Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends Sunday 20150621 : c

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends Sunday 20150621

millennial would vote for about anyone. >> john bon jovi just announced he's in the poll. would you say his campaign is living on a prayer? >> yeah. >> mornings are better with friends. >> oh man. ♪ ♪ good morning everybody. hey. big happy father's day to all you dads moms kiddos up with us this morning. maybe you're making breakfast and need ideas. we've got several for you. >> look at that. there's nothing you can't cook with help from your morning show. fox and friends on the east coast. we're glad to see peter joining us this morning. >> we've got gift ideas as well. we're going to end the the debate is it enough to give your dad a call or card on father's day? >> it is way last minute by now. if you're getting your gift idea this morning -- >> wall greens wal-mart. >> men should never complain. happy first day of summer by the way. we have this alert. police are zeroing in on two escaped convicts after a credible sighting near the railroad tracks in the town of friendship. >> a resident observed while out in her barn area her dog was barking. she observed two individuals, very suspicious. >> the search area is nearly 350 miles away from the prison where richard matt and david sweat escaped two weeks ago. the sighting has not been confirmed. police alert residents to be on alert. there's a $100,000 reward for information leading to their report. this comes one day after a sighting in stubon county. >> this has not been confirmed. two men were seen on a railroad track. one melted in the woods and the other pulled a hoody over their face. they could not be identified. we do not know who these men are. >> we've been covering this over the last few weeks. a lot of folks in the neighborhood think if they were smart enough and clever enough to use tools, get out, come up through a manhole, six hour lead on investigators, they could be long gone by now. >> if this is them 350 miles from the prison, you've got to wonder why is it they kept the search grid to 16 square miles around the prison. they found candy bar wrappers two miles from the prison. they said we have reason to think they may have stopped here. but why? they were spending $1 million a day for two weeks. why were they just right there? >> what's striking is apparently there are been no reports of houses or hunting camps broken into cars stolen or hijacked breaking into homes. this is what you typically see after escaped inmates, people stealing to support themselves. we haven't seen that. >> the longer they're out, the more desperate they're going to get. food water, money, transportation what have you. these folks are considered dangerous. anyone around the world if you see these guys you're urged to call authorities because they are dangerous. they have nothing to lose. clark was on last night and saying he's concerned about a possible ambush. >> my biggest concern for the type of sentence they were in for, life without parole. they might not want to be take an live. i'm concerned about law enforcement in these situations and ambush. i think they have help. i don't think -- my guess is they're not together. that benefits them if they split up. there's two trails that have to bel -- to be followed. >> there's a lot of hunting lodges were they were reported to be seen. joyce mitchell the alleged accomplice was going to drive them seven hours away. on google maps this is six hours 16 minutes away. we want to take you to the second developing story in is south carolina where they're overcoming pain with prayer this morning. emanuel ame church opens four days after a gunman murdered nine people there. >> police are investigating a racist manifesto seemed to be written by dylann roof. we are live with ainsley as the community tries to heal. >> reporter: we have details. very terrifying. we were wondering if the church was going to have services today. the congregation says they will have services today. 8:30 sunday school and 9:30 the big church service inside the sanctuary. there have been vigils and prayer services obviously throughout this week. yesterday there was a service and vigil outside the church where they ended up sing issing and impromptu prayer service. many still dropping off flawowers. a bride and her wedding party got t married at the church next door. they walked over after the service and dropped off their bouquets in front of this church to pay respects. now, the gunman. fbi and charleston police are investigating a possible racist online manifesto. we're not going to release the terrifying details. we want to interfere in this investigation. we have pictures that are telling. we have him standing in front of his car with the license tag and burning an american flag. >> we'll forgive him because that's what god wants us to do. >> we have to forgive him. we have to forgive him because we can't hold that hate in our hearts. he has to answer to a higher power. >> two of his buddies tell investigators they did know about this. seven days ago he was telling them he wanted to come to college of charleston and shoot up the school. the college of charleston is a few blocks away. his friends wonder if the security was too tight so he chose the church instead. he kept saying i have seven days. he went to this church and shot nine dead. >> appreciate ainsley live in charleston south carolina her home state. >> mentions that security. a lot are wondering should we weaponize deacons, elders pastors of churches. they're sitting ducks essentially when everyone is sitting in prayer facing the opposite direction sparking a debate on gun control. >> that's been driven by the left president himself, and those opponents can like hillary clinton who said this recently. >> we as a nation still allow guns to fall into the hands of people who's hearts are filled with hate. you can't watch massacre after massacre and not come to the conclusion as president obama said we must tackle this challenge with urgency and conviction. bodies are once again carried out of a black church. once again, racist rhetoric has ma me tast sized into racist violence. >> once again racist rhetoric is ma tast sized? where in this country? i'm not aware of racist comments in public. this is for political purposes devicive and wrong. >> dylann roof is exception to the rule. >> he has no violent priors no reason not to buy a gun. the one thing they do is say let's get rid of these magazines. he didn't have one. he had a pit bull he paid for legally. got it at a gun store. >> it's not serious. a lot of politicians on both sides say silly things. this is a national tragedy, the country grieving over it. for her to say something mindless i think is wrong. >> someone says never let a tragedy go to waste. mike huckabee said let's look at cold heart facts. >> we need to look at datas, honest facts. here's a fact. gun homicides are down 49% since 1993 with when they hit all time peak. this notion we're at the most violent time in our r history is not supported by data. let's put in perspective and not punish 118 million legal gun owners in america because some deranged crazy, racist hate-filled person goes out and does something unthinkable. >> you know hillary clinton has been pressured by a lot of democrats, liberal groups to move further to the left. that's what we're seeing now. >> she's got a demographic problem. it has to do with getting out the vote on election day november from this coming. she's got to get people motivated. it's still wrong. >> normally anybody that gets the nomination you hear experts say okay now they have to sprint to the center get the independents. she's the presumed nominee. she is moving further left. >> that's where her party is. >> we've got headlines for you. >> we're going to get to those. another frantic man hunt underway another one, more a man accused of shooting and killing a new orleans police officer. a $10,000 reward offered for travis boy's capture. he's double-jointed and use had the to escape handcuffs and get a hold of the officer's gun. he fired a shot hitting 45 holiday in the head causing him to crash into a utility pole and fled the scene. the police veteran and father of three died at the hospital. and a new clue in the search for the missing former white house executive chef. investigators have traced walter's cell phone signal to the peak in new mexico ski valley. investigators believe he was hiking when he disappeared. he enjoyed hiking and has no known health issues. those are your headlines. coming up, ready to hit the polls. millennial, young people apparently not the most informed people. take a look. >> he shows what he's really going to work on. >> we're going to have congressman john stamos on -- wait he's not running, he's an actor. >> he has good hair though. and controversy around this call. ♪ ♪ what up wheels! mr. auto-mo-deal! hey, it's the wheel deal! hey, hey, the duke of deals! i know a few guys in the rental car biz. let's go, 'wheels'. rental car deals up to 40% off. my constipation and belly pain feel like a raging storm. i've tried laxatives but my symptoms keep returning. my constipation feels like a heavy weight that keeps coming back. vo: linzess can help. once-daily linzess treats adults with ibs with constipation or chronic constipation. linzess is thought to help calm pain-sensing nerves and accelerate bowel movements. linzess helps you proactively manage your symptoms. do not give linzess to children under 6, and it should not be given to children 6 to 17. it may harm them. don't take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain especially with bloody or black stools. the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. if it's severe stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. other side effects include, gas, stomach-area pain and swelling. bottom line, ask your doctor about linzess today. who you going with? >> probably go with sarah conner. >> except sarah conner is not running for anything. these are the people choosing your next president. they don't know much about the 2016 candidates which could be cause for concern except said to be the largest living generation this year. >> thanks for being with us. you're smiling on a sunday morning for sure. also paula deen general mills and all kinds of people. this is not scientific obviously. from the pulse of what you're getting, what do you think? >> 2016 is around the corner. seems like everyday we've got a new candidate throwing their hat in the ring. we wanted to check in who young people are supporting and see if they knew who candidates were. as you see from the video -- other guys like john bon jovi. it's clear they were going to support anyone. i think i could have had them in the streets chanting names for 2016. >> you didn't? come on. >> maybe next time. >> thing is, people don't seem they know much and they're the giant voting block. isn't there a possibility they don't care and not going to show up? >> that's a possibility. this video shows they're not in agreement on who they support. spending two days with my friend filming that video in the mall, it's clear hillary clinton is by far the most popular, but young people are not inspired by her. they're uninterested uninformed. there's hope they could come in and be inspired and be an important part of a voting block. >> one thing about young people they strongly support breakfast. that may be one of the reasons general mills has seen his numbers rising. >> general mills wrote a book and admitted he killed in the past. would that be a reason to vote for him? >> not because he killed people. he was in the war, things happen. maybe because he wouldn't mind killing more people. >> that makes sense. >> makes a lot of sense. >> his running mate milk i support. is there effort to educate them what they're voting for? >> when educated having liberal bias and educators shove information down their throats. we try to hold them accountable and give them real candidates. i think there's hope and young people could be an important part of this campaign. i think someone needs to give real ideas not just rhetoric. >> we're laughing about this but their vote counts the same as ours. >> you're rights. >> thanks. this sunday, coming up is it time for our pastors to get a piece? talking about a gun. fair and balanced debate between two ministers next. how well do you know these tv dads? we're giving you a fox quiz to test your knowledge next. ♪ ♪ if i buy a car through usaa, i know i'm getting a fair price. i was like, wow, if i could save this much, then i could maybe upgrade a little bit. we realized, okay, this not only could be convenient we could save a lot of money. usaa car buying service. powered by truecar. save money zero hassle. so you're a small business expert from at&t? yeah, give me a problem and i've got the solution. well, we have 30 years of customer records. our cloud can keep them safe and accessible anywhere. my drivers don't have time to fill out forms. tablets. keep them all digital. we're looking to double our deliveries. our fleet apps will find the fastest route. oh, and your boysenberry apple scones smell about done. ahh, you're good. i like to bake. with at&t get up to $400 dollars in total savings on tools to manage your business. hi everyone. good morning from the "fox & friends" weekend control room. a woman is dead after being struck by lightning in iowa. rebecca mccarthy was hit. she was rushed to the hospital and pronounced dead. nearly 40 got sick at a park when cloer reen leaked into the pool. it's not clear what caused the leak. over to you. country still reeling over the massacre at the church in charleston. many church goers feel as a rule meshl. what's -- vulnerable. what's it going to take people to feel safe? >> i urge pastors and men in churches to prepare to defend themselves. it's sad but i think we've got to arm ourselves, have some in the church prepared to defend the church when women and children are attacked. as a pastor it's something i would do to protect the people god has given me charge over. >> two ordained pastors are here. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> i want to start with you reverend blan chard. you said you've been the first in line to pack heat in a church. how would that work? would you tell everyone coming in hey i've got a gun, don't try anything? >> not at all. the thing about being a concealed holder you are concealed. nobody would know i was armed except the small inner circle of elders and church administrators. it would be just be a known thing. it would get out the pastor might be armed, which again is a deterrent. that alone might save lines. >> dr. laurence what do you think about that? >> i respectfully disagree. the word would get out in small knit churches that the pastor is packing. say for example someone rushes the aisle and the pastor perceives a threat which is not a threat. a gun in the pulpit from that perspective where the pastor is representing the word of god and preaching the word of god seems like it doesn't necessarily fit. i agree with having security in the sanctuary to protect folk but the pastor being strapped while preaching, praying, singing and reading scripture doesn't seem to be appropriate for that space. >> then if i'm getting it right, your concern is more about, you don't want to make the church feel like the bank? >> well not only that. it's inconsistent with the christian definitions. to be christian means to be christ-like. we look at the life of christ he went about his work. people were trying to kill him on a regular basis. he wasn't packing heat. actually he was a peacemaker and passivist. when he's in the garden and the disciple cuts the ear of a soldier soldier, he heals and puts the ear back on. we as preachers have to ask yourselves are we better than jesus? if he was in a position and wasn't packing. although we say we're christ-like and like geejesus, i must do this from the pulpit. it seems a bit much. >> we're obviously talking about having weapons in the church as a precaution. what would happen -- how would this change if a pastor shot someone and killed anymore a church? >> one of the benefits to being an armed person you have training. you would know the difference between a threat and someone coming to the pulpit. it would change the dynamic in deterrents and security leadership in the church. in disagreement with my brother, jesus didn't need to pack heat. he could have brought down an allegiance of angels if he needed to. it's a different mission. it's to lay down your life for your sheep. to set the standard that a while you're here while you're worshipping, here in this hospital of prayer you'll be safe. everything will be okay. it starts from the top. >> thank you very much. great debate dr. bryant marks and reverend blanchard. thanks for coming in. coming up remember when president obama made this promise about reforming the va? >> we've reached tout 250,000 veterans so far to get them off wait lists and into the clinics in the va system? >> did this really happen? the disturbing report about what wait times are now at va's. are you throwing together a last minute father's day brunch. amazing recipes you can whip up right now. you know our new rope has actually passed all the tests. we're ready to start with production. ok, are you doing test markets like last time? uh, no we're going to roll out globally. ok. we'll start working on some financing options right away. thanks, joe. oh, yeah. it's a game-changer for the rock-climbing industry. this is one strong rope! huh joe? oh, yeah it's incredible! how you doing team? jeff you good? 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>> i don't have any idea who this is. >> the way we find out, role the tape. ♪ >> you mean it wasn't lucious lion? >> who is that? >> the guy from the show that's on now. >> "empire." >> this single father of three is the cleanest man in san francisco brother-in-law and best friend live with him to help raise the kids. easy. >> i got it. a. >> we're going to -- >> roll that tape. >> okay. we were all right. danny tanner, "full house." >> i never a saw that show. >> on netflix. >> go on. >> up next clear eyes full hearts can't lose. that's the motto of this coach and dad of two. >> was herman munster ever a dad? >> i don't think it's a. >> okay. >> apparently it's c. >> i learned this lesson on sat, guessing works. >> which cartoon dad rescued his son from attempting a death defying jump over a gorge on a skate board and took his place? >> i feel good about this one. >> let's see. >> i'm going to make it. this is the greatest feel of my life. i'm king of the world. woo hoo. >> based on a true story. >> yeah lesson isn't everything. homer simpson the answer everybody. happy father's day. we have stories and muze to tell you about. gunshots ring out overnight in block parties in two cities. in detroit, one killed and others injured, one lit cli. someone at the party may have been targeted. in philadelphia seven were shot including a toddler and two children. all three kids are in stable condition, all victims expected to survive. police are looking for gunmen in both shootings. remember when president obama promised to reform va health care? >> we reached out to 215,000 veterans so far to make sure we're getting them inside the clinics. >> wait lists are now 50 other other -- 50% longer. the va is facing a budget shortfall. va hospitals have been seeing more patients and the demand has been overwhelming. near perfection in our nation's capital. >> taylor going back. scherzer has in no-hitter. >> scherzer throwing a no-hitter against the pirates. he was one pitch away from a perfect game but hits this batter in the elbow. scherzer was let down but thrilled to get the no-hitter. >> he did lean into it. don't let dad get out of bad on this special father's day. make him a special brunch. >> here's last minute ridiculous ideas. you're an amazing cook. we're drooling over your food. this is easy you say. what do you have? >> so easy. we have something sweet and savory. this is stuffed french toast. it's father's day. we're a all going to celebrate right? >> what's the breast? >> nice eggy bread. it creates the delicious bite. let's talk about the filling. cream cheese strawberry jam. the secret ingredient is peaches. gone to my pantry. canned peaches locks in favor and nutrition. you get the sweet flavor. >> can add just as good as fresh peaches? >> yes. once we make the delicious filling. we're literally going to spoon it. make a pocket and spoon that right into the pocket. it's a surprise waiting for you. >> like a pop tart basically but better. >> so much better than a pop tart. >> after this we're going to -- eggs cinnamon brown sugar, vanilla. this guy goes swimming in that goodness. it goes right onto our skillet. >> you're just a good person. >> they look lice clouds. got kids father's day, cutest ever. >> this is like a bread pudding, casserole if you will. i've taken a loaf of bread. get it nice and toasty. that allows a good custard. once your bread is out there, talk about what's going on top. >> can i help? >> yes. please please. i wanted to make it easy. i went to my pantry. canned mushrooms. sauted in butter and ham. you know it's father's day. every dad likes a little pro teen other. these go on top. this mixture going over top. two cups of heavy cream, cup of milk. nine eggs and salt and pepper. to make everyone happy, we're topping off with cheese. this is nice and healthy. >> come on kelsey. i can't take it. >> what about the chili? >> we've got a bean and hominy chili. so fantastic. beans once again so easy. they can come from your pantry. for a dad who wants to cozy up on the couch today -- >> thank you. -- >> great lunch opportunity. >> where can we see these recipes online? >> right at your website check it out. if you can't make three elaborate things in two and a half minutes, you're doing father's day wrong. >> thank you. and teachers in one school learning. guess who's paying for it? you are. a school board member joins us live. and have you had a phone like this? >> for a limited time we'll clean as many rooms as you'd like for $9.95 per room? >> phone companies can block these calleds for good. you can do it on your own we have the cyber guy to teach us how next. more staff with fathers photos on this father's day. ♪ ♪ here at td ameritrade, they love innovating. and apparently, they also love stickers. what's up with these things, victor? we decided to give ourselves stickers for each feature we release. we read about 10,000 suggestions a week to create features that as traders we'd want to use, like social signals, a tool that uses social media to help with research. 10,000 suggestions. who reads all those? 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>> what happens the in public education, they'll look at outcomes. for example, a achievement or graduation rates. they'll look at those measured by race. they'll assume a racist input. i've challenge had the for a number of years in our district because my concern is obviously i want to get past the color of our student's skin and get down to what's best for trevor not necessarily how are we treating this particular group or tribe of kids as we tribalize our students. i've been fighting this a number of years. >> the principal described desperate impact around for 40 years. this idea you can attack an entire group based on skin color in public seems new. let's look at this. promoting independence self-expression, personal choice individual thinking and achievement to norms for respect for authority and elders. what does that mean? >> these are taught to teachers. there's a conference going on next week in cottage grove. during the conference they are taught essentially all white people are racist and all students of color live in a white supremacist culture and their goals will never be enough to achieve their dreams. that bothers me the most hopelessness to put this on students of color, blacks and hispanic hispanics. to say to them you live in a culture that you'll never achieve your dreams. i don't like that. i'd like to look in a student's eyes and say if you work hard. i'm going to help you. >> what kind of response have you gotten? why haven't parents risen up and said knock this off? >> well this is part of the landscape almost. it's really not been going on at the classroom level. s being taught to our teachers who then begin to bring this type of thinking into the classroom. my concern is it causes teachers to teach because of the color of their skin rather than what they see. because you're a student of color, you're going to struggle rather than getting to the core issue. oddly enough in the name of sensitivity, this creates a systemic the insensitive to the individual needs of the student. >> exactly. so striking to me how passive parents are in the face of this kind of evil. i think that's what it s. stan thanks for joining us this morning. >> thank you. >> appreciate it. hundreds of officers rushing for new and credible sighting of the escaped murderers. are authorities closing in on the killers? we've got the latest developments ahead. stay tuned for that. and have you gotten this call on your cell phone lately? >> for a limited time we'll clean as many rooms as you'd like for $9.95 per room. we've got that for you. stay tuned. ♪ ♪ ♪ test test test test. hi everyone. good morning. hanging up on those annoying robo calls and spam texts. the fcc giving phone companies the go ahead to block those unwanted calls but so far no indication they plan to provide those services but there's a way to block them yourself right now, right here this second. he's here to explain. >> good morning to you and happy fathers day. >> to me you said earlier. >> i get it. happy fathers day if you are watching. what did you do if you receive one of these? obviously you hang up. >> people lodge a complaint with the fcc saying please stop these things from calling my house, right? some really important legislation just happened last week that says for the first time phone companies can actually do something about this. it doesn't mean they are going to so we have to be sort of noisy about that but what you can do right now for yourself if you give a robo call number one, it's so easy just hang-up the phone. don't make any noise. don't try to talk to it all it does is tell it we've got a sucker on the end. then report the offending number to the fcc at do not that list you put your number on if you don't want these types of calls. >> report the number file a complaint. that says a lot of work. we can get rid of a lot of that by downloading an app. >> if you have voice over ip phone, there's a app called no morrow bow app. they will screen out these calls. if you have an android phone, it's called call blocker. it's available for the android. it will identify calls that other people are labelling robo call spam. and this one is called every caller and you let it have access to your phone book it will also filter out those calls that are coming through and true caller is another one that's tree that i love that i use, it can say anna let her through or if it's not anna don't let those calls bother me. >> those free. >> 99 cents for one of them. i like the free one. we'll put it on the website. >> go to cyber coming up on "fox & friends," the tragedy in charleston has hundreds of people marching to bring down the confederate flag and it's a big name that some republicans agree with say that this is a debate that needs to be talked about. also coming ahead, this dad just got the best fathers day gift a guy can get. a return home a soldiers surprise that's sure to make you smile on a sunday. ♪ ♪ before i had the shooting, burning, pins-and-needles of diabetic nerve pain, these feet grew up in a family of boys... married my high school sweetheart... and pursued a degree in education. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and she prescribed lyrica. nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is fda-approved to treat this pain. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new, or worsening depression or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. and i love helping first graders put their best foot forward. ask your doctor about lyrica. hi friends. good morning, today is sunday the 21st of june 2015. i'm anna kooiman. this is a fox news alert. closing in on the killers who escaped prison two weeks hundreds of officers focused on the first credible sighting and police are right on their trail. the church at the center of the tragedy in charleston is reopening its doors this morning, this is as we learn more about the shooter. the tragedy in charleston sparking strong feelings about the confederate flag this morning. >> what we have here is people worrying about, like your guests said their feelings that are involved at the end of the day, happiness and acceptance is an inside job. >> is it a symbol of hate or is it silly to blame the violence on a flag? the debate head because mornings are better with friends, right? ♪ ♪ hi everyone. good morning, and happy fathers day. peter doocy in this morning. we're going to be calling your dad steve doocy in just a bit. >> wake him up. >> your dad. my dad. >> happy fathers day. we're going to debate parenting coming up. the question on the table can you be friends with your kids that's our dad panel there. i'm not clear why he's got a bottle with him. oh is that a real baby? we have some indoor fun you can have because it's raining on the first day of summer. there's not a cloud in the sky on the "fox & friends" studio. >> spike ball. we've got the olympic team for spike ball here. police in upstate new york could be zeroing in on the two escaped prisoners, right now, officers are forming at the new york-pennsylvania border after a credible sighting on the railroad tracks. >> a resident observed her dog was barking and she observed two individuals very suspicious. >> the search area is nearly 350 miles away from the prison where richard matt and david sweat escaped more than two weeks ago. police are warning residents to be on high alert. >> for the latest on this we want to bring in randy sutton. good morning, randy. is there any chance of catching these guys more than two weeks after the jail break? at what point does the likelihood of april presenteding them diminish? >> the longer the search goes the more chance they have of getting farther away. however, i think it truly is a matter of time before they are caught. how much damage are they going to do between now and then? it seems like with this credible sighting that now there's a very strong possibility that they are going to close the noose on this. >> apparently a woman in the area saw two individuals that were acting suspicious. she heard her dog barking, looked out by the barn. they did exactly what law enforcement officials are telling residents to do, call 911 because these guys have nothing to lose. if law enforcement does come into contact with them how do you think it's going to play out? >> i would be surprised if after this amount of time and the am of distance that they have had, that they aren't armed by now. there's a lot of rural residences there, vacation homes where they could have gone in they could have gotten food. they have been living on something, so they have been foraging and they have been stealing. it's a matter of time before one of the homes they got into didn't have a firearm, i'd be shocked and they are desperate people. this is their last shot at freedom, so this is exceedingly dangerous for law enforcement, whoever comes in contact with these people is in serious danger. >> a lot of details that came out about the alleged accomplice joyce mitchell that prison worker who has been suspended and she's in jail right now, are so whacky people following the story say there's got to be somebody else helping. do you get a sense there is somebody helping them if it turns out to be them 350 miles away in the new york-pennsylvania border? >> when it's all said and done they are going to find out there was more than one accomplice in the planning and actual escape. if they had outside help at this point though they won't be being spotted right now. i think that they would have been taken to a different location. so i don't think at this point that they are having -- that there are people that are helping them. i think at this point they are in a desperate, desperate move to put as much distance between the prison and them. >> we did get word this morning over night that another prison tailor employee has been put on administrative leave. we're going to see if he was involved. >> yes, but not arrested for some reason. randy sutton joining us live this morning. thanks a lot. >> thank you for having me. on to another story that is a fox news alert. worshippers are about to return to a church where a gunman kill nine people. the service getting under way in a couple of hours. police are looking into a troubling website believed to be written by the killer. >> the website is called the last rhodesian. ainsley earhardt is in charleston south carolina. >> the church is behind us. it opens up it opens the doors at 8:30 this morning for sun school and the regular church service will be at 9:30. there have been a lot of memorials around charleston this week. a march and a vigil with singing out of emanuel. you can hear some singing in the background actually right now. let me tell you about the gunman fbi and charleston police investigating a possible racist manifesto we as a news network don't want to spread his message of hate. we have some new pictures of the suspect with him standing in front of his car with confederate flag license plates and him holding an american flag that is burning. we have funeral arrangements for one of the victims, clementa pinckney. he will be back here at home at emanuel church. friday funeral services will be at the college of charleston arena in downtown charleston at 11:00 a.m. we'll be covering that. back to you. >> thanks for your coverage. dylann roof apparently was holding a confederate flag in one of his pictures in one of the white supremacist postings he made on line. it sparked protests regarding the confederate flag. other people see this is part of our history, it reminds me of all the sacrifices my ancestors are -- have made. mitt romney said take down the confederate flag at the south carolina capitol. tom, it is a symbol of racial hatred. remove it now to charleston victims. >> i think they are going to have a good healthy debate and should have that debate south carolina amongst officials at the state level, but i think out of deference, before we have that discussion we should allow the families of loved ones to bury their dead and pay their respects in that regard and certainly we'll talk about that in the future. >> we know for a fact we're not going to have a good healthy debate about why this happened. we never do. you can make a really good case. i agree with it the taxpayers shouldn't have to fund something that be offends them. what does this have to do with the shooting? >> they have already had the debate in south carolina. in 2007 they made a deal take it off the top of the dome columbia. people lose in elections in south carolina because they say they want to take it down. it's a state's right. >> there are good points on either side. what does it have to do with the murders that took place at the church in charleston? >> the biggest debate that needs to be had is about mental illness. we want to get to this. listen to what she thinks. >> they are using this issue to take down this flag. i'm from texas. i'm a black woman. it is offensive to a lot of people. it's not the cause of this. all of humanity is devofleg because they want the government to feel better about themselves. >> if someone actually tried to have a fair and truly honest debate about these questions, he would immediately be shouted down. he would be hounded by mobs on twitter, he will be denounced by al sharpton. they want to force your views on you and you are supposed to be quiet and take it. >> we want the conversation to continue on our facebook fan page as well as email at fox news we have another fox news alert. this is another manhunt for a man accused shooting and killing a new orleans police officer. a $10,000 aregard -- reward for travis boys' capture. he fired off a shot hitting 45-year-old daryle holloway into a head. boys fled the scene. it's not clear where he got that gun. police do not believe it was the officers. holloway a 22-year police veteran and father of three unfortunately died at the hospital. what a terrible story. developing right now, a new clue in the search for the missing former white house executive chef. investigators have traced his cell phone signal to a 12,000 foot peak in new mexico's taos ski valley. and now to extreme weather, brand-new video from d.c. remnants from tropical storm bill passed through over night. bill dumped nearly a foot of rain in many areas. dozens of families were rescued by raft in centerville, missouri. and today more storms are firing up in the midwest making a soggy fathers day for millions. a military dad reunited with his family he surprised his six kids at the nevada rodeo. the army national guardsman hadn't seen his family since december. >> missed birthdays and holidays and vacations, lots of things and the kids growing up learning how to talk learning how to walk. >> they grow up so fast. the children so happy to see their dad, the 9,000 people in the crowd gave the hero a standing ovation. >> he deserves it. >> ending on a happy note there. hillary clinton jumps into the race debate. >> once again, racist rhetoric has me tas at that sized into racist violence. >> what does that even mean if anything? is she speaking from the heart or capitalizing on controversy in her presidential bid? more coming up. more insult to injury for hurricane sandy victims. why they have to pay up for the government's goof. ♪ ♪ ♪ unbelievable! toenail fungus? seriously? smash it with jublia! jublia is a prescription medicine proven to treat toenail fungus. use jublia as instructed by your doctor. look at the footwork! most common side effects include ingrown toenail, application site redness, itching, swelling burning or stinging, blisters, and pain. smash it! make the call and ask your doctor if jublia is right for you. new larger size now available. ar and i feel great because i used the truecar app. truecar knows what other people paid for this car so i know if i'm getting a fair price. this is how car buying was always meant to be. this is truecar. 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>> well, it is and that's the problem is do we want to get used to this? is this the standard and look at america, with our history, we've been through a lot. we know about racism. we've become better people. it's a constant practice to become better individuals, but this is really demagogury it's appealing to emotions and fear. many people say fear is the greatest political moster if they had gone to charleston instead of france she would have seen a -- instead of san francisco, she would have been seen a community dealing with the atrocity singing in the streets, the reversal of hate. thdent obama and hillary clinton doing the opposite pointing fingers, condemning the country effectively and americans in general. >> should she wait until after the funerals for these victims happen before she starts going there. >> i see it as an opportunity for america to come together. when we have a memo of tragedy, we look for our leaders to stand together and say this isn't going to happen anymore. it is a serious issue. when you have a majority of millennials which is the largest generation in history who feel it is the biggest problem in history and they want their leaders to address this especially after a situation like this where racism was used as hate. >> but you think that some kind of a gun law could have been put in place to prevent this tragedy. which one? >> the gun debate is a very heated debate but the reality is we have more mass shootings in america than any other developed country in the world and any other developed country has these massive gun restrictions. we're not saying getting rid of all guns altogether but not making them so readily available for convicted rapists and criminals. >> this shooter was no a convicted criminal and rapist. >> should his father have passed it on to him, no? >> let me first of all it was birthday money given to him to which he bought the firearm, and the argument this does not happen which is what president obama said this does not happen in other countries. norway oslo france brazil mass shootings in england but the bottom line these are countries with gun control laws and this is the issue, bad guys will always get what they want. the point is that when you are looking at things that need to change, one of things in his manifesto said that he had to do it because there was no kkk, there was no major movement there was no neonazi movement in south carolina and i think as americans we do want to have this conversation but to move it into -- moving forward, favorite leftist political agendas. >> it's the majority opinion. >> everybody got their punches in. all right. thank you very much. this fathers day, add sparking outrage. >> i don't know how she raised three boys on her own with such grace. >> she did all of it. >> happy fathers day, mom. >> what? is this taking time away from special men? ♪ ♪ huh. the good news is my hypertension is gone. so why would you invest without checking brokercheck? check your broker with brokercheck. meet the world's newest energy superpower. surprised? in fact, america is now the world's number one natural gas producer... and we could soon become number one in oil. because hydraulic fracturing technology is safely recovering lots more oil and natural gas. supporting millions of new jobs. billions in tax revenue... and a new century of american energy security. the new energy superpower? it's red, white and blue. log on to learn more. well, some advice on parenting this fathers day. mark conslos explains how he became a father to his children being friends with my kids just isn't in the cards. it's not my job for them to like me. >> good morning, gentlemen, thank you for being with us. do you agree with mark? >> i agree with mark. i want my kids to like me but we don't need to be friends. i'm perfectly okay taking the unpopular position if it's a difference between them being happy with me in that moment or a great life lesson down the road that's going to benefit them there's no choice. >> that's obviously a good point. harder to pull off though when they are 16. >> i don't have a 16-year-old yet but i will say that i agree with mark. i think the overwhelming majority of woman say they don't want to be -- majority of men say they don't want to be their friend. they want to be their parent. it's more about being a parent first and instiling values of respect for themselves and others. >> respect for you, the father. >> friendship is an equal, a relationship of equals and that's not -- me and my kids -- >> you don't normally scold your friends very often, do you, dan? >> no. there's two principles the way i guide i father. integrity and accountability. within that space, there's firmness and discipline the integrity piece is look if i am out of line if i do something that kind of is against that father-child relationship i need to clean it up. i need to go back and be with her. >> so there's a new ad by angel soft which was a product of some kind and i want to show you part of the ad. it focuses on single mothers as a replacement for dads. watch. >> i don't know how she raised three boys on her own with such grace. >> i've definitely seen her try to juggle both mom, dad, and, you know everything else that she has to be for herself. >> she did all of it. >> happy fathers day mom. >> it's like men, who needs them? it's like a fish needs a bicycle. >> this is crazy to me. this ad. this might be an unpopular stance i support single mothers, it's amazing what they do. but it's fathers day. what are we doing, making fathers day now about mothers too? what about -- >> single moms do have to support their kids and be mom and dad in some situations i think that's what this ad is trying to get at. is it going too far? >> from as a business standpoint this is a brilliant move. honestly they are hitting an issue that is a huge social issue in the united states. 17 million kids under the age of 18 are raised by single moms that's a huge number. they are taking a position that is you know kind of bucking the trend. what i'm more interested in is what are they going to do post? now they put themselves into a position to potentially lead around a discussion around this issue? are they going to do anything about it? >> they have to an a very simple question is it a good thing that there are 17 million single moms or depressing? >> first off, it's absurd because it's a campaign. individually if that was your experience celebrate it but once you move into a larger campaign you are making a large statement and it doesn't belong in fathers day. i don't believe that. i think the other piece around it is you know fathers are just really getting a different level of respect in this country. while at the same time that you have these single moms you also have more single fathers than ever in history. nine times as many as we did in the 1960s and at the same time one out of three kids doesn't know their biological father. we need to have this conversation about fathers and i guarantee you, i could find enough fathers who raised their kids by themselves. >> any of these battle of sexes topics i always try to put the shoe on the other foot on mothers day if we were honoring single fathers but again that's not big an issue we're dealing with in american society. >> angel soft is excited because we've said their name 15 times. >> this is a dangerous position for them to be in. >> you'll all be back for our fathers day challenge at some time. >> how quickly can you change diapers? coming up next two block parties in two different cities erupting in deadly violence putting kids in the cross hairs? we'll tell you what happened. more insult to injury for victims of hurricane sunny. why they have to pay for the federal government's mistake. ♪ ♪ audible safety beeping audible safety beeping audible safety beeping the nissan rogue with safety shield technologies. the only thing left to fear is you imagination. nissan. innovation that excites. boy: once upon a time, there was a nice house that lived with a family. one day, it started to rain and rain. water got inside and ruined everybody's everythings. the house thought she let the family down. but the family just didn't think a flood could ever happen. the reality is floods do happen. protect what matters. call the number on your screen or visit the website to learn more. vo: today's the day. more and more people with type 2 diabetes are learning about long-acting levemir®. as my diabetes changed it got harder to control my blood sugar. today, i'm asking about levemir®. vo: levemir® is an injectable insulin that can give you blood sugar control for up to 24 hours. and levemir® helps lower your a1c. levemir® lasts 42 days without refrigeration. that's 50% longer than lantus® which lasts 28 days. levemir® comes in flextouch® the latest in insulin pen technology from novo nordisk. levemir® is a long-acting insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults and children with diabetes and is not recommended to treat diabetic ketoacidosis. do not use levemir® if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. the most common side effect is low blood sugar which may cause symptoms such as sweating, shakiness, confusion, and headache. severe low blood sugar can be serious and life-threatening. ask your doctor about alcohol use, operating machinery, or driving. other possible side effects include injection site reactions. tell your doctor about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions. check your blood sugar. your insulin dose should not be changed without asking your doctor. get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing, sweating, extreme drowsiness swelling of your face, tongue, or throat, dizziness, or confusion. today's the day to ask about levemir® flextouch®. covered by most health insurance and medicare plans. here at the td ameritrade trader group, they work all the time. sup jj? working hard? working 24/7 on mobile trader, rated #1 trading app in the app store. it lets you trade stocks options, futures... even advanced orders. and it offers more charts than a lot of the other competitors do in desktop. you work so late. i guess you don't see your family very much? i see them all the time. did you finish your derivative pricing model, honey? for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got this. it's fathers day and we've got all kinds of pictures of our producers and staff here on "fox & friends." i'm pretty sure john with his dad, uncles and grandfathers. >> and producer jordan with her dad jeff. >> then we've got writer kyle and his dad in norway. who is the father who is the son? they are so young. and emily and her dad looking glass rous -- glamorous. and now we've got a father on the phone. [ ringing ] >> we're calling up tucker's dad. good morning. >> hey, good morning. hi how are you this morning? >> hi pa how are you doing? >> hey, how are you? >> there's my father richard carlson. my father was a newsman it was a measure of my respect for him. >> look at the hair on that guy. >> i love the freedom strips. needless to say the picture was taken in the 1970s in los angeles, the original anchor man. >> that's the truth. we grew up in lajolla, california that had an effect on his life i have to say. >> what's the one big thing that you do now on the couch that you pick up from your dad? >> well, everything. there's nothing i didn't pick up from my father. he's my role model. i still have to lunch with him every week in washington. the one thing i learned from my daughter in this business is to be -- from my father in business was to be deeply skeptical of those in power, hold on what does that mean exactly? in a world where everyone accepts propaganda my father never did. i always admired that about him. >> sometimes kids don't want their parents -- some parents don't want their kids go into the same line of business. >> i encourage him to read a lot. this is a boy who red "war and peace." he told me years later he was influenced by the fact that i took him to a few murder scenes -- >> we were big on crime scenes when i was a kid. my father had a police pass we would someone would be pulled over and my dad would go this is a killing, let's go. it made it an really interesting life. >> i couldn't have had a greater son. >> thank you for that. >> we've got two second generationers on the couch. >> we're going to get to my dad and your dad coming up. gunshots erupting overnight at two block parties. one in detroit and another one is another city. police say someone at the party may have been targeted the second city philadelphia seven people shot there, including a children. the three kids are in stable condition. all of the victims expected to survive. police are still looking for the shooters in both incidents. and talk about adding insult to injury some hurricane sandy victims who got money from fema are now being told they have to give it back. the reason the agency says it overpaid them by mistake. some people are being told they owe thousands of dollars. lawmakers are working on legislation to allow fema to forgive those debts. and a remarkable bounce back at the u.s. open australian golfer jason day is back in the lead one day after collapsing on the course. he finished with three birdies on the last four holes. you can watch the final round coverage there today on fox. and those are your headlines. polar opposite pundits for years gone toe to toe here on fox. >> it's a pro choice answer which pro life will object. all of his cultural implications and assumptions are upper crust and elite. >> i think the democrats actually have something winning, jim. i really do. >> well it may be so. the democrats are up don't seem to agree with you. >> despite their differences, they agree on one thing, helping those in need. >> now both have been awarded for their selfless work and charity in health care with-onary dock rats. >> so this is a medical school that you actually thought about applying to many years ago. >> i went down there in 1978 to st. george's university thinking i wanted to be a medical doctor. obviously, i didn't have the stuff to make it so i'm here with you now, but i always wanted to be there, and so get a degree from st. george's university wow, i always wanted it since 1978. >> this was the place at the center of the grenada invasion. >> st. george's was one of place -- there was a ceremony every year for october 25th for the 19 servicemen that we lost. they have a memorial right on the campus. >> some of the services you help to offer. >> i actually work in south sudan and we make these beautiful hearts women who have seen somebody killed in front of them. jim's big thing is cure. 1900 the life expectancy was 48 years old. well jim pin kerrton had developed had cures project and they are going to present it to congress. they have gotten the life expectancy to 76 to 78. our gdp has gone up with it. if we put the money in for cures, like we did for polio and the march of dimes and like we did for smallpox that we will able to make a difference and help the u.s. economy and that is what st. george's university gave jim the doctorate for. >> when you sit down and listen to them, i'm carried away. >> jim is the smartest man i've ever met. >> you've helped so many people in your life through so many charitible endeavors. >> it's good for both jim and me and our charities, and i work our work in south sudan is a lot of medicine as well. we gave pads to teach the medical students had 12 pre-med students investing heavily in south sudan. we agree on his cures project. >> 37 years ago, you went to sane george's hoping to have them make you a doctor and now they have. >> well, they have but it's a different kind. >> are you going to start practicing because i have a scratchy throat? >> you got to go down to st. george's. we have a good faculty-student clinic there. >> brian williams ready to face the music for his dishonesty watch. >> hold me to account, judge me by as harsh a standard as you wish. many already have. that's fair. >> so he's being sent into exile, broadcast, it's called msnbc. is that a good idea? and check out this color foam that let's kids create art anywhere. the hottest summer toys coming up d. i've smoked a lot and quit a lot but ended up nowhere. now i use this. the nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq. i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. because it gives me... zero heartburn! prilosec otc. the number 1 doctor-recommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. quarter till the top of the hour quick headlines now. a dangerous subway stunt in new york city. a man rides the back of a subway train as it pull away from a station last week. the person on the flat porm -- platform posted the video on instagram. the images have been sent to the nypd. it turns out monster trucks do fly. 11-time monster truck thomas landing that stunning back flip in gillette stadium in massachusetts. he tried three times before sticking that landing. was it my first choice? no obviously, i wanted to return. we had had a great ten-year run. i pushed back at first. enough time has passed. i accept the decision. >> anchors away. officially brian williams loses his gig as nbc nightly news anchor. he's going over to msnbc after it was revealed he lied about multiple stories. if he's not good enough for nbc, why does he still work at the network? that's the question that's being asked. what do you think should happen to brian williams? >> well, first of all, his credibility is in complete tatters, if he's disqualified to deliver the news at nbc, how is he somehow qualified to give the news at msnbc? i think they should have waited longer to bring him back if at all. he blatantly lied and exaggerated. he told whales tales many times. they are going to be constantly questioning if this guy telling the truth or is he exaggerating? >> shouldn't news consumers always be asking that question of the people from whom they are getting that information? shouldn't we take a much more skeptical view of something such as "the new york times"? >> i totally agree with you. we know there's a vast left wing bias in media today and it's doing a great disservice to the american people. we know in every administration there's going to be good things the president does and failures. let us know what our government is doing because it affects our lives, but unfortunately msnbc is extremely left wing. it's in the balanced and so they are suffering a major ratings free fall because of it and because the viewers are basically, you know going to places where they can get the truth. >> so he's been sent over to nbc's cable channel which is really just pewee's funnous. -- funnous -- house. >> what they they need to start delivering the news objectively and fairly? right now, most people know they are going to be running cover for barack obama and hillary clinton and the dnc. news organizations are supposed to tell us the truth. brian williams needs to do two things. he needs to start telling the truth and stop exaggerating and he needs to be fair and objective when he starts delivering the news. >> it's great to see you. coming up president obama spending his fathers day weekend golfing, of course. while he's on the lush green course that state is suffering its worst drought in decade you wouldn't know it from the grass he's standing on. it's the first day of summer, up next we're showing you family fun inside and out. the best toys for summer we've got a ton of them here for you. stay tuned. ♪ ♪ >> here's are some activities for inside fun or you can do it outside too, i guess. lori is the toy insider mom. >> i started out with a beautiful table. toys are all over. mother nature did not get the memo today that the sun is supposed to be shining. games are a great choice. a classic game with a new twist. this is connect 4 twist and turn. like the old game we want to connect 4 in a row. initially you would try to do this to block me but look what happens, we can change up the whole board now. >> it's like connect 4 twisted with a rubicx cube. >> it doubles as a travel game. you are going to try to pick up one color and if you get more than one -- it's challenging. it's fun. >> this is a fun game for the kids to play and obviously the adults are going to like it too. so in my house, it's always flour and butter this is the soda pop station. kids can make really anything. and all they do is add water. all right. on the pixels. this is on the floor. the kids are putting it together. but this is a great activity for the kids too. they have these little cubes. they're making ninjas and wars and all kinds of great characters. but best of all, when they're ready, there's a little water gun in there. they spray it. it magically fuses together the characters. they put it on the stands and they go and play. >> not yet, not yet! >> first when we go outside, we have color foam. look what they're doing. you're not limited to the sidewalk. they can do this on grass, take it oto the beach. anywhere they want. >> we have super soakers. there's no other way to cool off in the summer. >> what's this? >> this is really great. you can bring this inside or outside. we have a ball. and it's kind of like volleyball. >> just upside down. >> just upside down. >> and what are these for? >> so you have your team. >> i just got points? >> you actually did because they missed it on the other end. very good. >> one for me. >> so this is inside or outside. >> and what about the super soakers? >> and the super soakers. we have the cross fire. >> are these things loaded? >> they are loaded. you have to turn it like this. this one has triple soakage. three different streams of water. and this is our flood fire. not only can we fill it with 43 ounces of water. but we attach a garden hose for unlimited soakage power. just that way. now go ahead. at me. 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the latest on the search just ahead. and in a few minutes, the church at the center of the horrible tragedy in south carolina is set to reopen its doors. it's sunday afterall. this after new disturbing details about the shooter and his online manifesto. and he's one of hollywood's most iconic dads. >> first, the wedding of our children. >> the wooding coordinator? what's a wedding coordinator? >> how well do you really know america's best fatherhood film? we're putting you to the test straight ahead. mornings are better with friends. ♪ >> happy father's day to all you dads out there. we are celebrating you this morning. we are putting dads to test with this obstacle course. >> that's right. that is real dad activities. you make a living stay up late paying taxes, working patiently with everyone else in your family. >> changing diapers. changing clothes. who is the fastest? i think you're involved? >> what are they doing to that kid? >> color commentary. >> it was raining in the studio earlier. he got soaked with the super soakers from the kids. >> i just spent the whole break getting blow dried on my collar. >> you called all your assistants out. the whole army. >> more dad ideas for gifts straight ahead as well. first we have to get to the fox news alert. police in upstate new york could be closing in on the two escaped prisoners. right now officers are swarming the new york/pennsylvania state border after an unconfirmed sighting near the railroad tracks. >> a resident observed while she was out in the barn area her dog was barking. and two -- she observed two individuals. very suspicious. >> the search area is nearly 350 miles away from the prison where killers richard matt and david sweat escaped more than two weeks ago. police are warning residents to be on high alert. there's also a $100,000 reward out for information leading to their arrest. this latest tip comes just one day after reports of two other possible sightings of the escapees in nearby stuben county. >> and you and i were both by the prison covering the story in the last two weeks. they concentrated the the search area just right there. and they never said why. they were spending a million dollars a day just to search a 16-square mile grid of woods and cars and everything that passed through. t but the question is going to really be out there in a bigger way if this turns out to be them. why did they focus so much on a small area in the prison if it turns out these guys were potentially on foot just following the train tracks heading south? >> and you made a smart point. these are guys who showed a remarkable level of forethought, ingenuity and cleverness. still, they're not stupid. it's obvious they're not. they go to all this trouble to escape prison and walk? isn't it more plausible someone picked them up and they're in mexico? >> yeah in fact some people think this joyce mitchell who is now behind bars who apparently had some sort of loving relationship to put it lightly, with these two. a love triangle. many are thinking she was plan "b" or some sort of distraction. other people whether on the inside or outside of the prison who have been helping these two gentlemen. >> and of course consistent with that you think, how did they get there? what have they been eating for the last two weeks? if they are really only 350 miles away in new york, maybe they didn't have anybody else helping. >> these are bad guys. one is a cocktailer. the other killed their boss and chopped them into a dozen pieces. these are bad, bad guys. the more time goes by the more desperate they're going to get. we had randy sutton on the program earlier. he says the guys are certainly dangerous and believe they would be armed by now. take a listen. >> i would be surprised after this amount of time and the amount of distance they have had that they are armed by now. there's a lot of rural residences there. vacation homes where they could have gone in. they could have gotten food. they've been living on something. they've been forging and stealing. it's just a matter of time before one of the homes they got into didn't have a firearm, i would be shocked. and they are desperate people. this is their last shot at freedom. so this is exceedingly dangerous for law enforcement. whoever comes in contact with these people is in serious danger. >> nothing to lose. >> and as we reported the alleged accomplice joyce mitchell told police she was going to drive them seven hours away somewhere. she didn't know where. if you look on google map, the place where the suspected sighting is six hours and 16 minutes. maybe they took off on foot to go where they were planning to go. >> is it plausible they walked two weeks and were not -- >> they were only searching in one area. >> and if they were smart they would split up. then you have two trails to look out for. >> we'll see. we will see. another fox news alert this morning. right now, you are looking live outside emanuel ame church as kids arrive for sunday school. >> police are now looking over a racist manifesto believed to be derived from the shooter. >> kingsley is from charleston as they try to heal. >> they're waiting for sunday school to open up. at 9:30 you have the church service. there's been memorials, and prayers outside the church. the fbi and police are looking at an online manifesto. we have chosen at a network not to release at this time. we have new pictures of this guy standing in front of his car with confederate flag plates. another holding a flag he is urn being. jerry richardson from south carolina, the owner of the carolina panthers organization decided to donate $100,000 to help pay for the funerals. $90,000 or $10,000 for each of the victims' families and another for the church. and as far as the first funeral arrangements that have already been planned, south carolina state senator and the reverend of this church clementa pinckney he was one of the victims, his funeral will be on friday. first on wednesday, his casket will be at the state house for a public viewing. on this urz the casket will go to a columbia church for a viewing in the morning, and then in the evening the casket will be brought here at night for another viewing here. and then friday funeral services at 11:00 a.m. at the arena in downtown charleston at the college of charleston. back to you, anna tucker and peter. >> thanks a lot, ainsley. >> and in the week of this tragedy, too, a lot of people thinking about security at church. is it enough? you're facing the preacher. he's the only one facing the back of the church. many times your eyes are closed. your hands are open in prayer and you're essentially a sitting duck. there's a debate about should churches be hiring security? should we be giving armed and trains pastors and beacons and other elders in the community? >> and we have both sides of this. first listen to this. >> the good thing about being a concealed carry holder is you are concealed. nobody would know i was armed except for r the small inner circle of elders and church administrators. and it would just be unknown thing. but it would get ut that a pastor might be armeded, which is again a deterrent. that alone may save some lives. >> i agree with having security in the sanctuary to protect folks, but the pastor being strapped while here's preaching and praying and singing and reading scripture just doesn't seem to be appropriate for that space. >> yeah, i don't know. i'm as pro gun as anybody. i hunt. i'm a firearm owner many times. i got to say, this is a safe country. this is a horrible deed. but there are 320 million people in the the country, and most are super nice and law-abiding and decent. you don't face a risk when you go to church. i'm sorry. this happened. it's a tragedy. it doesn't mean every church is dangerous. they're not. they're really safe. >> and sometimes you feel more unsafe when protocols like this are put in place. like having metal detectors at schools or shopping malls. it makes people think, oh man, i need my guard up even more. that's what this guy wants. that's what terrorists want. >> the big question i have is say pastors do start carrying guns during services. what will happen? how will it change if they have to shoot and kill someone in a church? >> and the offering levels will go up a lot if you felt like the pastor was carrying. >> you think so? >> you just said you thought it was a bad idea. >> all i'm saying i'm always for the choice to defend yourself always and everywhere. i'm for that. i just think we need to keep a sensible attitude about risk. taking a shower is much more dangerous than going to church or flying on an airplane or all kinds of other things we fret about. hillary clinton sees racists under every bed. but most americans are people of good will and good hearts. you are not in danger in church. i'm sorry. i just have to say that. >> and if this guy is a racist fine call him a racist. it doesn't mean all americans are are racist. all right, now other stories making headlines. a frantic hunt is going on for a man accused of shooting and killing a new orleans police officer. a $10,000 reward is now being offered for the capture of travis boyd. police say he's double jointed and used that to escape handcuffs and get ahold of a gun while being taken to jail. that's when boyd is accused of shooting 45-year-old officer darrell holloway in the head. causing him to crash into a utility pole. boyd then took off. it's not clear where he got the gun. police do not believe it was the officer. holloway a 22-year police veteran and father of three unfortunately died at the hospital. and right now, a brand new clue in the search for the missing former white house executive chef who vanished more than a week ago. investigators have traced his cell phone signal to a 12,000 foot peak in new mexico's south ski valley from the day he vanished. searchers believe he was hiking down the mountain when he disappeared. he served under president bill clinton and president george w. bush. and now to extreme weather. brand new video from the d.c. area. remnants of tropical storm bill passed through the northeast, knocking down tree limbs and raising flooding concerns. this after the same system drenched the central plains dumpling a foot of rain in the same areas. rivers continue to spill over the banks, leading to dozens of families being rescued by rafts. and today more storms are firing up in the midwest, making a soggy father's day for millions. and one strike away from perfect in the nation's capitol. >> 0-2 pitch, and a hit to left. taylor going back and matt scherzer has the no hitter. >> since this is your team i'm going to let you go for this. >> matt had to settle for a no hitter. he was a strike away from a perfect game and he hit the last batter in the elbow. many fans on social media and one fan on the couch think that guy leaned into the pitch to end the perfect game pitch. scherzer said he was let down but thrilled to get the no hitter. i know the batter's job is to get on base. but look at that. >> good good good good and i'm going to let it hit me. >> let me put my elbow pad on. >> yeah the catcher is set up there. he didn't move the glo much. and he had a giant shield on his elbow. he didn't feel it. >> if you're going to get hit and ruin. >> coming up next yet another -- yet another, let me stress that cash controversy for hillary clinton. she charged the boys and girls club $200,000 to speak. she didn't donate any of the money to charity. she didn't give it back. she didn't even stay to meet the kids. how much does she care about the little guy? chris wallace weighs in from washington next. when heartburn comes creeping up on you... fight back with relief so smooth...'s fast. tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue ...and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ♪ tum, tum tum tum...♪ smoothies! only from tums. so you're a small business expert from at&t? yeah, give me a problem and i've got the solution. well, we have 30 years of customer records. our cloud can keep them safe and accessible anywhere. my drivers don't have time to fill out forms. tablets. keep them all digital. we're looking to double our deliveries. our fleet apps will find the fastest route. oh, and your boysenberry apple scones smell about done. ahh, you're good. i like to bake. with at&t get up to $400 dollars in total savings on tools to manage your business. kelley blue book... it's the trusted resource. and now, has a whole new way to help you decide on your next new car by showing you what really matters. use 5-year cost to own to compare the long term cost of maintenance insurance and gas. read reviews. woman: gas milage is awesome. from actual owners and kelley blue book experts. and get the full picture on what it's like to own the cars you're considering before i had the shooting, burning, pins-and-needles of diabetic nerve pain, these feet... ...served my country... ...carried the weight of a family... ...and walked a daughter down the aisle. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is fda-approved to treat this pain. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new, or worsening depression or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. and my biggest reason to walk... ...calls me grandpa. ask your doctor about lyrica. today chris wallace sits down with one of their competitors, rick perry. so how will he measure up against this. here to weigh in is chris wallace. what do you think rick perry is going to say today? >> well you know i think he's going to take a second chance to make a first impression. obviously his candidacy is weighted down by the fact that he ran. and i fair to say embarrassed himself in 2012 most famously when he tried to remember three government agencies he wanted the to shut down and couldn't remember the third. i think he's running to show that he's better and stronger than that. in fact it now turns out he had major back surgery just before he announced he was getting in. he wasn't sleeping. he was taking pain pills. which is a great way to run for president. i think he's going to try to show he's better than he was in 2012. this is a much tougher, much stronger field than 2012. and i think he's going to keep climbing. there's a lot of sitting governors, a lot of sitting senators. i think it's going to be tough for him. >> conservatives are sitting back and waiting for one of these stories about hillary clinton's finances to get some attention with her approval numbers. will this have an effect? she has taken literally millions from nonprofits over the years. including $200,000 from bows and girls clubs, didn't doe nalt any of the money back and refused to meet with the kids there. will this have an effect on her claim that she's a woman of the people? >> i doubt it. what makes the story particularly interesting is the fact that condoleezza rice also spoke to the same boys and girls club just in the los angeles area i think, they paid her $60 $60,000, and she gave the money back to the charity. hillary clinton, as you say, didn't give the money back to the charity. it was $200,000. and she had it contributed to her family foundation some could argue, well, she wanted the money to go to her charity, not their charity. it's curious they're offering tens and thousands of dollars to anyone to speak, but secondly that somebody would take the money and run, if you will. >> who else is on the show today? you have former governor perry. >> first of all, we're talking about the horrific massacre in charleston. we'll have a live report from the area. we'll have a very interestinging panel, including donna edwards of maryland and karl rove. other people to talk about, you know first of all, we see these crimes. this is a particularly brutal one. but we see them too often, these mass shootings. what if anything can be done about it. the president talks about gun control. others talk about faith and family. we'll then get into something that has been overlooked. this was the extraordinary comment from the pope on global warming. and finally, as you say, we'll talk to rick perry, the former governor of texas and a current presidential candidate. >> we'll be watching. thanks chris. >> you bet. bye, guys. >> coming up on the program. two people seriously injured at major league baseball games in the last three weeks. what rights do you have if it happens to you? bob matthew explains how teams can skirt the blame next. >> then do you have what it takes to be the best father? can you make enough to pay your kids' tuition? we have a heated competition ahead. boy: once upon a time, there was a nice house that lived with a family. one day, it started to rain and rain. water got inside and ruined everybody's everythings. the house thought she let the family down. but the family just didn't think a flood could ever happen. the reality is floods do happen. protect what matters. get flood insurance. call the number on your screen to learn more. if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. isn't it time to let the real you shine through? introducing otezla apremilast. otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. some people who took otezla saw 75% clearer skin after 4 months. and otezla's prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. otezla may increase the risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. side effects may include diarrhea nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you're pregnant or planning to be. ask your doctor about otezla today. otezla. show more of you. all right now for some news by the numbers. from the control room first 18 holes in southern california. president obama going green this father's day weekend. golfing on a course in palm springs. that city one of the hardest hit by the drought, and the outing as the country mourned the charleston massacre. next $115. that's how much the average person will spend on father's day gift this year according the national retail federation. that's up $2 from last year. and finally $0. dad doesn't have to spend a dime at some spots. he can pick up a free entree and a free workout at a ufc gym. tucker? well friends, some parents may be able to relate to moments like this. >> mrs. mommy keep the extra diapers? hey! cowards. yep, parenting isn't always easy but new stats show they are up for the first time in seven years. >> in celebration of parenthood we invited some of the members of our dad panel to take part in a fun baby obstacle course. joining us is the editor of the bump julia wang. good morning. thanks for being with us. >> thanks for having me. you have to know how to swad l a baby feed a baby. >> we have our good sport here. each have to change the baby's diaper and then put them into their onesie and swad l them. pack your diber bag and hand it off to your teammates. >> you look official. >> ready to roll here. >> i'm a well oiled diaper changing machine. >> my oldest is 20. it's been a while. >> get the babies into the baby carrier, and take the diaper bag and run for the finish line. >> all right. >> all right. are you guys ready? on the count of three. >> you better get close. can we get some fun music going. in three, two, one, go! >> this is happening. oh my god. tucker is moving a little on the slow side here. i think james is definitely moving on. come on, tucker, you can do it. >> oh wow. >> tucker, the baby's neck is very delicate. >> oh baby's got to breathe. all right, swad l time. oh nice. i like the burrito tucking here. let's go. everything in there. >> don't put the baby in the bag. >> you have to get the babies in. that's a harness there. >> how does this work? >> oh, boy. >> brutal. >> see moms this is why you are needed. >> the consumer safety commission has just issued a warning for your arrest. l. >> nice teamwork, guys. >> that's it. >> his isn't strapped in. i'm trying to be responsible. >> nice going. >> you can be too responsible. >> there are no losers here on father's day. >> no, there are. there are losers. there are a lot. i saw interesting techniques with swaddling and i saw a baby being thrown. >> tossed. >> tossed. it was a nice football toss. >> caught it and brought it to my chest. >> nice save. >> his instincts kicked in there as he grabbeded and threw the child. >> good sports guys. >> make a living and pay the tuition, too. >> okay. boy, we just won. >> i know. and you get a little prisz here. right? oh there it is. what is this? just bring it out. >> it's a baby bottle. oh. for the champion here. congratulations, gentlemen, i bet your wives are pouds and children happy and well adjusted. >> here's what's coming up on "fox & friends weekend." do you remember when president obama made a promise? >> we reached out to more than 215,000 members to make sure we're getting them off weight lists and into clinics both inside and outside the va system. >> did that really happen? a disturbing new report about the wait times our veterans are dealing with now? >> and are you still thinking about a father's day gift. he totally spaced out today is father's day. we're helping him find the perfect pretend for his dad coming up. ♪ there's something out there. it's a highly contagious disease. it can be especially serious- even fatal to infants. unfortunately, many people who spread it may not know they have it. it's called whooping cough. and the cdc recommends everyone, including those around babies, make sure their whooping cough vaccination is up to date. understand the danger your new grandchild faces. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about you and your family getting a whooping cough vaccination today. doug. you've been staring at that for a while, huh? listen, td ameritrade has former floor traders to help walk you through that complex trade. so you'll be confident enough to do what you want. i'll pull up their number. blammo. let's get those guys on the horn. oooo. looks like it is time to upgrade your phone, douglas. for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got this. another day for fox & friends. and segment producer ali and her dad. she's on the right. he's our senior priceeroducer gavin and his boys. >> and tammy wishes her husband bill a happy father's day. >> line producer marissa dunn and her dad. >> megan mcdonald's and mer sisters. it's also her mom's birthday today. happy birthday. >> happy better. >> and nicole pepperman, better known as pep around here and her dad. >> and we have the boss. dan and their kids. >> and my dad is on the phone roigt now right? did he call us? you set that up right? >> are you there? >> good morning. >> hey, dad. >> hi, tucker peter. >> anna's dad is a frequent presence in the studio and beloved by everybody. >> there he is. >> i feel like it's a second home almost. >> dad, how are you celebrating today. >> oh ya. the carrot cake will be wonderful. we're going to join michael and molly, his wife and susan's mom this afternoon and go bolling. >> boeling. i actually am happy i'm missing that. i would like to be there, but not for the bowling. for the cake instead. >> the question we always have about anna. she's the world's nicest person as you know and totally sincere and genuine. we she always this way or out of control in high school? be honest. >> well she had her moments. but she's been a focused individual her whole life. we used to take her o to mer's day out at the church. whether susan would pick her up or i would pick her up depending who had the longest list of work to do at the the store, the teacher would say anna always had the big picture. she would tell the kids don't run with scissors. and the other kids would say but i like to run with scissors. anna would say because we might fall and hurt ourselves. >> and mother's day at preschool, you always wanted me to be a very girly girl. i was more athletic. >> let me tell the story. >> yeah go ahead. >> one day susan was at work early. so i'm dressing anna for mother's day out. i come into the store. susan said how did it go? what did you put on her? what did she wear. and so i describe this light sun dress and on and on. she said i don't foe that. she said that's a slip. >> how is it on father's day calling in and talking to your daughter on the center seat on "fox & friends." >> oh i love it. timpbl me. it's wonderful to see her up there. and actually we miss anna dearly obviously. but i think she might miss us more than we miss her because we get to see her all the time. >> great point. i'm jealous. >> but we're going to see you in a couple of weeks, and that will be great. >> yep, we'll see you on the fourth of july dad. happy father's day. i hope you get some strikes. >> i a feeling today will be the 300 bowling day at the alley. >> happy father's day, wally. >> thanks guys. >> i love when we get to do that. we need to get to headlines. you remember when president obama made this promise to our nation's heros? those wait lists are 50% losser than last year according to "the new york times". hospitals have been seeing more patients and the demand has been overwhelming. we will never forget the last 9/11 relics left behind as mementos are given out. now nearly empty. it's all part of a ten-year program. so far, 1500 entities have received a piece of the the dark day in our nation's history. and overnight, pope francis visits the shroud in northern italy, pausing for a silent prayer. the burial lit-in is believed to have once covered the body of jesus christ. hundreds of thousands have gone to see the shroud since it went on display in april and will remain at the cathedral until june 24th. it's 5:00 somewhere. tucker and peter over to you. >> nicely put, anna. it's father's day. did you forget to buy a gift? not too late. >> we have a lifestyle expert here with last-minute gifts. really last-minute gifts that dad will love. what do we got? >> so we have some scotch whiskey, great for reminiscing about all the memories you made. you can drink it on the rocks or neat. and the best part is it was made by a father and son duo. and they started with one distillery. >> yeah exactly. >> when i was a kid, ah! >>. >> exactly. and it's under $30. >> really? >> yeah it doesn't break the bank. >> it's a good way for a son to say i want to have a drink. >> bombay sapphire. this is the joyce of all true gin and tonic efficianados. >> thgs literally why i don't drink nick. it's that good. >> which of these would go better with the breakfast in bed. >> it depends on your dad, right? >> all dads shave. not so much anymore. some still do shave. >> so in my family i grew up with three brothers. dad taught them all to shave. this is a great way to bring the barbershop back into the home. art of shaving has a lexington collection. this actually reacts to the contours of your face. >> look at that. and oh dad is the boss. hugo boss. this frigagrance reminds me of my dad. very stylish. a counselor modern man scent. exactly. spray that on. >> i don't want to get it in my face like i'm macing myself. >> and it's called bottle boss intense. it's exclusively at nordstrom and it's $79. >> and in a pinch, you can drink it. >> it's so much better over here now. >> you guys smell great. >> thanks for joining us. >> thanks for having me. >> thank, guys. 20 minutes until the top of the hour. we've seen the amazing images of faith and prayer coming out of the tragedy in charleston south carolina. you may not know america's interest in religion is at the lowest level ever. jonathan morris joins us with why faith is so important in times like these. and two people seriously injured at major league baseball games in the last three weeks. what rights do you have if something like this happens to you? bob explains how teams can be skirting the blame ahead. but first, more fox & friends staff photos on this father's day. oh no. who are you? daddy, this is blair he booked this room with priceline express deals and saved a ton. i got everything i wanted..... i always do. he seemed nice. now? can i at least put my shoes on? if your bladder is calling the shots ... you may have a medical condition called overactive bladder ... ...or oab you've got to be kidding me. i've had enough! it's time to talk to the doctor. ask your doctor how myrbetriq may help treat... ...oab symptoms of urgency frequency, and leakage. which may mean fewer trips to the bathroom. myrbetriq (mirabegron) may increase your blood pressure. myrbetriq may increase your chances... ...of not being able to empty your bladder. tell your doctor right away if you have... ...trouble emptying your bladder or have a weak urine stream. myrbetriq may affect... ...or be affected by other medications... tell your doctor about all the medicines you take. before taking myrbetriq, tell your doctor if you have liver or kidney problems. common side effects include increased blood pressure, common cold symptoms, urinary tract infection, and headache. take charge by talking to your doctor about your oab symptoms and myrbetriq. find out if you can get your first prescription at no cost by visiting i am totally blind. and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24. learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit brand new polls showing faith and religion dropped this year to 42%. the lowest point ever. >> but this sunday the tragic event in south carolina and the murders there, the unbelievable forgiveness showed by the victims' families reinforced why faith does matter. looking at live pictures in charleston where services are about to get under way. >> they're not going to let this dampen their spirits. here to weigh in is father jonathan morris. thank you so much. >> good morning. >> when these terrible tragedies happen you can go one of two ways if you're a person of faith. you can lose it or find strength in it. how do you think these nine victims' families have been able to forgive so quickly? >> well i remember as soon as it happened my first thought, knowing charleston and knowing the great faith tradition of the historic black churches in the south, that if this guy was trying to divide the country, trying to push an agenda of division of hate he was going to fill miserably. when we see 200,000 people right afterwards singing amazing grace, that's a failure on his part. the statistics we just show 42% of americans have faith in religion i don't know if i would say i have faith in religion. i have faith in god. right? and i think that's why those statistics can be very confusing. let's put it this way. as low as that sounds and i can understand why faith and religion would be down, how about faith in government. where is that? that would be way further. the institution of faith is very strong in the united states. but they ask people to look outside themselveses in god. when faith declines does selfishness increase? >> yes. we're not opening up our eyes and looking up to god and serving other people. to see all of these families in front of the killer himself saying we will forgive you and we put justice in the hands of god and not in our own hands, that's a very powerful a very american a very beautiful thing. >> and how much will it help or will it help in the healing process for those families to forgive the person who killed whar thoved ones before they had a chance to bury them? >> well so many families who have even wanted the death penalty, for example, in the past for different things have come up very clearly and say, you know it didn't fix anything for me. it didn't make things get better. and i think it's because -- >> so interviewed after the fact. >> many. of course i'm not giving scientific studies. >> but it was comfort to them. >> and the reason i think is precisely to your question peter. the forgiveness of letting go of things we cannot change. you know we can't change the fact this murder happened. we can't. letting it go and saying it's in god's hands and i'm not the one who can bring real justice, even if i take that person's life. that's a temporary thing. and i think being able to let go and let god, at least according to my belief is a way towards healing. >> what will this do for nonbelievers when they see the strength of the community offering forgiveness. will they see that side? or will they see the ugliness in the world? >> i wouldn't say they can't forgive. there's is a natural forgiveness that can happen. if you don't believe in eternal justice, it would be hard to forgive and hold back on temporary justice. right? i this many nonbelievers still have a tremendous ability to forgive. that's the ability of the human soul. >> this is super natural. no person without aid from someone else can do that. >> can i say happy father's day to my father? who i love very very much. dad, happy father's day. i know we were supposed to wrap. >> happy father's day. >> heading to the ballpark this summer watch out? baseball is really dangerous. two people injured in the past three weeks. do you have legal rights if it happens to you? bob matthew joins us live. >> and you can say it runs ineir family. a daughter follows her father's military footsteps all the way to the same base. their unique stories just in time for father's day next hour. ...and the wolf was huffing and puffing... kind of like you sometimes, grandpa. well, when you have copd it can be hard to breathe. it can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. so i talked to my doctor. she said.. doctor: symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections osteoporosis, and some eye problems. you should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. grandfather: symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. watch out, piggies! child giggles doctor: symbicort. breathe better starting within 5 minutes. call or go online to learn more about a free prescription offer. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. good morning, friends. a foul ball scare sent a young man to the hospital. the boy was sitting in the front row along the first baseline when he was hit. it's the second mlb accident in three weeks. >> on june 5th a boston red sox fan tonya carpenter was seriously injured when a shattered bat flew into the stands at fenway park. >> when you go to sporting events what are your rights and what do you need to know here to break it down is bob massey. good morning. thanks for being with us. we don't want to encourage anybody to be too happy about anything but when you go to a sporting event, you have the expectation to go home in one piece. >> what rights does somebody is to sue for damages if they get hit in the head? >> when you go to sporting events, you sort of assume the risk of what you're doing in the event you're going to. particularly when you sit in areas where there's an expectation that a bat could fly into the stands or a baseball could fly into the stands. as a result of that there's a theer are i called assumption of the risk. they also put warning signs up on the back of your ticket. so the law over the years has gone in favor of the the owners. where, in fact most of the cases are found in this type of area usually the courts rule in favor of the owners. >> so what is the baseball rule exactly? what are the exceptions? >> well let's say behind home base they have the net. if in fact a ball will go through a net and there was a hole in the net. it wasn't properly maintained that's a different story. now the owners have put something up there to protect you from harm. and you have a duty to make sure it's in proper repair. there's no holes. there's no way somebody could be injured. or we've seen unfortunately in some of these games, people get beat up and don't provide adequate security those are usually the ways anna where there's a sort of way to get the liability to these kinds of cases. but because of the costs, if you let people sue just readily to go after people the cost of tickets and everything else would go up. so that's why the the law is saying wait a second we're here to protect the owners in this case unless there's something they created that was not properly maintained. >> and have there been any laws or legislation kicking around that are passed the owners instead of the fans? >> yeah, it's different. different areas of the law have created immunities or caps. i think colorado illinois and there may be other states. they say look even if you try to sue us the legislatures are protecting the owners. why? because the economy and how much having professional sports increases the economy, the money that flows into the cities and the states is huge. if they just readily allow people to sue owners, and that's why the lelgtgislators have passed immunity laws or caps if there is a lawsuit filed. >> moral of the story, sit in the nosebleed. >> wear a helmet. >> tell your father happy father's day. i love your dad, peter. he's a good man. >> will do. thank you. >> thanks so much bob. >> if you have any questions for bob, e-mail friends -- what does it say? log onto fox& donald trump making a big slash joining the presidential race. how did the donald resonate with voters? and this dad just got the best father's day gift a guy could get. a return home. the soldier's surprise sure to make you smile on a sunday. i've smoked a lot and quit a lot but ended up nowhere. now i use this. the nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq. congratulations. you're down with crestor. yes! when diet and exercise aren't enough, adding crestor lowers bad cholesterol up to 55%. crestor is not for people with liver disease or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. tell your doctor all medicines you take. call your doctor if you have muscle pain or weakness, feel unusually tired have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine or yellowing of skin or eyes. these could be signs of serious side effects. i'm down with crestor! make your move. ask your doctor about crestor. there you are, friends. thank you so much for joining us on "fox & friends" weekend. safe in the face of tragedy. worshipers o filing into emanuel ame church for the first time since a gunman killed nine people there. but has the tragedy turned political? >> once again racist rhetoric has become racist violence. >> we're live on the ground as some candidates turn it into a campaign issue. >> and closing in on the killers. a small town in new york state on lockdown. brand new video shows us roadblocks as police hunt down their first sighting. they're calling it credible. we are live just outside the search area with the latest details just ahead. and you can say it runs in their family. a daughter follows her father's military footsteps all the way to the same base. they join us live with their patriotic story just in time for father's day. and it's because mornings are better with friends. ♪ ♪ tucker! >> tucker throwing a baby. >> it was over hand throwing. that wasn't just like here gently catch this. that's an over -- you spiked it like you just scored a touchdown in the championship game. >> as a father of father i can tell you we coddle our children too much. independence toughness, resilience these are the qualities we want in our kids. >> your oldest is 20. >> she is tough. she's? jacksonville wyoming, she's in great. helicopter parenting destroys kids. >> they have the coffee and the baby bottle. >> are you calling it helicopter parenting because you threw the kid? >> they're fine. >> everything is fine. >> it is father's day. happy father's day to all of you at home. you know the the dad bod people have talked about. the baby weight not just moms gain but dads gain too. we have a fitness segment coming up in 50 minutes. >> how to get big and strong to throw a kid like tucker. >> a perfect spiral. we want to begin with a fox news alert the from south carolina. worshipers are at the charleston church where a crazed gunman murdered nine people this week. >> mother emanuel getting ready to begin the service just four days after the massacre. >> ainsley is live in charleston as the community tries to heal. good morning, ainsley. >> good morning, peter. you know we've been covering this all week. and ever since wednesday, at least. and today the scene here obviously everyone is excite had the church is back open fwen. they're happy they can be inside and be together. however, it's bittersweet. i want to show you what's happening at the top of the stairs. you have all these police officers that are patting people down. they're looking through bags. it's just bittersweet. because is this the new norm as you enter into a church on sunday? i had a chance to go in and ask the officers if i could zip in for a little prayer. they're only letting members in at this point. the church is packed. i said a prayer in the back of the room and stepped away. and you know it's interesting this is happening on a sunday morning. as they're doing that and searching for weapons, police officers and fbi investigators are looking through all the details of hate. the focus at the church is togetherism. >> it's been breaking my heart. i couldn't be anywhere else on a sunday morning. >> we know many of the families and so we came here simply because we wanted to support them. >> no one wants to be a victim of such a heinous tragedy. but today and this entire week since the tragedy, we are united as one. >> and that's the message they want to send to the country this morning. they are together. they are yibltunited in that church. at 10:00 a.m. the city of charleston all the churches will be ringing their bells at the same time. and at 7:45 the there will be a unity chain and a unity marge across the bridge which connects downtown charleston to mt. pleasant south carolina. so we have big community involvement in the city here today. there's a church in ex-door. you can hear the music there. a lot of people coming by to pray and just to be here and remember those individuals. back to you, peter, tucker and anna. >> and you mentioned the pat-downs the congregation is going through. it's certainly a topic of conversation since it's a soft target in many ways. and there are talks of trying to give arms to preachers and deacons and have security there. also sparking debate on gun control. >> yes, it is. hillary clinton never missing an opportunity to help her political fortune. she turned this tragedy into a campaign issue. promising in a speech before the nation's nay yor to make gun control a big part of her platform if elected president. she also attacked what she called racist rhetoric that has turned once again, she said into racist acts. >> we as a nation still allow guns to fall into the hands of feel whose hearts are filled with hate. you can't watch massacre after massacre and not come to the conclusion that as president obama said we must tackle this challenge with urgency and conviction. bodies are once against being carried out of a black church. >> and you know she's talking about rhetoric. that's all that her remarks really are, because we've seen time and again, including after the sandy hook tragedy, there's no appetite on capitol hill to make a meanful change to the way the gun laws work. >> what would the changes be? this is a politician who makes laws. what gun laws specifically would have prevented this tragedy. also what is this rhetoric you're talking about? and name please other examples where it led to violence. she couldn't. she's demagoguing. these using this as the opportunity to boost her police political fortune. she should be called out for it. >> america is not a gun meap nation. conservatives are not racist and gun happy either and this clown, this horrific terrible people is the exception to the rule not the rule. >> and something we're seeing with hillary clinton there. she's the presumptive nominee. normally you see them shift towards the center to pick up independents. she is moving to the left. the liberals the progressives want her to firm progressive positions. >> she has to win. so her message is really clear. her message is this is the position of the other party. they hate you. they're bigots. vote for me. you can win without saying stuff like that. >> it's a busy morning on fox & friends news weekend. brand new video of the search for those killers in upstate new york. >> police now chasing a new lead as someone calls in a credible sighting hundreds of miles from where the prisoners escaped. david lee miller is live where the search is under way. good morning. >> good morning. it's not without irony that the massive search now taking place is in and around the town of friendship new york. the welcoming committee, if you will for the two fugitives, consistents of a number of different law enforcement agencies including the state police the sheriff's department and the u.s. marshal service. there are now roadblocks set up around the perimeter of the community. it's a small community of 2,000. earlier helicopters were flying overhead. a number of residents have been told they were not going to be allowed to return to their homes. now this community is about 370 miles from the clinton correctional facility from which the two inmates escaped. last week there were two separate sightings of the men and more recently authorities say they got a tip the two were in the town of friendship. >> it's been reported while she was out in the barn area her dog was barking and two individuals -- she observed two individuals. she called the police and law enforcement right away. as a result law enforcement has directed a very strong perimeter in that area. trying to locate these two individuals. >> one quick point to be aware of. this is now day 16 since the massive man hunt got under way. if you dho the math the distance and the days, the two fugitives, in order to be at this location would had to cover 23 miles a day on average. that's the latest from outside of friendship new york. back to you. >> almost a marathon a day. >> it is. who knows. they got a bicycle, somebody picked them up. these guys are cleflver enough to tunnel their way out of prison. >> it would add a lot to the prison if it was a tandem bicycle. some other stories making headlines, another frantic man hunt for a man accused of shooting and killing a new orleans police officer. a $10,000 reward is now being offered for the capture of travis boyd. police say he's double jointed and used that to escape hand gulfs and get ahold of a gun. that's when he's akulzed of shooting 45-year-old officer darrell holloway in the head, causing him to crash into a utility pole. he then took off. it's not clear where he got the gun. police do not believe it was the officer's. holloway a 22-year police veteran and father of three unfortunately died at the hospital. and hundreds of united airline passengers are forced to sleep of the floor at belfast ireland airport after their flight diverted to let off a disrupted passenger. the next flight to chicago not taking off until two hours from now. not enough local hotel rooms for all 269 passengers on board. and officials not letting them get their checked bags for toiletries or clothes hereto. the unruly passenger was arrested. passengers say he was yelling at a woman on the flight. and just in time for father's day. a military dad is reunited with his familys family. the officer surprising his six kids at the rodeo. he hadn't seen them since december. >> missed birthdays and holidays and vacations, and lots of things. and the kids growing up. learning how to talk. >> the 9,000 people in the crowd gave the hero a standing ovation. and we can't forget about the sacrifices the family makes, too. coming up next, donald trump made a big splash joining the presidential race. how did he resonate with early republican voters? did they like him? the great dr. frank luntz has the results next. and a strike away from perfection. pitcher matt scherzer misses it. the controversy around that call straight ahead. if you're an adult with type 2 diabetes and your a1c is not at goal with certain diabetes pills or daily insulin your doctor may be talking about adding medication to help lower your a1c. ask your doctor if adding once-a-week tanzeum is right for you. once-a-week tanzeum is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes along with diet and exercise. once-a-week tanzeum works by helping your body release its own natural insulin when it's needed. tanzeum is not recommended as the first medicine to treat diabetes or in people with severe stomach or intestinal problems. tanzeum is not insulin. it is not used to treat type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis and has not been studied with mealtime insulin. do not take tanzeum if you or your family have a history of medullary thyroid cancer or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you're allergic to tanzeum or any of its ingredients. stop using tanzeum and call your doctor right away if you experience symptoms of a serious allergic reaction which may include itching, rash, or difficulty breathing; if you have signs of pancreatitis, such as severe stomach pain that will not go away and may move to your back, with or without vomiting; or if you have symptoms of thyroid cancer which include a lump or swelling in your neck hoarseness, trouble swallowing or shortness of breath. before using tanzeum talk to your doctor about your medical conditions, all medicines you're taking, if you're nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. and about low blood sugar and how to manage it. taking tanzeum with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases your risk for low blood sugar. common side effects with tanzeum include diarrhea nausea, injection site reactions cough, back pain and cold or flu symptoms. some serious side effects can lead to dehydration which may cause kidney failure. ask your doctor if adding once-a-week tanzeum is right for you. go to to learn if you may be eligible to receive tanzeum free for 12 months. make every week a tanzeum week. donald trump comes out swinging in his campaign announcement says exactly what he thinks and says he doesn't regret one word about it. >> he certainly brings up the ratings, but what about the dials. dials. >> first, you say donald trump is the best and worst candidate you can think of. >> he has language that connects to voters. it's wrapped around stuff that any professional would say hey, mr. trump, stop saying it. we have two clips to show it. the first h is his address of wall street. and you're going to see a sharp reaction with the dials. let's take a look. >> i will build a great, great wall on our southern border and i will have mexico pay for that wall. mark my words. nobody would be tougher on isis than donald trump. nobody. i will find the right guy. i will find the guy that's going to take that military and make it really work. nobody nobody will be pushing us around. >> i will build -- >> decipher that for us. >> yeah he says i will build this great big wall. and we did this with swing voters in philadelphia and pennsylvania is an important state. we had people burst out in applause. some people thought it was offensive. some thought it was racist the way he communicated about mexico. and the idea he's going to take the bull by the horns and do something, tucker you can't a ignore it. you can disagree. but you can't ignore it. now we have a second clip where he talks about health care. he's blunt. he's in your face. but he gets a reaction. let's take a look. >> we have a disaster called the big lie. obamacare. deductibles are through the roof. tough get hit by a tractor, literally a tractor to use it. the deductibles are so high it's useless. it's a disaster. and remember the $5 billion website. >> so he's got the $5 billion website. he says you have to be hit by a tractor. when you communication visually, people remember that. it's very powerful. okay so a lot of people didn't like it. the ones who like it love it. that makes him the best and the worst. >> and there's father's day political polling, how appropriate. which famous present day fathers most admire and represent the values o a good dad, a ennd the answer is going to surprise you. >> so it's not a politician. barack obama is number one among democrats. george w. bush and george herbert walker bush are tops among republicans. but the two of them are defeated by tom hanks and michael j. fox. you got the numbers right there. the fraternal order of egos did the survey. there's a message for every politician watching on father's day. they don't look to you and see you as the role model they want for their children. that's michael j. fox and tom hanks, two actors who do better. >> are auk tors famous for being good fathers? >> well michael j. fox is. tom hanks is. and others in the profession. and they're saying i don't want my politics, i don't want politicians being role models. >> interesting. frank, joining us live. great to see you. >> coming up two block parties in two different cities putting children in the crosshairs. we'll give you the latest on what happened and what police are saying this morning. and you can say it runs in the family. a daughter follows her father's military footsteps all the way to the same besz. they join us live with their patriotic story just in time for father's day. put your hand over your heart. is it beating? good! then my nutrition heart health mix is for you. it's a wholesome blend of peanuts, pecans and other delicious nuts specially mixed for people with hearts. planters. nutrition starts with nut. hey america, still not sure whether to stay or go to your people? ♪ well this summer, stay with choice hotels twice and get a $50 gift card you can use for just about anything. go you always have a choice. book now at you know our new rope has actually passed all the tests. we're ready to start with production. ok, are you doing test markets like last time? 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ask your doctor about cialis for daily use. for a free 30-tablet trial go to welcome back james mckay's daughter didn't just follow in her footsteps, but they serve on the same base and work side by side as military training instructors. >> joins us now is technical sergeant james mckay and his staff sergeant daughter amanda mcfarland. >> i understand that you guys have a little bit of a rivalry now that you're working side by side training the air force's newest recruits. how is that? >> i don't know that it's so much of a rivalry. she just beats me at everything that i do. >> amanda have you always known you wanted to follow in your father's footsteps? >> from a young age, i did consider joining the military. once i knew this opportunity was available, i absolutely wanted to try for it. >> james, how flattering is this? i think most fathers would be awed by the tribute this is to your and your parenting that your daughter chose oo to do this? >> it's amazing. i say it's the ultimate take your daughter to workday every day. but i couldn't be more proud of amanda and my other daughter cassandra who is active duty military. there's a chance you could be the first father/daughter team leading a training squadron. is that something you're trying for? >> right anyway we're the first father/daughter training instructors to serve together in the air force we're hoping that some day we can work pretty much across the the hall from one another, each pushing a flight. >> growing up did you think sms something you wanted too eded to do? >> yes, being in the military environment as a child and seeing the community the military is it was always something that i had considered looking into once i became an adult. >> and there was a famous law, i think in world war ii, sullivan law, maybe, that prevented them from serving together. >> i'm not quite sure. i know there was a sul van law where they put siblings in combat together in the same theater. but we're obviously not in battle. although some days it feels like it. our group leadership had been supportive of allowing both of us to fall our dreams and do this job together. >> amanda sometimes actions speak louder than words. your actions prove your honor, love and respect your father. what's your message for him on father's day? >> i'm incredibly proud of the person he is. i've always looked up to his dedication, his loyalty, his work ethic and all the other incredible qualities he has. not only as a father but a teacher and mentor. >> you're getting me. that's so nice amanda. >> thank you both for your service and everything that you guys do. >> thank you. >> well coming up next the tragedy in charleston south carolina has hundreds of people marching to bring down the confederate flag flying next to the capitol there. and some who grieve like mitt romney. we'll ask ben carson where he stands on this issue. he joins us live coming up. plus why we're celebrating father's day in the studio. uh-oh! peter's dad is in the dad seat. check it out. you know, in any job any profession image matters. i want some gray...but not too much. only touch of gray uses oxygen to gently blend away some gray but not all for that perfect salt and pepper look. satisfaction guaranteed. just you and the look you want. just for men touch of gray ♪ we all feel the calling to build something great. ♪ ♪ ♪ every backyard comes together around a grill and kingsford charcoal. gather 'round. you show up. you stay up. you listen. you laugh. you worry. you do whatever it takes to take care of your family. and when it's time to plan for your family's future we're here for you. we're legalzoom, and for over 10 years we've helped families just like yours with wills and living trusts. so when you're ready start with us. doing the right thing has never been easier. legalzoom. legal help is here. there's some facts about seaworld we'd like you to know. we don't collect killer whales from the wild. and haven't for 35 years. with the hightest standard of animal care in the world, our whales are healthy. they're thriving. i wouldn't work here if they weren't. and government research shows they live just as long as whales in the wild. caring for these whales, we have a great responsibility to get that right. and we take it very seriously. because we love them. and we know you love them too. happy father's day from fox & friends staffers. sean and his dad jay. there they are. >> don't they look dapper. >> in my ear right now. here's kay and her sister stephanie and their father steve. >> and sam koenig and her dad. she's one of my favorite field producers. her dad was making fun of her with her hand on her hip there. >> and how about this one, vice president of morning news. # lauren's husband jarrett with their son baby jarrett hanging out. >> what a happy baby. >> and our colleague heather and her father peter in wisconsin. one of the great states. >> it's father's day. this morning, we have talked to our fathers to talk about how much we love them. now we're speaking to peter doocy's dad. >> this is his first ever attempt at skype. >> is this true? >> that is true. >> hey, dad. >> hey, peter. this better be important because i put on clothes. >> we know you have a shirt on. thank you. >> thanks for noticing. >> the obvious question is it weird to see your boy sitting on this couch? >> you know what it is. no doubt about it. i tuned in about 7:00 this morning. i was upstairs waiting for breakfast in bed. apparently peter was too busy. >> i said stay in bed. it's will be a better skype shot anyway. >> but it is crazy to see peter there. peter was going to either become a lawyer or go into business and then he wound up getting into journalism. and for him to have a skill set at an age under 30 to do that job, because you know, people watch fox & friends and think it's a fun show. it's one of the hardest shows in television to do because nothing is written down. you have a list and you have f to react and you have to think for four hours. and for peter to do it that makes any parent proud. >> i bet it does. >> peter, how about you? friday night you and your dad had steaks together. he helped you prepare for the show. >> it's been great. he said it's difficult to do. i have a million questions all the time. i get to ask the master about how to do it. and i'm so lucky to have him. >> what's the best advice he's given you about television? >> the best advice work wise and this is true that on my first day, i was -- you know they don't give you assignments on air on the first day. i was walking around with any jacket off. and he said just roll up your sleeves when you're walking around so people think that you're busy. >> that's the best piece of advice he has given you? >> well really down in d.c. i cover a lot of stuff this last week. we were in new york upstate new york during the prison break. and he said always take the stories seriously, but don't take yourself too seriously. we have a lot of laughs. in fact whenever i face time home this is where he's sitting at his work computer that is turned a little bit to obscure himself that it's on the floor. is it messy? >> no no no no. zblo it's messy. two of my other kids have just graduated from college. >> the producers downstairs were so excited this was going to work. >> and it's tools from ikea. >> oh a salad spinner. happy father's day. you found your gift. the producers were so excited. now they're in trouble, though. because some days you're going to say, let me do it from the chair in the toy room. that would be good actually. >> well i'm coming home after the show pops. >> thanks for sharing peter with us. >> mom has a list for us. we have to pick up sally at the airport, but before then we're going to wash the garage floor. >> you know what, i will be home at 5:00. >> with a 12-pack. happy father's day, dad. thanks steve. >> and happy father's day to you, tucker as well. >> thank you. >> and all the dads watching. >> we do have stories making head jen lines. we're following this extreme weather. the northeast hit with the remnants of tropical storm bill overnight in the d.c. area. knocking down tree limbs. high winds there. this after the central plains dumping a foot of rain in some areas. rivers continue to spill over their banks, leading to dozens of rescues in missouri. and today more storms are firing up in the midwest, making a soggy father's day for millions. and gunshots erupting overnight as block parties in two cities. police think the shooter may have been targeting someone at the party. and in philadelphia people are shot including an 11-month-old. all the victims are expected to survive. police are still looking for the shooters in both incidents. >> and oh so close to perfection in the nation's capitol. >> 0-2 pitch. and a ball hit deep to left. and matt scherzer has the no hitter. >> this is peter's team. i'm going to let him take it away. >> he had to settle for a no hilter. no hitter is great against the pirates. he was one strike away from a perfect game. this pirate hit -- leaned in. want many social media people and myself think he leaned into the pitch. lt just hit him on the giant guard he got, so it didn't hurt. scherzer says he was still thrilled to get the no hitter. >> plus he's wearing a big elbow pad that adds two inches. >> he probably didn't feel it. he's laughing all the way to first base. >> don't you hate it when the other team does something smart? . i was in d.c. the nationals are great. never been. zblch you got to go. >> as i admire from afar. coming up the tragedy in charleston has hundredses of people marching to bring down the confederate flag. and now big name republicans agree. we will ask ben carson where he falls on the issue when he joins us live ahead. >> and what are we doing here? bringing sexy back. these guys are about to tip off our father's day fitness challenge. hard working dads can get back your dad bods with the baby. ♪ i am totally blind. and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24. learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit ♪ ♪virgin islands nice♪ ♪so nice♪ ♪so nice, so nice♪ book five nights today and get one free. plus $350 towards shopping dining or other fun activities. now that's virgin islands nice. ♪so nice, so nice♪ ♪ ♪ introducing the samsung galaxy s6 active only from at&t. tested to withstand pretty much anything life throws your way. get a galaxy s6 active for zero down and get a free samsung tablet. there's something out there. it's a highly contagious disease. it can be especially serious- even fatal to infants. unfortunately, many people who spread it may not know they have it. it's called whooping cough. and the cdc recommends everyone, including those around babies, make sure their whooping cough vaccination is up to date. understand the danger your new grandchild faces. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about you and your family getting a whooping cough vaccination today. fox news alert. right now the the first church service at emanuel ame in charleston south carolina since wednesday's shooting is under way as we speak. the country's left political sphere using the massacre to push the gun control agenda among other items. >> i am not, and will not be afraid to keep fighting for common sense reform and along with you achieve those on behalf of all who have been lost because of this senseless gun violence. >> once again, innocent people were killed in part because someone who wanteded eded to inflict harm had no trouble getting their hands on a gun. >> are these real policy prescriptions or demagoguery sf h here to react, dr. ben carson. dr. carson thanks for joining us this morning. >> my pleasure. thank you. >> so many politicians have drawn quick and dirty lessons from the tragedy in charleston last week. is there aless season you take from what happened there? >> yes, there is. the lesson is that if we continue to allow the purveysers of the visions of hatred we're going to have hatred manifested in these horrible ways. and we must as a nation begin to teach particularly our young is very important, and that is that everybody is equal, everybody is protected. and let's look more deeply than just superficial coloring of skin. as a neurosurgeon everybody's brain looks the same. and that's what makes you who you are. you have to be pretty superficial to think the skin and hair make you who you are. >> it sounds to me like you're saying political figures who use this tragedy in order to help the political careers are partly responsible for the the tragedy that took place. >> well i certainly would hope that politicians, i know it's hard for them and that's why i don't want to be one, but it's hard for them to let something like this go by without trying to make political hay of it. but the fact of the matter is, we have to start thinking about the well being of our society in general. we've made tremendous progress over the decades in racial harmony. and now we're in the process of letting all that go to waste because we're listening to people who try to gain political advantage. we have to be smarter than this. >> what about the confederate flag? does that symbol have a role in this tragedy? many on the left said this is why we need to take down the confederate flag. mitt romney has said that. what's your political view? >> you can put up confederate flags everywhere or you can get rid of the flags. it's not going to make a difference. what's going to make a difference is do we change people's hearts and minds. now i do recognize some things are inflammatory. i look at my own life you know early on and my quote, political career you know. i said a lot of things that were probably a little hyperbolic and they caused people to listen to the words and not catch the meaning of what's being said. and by the same token the flag, the confederate flag causes a lot of people angst, and they're not able to see beyond that. and i think the people of south carolina should sit down and have an intelligent discussion about what can they use that captures their heritage captures the heritage of america, and allows them to coexist in peace. >> yes. >> so i want to shift to political very quickly. we have a new poll from monmouth university in new jersey of candidates. it has you in the lead among the margin of error. still within the lead over scott walker jeb bush marco rubio and mike huckabee. what about your message is resonating in a way that others are not? >> i think the key thing resonateing is people are starting to think for themselves and recognize that you know the only people who can solve problems are not political people. there are lots of other people who have brains and have a record of accomplishment. and as people begin to listen to that, i think we're going to be better off as a nation. when our nation was p ut together it was not put together for a political class. it was put together for we the people. >> dr. ben carson joining us live. nice to see you. thanks for coming on. t. >> fathers, you tired of the same old workout? you have a workout? we're kicking off the father's day fitness challenge. how you hard working fathers can get back in shape with the help of your children. and also anna kooiman. she can help a lot. and she's going to next. if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. isn't it time to let the real you shine through? introducing otezla apremilast. otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. some people who took otezla saw 75% clearer skin after 4 months. and otezla's prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. otezla may increase the risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. side effects may include diarrhea nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you're pregnant or planning to be. ask your doctor about otezla today. otezla. show more of you. hey, friends. happy sunday. happy father's day. a recent study revealing a very weighty issue for father's though. the average dad carries 10 more pounds than their childhood peers. the numbers are a reflection of dad's hectic schedule and abling. our next guest says there's an easy way to combine fatherhood and fitness. ken is here and he brought some friends. little friends as well. good morning, guys. happy father's day. >> thank you. >> this dad bond everybody went nuts. you can eat pizza and drink beer. >> here's a fine example we have. somebody who works out but at the same time they have a little bit less time to work out, a little bit more time to drink that beer they're not afraid to let themselves have fun on the side. >> you're trying to get dads to lose the weight that they have gained when their wives gained the actual baby weight right? >> it doesn't require a whole lot of time especially with the high intensity interval training we like to do in these days. in a little bit of time they can get a lot of results. today we're going to give you a little bit of workout that can incorporate time with the children as well. >> squads using the baby carrier? >> yeah. >> can we demo? >> of course. get your feet shoulder width apart. sit down and back here. great way to get all your leg muscles working at the same time here. it's going to help bring up our heart rate. >> right. you don't want your knee to go over your toes? >> exactly. we're going to just go ahead and get aye set of 15 to 20 of these. >> work it. working the quads, working the gluts. lateral lunge using the baby carrier. >> we're going to lunge to that side sitting down and back. >> same side. >> going to the same side for four repetitions. >> then you don't have to hire a baby-sitter while you're at the gym. >> that's right. you're getting quality time with your gym. >> you guys are going to get on the mat and do situps. >> correct. this is where we take our kids out of the bjorn and we have fun. come on down on our backs. >> quickly. come on. what are you doing? >> kenny gets to see or your kid gets to see. you sit up and add a little bit of a press. >> wow. >> how big is baby? so big. >> exactly. >> now we get our core work going as well as some arms involved in the segment. >> wow, you have your hands full bud. >> finally, pushups with baby. how does this work ken? >> we come placing the baby down. >> okay. >> this is a nice fun one. you get to do a little pushup and add a little kiss. roll away. work on the affection and the eye contact. oh. ken and ken 2 here. this is adorable. happy father's day from the new york sports club. very nice guys. thanks for coming in working on those dad bods. we've got a big show for you. still yet to come up on "fox & friends," we have one more father's day surprise on deck. don't go anywhere. you show up. you stay up. you listen. you laugh. you worry. you do whatever it takes to take care of your family. and when it's time to plan for your family's future we're here for you. we're legalzoom, and for over 10 years we've helped families just like yours with wills and living trusts. so when you're ready start with us. doing the right thing has never been easier. legalzoom. legal help is here. my school reunion. i don't know. who wants to play in idaho? 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>> yeah very much so. >> so aside from the all you're wasting your life in bed nugget of wisdom what else does he tell you? >> please don't -- >> a lot of stuff. he talks a lot. >> we've been telling pop stories this morning and they were reminiscing about the potato cannon. >> how much different is tucker on your couch compared to when he's on the curvy couch? >> not that different, i don't think. >> thank you, hopy. i will take that as a high compliment. >> you're welcome. >> i'm going to see you -- i'm going to be there in about four hours. so get -- >> when dad comes home is what tucker? >> the rule when i get home as you know this is the most exciting thing that's ever happened correct? >> yeah. >> and it is. >> all right. thank you guys very much for calling in. happy father's day tucker. >> i love you. >> thanks sues jie. >> "fox & friends".com. ♪ ♪ this is a live picture of charleston. the bells ringing once again at emanuela.m.e. church in charleston south carolina as the people show their strength after the tragic and senseless massacre of nine pa rich show ners. good morning, i'm maria bartiromo. this is "sunday morning futures." mayor rudy giuliani will join me. the fed giving clues that the interest rate will move higher

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends Sunday 20150621 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends Sunday 20150621

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millennial would vote for about anyone. >> john bon jovi just announced he's in the poll. would you say his campaign is living on a prayer? >> yeah. >> mornings are better with friends. >> oh man. ♪ ♪ good morning everybody. hey. big happy father's day to all you dads moms kiddos up with us this morning. maybe you're making breakfast and need ideas. we've got several for you. >> look at that. there's nothing you can't cook with help from your morning show. fox and friends on the east coast. we're glad to see peter joining us this morning. >> we've got gift ideas as well. we're going to end the the debate is it enough to give your dad a call or card on father's day? >> it is way last minute by now. if you're getting your gift idea this morning -- >> wall greens wal-mart. >> men should never complain. happy first day of summer by the way. we have this alert. police are zeroing in on two escaped convicts after a credible sighting near the railroad tracks in the town of friendship. >> a resident observed while out in her barn area her dog was barking. she observed two individuals, very suspicious. >> the search area is nearly 350 miles away from the prison where richard matt and david sweat escaped two weeks ago. the sighting has not been confirmed. police alert residents to be on alert. there's a $100,000 reward for information leading to their report. this comes one day after a sighting in stubon county. >> this has not been confirmed. two men were seen on a railroad track. one melted in the woods and the other pulled a hoody over their face. they could not be identified. we do not know who these men are. >> we've been covering this over the last few weeks. a lot of folks in the neighborhood think if they were smart enough and clever enough to use tools, get out, come up through a manhole, six hour lead on investigators, they could be long gone by now. >> if this is them 350 miles from the prison, you've got to wonder why is it they kept the search grid to 16 square miles around the prison. they found candy bar wrappers two miles from the prison. they said we have reason to think they may have stopped here. but why? they were spending $1 million a day for two weeks. why were they just right there? >> what's striking is apparently there are been no reports of houses or hunting camps broken into cars stolen or hijacked breaking into homes. this is what you typically see after escaped inmates, people stealing to support themselves. we haven't seen that. >> the longer they're out, the more desperate they're going to get. food water, money, transportation what have you. these folks are considered dangerous. anyone around the world if you see these guys you're urged to call authorities because they are dangerous. they have nothing to lose. clark was on last night and saying he's concerned about a possible ambush. >> my biggest concern for the type of sentence they were in for, life without parole. they might not want to be take an live. i'm concerned about law enforcement in these situations and ambush. i think they have help. i don't think -- my guess is they're not together. that benefits them if they split up. there's two trails that have to bel -- to be followed. >> there's a lot of hunting lodges were they were reported to be seen. joyce mitchell the alleged accomplice was going to drive them seven hours away. on google maps this is six hours 16 minutes away. we want to take you to the second developing story in is south carolina where they're overcoming pain with prayer this morning. emanuel ame church opens four days after a gunman murdered nine people there. >> police are investigating a racist manifesto seemed to be written by dylann roof. we are live with ainsley as the community tries to heal. >> reporter: we have details. very terrifying. we were wondering if the church was going to have services today. the congregation says they will have services today. 8:30 sunday school and 9:30 the big church service inside the sanctuary. there have been vigils and prayer services obviously throughout this week. yesterday there was a service and vigil outside the church where they ended up sing issing and impromptu prayer service. many still dropping off flawowers. a bride and her wedding party got t married at the church next door. they walked over after the service and dropped off their bouquets in front of this church to pay respects. now, the gunman. fbi and charleston police are investigating a possible racist online manifesto. we're not going to release the terrifying details. we want to interfere in this investigation. we have pictures that are telling. we have him standing in front of his car with the license tag and burning an american flag. >> we'll forgive him because that's what god wants us to do. >> we have to forgive him. we have to forgive him because we can't hold that hate in our hearts. he has to answer to a higher power. >> two of his buddies tell investigators they did know about this. seven days ago he was telling them he wanted to come to college of charleston and shoot up the school. the college of charleston is a few blocks away. his friends wonder if the security was too tight so he chose the church instead. he kept saying i have seven days. he went to this church and shot nine dead. >> appreciate ainsley live in charleston south carolina her home state. >> mentions that security. a lot are wondering should we weaponize deacons, elders pastors of churches. they're sitting ducks essentially when everyone is sitting in prayer facing the opposite direction sparking a debate on gun control. >> that's been driven by the left president himself, and those opponents can like hillary clinton who said this recently. >> we as a nation still allow guns to fall into the hands of people who's hearts are filled with hate. you can't watch massacre after massacre and not come to the conclusion as president obama said we must tackle this challenge with urgency and conviction. bodies are once again carried out of a black church. once again, racist rhetoric has ma me tast sized into racist violence. >> once again racist rhetoric is ma tast sized? where in this country? i'm not aware of racist comments in public. this is for political purposes devicive and wrong. >> dylann roof is exception to the rule. >> he has no violent priors no reason not to buy a gun. the one thing they do is say let's get rid of these magazines. he didn't have one. he had a pit bull he paid for legally. got it at a gun store. >> it's not serious. a lot of politicians on both sides say silly things. this is a national tragedy, the country grieving over it. for her to say something mindless i think is wrong. >> someone says never let a tragedy go to waste. mike huckabee said let's look at cold heart facts. >> we need to look at datas, honest facts. here's a fact. gun homicides are down 49% since 1993 with when they hit all time peak. this notion we're at the most violent time in our r history is not supported by data. let's put in perspective and not punish 118 million legal gun owners in america because some deranged crazy, racist hate-filled person goes out and does something unthinkable. >> you know hillary clinton has been pressured by a lot of democrats, liberal groups to move further to the left. that's what we're seeing now. >> she's got a demographic problem. it has to do with getting out the vote on election day november from this coming. she's got to get people motivated. it's still wrong. >> normally anybody that gets the nomination you hear experts say okay now they have to sprint to the center get the independents. she's the presumed nominee. she is moving further left. >> that's where her party is. >> we've got headlines for you. >> we're going to get to those. another frantic man hunt underway another one, more a man accused of shooting and killing a new orleans police officer. a $10,000 reward offered for travis boy's capture. he's double-jointed and use had the to escape handcuffs and get a hold of the officer's gun. he fired a shot hitting 45 holiday in the head causing him to crash into a utility pole and fled the scene. the police veteran and father of three died at the hospital. and a new clue in the search for the missing former white house executive chef. investigators have traced walter's cell phone signal to the peak in new mexico ski valley. investigators believe he was hiking when he disappeared. he enjoyed hiking and has no known health issues. those are your headlines. coming up, ready to hit the polls. millennial, young people apparently not the most informed people. take a look. >> he shows what he's really going to work on. >> we're going to have congressman john stamos on -- wait he's not running, he's an actor. >> he has good hair though. and controversy around this call. ♪ ♪ what up wheels! mr. auto-mo-deal! hey, it's the wheel deal! hey, hey, the duke of deals! i know a few guys in the rental car biz. let's go, 'wheels'. rental car deals up to 40% off. my constipation and belly pain feel like a raging storm. i've tried laxatives but my symptoms keep returning. my constipation feels like a heavy weight that keeps coming back. vo: linzess can help. once-daily linzess treats adults with ibs with constipation or chronic constipation. linzess is thought to help calm pain-sensing nerves and accelerate bowel movements. linzess helps you proactively manage your symptoms. do not give linzess to children under 6, and it should not be given to children 6 to 17. it may harm them. don't take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain especially with bloody or black stools. the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. if it's severe stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. other side effects include, gas, stomach-area pain and swelling. bottom line, ask your doctor about linzess today. who you going with? >> probably go with sarah conner. >> except sarah conner is not running for anything. these are the people choosing your next president. they don't know much about the 2016 candidates which could be cause for concern except said to be the largest living generation this year. >> thanks for being with us. you're smiling on a sunday morning for sure. also paula deen general mills and all kinds of people. this is not scientific obviously. from the pulse of what you're getting, what do you think? >> 2016 is around the corner. seems like everyday we've got a new candidate throwing their hat in the ring. we wanted to check in who young people are supporting and see if they knew who candidates were. as you see from the video -- other guys like john bon jovi. it's clear they were going to support anyone. i think i could have had them in the streets chanting names for 2016. >> you didn't? come on. >> maybe next time. >> thing is, people don't seem they know much and they're the giant voting block. isn't there a possibility they don't care and not going to show up? >> that's a possibility. this video shows they're not in agreement on who they support. spending two days with my friend filming that video in the mall, it's clear hillary clinton is by far the most popular, but young people are not inspired by her. they're uninterested uninformed. there's hope they could come in and be inspired and be an important part of a voting block. >> one thing about young people they strongly support breakfast. that may be one of the reasons general mills has seen his numbers rising. >> general mills wrote a book and admitted he killed in the past. would that be a reason to vote for him? >> not because he killed people. he was in the war, things happen. maybe because he wouldn't mind killing more people. >> that makes sense. >> makes a lot of sense. >> his running mate milk i support. is there effort to educate them what they're voting for? >> when educated having liberal bias and educators shove information down their throats. we try to hold them accountable and give them real candidates. i think there's hope and young people could be an important part of this campaign. i think someone needs to give real ideas not just rhetoric. >> we're laughing about this but their vote counts the same as ours. >> you're rights. >> thanks. this sunday, coming up is it time for our pastors to get a piece? talking about a gun. fair and balanced debate between two ministers next. how well do you know these tv dads? we're giving you a fox quiz to test your knowledge next. ♪ ♪ if i buy a car through usaa, i know i'm getting a fair price. i was like, wow, if i could save this much, then i could maybe upgrade a little bit. we realized, okay, this not only could be convenient we could save a lot of money. usaa car buying service. powered by truecar. save money zero hassle. so you're a small business expert from at&t? yeah, give me a problem and i've got the solution. well, we have 30 years of customer records. our cloud can keep them safe and accessible anywhere. my drivers don't have time to fill out forms. tablets. keep them all digital. we're looking to double our deliveries. our fleet apps will find the fastest route. oh, and your boysenberry apple scones smell about done. ahh, you're good. i like to bake. with at&t get up to $400 dollars in total savings on tools to manage your business. hi everyone. good morning from the "fox & friends" weekend control room. a woman is dead after being struck by lightning in iowa. rebecca mccarthy was hit. she was rushed to the hospital and pronounced dead. nearly 40 got sick at a park when cloer reen leaked into the pool. it's not clear what caused the leak. over to you. country still reeling over the massacre at the church in charleston. many church goers feel as a rule meshl. what's -- vulnerable. what's it going to take people to feel safe? >> i urge pastors and men in churches to prepare to defend themselves. it's sad but i think we've got to arm ourselves, have some in the church prepared to defend the church when women and children are attacked. as a pastor it's something i would do to protect the people god has given me charge over. >> two ordained pastors are here. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> i want to start with you reverend blan chard. you said you've been the first in line to pack heat in a church. how would that work? would you tell everyone coming in hey i've got a gun, don't try anything? >> not at all. the thing about being a concealed holder you are concealed. nobody would know i was armed except the small inner circle of elders and church administrators. it would be just be a known thing. it would get out the pastor might be armed, which again is a deterrent. that alone might save lines. >> dr. laurence what do you think about that? >> i respectfully disagree. the word would get out in small knit churches that the pastor is packing. say for example someone rushes the aisle and the pastor perceives a threat which is not a threat. a gun in the pulpit from that perspective where the pastor is representing the word of god and preaching the word of god seems like it doesn't necessarily fit. i agree with having security in the sanctuary to protect folk but the pastor being strapped while preaching, praying, singing and reading scripture doesn't seem to be appropriate for that space. >> then if i'm getting it right, your concern is more about, you don't want to make the church feel like the bank? >> well not only that. it's inconsistent with the christian definitions. to be christian means to be christ-like. we look at the life of christ he went about his work. people were trying to kill him on a regular basis. he wasn't packing heat. actually he was a peacemaker and passivist. when he's in the garden and the disciple cuts the ear of a soldier soldier, he heals and puts the ear back on. we as preachers have to ask yourselves are we better than jesus? if he was in a position and wasn't packing. although we say we're christ-like and like geejesus, i must do this from the pulpit. it seems a bit much. >> we're obviously talking about having weapons in the church as a precaution. what would happen -- how would this change if a pastor shot someone and killed anymore a church? >> one of the benefits to being an armed person you have training. you would know the difference between a threat and someone coming to the pulpit. it would change the dynamic in deterrents and security leadership in the church. in disagreement with my brother, jesus didn't need to pack heat. he could have brought down an allegiance of angels if he needed to. it's a different mission. it's to lay down your life for your sheep. to set the standard that a while you're here while you're worshipping, here in this hospital of prayer you'll be safe. everything will be okay. it starts from the top. >> thank you very much. great debate dr. bryant marks and reverend blanchard. thanks for coming in. coming up remember when president obama made this promise about reforming the va? >> we've reached tout 250,000 veterans so far to get them off wait lists and into the clinics in the va system? >> did this really happen? the disturbing report about what wait times are now at va's. are you throwing together a last minute father's day brunch. amazing recipes you can whip up right now. you know our new rope has actually passed all the tests. we're ready to start with production. ok, are you doing test markets like last time? uh, no we're going to roll out globally. ok. we'll start working on some financing options right away. thanks, joe. oh, yeah. it's a game-changer for the rock-climbing industry. this is one strong rope! huh joe? oh, yeah it's incredible! how you doing team? jeff you good? 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>> i don't have any idea who this is. >> the way we find out, role the tape. ♪ >> you mean it wasn't lucious lion? >> who is that? >> the guy from the show that's on now. >> "empire." >> this single father of three is the cleanest man in san francisco brother-in-law and best friend live with him to help raise the kids. easy. >> i got it. a. >> we're going to -- >> roll that tape. >> okay. we were all right. danny tanner, "full house." >> i never a saw that show. >> on netflix. >> go on. >> up next clear eyes full hearts can't lose. that's the motto of this coach and dad of two. >> was herman munster ever a dad? >> i don't think it's a. >> okay. >> apparently it's c. >> i learned this lesson on sat, guessing works. >> which cartoon dad rescued his son from attempting a death defying jump over a gorge on a skate board and took his place? >> i feel good about this one. >> let's see. >> i'm going to make it. this is the greatest feel of my life. i'm king of the world. woo hoo. >> based on a true story. >> yeah lesson isn't everything. homer simpson the answer everybody. happy father's day. we have stories and muze to tell you about. gunshots ring out overnight in block parties in two cities. in detroit, one killed and others injured, one lit cli. someone at the party may have been targeted. in philadelphia seven were shot including a toddler and two children. all three kids are in stable condition, all victims expected to survive. police are looking for gunmen in both shootings. remember when president obama promised to reform va health care? >> we reached out to 215,000 veterans so far to make sure we're getting them inside the clinics. >> wait lists are now 50 other other -- 50% longer. the va is facing a budget shortfall. va hospitals have been seeing more patients and the demand has been overwhelming. near perfection in our nation's capital. >> taylor going back. scherzer has in no-hitter. >> scherzer throwing a no-hitter against the pirates. he was one pitch away from a perfect game but hits this batter in the elbow. scherzer was let down but thrilled to get the no-hitter. >> he did lean into it. don't let dad get out of bad on this special father's day. make him a special brunch. >> here's last minute ridiculous ideas. you're an amazing cook. we're drooling over your food. this is easy you say. what do you have? >> so easy. we have something sweet and savory. this is stuffed french toast. it's father's day. we're a all going to celebrate right? >> what's the breast? >> nice eggy bread. it creates the delicious bite. let's talk about the filling. cream cheese strawberry jam. the secret ingredient is peaches. gone to my pantry. canned peaches locks in favor and nutrition. you get the sweet flavor. >> can add just as good as fresh peaches? >> yes. once we make the delicious filling. we're literally going to spoon it. make a pocket and spoon that right into the pocket. it's a surprise waiting for you. >> like a pop tart basically but better. >> so much better than a pop tart. >> after this we're going to -- eggs cinnamon brown sugar, vanilla. this guy goes swimming in that goodness. it goes right onto our skillet. >> you're just a good person. >> they look lice clouds. got kids father's day, cutest ever. >> this is like a bread pudding, casserole if you will. i've taken a loaf of bread. get it nice and toasty. that allows a good custard. once your bread is out there, talk about what's going on top. >> can i help? >> yes. please please. i wanted to make it easy. i went to my pantry. canned mushrooms. sauted in butter and ham. you know it's father's day. every dad likes a little pro teen other. these go on top. this mixture going over top. two cups of heavy cream, cup of milk. nine eggs and salt and pepper. to make everyone happy, we're topping off with cheese. this is nice and healthy. >> come on kelsey. i can't take it. >> what about the chili? >> we've got a bean and hominy chili. so fantastic. beans once again so easy. they can come from your pantry. for a dad who wants to cozy up on the couch today -- >> thank you. -- >> great lunch opportunity. >> where can we see these recipes online? >> right at your website check it out. if you can't make three elaborate things in two and a half minutes, you're doing father's day wrong. >> thank you. and teachers in one school learning. guess who's paying for it? you are. a school board member joins us live. and have you had a phone like this? >> for a limited time we'll clean as many rooms as you'd like for $9.95 per room? >> phone companies can block these calleds for good. you can do it on your own we have the cyber guy to teach us how next. more staff with fathers photos on this father's day. ♪ ♪ here at td ameritrade, they love innovating. and apparently, they also love stickers. what's up with these things, victor? we decided to give ourselves stickers for each feature we release. we read about 10,000 suggestions a week to create features that as traders we'd want to use, like social signals, a tool that uses social media to help with research. 10,000 suggestions. who reads all those? 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>> what happens the in public education, they'll look at outcomes. for example, a achievement or graduation rates. they'll look at those measured by race. they'll assume a racist input. i've challenge had the for a number of years in our district because my concern is obviously i want to get past the color of our student's skin and get down to what's best for trevor not necessarily how are we treating this particular group or tribe of kids as we tribalize our students. i've been fighting this a number of years. >> the principal described desperate impact around for 40 years. this idea you can attack an entire group based on skin color in public seems new. let's look at this. promoting independence self-expression, personal choice individual thinking and achievement to norms for respect for authority and elders. what does that mean? >> these are taught to teachers. there's a conference going on next week in cottage grove. during the conference they are taught essentially all white people are racist and all students of color live in a white supremacist culture and their goals will never be enough to achieve their dreams. that bothers me the most hopelessness to put this on students of color, blacks and hispanic hispanics. to say to them you live in a culture that you'll never achieve your dreams. i don't like that. i'd like to look in a student's eyes and say if you work hard. i'm going to help you. >> what kind of response have you gotten? why haven't parents risen up and said knock this off? >> well this is part of the landscape almost. it's really not been going on at the classroom level. s being taught to our teachers who then begin to bring this type of thinking into the classroom. my concern is it causes teachers to teach because of the color of their skin rather than what they see. because you're a student of color, you're going to struggle rather than getting to the core issue. oddly enough in the name of sensitivity, this creates a systemic the insensitive to the individual needs of the student. >> exactly. so striking to me how passive parents are in the face of this kind of evil. i think that's what it s. stan thanks for joining us this morning. >> thank you. >> appreciate it. hundreds of officers rushing for new and credible sighting of the escaped murderers. are authorities closing in on the killers? we've got the latest developments ahead. stay tuned for that. and have you gotten this call on your cell phone lately? >> for a limited time we'll clean as many rooms as you'd like for $9.95 per room. we've got that for you. stay tuned. ♪ ♪ ♪ test test test test. hi everyone. good morning. hanging up on those annoying robo calls and spam texts. the fcc giving phone companies the go ahead to block those unwanted calls but so far no indication they plan to provide those services but there's a way to block them yourself right now, right here this second. he's here to explain. >> good morning to you and happy fathers day. >> to me you said earlier. >> i get it. happy fathers day if you are watching. what did you do if you receive one of these? obviously you hang up. >> people lodge a complaint with the fcc saying please stop these things from calling my house, right? some really important legislation just happened last week that says for the first time phone companies can actually do something about this. it doesn't mean they are going to so we have to be sort of noisy about that but what you can do right now for yourself if you give a robo call number one, it's so easy just hang-up the phone. don't make any noise. don't try to talk to it all it does is tell it we've got a sucker on the end. then report the offending number to the fcc at do not that list you put your number on if you don't want these types of calls. >> report the number file a complaint. that says a lot of work. we can get rid of a lot of that by downloading an app. >> if you have voice over ip phone, there's a app called no morrow bow app. they will screen out these calls. if you have an android phone, it's called call blocker. it's available for the android. it will identify calls that other people are labelling robo call spam. and this one is called every caller and you let it have access to your phone book it will also filter out those calls that are coming through and true caller is another one that's tree that i love that i use, it can say anna let her through or if it's not anna don't let those calls bother me. >> those free. >> 99 cents for one of them. i like the free one. we'll put it on the website. >> go to cyber coming up on "fox & friends," the tragedy in charleston has hundreds of people marching to bring down the confederate flag and it's a big name that some republicans agree with say that this is a debate that needs to be talked about. also coming ahead, this dad just got the best fathers day gift a guy can get. a return home a soldiers surprise that's sure to make you smile on a sunday. ♪ ♪ before i had the shooting, burning, pins-and-needles of diabetic nerve pain, these feet grew up in a family of boys... married my high school sweetheart... and pursued a degree in education. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and she prescribed lyrica. nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is fda-approved to treat this pain. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new, or worsening depression or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. and i love helping first graders put their best foot forward. ask your doctor about lyrica. hi friends. good morning, today is sunday the 21st of june 2015. i'm anna kooiman. this is a fox news alert. closing in on the killers who escaped prison two weeks hundreds of officers focused on the first credible sighting and police are right on their trail. the church at the center of the tragedy in charleston is reopening its doors this morning, this is as we learn more about the shooter. the tragedy in charleston sparking strong feelings about the confederate flag this morning. >> what we have here is people worrying about, like your guests said their feelings that are involved at the end of the day, happiness and acceptance is an inside job. >> is it a symbol of hate or is it silly to blame the violence on a flag? the debate head because mornings are better with friends, right? ♪ ♪ hi everyone. good morning, and happy fathers day. peter doocy in this morning. we're going to be calling your dad steve doocy in just a bit. >> wake him up. >> your dad. my dad. >> happy fathers day. we're going to debate parenting coming up. the question on the table can you be friends with your kids that's our dad panel there. i'm not clear why he's got a bottle with him. oh is that a real baby? we have some indoor fun you can have because it's raining on the first day of summer. there's not a cloud in the sky on the "fox & friends" studio. >> spike ball. we've got the olympic team for spike ball here. police in upstate new york could be zeroing in on the two escaped prisoners, right now, officers are forming at the new york-pennsylvania border after a credible sighting on the railroad tracks. >> a resident observed her dog was barking and she observed two individuals very suspicious. >> the search area is nearly 350 miles away from the prison where richard matt and david sweat escaped more than two weeks ago. police are warning residents to be on high alert. >> for the latest on this we want to bring in randy sutton. good morning, randy. is there any chance of catching these guys more than two weeks after the jail break? at what point does the likelihood of april presenteding them diminish? >> the longer the search goes the more chance they have of getting farther away. however, i think it truly is a matter of time before they are caught. how much damage are they going to do between now and then? it seems like with this credible sighting that now there's a very strong possibility that they are going to close the noose on this. >> apparently a woman in the area saw two individuals that were acting suspicious. she heard her dog barking, looked out by the barn. they did exactly what law enforcement officials are telling residents to do, call 911 because these guys have nothing to lose. if law enforcement does come into contact with them how do you think it's going to play out? >> i would be surprised if after this amount of time and the am of distance that they have had, that they aren't armed by now. there's a lot of rural residences there, vacation homes where they could have gone in they could have gotten food. they have been living on something, so they have been foraging and they have been stealing. it's a matter of time before one of the homes they got into didn't have a firearm, i'd be shocked and they are desperate people. this is their last shot at freedom, so this is exceedingly dangerous for law enforcement, whoever comes in contact with these people is in serious danger. >> a lot of details that came out about the alleged accomplice joyce mitchell that prison worker who has been suspended and she's in jail right now, are so whacky people following the story say there's got to be somebody else helping. do you get a sense there is somebody helping them if it turns out to be them 350 miles away in the new york-pennsylvania border? >> when it's all said and done they are going to find out there was more than one accomplice in the planning and actual escape. if they had outside help at this point though they won't be being spotted right now. i think that they would have been taken to a different location. so i don't think at this point that they are having -- that there are people that are helping them. i think at this point they are in a desperate, desperate move to put as much distance between the prison and them. >> we did get word this morning over night that another prison tailor employee has been put on administrative leave. we're going to see if he was involved. >> yes, but not arrested for some reason. randy sutton joining us live this morning. thanks a lot. >> thank you for having me. on to another story that is a fox news alert. worshippers are about to return to a church where a gunman kill nine people. the service getting under way in a couple of hours. police are looking into a troubling website believed to be written by the killer. >> the website is called the last rhodesian. ainsley earhardt is in charleston south carolina. >> the church is behind us. it opens up it opens the doors at 8:30 this morning for sun school and the regular church service will be at 9:30. there have been a lot of memorials around charleston this week. a march and a vigil with singing out of emanuel. you can hear some singing in the background actually right now. let me tell you about the gunman fbi and charleston police investigating a possible racist manifesto we as a news network don't want to spread his message of hate. we have some new pictures of the suspect with him standing in front of his car with confederate flag license plates and him holding an american flag that is burning. we have funeral arrangements for one of the victims, clementa pinckney. he will be back here at home at emanuel church. friday funeral services will be at the college of charleston arena in downtown charleston at 11:00 a.m. we'll be covering that. back to you. >> thanks for your coverage. dylann roof apparently was holding a confederate flag in one of his pictures in one of the white supremacist postings he made on line. it sparked protests regarding the confederate flag. other people see this is part of our history, it reminds me of all the sacrifices my ancestors are -- have made. mitt romney said take down the confederate flag at the south carolina capitol. tom, it is a symbol of racial hatred. remove it now to charleston victims. >> i think they are going to have a good healthy debate and should have that debate south carolina amongst officials at the state level, but i think out of deference, before we have that discussion we should allow the families of loved ones to bury their dead and pay their respects in that regard and certainly we'll talk about that in the future. >> we know for a fact we're not going to have a good healthy debate about why this happened. we never do. you can make a really good case. i agree with it the taxpayers shouldn't have to fund something that be offends them. what does this have to do with the shooting? >> they have already had the debate in south carolina. in 2007 they made a deal take it off the top of the dome columbia. people lose in elections in south carolina because they say they want to take it down. it's a state's right. >> there are good points on either side. what does it have to do with the murders that took place at the church in charleston? >> the biggest debate that needs to be had is about mental illness. we want to get to this. listen to what she thinks. >> they are using this issue to take down this flag. i'm from texas. i'm a black woman. it is offensive to a lot of people. it's not the cause of this. all of humanity is devofleg because they want the government to feel better about themselves. >> if someone actually tried to have a fair and truly honest debate about these questions, he would immediately be shouted down. he would be hounded by mobs on twitter, he will be denounced by al sharpton. they want to force your views on you and you are supposed to be quiet and take it. >> we want the conversation to continue on our facebook fan page as well as email at fox news we have another fox news alert. this is another manhunt for a man accused shooting and killing a new orleans police officer. a $10,000 aregard -- reward for travis boys' capture. he fired off a shot hitting 45-year-old daryle holloway into a head. boys fled the scene. it's not clear where he got that gun. police do not believe it was the officers. holloway a 22-year police veteran and father of three unfortunately died at the hospital. what a terrible story. developing right now, a new clue in the search for the missing former white house executive chef. investigators have traced his cell phone signal to a 12,000 foot peak in new mexico's taos ski valley. and now to extreme weather, brand-new video from d.c. remnants from tropical storm bill passed through over night. bill dumped nearly a foot of rain in many areas. dozens of families were rescued by raft in centerville, missouri. and today more storms are firing up in the midwest making a soggy fathers day for millions. a military dad reunited with his family he surprised his six kids at the nevada rodeo. the army national guardsman hadn't seen his family since december. >> missed birthdays and holidays and vacations, lots of things and the kids growing up learning how to talk learning how to walk. >> they grow up so fast. the children so happy to see their dad, the 9,000 people in the crowd gave the hero a standing ovation. >> he deserves it. >> ending on a happy note there. hillary clinton jumps into the race debate. >> once again, racist rhetoric has me tas at that sized into racist violence. >> what does that even mean if anything? is she speaking from the heart or capitalizing on controversy in her presidential bid? more coming up. more insult to injury for hurricane sandy victims. why they have to pay up for the government's goof. ♪ ♪ ♪ unbelievable! toenail fungus? seriously? smash it with jublia! jublia is a prescription medicine proven to treat toenail fungus. use jublia as instructed by your doctor. look at the footwork! most common side effects include ingrown toenail, application site redness, itching, swelling burning or stinging, blisters, and pain. smash it! make the call and ask your doctor if jublia is right for you. new larger size now available. ar and i feel great because i used the truecar app. truecar knows what other people paid for this car so i know if i'm getting a fair price. this is how car buying was always meant to be. this is truecar. 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>> well, it is and that's the problem is do we want to get used to this? is this the standard and look at america, with our history, we've been through a lot. we know about racism. we've become better people. it's a constant practice to become better individuals, but this is really demagogury it's appealing to emotions and fear. many people say fear is the greatest political moster if they had gone to charleston instead of france she would have seen a -- instead of san francisco, she would have been seen a community dealing with the atrocity singing in the streets, the reversal of hate. thdent obama and hillary clinton doing the opposite pointing fingers, condemning the country effectively and americans in general. >> should she wait until after the funerals for these victims happen before she starts going there. >> i see it as an opportunity for america to come together. when we have a memo of tragedy, we look for our leaders to stand together and say this isn't going to happen anymore. it is a serious issue. when you have a majority of millennials which is the largest generation in history who feel it is the biggest problem in history and they want their leaders to address this especially after a situation like this where racism was used as hate. >> but you think that some kind of a gun law could have been put in place to prevent this tragedy. which one? >> the gun debate is a very heated debate but the reality is we have more mass shootings in america than any other developed country in the world and any other developed country has these massive gun restrictions. we're not saying getting rid of all guns altogether but not making them so readily available for convicted rapists and criminals. >> this shooter was no a convicted criminal and rapist. >> should his father have passed it on to him, no? >> let me first of all it was birthday money given to him to which he bought the firearm, and the argument this does not happen which is what president obama said this does not happen in other countries. norway oslo france brazil mass shootings in england but the bottom line these are countries with gun control laws and this is the issue, bad guys will always get what they want. the point is that when you are looking at things that need to change, one of things in his manifesto said that he had to do it because there was no kkk, there was no major movement there was no neonazi movement in south carolina and i think as americans we do want to have this conversation but to move it into -- moving forward, favorite leftist political agendas. >> it's the majority opinion. >> everybody got their punches in. all right. thank you very much. this fathers day, add sparking outrage. >> i don't know how she raised three boys on her own with such grace. >> she did all of it. >> happy fathers day, mom. >> what? is this taking time away from special men? ♪ ♪ huh. the good news is my hypertension is gone. so why would you invest without checking brokercheck? check your broker with brokercheck. meet the world's newest energy superpower. surprised? in fact, america is now the world's number one natural gas producer... and we could soon become number one in oil. because hydraulic fracturing technology is safely recovering lots more oil and natural gas. supporting millions of new jobs. billions in tax revenue... and a new century of american energy security. the new energy superpower? it's red, white and blue. log on to learn more. well, some advice on parenting this fathers day. mark conslos explains how he became a father to his children being friends with my kids just isn't in the cards. it's not my job for them to like me. >> good morning, gentlemen, thank you for being with us. do you agree with mark? >> i agree with mark. i want my kids to like me but we don't need to be friends. i'm perfectly okay taking the unpopular position if it's a difference between them being happy with me in that moment or a great life lesson down the road that's going to benefit them there's no choice. >> that's obviously a good point. harder to pull off though when they are 16. >> i don't have a 16-year-old yet but i will say that i agree with mark. i think the overwhelming majority of woman say they don't want to be -- majority of men say they don't want to be their friend. they want to be their parent. it's more about being a parent first and instiling values of respect for themselves and others. >> respect for you, the father. >> friendship is an equal, a relationship of equals and that's not -- me and my kids -- >> you don't normally scold your friends very often, do you, dan? >> no. there's two principles the way i guide i father. integrity and accountability. within that space, there's firmness and discipline the integrity piece is look if i am out of line if i do something that kind of is against that father-child relationship i need to clean it up. i need to go back and be with her. >> so there's a new ad by angel soft which was a product of some kind and i want to show you part of the ad. it focuses on single mothers as a replacement for dads. watch. >> i don't know how she raised three boys on her own with such grace. >> i've definitely seen her try to juggle both mom, dad, and, you know everything else that she has to be for herself. >> she did all of it. >> happy fathers day mom. >> it's like men, who needs them? it's like a fish needs a bicycle. >> this is crazy to me. this ad. this might be an unpopular stance i support single mothers, it's amazing what they do. but it's fathers day. what are we doing, making fathers day now about mothers too? what about -- >> single moms do have to support their kids and be mom and dad in some situations i think that's what this ad is trying to get at. is it going too far? >> from as a business standpoint this is a brilliant move. honestly they are hitting an issue that is a huge social issue in the united states. 17 million kids under the age of 18 are raised by single moms that's a huge number. they are taking a position that is you know kind of bucking the trend. what i'm more interested in is what are they going to do post? now they put themselves into a position to potentially lead around a discussion around this issue? are they going to do anything about it? >> they have to an a very simple question is it a good thing that there are 17 million single moms or depressing? >> first off, it's absurd because it's a campaign. individually if that was your experience celebrate it but once you move into a larger campaign you are making a large statement and it doesn't belong in fathers day. i don't believe that. i think the other piece around it is you know fathers are just really getting a different level of respect in this country. while at the same time that you have these single moms you also have more single fathers than ever in history. nine times as many as we did in the 1960s and at the same time one out of three kids doesn't know their biological father. we need to have this conversation about fathers and i guarantee you, i could find enough fathers who raised their kids by themselves. >> any of these battle of sexes topics i always try to put the shoe on the other foot on mothers day if we were honoring single fathers but again that's not big an issue we're dealing with in american society. >> angel soft is excited because we've said their name 15 times. >> this is a dangerous position for them to be in. >> you'll all be back for our fathers day challenge at some time. >> how quickly can you change diapers? coming up next two block parties in two different cities erupting in deadly violence putting kids in the cross hairs? we'll tell you what happened. more insult to injury for victims of hurricane sunny. why they have to pay for the federal government's mistake. ♪ ♪ audible safety beeping audible safety beeping audible safety beeping the nissan rogue with safety shield technologies. the only thing left to fear is you imagination. nissan. innovation that excites. boy: once upon a time, there was a nice house that lived with a family. one day, it started to rain and rain. water got inside and ruined everybody's everythings. the house thought she let the family down. but the family just didn't think a flood could ever happen. the reality is floods do happen. protect what matters. call the number on your screen or visit the website to learn more. vo: today's the day. more and more people with type 2 diabetes are learning about long-acting levemir®. as my diabetes changed it got harder to control my blood sugar. today, i'm asking about levemir®. vo: levemir® is an injectable insulin that can give you blood sugar control for up to 24 hours. and levemir® helps lower your a1c. levemir® lasts 42 days without refrigeration. that's 50% longer than lantus® which lasts 28 days. levemir® comes in flextouch® the latest in insulin pen technology from novo nordisk. levemir® is a long-acting insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults and children with diabetes and is not recommended to treat diabetic ketoacidosis. do not use levemir® if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. the most common side effect is low blood sugar which may cause symptoms such as sweating, shakiness, confusion, and headache. severe low blood sugar can be serious and life-threatening. ask your doctor about alcohol use, operating machinery, or driving. other possible side effects include injection site reactions. tell your doctor about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions. check your blood sugar. your insulin dose should not be changed without asking your doctor. get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing, sweating, extreme drowsiness swelling of your face, tongue, or throat, dizziness, or confusion. today's the day to ask about levemir® flextouch®. covered by most health insurance and medicare plans. here at the td ameritrade trader group, they work all the time. sup jj? 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[ ringing ] >> we're calling up tucker's dad. good morning. >> hey, good morning. hi how are you this morning? >> hi pa how are you doing? >> hey, how are you? >> there's my father richard carlson. my father was a newsman it was a measure of my respect for him. >> look at the hair on that guy. >> i love the freedom strips. needless to say the picture was taken in the 1970s in los angeles, the original anchor man. >> that's the truth. we grew up in lajolla, california that had an effect on his life i have to say. >> what's the one big thing that you do now on the couch that you pick up from your dad? >> well, everything. there's nothing i didn't pick up from my father. he's my role model. i still have to lunch with him every week in washington. the one thing i learned from my daughter in this business is to be -- from my father in business was to be deeply skeptical of those in power, hold on what does that mean exactly? in a world where everyone accepts propaganda my father never did. i always admired that about him. >> sometimes kids don't want their parents -- some parents don't want their kids go into the same line of business. >> i encourage him to read a lot. this is a boy who red "war and peace." he told me years later he was influenced by the fact that i took him to a few murder scenes -- >> we were big on crime scenes when i was a kid. my father had a police pass we would someone would be pulled over and my dad would go this is a killing, let's go. it made it an really interesting life. >> i couldn't have had a greater son. >> thank you for that. >> we've got two second generationers on the couch. >> we're going to get to my dad and your dad coming up. gunshots erupting overnight at two block parties. one in detroit and another one is another city. police say someone at the party may have been targeted the second city philadelphia seven people shot there, including a children. the three kids are in stable condition. all of the victims expected to survive. police are still looking for the shooters in both incidents. and talk about adding insult to injury some hurricane sandy victims who got money from fema are now being told they have to give it back. the reason the agency says it overpaid them by mistake. some people are being told they owe thousands of dollars. lawmakers are working on legislation to allow fema to forgive those debts. and a remarkable bounce back at the u.s. open australian golfer jason day is back in the lead one day after collapsing on the course. he finished with three birdies on the last four holes. you can watch the final round coverage there today on fox. and those are your headlines. polar opposite pundits for years gone toe to toe here on fox. >> it's a pro choice answer which pro life will object. all of his cultural implications and assumptions are upper crust and elite. >> i think the democrats actually have something winning, jim. i really do. >> well it may be so. the democrats are up don't seem to agree with you. >> despite their differences, they agree on one thing, helping those in need. >> now both have been awarded for their selfless work and charity in health care with-onary dock rats. >> so this is a medical school that you actually thought about applying to many years ago. >> i went down there in 1978 to st. george's university thinking i wanted to be a medical doctor. obviously, i didn't have the stuff to make it so i'm here with you now, but i always wanted to be there, and so get a degree from st. george's university wow, i always wanted it since 1978. >> this was the place at the center of the grenada invasion. >> st. george's was one of place -- there was a ceremony every year for october 25th for the 19 servicemen that we lost. they have a memorial right on the campus. >> some of the services you help to offer. >> i actually work in south sudan and we make these beautiful hearts women who have seen somebody killed in front of them. jim's big thing is cure. 1900 the life expectancy was 48 years old. well jim pin kerrton had developed had cures project and they are going to present it to congress. they have gotten the life expectancy to 76 to 78. our gdp has gone up with it. if we put the money in for cures, like we did for polio and the march of dimes and like we did for smallpox that we will able to make a difference and help the u.s. economy and that is what st. george's university gave jim the doctorate for. >> when you sit down and listen to them, i'm carried away. >> jim is the smartest man i've ever met. >> you've helped so many people in your life through so many charitible endeavors. >> it's good for both jim and me and our charities, and i work our work in south sudan is a lot of medicine as well. we gave pads to teach the medical students had 12 pre-med students investing heavily in south sudan. we agree on his cures project. >> 37 years ago, you went to sane george's hoping to have them make you a doctor and now they have. >> well, they have but it's a different kind. >> are you going to start practicing because i have a scratchy throat? >> you got to go down to st. george's. we have a good faculty-student clinic there. >> brian williams ready to face the music for his dishonesty watch. >> hold me to account, judge me by as harsh a standard as you wish. many already have. that's fair. >> so he's being sent into exile, broadcast, it's called msnbc. is that a good idea? and check out this color foam that let's kids create art anywhere. the hottest summer toys coming up d. i've smoked a lot and quit a lot but ended up nowhere. now i use this. the nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq. i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. because it gives me... zero heartburn! prilosec otc. the number 1 doctor-recommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. quarter till the top of the hour quick headlines now. a dangerous subway stunt in new york city. a man rides the back of a subway train as it pull away from a station last week. the person on the flat porm -- platform posted the video on instagram. the images have been sent to the nypd. it turns out monster trucks do fly. 11-time monster truck thomas landing that stunning back flip in gillette stadium in massachusetts. he tried three times before sticking that landing. was it my first choice? no obviously, i wanted to return. we had had a great ten-year run. i pushed back at first. enough time has passed. i accept the decision. >> anchors away. officially brian williams loses his gig as nbc nightly news anchor. he's going over to msnbc after it was revealed he lied about multiple stories. if he's not good enough for nbc, why does he still work at the network? that's the question that's being asked. what do you think should happen to brian williams? >> well, first of all, his credibility is in complete tatters, if he's disqualified to deliver the news at nbc, how is he somehow qualified to give the news at msnbc? i think they should have waited longer to bring him back if at all. he blatantly lied and exaggerated. he told whales tales many times. they are going to be constantly questioning if this guy telling the truth or is he exaggerating? >> shouldn't news consumers always be asking that question of the people from whom they are getting that information? shouldn't we take a much more skeptical view of something such as "the new york times"? >> i totally agree with you. we know there's a vast left wing bias in media today and it's doing a great disservice to the american people. we know in every administration there's going to be good things the president does and failures. let us know what our government is doing because it affects our lives, but unfortunately msnbc is extremely left wing. it's in the balanced and so they are suffering a major ratings free fall because of it and because the viewers are basically, you know going to places where they can get the truth. >> so he's been sent over to nbc's cable channel which is really just pewee's funnous. -- funnous -- house. >> what they they need to start delivering the news objectively and fairly? right now, most people know they are going to be running cover for barack obama and hillary clinton and the dnc. news organizations are supposed to tell us the truth. brian williams needs to do two things. he needs to start telling the truth and stop exaggerating and he needs to be fair and objective when he starts delivering the news. >> it's great to see you. coming up president obama spending his fathers day weekend golfing, of course. while he's on the lush green course that state is suffering its worst drought in decade you wouldn't know it from the grass he's standing on. it's the first day of summer, up next we're showing you family fun inside and out. the best toys for summer we've got a ton of them here for you. stay tuned. ♪ ♪ >> here's are some activities for inside fun or you can do it outside too, i guess. lori is the toy insider mom. >> i started out with a beautiful table. toys are all over. mother nature did not get the memo today that the sun is supposed to be shining. games are a great choice. a classic game with a new twist. this is connect 4 twist and turn. like the old game we want to connect 4 in a row. initially you would try to do this to block me but look what happens, we can change up the whole board now. >> it's like connect 4 twisted with a rubicx cube. >> it doubles as a travel game. you are going to try to pick up one color and if you get more than one -- it's challenging. it's fun. >> this is a fun game for the kids to play and obviously the adults are going to like it too. so in my house, it's always flour and butter this is the soda pop station. kids can make really anything. and all they do is add water. all right. on the pixels. this is on the floor. the kids are putting it together. but this is a great activity for the kids too. they have these little cubes. they're making ninjas and wars and all kinds of great characters. but best of all, when they're ready, there's a little water gun in there. they spray it. it magically fuses together the characters. they put it on the stands and they go and play. >> not yet, not yet! >> first when we go outside, we have color foam. look what they're doing. you're not limited to the sidewalk. they can do this on grass, take it oto the beach. anywhere they want. >> we have super soakers. there's no other way to cool off in the summer. >> what's this? >> this is really great. you can bring this inside or outside. we have a ball. and it's kind of like volleyball. >> just upside down. >> just upside down. >> and what are these for? >> so you have your team. >> i just got points? >> you actually did because they missed it on the other end. very good. >> one for me. >> so this is inside or outside. >> and what about the super soakers? >> and the super soakers. we have the cross fire. >> are these things loaded? >> they are loaded. you have to turn it like this. this one has triple soakage. three different streams of water. and this is our flood fire. not only can we fill it with 43 ounces of water. but we attach a garden hose for unlimited soakage power. just that way. now go ahead. at me. 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the latest on the search just ahead. and in a few minutes, the church at the center of the horrible tragedy in south carolina is set to reopen its doors. it's sunday afterall. this after new disturbing details about the shooter and his online manifesto. and he's one of hollywood's most iconic dads. >> first, the wedding of our children. >> the wooding coordinator? what's a wedding coordinator? >> how well do you really know america's best fatherhood film? we're putting you to the test straight ahead. mornings are better with friends. ♪ >> happy father's day to all you dads out there. we are celebrating you this morning. we are putting dads to test with this obstacle course. >> that's right. that is real dad activities. you make a living stay up late paying taxes, working patiently with everyone else in your family. >> changing diapers. changing clothes. who is the fastest? i think you're involved? >> what are they doing to that kid? >> color commentary. >> it was raining in the studio earlier. he got soaked with the super soakers from the kids. >> i just spent the whole break getting blow dried on my collar. >> you called all your assistants out. the whole army. >> more dad ideas for gifts straight ahead as well. first we have to get to the fox news alert. police in upstate new york could be closing in on the two escaped prisoners. right now officers are swarming the new york/pennsylvania state border after an unconfirmed sighting near the railroad tracks. >> a resident observed while she was out in the barn area her dog was barking. and two -- she observed two individuals. very suspicious. >> the search area is nearly 350 miles away from the prison where killers richard matt and david sweat escaped more than two weeks ago. police are warning residents to be on high alert. there's also a $100,000 reward out for information leading to their arrest. this latest tip comes just one day after reports of two other possible sightings of the escapees in nearby stuben county. >> and you and i were both by the prison covering the story in the last two weeks. they concentrated the the search area just right there. and they never said why. they were spending a million dollars a day just to search a 16-square mile grid of woods and cars and everything that passed through. t but the question is going to really be out there in a bigger way if this turns out to be them. why did they focus so much on a small area in the prison if it turns out these guys were potentially on foot just following the train tracks heading south? >> and you made a smart point. these are guys who showed a remarkable level of forethought, ingenuity and cleverness. still, they're not stupid. it's obvious they're not. they go to all this trouble to escape prison and walk? isn't it more plausible someone picked them up and they're in mexico? >> yeah in fact some people think this joyce mitchell who is now behind bars who apparently had some sort of loving relationship to put it lightly, with these two. a love triangle. many are thinking she was plan "b" or some sort of distraction. other people whether on the inside or outside of the prison who have been helping these two gentlemen. >> and of course consistent with that you think, how did they get there? what have they been eating for the last two weeks? if they are really only 350 miles away in new york, maybe they didn't have anybody else helping. >> these are bad guys. one is a cocktailer. the other killed their boss and chopped them into a dozen pieces. these are bad, bad guys. the more time goes by the more desperate they're going to get. we had randy sutton on the program earlier. he says the guys are certainly dangerous and believe they would be armed by now. take a listen. >> i would be surprised after this amount of time and the amount of distance they have had that they are armed by now. there's a lot of rural residences there. vacation homes where they could have gone in. they could have gotten food. they've been living on something. they've been forging and stealing. it's just a matter of time before one of the homes they got into didn't have a firearm, i would be shocked. and they are desperate people. this is their last shot at freedom. so this is exceedingly dangerous for law enforcement. whoever comes in contact with these people is in serious danger. >> nothing to lose. >> and as we reported the alleged accomplice joyce mitchell told police she was going to drive them seven hours away somewhere. she didn't know where. if you look on google map, the place where the suspected sighting is six hours and 16 minutes. maybe they took off on foot to go where they were planning to go. >> is it plausible they walked two weeks and were not -- >> they were only searching in one area. >> and if they were smart they would split up. then you have two trails to look out for. >> we'll see. we will see. another fox news alert this morning. right now, you are looking live outside emanuel ame church as kids arrive for sunday school. >> police are now looking over a racist manifesto believed to be derived from the shooter. >> kingsley is from charleston as they try to heal. >> they're waiting for sunday school to open up. at 9:30 you have the church service. there's been memorials, and prayers outside the church. the fbi and police are looking at an online manifesto. we have chosen at a network not to release at this time. we have new pictures of this guy standing in front of his car with confederate flag plates. another holding a flag he is urn being. jerry richardson from south carolina, the owner of the carolina panthers organization decided to donate $100,000 to help pay for the funerals. $90,000 or $10,000 for each of the victims' families and another for the church. and as far as the first funeral arrangements that have already been planned, south carolina state senator and the reverend of this church clementa pinckney he was one of the victims, his funeral will be on friday. first on wednesday, his casket will be at the state house for a public viewing. on this urz the casket will go to a columbia church for a viewing in the morning, and then in the evening the casket will be brought here at night for another viewing here. and then friday funeral services at 11:00 a.m. at the arena in downtown charleston at the college of charleston. back to you, anna tucker and peter. >> thanks a lot, ainsley. >> and in the week of this tragedy, too, a lot of people thinking about security at church. is it enough? you're facing the preacher. he's the only one facing the back of the church. many times your eyes are closed. your hands are open in prayer and you're essentially a sitting duck. there's a debate about should churches be hiring security? should we be giving armed and trains pastors and beacons and other elders in the community? >> and we have both sides of this. first listen to this. >> the good thing about being a concealed carry holder is you are concealed. nobody would know i was armed except for r the small inner circle of elders and church administrators. and it would just be unknown thing. but it would get ut that a pastor might be armeded, which is again a deterrent. that alone may save some lives. >> i agree with having security in the sanctuary to protect folks, but the pastor being strapped while here's preaching and praying and singing and reading scripture just doesn't seem to be appropriate for that space. >> yeah, i don't know. i'm as pro gun as anybody. i hunt. i'm a firearm owner many times. i got to say, this is a safe country. this is a horrible deed. but there are 320 million people in the the country, and most are super nice and law-abiding and decent. you don't face a risk when you go to church. i'm sorry. this happened. it's a tragedy. it doesn't mean every church is dangerous. they're not. they're really safe. >> and sometimes you feel more unsafe when protocols like this are put in place. like having metal detectors at schools or shopping malls. it makes people think, oh man, i need my guard up even more. that's what this guy wants. that's what terrorists want. >> the big question i have is say pastors do start carrying guns during services. what will happen? how will it change if they have to shoot and kill someone in a church? >> and the offering levels will go up a lot if you felt like the pastor was carrying. >> you think so? >> you just said you thought it was a bad idea. >> all i'm saying i'm always for the choice to defend yourself always and everywhere. i'm for that. i just think we need to keep a sensible attitude about risk. taking a shower is much more dangerous than going to church or flying on an airplane or all kinds of other things we fret about. hillary clinton sees racists under every bed. but most americans are people of good will and good hearts. you are not in danger in church. i'm sorry. i just have to say that. >> and if this guy is a racist fine call him a racist. it doesn't mean all americans are are racist. all right, now other stories making headlines. a frantic hunt is going on for a man accused of shooting and killing a new orleans police officer. a $10,000 reward is now being offered for the capture of travis boyd. police say he's double jointed and used that to escape handcuffs and get ahold of a gun while being taken to jail. that's when boyd is accused of shooting 45-year-old officer darrell holloway in the head. causing him to crash into a utility pole. boyd then took off. it's not clear where he got the gun. police do not believe it was the officer. holloway a 22-year police veteran and father of three unfortunately died at the hospital. and right now, a brand new clue in the search for the missing former white house executive chef who vanished more than a week ago. investigators have traced his cell phone signal to a 12,000 foot peak in new mexico's south ski valley from the day he vanished. searchers believe he was hiking down the mountain when he disappeared. he served under president bill clinton and president george w. bush. and now to extreme weather. brand new video from the d.c. area. remnants of tropical storm bill passed through the northeast, knocking down tree limbs and raising flooding concerns. this after the same system drenched the central plains dumpling a foot of rain in the same areas. rivers continue to spill over the banks, leading to dozens of families being rescued by rafts. and today more storms are firing up in the midwest, making a soggy father's day for millions. and one strike away from perfect in the nation's capitol. >> 0-2 pitch, and a hit to left. taylor going back and matt scherzer has the no hitter. >> since this is your team i'm going to let you go for this. >> matt had to settle for a no hitter. he was a strike away from a perfect game and he hit the last batter in the elbow. many fans on social media and one fan on the couch think that guy leaned into the pitch to end the perfect game pitch. scherzer said he was let down but thrilled to get the no hitter. i know the batter's job is to get on base. but look at that. >> good good good good and i'm going to let it hit me. >> let me put my elbow pad on. >> yeah the catcher is set up there. he didn't move the glo much. and he had a giant shield on his elbow. he didn't feel it. >> if you're going to get hit and ruin. >> coming up next yet another -- yet another, let me stress that cash controversy for hillary clinton. she charged the boys and girls club $200,000 to speak. she didn't donate any of the money to charity. she didn't give it back. she didn't even stay to meet the kids. how much does she care about the little guy? chris wallace weighs in from washington next. when heartburn comes creeping up on you... fight back with relief so smooth...'s fast. tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue ...and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ♪ tum, tum tum tum...♪ smoothies! only from tums. so you're a small business expert from at&t? yeah, give me a problem and i've got the solution. well, we have 30 years of customer records. our cloud can keep them safe and accessible anywhere. my drivers don't have time to fill out forms. tablets. keep them all digital. we're looking to double our deliveries. our fleet apps will find the fastest route. oh, and your boysenberry apple scones smell about done. ahh, you're good. i like to bake. with at&t get up to $400 dollars in total savings on tools to manage your business. kelley blue book... it's the trusted resource. and now, has a whole new way to help you decide on your next new car by showing you what really matters. use 5-year cost to own to compare the long term cost of maintenance insurance and gas. read reviews. woman: gas milage is awesome. from actual owners and kelley blue book experts. and get the full picture on what it's like to own the cars you're considering before i had the shooting, burning, pins-and-needles of diabetic nerve pain, these feet... ...served my country... ...carried the weight of a family... ...and walked a daughter down the aisle. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is fda-approved to treat this pain. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new, or worsening depression or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. and my biggest reason to walk... ...calls me grandpa. ask your doctor about lyrica. today chris wallace sits down with one of their competitors, rick perry. so how will he measure up against this. here to weigh in is chris wallace. what do you think rick perry is going to say today? >> well you know i think he's going to take a second chance to make a first impression. obviously his candidacy is weighted down by the fact that he ran. and i fair to say embarrassed himself in 2012 most famously when he tried to remember three government agencies he wanted the to shut down and couldn't remember the third. i think he's running to show that he's better and stronger than that. in fact it now turns out he had major back surgery just before he announced he was getting in. he wasn't sleeping. he was taking pain pills. which is a great way to run for president. i think he's going to try to show he's better than he was in 2012. this is a much tougher, much stronger field than 2012. and i think he's going to keep climbing. there's a lot of sitting governors, a lot of sitting senators. i think it's going to be tough for him. >> conservatives are sitting back and waiting for one of these stories about hillary clinton's finances to get some attention with her approval numbers. will this have an effect? she has taken literally millions from nonprofits over the years. including $200,000 from bows and girls clubs, didn't doe nalt any of the money back and refused to meet with the kids there. will this have an effect on her claim that she's a woman of the people? >> i doubt it. what makes the story particularly interesting is the fact that condoleezza rice also spoke to the same boys and girls club just in the los angeles area i think, they paid her $60 $60,000, and she gave the money back to the charity. hillary clinton, as you say, didn't give the money back to the charity. it was $200,000. and she had it contributed to her family foundation some could argue, well, she wanted the money to go to her charity, not their charity. it's curious they're offering tens and thousands of dollars to anyone to speak, but secondly that somebody would take the money and run, if you will. >> who else is on the show today? you have former governor perry. >> first of all, we're talking about the horrific massacre in charleston. we'll have a live report from the area. we'll have a very interestinging panel, including donna edwards of maryland and karl rove. other people to talk about, you know first of all, we see these crimes. this is a particularly brutal one. but we see them too often, these mass shootings. what if anything can be done about it. the president talks about gun control. others talk about faith and family. we'll then get into something that has been overlooked. this was the extraordinary comment from the pope on global warming. and finally, as you say, we'll talk to rick perry, the former governor of texas and a current presidential candidate. >> we'll be watching. thanks chris. >> you bet. bye, guys. >> coming up on the program. two people seriously injured at major league baseball games in the last three weeks. what rights do you have if it happens to you? bob matthew explains how teams can skirt the blame next. >> then do you have what it takes to be the best father? can you make enough to pay your kids' tuition? we have a heated competition ahead. boy: once upon a time, there was a nice house that lived with a family. one day, it started to rain and rain. water got inside and ruined everybody's everythings. the house thought she let the family down. but the family just didn't think a flood could ever happen. the reality is floods do happen. protect what matters. get flood insurance. call the number on your screen to learn more. if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. isn't it time to let the real you shine through? introducing otezla apremilast. otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. some people who took otezla saw 75% clearer skin after 4 months. and otezla's prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. otezla may increase the risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. side effects may include diarrhea nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you're pregnant or planning to be. ask your doctor about otezla today. otezla. show more of you. all right now for some news by the numbers. from the control room first 18 holes in southern california. president obama going green this father's day weekend. golfing on a course in palm springs. that city one of the hardest hit by the drought, and the outing as the country mourned the charleston massacre. next $115. that's how much the average person will spend on father's day gift this year according the national retail federation. that's up $2 from last year. and finally $0. dad doesn't have to spend a dime at some spots. he can pick up a free entree and a free workout at a ufc gym. tucker? well friends, some parents may be able to relate to moments like this. >> mrs. mommy keep the extra diapers? hey! cowards. yep, parenting isn't always easy but new stats show they are up for the first time in seven years. >> in celebration of parenthood we invited some of the members of our dad panel to take part in a fun baby obstacle course. joining us is the editor of the bump julia wang. good morning. thanks for being with us. >> thanks for having me. you have to know how to swad l a baby feed a baby. >> we have our good sport here. each have to change the baby's diaper and then put them into their onesie and swad l them. pack your diber bag and hand it off to your teammates. >> you look official. >> ready to roll here. >> i'm a well oiled diaper changing machine. >> my oldest is 20. it's been a while. >> get the babies into the baby carrier, and take the diaper bag and run for the finish line. >> all right. >> all right. are you guys ready? on the count of three. >> you better get close. can we get some fun music going. in three, two, one, go! >> this is happening. oh my god. tucker is moving a little on the slow side here. i think james is definitely moving on. come on, tucker, you can do it. >> oh wow. >> tucker, the baby's neck is very delicate. >> oh baby's got to breathe. all right, swad l time. oh nice. i like the burrito tucking here. let's go. everything in there. >> don't put the baby in the bag. >> you have to get the babies in. that's a harness there. >> how does this work? >> oh, boy. >> brutal. >> see moms this is why you are needed. >> the consumer safety commission has just issued a warning for your arrest. l. >> nice teamwork, guys. >> that's it. >> his isn't strapped in. i'm trying to be responsible. >> nice going. >> you can be too responsible. >> there are no losers here on father's day. >> no, there are. there are losers. there are a lot. i saw interesting techniques with swaddling and i saw a baby being thrown. >> tossed. >> tossed. it was a nice football toss. >> caught it and brought it to my chest. >> nice save. >> his instincts kicked in there as he grabbeded and threw the child. >> good sports guys. >> make a living and pay the tuition, too. >> okay. boy, we just won. >> i know. and you get a little prisz here. right? oh there it is. what is this? just bring it out. >> it's a baby bottle. oh. for the champion here. congratulations, gentlemen, i bet your wives are pouds and children happy and well adjusted. >> here's what's coming up on "fox & friends weekend." do you remember when president obama made a promise? >> we reached out to more than 215,000 members to make sure we're getting them off weight lists and into clinics both inside and outside the va system. >> did that really happen? a disturbing new report about the wait times our veterans are dealing with now? >> and are you still thinking about a father's day gift. he totally spaced out today is father's day. we're helping him find the perfect pretend for his dad coming up. ♪ there's something out there. it's a highly contagious disease. it can be especially serious- even fatal to infants. unfortunately, many people who spread it may not know they have it. it's called whooping cough. and the cdc recommends everyone, including those around babies, make sure their whooping cough vaccination is up to date. understand the danger your new grandchild faces. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about you and your family getting a whooping cough vaccination today. doug. you've been staring at that for a while, huh? listen, td ameritrade has former floor traders to help walk you through that complex trade. so you'll be confident enough to do what you want. i'll pull up their number. blammo. let's get those guys on the horn. oooo. looks like it is time to upgrade your phone, douglas. for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got this. another day for fox & friends. and segment producer ali and her dad. she's on the right. he's our senior priceeroducer gavin and his boys. >> and tammy wishes her husband bill a happy father's day. >> line producer marissa dunn and her dad. >> megan mcdonald's and mer sisters. it's also her mom's birthday today. happy birthday. >> happy better. >> and nicole pepperman, better known as pep around here and her dad. >> and we have the boss. dan and their kids. >> and my dad is on the phone roigt now right? did he call us? you set that up right? >> are you there? >> good morning. >> hey, dad. >> hi, tucker peter. >> anna's dad is a frequent presence in the studio and beloved by everybody. >> there he is. >> i feel like it's a second home almost. >> dad, how are you celebrating today. >> oh ya. the carrot cake will be wonderful. we're going to join michael and molly, his wife and susan's mom this afternoon and go bolling. >> boeling. i actually am happy i'm missing that. i would like to be there, but not for the bowling. for the cake instead. >> the question we always have about anna. she's the world's nicest person as you know and totally sincere and genuine. we she always this way or out of control in high school? be honest. >> well she had her moments. but she's been a focused individual her whole life. we used to take her o to mer's day out at the church. whether susan would pick her up or i would pick her up depending who had the longest list of work to do at the the store, the teacher would say anna always had the big picture. she would tell the kids don't run with scissors. and the other kids would say but i like to run with scissors. anna would say because we might fall and hurt ourselves. >> and mother's day at preschool, you always wanted me to be a very girly girl. i was more athletic. >> let me tell the story. >> yeah go ahead. >> one day susan was at work early. so i'm dressing anna for mother's day out. i come into the store. susan said how did it go? what did you put on her? what did she wear. and so i describe this light sun dress and on and on. she said i don't foe that. she said that's a slip. >> how is it on father's day calling in and talking to your daughter on the center seat on "fox & friends." >> oh i love it. timpbl me. it's wonderful to see her up there. and actually we miss anna dearly obviously. but i think she might miss us more than we miss her because we get to see her all the time. >> great point. i'm jealous. >> but we're going to see you in a couple of weeks, and that will be great. >> yep, we'll see you on the fourth of july dad. happy father's day. i hope you get some strikes. >> i a feeling today will be the 300 bowling day at the alley. >> happy father's day, wally. >> thanks guys. >> i love when we get to do that. we need to get to headlines. you remember when president obama made this promise to our nation's heros? those wait lists are 50% losser than last year according to "the new york times". hospitals have been seeing more patients and the demand has been overwhelming. we will never forget the last 9/11 relics left behind as mementos are given out. now nearly empty. it's all part of a ten-year program. so far, 1500 entities have received a piece of the the dark day in our nation's history. and overnight, pope francis visits the shroud in northern italy, pausing for a silent prayer. the burial lit-in is believed to have once covered the body of jesus christ. hundreds of thousands have gone to see the shroud since it went on display in april and will remain at the cathedral until june 24th. it's 5:00 somewhere. tucker and peter over to you. >> nicely put, anna. it's father's day. did you forget to buy a gift? not too late. >> we have a lifestyle expert here with last-minute gifts. really last-minute gifts that dad will love. what do we got? >> so we have some scotch whiskey, great for reminiscing about all the memories you made. you can drink it on the rocks or neat. and the best part is it was made by a father and son duo. and they started with one distillery. >> yeah exactly. >> when i was a kid, ah! >>. >> exactly. and it's under $30. >> really? >> yeah it doesn't break the bank. >> it's a good way for a son to say i want to have a drink. >> bombay sapphire. this is the joyce of all true gin and tonic efficianados. >> thgs literally why i don't drink nick. it's that good. >> which of these would go better with the breakfast in bed. >> it depends on your dad, right? >> all dads shave. not so much anymore. some still do shave. >> so in my family i grew up with three brothers. dad taught them all to shave. this is a great way to bring the barbershop back into the home. art of shaving has a lexington collection. this actually reacts to the contours of your face. >> look at that. and oh dad is the boss. hugo boss. this frigagrance reminds me of my dad. very stylish. a counselor modern man scent. exactly. spray that on. >> i don't want to get it in my face like i'm macing myself. >> and it's called bottle boss intense. it's exclusively at nordstrom and it's $79. >> and in a pinch, you can drink it. >> it's so much better over here now. >> you guys smell great. >> thanks for joining us. >> thanks for having me. >> thank, guys. 20 minutes until the top of the hour. we've seen the amazing images of faith and prayer coming out of the tragedy in charleston south carolina. you may not know america's interest in religion is at the lowest level ever. jonathan morris joins us with why faith is so important in times like these. and two people seriously injured at major league baseball games in the last three weeks. what rights do you have if something like this happens to you? bob explains how teams can be skirting the blame ahead. but first, more fox & friends staff photos on this father's day. oh no. who are you? daddy, this is blair he booked this room with priceline express deals and saved a ton. i got everything i wanted..... i always do. he seemed nice. now? can i at least put my shoes on? if your bladder is calling the shots ... you may have a medical condition called overactive bladder ... ...or oab you've got to be kidding me. i've had enough! it's time to talk to the doctor. ask your doctor how myrbetriq may help treat... ...oab symptoms of urgency frequency, and leakage. which may mean fewer trips to the bathroom. myrbetriq (mirabegron) may increase your blood pressure. myrbetriq may increase your chances... ...of not being able to empty your bladder. tell your doctor right away if you have... ...trouble emptying your bladder or have a weak urine stream. myrbetriq may affect... ...or be affected by other medications... tell your doctor about all the medicines you take. before taking myrbetriq, tell your doctor if you have liver or kidney problems. common side effects include increased blood pressure, common cold symptoms, urinary tract infection, and headache. take charge by talking to your doctor about your oab symptoms and myrbetriq. find out if you can get your first prescription at no cost by visiting i am totally blind. and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24. learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit brand new polls showing faith and religion dropped this year to 42%. the lowest point ever. >> but this sunday the tragic event in south carolina and the murders there, the unbelievable forgiveness showed by the victims' families reinforced why faith does matter. looking at live pictures in charleston where services are about to get under way. >> they're not going to let this dampen their spirits. here to weigh in is father jonathan morris. thank you so much. >> good morning. >> when these terrible tragedies happen you can go one of two ways if you're a person of faith. you can lose it or find strength in it. how do you think these nine victims' families have been able to forgive so quickly? >> well i remember as soon as it happened my first thought, knowing charleston and knowing the great faith tradition of the historic black churches in the south, that if this guy was trying to divide the country, trying to push an agenda of division of hate he was going to fill miserably. when we see 200,000 people right afterwards singing amazing grace, that's a failure on his part. the statistics we just show 42% of americans have faith in religion i don't know if i would say i have faith in religion. i have faith in god. right? and i think that's why those statistics can be very confusing. let's put it this way. as low as that sounds and i can understand why faith and religion would be down, how about faith in government. where is that? that would be way further. the institution of faith is very strong in the united states. but they ask people to look outside themselveses in god. when faith declines does selfishness increase? >> yes. we're not opening up our eyes and looking up to god and serving other people. to see all of these families in front of the killer himself saying we will forgive you and we put justice in the hands of god and not in our own hands, that's a very powerful a very american a very beautiful thing. >> and how much will it help or will it help in the healing process for those families to forgive the person who killed whar thoved ones before they had a chance to bury them? >> well so many families who have even wanted the death penalty, for example, in the past for different things have come up very clearly and say, you know it didn't fix anything for me. it didn't make things get better. and i think it's because -- >> so interviewed after the fact. >> many. of course i'm not giving scientific studies. >> but it was comfort to them. >> and the reason i think is precisely to your question peter. the forgiveness of letting go of things we cannot change. you know we can't change the fact this murder happened. we can't. letting it go and saying it's in god's hands and i'm not the one who can bring real justice, even if i take that person's life. that's a temporary thing. and i think being able to let go and let god, at least according to my belief is a way towards healing. >> what will this do for nonbelievers when they see the strength of the community offering forgiveness. will they see that side? or will they see the ugliness in the world? >> i wouldn't say they can't forgive. there's is a natural forgiveness that can happen. if you don't believe in eternal justice, it would be hard to forgive and hold back on temporary justice. right? i this many nonbelievers still have a tremendous ability to forgive. that's the ability of the human soul. >> this is super natural. no person without aid from someone else can do that. >> can i say happy father's day to my father? who i love very very much. dad, happy father's day. i know we were supposed to wrap. >> happy father's day. >> heading to the ballpark this summer watch out? baseball is really dangerous. two people injured in the past three weeks. do you have legal rights if it happens to you? bob matthew joins us live. >> and you can say it runs ineir family. a daughter follows her father's military footsteps all the way to the same base. their unique stories just in time for father's day next hour. ...and the wolf was huffing and puffing... kind of like you sometimes, grandpa. well, when you have copd it can be hard to breathe. it can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. so i talked to my doctor. she said.. doctor: symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections osteoporosis, and some eye problems. you should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. grandfather: symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. watch out, piggies! child giggles doctor: symbicort. breathe better starting within 5 minutes. call or go online to learn more about a free prescription offer. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. good morning, friends. a foul ball scare sent a young man to the hospital. the boy was sitting in the front row along the first baseline when he was hit. it's the second mlb accident in three weeks. >> on june 5th a boston red sox fan tonya carpenter was seriously injured when a shattered bat flew into the stands at fenway park. >> when you go to sporting events what are your rights and what do you need to know here to break it down is bob massey. good morning. thanks for being with us. we don't want to encourage anybody to be too happy about anything but when you go to a sporting event, you have the expectation to go home in one piece. >> what rights does somebody is to sue for damages if they get hit in the head? >> when you go to sporting events, you sort of assume the risk of what you're doing in the event you're going to. particularly when you sit in areas where there's an expectation that a bat could fly into the stands or a baseball could fly into the stands. as a result of that there's a theer are i called assumption of the risk. they also put warning signs up on the back of your ticket. so the law over the years has gone in favor of the the owners. where, in fact most of the cases are found in this type of area usually the courts rule in favor of the owners. >> so what is the baseball rule exactly? what are the exceptions? >> well let's say behind home base they have the net. if in fact a ball will go through a net and there was a hole in the net. it wasn't properly maintained that's a different story. now the owners have put something up there to protect you from harm. and you have a duty to make sure it's in proper repair. there's no holes. there's no way somebody could be injured. or we've seen unfortunately in some of these games, people get beat up and don't provide adequate security those are usually the ways anna where there's a sort of way to get the liability to these kinds of cases. but because of the costs, if you let people sue just readily to go after people the cost of tickets and everything else would go up. so that's why the the law is saying wait a second we're here to protect the owners in this case unless there's something they created that was not properly maintained. >> and have there been any laws or legislation kicking around that are passed the owners instead of the fans? >> yeah, it's different. different areas of the law have created immunities or caps. i think colorado illinois and there may be other states. they say look even if you try to sue us the legislatures are protecting the owners. why? because the economy and how much having professional sports increases the economy, the money that flows into the cities and the states is huge. if they just readily allow people to sue owners, and that's why the lelgtgislators have passed immunity laws or caps if there is a lawsuit filed. >> moral of the story, sit in the nosebleed. >> wear a helmet. >> tell your father happy father's day. i love your dad, peter. he's a good man. >> will do. thank you. >> thanks so much bob. >> if you have any questions for bob, e-mail friends -- what does it say? log onto fox& donald trump making a big slash joining the presidential race. how did the donald resonate with voters? and this dad just got the best father's day gift a guy could get. a return home. the soldier's surprise sure to make you smile on a sunday. i've smoked a lot and quit a lot but ended up nowhere. now i use this. the nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq. congratulations. you're down with crestor. yes! when diet and exercise aren't enough, adding crestor lowers bad cholesterol up to 55%. crestor is not for people with liver disease or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. tell your doctor all medicines you take. call your doctor if you have muscle pain or weakness, feel unusually tired have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine or yellowing of skin or eyes. these could be signs of serious side effects. i'm down with crestor! make your move. ask your doctor about crestor. there you are, friends. thank you so much for joining us on "fox & friends" weekend. safe in the face of tragedy. worshipers o filing into emanuel ame church for the first time since a gunman killed nine people there. but has the tragedy turned political? >> once again racist rhetoric has become racist violence. >> we're live on the ground as some candidates turn it into a campaign issue. >> and closing in on the killers. a small town in new york state on lockdown. brand new video shows us roadblocks as police hunt down their first sighting. they're calling it credible. we are live just outside the search area with the latest details just ahead. and you can say it runs in their family. a daughter follows her father's military footsteps all the way to the same base. they join us live with their patriotic story just in time for father's day. and it's because mornings are better with friends. ♪ ♪ tucker! >> tucker throwing a baby. >> it was over hand throwing. that wasn't just like here gently catch this. that's an over -- you spiked it like you just scored a touchdown in the championship game. >> as a father of father i can tell you we coddle our children too much. independence toughness, resilience these are the qualities we want in our kids. >> your oldest is 20. >> she is tough. she's? jacksonville wyoming, she's in great. helicopter parenting destroys kids. >> they have the coffee and the baby bottle. >> are you calling it helicopter parenting because you threw the kid? >> they're fine. >> everything is fine. >> it is father's day. happy father's day to all of you at home. you know the the dad bod people have talked about. the baby weight not just moms gain but dads gain too. we have a fitness segment coming up in 50 minutes. >> how to get big and strong to throw a kid like tucker. >> a perfect spiral. we want to begin with a fox news alert the from south carolina. worshipers are at the charleston church where a crazed gunman murdered nine people this week. >> mother emanuel getting ready to begin the service just four days after the massacre. >> ainsley is live in charleston as the community tries to heal. good morning, ainsley. >> good morning, peter. you know we've been covering this all week. and ever since wednesday, at least. and today the scene here obviously everyone is excite had the church is back open fwen. they're happy they can be inside and be together. however, it's bittersweet. i want to show you what's happening at the top of the stairs. you have all these police officers that are patting people down. they're looking through bags. it's just bittersweet. because is this the new norm as you enter into a church on sunday? i had a chance to go in and ask the officers if i could zip in for a little prayer. they're only letting members in at this point. the church is packed. i said a prayer in the back of the room and stepped away. and you know it's interesting this is happening on a sunday morning. as they're doing that and searching for weapons, police officers and fbi investigators are looking through all the details of hate. the focus at the church is togetherism. >> it's been breaking my heart. i couldn't be anywhere else on a sunday morning. >> we know many of the families and so we came here simply because we wanted to support them. >> no one wants to be a victim of such a heinous tragedy. but today and this entire week since the tragedy, we are united as one. >> and that's the message they want to send to the country this morning. they are together. they are yibltunited in that church. at 10:00 a.m. the city of charleston all the churches will be ringing their bells at the same time. and at 7:45 the there will be a unity chain and a unity marge across the bridge which connects downtown charleston to mt. pleasant south carolina. so we have big community involvement in the city here today. there's a church in ex-door. you can hear the music there. a lot of people coming by to pray and just to be here and remember those individuals. back to you, peter, tucker and anna. >> and you mentioned the pat-downs the congregation is going through. it's certainly a topic of conversation since it's a soft target in many ways. and there are talks of trying to give arms to preachers and deacons and have security there. also sparking debate on gun control. >> yes, it is. hillary clinton never missing an opportunity to help her political fortune. she turned this tragedy into a campaign issue. promising in a speech before the nation's nay yor to make gun control a big part of her platform if elected president. she also attacked what she called racist rhetoric that has turned once again, she said into racist acts. >> we as a nation still allow guns to fall into the hands of feel whose hearts are filled with hate. you can't watch massacre after massacre and not come to the conclusion that as president obama said we must tackle this challenge with urgency and conviction. bodies are once against being carried out of a black church. >> and you know she's talking about rhetoric. that's all that her remarks really are, because we've seen time and again, including after the sandy hook tragedy, there's no appetite on capitol hill to make a meanful change to the way the gun laws work. >> what would the changes be? this is a politician who makes laws. what gun laws specifically would have prevented this tragedy. also what is this rhetoric you're talking about? and name please other examples where it led to violence. she couldn't. she's demagoguing. these using this as the opportunity to boost her police political fortune. she should be called out for it. >> america is not a gun meap nation. conservatives are not racist and gun happy either and this clown, this horrific terrible people is the exception to the rule not the rule. >> and something we're seeing with hillary clinton there. she's the presumptive nominee. normally you see them shift towards the center to pick up independents. she is moving to the left. the liberals the progressives want her to firm progressive positions. >> she has to win. so her message is really clear. her message is this is the position of the other party. they hate you. they're bigots. vote for me. you can win without saying stuff like that. >> it's a busy morning on fox & friends news weekend. brand new video of the search for those killers in upstate new york. >> police now chasing a new lead as someone calls in a credible sighting hundreds of miles from where the prisoners escaped. david lee miller is live where the search is under way. good morning. >> good morning. it's not without irony that the massive search now taking place is in and around the town of friendship new york. the welcoming committee, if you will for the two fugitives, consistents of a number of different law enforcement agencies including the state police the sheriff's department and the u.s. marshal service. there are now roadblocks set up around the perimeter of the community. it's a small community of 2,000. earlier helicopters were flying overhead. a number of residents have been told they were not going to be allowed to return to their homes. now this community is about 370 miles from the clinton correctional facility from which the two inmates escaped. last week there were two separate sightings of the men and more recently authorities say they got a tip the two were in the town of friendship. >> it's been reported while she was out in the barn area her dog was barking and two individuals -- she observed two individuals. she called the police and law enforcement right away. as a result law enforcement has directed a very strong perimeter in that area. trying to locate these two individuals. >> one quick point to be aware of. this is now day 16 since the massive man hunt got under way. if you dho the math the distance and the days, the two fugitives, in order to be at this location would had to cover 23 miles a day on average. that's the latest from outside of friendship new york. back to you. >> almost a marathon a day. >> it is. who knows. they got a bicycle, somebody picked them up. these guys are cleflver enough to tunnel their way out of prison. >> it would add a lot to the prison if it was a tandem bicycle. some other stories making headlines, another frantic man hunt for a man accused of shooting and killing a new orleans police officer. a $10,000 reward is now being offered for the capture of travis boyd. police say he's double jointed and used that to escape hand gulfs and get ahold of a gun. that's when he's akulzed of shooting 45-year-old officer darrell holloway in the head, causing him to crash into a utility pole. he then took off. it's not clear where he got the gun. police do not believe it was the officer's. holloway a 22-year police veteran and father of three unfortunately died at the hospital. and hundreds of united airline passengers are forced to sleep of the floor at belfast ireland airport after their flight diverted to let off a disrupted passenger. the next flight to chicago not taking off until two hours from now. not enough local hotel rooms for all 269 passengers on board. and officials not letting them get their checked bags for toiletries or clothes hereto. the unruly passenger was arrested. passengers say he was yelling at a woman on the flight. and just in time for father's day. a military dad is reunited with his familys family. the officer surprising his six kids at the rodeo. he hadn't seen them since december. >> missed birthdays and holidays and vacations, and lots of things. and the kids growing up. learning how to talk. >> the 9,000 people in the crowd gave the hero a standing ovation. and we can't forget about the sacrifices the family makes, too. coming up next, donald trump made a big splash joining the presidential race. how did he resonate with early republican voters? did they like him? the great dr. frank luntz has the results next. and a strike away from perfection. pitcher matt scherzer misses it. the controversy around that call straight ahead. if you're an adult with type 2 diabetes and your a1c is not at goal with certain diabetes pills or daily insulin your doctor may be talking about adding medication to help lower your a1c. ask your doctor if adding once-a-week tanzeum is right for you. once-a-week tanzeum is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes along with diet and exercise. once-a-week tanzeum works by helping your body release its own natural insulin when it's needed. tanzeum is not recommended as the first medicine to treat diabetes or in people with severe stomach or intestinal problems. tanzeum is not insulin. it is not used to treat type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis and has not been studied with mealtime insulin. do not take tanzeum if you or your family have a history of medullary thyroid cancer or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you're allergic to tanzeum or any of its ingredients. stop using tanzeum and call your doctor right away if you experience symptoms of a serious allergic reaction which may include itching, rash, or difficulty breathing; if you have signs of pancreatitis, such as severe stomach pain that will not go away and may move to your back, with or without vomiting; or if you have symptoms of thyroid cancer which include a lump or swelling in your neck hoarseness, trouble swallowing or shortness of breath. before using tanzeum talk to your doctor about your medical conditions, all medicines you're taking, if you're nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. and about low blood sugar and how to manage it. taking tanzeum with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases your risk for low blood sugar. common side effects with tanzeum include diarrhea nausea, injection site reactions cough, back pain and cold or flu symptoms. some serious side effects can lead to dehydration which may cause kidney failure. ask your doctor if adding once-a-week tanzeum is right for you. go to to learn if you may be eligible to receive tanzeum free for 12 months. make every week a tanzeum week. donald trump comes out swinging in his campaign announcement says exactly what he thinks and says he doesn't regret one word about it. >> he certainly brings up the ratings, but what about the dials. dials. >> first, you say donald trump is the best and worst candidate you can think of. >> he has language that connects to voters. it's wrapped around stuff that any professional would say hey, mr. trump, stop saying it. we have two clips to show it. the first h is his address of wall street. and you're going to see a sharp reaction with the dials. let's take a look. >> i will build a great, great wall on our southern border and i will have mexico pay for that wall. mark my words. nobody would be tougher on isis than donald trump. nobody. i will find the right guy. i will find the guy that's going to take that military and make it really work. nobody nobody will be pushing us around. >> i will build -- >> decipher that for us. >> yeah he says i will build this great big wall. and we did this with swing voters in philadelphia and pennsylvania is an important state. we had people burst out in applause. some people thought it was offensive. some thought it was racist the way he communicated about mexico. and the idea he's going to take the bull by the horns and do something, tucker you can't a ignore it. you can disagree. but you can't ignore it. now we have a second clip where he talks about health care. he's blunt. he's in your face. but he gets a reaction. let's take a look. >> we have a disaster called the big lie. obamacare. deductibles are through the roof. tough get hit by a tractor, literally a tractor to use it. the deductibles are so high it's useless. it's a disaster. and remember the $5 billion website. >> so he's got the $5 billion website. he says you have to be hit by a tractor. when you communication visually, people remember that. it's very powerful. okay so a lot of people didn't like it. the ones who like it love it. that makes him the best and the worst. >> and there's father's day political polling, how appropriate. which famous present day fathers most admire and represent the values o a good dad, a ennd the answer is going to surprise you. >> so it's not a politician. barack obama is number one among democrats. george w. bush and george herbert walker bush are tops among republicans. but the two of them are defeated by tom hanks and michael j. fox. you got the numbers right there. the fraternal order of egos did the survey. there's a message for every politician watching on father's day. they don't look to you and see you as the role model they want for their children. that's michael j. fox and tom hanks, two actors who do better. >> are auk tors famous for being good fathers? >> well michael j. fox is. tom hanks is. and others in the profession. and they're saying i don't want my politics, i don't want politicians being role models. >> interesting. frank, joining us live. great to see you. >> coming up two block parties in two different cities putting children in the crosshairs. we'll give you the latest on what happened and what police are saying this morning. and you can say it runs in the family. a daughter follows her father's military footsteps all the way to the same besz. they join us live with their patriotic story just in time for father's day. put your hand over your heart. is it beating? good! then my nutrition heart health mix is for you. it's a wholesome blend of peanuts, pecans and other delicious nuts specially mixed for people with hearts. planters. nutrition starts with nut. hey america, still not sure whether to stay or go to your people? ♪ well this summer, stay with choice hotels twice and get a $50 gift card you can use for just about anything. go you always have a choice. book now at you know our new rope has actually passed all the tests. we're ready to start with production. ok, are you doing test markets like last time? 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ask your doctor about cialis for daily use. for a free 30-tablet trial go to welcome back james mckay's daughter didn't just follow in her footsteps, but they serve on the same base and work side by side as military training instructors. >> joins us now is technical sergeant james mckay and his staff sergeant daughter amanda mcfarland. >> i understand that you guys have a little bit of a rivalry now that you're working side by side training the air force's newest recruits. how is that? >> i don't know that it's so much of a rivalry. she just beats me at everything that i do. >> amanda have you always known you wanted to follow in your father's footsteps? >> from a young age, i did consider joining the military. once i knew this opportunity was available, i absolutely wanted to try for it. >> james, how flattering is this? i think most fathers would be awed by the tribute this is to your and your parenting that your daughter chose oo to do this? >> it's amazing. i say it's the ultimate take your daughter to workday every day. but i couldn't be more proud of amanda and my other daughter cassandra who is active duty military. there's a chance you could be the first father/daughter team leading a training squadron. is that something you're trying for? >> right anyway we're the first father/daughter training instructors to serve together in the air force we're hoping that some day we can work pretty much across the the hall from one another, each pushing a flight. >> growing up did you think sms something you wanted too eded to do? >> yes, being in the military environment as a child and seeing the community the military is it was always something that i had considered looking into once i became an adult. >> and there was a famous law, i think in world war ii, sullivan law, maybe, that prevented them from serving together. >> i'm not quite sure. i know there was a sul van law where they put siblings in combat together in the same theater. but we're obviously not in battle. although some days it feels like it. our group leadership had been supportive of allowing both of us to fall our dreams and do this job together. >> amanda sometimes actions speak louder than words. your actions prove your honor, love and respect your father. what's your message for him on father's day? >> i'm incredibly proud of the person he is. i've always looked up to his dedication, his loyalty, his work ethic and all the other incredible qualities he has. not only as a father but a teacher and mentor. >> you're getting me. that's so nice amanda. >> thank you both for your service and everything that you guys do. >> thank you. >> well coming up next the tragedy in charleston south carolina has hundreds of people marching to bring down the confederate flag flying next to the capitol there. and some who grieve like mitt romney. we'll ask ben carson where he stands on this issue. he joins us live coming up. plus why we're celebrating father's day in the studio. uh-oh! peter's dad is in the dad seat. check it out. you know, in any job any profession image matters. i want some gray...but not too much. only touch of gray uses oxygen to gently blend away some gray but not all for that perfect salt and pepper look. satisfaction guaranteed. just you and the look you want. just for men touch of gray ♪ we all feel the calling to build something great. ♪ ♪ ♪ every backyard comes together around a grill and kingsford charcoal. gather 'round. you show up. you stay up. you listen. you laugh. you worry. you do whatever it takes to take care of your family. and when it's time to plan for your family's future we're here for you. we're legalzoom, and for over 10 years we've helped families just like yours with wills and living trusts. so when you're ready start with us. doing the right thing has never been easier. legalzoom. legal help is here. there's some facts about seaworld we'd like you to know. we don't collect killer whales from the wild. and haven't for 35 years. with the hightest standard of animal care in the world, our whales are healthy. they're thriving. i wouldn't work here if they weren't. and government research shows they live just as long as whales in the wild. caring for these whales, we have a great responsibility to get that right. and we take it very seriously. because we love them. and we know you love them too. happy father's day from fox & friends staffers. sean and his dad jay. there they are. >> don't they look dapper. >> in my ear right now. here's kay and her sister stephanie and their father steve. >> and sam koenig and her dad. she's one of my favorite field producers. her dad was making fun of her with her hand on her hip there. >> and how about this one, vice president of morning news. # lauren's husband jarrett with their son baby jarrett hanging out. >> what a happy baby. >> and our colleague heather and her father peter in wisconsin. one of the great states. >> it's father's day. this morning, we have talked to our fathers to talk about how much we love them. now we're speaking to peter doocy's dad. >> this is his first ever attempt at skype. >> is this true? >> that is true. >> hey, dad. >> hey, peter. this better be important because i put on clothes. >> we know you have a shirt on. thank you. >> thanks for noticing. >> the obvious question is it weird to see your boy sitting on this couch? >> you know what it is. no doubt about it. i tuned in about 7:00 this morning. i was upstairs waiting for breakfast in bed. apparently peter was too busy. >> i said stay in bed. it's will be a better skype shot anyway. >> but it is crazy to see peter there. peter was going to either become a lawyer or go into business and then he wound up getting into journalism. and for him to have a skill set at an age under 30 to do that job, because you know, people watch fox & friends and think it's a fun show. it's one of the hardest shows in television to do because nothing is written down. you have a list and you have f to react and you have to think for four hours. and for peter to do it that makes any parent proud. >> i bet it does. >> peter, how about you? friday night you and your dad had steaks together. he helped you prepare for the show. >> it's been great. he said it's difficult to do. i have a million questions all the time. i get to ask the master about how to do it. and i'm so lucky to have him. >> what's the best advice he's given you about television? >> the best advice work wise and this is true that on my first day, i was -- you know they don't give you assignments on air on the first day. i was walking around with any jacket off. and he said just roll up your sleeves when you're walking around so people think that you're busy. >> that's the best piece of advice he has given you? >> well really down in d.c. i cover a lot of stuff this last week. we were in new york upstate new york during the prison break. and he said always take the stories seriously, but don't take yourself too seriously. we have a lot of laughs. in fact whenever i face time home this is where he's sitting at his work computer that is turned a little bit to obscure himself that it's on the floor. is it messy? >> no no no no. zblo it's messy. two of my other kids have just graduated from college. >> the producers downstairs were so excited this was going to work. >> and it's tools from ikea. >> oh a salad spinner. happy father's day. you found your gift. the producers were so excited. now they're in trouble, though. because some days you're going to say, let me do it from the chair in the toy room. that would be good actually. >> well i'm coming home after the show pops. >> thanks for sharing peter with us. >> mom has a list for us. we have to pick up sally at the airport, but before then we're going to wash the garage floor. >> you know what, i will be home at 5:00. >> with a 12-pack. happy father's day, dad. thanks steve. >> and happy father's day to you, tucker as well. >> thank you. >> and all the dads watching. >> we do have stories making head jen lines. we're following this extreme weather. the northeast hit with the remnants of tropical storm bill overnight in the d.c. area. knocking down tree limbs. high winds there. this after the central plains dumping a foot of rain in some areas. rivers continue to spill over their banks, leading to dozens of rescues in missouri. and today more storms are firing up in the midwest, making a soggy father's day for millions. and gunshots erupting overnight as block parties in two cities. police think the shooter may have been targeting someone at the party. and in philadelphia people are shot including an 11-month-old. all the victims are expected to survive. police are still looking for the shooters in both incidents. >> and oh so close to perfection in the nation's capitol. >> 0-2 pitch. and a ball hit deep to left. and matt scherzer has the no hitter. >> this is peter's team. i'm going to let him take it away. >> he had to settle for a no hilter. no hitter is great against the pirates. he was one strike away from a perfect game. this pirate hit -- leaned in. want many social media people and myself think he leaned into the pitch. lt just hit him on the giant guard he got, so it didn't hurt. scherzer says he was still thrilled to get the no hitter. >> plus he's wearing a big elbow pad that adds two inches. >> he probably didn't feel it. he's laughing all the way to first base. >> don't you hate it when the other team does something smart? . i was in d.c. the nationals are great. never been. zblch you got to go. >> as i admire from afar. coming up the tragedy in charleston has hundredses of people marching to bring down the confederate flag. and now big name republicans agree. we will ask ben carson where he falls on the issue when he joins us live ahead. >> and what are we doing here? bringing sexy back. these guys are about to tip off our father's day fitness challenge. hard working dads can get back your dad bods with the baby. ♪ i am totally blind. and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24. learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit ♪ ♪virgin islands nice♪ ♪so nice♪ ♪so nice, so nice♪ book five nights today and get one free. plus $350 towards shopping dining or other fun activities. now that's virgin islands nice. ♪so nice, so nice♪ ♪ ♪ introducing the samsung galaxy s6 active only from at&t. tested to withstand pretty much anything life throws your way. get a galaxy s6 active for zero down and get a free samsung tablet. there's something out there. it's a highly contagious disease. it can be especially serious- even fatal to infants. unfortunately, many people who spread it may not know they have it. it's called whooping cough. and the cdc recommends everyone, including those around babies, make sure their whooping cough vaccination is up to date. understand the danger your new grandchild faces. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about you and your family getting a whooping cough vaccination today. fox news alert. right now the the first church service at emanuel ame in charleston south carolina since wednesday's shooting is under way as we speak. the country's left political sphere using the massacre to push the gun control agenda among other items. >> i am not, and will not be afraid to keep fighting for common sense reform and along with you achieve those on behalf of all who have been lost because of this senseless gun violence. >> once again, innocent people were killed in part because someone who wanteded eded to inflict harm had no trouble getting their hands on a gun. >> are these real policy prescriptions or demagoguery sf h here to react, dr. ben carson. dr. carson thanks for joining us this morning. >> my pleasure. thank you. >> so many politicians have drawn quick and dirty lessons from the tragedy in charleston last week. is there aless season you take from what happened there? >> yes, there is. the lesson is that if we continue to allow the purveysers of the visions of hatred we're going to have hatred manifested in these horrible ways. and we must as a nation begin to teach particularly our young is very important, and that is that everybody is equal, everybody is protected. and let's look more deeply than just superficial coloring of skin. as a neurosurgeon everybody's brain looks the same. and that's what makes you who you are. you have to be pretty superficial to think the skin and hair make you who you are. >> it sounds to me like you're saying political figures who use this tragedy in order to help the political careers are partly responsible for the the tragedy that took place. >> well i certainly would hope that politicians, i know it's hard for them and that's why i don't want to be one, but it's hard for them to let something like this go by without trying to make political hay of it. but the fact of the matter is, we have to start thinking about the well being of our society in general. we've made tremendous progress over the decades in racial harmony. and now we're in the process of letting all that go to waste because we're listening to people who try to gain political advantage. we have to be smarter than this. >> what about the confederate flag? does that symbol have a role in this tragedy? many on the left said this is why we need to take down the confederate flag. mitt romney has said that. what's your political view? >> you can put up confederate flags everywhere or you can get rid of the flags. it's not going to make a difference. what's going to make a difference is do we change people's hearts and minds. now i do recognize some things are inflammatory. i look at my own life you know early on and my quote, political career you know. i said a lot of things that were probably a little hyperbolic and they caused people to listen to the words and not catch the meaning of what's being said. and by the same token the flag, the confederate flag causes a lot of people angst, and they're not able to see beyond that. and i think the people of south carolina should sit down and have an intelligent discussion about what can they use that captures their heritage captures the heritage of america, and allows them to coexist in peace. >> yes. >> so i want to shift to political very quickly. we have a new poll from monmouth university in new jersey of candidates. it has you in the lead among the margin of error. still within the lead over scott walker jeb bush marco rubio and mike huckabee. what about your message is resonating in a way that others are not? >> i think the key thing resonateing is people are starting to think for themselves and recognize that you know the only people who can solve problems are not political people. there are lots of other people who have brains and have a record of accomplishment. and as people begin to listen to that, i think we're going to be better off as a nation. when our nation was p ut together it was not put together for a political class. it was put together for we the people. >> dr. ben carson joining us live. nice to see you. thanks for coming on. t. >> fathers, you tired of the same old workout? you have a workout? we're kicking off the father's day fitness challenge. how you hard working fathers can get back in shape with the help of your children. and also anna kooiman. she can help a lot. and she's going to next. if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. isn't it time to let the real you shine through? introducing otezla apremilast. otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. some people who took otezla saw 75% clearer skin after 4 months. and otezla's prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. otezla may increase the risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. side effects may include diarrhea nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you're pregnant or planning to be. ask your doctor about otezla today. otezla. show more of you. hey, friends. happy sunday. happy father's day. a recent study revealing a very weighty issue for father's though. the average dad carries 10 more pounds than their childhood peers. the numbers are a reflection of dad's hectic schedule and abling. our next guest says there's an easy way to combine fatherhood and fitness. ken is here and he brought some friends. little friends as well. good morning, guys. happy father's day. >> thank you. >> this dad bond everybody went nuts. you can eat pizza and drink beer. >> here's a fine example we have. somebody who works out but at the same time they have a little bit less time to work out, a little bit more time to drink that beer they're not afraid to let themselves have fun on the side. >> you're trying to get dads to lose the weight that they have gained when their wives gained the actual baby weight right? >> it doesn't require a whole lot of time especially with the high intensity interval training we like to do in these days. in a little bit of time they can get a lot of results. today we're going to give you a little bit of workout that can incorporate time with the children as well. >> squads using the baby carrier? >> yeah. >> can we demo? >> of course. get your feet shoulder width apart. sit down and back here. great way to get all your leg muscles working at the same time here. it's going to help bring up our heart rate. >> right. you don't want your knee to go over your toes? >> exactly. we're going to just go ahead and get aye set of 15 to 20 of these. >> work it. working the quads, working the gluts. lateral lunge using the baby carrier. >> we're going to lunge to that side sitting down and back. >> same side. >> going to the same side for four repetitions. >> then you don't have to hire a baby-sitter while you're at the gym. >> that's right. you're getting quality time with your gym. >> you guys are going to get on the mat and do situps. >> correct. this is where we take our kids out of the bjorn and we have fun. come on down on our backs. >> quickly. come on. what are you doing? >> kenny gets to see or your kid gets to see. you sit up and add a little bit of a press. >> wow. >> how big is baby? so big. >> exactly. >> now we get our core work going as well as some arms involved in the segment. >> wow, you have your hands full bud. >> finally, pushups with baby. how does this work ken? >> we come placing the baby down. >> okay. >> this is a nice fun one. you get to do a little pushup and add a little kiss. roll away. work on the affection and the eye contact. oh. ken and ken 2 here. this is adorable. happy father's day from the new york sports club. very nice guys. thanks for coming in working on those dad bods. we've got a big show for you. still yet to come up on "fox & friends," we have one more father's day surprise on deck. don't go anywhere. you show up. you stay up. you listen. you laugh. you worry. you do whatever it takes to take care of your family. and when it's time to plan for your family's future we're here for you. we're legalzoom, and for over 10 years we've helped families just like yours with wills and living trusts. so when you're ready start with us. doing the right thing has never been easier. legalzoom. legal help is here. my school reunion. i don't know. who wants to play in idaho? 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>> yeah very much so. >> so aside from the all you're wasting your life in bed nugget of wisdom what else does he tell you? >> please don't -- >> a lot of stuff. he talks a lot. >> we've been telling pop stories this morning and they were reminiscing about the potato cannon. >> how much different is tucker on your couch compared to when he's on the curvy couch? >> not that different, i don't think. >> thank you, hopy. i will take that as a high compliment. >> you're welcome. >> i'm going to see you -- i'm going to be there in about four hours. so get -- >> when dad comes home is what tucker? >> the rule when i get home as you know this is the most exciting thing that's ever happened correct? >> yeah. >> and it is. >> all right. thank you guys very much for calling in. happy father's day tucker. >> i love you. >> thanks sues jie. >> "fox & friends".com. ♪ ♪ this is a live picture of charleston. the bells ringing once again at emanuela.m.e. church in charleston south carolina as the people show their strength after the tragic and senseless massacre of nine pa rich show ners. good morning, i'm maria bartiromo. this is "sunday morning futures." mayor rudy giuliani will join me. the fed giving clues that the interest rate will move higher

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