the attorney general in florida. we know that oj there's been talk he may be trying to go there and he's been getting significant pushback, and pam bo ndi says basically things are different than when o j was out of jail last. now namely, smartphones and the chance he might get in trouble on social media. take a listen. >> i went back and watched his parole hearing with the commissioners. i have never seen such lack of remorse in my entire career. i've handled countless parole hearings and for this guy to want to come to florida and basically, you know his body who he wants to live with is still tweeting jokes about the juice is on the loose. i don't find that humorous at all. >> tom scotto is the individual a close friend of o j who told fox news via text that was going to happen guys real quickly everybody got it wrong. no one still knows where he is but the local paper talks about how he's on his way down here to be released. they obviously print before the actual news came out, so at this hour guys we're still waiting for o j to show up that first picture we've been talking about it if you look around most offer s around $20,000 guys for the first photo. >> abby: what does that say about our society? unbelievable. >> pete: thank you, adam and with smartphones it's a lot easier for the layman to get the first photo as opposed to paparazzi. >> abby: he may have his own because he wants to enjoy the simplicities of lift seafood and stake and get his first iphone because he's been in prison he's never seen or had his own iphone >> todd: with at all due respect we want to bring in geraldo rivera fox news correspondent at large and get his take on o j because obviously geraldo in puerto rico been so tied into the o j case. geraldo, what is your take? >> geraldo: first of all that's the empire state the training ship from the maritime college an honorary graduate did two years they're coming to offer beds to the relief workers here in san juan, much more about puerto rico later. my take is that i think that he's a despicable human being who beat a double murder, he decapitated two people including the mother of his two children and i think he's disgusting and he deserved to be executed on the murder charges in california they dropped the capital punishment and they allowed him they tried him on life. of course he was acquitted and then he was found liable in the civil case and now he is a free man. i think that in terms of the law and as a lawyer i have to stick with the law. there is absolutely no doubt but that o.j. simpson did much more time for that lame armed robbery so-called in las vegas than any other defendant would have done. he did nine long years for a case that if it was anyone else would have been a one year sentence. now, he's paroled. that doesn't make him any less reprehensible in my view. if he comes to live in your neighborhood or comes to your golf club i would hope that you would shun him. he deserves to be shunned. yet this is the law and i think the parole board did exactly the right thing. it was easy for me to predict they would on a 4-0 basis cut him loose and they have today. >> pete: you covered him extensively appreciate those comments but we want to move to puerto rico. you've been all over this story and the president is up early tweeting this morning tweeting about puerto rico three in a row just a couple minutes ago he tweeted this. he said we have done a great job with the almost impossible situation in puerto rico. outside of the fake news or politically motivated ingrates people are now starting to recognize the amazing work that's been done by fema and our great military all buildings now inspected for safety. thanking the governor of puerto rico and to all those working so closely with our first responders, fantastic job. geraldo how do these tweets go with what you're seeing on the ground? >> geraldo: i am really sorry, pete that this dispute between the san juan mayor and the president of the united states has gotten to this level. i think she is absolutely wrong to in some ways accuse the president's neglect for people dying in puerto rico. i think that that is factually false. i think the federal governments response has been uneven and yet that it is sincere. they are doing their best for him to call her politically motivated ingreat, i think that also is totally unnecessary. it gives my wife and her friends are so very upset about this dispute. i think it's beneath the president to talk about a public official this way just as it is beneath the dignity of the mayor 's office and san juan for her to attack the president of the united states. 10,000 federal employees are here. the relief effort is going and i think that puerto ricans are helping each other in a way that i think is grocery underreported we had the first part of my interview with the mayor at 7:30 here is part two of my interview with the mayor of san juan. >> will you meet with the president on tuesday? >> of course if he asks, you know i haven't been invited i never go anywhere where i'm not invited. if he asks of me of course. i think that anyone that is the leader of a democratic nation needs to be afforded the respect of a leader of a democratic nation. he needs to be able to give that respect back. >> geraldo: and you fault the federal response up until now? >> not myself. again, general buchanan said yesterday we don't have everything we need to go up against this situation. look at this. look at this geraldo. >> geraldo: it's sparse. >> all of this is private donations. goia gave us 200,000 pounds. the city of miami beach, the city of new york, the city of chicago and that is fema so you know,-- >> geraldo: don't you wish it was less hostile, the language is very distressing to me. i've been here for over a week and it pains me to see people suffering and when i hear people putting blame-- >> it is hostile. when people are dying it is hostile. >> geraldo: but i don't see people dying mayor. you're talking about people starving? >> yeah. people don't have food. people don't have water. they can't have their dialysis. people can't have their oxygen tank, so maybe you haven't gone to the right places. if you are a mother and have to give your child water from a creek, i don't think that's something that people want to see in any country. >> geraldo: i totally agree with that. i just wonder if this isn't the time to put aside partisan petty differences and work on the same team? >> i totally agree and i'm on one team, the saving lives team. you have not been able to find anything but that doesn't mean that then you are bound to be shut up when injustices are happening. i've never been that way. >> geraldo: we know that. >> i will never be that way. if something needs to be applaud ed i will. i'm telling you the fema people and the hhs people have their heart in the right place but the bureaucracy and red tape is killing us. it is not putting food on people 's mouths, it is not putting dialysis machines to work, it is not putting people that need their oxygen in non- life threatening situations. >> gore ailed o. the president of the united states is watching right now. why don't you speak directly to the president. now you have this controversy. >> i don't have any controversy. >> geraldo: why don't you tell the president how you feel? >> well he knows how i feel. he knows. i don't have any controversy with the president. i have one mission, mr. president, saving lives. that's it, and i have no time for anything else. >> geraldo: you know, i want to use my unique status as a long time resident of puerto rico and as a friend of the president of the united states who i spoke to a couple of days ago to broker peace. this is totally unnecessary. very unsavory it breaks my heart it's something that is a distraction from the effort that needs to be made here. this was the worst natural disaster in modern history in terms of the number of people adversely affected. more houses destroyed not people killed, the mayor's wrong about that. the death count was 16 a week ago. it remains 16 today. people are not dying. that does not mean that they have all the supplies they need. that does not mean that this power company, this corrupt inept power company should not be hounded and one idea that the president gave me and this is news here, two days ago, he said he wants to involve florida governor rick scott and the florida power and light folks to come over and assist in getting the 16,000 miles of wiring and rotten telephone poles replaced to get this island some power. if you have power you can pump gas and if you have power you can pump water but i think the politics is a total distraction and it breaks my heart. >> abby: you're on the ground there, you see it firsthand. really appreciate your interview and your thoughts this morning geraldo great job there. >> pete: thanks geraldo. >> abby: so you saw that interview there with geraldo and the mayor of san juan and she was telling geraldo you may just not be in the right places and we had on earlier this morning the fema deputy administration demonstrator dr. dan canuski, and you asked a great question pete the fema headquarters are in san juan where the meetings are being held. the mayor was not there. >> pete: she's still not attending. >> abby: and here is how they responded. >> the mayor of san juan has not participated substantially in any efforts of the joint field office, other mayors have been participating, they're connected to us either by satellite phone and far off areas all around puerto rico as well as being on site and again this is in san juan where this joint field office is. to the extent that she or any other mayor wants to provide input in the process we not only welcome her but we expect that kind of guidance. we certainly me sitting here in washington 1500 miles away from the island i can't tell you what exactly is going on in san juan but she certainly can and our planners on the ground need her input. >> pete: you can't coordinate an effort unless you coordinate an effort. the mayor also said she's on the saving lives team. that implies there's a taking lives team. everyone is trying to do the best they can, coordinate, stop blaming it on sexism or maybe she doesn't want to hear from a womanment everyone is trying to do their best when you talk to each other and coordinate with the mayor is refusing to do it's a lot more difficult. >> abby: the people on the ground that are suffering and need the resources the president will be there on tuesday. is going to see firsthand what needs to be done there. >> pete: let us know friends@fox your thoughts. it's not just san juan's mayor hillary clinton is also blaming president trump's response to the disaster in puerto rico and one of the heros from benghazi has got something to say you'll love what he has to say. >> todd: of course it's a sunday all eyes on the nfl. who will kneel today? kickoff just about i don't know 20 minutes away for the saints and dolphins in london. why our next guest is predicting everyone. we'll see when we come back. ♪ i anything could happen heck every six months i'm accident-free. and i don't share it with mom. right, mom? right. safe driving bonus checks, only from allstate. switching to allstate is worth it. onour guests cante. earn a free night when they book at and stay with us just two times? fall time. badda book. badda boom. pumpkin spice cookie? i'm good. book now at my frii say not if you this protect yourself.ary. what is scary? pneumococcal pneumonia. it's a serious disease. my doctor said the risk is greater now that i'm over 50! yeah...ya-ha... just one dose of the prevnar 13® vaccine can help protect you from pneumococcal pneumonia- an illness that can cause coughing, chest pain, difficulty breathing, and may even put you in the hospital. prevnar 13® is approved for adults 18 and older to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. you should not receive prevnar 13® if you have had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. if you have a weakened immune system, you may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects were pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, limited arm movement, fatigue, headache, muscle pain, joint pain, less appetite, vomiting, fever, chills, and rash. get this one done! ask about prevnar 13® at your next visit to your doctor's office or pharmacy. >> abby: welcome back to fox & friends, kneeling for the star spangled banner and standing forgot saved the queen that's what happened last week when the baltimore ravens played the jacksonville jaguars in london. >> pete: so will the same happened to when the new or liens saints take on the miami dolphins there, just gosh a few minutes from now. saints quarterback drew brees tweeted friday saying his team will kneel before the anthem is played and then they will stand. well joining us with his prediction of what will happened to the executive director of the black sphere and fox news contributor kevin jackson. kevin we'll be watching this game in london that happened live on our show last week it will happen live here as well what do you think will happen? >> reporter: well as i said to the producer, i believe that the guys will stand and i believe the reason why they're going to do that is they're watching what's happening in the nfl in these numbers, they're losing endorsements. what more are you going to do? you going to continue to poke the tiger? look these folks are supposed to be ambassadors of america presenting nfl football to the world and they're trying to sell the concept that blacks are oppressed in this country while multi millionaires go around the world and take what i think is an idiotic stance, so good luck with it if they decide to do it. i think it will certainly impact everything going forward the nfl 's definitely going to be taking a tougher stance. i know the nba just came out with their new announcement saying all players will stand for the anthem so i'm curious to see how steph curry and many others handle that. >> abby: it seems like we are always as a society so quick to jump and pull the race card. if you are in favor of standing during the national anthem saying we shouldn't be kneeling then all of a sudden you are not supportive of african americans rights, of their equality. where do you fall on this and why are we so quick to jump instead of saying it's okay to stand for the anthem and at the same time be for equal rights but just at a different time and different place? >> reporter: we are abbey. the problem is racism is being taught in this country. young blacks, well not any more but when i was a kid we were told to hate america, to hate white america in particular and its become more pervasive with movements like black lives matter and things like this. there was a member of the chicago school system that actually came out recently and said, you know the flag is nothing but toilet paper. so these are things that are being taught and it's unfortunate because the country that has made these black athletes some of the highest these are the top .1% in terms of income in the world and they're going around trying to make people believe that there is this big oppression of blacks in this country when none of the stats are anything certainly attest to that. so look, it's not going to go well for the nfl and trust me when i tell you around the world , people are still craving to get to this country. they want to be here. >> pete: kevin you say roger good el needs to step up and our last question is what do you want to see the commissioner of the nfl do? >> reporter: the commissioner of the nfl needs to understand he's running a business and it shouldn't be a politically correct social engineering of what america is supposed to be thinking. 70% of the fans of the nfl are white and watching 70% of the people who play the game who are black and that says enough. we go, put on our colors of our teams, nobody cares about whose black, white, muslim, jew or whatever we go and support our team. >> abby: we allen joy football together. >> pete: it's true and i buy jerseys for my kids and never think about the skin color of the player. it's not apart of it at all. kevin jackson great to see you. >> todd: fox news alert a second possible terror attack this morning this time in france we have the breaking details next. >> pete: wow and you heard the mayor of san juan slamming president's sexist response to the hurricane relief effort. what does the department of homeland security think about that? a spokesperson joins us live, ahead. for over 75 years. hey, big guy! come on in! let me guess your weight! win a prize! sure, why not. 12 ounces! sorry, mate. four ounces. i've been taking the stairs lately. you win, big guy. sorry, 'scuse me! oh, he looks so much more real on tv. yeah... over 75 years of savings and service. get your rate quote today. but can also loweresterol, your body's natural coq10. qunol helps restore this heart-healthy nutrient with 3x better absorption. qunol has the #1 cardiologist recommended form of coq10 qunol, the better coq10. i kept looking for ways to manage my symptoms. i thought i was doing okay. then it hit me... managing was all i was doing. when i told my doctor, i learned humira is for people who still have symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease even after trying other medications. in clinical studies, the majority of people on humira saw significant symptom relief and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. just managing your symptoms? 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>> sure, thanks, todd. in the first thing i'd start out by saying is that the department of homeland security, fema, the department of defense all of our federal partners are also in the life saving team. life saving and life sustainment are our to top priorities but as you mentioned we're also looking at trying to get the power back up, trying to get gas stations and stores, supermarket s open. another figure that might be of interest that talks to the challenges that we have inside the island of moving around is more than 3000 obstructions on roads and highways that we're still trying to deal with. the forest service of the department of architecture is there with chain saw teams to be able to take care of some of that so the challenges within the infrastructure of the island are certainly there but we make incremental progress each day. of the 69 hospitals now in puerto rico, most all of them have been assessed. 59 of them have been determined to be either fully or partially open, only four remain closed and nine of those hospitals are now connected to the power grid. >> todd: david the mayor of san juan has gone so far as wearing a t-shirt that says help us we are dying. what is your assessment of the death toll, do you expect it to go up? do you believe that people are actively dying right now? >> david: so the death toll as we understand it from local officials in puerto rico is 16. it has been steady at that number for the past few days. we do expect it to go up as we continue to get out into isolated parts of the country, so we do expect that to go up but again 16 deaths to this point. >> abby: well the president will be on the ground there on tuesday to get a better assessment. thank you david. the press secretary for the department of homeland security thanks for being with us. >> todd: thank you sir. thank you. >> pete: all eyes on the nfl of course who will kneel today. kickoff is right around the corner, saints and dolphins in london and we are live next. >> abby: after the break, hear from the u.s. army officer who says those anthem protests actually under mine the work of iconic civil rights leaders like dr. martin luther king jr.. stick with us. ♪ i will survive. now running down the street, never would come to me, working for the history ♪ in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. the name to remember. people would ask me that we traveled,ntries what is your nationality and i would always answer hispanic. so when i got my ancestry dna results it was a shocker. i'm from all nations. it puts a hunger in your heart to want to know more. >> pete: moments ago the national anthem played in london between the dolphins and saints game let's take a look. >> as she sings the u.s. national anthem. ♪ oh, say can you see, by the dawns early light, what so proudly we hailed at the twite light's last gleaming. whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilious fight, ore the rampart s we watched were so gallantly streaming, and the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air, gave proof through the night that our flag was still there, oh, say does that star spangled banner yet wave, ore the land of the free, and the home of the brave ♪ >> [applause] >> pete: well all of those shots from what we could see included players standing for the national anthem. we do know that moments ago before the anthem the saints took a knee before while they were in commercial break and then stood up, still trying to get an assessment of the dolphin s. >> abby: that was a few moments ago. seeing players singalong with the national anthem and darius r ucker, one of the best voices of all-time. >> pete: at least one dolphins player julius tomorrow as said he would not stand. we didn't get a shot of that as our producers get a sense to look at the tape we will bring that to you but as predicted by kevin jackson almost everyone standing hand on heart or arms locked for the anthem. >> abby: well griff jenkins is on the ground there are other games going on today and griff i don't know if you saw those shots but over there in london, there was all standing during the national anthem. >> griff: you know, abbey that's right. i mean, i was listening to you guys talking about it and it sounded like they were all standing, drew brees with his hand over his heart and the steelers playing the ravens in the birth place of the national anthem the steelers said they are going to stand. we don't know what the ravens would do but certainly on the mind jessie duncan is a life long ravens fan but he lives in long beach, california. flew across the country to come to this game it's his first ravens game ever. we caught him admiring the ray lewis statue and of course ray lewis taking two knees saying he was praying but it prompted an online change petition to remove the statue it's only a year or so old, 73,000 people, jessie, you came here your first ravens game are you excited? >> oh, yeah i'm very excited. >> griff: how do you feel about this kneeling thing what do you hope your team does today? >> i hope they all stand and unite as one and play a good game. that's all i want. all i want. >> griff: and so did you ever think when you decided to come to your first ravens game across the country some 3000 miles to see it that there would be so much controversy so much about the national anthem here? >> no. no it's a football game. should stay a football game. griff: you wanted to see a good football game? >> oh, yeah. >> griff: we're here ray lewis of course the petition to take the statue down, what do you think? >> keep it up. got to keep it up. >> griff: all right of course guys i'm sure we've all seen the tweet that president put out asking last night for all the players to stand not just during the games but always to respect the flag in our country. we'll see what happens here who are fired up. jessie i'll give you one last chance since you came across the country want to give me a go ravens? >> go ravens baby. >> griff: there you go. >> abby: thank you very much. >> pete: we do want to update one thing. we wonder if any players were kneeling. julian tommies, michael tomorrow as did kneel during our national anthem and stood for "god save the queen" which obviously because the game is in london. >> todd: those are all miami dolphins players. again these are reports we're seeing on twitter and elsewhere but again, there was a maximum outrage by the facts that you would kneel for your own anthem and then stand for another country's anthem. the country we actually fought our revolutionary war against to become free. >> abby: think about where we were. darius rucker singing the national anthem but here we were a week ago sitting on this couch playing the game between the jaguars and ravens and you remember there were dozens that were sitting or kneeling during the national anthem that stood up for the uk national anthem. we're talking about three player s but how much has changed in just a weeks period of time and we'll see what happens tonight but i would imagine the majority if not all will be standing because the big story here the nfl wants this to be about football. the fans want it to be about fat ball. there are other places to protest and kneel during the national anthem and during football game s's clearly not what people want. >> pete: the flag they just want politics out of sports and in this case, ultimately the debate became about the national anthem not about what colin kaepernick may or may not have had the protest about to begin with. you could have that conversation but now we're debating should we just stand for the anthem. it's a pretty simple conversation and president trump tripling and quadrupling down on it has a sense of where people stand. stand for your anthem, take your protest elsewhere. >> todd: you see another individual in the shot with us our next guest serves our country as an active duty army officer and he says anger with president trump's nfl remarks just doesn't justify protesting our national anthem. >> pete: he writes this, take a knee is not only disrespectful to men and women who died for our freedom but to black history if the past is any indication it will take a higher degree of patriotism and more celebration of american values to truly ensure equality for all americans. >> abby: let's bring jeremy in now. are you surprised we're seeing more and more players a week later standing versus kneeling during the anthem? >> no, i always thought that eventually we would see people start to stand up once again and i think that's a really good news story because it's a difficult time we have to unify it as a country. there are so many divisive forces at play in our nation and if there's anything worth resisting, we need to resist the division, coming together as one , at night and stand for the national anthem and also to work with our neighbor and work in our communities and to truly live out the spirit of america which is one that is a night in nation. >> pete: jeremy you serve our great country in uniform. how have we gotten to a point where our flag is seen as a divisive issue? >> well certainly, i don't speak for the army or my personal views but i would say that i think a lot of it has to do with it seems to be a shift in protest policy whereas before we all believed in the fundamental goodness of our country and belief that america or the fundamentally great place and even through history we see dr. king exerting america to do better to go further to ensure equality for all but now it seem s to be instead of a part to do better it seems to be a tear ing away at these protests seem to imply. >> pete: jeremy you say there is a middle ground what do you think that middle ground is? >> absolutely. well we can, the mainstream media seems to paint black americans as basically a model that we're all kneeling during the national anthem but the bottom line is there are many folks that say we can have a productive conversation about the issues in this country while still respecting our flag and respecting the national anthem. it is possible to do both and that's why i think regardless of what happens today at the football games what's going on in the living rooms of those folks watching the game today? how are we working with our neighbors? how are we loving our neighbors and working as a community? we saw in the wake of hurricanes harvey and irma how communities were coming together people of different walks of life and different races were working together as one and then we saw it dissipate so quickly with the national anthem protest so my question is how can we recover that spirit of unity that's really the dna of america. >> abby: jeremy hunt such an important perspective glad to have you on the show. >> todd: thank you sir. >> abby: thank you for your service. >> sure. >> abby: thanks so much. right now, to a fox news alert, o.j. simpson released overnight. a free man for the first time in nine years so what is next for him? well tmz's harvey levine joins us live. >> todd: and president trump hit his first roadblock on his tax plan. it's not the democrats. it's those republicans. >> abby: always. >> todd: maria bartiromo is live with what the president needs to do to get him on board. my bladder leakage was making me feel like i couldn't spend time with my grandson. now depend fit-flex has their fastest absorbing material inside, so it keeps me dry and protected. go to - get a coupon and try them for yourself. thithis is the new new york.e? think again. go to - we are building new airports all across the state. new roads and bridges. new mass transit. new business friendly environment. new lower taxes. and new university partnerships to grow the businesses of tomorrow today. learn more at but on the inside, i feel chronic, widespread most people. fibromyalgia may be invisible to others, but my pain is real. fibromyalgia is thought to be caused by overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i'm glad my doctor prescribed lyrica. for some, lyrica delivers effective relief for moderate to even severe fibromyalgia pain. and improves function. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions, suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worse depression, unusual changes in mood or behavior, swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects: dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain, swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who've had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. with less pain, i can do more with my family. talk to your doctor today. see if lyrica can help. >> abby: an update now to a story we told you about moments ago the knife attack at a train station in france. french police how saying this was likely a terror attack that left two women dead. the man went on this rampage at the main strain station before being shot dead. local reports say the man yelled alau akbar before being killed. and to another fox news alert now you're looking at the isis flag found inside of a suspect's car after police say he viciously attacked an officer in edmonton, canada and then mowed innocent people down with a u-haul. police say the 30 year old man rammed into the 30 year old man into a police cruiser at a barricade outside a football game. the suspect stabbing the officer several times and then running off. police say they found him later in a u-haul and gave chase when the suspect tried to hit pedestrians. the u-haul hit four people before flipping over. well that as police caught the suspect they think that he acted alone. >> pete: well, no way in hell that's the response president trump's tax plan coming from one member of his own party senator bob corker so what is their problem with this plan and do these republicans have any point to their protest? >> abby: here to break it all down sunday morning futures host maria bartiromo. good morning maria. >> maria: great to see you guys. good morning. well look there is a big portion of people in congress right now who are pushing back on one of the eliminations of the deduction, so we know the tax plan details. corporate rates, business rates come down on individuals, they're trying to eliminate most deductions. only keep mortgage, retirement, and charitable giving as the deduction. this deduction of state and income tax, that's used by 90% of people who make more than $200,000. it's going to hit high income states and high tax states like new york, california, new jersey i mean new york has a state income tax of 10%. that's right now being deducted and people like peter king, bob corker are saying no way in hell because that's actually going to be a tax increase from my constituents so now they're making the sausage if you will going back and forth in terms of pushing back on these challenges >> pete: this is a lot of the special interest too. is this almost doubling of the standard deduction does that help at all for lower income earners? >> maria: well it certainly helps but also money is the situation because people may not get up to that level and so they will miss the tax that we're talking about. they won't in fact be apart of that so yeah, i think you really do have to look at the plan in its entirety and that's what the administration is saying right now but there's no doubt when you eliminate such an important deduction for high earners, you are talking about the possibility of higher taxes, and they're also talking about the possibility of a fourth bracket. right now on the individual level-- >> abby: the liberals would like that right? a higher fourth bracket. >> maria: but i want to know why they get bullied by the liberals we knew this was the talking point. it's a tax cut for the rich. you would think that they are just ready for that and say yeah if you don't cut taxes on the rich, you're not cutting taxes because the highest earners pay all of the taxes and yet, again they get bullied and say oh, no this is not for the rich and they have to come up with this fourth bracket. >> todd: when you want to find out more about the tax program you go talk to the guy who wrote it. >> maria: we'll speak with gary cohen, director of the economic policy at the white house to really walk us through what's most important and also speak with the chairman of the house financial services committee because he's also, well lewis goldmer texas congressman to talk about that as well and where votes stand but also talking about this idea that they might want to attach the unraveling of dodd-frank the financial regulation, two attacks planned a lot of democrats would like that as well and also want to throw infrastructure in there. >> abby: throw it all in. >> maria: whatever is possible right. >> abby: see how the sauce tastes at the very end. thank you maria. >> maria: see you in 10 minutes. >> abby: to a fox news alert now o.j. simpson released overnight, a man free for the first time in nine years, tmz joins us live next. remember that accident i got in with the pole, and i had to make a claim and all that? 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>> well look there are a lot of people who think o.j. simpson is going to kind of recede into the background and lead a private life for his remaining years. i don't believe that. everything i know about o.j. simpson he cannot stand to be irrelevant. he can't stand not to be the center of attention. even during the trial o.j. simpson on a level loved the fact that everybody was glued to his story so i don't think o.j. simpson is going to become a " private citizen." i think that they are going to shop an interview around, somebody will pay a lot of money which is what he wants and they are going to sit down and he's going to talk his version of the truth but i just don't see that happening. he wants to move to florida attorney general florida says we don't want him. my guess is he will ultimately end up there but i don't think he's going to be private. >> abby: we had pam bondi on this morning and says we don't want him and it sounds like he wants an iphone. maybe he will get on social media and twitter and we want to get your thoughts on this great show you're doing at fox. objectified it is the third episode airing tonight you sat down with simon cowell, one of the nicest people in the world, harvey. >> i love simon. you know what? i've known this guy for a long time. i love the guy and he is so honest about things and one of the things i wanted to talk to him about american idol we broke a story on our website that they had just locked in the three judges and we're talking luke bryan, katie perry and lionel richie all singers so here is what simon had to say about that >> simon: you have one of the worst voices i've ever heard truthfully it is absolutely terrible. you can't sing. >> it's an ultrasound. is that your son? >> it's eric. >> wow. is that the first one? >> yeah. >> pete: i'm not sure that was, you might have had the wrong sound bite there. >> abby: we saw two sides of it the classic simon cowell on american idol and a more softer side talking about his son. >> let me just tell you i thought you would play this other one where i ask him about what he thinks of singers judging singers and he just rips into it and says you know, like madonna wakes up in the morning and wants to find the next madonna, no way and then i ask him about katie perry and he just busts out laughing and says good luck, so he threw a lot of shade on american idol. >> todd: it's a good tease we'll be watching objectified on the fox news channel. >> abby: good to see you this morning. >> pete: more fox & friends week nd including an update on these islamic terror attacks on the other side. badda book. badda boom. that's it? he means book direct at for the lowest price on our rooms guaranteed. plus earn free nights and instant rewards at check-in. yeah. like i said. book now at for over 100 years like kraft has,natural cheese you learn a lot about what people want. honey, do we have like a super creamy cheese with taco spice already in it? oh, thanks. bon appe-cheese! okay... >> abby: in an update to a story we told you about moments ago that knife attack at a train station in france. french police say this was like lie a terror attack that left two women dead, and local reports say the man yelled alau akbar before being killed and both women had their necks slashed. >> pete: signature of radical islamics they believe that. also, you heard about the terror attacks with a vehicle with an isis flag inside that vehicle, so far folks injured not necessarily dead. prime minister justin trudeau said this. >> we cannot and will not let violent extremism take root in our communities. we know that canada's strength comes from our diversity and we will not be cowed by those who seek to divide us or promote fear again that's justin trudeau the canadian prime minister with that statement. >> todd: two things to note there violent extremists no mention of radical islamic terrorism which if you have an isis flag that's probably what it is and you have diversity is great but you got to believe in your country. >> abby: two terror attacks in one morning. have a good sunday everybody. enjoy that football. >> maria: good sunday morning everybody. welcome this week the white house and congressional republicans put on the full court press for tax reform. president trump heads to puerto rico to survey hurricane damage on tuesday and the trump administration looks for a replacement for former health secretary tom price. good morning i'm maria bartiromo thanks so much for joining me. this is sunday morning futures. with healthcare in the rear view mirror now, for the time being, president trump and republicans are turning their attention to tax reform. how will it affect you, the american taxpayer? the director of the president's national economic council, gary cohn will join me live in studio coming up. also, could tax reform be used to help peel back the dodd-frank financial regulation some i

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