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Jedediah you dont realize how much you are going to love a baby. He comes out and like oh my gosh. I have another part of my life i didnt know about. Pete thats yours. Jedediah i made a person. Once you make a person you are like i cant beat that. Pete once you make a person. Dean i have made one person. Pete made like 20. Pete there is no diminishing return. Always great. Jedediah i kept texting pete about it how do you do this with so many. Its really hard. And rachel camposduffy was one of my saviors, Nicole Saphier and lisa booth were writing me and giving me tips. Dont worry when this came to nursing and all sorts of stuff. This place really has been such a family. I have milled it so much. I have been weighing on at home. Pete you have. Jedediah through the tv i have been shouting at you. Pete i feel like i could hear you or texting me as well. Jedediah so glad i am here first day back. Dean extremely happy to be here. Do you feel like a different person. Jedediah i feel like a fuller person. Almost like you are in the wizard of oz and everything is in black and white and open the door and everything is in color. Thats what a baby brings to the world. I got superman on my first day. Pete bearranged it. Dean well done. Pete great to have you and talk about having you back throughout the program. We also have a couple of big stories. Polls set to open in just under an hour in South Carolina for the final primary before super tuesday. We are going to check in with Griff Jenkins for a live report. Dean but, first, we start with a major developments on the caronavirus. Three new cases confirmed right here in the u. S. In just 24 hours. Jedediah aishah has any live with details on the new cases. We have four new cases of caronavirus not linked to any overseas travel. The first you will remember was a woman in california who was not tested for four days possibly exposing hundreds of hospital workers along the way. Now we have added in a second case in santa clara county, california. And an Elementary School teacher in oregon. And a 15yearold student in Washington State. And there are fears now that hundreds more could have been exposed. Prompting officials in oregon and Washington State to shut down those schools. That those patients recently visited. This morning a total of 64 u. S. Cases. 15 of those were diagnosed right here at home. The good news though none of these patients have died on u. S. Soil. Still President Trump may use special war powers to fast track the production of face masks. The u. S. Does need 300 million specialized masks but only has around 12 million. Now, reuters is reporting that the president plans to invoke the definition production act to call on american factories to quickly produce these masks. The president says they are working tirelessly to fight the virus. We are ordering a lot of supplies. We are ordering a lot of elements that frankly we wouldnt be ordering unless it was Something Like this. But, were ordering a lot of different elements of medical. We are working on cures and we are getting some very good results. As you know, they are working as rapidly as they can on a vaccine for the future. Well, the markets will need more help than that stocks suffered the biggest weekly losses since the financial crisis of 2008. Back to you. Pete aishah, thank you very much. Speaking of those markets. Lets bring the guy who knows the most of it. State of our university varney who hosts varney and company on fox business. Have you had a busy, busy week no commercial breaks for you. Three days ru running no commercial breaks. Pete we have seen the crash this week what do you make of it. I call that rolling crash. I want to add one thing here on the report of the virus movement and i want to talk about iran. Iran is the new hot spot for the development of this virus. There is an independent study which says iran has 23 now, cases. And they are lying to their own people. They havent restricted travel significantly. So you are now seeing people leaving and coming in and out of iran, taking that illness, that virus all over the place. Its spread throughout the middle east. I think that is one of the big challenges which the Global Economy now faces and, therefore, our stock market faces because part of the reason for this decline in the market is the overseas performance of their economies. They are slowing down. Europe is in recession. China has got no growth at all. China is going into recession. Thats very serious stuff for our economy here because it ripples back here. Jedediah i want to ask you though about the president. What county president do at a time like this. Obviously he has an interest in stabilizing the market. You see now if you take a look the dow is down. The s p is down. Its very concerning to a lot of people out there. What should he be saying . He should be reassuring the American People as he has been doing that this administration can take care of and contain this virus. Remember, no deaths. Okay. We got new cases but no deaths. We have quawrn feigned people. We are testing people. Thats what the president should be telling us, and he is telling us that. Personally, i get really annoyed when you i hear democrats going after the president to make out that the virus is his fault. And they are doing it for electoral advantage i think thats represent prehence cybil. You need to hold the president accountable. They are denigrating the administrations efforts. Trying to tear down the president , not for the benefit of the country but for their electoral benefit. Jedediah we actually have some sound deep dean he spoke about this last night in charleston, South Carolina. Politicizing the caronavirus. You say how is President Trump doing . They go oh, not good, not good. [laughter] they have no clue. They dont have any clue. They cant even count their voting in iowa. [laughter] one of my people came up to me and said, mr. President , they tried to wheat you on russia, russia, russia. That didnt work out too well. They couldnt do it. They tried the impeachment hoax. They tried it over and over. They have been doing it since you got in. Its all turning. They lost. Its all turning. Think of it. Think of it. And this is their new hoax. I agree with that look, russia, russia, russia. Impediment to justice. Impeachment, and now the virus. One thing after another to denigrate and slime our president. Utterly wrong. Pete you see the misinformation, too. The ap had to fact check democrats who was saying the president cut the cdc budget which had t. Hasnt been reduced under the trump presidency. They are seizing on everything. You have this irrational criticism of the president. Aoc, for example, denigrating Vice President pence who is in charge of the containment effort saying is he a science denier. Please. Come on. Senator warren was talking about the mess of this containment effort. Excuse me, show me the mess. I dont see any deaths. I see a good strong containment effort. Jedediah the truth is, whatever the president would have done, the media would have been there to criticize him. There is nothing that he could have done in this case much like any others that he would have avoided criticism from. They are waiting with baited breath. The New York Times said we should call it the trumpvirus, can you believe that . Dean that is over the top. If he cured cancer they would be angry with him over that. Pete polls are set to open in less than an hour in South Carolina for the final primary ahead of super tuesday. Jedediah 2020 democrats making their final pitch to voters across the palmetto state. Dean Griff Jenkins is live in charleston with more. Griff . Dean good morning, dean and pete. And welcome back, jed, its fantastic to hear your voice in my ear. I know you are glad to be back. We have a big story to cover here. First in the south primary. Africanamerican voters make up 60 of the democratic vote here. So we will see what happens. But Bernie Sanders, who has had an anti establishment, medicare for all message is making the case here that he is the best to defeat donald trump. Listen. He is here to try to disrupt the democratic primary. How pathetic and how petty can you be . Oh, bernie cant beat trump. Well, i would urge him to take a look at the last 60 National Polls. In the event im worried that i cant beat trump. They are worried that i will beat trump. [cheers] the man to watch here is joe biden. The former Vice President claiming a win here consistently leading in the polls. But he was asked where his fire was by a voter. Very interesting. Watch this. You see bernie. You see Elizabeth Warren. You see that fire. What is your fire . Decency and honor. The fact that im not screaming like bernie and waving my arms or like elizabeth is not lack of fire. Griff now, a mustwin for biden, another person to watch is businessman tom steyer consistently polled in the top three here. And he spent very, very heavily last night. Holding a rap concert with juvenile and dj jazzy jeff. We shall see. There is 54 pledged delegates up for grabs here in South Carolina let me show you where they stabbed. Sanders leaves with 45 followed by buttigieg 25. Biden at 15. Warren 8, klobuchar 7. Steyer and bloomberg have 0. Bloomberg, of course, hasnt been on the ballot. We find out he does once we get to tuesday. Pete i think thats a polling place behind you. Not just a random building. Dean thats just a shed out back. Griff thats right. People showing up. Poll officials and voters. Pete its early. We knew you would be on target. Appreciate it. What do you see happening in South Carolina . I believe the president wants to run against Bernie Sanders. On the grounds that Bernie Sanders is unelectable and is he a socialist and would ruin the country. I think thats a good good idea. I think he should run against Bernie Sanders. Sanders does look like he is the frontrunner. He has the most delegates. He is going to South Carolina. I believe he is in the lead in some polls. South carolina polls. Pete biden has mostly been in the lead. Nationally as we approach super tuesday, next week. Im sorry, Bernie Sanders is in the lead i saw him at 31 in the National Poll with biden second at 19 . He has a clear double digital lead. He is a socialist. He could well be the democrat nominee. If he is, i think he loses. Thats my flat out opinion. Jedediah dont under estimate here. Estimate him. Heaven forbid america being run by a socialist president. Jedediah talk about a fundamental transformation. Dean in a word what would that do to the economy . It would crash it. Pete in a word. Dean thats two words, stuart. Jedediah going to turn to headlines for you. In it two hours secretary of state mike pompeo will attend the historic peace deal signing. Arriving in qatar for the ceremony. Hopes to end the 19year war in afghanistan bringing thousands of u. S. Troops home. Part of the deal includes afghan officials signing their own peace fac peace pack h the taliban. Buried under snow, watertown, new york, seeing more than 2 feet of snow. Many areas seeing whiteout conditions as wind gusts reach 60 Miles Per Hour. And look at this. Homes along lake erie completely frozen by know wind and 18foot waives. Some homeowners say they had to chisel their way through the ice which was more than a foot thick. Wow. Those are your headlines. That is some serious ice. I dont think i have ever seen. Dean 18foot waves in my gosh. Pete you havent missed a beat on headlines. Jedediah i dont miss a beat on anything, pete hegseth. Pete true. 2020 Elizabeth Warren campaigned against big money donors. Im not taking a dime of pack monepac money in this camp. I dont take corporate pac money. Shoot, i dont take pac money of any kind. Pete well, now, warren is taking their cash and lots of it. Tammy bruce is on deck. T see the sign . That. That wasnt there when i was here earlier. whimper really . You know, in italy, they let you park anywhere. Have a good day, sir. With geico, the savings keep on going. Just like this sequel. 15 minutes could save you 15 or more on Car Insurance. glass shattering frustrated yell car horn blast yelp sensei beautiful. But support the leg when i started cobra kai, the lack of control over my business made me a little intense. But now i practice a different philosophy. Quickbooks helps me get paid, manage cash flow, and run payroll. And now im back on top. With koala kai. Hey more mercy. vo save over 40 hours a month with intuit quickbooks. The easy way to a happier business. Im not taking a dime of pac money in this campaign. [cheers] i dont take corporate pac money. Shoot, i dont take pac money of any kind. Im not cozying up to super pacs. If you really want to live where you say, then put your money where your mouth is and say no to the pacs. Pete well, she campaigned against big money donors but now she is changing her tune. Senator Elizabeth Warren hot wht calls pocahontas received ahead of super tuesday. Dean host of get tammy bruce on fox nation tammy bruce. Good morning. Dean elizabeth, we saw it on the video right there she is not going to take any pac money, is that true . Obviously not. This is what i love about the primary season. You find out what people are really made of, right in the biggest lesson here is that this is woman who presented that. You could see she meant it and felt it and about her principles and how she was different. And, yet, it suddenly doesnt matter. Suddenly that she is going to do this. If she cant keep a promise thats based in her principles and how she is different from the swamp in her own primary season, how can she be president of the United States . I mean, these are the kinds of things that you either see someone who is consistent or think are not and able to keep their promises or and this really stand for something that they can stand behind. Jedediah she has a history. No stranger about it. Lied repeatedly about her heritage. Someone we know who is not always honest. Does it matter . Do voters care or do they know Elizabeth Warren she has been deceitful if the past that doesnt matter to us . She is clearly not doing well . Remember, she was supposed to be one of the leads in all of this and that hasnt panned out. She is now taking this money. Its interesting. Because there is no real sense that she is going to have a chance to suddenly emerge and have a surge and start to lead again. Yet, have you millions of dollars that showed up around the nevada caucus which tells you something could be interesting. She, of course, could split the beach vote. If they are going to be spending millions of dollars in the super tuesday states which is what this pac money is she in fact is looked at as somebody who can weaken what bernie is doing. And, remember, her own home state suspect. She also could have some trouble there. And it would be embarrassing for her to lose that state. Look at the strategy that theyre looking for. She might think she is going to be presented as some kind of consensus candidate in a brokered convention. But i think the democratic voters, they want consistency. And they are going to get it with Bernie Sanders at least, i think. Pete absolutely. Dean tammy, in the last 40 seconds we have here you have a busy day today you are down at cpac. We are down at cpac. I have my little presentation at about 5 minutes past 8 00 in the morning. We are going to talk about unity with all the chaos on the democratic side. Democrats and independents need to come in to this reformation, help us continue what President Trumps work so that their lives get better. I think this is the great opportunity to do that as the democrats are showing everyone that they dont know what theyre doing. Pete absolutely. While you are watching fox friends, tune in to fox nation and multitask while watching tammy bruce at cpac. Thats right. Pete its all live on fox nation. Great. Pete thank you so much. We appreciate it. Thanks, guys. Jedediah coming up how democrats refuse to condemn Bernie Sanders comments defending fidel castro. We will talk to the g. O. P. Congressman pushing to get democrats on the record. Thats coming up next. You know, when fidel castro came into office, do you know what he did . He had a massive Literacy Program. Is that a bad thing . I am totally blind. And non24 can make me show up too early. Or too late. Or make me feel like im not really there. Talk to your doctor, and call 8442342424. Transitions light under control. Upbeat music transitions signature gen 8, available now in 4 new style colors. Transitions. 100 online car buying. Carvanas had a lot of firsts. Car vending machines. And now, putting you in control of your financing. At carvana, get personalized terms, browse for cars that fit your budget, then customize your down payment and monthly payment. And these arent madeup numbers. Its what youll really pay, right down to the penny. Whether youre shopping or just looking. It only takes a few seconds, and it wont affect your credit score. Finally a totally different way to finance your ride. Only from carvana. The new way to buy a car. Youre having one more bite no one more bite kraft. For the win win. Dean back with quick headlines. The caronavirus could cost more than 30 billion. Dozens of flights have been cancelled across the globe as caronavirus cases surge. And amazon banning more than a million products claiming to cure the virus. The company says the products pretend to be cures or remedies for the virus. Amazon also removing tens of thousands of sellers from their site attempting to price gauge customers. Wow. Quite interesting stuff there, pete. Pete no shame, dean, absolutely. House democrats pushing for a vote to condemn what they call Bernie Sanders, quote blatant false, irresponsible and hurtful praise of the castro regime. Why are very opposed the authoritarian nature of cuba. Its unfair to say everything is bad. When fidel castro came into office. Do you know what he did . He had a massive Literacy Program. Is that a bad thing even though fidel castro did it . A lot of dissidence in prison did. Thats right and would condemned that. Pete florida congressman is leading the charge to condemn those remarks and he joins me now. Thank you very much for being here this morning, congressman. So, what traction are you getting and what are your democrat colleagues saying about this . Its interesting. We actually brought it to the floor. And we had a vote on the floor unfortunately it became a party line vote. The democrats voted to not allow this resolution to go forward which is frankly shocking but also not surprising. Bernie sanders is not the first person who repeat what comes out of the rope began da machine from antiamerican terrorist. Pete we have another democrat you might know from 2016 listen. I said this to president castro in cuba. I said look, have you made great progress. Every child in cuba gets a basic education. Thats a huge imroovment from where it was. The Life Expectancy of cube backs is equivalent to the United States despite it being a very poor country because they have access to healthcare. Thats a huge achievement. They should be congratulated. You drive around havana and this economy is not working. Pete congressman, what is this instinct to say heres all the good things of these authoritarian states . Well, first place by the way, they are just factually incorrect. This is repeating the propaganda that comes from the castro regime. Before castro, cuba had among the highest Life Expectancy of anyone in the western hemisphere in the country. They had the among the lowest illiteracy rate in the hemisphere. They had, whether its number of doctors. They had a strong economy. It was actually a relatively rich country. So, they are just factually incorrect. Somehow look to always apologize for the atrocities of this castro regime which is an anti american regime by trying to find a Silver Lining which, by the way, is actually factually incorrect. Pete Silver Lining is factually incorrect. What they miss out the gate every time is there is no freedom, there is no choice. There is no empowerment of the individual. What do they think they are reading federalist papers . Tocqueville . If they are doing that, its to further the power of the regime to impress. It was Indoctrination Program not a Literacy Program in a country that already had a very high rate of literacy. And they talk about the healthcare. Look, all of this is to try to cover up and not talk about the firing squads. The antiamerican terrorist activity. You know, they harbor some of the worst and dangerous notorious terrorists that the planet has ever seen. Morales who killed americans who was a bomb maker is living the good life in cuba despite that he killed many, many americans, including mr. Conner who was a young man with a young family murdered by william morales. He is in cuba. Why dont you hear about that as opposed to false claims about their literacy and their healthcare . It is a terrorist antiamerican terrorist regime and im exceedingly grateful. Let me use this opportunity to thank our president for reversing this policy of appeasement of justifying that regime. This president is standing with the National Security interest of the United States. And with those people who are struggling and working hard to recover their freedom. Pete this is something you know families like yours who fled cuba to come to america to live a better life. Thank you for speaking out on this. Really appreciate it. We also want to mention that fox friends reached tout Sanders Office for a statement but did not respond. Congressman, thank you very much. Thank you. Pete all right. Well, President Trump, rallying supporters in South Carolina ahead of todays big primary. So what did voters think . How are they feeling . Tvs todd piro is having breakfast with friends. We are going to check in with him coming up next can i get a little yes, sir, yes, maam sweet home alabam. Hot damn bring a little yeehaw giddy up number one Cloud Business system. Schedule your free product tour right now at netsuite. Com boots tmobile has the first and only, nationwide 5g network. And with it, you can shape the future. Weve invested 30 billion dollars and built our new 5g network for businesses like yours. While some 5g signals only go a few blocks, tmobile 5g goes for miles. No other 5g signal goes farther or is more reliable in business. Tomorrow is in your hands. Partner with tmobile for business today. For years we watched as your politicians apologized for america. Now you have a president who is standing up for america and we are standing up for the people of South Carolina. At stake in our present battle is the actual survival of our nation. I really believe that its the survival. You see these maniacs that were dealing with. They want to give away everything. We will end up being venezuela large scale. Jedediah there you have it. President trump rallying voters in South Carolina ahead of todays primary. Pete what do the voters think . Our own tvs todd piro live at bistro at mount pleasant, South Carolina. Todd, im looking at this menu. Southern cooking open face omelette . Jedediah be jealous. Pete grits and shrimp, i mean, everything. Todd pete loves grits. If i said it once, i said it a thousand times. Pete thats true. Todd if i said it once i have said it a thousand times. Jedediah, congratulations, its great to have you back. Jedediah thank you, todd. Todd lets give jed a round of applause from around this table. Jedediah thank you. Todd a little clunky in the ifb. I may not be able to hear you. Last night we had a great time at the trump rally. Speaking to the fine folks of South Carolina. Home of ainsley earhardt. Talking about a lot of issues trump who is going to win the democratic primary. Take a listen. Im here for trump. Keep america great. By him coming here ahead of the primary stealing all the headlines from the democrats. Keeping the focus on the Republican Party even though we dont have a primary. Its pefer perfect. What do you think of the president having the rally before the democratic primary. Its awesome. Gives us a sense of you cant leave this place without feeling patriotic dems is having hundreds at their rally and trump is bringing thousands. Its huge. I love america. I love everything trump stands for. Look at the crowd. People are here because we are alive again america lives. I hope the story continues and the left wakes up. Todd that was last night. This is today. Sam, who do you think wins todays democratic primary . The polls have joe. I will stick with that do i hear a lot of people talking about bernie, also. Todd i want to talk about your friends, your democratic friends. Who in your discussions with them do they want . Again, i hear a lot of bernie talk. Todd why . I dont know honestly. A lot of people like free stuff. He has a lot of it. Todd are your friends do they come to you like sam, i cant get enough of democratic socialism . [laughter] no. I dont hear that angle. I dont know. I think they think he is a fun guy, you know, he is a little larryesque. Todd life imitating art . Yes. Todd beverly a twitter follower has been asking when are we coming to South Carolina we are here. Thank you for joining us, beverly. Who wins today . I think biden is going to win. It will be interesting to see bernie with the battle between capitalism and socialism. Todd you said here in South Carolina you are looking at your friends and you are thinking like democratic socialism doesnt just seem like its going to fly here. I dont think so. I think there is too many hardworking people who want to see their money go into good causes. Todd lastly, you said you actually want bernie today, even though you are a trump supporter. And all part of this operation chaos heard about it earlier in the week. Why dont you explain what that is. That is with the open primary in South Carolina republicans can still vote in the democratic primary. So, the republicans are going in to vote for sanders in order to push sanders through so that there is the capitalism vs. Socialism. Todd it is going to be fascinating to see what happens. I have spoken to so many people who are republicans. Very, very big trump supporters. And they are going to be polling for bernie today. Part of this operation chaos. Today is going to bees to be fascinating to see how it plays out. Dean enjoy those grits. Pete that is fascinating angle. Dean operation chaos. Jedediah be careful with bernie. Im telling you more people than you realize that love the sound of that free stuff. Very compelling guy. Joe biden does not galvanize a crowd. Bernie sanders does. I know to most sane people you think thats mad ms. People wont vote for that honestly many people will vote for it. It sounds really good. If you are not doing the digging how he is going to pay for it all. You will get sucked into that. Dont under estimate. Pete also chaos if joe biden wins it extends his candidacy even though he is not winning in super tuesday states and doesnt have the money to compete. Chaos could go either way. We have Lindsey Graham the senator on later on. We will ask him about this. He was in the crowd last night when President Trump said who would you rather run against. Lindsey, can we do this . Is this legal . We will ask him about that, the South Carolina primary. Michael waltz, the peace deal with the taliban, potentially signed while we are on the air today and sean spicer the White House Press secretary as well. Lots coming up. Dont go anywhere. Jedediah for now headlines for you. Overnight a federal Appeals Court defends its ruling to block the Trump Administrations remain in mexico policy. It requires Asylum Seekers to remain in mexico while immigration cases are reviewed. The court put its ruling on hold amid the Trump Administrations request to file arguments. The administration has until the end of monday to file. And the pilot forced to make an Emergency Landing when the planes landing gear malfunctions in midair. You can see the private jet slamming into the run way at a california airport. Crews covering the runway in foam to help soften the landing. The pilot and tree passengers were not hurt. And Justin Timberlake fans are crying a river over favorite Girl Scout Cookies. Everybody automatically thinks about thin mints. I love coconut. So you cant somoas are my girl scouts of america. Jedediah pop star sparking a great cookie debate on social media. Singer miguel writing on instagram. Frozen chin mints all day. Option three smores. Finally one cookie writer writing why not both . Man, im a thin mints girl. I dont know but. Pete i agree. Steve Peanut Butter cookies. Got to call them out. They are there. Pete i didnt know about them. Im all thin mints all the time. When i see Girl Scout Cookies thats all we go with. Rick we had this discussion they are a pointless cookie Peanut Butter all the way. Jedediah disappointing me on my first day. [sighs] rick if we are going to have this debate . Why arent there cookies to do taste tests . Producers have let us counsel on this one. Cold weather up towards the north. Some of it down towards the great lakes. The we havthe end of this increy strong storm that brought lakeeffect smoke lake ear i cant understand ontario. That said we havent had much of that this winter. This was biggest storm yet. Cold air settled way down across the south again even down in florida feels like temperatures just in the 40s right now. We will see sunshine today across much of the southeastern because the rain starts to return tomorrow and this coming week we have had so much rain across the south this last couple of months, we have more rain coming. Flooding concern is going to pick up again for a lot of this week. We have some snow across parts of the southern appalachians this morning and continuing to see more snow as the wind moves across the great lakes. We will see that taper off throughout the day today. Over 4 feet of snow thats blowing around out there going to be problems. Temps warm up tomorrow to 38 degrees in buffalo and start to see a warmup across parts of the south and the east throughout this coming week. All right, guys. Pete rick, thank you very much. Still ahead, three new caronavirus cases with unknown origins diagnosed in the u. S. In just the last 24 hours. So what should you be doing to protect yourself and your family . Dean fox news medical contributor dr. Marc siegel spintsd the week at quarantine in nebraska. He joins us live next. Liberty mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. I love you only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Dealing with our finances really haunted me. Ttle cranky. 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[shouting] [clapping and shouting] [cymbals clanging] [knocking] room for seven. And much, much more. The firstever glb. Lease the glb 250 suv for just 419 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. Pete u. S. Postal worker reunited with a threeyearold boy he saved from freezing temperatures. By the grace of god he saw ethan on the side of a maryland highway earlier this month. He had no idea the autistic boy had been reported missing. More than 100 First Responders searched for ethan before rolland found him. Amazing story. Oh dear police in baltimore lending a helping hand when they spot a deer caught in a soccer net. See the officer using a knife to free th deer deers antlers. The deer whips back and forth before making a run for it. Not a smart guy but he is happy. Dean is he out. Three new caronavirus cases confirmed right here in the u. S. One of them a teacher in oregon as a 15yearold boy is diagnosed in Washington State. A third case reported in california. Jedediah how can you keep yourself safe from the deadly virus . Pete fox news medical contributor dr. Marc siegel spent the week with quarantined americans at the university of Nebraska Medical Center he joins us now with tips on how to keep yourself healthy. Doctor, thanks for being here. Sure you are brave enough to be with me. Dean they sat me right next to you. You are the newest. Pete we joke but its a serious question. Very serious. Pete people are concerned. Whats your reaction right now . I think we have to look at the numbers. I think we have to not over personalize the risk. I think that the president is right that we have to be vigilant about this but not go to the panic button. Because, right now, there is nobody that has died in the United States of this. We have had cases. Look at also South Carolina where there is over 1700 cases. There is about 17 deaths. In a very advanced Healthcare System like south korea has, like we have, we can look to identify cases and isolate them. The fact, pete, that three people have it in oregon and two in california, we dont know where they got it, that scares people. You know what . As the cdc traces them they are probably going to figure out where they did get it from. What we are worried about is sustained spread in communities. We are not there yet. Jedediah you just spent a week at a Quarantine Center in nebraska. Tell us about what you saw there. I saw some heroes. I saw nurses and doctors working on the front lines with patients who are all getting better. Two of whom developed this pneumonia from the caronavirus. They took it very seriously. They had high fevers. They had shortness of breath and cough. They got really sick. Some of them. But they all got better. So, under great care its a very good chance that people are going to get better from this virus. I also think that the expertise that this center in nebraska showed coupled with some other people like dr. Fawsh from from nih and redfield from cdc thats sending the right message that u. S. Health officials are on top of this. The one area we need to work on is to get the test kits available all around the country and Major Medical centers so that if i have someone with a cough with shortness of breath and high feverric test them and reassure them you dont have this caronavirus. Dean how do we make that happen . We are working on that and putting a lot of pressure on cd c and officials to make that happen. A thousand kits on its way to california. We need 100,000 kits is what we need. Hopefully it will happen over the next couple of weeks. Pete democrats have been shamelessly critical of this administration. Looks, smells a lot like politics. What do you make of politicizing this issue . Im actually very angry about that, pete. I spoke to deputy secretary of homeland security. Ken cuccinelli at the airport in dulles the other day. He made a great point. He said a, there is a lot of ebola money left they are still using. Right after that the president asked for 2. 5 billion. Thats a lot of money when you only have isolated cases here. What im really trying to say is our Public Health officials have the money they need right now to do the work they need to do. Thats what matters. If the case amount goes up, the president is going to get more money. I want that 2. 5 billion approved. Where is the role for politics here . And the other thing is, what is the role the president of the United States . Reassure people and keep them calm in the face of an emerging threat. He is doing that beautifully. Where is the politics . Role of Public Health officials. My role and the role of our public leaders, Health Official leaders is to contain the virus. They are doing their job. There is no role for politics and it is shameful the way senator schumer and others are acting. Pete thank you for going to the caronavirus location, seeing it firsthand and reporting facts. Information. Because otherwise, you just look at headlines and you start to draw your own weird conclusions and thats where you get hysteria. Thank you for doing the hard work. The team there is doing a tremendous job. Outreaching all over the country. Teaching people how to quarantine anyone that might need it. Dean super quickly the mask, you wear the mask if you are sick. Not if you are healthy. I heard you talking about etherlyier. You need the mask if you are sick to prevent the spread of respiratory droplets. Im also willing to say if you are on a plane and closed area and immunocompromised. When jedediah was pregnant i would say okay on a plane but thats it. You dont need it walking down the street. No way. Jedediah thanks, doctor. Pete this week dean and i each hit the stage at cpac celebrating american values. Dean we will bring you the highlights including my dramatic reading effect between fbi love birds strzok and page. Thats next applause applause a. [applause] we have the best story to tell the american story. But if we dont tell it, then we lose it. 240 years ago we had our founders scream give me liberty or give me death. We live in a similar moment. 2020 is going to be about maga hats vs. Steve. This is do you love america or not . Are you for capitalism or do you want socialism . We are in a battle for the soul of america. Pete i just subjected you to 30 seconds of my speech yesterday at cpac. You can catch it actually still on fox nation because fox nation is livestreaming everything at cpac as it will the president s speech today as well. Its always an honor to get out in front of so many great patriots. Jedediah you would have been a great teacher. I think you would have been a good professor. You make things interesting a loft passion behind your voice when you do things like that. Sincere. As someone who taught in the past kids would love to sit and listen to someone who has ste pep in their step. Dean there were students there. Pete i was not the only one on stage. Of course dean you were busy deep dean Kristy Swanson and i performed fbi love birds texts between peter strzok and lisa page off their work phones. Take a look at. This hillary should win 100 million to zero. [laughter] i cannot believe donald trump is likely to be an actual serious candidate for president. Holy [bleep] cruz just dropped out of the race. Its going to be a clintontrump race. Unbelievable. Dean what . Question mark, exclamation point question mark exclamation point question mark question mark . [laughter] dean this is exactly what they wrote to each other. It sounded like hun most goodness some of the stuff their interaction interaction Jr High School love birds honestly true. They were extremely biased against the president as you can see. Jedediah you were saying pete, those are real texts. Its crazy when you hear it done that way to actually sit back and say wow, they were actually having this real conversation. Dean we had real bleep. Texts between each other a lot of bleep outs. Pete important service. You cant white wash the facts where this all came from. Welldone also to be caught on fox nation this entire dramatic reading which you can watch while watching us or wait until 10 00. Either way. Great stuff, dean. Well done. Dean the president is going to be on the stage today. Thats going to be exciting. Is he going to bring the house down. Pete next year jedediah will be. Jedediah remains to be seen. A fox news alert now. Secretary pompeo on his way to the middle east. U. S. And taliban set to sign a peace deal in less than an hour which could mark the beginning of the end of americas longest war. We will bring it to you live. Pete happening right now. Plus, insight and analysis from Michael Waltz and Lindsey Graham wore our nations uniform. Has a lot to say about it. Dont go anywhere. Terpiece, and whatever this was. Oscar mayer is found in more fridges than anyone else, because its the taste you count on. Make every sandwich count. Show me that you miss me come on oh jedediah i hear lots of songs about you missing me. Is that for me . Pete it is true for look who is back. Jedediah welcome to 7 00 a. M. I missed everyone so much. I think you might be lying a little bit, pete. Pete wait, everything that im saying i missed you but im lying . No, we are cycled to have you. It wasnt the same without you. Dean america missed you. Its true. Jedediah thats said from superman so extra points there. Pete Biggest Surprise is motherhood. Jedediah tell you babies dont sleep they dont tell you babies dont sleep at all. I was really surprised. I wake up for fox friends all the time. Im used to not sleeping. Im going to roll right into this thing and infant. Oh no. Pete when they do sleep they sleep during the day and up all night. Jedediah great stuff. Dean i would nap when my kidnapped because i didnt have to go to work at the time. So it was important. Its a rough one. Pete a bonus. Dean you dont look tired. You look wonderful and ready to go. Jedediah motherhood has been amazing. I want to thank everyone for writing in and hartley is really excited. He is going to be here soon not yet. He is not here today with you is he going to come in. Its been great. And thank you guys so much. We will get to some news now because polls are now open in South Carolina for the final primary for super tuesday. Dean 2020 democrats making their final pitch to voters across the palmetto state. Pete Griff Jenkins is live in charleston as voters start casting their ballots. Griff, good morning. The lights are on. There it is. Griff the lights are on. Again, im so excited to hear jed tossing to me. So exciting to have you back. First three voters just went in that door actually. We missed them. I was trying to ask them how they are going to vote in this first in the south and they wouldnt tell me. The last woman going in says she is struggling between biden and sanders. Biden obviously staked out a win here. He has invested all of his make or break it campaign here. He says that the africanamerican vote is going it play a key role. They make up 60 of the democratic electorate here and biden was saying that he is indeed best to take on trump. Listen to this. This nation isnt looking for a revolution as some of my colleagues talk about. They are looking for progress. They are looking for rules. Griff amazing to here that he is attacking sanders because sanders has been surging breaking out first time in fox news Poll National frontrunner. Sanders says that he is the only one that can beat donald trump. Listen to this. Oh, bernie cant beat trump. Well, i urge them to take a look at the last 60 National Polls. They are not worried that i cant beat trump. They are worried that we will beat trump. [cheers] griff someone to watch today is businessman tom steyer. He invested heavily here. He was holding a rally last night, a concert with rapper juvenile and d. J. Jazzy jeff. We will see if he will do well. There are 54 pledged delegates up for grabs proportionately here in South Carolina. Let me show you how in the first three contests the candidates did. Sanders leads buttigieg, biden, warren 8, klobuchar 7. Steyer and bloomberg with zero. Bloomberg is obviously not on the ballot. But it will be interesting as we watch these polls and these voters coming in today and we look at the last voter that just was struggling between sanders and biden. If we get a clearer picture of sort of you who this is going to go. Most expect that biden will win today but only time will tell. Guys . Pete very interesting. Griff jenkins. Thank you very much. Keep asking people as did you go in. I would love to get a sense of what you are seeing there. Fascinating. All this time and all this money people are walking into the booth saying. Jedediah i know people really want that sanders, trump. Them to go against each other because its completely different world. I get it. I want it. I think it would be a great debate. I think a lot of people really want to see where the country would fall on that. Just be careful. I think a lot more people i have been saying this i will repeat this over and over again do not underestimate Bernie Sanders. Is he really charismatic. He does these really great rallies. People get really alive on social media from him. Free stuff sounds good until you figure out how you are going to pay for it which a lot of people dont ask. Free stuff sounds really really good. Dean sounds fantastic. You cant pay for everything. Nothing is free. You talk about how bernie was really a lot of fun at his rallies. President trump held a valley last night as well. He tends to get a little bit of reaction. Here is what he had to say. With your help we have exposed the far lefts corruption and defeated their sinister schemes. And lets see what happens in the coming months. Lets watch. [cheers] democrats will only say horrible things even though they know we are doing a great job. We are doing a great job with what we have to work with, its incredible. The democrats want us to fail so badly. Even if their actions and you take a look, hurt of the people of this country. They will hurt the people themselves. We love you, trump pete the president has been following democrats around. Dean preceding them. Pete preceding them fly this entire thing. Last night he did the informal poll who should republicans vote for. Interesting dynamic in South Carolina. Open primary, republicans vote for anybody. We had todd piro on earlier. Have him on again talking to a republican who said she was going to go vote in the democratic primary for Bernie Sanders. Dean operation chaos. Pete does that have an impact or not. A lot of potential votes and frustrating for democrats. Dean if joe biden does not win South Carolina. Is that it . I mean. Pete even if he wins the question is what is his path after that. Dean super tuesday that will end that question right there for sure. Jedediah one story talking about a lot dr. Siegel on earlier is the caronavirus. Democrats have not hesitated to make this incredibly polar larr rising and incredibly political. They have attacked President Trump. Lets take a listen to what they have had to say on it. Donald trump and mike pence decided to silence our leading national experts. The president is not a scientist. Thats a nice ways to put it. [laughter] hard to believe he doesnt even believe in science. Is he reacting and he is reacting much too late. You would think that you would have a president of the United States leading. We are working with scientists all over the world. Bringing people together to figure out how we are going to deal with this crisis. He is here in South Carolina. Why is he here . He is here to try to disrupt the democratic primary. Pete the president has obviously been hearing this in his speech last night in South Carolina. He addressed the democrats politicization of croes. Caronavirus. Watch. Now the democrats are politicizing the caronavirus. You know that right . [crowd boos] caronavirus. They are politicizing it. And this is their new hoax. But, you know, we did something thats been pretty amazing. So far, we have lost nobody to caronavirus in the United States. [cheers and applause] whether its the virus that were talking about or many other Public Health threats, the democrat policy of open borders is a direct threat to the health and wellbeing of all americans. Now, you see it with the caronavirus. [cheers] you see it. You see it with the caronavirus. Pete and its had an impact and we had Stuart Varney on this show earlier. We are going to play a little clip in a movement the markets, look where they have been all week long. If you have even glimpsed at fox business or Fox News Channel this week. Have you seen a lot of red. It was over 3800 points the dow lost in this week alone and had the single largest drop day i believe was on thursday in the market. So, in talking to Stuart Varney. He felt like the markets are pricing in that this could get worse. We have seen three new cases in the last 24 hours that are largely unexplained. Even though its contained and each though no deaths, thank god. They are anticipating we will see a little bit more before it ends. Jed jet the president has a tough job on this. You dont want to panic people you want to come out and let them know you have the situation under control. You dont want to underplay the severity of it. People around the country are concerned. Concerned for themselves their family members and loved ones. All they want to do is tune in and hear the president instill confidence. Have thunder control. Testing people properly. Providing information and being transparent about whats going on. Thats the course he should talk. He doesnt need to panic everybody unnecessarily. He does need to seem at every minute of every day that he is on top of this situation and people can be inspired that he knows what he is doing on it and he is appointing the right people. Dean he says that and the New York Times says we will call it the trumpvirus like somehow that was his fault or his response was anemic. We had Stuart Varney on earlier and he had this to say. I get really annoyed when i hear the democrats going after the president , trying to make out that the virus is his fault. And they are doing it for electoral advantage. I think that is absolutely reprehensible. You need an opposition. You need to hold the president accountable. But what theyre doing is denigrating the administrations efforts. Trying to tear down the president not for the benefit of the country, but for their electoral benefit. Pete we will see how this plays out. Stuart also talked about the country of iran. And how irresponsible they have been. You look at how it could spread the middle east in europe. You look at obviously what china has done with totally covering up the size and scope of what they face in their population. You contrast just like america at large. Were not perfect. We make mistakes. Always. But if you contrast america with other countries around the globe, you keep coming back to this is where i want home to be. I think you look at the control of this so far caronavirus you say thank goodness we have got those Health Officials that were standing by President Trump that understand whats going on that we fund the cdc and it knows thousand contain these things. Shut down flights early. It looks so far wellmanaged. When you see the disdisingenuous side of the democrats. Jedediah sad political debate. Some things dont need to be political. Talking about a virus affect people regardless of your party or religion or race it could effect any american, that should be a moment of coming together not only rooting together for your president and saying you know what he has the power and the authority to manage the situation and hoping everything works out but not searching for mistakes that he makes and trying to make a score political point. That is really really sad. If thats where we are at in 2020 that really deeply concerns me. Dean the outbreak is that tds is spreading even further and further and further trump derangement syndrome and thats where we are at. Trump derangement exactly whats spreading. Carefully, carefully. Pete good point. Rick has a few headlines for you this morning. Mike pompeo will attend a historic peace deal signing between the u. S. And the taliban. He arrived for the ceremony in qatar overnight. The pac hopes to end the 19 year war in afghanistan bringing thousands of u. S. Troops home. Part of the deal includes afghan officials signing their own pact with the taliban. When it does we will bring it to you here on the program. Fighting with new york city officials over the homeless crisis. Joe germonata refusing to pay rent on restaurant in Grand Central terminal due to the homeless crisis. He told the New York Post business at his art and whisksy bar has dropped 30 as Homeless People move into the transit hub. Makes sense. Is he threatening to leave the city if action isnt taken to combat the crisis. One company not feeling the effects of the caronavirus outbreak. Carona beer sales have remained strong since the spread. Reports claim the company has lost money because of their name being similar to the illness. A survey found 38 of americans would not buy carona beer because of the outbreak. They say they wont change marketing or name. There is no link. I cant believe i am reading this but i am. There is no link between the virus and the beer. You dont want to think about the caronavirus and shut it out. I wonder if thats what it is psychological. Dean it could be. When it first came out people were searching corona beer. It means crown in spanish. Look at the virus it looks like a crown on it. Thats why they named it the coronavirus. Covid 19. There is no link in the beer and the beer is selling. Pete i just learned something. Dean i speak spanish. Jedediah white houses handling of the caronavirus. Are you operating out of the normal clearance or procedures for getting out Public Health information . That. Was completely misconstrued im not being muzzled. Jedediah joe concha calling out the medias blame game coming up next. Pete well, as coronavirus fears spread across the country. One of the doctors involved in the response is firing back against reports that he is being controlled. Muzzled by the white house. Are you operating under the normal clearance or normal procedures for getting out Public Health information . That was completely misconstrued, chris. Im not being muzzled. Everybody who has gets on shows like this, you have a normal clearance. I was cleared here and here i am talking to you and i will give you the whole truth the way i always have. Jedediah here to react is media reporter for the hill joe con challenge. Joe, welcome. Good morning. Jedediah what do you make of what that doctor just said . I did a report on this yesterday. And its representative garamendi from california who said that he heard from somebody who heard from somebody that said that dr. Foury was being muzzled. And heres the thing. Dr. Foury said rightly that he was going to be on five sunday talk shows and then they decided lets reset this because i used to be tyler brotherinlaw way back. Measure twice and cut once. You have got to make sure the messaging on this where herb is on the same page. Literally this week Vice President pence was picked to put together this task force to address coronavirus and now he is hiring all these people, right, for that task force. So, if he starts sending all these different people out there without sing from the same sheet of music it might lead to confusion at a time where the public simply is not educated on this the way they should be because the media is not reporting on the educational part as much as they should. How does this compare to the flu . If im 80 years old, whats my chances of dying as opposed to if im 40 years old . Those are reports i want to see more. Instead, pete, its a blame game. Pete they want different stories from different officials so they can play them off against each other and make it look chaotic. Instead of muzzle ling. This is actually message discipline and understanding of what you say and when. There are kyrons literally over at cnn right now that say white house in chaos. Fauci says this but trump says this and pence says this. So, yeah, to go on the sunday talk shows tomorrow would it be heavenful . I guess. But then you are walking probably into a buzz saw because its a gotcha moment. Wait a couple days and make sure you have all the information you could and should and then i think that alex azar the head of health and Human Services every day do a news conference, 15, 20 minutes and address the country on where we are in terms of fighting this and whats being done to prevent it from spreading. Dean how is the media treating the president s message thus far . Is that a rhetorical question, dean . Dean i know the answer to it its terrible. Call it trump virus. If you are feeling awful. You know who to blame . I mean, what is that . Its probably, i know we are only in february. Its the stupidest headline of 2020. Forget march, april, may. Its already done. To blame the president for this. I remember when a hurricane was about to hit north carolina. And then the washington post, this was their editorial board, okay . Quote when it comes to extreme weather, mr. Trump is complicit, in other words, he is to blame for the hurricanes. He is to blame for the Houston Astros cheating scandal. Pick something that went wrongs and he gets blamed for it because thats the reflex in our media now. Anyway i have a pilates class to get. To say got to go. I appreciate the invites. You guys are infinitely in better shape than i. Pete beautiful tie. Amazon 8. Jedediah lori vallow set to be extradited back to id do ada who he in the case of her missing children. Both she and her husband remain silent on what happened. We will speak to the family now pleading for answers. Im bad. Youre stronger than you know. So strong. You power through chronic migraine, 15 or more headache or migraine days a month. One tough mother. Youre bad enough for botox®. Botox® has been preventing headaches and migraines before they even start for almost 10 years, and is the 1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. Botox® is for adults with chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more. Effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. Alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a lifethreatening condition. Side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. Dont receive botox® if theres a skin infection. 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Get the lowest price guaranteed on all Choice Hotels when you book direct at choicehotels. Com. You wouldnt accept from any one else. Why accept it from your allergy pills . Flonase relieves your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. Flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. Most pills only block one. Flonase. These expect and way more. Internthats xfinity xfi. U get powerful wifi coverage that leaves no room behind with xfi pods. And now xfi advanced security is free with the xfi gateway, giving you an added layer of network protection, so every device thats connected is protected. Thats a 72 a year value. No one else offers this. Faster speed, coverage, and free advanced security at an unbeatable value with xfinity xfi. Can your internet do that . Pete time for news by the numbers. First 1 billion. Thats how much the u. S. Senate has approved to replace technology from Chinese Company huawei. The Senate Unanimously passed a bill to ban purchasing the product from the company across the u. S. Smart move. Lawmakers say huawei products threaten National Security because they are controlled by the communist chinese who want to weigh into our country. Next number 1200. Thats how many jobs General Motors heaps to add in michigan. Automaker says workers laid off at other g. M. Factory also get first deliberates on the new jobs which start in the spring. Fantastic news. And finally, 6,000. Thats how much this new electric car will cost. Thats a car. A french automaker says the car has a top speed of a mighty 28 Miles Per Hour. And will only be sold in europe and maybe vermont. Jed, down to you. Jedediah thanks, pete. It has been more than five months since missing idaho kids j. J. Vallow and tie lee ryan were seen. Mother has agreed to be extradited from hawaii to idaho facing charges in their disappearance. Turning attention to loris new husband chad day belle urging him to come forward with the truth. Joining us is the grandfather of missing j. J. Vallow. I cant imagine your pain and anguish as this story unfolds. When is the last time, first of all, that you spoke to either of the children . Last time that kaye and i spoke with j. J. Was august the 10th. He facetimed us that call lasted 35 seconds. Jedediah these kids, one thing that has really confused me. These kids have been missing since september. It says that lori was arrested and charged last week. Why such a delay in anyone getting on top of this . Authorities have stayed in contact with us from the getgo. And its just taken quite a bit of time to put the case together. What they didnt want to do was put a case together and the case fall apart. So, its taken quite a bit of time. Obviously its put a lot of strain on our family. Its put a lot of strain on authorities. But they simply wanted to do it right. In this case is such a unique case. I have had numerous attorneys and prosecutors and Law Enforcement that have indicated they have never worked a case like this. Jedediah do you have any insight at all as to why this could have happened . There have been reports with respect to lori that she had declared herself a god that was prepping for the apocalypse. Some pretty extreme religious rhetoric has emerged. Are you concerned that these kids may be in danger and what do you think caused would cause somebody to do this . There is two loris in this case the first lori is the absolutely wonderful mom as one lady said recently. The momma other moms wanted to be like. And then there is lori today within the last several months. That i dont understand. I have known lori for over a decade. I thought she was a wonderful mom, had we not thought that, and cared for her and charles the way we did. We would have certainly never given up j. J. To allow them to adopt. We have just about 15 seconds. Do you have a final message for chad . For loris husband . Chad, i know you are on the way back to idaho. Read that in the news last night on the internet. When you get there, please do a lot of soul searching. Somewhere in tha vicinity there are two children. And we want them back safe and we hope that you will have this cometojesus meeting with yourself and address these issues as soon as possible. Jedediah well, larry, i want to thank you for being here. You, your entire family and these children are in our thoughts and prayers and we will continue to stay on this story. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Jedediah a fox news alert. The u. S. Set to sign a peace deal with the taliban in moments. We will bring it to you live. Plus, the president rallying voters in South Carolina ahead of todays primary. Todd piro is having breakfast with friends and he is going to check in with us coming up next. Do my forearms look bigger . They look the same. Ive been spinning faster recently. I think theyre getting bigger. Feel them. Yeah, they kinda feel bigger. Yeah, cool. Sorry. Its okay. Switch to progressive and you could save hundreds. You know. Like the sign says. Pete we are back with a fox news alert. This is a live look in qatar ahead of the historic peace deal signing between the u. S. And the taliban happening right now. Jedediah President Trump sending secretary of state mike pompeo to attend the ceremony overnight. The pact could end the war in afghanistan. Meanwhile secretary of state mark esper is in kabul for a joint declaration ceremony. The taliban will have to meet certain requirements own peace pact were w. Afghan officials. Interesting to watch. I have been texting those close to this process. What theyre saying this is the best deal you are going to get with someone you know is your enemy. You know it. You know how are dealing with but, considering where we have been and what this president has committed to as far as killing tastes. Probably in the strongest position to make a deal. But you have got to watch it closely if they associate with isis or al qaeda or anything like that. Our force also remain to make sure it never becomes a sanctuary again. Its something the president said he would do. But its fraught with risk as well. Jedediah my mind always goes to when you think of a deal with the taliban does it mean anything . Can you count on it at all . Dean it doesnt there is the answer right there. Pete well, but the president was in South Carolina last night because the primary is happening right now. 30 minutes into voting in South Carolina, voters there going to the polls. So we are checking in with todd piro who is talking to the voters at sunrise bistro in mount pleasant, South Carolina. You are talking to folks who could literally be going from their food to their polling place. Yeah. But, hegseth, you asked me during the last segment for grits. Pete correct. Todd i texted you which one of the messages. I said tha charizo. Pete im so hungry all i can get is a dunkin donut. Todd pete, i will take this on the plane exactly like that and everybody is going to love me. Lets get to some politics. Tom, you watched the rally, what did you think. I really thought it was amazing theetosee trump here in South Carolina rallying the republican troops. He gives his message so clear. Its almost comical when he talks about the democrats. And how they are just not supporting what the American People want. It was just fun to watch. Todd who do you think wins today . Crazy bernie. Operation chaos. I really think the republicans are going to vote for him and go out and support that because they will just make it that much easier for trump to have four more years in the white house. Todd quickly. We have a bond jersey guys moved south fled a blue state. Absolutely. I lowered taxes, one, but everybody is coming down here. We are all from up north. I love jersey, thats where my roots are but i love being here in the low country. Todd good stuff, tom. Thank you. Derek, 20 years navy, thank you for your service. You told me sanders is going to win today. Why . Unfortunately, i think a lot of people are leaning towards the socialist movement. I dont think thats the way to go. But a lot of people are. Todd all right. Derek, thank you. Sarah disagrees with you. She thinks biden is going to win today. Sarah, why . I just think he is safe. He doesnt scare people. Todd you also think you want to see joe biden debate trump. Yes. Todd you think thats going to be something else. Interesting, yes. Todd good stuff. I do. Todd quick poll while i have you guys here. Who thinks, lets raise our hands. Who thinks bernie is going to win today . Me. Ugh. Who thinks biden is going to win today . This mimics back in new york what we saw yesterday at the rally. We interviewed people and my gosh, to a man and to a woman, they could not come up with a winner. When i asked what their democratic friends who they were going to vote for . They said their friends are all over the place. Yeah, we have got polls out there, guys. I honestly in my heart of hearts dont know whats going to happen come the end of the day. Pete i have a get for you. I assume some of the folks you are speaking to are republicans. Are they planning to go vote in the democratic primary for bernie . Todd yeah. Tom is operation chaos. Is he thinking of going out some point later on today to vote and thats the thing. This operation chaos republicans galvanizing behind bernie to try to really present that difference between democratic socialism and trump. Pete very interesting. Jedediah thank you, todd. Pete enjoy those grits. Jedediah going to turn headlines for you now. Trump taps John Ratcliffe for director of National Intelligence for the second time. Ratcliffe would have completed process earlier but john wanted to wait until after the ig report was finished. John is outstanding man of great talent. He withdrew his name for the post last year to stay in congress. If confirmed he would replace Richard Grenell who is serving as acting director. And Mark Zuckerberg and his wife hit with bombshell allegations from employees who work at the family office. Business insider reporting repot workers from the familys ceo have accused colleagues of assault, shower. Ansexual harassmentand racism. Internal investigation found no basis in her accusations. Spokesperson for the office is denying the claims. Restaurant owners are facing backlash for being President Trump supporters. Jorge and betty both immigrants say they were attacked on social media after a photo of her of the president s of her at the president s phoenix rally was posted online. The couple says they will stand stand by the president. We feel it is very important for every person to say this is what i stand for. In our case, we are republicans. We are behind the president. Jedediah not backing down. The couple says they also experienced hate after attending a trump rally in 2016. Jedediah maybe they got new business. Jedediah thats true too. The wheel of fortune contestant solves the pul with news two letters. A place like no other. Of course. Shocking her competitors and host pat sajak with her incredible guess. Her lucky guess winning her 650. She ended the game with 8,000 trip to peru. Im terrible at wheel of fortune. My mom is really good. I wonder if she could have done that. Dean that was a tough one. Pete i watched wheel o wheel of fortune last night for the first time in who knows how long in forever. I was terrible at it. Its hard. Dean you didnt watch that show, did you . Pete i think i did. I missed that moment though. Do i play a lot of hang man with my kids. I get the guessing thing. Jedediah rick, what about you . Are you good at wheel of fortune . I lo wheel of fortune. Jedediah are you good at it . I think im pretty good. Really i wanted pat sajaks job. Dean its a great job. Hi, mom. Rick i heard a lot of commotion going on behind me i wanted to see what was going on. Take a look at the weather map. Chilly across the great lakes and northeast today. It is 17 degrees in minneapolis. And chicago degree up in caribou. Today remain chele. Temps well below average. We have not said that much all winter long. Snow remaining across the great lakes. It will wrap up today. Down to the southeast, we have tons of sunshine and really nice day. Tomorrow especially across parts of louisiana, arkansas and mississippi, we see the rain return and then a rainy much of this coming week. Which means we are going to watch that flooding return. Warm temperatures across the central plains. 62 in omaha. 48 up towards bismarck. Out across the Pacific Northwest rain and snow. All right, guys. Back to you. Dean rick out there with no jacket on. Pete talking to folks yelling at him. We move on now to a fox news alert. Americas longest war nearing its end. The u. S. Set to sign an historic peace deal with the taliban in just moments. We are going to get reaction from congressman Michael Waltz who served in afghanistan and now serves in congress. Dont just plan to retire. Plan to live. An annuity helps cover your essential monthly expenses, so youre free to live the life you want. Find out how an annuity can give you Lifetime Income at protectedincome. Org pete we are back with a fox news alert. This is a live look into kabul where defense secretary mark h esper just arrived for a ceremony with the Afghan Government ahead of todays historic peace deal between the u. S. And our enemies the taliban. And a live look at qatar as well in this shot where the deal will actually be signed. That is secretary of state mike pompeo live in qatar here to witness the historic moment. If we get more developments, we will go live to them. In the meantime, what does this deal mean for our troops in afghanistan and for the future of americas longest war. G. O. P. Congressman, former Green Beret Commander mike wall waltz sits on the House Armed Services committee he joins us now to discuss. Congressman, thank you so much for being here. Thank you, pete. Pete sur veal to see what we have been through in afghanistan to watch these pictures, a signing of a peace deal with our avowed enemy. This is the right move in will it work . Everyone i have talked to has frankly mixed feelings. We all want peace. We all want this to end. I know the president , secretary esper, pompeo, they dont want to attend one single more, you know, funeral that we have all attended of american servicemen and women coming home to Dover Air Force base. Heres my worry with this deal as it is unfolding and i was just reading the joint declaration from the taliban, the United States and the Afghan Government. Is i worry it has a timeline in there, 14 months for the full withdrawal of all u. S. Forces. And i worry, number one, that that sends the signal to the various ethnic groups who right now the ethnic tensions in kabul are simmering just beneath the surface. And if the government starts fracturing because they believe this is the beginning of the end, the u. S. Involvement, and then the army starts fracturing as well, the afghan army, we could find ourselves in a much worse place. The status quo is not great at all. But we could, this could get worse. It could get much worse. And so there is just a lot of risk here. The other piece, pete, that im not seeing is what do we do about pakistan . You have isis and al qaeda and others. Other International Terrorist groups using pakistan as a hub. The bottom line is if lets say the taliban agree to everything, they enter into a peace process, they enter into the government. I dont see how they have the military capability to do what we have struggled to do. The coalition, and a 300,000 man afghan army have struggled to do to keep our foot on the neck of al qaeda and isis in the long term. And so its that military capability, so, at the end of the day, we are going to have to have some type of presence there to keep son offense against terrorism. Pete colonel, yeah, its such great points. You mentioned the timeline, timelines are always fraught with risk for precisely what you just mentioned. The enemy understands the dynamic of someone leaving for certain. Now, the administration is pushing back saying we will still have Counter Terror operations and the taliban is not allowed to associate with al qaeda and isis. What faith should we have that the taliban wont do that or, as you said, are capable of totally crushing the president. People who could still want to strike us. Phil, i dont trust the taliban as far as i can throw them. And i am confident that the administration has its eyes wide open. They know that as well. There may be elements of the taliban that want peace. Thats a good thing. If this fractures the taliban movement, thats a good thing there will be other elements that defect over to isis and al qaeda and work with them. So, really, im looking forward to seeing the details of the agreement of the administration coming over and Briefing Congress on exactly how this is going to be implemented but, again, i dont trust that the taliban have the capability even if they have the will, they dont have the military capability to enforce the agreement and exactly how that is going to work is where i have a lot of worry and question. And we just have to be cognizant of the message that this is sending to the minority ethnic groups that the brutal taliban regime have just have abused and really crushed in many ways over the years. That they dont begin rearming and, again, we dont have that fracturing effect. But, again, we all hope this works. I want to support fully support the administration in having this work and the president is doing what he says he is going to do to try to bring this to a peaceful resolution. No one should be surprised. Pete colonel, the white house also pointing out that the Obama Administration wanted a peace deal for eight years. They were incapable of doing so. They surged the enemy until they were going to leave. Didnt get any of the conditions necessary to do so. This administration is saying hey, this is a win. They have made clear to me and others in the media, we have our eye on this. We are not going to let isis come back. We will not let the taliban take over the Afghan Government. If there is a timeline, a lot of that you lose a lot of leverage. Let me be clear. This is far and away better than anything the Obama Administration tried to do. Whether it was the iran deal or what they tried to do in afghanistan. They gave everything away right up front. They told our enemies that we were going to withdraw in a timeline and got nothing for it. At least here we are getting something for it. They have committed to enter into a peace process. Im told there are verification mechanisms that the taliban are upholding their end of the bargain. Thats the detail that i want to see. And lets give space for this to work. But the president and the administration cant become so wedded to this. I know the president is willing to walk away from a bad deal. And if the taliban arent keeping their end of the bargain, then we have to walk away and start again. Start smacking them hard to get them back to the negotiating table. But, how pakistan enters into this . There is a mention of it. That part is unclear to me as well. So, lets see what the details are going forward. Pete to your point, the reason this is happening in the first place is because americans, were frustrated by the fact that 20 years after 9 11, were still there in what many feel like had become a nation building exercise. Not capable of, you know, moving forward the way a lot of us would like to see. The society move forward. So ultimately, a military end to the conflict and passing it over to the Afghan Government who we have been training now for almost two decades is a prudent thing to do while keeping an eye on defending our own security and the rise of terrorism there. Look, i 100 percent agree in concept. Its just the timing and how that is done, right . Pete yes. So. We have to come to some type of political resolution. Until the afghan army is ready to stand on its own and we can spend a whole segment on why its not yet but its not. Then the United States has to have some type of involvement, the congress has to fund our support for the afghan army. And at the end of the day, if they are not capable of keeping the foot on the neck of these terrorist groups. Then we have to be there. What we cant do is what obama did in iraq is just say well, im frustrated, too hard, too difficult, we are out. Pete absolutely. Thats what led to isis 2. 0. And we will lose many more american soldiers fighting our way back in after withdrawing too soon and in the wrong way than keeping a sustained small presence over the lock term. Term long term. Pete having served there in 202how powerful the taliban was. Shadow governments. Infiltrating the military. Infiltrating certain provinces. Even the federal government there looming threat of the taliban in some ways have held back the capabilities and morale of the afghan military. Now that we if we enshrine the taliban which effectively a deal is recognizing them in afghanistan. They are not supposed to be allowed to take over the government but recognizing they will exist, doesnt that hurt the ability for Afghan Soldiers to believe their future wont be dominated by the taliban . Well, Afghan Soldiers, women, minority groups that they have abused, brutally over the years, always. Thats why this is so delegate. Thats why this has to be a negotiation between the Afghan Government and the taliban, to fold them. In but, at the end of the day, again, i go back to the military capability of the taliban. They dont have the drones, intelligence, air support, and special Operations Forces to get in to pakistan and to get into those, you know, incredibly difficult hard to reach areas that al qaeda and isis still exist. So thats the balance that we are trying the strike here. And i think, unfortunately, we will have to have some small presence for the foreseeable future. Remember, we have had a presence in korea a japan, germany and others for decades. As long as the terrorists are at war with us. We cant just wish that part of it away. Because we are frustrated. Pete a little speculation here. Lets say the deal is signed. How soon do you think the taliban continues to turn its guns on its own government wanting to take over the country of afghanistan again . Well, in the agreement, which i was the joint declaration anyway the taliban responsible for not only keeping International Terrorist groups off of afghan soil. But also recruiting, fundraising, narcotics, which we know that fund these groups as well. Thats all the responsibility of the taliban to keep away from isis. Pete thats the problem. They use the they also use other terrorist groups. Again, the devil is in the details here. Those are the parts that i want to see. How are we going to hold their feet to the fire. And if they violate it, we have to be willing to walk away. Pete absolutely. Colonel Michael Waltz, thank you so much for your insight this morning. We will have you back as we digest what this deal looks like. How it actually goes into Practical Application and whether the taliban will ever live up to it. Thank you very much for your service. Thanks, pete. I hope we look back on this as truly historic day. Pete thats true. We have to follow it as it happens. Thank you, sir. On another topic that were following. Such a busy morning here as that develops if there are remarks from American Leadership we will bring them to you. Its decisionday in South Carolina. Polls actually open there. We will check in with Griff Jenkins at the top of the hour. Plus, 2020 hopeful, Elizabeth Warren, you know, she campaigned didnt she campaign against big money and politics . Im not taking a dime of pac money in this campaign. [cheers] i dont take corporate pac money. Shoot, i dont take pac money of any kind. Pete oh, shoot, now she takes pac money. Warren is taking their cash and lots of it. Why the flipflop . We will brings it to you still ahead in 1950, kings hawaiian was born from an irresistibly delicious idea. In 2020, the jones family also had some delicious ideas. What if we make kings hawaiian breakfast sandwiches . Yum and kings hawaiian monkey bread yum dog barks dog barks ding yum kings hawaiian what an irresistibly delicious idea. Pete welcome back. This is about a busy of a news morning you can get. Were following three big stories right now. Starting with a live look in kabul where secretary mark esper just arrived for a ceremony with the Afghan Government ahead of todays historic peace deal between the u. S. And the taliban. We also have a live look in qatar where the deal will actually be signed. Thats what we are looking at right here. Secretary of state mike pompeo there to witness what some are calling a very historic moment. Jedediah another story we are following is the coronavirus. Three new coronavirus cases now confirmed in the United States with no links to overseas travel. Dean Elementary School teacher in oregon. A 15yearold in Washington State and an adult woman in santa clara, california, close to me. All diagnosed within 24 hours. Jedediah first, polls are now open in South Carolina for the final primary before super tuesday. This as the president rallies voters in north charleston. Standing up for america and we are standing up for the people of South Carolina. Pete our own Griff Jenkins is live in charleston as voters begin to show up to the polls. Griff is talking to a few of them. Good morning, griff. Griff good morning, pete, dean and jed. They let us inside here very graciously let us inside this Community Center here in charleston, what you are looking at. Here is how this works. You have the voters showing up here. They check. In and then they got a ballot and then they will take the parking lot over to these Voting Machines over here. And its very blank ballot. And they put their paper ballot. In they choose the things that make their elections and then they take that ballot, which then has the official choice and then they feed it in that machine and then it is electronically recorded. And that is why it runs really pretty smoothly here in South Carolina. And we expect that at the end of the day, the vote countings wont be very difficult to get. But, it is all about whether or not joe biden, who stakes so much of his claim here will win or whether a surging Bernie Sanders may do well. I talked to one voter, 26yearold gentleman who didnt want to go on camera. He said he voted for sanders because he thought he would be best to take on trump and could fight back the best. However, joe biden believes that sanders pete griff, thank you very much. We are going to cut in right now. Secretary of state mike pompeo just took the stage in qatar. Listen. Supported both sides to reach this momentous day. The United States and the taliban have endured decades of hostility and mistrust. Previous talks have faltered this effort only became real for the United States when the taliban signaled interest in pursuing peace and ending their relationship with al qaeda and other foreign terrorist groups. They also recognize that military victory was impossible. I then asked ambassador to serve as our lead negotiator to engage the talibans sincerity. The agreement that we will sign today is the true test of this effort. We will closely watch the talibans compliance with their commitments and calibrate the pace of our withdrawal to their actions. This is how we will ensure that afghanistan never again serves as a base for International Terrorists. The negotiation process in dougdoha with all of its twists and turns shows its possible for us to take this step together. Over the past seven days violence levels have reached their lowest point in the last four years. U. S. And Afghan Forces responded to the reduced enemy attacks by also respecting peace. It was not perfect. But the taliban demonstrated even if only for a week that when they have the will to be peaceful, they can be. The Afghan People have rrejoiced. They are moving freely about the country to visit family and friends. Trading. And even dancing in the streets. We are just at the beginning furthering the cause of peace will require sacrifice by all sides. The United States, coalition, the taliban, the Afghan Government, other afghan leaders and the Afghan People themselves to maintain the momentum needed to reach a comprehensive, inclusive and durable peace. This agreement will mean nothing and todays good feelings will not last if we dont take concrete actions on commitments and promises that have been made. When it comes down to it, the future of afghanistan is for afghans to determine. The u. S. Taliban deal creates the conditions for afghans to do just that. Heres our take. Heres our take on what steps by the taliban will make this agreement a success. First, keep your promises to cut ties with al qaeda and other terrorists. Keep up the fight to defeat isis. Welcome the profound relief of all afghan citizens, men and women, urban and rural, as a result of this past weeks massive reduction in violence and dedicate yourselves to continued reductions. It is the significant escalation of violence that will create the conditions for peace and the absence of it the conditions and the cause for failure. All afghans deserve to live. And prosper without fear. Sit down with the Afghan Government other afghan political leaders and Civil Society and start the Difficult Conversations on the political road map for your country. Exercise patience even when there is frustration. Honor the rich diversity of your country to make room for all views. Afghan governments have failed because they werent sufficiently inclusive. The Afghan Government of 2020 and indeed the afghanistan of 2020 is not the same as in 2001. Embrace the historic progress obtained for women and girls and build on it for the benefit of all afghans. The future of afghanistan ought to draw on the godgiven potential of every single person. If you take these steps, if you stay the course and remain committed to negotiations with the Afghan Government, and other afghan partners, we, and the rest of the International Community assembled here today stand ready to reciprocate. I know there will be a temptation to declare victory. But victory, victory for afghans will only be achieved when they can live in peace and prosper. Victory for the United States will only be achieved when americans and our allies no longer have to feel a terrorist threat from afghanistan. And we will do whatever it takes to protect our people. The United States will press all sides to stay focused on the goal of a peaceful, prosperous and sovereign afghanistan and afghanistan free of maligned foreign interference where all voices and communities are heard and are represented. This is the only way this is the only way a sustainable peace can be achieved and for all of us here and most importantly for the security of the american Afghan People, this must happen. Thank you. [applause] pete that was the secretary of state mike pompeo at the stage at the reflecting on this moment, which is a signing of a peace deal between the u. S. And the taliban. He talked about he basically spoke to the taliban saying if you want this peace in your country, we are going to expect that you live up to the terms of this agreement, which include rejecting al qaeda, fighting isis, working with the Afghan Government, signing a peace deal with the Afghan Government as well. As noted was noted by Michael Waltz last hour there is a 14month timeline in a withdraw of u. S. Troops. But the secretary of state reiterated that that is a condition based timeline. Only if the taliban is living up to its side of the deal will america reduce the footprint of troops we have there because after 20 years, almost, of conflict, a lot of blood and treasure, you dont want to hand that country back to an enemy that is seeking to destroy you. Jedediah let me ask you, pete. I see this. Is it a realistic expectation . I see pompeo listing out all these things that he wants the taliban to do. And all i keep thinking in my head is you are talking about the taliban. Talking about a group of people that dont exactly inspire trust and confidence. Is this when you sign Something Like this, is it just a piece of paper . Does it really count for something . Pete only counts for something if it reflects a reality on the ground. Thats been a big part of the fight in afghanistan from the beginning. Whats happening on the ground is very different than what gets briefed in powerpoint operations or podesta in the United States. Everyone wants inclusive future for men, women and girls different tribal groupings and ethnic groups. If thats not whats actually happening. Thats not what what the taliban is aspiring to. Then it is just a piece of paper. The generation of people that serve there, that saw how difficult it is, there is a recognition and understanding. You are not going to win it by nationbuilding. You are not going to unless you are going to commit for 100 years as john mccain famously said. If thats not the case, ultimately some sort of a deal has to be met. You dont want to go backwards to the point where we are looking, you know, 18 months from now at the taliban taking over kabul and now were back to where we were before 9 11. But, to me, the interest to our country comes back to isis and carbon monoxide. Do theal qaeda. Do they have a haven across the globe to strike us . If we deter that its a good outcome. Dean like a test period the 14 months we have here. Are they going to abide by these rules or are they not. We are watching it. As opposed to saying we are out of there three months. Bide your time we are out of there in three months. Pete this administration has learned what barack obama did so terribly in iraq when he pulled out immediately and isis took advantage of that vacuum. You cant do that. This Trump Administration has learned that lesson from the Obama Administration. You will not see that in afghanistan. But, we got to be prepared for the fact that taliban propaganda it is going to declare victory. They are going to say the americans are feeted. Defeated. They are leaving in shame. You have to push through that talking about why we made the deal that we did with an enemy that you cant trust thats been killing us, thats been lying to us, thats been in the drug trade. They are basically a narcoterrorism state. Thats what the taliban is. Thats how cut the deal with. So consider the source. But how long do you want to be there how much do you want to invest when you have china. Dean campaigned on getting out of afghanistan and endless wars, im sorry. Jedediah not at all. The alternative seems to do nothing then. Looking at this okay a peace deal with the taliban. You have your doubts but you wouldnt want an administration that was doing nothing either. This is probably your best Case Scenario that you do, this hope for the best. Hope they stick to it and hope it accomplishes something in the name of, you know, good things. But i dont know, i just see this. Im very skeptical immediately when i see negotiations or anything with a group of people who are known to not really abide by what they say. Pete you are so right to be skeptical as am i. I think we have an administration that is also skeptical realizes its the bestworst option. Jedediah good way to put it. Pete obama worked 8 years to get a deal and they couldnt cut it. Monitor events both in qatar also where secretary esper is in kabul. If anything else develops we will bring it to you. This is of great interest to our nation. Certainly guys who served there as well. How does it end really does matter. In the meantime, we are staying on the other stories this morning including whats happening in South Carolina. We had to cut griff off live in apology station. Jedediah thats right. Dean he got inside a polling station. Pete he did confirm the ballots are blank before they start. Shear portion of what the president said last night in a rally in South Carolina. At stake in our present battle is the actual survival of our nation. I really believe that its the survival. You see these maniacs that we are dealing with. They want to give away everything. We will end up being venezuela largescaleversion. If you want your children to inherent the blessings that generations of americans have fought and died for to secure, then we must devote everything we have towards victory in november of 2020, november 3rd to be exact. [cheers and applause] only this way can we save the america we love and drain the swamp. Jedediah i think ordinarily i would say oh maybe its an exaggeration what he is saying for campaign purposes. It really isnt. Bernie sanders wins an election. It is a nightmare for this country. You talk about fundamental transformation. The whole country will cease to exist as we know it right now. Bernie sanders what he wants to do is really transform this country. Pete that is not hyperbole what you just said. Jedediah is he not joking. People say he is being dramatic. He is actually not being dramatic there will be a big decision to be made. The america we love and the one that Bernie Sanders wants to create. He cannot stress that enough. We are going to talk to senator Lindsey Graham at 9 20 a. M. We are going to ask him about whats going on in South Carolina and ask about his predictions. Pete he is the perfect guest. South carolina at the rally last night. Understands the dynamics of South Carolina politics. Are republicans are going to cross over and vote in the operation chaos . Dean keen we saw one. Pete when i served in afghanistan. Colonel graham actually came and visited the base i was at. He has been there more than any member of congress. If anyone is going to have a sense of this deal today and whether it can work it will be him. Great to have him. Dont miss him later on. Actually we have a fox news alert right now im being told. Signing ceremony itself, the actual action with the ambassador to the afghanistan and the taliban happening live right there in front of you. And we will hear a little bit of natural sound. But, ultimately, when you it makes me reflect. Dean i was going to say what do you feel when you look at this right here . Pete i think a lot of, like you cant speak for vets and everyone thats been there but its mixed feelings. How can it not be . You think about the vicious battles in marija and kandahar in the south and against the taliban. You are fighting and taliban has been fighting for 40 years. And so the depth of the violence and the depravity and what the taliban represents can never be understated and nor county sacrifice of so many men and women who fought them, fought him for decades. But, the alternative is fighting forever on a mission that really became very ambiguous on what was being done there what the outcome looked like. Why are we there . Why are we investing all this money in a military that cant fight wont fight the taliban. The government is extremely corrupt. The economy is still dependent on drugs. You have a very rural, poor population. Whats the end state . I think a lot of people point to the fact that a sad reality is you cut a deal and then you hold them to it. Jedediah do you think that most people who have served our country look upon this and feel optimistic or do you think they look upon this and say who are you kidding . There is no way that a taliban is going to come to the table and fulfill these promises. Pete thats not a ding on the Trump Administration or this deal. Its just even when i was there, almost 10 years ago, it was clear hot real power brokers were and it was the taliban with their shadow governments, their shadow courts, their infiltration of the when i first got there the green on blue attacks had just started where the infiltrators of the afghans, we trained in multiple scenarios including sitting behind a desk to deal with an afghan coming. So the level of mistrust is deep and far and wide. How do you cut a deal with someone you cant trust at all and if you are the Afghan Government, this is a scary day. Because you have essentially effectively made official the fact that the taliban will be a part of the future of afghanistan. And if thats the case, they are going to want to retake power completely at some point. The question is do they abide by this deal just long enough to get us out so that they can turn on the Afghan Government and try to take over afghanistan . Its not implausible. A lot of skepticism, jedediah, the guys i served with they just feel like you cant trust afghanistan is biblical times ak47s and cell phones. I mean that not to be disparaging. It just is a different world. Whether this deal right here live on tv we are watching a handshake between the representative of the United States of america, the ambassador, and the taliban. It is history. Where it goes from here will define its legacy. Jedediah yeah. I think dean is safe to say whether the administration took this step or not they would be facing the same level of criticism. If they didnt do anything they face criticism. And if they do this and the taliban does not abide by what has been set forth, they will also face criticism. The Trump Administration is probably saying listen, we dont have another alternative right now and perhaps this will work out for the betterment of the situation so lets plow ahead and see what we can get. Dean perhaps the best deal we can get for right now. We will see what the next 14 months bring. I cant imagine its going to be, you know, smooth sailing. Im also very skeptical and the people that i talk, to a lot of people who serve with you, pete, are very skeptical. Pete yeah. Whatever the outcome is will not be clearcut. We will keep following this. If there is additional developments we will bring it to you. Another top story we are following, of course. Busy, busy day. The deadly coronavirus continues to spread 83,000 confirmed cases worldwide and more than 800 of those are in europe. Dean outbreak is putting europes open border policies to the test. The New York Times even admitting it could be the end of their borderless dream. Jedediah what does this say about open border policies . Here to discuss is former kansas secretary of state who help draft President Trumps border and immigration plan kris kobach. Chris, welcome. Good morning. Dean is so are open borders a thing of the past . Well, in europe right now, of course, they have got this accord agreement whereby all european members citizens of one Member Nation can go across into another nation without having to check a passport open borders for citizens of the Member Nations. But, as you have reported, there is over 300 cases of coronavirus in italy right now. And so all of the other eu nations are looking at italy thinking wait a minute, we have wide open borders. We dont like this very much. So there is talk in the eu of they have the option of suspending their open borders under the accord temporarily. I think you are going to see other nations do it. I mean, its a problem. In times of pandemic there is one thing every nation has to have, control of the flow of people into the country. If you cant control who is coming into your country, then you are exposed. Dean the president spoke about this last night. He talked about closing our borders to contain the coronavirus right here. Heres what he had to say. There have been no deaths in the United States at all. A lot of that is attributable to the fact that we close the border very early. Otherwise, it could be a different story. Pete chris, moments like this expose the ultimate betrayal of sovereign nations whose first responsibility is to keep their citizens safe, yet, they think it was some fantasy of globalism they could open their borders and everything will be okay. Thats absolutely right. And President Trump did the right thing by closing our ports of entry to people coming in from china. And that was the best move he could have made and im glad he did it under criticism from the left. But i will tell you this it does all of this talk about securing our borders does expose one problem that we still have. Because congress failed to give President Trump the money early enough and in enough quantity, we still dont have adequate border wall built. So, there is a wide open door there and get this, pete, just last year there was an 85 increase, an 85 jump in the number of chinese nationals sneaking in the country illegally over the southern border. Its estimated upwards of 12,000 a year. Maybe coming in illegally. So while we have closed and controlled the doorways at our ports of entry, we have got this wide open doorway on our southern border which leaves us exposed to pandemics like this. So, as someone who has been fighting for Border Patrol for a long time. I say hey, dont forget we still have that wide open back door. Thank you, chris. You still have democrats down playing the importance of that Border Security and people like Elizabeth Warren saying lets transfer funds away from that its kind of insane when you really think about it. We appreciate your take and thank you so much for being here. Pete thank you, chris. Appreciate it . Thank you. Pete great point. Jedediah craziness. Its just dea dean dean also a coronavirus case confirmed in mexico yesterday. There it is. Pete 2020 progressives keep preaching, excuse me, if i can read, i think. Preaching their plans to cancel student debt. We can cancel all student debt in america. [cheers and applause] we use two cent wealth tax to cancel Student Loan Debt for 43 million americans. [cheers and applause] jedediah guess what . It turns out that most americans arent buying it. Our next guest explains how this would actually hurt working families coming up after the break. Pete you are a much better reader. Everybody wants to be to closer to me so when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. Thats how you do it right. Usaa insurance is made just the way martins family needs it with hasslefree claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. Because doing right by our members, thats whats right. Usaa. What youre made of, were made for. Usaa he loves workrator but lives for the weekend. And now, he needs a new truck, so he came here and saw what others paid for the truck he wants. Now he can recognize a great price. True car. Buy smarter. Drive happier. Lets be honest. Quitting smoking is hard. Like, quitting every monday hard. Quitting feels so big. So try making it smaller, and youll be surprised at how easily starting small can lead to something big. Start stopping with nicorette. Holders are, you are talking about the top quarter of excuse me, households that have a lot of wealth. So these are people who are high earners and ones incurring the debt. Now you are saying we are going to forgive their debt and put that on the backs of taxpayers. Jedediah what about all those people that had debt and worked really really hard for a number of years that worked really hard to pay that debt off themselves. How do you think they are going to hear when they hear the news. Its true apparent unfairness. People worked hard to pay their debt. People saying im going to make wise choices about my spending so i can pay my tuition bills on time or or my Student Loan Debt on time every month. And those who never took it out to begin with you about paid their way through college or decided to take another route. Its inherently unfair to put this on them as well. I think a strategy that Bernie Sanders and even Elizabeth Warren have of trying to get the youth vote by promising, you know, forgiveness of Student Loans and free college is going to backfire. And frankly jedediah, when we look at the past contests, past few contestants, youth turnout has not increased. Jedediah patrice if you look at the numbers 43 plus million americans owe student debt. Thats a lot of people throughout the country. This conversation about student debt is an important one. What should the Trump Administration be saying to contrast with what Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren have proposed . What can he do about this problem of stupidity debt . Well, first off, i think we need to tackle what drives student debt to begin with its the rising cost of college. And colleges raise their tuitions because they know that the federal government is going to back it with loans and other forms of aid. And so when we start saying okay, universities and colleges, you need to figure out how to contain your costs. We also need to Start Talking beyond just the Fouryear College model as the best way for a middle class lifestyle. What about a apprenticeships, what about alternatives to college. And i think the administration is actually doing a great job of saying hey, young person can pursue lots of different avenues to success beyond just going to college to do. So. Jedediah you know, bernie loves to talk about free stuff. I always say a unicorn and rainbow and pot of gold for everybody at the end of the day. Is that talk going to be successful ultimately with voters . Do you think they will look and a lot of people out there, you know, they get galvanized by Bernie Sanders. Will they look and say you know what . This guy is just going to give me stuff, let me go out and vote for him. Will it work. I actually dont think its going. To say as i mentioned the youth vote hasnt increased in a lot of the early primary states. When you also look at attracting new voters, people who sat out the 2016 election, conservatives who may not want to vote for President Trump, he needs to get those their support. And the people who oppose things like tuition student loan forgiveness are people from the rust belt. Are voters to are from rural areas. Are people who are independents who are saying wait a minute, im not going to foot the bill for something that i shouldnt that i didnt incur and shouldnt have to pay for. So this free for all is not going to work. Jedediah patrice, thanks for being here. We will see how it plays out. Appreciate your take as always. Thank you. Jedediah still ahead the homeless crisis exploding in parts of california. Some claiming congressman adam schiff is spending too much time in washington and not enough time in his own district. His republican challenger says he has abandoned the people who elected him. And he joins us live coming up next. Plus todd piro is having breakfast with friends in South Carolina as todays primary gets underway. We are going to check in with him coming up next. Started shaking her fist its going to be hell when you no, youre youre that insurance guy, arent you . The pasty one . Oh, yeah. As if like im gonna go into some spiel about how you can get options based on your budget with the name your price tool. Hey, robbie, you tell them about the mushroom puffers . Just about to, pam. Wait, are we in a progressive commercial . Come on down to portabellas its food, family, and fun what is happening . The business of hard work. Hustle. And high fives. Modernized comfort inns and suites have been refreshed because our business is you. Get the lowest price guaranteed on all Choice Hotels when you book direct at choicehotels. Com. This is incredible time for our nation. We are in the midst of the Great American comeback and thats what it is. Jobs are booming. Income is soaring. Factories are returning. Poverty is plummeting. Confidence is surging. And we have completely rebuilt the awesome power of the United States military. [cheers and applause] our country is stronger than ever before. We are stronger, we are better. Jedediah that was President Trump talking at a South Carolina rally. Its a big day in South Carolina today and we have our very own todd piro. Is he talking to voters at sunrise bistro in sunrise mount pleasant, South Carolina. How is it going over there. We are a table of friends divided as to who is going it win today. Who says bernie . Raise your hand. Beautiful. And who says biden . All right. And we have one guy who is voting today republican but going to be voting in the democratic primary. John, retired air force thank you for your service. You say bernie for two reasons, why . I say because he cant beat trump and because people on our state do want some free stuff so they are going to vote for him. Todd you think the first answer republicans are going to propel bernie. Absolutely. Absolutely. Todd to get the democratic socialist vote was your answer . Absolutely. Todd walter, vietnam buddy veteran thank you for your service. Disagrees with you. You say biden, why . I think he has got tremendous support here in South Carolina. I think it was important. He got the endorsement of some prominent people here. Todd you said in South Carolina, that endorsement needs more than it does in other states . I believe so. Longtime people in South Carolina, you know, respect some of the older states men. Todd sure. And he is getting a lot of that support. I think thats very important. Todd lets work in the ladies. Judy you said joe biden and coincidentally these two are married. These two are together. You said bernie why . I said bernie kind of for the same reason john said is that i think that a lot of republicans are looking at the fact that bernie is the least likely candidate to be able to beat trump. So in the way our primary is we can go out and support the candidate least likely to beat the one we support. Todd you agree with that sea. Assessment,. Yes, exactly. Todd back to you guys in South Carolina. Pete thank you very much, todd, appreciate it. Jedediah thank you, todd. Pete ahead in the polls forever. Going to the polls today. Gap closing with bernie with national enthusiasm. If republicans really do. Dean operation chaos. Pete what the president suggested it could be interesting. Jedediah biden has been terrible in these debates. I was on Maternity Leave and shouting through the television. I knew he was going to be bad at this. I didnt know he was going to be this bad at it. He has opened it up for anyone else to come forward and sore. And you know Bernie Sanders he has that critters that ancharisma and berniebros. There was an empty hole, somebody to come forward. Pete biden is the real operation chaos. Jedediah he is. Dean he is. Shifting gears a little bit adam schiffs republican challenger calling out the democrat over his california districts homeless problem. Mr. Schiff has completely a abandoned our district in the 20plus years he has been in office. Its a mess out here. Its nothing. He has done nothing or virtually nothing for our district. Certainly not a darn thing with respect to homelessness. Pete eric early has californias crisis has gotten worse under adam schiff. Thanks for having me. Jedediah schiff has been very busy lying on television for months about collusion and getting very involved in impeachment and whatnot. Has he abandoned the district. Totally abandoned the district for 20 years now. Homelessness is out of control here. He has now heard me talking about this the other day he comes on and he says he spent the last 20 years working on homelessness, a total lie. And even assuming what he said was true and nothing he says is true, then hes completely failed. We have third, fourth, fifth world conditions going on out here. Schiff has not done anything about it. We need to, in washington, start working on rebuilding our nations mental Healthcare System from the ground up, creating publicprivate partnerships, building psychiatric institutions again to our completely demolished Mental Health system. Out here we need to start immediately removing these people from the streets. Its a major healthcare brewing crisis. Its a Law Enforcement, huge Law Enforcement problem. We need to take the shackles off Law Enforcement and in utah they had something called operation rio grande working within the same laws we are working on that says people have the right to live on the street. Utah cleaned these folks off the street. We need to send them to vacant public and private land structures on federal and state lands and put them put the people who need Mental Healthcare here. Put these folks with the drug problems here. Get them the treatment they need pete you are talking about solutions in the district and ways you would do things differently than the way adam schiff has done. If you look at the democrats and the Democratic Party and in the media, they love adam schiff. They think what he has done in the National Stage is be resister number one. So, how do you win against a guy who is basking in praise from fellow leftists even if he has abandoned his own district. They think he walks on water. No doubt. He flies out here for a minute. He does a puff piece with the l. A. Times. He goes and does a hollywood fundraiser and makes a fortune. Flies back to the swamp. You know, but im speaking all over the district. And people are a lot smarter than what the Mainstream Media is giving them credit for. People realize, of course, the conservatives the republicans really cant stand schiff for the russia hoax and the impeachment sham. But even the more moderate the moderate democrats know that we have this huge problem in our district. The homelessness, schiff has done nothing about it. And they know that he has been telling them, handing them a bill of goods for three years. We have other problems as well that schiff has not paid any attention to. So, you know, there is a lot of attention and Energy Building and support for me out there. And we can surprise people. Dean eric, im a california guy myself. Its an uphill battle for you there. He has been there for 20 years. Some people are saying is he going to try to run for senate. He is very popular. I know he has raised a lot of money. Its a tough battle for you. How do you feel about the battle ahead . I feel good about the battle ahead. Like i said, im talking to the people. Schiff is not talking to the people out here. He just thinks that oh, you know, he has done his hatchet job on donald trump and he thinks he will ultimately win. People are upset about it out here in our district just like they are in so many other parts of the country. Anything is possible. I could definitely use your viewers support because he has a pot of gold he has been raising www. Eric early. Com. I have been getting great support from around the nation and around the district so this is possible. Dean thank you, eric. Good luck to you. Thank you for having me. Jedediah turning to headlines. Beginning with a fox news alert. Just moments ago the u. S. Signing historic peace deal with the taliban. The pact hopes to end the war in afghanistan bringing thousands of u. S. Troops home. Secretary of state mike pompeo taking the ceremony stage in qatar just moments ago. This agreement will mean nothing and todays good feelings will not last if we dont take concrete action on commitments and promises that have been made. When it comes down to it, the future of afghanistan is where afghan is determined. Jedediah the deal also requires afghan leaders to make their own Peace Agreement with the taliban. And heavy snow and winds leaving much of upstate new york buried under snow. Watertown, new york, seeing more than 2 feet of snow. Many areas seeing whiteout conditions as wind gusts reached 60 Miles Per Hour. And look at this. Homes along lake erie completely frozen by snow, winds and 18foot waves. Some homeowners say they had to chisel their way through the ice which was more than a foot thick. Wow. Thats something right out of the movies that you see. I truly cant even believe it. Pete like a work of art. Dean horror movie 8foot water waves coming in and freezing you in. Listen, i live in california. We dont see that very often by the beach. Jedediah i was just going to refer to you. A minnesota guy. Pete as long as everything is okay. For people who need to get to the hospital and things like that. Setting that aside, those are fun days. Like the snow is piling up and you are sitting inside. You know you cant do anything. Hopefully everything is good. Rick, can you explain, i dont know if you saw that graphic, the weather effect that leads to that kind of look . Rick its right across the great lakes and then you had incredible winds. Winds were like 60 Miles Per Hour and temps well below zero so all the water going in and hitting the building there and causin causing it to freeze like that. An amazing scene. One of the reasons this is possible in the end of february right now because the lakes havent frozen over. Its been such a warm winter that the lakes are pretty much not frozen over at all. By this time generally the lakes are frozen so you dont get lakeeffect snow and you couldnt get any kind of water coming off the lake. But this because of the mild winter we have had has had this incredible kind of warm lake so far. Then we got a bunch of snow. Because you have lakeeffect snow that you dont get this time of year over 4 feet of snow. The cold air solidly in place around the great lakes and northeast for a day or two. It will warm back up by tomorrow. Temps above average or excuse me above freezing starts to get a little bit of melt. Also, just watch out coming this week, big rain again across parts of the southeast where we have had that flooding. Thats going to return for us this week. All right, guys. Back to you. Jedediah thanks, rick. Dean he put his coat on. Jedediah i did notice that. Dean it was off earlier and he put it back on. Pete we are back with a fox news alert. To the coronavirus continues to spread worldwide bringing the total to four unexplained cases now reported in the u. S. What do you need to know to stay safe . Dr. Nicole saphier joins us on that coming up next. At todays best western, stay two nights and get a free night for your next stay. One night, two nights, free night. Book now at bestwestern. Com. Jedediah woe back with a fox news alert. Three new coronavirus cases not linked to overseas travel now confirmed in the u. S. One of them in a teacher in oregon and another a High School Student in Washington State. Dean as the virus spreads some of them asking why its getting more attention than the flu which has killed an estimated 18,000 people in the u. S. This season already. Pete so what are the differences and what do you need to know to keep you and your family safe here to explain is author of make america healthy again Fox News Contributor dr. Nicole saphier. Good morning, guys. Great to be here. Pete we heard that comparison to the flu. What is the comparison. Well, hold on, lets take a step back. The situation with sars covid19 is rapidly evolving new information every day making people very anxious. Wake up today now hear we have more cases that are not linked to travel. So we have 85,000 cases worldwide. Right . We have 67 confirmed in the United States. Four people who are not linked to travel. However, lets break down those four. One we have the so he alan so hn know county woman. Where Travis Air Force base is where we have a lot of our repatriatation flight people being quarantined there not craze to think there was Community Spread there we also have an elderly woman in santa clara, california, 0 miles away who has now tested positive for it. Thats of interest. She is still kind of in the local area in oregon a woman is a presumptive case, meaning she tested positive locally but has not been confirmed by the cdc. Important to note there is a higher case of false positives when you have a low prevalence like we are seeing here. Bev we get too confirmed wait until its confirmed by the cdc. Also a High School Student in washington who has tested positive for this. We have to think of this for a second. He has been to school. With the virus. Also, in this county, with where our first u. S. Case was confirmed. So, again, this is not a random place in the United States. This county already had confirmed disease. So, therefore, having someone there be positive for it, not so concerning. The Trump Administration has done what they can to contain this virus from a federal level. They restricted travel. They have implemented and gotten the cdc to send out more testing and also taking proactive measures. He is canceling a summit with asian leaders in Las Vegas Next month. Thats what he needs to do. What we need to focus on now are the local and individual efforts which is going to be the exact same for the flu. We know this High School Student has already been to school. So its possible we are going to see more cases there. And although they have closed the school for deep cleaning you know what they havent stopped . All of the extracurricular activities. Actually going to be holding their basketball games and all of that this weekend . We are going to see more cases. We have the ability to test more. We are going to have more cases. Its a respiratory virus like the flu and common cold and they are contagious. This is not demonstrating the same amount of concern as we saw in 2009 with h1n1, which had about a billion cases in six months. Were not there. Nor 1918 with the spanish flu which killed 50 Million People in a year. These are not the same numbers. And however, we get concerned because its the unknown. And people they are hearing the name of something that they dont know much about. But the truth is that this is a little bit more similar to the flu. And in the United States, we have 32 Million People being diagnosed with the flu this season. 18,000 deaths. The death rate from the flu last week was 6. 9 . And 7. 3 is the threshold for an epidemic. So the exact same thing that i implore everyone to do to protect themselves from the flu and strep throat is the same for the coronavirus. And dont get so concerned when you see more cases. Its going to happen. But, i dont believe in the United States its going to get to such a high level like we see with the flu or some of these other past illnesses. Because of the measures that have been taken already by the Trump Administration. Dean so, bottom line, were okay . Right now. Of course we are going to be okay. From an individual standpoint, humans are imperfect. Thats why this spreads. People are not washing their hands. They are going to school when they have even just mild symptoms. Yeah. Im looking at you, pete . [laughter] thats the truth. That is how things spread. Osnk so we are going to see more cases. We are imperfect society. Pete but did you a fantastic job breaking it down. Thats what we need people who know what theyre talking about to deliver that information. Doctor, thanks so much on. Dean make america healthy again. Pete he knows thousand promote. Dean i do. Pete carries on the Family Tradition serving in blue. The promoted sergeant and his grandmother join us live receding gums, and possibly. Tooth loss. Help turn back the clock on gingivitis with parodontax. Leave bleeding gums behind. Parodontax. How you watch it does too. Tv just keeps getting better. This is xfinity x1. Featuring the Emmy Awardwinning voice remote. Streaming Services Without changing passwords and input. Live sports with realtime stats and scores. Access to the most 4k content. And your movies and shows to go. The best tv experience is the best tv value. Xfinity x1. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Xfinity. The future of awesome. Matthew is following in his 95yearold grandmothers footsteps. Margaret is a retired nypd officer and she, along with their big family, were all there for matthews promotion ceremony this week. Joining us right now is nypd Sergeant Matthew and his grandmother margaret. Matthew, margaret, welcome. [laughter] its the first question i ask is are you proud of your grandson . Oh, yes. There were days, you know, but now. [laughter] dean we have a picture right here of all of the Police Officers in your family. How many is that . How many people are in the family, gram . Police officers, about eight . Eight. Dean they are all following in your footsteps . And my father. Deep dean so you are not the first. Your father before you . Yeah. My father was a cop. Great grandfather. 109 years. My husband, of course. So, matthew, do you have any choice of what you were going to do for a living or did you know you were going to be a Police Officer right out of the gate . This is something i always wanted to do. I grew up. I had my family, they were strong role models growing up. They had, you know, amazing stories. And they got to go to work every day helping the people in the city they lo. There was no other no other job for me other than this one. Dean outstanding. Well, the Police Commissioner put out a nice tweet saying thank you to you. He said, lets see, here it is. Service runs in their blood. Carrying on the Family Tradition he made margaret a proud blueblooded grandmother. And that you are. Yes . [laughter] dean matthew, do you have any kids of your own. No, not yet. When you have them are they going to be Police Officers . I hope so. Dean tough environment these days being a Police Officer in new york city . Are you finding it difficult or is grandmother helping you along. For many years i always had many Police Officers and detectives i could look to for advice now im the First Sergeant so now its kind of like you are on your own. [laughter] dean you are the role model. Welldone. Im also a reserve Police Officer. I have tremendous respect for you. Thank you for your service for your entire familys service. Thank you. Dean margaret, you are an amazing woman and great grandmother, im sure. Thank you so much. All right. A big hour still ahead. South carolina senator Lindsey Graham and sean spicer both join us live. We are following two big stories, actually four. We start with this, the coronavirus three new cases confirmed in the us involved in a laundry teacher and a teenager. The cases are not linked to overseas travel. Brian a historic peace deal with the taliban and. Carley we start with a South Carolina primary. Griff jenkins joins us as voters love to the polls. Im always doing better in your back on the couch. This is an open primary so that means any voter registered of any Party Affiliation can vote. It is the first test of the candidate strength among africanamericans who make up 60 of the electorate. When voters come here to this table and checking they will get a blank ballot, nothing on this, then they put it in the Voting Machines over there and make their elections, voting for democrat candidate for president , the machine in the back is not an option, then they take the ballot over here and inserted with the clerk and register the vote and that is why it is expected to run very smoothly, not like the caucus challenges we saw in the first contest. We spoke to some of the voters. This is one woman named jessica, heres what she told us. Can you tell us about how you voted . More for change, fresh ideas. Who do you think most brings that . People to judge. Reporter we spoke to another woman who didnt want to go on camera who voted for biden, described him as the most even keel. He has invested his entire campaign here. He has led in the polls. We will find out what he said to compete with sanders, Bernie Sanders leading nationally, biden was taking shots at sanders yesterday. This nation isnt looking for a revolution as some of my colleagues talk about. They are looking for progress, results. Reporter one persons watch, tom steyer has invested heavily here as well. He was dancing on stage last night, we will find out how he does but they are all competing for South Carolinas 54 delegates that are awarded proportionally. Let me show you the first three contest, sanders on top at 45, buttigieg 25, biden 15, warren 8, klobuchar 7, gabbard, stier and bloomberg had 0. Bloomberg hasnt been on the ballot yet it is not here today but he will be come tuesday when supertuesday hits. Brian what are they expecting for turnout . It is a saturday so not surprising it is not jammed. What are they saying . That is a good question. Let me come over to this chisholm. What do you expect for turnout today . I think it will be pretty good turnout . Absentee balloting, have you seen a lot of that . Not yet. You think will run smooth . Yes reporter seems like it will South Carolina, aware of the problems iowa had, they are very attuned to make sure runs smoothly here, going to be a good saturday. Brian we will follow it all day on the Fox News Channel and tonight and tomorrow morning as well. Go ahead. Jedediah if trump had a choice, i want to run against that person, guess what, trump was at a rally and he posed to the audience, listen to what he had to say. We are down to two candidates, right . Sleepy joe biden and crazy bernie. So this is a paul. Who do i want to run against . Meaning very simple, we put it in a simple language, who is easier to be . Will beat them all. I hope so. Who is easier to be . Crazy bernie or sleepy joe. They think bernie is easier to be. That is socialism versus capitalism. Really interesting. The graham coming up referred to the senator multiple times during that part of the speech. Republicans can vote how many republicans will come out and vote on the question, you come down on the biden side. If i were biden donald trump i would rather go against joe biden. He makes a lot of blunders. Bernie sanders is exciting a lot of people dont realize the weight of his comments and what the transformation in america would look like. The only thing i will say is there are a lot of clips of Bernie Sanders a very controversial things. We have one here where he praises Fidel Castros Literacy Program for 60 minutes. We are opposed to the authoritarian nature of cuba but it is unfair to simply say everything is bad. When fidel castro came into office he had a massive Literacy Program. That is not a bad thing. Yes is a bad thing. All they were reading was the communist manifesto and all the propaganda put out. That is a scary story. That would be fodder for candidate trump in 2020 but on capitol hill House Republicans trying to push a resolution to condemn these remarks. It is controlled by nancy pelosi and we have mario diaz explain why sanderss comments should be condemned. Bernie sanders is not the first to repeat what comes out of the Propaganda Machine from the entire american terrorist dictatorship. All of this is to cover up and not talk about the firing squad. The antiamerican terrorist activity. They harbor the worst and most dangerous terrorists the planet has ever seen. There wasnt a literacy regime, it was an Indoctrination Program. Im not sure people care about that. When they watched the debate stage i think Bernie Sanders makes a lot of promises to people, people dont care about the explanation, free college, free childcare, free everything and assume somebody else will pay for it like the money will grow on trees. That is very appealing and he has a very appealing way of selling the message, joe biden does not have that gift. I dont know if these clips will be damaging in a for bernie but if it were me i would run against joe biden. Bernie is the best a federal nonsense, repeating the propaganda of dictatorships and authoritarians, he came back from the soviet union talking about how wonderful it was. We will have a debate about socialism and get educated about socialism. Lets go to fox nation, you can see the unauthorized history of socialism, bret baer did a 5part series. It is important that people get a chance to have that debate. I didnt know it starts in indiana, the state of indiana. Really fascinating stuff. Check it out on fox nation but if joe biden wins today it extends the chaos because he extends his candidacy and fractures support for bernie which if he wins today it is basically over, shut it down. Trump will need to make the case for what run everything means for the average person because Bernie Sanders will say trump only cares about the one , these government run programs when you make government the head of everything it hurts middleclass people, it hurts lowerclass people, it hurts everyone, that case needs to be sold and sold well. I government big bad know now. Brian it has a few additional headlines this morning. Fox news alert, three new coronavirus cases in the us, none are linked to overseas travel, one of the teacher in oregon, the limited School Shutdown for cleaning, a 15yearold diagnosed in Washington State as a third case is reported in california, the white house considering using war powers to streamline production of masks and additional resources. The us signing a historic peace deal with the taliban to end the war in afghanistan bringing thousands of us troops home. Mark asper and mike pompeo expressing hope and caution for the future. Afghanistan deserves a chance to enjoy the prosperity that comes from peace and stability. Our commitment to the promises that have been made. When it comes down to what the future of afghanistan is determined. Steve it requires afghan leaders to make their own Peace Agreement with the taliban and. After we reported that i got a bunch of texts from guys that served there with different feeling, for the brothers that never came home i hope this piece you works. It would mean we followed through, completed something that made that country better in our country more safe. A lot of people expressing skepticism, how do you make a deal with the taliban, storming powerful and wants more power, if the afghan army fractures that we spent so much time building you lose the only linchpin in the country to prevent the taliban from coming back and as was mentioned a 14 month timeline on this but it is based on conditions, the taliban has to follow through like disavowing isis and al qaeda, not fighting the Afghan Government. Then our troops will be which is a promise the president made. Im not optimistic there will be followthrough from the taliban but i recognize the administration has to do something and you can be cautiously optimistic that this will provide benefit down the road, maybe they will follow through but it would be odd for people not to be skeptical. Steve trust a little bit but verify a lot and make sure they abide by this agreement as of the consequences. Brian afghans will have to forge their own future. We cant do it for them. A lot of terrorists deserve to die but the billions we spent is in their hands. Jedediah as voters head to the polls, donald trump is headed to cpac. What can we expect him to say, sean spicer joins us next on that. Hey, our workers comp insurance is expiring. Should i just renew it . Yeah, sure. Hey there, pie insurance here to stop you from overpaying for workers comp. Try pie and save up to 30 . Its easy. Sweet get a quote in 3 minutes at easyaspie. Com. My patients i often see them have teeth sensitivity as well as gum issues. Does it worry me . Absolutely. They are both very much hand in hand. So you should really be focusing on both and definitely at the same time. The new sensodyne sensitivity gum gives us the dual action effect that really takes care of both our teeth sensitivity as well as our gum issues. By brushing with sensodyne sensitivity gum at home its giving you the relief that you need and the control that you need to take care of your oral health. 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Socialism so much under one place, truly a fear among those on the conservative side this race presents the difference between the policies donald trump is implement during his administration and gotten results and those of Bernie Sanders, joe biden, far to the left and extreme on social and physical aspects. Brian if Bernie Sanders were to speak what he hugged the flag . It is interesting. The president has done something since the beginning of his political career, he brands everybody and they stick with it, sleepy joe, crazy bernie, many mike, the republican primary the same way and after tonight we will have bernie, bloomberg and biden. That will set up a construct where i dont think any of them get a majority of delegates. My guess is bernie gets a plurality of delegates going into milwaukee and we set up an ultimate food fight, the president has and will call each out by name and creative food fight between the three of them. Brian folks can watch his remarks on fox nation. As someone who does messaging for living there has been criticism of the Trump Administration about the coronavirus, are people being muzzled . What is your take how to responsibly discuss what the country is facing . The people who are criticizing our democrats and the Mainstream Media, the president has appointed the number 2 person in the government, doctor Anthony Fauci , mike pence, talking about prevention and mitigation and the whole of government response. I think they have done a very good job making sure the American People know the government is ready for this disease, to prevent its spread. They have to continue to do that but they are facing enormous head went, normally you have the opposition joining in saying this isnt time for partisan politics, the speaker of the house questioning whether the number 2 person the government is the appropriate person to coordinate this which is insane, the best choice you could have had. Brian thing for joining us. Dean you will deliver remarks that cpac. I was there yesterday. I have a soccer game today. Brian watch it on fox nation. Still ahead Lindsey Graham feeling the heat in South Carolina. The senator joins us live next. Thank you more than anything else for putting up with the neverending bull [bleep] that you have to go through. Lets get down to business. The business of atlanta on monday. Cincinnati on tuesday. Philly on wednesday. And thursday back to cincinnati. Modernized comfort inns and suites have been refreshed because when your business keeps going, our business is you. Get the lowest price guaranteed on all Choice Hotels when you book direct at choicehotels. Com. Oh no, here comes gthe neighbor probably to brag about how amazing his Xfinity Customer Service is. Im mike, im so busy. Good thing xfinity has twohour appointment windows. They have night and weekend appointments too. Hes here. Bill . Karolyn . Nope no, just a couple of rocks. Download the my account app to manage your appointments making todays Xfinity Customer Service simple, easy, awesome. Ill pass. You witnessed it. Stepping back a little bit, sometimes we are living in a political phenomenon these rallies, the amount of people, what is it about the president that create such energy and excitement . Personality. It is like pt barnum met ronald reagan, the greatest showman i have ever seen, his policies are reagan like but his ability to present himself is beyond anything i have ever seen in politics or entertainment. It seemed like an hour and a half and it was 15 minutes. Jedediah who would donald trump most like to face. He posed that question and everybody said bernie was the best option. I would like to see biden. What do you think the president really think . He will beat anybody that runs against him based on results but you ask me, bernie. I like younger. He would be the young guy in the race. He would be the american capitalist in the race, the commanderinchief, imagine Bernie Sanders being commanderinchief, sitting down with communist china. What would happen if you had a sick socialist negotiating with congress. Jedediah sounds like the start of a great joke. There are so many. I have a lot of things. Dean who will take South Carolina . Trump or Democratic People . Democrats . The president will win by double digits in South Carolina and joe biden will win the primary. Joe is a good guy. I have known him a long time. He is a very decent guy, africanamerican supporters strong for joe biden. He will win South Carolina. I just dont think he has the juice to catch up to bernie. It is bernies to lose. The president mentioned, he referred you a couple times, the idea of republicans voting in a democrat primary, open primary, is that a real thing . Will that have an impact . It is always talked about, seldom executed. I doubt there will be, the primary is going to be 60 africanamerican and joe biden will win because James Clyburn is beloved in South Carolina and joe is beloved by the africanamerican community, socialism doesnt sell to anybody in South Carolina, black, white, tall, short, libertarian, vegetarian, we are not socialist in South Carolina in a matter where you go to church with the color of your skin. Bottom line is biden wins saturday and bernie begins to run away with it tuesday unless bloomberg can pull a rabbit out of a hat. Bernie sanders as commanderinchief, donald trump is, we signed a historic peace deal we covered on this program, your reaction to that deal and its ramifications. Lets give it a try. 18 years is a long time. We are still talking about afghanistan. Wondering where those folks are today, that is the place the al qaeda was invited as honored guests to attack us without safe haven, there would be no 9 11. What im looking for is peace with honor, peace and security, i will believe it when i see it but i applaud the president forgetting the taliban to the table. What happens next is interafghan dialogue for the and reconciled with the rest of afghanistan consistent with the constitution honoring the rights of women. We have 8600 troops there, lets hold, until we make sure it is safe to leave. We are not withdrawing all of our troops until it is safe to do so. Isis still roams around afghanistan. They want to hit the homeland. Jedediah im skeptical of followthrough from the taliban on these conditions but i find myself saying whatever option with the president have . Perhaps this is the best option. Is there another way to go about this . It seems any negotiation or Peace Agreement with the taliban and seems a strange concept. Not really. The taliban are part of afghanistan. The taliban didnt attack us on 9 11. They set the conditions for us to be attacked. They are very radical in their philosophy, they just want to take over afghanistan. Because of people like pete, 2200 americans died, 6 million women have gone to school, women are the workforce now. Minorities in afghanistan have experienced life like nothing else before. Average Life Expectancy going up. Our soldiers have made a difference, the afghans doing most of the fighting and dying. The afghan women and all those who love them will never throw them back under the bus of the taliban and. Heres what is going to happen. We have negotiation, the taliban at 15 approval with the rest of afghanistan. Im looking for reconciliation that protects the rights of women and residual American Force to stay in afghanistan a long time to make sure isis and al qaeda never come back. There are more threats to the homeland and afghanistan then germany, japan and south korea combined. It is an hour interests to have a footprint. 8600 is enough troops right now. We can even go below 8600 but we are not going to give away all the gains we fought so hard for to make afghanistan not only safe for afghan women but american women. Brian still serving in the reserves, and for your service, go to afghanistan to visit the troops. Thank you for what you have done to support the war fighter in afghanistan. No one has gone more to the battlefield and him and how long we should be involved but who cares, he gets it and invested it if he believes it is a deal that is possible that is a good time. Dean i didnt know he was a colonel until he snapped major at you. I brian he spent time learning from us and has gone over there more than any other us senator. He knows of what he speaks. Thank you very much. Jedediah the coronavirus has rocked wall street, stocks of the worst since the financial crisis that our next guest says fears may be exaggerated. Brian we are welcoming jed back with one of her favorite segments in studio. The kangaroo on deck. Love it. Jedediah stocks plummeting in their worst weeks and spent 2008 financial crisis but our next guest says the selloff may be exaggerated arguing the economy remains strong. Prozac brian peter morici, thank you for being here. Make sense of this. The fundamentals of the economy are very strong but when you look at the stock market week like this when you scratch your head. Cant estimate the extent the virus will spread. It will be knocked off. Unfortunately we had two grave errors this week. The cdc made that announcement. State and municipal officials are on the front lines and they are getting prepared. There was no need for a shocking announcement that would panic people. It seems to take Jerome Powell two weeks to wake up in the morning to decide it is tuesday and he should Say Something positive about the us economy and then you have the folks on the hill trying to take this in turn it into a political issue which a lot of traders on wall street are democrats. Of nancy is upset that they sell. The president made a point. There was a lot of effort, some unintended, some very intended to disrupt the markets. Listen to what trump said about the fed getting involved in your reaction. I hope the fed gets involved. Im not a big fan of the fed. Theyve made a lot of mistakes but i hope they get involved and get involved soon. He hopes the fed gets involved. Do you agree . Yes but it is like rip van winkle, get up and Say Something. Of this with Alan Greenspan he would have been putting money into the system on tuesday, two days into this drop. The fed should be out there with quantitative easing, not cutting interest rates, buying the bonds and assuaging investors, giving them confidence there will be liquidity in the system and telling them the economy is fine. If he does that we will be okay because the stock market follows the economy and the economy is strong. Can panic pulled on the economy . Yes. But this is based on fear that is really unfounded. The influenza kills many more people each year than the coronavirus will in the United States. You are not worried this is a fearbased week that we had, ultimately still very sound. Either the cdc was irresponsible or cynical in the way it made its announcement. The way to deal with this is to reach out to state Health Agencies are already on the ball. Read about it in the papers. The second thing is we had all the ruminations on the hill. You dont need a czar. The trouble with liberals is a crisis is a chance to expand the government, created a bizarre, another bureaucracy. Brian that is the face we should make with that idea, thank you so much. Jedediah a woman facing charges out of jail again thanks to new yorks bail reform law. Tiffany harris is accused of attacking several jewish women, she was released from a State Hospital for allegedly attacking a social worker. Federal prosecutors have been fighting to keep harris behind bars but federal judge released her again without bail. Pope francis by canceling public appearances were Third Straight day as he battles an unknown illness. He is Still Holding private meetings in his homecoming insisting the onus is nothing serious. He believe the vatican tomorrow for a week of spiritual exercises in the room countryside. He was last seen on ash wednesday. Even tom bradys wife doesnt know where he is playing this year. I would love to know where i will be living this year but hopefully somewhere nice and whatever my husband is happy playing so we will see. She discussed her husbands career move as he becomes a free agent for the first time. Is reportedly in talks with chargers, raiders and colts. If he joined another team it would end historic run in new england including six super bowl wins. Pretty nice of her. I dont know if i would be like wherever he wants to go. What if i was to hand you 40 million. I said this earlier, the raiders will be the most viable sports franchise because they are in vegas and in the next 5 years, that is my speculation, if tom brady goes there it will happen faster than that. Thats what i would love to see happen. I dont even know what that means. He wasnt studying football film. I dont have baby part in the bachelor. On fox square ticket where you want. Dean in 5 years is what im betting on. Lets talk about the weather, chili and cold across the great lakes, not quite this winter but in a while. Cold air is down across the south, 35 this morning in atlanta, very dry conditions the southeast, florida will remain very warm and dry but some rain returning to the southeast tomorrow, today a little bit of snowflakes, towards the northeast, the raider of the storm that brought 4 feet of snow across parts of the great lakes a little more today but this is what happens this week, be prepared across the southeast, rain and flooding, heavy rain returns monday through thursday. Brian countless once again. Still ahead, todd pyro live in South Carolina having breakfast with friends, talking to voters about the president s rally in todays primary. We will check in with him and his friends. Making people wait. In 1950, kings hawaiian was born from an irresistibly delicious idea. In 2020, the jones family also had some delicious ideas. What if we make kings hawaiian breakfast sandwiches . Yum and kings hawaiian monkey bread yum dog barks dog barks ding yum kings hawaiian what an irresistibly delicious idea. Donald trump taking his message to his supporters in the palmetto state ahead of the democratic primary. Reporter lets call this statement bernie concerns. We are talking about operation chaos where republicans will vote for Bernie Sanders. You say that is a bad idea. I wouldnt vote for bernie. My years in the 2024 election, what if the laws change and you have to stay in the Democrat Party because you voted in the democratic primary, i will not swear allegiance to the Democratic Party. Trump is my president , i will stay a republican. There is no way i will vote in operation chaos. Anyone who doesnt you are jeopardizing the Republican Party. Reporter that is creating work for a lot of election lawyers. Do you think bernie is going to win . You are worried about Donald Trumps outreach to young people. Most of the people that are really trumpers are basically middleaged to older people. Young people are being pulled in by the liberals, learning it is cool, parents dont realize how different their children are from they are, they are learning different things, have different values. Important for trump to reach out to young people at colleges, high schools and other venues. Reporter zoe, you say bernie wins today and it is your generation. We raised our kids to care about other people and to be compassionate and tried to make things easier than we had it so they think the government should take care of them because their parents took care of them and we didnt train them to be independent. Reporter thank you for your service, democrat democratic socialism get it in South Carolina . Now. Lets go to thaddeus would like to issue a challenge to pete hegseth. The air force. You have been served, you stood there and you said sent in air support. Where is her support. I have definitely called in her support. That is true. Looking good. I dont know, we have a fox news alert breaking now. A fire for severe Traffic Control tower to evacuate at Charlotte Douglas airport in north carolina. Jedediah planes being kept on the ground following reports that fire and smoke prompted an evacuation of the air Traffic Control tower. Passengers tweeting their flights being held up. Fox news is working on getting more information as we will bring it to you as soon as we get it. One of the cutest segment of the day, cheetah comes stop by fox and friends coming up next. Jedediah dont forget, it is a cheetah. Hey, son, i wanted to have a grownup talk. Uh, dad i aw, psshaw, i thought i knew it all too. But im still learning things. Your mom makes sure of that, ya know what i mean. What . Look, like rakuten. You can easily rack up cash back on tons of stuff. Cool. Like travel, clothes, concert tickets. Its better to be safe than cash back sorry. Alright, good talk. 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They have a long sticky tongue like an anteater but they are not related to anteaters. Their nose is a modified beak covered in skin. Brian one of the most odd creatures i have ever seen. They are from australia. Another animal from australia i would like to show you. Brian these are hurt by fires and stuff. They were hurt by fires, they dug their faces into the sand. All that is left above the dirt are the quills and they are burnt by the fire. Lets stand in front of the table. I have treats for everyone to give roxie. We have sweet potatoes, very nice, eat out of your hand. She is almost 2 years old and kangaroos go from being babies in a pouch to a grownup. She is of breeding age even though she is only 2 years old, she was born it. Gordons as we have an amazing habitat, the Conservation Center recently issued an emergency crisis grant to australia, the recent brushfires, this influx of patients, kangaroos, wallabys so were helping with Veterinary Care and supplies, we also sowed 700 jelly pouches and blankets to center the victims. These orphaned kangaroos need a pouch that keeps them comfortable, warm and secure. Look at this tiny little one. When they are born they are very small and grow slowly. We are going from australia to africa. Rick has been asking for cats. For 14 years. Making their television debut, two cheetah compass, about 5 months old and we are going to step over here. Here they come. Pete stays farthest away. Look at that. Like i was telling you about our Conservation Fund we help animals in australia and africa, the cheetahs, only 7000 left in the wild. These two boys were born in a zoo in the United States and part of our species revival plan ensures generations of cheetahs to come, the things we learn about cheetahs at Busch Gardens and other accredited zoos, we are helping protect them in the wild and learning about them and a lot of projects in africa help them. Jedediah one last animal we have to get to because we are running out of time. A slender snout a crocodile. We are talking endangered animal, this is a critically endangered animal. There are only 50 slender snout a crocodile left in the wild. This guy at Busch Gardens. Brian we have more coming up. Lets get down to business. The business of family time. And downtime. And you time. And forgetting what time it is. Altogether. Modernized comfort inns and suites have been refreshed because when your business is making time, our business is you. Get the lowest price guaranteed on all Choice Hotels when you book direct at choicehotels. Com. Doprevagen is the number oneild mempharmacistrecommendeding . Memory support brand. You can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. We are psyched to have you back. We got one more surprise for you. [cheering] thank you, thank you. Jedediah. The animals, i love this. Thank you so much. Brian you are doing so well, we will have to have you back. Neil the coronavirus spreading, politicians are out. The worst financial meltdown. Telling everyone to grow up. Russell is coming up. The Federal Reserve says it ready to do whatever necessary to prevent this from getting worse. What does that mean . Bill is here and only here. The top doctor that we can all use a little perspective right about now. Coming up. And a primary, the top

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