right now "fox & friends." roll it. oh, good morning. if you're not in a great mood, you're not fully awake yet, we plan to help. >> you two are in especially great moods because your microphones are not on your tie. this has been the debate. >> there has been major changes. first, this morning, president obama preparing to rally supporters to help bail out obama care. he will give an yoon line speech to the group organizing for action. who are they and what does all of this mean? thank heaven peter doocy is live for us in washington to break it all down. peter. >> tucker, the most recent fox news poll revealed that half the country thinks president obama straight up lied when he said over and over that americans could keep their health care plans if they wanted to. now he's reaching out to anyone that wants to talk or listen is more like it inviting his entire public e-mail list to a conference call tomorrow put together by organizing for action which describes itself online on their website as, quote, the grassroots movement built by millions of americans to pass the agenda. i have three years left as president. there's a lot left on my to do list. that's why i want to talk to you. you're the ones putting in the time and effort to achieve real progress and fighting to make the agenda americans vetted for last fall a reality. earlier in the week at the white house president obama acknowledged that he's got some work to do when it comes to the public understanding of the affordable care act. >> i'm just going to keep on working as hard as i can around the priorities that the american people care about. i think it's legitimate for them to expect me to win back their trust and on a whole range of issues in general. >> since that was from thursday, we know that republicans are not likely to let up in their criticism of the affordable care act's sloppy rollout because this week's official gop weekly address features senator ron johnson. he said when president obama told the country he's sorry for the way things have gone so far, his comment was as phony as his fraudulent marketings. >> peter doocy, live for us in washington. part of that e-mail said, join me on this call, i have one more campaign fight. the president's promise on the campaign trail had long been, look, if you like your doctor, you will keep your doctor. i'm talking to a group of elderly folks. you are not going to lose your doctor. you don't have to worry about it. >> unless you pass the law forcing private companies to employ doctors and then another law requiring doctors to work, we may get to that, by the way, you can't control the marketplaces they're finding out. united health care, which is one of the biggest employers of doctors in this country, has dropped thousands of them from their insurance plans. the reason, obama care cuts reimbursement for medicare and in the end, it doesn't make economic sense for this company to employ all these physicians when they're not getting the money from the government. >> right. so now what's happening is all of these elderly patients are wondering do i need to switch providers in do i need to switch plans to continue to see my doctor? elderly folks, for example, of course they are going to have very strong ties with their doctors and probably go see them a lot more than the young, healthy americans that the president is relying on to sign up even though they haven't been to try to make sure this thing actually gets off the ground and can be funded. wanted to mention that aetna mentioned back in october, coming from "the wall street journal" that they expected slowing growth in 2014 in their medicare advantage plans as well. >> meanwhile, these costs may go up. we heard the president coming out making his apology. look, we'll work to make sure you can keep some of your health care plans. if they're not removed from you, one of the things the president didn't mention, the cost of the plans that you're currently worrying about losing now may go up as a result of this. in fact, the ceo, her name is karen ignani, she is the ceo of ahip. she says, changing the rules after the health plans have met the requirements of the law could destabilize the market. due to these changes, fewer younger and healthier people don't purchase it, premiums will increase and there will be fewer prices for consumers. >> this is a rude awakening for insurance companies that were for obama care. the law requires people to buy their product and any industry would like that. if congress passed a law to buy coca-cola, coke would be on board. now it turns out the president is up there making the law on the fly at press conferences, changing it around. i think he's losing their support. >> what do you think is going to happen if people are paying more for their plans? don't you think they're going to start using the doctor more? i want to get the most bang for my buck. so at the slightest sniffle if i don't have to pay as much as i use the to have to pay for a simple doctor's visit or something like that, then i'm probably going to start using it more. there's going to be super long lines trying to get in to see your primary care physician. that's something we see in other countries that have similar symeanwhile, it's no clear sign whether or not this will be all fully implemented again to tucker's idea of this being a random implementation. we had some legislation come out of the house of representatives and a bill that 39 people supported. now it needs to go to the senate where democrats have to come on boards. it's not a clear sign as to whether or not democrats would support it but because you remember they had been fully supportive of the president. let's take a look back at some of these senators and what they said about the rollout. let's listen. >> you can keep the doctors you know and trust. you can keep the insurance you have if you like it. >> if you like what you have today, that will be what you have when this legislation is passed. >> i'm not going to support a health care reform plan that's going to take away health care that you've got right now or a health care plan that you like. >> if you have coverage and you loo i can it, you can keep it. if you have your doctor and you like him or her, you should be able to keep them as well. >> if you have a doctor now, you have a medical professional you want, you get to keep that. if you have an insurance program or a health care policy you want, the identify deis to make sure you keep it. >> i like what i have. would you please leave me alone? and the answer is, yes. in fact, we guarantee it. >> in fact, one of our core principles, that if you like health care you have, you can keep it. >> people who like their insurance and their doctors, keep them. those individuals who like the coverage they already have will be able to keep their current plan. >> really? because the last time i checked i think 5 million americans have already lost their plan. >> when senator dick durbin says we're going to leave you alone, that's your cue to buy real estate in new zealand because that's not going to happen. by the way, the president came out on thursday and said, and i'm quoting, it's very important to remember that i promised you could keep your health insurance plan but congress said that. they lost 63 seats over this in the 2010 mid terms. they're preparing to do the same. they are desperately trying to run away from the white house. tape like this makes it hard. we have other stories on this sunday morning. two sailors from the guided missile cruiser chancel lorsville being treated for minor burns after a drone crashed into the ship. the drone was testing the ship's combat weapons systems when it happened. the ship now heading back to base in san diego so they can investigate the damage. brand-new developments in the case of a missing family found in shallow graves in the california desert. joseph mcstay, his wife summer and their two young sons were all apparently murdered. now sources close to the investigation say one of the parents had their hands bound. experts say the shallow grave's close proximity to the freeway indicate it was likely not a professional hit. they vanished without a trace back in 2010. surveillance video of four people walking across the border to mexico led the investigators to believe they may have voluntarily left on their own. police are wondering how they ended up nearly 100 miles from home and who may be responsible. overnight, at least five people hurt at the los angeles memorial coliseum when fans rushed the field after the usc football team win over stanford. one person suffering a possible broken leg. another fell. all ten why taken to the hospital to get checked out. all right. are you ready for some sports, guys? this one, the talk of college football world this morning. what can be one of the most incredible hail mary touchdown's. it was caught on camera. look at this. >> lets it go. oh, my god! >> oh, my goodness. >> oh, no! >> can you believe that? auburn down 38-37 with just seconds left on the clock. qb nick marshall threw up a desperation heave on 4th and 18. somehow ricardo lewis pulled it in off that tip. auburn wins 43-38. that's why you throw them up there. right? sometimes it happens. >> one in 500 times. >> one in 500 times, rick. you never know when it's going to happen. >> unbelievable. >> good morning. >> good morning, guys. there's a loot happening weather wise. >> there is? >> yes, there is. today will be a big day. take a look at this video that we'll start with out of washington and oregon. both of these areas. is a saquami pass. great news for the ski industry out there. they can always use the snow pass spmpt that's the positive side to this storm heavy rain falling across the ohio valley and mississippi valley. this is the snow we saw yesterday bringing you a little bit of snow. it's this energy in parts of the ohio valley. today we have a significant severe weather threat. anywhere you see the yellow is a threat for severe weather. the storm prediction weather has under the severe threat to a high. that only happens about four to five times a year where you get a high risk for severe weather. big tornadoes starting around 2:00 to 3:00 this afternoon. >> good snow? >> that is not snow. that is tornadoes. >> oh, i saw the white and i immediately think snow. thanks, rick. >> you bet. coming up on the show, is a political band aid what's needed to fix obama care. the president's solution will make things a whole lot worse so you better buckle up. take a look at this. two fishermen come to the rescue of a baby dolphin and their reward? take a look at the happy dance they got in return. ♪ ♪ ♪ youand you're talking toere rheuyour rheumatologistike me, about trying or adding a biologic. this is humira, adalimumab. this is humira working to help relieve my pain. this is humira helping me through the twists and turns. this is humira helping to protect my joints from further damage. doctors have been prescribing humira for over ten years. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. for many adults, humira is proven to help relieve pain and stop further joint damage. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problem serious allergic reactions and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira , your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, have symptoms such as fever fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. ask your doctor if humira can work for you. this is humira at work. in the nation, what's precious to you is precious to us. ♪ love is strange so when coverage really counts, count on nationwide insurance. we put members first. join the nation. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ americans they could keep their health care plans. that wasn't true. >> insurers can extend current plans that would otherwise be canceled into 2014 and americans whose plans have been canceled can choose to reenroll in the same kind of plan. >> now the president offers a short-term fix for the obama care crisis, but critics on both sides of the aisle and the in the insurance industry, this says this may make it worse. the vice president for the association of mature american citizens, andrew mangioni. we're hearing that this was a complete surprise to a lot of insurance companies, the ones that are, of course, going to implement t. what's the effects going to be on the coverage they offer? >> well, you know, first of all, it would be a logistical nightmare to have insurance companies reissue plans for millions of people switching them back to the plans. think about it. the process itself is staggering. think about the claims people. which claims would they be paying and for what plans? think about the premiums that are going to be charged. which plan's going to be in force, what type of coverage will be there. this is just for a temporary fix. you could potentially see premiums rise as a result of which -- what kind of people are going to end up in which risk pool. >> and the costs associated with this switchover, this last-minute change that they didn't know about before it was announced have got to be significant and consumers will pay those, right? >> absolutely. we don't even know if the insurers have the manpower. they spent three years, tucker, keep this in mind, preparing for obama care. now overnight they have to come up with a temporary fix that will last a year. they may not have the manpower in place to reissue these policies and handle all the administrative processes that are associated with switching people back. >> the president claims at the outset these plans are bad for you, they're dangerous. it's the wild west out there. then under pressure from his own party in the congress, he reverses course and says you get to keep these dangerous plans somehow. but only until after the mid-term election. there's a political component here, isn't there? >> no question about it. i hope that the president and the administration really hope isn't coming up with this scheme to now blame insurance companies when they dump this logistical nightmare on their lap in order to take some cover away from the affordable care act. yeah, there's definitely some politics involved here. >> this could be you're saying a setup where he's basically setting the groundwork for an insurance company failure. he turns around and says, look, it's their fault. >> well, we hope that isn't the case, but the clouds are forming on the horizon. >> huh. so what happens very quickly after the 2014 deadline ends? do insurance companies have to revert to the plans they were supposed to be selling in the first place? >> that's what the president said at his press conference. it remains to be seen. it's going to be another logistical nightmare. the whole fix causes a lot of destabilization of marketplaces in the insurance industry as well as uncertainty for consumers. >> the one thing businesses want is the ability to plan for the future. this makes it impossible. thank you for joining us and for that crisp explanation of what's going on. >> my pleasure. coming up, you ever heard of bucky balls. a million dollar business. it's been shut down by the government. it's been shut down. we'll explain what's going on. jesus take the wheel? not on these buses. the tolerance you were promised hasn't arrived yet. ♪ i can't do this on my own ♪ i'm letting go ♪ give me one more chance ♪ to save me from this road i'm on ♪ ♪ [ camera shutter clicks ] now, that's cardworthy. [ n ] all right. here we go. ♪ cardworthy. [ female announcer ] this holiday season, visit shutterfly.com for all your cardworthy moments. the physical damage was pretty bad. the emotional toll was even worse. our daughter had nightmares. what that robber really took from us was our peace of mind. with adt, we got it back. [ male announcer ] every 14.4 seconds, a burglary takes place in the united states. so rely on the fast alarm response of adt. a single adt system can help protect you from burglary, fire, and high levels of carbon monoxide. when an alarm is received, adt calls the local authorities for help. and you can get this monitored protection, plus great local service, starting at just over $1 a day. and only adt offers a theft protection guarantee. take it from me. the time to think about a security system isn't after something bad happens -- it's before. [ male announcer ] call now and get adt installed for just $49. you could save a lot more than money. hurry, and take advantage of these savings. adt. always there. welcome back. some quick headlines for you. attorney general eric holder will appeal a recent judge's ruling allowing the house to continue with its contempt case against him. the house voted last year to put holder in contempt of course after he refused to turn over papers on the fast and furious. a house being washed away in a recent typhoon. watch this. brand new numbers show the storm killed at least 3600 people and injured more than 12,000. nearly 1200 people are still missing. anna? all right. thanks, clayton. it all started with $1,000 investment in high powered magnet. 2012 bucky balls was set to bring in 25 million in sales until the consumer product safety commission deemed the desk toy too dangerous to sell and the business was forced to fold. this wasn't enough for the cpsc. for the very first time ever, folks, they're going after an individual, suing the former ceo craig zucker for an estimated $57 million. zucker won't go down without making a fight. he is making his own legal move and joins us now this morning. good morning. >> good morning. >> these are a lot of fun. now that you've had problems with these bucky balls, now you have liberty balls. the issue was the cpsc said they weren't safe. children were following them. you never marketed them to kids, did you? >> no. no. bucky balls were always marketed and intended for adults. the product had five warnings on it, keep away from all children. and we had a very vigorous safety program to ensure that they weren't getting into children's hands at all times. >> give me a blow-by-blow. what happened exactly? >> well, the company started in 2009. we created a product called bucky balls, a partner and i. it really was the ultimate, you know, entrepreneur success story. we grew from a company with $1,000 each into a company that had 5,000 retailers selling our product. we were poised to do about $25 million in 2012 and working very, very closely with the consumer product safety commission at all times until july 12th, 2012, when they came to us and they said, we are suing you in federal -- in administrative law court to determine that these products should be banned, removed from shelves and they sued the company overnight. >> how did this make you sneel there have been reports of kids swallowing detergent, laundry detergent pods. those haven't been completely banned. the business owners haven't been sued for $57 million like you are. >> sure. yeah. no. not just that, the rate of incident with those products is actually far less than that, of bucky balls. so i think when you start to look at it, there certainly was an element of selective enforcement and the fact that an individual was named in this case points to potentially more than selective enforcement. >> this doesn't seem fair. you take the risk just like every small business owner does in america, and then the government puts a target on your back essentially is the way you say you feel. what can we all learn from this and what action are you taking? >> we have taken a very unprecedented action and this week actually sued the consumer product safety commission back. we've taken the issue into a federal court in maryland to determine that the cpsc and the government have no jurisdiction over us. we've asked the court to help determine -- to create an injunction to come after me, but i think, you know, what you can learn in this case is that sometimes the government changes their mind and unfortunately in this case when they changed their mind the repercussions were that they decided an individual should pay that price, and i think that that is a scary place for entrepreneurs. >> yeah. >> i think people need to be careful of working with regulators if this is where they're going to act. >> where can we get information about liberty balls if we want to support you and enjoy the great toys. >> this is a product called liberty products. some t-shirts, other stuff. we want people to go to united we ball.org and purchase products 16789 products. 100% of the profits goes to dehe fending the lawsuit. really, the issue and what we're fighting for is a lot more than just my legal fees. there's this idea of limited liability for individuals which we're trying to protect and maintain. we hope people support it. >> greg, thank you so much. for all small business owners for speaking out. >> thank you. 28 minutes after the hour now. imagine this. you're flying 36,000 feet above the atlantic ocean and you hear the pilot say, may day. and remember this scene from "mrs. doubtfire." >> one more thing. oh, no. >> well, these iconic moves just saved one mom's life. the incredible story next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i need a hero ♪ i'm holding out for a hero until the end of the night ♪ ♪ he's got to be strong and he's got to be fast ♪ could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. mmmhmmm...everybody knows that. well, did you know that old macdonald was a really bad speller? your word is...cow. cow. cow. c...o...w... ...e...i...e...i...o. 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>> wouldn't you be worried? as a parent i'm worried about the bus driver smacking kids around, smoking crack before they drive, leaving children in the bus, falling asleep at the wheel. those are the bus drivers i'm concerned about. the ones who say prayers and sing christian songs are not a threat to my kids. >> now there's a petition by the rutgers students. they put this up on change.org. stan, the rutgers bus driver that we all know and love recently resigned from his position. the rutgers community is speculating that pressure from the university had to do with his decision. let's get our beloved champ back. currently has 7,000 signatures. >> you can understand why. you mentioned the bus drivers leaving the kids on the school bus or falling asleep behind the wheel. >> that happens all the time. >> i had a bus driver in elementary school that would sing rap songs. vanilla ice. >> did you sing along? >> of course i did. of course i did. why do you think i know every rap song that comes on from the '90s, from bus 353. >> would you be offended if your child's bus driver prayed on the way to school? especially if he got your permission to do it. let us know on our facebook page, ffweekend. go there and we'll read them live. >> we have live stories. is rutgers protecting another bullying coach. the dad accusing his son's coach of bullying him in a study session speaks out for the first time. >> the lady that was doing the study hall said it was like the worst behavior she's seen in 13 years. whether or not he was going to play, that's the coach's call, but to be able to be abusive and put him through a lot of things that are unnecessary, that's our complaint. >> the players, javon tyree says the abuse began when he was cursed out by defensive coordinator last spring. all of this around the same timonen's basebaketball coach w abused by his player. tyree quit. the university says the issue has been resolved but the player says he plans to transfer schools next year. some terrifying moments for passengers on a recent british airways fly. on the way to pilot, they turned on the public address system as they radioed for help as smoke filled the cockpit. that means all 224 people heard him say may day while the plane was above the atlantic ocean. the plane marred an emergency landing in ireland. the plane had an electrical issue. 7-year-old oregon girl said she saved her mother's life by watching "mrs. doubtfire." >> help is on the way, dear. hold on. one more. oh, no. work with me. >> oh, my god! >> didn't you love that movie? the little girl says that she learned the heimlich maneuver from that very scene in the classic robin williams movie. she said she heard her mom choking in the kitchen and rushed in and she got behind her, squeezed her three times and dislodged food that was in there. it popped right out. >> that's why i say, movies are so good for us. >> yes. >> i get all my health care tips -- >> baby dolphin rescued by fisher men in brazil thanked them with a little happy dance. check this out. the dolphin somehow got wrapped around a plastic bag. after spotting the baby struggling to get loose, the fishermen stopped to help. upon returning to ocean, the dolphin jumped for joy and then swam away. oh, dave. >> unbelievable. >> floor manager dave with a pun. hey, let's check in with rick. >> that was one of his better puns. well done, dave. guys, we have some big weather that will happen today and it will affect people across the country. very heavy rain falling now ahead of the main bulk of the system, the main energy is back here across nebraska and iowa. that will drive it farther across the east and bring a threat for severe weather. anywhere you see the yellow we have some sort of a threat. when you see the yellow, we'll be talking about some strong winds as the cold front moves through. it's where the red is is an elevated risk for severe weather. the white is a bull's eye issued by the storm prevention center. we're pretty confident they'll be seeing a significant severe weather outbreak. definitely damaging and severe winds. likely a few tornadoes. those will begin to develop around the 1:00, 2:00 time frame. move through around dinner time. it will be a strong wind event. that tornado threat on the earlier side. temperature wise, chicago, you have been warm the last couple of days. the cold front moves through and you can see temps drop through. windy day today across the area for everybody, but when the cold front moves through, that's when we're going to see the strong and damaging winds. temperature wise, another spectacular day across the eastern seaboard. the cold front will continue to pull on through and cool things down across parts of the south by the time we get to tomorrow. >> thanks, rick. when will fall officially arrive, january? >> fall was here this week. >> then it went away. >> we go back and forth, up and down. >> fine with me. >> thanks, rick. is the president ignoring advice from his war time commanders? general jack keene says yes and that could be putting this country in danger. forget booze in a box. up next, we have the brand new way to drink wine. ♪ red, red wine ♪ it's up to you ♪ all i can do i've done [ male announcer ] imagine this cute blob is metamucil. and this park is the inside of your body. see the ecial psyllium fiber in metamucil actually gels to trap some carbs to help maintain healthy blood sugar levels. metamucil. 3 amazing benits in 1 super fiber. afghanistan in 2009. on the u.s.s. saratoga in 1982. 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[ male announcer ] get a 4 week trial plus $100 in extras including postale. go to stamps.com/tv and never go to the post office again. medicare open enrollment. of year again. time to compare plans and costs. you don't have to make changes. buit never hurts to see if u can find bettoverage, save money, or both. and check out the preventive benefits you get after the health care la open enrollment ends december 7th. so now's the time. visit medicare.gov or call 1-800-medicare hey, how you feeling? some quick headlines for you this sunday. louisiana's "duck dynasty" candidate wins in a landslide. >> hey, this is jim. if you love america and you live in louisiana, you need to vote this saturday because i sure as heck know i am. >> looking good. republican political newcomer vance mccallister will be louisiana's newest member of congress with support from the state's insanely popular "duck dynasty" family. some u.s. wine makers are thinking outside of the box and testing out wine in a can. they say by canning the reds and whites will save up to 40% on packaging costs. the canned wines will sell for $3 to $5 per can. >> all right. sign me up. well, according to critics, the president continually chooses not to accept our senior military recommendations from war time commanders, such as general stanley mcchristle, general petraeus and general donald alston. joining us to discuss this is general jack hee. >> what are your thoughts on how the president is handling the military? >> i think it's quite unprecedented the number of times that he's rejected the suggestions. the first time was in 2009 when the president made the decision to turn the war around in afghanistan. as for force recommendations, general petraeus and mcchristle recommended 40,000 as the minimal force and he provides 25% less, 30,000. a decision that has handcuffed us to this day. 18 months later, clayton, he makes a decision to take that force out of there prematurely and over the objections of then general petraeus who was commanding our forces in afghanistan. then the last time was in 2011 when general lloyd alston who was commanding our forces in iraq made a recommendation to keep a residual force or stay-behind force of 24,000. the president's personal envoy came in to negotiate with malaki on the table. he knew that wasn't serious and negotiations broke down and we wound up leaving nobody there and it was one of the most significant national security strategic blunders this administration has made. so it has huge national security consequences rejecting these what i think are very reasonable recommendations by his war time commanders. >> we heard from over 200 high level ranking military members leaving, being forced out. what do you think is behind this? >> well, i don't think there's any evidence that there's some kind of conspiracy to remove military commanders. i mean, when i look down at the senior military commanders who have left, some because of personal decisions and some because of performance, the fact of the matter is they have been replaced by very, very capable people and who are the best available who are very experienced. so i know there's a narrative out there about that, but i don't believe the evidence supports it, clayton. >> others have said though that this is an example of social experimentation in fact at the center for military readiness. what's going on with the weakening of the military is radical social experimentation with the military and that's what the president is behind. do you buy that? >> yeah, i do think there is a serious move, you know, in terms of integrating women into combat roles where we have never done that before and where there's plenty of evidence to the contrary about it. it breaks down a cohesion in our organizations and there is a physicality to those combat roles. i'm talking about direct combat day in day out. i'm not talking about flying airplanes or driving trucks, i'm talking about day in, day out fighting. i do believe there is a movement in that direction, and i -- many of the senior commanders don't agree with that and certainly guys like me don't either. >> the president on the campaign trail long said he would listen to his senior commanders. that's where he would be most informed. has he lived up to that promise? >> well, the evidence doesn't support that. i think there's always been unfortunately some kind of a strain there. these decisions have consequences. i mean, clayton, can you imagine if president roosevelt told eisenhower, i'm going to hold back 45,000 of your 170,000 invasion force into norman did i -- >> right. >> -- what the consequences of that would be. >> catastrophic. catastrophic we all know. >> exactly. general jack keene, always great to see you here on "fox & friends." thank you for your analysis. we appreciate tnchts good seeing you, clayton. we love hearing from you at home. has the president helped or hurted us on twitter. also coming up here on the show, did you know a magazine can be used as a make shift splint or a dash of pep jr. can stop the bleeding? we have the strange but true health solutions you can't miss. all this restaurant owner wants to do is honor the military by hanging flags outside of his business. the city says they must come down and you won't believe this ♪ and the statue of liberty started shaking her fist ♪ ♪ and an eagle will fly ♪ and it's going to be hell when you hear mother freedom ringing her bell and you feel like the whole wide world is raining down on you ♪ the day we rescued riley was a truly amazing day. he was a matted mess in a small cage. so that was our first task, was getting him to wellness. without angie's list, i don't know if we could have found all the services we needed for our riley. from contractors and doctors to dog sitters and landscapers, you can find it all on angie's list. we found riley at the shelter, and found everything he needed at angie's list. join today at angieslist.com we've always been] at the forefrontumman, of advanced electronics. providing technology to get more detail... ♪ detect hiddethreats... ♪ see the whole picture... ♪ process critical information, and put it in the has of our defenders. reaching constantly evolving threatbefore they reach us. that's the value of performance. northrop grumman. welcome back. when it comes to your health, major medical studies often grab the spotlight. some of the best solutions are simple and sometimes pretty unusual remedies. >> how about this, did you know that a magazine can be used as a make shift splint or a dash of pepper can stop bleeding? here to explain these, mike darling, senior editor of "men's health" magazine. good morning. >> good morning. >> in addition to learning how to blast belly fat, i can use this latest edition of "men's health" for a splint? >> it's very simple. you roll it into a u shape. put it around your arm. you can wrap it with tape or an ace bandage. that will help set the bone until you can go see a doctor. >> key word, don't be like a tough guy like the ones on the cover of "men's health" magazine and not go to the doctor. >> that's right. >> what about to stop the bleeding? >> to stop the bleeding, if you have a small cut, let's say you're chopping vegetables in the kitchen, you can actually use ground pepper. you can take a small dash of that. put it with force into the wound. if you've been handling meat, first you'll want to watch that out with soap and water to avoid any infect shub. take the pepper, put it in there with pepper. it will stop the bleeding immediately. it will act as a sterilizing agent. >> with meat, use seasoning salt. >> i'm a germophobe. i think i need to have bacterial soap. they have found regular soap does as effective a job as any bacterial soap. they've found long term, antibacterial soap may do more harm because it keeps them away. >> and we can use honey? if you have a cut, you can take a little dash of honey. you can apply it to the cut and it will naturally go to work killing off some of that potentially wound infecting bacteria. >> what about marmalade or raspberry preserves? >> i wouldn't recommend that. >> just honey. >> any english muffin topping. >> finally, groom your stash. >> that's right. we're right in the middle of movember. every november guys grow out their facial hair to support prostate. wash twice a day. this is less than $10. it's called number 7. you can get it at walgreens. wash twice a day. studies show you can free up the pollen grains and reduce any potential allergies. >> would shaving work? >> yes. if you're having a problem, you can cut it off. >> they have to wait until december. >> at the end of november. >> there you go. >> thank you so much. >> you're a wise man. from "men's health,", thank you very much. >> thank you very much. from the health care mess to benghazi, the president is facing tough questions about his credibility. >> i think it's legitimate for me to have to win back some credibility on this health care law in particular and be on a whole range of these issues. >> alan west joins us later in the hour. >> that's right. you've never seen a hotel room like this one. it's under the sea. we'll take a look next ♪ splish splash i jumped back in the bath ♪ ♪ how was i to know there was a party going on ♪ [ male announcer ] need help keeping your digestive balance in sync? 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>> this is how i have been acting. it is not indicative of my position of mayor in this great town of torrone tow. >> i've got what you asked. >> dang. >> "fox & friends" hour two starts right now. hey, welcome, everyone. >> good morning. >> "fox & friends" on this sunday morning. thank you so much for waking up with us. >> that is the lovely and talented tucker carlson, that is the lovely and talented anna kooiman and i am morris. alec baldwin, we know you've been tracking his whereabouts. i think he's going into hiding. he may be quitting television and media forever. >> which means he'll have more time to rome the streets of manhattan threatening people. you'll want to stay in tune for that scary story. first, obama care. the president promised you could keep the plan you liked but also the doctor you liked. that promise looks like it's bumping up against reality this morning. united health, which is one of the largest health care providers this morning, has dropped thousands of doctors from their insurance plan. the reason, obama care. they're getting less money from the federal government in reimbursement from medicare and they have no choice but to fire these doctors. >> this will hit mostly elderly patients, those who have been with their doctors for a long time. in some instances as "the wall street journal" reports, are getting cancer treatment and may have to come out of pocket on their own. i love this point. they can keep their own plan if this, members may be able to see terminated doctors if they pay an out of network fee or pay 100% of the costs themselves. so let me get this right. you keep your plan, you get to pay an extra fee and pay 100%. is this a plan at all? >> it's a great plan. we had andrew mangioni of the association of mature american citizens. he was explaining the chaos in the insurance industry after the rules and obama's revision to the rules. what happens next we asked him. here's what he said. >> it would be a logistical nightmare to have insurance companies reissue plans for millions of people switching them back to the plans. think about it, the process itself is staggering. think about the claims people. which claims would they be paying and for what plans? think about the premiums that are going to be charged. which plan's going to be in force? what type of coverage will be there? this is just for a temporary fix. i hope that the president and the administration really hope isn't coming up with this scheme to now blame insurance companies when they dump this logistical nightmare on their lap in order to take some covera away from te affordable care act. yeah, there's definitely some politics involved here. >> it's heartbreaking. think about your grandmother having to deal with this. we all know somebody who fits in that category. aetna warned in october even before the president has been having to backtrack on all of this that they expected slow growth to happen during 2014 in their medicare advantage as well. >> here's a footnote to the story. the white house, of course, has promised that the website will be up and running by the end of this month, november 30th. kathleen sebelius told congress that. it's unlikely to happen. here's the standard they're applying. 80% of the people going on the website will be able to get website. >> that's their standard. >> 80% of the people who come to our website will be able to buy something. >> i saw that this morning and about fell out of my chair. i tweeted that at 3:00 in the morning. 80%. >> their talking point is the vast majority. it's not everybody, the vast majority. one in five will be pulling their hair out even more as if the process isn't tangled enough. >> well, if you think that rollout has been botched, what about common core? this was set to be the fix for the dissaskatchewkatchewan -- dissaskatchewan trous no child left behind. around any duncan has some words for you parents out there if you are wore lid about this and have some problems with it. he says basically it's your fault that your -- take a look what he actually said. it's fascinating to me that some of the push back is coming from some sort of white suburban moms who all of a sudden their child isn't as brilliant as they thought they were and their school isn't quite as good as they thought they were and that's pretty scary. >> pretty scary. hey, white lady, your kid's dumb. here are two questions. what does race have to do with this? race is not at the center of this conversation. doesn't matter if the lady is white or black. doesn't matter. bizarre thing to say. we know a lot better for your kids than you do. hey, parents, you think you know what your kids should be learning in school? shut up and obey. >> these standards, if you're not familiar with them, they are in many ways problematic. chapters in these textbooks that focus on islam and footnotes paid towards christianity. when you say two plus two equals six, they're not being corrected to get the right answer. that's your problem as your child is not as brilliant as you thought. >> the problem is the secretary of education, former head of chicago schools just explained it, white suburban moms think their kids are brilliant but they're not. that's the problem nkts so they're complaining and that's the crux of this issue. >> unbelievable. that's so revealing. that is pulling the curtain back. you want to know what they think about you, about america, here's what they really think. >> let us know what you think about these new common core standards coming up on the show. we have some headlines for you to get to. >> we'll get to those on your sunday morning. two navy sailors from "u.s.s. chancellorville" will be treated for burns as a drone hit their ship. the ship is back at base in san diego where officials will assess the damage and investigate how all this happened. tragedy at penn state where a 20-year-old student athlete has died after falling from the balcony of an apartment building. connor mcmanus was alone when he tumbled from the ninth floor. preliminary investigation indicates drugs and alcohol were factors here. mcmanus which is was a member of penn state's track and field team. overnight at least five people hurt at the los angeles memorial coliseum when the usc team won over stanford. one person had a broken leg, another hurt during a fall and five were hurt during the game. all ten were taken to the hospital to get checked out. a heartwarming reunion for a military family in south carolina. >> hey, boys. i've got your supper. paul carroll is a cardiologist and member of the national guard. he surprised six boys after a six-month deployment in afghanistan where he was tending to wounded soldiers. >> one of the hardest things is having that sense of separation and you lose a sense of connectedness with your family. >> just a few hours earlier he surprised his 13-year-old son at a school assembly. oh, there you go. look at him running up giving him a big hug. >> all right. let's check in with greg this morning. i always give him a morning hug before the show. that's why he's always in a good mood. >> that's why my back hurts. >> give you an adjustment. >> we need video. you don't want to see it. here's the big storm across parts of the west. it was snow across the mountains up to two feet in a few locations. the energy of that storm is moving into the central part of that country and is bringing a setup for some severe weather. out in front we have significant rain. maybe some quick localized flooding. we have very, very warm and sticky air that's being pulled up from the south and the cold air coming in from the north and a really, really strong jet stream. that means all the ingredients are set up for a severe weather outbreak and potentially some significant tornadoes. i think some of the tornadoes we'll be talking about potentially are the longer and longer lived tornadoes. they cause more damage. if you are in places around eastern illinois through much of i indiana, you need to watch this. it will get going around midday. future radar and how this is going to break down. we'll continue to see the rain move through. it's around the 1:00 time frame that you see individual cells across parts of illinois. those are the ones potentially that can pretty quickly become tornadic and stay that way for a few hours. by tonight it becomes a squall line with strong winds. the first few hours of this event we'll be talking about pretty significant tornadoes happening. they're the ones that can cause damage and could be a big story for us tomorrow. >> thanks, rick. >> thanks, rick. taking christ out of christmas. who suffers? kids and the school. one school canceled a christmas toy drive because it faced a threatened lawsuit from something called the american human association which sent a letter to the association saying don't do this or we'll sue. the school doesn't have the money to defend itself from the lawsuit so they canceled the drive. >> it sounded like the costanza fake drive. the human fund. he said here's what they have to say. this letter serves as a notice to policy making school officials of the east point academy's unconstitutional conduct and as a demand that the school terminate all promotions, sponsorship, endorsement or affiliation with operation christ mass child immediately. so raising toys, getting toys for needy kids this holiday season. >> you have to take the christ out of christmas in every way possible, even when you're teaching your kids to do something right. the nice things that families are trying to do, you're probably at home thinking what am i going to do on thanksgiving? what am i going to do that's charitable? take the kids to the soup kitchen or do something nice. >> there's no assignments related to this as the piece points out. no graded assignments related to it. they're not being forced to read religious materials in the boxes when they receive the toys. there's no other promotional materials associated with it. yes, it's going to an evangelical christian ministry, it's just the toys. >> taking the toys out of christmas, especially when they're meant for poor kids. there's nothing humanist about that. >> look at the joy on these kids' faces. come on. what are our kids in america learning from seeing these pictures learning they had a hand in the joy. >> they didn't file a lawsuit, they didn't get a court order, all they did was threaten a lawsuit. the mere threat was enough. such is our legal system that the school made a calculated decision that we can't afford this. we need the money to educate kids. we can't defend ourselves against a lawsuit. they backed off in the face of a threat of it. >> you almost can't blame the school. they are trying to educate the kids. >> yeah. no money as it is. let us know what you think about this. weigh in on our facebook page as well. ffweekend. we have a separate facebook page on the weekdays. we're ffweekend. >> and twitter. >> we'd love to have you join us. 12 minutes after the hour. the president facing tough questions about his credibility. alan west says he should be. he created the mess. remember we showed you this yesterday. alec baldwin foaming at the mouth. why he says this is justified. he's threatening america this morning. we're going to tell you what he said. ♪ i'm a rocket man ♪ rocket man [ grunts softly ] ♪ rocket man ♪ rocket man your stomach. try pepto to-go. it's pepto-bismol that fits in your pocket. relief can be yours, but your peanuts... are mine. ♪ that's the sound of car insunce companies these days. here a cheap, there a cheap. everywhere a cheap... you get it. so what if instead ofjust a cheachoice, you could make a smart choice? like esurance for example they were born online and built to save people money from the beginning. that's what they've always ne. not just somhing they...cheep about. that's insurance for the modern world. esurance. now backed by allstate. click or call. well, from common core to the rocky health care rollout, and yrocky is an understatement. the president has taken an undeniable hit. a recent poll said that the president isn't honest or trust worthy. the question is can he regain his credibility or is it gone forever? here to weigh in is lieutenant colonel allen west. thanks for joining us. >> thanks a lot. >> is there any way for the president to get back what credibility he had after obama care? >> no, i think it would be very difficult for him to do that, tucker. it's not just the obama care. your whole show this morning has been talking about a series of lies and deceit and loss of credibility being with the obama care and the lie about keeping your health insurance. common core is not something that was brought up through legislative means but this major reformation of education policy in the united states of america was basically something implemented by the administration. you talk about benghazi and the lives that were there about a crude video being the impetus behind a spontaneous attack. now we know this terrorist attack and the president knew it was a terrorist attack. general keane talked about the lack of trust between the president and his commanding generals. this is a series of things that has come to a head, a seminole moment. the president, i don't think he understands. i think he believes more campaigning and more political speaches are going to save him but that's not the case this time. >> the white house said it first. it had no idea, it was shocked by the fact that some people lost their health care plans despite the promise that they could keep them. anyone who looked carefully would have known that. where were the press? where were news organizations? shouldn't they have been digging into obama care and reporting this out before it happened? >> well, there is no doubt that the media has provided some type of protective shield for the president, but now when you have 5 million americans that have lost their insurance coverage and their cancellation notices going out, they cannot continue to perpetrate that lie. the truth is becoming very, very evident. again, you see a president that continues to say, i did not know. i was unaware. that erodes your credibility. tucker, one of the things you haven't talked about is the destabilizing of the middle east. the lack of any type of clear strategic foreign policy as well. >> right. >> now our former allies such as egypt, saudi arabia, have lost total confidence. egypt is going into negotiations with vladimir putin and talking about promising them a naval base. >> it's unbelievable. i watch pretty carefully. what is our policy? are we against it? totally muddled. things have gotten so bad, "the new york times," even one of his most consistent cheerleaders, this obama care thing probably not working very well. they gave him the back of their hand. the worst thing they could muster which is obama care is like katrina. what do you think of comparing obama care to hurricane katrina? is that a valid would you say? >> well, that shows you the desperation because you have to once again invoke the name of george w. bush, but the difference is that hurricane katrina was a natural disaster. what we are seeing is a man-caused disaster if i can borrow the phrase from janet napolitano. president obama has inherited his own mess. being that our economy, unemployment situation, the creation and expansion of a welfare nanny state, national security policy, failure of obama care, this common core. all of these things are coming to a head right now and, you know, it emanates from one single individual. if the president really i'm going to say something pretty profound, if the president wants to regain his credibility, he probably needs to look at, you know, seriously coming before the american people and saying, you know, i have not been up to this job and i think that you're getting close to him probably saying he should resign. >> yeah. i don't know. i'm not going to hold my breath for that. that would be an honest move. colonel, thanks a lot for joining us. i appreciate it. >> pleasure. thank you so much, tucker. he's only 19 years old but his dreams are big. meet the college student who says he wants to be chicago's next mayor. and it's getting a lot of attention, but is the movie "best man holiday" really worth what it costs you to see. our favorite movie reviewer kevin mccarthy coming up next. avo: t volkswagen "sign then drive" sales event is back. which mes it's never been easier to get a new 2014 jetta. it gets an impreive 34 highway mpg and cos with no charge scheduled maintenance. and right now you can drive e homeor practically just your signature. sign. then drive. get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first month's payment on any new 2014 volkswagen. hurry, this offer ends december 2nd. for detas, visit vwdealer.com today. so when coverage really counts, count on nationwide insurance. because what's precious to you is precious to us. ♪ love, love is strange just another way we put members first. because we don't have shareholders. join the nation. ♪ baby... ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ the deep sweep power brush by oral-b for the first time. wow. it's "wow," you know? 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[ male announcer ] oral-b deep sweep, featuring 3 cleaning zones with dynamic power bristles that reach deep between teeth to remove up to 100% more plaque than a regular manual brush. it seems like it gets more to areas of your mouth that you can't reach with a regular toothbrush. [ male announcer ] guaranteed "wow" with deep sweep from oral-b. #1 dentist-recommended toothbrush brand worldwide. hey, good morning. here's news by the numbers for you. first, $3,000, that's how much a utah couple was fined forposting a bad review. clear gear.com had fine print in its terms of abuse. it said it can charge anyone for negative publicity. next, $1500, that's how much one night costs at this underwater hotel. check this out. the room at the manta resort is located 1300 feet off the indian ocean off the coast of africa. 13,000, that's how many christmas stockings are headed over to our troops in iraq. the stockings were stuffed and boxed in wheeling, west virginia. let's talk movies now. after 14 years, the wait is finally over for fans of the 1990 movie "the best man." director malcolm d. lee, the "the best man holiday" is releas released. also, "the book thieves." >> what do we make of all of this? there is no better person to ask than kevin mccarthy joins us from los angeles. kevin, good morning. >> good morning. good morning to you guys. by the way, i want to say you rock at life this morning. you guys are awesome. >> so what do you make of the book sea. >> it opened up in new york and l.a. it was a platform release. comes out in d.c., chicago, philly, new york this weekend be. one of the things i'm fascinated about. i'm a big geek about how it's made. actors have to shoot movies out of order. sometimes they'll get on set and shoot the last scene of the film on the first day of production. sophie, the little girl who plays the book thief, talks about some aspect of film making. check this out. >> the last day we shot the first scene of the movie. >> that's the weirdest thing i've ever heard of in my life. >> i think that's -- it's fun because on set i get to do the ten, long hair and be 16, go back to medium hair and be 14. that was really fun in an hour you change from like three ages. >> i've been collecting movie ticket stubs since i was 11 years old. i was moving in today, that's 1998, "shakespeare in love." >> oh, my god. >> i was a child. it was $3.75 to see. do you have anything funny or quirky that you might do to get into that accent? >> i went with this dialect coach, barbara bachtri. we met up on "shakespeare in love" in 1998. >> full circle this interview. >> yeah. yeah. that is not book ended. >> yeah, right. >> and "book thieved." >> we're describing here. >> how young you were, man, 1988. >> i know. $3.75 back then, $3.75 for then. "the book thief" three out of five. they had to sprinkle that into the movie. it didn't work in a move vee setting. overall it's a well-made movie with great performances. >> it was narrated by who? >> death. death narrated the book. >> death did, as he does so many books. >> yeah. >> better than the book? better than the book or worse than the book? >> the movie itself, obviously books and films are different mediums. it's a visual thing. >> good answer. i like that answer. >> kevin, "best man holiday" you said if you like the original you'll like this one but just a matinee? >> the original came out in 1999. first time filmmaker, malcolm d. lee, cousin of spike lee. they're reuniting over the holidays. it's a movie that blends comedy and drama. the only problem with the movie is the last ten minutes. i won't say what it happens. it jumps to a ab sush element to a comedic element. i gave it 3 and a half out of 5 because the rest of the movie delivers. morris chestnut is a great actor. i definitely think it's worth seeing. only costs $17 million to make. it's projected to do over $30 million this weekend. >> i wish i had invested. kevin mccarthy from l.a., thanks a lot. >> thank you so much. you can follow me on twitter twalt kevinmccarthy. go see "gravity." >> kevin, thanks. coming up next on the show, it's a disturbing new trends with teens, the knockout game. >> what every parent needs to see. >> that's horrible. >> disgusting. alec baldwin claiming he was justified for attacking a fox reporter and this morning he is making a brand-new threat against america. stay tuned. alec baldwin threats. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] what if the next big thing, isn't a thing at all? it's lots of things. all waking up. connecting to the global phenomenon we call the internet of everything. ♪ it's going to be amazing. and exciting. and maybe, most remarkably, not that far away. we're going to wake the world up. and watch, with eyes wide, as it gets to work. cisco. tomorrow starts here. hands for holding. feet, kicking. better things than the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. if you're trying to manage your ra, now may be the time to ask about xeljanz. xeljanz (tofacitinib) is a small pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. don't start taking xeljanz if you have any kind of infection, unless ok with your doctor. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests, including certain liver tests, before you start and while you are taking xeljanz. tell your doctor if you have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if you are pregnant, or plan to be. taken twice daily, xeljanz can reduce the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe ra, even without methotrexate. ask if xeljanz is right for you. even without methotrexate. what does that first spoonful taste likok. honey bunches of oats. ching! mmmm! mmmm! mmmm! wow! it's the oats. honey. yeah. honey bunches of oats. this is a great cereal. [ female announcer ] some people like to pretend a flood could never happen to them. and that their homeowners insurance protects them. [ thunder crashes ] it doesn't. stop pretending. only flood insurance covers floods. ♪ visit floodsmart.gov/pretend to learn your risk. now, mr. mayor, many are calling for your resignation. are you worried about your public image? >> of course i am. i don't have any good photos, you know? so every time i'm in the news they show one where i'm all sweaty. i have a good head shot. do you mind if i get one now with your cameras? >> sure. i'll count you down. >> okay. good. >> 3, 2, 1. >> toronto's mayor, still in office. >> almost. >> well, we've got some bad news. if he didn't have enough to worry about. iran getting the bomb, the fed devaluing the dollar, the obama care disaster. now alec baldwin is saying he may leave show business. >> oh, my gosh. >> fox news alert. this is terrible news this morning. this is what alec baldwin -- his response yesterday through the recent outbursts against a fox reporter among others. he said, if quitting the television business, the movie business, the theater, any component of entertainment is necessary in order to bring safety to my family, that's the decision. it's a projection of people's frustration about their government, their economy, their own spiritual bankruptcy. >> let's just call this what it is. >> oh. >> this is a threat against america. if alec baldwin were to leave show business, you could see a domino effect here. gentleman nineteen ga raf fill low, barbara streisand. america's greatest left wing artists. >> they could all go tottenham p t go go to the hamptons. >> essentially there's been a lot of press, a lot of paparazzi that have been following him and his wife. this is following a stalking case that had gone to trial last week. then he's yelling at a fox 5 reporter, linda schmidt who we had on the show for allegedly trying to knock out his wife with a microphone. we played you the tape. >> bleep. >> he's cursing at her. linda schmidt came on the show. >> he has no basis for any charges being filed against me whatsoever. he has not filed any charges. in fact, the nypd came up to me after he finally left with his wife, they came up to me to ask me if i was okay. if i had been hurt in any way. >> wow. >> so that's how we found ourselves in this position. this hangs over america, ladies and gentlemen. alec baldwin threatening to leave show business. >> a small piece of me actually really does feel for him. it stinks that he's treating the press this way and all of that, but the paparazzi, he can't walk his dog. >> they're awful. >> they are in his face. >> no, they're awful, awful. linda schmidt, however, is not one of them. she is an actual reporter and a very nice person. to treat her that way -- >> and covering the trial, by the way, that involves him. and, you know, there are many high profile celebrities that live in new york city that the paparazzi ignores on a regular basis. it's almost as if he enjoys it going up to them and smiling. >> if you want the cameras to stay away from your apartment, as a reporter said, we know the home address of every single celebrity in new york. we are not camped outside of their houses. why? they don't come out and act like mental patients. >> sarah jessica parker doesn't live far from me. i've seen multiple days when the nanny is walking her children to school. these little kids have to grow up with it. >> they're looking for you. >> you don't have to act like that zbles' blaming congress. congress is the problem. you the american people. our national political process. what do you think? would you be happy to see alec baldwin get out of entertainment or would you be saddened? let us know on our facebook page. we have a separate facebook page. ffweekend. go to facebook.com/ffweekend. well, this morning president obama preparing to rally supporters to help bail out obama care. he will give an online speech to the group organizing for action tomorrow. who are they and what does this all mean? peter doocy is live in washington, d.c., to break it all down for us. hey, peter. >> reporter: that's right. there's going to be a conference call with president obama talking to anybody who wants to listen. it's all being put together by organizing for action. this is a political group that exists only to support president obama's agenda and the invitation for this event features the following statement from the president. quote, i have just over three years left as president and there's a lot left on my to do list. that's why i want to talk with you. you're the ones purting in all the time and effort to achieve real progress and fighting to make the agenda american's voted for last fall a reality. the latest fox news poll shows that only 36% of voters right now approve of president obama's handling of health care and that number is down 9 points compared to just a month ago. at the white house this week president obama said he knows he's got some work to do. >> i'm just going to keep on working as hard as i can around the priorities that the american people care about. i think it's legitimate for them to expect me to have to win back some credibility on this health care law in particular and on a whole range of these issues in general. >> so that was thursday. so far republicans have not let up in their criticism of the sloppy rollout of the health care law. >> president obama's so-called apology was as phony as his fraudulent marketing of obama care. he seemed to be saying he was sorry americans actually believed him but took no responsibility for their plight. >> invitation for tomorrow's event says it's been a while since president obama has within able to do something like this. it will all begin at 8:15 p.m. >> campaigning? >> exactly. thanks, peter. live for us in d.c. this morning. now to the rest of your sunday morning news headlines. i need to warn you that this video you're about to see is quite disturbing. a terrifying and deadly new game has teenagers targeting people to knock them out in one punch. videos of recent attacks have gone viral on youtube. assaults are on the rise. the new york police department is investigating a series of attacks in jewish neighborhoods as possible hate crimes. in other cities, at least one victim has died from their injuries. so why do they do it? according to a teenager in one of the videos, they just think it's funny. all right. and a scary new warning to tell you about from the fda. some medtronic devices could tell you. federal health officials say the coating on some of the guide wires can break off causing severe injury or even death. this warning pertains to about 15,000 guide wires now being recalled. he may be only 19 years old but college freshman c.j. elliott already plans to take on mayor rob emmanuel in 2015 for the job as mayor of chicago. >> yes, mayor of chicago. many people think it's a little too high for me, but got to start somewhere. >> he says he's running as an independent claiming his main focus will be on peng reform and an overhaul of the city's system. well, it turns out their bark was bigger than their bite. a man walks into an arizona home uninvited and is scared off by two small dogs. the homeowner says he thought it was his wife and kids returning home except the dogs wouldn't stop barking. he peeked out the window and that's when he realized a stranger was trying to enter the home. >> i asked him, hey, why did you enter my home? and then he told me, i wanted to get some water. >> yeah. >> just thirsty. want some quality h 2 o. >> phoenix police are investigating. >> i think we've all done that. we've randomly just gone to people's homes, broken in, needed a glass of water, right? >> sure. then the dogs come and scare you off. >> it's a dry heat. in arizona, that's a problem. >> i need water. 120 degrees outside. >> i feel like all of these crazy stories are happening in arizona right now. >> you should feel good. they used to happen in florida and colorado. >> the new florida. >> my home state. what do you know. take a look at the weather maps, guys. few things going on temperature wise. it is just warm. certainly warm for mid november. kansas city, 67 as you're waking up. 72 in dallas today. get into the mid 80s. cold air across parts of the west. across the northeast, a mild day. yesterday was spectacular. temps even warmer today. the rain will be moving in across the great lakes in towards the western side of the picture towards pennsylvania, west virginia. down across the southeast a tail end of the event will bring storms across kentucky, tennessee, arkansas. it will be cooler in towards oklahoma. woodward at 69. as that front moves through we'll be seeing very severe weather across illinois and indiana. behind it the cooler air is there. see a little bit of snow flying in the northern plains. a little bit of leftover snow in the northern rockies. not that bad in phoenix, air zone -- arizona. >> you won't need water today. >> thanks, rick. >> you bet. coming up on the show, it looks like any other church. there's one thing missing, god. believe it or not atheist churches are a new trend. father john says this might not be all that bad. he's on deck in our hallways to explain. a brand new threat from this growing sinkhole. could it explode? could it consume your house? details ahead. ♪ ♪ could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. mmmhmmm...everybody knows that. well, did you know that old macdonald was a really bad speller? your word is...cow. cow. cow. c...o...w... ...e...i...e...i...o. 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>> in my experience the happiest atheists, there are happy atheists, let's put that out there, are ones that do not define themselves as atheists? why? to define yourself as an atheist, it's defining yourself in a negative way. i am not a believer. >> right. >> i am not a football player. i am not -- >> right. >> you just don't do i am not an american, i am not a canadian. we don't do that. we identify ourselves as happy people, positive thing, positive concept. do i think it's good that people who don't believe in god still get together and listen to great music and study good literature? and socialize? absolutely. wonderful thing. but on the other hand, when they're trying to push this thing, we are not these people, we are not believers, i don't think it's healthy. i don't think it's a positive thing for society. >> i thought the whole point of being an atheist was the thing you got to sleep in on sunday? you could do this in a bar if i want to get together with people. why create this kind of sad pair owe did i of something they say they hate? >> i think we have some -- a screen shot of some of the signs that they're putting up. look at this. god-less is more. i believe in life before death. >> i can barely read, i'm getting old. >> born again humanist. >> i don't think a psychologist would say, that's a beautiful thing you've got going in your life. now maybe they have some mission they say, you know, i feel offended by people of religion. okay. i'd be willing to talk about that. but do i think it's a wonderful thing on sunday morning they get out of bed and go and listen to good music? yes. i believe the closer you get to beauty, the closer you get to goodness, the closer you get to truth you are actually getting closer to god. >> how do you think christians should handle this? is this an insult? is this a compliment? we want what you have and try to minister to these people or just let them do what they want? >> i think through friendship and not getting bent out of shape over it and being willing to go forward in relationship and friendships with people and trying to meet each other where we're at. i love the idea of the fact that one thing that we all have in common, believe it or not, nonbelievers, is doubt. we all have moments of doubt. right? and to meet each other at that level to talk about it, be willing to talk about it, not say i'm going to try to convert you, you, meet you where you're at. it's fun to talk about it. great segment. great to know what's going on in society and see these people come together in this way. >> father, thanks for joining us. >> the music didn't look really good? >> didn't look like a megaatheist church. it looked like 250 people listening to bad rock. >> great to see you this morning. >> thanks. coming up on the show, all one restaurant owner wants to do is to honor our military by hanging flooagsout side of his business. you won't believe why. now he's bringing his fight to "fox & friends." >> not being allowed to wear a facemask while driving. these are regulations that are sweeping this country. we have some of the most bizarre ones anywhere on tape. >> you can't wear a mask while driving? >> no. ♪ on route 66 welcome back. a georgia restaurant owner who proudly makes it his mission to honor those serving our country now faces a fight over a u.s. flag that he flies at his establishment. darren miller said he was cited by the military. darren and dean patterson, co-owners of c.j.'s hot dogs. darren and dean, nice to see you. welcome to the show. >> good morning. >> good morning, clayton. >> darren, why did you decide to put up the flags in the first place? >> actually, i'm an exfirefighter for dekalb county and my partner here is a hen kri county police officer. there's not a whole lot of places honoring our men and women that serve, whether it's police, fire or military. that's the way we wanted to dem core rate our restaurants. >> did you put up those flags to honor your family? dean, were you surprised when you heard from the city? >> well, you know, darren contacted me and advised me that he received citations in the mail, and when he told me it was about us flying our flags, i was just devastated. and we don't understand why we are being told we can't do that when we honor and we respect our law enforcement, fire, and military. >> right. you see all these beautiful flags up there. it's on your personal business. darren, what did the city say to you and what has been the response? >> well, i kind of got blindsided by it when the mailman brought me certified mail because the gentleman that wrote the tickets didn't come -- have no guts to show up in our restaurant and hand them to me personally. i was actually blindsided by the whole thing. since that's happened, you know, i just -- it's not right. so that's why i contacted the news media and said, let's get this thing straightened out on camera. and the response has been absolutely great from our supporters. we're away to come support our restaurant. and the city now was a violation in the right-of-way, now it's -- they're backpedaling a little bit, saying now it's a permit issue. i don't think i should have to pay money to fly the american flag or support our men and women in uniform. i refuse to. >> absolutely right. >> dean, what do you think this says about our country, that you weren't able to fly your flags? >> well, i think, you know, it's a shame. we have -- i mean, without our military, you know, protecting our borders, we have nothing, guys. we're just trying to be too small business owners that make a difference. >> yeah. >> i feel we do that, you know? no matter where we are. we love our military. >> well said. darren and dean, you guys are great americans. thank you for standing up to this and sticking to your guns on this. we appreciate it. >> clayton, we thank you for what you guys do. >> absolutely. >> you make a difference. >> absolutely. >> i want all our viewers in that area, go down and visit your restaurant at c.j.'s. thanks, guys. >> absolutely. coming up, democrats defecting. jumping on a republican plan to fix obama care. more on what that means next. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ camera shutter clicks ] now, that's cardworthy. 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[ female announcer ] this holiday season, visit shutterfly.com for all your cardworthy moments. of their type 2 diabetes with non-insulin victoza®. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar, but it didn't get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza®. he said victoza® is different than pills. victoza® is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. it's taken once-a-day, any time, and comes in a pen. and the needle is thin. victoza® is not for weight loss, but it may help you lose some weight. victoza® is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adultth type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. victoza® has not been studied with mealtime insulin. victoza® is not insulin. do not take victoza® if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza® or any of its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include: swelling of face, lips, tongue, or throat, fainting or dizziness, very rapid heartbeat, problems breathing or swallowing, severe rash or itching. tell your doctor if you get a lump or swelling in your neck. serious side effects may happen in people who take victoza®, including inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), which may be fatal. stop taking victoza® and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis, such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back, with or without vomiting. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. taking victoza® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. the most common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, and headache. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. if your pill isn't giving you the control you need ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza®. it's covered by most health plans. hey, how you doing? good morning. it is sunday the 17th of november, 2013. i'm anna kooiman. it's another obama care promise the president just can't keep. if you like your doctor, too bad. so will the president's so-called fix fix this? then "jesus take the wheel?" two bus drivers get the boot for bringing prayers to their buses. what about the tolerance we were promised? no dice. your tweets and e-mails pouring in. >> can they put dice in the window? >> not christian. remember this scene from "mrs. doubtfire." >> help is on the way, dear. one more. oh, no. >> oh, my god! >> ahhhh! >> that's how you get a shrimp out. these iconic moves just saved one mom's life. anybody hungry? "fox & friends" hour three starts right now. oh, so good. good morning. >> good morning, everyone. you know, dave, our floor manager, often has pretty terrible puns for a lot of the stories we do here on the show. he's on fire today. i think you need to go on tour, dave. you're doing a great job. >> he said he was all choked up about that. late news this morning. if you read the papers this morning, if you haven't, you should know that the white house has now promised that the white house.gov, the obama care website, will be fixed maybe not by the point they said it would at the end of the month and when it is, they are pledging that at least 80% of the people that go to that website will be able to use it. >> one in five of you will still be pulling your hair out. >> 80%. >> that's a great goal. if you're jeff basoss or you're tim cook and you run apple.com, you want to sell an apple ipod, you want to make sure one out of five can't do it. >> 80% will be able to use that ipad. >> unbelievable. >> maybe that's better news. 80% is better to focus on. in school terms, that's a b, bins b minus. >> it's a c? >> 79% would be a c. 80%. now you have something else to look forward to because the promise that you can keep your doctor under any of these plans is not being held up any longer. in fact, united health care on friday was reported by "the wall street journal" would be losing or cutting thousands of doctors from its networks in the coming weeks all because they say money is being sapped from the medicare advantage program. they simply can't pay these doctors. >> this will be affecting the elderly in particular. what's so unfortunate about this. we all have grandparents that go to the doctor a lot more than the healthy individuals. it's the healthy individuals, too, that of course the president is relying on. so that this obama care does not go into the death spiral that they talked about because it does rely on them to fund these elderly people. but they're losing their doctors essentially. thousands of them. >> this will accelerate as it has in countries with national health care plans like canada and great britain. the question is who would want to practice medicine. how many doctors do you know? how many are recommending to their children that they become doctors? probably not very many. 20 years from now we'll see a massive spike in the amount of foreign educated doctors. is that a good thing? it tells you something sad about the effect of obama care on our system. >> one thing he failed to mention when he was saying, look, this has been all on me. i fumbled the ball on this rollout. we'll give you an opportunity to keep your plan. we said we weren't going to do that. we're going to do that. the president going through an executive decision. one thing he didn't mention at the podium was how much money this would actually cost. in fact, it could now cost you more to keep the plan that you want. we had andrew mangione who is with the association of mature american citizens on to talk about this. listen to andrew. >> it would be a logistical nightmare to have insurance companies reissue plans for millions of people, switching them back to the plans. think about it, the process itself is staggering. think about the claims people. which claims would they be paying and for what plans? think about the premiums that are going to be charged. which plan's going to be in force, what type of coverage will be there? this is just for a temporary fix. i hope that the president and the administration really hope isn't coming up with this scheme to now blame insurance companies when they dump this logistical nightmare on their lap in order to take some cover away from the affordable care act. yeah, there's definitely some politics involved here. >> you didn't really think we would see a day like this. you have to feel for the insurance companies. they have three years to come up with a way to get around this. for six weeks they've been watching this unravel and now they have a month to try to put the toothpaste back in the tube. >> everybody's mad about the disaster that is obama care so far, especially democrats in the house who are about to take the punishment for it. as the president said on thursday night in a little noticed but remarkable moment, he said it's very important for us to remember that i'm not the only one who said if you like your plan you can keep it. they said the same thing up in congress, a little sharing of the blame took place. guess what, he was right. he wasn't the only one who promised that. members of congress did, too. watch this. >> you can keep the doctors you know and trust. you keep the insurance you have if you like it. >> if you like what you have today, that will be what you have when this legislation is passed. >> i'm not going to support a health care reform plan that's going to take away health care that you've got right now or health care plan that you like. >> if you have coverage and you loo i can it, you can keep it. if you have your doctor and you like him or her, you should be able to keep them as well. >> if you have a doctor now, you have a medical professional you want, you get to keep that. if you have an insurance program or health care policy you want, the idea is to make sure you keep it. >> i like what i have. would you please leave me alone? and the answer is, yes. in fact, we guarantee it. >> in fact, one of our core principles, if you like the health care you have, you can keep it. >> people who like their insurance and their doctors, keep them. >> those individuals who like the coverage they already have will be able to keep their current plan. >> did they read it? i mean, i know it's this big, but did they read it? were they pushing the same talking points that came from the white house? were they ill informed or were they pushing lies? >> there is some truth to what they were saying. in "the wall street journal" piece, you could keep your plan, if, here's the caveat, if they pay an out-of-network fee. if your doctor leaves or pay 100% of the costs themselves. so let that sink in for a moment. you can keep your plan if you pay 100% of the cost of your medical -- >> right. >> so you paid the insurance premium and then you pay the entire doctor's bill, too. >> right. that sounds like a great plan. >> great plan. now that's a premium plan. >> right. unbelievable. read the fine print. we'll have more coming up and we'll be talking to chris wallace host of "fox news sunday." two navy sailors are being treated for burns. a drone crashed into the ship. some brand-new developments in the case of a missing family found in shallow graves in the california desert. joseph mcstay, his wife summer and their two young sons were all apparently murdered. now sources close to the investigation say one of the parents had their hands bound. experts say the shallow grave's close proximity to the freeway indicate it's not a professional hit. they vanished back in 2010. surveillance video led investigators to believe they may have voluntarily left on their own. overnight, ambulances rushed to los angeles memorial coliseum when five fans are hurt rushing the field after the usc's win over stanford. one had a broken leg and another hurt in a fall. another five people hurt during the game. all ten were taken to the hospital to get chekds out. do you want to look like that man but don't have a mask? started with a picture. this picture that you see here. does that work? i love it. simply put a cat on your head so its head is over your eyes and it will make the ears pop up like batman. there's no guarantee you won't get scratched. >> you though? >> this is our how to guide on how to get your face scratched. >> a lot of americans are living alone. >> someone needs to take that photo. >> good point. >> significant other. that's brilliant. that's what a lot of extra free time will do for you. hey, rick. >> hard to do a selfie if you're holding a cat. you better hope your cat is declawed. >> it's hard to fight crime with a cat on your face, too, speaking from experience. >> true. guys, big changes is in the severe weather i've been telling you about. there's an updated evaluation of this that's come out from the storm prediction center and they have increased the bull's eye here for severe weather. this high risk area earlier they were thinking eastern illinois and western indiana, take a look at this. the high risk includes the entire state of indiana, western ohio, parts of michigan. a significant chunk of illinois. we could be talking about strong tornadoes, big tornadoes that are strong and last a long time. long-lasting tornadoes. those will start around the 1:00 time frame. it's all part of the energy that brought big snow across parts of the inner mountain west, washington and oregon. and parts of the rockies. we're still seeing the snow across the rockies. it's that energy that will pull out and meet up with moist air and warm air that we have across parts of the ohio valley. when we see that take off, this is a big threat. this is what you see in the spring, may time. you get those really big tornado outbreaks. that's what we're looking at. >> thanks, rick. pretty scary. coming up on the show, we told you about democrats defecting from the president. yum ping on a republican plan. what does it mean for 2014. chris wallace will weigh in on that next. then, the guys from "duck dynasty" gets into politics? sort of. we've got the details coming up ♪ ♪ ♪ that honky-tonk, padonkey donk ♪ ♪ keeping per rhythm makes you want to play along ♪ your mom could do anything. defy gravity. find hidden treasure. make rainbows appear. now she could use a hand, so she can keep living on her own. comfort keepers can help you help her. our professional caregivers are carefully chosen and highly trained to provide a variety of in-home services while truly engaging with your aging loved ones so they can stay happy at home. comfort keepers. keeping the comforts of home. ll comfort keepers now to arn more. the girls and i need... a new activity. [ giggles ] [ snaps finger ] [ wisest kid ] campbell's tomato soup with grilled cheese. perfect together. what should we do next? i'm liking braids. [ gong ] m'm! m'm! good! why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pai it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. nd call your doctor right away, if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor. democrats are on board to let people keep their plans. will their efforts help or make things worse and what's the fallout for both parties in the 2014 elections? we're going to ask chris wallace? he's the host of fox news sunday. chris, how concerned are democrats on the hill about what's happened over the last six weeks? >> oh, real concerned. there's nothing that focuses the mind of a politician than the prospect of an upcoming election. just look what happened in the house on friday. the upton bill. if you want your plan, you can keep your plan. this would, in effect, gut obama care. it not only said that people that have policies that have been canceled can keep them, it would also say the insurance company could sell those policies to new customers and the point of that is that means if they take those policies to the individual market, they're not getting into the obama health care exchanges. that tears at the whole fabric of what the whole obama care business plan is. 39 democrats, even after the president's announced so-called fix on thursday, 39 democrats still went in the house with the republican bill which, as i say, would largely gut obama care against the objections of their own party. they need political cover. i'm not sure how much this vote is going to give them. that indicates how concerned they are. >> what sort of -- do you see any light of day for this bill making it through the senate at all? i'm sure the white house has been on the phone with democrats in the senate saying, hey, watch out for this? >> not a chance. they've smartend up enough to read it themselves and know this is a poison pill. doesn't mean it's necessarily a bad bill. if you like obama care, you don't like this bill. i don't think that harry reid will even bring it up for a vote. and even if in some alternative universe he did, the white house has already promised to veto it. >> chris, why then if it's not going to get through the senate and if it did the president said he would veto it, why do these 39 democrats in the house vote alongside it? was it just so that they could have that vote on the record for 2014? what's the deal? it's not just. when you go back to your district, you can say i voted with this bill that would have allowed people to keep their policies, would have allowed new customers to get these policies, get outside of the exchanges. you know, at this point, that's the best i can. it's a free political vote and that's not a bad thing for democrats who feel they're in some trouble right now. >> who do you have on the show? ben nelson, former senator from nebraska. >> it's interesting, tucker, because he is the head of the national association of insurance commissioners, interestingly, right after the president announced his so-called fix, the industry, both the insurance businesses and also the regulators, came out, were very negative about this, said it could raise premiums, destabilize the markets. remember, real people dealing with these real issues have had three years that they've been trying to build structures based on the law. now the president says, woops, never mind. well, that's hard for them. we'll be talking to karen ignani, america's health insurance plans and ben nelson, executive director of the national association of insurance commissioners. then we'll talk to liz cheney who's involved in that very controversial primary in wyoming. she's up against a republican incumbent and as if that were not enough, wait, there's more on this 50th anniversary of the assassination of john f. kennedy. we'll be talking to two people who used to call him uncle jack, kathleen kennedy. patrick kennedy, son of teddy kennedy. >> you need a three-hour show. >> i figure we'll be into sermonette by the time we finish. >> thanks, chris. >> check your local listings. coming up on the show, laws around the country banning everything from facemasks to drivers to fortune telling. we have the most bizarre red tape in america. remember this scene from "mrs. doubt fire?" >> help is on the way, dear. hold on. one more. >> these iconic moves just saved one mother's life. the incredible story next. ♪ ♪ ♪ this was the hardest decision i've ever had to make. jim, i adore the pool at your hotel. anna, your hotels have wondrous waffle bars. ryan, your hotels' robes are fabulous. i have twelve of them. twelve? shhhh, i'm worth it& what i'm trying to say is, it's so hard to pick just one of you, so i'm choosing all of you with hotels.com. a loyalty program that requires no loyalty. plus members can win a free night every day only at hotels.com that's the sound of car insunce companies these days. here a cheap, there a cheap. everywhere a cheap... you get it. so what if instead ofjust a cheachoice, you could make a smart choice? like esurance for example they were born online and built to save people money from the beginning. that's what they've always ne. not just somhing they...cheep about. that's insurance for the modern world. esurance. now backed by allstate. click or call. louisiana "duck dynasty" candidate wins in a landslide. vance mccallister will be louisiana's newest member of congress with strong support from the state's insanely popular "duck dynasty" family. he beat neil reiser in a special election. a massive sinkhole in louisiana may explode. the area was evacuated a year ago when a sinkhole opened and it's now as large as 20 football fields and is emitting natural gas. if oil and gas rise, it could blow up. yikes. clayton, over to you. regulation nation, from bans on fortune telling to not being allowed to wear a facemask while driving. we have a round of the most bizarre red tape. kathryn tims is a reporter at campus reform.com. good to see you. >> good to see you. >> you had the duty of going through all of the states and finding some bizarre things, right? >> yes. >> let's start down in mississippi. what did you find down there? >> in mississippi it's illegal to leave the state for the purposes of a dual. >> in case you're facing aaron burr at the heights of wehauken and you're alexander hamilton, you can't do it. >> it was passed in the '70s. shootouts to the death have been illegal since long before then. i don't know if it's some additional penalty. if you're in a duel in another state. no, he was here for a justin bieber concert, the duel came up along the way. >> right. why this is zil on the books is ri beginning cue louse. tennessee, something funny happening. >> in tennessee you can't manufacture cigars, clothing, or artificial flowers in any room that's used for sleeping and eating except if you're an immediate family member. they're telling you which hobbies you can do in which areas of your house. if you're in the kitchen, your grandma starts knitting. >> you can't make artificial flowers in your kitchen. >> there's a specific rule for that. >> you can't do it in tennessee. make sure you're not breaking the law. in georgia? >> in georgia it's a felony if you leave the state to abandon your pregnant wife while she's pregnant or immediately after the birth of the child. >> i guess people can leave right after. you ultimately can't achieve what you're drying to achieve. i? in west virginia you can't wear hoods, masks. >> batman? >> if you're younger than 16. as soon as you're allowed to drive a car, you can't decide what to wear inside the car. >> that could make sense. you don't want someone driving with a sleep mask on. >> a hood? >> your peripheral vision. west virginia. that doesn't seem as crazy as some of the other state laws. pennsylvania, what's going on here? >> the craziest one, i think. there's a ban on fortune telling. this isn't some ban that's on the books that's not used anymore. in the 2000 fortune telling businesses have been shut down. i'm picturing a s.w.a.t. team breaking into a chinese restaurant. if they say have a nice day, you're fine, if they're saying you will have a nice day, they're taken as contraband. >> tarrot card readers. >> must have been from ed rendell. get that off the books. you can check out more of this stuff at campus reform.org. >> great to see you. coming up on the show, caught on camera. this woman narrowly misses being hit by a tree. she's one lucky lady. watch this. oh, my gosh. whew. oh, man. the full story on that ahead. >> then, jesus take the wheel? not on these two buses. two drivers getting the boot. e-mails pouring in on this one ♪ take it from my hand ♪ because i can't do this on my own ♪ ♪ i'm letting go ♪ so give me one more chance she loves a lot of the same things you do. it's what you love about her. but your erectile dysfunction - that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms obph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications, and ask your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess with cialis. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than 4 hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or iyou have any allergic reactions such as rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a 30-tablet free trial. ♪ call me brother when you need a hand ♪ good morning. your sunday dose of adorable. mommy gone city blogger posting these photos of her son napping with his best friend, his puppy. he says they sleep like this for at least two hours every single day. if you have photos of your kids sleeping with pets, we'd love to see them. friends at fox news.com. accepted them to us on twitter or facebook. >> that is adorable. >> love that. i've got to say, when i saw that come up on the teleprompter, puppies with toddlers. the cynic came out and i saw the pictures and i melted. those are pretty awesome. >> hold your cynicism for this next story. we told you about minnesota, what happened up in minnesota where a pastor who's also a bus driver has been fired because he in the morning would grab the kids and get together. he asked the parents' permission to lead them in some songs and some prayers on the school trip into the school. he has since been fired. his name is george nathanial. he said this, we start out with a song, then each person will pray if they want to pray. if they don't want to pray, they don't have to pray. then i'll pray and ask them if they want to join me in prayer. give them something constructive and positive to go to school with that day. he was since fired for that. it doesn't stop there. there's another story out of new jersey now on a bus. >> yeah. this one happened at rutgers university. the students are fired up about it. sam, the rutgers lx bus driver that we all know and love recently resigned. this is what they're saying, from his position. this is something that the students have posted on change.org. the rutgers community is speculating that pressure from versity. let's get our beloved champ back. currently the petition that they have trying to get this guy back, 7,000 signatures. so clearly the students love this guy just like the students on the bus in the burnsville school district in minnesota like their bus driver. >> of all the threats america faces, christian bus driver seems to be at the bottom. bus drivers who smoke crack, hit kids, leave the children on the bus which happens all the time, those are actual threats. someone exercising his first amendment protective free speech rights to talk about his believes -- >> right. >> they say it's a violation. >> look at it this way. if the bus driver got on and said i want to talk to you about my sexual orientation, he would not be fired, he would be a hero. only certain species of speech are considered unacceptable. >> to your point about some of the crack dealer bus drivers, people who have left the kids on the bus, we've seen other falling asleep behind the wheel, we know from reporting that here on the show that in rare instances they're placed on administrative leave. >> evangelical christians, they need to be more tolerant. they're totally tolerant of expressing christian religious beliefs. would you like to weigh in? you can go to our facebook page, whatever it takes for that to happen, i say, pray away, bus driver. the government wants to be god. >> that's exactly right. god needs to be back in school, says pat, however we can get him there. >> i would be thankful our children need all the prayers they can get especially in this crazy world they are growing up in. facebook.com. now on to some more sunday morning headlines. terrifying moments for passengers on a recent british airways flight to new york. the plane left london 36,000 feet above the atlantic ocean with smoke filling the cockpit. as the pilot hate yradioed for all people on the plane heard the may day call. according to the airline an electrical issue is to blame. well, is rutgers protecting another bullying coach? the father of a football player accusing the coach of threatening him in a study session speaks out for the first time. >> the lady doing the study hall said it was like the worst behavior she's seen in 13 years. whether or not he was going to play, that's the coach's call, but to be able to be abusive and put him through a lot of things that are unnecessary, that's our complaint. >> the player, tavon tyree said it started when he was cursed out by the defensive coordinator. all of this was around the same time that the men's basketball player was fired. you remember this video here. tyree ended up quitting the team because of the abuse. the university said the issue has been resolved. he plans to transfer schools next year. a 7-year-old oregon girl says she saved her mother's life by watching "mrs. doubtfire." >> hen lp is on the way, dear. one more time. oh, no. >> oh, my god! >> ahhhhh. >> that's how it's done. when the young girl heard her mother choking in the kitchen, she rushed in, got behind her and squeezed her until the lodged fool popped out. she claims she learned the heimlich maneuver from the classic robin williams scene you're watching. crazy video out of russia. city workers were curting do ica tree. apparently the area isn't roped off. the tree fell just barely missing a woman who was walking by. >> can you imagine? >> in other news. vodka consumption up in russia. wielding a chain saw while drinking vodka. >> ah, russia. let's check in with rick. >> that's true. that helps a little bit. getting a little more and more concerned for the threat for severe weather today. take a look at the weather maps. want to show you what the weather setup is looking like. it's all across areas of the great lakes and in towards parts of the ohio valley. very warm and moist air. what you don't generally see in november and a very strong jet stream. all of this will come together, where you see the white silver, that's where the high risk is. they issue this a handful times a year. three to six times a year. to see that, that means very serious today about the threat for some very significant tornadoes and these tornadoes could be long lasting and large and moving very fast. you can see a tornado develop, get on the ground and move in its forward progression at about 60 miles per hour. you don't have much warning. you should be putting your plans in place right now. this will take off right around the 1:00 time frame today. everybody in that area be watching out. call your people your friends and family that you have living in that area. this afternoon. down to the southeast, texas and oklahoma, you're looking good. we will see showers across parts of arkansas, tennessee, and some lighter showers. not the big, severe kinds down across areas of the southeast. this is more an event that will be right here where you cierre yas like chicago, champaign, you are ban na, terre haute, south bend. that front is cleared out. the cool air moves in. things will dry out significantly by tonight. out across the west, you have the snow yesterday. there will be a little bit of remnant snow. temperatures much cooler and it's windy down there. i have to tell you also, i haven't mentioned this, it's a windy day around the great lakes. the same area that will get the storm, they'll have a lot of wind for the day today not associated with the wind. a rough day all across the area. >> landings coming into o'hare. >> hey, rick, purely for selfish reasons, is that whole big storm coming east after that? >> it is. it will clear the east coast tomorrow. it won't be as severe tomorrow. it will moderate some. the rain will be here, but it won't be as severe with that tornado threat tomorrow. >> thanks. a bipartisan event at the reagan library focusing on national security, and one important question. where will this country be in ten years? frank luntz was there. hail mary, sometimes prayers are answered at the very last second. look at this game changer. ♪ ♪ customer erin swenson ordered shoes from us online but they didn't fit. customer's not happy, i'm not happy. sales go down, i'm not happy. merch comes back, i'm not happy. use ups. they make returns easy. unhappy customer becomes happy customer. then, repeat customer. easy returns, i'm happy. repeat customers, i'm happy. sales go up, i'm happy. i ordered another pair. i'm happy. 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there's something that works differently than over-the-counter remedies. prescription tamiflu attacks the flu virus at its source. so call your doctor right away. tamiflu treats the flu in people 2 weeks and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. before taking tamiflu tell your doctor if you're pregnant, nursing, have serious health conditions, or take other medicines. if you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior, stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately. children and adolescents in particular may be at an increased risk of seizures, confusion or abnormal behavior. . .re mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. so don't wait. attack the flu virus at its source. ask your doctor about tamiflu, prescription for flu. hey, the rustling leaves can only mean one thing. quick headlines. it could be one of the most incredible hail mary passes in all of college football. watch this. >> lets it go. oh, my god! >> oh, my goodness. >> can you believe that? will willie mays style head. auburn down, 38-37. desperation heave on fourth and 18. ricardo lewis pulls it in, auburn wins 43-38. some u.s. wine makers thinking outside the box. testing out wine in a can. it's about time. they say by canning reds and whites, they'll save up to 40% of packaging costs. the canned wines will sell for $3 to $5 per can. tucker. thank you, clayton. well, what kind of state do you think this country will be in? in a recent poll 80% of americans said they think the u.s. will be a more dangerous place. how can our top military leaders stop this from becoming true. the national forum of defense was held at the reagan library. fox news contributor frank luntz was there. he joins us with a recap. thank you for coming on. this was a bipartisan group of people who know a lot about national security. what was the take away from this? what was the headline would you say? >> it was kind of frightening because whether you're republican or democrat, whether you're an elected official or military expert, the consensus was very strong that these cuts being made thanks to is he sequester are undermining america's national security and in particular research and development which is essential for america remaining number one. these experts believe that that isn't happening and thanks to sequester it isn't going to happen and, tucker, when you make those cuts, you can't make it back. >> right. r and d is not something you can turn on and off at will. it's something that takes years. you can mess it up by stopping that. what are the threats? there doesn't seem to be consensus about what the main threats are. north korea, the threat to the middle east. what did this group think? >> it's interesting. the most attended panel were the threats coming from asia. japan's seeming decisions to go it alone are hostile to america, but not having continence in american leadership. china is expanding. that was the theme. the military are careful not to criticize the president or the administration because they know they could lose their jobs, but the independent experts, one after another, said that we are in a weaker state right now than any time since the carter years and that world leaders don't have faith in our decision-making ability, in our planning for the future, and once again i go back to the sequester cuts, that they're undermining our capabilities over the next ten years in asia and also in fighting terrorism because you don't know where it's going to come from, you don't know what it's going to mean, and there was genuine concern and fear about the decisions that are being made right now. >> interesting. so the threat comes primarily from an expansive china and also from rearming japan, but china really. how often do you hear political figures say that out loud? it doesn't seem to be where the focus is. >> well, you don't hear it from the military leaders and you'll occasionally hear it from poll tisch shangs, the objective. don't measure the way things are today in 2013. it was to take a look at what's happening over the next ten years. the american people understand this. tucker, one of the key points here is if something bad happens to us, we'll blame the military and we'll blame the politicians. what these people are saying is if you want us to do our jobs, if you expect 100% perfection, which is what dempsey, the head of the joint chiefs has said, 100% perfection, you better give us the tools to make that happen and right now they're not getting the tools. >> that is the basic point of government. that's why you have a government, is to keep people from taking over your country, to keep your country safe, not to run your health care system. to have a strong military system. the consensus was we're falling down on the job with that. >> i point it out to those who are watching today who support the tea party. to those who think you can get away with the cheap defense, it doesn't work. we have plenty of examples over the last 50 years where cuts in the military have led to crises and investment in the mail tir ri has kept us strong. tucker, this is a dangerous world. the public sees it. you have to make the investments today to secure tomorrow. this is exactly what the constitution says is the first responsibility of government and that's what they all concluded at the reagan library. >> weak american defense invites aggression. frank luntz joining us. thank you for coming on. i appreciate it. >> thank you, tucker. taking the christ and the toys out of christmas. one school forced to cancel the toy drive because it promoted christianity. then, it's the latest fitness craze taking the world or parts of it by storm. it's as easy as knowing your abc's. anna kooiman here to demonstrate what we're talking about. ♪ ♪ ♪ life with crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis is a daily game of "what if's". what if my abdominal pain and cramps come back? what if the plane gets delayed? what if i can't hide my symptoms? what if? but what if the most important question is the one you're not asking? what if the underlying cause of your symptoms is damaging inflammation? for help getting the answers you need, talk to your doctor and visit crohnsandcolitisinfo.com to get your complimentary q&a book, with information from experts on your condition. hey, this is going to wake you up on this sunday morning with a smile. it's a fitness craze. it's acid easy as known your abcs and 123s. take a look. >> go, go! >> hut, hut, hut. >> hey! >> bokwa is all about making fitness fun. >> people doing simplistic steps to popular music. >> bokwa is dancing in the shapes of numbers and letters. >> that's the bokwa one. are you ready to join me? bounce, right, left. >> then you add your own flavor and it's become ago fad. >> you know the bokwaq. >> basic out. >> looking good. looking good. >> a native of south africa, paul movie created bokwa about ten years ago after moving to los angeles. but it's recently gone worldwide. >> they do it in the publics. we have people in france, people in italy. >> bokwa is drawing crowds from all ages and activity levels. from fitness fanatics. >> i think as soon as people are exposed to it, physically come to a class, not just look at it on tv or wherever, they're hooked. >> the senior citizens. >> you really work up a great sweat. at my age, you have to work out. >> it's like fun, fun, fun. >> what i like is you can add your own flare to it or you can add mostly anything. you can make it fun. >> pick it up. say whatever. what. >> i always say bokwa, you're going to see bokwa in weddings, they'll start doing the bokwab and then the bokwac. >> look out, adam is going to be a bokwa instructor. >> recruiting. >> no, i think actually i'm taking you instead. paul mavi, the creator of bokwa is here now to show me how to do the basic steps with some flavor. blain, come on over. come on, come on. yeah! >> you said even kids and elderly people can do it? >> even clayton can do it. >> i'd be backing into you by accident all over the place. i'm going watch you and see if i can do it. >> so are you ready for this? we're going to bounce, bounce, right, step. come on, clayton, bounce, bounce, then right, left. >> now bounce, bounce. >> tucker, come on. >> back. >> i'm the most uncoordinated man in the world. tall, lanky white dude. >> are we going to shake it now. shake, right. >> oh, yeah, you need that flavor. you need that flavor to make it good. >> okay, now go slide over. over. >> flavor. right flavor. anna, i need more flavor. >> bounce right over and shake and over. . >> clayton, you're not -- >> you're in heels. i'm worried about my flavor. >> okay. now can we do this next step? >> now over. right over. right over. >> you see, this -- >> you know what this is? look at the television screen. i'm looking at it in reverse. over. right and over. bounce, over, and over. >> okay. how did we do? welcome to the bokwa pose. >> great job. >> we need a separate kids area where it's corralled off. >> and find him on twitter. bokwa fitness usa, right? >> yes. also@bokwafitness. >> thanks so much. >> thanks so much, paul. >> coming up here on the show, two plus two no longer has to equal four. students can get answers wrong and still get credit because they tried. up next, stage running away in droves from the president's new education standards. >> and these wheels have never looked hotter. coming up, what car has just been named automobile of the year? we have the details. stick around. do you want to do it again? [ eeping ] [ male announcer ] you hear that? that's the sound of car insunce companies these days. here a cheap, there a cheap. everywhere a cheap... you get it. so what if instead ofjust a cheachoice, you could make a smart choice? like esurance for example they were born online and built to save people money from the beginning. that's what they've always ne. not just somhing they...cheep about. that's insurance for the modern world. esurance. now backed by allstate. click or call. lths sunday, the 17th of november. we begin with an extreme weather alert. extreme storms expected to hit a majority of the country today. millions of the people in the path, the threat of tornados and rick is tracking it all. >> we showed you this yesterday, remember? alec baldwin going completely upon kerrs, attack ago fox reporter pep says this is justified. he's threatening america today. we'll tell you what he's saying. and take a -- >> sorry. >> pull it together, clayton. and taking the christ out of christmas, one school forced to cancel a toy drive for needty kids because it promoted christianity. you can't make this stuff up. fox & friends hour four starts right now. what are we going to do without alec baldwin? it's unbelievable. >> america might be bereft of alec baldwin. >> you literally won't be able to find him on any television channel. we'll tell you the details of what he is threatening america with. >> capital one. he does all those commercials. will we see him on sunday nfl games? >> and as goes alec baldwin, so goes jenean grafalo. this could easily spiral out of control. >> go to facebook and weigh in on our alec baldwin question of the day. >> but first, president obama is pulling out all stops to bail out obama care, which you may have heard is in trouble. he'll be talking to the group organizing tomorrow and what does this mean? >> peter is live in washington to break down what it means. a conference call and an e-mail sent out over the cover of darkness? >> that's right. tomorrow night at 8:15, president obama is going to be holding this conference call that anyone can dial into being set up by organizing for action. that is a political group with the stated goal of helping push president obama's agenda. and the invitation that was e-mailed out featured this line attributed to the president, quote, i have just over three years left as president and there's a lot left on my to-do list. that's why i want to talk with you. you're the ones putting in the time and effort to achieve real progress and fighting to make the agenda americans voted for last fall a reality. the latest fox news poll shows that only 36% of voters approve of the way president obama has handled health care. that's down nine points since last month and the president says he knows he has some work to do. >> i'm just going to keep on working as hard as i can around the priorities that the american people care about. and i think it's legitimate for them to expect me to have to win back some credibility on this health care law in particular. and on a whole range of these issues in general. >> that admission from the president came on thursday, but republicans continue weekend to criticize the sloppy rollout of the affordable care act. >> president obama's so-called apology was as phony has his fraudulent marking of obama care. he seemed to be saying he was sorry americans actually believed him, but took no responsibility for this is their plight. >> and tomorrow night's conference call with the president is being billed as a chance for an update about where things stand in the fight for change. back to you in new york. >> well, thank you very much, peter. so when your program collapses, give another speech. but take heart, there is a good news. the obama administration has assured the country that the website, the obama care website will be up and running by the end of this month. that may not actually happen. when it does, they are setting a targeted goal of 80% effective. they're saying it's 80% of the people that go on the website will be able to use it. that's their goal. >> that would be successful in their eyes. >> yeah. one out of five people won't be able to use the website, but 80% is good enough. i can imagine jeff bezos coming into an meeting saying to his board members, look, it's the holiday season approaching. if we can just get 80% of people what they need, that should be good enough. >> the other 20% will be an error message. >> here is the other piece of this that is mind boggling. they're saying this performance standard that they're even putting forward is the first one they've had in 3 1/2 years. since they've started putting all of this together. yes. >> take heart, we finally know -- >> and they came up with it in late october. when did this thing come out? october the 1st. .they didn't even have a performance standard before that? >> the good news is they have a standard and the bad news is it's low. here is even worse news. you may lose your doctor. united health and dropping thousands of doctors from insurance plans because of obama care. they said they new government regulations are going to force us to drop thousands of doctors from insurance. this would affect the second promise you've heard from the administration, notice only can you keep your plans, but you can keep your doctors if you're not happy. >> "the wall street journal" is saying ten states were notified of being laid off of the plan, some citing significant changes and pressures in the health care environment. but take heart in this, though. depending on their plan -- i love that united health medicare members, they say you may be able to keep your doctors. here is the caveat. you may be able to see your terminated doctor, the one whom you were told you couldn't see, if they paid an out of network fee. and then you have to pay 100% of the medical bill. so you pay a fee, then a 1100 -- i'm not making this up. this sounds like a joke. 100% of the cost themselves. so you're paying a -- >> why don't you just go to another doctor and then you wouldn't have to pay the fee. >> so you're buying the insurance premium, you're paying the fee and then you're paying for 100% of the services. >> wait a minute. i thought we were going to be able to keep our doctor, could you keep our insurance plan and then it was going to be cheaper. and what do you think is going to happen if people are paying more for their health insurance? they're probably going to make sure they get the biggest bang for their buck, they're going to use it a lot more when you go to the doctor and a longer time you have to wait to try to get your appointment filled in the first place. >> after obama care, there is common core, which is the new federal education standards most of the states have bought into, meaning an awful lot of resistance. where is that resistance coming from? arnie duncan, a close friend of the president's former head of chicago school, he put a fine quote on this. it's fascinating to me, says secretary duncan, that some of the pushback is coming from white suburban moms who all of a sudden their child isn't as brilliant as they thought and their school isn't quite as good as they thought and that's pretty scary. >> i love how he uses the words it's fascinating to me. >> white suburban moms. what does race have to do with this? >> and it's parent all across the country who are outraged by this man, these new standards. have you heard about some of the standards? you haven't if you haven't turned into what common core does. among some of the testing standards, we talked about this right before the break that two plus two equals four in the normal world, unless you live on jupiter or something. but if you answer six, you won't be graded poorly as a result of it. but because you tried to get the correct answer, you'll still be given -- >> it's all about the process, if you can explain it away, if you can explain how you got to six, you would be okay. last year they were slipping the real statement into worksheets. so it just seems to be one thing after the next after the next and maybe that is why parents are outraged about this and not because it's white suburban housewives. >> have you ever noticed that there's always a villain. it's always somebody's fault, always some group that isn't going along with the insurance companies, it's greedy wall street bankers. but there's always somebody they're blaming, some group that is getting in the way of progress. it's kind of scary when your government singles you out like that. >> we would like to hear from white suburban moms this morning. join us on facebook. we've got some other headlines for you. >> yeah. two navy sailors from the uss chancellorsville being treated for minor burns after a drone crashed into its ship off the coast of california. the drone was being used to test the ship's radar during a dry run of the ship's xwat intat system. about 300 crew members were on board. officials will investigate the damage and assess what went wrong. brand new developments in the case of a missing family found in a shallow grave in the california desert. joseph mcstay, his wife, summer, and their two young sons were apparently murdered. one of the parents had their hands bound. experts say the shallow graves close in proximity to the freeway indicates it was likely not a professional hit. they vanished without a trace in 2010. surveillance video of four people walking across the border into mexico led investigators to believe they may have left voluntarily and left on their own. police are now investigating how they ended up nearly a hundred miles from home and who may be responsible there. overnight, ambulances rushed to los angeles memorial coliseum when fine fans were hurt rushing the field after the upset win over stanford. one person suffered a possible broken leg, another hurt in a fall. another five people were hurt during the game. ten people taken to the hospital just to get checked out there, as well. look at that. all right. what is a shark doing in the middle of a lake? some prankster fooling their friend to see if he would fall for it. >> shark! shark. >> well, the shark was really just a guy in a scuba suit with a fake fin attached. >> what would you do in that moment? >> sometimes even when you know it's fake, you get scared. >> i get scared of fake snakes and stuff. >> because we hear about these stories, like an alligator that shouldn't be in this type of area, this vooirenvironment and sometimes we see a dolphin that -- >> are there sharks in the potomac river? >> there are, but those are biological creations out of the some of the sewage and stuff. >> the bracish water. >> they were an amoeba when they were born. >> there's pinball machines under the hudson river, by the way. look it up. no lie. on a more serious note, we have big severe weather taking aim across the country today. this is kind to have rain that's ahead of the storm right now cutting across parts of the ohio valley. but the bulk of the energy is back behind this. and when that energy meets in with this moisture that's there, we're going to be dealing with a lot of severe weather. it's going to be a very windy day today, so all of this central part of the country dealing with winds 25 to 35 miles per hour, sustained, ongoing. 35 to 45 miles per hour sustained ongoing as you get north across parts of the great lakes. but here is our severe setup and a couple of changes now. the slight risks extends all the way over towards parts of new england and new york city and down through philadelphia and much of new jersey and in towards the d.c. area. but it's this white and red area that is a much bigger concern. the red, i think we're going to be seeing some very strong winds. the white is where we're going to see some significant tornados. and i want to break this down just as the timing of this throughout -- say starting around noon. illinois, indiana, ohio, michigan right here. that's the bull's eye for it. the future radar, it's a simulation of what the future radar will look like. towards peoria, rock ford, around noon, it will be a quick moving line of storms. then cutting in towards indianapolis down towards anderson, past terre haute by around the 3:00 area. and then by this evening, i think it's going to become much more of just one strong, very gusty squaw line. so that is where we're going to be timing. i think this noon to 6:00 time frame all across these states is going to be a really dangerous time. when these storms move so quickly, you oftentimes don't have a long tornado warning. you need good warning to make sure you get into your place. these could be moving so quickly you might end up with a 5 to 10-minute lead time in this, which gives you how much time you have to have your plans right now. >> at this point, you've been talking about it all morning, so we hope people are paying attention. thanks, rick. >> you bet. come up here on the show, democrats defecting. now jumping on a republican plan to fix obama care. will the public buy it? then getting into politics, we've got details. road closed? there's a guy... excuse me? glacier point? follow me! ♪ follow me! keep up, keep up, keep up. ♪ look he's right there! follow me! 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[ male announcer ] nissan. innovation that excites. now get a $279 per month lease on a 2014 nissan pathfinder. ♪ [ male announcer ] at progresso, we lieve the second chapter of your life should be just as bold as the first. try the new bold flavors of heart healthy so from progresso. of heart healthy so on the table by not choosing the right medicare d plan. no one could have left this much money here. whoo-hoo-hoo! yet many seniors whoompare medicare d plans realize they can save hundreds of dollars. cvs/pharmacy wants to help you save on medicare expenses. talk to your cvs pacist, call, or go to cvs.com/compare to get your free, personalized plan comparison today. call, go online, or visit your local store today. there is no doubt that our failure to roll out the aca smoothly has put a burden on democrats, whether they're running or not. because they stood up and supported this effort through thick and thin. >> well, they were passionately for it before they were grievously concerned. .now they're adamantly against it. democrats are jumping when it when it comes to obama care. the white house seems to be in full panic mode as the president issues his second apology in as many weeks. >> but what about our senate? our next guest says that many of them made obama care happen and they also owe an apology to many people. katie is an editor and a fox contributor. good morning, katie, how are you doing? >> good morning. i'm doing well, thank you. >> so do you think the american people are going to buy this or are they going to look back and say you may be voting for this now but you should have realize it before? >> i think that ship has sailed. they're not getting those plans back. even if the insurance companies km back and install some kind of going back and giving them their plans, they're not going to have the same plans that they did. second, this wasn't simply one or two democrats telling them they could keep their plans, it's the president of the united states and nearly a dozen democrats in the senate. and let's not forget the house promising these plans would not be lost. let's name names. who are the top offenders here? >> there's a couple. ten of them in the senate. it was hard to pair down a couple of them. we're going to start with number three and that would be senator from louisiana mary landrieu who provided one of the last votes for obama care to go through. without her vote based on a false promise, we may not have the train wreck that we have today. number two, senate majority leader harry reid from nevada because he's blocked every single republican proposal to fix obama care and to help the american people to keep their plans and maybe to delay the individual mandate all for political reasons. and number one offender, hands down, is the senator from montana, max bachus, who wrote the bill, knew that millions of people would lose their insurance and went out there and said they would be able to keep their plans, anyway. and so those are the top three. but i should tell you that there's a list of all ten of the worst offenders here. >> do you think they're going to stay bum or do you think they're going to step up to it? >> i think they're trying to fess up to it, but not necessarily in a direct way. i mean, they're doing these things to kind of show that they care about getting people's insurance back, but they voted twice to get people to lose their insurance. first they voted to -- for obama care and then they voted against legislation that would allow people to keep their plans because republicans introduced it. and so i -- i think that they're doing it through a show, not necessarily through something that will actually work. and let's not forget that obama care is not getting any better. so this so-called fix isn't really a fix. we still have the employer mandate next year. it's not like this is going to help when it comes to the rest of the problems obama care is going to cause for these same people. >> katie, thanks. we appreciate it. >> thank you. talk to you soon. coming up next, taking the christ and the toys out of christmas. one school is now forced to cancel a toy drive for poor children because critics claimed it promoted christianity. >> you can't make it up. then more kids ending up in the emergency room from eating too much super spicy snacks. like these. really? the critical information that could save your kids lives, next. suffering from the flu is a really big deal. with aches, fever and chills- there's no such thing as a little flu. so why treat it like it's a little cold? there's something that works differently than over-the-counter remedies. prescription tamiflu attacks the flu virus at its source. so call your doctor right away. tamiflu treats the flu in people 2 weeks and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. before taking tamiflu tell your doctor if you're pregnant, nursing, have serious health conditions, or take other medicines. if you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior, stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately. children and adolescents in particular may be at an increased risk of seizures, confusion or abnormal behavior. the most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. so don't wait. attack the flu virus at its source. ask your doctor about tamiflu, prescription for flu. some quick headlines for you. brand new video from italy where europe's most active volume containny is erupting rights now. mt. etna's eruption began on saturday evening. fire and ash was shooting into the sky over sicily's nearby villages, did not appear to be in danger, however. and the 2014 corbet sting ray is officially the car of the year. automobile magazine flexing the new corvette saying its design elements pushed it over the top. the sting ray starts at just under $52,000 and is incredibly fast. clayton. >> thank you, tucker. playing with fire, more and more kids ending up in the emergency rooms across the country after eating too much super spicy snacks. now some schools are moving to ban them altogether. wa do we need to know for parents out there? joining us now is emergency room practitioner and founder of mid level.com. erin, thanks for joining us. >> thanks for having me. >> so i see some fiery cheatos over here, some munchies. is this an he dek demic of a problem or something we need to look out for? >> something we need to look out for. what we're seeing is an increase in popularity of these hot, spicy snacks. kids are not only liking the fat and content of these foods, but that artificial spicy flavoring. while the problem really affects adults, as well. kids don't show a lot of restraint in eating these foods. they're challenging each other. >> what is it, like a chee toe's contest? >> yes. there's a flaming hot chee ttoe contest. they're giving themselves stomach inflammation as a result of eating so many spicy foods. >> so they're drawn to the flavors of these things, the art efficient spiciness of it. then they're winding up with gas triesis. what is that? >> an inflammation of the stomach. they decrease the ph of your stomach contents and that causes a lot of inflammation. that can be very, very painful. it causes this burning sensation of the stomach. as kids get this too many over time, it can lead t ulcers. >> so on just one of these, is this considered a serving? it is. >> so is it just eating one of these bags or is it multiple? >> it is multiple. if your kids want to have a snack once in a while, that's okay. just make sure they're not getting stomach discomfort afterwards, that they're only eat ago single serving size and they're into the experiencing anything like nausea or vomiting. >> so maybe it's the fake stuff you shouldn't be eating in the first place because the snacks are unhealthy. frito lay says they're committed to ethical practices, which includes not marketing our products to children age 12 and under. we also do not sdooit decide which snacks are available on school campuses and do not sell snack products directly to the schools. what do you make of that? >> well, i think it's important that they not market these to small children, especially given these challenges that kids are having. we want the parents to be responsible for their kids, help them know what is a healthy amount of these snacks to eat, to offer them healthy alternatives. spicy foods are not bad for you when in moderation, especially if they're knot more natural than these artificially flavored foods the i guess if you have a colorful cartoon cheetah on the front, who is this being marketed for? chester the cheetah, is that for 36-year-olds? >> that's a good point. i'm attracted to that. one bag, not four of them. don't want to go to an emergency room. coming up, a scary new warning for the fda. some popular ne devices could kill you. details coming up about that. then we've been showing you this video, alec baldwin yelling at a reporter. had too much coffee, claiming that he's justified for all the yelling. he has a brand new threat for america. we'll read it to you when we come back. by the end of the day, my dogs were barking. they used to get really tired. [barking noises] until i started gellin'. it's this awesome gel, only in dr. scholl's massaging gel insoles. it's like walking on a wave. i love my dr. scholl's massaging gel insoles. when they're in my shoes, my feet and legs feel less tired. they've got two layers for support and cushioning - it's dual wave technology. i'm walking on it all day of course i feel energized! i'm a believer. i'm a believer! dr. scholl's massaging gel insoles. i'm a believer. ooooo. chantix... it's a non-nicotine pill. i didn't want nicotine to give up nicotine. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. [ mike ] when i was taking the chantix, it reduced the urge to smoke. [ malennouncer ] some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these, stop taking chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of depression or other mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these, stop taking chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, or if you develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if y have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. it feels wonderful. i don't smoke. i don't smoke. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. ♪ >> oh, it never gets old. we showed you these adorable photos of a toddler and his puppy taking their daily nap tow together. we asked you to share some of your photos with kids sleeping with family pets. >> darren e-mailed us this picture of blake and jojo napping. >> isn't that sweet? >> suzi sent this, one of their 9-year-old, ava, napping with lincoln. that's a big dog. >> a big doggy hung, too. >> and charles shared this photo of nap time at his house. >> love it. there is nothing better for children than dogs. i really think that. >> except you know who ends up walking up? >> parents? >> mom. >> no. have you seen some parents that have raised kids? dogs are key. >> like this parents. this is one example of a parent, probably not a good parent. you remember the voice mail that alec baldwin left for his daughter? remember that one? now with his recent outburst, alec baldwin says he may consider leaving entertainment altogether to keep his family safe. he's headed out to the hamptons right now. he's been put on administrative leave from his television show. so he's out now and he may quit entertainment altogether. here is what he says. he wrote this in a blog post. he actually says if quitting the television business, the movie business, the theater, any component of entertainment is necessary in order to bring safety and peace to my family, then that's an easy decision. the country's object session with the private lives of famous people is tragic. it's tragic in the sense that it is so clearly a projection of people's frustration about their government, their economy, their own spiritual bankruptcy. >> let's call this what it is. he can be quickly followed by jenean berethelo, barbra streisand. >> what you're saying is he's sort of like a pied piper. >> no, actually, what i'm really saying is i do sympathize with alec baldwin to this extent. i do think he is hound by some of these photographers in a way he shouldn't be. but his behavior is so over the top, so lacking decency, so nasty, so ill liberal that it's hard to be sympathetic to a guy who screams and uses nasty words like that. >> here is what happened in this -- you saw him cussing at linda schmidt, a fox 5 news reporter after there was a stalking trial going on this week that drew a lot of media attention to him. and his wife. helaria told alec, allegedly, that this reporter, linda schmidt almost knocked her over with a microphone and had gone home and said that. and when he saw this reporter, he said are you the reporter that did this? and she said, no, i really didn't do that. that's when it got even worse. so to defend him, he was defending the honor of his wife, but that isn't even really the way that it went down. so him and his wife both seem to be having a lot of issues with the media and the way they handle these incidents. >> how pampas, though? if you don't stop, i will leave. >> but this guy can't even walk his dog. it really is unfortunate. it comes with the territory, sure. >> but you don't need to be as nasty as he is to people. he is really nasty to people. >> so did it actually -- did she get hit in the face with a microphone? linda schmidt on our show talked about it. >> he has no basis for any charges being filed against mep me. the nypd came up to me after he finally left with his wife, they came up to me to ask me if i was okay, if i had been hurt in any way. >> wow. so we should shed a tear. alec baldwin makes millions of dollars in front of the camera all the time. even with at that pointthe capi commercials, go to our question of the days. facebook.com/ff weekend. david weighs in and says, no, no, there's never been a better camp of literal hiypocrishypocr. >> david says i'm sick of him and all of hollywood's antics. i left california .i'm a fifth generation california native. >> richard says, he owes the reporter an apology. he judged the situation without seeing/knowing the truth. >> weigh in on the situation. can you -- not an outpouring. >> alec baldwin, you took it away. >> we have some headlines to get to, as well. a terrifying moment for passengers on a recent british airways flight headed to new york. the plane left london and was about 36,000 feet above the ocean when smoke began filling the cockpit. as the pilot was radioing for help, he accidentally hit the intercome system and so all passengers heard his mayday call. the plane landed safely. the coating on some of the guide wires used in heart procedures can break off causing severe injury or even death. this warning pertains to about 15,000 guide wires now being recalled. louisiana's duck dynasty wins with a landfall. buck mcstcallster beat sate senator neal riser in a special election. and taking the christ out of christmas. a south carolina charter school was forced to cancel a toy drive for needy children because it promosted christianity? the american humanist organization sued the school saying they were prescribing children to succumb to christianity. so we wanted to know what you folks at home thought about this. andrea e-mailed us to say if the effort is not officially school sponsored, operation christmas child should be allowed under the protection of the first amendment. and ken says that constitution guarantees freedom of religion, not freedom from it. the war on religion needs to stop. if you don't like the program, don't period, period. and andrea e-mailing us saying if the effort is -- that's something we already talked about. those are your headlines. rick is standing by and ease outside. hey, crick. >> it's getting more and more concerning as we're seeing the surface data. take a look at the weather maps. first of all, the winds are whipping out of the south. if it comes from the south, that means the wind pulls up all that moisture from the gulf and the heats things up and makes the atmosphere very, very juicy. winds 25 to 35, sustained across a big chunk of the area. you have some rain that's pofd through parts of the area and we're looking at the threat for a tornado watch. i think the first tornado watch of the day will be issued likely within the next hour or so. and that's eastern parts of missouri and then much of the state of illinois. so a lot of times you hear about severe weather and you think of it as an afternoon event as the day heats up. this is going to get started much earlier than a lot of the big events that we have. so people in missouri and illinois need to be watching that first and right now, actually. here is a look at how the forecast radar and temps play out. we'll put this into motion and see how things go. i think we'll start to see the first cells develop around noon across parts of central illinois, spreading throughout indiana and the afternoon. by the time we get towards, say, after sunset past dinnertime, we'll be talking about a strong wind event. winds will be over 60 miles per hour and that will cause a lot of damage, as well. but this big threat today is the idea that we're going to have large and long lived tornados. that high risk that you see, it's that white area that's been issued by the storm prediction center, it's the second time that has been issued this year. generally you get it about three to fooim five times per year. this is only the second time that was issued in 2013. so conditions are ripe. everybody in this area needs to watch. we've got about 18 million people in that high risk zone, so a lot of people including big cities like chicago. >> even down in evansville, they have river boat gambling down there and boats on the river. coming up here on the show, the obama care debacle isn't breaking news here to us, but after its disastrous rollout, is the mainstream media occupation attention? >> and do you want to get away this holiday season? >> where are you going? >> we're going to miss the plane. >> did you count? >> 11 including me, five boys, six girls, and a partridge in a bear tree. >> where is kevin? >> the places that will have you running for the airport coming up in just a bit. at od, whatever business you're in, that's the business we're in with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises. . realize they can save hundreds of dollars. cvs/pharmacy wants to help you save on medicare expenses. talk to your cvs prmacist, ll, or go to cvs.com/compare to get your free, personalized pl comparison today. call, go online, or visit your local store today. aaah! aaaaah! theres a guy on the window! do something, dad! aaaah! aaaah! what is happening? they're rate suckers. their bad driving makes car insurance more expensive for the rest of us. good thing there's snapshot from progressive. snap it in and get a discount based on your good driving. stop paying for rate suckers. try snapshot free at progressive.com. welcome back. if i like your plan, you can keep it. that's the promise the press has now figured out was not true as millions of americans lose their health care plan. >> while the law was being debated, if you like your plan, you can keep it. you said after that was signed, if you like your law, you can keep it. americans believed you, sir, when you said to them over and over. >> right. >> do you not believe, sir, the minor people deserve a deeper, more transparent accountability from you? >> so is this the turning point in president obama's second term and in his relationship with what has been a fahning press corps? good morning to you both. howie, is this a turning point? >> it's absolutely a turning point, tucker, and you saw it in the confrontational nature of the press conference asked at that press conference. not because everybody is piling on the obvious failures of obama care, even the president not really denying that, but because the indictment has gotten broader now, talking about the president's credibility, whether this is a failure of liberalism and whether he can recover in his second term. is a permanent breach? >> i do. i definitely do. >> you do? >> yeah. because i think in a second term, it's been proven that it's very difficult to get trust and credibility back once you have broken that. i mean, the exception could be bill clinton, who popularity remained high after his scandal. but he didn't affect millions and millions of people in their pocketbooks, which is a lot different. you have president bush who with katrina was seen as very distant, not very connected, and that hurt his second term. >> howie, it dawned on me this morning that everyone was surprised that obama care actually forced insurance companies to cancel these plans. but we knew a lot about obama care. the law is public. why in the last three years did no news organization get to that story? why didn't at the that i a close look at the what the law said and wra series of what it effects might be? >> i think there were a few organizations that questioned how this would work, would the in us younger generation sign up. but they were napping on this grandfather clause, but it is hard to predict a train wreck before it happens. once it did happen, i don't think there's any question that this president has gotten pummeled by the press in the last few months and deservedly so. >> so what's on the show today? i have an interview coming up with bill o'reiley. he talks about president obama. he says he thinks he's done some good things and he said sometimes he, o'reiley, goes too far in some of the high decibel shout fest. he says many in the media hate him. we have a clip of that. >> but if you don't like me because you think i'm object knockus or you think i'm misguided politically, that's all right. but if you try to hurt me or my family or my enterprise, i'll come after you. >> howard kirk, lauren ashburn, thanks. take a look at this. two fishermen come to the rescue of a baby dolphin. their reward? a happy dance. look at that. and if you want to get away this holiday season -- >> where are you going? >> we're going to miss a plane. >> did you count that? >> 11 including me, five boys, six girls, six parents, and a partridge in a pear tree. >> we have a roster of places that will keep you running for the airport. 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[woman]don't touch my side! welcome back. some quick headlines for you. a massive sinkhole in louisiana may explode. the area was evacuated a year ago when the sinkhole opened. it's now as large as 20 football fields and emitting natural gas. oil and gas rising to the surface get trapped and it may blow up. >> it may go down as one of the most incredible hail mary touchdowns ever. >> rush. lets it go. oh, my god. oh, my god. >> oh, my gosh. auburn down 38-37 with just seconds left on the lock. a desperation heave. fourth and 18. somehow, ricardo lewis pulls it in willie mays style over the shoulder. auburn beats georgia, wins 43-38. look at that catch. up belie unbelievable. >> all right. >> i have been enjoying the christmas music all morning. the holidays are just around the corner and the cities around the country are getting into the spirit. where are the best places to see the most amazing, colorful holiday displays? the senior editor at travelocity, courtney. >> new york at christmas time is one of my favorite times to be here. the tree will be lit from december 4th to january 6th. take a spin on the ice rink right below the tree. you can also go to central pank, or even at bryant park there's ice skating. bergdorf's does the winnows. they put on the most incredible creative windows and it's absolutely free. when it comes to shopping, the union square market is a new york institution. check out the shops. it's great. >> and what people can do is stop by 48th and 6th. go to rock center and go up 5th avenue, go to central park. how about portland, oregon? >> the entire city is lit up around the holidays starting with the oregon zoo. they put on their annual zoo lights festival where over 1 million l.e.d. lights illuminate and transforming the zoo into a winter wonderland. they're also in the 49th year of the christmas fleet parade. really cool experience, and also, the grotto is putting on the christmas festival of lights. the largest coral festival in the world. indoor lights and music puts everyone in the great lights. >> awe inspiring at the holidays. the biltmore house is the largest home built by george vanderbilt, and it's built in that victorian style. miles of evergreen garland and a rotating list of events happening through the entire month of december through january. >> one of my best girlfriends got engaged there. they got engaged with the mansion in the background. how about walt dizzily world? always doing great things. >> they go over the top. beginning at magic kingdom with mickey's very merry holiday party. the fireworks and light show are really one of a kind. at epcot, they're also doing fun things. celebrity narraters will be telling the stories set to a 50-piece orchestra and choir, and they're doing all sorts of international holiday traditions, and hollywood studios, we have the osbourne dancing spectacle of lights. another loit show. you can even work on your tan in orlando. that's also a plus. >> the weather is okay down there right now? >> pretty solid compared to here in new york. >> and austin, texas, finally. >> austin puts on their annual austin trail of lights, 100 illuminated trees, three lighted tunnels. a 5-k race where you can run alongside santa and his elves and musical acts from jazz to rock and western. 30 food trucks and trailers, and also great shopping. the armadillo christmas bazaar and the austin farmer's market. all these cities are incredible, but you have to book your travel now. it's only going to get more expensive as we get closer to the holidays. >> thanks for the tips. thank you. we have more "fox & friends" coming up next. don't go anywhere. good job! still running in the morning? yeah. getting your vegetables every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. two full servings of vegetables customer erin swenson ordebut they didn't fit.line customer's not happy, i'm not happy. sales go down, i'm not happy. merch comes back, i'm not happy. use ups. they make returns easy. unhappy customer becomes happy customer. then, repeat customer. easy returns, i'm happy. repeat customers, i'm happy. sales go up, i'm happy. i ordered another pair. i'm happy. (both) i'm happy. i'm happy. happy. happy. happy. happy. happy happy. i love logistics. we have more puppy snuggling photos to share. this comes from michelle. big people snuggle with their bffs too. they're smooning. >> thank you, michelle. os78, and kn fgood for you. few people sleep with their dogs under the covers. >> we go to our facebook page this weekend, guess how many comments we got on our alec baldwin story this morning? how many comments? >> seven? >> good guess, nowhere near close. >> 200. >> good guess. >> 21. >> over 1100 comments on whether or not alec baldwin -- whether or not you would be upset by it. carol wrote, mr. baldwin worked hard for that money and fame. i'd like to know your accomplishments. good question. we'll answer in the after the show show. democrats on the defensive this morning. the leader of the house democrats, minority leader nancy pelosi, is speaking out today amid all the backlash against obama care. she says that despite all of the enrollment problems, the health care law is working. and ms. pelosi insists president obama was not telling an untruth when he said that if you like your health care plan, you can keep it. good morning, everyone. welcome to america's news headquarters in the fox news headquarters. >> it's so great to be with you. eric, great to see you this morning. boy,