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And after his war plane crashes, this world war ii pilot survives adrift at sea, longer than anyone on record. We are going to die down here. We are not dying but is the faith that kept this American Hero alive ignored in the film . Well take a closer look on this fox friends sunday because mornings are better with friends. Hi, friends. Good morning. Come on in and stay a while. Peter johnson jr. Is in this morning. It is 6 00 a. M. On the east coast. Much earlier on the west. We begin with the fox news alert we mentioned. Political news while you were sleeping. Exciting for the Republican Party in the state of louisiana. Republican bill cassidy, a practicing physician, defeats Mary Landrieu in a Senate Runoff. Leland vittert is live in washington with details on this sweep. Good morning. Reporter tucker, good morning to you. Over the past couple of weeks, a number of experts predicted this would happen, but the margin is particularly telling here as you can see. 5644, bill cassidy over Mary Landrieu. You may remember Mary Landrieu tried to sponsor a political show vote on the keystone xl pipeline that failed and quick ly brought money to the Republican Party like an oil running dry. She is closely aligned with president obama and it worked for bill cassidy. People in louisiana voted for a government that serves us but does not tell us what to do. Thank you, yall. Reporter now republicans will have 54 seats in the senate come january. So it is certainly significant to give Mitch Mcconnell a little more margin to play with. And theres a larger story here. Mary landrieus loss means theres not a single Democratic Office holder in the south. They have produced a number of president s from there. And speaking of those president s, those helping to get cassidy a win, all eyes will now focus to 2016. And the iowa caucus is tentatively scheduled for more than 13 months away. Leland vittert in washington, thank you. All right. Now that Mary Landrieu is out, everybody is talking about the huge numbers that republicans have now. And the lack of democrats who supported president obama in redoing health care as a whole. A lot of them say, hey, this is a referendum on the policy. And they signed their political debt warrant by signing out president obama. And when it was time for him to come to their rescue in their reelection efforts, they didnt want to be seen. They were running the other direction. So they sacrificed their political fate on the altar of obamacare and now it is time for the president to bring the white house and save the campaign. They couldnt do it. Even senator schumer has become a very respected senator but stepped away from obamacare saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. He said we need jobs in america and instead the president decided to go after the high cost of the job process. Of the senators who voted for obamacare, no republican voted for it, half of the senators are now gone. Its really unbelievable. And if anybody was going to endure, it would have been landrieu. She fought like a honey badger. She cried racism, sexism, the xl pipeline, none of it worked because voters were really mad at president obama. Because the premiums were to go down, the website was to work, you were supposed to keep your doctor and your plan, people are realizing thats not happening. Crushing feat. New details on that very controversial Rolling Stone article about the gang rape that happened in charlottesville. New reports say the piece is almost completely false. The Washington Post has an interview with the best friend of the accuser jackie who said this never happened. This flat out never happened. They believe that potentially something bad did happen to her, something traumatic in her life, but that this story just doesnt seem to add up and it continuously is changing. Now what were learning this morning is one member of the fraternity that has come under fire in the story has hired some legal help. So heres what the attorney for one of the Fraternity Members said. This was extremely irresponsible reporting. It fueled an already highly polarizing issue and did nothing to help foster or continue a productivity dialogue. To put it mildly. The lefts response has been unbelievable. It doesnt matter where the facts are true or not, we dont care because the larger problem is real. Wasnt to kill a mockingbird about a falsehood of rape . But now its fine. No, its not fine. And the likelihood is theres a real good chance there will be lawsuits brought on behalf of the people who are identifiable in that Rolling Stone story, perhaps by the fraternity, perhaps by the others for liable against Rolling Stone. The. The description of the room jackie said, theres no room in the Fraternity House like that. One of the alleged aggressors was a lifeguard who worked at the aquatic center, but there is no aquatic center. It is clear this is a hoax. None of the facts have been nailed down. You would think this would be the biggest story among journalists. Politico ran a piece by a woman called julia harowitz who came out to say facts dont matter, politics are more quote, ultimately from where i sit in charlottesville, to let Fact Checking define the narrative would be a huge mistake. This is from a student journalist. She says facts arent the point, the political agenda is the point. Theres no political agenda. Even someone was assaulted or not assaulted. If they were assaulted, those who did it should be brought to justice. But for a publication not to ask the people who are being accused, not to check the story of the accuser, is incredible. And they are destroying the fraternity, which apparently has done nothing wrong. Well, they did things wrong. What did they do wrong . The individuals identities and the fraternity. Talk to us on facebook and twitter. Well get to your headlines this sunday morning. Moments ago the pentagon confirmed six gitmo detainees were sent away to give refugee status. President obama vowed to close the Detention Center and there are 136 prisoners left. And moving to another fox news alert, shattered windows and injured Police Officers. Protests turning violent in berkeley, california. What started as Peaceful Demonstrations over the deaths of Michael Brown and eric garner quickly spiralled into chaos as masked rioters began clashing with police. Tear gas fired into the crowds as windows were shattered and rocks were thrown. Arrests were reported but police have not provided numbers. President obama undergoing medical testing at Walter Reed Medical Center after complaining about a sore throat for weeks. It included a ct scan and fiberoptic exam of his throat. The president s doctor diagnosed swelling in his throat consistent with acid reflux and will be treating him accordingly. And 73 years ago today, japanese planes ambushed the naval base at pearl harbor. In honor of National Pearl harbor remembrance day, all federal buildings will fly their flags at halfstaff. In hawaii, four of the nine remaining members of the uss arizona gathered at the memorial in their 90s. The good lord saved just a few of us. A terrible day. And the wall street journal releasing its cover from that fateful day feature iing the fo americans. Those are your headlines. A day that will live in infamy. Certainly will. Remembering pearl harbor. A big rainy day across the eastern seaboard and the cold has settled back in as the front moves through. Here are your temps this morning as you wake up, certainly not that bad, considering where whiwe have been the last few weeks. We are watching this monday, tuesday, wednesday into thursday. Another coastal storm is developing. It will be rainy, windy and snowy across the interior sections tuesday into thursday. So get ready for more rain coming in, maybe today even though its a cold one, would be good to do it before it changes again and we get into the stormy pattern. This is the storm that moved through yesterday. It is gone. Were going to dry out for today. Well also watch a little bit of freezing rain across parts of minnesota. Then well watch more rain move in across parts of Northern California and in throughout the Pacific Northwest for the next couple of days. 36 degrees up to fargo and into monday still looking pretty good. So the warmer temperatures were pretty much looking good and well take that this time of the year. Lots of good news this morning. Normally i have bad news. Because hes americas weatherman. Thank you, rick. Still ahead this morning, new yorks mayor claims racism has reached a boiling point in the United States and is vowing to overhaul the new York City Police department as a result. Is this really the answer . One sheriff has a different idea. Youll meet him next. And thou shall not steal Means Nothing to this thief. A 5foot statue of a crucifix goes missing. [ female announcer ] hands were made for talking. Feet. Tiptoeing. Better things than the pain, stiffness, and joint damage of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. Before you and your rheumatologist decide on a biologic, ask if xeljanz is right for you. Xeljanz tofacitinib is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. 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Crest 3d white with whitelock technology, removing up to ninety percent of surface stains, and locking out future stains. So your smile always steals the show. Crest 3d white. The relationship between police and the people has to change. People need to know that black lives and brown lives matter such as white lives. In the wake of the grand jury decision not to indict a new york city cop and the chokehold death of eric garner, new york mayor bill de blasio is looking to retrain the new york Police Department. Some have said this action makes the cop the enemy, do you agree or disagree . I agree 100 . Look, theres a war on Police Officers all across america. People risk their lives every day. 99. 9 go out on an every day basis and put their best foot forward, adhere to the policies, adhere to the constitution, respect the people. Sure, theres a few bad eggs, we are not a perfect organization, but mayor de blasio threw the entire nypd under the bus and thats shameful. He should be embarrassed to stand in front of the microphone groveling like that. I dont know how he can look any nypd officer in the eye this morning. He aught to go to every precinct in the city to offer an apology. He aught to know what it would feel like to live just one day without the nypd. That city would collapse. And i think he aught to start showing appreciation for it, not just there, but im fighting this on behalf of every Law Enforcement officer across the United States under siege right now. Sheriff, i understand why people would be upset by the eric garner video. What i dont understand is the mayors assumption, never explained, often asserted, that there was a racial component to this. Do you see this as an example of racism . Not at all. Thats why i said, the mayor is groveling in front of the microphone and its shameful. He knows that and is placating to it. When he speaks, every new yorker aught to listen and say, hes talking to me and right now hes chosen a side. I tell you right now that he threw the nypd under the bus and it should be aggravating to every new york city citizen. I want to get your thoughts on the oped that reads this, this is a small common tragedy of black life that we dont talk about. The best way for me to find success in my own country was to be submersed in a culture entirely different from my parents and to adopt it as my own. Learning to deal well with white people can get you far in life but shouldnt be a requirement for holding onto your life. Is this saying unless you perform to caucasian culture, youre out of luck . How stupid is that . Hes suffering from the interiority complex. He and some blacks are on a perpetuate for the United States. Hard work, preparation, selfdetermination, selfdiscipline, selfactualization, when i fall down, i get up. Thats what i do and i find it insulting when people say things like that. What do you think about protesters breaking into macys and toys rus . Nobody in california and wherever you are seeing protests, nobody in milwaukee has a remote connection to ferguson, missouri, to mike brown, to eric garner, to any Police Department there. So i find it just embarrassing. And i find the charade the individuals across the country are doing looting and rioting. Thats criminal behavior, sluggish behavior, and it needs to be stopped. General, Mike Huckabee was on the show the other day and really hopes protesters get outraged about the breakdown of the family and lack of father figure which is is causing a lack of respect for authorities. Do you see that as an issue . Its a huge issue. A young man growing up without fathers, the failed liberal Government Policies have destroyed the black family. Until we put that black family back together, well continue to see this type of behavior out of the young men. David clark, Milwaukee County sheriffs. A man certain to be drafted for higher office, i would think. Great to have you on this morning. Always my pleasure. Heres whats coming up, that was fast. President obamas ebola czar is calling it quits. Where hes headed next . And its not the government. And antichristmas billboards across the country. Dear santa, all i want for christmas is to skip church. Well have more, coming up. Ah, push it. Push it. P. Push it real good ow oooh baby baby. Baby baby. If youre saltnpepa, you tell people to push it. Push it real good. Its what you do. Ah. Push it. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. Ah. Push it. Im pushing. Im pushing it real good come from all walks of life. If you have high blood sugar, ask your doctor about farxiga. Its a different kind of medicine that works by removing some sugar from your body. Along with diet and exercise, farxiga helps lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. With one pill a day, farxiga helps lower your a1c. 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Ask your doctor about farxiga and visit our website to learn how you may be able to get every month free. Hi, everybody. Here are your top headlines. The ebola czar is set to leave in march. President obama just hired him in october. It is unclear how much of an impact he had on the spreading situation. And a cyber attack against sony picture that is is called a righteous deed. The Spokesman Says the hacks have been carried out by reporters to release a film about kim jong un. Five personal information was stolen. The atheists have aimed their antigod ads at religious areas, so what impact does it have and will it have . Well ask dr. Robert jeffers, good morning, pastor. How are you . Fine, how are you . There are some folks who say we shouldnt focus on the war on christmas. There is no war on christmas. And even if there was a war on christmas, its meaningless. Is there a word christmas . Is this a war on christmas . And why is it important, pastor . Well, theres a war on christmas. In fact, it began 2,000 years ago when king herod tried to kill baby jesus. He didnt succeed and top continuing wars wont succeed either. The continuing attacks against christianity remind me of a plea striking a l everest saying im going to topple this mountain one day. Its just not going to happen. And neither are the attacks going to succeed. Look, if christianity can survive 2,000 years of intense persecution, its going to survive a few billboards in terms of american atheists. In terms of more than atheists, we are seeing a new proclamation that we have not seen. Its enough to say, dont believe in god, theres no god or christmas, but here to actively say that if you believe in god, if you believe in christ, skip church. Because its a fairy tale, an aggressive attitude we have not seen before. Yes, and these attacks are intensifying, absolutely. No doubt about it. But heres one of the great paradoxes of history. Those who attack or try to oppress the christian message need to understand, that only causes the christian message to flourish that much more. I mean, think about this. The area in the world where christianity is spreading most rapidly is communist china. 52 million believers there growing exponentially. By 2030, there will be more church goers in china than in the United States. So im saying these attacks, the war on christmas is very real but its doomed to failure ultimately. And the final question, doctor jeffers, is there a lesson for all americans whether they believe in chris or not . Any religion, any religious believer, should they be upset by the war on christmas . Well, i think what Everybody Needs to understand is this, dont allow the war on christmas, which i believe is real, rob you of the joy of christmas. I mean, after all, the angel says to the shepherds that the coming of christ was good news of great joy for all people. The fact that christ came to offer his forgiveness, well, thats good news for everyone including atheists. Dr. Jeffer, thank you for sharing the good news, the great news on this sunday as we begin the the advent season. Good to see you. Thank you. Coming up, a girl vanishes without a trace. The latest on the search to find her. And from being stranded at sea to beating a japanese prison war camp, lou camponelli always relied on god. So will the unbroken story rely on his faith . With the help of Comfort Keepers, im keeping my mom healthy im keeping dad on schedule. Im keeping my mom happy Comfort Keepers inhome professional caregivers can provide meal planning and preparation, health and Wellness Services and personal Care Services through custom care plans that can change as needs change, so your aging loved ones can stay happy and healthy in their own home. You dont need to think about the energy that makes our lives possible. Because we do. Were exxonmobil and powering the world responsibly is our job. Because boiling an egg. Isnt as simple as just boiling an egg. Life takes energy. Energy lives here. 3d White Whitestrips for the holidays. Her smile is so white. I was pretty stunned myself. Oh, these arent the messy tray things. Whitestrips are so easy, they just go on and get to work. Removes 14 years of stains. And thats the. [laughter] crest whitestrips work on a deeper level than paste. Whitening toothpaste only removes surface stains, but whitestrips go below the enamels surface to safely remove deep stains. Id love to get my teeth whiter. I take so many photos over the holidays. Here i take so many photos over the holidays. [laughter] shes the best dont miss our buy one, get one free offer this holiday season. Worse and worse. Rthritis, i had intense joint pain that got then my rheumatologist prescribed enbrel. Im phil mickelson, pro golfer. Enbrel helps relieve pain and stop joint damage. Ive been on the course and on the road. Enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. Serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. Before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether youve been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. You should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. Tell your doctor if youre prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have symptoms such as persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. Enbrel helped relieve my joint pain. But the best part of every journey. Dad . Is coming home. Ask if enbrel, the number one biologic medicine prescribed by rheumatologists, can help you stop joint damage. You are an enemy of japan. You will be treated accordingly. This will be the first time in two years you will think of me. This is the movie opening in theaters on christmas called unbroken. Its about a world war ii veteran whose plane crashes in the pacific, he drifted at sea for 46 days. His marriage ends in divorce. He struggles with alcoholism and he finds faith in jesus christ through a crusade with billy graham. But that is left out of the movie. Why . This is just a tremendous story about this mans resilience and about his faith. But apparently, i havent seen the film, but according to the Christian Media critic, that is not represented here. He says unbroken is one of the best stories ever written. The best story is that he got out of his anger by coming to christ. So its about the redemption and healing that lou zamparelli underwent. How christ saved his own life after he saved his life in the pacific after enduring two years of torture by the japanese in world war ii. Faith was such a critical part of his life. I understand that his prayer on the high seas is documented but is the overall takeaway his deep faith . I have to say i plan to watch the faimovie. But it would be interesting to see if his captors behavior was down played. It rarely is depicted in the American Cinema with the same intensity that americans actually experienced. It is shocking the american pow survived there in the pacific. Its unbelievable. Going back to the faith issue, the people are looking for inspiration on christmas morning, even in a secular society. You know, you find inspiration in nature or in music or in the face of innocent children who are interacting with one another. In this case, it was faith and jesus christ. And billy graham helping him to come to that. So what is the problem . Lets call faith faith, but its a good thing. Tell us what you think. We want your comments. Send them to us on twitter, email or facebook. There are many ways to let us know your views. I hope you will. We have other stories making headlines this sunday. A frantic search underway for a texas doctor who vanished without a trace almost one week ago. The 25yearold last seen with her family in houston. She didnt show up for work the next day. Her family searched her apartment and found her cell phone but her gray toyota camry was gone. Right now police dont suspect foul play is involved. An investigation is underway after a philadelphia flight was forced to make an Emergency Landing when the entire crew got sick while midair. The u. S. Airlines flight from israel was diverted to row. When a rubber smell made 14 members including the pilot sick. They were checked out at the hospital along with two passengers. The ventilation system could be to blame. Whatever happens, thou shalt not steal. A new York City Church says someone swiped this 5foot crucifix from the lobby while the mass was going on one room over. The church, st. Anthony of pa a padua, says it was stolen. And this little boy has hi own u. P. S. Uniform. In the new ad, he delivers parsons dream. Oh, my gosh well, his up little u. P. S. Truck. Carson loads it up with packages and following delivers packages to his neighbors. His mom says its a surprise hell never forget. My you can is a u. P. S. Driver in texas and he has the best tan, best biceps, and hes happy. They treat their employees well. You know who loves the u. P. S. . The women. Every time i see a u. P. S. Man, say, is it true that youre very popular . Oh, yeah. We know why the packages are delayed. We understand why. Rick reichmuth is at the corner of 48th and sixth. Its a lot colder out here than it was 24 hours ago all along the seaboard. Rain yesterday with snow across the interior section, but now the cold, cold air is across parts of canada. All the pink is the arctic air. And thats where we want it to be across the arctic and not across the lower 48. Well keep it that way for the next couple of weeks in general. Maybe a couple quick bouts across the great lakes but overall a chilly day. 31 degrees in buffalo. 36 in boston. It will be breezy as well. A little cooler than that. Even cooler across much of the southeast as that front has moved through. Dallas today only to 58. Same for woodward, oklahoma. The cold air has settled in but its not bitterly cold. We are mild across the high plains. 57 in scotts bluff. 60 in dodge city. Well see a little bit of freezing rain across parts of minnesota and wisconsin. And that will turn into snow overnight. Maybe one to two inches. Then out across the west, we are pretty dry with the rain offshore. Well see that move in tonight across Northern California, oregon and washington. Again, overall, we have a pretty nice sunday out there for almost everybody. At least a dry sunday. Thats good for people getting out on the roads. All right, guys, are you still buried or out of it . We are out. Good. 39 minutes after the hour. Coming up on the program, one school allows the students to protest with a massive diein, but others say it violates the constitution. How does that work . And hover boards and video glasses, just a few of the 2015 predictions from the 89 movie back to the future ii. How accurate were the predictions . Kurt the cyber guy breaks it all down ahead, next. Get em dad,thank you mom for said this oftprotecting my future. You. Thank you for being my hero and my dad. Military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa Auto Insurance could be one of them. If youre a current or former military member or their family, get an Auto Insurance quote and see why 92 of our members plan to stay for life. Welcome back. Some quick headlines, back in 1976, a by centennial flag was stolen from new hampshire. But the flag just shown up in the mail. An anonymous person returned the flag from arizona with an apology note but never revealed their identity. And Mark Wahlberg trying to get a pardon for a crime he committed 26 years ago. The actor served 45 days in prison for beating a man while trying to steal cases of alcohol in the state of massachusetts. Now wahlberg seeks a pardon saying hes a changed man. He claims the pardon would help him obtain a specific license for his restaurant business. Tucker . Take a look at this. This is penn state. These are students lying down to protest the grand jurys decision in the ferguson, missouri, case. This is a socalled diein and some students criticize this for disrupting campus, blocking wal. And that prompted the university to defend it. One says the students in the hub area expressed themselves in a peaceful manner, as is their right under the u. S. Constitution. When honest, much didnt like it or were called a bigot. But others say, defending the constitution is news to her. Ashley, thank you for coming on. Good morning, tucker. Student who is criticize the blockage of their walkways were denounced as intolerant and immoral, correct . Correct. And the school actually issued a statement from the Vice President of the college. And he basically said, look, all these students who have been protesting, the peaceful protests have been going on, it doesnt matter that you took to social media and were obstructing hallways, the problem is you are hateful because this is the ferguson decision youre protesting. Guess what . Its a time to look at race in america like all this stuff, but yet in september our chapter at penn state stood outside on Constitution Day outside the hub, which is the Student Center on campus, and when they wre there, they were asked to leave and move their table because they were obstructing the walkway and were in a designated free speech area. This protest, this diein protest in support of the mike brown and his family in ferguson, yes, is a tragedy, they were obstructing walkways. There were 300 students just sitting by the stairs, by the elevators in the Student Center and no one moved them all day. And it actually happened a second day, too. So it just seems a bit ironic to me. Just to be clear, the college is taking sides with those who use physical force to make their point and against those who protested that verbally. These people are not liberals or for the Free Exchange of ideas. They are forcing interviews on other people whether they like it or not. Thats exactly true. The problem is our students were handing out the constitution in support of Constitution Day. Which now they are saying, well, these students are exercising their free speech rights. Guess what . You didnt allow students to learn about their rights on Constitution Day, so how is this fair to the conservative students on campus or those advocating for the rights under the constitution . But yet its okay for these students to demonstrate their freedom of speech and to be obstructing walkways . But thats exactly what this group was told. They were obstructing a walkway. You graduated college much more recently than i did. How long before parents can decide, you know what . Im going in debt to have my kid brainwashed into obedient leftwing robots who learn to hate me and their country. How long before this Higher Education bubble bursts . I hope that it does. We actually at Young Americans foundation, we rent conservative colleges and its a resource for parents and student who is realize this school doesnt accept government funding or this school is a good at have to cat for free speech rights or this School Supports the constitution, which is hard to find these days. If youre looking for a Public University that supports conservative speakers on campus, thats rare. And we found that liberal speakers outnumber conservative speakers 81. And thats a sad, sad ratio. When you look at commencement addresses, we have seen whats happened there. Condoleezza rice cant come to campus because shes too conservative and radical even though shes a woman in a leadership position, but apparently the feminists cant stand her. Im not even hoping for conservative schools but i just want schools to say what you think without being punished. Thats what im trying to say, the schools are supposedly adhering to the constitution. You must have a frustrating job. I do but its so fun. Coming up, a middle schooler now stuck with a drug charge on his record forever. His crime . Snorting smarties. Whoa is that fair . Our legal panel debate that is one. Plus, in 1989 back to the future ii had all kinds of predictions. Are they accurate . Watch. How much of it did they get right . We have the tapes. Kurt the cyber guy is in next. My name is daniel. I have diabetic nerve pain. The pain felt like my feet were on fire. I had these very burning, needlelike sensations. I knew i needed to see a doctor. My doctor said, lets try lyrica. Lyrica has helped relieve my pain. Its known that diabetes damages nerves lyrica is fdaapproved to treat diabetic nerve pain. Lyrica is not for everyone. It may cause serious allergic reactions, or suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. Or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or skin sores from diabetes. Common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. Dont drink alcohol while taking lyrica. Dont drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. Those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. Having less pain. Its a great feeling. Ask your doctor about lyrica today. Its specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. Im just looking over the company bills. Up . Is that what we pay for internet . Yup. Dsl is about 90 bucks a month. Thats funny, for that price with comcast business, i think you get like 50 megabits. Wow thats fast. Personally, i prefer a slow internet. There is something about the sweet meditative glow of a loading website. Dont listen to the naysayer. Switch to comcast Business Today and get 50 megabits per second for 89. 95. Comcast business. Built for business. Hi, everybody. Good morning. Back to 1989, the hit film back to the future 2 had all sorts of predictions about 2015. Doc, you better back up. We dont have enough room. Roads . Where we are going, we dont need roads. So just how much did they get right about the future . Kurt the cyber guy is here to weigh in. Good morning, thank you for joining us. Anna, good the see you. Its so funny, you look at what that was like, Everybody Knows the movie back to the future and back to the future 2. Holy moly, we are at the point where they predicted some stuff. They got a lot of stuff right, not everything, but a lot of stuff is right. Its amazing a lot of the technology was thought of back then, when people werent using car phones and cell phones and all that. The first one, the hover board we saw in back to the future with marty mcfly and doc. Watch this. Hes on a hoverboard so thats what we saw back in the movie in hollywood, but how about what tony hawk is doing now . So what youre seeing here is a comedy called hendo. This is coming out in 2015. This is a hovering skate board or skate deck called a hendo on a copper surface that is a magnet. Its not touching the ground. The video will show it closer, but hes fooling around at the test facility. You can see our banner covering it, but there are no wheels. Its touching the ground and the technology is here in 2015. What a perfect guy to tout this, tony hawk. If you can get him on a skate board, youve got this. Remember marty mcfly had cool video glasses. Yes, lets take a look at that. Im not sure where jennifer is. Im having a hard time keeping track. And something similar today, google glasses. The thing is, back then that was actually considered cool. Now these google glass they actually made it to our current times. Except they do even more. So google glass, the unfortunate thing is not so cool. It does some Amazing Things in terms of recording video and you can see video like marty did in the movie, but we made it to predictions that came true and these are connected to the internet. Controversial because people are they are banned in a lot of accomplishments and bars and things like that. And the next thing is Fingerprint Technology, a lot of people use it on their cell phone to get in to make sure nobody can hack into it. In the movie, there are three instances. One time the police used Fingerprint Technology to identify a gal in the movie. You can unlock marty mcflys door with your thumbprint. In real life we have biometric locks, but the problem is they are 400. And the technology is exactly what they were talking about in back to the future. You hit that and it will unlock your door and amazingly start your car. Its amazing they knew where we were headed back then. It is. Its nostalgic. We have information on your website, kurt, thank you. Cyberguy. Com. Six more gitmo detainees have been released. Now they are going to be called refugees. Are they victims or terrorists . And the biggest secrets from our priests they are not telling you, thats next hour. Sheila you see this ball control . You see this right . Its 80 confidence and 64 knee brace. Thats more. Shh. I know thats more than 100 . But thats what winners give. Now bicycle kick your old 401 k into an ira. I know, i know. Listen, just get td ameritrades rollover consultants on the horn. Theyll guide you through the whole process. Its simple. Even she could do it. Whatever, janet. For all the confidence you need. Td ameritrade. You got this. Come from all walks of life. If you have high blood sugar, ask your doctor about farxiga. Its a different kind of medicine that works by removing some sugar from your body. Along with diet and exercise, farxiga helps lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. With one pill a day, farxiga helps lower your a1c. And, although its not a weightloss or bloodpressure drug, farxiga may help you lose weight and may even lower Blood Pressure when used with certain diabetes medicines. Do not take if allergic to farxiga or its ingredients. Symptoms of a serious allergic reaction include rash, swelling or difficulty breathing or swallowing. If you have any of these symptoms, stop taking farxiga and seek medical help right away. Do not take farxiga if you have severe kidney problems, are on dialysis, or have bladder cancer. Tell your doctor right away if you have blood or red color in your urine or pain while you urinate. Farxiga can cause serious side effects, including dehydration, genital yeast infections in women and men, low blood sugar,kidney problems, and increased bad cholesterol. Common side effects include urinary tract infections, changes in urination, and runny nose. Do the walk of life yeah, you do the walk of life need to lower your blood sugar . Ask your doctor about farxiga and visit our website to learn how you may be able to get every month free. Hi, everyone. Today is sunday, december 7, 2014. Im anna kooiman. We begin with a fox news alert. While you were sleeping, the republicans got another senate seat. People in louisiana voted for a government that serves us but does not tell us what to do. Thank you, yall. A live report on the landrieu loss straight ahead. And overnight, protests turn from rage to violence. How do you spell racist . Nypd. Clashes with many injured and a new message sent to police. Where is all this going . We have details. As you head to church this morning, ever wonder what is your minister really thinking . We have the biggest secrets they are not really telling you. Wow. Mornings are better with friends. Sounds like you. Thats a good tease. Thats a great tease. I dont know what the answer is. Do they get mad in traffic and cover their collars . Are they shocked by what you say in confession . Do they doubt god existed . Father Jonathan Morris is here to tell us. But first, we have a fox news alert for you. Overnight a signature win for the Republican Party in the state of louisiana. Republican bill cassidy, a practicing physician, crushed threeterm Senate Democrat Mary Landrieu in a runoff. Leland vittert is live in washington with what happened. Reporter tucker, good morning to you. No big surprise here. They said experts have been predicting this the past few weeks, but the margin is telling. 5644 for cassidy. Mary landrieu tried everything, even sponsoring what many called the political show vote of the keystone pipeline. Her money quickly evaporated from the louisiana race like an oil well running dry. This victory happened because people in louisiana voted for a government which serves us but does not tell us what to do. Thank you, yall. Reporter put this in perspective, Mary Landrieus loss means theres not a single Democratic Office holder from the deep south. Once considered a true stronghold for the party. Those rushing to help cassidy over the past weeks are a whos who of the possible republican contenders for 2016. The midterms are brought to a close and end. And now all eyes focus on the iowa caucus tentatively scheduled for a little more than 13 months away. Here we go, tucker. Leland vittert in washington. Boy, the sweep was complete. Huge. Last night tension continued over the ferguson and eric garner decisions. In berkeley, california, those protests turned violent. Police injured, tear gas, broken windows. You are watching them smash a window with a skate board. Scenes like this were seen throughout the city of san francisco. How do you spell racist . Nypd. Obviously, the protesters getting quite rowdy there. A tweet came out from a ferguson riot leader. This is saying, does anyone know where commissioner bratton is . That sounds like a threat. And the nypd officers are being urged to wear extra ammo and wear bulletproof vests based on a verified threat to shoot them while on duty. And so the level of threat of violence seems to be escalating as we move forward in the days after the decision. This is not random. This guy was a leader in the protests of ferguson, missouri. Hes from the from there. By the way, he went to bodens and has been flown here to help with the accomplishment or establishment. This is is a premeditated set of acts by anarchist groups in the United States. They were ready to go and are ready to rumble and do their kind of business. As we see the fruits of that now in berkeley. We see tear gas being hurled back at the Police Officers there in berkeley. And ready to go regardless of what the decision was going to be made by the grand jury. We are also starting to see animosity grow more toward the country as we saw here in new york city, the mayor de blasio said hell have the entire nypd force retrained. Only saying that is making cops out to be the enemy rather than those people looking out for the citizens of new york city. David clark says were looking in all the wrong places and bill de blasio got it wrong. He threw the nypd under the bus. It should be aggravating to every new york city citizen. I find it embarrassing that they would be looting and rioting this criminal behavior, the thuggish behavior, and it needs to be stopped. Its a huge issue. Young men growing up without fathers, the failed liberal Government Policies have destroyed the black family. And until we put that black family back together, were going to continue to see this type of behavior out of our young men. The sheriff saying degradation of the family is to blame. With it a father figure in the households, the respect for authority is not there. The problem i have that makes sense in a sociological way, what is the solution . Thats the diagnosis. Thats the problem. But what is the solution to the problem . And so were looking for effective leaders in Law Enforcement, in government, of the clause to tell us how to bring folks to the and how we bring families back together. How we have respect for Law Enforcement and the law. I understand the problem and the problem is deepseeded into our american culture. It might help but where is the solution . I have an idea, how about this . People dont Smoke Cigarettes before because it is totally socially unacceptable to do so. But it is totally socially unacceptable to have a child out of wedlock. President obama never said, you aught to be married before you have kids. Not one time. If we made it, it used to be socially uncomfortable to have kids without being married, maybe fewer people would do it. And we define deviancy more and more and more. Before it used to be looked down upon if you smoked a cigarette. Now, no problem. Peaceful protests in this country means that you can shut down Macys Department store, apple, other stores, sit down the street, block bridges, block tunnels with impunity. And somehow that is a form of peaceful protest. Is that peaceful if somebody has a heart attack and cant make it to the hospital because the traffic . Dont block me on my way to see my kids because im not going to stop. Heres another story we are following quite closely, this Rolling Stone store and them backtracking and apologizing after they say their trust in the source on the new rape allegations were misplaced. Now a lawyer has been hired, he specializes in fighting back against Sexual Assault by one of the Fraternity Members at the center of it. They say it was extremely irresponsible reporting. It fueled an already highly polarizing issue and did not to help foster or continue a productive dialogue. In my opinion, the story is a hoax. This woman was raped by several guys on a specific night by the fraternity. That didnt happen. The room she describes specifically, theres no room in the house that matches that description. And one of these alleged aggressors, which the word alleged was not even used in the article, apparently worked as a lifeguard. But nobody in the fraternity works at the aquatic center. The story is not true. All those drawing massive conclusions from the story should be apologetic but they are not. What are they doing instead . The story may be flawed, but the general point still stands. Heres a uva student journalist. Heres what she said in politico. Ultimately from where i sit in charlottesville, to let Fact Checking define the narrative would be a huge mistake. In other words, dont let facts get in the way of the political story or the political point you want to tell. From a journalist, thats terrifying. This is what you learn not to do in your first year of journalism school. Your responses are here. This is an email from drew saying the prosecutor in the Duke Lacrosse Team rape scandal, mike nifong, is in jail for the lilibelous and slanderous shenanigans. Sandra says, truly this is is a messed up magazine. Isnt this the same magazine that put the Boston Marathon bomber on their cover to make him look like a star in y . Yes, it is. It was a lie just admit it, it was a lie we are going to continue to follow the story. And we have a fox news alert this morning, the pentagon is confirming that six gitmo detainees were transferred to uruguay. They are men with suspected ties to al qaeda. Earlier they were said to be accommodated to even bring family. There are 136 prisoners left at gitmo. The white house wants to get the number below 100 to push to bring the remind tore a facility in the United States. The woman who murdered an American Teacher in abu dhabi is facing the death penalty. After being arrested in a police raid, she is responsible for the brutal attack. She lured the American Teacher into a mall restroom before stabbing her repeatedly. Police do not believe the killer acted as a lone wolf and could be involved in a larger terror cell. President obama went to Walter Reed Medical Center for complaining about a sore throat for weeks. His 30minute trip included a c. T. Scat and fiberoptic exam of the throat. The president s doctor says he has acid reflux and will be treating him accordingly. Those are the news headlines. And we have a christmas surprise for six deserving veterans in florida. New Harley Davidsons after suffering from ptsd. Riding a bike is good therapy because you dont use a lot of muscles or memories thinking about past stuff, you use your memory and muscles to ride in the wind. This kicks off a new partnership between Harley Davidson and the Wounded Warrior project. That makes you feel good, tucker. Thats so great. What a great company. An americanmade motorcycle. The only one, the best. Very cool. Coming up on the program, jon stewart uses his show to slam the cops. These are merely an unending bizarly set of circumstances. The problem . His facts are wrong. And our next guest, a police chief, says its time to stop attacking the men and women who keep us safe. And her christmas presents disappear from her mailbox as she takes matters into her own hands. Her ingenious idea works. You have to see this, very cool. When i crave a smoke thats all i crave. Thats where this comes in. Only nicorette gum has patented dualcoated technology for great taste. Plus nicorette gum gives you intense craving relief. And that helps put my craving in its place. Thats why i only choose nicorette. This is the equivalent of the and this is one soda a day over an average adult lifetime. But theres a better choice. Drink more brita water. Clean, refreshing, brita. Thand helzbergre fidiamonds celebrates the spirit of the season. Our diamond ring is the perfect way to express your love. Helzberg diamonds. I am loved. These are merely an unending bizarly set of series of isolated incidents. This is an isolated incident, like the shooting of dante parker in San Bernardino county. Jon stewart under fire for wrongly lumping a California Police taserrelated death together with shootings in other states that werent related to each other in any way. The question is, do facts matter or do they get in the way of the neat morality tale the media would like to tell you . Here is david oliver. Thank you for joining us this morning. Good morning, tucker, how are you doing . How do you feel when you see people make uninformed information about the cops. What do you think . The unfortunate thing is im getting used to it now. 17 of the arrests each year involve deadly force. And were having a conversation that its every time the Police Officers deal with someone, the someone is dying. And its just absolutely ridiculous. So mike ramos, the d. A. In San Bernardino county, and the one who pointed out that that specific case that Comedy Central brought up was not at all what he said it was. He made this point and said, quote, we lead San Bernardino county in officers being killed in the line of duty. Why isnt anybody protesting and marching about that . We try to change the facts, go outside the Justice System to create social issues where they should not be created. I agree 100 . I dont understand why its become open season on Police Officers. I believe that its to take our minds off of other things that are going on. And i get that. But it should not be of a situation where heres the easy thing, dont resist arrest. If a Police Officer is going to arrest you and he says youre under arrest, he or she says youre under arrest, submit to the arrest. The time to fight is in court, its not on the street or on the sidewalk or in a car or anything else. And for some reason, resisting arrest and resisting authority has become kind of the montra of this crew that wants to protest everything. Right. On the other hand, shouldnt police make every effort to treat the public with politeness and to be gentle when they can . Theres not a reason to use force when you dont absolutely have to, is there . Absolutely not. For each one of these incidents small in comparison to the great things Police Officers do every day, that no one covers and no one hears about, i mean, Police Officers are out there changing tires, picking up prescriptions for people and just doing all kinds of great things, that no one talks about. But as soon as theres a shooting or as soon as someone resists arrest, the headline is, cop kills person. So are we going to see crime rates go up in the next couple of years . Thats my guess. I will assume and can tell you Police Officer death by guns are up 50 this year. That statement in itself should have people out on the street protesting. It certainly should. Thank you for joining us this morning. That was interesting. Been my pleasure, thank you. Coming up, a violent video game taken off the shelves and angry fans say the bible aught to be banned if the video game is being banned. Is that a legitimate comparison or is it insane . And if you head to church the morning, ever wonder what the minister is thinking . Father jonathan is here to reveal the biggest secrets they are not telling you in church, including some about their home. Whoa dont miss that. [coughing] dave, im sorry to interrupt. I gotta take a sick day tomorrow. Dads dont take sick days, dads take nyquil. The nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep with a cold, medicine. Worse and worse. Rthritis, i had intense joint pain that got then my rheumatologist prescribed enbrel. Im phil mickelson, pro golfer. Enbrel helps relieve pain and stop joint damage. Ive been on the course and on the road. Enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. Serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. Before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether youve been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. You should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. Tell your doctor if youre prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have symptoms such as persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. Enbrel helped relieve my joint pain. But the best part of every journey. Dad . Is coming home. Ask if enbrel, the number one biologic medicine prescribed by rheumatologists, can help you stop joint damage. Welcome back. My favorite part of the show, in news by the numbers, its been 73 years since the ambush at pearl harbor. In honor of pearl harbor remembrance day, all federal buildings will fly flags at halfstaff today. Next, 50,000. Thats what its going to cost you to have dinner with Prince William and Kate Middleton at a private fundraiser tonight. The duke and duchess of cambridge arrive in new york city this afternoon. Get your reservations in. And 121,000, thats how much two of Marilyn Monroes love letters sold for at a Beverly Hills auction. One from baseball great bill dimaggio. Am i 100 sure that god exists . No. Every minister i know has a faith life that ebbs and flows. Sometimes we feel really close to god and sometimes we dont. Father Jonathan Morris is here with revelations of his own. Good morning. Thank you. Is that true that a lot of spiritual leaders doubt the existence of god from time to time . Definitely. I remember pope benedict, he said what unites in humanity is our doubt. Isnt that interesting . As human beings well never have perfect faith and have a limited intellect. Certainly i have moments of doubt. I cant say im doubting the existence of god but doubt, gosh, what is it going to look like . What is heaven going to look like . Im not sure how this is going to work out, things like that. A lot of people doubt the conduct of god. I believe in a wonderful, beautiful god. Why is god doing this to my and my family . Whether its the untimely death or illness or financial misfortune . Do you see that with people . I do all the time. I wrote a book a while back called the promise. Most of the suffering is selfinflicted. Most of the suffering in my life is bad decisions i have made or bad decisions others made that affects my life. Thats free will. But yes, peter, no doubt, there are some things you just say, this child dying at such a young age, et cetera, thats hard and i dont grasp it 100 . You are a representative of the church and are a symbol of the church and a visible one because you wear the collar. You say that if youre in traffic and you cut somebody off, this poses a problem. You have to basically make a confession. Now im doing it in front of a tv audience. But i said in that one, i gave five here. Sometimes im driving down the street and accidentally i might cut somebody off or maybe not to accidentally to try two get ahead of somebody. Instinctively, i go like this and cover my collar. Because its one thing for people to be mad at me, but i dont want people mad at god or the church. So when people drive with me and i go like this and cut somebody off, people laugh. One of your duties is to marry couples, from time to time. But you have one flub i do a lot of weddings and love doing weddings, but at the end of the wedding you have to say, i now introduce you as man and wife. And i said, brian, you may now kiss the bride. It turns out, it wasnt brian. In fact, brian was an old boyfriend that i knew very well. Old boyfriend of the bride and the whole family knew brian as well. So, whoa. I learned from my mistake. When youre at the pulpit giving your homily and talk about the word of god, the sunday gospel, what are you thinking sometimes . What do you think other than how is this being received . It is easy to say, this is what i believe. The other thing is, how is this being received . I try to pass them by a good friend of mine who is an atheist. I say, im going to say this, what do you think . He says, that makes sense to me or that doesnt make sense to me. I find its very important to see how is this being received, not just what do i have to say. Do you hear confessions that shock you . Actually, i can say theres never been one that ive said, oh, my gosh, im surprised. Its always the opposite. Like unbelievable humanity and courage for this person to start again. I have had to in my own life. And as a believer, it helps me that you confess to selfdoubt. Because the fact that you stay with it gives me confidence. So thank you for sharing that with us. No problem. I did choose some pretty easy ones, okay. There are other things to share, but well just do that off air. Maybe next week. Father Jonathan Morris. Follow me on my facebook and twitter, the real confession. How is that . Thank you, father. Coming up, new incredible details on what happened in the failed mission to rescue an american being held hostage in yemen. What may have blown our special forces cover, next. And a middle schooler now stuck with a drug charge on his School Record for, get this, snorting smarties, you know, the candy . Is that fair . Our legal panel debate that is one ahead. Boy once upon a time, there was a nice house that lived with a family. One day, it started to rain. The house tried to keep out all the water, but water got inside and ruined everybodys everythings. The house thought she let the family down. They just didnt think it could happen. They told the house they would take better care of her. Always. Announcer protect what matters. Get flood insurance. We are about to make more gooddeliveriesverybody. To more places than anybody on earth. We have the speed. We have the technology. And we have the team. We made over 15 billion successful deliveries last year. 15 billion football has a season. Baseball has a season. This is our season. Im keeping my mom healthy keepers, im keeping dad on schedule. Im keeping my mom happy Comfort Keepers inhome professional caregivers can provide meal planning and preparation, health and Wellness Services and personal Care Services through custom care plans that can change as needs change, so your aging loved ones can stay happy and healthy in their own home. Just the thought of quitting makes me want to light up. My World Without cigarettes . Huh. I say we take this one less cigarette at a time. Thats what im doing. And thats how zonnic helps me quit. With new zonnic nicotine gum. One less cigarette is one more victory. Three great flavors. Just 3. 99 or less wherever cigarettes are sold. Zonnic. Every victory counts. I take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. Because it gives me. Zero heartburn prilosec otc. The number 1 doctorrecommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. One pill each morning. 24 hours. Zero heartburn. Good morning, everybody. Today is sunday. Hope youre doing well. In your shot of the morning, this is what happens when you celebrate before the whistle is blown. Oh. Oh, no the Virginia High School state semifinals coming down to a field goal kick. They celebrate after blocking the attempt. Not realizing its still a live ball. Lake Taylor High School runs it in to win the game. They thought they won. The other team took the ball and ran the entire field. Thats it. There we go. All done. Live ball. Thats a metaphor for life. It is to some degree. I think the ball is always live, as is the microphone. And new details on the rescue attempt of the american hostage being held in yemen. Field team six was the group of special operators who pulled this off. You remember them from the bin laden raid. Navy Seal Team Six where he was being held. This is second attempt. They were pretty close. Only 100 yards away when detected by militants there. Reports of some sort of nose essentially, a dog or something alerted the terrorists and gave away their location. And from a drone, the special operators watched as one of the terrorists ran to the building where somers and another hostage were being held. He ran in there and shot both of them and ran off. By the team Seal Team Six got to his location, he was gravely injured and died later. Apparently it was a 30minute firefight between special operators and the militants. They were able to kill about ten militants and escape with two hostages. And it reveals a new development we heard from a great reporter yesterday who revealed this is a new tactic for al qaeda. Somehow now they decided to go ahead and compete with isis. In terms of holding hostages, in terms of executing hostages going forward. Can we speak about this . Good for us for trying to rescue these guys. The european nations have a specific way of dealing with this. They pay the price. Every single time they pay the r ransom. You are seeing this in syria. You have to understand there are repercussions to their act. And we do not sit bypassively. Instead of sending a million dollars, we send Seal Team Six. They are in competition. And what they realize is that isis enriched itself by the tune of tens of millions of dollars by getting hostages and getting them to be paid by ransom money. This is exactly what was going on with this set of hostages. They were going to get paid ransom money and set ghands. And al qaeda realized isis was getting a lot of fame and recruitment. So now they are in competition. All right. Unfortunately, he wasnt able to make it out but we tried. It wasnt a Successful Mission but they were a i believe to extracate him. These folks did what they do, they kill and kill. But thank god for the navy s. E. A. L. S. And a texas doctor vanished without a trace one week ago. The 25yearold last seen sunday night with her family in houston. She didnt show up for work the next day. The family searched her apartment and found her cell phone but her gray toyota camry was gone. Right now police dont suspect foul play involved. A Border Patrol agent recovering from injuries after being brutally attacked at the border. They report the illegal alien tackled the agent while trying to cross into texas and used a rock to bash his head. No word on whether the suspects made it into the United States or if he was arrested. And is the bible more violent than the worlds bestselling video game . Grand theft auto 5 was banned in ksmart and target in australia. But now a group of outraged gamers are starting their own petition calling for a ban on, you guessed it, the bible. Claiming its containing more violence than the game. Their petition on change. Org has nearly 45,000 supporters so far. Packages she ahoma woman ordered were stolen from her mailbox, so she decided to come one a way to fool the crook. Watch. I took this cute little very cheap, very inexpensive clock radio, and we opened it up, we took a couple screws out of it, and we added inside this little tracker. Look at her going all mcguiver. Hours later the Police Tracked it to a nearby home and the thiefs home was full of stolen mail. Caught redhanded. Good for her. Americans are so smart. Where is Rick Reichmuth . Outside, guys. I love that story. Clayton morris should be here for that one. He would love that gps tracking. Thats awesome. Certainly a lot chillier across much of the eastern seaboard today after the storm moved through yesterday cooling things down. We are much dryer, which is great news. Take a look at temps. 28 in chicago. 25 in minneapolis. 42 in atlanta. Certainly a cool morning. Not horribly cold but cold. Hardly a cloud to be had today across the northeast. But temps remain cool. And because theres no clouds, tonight is a very cold one. Down to the southeast, we are also looking pretty dry. A few light showers across texas with clouds. But nothing to amount to too much of any kind of problem. Into the northern plains, this is interesting. Well have a little bit of freezing rain. You can see the pink there across parts of minnesota. Well see freezing rain eventually turning into snow. A couple areas picking up an inch or two. Across the west, today is the dry day. You see the rain just offshore in california. To the Pacific Northwest, that moves in overnight and again tomorrow. The next shot for pretty significant rain into Southern California is coming thursday. So were going to have another storm to bring pretty legitimate rain to california. Thats great news. But thats later on in the week. Now youre looking absolutely fine. Guys . Thank you. Coming up, want to make your Morning Coffee taste better . Yeah, the color of your mug could be all that it takes. And a middle schooler now stuck with a drug charge on a School Record for snorting smarties. No word on why he would want to snort smarties, but is it fair . Our legal panel is here, next. If yand youre talking toevere rheumyour rheumatologiste me, about a biologic. This is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. This is humira giving me new perspective. Doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. Humira works for many adults. It targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. 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If you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any allergic reactions like rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. Ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30tablet trial. Some quick headlines for you. Is your coffee more bitter when you drink from a white mug . Experts said they had a test done and those found that drinking from a white mug makes the coffee more bitter. And this 6yearold is one of 100 people in the world with a rare autoimmune disease. And the cowboys defensive tackle has this as well. The two arranged for a meeting and plan to stay in touch. And a 6yearold boy is in trouble for snorting smarties. Is this fair and legal . Here is lisa and attorney eric guster. Good morning to both of you. Good morning. Well look at what the policy is at the school. They say dangerous controlled substances prohibited by law, alcoholic beverages, wh hallucinogenic substances, is this child in trouble . Its a ridiculous charge. Obviously, you cant be charged with possession of drugs if there are no drugs. And the school cant unilaterally change the law. Its a smartie, a piece of candy. And its not illegal. If the allegation is true, the notion of a 13yearold child simulating drug use by inhaling some substance up his nose. Is that good . Is that bad . Is that like drugs . What should the school be doing here . Inhalant is a category of drugs. The school needs to address it because children do a lot of things like inhale nail polish, deodorant, aeresols to get high. They are not drugs and you can go down to the local drugstore and buy or the local walmart and buy. And these things get them high, which can kill a kid. Which i had a case where a young man was killed, the kid was 10 years old, inhaling lighter fluid and died from brain trauma. But theres no evidence that inhaling candy up your nose is not harmful. I mean, i cant see that its good for your body to be inhaling that. So, what signal should be sent by this school . If its not drugs, should the school be punishing the child in some way for that kind of policy . I think they did. The school suspended the child. I also think that the school has an obligation to present the truth to the child and its not a drug but they are charging him with a drug and putting him on the record for possession of drugs. Which i wouldnt want my child to be treated that way. The other thing that the school did, which i think is the other side of this coin, and if it was my child, i would certainly be seeking legal action against the school in a civil action for defamation of character and intentional infliction of emotional distress. The school publicly with knowledge charged this child with process of a drug. They know its false. Thats defamation. And then they took the report that was published and showed the whole class the report. I understand the fairness, but are we going crazy in terms of lawsuits in this country . Based on this, is that right or wrong . To save a childs record, that could be right. But we have to look at the inhalant issue. Deodorant is not a drug. Leave it there. A smart debate on a sunday morning. Thank you, both. Lisa and eric, thank you. Coming up, parents dont go anywhere. We have the most dangerous toys of 2014. They are not including smarties, though. Are these under your tree . And oscar buzz is getting louder and louder. Kevin mccarthy, he went to paris and is joining us live next on the oscar buzz. Shopping online is as easy as it gets. Wouldnt it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple . Thanks to angies list, now it is. Weve made hiring anyone from a handyman to a dog walker as simple as a few clicks. Buy their services directly at angieslist. Com no more calling around. No more hassles. Start shopping from a list of toprated providers today. Angies list is revolutionizing local service again. Visit angieslist. Com today. On thinto an entire tribes studentseducation. To turn their education but only five percent of indians on the reservation can afford to go to college. Hey, everybody. 52 minutes after the hour. Thank you for joining us on this sunday morning. A lot of folks went to the movies over the weekend. Our Kevin Mccarthy guy from nerdtears. Com came back from paris to sit down with the cast of exodus gods and kings. Ill have my full review of the movie next friday. It was directed by the great director of gladiator. Back in the day, we saw the classic parting of the red sea, a very famous moment. And back then without the special effects they have now, they actually had thousands of gallons of water poured into a tank at paramount studios and reversed the shot. Thats the way the water looks when reversing. In 2014, how was he able to do it . With computer graphics. This is what they had so say about it. Check it out. Its not up to me to describe it as they talk, this thing is probably coming in anywhere between 300 to 400 knots, and its about 200 feet high at that point. You can just be staring at nothing and you dont have to have screens and tennis balls and stuff like that. Im obsessed with tiger woods. I just adore him. So terrifying and so mesmerizing. Even though hes a brilliant artist with the tidal wave, when i see the film, im blown away by that section. That movie opens friday. Ill have my full review, but we know he delivers epic masterpieces. Well talk about that next friday on fox friends. Have you seen wild . Yes, this is getting a ton of buzz directed by the director for dallas buyers club. Reese witherspoon is taking on the story of cheryl strait. She hiked over 500 miles by herself on a trail. Its a brutal film at times but feels very natural. This is feeling like a documentary. Reese witherspoon deserves an Academy Award nomination and shell be nominated for this film and possibly win. Well say the frontrunners are Reese Witherspoon in this movie but you also have julia moore for still alice. Those are the movies to lookout for in the actress category. I gave wild four out of five. I do recommend seeing this because her performance is unbelievable. We know in terms of Kevin Mccarthy, and you usually have it right pretty much, where is the oscar buzz . Before the nominees come out, here are the five movies to see. Number one, birdman. Michael keaton will be nominated as well as director and best score. Possibly best supporting for emma stone and edward norton. Next up, you have to see whiplash. This is a movie starring j. K. Simmons about a Young Musician at an observatory. He could win for best supporting actor. One of the stariest movies ive seen in years. Next you have to see boyhood. This was shot over 2 12 years. I recommend that this wins best picture. Its an amazing achievement and amazing execution in the overall concept. Also, you have to see gone girl. An amazing movie. And finally, fox catcher. Steve carell could win for best actor. Thats our assignmement from Kevin Mccarthy at nerdtears. Com. Have a wonderful sunday. Bye, guys. While you were sleeping, a huge decision in louisiana. Did republicans just gain another senate seat . Well have the results. And a woman who lost her parents in a plane crash reunited with her mothers wedding ring 50 years later after it was lost. She joins us live next hour. The holidays are filled with love. And helzberg diamonds celebrates the spirit of the season. Our diamond ring is the perfect way to express your love. Helzberg diamonds. I am loved. I say we take this onequitting less cigarette at a time. Thats what im doing and thats how zonnic helps me quit. New zonnic nicotine gum. Every victory counts. Just look at those two. Happy. In love. 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Symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. You should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high Blood Pressure before taking it. Grandfather symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. Watch out, piggies child giggles doctor symbicort. Breathe better starting within 5 minutes. Call or go online to learn more about a free prescription offer. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. Hi, everybody. Good morning, today is sunday, december 7, 2014. Im anna kooiman. We begin with a fox news alert. Another democrat out. While you were sleeping, republicans pick up another senate seat. People in louisiana voted for a government which serves us but does not tell us what to do. Thank you, yall. Were live in washington with more on Mary Landrieus doubledigit defeat in louisiana. And from new york to california, overnight demonstrators take aim directly at the police. Rocks thrown at cops and violence in the streets. They are escalating the protests. Where are they going . Well tell you. Plus, after his plane crashes, a world war ii pilot survived seven weeks at sea. And that was only the beginning. They say his faith kept him alive through the darkest moments. But when you see that in the movie . Mornings are better with friends. Thats something to talk about on this pearl harbor day. Another piece of irony that christ is not in that movie. Attacked without warning, unbelievable. Pearl harbor day. Well go right to the fox news alert. While you were sleeping, republicans continuing their sweep of the south. A landslide win in the state of louisiana. The Senate Runoff for republican bill cassidy defeating Mary Landrieu. No surprise here but the margin is telling. Take a look at the board. 5644. As you might remember, Mary Landrieu tried everything and even sponsoring a political show vote on the keystone xl pipeline. It failed and so did her campaign. Quickly outside, money evaporated from the louisiana race like an oil well drying up. Cassidy is the sitting senator from a political family and closely aligned with president obama and it worked. The American People sent a message. They sent a message they did not like the direction our country was going in. Now you in this room are safe in the exclamation mark on that message. Mary landrieus loss means theres not a single statewide Democratic Office in the deep south once considered a stronghold for the party. Those rushing to help show a whos who now with all eyes focusing on the race to the white house and they consider this, the iowa caucus is tentatively scheduled for a little more than 13 months away from right now. Thank you, leland. I cant wait, i love the iowa caucus. The most amazing stat of all this morning, of the 60 Democratic Senators who voted for obamacare four years ago, only half are serving in the next Congress Come january. You think its a referendum on the policy of obamacare . Swept away. You can keep your doctor and your plan, the premiums are going down, the website is going to work. No, no, no, no. Overnight there were more riots. These in peberkeley, california and they turned ugly fast. Tear gas and rocksing with thrown to break windows. Cops were injured by rocks and other projectiles. It got ugly. The cauldron of contention took over Department Stores in manhattan. We want to show you one tweet by a ferguson riot leader, a person who participated in those protests. deray, does anyone know where commissioner bratton lives . Hes the commissioner for new york city. So to say where does he live . What is the implicit of that . Being thrown in from ferguson after leading the riots there exactly. This guy was a leader at the ferguson rights and was flown to new york to lead them here. By the way, this is not a guy off the street who is a well educated member leading the protests and calling for violence across the protesters. Listen to what protesters are saying in the streets. How do you spell racist . Nypd. How do you spell racist . Nypd. And the mayor of new york city bill de blasio said in a press conference he intends to retrain all of the force of the nypd and many people say that makes him an enemy rather than celebrating us being safe. So to make sure the left is doing their act. Nobody lived here as a result. You lived here and you um remember well. You can see that here. David oliver was on fox friends earlier to push back against the cop critics. Listen to what he had to say. Its a little different than what you heard. 70 of arrests a year involve deadly force. And were having a conversation like its every time that Police Officers deal with someone. Heres the easy thing. Dont resist arrest. If a Police Officer is going to arrest you and he says youre under arrest, he or she says youre under arrest, submit to the arrest. For some reason, resisting arrest and resisting authority has become kind of a montra of the group that wants to protest everything. I have seen this before but it is not the cops fault. They are not looting the liquor stores. Why are we giving a pass to those committing violence in the street like a lynch mob and thats okay . You need to respect the police. In new york go back to the 1990s when 6,000 new Police Officers were hire d. Balance is an issue but we dont need to mix politics with crime. Its hard to ask criminals to respect Police Officers when they are not respecting them. A lot of people say its the degradation of the families. Well share your thoughts coming up. And now to a fox news alert. Six gitmo detainees are in uruguay. The six have ties to al qaeda. Earlier this year the president said he would be accommodated and could bring 100 fdetainees o a facility in the United States. The woman who marry ied the man who is responsible for the brutal killing of americans. They believe she could be a lone wolf. And 73 years ago pearl harbor was. In hawaii four of the remaining nine members go to the ufc. The men in their 90s still wonder why they were speared. I always say everybody had to be someplace and the good lord saved just a few of us. Terrible day. And the wall street journal releases its cover from that fateful day featuring analysis of what the world war would mean for americans. Those are your news headlines. And the story we talked about at the top of the show, unbroken, that movie is raising eyebrows this morning. Based on one of the greatest books of all time. The story of a Famous Champion runner who wound up during the story and being stuck at sea for several days. He went down after his imprisonment. The issue becomes, has that faith, that deep faith that kept him alive, is that left out of the Angelina Jolie movie called unbroken. Jack on Facebook Says, the book was completely amazing. But leaving his faith out is gutting, thats the reason he survived. Sadie says, thats not surprising. It came from secular hollywood. Praying it shines through anyway. Its just wild that that could be left out. We have one more. And i havent seen it, but i hope the movie does not sugar coat the brutality of the japanese the way they dealt with chinese and the americans there. It was just horrible and i hope p. C. Doesnt prevent telling them that. Well share your thoughts but right now we have a look at the winter. Good morning. Good morning. Another storm coming to the east coast. Another one. This one mostly rain across the coastal areas from d. C. To boston. Here are your temps right now. This is what the storm is to bring us the rain yesterday. Its gone now but overnight tonight it will be clear and well see a cold night. Almost everybody below freezing into the teens. Once you go farther to the north, that is, monday into tuesday, it will be primarily rain but well leave you with a look at this. The storm moving through and in general we have some nice skies with light snow eventually moving into parts of minnesota. Then more moisture moves to the west coast overnight tonight into tomorrow. Ra rain again in the south. I like it milder. Thank you, rick. A southern tweet. Threeterm democrat Mary Landrieu out in louisiana. Will the president finally get the message his policies are hurting his side . And calling all moms. Victoria secret finally revealed. No idea what that means, but if you stay tuned, youll find out. And you get to watch more video of this. When heartburn comes creeping up on you. Fight back with relief so smooth. Its fast. Tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. And neutralizes stomach acid at the source. Tum, tum tum tum. Smoothies only from tums. Good morning. And the results are in. We want our party to go in a different direction where we the people have the power and not the federal government. You have sent that message. Thank you very much. Bill cassidy defeating thirdtime democrat Mary Landrieu in the runoff for the Louisiana Senate seat. What does a sweeping victory mean for republicans . Joining us now, host of fox news sunday, chris wallace. Chris, good morning. A lot of people take this for granted, it was predicted, but Mary Landrieu is from one of the most political families in the state. A really tough campaigner. What does this mean and what is the message of this result . Let me say, first of all, im excited about this, well have the First National interview with bill cassidy, the winner at the top of the hour on fox news sunday. An exclusive interview with him. Its even bigger than what happened in louisiana, tucker. Because listen to this, i mean, you think of the solid democratic south that we grew up with as kids. There is now not a single democratic governor, senator or state legislature in the deep south, the old deep south, from the carolinas through louisiana. Not a single one. So it is just an amazing thing. And what it says is that a big section of the country, the Democratic Party is seen as out of touch. The big topdown Government Solutions are just unacceptable to a broad swath of the country. And the republicans now holding the most seats since postworld war ii. It is not just that but a lot of the democrats who were, who lost their seats had voted in suit with president obama on obamacare. Is this a referendum on that . Half of the senators who voted for obamacare are not part of the new senate. Thats certainly part of it. I dont know if it is just obamacare but it is the whole government, Big Government philosophy of this administration for the last six years. And you see the democrats who pay the price for supporting that. And obama dare was a big part of it, but again, around the country a lot of the people who supported the obama agenda over the last six years, and thats what the republicans really ran on this year, they were not running on much of a positive agenda of their own but running on lets send a message about president obama and the democrats and what they have been doing. Its been very effective. I remember in 1994 after the disastrous midterm for the democrats then, people said, bill clinton had been the biggest builder in the Republican Party since abraham lincoln. Barack obama replaced bill clinton as a builder and a supporter of the Republican Party. Also, chris, you had a big interview with Rush Limbaugh today. Tell us about that. Well, thank you, peter. We are excited about it. He does very few tv interviews. This will be an exclusive at the top of the hour on fox news sunday. We started with the fact because he was going after fox news because a number of the commentators here have said they thought it was very bad to shut down the government when they run out of funding next thursday, to oppose the president s executive action on immigration. Limbaugh thought that the commentators here on fox news and a lot of the Republican Leaders in congress were acting like weanies. Since then, we have gotten the protests around the country about race and the police. So i think thats going to be plenty for us to talk about with Rush Limbaugh. America will be watching today. If its sunday, you have to be watching chris wallace. There you go, the new motto. Absolutely. Good to see you. Parents, dont change that channel. The list of the most dangerous toys of 2014 is out. Are these on your Kids Christmas lists . You have to know. We have them here coming up on fox friends. [ female announcer ] hands were made for talking. Feet. Tiptoeing. Better things than the pain, stiffness, and joint damage of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. Before you and your rheumatologist decide on a biologic, ask if xeljanz is right for you. Xeljanz tofacitinib is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. Xeljanz can relieve ra symptoms, and help stop further joint damage. Xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. Dont start xeljanz if you have any infection, unless ok with your doctor. Tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. Your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz and routinely check certain liver tests. Tell your doctor if you have been to a region where fungal infections are common, and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take. One pill, twice daily, xeljanz can reduce ra pain and help stop further joint damage, even without methotrexate. Ask about xeljanz. Even without methotrexate. Dave, im sorry to interrupt. I gotta take a sick day tomorrow. Dads dont take sick days, dads take nyquil. The nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep with a cold, medicine. Would you like some med l e headlines . President obama was admitted to walter reed for 30 minutes to find out he has acid reluck in. And Prince William and Kate Middleton arrive in new york city this afternoon. And for 50,000 you can have dinner with them tonight. They will dine with other couples for something called the royal foundation. Anna . That would be fun. Hey, parents, listen up. Did you know every three minutes a toy injury puts a child in the emergency room . So what do you need to know before you start helping santa check off your Kids Christmas list . Joining us is the president of the group watch, the world against toys that cause harm. Every year they put out a list of the worst toys for safety. She is joining us with a few of them. Thank you for being here, joan. Thank you for having me. You need to read the labeling, too. Thats the message to get out this time of the year when 65 of all toys are bought during the holiday season. That dont assume a toy is safe because they are on the shelf. First off, we have this toy from alpha beth zoo. This is a result of a string and cord hazard. Because this is not marketed as a crib toy but a pull toy, it is actually 20 inches long. So if that was just in a different category of crib rather than a pull toy yes, and the manufacturer knows the hazard of strangulation on the bottom in small print where it is hard to see. This presents the strangulation risk to 18monthomontholds. And look at this one right next to the store. Same manufacturer and shelf. They know how to do it better. This bow is part of the toy. Choking hazards have been a major problem we talk about year after year in a large number of recalls every year due to choking hazards. We know little ones are strong and when they are pulling on our hair, they can pull that out. When parents are shopping, examine the toy to make sure there are not detachable parts. The Bottle Rocket party. Adult supervision is required on the back but that doesnt mean its going to happen. The Bottle Rocket party comes with yellow caution tape. Thats a red flag. Maybe a toy to stay away from with a warning that says, makes a projectile that could be hazardous if misused. Think twice about bringing this into your home. Thats the first one everyone in the studio is like, can i play with that and take it to the streets of new york. Dont compromise safety because your kids are excited about a toy. Really, do your Due Diligence and open it up and read the warnings. And this is the ziggle. This is a lowriding toy. And the child is 8 inches off the ground. Low riding toys are hazardous for outside use. Cars have difficulty seeing kids on these. And actually, a third of all toyrelated injuries are due to riding toys. Be aware of this while holiday shopping. What is your sflis. Toysafety. Org. Okay. And the toy Safety Industry said the u. S. Government consistently lists toys among the safest Consumer Product categories in the home. Experts from the city continually work with medical experts, consumer groups and government officials to further strengthen the rigorous design, testing and ensure the safety of toys. If youre getting toys that look safe, just make sure to read the label. 28 minutes after the hour. Coming up on fox friends, new incredible details on what happened in the botched effort to reach the hostage in yemen. And thou shalt not steal Means Nothing to this thief. This 5foot statue of a crucifix goes missing during mass. Today the search is on for the suspect. Music. The getaway vehicle for all the confidence you need. Td ameritrade. You got this. Good morning, friends. Its your shot of the morning. Little 4yearold carston from colorado is the u. P. S. biggest fan. In a new holiday advertising, u. P. S. Delivers carstons dream. Oh, my gosh he gets his own u. P. S. Truck. He loads it up with packages and follows along to deliver packages to his neighbors. His mother says its a surprise hell never forget. Hes a wise young man. He loves the u. P. S. Guy. Women love a man in uniform, it doesnt matter if its brown. Wherever you go, people want to touch you. You know why they u. P. S. Man . They have the best biceps. They are lifting packages all the time, they have a nice tan from being out in the sun. Ask the u. P. S. Guy the next time, what kind of response do you get . I wish i had a little van like that when i was a kid. Thats pretty cool. New details this morning on the remarkable but sadly unsuccessful rescue attempt of the american hostage, luke somers, being held in yemen. S. E. A. L. Team six that specializes in hostage extraction was dispatched. They hiked reportedly six miles to the village where somers was held by terrorists. They were 100 yards away when detected by the militants there. And it was apparently, the reports of some sort of noise, whether it was a dark barking or something to alert the terror rests. Then he was thrown to the naval warship but he died before he arrived. They murdered him intentionally. There was a drone hovering over the site. And they say one of the terrorists run into the building where somers and a european hostage were being held. He shot them both and ran away. About ten terrorists were killed. Somers died in the Aircraft Carrier and the other on the operating terror. A new salute to the navy s. E. A. L. S. How great that our country did this . European countries just pay the ransom. Thats happening repeatedly. We send the s. E. A. L. S. How terrible our journalists have big targets on their backs from isis and from al qaeda. This group was an Al Qaeda Group and are realizing you can make a whole lot of money like isis has by taking hostages. Its a competition, who is the most evil force now . Steve emerson was on justice with jeanine and spoke to this issue, this competition between the most evil forces in the world. They are in competition. They realize isis enriched itself by the tune of tens of millions of dollars by taking hostages and getting them to be paid by ransom money. This is exactly what was going on with this set of hostages. They were going to get paid ransom money and set demands. And al qaeda realized isis was getting a lot of fame and recruitment. So now they are in competition. Again, good for us. Because we didnt pay the ransom. And in the end, it didnt work out but i think it sent an important message, you grab americans, we are not sending you cash but the s. E. A. L. S. Thats the payment, your lives. A frantic search is underway for a texas doctor who vanished without a trace almost one week ago. The 25yearold last seen sunday night with her family in houston. She didnt show up for work the next day. Her family searched her apartment and found her cell phone but her gray toyota camry was gone. Right now police do not suspect foul play is involved. And carriages on a swing ride start crashing into each other. It happened in the u. K. 200 feet above the ground. The wind caused empty seats to slam into one that was full of riders. No one was hurt, fortunately. The ride operator says the ride is supposed to shut down when the wind gets too strong. Whatever happened to thou shalt not steal . A new York City Church says someone swiped this crucifix from their lobby when mass was in session one room over. That cross is worth 5,000 and the Church Called st. Anthony of padua named after its patron saint of lost and stolen items. If you want to be a Victoria Secret angel, you have to act like it. Fashion insiders say the Lingerie Company holds their elite supermodels to strict behavior standards. They sign a morality clause so they dont get locked up in the party scene. And a lot of them are moms. Can you believe that . Industry insiders say its no coincidence they are photographed frequently with their children because moms buy lingerie the most. It is important the standards be kept. We have the best moms in the world. We do. The morality part, no party scene or the physical part . The moral part but the fiscalty standards are important because there are certain expectations that need to be met. Lets hear it for the moms this morning. We are leading globally in the mom category. Youre right, in the world. The. And the best weatherman, by far. Where is Rick Reichmuth . Welcome from san diego. Hi. We dont get many san diego visitors out here. Its a long trip from san diego. It is a long trip from san diego, yeah. And youre going to get more rain coming this week, which is good news by thursday and friday. But right now well look at the weather map. All the cold air is across canada where we would like it to be. You can see that pink. Thats the arctic air mass that is not down across the lower 48. We like to see that. That was down here for much of november. And now its retreated and i think well keep it that way for at least the next week or week and a half. Today across the northeast in the midatlantic, west virginia, ohio, were talking about a chilly day. We see rain and snow come back on tuesday. Monday night into tuesday. Down across the southeast, a cool day as well. A cold front moved through except for far south florida, miami, a pretty spectacular 81 degrees across the northern plains, a little bit of icing to start out the day across eastern minnesota and parts of wisconsin to transition to snow. Maybe one to three inches accumulating. But western nebraska, western south dakota, western kansas to the high plains, youll be warming up into the 50s and the lower 60s. Denver, 59 today. Well see a lot of sunshine. Well see the rain move into the Pacific Northwest and makes its way to california by thursday. All right, guys, do we have good moms . Lets hear it for the moms the best moms ever in the world. Coming up, a shocking story about a fraternity raid that falls apart. Things are about to get worse for Rolling Stone. Could the magazine now be facing huge lawsuits . Judge alex ferrer is here coming up next. And a woman who lost her parents many years ago reunited with her mothers wedding ring a half century later. She joins us next with this amazing story. Why does it feel like all or nothing . If i wanted to lose weight would you expect me to lose 25 pounds overnight . Ever hear of small steps . It may not sound like a big deal, but one less cigarette is a big deal. So im taking it one cigarette at a time. Thats how zonnic helps me quit. With new zonnic nicotine gum, one less cigarette is one more victory. 3 great flavors. Just 3. 99 or less wherever cigarettes are sold. Zonnic. Every victory counts. Heyaarp members get a lot. Ey like discounts on gifts from 1800flowers. Com. Oh. Savings on roadside assistance from allstate. And exclusive offers from avis, budget and budget truck. All kinds of great deals on dining. Entertainment, travel, and more. Like geek squad, expedia and british airways. All in one place. Aarpdiscounts. Com. Popcorn, your favorite. 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We asked judge alex ferrer. It sounds like this story is untrue at best. A hoax at worst. But theres no evidence at all that has surfaced that its true, that this event actually happened. So what does this mean for Rolling Stone magazine . It means serious liability. Thats what it means. The media has a lot of protections, especially when it comes to public figures, they can print things that are not true and they are pretty much protected under the First Amendment unless you can show they acted with malice or recklessness. But that doesnt apply to public figures and its doubtful the members of the fraternity itself would be viewed as a public figure. So the question would be were they negligent . I dont have any doubt they will have an easy time of proving negligence in this case because the reporter didnt check a lot of the details. In fact, most of the details of the story. And just went ahead and printed it without trying to contact the alleged rapist in the case to find out what their side of the story was. So what about the woman who made the false charges . False charges of rape are amongst the word thing you can do. To kill a mockingbird is based on this. This woman accused a member of this specific fraternity, Seven Members of the crime, and apparently it never happened. The media are still protecting her identity for some reason. We dont know her name. Is she potentially in trouble . Yes. Yes, of course. Shes potentially in trouble because she started the whole thing. And what will probably happen is that the Rolling Stone magazine will get sued and seek discovering the identity of the person who came up with the story. The accuser. And undoubtly Rolling Stone will try to protect the identity turned reporters privilege and this varies state to state. New york has an absolute protection. And this will probably be brought in virginia and virginia only recognized a qualified privilege. So you have to show its relevant information, which it is, and you canyou have to show cant be obtained by any other source. I dont think they will have a hard time proving that. So i think that Rolling Stone will have to cough it up or the reporter will face sanctions. What do you make of the response from the left, including the administrators of the university of vo virginia, who say they dont care whether this specific felony took place or not because it points to a larger truth about fraternities being evil, even though theres no actual evidence they are. But we want the conversation to remain there. Thats ridiculous. Its ridiculous. When it comes to the media taking that position, i think it shows a larger problem. And that is that we have seen more and more in recent years that the media is getting less careful about what they print as long as it fits the story they want to tell. And it doesnt matter whether it comes with racist claims or with false claims of rape or things like that. The end story is, oh, okay, even though we allegation that this was rape or roadway schiacism, disputes that. But how do you destroy somebodys life or come back from these allegations, like the duke player years ago, the duke players who were accused of being rapists, you have to bounce back from that. And there are people who hear the story but never hear the retraction. Well, i dispute it until you show me the evidence. And they havent. Judge, thank you for joining us, appreciate it. Thank you, tucker. New overnight, six more guantanamo guantanamo detain nieees are se free. Are they victims or terrorists now . And this woman lost her parents in a plane crash. Half a century later her moms wedding band is back in her possession. That woman and the man who found the ring join us live, thats next. Hey matt, whats up . Im just looking over the company bills. 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From a terrible tragedy 55 years ago to an incredible find, our next guest called her own personal christmas miracle. Joyce morton lost her parents when their small plane crashed in Washington State back in 1959. And just this week, she received a phone call, a logger had found a precious piece from her past. Her mothers wedding ring. Shes wearing it here today. Joyce warden and Nick Buchanan, the man who found her moms ring. Join us now. Nick, good morning. Good morning there. How did you find this ring and how did you decide to spend so much time and so long in restoring it to the family . Well, i had heard about the plane crash and it was just im an avid hiker and a treasure seeker, so to speak. And i had made numerous trips to the plane and i was just looking for whatever treasures i might find there. Lo and behold, on one of my trips, i found that ring and it took me a long time to ever get it to where it belongs, but im very happy the right person has it now. And so you tracked down joyce warton, who is sitting here with me this morning. Good morning, joyce. Good morning. What do you want to say to Nick Buchanan right now in terms of restoring this beautiful ring your mothers heir loom to you. Love you, nick. Thank you so much. It was the most wonderful gift i think ive i could ever have received. And i think its a miracle, first of all, that my parents were ever located. And second, that you found the ring and were the kind of person who pe severed and returned it to me. It means so much. When did you last see the ring, joyce . The last time i saw this ring, i saw it on my mothers finger in 1959 because they lived in san antonio. And this was before they took off for Washington State to visit her brothers. A terrible tragedy. Nick, how long did it take for you to track down joyce and her family and restore this ring . Well, i found this ring in 97 and, of course, technology had not evolved to where it is today. And so i spent going on to 20 years before i could ever get up with this, you know . And, actually, a nephew and a friend of his who had done a lot of research on ancestry. Com, thats how we finally located joyce and her family. Joyce, do you believe in fate . Do you believe that certain things are kind of preordained to happen . What rushes through your mind when you look at this ring and then you also think about the humanity of a man that youve never met and you may never meet that had the presence of mind to say, i want to restore this for the person who would really enjoy it and really understand the love that it means. I dont believe in fate, but ill tell you something, i do believe in gods will. And our prayer was that we would find my parents remains and that was answered. And my other prayer was that if possible, this ring meant so much to my mother would be found and i could believe in an answer to prayer. And i think nick is an answer to prayer, too. Nick, in our last few seconds, what do you want to say . Well, im just very happy to have gotten it to you, joyce. Thats where its been its been a long, long time wish of mind to find the family and most of all my greatest wish was to find the family that they had a daughter to turn this over to. Answered prayers, Joyce Wharton and Nick Buchanan, thank you for being here with the Great American story. Well be back with more on fox friends. Good to see you both. Thank you. I take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. Because it gives me. Zero heartburn prilosec otc. The number 1 doctorrecommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. One pill each morning. 24 hours. Zero heartburn. Hi, friends. Good morning. Today is sunday, the 7th of december, 2014. Im anna kooiman. We begin with a fox news alert. Overnight, demonstrators take aim at the police. How do you spell racist . Nypd, theyre saying. Is this the right way to make change happen . And as their story about a Fraternity Gang Rape falls apart completely and looks more and more like a hoax, things are about to get even worse for Rolling Stone magazine. Could they be facing legal trouble . Well have the latest. And stuck with a drug charge on his School Record for what . For snorting smarties, the candy. Is that fair . Your emails are pouring in on this one. You know why . Because mornings are better with friends. Good morning. Good morning, everybody. Come on in and were looking at all the stories, the christmas decorations, taking pictures. Its the holiday season. I have to tell you, im so excited. Im going down to North Carolina this week and next week were going to show you some of my family christmas traditions. Today, by the way, pearl harbor day. 73 years ago this morning, the japanese government attacked us without false provocation. We had done nothing to them. We punished them for it send ago clear message. But first, a fox news alert. Overnight, a signature win for in the state of louisiana. Republican bill cassidy defeating threeterm democrat mary rand lieu in a runoff. Breaking down the numbers, its not a real surprise, but the margin is a bit surprising. Good morning, leland. Good morning, anna, to you. No surprise. Experts had been predicting this for a long time. Take a look at how big the win is. 56 44, bill caddie. A congressman over Mary Landrieu, the incumbent senator down there in louisiana. Mary landrieu tried everything, what many called a political show boat on the keystone pipeline. It failed. So did her campaign. Quickly outside money evaporated from the louisiana race like an oil well running dry. Cassidy cast the sitting senator from an old louisiana political family as closely aligned with president obama and it worked. The American People sent a message. They sent a message that they did not like the direction our country was going. Now, you in this room is the exclamation mark on that message. And consider this, Mary Landrieus loss seems there is not a single Democratic State Office Holder from the deep south, once considered a strong hold from that party, those rushing to help cassidy over the past few weeks read like a whos who of republican contenders for to 16. Caddies victory brings the 2014 midterms to a close. All eyes focused on the 2016 with the caucus tentatively scheduled for more than 13 months away. Get ready. That means half the Democratic Senators who voted for obamacare will not be in the congress. Leland, thanks so much. I have to say, i cannot believe she lost. Even calling the voters racist and sexist. But it shows you she would do anything. Obama did this to her. Absolutely. Big, big win for the gop. Overnight, there were protests that turned violent, markedly violent in the town of berkeley across the bay from san francisco. Smashing windows, throwing rocks at the police. At least one Police Officer pretty injured by that tear gas. It got completely out of hand. Initially, it was peaceful. The Police Officer asked them to disburse, they didnt. Then they started doing the tear gas and the protesters went wild. Theres been a level of aggressiveness in terms of the protests that we havent seen in a while. Marchers taking over macys, apple stores, shutting down bridges and tunnels. Now we see in social media some of that same kind of strange and hinting violence talk. One ferguson protest leader, deret mckessen, tweeting out does anyone know where commissioner bratton lives . Referring to the Police Commissioner of new york city. Now, i dont know what that is. Thats a threat. Sounds like it. If youre leading antipolice protests and youre saying, where does he live, youre making a pretty clear statement that you know, of a threat. No. By the way, this is a guy who was flown into new york, he was, as you said, a big ferguson leader. He went to bodien. Hes not from the streets, thats for sure. And he was flown here as part of an organized protest. Right. They obviously thought he did a good job. I dont know whether hes a rioter or but i do know he was a substantial part of that protest. Why does keeping me to get to work or home to my kids, shutting down the apple store, why does that make this a more just country. It doesnt. Why are you hurting stores . What do they have to do with anything . Yeah, how can it be considered to be peaceful protests if youre stealing from people around you and if youre blocking traffic and somebody is pregnant trying to get to the hospital or having a heart attack, come on. And david clark in Milwaukee County reacteded to some of the comments that weve heard in response to the protesters, including comments weve heard here in new york city. Watch what he had to say. That he threw nypd under the bus should be aggravating to every new york citizen. I find it just embarrassing and i find it a charade that these individuals across the country would be looting and rioting. That is criminal behavior, thuggish behavior, and it needs to be stopped. Its a huge issue. Young men growing up without fathers, they failed liberal Government Policies have destroyed the black family. Until we put that black family back together, were going to continue to put this type of behavior out of our young men. Bill de blasio wants to retrail train all of the police force. Were getting new details on that controversial widely publicized newspaper article that accused Seven Members of a fraternity of gang raping a fellow student 37 the story has completely fallen apart. There is no evidence that that attack actually took place and quite a bit of evidence to suggest the woman who told that story and the magazine are lying. The question is, if thats true, what kind of sanctions will Rolling Stone face . We know at least one of the alleged adegreesers was not used in this Rolling Stone article and, in fact, hat sought legal counsel. We had judge alex on the show earlier to talk on this issue. Take a listen. The media has a lot of protection. Generally especially when it comes to public figures, they can print things that arent true and theyre pretty much protected under the First Amendment unless you can show that they acted with actual malice or recklessness. The question is were they negligent . I dont have any doubt theyre knot going to have difficulty proving negligence in this case. The reporter didnt even try to contact the althd rapist in the case. Some people think thats t e truly irrelevant. Look at the politico blog, a uva student wrote ultimately where i sit in charlottesville, to let Fact Checking define the narrative would be a huge mistake. I always thought fact constituted the narrative. Thats what you learn your first year in journalism school. She is an editor at the uva student newspaper. Shes saying what many on the less have been saying in less clear terms is it doesnt matter what actually happens because we already know fraternitys are rapists. Lets ignore them. And by the way, the university of virginia and i have a lot of regard for that school. But the administrators from that school have shut down greek life. Theyre punishing fraternities for something it doesnt am even happened. America agrees with you. Bias and ideology should be held. And anna on Facebook Says Rolling Stone should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and made an example to the rest of the media who no longer report the facts in their totality. It is or wellan. It is scary. This is a totalitarian mindset that says collective punishment is okay, facts dont matter, dont let anything get in the way of our political agenda. Yo this story and others. We need to get to this now. A fox news alert breaking this morning, the pentagon confirming six more get mow detainees have been transferred to uruguay for resettlement as refugees. Earlier this year, uruguays president said they could be accommodated and could even bring family. There are 136 prisoners left at gitmo. The white house wants to get that do less than 100. After being arrested during a Dramatic Police raid, the woman admitted responsibility for the brutal attack. She said she lured the american attack into a rest room before stabbing her repeatedly. Police do not believe the killer acted as a lone wolf. Police is he she may be involved in a larger terror cell. After a philadelphia bound flight was forced to make an Emergency Landing, the entire crew got sick midair. The Us Airways Flight to israel was diverted to rome when a rubbery smell made 14 crew members sick. They were checked out at the hospital along with two passengerers. The reports say the ventilation system could be to blame. 73 years ago today, japanese planes ambushed the naval bat base at pearl harbor. All buildings are expected to fly flags at halfstaff. In hawaii, four of the remaining nine members of the uss arizona gathered at the memorial to mark the an versusry. The men, now in their 90s, still wonder why they were spared. Like i said, everybody has to be some place. The good lord saved just a few or us, so its a terrible day. In the wall street journal releasing its cover from that fateful day, featuring analysis of what the war would mean for americans. Those are your news headlines. Thank you, anna kooiman. Whats your middle name . Anthony. Richard anthony. One storm moving out across the east. A little bit of troubles today across parts of minnesota into wisconsin and out across the west coast were looking pretty good, as well. But thats going to change. We are going to continue to see this pattern of rain showers moving in across Northern California, throughout parts of the Pacific Northwest. Really for much of this week. You but by thursday or so, na is going to drift farther to the south. Well get more rain in parts of Southern California. Great news. Out across the east, get ready for the next storm. Its going to brew, a costal storm developing monday night into tuesday. Rain in the far interior sections, but were talking about a gloomy week. This happened when you live in the northeast. I think youre blaming the victim, to be totally honest with you. You know what . Dont live there. We left the night before thanksgiving and hasnt been is seen since that night. The mother of missing College Student Shane Montgomery joins us live with how you can help in the search for him. And a terrifying moment as theme park rides start slamming into the air into each other. How did this happen . Here this c. 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Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. While taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. Those three Important Reasons are why eliquis is a better find for me. Ask your doctor today if eliquis is right for you. The desperate search for missing pennsylvania College Student Shane Montgomery is now in its tenth day. He was last seen after leaving a bar just outside of philadelphia during the early hours of thanksgiving. Joining us now with more on how you can help is shanes mother, karen montgomery. Good morning, mrs. Montgomery. Thank you for having me. Sdmrets describe your son first. Hes 511, about 140 pounds. He was last seen wearing a button down gray shirt, gray hoot hoody and jeans and he has a celtic krot tattooed on his shoulder. Miss montgomery, how can the public help . What about shane should people know and should they be looking at their phones of all things to see if there are clues there. Thanksgiving evening is a very big night for kids to go out and people to go out and meet former friends and classmates. According to what ive been told, the establishment and the other bars in the area were packed to the gills and a lot of people take pictures with their cell phones and the authorities are now looking and asking people to look at their cell phones, see if they have any video and any pictures that they took to look in the background and see if theres somebody resembling shane to establish a better timeline of where he what happened after he left the bar. Theyre also hoping that people will come forward with information because he was asked to leave the bar right before closing time. So there had to be people on the street and nobody has come forward with any information about which way he may have gone or, you know, where he went. And the reason video and phones are important is because your son used to like to joke sometimes and photo bomb folks. So its important that green lane, the river area to see whats going on. Exactly. If you can help, please contacted the fbi in the philadelphia area at tho 000. Thank you very much and thank you for having me. Coming up, president obamas ebola czar already calling it quits. Why hes on the way out and what hes actually done. And did you know annie, remember annie has a godinspired message. The creator director, the annie remake is joining us live to explain that. Coming up. 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Com and enter the onscreen code word to get started. Hi, everybody. Good morning. Quick headlines now, the ringing of the ebola czar coming to an end. Ron klaine will leave his position in march. It is unclear how much of an impact he had on this situation. And print williams and wife kate arrive in new york city this afternoon. And for 50,000, if you have it, you can have dinner with them tonight. The duke and duchess of cambridge will dine with 15 other couples at a dinner focusing on conservation issues. Its been a great year so far in film with movies like heaven is for real, son of god and they anticipate biblical exodus coming soon starring christian bale. And a recent survey says more than half of americans wish there were more movies with christian values. Joining us to sds it all, devon franklin. Hes the executive of the remake of annie. So anna summed up the question. Is faith going mainstream in hollywood . You know, i think faith has always been mainstream. I think this issue is this year you had more of a spectrum of opportunity in film for those that want to see more faith portrayed on the screen. So i dont think its an issue of going mainstream, i think youre seeing more content there to tap into what the mainstream actually wants. Youre the creative executive of annie. I love thats a remain. The hard knocks life, the sun will come out tomorrow. I love of pit i didnt realize there were parallels with faith. I just thought it was an inspiring story. I grew up as a christian. I am a christian. Jesus spoke in parables, right . From the prodigal son to the man with the talent. When you look at this story, doing to others as youd have do unto you. When you look at annie, its all about this young girl who is optimistic and she doesnt find it in the way she thinks shes going to, she finds it in the way she actually needs. When we look at this story and we look at how its going to connect for the holidays, we look at a man would doesnt want a child, but he does to her unto as he would like to have done unto him. Lets take a sneak peek at annie, okay . Book, braid her ha blow on this b, put this together. Its a kitty cat. What should i do . Pray. I tried. It hasnt worked yet. Okay. Show time pup guides, act well cared for. We love you, miss hannigan. Take it down a thousand. Nobody is going so believe that. Cameron diaz. The lesson were seeing in 2014, it will be like a variety headlines. Bible is at the box office. Lets look at the numbers that religious faithbased movies, heaven is for real, son of god, 68 million. God is not dead 62 million and left behind, almost 20 mp million. What does that say about movie goers . What it says is there are millions and millions of christians in the country that go to regular movies, you know, like xmen or avengers and they want to see different types of film. So when you see the success of movies like heaven is for real, youre seeing a mainstream audience, a family audience saying when we get to the box office, we want a spectrum of entertainment we can take our family to. I think thats why this year has been burseling with bible at the box office, to use your words. So people want movies that are explicitly christian or here is the great news. When you look at the christian message, there are some messages that are more directly faced, more about how you should live. So when you look at a movie, a movie has to fall in this on the spectrum. What were finding is some audiences want hard core fais faith, some want more about the principal and the parable and the spectrum. Frank capper had a quote where he said audiences are looking for spiritual and moral reassurance. If movies cant provide this, maybe they will serve no good. I believe that. Irng when you see 3406 veries that are uplifting, look at the history at the box office, movies that are uplifting that give that reassurance, are those movies those that overperform. Thats why i think a story like annie has been here forever because people continue to find hope. Optimism and connect their fais faith and what they want the world to be through the eyes of this young girl. You watch them over. Over. Moviemaker. Annie, Christmas Day in movie theateres. December 19th. You can preach, im impressed. Thank you. Next on the rundown, a middle schooler stuck with a drug charge on his School Record for snorting smarties. Is that fair . Your emails are pouring in on this one. And before he was marky mark, he was mark wallburg, the criminal with the record. Now hes fighting for a clean slate. But ill stretch this out just a little while so you keep watching. There it is. Its your shot of the morning. A driver in russia not letting tires stop him from getting home. Check it out. He replaced the back wheel on the passenger side with a slid right there. You thought it was a sled . Its a sled. It seemed to be working and he continues on his way. Ive never seen that. Thats huge. Talk about ruined flat tires. I mean, you know im not endorsing russia or putin or anything. But that is the most hilarious country in the world. And everyone has a dash cam so its all caught on video. Thats the only thing they make are what laborious videos. This is a story weve talked about earlier in the show. In fact, we had a debate on it. A middle schooler will now have a drug charge on his permanent School Record, a drug charge. What did he do . He snorted smarties. Thats not a euphemism. Those are the candies you remember from childhood halloween and theyre knot nonnarcotic. So was he just being silly or violating the drug policy of the school . Dangerous controlled substances prohibited by law, hallucinogenic substances and inhalents. And so we had a couple of smart lawyers debating that this morning. Lets hear their debate and then well hear from you, what you have to say. Its a ridiculous charge. Obviously, you cant be charged with possession of drugs if there are no drugs. And a school cant unilaterally just change the law. This is a smarty. Its a piece of candy and its not illegal. Inhalent is a category of drug. The school needs to address it because children do a lot of things such as inhale nail polish, deoderant, aerosols to get high. Theyre not drugs and you can go down to your local drug score or local walmart and buy and these things get them high, which could kill a kid. But nobody is making the obvious point, which is smorting smarties is its own punishment. I mean, this it burns probably. Can you imagine . Theres real legal issues here. Is that an inhalent . Are we simulating drug use . We get upset when people simulate sex or simulate violence in that kind of setting. So what kind of message are we setting . Youre saying to younger kids, its okay to inhale a candy as if its a substitute for drugs. Clearly, there shouldnt be a drug charge on this childs record. But at the same time, you cant have kids snorting candy or stuffing tootty rolls up their nose at school. There has to be a but i think its so unpleasant. And, again, im just extrapolating. I think it has to be so awful, the experience. I think its physically harmful were not going to have a nationwide epidemic of smarty snorting. Talk to a guidance counselor. Charging a young student with a drug charge for snorting smarties. The administration of that school needs to be fired and people with xhont place put in place. Kids are snorting smarties to get a quick high, the kid should be in trouble. Is it okay for kids to hough aerosol at school . Of course not. He needs to be educated on the dangers of snorting anything, not charged. I dont know. Anybody who can who would snort smarties may be beyond education as we understand it. But one of the viewers saying there is a harmful effect and it has some high. I dont know. I dont know. I dont like it. I just dont like it. I dont know it would make a drug sell on that kid, but at the same time, the signal has to go out, you cant do that. I bet all the other kids are laughing at him. Tell him not to do it, see if theres an issue going on at home or something. Other stories making headlines on your sunday morning. We are now learning what the last minute of the Top Secret Mission to rescue american hostage luke somers were like for the s. E. A. L. Team six members involved. They reportedly hiked at least six miles to the yemeni village where he would be held. The Al Qaeda Movement for the troops outside of an open fire believed to be tipped off by a barking dog. Somers and the South African hostage were both shot and recovered by the saels. The two men died shortly thereafter on their way to a navy ship. At least six al qaeda militants killed in the raid. Actor Mark Wahlberg trying to get a pardon for a crime he committed 26 years ago. He wants a pardon saying cease a changed man. He says hes running into problems getting specific licenses for his business, wahlbergers because of his criminal record. A thrill ride goes dangerously wrong, carriages on a swing ride start crashing into one another. The wind caused empty seats to slam into one another. No one was hurt and the ride operator says the ride is supposed to shut down when the wind gets too strong. A tragedy turn into a christmas miracle. Joyce wharton lost her parents when their small plane crashed in Washington State in 1959. But then this week, she received a phone call, a logger found a pressure piece from her past. Her mothers wedding ring. Love you, nick. Thank you so much. It was the most wonderful gift i think i could have ever received. I think its a miracle, first of all, that my parents were ever located and, second, that you found the ring and were the kind of person who persevered and returned it to me. It means so much. Nick says it took nearly 20 years to find joyce and her family and return the ring. Ancestry. Com really helped him out, too, right . It felt so good. Rick was speaking to those folks. What a great thing fox friends did bringing them together, united them. What a great story. I have a rult that if you make signs, youre going to get on tv. Wow. Here to represent fleming island, florida. By jacksonville. Yeah. Thats awesome. A little chillier here this morning. Way chillier. Temperaturewise, here you go, not that bad almost anywhere across the country. A pretty mild weather pattern. So were going to enjoy that. Take a look at what happens throughout the day today. The northeast, cooler and yesterday after the cold front moved through, brought all that rain yesterday, tonight will be a chilly night. So make sure you bundle up if youre headed out. Down to the southeast, not a bad day. It is cooler, as well. Well see a few scattered showers across parts of texas and oklahoma, but nothing that is problematic. Into the northern plains, get ready for freezing rain this morning across parts of minnesota. That is going to turn into snow by the afternoon and maybe an inch to three accumulate. Out across the west, ill tell you what, not a bad day in general. Weve got dry conditions. Things are looking pretty good. Coming up in just a few minutes, we have dhl here and an amazing tree grower sending tree toes our troops in the middle east. An amazing story. Spreading some Holiday Cheer from dhl and these little kids sending great letters, as well. Coming up, its a sad sign of the times. The United States is no longer the largest economy in the world. Maria bartiromo joins us on chinas rise to power, next. And what does it take to become an angel . Not what you think. Here is a hint 37 calling all moms, Victoria Secret finally revealed, coming up. Americans drink 48 billion bottles of water every year. Thats enough plastic bottles to stretch around the earth 230 times. Each brita filter can replace 300 of those. Clean. Clear. Brita water. Nothing is better. Its a sign of the times, for the first time in decades, the u. S. Beaten out of the number one spot in the global economy. China surpassing the United States becoming the largest in the world. What does this say about the countrys slow growth . Joining us now, sunday morning futures. Maria bartiromo. Thanks for coming on. Thank you. Is this number as ominous or bad as it sounds . People were expecting china to overtake the u. S. As the largest economy for a long time now. Were talking about 1. 3 billion people versus 300 million in the u. S. I dont think youre talking about apples versus apples. Youre talking about salaries that are so much lower. So you cant really look straight on apples to apples. Havent said that this, this is a story about growth and the u. S. Growth is stagnant. We are not going anywhere fast and chinas economy is growing at about 7 a year. Were growing at about 2 . So no surprise that china has become a largest economy, but there are subtleties that really make you look at measure. The measurements are different. So im not concerned about it, but i am concerned about the stagnant growth in the u. S. We need to pick things up if we want to see job creation. What are the repercussions . Theres not that many major repercussi repercussions. Youre talking about the economy in the sum of goods and services sold. 17. 6 trillion dollars versus the u. S. At 17. 5 trillion dollars. So a couple hundred billion dollars between friends, i guess. Still, the chinese economy will continue to get larger. They are making a transition from becoming an exported economy, producing all the products of the world to a consumer economy which is, of course, what we are in the u. S. A consumer economy. Thats going be tough. So, again, i think the chinese economy will continue to get larger, and the u. S. , it needs to pick up growth in order to impact its people and that means job creation and thats been very slow. We need policies and we need real job creating policies. How does this affect confidence in the economy when people see a number like that and see that weve been surpassed . I know we have better than anticipated job numbers in terms of taxable rates and salaries increasing, as well. What does that mean . Thats what you are hitting on, as well, anna. That is confidence. You really want to feel like youre in an economy that can produce jobs, that can grow quickly and were not there right now. Actually, we had a pretty good jobs number on friday, but even there are people are poking holes at the participation rate. Those people have stopped looking. I think it is all about confidence and thats what were dealing with. Were dealing with a loss of confidence in the institution, in the administration, in the economy in general. At the same time, the chinese economy is just, you know, spurring along and growing and doing quite well. Your show follows this and in just a few minutes. Who is on . Senator john mccain, chairman of the Senate Armed Services committee likely when the new Congress Takes effect. Were going to get his take on the new defense secretary. What does the huge drop in Oil Prices Mean for our relationships . And were below 2 a gallon on gasoline in a few cities. Were going to have a good conversation with john mccain. Then we have julia legends, the founder tiger management. We talked about the economy and whether or not now is the time to put your money in the stock market for your retirement, even though were at record levels. Thank you, maria. Well be watching. Thank you very much. Coming up, are you sick of checking your emails from home . Could it soon be against the law . The new laws coming up for employers. And getting into the Christmas Spirit can be a challenge for our troops serving overseas. But one program is decking the halls for our nations heros. Up next, well tell you how you can help, too. If yand youre talking toevere rheumyour rheumatologiste me, about a biologic. This is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. This is humira giving me new perspective. Doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. Humira works for many adults. It targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. 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In germany antistress laws would give workers Legal Protection preventing them from dealing with work related phone calls or email traffic after hours and on weekends. Regulating every relationship in their lives. And being angelic is part of the job for Victoria Secret girls. Girls are contractually obligated to stay out of trouble. Most of them are moms. I want reinforces the points that america has the best moms. Well learn more when Angel Candace stops by tomorrow on fox friends at 8 50 eastern time. This story will make you smile. The holidays can be hard for our heroes serving overseas. One dwroup is trying group i it easier by shipping Christmas Trees to our servicemen and women. Good morning, thanks for being with us. So where did you get the idea . You started back in 2004, i understand, and have done 8,000 trees 8,000 since 2004. A lady came into our store and talked to my father and asked if we would send a tree over to her son was stationed in iraq. My father had an idea maybe we could do this. Luckily we have a friend who is good friends with Kathy Oreilly at dhl. This is amazing pup send trees and the decorations in a separate box so they can trim a box. They decorate trees while over there and deployed. How did you guys get involved . Its so important that corporate sponsors help these things happen. Dhl promotes the social responsibility in the communities where we work, where we live. Dhl is there to move trees. We have a team of Certified International specialists within our Amazing Network and were proud to do it for the 11th year. Trees, decorations, menorah and some letters. Some children are spreading some Holiday Cheer. Good morning, guys. Can you hold up your cards and show the camera what you got going here . Whats your name, bud . Matthew. Matthew, what does your card say . Thank you soldiers. Show us the inside. Thank you soldiers for serving for the year. You are risking your lives so everyone in america can be free. Youre all very brave. I hope you all see your families alive. Have a happy holidays. Happy holidays. Can you show your big American Flag to the camera too, matthew . How about you. Whats your name . Shannon. What does yours say dear veteran thank you for your order of service. Youre so great. I hope youll be home soon. Happy holidays from shannon. Show yours to the camera as well so our viewers can see. Very nice. Whats your name, sir . Sergeant james. Sergeant james, what does it mean to you to know little kids are out here and never met you but want to make sure you have a happy holiday . It means a lot. Very important. Great. Joe, its got to mean something not only are you doing something for the troops that they get this but also teaching they kids lessons about supporting our troops. Our family is so happy to do it every year. We want to show our support and let everybody know we care about them. Tomorrow kathy is a big day. Tomorrow is the big tree send off. Joe d. Will ride that tractortrailer with the trees on the jfk ramp at the dhl facility. Joe and greg and our team of Certified International specialists at jfk are going load those trees to a hub in cincinnati, connect to bahrain on tuesday morning. The trees will be delivered in afghanistan on wednesday. Send us the pictures. We will. Thank you so much. Thank you. Happy holidays. Were back in two minutes. Dont go anywhere. More fox and friends coming up next. O christmas tree, O Christmas Tree the leaves are so unchanging O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree, the leaves are so unchanging not only green with summers heat. And neutralizes stomach acid at the source. Tum, tum tum tum. Smoothies only from tums. Up to 27 more brush movements. Patented Sonic Technology with get healthier gums in two weeks. Innovation and you Philips Sonicare save when you give Philips Sonicare this holiday season. We had a great weekend here on fox and friends weekend. Thanks for spending it with us. I tuned for tomorrows show which is unbelievably, if you miss it its your loss. A good one. See ya. A new boss at the pentagon again. Good morning everyone im maria bartiromo. Welcome to sunday morning futures. President obama taps ashton carter. I will ask john mccain set to become the next chairman of the senate arms Services Committee why defense secretaries never stay very long in this administration. How high can the stock market climb . Will thereabout a sell off in 2015. A pioneer in the Hedge Fund Industry is ahead. Its happening, gasoline prices have fallen

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